#and get the word i used. institution. not orphanage. everything ive read about it calls these places institutions.
orcelito · 2 years
From a scale of 1 to "ritzy orphanage", what level of bullshit have you read today?
#speculation nation#saw in main tag an akechi take that was So fucking foul lmao#someone mad about how fandom largely likes to make goro and futaba friends bc they dont think she should have to forgive him#which like. fair. i can understand being put off by that.#but THEN. they start going off on how we dont see akechi's childhood so all we know it wasnt that bad#vs futaba's that we Did see how bad it was#& how ppl largely make it a thing with her forgiving him due to sympathy & his trauma getting more attention than hers#which i would agree with if it were just a matter of ppl belittling futaba's trauma in comparison to akechi's#but you DONT. HAVE TO SAY. HIS WASNT TRAUMATIC FOR THAT TO BE TRUE.#his mom literally KILLED HERSELF bc of shido. goro's anger at him is far more than 'daddy didnt pay enough attention to me 😢😢😢'#(direct quote there. them belittling his anger down to daddy issues. ugh.)#but the RICHEST thing is them saying that for all we know shido paid for akechi to live at a 'ritzy orphanage' like WHAT????#say you know nothing about the japanese alternative child care system without saying you know nothing about it#listen ive been researching this shit a lot lately. japan has one of the Worst child care systems in the world.#11% foster home rate. majority of children shunted into institutions that are overcrowded and underfunded.#and get the word i used. institution. not orphanage. everything ive read about it calls these places institutions.#they literally institutionalize children. and that in and of itself is a trauma. not having adults you can learn to actually depend on#bc that is their Job. they cycle out. majority of them do care but they just cant give the child the attention they need#and fucking. 'ritzy orphanage' literally WHAT??? in what fucking world would RITZY ORPHANAGE be something that exists???#paradoxical phrase. if a child has a parent to pay for them theyre not going to live in a fucking orphanage. what the Hell are you on#there was more to it but i honestly stopped reading i was so angry.#you dont need to belittle his trauma to say that futaba's matters. what the fuck.#and YES his revenge plot against shido is childish and poorly thought out. but thats bc he made this when he was Literally a child.#it's not just him throwing his life away on a whim bc of 'daddy issues'. what the Fuck.#anyways this person made me so mad i blocked them#for someone who claimed to love akechi u made the WORST fucking take ive seen on him in a while#absolutely fuming. 'ritzy orphanage.' thats some real bullshit#suicide ment/#also THIS ISNT EVEN TOUCHING on the problems within the institutions#ive run out of tags so i cant go into it. im just so fuckin pissed off lmao
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worstpossibledokis · 8 years
Ok so apparently the tumblr was weird and cut up to like 90% of the previous 3 of these. I’ve fixed them now though, so anyone who read them and thought they were short there’s at least 5 mini ficlets under each read more and I’ve fixed that. But also I had to do one of these for IV as well because he’s my precious child.
Prompts: Hollowness, Goat (as if we needed proof how random this is), Visitor, Defection, Octopus, Mightiest and Emperor
“Dragons and science. Should have known.”
Thomas can count off every trophy he’s won. Every victory, every opponent, every title, every time V and Tron told him it was necessary. Every time III handed his deck and whispered good luck.
“Age 16. Asian Champion IV.”
Trophies and rosettes and medals. Small victories to push through to the big ones. Victory after victory, never allowed to falter for even a second. A loss was a failure. A loss was unacceptable. IV was never allowed to lose. He was never allowed to even consider losing. Losing even a single duel was not an option back then.
“Age 15. East Asia Champion IV.”
Photos and posters and promotions. IV standing next to all sorts of big names. Mr Heartland standing a little too close for comfort. That ESPer Robin kid smiling awkwardly. V sulking in the background, looking every bit the perfect gentleman manager.
“Age 14. Under 15 Asian Champion IV.”
Participation medals, rare cards given out for tournament entry, signed playmats and duel disks. Pictures of him and the other duellists. Smiles and laughter. Thomas’ fingers brushed them slowly.
“Age 13. Regional Champion IV.”
There’s a soft sigh and Thomas turns a little. Tron is sitting on the bed watching him. Tron? Byron. Supposedly Byron Arclight now. They’re looking into how to regenerate him, so he looks like their father once more. He’s still Tron right now.
“I don’t remember that one,” Tron says.
Thomas’ fingers brush the next crystal glass trophy one along. “It’s my favourite.”
“It looks cheap.”
“Age 12. Lady Carol Care Institution Champion. Tom Arclight.”
Tron makes and noise and Thomas glances back to see his nose scrunched up and mouth pulled down at the corners. “You’re not a Tom.”
Since Yuma’s WDC Champion (and somehow that does count as a recognised world championship putting his world ranking somewhere just below Thomas’ own) he now gets invited to tournaments. Michael so generously offered Akari Thomas to chaperone him in foreign countries.
Suddenly Thomas wished Kaito had more interest in competitive duelling. Or that Ryoga’s reputation was still intact. But what was done was done and Thomas is escorting Yuma to a world tournament.
Yuma’s a typical tourist. Wants to see, do and eat everything. So Thomas, mostly to shut him up, has treated him to at least eighty percent of the room service menu.
“Let me try yours,” Yuma says.
“Not unless you can ask in English,” Thomas replies.
How desperate is he to try Thomas’ pizza? Yuma huffs, puffing out his cheeks and watching Thomas with the stringy, melted extra cheesy pizza as if he’s not eaten his own weight in fast food that day. They were in an English speaking country, Thomas was going to make Yuma speak his language for once.
“At least try,” he says. He switches to English, leaning forward so Yuma can see only two slices left in the box. And he’s at least kind enough to speak slowly and clearly, purposefully using all the words Yuma needs so he can hear them. “You can have some of my pizza if you ask properly and say please, Yuma.”
Yuma hesitates for a moment before nodding. He licks his lips and swallows thickly before trying. It’s awkward and hesitant, but it’s obvious Michael has been working with him. “Can I have some pizza please, Thomas?”
He tilts the box and Yuma grins, taking a slice and moaning blissfully as he eats. There’s something that might be a thanks through the mouthful of pizza. Thomas sighs, shaking his head and drinking slowly.
“I thought it was goats that ate everything not horses.”
“Hey, it’s IV.”Haruto says. “What are you doing with Princess Cologne, IV?”
He turns and Kaito is there at the bottom of the staircase with Haruto and Orbital. He shrugs and returns to work silently. Haruto hurries up the stairs, Kaito warning him to be careful, and sits on the step below Thomas.
“Thomas, Haruto, and I’m fixing her,” Thomas replies. “I thought it was sad she couldn’t have guests in her house anymore. I want to see her working like when I first came here.”
“Cologne is a highly advanced piece of robotic engineering with a state of the art AI,” Kaito says. “Park visitors can’t just fix her. You’d have to be-”
“You?” Thomas says. “Or Chris? Or our dads?”
“Well, yes.”
“And not as dumb as me?”
“Well, I-” Kaito scowls as Thomas smiles. “As a matter of fact-”
“Don’t be mean, Kaito,” Haruto scolds.
Thomas smiles and pats Haruto’s hair before turning his attention back to Princess Cologne. Kaito is glaring, no doubt waiting to point out something wrong or Thomas to ask for help. No such luck.
Thomas switches Cologne on and Haruto beams as she opens her eyes and greets them. He glances at Kaito, who’s staring up at them, mouth opening and closing uselessly. As if Thomas has spent that long in that family and not learnt complex sciences and engineering.
“How did you…?” Thomas rattles off a list of problems and how he’d fixed them, watching Haruto and Cologne together. He glances down at Kaito at last, finding he’d come up the stairs to join him, still staring. And slightly flushed. Kaito frowns as he pauses. “Go on.”
Thomas laughs. “So that’s what does it for you, huh? Dragons and science. Should have known.”
Ryoga sighs, giving Thomas that annoyingly condescending, pitying look that makes Thomas sick. “Are you really that lonely?”
Thomas’ fists clench, his cheeks burn, his chest aches. Yes! Yes, he’s that damn lonely he only has his little brother! Yes, he looks forward to spending time with him! And yes, it hurts that Michael will drop everything and go running off after Yuma and Ryoga and their friends with only two words to Thomas about maybe some other time!
He turns and storms away down the hall to his room, ignoring Michael calling after him. What does he care what Michael’s doing? What does he care if his only friends (are they really even that?) are years younger than him? Who needs friends anyway?!
It’s late when the door to his room opens again. Thomas is sulking on the bed, covers pulled up over his head and buried in the pillows and he doesn’t care if it’s immature. Michael sit’s on the bed behind him. No one else is that small and would visit, so of course it’s Michael. He’s not forgiving him. He’s not that much of a sap.
A book is dumped on his side and the weight gets up. Thomas scowls and peaks out from under the covers. It’s his work book from school. He frowns and sits up slowly, gazing down at the book with his school crest on. What…
Oh. It’s not his work book. He stares down at the name before slowly lifting his head and gazing up at not-Michael.
“You’re more interesting than them,” Rei mutters. “He’s already on a couple of hundred points on a new count.” Thomas isn’t sure he understands the joke but Rei grins. “But that’ll make Yuma cry and that’s so damn pathetic I can’t stand it. So, do my homework for me instead. I’ll replace your brother.”
“You can’t replace Michael.”
“I’m here, he’s out with the other Barians and Yuma. It’s up to you.”
Thomas scowls and wrinkles his nose before getting up with Vector’s book. “Fine.”
Ryoga is completely distracted by the aquatic life in the clear tanks. Thomas gazes up above them as a shark looms over the top of the glass tunnel and Durbe seems just as drawn to it.
“Look at those teeth,” Iris says, leaning in Rio’s arms and pointing up at it. “Is that a Great White?”
Of course, this is where Ryoga takes over. Iris falls into his arm and he points up at the shark with Iris. “Sand Tiger. Mostly docile. Eats fish. Generally harmless.”
“Like Nasch.”
“And down there’s a Cat Shark,” Ryoga says, taking her to the side of the tunnel and pointing down into the reefs.
“It doesn’t look like your card.”
“Are Cat Shark babies still called pups?” Thomas says.
“Yes. But they lay eggs. You know, the mermaid purses, Iris?”
“Oh yes, on the beach back on the island.”
They wander off as Ryoga explains all the fish to Iris as they go. The three sigh, watching quietly as the King and his greatest admirer fawn over the sea life. Even Thomas has to admit, he might be beaten to the title of Ryoga’s number one fan by little Iris.
“Oh, hey,” Thomas says, batting Rio’s arm and dragging Durbe around. They press against the glass and Thomas points to the rocks. “It looks like Ryoga.”
“It does,” Rio giggles.
“It’s uncanny,” Durbe agrees.
“What is?” Iris calls. “Something majestic and fierce like Nasch.”
They laugh and point at the creature in a familiar violet and blue, legs curled slightly as it glares back. Iris huffs, clinging to Ryoga, telling them how it’s proof of Nasch’s greatness that even sea life wants to look like him and Ryoga distracts himself and her with a ray passing over. The three just laugh, deciding to name the grumpy looking octopus Nasch as they wandered after Ryoga and Iris.
A purple octopus plushie mysteriously appears on Ryoga’s pillow that night.
Or so Thomas is told.
Thomas once saw Chris as a hero. He was perfect. He could hold their (Thomas’) dog lead when he pulled. He could reach the kitchen counters without standing on a box. He count understand their father’s work. He didn’t have to go to the orphanage when their father went missing. But he’d promised he would find their father and bring him home. He’d promised they would be a proper family again.
Of course, Thomas had believed him wholeheartedly. Chris was perfect. Chris was his big brother. He’d never lie. He’d never break a promise.
Now Thomas knows better.
Chris says, “I promise.”
Thomas laughs in his face.
Chris has promised enough times. At least V had the decency not to promise him anything.
Thomas walks away and leaves Chris staring. All Chris’ broken promises. All his lies. That Tron’s plan was for the best, that following him would bring their father Byron back, that he wouldn’t let them get hurt again. That there was no way they’d ever lose. There was no way Chris would ever lose to Kaito.
“I don’t need anymore lies and broken promises, Chris.”
“No more lies,” Chris says, shaking his head. “No more broken promises. Things will be different this time.”
He’s heard that before. Chris sighs and sits on the balcony with him. Things will be different? He’s heard that over and over and it’s always lies. He closes his eyes, trying not to think about Chris sitting across from him. It was easier when they were V and IV. V didn’t promise anything and IV didn’t expect anything.
They had it all. They had the world. Now they’re sat here, unable to trust and unable to be honest. The bond between them will never be the same. Chris will never be Thomas’ hero again.
How the mighty had fallen.
They’re in the old museum again.
The moonlight poured in through the stain glass windows and Thomas gazes up at the statues around them. They don’t talk. They barely look at each other. When they’re with others, it’s easy. They laugh and joke and chat like there’s nothing wrong.
But they meet here anyway. Like they should talk. Like they should say something. They should acknowledge what’s happened. They never do. They’re silent and cold. They say nothing and ignore the world outside them. They never talked about what has happened between them.
They’ve been meeting here like this for a few months.
Someone has to say something.
Thomas scowls and turns his head, glaring are Ryoga. “You’re a stubborn bastard. We can’t just sit here in silence and pretend nothing happened.”
“I know. But let’s do it for a bit longer anyway.”
He sighs and closes his eyes. Idiot. Thomas doesn’t want to lie here and say nothing. He doesn’t want to waste time. If he wanted to ignore the issue and resolve nothing, he could do that every day, biting his cheek to keep smiling and laughing. He stands slowly and brushes himself off.
“Where are you going?” Ryoga says, sitting up.
“I don’t see any point sitting here and ignoring the issue,” Thomas replies, walking away.
“And if facing it ruins everything? What if talking about it makes it worse?” Thomas glances back and Ryoga scowls, looking away. “At least you’re here right now.”
“I won’t be for much longer,” he mutters, shaking his head. “I don’t even know what this is. Are we friends? Are enemies? Nothing?I don’t want to sit here in some kind of relationship limbo, Ryoga.”
Ryoga laughs and Thomas frowns. Now what? He smiles, eyes softening and brings his knees up to his chest, leaning on them as he watches Thomas. “Do you remember, Thomas? Return from Limbo?”
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