#and francis dolarhyde in s3 is from red dragon
stevethehairington · 3 months
ALSO i did not realize that hannibal the tv series was based on ALL of the hannibal books. i thought it was just red dragon but it's NOT its ALL of them and i am living for this realization while reading these books bc i can see how the details from them all are being mixed and melded together to form the masterpiece that is hannibal tv and im LOVING that
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devilofthepit · 2 years
🗡 every serial killer of the week is in a battle royale. who wins? who dies first?
i don’t remember them all super clearly but id say eldon stammets would die first maybe bc i just rewatched that ep but also bc he’s sorta lame. and what kind of name is eldon. anyway as for who wins i’m not sure maybe dr gideon if he counts bc i think he’d have good survival instincts like he’d form alliances and manipulate everyone else etc. i think tobias has potential since he seems to show no remorse but he’s similar to hannibal in that presentation is everything so i feel like he’d spend too much time on the “perfect kill” and get distracted or just simply not kill enough people in time
🐉 thoughts on francis dolarhyde?
this was the one i rly wanted to answer hehe i have a lot of thoughts on him. i think his story on its own is decent but it would've been better served as a one-off serial killer of the week (tho ik it's complex and i'm not sure how they'd fit it into one ep but i still don't think it deserved this much weight). i know the red dragon is the book and it's important but honestly i don't find his story more interesting than the other killers, so the fact that this was the big switch from serial killer of the week to a more season-wide arc felt deeply unsatisfying. to be honest it ruined season 3 for me because it takes the focus off hannibal so much that he feels like a side character of his own show. i like francis' existence as a turning point in will's character and the way he sets up the finale (imo the only good post-italy part of s3) but overall i thought he didn't add a lot to the show. i'm assuming that if there were a season 4 they would've gone more in the direction of season-long arcs and it wouldn't have felt so out of place but as it stands it feels like a really harsh tone shift. i think they could've done his story better but as it stands now i am deeply uninterested in him and the show at that point </3
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aconissa · 4 years
hannibal related questions ✌🏽
thanks to tumblr’s new activity layout I JUST saw that @acheforyou tagged me to do these questions lmao. thank you amie 🥰
favourite episode and why: god... i guess mizumono and the wrath of the lamb for how much they destroy me, but also all the hannibal/will flirting in naka-choko/ko no mono/tome-wan. and dolce because that scene in the uffizi fucks me up on the daily
least favourite episode and why: nothing really jumps out although some of the early s2 stuff with will in prison gets a bit dull at times, like around sakizuke/hassun/takiawase
favourite main character: mr will ‘bratty bitch’ graham himself!! two episodes in and I had already told a friend that I was totally in love with his character, and now he’s by far one of my fave characters in anything EVER. would die for that man
favourite side character: beverly!! every time she’s on screen my heart lifts 🥰 also, in complete opposition to her, I also really enjoy abel gideon lmao like eddie izzard just makes him SO funny & interesting
if you could bring back one character who died, who would it be?: despite what I literally just said about beverly I would bring back abigail, because she deserved to have a life beyond what others did to her (bev meanwhile was in a dangerous field and she was prepared for that). idk if I even would necessarily want abigail and hannibal and will to be one big happy family, i don’t think it would be sustainable (at least not as they are in s2 - maybe if she rejoined them post s3?), but would love for her to go off and grow and ~~find herself~~
dish prepared in the show that you would like to try eating/making: I’m going to hell for saying this but yknow when hannibal bakes gideon’s leg in clay..... like I am JUST saying I want to bake something in clay and eat it. obvs not human and preferably not meat at all but if there’s like a plant-based meat version I’d make it in a heartbeat
which side character would you kill off?: idk maybe just kill off mason earlier bc he’s so contemptible. also that would cut cordell from the show and he creeps me the fuck out
was there any scene that you didn’t like to watch?: I absolutely cannot handle the sorbet opera scene opening up with the shots of the woman singing from INSIDE her. hate it hate it hate it. 
biggest ship: as if it could be anything but will and hannibal.... like I WISH i didn’t go so hard for them for my own sanity but i do :/
why did you start watching Hannibal?: i avoided it when it first came out bc I found cannibalism too icky (since then I’ve become a lil fascinated by the history of survival cannibalism and now play games like ‘donner dinner party’ w my friends and it’s a running joke that I’m TOO into it.. what has happened to my life?) and then this summer two of my close friends started bullying me into watching it so I gave in. funnily enough those friends are both cishet dudes but they have some GREAT hannibal/will takes lol
favourite Hannibal fic if you’ve read any?: there’s two long post-s3 fic series i’ve loved so far (by inameitlater & mokuyoubi) and I especially liked ‘the abyss smiled back’ by highermagic (also post-s3 but years down the line) because clarice starling is will’s sister and their relationship was so well done
have you watched any of the Hannibal films?: I haven’t seen hannibal rising or manhunter but seen the rest! I’ve liked the silence of the lambs for years
have you read the Thomas Harris books?: I just read red dragon and look... it was fine... but I have no interest in reading the books once will isn’t in them and harris’s writing actually irritates me (bryan fuller really took everything worthwhile lmao)
favourite murder tableau: the il mostro primavera tableau is just objectively beautiful but the significance of the randall tier one... ooh boy. also I like sabre tooth cats lol
favourite blood spill: francis dolarhyde’s whole death scene but mostly because it gives us That Shot of will crouching and with blood on his teeth 😳
what are some of your headcanons?: idk i guess i like anything about will and bev getting to be friends and hanging out for fun outside work, even if he’s a bit thorny the whole time bc she’d brush it off anyway and he’d warm to her. also i like the idea that will is very well-read and has more art/music knowledge than people assume he would, he’s just self-taught and not a pretentious dick about it because he appreciates simplicity. OH AND!! will knowing he’s bi since he was young, he just doesn’t talk about it or act on it much. we know he avoids people anyway and his only relationship is with molly (other than kissing alana once and sleeping with margot once) so the idea that he knows he’s into men before hannibal is hardly a leap. I’m just very bored of fics that give him a sexuality crisis lmao
I’m pretty sure all my hannibal mutuals have done this already but if you haven’t then lmk and I’ll tag you!
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about your tags on the gifset of 3.7: I notice he does something similar with Bedelia later. in their conversations in late s3 his voice starts to take on a breathiness similar to hers, and it makes me wonder about their discussion re: the injured bird (tho one could argue, considering Will's incarnations in other media, that he applied her advice to Francis). either way, Will learning from Hannibal's previous wives (and his ends in doing so) is an A+ point I'd love to read more about
(referring to this post)
That’s something Will does in Red Dragon, too! (And something Hugh Dancy captures perfectly in his performance!)
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Anyway— onto the wounded bird. Hannibal is a show that deals with the purposes and repercussions of violence. Sacrificial violence, sacred violence, cathartic violence, righteous violence, violence for the sake of violence— you name it. What Bedelia is discussing with the bird metaphor compassionate violence: violence born out of empathy. 
BEDELIA: You’re walking down the street and you see a wounded bird in the grass. What’s your first thought?WILL: It’s vulnerable, I want to help it.BEDELIA: My first thought is also that it’s vulnerable. Yet I want to crush it. A primal rejection of weakness which is every bit as natural as the nurturing instinct. Of course, I wouldn’t crush it, but my first thought would be to do just that. 
To revisit some of my tags on an old post: 
#thinking of that time in class where someone said #one of the theories for why humans like to pet animals #is to remind ourselves that we can kill them #i don’t know how true it is but it’s a striking thought #that maybe the nurturing instinct and the instinct to destroy weakness #come from the same root (x)
The underlying implication being: the reason some of us cannot bear weakness is because we cannot bear suffering. It’s because of our empathy that we crush the bird, not because of malice. Or, in the show’s words: “Extreme acts of cruelty require a high degree of empathy.” 
In other words, when Bedelia is talking about the bird, she is talking about mercy. Will has difficulty with this, I think, because the truth is mercy is only a kinder word for violence. (Compare his lines in 2x12: “There is no mercy. We make mercy,manufacture it in parts that haveovergrown our basic reptile brain.”) It may be violence born out of compassion, but it is still violence. Its end results are indistinguishable from the end results of cruelty. 
Bedelia wants those end results: she doesn’t care how she comes by them. She doesn’t want Hannibal a wounded bird on the side of the road, she wants him dead or imprisoned: unable to hurt her. 
BEDELIA: Extreme acts of cruelty require a high degree of empathy. The next time your instinct is to help someone, you should really consider crushing them instead. You might save yourself some trouble.
So she means for Will to apply this idea of mercy to Dolarhyde and Hannibal. And he does apply it to Dolarhyde (and I would also argue Chilton) and intends to apply it to Hannibal (as their exchange on the cliffside before the fight indicates)—
HANNIBAL: You intend to watch him kill me?WILL: I intend to watch him change you.
But in the end, Will does not stand by and let mercy have its way. Instead, he reaches for his gun. Will couldn’t kill Hannibal, and he couldn’t watch him die. Why not? 
I want to talk about another form of cruelty, a type that masquerades as kindness. You find a bird on the side of the road, dying a long, painful death, and there is nothing you will be able to do to save it. The ending is already written. But let’s say you try: and you prolong its life by a few hours, a few hours the bird spends suffering. That seems pointless, and for most of us it would be an easy choice: kill the bird. Crush it with a rock. Be merciful. But the choices we are faced with as human beings— hurt or harm, crush or help— are often not so simple. After all, it’s easy to crush a wounded bird lying by the side of the road: it’s far more difficult to crush someone that you love.
When we love someone we are not capable of mercy. Instead, we are capable of prolonged cruelty. That cruelty may disguise itself as tenderness, but it is still cruelty. I’m thinking of the scenes in 3x07 where Hannibal tends to Will’s bullet wound and feeds him soup— what purpose do his actions serve? He’s going to kill Will anyway. It’s not kindness. It’s cruelty. Love takes compassion out of us. Will can’t apply Bedelia’s advice to Hannibal, because Hannibal, unlike Dolarhyde, isn’t a wounded bird on the side of the road. He loves Hannibal, and love is not merciful. Love cannot be merciful, or else it would not be love.
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Hannibal Questions
Books, Movies, or T.V. show: The show. 
Favorite Character: Will Graham. He's always been my favorite character in this whole world, since I saw Manhunter. 
Favorite moment of the entire franchise: When Will breaks up with Hannibal in Digestivo. 
Favorite quote of the entire franchise: “We are maintaining our position on the event horizon of chaos." As good a summary as any of the job Bryan Fuller and his entire team managed to pull off. 
Fight scene you’d want to see on NBC’s Hannibal: Nothing can top Will and Hannibal versus the Dragon. I wouldn't object to Will vs Jack at some point.
Alternative theme song to NBC’s Hannibal: Panic Switch by Silversun Pickups. 
If I go everywhere you want me to go How will I know you'll still follow?
Favorite book from the series: Red Dragon.
Favorite movie from the series: Silence of the Lambs. 
Favorite episode from NBC’s Hannibal: ...so hard to choose just one but...Digestivo.
Hannibal Season 4, yes or no: Yes. I cannot wait to see the story Bryan, Mads, and Hugh want to tell. 
Alternative hobbies to replace Hannibal’s cannibalism: model making
Hannibal invites you to a dinner party, you…: Oh, I'm going. 
Alternative animals for Will to collect: Cats
Animal (mythical or real) you’d tattoo on your back like Francis Dolarhyde: I already have an ouroboros. A phoenix, maybe.
What brought you into the fandom: books, movies, or T.V. series: Although I started the Harrisverse with Manhunter, it was definitely the T.V. series that brought me into the fandom. 
Least Favorite scene from the entire franchise: Will pulling Freddie from her car. 
Add Clarice to NBC’s Hannibal, yes or no: Sure, as a protege both Hannibal and Will battle over. 
Favorite killer of the week: Georgia, because of the connection with Will. 
Your reaction to Mizumono (S2 finale): Stunned. And amazed they got me to scream in surprised when the linoleum knife came out. And crying. So much crying. 
Your reaction to The Wrath of The Lamb (S3 finale): Pretty close to perfect.
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Hannibal Meme
tagged by @zacharybosch
Books, Movies, or T.V. show: TV show, but the novels Red Dragon and Hannibal Rising always have a place in my heart.
Favourite Character: Will Graham (with a side of Bev Katz)
Favorite moment of the entire franchise: The entire social worker in horse scene is actually my happy place. I love it with intensity and could watch just that scene over and over until the end of time. 
Favourite quote of the entire franchise: "The meat is bitter about being dead” - more so the way it is delivered and that almost smile/grimace like... oh, gawd WILL!!!!!! 
Fight scene you’d want to see on NBC’s Hannibal: A more calculated, refined and perfected version of the slaying of the dragon. Like, Hannigram 4 years later with a lot of practice under their belts. A slick routine and knowing glances.
Alternative theme song to NBC’s Hannibal: Anything that makes it sound like the romcom it is. 
Favourite book from the series: Ahhh really tough choice. I think I have to go with Hannibal Rising even though it is essentially a different genre to the rest of the series. It can be a brutal read but utterly compelling.
Favourite movie from the series: I... don’t have much time for Hopkins. Never did, never liked him as Hannibal before the show lol. So I would have to go with Manhunter - reasonably well adapted and great cast, though pretty dated now. 
Favourite episode from NBC’s Hannibal: Su-Zakana, see above.
Hannibal Season 4, yes or no: MY BODY IS READY!!
Alternative hobbies to replace Hannibal’s cannibalism: antiques? ice skating? chef? dancing chef? furry? Ok, I’ll stop now.
Hannibal invites you to a dinner party, you…: stuff my face full of people meat. Take that as you will, because I certainly intend to.
Alternative animals for Will to collect: Chickens...?
Animal (mythical or real) you’d tattoo on your back like Francis Dolarhyde: I have distant plans for a bear tattoo on my shoulder, don’t think I’d cover my whole back though...
What brought you into the fandom; books, movies, or T.V. series: I’d read most of the books, seen the movies, but hadn’t really thought about the show. Then I was browsing boxsets to binge watch and saw season 1, realised it was Le Chiffre (nice). AND THEN realised it was BRYAN GODDAM FULLER!! I am a big fan of his previous shows so that sold it to me and I was hooked from the opening scene. Took me several episodes to realise I had seen Hugh Dancy in a bunch of British stuff lol.
Least Favourite scene from the entire franchise: If we’re including books, can I say the entirety of the book and movie Hannibal? XD 
Add Clarice to NBC’s Hannibal, yes or no: I am completely on the fence.
Favourite killer of the week: Randall Tier. Extreme furry who works in a museum? I’m down with it. 
Your reaction to Mizumono (S2 finale): Well. Hannibal really should learn how to deal with his emotions... and also 0_0
Your reaction to The Wrath of The Lamb (S3 finale): simultaneous heart break and elation. Overwhelmed with conflicting emotions, I had to lie down for a while and cry. 
Tagging (sorry for any duplicates): @victorineb @tcbook @slashyrogue @thisismydesignhannibal @jadegreenworks @fragile-teacup @apoptoses @redfivewritingby @drjlecter @devereauxsdisease @thesilverqueenlady @wraithsonwingsposts @kateera @hotmolasses
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Hannibal Questions...
 Books, Movies, or T.V. show: T. V. Show
Favorite Character: I change daily, today we’re going to go Hannibal!
Favorite moment of the entire franchise: I think it might be Hannibal and Will meeting in the Uffizi gallery. That scene is so emotional, but fun. It’s wonderfully tender and it makes me happy.
Favorite quote of the entire franchise: “Every life is a piece of music. Like music we are finite events, unique arrangements. Sometimes harmonious. Sometimes dissonant.”
Fight scene you’d want to see on NBC’s Hannibal: Hannibal Vs Will. Honestly I just want to see them go to town on each other.
Alternative theme song to NBC’s Hannibal: Various Storms and Saints by Florence and the Machine, LISTEN TO IT, IT’S THE MOST HANNIGRAM SONG EVER! 
Favorite book from the series None, I’ve managed about 5 chapters of Red Dragon (I think? It was a while a go) and I had to struggle through every single one.
Favorite movie from the series: Silence of the Lambs, that film is cinematic perfection and SOOOO important.
Favorite episode from NBC’s Hannibal: Primavera, IT MAKES ME FEEL EVERYTHING
Hannibal Season 4, yes or no: YES
Alternative hobbies to replace Hannibal’s cannibalism: Scrapbooking with Dolarhyde
Hannibal invites you to a dinner party, you…: Go, but take some pepper spray.
Alternative animals for Will to collect: FUCKIN’ PENGUINS
Animal (mythical or real) you’d tattoo on your back like Francis Dolarhyde: Red Panda, so cuteeee
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What brought you into the fandom: I saw a trailer for season 1 before it started to air, the bit from coquilles where Will is looking up at the angel body in the alley caught my eye and reminded me of Silence of the Lambs, that encouraged me to watch, what brought me to the fandom is that I’d started a tumblr a few months previously, I saw people’s cool edits and wanted to do that, I started to try and 5 years later here I am.
Least Favorite scene from the entire franchise: Any point where they tried to merge people’s faces. Like at the start of Mizumono, Jack/Hannibal and then Will/Will and then Dolce, where Will sees his face on Hannibal’s body?!?! Some more subtle editing techniques could have very easily provided the same narrative effect.
Add Clarice to NBC’s Hannibal, yes or no: No, I think we should continue on with Miriam Lass, a potential Clarice has been established there already because of rights difficulties. Anna is a wonderful actress and Miriam is already the best agent the FBI have, why mess with that formula?
Favorite killer of the week: Matthew Brown (because Jonathan Tucker’s face)
Your reaction to Mizumono (S2 finale): NOOooOOoOOOOO (but it’s so good cinematically but) NOOoooooOOOOOOOoooooOOoo
Your reaction to The Wrath of The Lamb (S3 finale): YESSSSSSSSSSSSssSSSSSSssSSS
(You wanna do this little quiz? CONSIDER YOURSELF TAGGED MY FRIEND)
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weconqueratdawn · 6 years
Tagged by @aametis - thank you!
Books, Movies, or T.V. show: TV show
Favourite Character: Will <3
Favorite moment of the entire franchise: OH GOD - I mean, there are so many?? Visually, I guess, the two of them hanging upside down in Mason’s meat truck - that’s probably everything you need to know about the tone (and trajectory) of the show in one single moment. I am always DELIGHTED every time I see it. There’s an implied intimacy somehow? And Hannibal’s already on the best date of his life by then.
Favourite quote of the entire franchise: WHAT are you DOING to me!?? One quote leads to another, this is impossible. Errrrrrrr...... it has to be “It’s beautiful” doesn’t it? On it’s own it means very little, but after those three seasons and everything which happens in them, it’s utterly thrilling. And shocking. And exciting. And I can’t wait to know what happens next :)
Fight scene you’d want to see on NBC’s Hannibal: We’ve had some good ones already :0 But I want to see more fighting from Will - just a tiny little murder husbands fight, side by side, post-it’s beautiful - just one, oh please Bryan *sob*
Alternative theme song to NBC’s Hannibal: Anything else Brian Reitzell cares to write for it.
Favourite book from the series: I’ve only read Red Dragon so far (the others are waiting for me, but I’ve been sorely in need of comfort books over these past months and those books are... not that, lol), so I can’t really choose.
Favourite movie from the series: Has to be Silence of the Lambs.
Favourite episode from NBC’s Hannibal: UGH, um, at the moment possibly Primavera or Secondo - the tragedy and beauty of everything is just thrumming away so wonderfully in those episodes. 
Hannibal Season 4, yes or no: YES \o/
Alternative hobbies to replace Hannibal’s cannibalism: Has he tried BDSM lol 
Hannibal invites you to a dinner party, you…: accept without any hesitation - I’m so there, sorry everyone! have you seen his food ffs?? it looks amazing
Alternative animals for Will to collect: BIRDS - imagine Will with a bird sanctuary XD 
Animal (mythical or real) you’d tattoo on your back like Francis Dolarhyde: A wings-spread magpie? Like a Hell’s Angel jacket!
What brought you into the fandom; books, movies, or T.V. series: The TV show - and many, many gifs on tumblr.
Least Favourite scene from the entire franchise: Like @aametis - I don’t look forward to Beverly’s death :( 
Add Clarice to NBC’s Hannibal, yes or no: Yes, I think there’s interesting things which could be done with her character, given Will, Miriam, and also Bedelia already occupy some of her character’s space.
Favourite killer of the week: Tobias has it!
Your reaction to Mizumono (S2 finale): I knew they both survived, so no worries there. It was mainly utterly silent tears. 
Your reaction to The Wrath of The Lamb (S3 finale): How many times can you say “oh my god!?” over and over and over and over... There was a blanket too, to stifle the involuntary noises I was making.
I have no idea who’s already done this - sorry if I tag you again! No obligations, as usual @theseavoices @zacharybosch @wraithsonwingsposts @aviran007 @janespetticoat @matildaparacosm @fragile-teacup @hanni-bunny-lecter @littlethingwithfeathers and anyone else who fancies a go :)
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diemetzgermeisterin · 6 years
Hannibal tag
Thank you for the tag @catatonicemotions what a fun tag! <3
Books, Movies, or T.V. show: T.V. show
Favorite Character: Absolutely Hannibal. No question about that. I’ve always been intrigued by serial killers and psychopaths and Hannibal is such an interesting one
Favorite moment of the entire franchise: The episode “Tome-wan” were Hannibal makes Mason feed his own face to Will’s dogs. The dude had it coming 
Favorite quote of the entire franchise: “With all my knowlegde and intrusion I could never entirely predict you. I can feed the caterpillar and I can whisper through the chrysalis, but what hatches, follows its own nature and is beyond me.”
Fight scene you’d want to see on NBC’s Hannibal: Honestly I would love to see Hannibal and Will fight. 
Alternative theme song to NBC’s Hannibal: Devour by Marilyn Manson. I always found the lyrics so fitting to them: “And I’ll love you, if you let me And I’ll love you, if you won’t make me starve”
Favorite book from the series: Red Dragon
Favorite movie from the series: Red Dragon
Favorite episode from NBC’s Hannibal: Season 1 episode 8 “Fromage”. I mean, the epic fight between Hannibal and Tobias and afterwards Hannibal saying to Will “I was worried you were dead” and then Will saying “I feel like I’ve dragged you into my world.” and  then Hannibal saying “ I got here on my own. But I appreciate the company.” and then the smiles and hearteyes 
Hannibal Season 4, yes or no: A BIG FUCKING YES
Alternative hobbies to replace Hannibal’s cannibalism: Maybe a healthier coping mechanism like, uhm… posting sad poetry on Tumblr
Alternative animals for Will to collect: Something smaller, so perhaps spiders or tiny bugs
Animal (mythical or real) you’d tattoo on your back like Francis Dolarhyde: Hmm, either a moth or an owl
What brought you into the fandom; books, movies, or T.V. series: My coworker forced me to watch the T.V. series and I sold my soul to this fandom shortly after. I had seen the movies, though its been years and I didnt really care for them other than Hannibal’s character, so I have to rewatch them soon
Least Favorite scene from the entire franchise: The moment Chilton got shot in the face by Miriam Lass. I felt so bad for him and I really love his character. Chilton deserved better
Add Clarice to NBC’s Hannibal, yes or no: As a love interest of Hannibal, no. I don’t really care for her, but that might be because I didnt enjoy the movies when I watched them years ago. 
Favorite killer of the week: Abel Gideon. I thought the tongue neck ties and organs tied to a tree were very funny
Hannibal invites you to a dinner party, you…: Go out and buy fancy clothes because I cant just show up to his house in the clothes I regularly wear haha
Your reaction to Mizumono (S2 finale): I had to rewatch it because I did not get what was happening when I watched it the first time and I was so suprised. Then when I rewatched it immediately after I started bawling my eyes out because the heartbreak was so apparant on Hannibal’s face and I just wanted them to be happy
Your reaction to The Wrath of The Lamb (S3 finale): I cried because it was just so beautiful. I felt so at peace with the ending. And can we talk about “Love Crime”?? That song took my breath away and has become one of my favorite songs ever
Im tagging: @madsmeetsmisha @whimsy-by-joja @active-imagination @fhimechan @chillychan @brokenfannibal @fancyoats
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dykerory · 6 years
Fannibal Tag Meme
I was tagged by @magratpudifoot
Books, Movies, or T.V. show: Show, definitely. I’ve seen and read both Red Dragon and SotL, and they just… lack so much style compared to the show. 
Favorite Character: This is like asking me to choose a favorite child how dare you. I think Will, because he’s the character that I most relate to, but I really love all of them. Honorable mention to: Margot, Francis, and Beverly. 
Favorite moment of the entire franchise: UMMM THERE ARE SO MANY. Don’t get me wrong, I love the show’s quirky, funny moments, but I’m gonna have to go with Hannibal carrying Will bridal style through the snow after rescuing him from Mason. 
Favorite quote of the entire franchise: Again, my dramatic ass has to go with “It’s beautiful.” Because it’s the most vindicated and satisfied I’ve felt in a long time. They are IN LOVE and they’re VALID.  Shoutout to: “I don’t want to think about you anymore” because HE’S JUST SO TIRED AND DONE AND LIKE SAME. Also shoutout to: “Is your social worker in that horse?”
Fight scene you’d want to see on NBC’s Hannibal: I’d really like to see Brian’s take on Clarice wandering around James Gumb’s house in the dark, because that was by far the creepiest scene in the movie. He’d probably make it like a funhouse nightmare maze and it’d be glorious. 
Alternative theme song to NBC’s Hannibal: They should have just played Love Crime instead of Indecipherable Screeching No. 2. I really really don’t like the title sequence. 
Favorite book from the series: Umm. Probably Red Dragon. I think Harris is at his best writing from a male perspective. 
Favorite movie from the series: Silence of the Lambs, for sure. It was before they realized how much money Anthony Hopkins scenery chewing could make them, so his performance is more restrained than in later movies, and he’s not shoehorned in too much. Ralph Fiennes in Red Dragon deserves a shout out though. 
Favorite episode from NBC’s Hannibal: Gotta say Mizumono. The drama? The reveals? Too much. 
Hannibal Season 4, yes or no: Abso-fuckin-lutely. I want to see Hannibal and Will vs. The world. Obviously Will would still be conflicted about his role as a serial killer, but I think we’ve trod that path and we know how that story goes. 
Alternative hobbies to replace Hannibal’s cannibalism: Eat ass, suck a dick, and sell drugs. 
Hannibal invites you to a dinner party, you…: show up in my Formal Jeans and have the door shut in my face. 
Alternative animals for Will to collect: I just had a vivid snapshot of Disney Princess Will Graham and his herd of deer that live in his backyard. It’d be magical.
Animal (mythical or real) you’d tattoo on your back like Francis Dolarhyde: My boy Francis has the right idea with the dragon. That shit’s epic. I want a full back dragon tattoo. I’ll get it a different color so he doesn’t think I’m stealing his thing. 
What brought you into the fandom; books, movies, or T.V. series: My friend Megan @theheirofslytherin got me the first season on DVD, I think, and I fell in love with it. Fun fact; even though she introduced me to the show, she only watches the show when I’m with her and I make her. 
Least Favorite scene from the entire franchise: I can’t deal with the bee lady and the eye trauma. I always have to look away. Same with the Ear Tube. I hate gagging sounds so much. Other than that I’m pretty chill w all of it. 
Add Clarice to NBC’s Hannibal, yes or no: Yes! I love my girl! She’s so strong and brave and I have faith that Brian wouldn’t do her dirty. Since so much of her storyline is Will’s in this universe (Hannibal Falling In Love being a big one) I’m curious to see what they’d do with her. 
Favorite killer of the week: MATTHEW. Idk if he counts but I’m love him and I want him to come back. His motivation was pure Will Graham Thirst and that’s just relatable. 
Your reaction to Mizumono (S2 finale): I cried for like three hours because I thought Will wasn’t going to come back and they were going to replace him with Clarice. God I get emotional just thinking about it. 
Your reaction to The Wrath of The Lamb (S3 finale): Joy feels like the wrong word after watching the two main characters go off a cliff but?? I had made my peace with Hannibal being canceled, so there’s an element of bitter-sweetness there, but I was so pleased that Brian actually did the damn thing and made Hannigram canon. Also sad because I do Love Francis Very Much and I wish he could have gotten the help he deserved.
tagging @aglassroseneverfades @theheirofslytherin and anyone else who wants to
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forgottenanise-blog · 6 years
20 (Hannibal) Questions
Tagged by @catatonicemotions  (thanks for the tag!)
Books, Movies, or T.V. show: Starting off difficult, I see. The show, I guess?
Favorite Character: From the books, I’d say Margot. I really admired her resilient personality and willingness to do whatever it took to survive. From the movies, probably Hannibal himself because Anthony Hopkins delivered an incredible performance. Since I already mentioned Margot in the books, I’d go with Abel Gideon for the show (the main characters are a given). The amount of sass he had no matter the situation and his on-point remarks won me over.
Favorite moment of the entire franchise: When Hannibal smelled Freddie Lounds on Will in Mizumono. That was when I’d realized everything was indeed going to hell and very quickly.
Favorite quote of the entire franchise: Too many of them but I’ll go with “I have corpses on my property, you just threw up an ear!” because I almost doubled over with laughter at what was supposed to be a pretty serious episode. Fredrick always induces such reactions from me XD
Fight scene you’d want to see on NBC’s Hannibal: I really want to see Will in more fight scenes. Maybe actually punching Hannibal instead of fantasizing about it, maybe in a bedroom.
Alternative theme song to NBC’s Hannibal: I’m afraid I don’t know much music. Probably something from a video game because that’s all I know, lol.
Favorite book from the series: I’d have to go with Red Dragon on this one.
Favorite movie from the series: the Silence of the Lambs. It was actually the first one in the series I’ve seen and it was amazing.
Favorite episode from NBC’s Hannibal: Digestivo, way too much happened there from Alana’s drastic measures to Mason’s death. Of course, there was also Will’s goodbye at the end and I was torn between feeling somewhat proud of him and feeling grief for the breakup.
Hannibal Season 4, yes or no: Kind of. There are so many things left to tell and I’d eagerly welcome a continuation, but it’s been long and people’s expectations might have gone somewhere unrealistic? I guess I’m afraid of the backlash a season 4 could receive. On the other hand, I’m slightly worried about the characters that will surely suffer and die in future seasons. Oh well, that’s the kind of show it is, I guess.
Alternative hobbies to replace Hannibal’s cannibalism: He’s already doing it but composing music? Then again, he might go making instruments out of people like Tobias.
Alternative animals for Will to collect: Cats. The thought of Will being in a house full of those smug little creatures amuses me a great deal~
Animal (mythical or real) you’d tattoo on your back like Francis Dolarhyde: A phoenix so I might rise from the ashes ╭( ・ㅂ・)و
What brought you into the fandom; books, movies, or T.V. series: I’d watched one of the movies before the show then I guess I backtracked to the other content.
Least Favorite scene from the entire franchise: Mischa calling her brother ‘Anniba’ during Hannibal Rising because my heart was slowly cracking every time (┛ಠДಠ)┛彡┻━┻
Add Clarice to NBC’s Hannibal, yes or no: Yes, she’s an important part of the story and I’m curious where the show could go with her.
Favorite killer of the week: Georgia Madchen, I really sympathized with her and her suffering; her death was horrible. She was misunderstood her whole life and I was glad Will made sure her death wasn’t misunderstood.
Hannibal invites you to a dinner party, you…: Depends on the guest list, I’d go if everyone else went then proceed to stand in a corner, sipping wine, and maybe enjoy the ensuing drama?
Your reaction to Mizumono (S2 finale): Surprise, shock, and internal crying. I was fine until I saw that damned stag on the bloody floor and then I just lost it.
Your reaction to The Wrath of The Lamb (S3 finale): It’s beautiful~ I was satisfied yet also interested in a continuation; I was wondering what could happen in a hypothetical season 4.
I tag: @janespetticoat @doktorfreud @cannibalcuriosity @hanfangrahamk @cinnamaldeide
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fancyoats · 6 years
Hannibal Tag
Tagged by @diemetzgermeisterin Thanks babe!
Books, Movies, or T.V. show: definitely the show
Favorite Character: Hannibal.  He’s got such an idiosyncratic world view, he’s so controlled but so vulnerable and lonely at the same time.  Such a great character.
Favorite moment of the entire franchise: In the stables when Hannibal cradles Will’s neck and whispers sweet nothings about caterpillars.  Also when they are eating fake Freddie for dinner and making heart eyes at each other. Also the ortolans.  Also when they meet again in the Uffizi Gallery like old lovers.  Also the montage where Hannibal is preparing for the dinner party in Fromage with the rolodex and the organs and such.  I could keep going, really, there are so many favorite moments.
Favorite quote of the entire franchise: “With all my knowlegde and intrusion I could never entirely predict you. I can feed the caterpillar and I can whisper through the chrysalis, but what hatches, follows its own nature and is beyond me.”
Fight scene you’d want to see on NBC’s Hannibal: I’d like to see one legged Bedelia and burned up Chilton sass each other.  
Alternative theme song to NBC’s Hannibal: I get feelings from Drawn to the Blood by Sufjan Stevens:
I'm drawn to the blood The flight of a one-winged dove How? How did this happen? How? How did this happen? The strength of his arm My lover caught me off guard How? Head of a rabbit How? Head of a rabbit For my prayer has always been love What did I do to deserve this? With blood on my sleeve Delilah, avenge my grief How? God of Elijah How? God of Elijah As fire to the sun Tell me what I have done How? Heart of a dragon How? Heart of a dragon For my prayer has always been love What did I do to deserve this now? How did this happen?
Favorite book from the series: I read the books a super long time ago, so I don’t feel like I can answer this one adequately.  Maybe it’s time for a re-read.
Favorite movie from the series: Silence of the Lambs
Favorite episode from NBC’s Hannibal: Su-Zakana:  “is your social worker in that horse?”  I still can’t even believe this whole thing happened.
Hannibal Season 4, yes or no: YES, obviously!  Especially if there is kissing!
Alternative hobbies to replace Hannibal’s cannibalism: I wonder if he would like to learn knitting?  Or embroidery?
Alternative animals for Will to collect: Maybe sheep so he could supply Hannibal with wool for his new knitting hobby.
Animal (mythical or real) you’d tattoo on your back like Francis Dolarhyde: One of those animals in the margins of medieval manuscripts that is like part deer and part fish and part lion but is really confused about its situation.
What brought you into the fandom; books, movies, or T.V. series: There were threads on Metafilter back when season 2 was going on and I was like “hmm, maybe this is actually a good show?” And so I started watching it from the beginning right when season 3 started and caught up furiously and basically binged forever and over and over that summer and have been lost to this fandom ever since.
Least Favorite scene from the entire franchise: When Mason takes Margot’s uterus etc.  It’s the worst.  So much evil and suffering.
Add Clarice to NBC’s Hannibal, yes or no: Maybe, but I don’t want Hannibal to love anyone but Will.  Any interest he would have in Clarice would be but a pale shadow of his obsession with Will.  
Favorite killer of the week: The organ harvester.  So hilariously inept!  
Hannibal invites you to a dinner party, you…: Go out to get a wicked good bottle of wine to bring as a gift.  
Your reaction to Mizumono (S2 finale): Will, babe, just run away with him, you know you want to, ugggggghhhh.... What?!??!....Abigail’s alive? Wait, are they going to kiss?  They are going to kiss! I can’t believe it, noooooooo they didn’t even kiss!!!!!  Noooo......they can’t ALL die, can they?  noooooooooooooooooo....oh look at that fucker ordering champagne
Your reaction to The Wrath of The Lamb (S3 finale): Will, babe, just run away with him, you know you want to, oh good, it’s happening....I wonder if they kissed?  Ok, good, drinking wine....nooooo....how can he be shot?  NOOO don’t stab Will!  His beautiful face!  Oh GOD it’s HAPPENING look at them working together.....wait are they going to kiss??  THEY ARE GOING TO KISS....noooooooooooooo not over the cliff no no no no no no no they can’t die they can’t die noooooooooooooooooo *opens AO3 immediately and reads alll the post-fall fic forever*
I’d love to hear from @heartturnedtoporcelain, @red-earth-rising, @tiggymalvern, @still-eating-the-rude, @sofancydancy, @purplesocrates
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thisbecoming · 7 years
[ one of the things that annoys me the most about all that too is that there’s an interview from the s3 bts where fuller is patting himself on the back for omitting the sexual violence from the red dragon’s crimes and i’m like. but... my man, you also omitted every woman from francis’ life and the one you kept in was there to reinforce your queerbaiting of hannigram. there was no grandmother dolarhyde, no marian dolarhyde, no queen mother, no eileen. so... what are viewers who haven’t read red dragon supposed to make of the scene where will sees molly dead with the shards of mirror over her eyes?? that’s just male violence, that’s a husband dreaming about murdering his wife and there’s no effort at from the writers to reconcile that into his profiling of the red dragon, instead we just get hannibal taunting will about it. like, congrats for not including gratuitous details of sexual violence, but there was still an emphasis on mrs. leeds within the plot and not including the women who impacted francis is just clumsy gross writing.
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