#and get viscerally reminded of exactly why I was so relieved to cut it short the first time
falderaletcetera · 7 months
pardon the very rough photos and resting murder face but there's a 60% chance I'm gonna buzz this all off soon and I'm gonna miss the bedhead.
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lavenderek · 6 years
What happened after Stiles left with Derek after Derek got rid of Chad?
oh, after chad left? it is not worth reading.
they walk to derek’s apartment. it’s only a block down and across the street, maybe a five minutes walk counting riding the elevator up. hence derek’s eligibility for the position of fake boyfriend (see linked post).
they do have a brief argument, but it’s primarily companionable silence. a little anticipatory, because stiles isn’t sure what’s going to happen. you can never be sure if your fake boyfriend is being serious or not when he tells you in a public space that two o’clock isn’t soon enough to take you to bed. and stiles isn’t sure if he was being serious when he agreed to it. he’s genuinely never thought about it before, and here it is.
derek’s in the same boat, but he has a lot less indecision around it. (1) derek doesn’t really spend a lot of emotional energy waffling on decisions, particularly with regards to sleeping with somebody. that’s just his nature. (2) he is totally okay with it if stiles wasn’t being serious. stiles was 100% serious about derek getting him away from that guy, and derek got him away from that guy, so, either way there’s been a net gain tonight.
they both realize it’s happening as they walk in the door, and that is that. they make out, they do that thing where you kind of navigate your way down a short hallway trying to make out at the same time? they don’t bother turning on any lights, there’s the trail of discarded clothing, the whole stupid thing. derek has a big bed and he settles between stiles’ thighs and kisses him, and derek has a big dick, too. you know. if you’ve read my fic before you know the schedule.
derek has lube and condoms, and he looks at stiles in the dim room and says, “okay?” and stiles is breathless and squirming and yes it’s okay, is derek kidding? is he within this plane of existence? has stiles heretoforth been broadcasting waves of unokayness? he severely cuts down on the talking once derek gets his fingers up in him. everything gets subverbal for a while, and stiles can feel his heart beating in his ears as he watches derek put the condom on, like, he knows cognitively that this is happening? but he can’t process it, he’s so horny that the entire situation is just sort of standing around looking at its watch and waiting for him to acknowledge it. “come on,” he urges, teeth grit. he can’t believe how needy he is.
because listen. the thing about his relationship with chad was, stiles wouldn’t let chad fuck him. that was the major, overarching theme of their entire thing. stiles just didn’t want to. he told chad he would do other stuff, told him he’d let him know if he changed his mind, but chad solidified that decision by being super uncool about it. that was about when he started getting mean. it was chad’s least favorite thing about stiles, and stiles knew it, but he just didn’t fucking want to. it was the only thing he wouldn’t budge on, the only thing. chad left stiles having never fucked him, and stiles is pretty relieved about it. it’s just not his thing, he decided, because the idea of it never really appealed to him.
derek doesn’t know this about stiles because contrary to some people’s perceptions of stiles, he doesn’t really go around sharing super intimate details about his sex life with people. derek offers to fuck stiles because he likes to and he wants to do it to stiles. if stiles wasn’t into it, derek would have been okay with it. but stiles is viscerally into it, to the point where he’s telling derek almost repeatedly to fuck him, as derek is already fucking him. it’s pretty stupid. it’s pretty intense. it’s like a porno. stiles didn’t think people said shit like this in real life. he is going to be super embarrassed after he comes. he is embarrassed after he comes, but he wouldn’t say super. there are more pressing issues on his mind.
he lays there in derek hale’s bed, a naked, sticky mess, and stares blankly at the ceiling. then he looks over and - yep, that’s still derek. “uhhhh,” he says eventually when he’s caught his breath. “we just had sex.”
“uh huh,” says derek. he is not in shock and he guesses he’s not sure why he’s surprised stiles is.
“you and - and me,” stiles elaborates.
derek says, “yeah, stiles, i was there.”
“we,” stiles laughs a little incredulously, “did that!”
“can we stop memorizing flash cards about it,” asks derek, annoyed.
stiles can’t believe he got fucked, and he can’t believe who did it, and he can’t believe how fucking incredible it was, and he can’t believe he did this. “jesus. oh, jesus,” he sits up and buries his face in his hands, an action derek was not anticipating. “i said i’d stop doing this. i said i wouldn’t do this again,” he’s saying into his palms.
derek sits up also, stung. he’s not sure what to say. he had no expectations about this night given the lack of forethought, so he figures it’s just how the night’s going; but he’ll admit it sucks.
“look,” says stiles, which is without fail, always a precursor to things derek doesn’t have the desire or the emotional energy to hear. “i can’t - do casual sex,” stiles tells him. see? derek has no energy. he is completely perplexed and he just came, like, five minutes ago, so he thinks he lacks the brain cells necessary to handle this level of confusion. “you came to my job,” stiles goes on, “and you - you rescued me from my ex or something, and i realized i - six months,” he looks at derek in the dark. “six months! and i never saw it.” he doesn’t mean he’s been, like, obliviously in love with derek or whatever; he means that the possibility was there, and he hadn’t even seen it. that if the opportunity had presented itself anywhere between now and last winter, he would have taken it and ended up right exactly here, and if derek is fake-boyfriending him, stiles is going to have to take a sadness bath.
stiles takes sadness baths when he gets dumped, so what? he’s man enough to admit it. grow up.
derek finally catches up, and sighs for eleventy-forty years. “i told you a year,” he said. “remember? you don’t remember, do you. you were too busy trying to give me shitty craft beer - “
“it’s so good. it’s like, summery,” stiles tells him desperately. “you’d like it. you have to try new things sometimes! i just did!”
“you - what? no. stiles - “
“i get attached,” stiles interrupts, routing back to his original point. or no, actually his second point, because the first point was some bullshit about telling derek they just had sex, as if derek hadn’t noticed or something. “i’m very possessive, and i - i know myself well enough to - “
“ - able to say this with complete surety, that i - “
“ - enter into a - what?”
derek just looks at him. stiles looks back. derek raises his eyebrows a little: expectant.
“oh,” stiles says, dropping his hands. “really?” derek waits. “me?”
“yes, stiles,” says derek irritably, “you.”
“are you sure?”
derek rolls his eyes. “no, i’m talking to halle berry, she’s right behind you.”
“halle berry?” stiles pokes his head forward in disbelief. “what year is it?”
“are you trying to get me to change my mind?” asks derek, narrowing his eyes. because stiles is certainly testing his patience, but if that’s his game, it’s not working. 
stiles says, “i am trying to, A, clarify your intentions because they came out of nowhere and make no sense,” derek glares in a new direction, beseeching whatever divine being exists for patience, “and B, ask you to reassess, in case this is the sex pheromones talking, hi pheromones, can i please speak to derek now - “ jesus christ, derek says, “ - and C, remind you what i’m like because you look like your entire soul just packed its bags and moved away, which is par for the course. okay? this is reasonable reasoning, i’m reasoning with you for reason.”
“shut up,” says derek.
“i think reason just stopped being a word,” stiles adds, looking away, into that part of his mind where all the stupid shit lives.
“shut up,” says derek again. “stiles, i’m trying to date you, you get that, right?” stiles returns to the present and stares at derek. “yes or no,” derek says flatly.
“why?” asks stiles. in the same tone of voice and with the same facial expression as if derek just told him he was trying to mail himself a unicycle.
“stiles,” derek sighs, helpless and annoyed, “i don’t know, why does anybody date anybody? you’ve finished A, B, and C and i’m still trying to date you, so i guess i’m not seeing why you’re fighting me on this. either date me or don’t.”
“um, first option,” says stiles, “please.”
this is the most pissed off derek has ever entered into a relationship. for real. and it’s not the most confused stiles has ever entered into a relationship at all. doesn’t diminish his confusion.
“i think condoms sort of make dicks taste a little weird?” stiles suddenly volunteers, which - derek doesn’t care that he’s lost anymore. he thinks he just deliberately entered into an indefinite period of being frustrated and lost and he just looks at stiles and waits a little pessimistically to be not lost anymore. “but,” stiles goes on, “i think i like you enough to want to suck yours anyway.”
okay, that was a little worth it. it was stupid, and derek hates him, but it was worth it all the same. “you know i can wash my dick, right?” derek asks him, which is the rudest and best question anyone has ever asked stiles. the rudest and best question anyone has ever asked, ever.
“if you just fucking tried it,” says stiles desperately, “one sip. one! it’s really good! it’s got peaches in it!”
“if i wanted your shitty beer, i would ask for it,” derek snaps.
“one sip,” stiles says, and he drags out the words for about a full second each. they’re lucky derek owns the building and uses the penthouse, because wow, they’re the worst. “please let me suck your dick,” he says.
“god, stiles,” says derek.
he washes his dick first. stiles is the biggest moron on the planet, and derek has just selected him out of the two-point-whatever billion other people on the planet, so, that’s where derek’s at. in his domespace. etcetera. you get it. whatever.
he explains the chad thing later, after the shower and the blowjob (excellent for both parties), when they’re too tired to argue about whether or not they want to date each other (they do, they’re just the worst). he tells derek what he’s figured out in the last three hours, which is that it wasn’t that he was uninterested in getting fucked, it was that he didn’t trust chad. his brain didn’t even let him unlock that desire until he was with somebody he trusted, someone he thought would make it good for him, would listen to him - the first instinct of self-preservation he thinks he’s ever shown. he curls into derek and thinks to himself that he hasn’t felt, like, unequivocally safe since he was a little kid, since he thought his dad both knew everything and was capable of stopping any bad guy. but he is, here. there is actually nothing that can hurt him right here. except derek, and derek won’t.
well, he’ll hurt his train of thought. and he keeps threatening to yank stiles’ head off his body. but. well. you know.
derek spoons him and thinks about how he really hates chad. he’s offered permission to shove chad down a storm drain or something if he ever sees him again. derek says nothing, but clings to that “or something.”
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fandomflail · 7 years
title: Recognition (6/8)
rating: M
summary: Soulmate trope AU. Set in a world where humans and elves coexist.
a/n: *screams at Tumblr* I queued this for Friday 10 pm but the queue at my post! Sorry for the delay, you guys. 
Past Chapters: (1)  (2)  (3)  (4)  (5) or AO3
Killian Aearinön had lived a life of strife, despite being Noble born. Of course, his older and wiser brother, William Beriothien, would often comment that said strife was a result of his own actions and self-recrimination. Liam, as Killian called him, wasn’t wrong.
“What was the instruction?” his brother asked, brow furrowed with worry.
Liam worried too much. Between his bride, Elsa Arendelle, and Liam’s own tendency for anxiety and worry, it was a wonder the two functioned at all. Unlike the humans, who suffered more from physical maladies than psychological ones, elves were far, far more susceptible to injuries of the brain.
If they weren’t dying of childbirth, Killian mused, they were running Nightlock into their blood for a quick death.
Giving his brother his focus, Killian said, “For her own safety, I delivered the instruction as The Sukrasa said. Remain human to those who know her as human, reveal her as an elf to society, with the story that she was simply living in secret. No mention of halves.”
Liam strode closer, blue-grey eyes delivering a piercing gaze. “And she can be trusted?”
Killian felt his temper rise. “Of course she can!”
“You don’t actually know her, brother. A consummation does not a soulmate make,” he said, pacing the length of the mahogany table that stood as the centerpiece.
“I know enough to know she can be trusted. As can the other three.”
“You have no idea what sort of danger you’ll unleash if word gets out, I mean it, Killian. This is serious. For once, please take this seriously.”
“I know that! I’m not a youngling, Liam. Stop treating me like one.”
“Perhaps if you —“ his brother cut himself off, swallowing whatever insulting thing he had been about to say, and said instead, “I am glad you’re back to high society. Things have changed, and they have not. You’ve lived with humans for a total of what? 150 years now? You’ve adopted some of their…mannerisms, and not in a flattering way.”
“Yes, like when people annoy them, they tell them to bugger off.”
“Now that’s just rude.”
Killian flipped him an obscene human hand motion.
“You’ve been tight-lipped about this Emma. If she’s a lost child, her parents are sure to be looking for her.”
He nodded, drumming his fingers on the table. “I checked; there was no missing report of an elven girl matching her age or appearance.”
“Hmm. Come to think of it, that makes sense. If she’s a hybrid, they’d have wanted it kept hush. Plus, she’s Nysnian; it’s not like those elves have ever trusted us.”
“I don’t know if she even wants to find them. This whole thing has been overwhelming for her; she’s been using the ignore-it-until-it-goes-away strategy. With her heritage, with me.”
Killian was unsuccessful in keeping the bitterness out of his voice. He dropped his gaze to the little decorative windmill on the table, spinning its blades to distract himself.
“Well, she’s still coming later, isn’t she? That’s a start.”
“Only to the Embassy. I don’t want her meeting the serpent. Who knows what she’d say to her. Wait does she even know that I Recognized…”
“Stop calling her that. Of course she does. It’s just within the family, you’re safe.”
“That’s a relief, though who knows who she’s hissssssssed to.”
“Oh shut up. Just so you know, I’ll be there.”
“Oh yes, you really think I’d miss meeting your soulmate? My little brother’s Recognized half?” Liam’s smirk was unbearable, his posture so casual he could only be faking it.
“You’re the worst elf in the history of elves, I hope you know.”
“Stop being dramatic. I invited Belle, to make Emma and her son feel comfortable. Belle is the human equivalent of a library, and she is Head of the B.E.A.S.T. I can truly think of no one else as perfect to fill in the blanks about our culture.”
“This was supposed to be a quiet tea,” Killian huffed.
Liam shook his head, no doubt judging Killian as a child, despite the fact that their age gap was a mere 10 years. A single petal difference in a forest bloom, but to hear Liam tell it, one would think Killian was an infant human, and Liam a wise old sage. It was maddening.
“Do you think this could work?” Liam asked after pouring himself a cup of fresh honey tea.
His perpetually concerned face was soft, curly blonde hair kept in place by the ice-inspired circlet he often wore to honor Elsa. Maddening though he may be, Liam was the best brother an elf could ask for. The look on his face mirrored the look he had when Killian had fallen out of a tree, breaking his bones in three places; as if this whole endeavor was the same sort of dangerous recklessness he’d exhibited as a youngling.
“I believe so. I chose to live as a human for Milah. I loved her. I always will. But Emma, Emma is different. This is different.”
“Killian…I’m sorry to suggest this but… do you suppose this thing with Emma is simply a matter of chemistry, rather than a matter of heart?”
There was an almost visceral need to defend his feelings, an anger so swift he could’ve wrung his hands around his brother’s neck. He fought the impulse, forcing himself to truly consider his brother’s question. After all, he had, in those early hours, had the same questions.
It felt like a betrayal to confess his heart, especially about the first few hours following his introduction with soulmate, but this was Liam. Who could he truly trust, if not him?
“I hated it, at first. She ran, twice that day. She made it clear that her actions were the effect of the Recognition, and not for any real desire to know me. She didn’t seem as affected as I did. I thought…I thought maybe I hallucinated it.”
“You checked with The Sukrasa,” Liam reminded him.
“I know. But a half-elf? That’s a myth and propaganda people like Her Highness, Snake Queen Consort, tell to fear-monger elves about the Bad Things That Happen When We Mix With Humans.”
“Killian,” Liam warned, tone infused with a world of warning. He ignored the rebuke about their step-mother.
“You know that’s what she thinks, even if she isn’t forthright about it. Anyway, it was highly possible that they had mixed her blood and Henry’s. Full or half elf, I thought I was going crazy, except it’s impossible to ignore that feeling.”
“What was it like?”
“I told you, remember, when you said we should just put the Trace on her and be done with it.”
“Actually, what you told me was, and I quote, I’m dying Liam, I’m dying. Hardly descriptive.”
Killian rolled his eyes, moving to swipe his brother’s mug for a sip.
“It’s a burning sensation, like the skin under your skin is on fire. You can’t scratch it. Your throat feels like you’ve been screaming for years, but no amount of water quenches it.”
Liam watched him with wide eyes. For the first time, Killian felt like he was being taken seriously. Figured.
“There’s a ringing in your ears, like you’ve stood next to a gong after it’s gone off. And the worst thing is… well, you can relieve yourself as much as you want, but it hurts. The humans have a term for it, though I’m not sure why they use the color blue to describe it. Nor do I think they understand what exactly, it means for one to have ‘Blue Balls’”.
“Oh. I’m sorry, I had no idea.”
“Yes, well.”
“So you can be happy with her? And her human child?”
“It would be too easy to fall in love with Emma Swan, Liam. Just wait till you meet her.”
“Sure, can’t wait.”
Killian ignored the slight sarcasm. His brother was a damn worrier.
* * *
Emma eyed the silver pears, Asiménia, a delicacy of the Nobles. While she usually, genuinely, enjoyed elvish food, this was awful. She did her best to school her expression, but she knew she was kidding no one.
Henry, through sheer teenage obstinacy, was scarfing down his food as though he liked the taste. No doubt, she thought wryly, because Gracie seemed to be genuinely enjoying it.
Across from her, Killian’s ears twitched in effort to choke down his laughter.
“So Emma,” Prince Liam said, lips tilted upwards in a smug smile, “how do you like the food?”
“It’s…” she said, grappling for the right word and coming up short, “interesting. Different from the ones served during the ball.”
“Oh yes,” Prince Liam said, while Killian glared at his brother, “this is a family delicacy. We’ve never had a Nysnian elf who has ever taken to it.”
“Oh, oh my, are you Nysnian, Emma?” Belle pipped up excitedly from her seat next to Henry.
Henry and Belle seemed to get on like a house on fire, going through hundreds of years of world history in the span of the few hours they had talked.
“Yes?” she replied, unsure why this was an issue. Her gaze landed on Killian, suddenly feeling like maybe this was a thing about herself she should know.
“Oh. I see it now, you have that dent in your chin and everything,” Belle said, craning her head to study Emma.
She squirmed under everyone’s attention, bringing another spoonful of Asiménia to her mouth, only to instantly regret it.
Elsa, the quiet blonde next to Liam, laughed. She had barely spoken to any of them, so Emma was a little surprised to find such open emotion from the elf.
“Truth be told, Asiménia is truly an acquired taste, don’t feel bad, Emma,” Elsa said.
“And it apparently tastes like this berry in Nysno, Marjaga, which is poisonous. Maybe that’s just your genetics that makes you dislike it,” Belle said, the petite human a seemingly endless sprout of knowledge.
“Belle,” Gracie cut in, seated primly across Henry and in-between Killian and her father, “will you tutor me in history?”
Jefferson’s head snapped up to his daughter, who was ignoring him in favor of staring down Belle.
Belle lit up like a Yule lantern, eyes rounding wide as Henry interjected “Me too!” and then remembering his manners, added on softly, “Please.”
“Of course. Oh, it would be such an honor. I would love the opportunity to hear you recite poetry as you did earlier. And sing. You have such a gift for it.”
“Thank you,” Gracie said with a smile, preening under the praise.
* * *
It was decided that they would stay for dinner, so the party adjourned to the study to continue their discussions.
Killian looked to be completely taken by Gracie.
His eyes kept darting to Emma, and she wondered if he was musing the same thing as her. Had it taken? She was in no ways prepared to be a mother, not like this, but watching Killian interact with the blonde haired, green-eyed elf child made picturing a future too easy.
She wasn’t even sure if she wanted it. Having to deal with a situation like that would drive her into a panic. But until then, she figured she could allow herself to indulge in a little daydream.
Killian was seated on the lush carpet on the floor resting lightly by her knees, while Emma sat on the couch. She was tempted to run her fingers through his hair, but managed to stay the impulse. Next to him, Belle, Henry and Gracie made up the rest of the circle on the floor, while the other adults had left for something or other.
Despite her initial anxiety, and Prince Liam’s somewhat cool response to her, the day had been nice. In fact, seated where she was, Emma was feeling particularly content.
While Belle and Killian took turns to regale the children with tales of history and famous adventurous elves and humans, Emma found herself only half-listening.
The content wasn’t boring. On the contrary, she was learning a great deal about elves, but her full stomach and calm proximity to Killian made her rather sleepy.  They had her full attention, however, when Henry asked why elves who were hundreds of years old looked like humans of 30 years.
“We develop slowly, lad,” Killian said, gesturing with his hand for Belle to interject with the prolix answer they all knew she had.
“You see, elvish biochemistry is very different from ours. Hormones are created slowly, the mechanisms more complex, the telomeres longer, much longer than ours.”
It was clear she was losing Henry, who hadn’t quite reached that chapter in school, but Belle continued, “They age pretty fast as younglings, which is why Gracie and you seem to be growing up at the same rate, but once she hits about 30, everything slows down. It’s also why parent-child relationships don’t have the same dynamic as human ones.”
“Aye,” Killian said, rubbing his jaw, “that’s true. You see, you could technically have a child at 30, but because both you and your child have an average lifespan of 800 years, you’re pretty much peers. But say, you have a child when you’re 350, and well, that’s a more similar human parent-child dynamic.”
“What if you Recognize when one person is 300 and the other is 30?” Henry asked.
Emma felt her face flame. Adopted though he may be, he was just as blunt and sly as she was.
Both Belle and Killian flushed, clearly under no pretense as to why the question was asked. `
“I’ll leave this one to you,” Belle said, looking at Killian, while Gracie giggled.
“Uh… um… well. Recognition is different. It’s two souls meeting as one. You will learn from each other of course, but as long as you respect each other, like any other healthy relationship, there should be no problem.”
“Good answer,” Henry praised, making Killian blush red.
“Henry!” Emma hissed.
Suddenly, she was struck with a thought of what he’d just said.
“Oh my god,” Emma gasped, as the realization hit her.
All of them turned as one to look at her.
“What is it, Emma?”
Heart beating rapidly in horror, she asked, “How long do elves have periods for? Because I’m not going to lie, I was looking forward to menopause. Now you’re saying I have to go through this torture for hundreds of years?”
“Oh ewww, mum, come on!”
“It’s part of life, Henry, I told you that,” she told her son distractedly as her gaze remained on Killian.
“Yeah, but that’s for when I’m like older. I don’t need to know that now.”
“Don’t even talk to me about you getting old,” she warned. Henry shut his mouth abruptly, no doubt remembering her breakdown about her outliving him still fresh in his mind from the week before.
Killian looked flustered, so it was Gracie who answered.
“We’ve evolved not to need that, actually.”
“ELVES DON’T HAVE PERIODS?!” Emma shrieked indignantly.
“I mean, we do,” Gracie corrected, brow furrowing, “it’s just, it’s not the same. You bleed once every 3 to 5 years, until you hit about 250. Then the body sets itself into what is called Henig Amatúlië. It’s basic epigenetics. And Recognition can trigger it later on. Like an on and off switch.”
“What she said,” Killian mumbled.
With an eyebrow arched, Gracie asked, “How do you not know this, Your Highness?”
“Just Killian, lass. And I do. I mean, not in as much detail as you do, of course.”
“Okay, can we change the topic now, please?” Henry begged.
Emma met Gracie’s gaze, the young elf rolling her eyes as if to say, men, no matter the species, all the same. Belle laughed, clearly entertained, as she diverted the conversation into some random fact.
* * *
Emma excused herself to freshen up a little while before dinner, only to be followed by Killian just as she reached the day room for guests.
“You’ve made it hard for me to get you alone,” he said, closing the door with a soft click.
“I was doing no such thing.”
“You’re simultaneously an enigma and an open book, my love,” he said.
Killian had a habit of dropping saccharine endearments into their conversations, and she didn’t know how seriously to take him. While it was hard to stop the warmth that stirred in her belly every time he used one on her, she told herself that perhaps, it was simply how he spoke, and did it to everyone. So she ignored it.
“How so?” she challenged.
“Our messages have gotten a little brazen, wouldn’t you say? Yet here you stand before me, skittish as a doe. If I didn’t know better, I’d say you’re only brave to admit to your desire when you have a distance.”
“Wow, that’s reaching, don’t you think?”
“Hardly, Swan,” he scoffed, “I think it’s right on the mark. You’re scared of me, scared I’ll let you down.”
“Just what the hell have you been speaking about with my son?”
“I didn’t have to ask Henry any of this to know it, Emma. Give me some credit. I didn’t pry.”
“You think you know me so well then? What about you?”
“What about me?”
She paused, considering him. Somewhere during their conversation, they had moved closer. It was like a disease, a constant pull towards him whenever they occupied the same space. She wanted, when he was nearby.
And while he seemed to read her easily, she couldn’t quite figure him out. That in itself, was scary. He was unpredictable, an unknown entity that already had too much hold on her heart. An elf who understood her and had ingrained himself in her family. He was too much.
“I’d say you’re scared too. I just don’t know what about.”
He shrugged, slowly bringing his hands to grasp hers.
“Well, if we’re going to be scared anyway, doesn’t make sense to do it alone, yes?”
“Why are you making this so hard, Emma?”
She bit her lip, eyes roving across his face as she considered how truthful to be. He was beautiful, that was easy to see, but throughout the weeks, he had proven to be everything she had ever looked for in a man. Elf. Man. Same thing.
Sure, there were inklings of a temper and jealousy that she could see there, and perhaps he was more reserved and secretive than she was, but he had shown himself to be kind, considerate, funny and above all, had taken a genuine interest in her life and Henry’s.
He had gotten lunch delivered to her when she had complained about having to work over her break hour due to Ashley’s mess up; had tutored Henry on math via hologram the day before an exam; made her smile by sharing articles and pictures of cute animals with silly captions throughout the day; in short, he had stuck around, with no pressure for more, as promised.
He kept promises. She hoped that was true. She wanted to believe that.
“How would this even work?”
“How do you mean?”
“You’re an elf prince. You live in a royal place in Irska.”
“Actually,” he cut in, “I live in Alamané. In a penthouse overlooking the river. I write music and paint, and I sometimes sell those paintings.”
“Your brother hates me.”
“What? No. Liam is wary of you, but he is wary of everything.”
“No, pretty sure he doesn’t think I’m good enough for you.”
“Emma,” Killian said, looking at her in concern, “I’m not sure what the idiot did to give such an impression, but I promise you that is not it. Liam’s issues are with my choices, not you. If he hated you, he wouldn’t have launched an inquiry about your parents.”
She pulled her hands away from his.
“He did what?!”
Killian looked like he deeply regretted revealing that. Emma glared at him.
“The Sukrasa are… they are the guardians of the elves. Everyone has a file. Since that first night, they’ve been building yours. Liam looked at it. I didn’t. Told him he was overstepping.”
“Fucking right that’s overstepping,” she growled, crossing her arms.
“Yes, well, he’s got a different idea on what constitutes as help. Liam is big on family. It’s why he tolerates the mad witch.”
“The mad witch?”
“Father’s consort, of course.”
“Of course,” she echoed sardonically.
“Liam may know a fact or two, but he doesn’t know the stories. Besides, I have a feeling you’ll get on with Elsa.”
“She seems rather frosty.”
“She’s the nicest. Too nice for my idiot brother, honestly. She just takes a little time to warm up.”
“Did they Recognize too?” she asked, uncrossing her arms.
“No. They chose each other.”
“What happens if they Recognize with someone else?”
“They still have the choice to keep choosing each other. Besides, elves aren’t nearly as prudish as humans. We’re a polyamorous species, which makes sense when you think about how long we live.”
“I don’t share,” Emma said, the words rushing out of her mouth before she could stop them.
“Good,” he said, taking the passion behind her words as an invitation to step into her space, “because neither do I.”
Emma gulped, suddenly feeling short of breath. Killian kissed her forehead, lips lingering between her brows as he breathed her in.
“Are we doing this, then?” he whispered, arms coming around her to caress her sides.
“I…I just… I’ve got to do something first.”
He sighed, pulling back. “Fine, but don’t tell me you’re not avoiding this, us, me.”
He looked as if he was fighting his frustration, biting his lip and shifting his foot.
It shouldn’t have been, but was, terribly endearing. Running on instinct, Emma leaned in, going for a kiss.
Killian’s reaction was instantaneous; his lips parted, deepening the kiss, derailing the chaste peck she had been aiming for. She indulged in it for a moment, breathing him in, before pulling back.
“Be patient, Killian.”
“Sure, what’s another 300 years?” he muttered. His cheeks were a ruddy red.
“Liam’s enquiry…did…”
“No. Not yet. If there is, I’ll let you know.”
She placed another quick, tender kiss on his cheek and then turned and walked to the water-closet, shutting the door firmly behind her.
She heard a faint murmuring, not being able to catch his words, as she washed her face and took in her own flushed complexion.
You’ve played yourself, Swan.
* * *
In hindsight, staying for dinner had been them, overstaying their welcome. They’d barely finished the hors d’oeuvres when the Sukrasa announced Her Highness, Queen Consort Coraline was to be joining them.
The easy flow of the room vanished instantaneously, as Liam, Elsa and Killian sat up straight as if a tree branch had been inserted down their spines. Jefferson, who generally stayed away from elvish politics, looked discomforted by the prospect of the queen joining the table.
Gracie and Henry, clearly neither oblivious nor stupid, picked up on the change of demeanor of the adults and quietened down. Emma could think of no good reason why the queen would join them for a simple occasion of tea and dinner.
Beside her, Killian gripped her wrist. Emma had given up resisting him while she was in his presence, the need to connect and touch too strong to ignore for the sake of pride. They’d been discreetly hand-holding under the table for a while now, though neither had said a word about it.
The doors opened, and everyone stood. Killian dropped his hands from hers abruptly, as an elf in a blood red ballgown with dark hair in an up-do practically glided into the room.
Aside from the fact that she was over-dressed for the occasion, there was a sense of superiority about her that set Emma’s teeth on edge.
“Really, Killian, I must find out from the help that you’re hosting a dinner with someone who could potentially be joining the family?”
Her voice was clear and sharp, and despite the concern in her tone, Emma could tell it was more a reprimand than a desire to be included. She didn’t care about his response as her eyes zeroed in on Emma, who despite wearing an elvish-style dress, felt like she had been judged and came up lacking.
“Well, she’s pretty, at least. Small mercies. What is your name?” the queen demanded.
“Emma,” she answered, matching the no-nonsense tone.
The queen made a tsk. “I hear you’ve lived as a human your whole life, what a pity. But that’s no excuse for lack of propriety, my dear. I suppose we’ll have to see to your lessons about elvish court.”
She heard Liam cough, and saw Killian’s ears flush red.
“I think you’re putting the cart before the horse, Your Highness,” she said, looking the woman in the eye. “We’re here to honor Gracie, after all.”
“Yes, there’s really no need to be inundating the Lady Swan, is there, Queen-Consort?”
Clearly irritated by the title, her eyes flashed to Killian. She moved to the head of the table, sitting down and beckoning them to do the same.
“I told you, son,” she replied, tone saccharine sweet, “no need for such titles when you could call me mother.”
“Not a damn chance, thanks, Your Highness,” Killian answered with a smile.
God, this was exhausting. Killian, with teeth still bared at his step-mother, turned to Gracie.
“Gracie love, I present to you Her Highness, Queen Consort Cora. You should tell her all about your assignment about human-elf integration, I’m sure she would love to hear it. You and Henry make a great research team.”
Emma wondered who she ought to kill first - the Queen, if she made a disparaging remark about her son, or Killian, for bringing attention to him. It was sure to be a fun dinner.
* * *
It wasn’t a fun dinner.
As soon as it was polite, Jefferson excused himself and Gracie, with a look to Emma. Needing no impetus, she also excused herself, receiving no resistance from Henry, who had been asked twice what sort of history they studied in human schools.
The queen seemed to adore Gracie, constantly comparing her knowledge to that of Henry, making sure to note the differences in standards. Emma was two seconds away from throwing a fork through her eyes, but Gracie seemed to diffuse tension with the kind of grace befitting her name.
“Of course, it’s late. I would like a word alone with Miss Swan” the queen said, eyes glinting.
“Your Highness,” Liam interjected smoothly, “I’m afraid Miss Swan isn’t quite privy to all the protocols of court. Perhaps when we’ve—“
“I’m well aware, William. Now, my request stands. Please leave us.”
Jefferson, Henry and Gracie stood. Emma waved them off.
“Go on, Henry. I’ll be right there.”
“I’m staying,” Killian said, tipping his chair in an insouciant move. Emma ignored him. This power play was a family issue, and she did not want to be anyone’s pawn.
“Am man theled?” Queen Cora said to him in Elvish, leaving Emma clueless as Elsa and Liam rose.
“I am staying,” Killian repeated, clearly having no wish to explain his reasons.
Liam looked like he was about to say something, but Killian flashed him a look, posture screaming for this fight to be his. Liam said nothing, giving the queen a hard look before walking out and slamming the door.
“So hot headed, your brother. Just as you are,” she said, switching back to the common tongue. She shook her head at him disappointedly.
Having had more than she could bear, Emma snapped. “Fine, Your Highness,” she said, the title dripping like ooze, “I’m here. What did you want to say?”
“Very well, straight to business. You’re to remain discreet, Miss Swan. The less anyone sees and knows you, the better. You’re not to talk about your suspected parentage to anyone. And…” she pulled out a bottle from her pocket, “if you happen to find yourself with a…problem in your belly, this tea will solve it.”
Killian had grown progressively more irate as the woman had spoken. At her last words however, he growled, standing so abruptly the chair crashed to the floor.
“How dare you—“ he sputtered, stalking to her.
“Killian,” Emma called out sharply, never taking her eyes of the queen who seemed to be enjoying the bonus of watching her stepson rage, “this is my conversation.”
“As you pointed out, I’m uncultured in your bullshit rules of court. So let me tell you right now, that I don’t give a flying snapdragon about what you think of me. I sat down here and played nice while you barely tolerated my son, and now you’re asking me to abort a child I might have? I see why they call you a serpent, but it seems like a damn insult to the snakes.”
“How dare you speak to me that way, you insolent brat! You have truly no idea who you’re speaking to. No idea how I’m helping you. This is your one and only show of mercy, Miss Swan. Test me again, and you will deeply, deeply, regret it.”
Nostrils flaring, the queen strode away, the anger radiating from her an ancient thing. Perhaps if she had been anyone else, Emma might have been cowed, but she felt nothing but anger.
Just as she reached the door, she turned, eyes finding Killian.
“Ask your brother, he knows why I only meant to help,” she said, and then walked out through the antechamber. The door was shut heavily behind her.
“Amarth faeg! That fucking, no good, lousy viper! Pe-channas!” he snarled, picking a bowl and flinging it across the room. It shattered into dust, the fine glass completely disintegrated from the force.
“I should slit her throat where she sleeps.”
“Okay, whoah, calm down, Killian. I’m pissed too, but calm down with the murder.”
“Slitting her throat would be too merciful for someone like her,” he said darkly.
“What did she mean about ask your brother?” Emma asked, moving to pick up the vial she’d left behind.
Killian was shaking, his face red. He looked two seconds from throwing another bowl.
“Who knows? Probably something said to sow seeds of distrust.”
She held the vial of clear liquid up to her eye, swirling it this way and that. “No, she wasn’t lying. I could tell.”
“What are you doing with that?” he asked her instead, ignoring her remark.
“I don’t know.”
“Throw that away. Perhaps you should throw it there,” he said, indicating to where a dust of white lay to their right, “where it belongs.”
“Does it do what she said?”
His mouth dropped open, the look in his eyes one of betrayal. “You can’t be serious.”
“I don’t think I would. But I should have a choice!” She tossed the vial in the air and caught it.
“You do have a choice, but what am I? Does my opinion count for nothing?”
“Not if it’s my life on the line!” She growled at him.
“That’s fair, Emma, look I’ll respect your choice. But at least let us talk about it if it comes to that. And for the love of the universe, not by her methods. Who knows what poison is actually in that.”
Without a word, Emma swung her arm back, releasing the vial against the wall. It shattered, the liquid running down the sides of the wall.
“That felt good,” she said, grinning. “I pictured hitting the back of her head.”
Killian blinked at her, an unreadable look on his face, before he surged, crossing the distance and grabbing her by the waist. He kissed her soundly, pulling greedy kisses from her lips. She responded enthusiastically, channeling all her irritation and emotion into passion.
When he pulled back, he rested his forehead against hers, breathing deeply.
“You’re a marvel, Emma Swan.”
“And you have some serious anger issues, but it’s also very, very sexy.”
“I just don’t want to see you hurt.”
“That’s sweet, Killian, but I can fight my own battles.”
He smiled against her lips, kissing it briefly before pressing his nose to hers. “I don’t doubt it, but you don’t have to do it alone. That’s what I keep telling you.”
She pulled back far enough to look him in the eye.
“Henry told me an old saying. We’re only as strong as we are united.”
“Smart lad.”
“Yeah. I missed you. I could feel that…emptiness. I thought it was an after-effect of all that Recognition stuff…maybe it is, but I guess… I mean you asked why make this harder than it needs to be, and well, maybe you’re right.”
“I know exactly what you mean, my love. I’d rather not live like that, considering I now know what its like to have you in my arms. My heart no longer needs be empty. I know it won’t be easy, but we don’t have to get involved in any of the snake’s politics, we can just… be. Away from here. Work on this, us, together. Would you like that?”
“I suppose it’s good as any plan.”
He laughed, tweaking her nose. “That’s hardly a plan, but we’ll work on one. Henry is probably getting really impatient outside this door.”
“Yeah, I’m surprised he hasn’t barged in yet. Gracie is really good for his manners.”
Killian kissed her softly, a gentle peck of the lips, before reaching to grasp her fingers with his hand.
“And you’re really good for me. Come.”
please track tag ‘cs ff recognition’ for future updates:
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Shoutout to @mysecondmountain and @galadriel26 for all the comments and reblogs and for reading past fics and commenting on that too. You guys are rockstars ILU
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