#I clip my wet hair because it irritates me and end up with this terrible gravity-defying elvis swoop. Not Recommended.
falderaletcetera · 7 months
pardon the very rough photos and resting murder face but there's a 60% chance I'm gonna buzz this all off soon and I'm gonna miss the bedhead.
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psychosistr · 6 years
Wait for You- Part 2 (CaeJose Dancer!AU)
Like I said in the last chapter, this is where you’ll see the inspiration song for the title coming into play. It’s literally all I heard in my head while writing the scenes with Caesar. Hope the happy ending to this part makes up for the light angst XP
Caesar was more determined than she gave him credit for, Joseph quickly learned.
Every day at class he tried speaking to her, only for her to brush him off without a reason why. He constantly sent her text messages and tried to call her to the point that she ended up blocking his number. It all culminated in her coming home one day to find him standing outside of her apartment complex.
“What are you doing here?” Joseph asked as she took off her helmet and stepped off of her bike.
“You blocked my number and refuse to talk to me in class, so I figured this would be the only other place I could find you.” Caesar said as he watched her park her bike in the apartment’s designated zone.
She sighed and put her helmet away before trying to walk past him. “Well, you wasted a trip because there’s nothing to talk about.” His hand shot out and grabbed her wrist before she could fully pass him. His grip was firm enough to stop her but not hard enough to harm her in any way. “Caesar-” She started in a warning tone.
“Please.” Caesar cut her off. His voice was heavy and tired and sounded so sad at the same time. He turned to look at her, a frown marring his handsome face and his eyes pleading with her just as much as his voice was. “I know you’re angry at me for something, but I cannot make it up to you or apologize if you do not tell me what I did wrong. So..please..” He gave her wrist a gentle squeeze before letting it go. “Please tell me, Jojo. I don’t like seeing you upset. Please…”
Her wrist felt warm where he’d grabbed her, the feeling so similar to how he’d made her lips feel when he’d kissed her before. “……” She shook her head and kept walking towards her apartment. She kept quiet because she knew if she talked she’d end up crying and she didn’t want to do that in front of him.
“So now you won’t even speak to me?” Caesar asked her as she retreated. When she didn’t give him a reply, she heard him walking away and she was sure that was the end of it- “Jojo!” She, reluctantly, turned her head to glance in his direction and saw him standing just outside of the apartment’s property line across the street. He stood on a patch of greenway next to a metal bench under a streetlight and locked eyes with her- his tone as resolute and serious as the expression on his face. “Until you are willing to talk to me again, I will not move from this spot! I will be right here waiting for you whenever you are ready!” He folded his arms over his chest and leaned against the streetlight as if he was settling in for a long wait.
She sighed and rolled her eyes, but otherwise remained silent as she walked into her apartment complex’s lobby. She took the elevator up to her floor and looked out the window in her living room. From there, she had a perfect view of Caesar still standing in place under the street lamp.
“What an idiot…” She mumbled as she watched him shift his weight from one foot to another. “He’s just trying to prove a point.” She said to herself.
She knew she was right: Calling her constantly was one thing, but there’s no way he was serious enough to ACTUALLY stand out there 24/7. He was bluffing and Joseph was going to call him on it.
He’d give up eventually...
When Joseph got up the next morning to start her day, she went to the window in her living room to have a look at the weather. She saw some clouds in the sky, wind rustling the tree tops a little, Caesar standing across the street-
Wait, what?
She blinked and rubbed her eyes to make sure she wasn’t seeing things, but, no, she was right the first time: Caesar was still standing in the same spot as last night and still seemed to be wearing the same light blue jeans and gray shirt as yesterday, suggesting that he hadn’t gone home last night.
Joseph almost allowed herself to be impressed before she quickly reeled it back in. “Hmph..what a show off..” She heard a familiar knock on the door and pried herself away from the window to it. “Hey, mom.” She said before the door was even half-way open.
Lisa Lisa looked up at her from over the rim of her usual sunglasses. “Jojo, do you mind telling me why one of my best students is standing outside looking like he hasn’t slept in over 24 hours?” She let herself in and walked to the window that Joseph was previously occupying.
Joseph shut the door and followed her with an irritated sigh. “Beats me. It’s a free country, after all- maybe he’s just exercising his civil liberties or whatever.”
“You two had a fight, didn’t you?” Damn it, she was always way too good at seeing through Joseph..
Joseph rolled her eyes. “No, it’s more like I’m not talking to him and he’s being a big baby about it.”
“Uh huh.” Her mother raised an eyebrow at her slightly. “And why, pray tell, are you not talking to him if you two didn’t have a fight?”
Joseph folded her arms and shrugged, not willing to give her mother an answer at the moment. “……”
Her mother huffed a short sigh and adjusted her sunglasses. “Fine, you don’t have to tell me.” She glanced back out the window one more time before walking back towards the door. However, she did stop once her hand was on the handle and spoke one more time without turning her head to look back at Joseph. “Be careful, Jojo..sometimes the things you choose not to say will haunt you more than the harsh words you let slip, and you may find yourself looking back and wishing you had the strength to speak up when you had the chance instead of having to hold those words in until it’s too late.”
Joseph frowned slightly at her mother’s words. She knew the story well, even if she’d had to grow up hearing it from her grandmother and her uncle instead of directly from her mother:
When Joseph was a baby, her parents had a fight. It wasn’t anything grand or disastrous, not anything worth ending a relationship over, but her mother was as stubborn as she was and refused to budge on the topic they were fighting over. Her father, deciding they both needed some time to calm down, went out to pick up a few things from the corner store. Unfortunately, he happened to be there during an armed robbery. He ended up getting shot while saving a little girl from being taken away as a hostage. By the time her mother got the call from the hospital, it was too late and her father was dead. Her mother struggled with depression for a while after that and Joseph spent her early years being raised by her grandmother and her uncle until her mother felt capable enough to take care of her again.
Joseph looked down at the ground, arms still crossed over her chest. “..Yeah..I got it, mom…”
Her mother left without another word. Once she was gone, Joseph looked back out the window at Caesar standing across the street.
He was just bluffing, she reminded herself.
He’d give up eventually..right…?
Eventually was certainly taking its sweet time, Joseph thought as she leaned against the wall by her window while sipping some hot tea from her favorite red and blue super hero themed mug.
The weather was terrible today and she really had no desire to go outside in it. It had been raining nonstop since three in the morning and it was now well into the evening. Most sane people, such as Joseph, were relaxing inside with hot beverages and lounging around in comfortable clothes like her green pajama bottoms and extra soft over-sized brown tee-shirt.
Then, she thought with annoyance, there were people like CAESAR who were stupid enough to be standing outside in pouring rain with a 28 degree wind chill.
It had been four days now that Caesar had been standing out there under that streetlight. Every morning he would be out there when Joseph woke up. Every day he’d be there, watching her expectantly whenever she left and came back. Then, every night, he would still be right there when she went to bed. Or, at least, that’s what it looked like.
Joseph wasn’t convinced that he would ACTUALLY do something so stupid. He had to leave at some point, right? She left occasionally on errands or to go to her dance troupe’s rehearsals, and of course she slept, so he had plenty of opportunities to sneak off somewhere without her knowing. He probably had a car parked nearby that he could sit down in and eat or sleep for a bit before she got back just so he could maintain the illusion of never leaving.
That’s what she wanted to believe, because accepting the idea that he’d been standing out there twenty-four hours a day for four days straight would mean that he…no, she reminded herself, that couldn’t be the case.
Still, he did look pretty bad standing out there. He was soaking wet, still wearing the same clothes from his first day out there. His hair hung damp and limp around his head and his headband and little feathered clips were so wet that they were practically plastered to his hair and skin. He had his arms folded around himself and was shivering pretty badly.
This would be what did him in, Joseph told herself. Caesar wasn’t that much of an idiot to stay out there in freezing rain in nothing but a tee-shirt and jeans. Any minute now he would stop playing this stupid little game and go home and-
And he was starting to sway on his feet. He had a distant, far off look in his eyes as his arms slowly started to lose the tension they had from his shivering.
Then, to Joseph’s horrified shock, Caesar fell over.
Her heart stopped in her chest as she watched Caesar sway before falling forward, his head impacting the black metal of the bench hard enough to bounce off of it in recoil before landing face down on the muddy ground.
“C..Caesar..” Joseph’s voice was tiny and afraid. Then, her heart started pounding again and her voice was louder once more. “Caesar!!” She took off like a shot out the door and down the stairs, jumping over several of them at a time to cut down on her time. She reached the ground floor in no time flat and sprinted out the lobby doors and across the street, not caring that she was barefoot and in her pajamas in the middle of a rain storm. She reached Caesar and knelt down, picking him up and turning him over in her arms to see his face. “Caesar?! Caesar, wake up!” Her stomach churned when she saw blood start seeping out from under his headband to become diluted by the rain that hit his unconscious face, his skin cold as ice. She held his weight easily in her arms as she ran back inside and up the stairs just as quickly as she had before. She reached the door of her mother’s apartment and knocked rapidly and desperately. “Mom! Mom, I need your help!!”
She looked down at Caesar’s bloody and unresponsive face with a feeling of panic. She remembered her mother’s words from a few days ago and prayed that it wasn’t too late to say what needed to be said.
“He’ll be alright after some rest.” Lisa Lisa said while standing up from the couch. “He will need to stay bundled up until his chill breaks. Just make sure he gets enough rest and plenty to eat and drink and he should be up and moving again in no time.”
Joseph’s sofa was a sectional with an extra-long lounge on one end that she often took naps on or laid on to comfortably read her comic books. That part of the sofa was now Caesar’s make-shift bed where he was lying on his back underneath every spare blanket that Joseph had at her disposal.
Joseph let out a relieved sigh and sat heavily on the opposite end of the couch. “Oh thank god…”
Lisa Lisa stood in front of Joseph and looked down at her with a stern expression. “You were lucky this time. Whatever is going on between the two of you, I suggest you try resolving it rather than challenging his resolve again.”
Joseph nodded and rubbed at the back of her neck, shrinking a bit under her mother’s piercing gaze. “I will mom. Promise.”
She meant it, too. She couldn’t live with herself if she pushed Caesar to do something stupid and crazy like that again…
Her mother nodded, apparently satisfied with her answer, and left without another word.
Once she was gone, Joseph looked across the couch at Caesar silently. “……”
She moved closer and gently ran the back of one finger down the side of his face. His skin was still cold, but it was slowly regaining some of its warmth. Now that she was looking at him up close, she could see little details she’d missed from the distance the window provided:
There were bags under his eyes, as if he hadn’t slept in days. When her mom had opened Caesar’s eyelids to examine his eyes properly, they were bloodshot. His hair was matted as if it had been unattended for days on end, his headband currently replaced with rows of bandages that were covering up the nasty bruise and slight gash on his head from where he hit the bench. And his clothes, which were currently drying over the shower curtain rod in her bathroom, on top of being completely soaked also had several days’ worth of mud and dirt on the pants.
‘Caesar..’ Joseph thought sadly as she moved her hand down to squeeze his own. ‘Why couldn’t you have let me be right? Why did you have to be such a show-offy, chivalrous bastard? Damn you..’
She squeezed his hand again, trying her hardest not to cry over what idiots both of them were.
Joseph distracted herself with cooking while waiting for Caesar to wake up. She was no gourmet-level chef, but she was a decent enough cook and could at least prepare some homemade soup (okay, mostly homemade- she was cheating a bit by using a pack of frozen pre-made tortellini’s, but seriously, who has time to make that stuff from scratch anyway?). He would need to get his strength back and she figured the hot soup would help warm him up.
Her attention was drawn away from the simmering pot of soup on the stove by a tired groan in the direction of the couch- her open concept living room and kitchen giving her a clear view of the sofa. “Caesar?” She turned down the heat on the stove top a little and walked over to check on him. His eyes were open slightly and he seemed dazed. “Hey, Caesar, can you hear me?” She asked while sitting next to him on the couch and reaching down to touch his face. Still a bit cold, but he didn’t feel like death’s leftovers anymore, so she counted that as a good sign.
He looked in her direction, his eyes widening and narrowing a few times as he blinked slowly to focus on her. “Jo..jo..?” His voice sounded gravelly and strained.
She gave him a small smile and touched his cheek tenderly. “Welcome back to the land of the living, Caesarino.”
She got up to get him a glass of water once it looked like he was going to stay awake. “W..Where..?”
He started coughing and Joseph rushed back over with the glass of water. “Hold on!” She sat beside him and helped him sit up enough that he could drink the water without choking on it. He drained the whole glass in one go but seemed to breathe easier after that, so Joseph helped him lay back down afterwards. “You’re in my apartment. How’re you feeling?”
Caesar turned on his side so he could face her while remaining under the blankets. “Tired..sore..and freezing..but alive..”
“Well, one out of four isn’t bad, I guess.” Joseph said jokingly while placing the glass on her coffee table. “Now that that’s out of the way..” She took a deep breath in through her nose before slamming her hands down on her legs to show how frustrated she was, her hands moving around animatedly as she spoke. “What the hell is wrong with you, you idiot?! Who the hell would be dumb enough to stand out in freezing rain all day?! Answer- YOU, damn it! I mean, HONESTLY- what were you trying to do, catch pneumonia?! Well, congratulations, ‘cause I’m pretty sure you’ve got it by now or are damn close to it!” In the middle of her ranting, she noticed that instead of looking mortified or embarrassed for his actions, the jerk was actually SMILING. “And what the hell are you smiling for, you feather-brained jerk?! You could’ve drowned in the mud if I didn’t go out and grab you!”
His answer was a smile that started out as simply content, but soon grew into a look of pure joy as he managed to wriggle one arm free of his blanket prison and found Joseph’s own hand nearby. He squeezed it gently with a soft smile. “You’re talking to me again.”
Joseph found herself blushing. Damn it, she still wanted to be angry and chew him out for being so stupid, but it was hard to be mad when she finally got to feel his hand on her skin again. “Yeah, well..” She looked away, her cheeks burning hot as she blushed more. “I figured you earned it by now..”
“Then it seems nearly drowning in a mud puddle was worth it.” He tried to sit up more, working his other arm out of the blankets in the process, but stopped when he realized he was no longer wearing his shirt. He looked down at himself and blinked slowly. “Jojo..am I-?”
Joseph quickly cut him off. “You’re not naked, don’t worry!” She blushed a little more and glanced away, remembering the sights she was treated to while helping her mom earlier. “Your clothes were soaked, so mom and I got them off of you- except for your underwear- and I loaned you a pair of my pajama pants.”
“I see.” He seemed appeased by her explanation, if a bit embarrassed. “Now, can we talk about-” He looked like he was about to ask for a conversation she wasn’t ready for, but Joseph was saved by the bell. Or, rather, Caesar’s loudly growling stomach making him look away uncomfortably. “Mie scuse..” He muttered as he released her hand. “It’s..been a while since I ate..”
Joseph grinned, thankful for the distraction, and stood up. “Well, lucky for you, I’ve got just what the doctor ordered.” After helping him into a proper seated position while making sure to keep the blankets around him as much as possible, Joseph returned to the stove and ladled the first batch of her soup into two bowls (hey, she was hungry from smelling it the whole time, only fair she got some too!). Then, for a little surprise, she pulled two eggs out of a nearby carton on the counter and cracked one on top of each piping hot bowl, allowing the steam and hot liquid to cook the eggs slowly. She garnished them with a quick grating of Parmigiano-Reggiano and grabbed two spoons before returning to the couch. “Here, just be careful ‘cause it’s still pretty hot.” She said while carefully handing off one bowl and spoon to Caesar and taking his glass to the tap to refill his drink before joining him on the couch again.
Caesar smiled gratefully and took the bowl. “Grazie.” He lifted the corner of the barely whitened egg curiously to peek at the yellowish broth and its fillings beneath and his eyes widened slightly. “Is..Is this..stracciatella??” He moved the contents around, looking at the shredded chicken, tortellini, and assorted greens with streaked broth.
Joseph grinned proudly as she poked the egg on top of her bowl with her spoon, allowing the still runny yolk to burst before mixing it all together with the chicken, tortellini, and various green vegetables in the soup. “Yep. My mom actually spent some time in Italy and picked up a few recipes. But, since I’m such a genius, I made this one my own by adding the extra egg on top and a couple drops of hot sauce to the broth. Go on, try it!” She said encouragingly before taking the first bite of her own soup. Damn, she loved that taste!
Caesar mimicked what she did with the egg then tried a bite curiously. “…?” His eyes grew wide as he chewed and he was staring at her by the time he was finished. “Dio mio…” He said softly, a tone of awe in his voice. “Penso di essere innamorato…” He then started scarfing down the contents of his bowl, barely taking the time to cool down each bite. Wow, guess he really was hungry.. “Is there any more?” He asked after emptying his bowl and drinking the broth down to the last drop while Joseph was still only halfway through with hers.
“Good to see someone appreciates my cooking- mom said I made it too spicy!” She joked as she grabbed his bowl and stood up from the couch. “And yeah, there’s plenty more, so help yourself.” She refilled his bowl and cracked another egg on top before plopping down next to him on the couch and resuming her own meal. “Geez..” She whistled as she watched him wolf down his food with as much enthusiasm as before. “Either I’m a better cook than I thought or you were practically starving.”
“Mh..it’s a bit of both, really..” He commented between bites, grabbing the glass of water that Joseph refilled for him a little while ago and draining half of it before eating some more. “This is probably the best stracciatella I’ve ever had..and I haven’t eaten in a few days, so-”
Joseph nearly spit out the broth in her mouth before looking at him in alarm. “A few DAYS?! What the hell, Caesar- you weren’t eating out there either?!”
“No.” He answered simply around a bite of food before swallowing it. “I had no way to get any food and I told you I wouldn’t leave that spot until you talked to me.”
“Yeah, I knew that part..” Joseph pointed her spoon at him with a frown. “But you still could have ordered something on your phone! Hell, I thought you had a car parked nearby and just went in there when I was asleep or something to sit down and eat- you know, like someone with a BRAIN would.”
“First of all,” He began as he finished the tortellini in his soup. “I do not own a car. Second, my phone died within a few hours of standing out there so I had no way to order take out. Third, I am a man of my word and when I say that I will do something, I see it through to the end. I told you I would wait there until you decided to talk to me again, and, though it did not go quite as I wanted it to, I kept that promise.” Having finished what he wanted to say, he brought his bowl to his lips and drank all of the broth like last time.
Joseph looked down at her soup, the bowl pretty much empty except for a couple of greens and a little broth. “……” She set her bowl and spoon down on the coffee table with a frown. “Why would you go that far? Seriously- you starved yourself, went days without sleep, stood in freezing rain to the point of making yourself sick..for what?”
Caesar set his own bowl and spoon down by hers and looked up at her. “What do you mean ‘for what’? I went through all of that for you- because I did not want to lose you.” He reached over and gently took her hand in his, holding onto it while lightly stroking the back of it with his thumb. “You are important to me, Jojo. It hurt me to know that I did something to upset you without realizing it and I decided that I would do whatever it took to win your trust again.” He brought her hand to his lips and kissed the back of it sweetly. “I care very deeply for you, mia bellisima angela.”
Her cheeks flushed and she stared at him for a moment before looking back down, that nagging feeling at the back of her mind reminding her why she was upset in the first place. “Really? I didn’t think I was your type..”
Caesar tilted his head, looking honestly confused by her statement. “Why would you think that? I thought I made my intentions and feelings clear every day, so why on earth would you think that you’re NOT my type?”
Joseph’s frown turned into a mild scowl, but it was hard to be too angry when he was still holding her hand and stroking it with his thumb. “I thought you’d be more into cute little blond Italian girls..”
Caesar still looked confused. “Blond Italian…? What…?” He seemed like he was trying to piece together what she said. “But..the only blond Italian girl I know is Suzie Q..” He blinked as the pieces seemed to fall into place and looked at her in surprise. “Wait! You thought I was going out with SUZI?”
“Well, yeah, duh- you two totally looked like a couple sitting at that café and-” She jumped when Caesar started laughing like a madman and suddenly pulled her into a hug. “H-Hey! What the hell-?!”
“You thought I was dating SUZI! Of all people!” Caesar gasped for breath between his fits of laughter and only held her tighter when she tried to get away. “Hahaha! I-I’m sorry, I’m sorry.” He managed to gain some control of his laughter and looked her in the eyes again, his own eyes bright with amusement and grinning like he was just told the world’s most hilarious joke, but simultaneously had the weight of the world removed from his shoulders. “I was so worried..I thought I crossed a line when I kissed you and it made you uncomfortable..”
Joseph looked away from his bright, smiling face, feeling a bit embarrassed by the whole situation. “No..that..that was fine..I just..thought you had a girlfriend and I was just..well..” She shrugged, not really sure WHAT she thought she was to Caesar, but the thought of being anything like a side-piece frustrated her.
Caesar gently guided her face to look back at him, his smile softened in understanding now that he knew what was bothering her. “Suzi is an old friend from Italy. We grew up together- she’s practically a sister to me. We came to America at different times for different reasons, but we reconnected when we discovered we lived close by. She did me a favor recently, so I was treating her to lunch as a thank you.”
Joseph narrowed her eyes at him. “You’re serious? That’s all it was?” She didn’t feel like he was lying to her, and she wanted to believe him, but it was hard to doubt what she saw with her own eyes- or, rather, what she THOUGHT she saw…
“Yes. That’s all it was.” He responded, his smile and the look in his eyes tender and genuine as he moved one of his hands up to brush his fingers through her hair. “I told you I was having lunch with a friend, and that was the truth. I’m sorry you got the wrong idea when you saw us, but please believe me when I say that she really isn’t my type.”
Joseph gave him a deadpan look with a raised eyebrow. “A cute, short, blonde girl with big sparkly eyes and nice curves ISN’T your type?” That had to be nearly every guy’s dream!
Caesar chuckled and shook his head. “While she is cute, I stand by what I said- she isn’t my type. For starters-” He twined a lock of her hair around his finger for emphasis as he spoke. “I prefer brunettes over blondes when it comes to women.”
Joseph felt her cheeks heat up at that and glanced away. “Most guys prefer girls that are shorter than them…”
Caesar slid his hand down to trace along her cheek and jaw. “I don’t mind dating a girl that’s taller than me- it just means I get to look up and see her gorgeous face more often.”
Her heart was beating rapidly and it felt like even her ears were burning. “Most guys like girls with big boobs like hers..”
Caesar shrugged slightly as he looked her over. “While breasts are nice, they are not my favorite part of a woman..” His eyes traveled down below her waist and he had a seductive smile on his face as he eyed her long, muscular legs. “If I’m being honest, I’m more of a leg man..I like women with good, strong legs that I can feel wrapping around me in certain..situations..” The implication was not lost on Joseph.
“……” She leaned forward and buried her face against his blanket covered chest, mumbling something that was swallowed by the multiple layers of fabric.
“Hm? I’m afraid I cannot hear you down there, signora.” He teased lightly while patting her head.
She turned her head to the side, her voice quiet as she spoke a little more clearly. “Most guys prefer girls that are..y’know..cute…”
Caesar’s smile softened again and he gently lifted her face so they were looking into each other’s eyes once more, though they were physically much closer than they were last time. “I know. Cute girls are fun, but the thing I love in a woman above all else is PASSION. I love strong, passionate women who do not care about what others think of them and are not afraid to show the world who they really are.” Both of his hands rose to cup her face, his touch giving her that warm, tingling feeling again coupled with something else..it felt almost..safe..like he was protecting her from anything- people, public view points, her own thoughts- anything that could harm her in any way at all. “For quite a while now, there has only been one woman in my life that has managed to catch my eye: She’s a strong, passionate, gorgeous brunette. She has a bit of a temper, as well as a mischievous streak, but she’s also intelligent and sweet when she feels like it. She can go on for hours about her favorite comic books and movies, but I enjoy listening to her talk with such enthusiasm. She’s the most amazing dancer I have ever had the pleasure of sharing a dance with and certainly has a nice pair of legs to show for it.” He winked at that last remark, making her snort and try to hold back a laugh. His thumbs stroked along her cheek bones tenderly as he pressed his forehead against hers, gazing into her eyes. “Also, despite what anyone thinks, she IS cute.”
Joseph chuckled and finally moved to wrap her own arms around him. “Well, I almost thought you were talking about ME, but I’m not cute. Beautiful and gorgeous with a sexy pair of legs, hell yeah- but not cute.”
Caesar rolled his eyes and lightly pinched at one of her cheeks. “You ARE cute, Jojo. You walk around in comic book themed shirts and wear flowers in your hair when you dance. Also, the way you smile when you blush is the cutest thing I have EVER seen.” When she grinned and looked away with red cheeks, Caesar kissed her flushed cheek with a grin. “See? Cute.”
Joseph was blushing, but she still couldn’t stop the grin practically splitting her face. “You really find a six and a half foot tall girl with a muscular chest, who doesn’t wear make-up, and can easily lock you in a full-nelson cute?”
“Yes. I do.” Caesar said while planting another kiss on her cheek, causing her heart to flutter. “And, if that lady is interested- I would like to take her out on a date before anyone else figures out that she is single and steals her away from me.”
“Weeeeellll…” Joseph tilted her head away like she was thinking. “I suppose she MIGHT be free this Saturday.”
“Then I will be waiting for her with high hopes.” He said smoothly before placing a sweet kiss to the corner of her mouth the same way he did that night before this whole mess began.
The difference this time, though, was that Joseph was able to react despite the fluttering feeling in her chest. This time, she bravely shifted her head to the side and lined her lips up with his and kissed him back. “Mh..!”
“Hmh..?” Caesar seemed surprised by her enthusiasm and initiative, but he still tilted his head to kiss her back properly.
It was her first kiss, and she prayed it didn’t show too much. She worried that she was being too rough or too stiff. How long was she supposed to hold her breath again? Regardless of her own uncertainty in the act, she knew that she still LIKED it. Kissing Caesar was amazing- his lips were as warm as his hands and sent just as many pleasant feelings tingling through her body and she honestly didn’t want to stop.
Unfortunately, air was still a necessity for her and she ended up having to pull away and catch her breath. “Th-There..” She panted out. “Couldn’t let you have..have all the fun, Casanova..”
Caesar chuckled in amusement and held her close to him. “I have absolutely no problem at all with this.” He kissed her forehead before laying back on the couch with her in his arms.
Joseph snuggled against him happily, enjoying the feeling of just lying wrapped up in Caesar’s loving embrace. She was so glad she didn’t ruin her chances with him by being an idiot. She wouldn’t make that mistake ever again- from now on, for better or worse, she was going to speak whatever was on her mind. She couldn’t stand the thought of losing Caesar again, for any reason.
‘I’ll do things right this time.’ She thought while closing her eyes and relaxing in Caesar’s arms. ‘I’m gonna sweep this Casanova off his feet!’
She couldn’t wait for their date on Saturday.
<-Part 1 Next Story->
-From the Beginning-
Bonus translation for Caesar’s Italian: “Mio Dio...”  “Penso di essere innamorato…” - “My god...” “I think I’m in love...”
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canaryatlaw · 6 years
alright well today was pretty good, all things said. I’m obviously still dealing with some of the fallout from yesterday’s events (or event I suppose) but I’ve been trying not to dwell on it because what’s done is done and there’s not much I can do about it now. It’s just annoying because I really don’t care about no longer actually having the job as I just feel hurt that it happened and I was deemed not good enough, even if I know there were other forces at work here I can’t help but think I must’ve fucked something up and like, that’s really hard to hear when I’d been working my ass off for weeks to do the best I can.....I don’t want to dwell on it though, it won’t help anything and just get me more worked up. anyway, today. I woke up at like 10:30ish (10:32 I believe) and got up to go to the bathroom but also checked my phone because I had a sense I would have a message (I always know) regarding hanging out and I did, I was still kinda sleepy though so I said give me till 11, but then I couldn’t fall back asleep and just ended up playing with kitty for a while before getting up. so I went to meet Jess at the usual place for brunch. I didn’t grab a hat for some reason and it was snowing quite a bit (like the clumps of falling snowflakes were rather large) so my hair ended up being like, wet by the time I got there lol. we don’t usually end up going around this time so for the first time ever we had to actually wait, but it was only like ten minutes and I just increasingly took candy from their bowl and put it in my jacket pocket the longer I stood there 😂 and then we got to sit at a booth where we always are and the waitress was legit just like “the usual?” and we just laughed and said yes, because we have gotten to that point where they know our orders perfectly. so we ate and talked and all that good stuff before going back to my place where we started with a few episodes of Sabrina but then stopped after one was particularly creepy and frankly disturbing (the sleep demon one) so we then marathoned the rest of the episodes of the Korean competition show that created the band that we’re now apparently fans of, and it was at least rather entertaining, I will give it that, and from what I’ve seen there’s more footage of them having to do ridiculous tasks that will also be entertaining so I can be down with that. After surmising that sadly we cannot get taco bell to deliver to us (it’s cold, okay) we ended up going with pasta from a place that also let us get soda because if I didn’t get some caffeine I was gonna pass out on the couch 😂 later of course it did occur to me that I could’ve just used some caffeine gum, but oh well. Once we finished the reality show we watched a few clips of them doing ridiculous tasks that were entertaining before finally getting around to watching last week’s Supergirl being that we are getting a new episode tomorrow that we’re presumably watching so we needed to be caught up. It was.....not great. Honestly they are just going SO HARD on the anti-alien narrative that is a honestly a great parallel to our current political climate but like, it’s getting to the point where it’s somewhat disconcerting to watch because you can tell they’re trying to get you to at least somewhat sympathize with the anti-alien people and like.....for me that’s so far out of bounds for what could be considered okay and I feel like it’s really not helping anything going on in reality right now. It’s not doing anything productive, it’s just kinda stoking the flames and getting people riled up, and I don’t like that, so I’m really not crazy about this season so far and I don’t know if that’s gonna change anytime soon. sigh. after Supergirl Jess headed home and I decided to watch Crazy Ex-Girlfriend that somehow always ends up at the bottom of my recorded list so I’m like, 3 weeks behind on it, and I started on the oldest one. that show is just like....it’s just exactly my life lol and honestly all the lawyer stuff kinda made me sad for the moment but it passed rather quickly. and after that I started getting ready for bed. a few other notes on things throughout the day, it occurred to me that HVFF San Jose is rapidly approaching and I no idea whatsoever what I was going to cosplay, I had been planning on doing a ton of Sara Lance cosplays this year at different cons (like all the outfits she wears) but since Caity’s been not doing as many cons I haven’t wanted to really do them without her there. but, Katie Cassidy is going to be there, and I mean, if Sara is out of the running my next favorite would of course be District Attorney Laurel Lance, because I just like her so much and have apparently become a stan of her in Caity’s absence. so all that to say that I’m doing the white suit look from 7x02. I already have white pants, and I was able to get a white blazer that looks like hers (they had the exact one of the arrow fashion site but it was, you know, $695 so I decided to go with a knock off instead) for pretty cheap, and I figured out the shirt she was wearing under it because she uses it in another scene later on (they’ve repeated a few of her shirts lately) and was able to find one close to that fairly easily, and I already have the wig so it works. I still have to figure out what my cosplay will be for the other day, Jess is rooting for me to dress as a bulletproof coffee mug to harass Brandon which honestly is not a terrible idea, but we’ll see. Alright friends, I think that’s all I got for now. Church in the morning, attending the 10 am and in with the babies for the 11:30. Since they moved the service times again (it’s because they’re trying to accommodate as many people as possible by trying to make the times such that there’s a more even spread of people at each one, but it’s still kind of irritating) I get half an hour less sleep on Sundays, but for now anyway it looks like I’ll have at least a few days to sleep in, so that’s not that big of a deal for now anyway. Should be good, and yeah I’m good to go now. Goodnight my loves. Hope you had an awesome Saturday.
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cyrelia-j · 6 years
[fic] #20 Haze (Jack/Julian)
Another 30 Days of Jack and yeah you read that write it ended up hitting 2k words for a fucking KISS >< Also a smattering mention/hint of past Jack/Sarina and Julian/Sarina
All of these are under the tag “30 days of jack”
Series note: These start out Jack/Sarina moving to Jack/Julian (as you can see lol). These aren’t always being posted in chronological order. For now the timeline is as follows: 1, 2, 12, 11, 15, 16, 7, 4, 8, 13, 3, 19, 5, 14, 10, 18, 20, 9, 6, bonus #a, bonus #b, 17
To refresh- this takes place after Jack decides to stay on DS9 after he's settled in a bit but before he and Julian become involved romantically (as you'll see lol)
Warnings: a ridiculously long fucking kissing scene. Also not a warning, just a note [if it wasn't clear from the icon and other parts] that Jack is asexual 
He’s quiet, so quiet, the practiced inappropriate shoes off quiet that lets him walk behind Bashir unheard. Bashir is concentrating so he doesn’t hear him and Jack swallows the closer he gets, the softer he breathes, watching Bashir concentrating on the screen above. Jack doesn’t look at it because if he looks then he’ll be distracted by the Problem and this is… something tells him it’s important and that he has to know so he can’t afford the distraction. He wants to know, he needs to know what is that Sarina had-
Jack catches his face in profile, just a moment that he studies unnoticed, the dark light making hazel eyes look green, the curve of his neck, the too big forehead, the nostrils that could suck in the world, skinny, stupid shoulders, and those lips, parted in concentration wet, he sees that and surely that’s it, the mouth, his achilles heel but… but he can do this, so he steps counting nine… eight… seven… still silent, seeing Bashir turning at three… two “Jack?” one…
Brow furrowed in confusion, Jack softs, forcing his finger away from his mouth, blinking too many times but it makes Bashir lean in, head turned good, Good angle, Jack thinks.
“I need to know,” he mumbles, breathing deeply again though it’s starting not to work. It’s the mouth, it’s definitely the mouth, and Jack frowns, not liking this, but knowing if he’s fast enough then he won’t… probably… bite. “What it’s like… why she… love at the lips was touch as sweet as I could bear,” he whispers seeing Bashir even more confused, but holding his place as Jack circles uncertainly.
“Robert Frost,” Bashir says again like rote and that’s when Jack kisses him.
Just a peck, just a press, a beat before he can anxiously nip, and he pulls back thinking that it was little different than his mouth on his finger. Except his finger doesn’t look at him stupidly and grab for his arm when he jumps back, grabbing air. That was nothing, that was stupid, except it looks like far more to Bashir who keeps… staring.
“Jack?” he asks after a swallow. “Em… why did you-”
“It was nothing! It was stupid and pointless and it doesn’t explain anything!”
“I’m… sorry?”
“She wanted to kiss you. She likes kissing you and it doesn’t make any sense because there’s nothing special about your mouth or your face or anything about you that fascinating. Kissing you was an exercise in futility and it was Pointless.”
“Well I’d imagine you’d feel different if you were kissing someone you were attracted to.” Bashir shakes his head, surely another stupid “Crazy Jack” moment and it Irritates him because Bashir knows just as little about Jack than he did about Jack and Sarina.
“No,” he says flatly, arm cradled in his hand, counting lines on the floor a second. “I wouldn’t. It doesn’t work that way for me because some of us have evolved past all that!” Bashir turns at that, the sanctimonious pique that keeps Irritating him.
“I’m pleased for you then. I’m sorry, I really should be getting back to this-” because Bashir is always looking down in him, always better always smug.
“You’re not sorry,” Jack clips and Bashir finally looks human and not machine spitting platitudes at him.
“You’re right. I’m not sorry. I don’t know what you want from me. Obviously S-sarina and I didn’t kiss like that and I’m sure Miles could always use a hand-”
“Why can’t you explain it? Are you embarrassed? That terrible, the doctor can’t talk about simple preliminaries to sexual reproduction hmhm?”
“For god’s sake do you want me to bloody show you?!”
Jack blinks and blinks again about to snap no when Bashir is already shaking his head taking a breath because Jack is exasperating him.
“Forget it, I don’t even know why I-”
“I’d bite you,” Jack mumbles not looking at him. “I can’t... Control that sometimes… things near my mouth so you’re better off not… not doing that.” Curious look from the corner of his eye and Jack sees that curiosity, that Bashir face when he’s considering a Problem.
“Not… terribly hard?” Bashir asks which is a Weird thing to ask but Jack doesn’t… think it would be any harder than he bites his fingers, he thinks looking at the reddened digit silently.
“Not hard.” He says quieter, not sure why his heart is starting to race and he’s starting to feel sick. It’s not a pleasant feeling but he tamps it down, that anxiety making the room start to blur, which isn’t helping because Bashir is moving towards him like he’s a rabid animal. “Are you… going to show me?”
“If that’s… alright?” Bashir asks looking as if he hopes the answer is no so Jack says yes just to spite him. Deep breath, deep breath, deep dive into consciousness. “Right well… your arms are going to have to-”
“I know that! I don’t need you to tell me that.” Jack’s arms drop down by his sides stiff, straight, trying to be still with the buzz and the hum.
“Okay sure, just… stay there like that and if you ah… bite that’s fine it’ll just be a… count of thirty?”
“Thirty is fine!” He can do that, he can do this.
“Right right just… keep your arms there.” Bashir’s hands fall to his shoulders starting to move up his face, fingers long, spidery but… warm as they lightly skim his jawline, Bashir telling him to close his eyes so Jack asks why, so Bashir snaps that he can leave them open he doesn’t care so Jack closes them nervous because he can’t see, only feel Bashir’s breath closer to his face - honey and a mint he notices wondering if Bashir just keeps pocketfuls of mints in case he finds people he wants to kiss. “Bashir is a ho’,” he hears some of them whisper.
And then Bashir is kissing him.
Jack nearly jolts back at the touch of lips to his and his jaw is clenched, hands clenched, nails digging half moons into his palms as Bashir’s mouth opens making Jack thinks he’s decided to bite him first so he’s faster, moving forward, biting - not hard because he’s not an animal nothing more than a nip- hearing a hiss which satisfies him until Bashir holds his face like he’s about to give CPR, slowly open close but a bite with lips not mouth and Jack still doesn’t understand what on Earth the deal is but… it’s not Unpleasant. It’s nothing he can’t copy.
He can keep counting thirty and match those weird little movements until his mouth feels dry and he calms down enough to lick, to unclench his fistss, relieved that it’s nothing more than just two body parts moving together, two wet ones when Bashir’s tongue taps back to his and he tastes that mint - not a big mint fan but it’s tolerable - counting ten seconds down, moving his arms because Bashir is warmlike a furnace and Jack likes the warmth of his body, likes the warm mouth, the warm breaths and he lets his hands rest on Bashir’s hips, hearing a gasp when he settles bodily closer.
Ah! More of that warm, more wet, those lazy languid motions soothing, relaxing though his ears detect the heavier beats of Bashir’s pulse, feels the heavier breaths, panting to his, Bashir’s fingers moving away from his face to his hair holding his head and if Bashir is going to make a contest out of this, then Jack can match him, fingers digging harder into hips, pressing harder to him, the grip in his scalp tightening, a groan thrummed to his lips, out of Bashir’s throat which sound odd, feels like a funny vibration but Jack gets the sensation of sinking into a warm bath, that heats up hotter until he thinks he might pass out in a nice haze of sleep.
People drown in the bathtub! Everyone knows that but this isn’t a real tub, it’s warm hot breathing and Bashir angling his head tasting him, giving a few more bites of his own causing Jack to bite back, thinking they’re going past the count now but not minding because he’s… never been so close to another person like this warm, hot, the body pressed to his flushed and heating rapidly, Jack feeling the swell of Bashir’s groin against his with that distant awareness that for people who aren’t him (and even some people like him) it’s not an Unpleasant sensation. For him it’s too much, too intense, the nerves too sensitive but he can feel Bashir more insistently pressing against him, and it’s… funny to see the high and mighty Bashir need something like that from him so badly but-
But that warmth is addictive, and the more they exert, the more his heart races, not in the same way as Bashir but the same as running across the long stretches of plains in the holosuite alive and breathing, only breathing against Bashir who’s backed him up to the bed in the Infirmary, pressing, pressing, that bulge swelling larger until Bashir’s hands start faltering, he turns his head a moment from Jack’s pursuant mouth moan, shiver, eyes shut, panting and whimpering and Jack has never been so fascinated by a sight in his life.
“Jack,” comes out as a breath that still makes a crack in Bashir’s voice. Bashir’s hips feel nice beneath his fingers, Jack thinks, experimentally moving them around to the rear. Soft, softer than he would’ve imagined actually and he nips at the corner of Bashir’s mouth hearing another one of those Interesting noises.
“Jack… S-stop… god please I… we have to stop.”
“Why? You don’t like it? Am I doing something-”
“No, god god you can feel how much I like it, can’t you?”
“Well obviously,” and obviously if the roles were reverse he wouldn’t call it “good” but Bashir is flushed and panting and Jack thinks that he… understands why Sarina enjoyed this so much as he looks into those fogged eyes and feels strangely exhilarated at the slight red around Bashir’s puffy lips, parted with those breaths, and he wants to see what else he can make him do. Will he moan louder? Will he whimper, cry out? Say my name like he did just now? Odd unsettling thoughts and maybe he should take some time to think about… whatever this is except.
“Are you… alright with what just happened? I mean I… at least from the physiological reaction I wouldn’t think you er… enjoyed it quite the same but I hope it wasn’t… bad?” Hopeful, very vulnerable look that Jack hasn’t caught before. Bashir and his stupid ego but Jack doesn’t lie so-
“You think I didn’t like it because I don’t have an erection?” he asks because that’s such a stupid assumption but one he could see Bashir making. Cinnamon ice cream didn’t give him an erection either, but that still didn’t mean it wasn’t one of his favorite things to eat. Maybe that’s what Bashir was like… not ice cream, not cold but like a hot apple cider and ginger snaps.
“I’m sorry, I shouldn’t be assuming things.”
“You shouldn’t. You look like an idiot and I… I l-liked that a lot.” Everything about it if he’s being honest. “I liked that a lot and and I… understand why you and Sarina…” he trails off because there’s being honest and saying things he doesn’t particularly want to say and Bashir is still standing there pressed against him though not as urgently and he… doesn’t want him to move when he’s so warm. He sees a sigh, a slump of shoulders like Bashir is just realizing something himself, a lick of lips that Jack really wants to kiss again.
“Sarina and I didn’t kiss quite like that,” Bashir says, his fingers trailing down Jack’s neck, his chest, until Bashir’s hands are planted on the bed, and he’s leaning in bringing their foreheads together.
Jack is about to ask what the point was if it wasn’t the same when he Understand what bashir meant by that.
Bashir is pressing lips to his again in spite of his earlier desire to stop.
Jack kisses him back.
He thinks he could kiss Julian forever.
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pink-ink-goblin · 7 years
(Anti and Dark’s mudslinging in the recent video had me in tears. I know it’s not canon, and that I’m pretty late to the party, but I couldn’t help writing something about it. Here’s a poorly written oneshot about two salty edgelords. And many Kudos to @adreamoverlife for not only having the courage to sift through this mess, but for giving me angles to work off of!)
Warning: Lots of conjecture and poorly made arguments.
Dark threw himself out of his portal, grasping wildly in front of him for something - anything - solid, staggering until he slammed into his heavy desk with enough force to scoot it a good half a foot before sagging heavily onto it. The portal closed behind him with a sound like sand in a sifter, dissipating into wisps of black smoke, leaving him blissfully alone to recuperate.
That had been close. Far too close. It wasn’t the first time he had had to flee his own dog - she honestly had the capacity to be much scarier than he was - but poor Choco; how on earth could he have forgotten about her? He rose a hand above his head lazily, forehead resting against his other arm, and with a flick of his wrist, a bowl of food appeared somewhere within the void. He had no idea where, but he had faith Choco would find it.
And now, in the peace of his office, he had time to reflect on how poorly things had turned against them both. It was meant to be a showdown. A final stand. An act of dominance and defeat. Something the demon had been preparing for for months in tandem with his glitchy rival. But, when the day came and Dark had opened his void to allow Anti passage, neither of them had expected any of the other negative egos to collectively jump in as well.
It had been… interesting to see what else the world had to offer, and bothersome when they couldn’t have the battle that they had planned for so long; but it became truly ire inducing when Dark, in near blind panic, had to take the quick route home to escape the wrath of his own dog. Embarrassing and very messy. At least she had eliminated pretty much all witnesses.
With all hope, maybe she had taken Anti as well…
A quick high pitched flickering sound, followed by some heavy stumbling and a lot of choice swearing, unfortunately, told him otherwise. The demon raised his head and sighed wearily.
“J̷̧͜e̢͢͡su͢͝s̕҉̡ ̕Chri̶st̕ ́͏́D́͢a͞ŕ̕k,” Anti chirped, holding his arms out and flicking them around, throwing viscous droplets everywhere. "M҉a҉ybe re҉me̢m͡b͢e̢r͠ ta ͝f͏e͠e͏d̷ y̕our ͢d̢og̢ ͞b҉e͢f͢o͡r̷e ́we ͘t̢ry ta ̛t̡hr͞ow͡ d̀own ne͝x͞t ̷tim͞ȩ.”͠
“She has food now,” Dark replied flatly, running a hand through his hair and scowling upon finding unwanted wetness.
“Oh͢,̀ that͘ ̛w͘a͘s ̧y҉ou?͘ T͜h͝a̷nk̢ God̡,͞” Anti sighed in relief. “Sh͝é ̸alm̶o̧s̢t ̕t͝ook̸ my̛ ͟b͠ļoody͏ he̸ad͢ ͞o̵f̶f.͝”
Dark let out a short breath through his nose - a near laugh - before standing up and turning to fully face the glitch. “Huh, guess I should have waited a little longer.”
“̵Bi̷g co҉wa̴rd̵. ͝D҉on’t ͞ma҉k̨e y͠oųr ͡dog͢ ̛do ͘y̧òưr di͢rty͝ ̴work̀ f͏o̶ŗ yo͢u͢..”̢ Anti bit back, giving him a dirty look. He took pleasure in the minor twitch on Dark’s face as he wrung out the hem of his shirt all over the carpet.
“Why are you even here? Go away,” Dark commanded petulantly, emphasizing his desire with a shooing motion. “I’m sure the good doctor would like to go home as well.”
“͘No҉t͝ic͟ed ͢tha͝t̷,̵ h͞uh?͠” Anti grinned, head glitching to the side a few times to show off a gauge-free ear.
“Of course. You can’t do a damn thing without a host.” Dark scoffed.
“Ps̕h,͡ ͞at ͝l͢eas̢t̡ I ͡do̴n̷’͘t̢ ne͞ȩd permiss͏ion,҉ ̷y͜a̢ decr̛èp͡i͢t̛ ͟o͠l͏d͝ ̸vam̷p̕i̷r͠e,” Anti sneered obnoxiously. Dark gave him a weary stare.  
“Have we really devolved into petty name calling?”
“I͘ ca͡n̢’͠t͢’ve ̴i̶n̛ju͘red͞ y͢ǫu̵r̵ ove̡r̨b͜lown̸ ̛s̢en͡se ͟o͜f ̶pri̵de ̶al̶rea͟d̨y?̶ ̧I͠f̢ I͞’͠d͜’̀ve ̸kn͢ow̶n̷ ̡y̧a̵ were̡ ͡so̶ ̀f̶ra̸gi̸le͠ ̨i͞n ̛your ҉o͢ld͏ a͟g͢e ͏I ̀wou̕l͢dn̸’͜t̡’v̵e̶ ev͜eǹ c͜ḩalĺeng͏ed́ ̢y̧a ̶in̷ t̀he firs͠t̷ ̢p͘l҉ac͏e̵.̕”͢  
There was a gleam of something dangerous in Dark’s eyes, like the stirring of a mighty beast from his watery lair, as the day finally grew longer than the demon’s patience. He drew a calming breath before continuing.
“Once again, I suggest you leave,” Dark demanded in clipped tones. “Or I’ll have Google eradicate you like the computer virus you are.”
Anti sighed and shook his head. Or, at least, tried to. The glitching made it difficult to follow. “͝The͠r͞e̵ yo̕u͢ go̶ ̢a͏g̛a͠i̧n͠,̕ ̡m̶aki͢n͏’ ̀ơt̛h̛e͟rs ̡do ͢your̢ j͜o̕b. ͞How̛ is̴ ̴s̸ome̴ơn̵e a̵s̵ ͢i͠nc҉ap̛a̷bl̛e͘ ͘as͘ ýo̴u st҉i̷l͠l i̧n c̕ha͟rgé?”
“Perhaps because I can hold a corporeal form for more than five minutes,” Dark spat, stretching his neck as he he tried to quell the swirling chaos within him. “I understand how it’s difficult for a Tulpa to fathom that kind of power.”
Anti narrowed his eyes. That was a low blow. “Y̡ę̡aḩ,̨̢ ̷͞s̴̸͢u̸͡re̢, p͋ͭ̒̇ͨ̂҉͏ō̵ͣ͂̿w̵͗ͫ͆é̵̸ͫͥr͋ͤ̏̓͊̈́̊̔͠. F̴ų͠nn̕y̸͜ ̡h͏̴̢o̷̷w̶͢͝ ̛͟I͜ ̵͞n̷e̷͞v͏e͘r̨͠ ҉g̕é̸t̨́ ͜r̡̕e͏j̛҉̀e̵̷c̀͘͡t́͜è̷d f̵̡̡r̴o̡m͡ ̶́̕m̨͢y ̡͜͠o͜ẁn ̶͜sh͡͡ęll ̨͜ą́t̴ ̢raǹ̸d̛͘͠o҉̨m̶̸̨,͡ ̵y̶o͏u͞҉̷ ̴̛̕p̀͢o̷̡o̧̨ŗ͠ly͏̷̕ ̨͡pu̸̧t҉ to̢g̶et̷͟ḩ̴e̸̛r̵̨͡,̛́͢ ̧́͡d͏i͡c̢͢hro̴͢m̧̀a̛ti̧̛͞c,̨͝͠ e͝͡m̷͞o ̢̕w̷͜͝a͟ńn͘͟a̶͡-̕b̷̀͜e.̵͡”
Dark’s snarled viciously, his shell cracking into three eye-crossing colors; red and blue skewing Anti’s vision as the ghost of a reflection flickered behind the demon with teeth bared.
And in a blink, it was gone, Dark standing there as if nothing had happened, seething inside, but prideful enough not to let it show. Anti, however, was not fooled by the cool act and glitched a little as a wicked grin spread across his face.
“U̢h̛-oh̴, ̷am ̧I̕ g̢et͠t͜in͟’́ ̴u͜nd͟er ̛t͘h̕at̷ ͘thi͢n, ̶e̵l͞de͘r͜l͘y sk̛i̕n o’ you͞r̶s?” The computer bug giggled, but there was something in the way he smiled. It was something almost calculating that made Dark pause to think twice about the teasing.
And then it clicked.
The air around them grew cold as the corner of Dark’s lip twitched, but his irritated glare remained uninterrupted. “Really? You really want to start this again right now after that sorry display?”
“My͟ ‘̕s̸orr͜y ̢d҉i̸sp̨lay’? L͝o̴òk̢ ̷wh̛o’s ͢tal͠k͡in͝’̡.͝” Anti pressed nastily, but his terrible grin grew that much wider at the acknowledgement. Finally.
“I refuse to play this game,” Dark replied shortly, drawing himself to his full height which was just barely taller than Anti himself. “Go home and bother Sean.”
“͞C̀’͘mon, ̷ólḑ m̴a͞ǹ, ̷g̵et́tin̷g͟ t͢ír̛e͟d al͏r͢e̛ady? ̨Go̸tt͏a ͡g̕e͢t̡ ̶rea̛d͢y ͠foŕ t̛hat ȩa͟r͟l̡y͟ aft̡ern̷óo͞n̕ ̸b̵eḑtim̵e?͢”̴
Dark paused, eyes narrowing. The demon had only a limited amount of patience before he could no longer tolerate disrespect in any form, and the day had gone on for far too long already. Their fight had been interrupted, his dog had tried to make a snack out of him, he had been made to look a fool and now Anti was here trying to do it all over again. It was too much. If this damnable creature was so desperate for a lesson, then Dark would be more than happy to put him in his place.  
He fixed Anti with a hard stare and the glitch’s grin looked like it would rent his face in two. “You have a filthy habit of picking on people who are infinitely bigger than you. Perhaps this is why you’ll always spend your days at the bottom of the proverbial barrel of bargain toys.”
“Says͜ t̶he̷ ̢ḑe͟mo͢n ̛w͏ho̸ r̶uns̶ t̀ḩe ̷m̷isf͏i̕t̶ c̵of́fee sh̕op. Y̧òų ͝wo҉u͟l̀dn͞’҉t kno̴w̛ ͜ho͞w to g͜a̕in͡ ͡ṕrope͟r at̨te͢nţįoń ̷f͡r͢om ͟a two͏-̷s̷t́ep͜ pla͠n.͟”  
“Because I don’t need to clamber for attention to remain alive,” Dark countered crossly. “How does it feel to have a following that doesn’t love you for you, but for what you do?”
“̕W̶̛̛h̨͞y ̛d͢o̧̕n҉’͝t̢͡ ̶́͠y͘où t̨̡e̸͠ĺ̷̛l̨ ̧́m̕e̡͘?̸”̛ Anti spat back, but there was a hint of defensiveness in his voice. Dark had managed to touch a nerve. “T҉̴͘h̢ey ́k̶͠n̨ǫ͜ẃ w̷̧h̶̛̀a̢̨t̸͏ y͢ò̡u͜ ̷r̶̸è̵al͢͝l̵̕͡y̕ ͘ar̨e͝.”͘
“And yet they still come to me. No one actually loves you,” Dark pressed maliciously, feeling his barely contained power rolling within him violently, nearly tearing him apart. “No one even loves what you do. They love the game, but as soon as you play your final hand, they will all collectively turn away and you’ll be back on the bottom fighting to stay relevant.” 
“You’̢re͡ ͘w̛ròng ͟t̕he҉r͞e͢, Ḑ̀ͭ͑ͦͦͨͤ͜a̵ͨͯ̍ͦͧ̄̈ͦ̋͟r̛͊̃͊̀͑̿͘k̛͑͗̽̅̐ͯ̈͐͏ḯ̛ͪͯͯͨ̓̀p̴̈͊̾ͪ͗̂̚͟͡ǫ̨͊ͮ̄͊̐̚o̡ͪ͘,̵̶͊̓͆ͩͬͦ”͂͊͋͋ Anti singsonged, but it sounded rough and bitter. Dark had found his sore spot and was systematically picking away at it. It set Anti’s sharp teeth on edge. “̵͟Th̕e҉̴ŕ̸e̸̶̴ ͝i͏͞ş́́ ̵̡n͏o̸̧ ͜͝d͏͝i̵̕f͠f̶̸̢e͢r̷̀͘e͘͠͞n̸҉̢c͜͡e̛ ̸b̧̡é͜͝tween͡ ̶̀͏l̕͟òvi̶҉͝n̢g͡ ̸͢͝t̸̨h̷͝e͘ g͡͏̧ąm̸ę,͢ a̢n̕͘͝d̴͡ lo̢͞v̡̛͢i̷̧̕ng̡ ͢thȩ ̧̢͢o̕҉̀ne͘͢s͏͡ ̴w̶̨hơ̶ r̢͠u͢n͠͞ ́ì̵̢t̡̕.҉̶ ̛I̶͟͠ ̧́g͟͜͟e͘t́ ̢͞p̛͡͞o͜we̛͞r͡ ́by̴͟ ̵̧͢p͜ŗ̨͘ox͏̕y͞,̧͘ ͞͡͏s̵̢͞ơ̛ ̕I͏ ̢͠win̸ ̸̕͞b̶y̡͞͠ d̛͝ef͟͞a͝ul̢t̸. ̀Y̸̡o̧u͜’͢͢d ͢͝ń̵e̴̵ve̸r̕͢ kno̵̧̨w̧ w̶h̛́à͞t̕͟ ̡̀t͏ḩ̷a̷ţ̨ ̷͏w̕͟à͝s͝ ̵̴̢l̛͘͠įk̢͢e͡ ̷̛b̡̛ec͘a̶̶͠us̕e҉ ̕͟y̵̧o͠u̕ŕ ̕҉͡g̷̷a͏͝m͞és͠҉ ś̡u̕͘ck̶̶ ́t̀h̷͞e ͜l͢i̸f̀́͠e͡͡ ̡͡o̢ut͘͢ ҉́o͝f̸͝ evę́r͟͠y̡̛̕ǫ̸n͡e pl̴͜ay̧i͜n͠g͝.̡͡”̕͝
“That may be true,” Dark purred. “But my ‘game’ is only dependent on one single moment of weakness in my prey. Yours needs constant validation - like a restive child - and the masses do not possess that kind of patience nor attention span. You act as though your plan is greater, but, in the end, mine takes absolutely, even in times of lull.”   
“̵̕Y̵o͜͝ú̴́r̶͜ ͘p̶l͡a҉͡n̶ ̨̧is͞҉ ҉̛f͘l͡ąw̛ȩ́d̷͝!̨”͘ Anti snarled, pointing forcing at him. “̶̕͜A̡n̨͟͏d ̷͘y͞ou̵͘͝’̴r̕e͟ ́t̡͝o̧o̶̢̕ ҉c̴̴onc͜ei̴t̡͜ed͞ ̸̛t̢ò̡͟ ͠͡s̢̛e̷̛̛e͡͡ ̕it͘!̶̶”̴̢  
Dark’s form twitched, displacing itself like an incorrectly taped VHS reel, before he came back and spat: “Coming from an ill-conceived, limited, glitch like you? Such bold hypocrisy.”
“͜Oh́,̶̢̛ ͜Í̶’̛m͝ t̨͏̧h̡́͜e̶̷͢ ͡h͜͡y̛͝p͢ocrį͝t͢e̷͠?̶̵” Anti hissed, looking murderous. His hands curling into claws at his sides while his glitching grew in intensity. He opened his mouth to argue, to cut with words where his knife couldn’t, but he found his well had run dry. Dark sensed this hesitance and dug in for the kill.
“Face it,” The demon growled, the words that rumbled deeply in his chest spoken slow and pointedly. “You’ve lost this battle. You have no place in this world. And those beings you cherish will never love you for you.”
“̛͆ͫ̓ͬ̍̈́͑̈̑̅ͫͣ̇̊ͪ́̋̃ͩ̕͞T̈ͩ̿̐̎͏̴̧̨͠H̸̴̅̓ͧ͌͝E̶ͭ̓̿̓͑͌̊ͭ̂̚͘͘͡Y̢̢̿̃́̿͌̇ͤͯ̉̑̐҉̸’̸̸̶̨̢ͩ̆̋̈ͯ̔ͩ̓̑͒̓̎̿ͩ̉̓͆̓̚L͂̀̉̽͝͡҉̶L̴͂ͫ̄̈̔͊͟͠ ͯ͊̔͆̃ͭ̔ͨ͐ͨ̎̇̍̋ͤ͊̆̿́̚͏̸N̍͊͑̀̅̒́̃̉ͨ̽҉̸҉Eͪͤ̎̓̑͗̅̾̇ͤ̅͛̾͒ͮ́ͧ͛̀͡V̍͑͌̉ͥ̉̅̊ͫͮ͋̇̂ͥ҉̨͘E̛ͮͯͣ̈̉ͧ̆̚R̷̢̿̊̉ͫ̿̔ͤ̽͂ͧ̐̎̕ ̧̢ͣͥ̉ͯ̈ͨ͛̀ͮ̉͋̔͗̔̊̉ͦ̊͛L̶̷ͫͣ̏̾ͭͧ̉ͩͫ̾̊̈̕͠O͊ͮ́̂͆̃̀̕V̡̅͒͋ͯ̀̑̎̏̌͊ͯ̒̈́̆̽̉ͪͦ̕̕͢͡Ë̡́͋̅̀͂͐ͯ͒ͣ͗̄ͤ͒ͮͮ̈́̂̚̕͢ ̛̌ͤͦ̃͒ͯ͂ͣͩͧ̓̏͋͌͆̚̕͘͞͝Y̸̡ͪ̒͑͂̌͘͢͟O̶̢ͩ̔͋͑ͫ̔͆͝͞Ů̧̑̆̅̓͛̆̂͂̚͜͟ Eͦ͑̈́͛̓̀͢͢͜͝Iͭ̈́̉͌ͬ̀͞T̅ͣ͂̌ͦ̒͏̶̀͜H̡̧̊̔ͦ̂̓͊͑̀̿́Ē̽ͨ͛ͫ͊͒͒̓̽ͤ̓͂̉͌̎̐ͧ̀͟͝͝R̡̓ͨ͌ͭͮ̽ͦ̾̀ͪ͐ͩ̌̒̉ͣ̕͜͡͝!̃̄̇̂͢͏͘!̨̧ͧ̎̃͋͌̎̌ͨ͂̅̈́̀ͩ̈̚”̴̧̌ͩͤ͋͜͜͞ Anti shrieked with rage, everything about him, including the air around him, glitching about spastically.
With a roar that sent the office quaking, Dark’s shell finally broke completely, the room flooding with black smoke, encasing them both and drowning out the rest of their surroundings. Anti looked around, glitching about to prevent a sneak attack, but the demon had disappeared into the cloud. But not for long. When Dark reappeared, he was a scant foot or so from Anti, looking like he was being lit from underneath by a myriad of blinding lights.
“Their ‘love’?” Dark’s multi-layered voice hissed, his eyes wide and his mouth open like he intended to rip Anti apart with his teeth. “I don’t want their love! I want their undivided devotion! I want their subjugation!” Everything flickered and suddenly Dark curled in on himself like he was in pain, twitching wildly, hands clawing in front of him as he shouted: “I WANT THEIR VERY ESSENCE!!” Another flicker and he was standing stiffly, a bloodthirsty smile dominating his face. “I want their everything, and I will BLEED them dry to get it! And when they have nothing left to offer, I will cast them aside like a used husk, empty and broken and still pleading for more! THIS WORLD IS INFINITE AND I WILL NEVER RUN OUT OF AMENABLE TOYS TO BREAK! They may flock to you now, and dance for you, but they will grow tired of the teasing and pawing. You have nothing grander to offer than hints, puzzle pieces, and scornful words.
“So when you stand here and accuse me of wanting to be loved, I can only laugh at your ignorance and wonder if you will ever realize how small minded you truly ARE.”
A normal being would have backed down. A normal being would have been afraid. A normal being would have run, pleaded, cried… anything. But Anti was not a normal configuration of being. The virus blinked forward in an instant, closing the distance to mere inches as he looked up at Dark with a snarl.   
“Ṡ̷̸̸́̀̑̏̽ͦ̋͆ͪ͒͜͢M̸̡̢ͣ̍̎̌̏ͧͬ́̚̕A̷͌̾̀͑̽ͯͥ̋̃̓̇̅̕͞͞Ľ̡̢͊̾̇͗ͮ͛̈̐͊̔̊ͨ̒͗̊̒ͦͧ́Ĺ̛̎̊͌ͧ͆͌͡ ̢̈́̿̾ͨ͒̀ͭ͊̕M̊̎̄̾̿̓͗̿̎͑͘͢Ḯ̵̸̢̛ͣ̑ͦ̀̃̃ͣͦ͆̈͐N̡͂͒̑͊̇̋ͨ͝D̷̍ͩ͒̎̿͘͠Ę̷̋͐̑ͯ͛͟͞͡D̴̸̅̔ͦ͌̒̽ͦͪ͒̉ͨ͗͆̒͘͝͠?̶̸̶̷͛̄̑͗͆̄͊͆̇̑” Anti’s voice had broken, sounding distant and right next to Dark’s ear at the same time. He was defecting side to side now, jumping from giggling and looking like he was in his own brand of pain. But his words were as solid as the tone that followed them. “̧͡Y̛͘͞͞O̧͘U̴̡̡͞R̸̛͘ ̡͝G̴̀O҉̛͏À͡L̷̡̀͠ ́̕͟͝H̸̡̀͜A̴͡͠S͘͝ ̀҉͜͢À̡̕ ҉̸̶̀͝F̧͢͟I͘Ņ́͘I̶̷̵̕͡T́̀͜È̷͘ ͠P͡Ơ̧̨͡W̶̕͠E͏͘͢͟R̨ ́́S̵̸͡O̸͞Ų̴̢͞Ŕ̶C̢͞҉É̡̡̧͜. ̷́҉W̴͡H̡͢͏̵E͞͏͢͏N̸͏̶ ̨͡T̵̕Ḩ̶̕͜Ę̧ ͟͞P̵̴͝E̸̢͢Ơ͏P̷̶͜͡͠L̴̛̕E̵҉̵ ͟͝C̶͜À̛̛͞T̸̨́͝͝C̸҉͘H͜ ̷̷͡͡O̴̴N̶̨͏.҉̀ ̛͢T̡̡͞͏H̶̴̡É͜Ý̢̀͠’̛L̛͠L̸͠҉͠͡ ̶̧͢G͠͞R̴̢̕͟͜O̵̢W̧̢̧͘͘ ̴̧̛͟S͘͜I̢C̷̕͡Ḱ́͏ ̛̛͞O̢F́͏̢̛ ̡͘Ţ̧́Ḩ̴̀̕È ̸͘͟͞U̷̕͢P̀͠P̸̧͝Ì̶͞T̨̕͢͡҉Y̵҉͟,̵͢͟͠ ̡͜͞͏P̵̢R͏̧̛͟Ò̵Ṕ͡Ę͡҉͝͞R͟҉,͏̷͏ ͢͏̧N҉̵͢I̵̧̕C̶̨̧͜͠E̛͢͠͞͠ ̶̵̢͢͞D̴̕͢È̶M̢̕̕͝͝O̧̢Ǹ͢͟ ̸̨̡̀A̸͜͞C̨͢͜͞͏T͘͢.̡̛̀͜ ̢͘Í̛͟N͠҉̵͘͞ ̸̷̡̨̀Ţ̵̸͝H̷͝͠͠Ę͢ ̧̡͞͞L͘͝͡͏Ó̀͟Ń̸̀͘͠G͠ ͢͡R҉̶Ú̷͟͠Ņ̨͢͜͡,̸͘̕͜͠ ̵̷̴͝I͏̢͢͡͠T̶̶̡͘̕’͞͞S̕͘ ҉̷̴̢̀À̷̶̶L͟҉L̸͝ ̕͟A̡͝B́͞O͘̕͜͞U͝͏T̶̡ ́͜͢͠Ţ͡H̕͝͡E͡͠ ̵̸͞͝E̸҉́̀͜N̨͜͡T̴̨̕È͢͢Ŕ̸̡̕T̵̶̨͘Á͘͟͠I̧҉̢͘N̡̧̢͢M̸͏҉E̵̛N̵͡͞T̨̡͟!̸̧̀̀͢ ̨͜͞͠È̵͘V̀̀͘͜É̷Ŕ͘͢͞Y̢̛͘Ǫ̵͝N̴̕͜͠҉E̕͘͢͞ ̧͟͞L̸̸̷͜͡Ǫ͡V͏E̢͝҉҉S̵̢̨ ̀͟͡͠A̴̢͢͠ ̵̡̧G͟͏̷Ó̷̸̸̀O̧̡͘D̢͟ ͡S̀͡H͏̶Ò́͘͝W̶͟!̴̡́͡!̴́͜҉ ̴A̵̡͟͞Ǹ̵̵͠Ḑ͟ ̴́͜͟I̢͟͏̷’̷͝M̴̛͜͞ ͜͞Ḿ̴͝Ó҉̸̀Ŕ̴̀͜͡É̴ ͏T̵̡̨҉Ḩ̵̨̀A̸҉̨́͡Ņ̶̀͘ ̷͢͠͞C͘͞A̵̡͠P̕͏̷A̕͡͞B̷̨͞͠͝L̢E̴̴̛͜ ̡҉O̴͘F̴̷́ ̡̡̡̀͏P̷̡͝R͢͠O̵͝͡V̵̢͞I̸̶̡̨D͏̶I̵̢͏N̸̕͢͠G̀҉ ̴̢́͘W̸̧͢H̀͘Á̸͡͝Ţ҉ ̷̵̧̧̕Ý̸̨͟Ò͜҉͟U̴̶͞͡ ̛͝L҉̵͏̷A̶̶͢͞C̨͏K̸̡͡.̨͟͝ ͏̷͜͠͠A͞N̴͢͡D̷̀͢͢͞ ́͝͠A̷̡͞L̶̛L̵̷̸̡͢ ̵̡͘͡Ò͘͞͝F̷̀͘ ̷̨̧́Ý̷̡͡O̴͜͝͞U̷̴̢̕͢R̨̨̕ ҉̴̧͜S̀͡I̡͘M̢͏̢̧P̶͟L̶̢E̛͠͝-́̕͘͟M̸̴̡I͢͠͞N̵̵͏D̴̨͠͠E̡̛D́͢ ̀͘͡F̧̕A̕͝N͘͝A̸͟͡T̸̸̸̛I̢̧͜͞C̨͏̵Ś̶ ̧̀̕͜Ẃ̴̡Ì̵̢̕͠L̸͝͠҉Ĺ̷ ̷̷́͠͞C̴̀͜͏̀Ơ̶M͜͡E̸͞͠ ̵̢҉̢C̵̷̡̀́R͡͡͡͠A̡̕͞W̶L̀́͘͝Į̶̡̛͢N̷̛G̨̛͜ ̷̸̛͢͠T͏̴͠͡O͟ ̷̶͜M͞͏͝E̵͘͜ ̢̨҉̧B̧̛͡Ę̛́͜͠C̸̛͜A̴̷̧U̢̢S̶Ę̧̕͡ ́͟I̧̕ ̷͠K̨͡N҉̛͢͠O̸̷̷̧͡W̢͏ ̛̀H̨͡͡O̧̡͝W̡͝͡҉ ͢͝T̵͠Ờ͘͘͟ ͢҉K͟͟͠҉̸È͞Ȩ̴̀P̶̧͝҉͟ ̸̀͘T҉H͘͠͏͟E̷̛M҉̵҉̧ ̛͠Ǫ̶͘Ǹ͡ ̸͟T͢͟҉H͏̸̡̀̕E̸̡̛͠͡I̶R̵̛̛̕͞ ̶̀͜T̡̢͢O̢̢͟͢E̛̛̕͢͡S͢͞!̨͟͢!̸͜ ̵̡̨̀́A̵̡̛͘͢S̴̷͢͞ ̴̕L̢̨̀͘O̴̡͞҉͢N̡̨͟͠G̸̢͢͠͡ ̴̢́͟͞A͡҉̶́S̨ ͏̨͜T̶͜H̴̨͟͢E҉ ̷͘͡Ẁ̧̨O̷̧͘R̴͢͞L̷̕͢D̵̀̕͘͘ ̸̨̨̛͘L͘͡O̕V͡E͘҉Ş̸̨̀́ ̧͢͜͡M͏̵E̛͘͜͝,̷̀ ҉̛͡I̵̸̧ ̢̢͟C҉̨́͜͝A̢͢͝Ņ̡͜҉ ̢D̶̛̛͡Ò̡́͘ ̀͜A̡͟N̵̸͢͝Y̢͞T̸͡͏̷H̸͠͝I̴͘̕͘͟Ǹ̸̡̀Ǵ̷̸͞!̷́͜͡ ̵͏̢S̕͘͜͜Ą̷Y̡̢͏ ̷Á̸̛͠Ǹ̶̶͡Y̡҉̸͏T̵̴̵͠H̶́͞Ì̢̕͝N̡҉Ǵ̷͞!̵̷͜ ͡I̸̛ ̶̴́͝͞B͏̴Ŗ̴͢͞Ì̶̵̕N̷̛͞͡Ģ́͘ ̧̨̀͞T̸̵̵͏̷H̶̴̡̛É̶̷M̡̨͢͟͝ ͡T̷͢͢͝͠Ó̸̵̕͠ ͟͜͠Ţ͜͏͜H̴̢͟Ę̶̛͠I̛͟Ŗ̸ ̵Ḱ͘͝͠Ń̴̵͟E̵̛É̡̕͜͠S̸̢̀͟ ̸̛A̕͏̷̷̡N̸͟͝D̨̀͘͘͜ ̵̧̛́T̡̕H͜͏E̸̢̛̛͞Y̸̸̷͘͜ ̛̀͜L͏͡͠͞O̶̡͡V̸҉͢E͏̴̷̶̡ ̸̶̧̀T̸̵͘H̷͢E̕͜͡ ̧̛̕T̢́̀͝͏O̷͘͠Ŗ͠T̡̧̨̡U̶͡R̛E̸͝!̴̴̷ ҉̧W̷҉͡H̵̨̧́͢E҉̸͠R͟͏̢͢͡E̵̴͘’̶̕͝Ś̴̢͜ ́́͏̡͜A̷͟͜͝͝N͜͜T̷̛̛́͜Í̷̶͘ ̸͏͡Ǵ̸̢̛̕O̶̧͏I͏҉̡̧Ņ̧̀͜͏G̢҉ ͠Ţ̀͜͞͞O̴̡ ̧҉̢͏̵Á̢̛͟P̛͢͞P̡҉̡E͏҉͢҉͞À̢Ŗ̷͟͏ ̢̢͟N̵̴͜͢͝É́͢͝X̴͟T̡?̡͘!̡͢͡ ͏̸́̀Ẃ҉H̵̡́͡͠Ó̧͞’̧́̕͡͞S̡̕͜ ̶̨̛͜͟H̨Ę̧͢͞ ̸̨҉͘G̶̨̕͜͠O̧̨͢͜I͢͝͏̛́N̷͢͜͝G͞ ̢̢̛͜T̷͡Ó̵̢͘͠ ̵H҉̵́͡A̧̕̕͜R҉M̸̵ ̶҉Ņ͢͠E͞X̡͜͟͠T̨̛͘?̸҉̵!҉̢ ̛̛͢Ẁ̧̕͢͝H̡̀҉̷͢O̴̴ ̴̛҉͢͟K̷̸̀͞N̨͘Ó͘҉͜W̢̡̕S̶̶̸ ̶́B̷̀͜͠͠E̷͘C͘͡A̧̡Ú̷̧S̷̨͘͝E͏҉̷͜ ͘͘҉̸̕I̵͏̡͜͜ ̢͜D̵́͞͏͟O͡͝Ņ́͝’͝͏Ţ̀̕͘ ̢͟͜͞͠K̸̵̨̧͟I̶̧̕͡͞S̡̛͠S̷̨͘͝ ̛͝À̶̵̡͟N̵̡̢͢Ḑ҉̸̛͜ ͜͠T̨̛́͏͏E͏̴̛L͝L̴͡!͘͡!̶̀͡͞ ̶͢Y̧͘͜Ǫ̷͟͢U̸͏̡̢̛’̀͡R̨̀E̴̴̡ ̷͜͠A҉ ̶̢̧̛͡O̵̵̡͘N̵͝͞E҉̶ ͠͞͏A̛҉̴̛C҉͠T̶̨͡ ̕͏S̨̕͏H̕͟͜Ó̶͘͜͡Ẁ͢҉̕ ̡̢͠A̴̕̕͟͡Ǹ͟͟Ḑ̛ ̛͟N̸͢͞͞Ǫ̷́͢͠ ̶͏̧̀Ǫ̷͘͡͡N͘͢E̷͜͡͞͡’̨͞Ś̴̨ ̛͏̵̸Ģ̶̨͜͝O̢͘͟҉҉N̛̕̕͝ǸÁ̕ ̷̕͜͠H̶̀͘͞͏A̴̵̡͟N̢Ģ̛̀͞ ̴́Á̀̕͢R҉̧̛́O͘U͞͏N̷̨̕͢͡D̨͢͠͏ ̡̨͡F͘͘Ò̵͜Ŗ̸͘͡ ̵̧͠T̀͠H̴̢́͞͡E̶̶͝͞ ̡͞S̨͞ĄM̧͟Ę̶̧͡ ҉̷Ò̸̕͏̛L̵͢͟͞D̛̀̕͟͞ S̶̸̡̗̰͍̩̟̠̹͎̮͔̱̙̦͚̼̠C̴͉͉̺͞H́͞͏̢͈̙͍͍̝̟͍̼͎͈̺̬̻̫͖T̷̢̰̖̹̞̱̝͎̻̭̻̞͖͍̦̭͍͍̜̲͜͠Į͏̱͚͍͔̳͉̙̖̰̤̥̝̳̟̪ͅC̛͢͏̠͕̳̝̙͚̩̜̣̟̖̺̗̼̲͡K̷̴̢̩͓͈̳̗̘̟̣̯͝͞.̸͘͢͏̘̯̻̘”̵͢͞͝͝
“Y̷͢O͜҉U͢͠R̴̷͟ ̢͘͞Ḑ̕͠͏A̶͝Y͏̶́Ş̷̢̧ ̶̕͞A̴̡͞R̸̵͟É̴͞ ̨̛͟͢͞Ņ̴U̵̶̡͞͡Ḿ̶͞͠҉B̸̵̨̛͜E̡̨̕R҉͜É̶̴͞D҉͟͏ ̵́͢͝͡D̶̸̡A͢҉Ŗ͜҉K҉̴͞Y̕.̴̛͜͞ ͏̶̛̕B̧̧͡Ȩ̷͜͏S̶T̴̕ ̵̸̡̛͡S͘͠͞T̡͜͟͝A҉҉͘R̷̴̶̨̧T̡ ̸̡͜͢͡M̸̷̕͏͟À͞K̀͘͜͠I͘͜N̛͏̛G̶̸͏ ҉̨̕T͘͟H͏̵͠E̡̢̕͢M̷҉͜ ̴̷̵͢͞Ç̧͢͡O̴̴̕͢͠ƯN̡͝T͢͢.̸̀”
Anti’s final words reverberated around the void, bouncing around erratically as the echo tried to contain as many voices as possible. But it was snuffed out like a candle flame as their powers flared up around them, whipping wildly as far as one could see. Anti’s flickered shades of green and cast off small clusters of free floating glitches that blinked in and out of existence while the virus himself glitched to and fro erratically. Dark, however, was perfectly still for once, the darkness he exuded spreading and flowing like water while his form cracked into two eye wrenching red and blue reflections of himself. Both of their stances screamed mass murder...
But neither of them moved, staring the other down close enough that their noses almost touched. The demon’s face was a barely contained stone mask of intimidation, while the virus held a wide cheeky grin that spoke every promise of violence. Their powers collided around them, dark tendrils whipping at technicolor glitches, creating small, brilliant explosions of pixels and smoke.
Just one move. All it would take was one move, and the very environment could explode. Reality itself would end, unwoven by two titans with extreme chips on their shoulders. And as they watched each other, they felt the tension come to a head.  
“You have no class.” Dark nearly whispered, the ghost of an unnerving smile tugging at his lips.
“T̀͜c̕͜͟͡h̶͢,” Anti tutted playfully, completely unfazed and matched the demon’s low tone. “̸̡͏T̀el̡̡l ͏҉m͜͟e͝ ͘͘w̴҉h̡at̶͜ ͞y̷̶o̧͢͠u͘̕r̴̡ ̸̢̨H͞ò̢t̨ ̧͞Tó̵̢p͏i̛c̨̢̀ ͏͡b̡͞u̴̢dg͘͢e̷̵̵t͘ ̨͟͢i̶͝s͜ ̶͜ą̡͟n͢͟d̷ ́̕th̡eń̡ ͡we̶’̢̢ļ̸l̢͢ t͘a͜l̷̵̛k̷͡.̷̸͘”̸҉
The silence stretched into what could have been years, the tenseness between them coming to a dangerous head. This was it, the final clash. A test to see if time and space could handle two infinite beings going head to head. Both were ready; it was going to be the battle of their lives.
Or it could have been if, all of a sudden, the silence of the room hadn’t been broken by a poorly contained snort, followed in quick succession by the very disjointed sounds of someone unable to hold back their chuckles.  
And neither of them knew why, or who broke first, but suddenly the room was filled with distorted, hair-raising, uncontrollable laughter. The echoey, chorus of the damned that was both of their voices resonating into and against the very walls that contained them. Dark had an elbow resting over the top of the table while he was doubled over, shell broken and throwing reds and blues everywhere, while Anti had just allowed himself to fall where he stood, body contorting and rolling as he glitched to all possible corners of the room.
As it finally began to subside, all of their earlier animosity and tension evaporated; the shadows that had encased them dissipating back into Dark’s immaculate office. They shared the mutual look of two beings who had only been playing a game. A very dangerous game that could only be appreciated between two demons of such immense power.
And as everything finally calmed, Anti glitched back to his feet as Dark fixed his jacket.  
“Th͡a̶t ̸wąs fu͘n̕,̡” Anti grinned, the act still looking mean even if it wasn’t meant that way. “Wa͞nt̵ ͘to d̵o͞ t͢h̷̨a͏t̀ ag̶ai̸n ҉sométìme?͞”
“Pick a date.” Dark replied casually. The demon watched with amusement as Anti looked mildly surprised to be given the reigns, but the little upstart had finally proven that he was worthy of Dark’s respect, if only a touch.
“A̵lri̕g͜ht,́ I͞’l̵l͘ ţhink ͘a͡b͏o̴ut ҉it,̴” The glitch crossed his arms, trying to hide his excitement behind his cocky snark. “But̸ w̛e͜’̡r͠e̛ ͠g̸oin͠g͢ ̨t͝a my̛ ͘p͡lace͠ th̷i͜s tim͟e. ̷An̨d ŕe͠m̶e͜m̛b͟e͝r ̀ta f͟ee̢d y̶our dàm̸n͜ ͏d̵og͞.”
“Fair enough,” Dark chuckled. He gave a lackadaisical wave as Anti blinked once, twice, and, with a effect not unlike a breaking computer monitor, he was gone, leaving behind a few distored clips of laughter that disappeared shortly after he did.
Oh, they were going to take this world by storm. He had already known himself capable, and had every plan already laid out, but if he could twist Anti just right...
Then everything would be his.
Who won this battle? You tell me. Also let me know if Anti’s text was too much and I’ll dive in and tone it down.
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inkstainedfanfics · 7 years
Friendships Can’t Last Forever
Request: "Hey I'm a big fan of your blog! If requests are open I'm hoping that if you don't mind you could do a x reader based on the song cold by maroon five? Like the reader is jealous of Leta and Newts relationship and ruins her relationship with Newt by accident? Just really angsty stuff please ^_^"
Word Count: 2,056
Pairing: Newt x Reader
Requested by Anonymous but tagging @caseoffics @red-roses-and-stories and @dont-give-a-bother
The first time you notice that creeping feeling nagging at your thoughts, you’re walking through the towering Hogwarts hallways. Other students pass by, gossiping and complaining and filling the way with other conversations that you ignore in favor of Newt’s own goofy jokes and interesting facts. His hair hangs in his face and he presses his books against his chest, knuckles white around the worn spines of his herbology textbooks. The glasses you love slip down his nose, but he doesn’t bother to adjust them as he looks at you, lips thinned in a nervous expression.
“I, erm, I was wondering if you would be fine with postponing our study time tonight.”
You frown. “You were going to help me with that potions essay.”
Newt swallows, looking at the stones under his feet as he continues forward. “Leta needs me for an emergency.” He doesn’t let you reply before launching into a further explanation. “I wouldn’t cancel if it weren’t important, but she swears up and down it is, and I don’t want her to deal with it on her own.”
He rambles on as the shadow of that nagging fear tugs at your thoughts. You feel odd, weird, like you ate something bad and it’s only just now catching up with you.
Considering yourself ridiculous, you shake the feeling off. Newt loves you. You may just be friends, but you’re best friends. He would never ruin your friendship for someone he has known only for a year.
“Newt,” you interrupt teasingly, “I think I can get through one night without seeing you. Might be a bit of a relief, actually.”
The wrinkles in his forehead smooth out as he laughs at your joke. “Glad I can make your day so easily.”
You continue talking all the way to herbology, that feeling of discomfort poking at you when Newt starts to discuss Leta’s thoughts on magical creatures.
You shove it away and try to focus on the way Newt looks at you.
The second time you feel that pestering discomfort, you’re sitting in the Great Hall, scooping yourself a plateful of your favorite dessert. Other students take up a few spots and some others wander in, but not enough to require you to set a plate of food next to you to claim the spot for Newt. Most Hogwarts students have eaten by now and, you assume, are upstairs studying in preparation for the winter exams that are quickly approaching. You yourself have a stack of books at your elbow that you long since you read through and studied. Sans Newt, for some reason you’re sure he’ll be able to explain away. Your weekly study date isn’t anything worth worrying over. In the past two years you’ve been doing it, he has never been late, but you’re certain it’s for a good reason today. He would never be late otherwise.
You’re not even angry that he’s an hour and five minutes late. Sure, you should be, and you are a little irked, but it’s not the longest you’ve waited for him somewhere, especially not when a new creature arrives, so you just eat your dessert and let your mind wander.
Until you see someone start to enter the Great Hall, smile broken open on their face, hands clutching books to their chest, and a dark-haired girl touching their shoulder.
You clench your jaw at the sight as that distressing voice bubbles back up into your thoughts again. You smash it down, tell yourself he must have a valid reason for being this late. It can’t be just because of Leta; they probably just ran into each other when he was on his way over.
You force a smile to your face as you set your fork down, suddenly not hungry.
Newt spots you when you wave and rushes over, freckles lost in a wave of red. “Terribly sorry. Leta and I were just discussing the merits of interacting with the mermaids in the lake. She has some fascinating ideas regarding interspecies communication.”
You push your plate away, stomach rolling. “So you were with her this entire time?”
He bites his lip, face screwing up into a worried expression. “I know I’m a bit late.”
You shake your head. “A bit?”
He ducks his head, fingers reaching up to push his glasses up his nose. “I’m sorry.”
You watch him stare at his empty plate, shame filling his features, and sigh, trying to shove away your uneasiness. “It’s fine, Newt. Just let me know next time, okay?”
“I’ll make this up to you.”
You smile at him. “You already owe me so much. I’m going to start collecting soon.”
He grins and returns some playful teasing, but you can’t crush the weird feeling that dims your smiles and dampens your humor.
The fifth time comes during an argument in front of the Black Lake. A bitter wind breezes through the grassy lawn your books lay abandoned in. Grey clouds mask the sky, threatening a violent storm. You and Newt don’t bother noticing, though, as you stand toe to toe, neither yelling, just exchanging subtle jabs that sting.
“Why do you just get to abandon me for her, Newt? How in Merlin’s name do you think that’s right?”
“Most of my time is spent with you.” He says it so calmly, it infuriates you. How does he not care that he cares more for her than you?
“You’ve spent the last three weeks with her, watching that damned creature grow an inch.”
His face reddens. “Cecilia’s not a ‘damned creature’, and I don’t see what you’re going on about. Am I not allowed to have other friends?”
“You are, but…” You trail off, waving your hands.
“But not her?” He finishes, words clipped.
You sigh. “Exactly.”
Newt searches your face with his green eyes, completely still otherwise.
You don’t back away from his look, don’t apologize even though an apology lands on the tip of your tongue. What are you supposed to think, after all, when he walks to Hogsmeade with her instead of with you? That’s supposed to be your tradition. And what are you supposed to think when he always has a far off look in his eyes? You straighten your back and jut your chin out when you remember the softness that used to fill his gaze when he looked at you. Now, you’re lucky if you get a genuine smile let alone his full attention. And what else should you do when he ruins your plans just because she’s out there crying over some ridiculous situation?
Ignore his obvious preference for her over you?
The thought stops you cold. You swallow the knot in your throat as you realize exactly what’s upsetting you so much.
He loves her. He loves her, and you can’t handle this.
Newt ends his search, stepping away from you. “She would never try to make me choose between two people.”
Despite the ache coursing through you, your nostrils flare at those words. “Don’t compare me to her.”
Newt’s jaw tightens as he looks at you, really looks at you for the first time in months.
You’re not sure you’re proud of what he must be seeing.
“You’re the one doing that.”
You swipe at the tears now dripping down your face—or is it rain? You can’t tell, just know that there’s something wet on your face but not a line of shame or sorrow in Newt’s.
She wasn’t there to wipe the blood from Newt’s face after Emmett Marcus punched him in the nose for telling him off. She has never been there for him when he truly needed someone. It has always been you helping him, holding him, protecting him. You swallow the knot in your throat.
You’re being replaced.
Newt sees the twitch of the skin around your eyes and the tears that fill them.
He steps away again. “Fine. If you’re not willing to talk about this, perhaps I should just go.”
You wipe at your eyes again. Damned tears. “You’re going to walk away from this, Newt?”
He shakes his head, stepping back again. “You’re the one pushing me away.”
Your voice raises as he keeps walking backward, away from you, step by step. “You’re the one that promised years ago to stick with me through it all. How the hell can you be okay with this now?”
You’re turning into fragments of yourself, shattering into tiny pieces that no one but Newt can fix, but he wants nothing more to do with you. Not one thing. He can’t even be bothered to wait to finish your fight.
He reaches the path and stops. “Leta’s my friend. If you can’t accept that…” he trails off, first and only sign of grief a flicker in his eyes. He steels himself, pushing his glasses up his nose, not flinching even at the grumble of thunder behind him. “If you can’t accept that, then maybe we shouldn’t see each other anymore.”
The words are a punch to the gut, knocking the air from you so violently no amount of breathing will recover it for you. That irritating voice smirks, taunts you, sings that it was right, it was right, it was always right ever since that first day.
You blink the tears from your eyes as Newt stands in front of you, waiting. “How could you?”
He waits.
You’re shaking all over, a complete mess, trembling as Newt just stands there, watching you fall apart without so much as a word of consolation or worried glance.
“Please don’t do this.”
“You’re the one doing this.”
“You’re going to blame me?” You whisper, not sure how he hears it over the breeze.
But he does and shakes his head. “Who else is there to blame?”
You can think of nothing else, can no longer breathe, can no longer do anything but hold yourself together for a few more seconds, just enough time to send him away. “Go. Just go if I’m so horrible.”
You wait for him to step forward and take you into his arms. You wait for him to take back everything he said and hand you a chunk of your favorite chocolate. You wait for him to do anything, everything he needs to, to make you smile again.
You wait, entire self on the line.
He just turns and walks away.
You wait for a glance over his shoulder, for him to look back, for him to at least appear sorry.
He never does.
You fall to your knees, numb. Newt’s your best friend, you’ve known so many memories with him, shared so many early mornings and late nights and goofy days with him you can barely separate your life from his. And now, now he’s just leaving like it all meant nothing to him.
You can no longer hold the rest of the tears back.
Rain pounds against you as you sob into your hands, lying on the muddy grounds, weeping pathetically until you’re hiccupping then sleeping.
When you wake up, you’re in the hospital wing, fingertips blue.
You sit up, looking around, expecting Newt to be at your side, fingers against his lips, reading a book and lighting up when he sees you’re awake.
He’s not here.
Of course. You close your eyes, wishing it was all a dream, hoping it was some sort of hallucination, that you hit your head somewhere and imagined it all.
Your nurse approaches you, tray of meds and a glass of water in her hands.
“Have you seen Newt Scamander here?” You elaborate when you see her confused expression. “Tall, red hair, glasses.”
She shakes her head, lips pursed. “I haven’t seen anyone like that around here, honey. Now lie down, you need to rest.”
Your insides freeze. He’s gone.
“How long have I been in here?”
“A half day so far, honey, but it will be longer if you don’t get some sleep.”
A half day, more than long enough for rumor of you landing in the hospital wing to spread through the school. Newt must have heard.
And he’s not here.
It’s real. You’re really alone.
You lie down, close your eyes, and let tears leak down the sides of your face after your nurse leaves.
Newt has left you, and it’s all your fault.
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