#and had her be a secret softie and good mentor (or even somewhat of a parental figure) to amity
yardsards · 2 years
me: idk i mean i guess i kinda like what they're doing with her character but i find it hard to really like lilith after everything she did, even though she's a better person now
canon: *makes her canonically aroace and even more visibly autistic-coded*
me: omg hiii lilith my bestie
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astranne · 4 years
Miraculous and The Light (HC)
Ok, so. This HC is based on this idea. It’s a miraculous x dc crossover and one of the best ideas, I’ve read recently. I really liked it and this is why I’m forcing myself to write my ideas down. 
Before we start the HC, I need to clear some things. Marinette becomes the guardian in age of 13, the kwami are teaching her as good as they can. Luka has the snake miraculous, Chloé the bee (but new costume), Kagami the dragon (again new costume) and Adrien is Chat Noir. Alix has the bunny and Kim the ape miraculous. (The two are chaos and they smelled Lila’s bullshit before she came back the second time). They deal with Hawkmoth as good as they can and they do good. Until Lila does her shit again. She manipulates Alya, which leads also Nino to be one of her followers and since Adrien is his best friend, he starts to listen to Lila. He becomes obsessed with Ladybug and her identity. The team doesn’t really notice, since it’s subtle and slowly becoming worse. So, now let’s start with the HC.
The Team protects Paris, Marinette is the leader
The situation becomes worse, the akumas take longer to defeat
They try to contact the JL, but nobody listens
And Chat Noir comes lesser to the fights, claiming his privat life is stressfull
At first, everybody understands, but it doesn’t stop and Chat becomes like a bad behaved child/brat 
Lila causes another Hero Day, the Team almost looses. Chat Noir didn’t show up and the Team is angry. Chloé is ready to skin a cat
After the Hero Day, they accidentally reveal their idtities. Their group becomes closer, everybody can see, they work even better now. 
Chat is envy
And Tikki is angry. No, scratch that. She’s mad. This boy could’ve been such a good cat, and now this?! 
Since Plagg is her opposite, and she’s the one of Plagg, they keep each other in balance. And they aren’t in balance at all. She takes over Marinette (while she is Ladybug) and starts to rip Chat/Adrien in shreds
Whole Paris witness this and is terrified. Who knew Ladybug had such power? 
Chat tries to save his face/life/’hero’ persona, but since Marinette is the guardian, she stripps him of his Miraculous, while Tikki wipes out his memories. Adrien’s former friends are sad, but also glad, they have one problem less
But now. Since Tikki used her more of her powers, some people notice, such as Klarion. He’s the server of chaos, but keeps in balance with creation. And the two aren’t balanced at all.
He talks to the Light, and surprise, surprise. Ra’s al Ghul and Vendal Savage felt it too
They begin to search and are surprised, that so many miraculous are active. The Light digs deeper and Vendal is very close getting up and burn Paris down. And take Hawkmoth with it
The inner circle of the Light (Vendal Savage, Klarion, Ra’s al Ghul, Lex Luthor, Deathstroke (there are still more members, but I will explain shortly))
Now, their primar goal is not to take over the world, or make everyone ‘see the light’. That’s what the ‘lesser’ members think (the ones, who are not in the inner circle) They want to keep the balance in the world, keep ‘peace’. But they know, it can’t be always peace, with creation there comes always destruction (Tikki and Plagg are totally their inspiration and mentors or whatever you could call that) And for this, they don’t always do ‘good’ things, like heroes do
Bc of this, every hero, every other villian thinks, that the light is bad. It’s a very good cover and so they can hide their true plans. So, the inner circle sends Black Manta after the Young Justice (the season 2 happens here) and go to Paris. 
They find the miraculous users while fighting an amok and an akuma and are impressed. Clearly, most of them have no training and they hold themself formidable. 
The inner circle talks with the team, which is wary. But then the kwamis recognize them and the teenagers (probably 15?) are so glad, that they finally have help. Not the one they expected, but still help
Vendal was one the first guardian, a simple man and then blessed by Tikki and Plagg. He trained other guardians and miraculous users until he almost died
Ra’s al Ghul was once a dragon, but also used the cat miraculous. This is the reason, why he can use the lazarus pit and isn’t mad
Klarion knows about the kwamis, the first gods, often makes rituals and such stuff. But he never saw a miraculous before
Deathstroke knows about the miraculous, but never knew, what power they truly hold
Lex Luthor knew about them too
The team is offered a traditional training with the League and since they are all true holders, they will master it faster than anyone before. Vendal wants to train Marinette as the guardian, after she finished hers with Ra’s. Deathstroke will be their mentor and Klarion will teach them in magic. 
Lex takes them under his wing, teaching them about buisness, money, politics and manipulating
They train and fight Hawkmoth for two years. Sometimes, Vendal takes over as Chat Noir, sometimes Ra’s, to keep Marinette and Tikki balanced. But they need to find her true holder, which isn’t that easy, while they are still in training and fighting
The team is around 17/18, when they finally defeat Hawkmoth and Mayura. The major of Paris and the president of France tell the world finally the truth about the situation (world is shocked (especially when they hear, that the Justice League didn’t help))
Now, the heroes want to help, after Wonder Woman, Aquaman and Dr. Fate, as well Zatanna, kicked their asses for being dumb bitches. When Batman doesn’t stop (he’s an ass sometimes, but I don’t hate him) they threaten to leave the JL. He doesn’t belive it and suddendly he has 4 members less. 
The four go to Paris, even when there is a heroes ban. They offer their alliance, but keep their distance, which everyone is glad. 
Since Hawkmoth and his sidechick have been defeated, the Miraculous Team retires. Or so everybody thinks. 
They all leave Paris, letting their friends and family think they have a job/go on vacation (Kagami and Luka fake their death, Marinette too) 
Lila is smug, bc she thinks, she won, since Alix and Kim just leave and Chloé is a weeping mess
The six go to the League, where they learn new/more things and become the elite squad of Ra’s. 
(Ra’s is totally a proud parent, who shows, how much his kids are better than anyones. Well, as good as he can with his stoic face)
The six still use their miraculous, but have new costumes (darker colors, mostly black) 
And so life goes on, until the JL and the YJ attack the light. They take many hits, loose many bases and the first time, the heroes meet the squad
The six are just called ‘the squad’. They switch miraculous, so the heroes don’t make connections. 
(Marinette is White (rabbit), while Chloé is Red (dragon), Kagami is Brown (monkey), Alix is Blue (snake), Kim is Scarlett (ladybug), Luka is Black (cat)) Over their costumes, they wear a typical League uniform. 
They totally rip the heroes apart
Anyway. The JL and YJ are wary about the sqaud, they all know, they are deadly. Some think, even deadlier than Deathstroke. 
After the attack, the squad meets Lady Shiva and Talia al Ghul
And her new pet project
You already know it. Jason Todd
His mind is fucked up, he doesn’t remember much until this woman in red smiles at him and just hugs him? Girl, this is the league?! 
Jason is totally Marinette’s black cat. 
He’s suddenly being trained (can you imagine a confused Jason Todd, trained by Vendal, Klarion and the rest of the team? Bc I do) and partnered with Plagg, who absolutly loves his new holder. There is so much chaos in him, he even survived the pit!
The squad goes on mission, mostly to mess with the JL, who notice, there is a new member. And oh shit- he destroys everything. And there Superman curmbles to ash... (no worries, he’s brought back)
Jason isn’t trying to kill Bruce, well, he still fights against Batman, but he doesn’t want him dead (the heroes think, the squad tries to kill them)
Some years pass (I have no idea, what happens in season 3 (Young Justice) since I didn’t have the time to watch it) the miraculous slowly become balanced again and the team is doing great
Until Talia snitches Bruce (bc she’s a little bitch) that Jason is alive. Not only that, he’s a part of the squad. Ra’s personally tries to kill his daughter- bc no Talia! You can’t just go and tell secrets! (silently crusing in many languages about the balance and how his own daughter betrayes him) He’s so angry, that he disowns his daughter and claims 7 year old Damian as his heir.
Bruce tries to hunt Jason down, but no success
Marinette takes Damian under her wing and gives him the miraculous of the tiger (Damian is so proud, that he’s a true holder). She and Jason become somewhat his parents, just like the rest of the team
Alix and Kim are totally together, as well Cloé and Kagami, while Luka has a on/off relationship with Lady Shiva, who is the true holder to the fox miraculous
Talia attacks the league, when Damian is 10 and takes him to his father
Damian hides the miraculous and Roarr, but Alfred knows. He always knows. (Totally cliche, but he’s the true holder to the peacock)
Damian acts like a brat like in canon, but can be such a softy
But only with his true family
Jason moves to Gotham, becomes the Red Hood, while Marinette becomes Scarlett (his partner) 
The rest of the squad starts to recruit new holders and start to train them, often visited by Jason and Marinette
One tragic night, Batman fights against Red Hood, almost kills him, when Scarlett breaks his arm. Robin (Damian) comes to help, freezes, when he sees his family. He stops fighting, takes a deep breath and turns to his father.
Batman is confused, but then Robin says, that this is Jason, the second Robin and that he will not fight family
Batman lashes out, being an idiot, talking some nonsense about Jason being a criminal and suddenly Robin disapears. The big bat thinks, his kid went home 
Well, he does, but not the Manor. He follows Jason and Marinette and sleeps a night there. 
Then his father starts to search him (Damian) and finds him with Jason
Totally a fight there
Until Alfred comes and makes them to sit down and talk
Jason explains everything, telling Bruce, that the squad doesn’t exist anymore, bc of Talia.
He causally says, that Marinette is his girlfriend, that they somewhat adopted Damian, after Talia was banned.
Bruce tries to wrap his head around this, but slowly accept this new part of his family
It takes some time, but Jason (Red Hood) and Marinette (Scarlett) become a part of the Batfam
They lead the new Miraculous Team in secret, keep in contact with the inner circle of the light
This goes well, until Tim finds out. 
Bruce lashes out again, bc what the fuck- his own child and his wife (they married) are spying for the light?! He tought they destroyes that damned organisation
Damian runs with them
They go to Nanda Parbat, where they meet the new recruits. 
Now, every kwami has a true holder
Balance is perfect as it can be 
Two years later, Bruce still tries to find Damian, in the hope, he isn’t with his older brother and his wife
He still is
Then Ra’s has enough of this drama, talks with the inner circle of the light and the kwamis
Kidnaps the batfam
Explains everything
Like everything
Slowly the batfam understands
Bruce is so proud that two of his sons are true holders, one of them literally can control chaos
The batfam starts to help the inner circle of the light, the other members think, this heroes finally saw the light
I can totally see the lesser memebers dumbfounded faces, when the whole Batfam shows up
Vendal starts to explain
“Batman was trained under Ra’s al Ghul himself, Batwoman followed.”
“Nightwing was trained by Deathstroke.”
“Red Hood was trained by Lady Shiva, Deathstroke and Ra’s al Ghul and is a former member of the squad.”
“Scarlett was trained by myself, Ra’s al Ghul, Lady Shiva, Deathstroke and Batman. She was the leader of the squad.”
“Red Robin was trained, like all the other Robins, by Batman. Lady Shiva took him under his wing for some time.”
“Signal was trained by Batman, Red Hood and Scarlett.”
“Batgirl was trained under Batman, Nightwing and Scarlett.”
“Black Bat grew up in the League and is the daughter of Lady Shiva.”
“Robin is my grandson and the son of Batman. He was trained under Scarlett and Red Hood, when they still were in the squad.”
(Did I forget someone?)
Gaping villians
But when Vendal says, that Batman will be part of the inner circle, as well Red Hood and Scarlett. they loose their absolute shit. 
They fought the whole time with their allies??
Vendal then also says, that this will be the last meeting and they will all forget, that the Batfam is a part of the light
“Well... we can’t take risks, can’t we? We don’t want to repeat an incident with the Young Justice again... because of this, only the members of the inner circle will remember our prupose and the light itself.” 
Batman then says to the JL, that he will leave the League, since this is going nowhere
The Batfamily is now officially a hero group and more loved than the JL, bc they don’t destroy much in their fights and if they do, Bruce Wayne pays. They keep in the shadows, which means, no civilians hurt AND many villians retire, when they hear, that Batman will fully remain in Gotham. They don’t try anything, bc he always seems to know
Okay... this is much more, than I acutally wanted to write and in the end, it didn’t came out as I first thought. But I hope you still like it, bc I like this version better
And it’s in the middle of the night, so if there are any mistakes... I don’t care :)
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theadrogna · 4 years
This comes under the heading of better late than never, and many apologies to @singledarkshade​ for the lateness of this response to the Dream Movie Challenge. So, we were given six actors from our favourite TV shows/movies, a wildcard actor, and a random item. We had use these actors and the object to create our own movie.
I give you a supernatural romantic comedy, starring Matt Ryan, Elizabeth Henstridge, April Bowlby, Taika Waititi, Ellen Page, and Woody Harrelson. With a special appearance by Merryl Streep.
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Max Webster is working as an investment banker in London, making huge amounts of money that support a lifestyle of clubs, bars and one night stands, until his boss and mentor commits fraud on a huge scale. Max is implicated, despite knowing nothing. He loses his job and not a single other bank in the city will touch him, meaning his career is effectively over and he’s rapidly going broke. Just when he thinks things can’t get worse, he is told that his sole relative, his estranged paternal grandmother has died and left him property in Brighton.
With nothing better to do and hopes that the property is worth something, Max heads to Brighton to tie up his grandmother’s affairs, dreading his time outside the capital and increasingly depressed about life. Upon arrival he meets Poppy Fletcher, his grandmother’s lawyer who was the one who contacted him about his grandmother’s death. 
Max discovers that his grandmother was the proud owner of the “Worst Wax Museum in Britain”: The House of Wax. Only a handful of the wax statues look like who they’re supposed to be and the rest are like someone sculpted celebrities that they’d never seen. The museum is barely making enough to keep it afloat. He begins to make plans to sell the museum and at least make enough to pay off his Grandmother’s debts. Enter Cooper Farnsworth, rich American businessman, on the run from the Mafia after a dodgy deal went wrong. He desperately needs to make money fast.
But Max finds out that his inheritance is rather unusual in a number of ways...
For starters, there aren’t many wax museums where Meryl Streep hands out advice and enjoys watching the footy on the night watchman’s TV when the punters have gone home for the night. But it isn’t just Meryl, all of the waxworks come to life thanks to an old book of magic that is powered by the signatures of the guests and the messages they leave. The less visitors there are, the less magic there is to keep the waxworks alive and things have been getting desperate lately until only a handful of the waxworks have the necessary magic to come to life.
The waxworks tell Max about how his grandmother desperately tried to bring in more people, but her failing health meant that everything fell apart. Max discovers how his grandmother loved the museum and also loved him, despite her outwardly cool demeanour. He had thought that she didn’t care that he left Brighton, but Amelia unearths the letters that his grandmother wanted to send but didn’t have an address to send them to.
Max realises that he can’t sell the wax museum after all, and he enlists Poppy’s help in finding a way to keep it going. In the process she also discovers the secret of the museum, and Max and Poppy discover that they’re falling for each other. Meanwhile Cooper is plotting to get Max out because the listed building is worth more than Max is aware, especially with some of the period features.
The finale has Cooper breaking into the museum to destroy the waxworks, but Steve, the night watchman sounds the alarm. Cooper accidentally starts a fire and there is a desperate fight to save everyone from melting. Max and Poppy rally everyone to deal with the fire, and Cooper is arrested for arson.
The publicity from the fire actually brings in more customers, Max updates the museum with new exhibits, deciding to focus more on local history and tell the stories of the people who live in Brighton. He’s cleared of any wrong doing at the bank and Poppy helps him sue for wrongful dismissal. He uses the payout to finance repairs to the museum and more and more waxworks come alive every night as the visitors pour in.
And Max never thinks about leaving again, because now he has a family, albeit one that includes Meryl Streep, Amelia Earhart and Margaret Thatcher but he doesn’t mind.
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Max Webster (Matt Ryan): Max lost his parents when he was young and was raised by his paternal grandmother. The two did not get on and he left home as soon as he could for university and then the big city. He always had a love of risk taking and wanted to be rich, so he studied finance and got a job in banking. He spends his time closing deals in a highly stressful job during the day and then out on the town in the evening. He has very few friends, all of whom are from work, and he very rarely sleeps with the same woman twice. He has a very shallow outlook on life and everything is about money.
His life is changed by inheriting the House of Wax and discovering that his memories of his grandmother are flawed and desperately inaccurate. He deals with the unusual House of Wax that his grandmother created and his grief at her passing. He comes to realise that not everything in life is about the next deal or how much money can be made.
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Poppy Fletcher (Elizabeth Henstridge): Poppy is a lawyer and is responsible for executing Max’s grandmother’s will. She’s the one who hand Max the keys to the House of Wax and sees the look of disappointment on his face. She is very efficient and competent, loves the town she lives in and knows everyone on her street. She mourns the loss of Max’s grandmother, and has no idea that she was anything but the eccentric, elderly owner of the House of Wax. She doesn’t like Max at first because of his attitude to his grandmother and his version of her doesn’t seem to be the same as the woman she knew.
She ends up spending a lot of time with Max as the property sale becomes more difficult and after a while, she realises that he’s not at all the image that he projects. She starts helping him to get back on his feet and renovate the museum. Then she discovers about the magic book and she realises that she can’t let Max deal with the situation on his own.
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Florence Nightingale (April Bowlby): Florence doesn’t look like the picture that hangs next to her in the slightest. Even her period dress is somewhat suspect. She prefers to wear much more recent clothes and is doing online first aid courses at night. She’s slightly haughty and thinks she knows best.
She can see that Max is depressed and grieving when he arrives. She’s one of the driving forces behind getting Max to take better care of himself and to talk about how he feels. Once the museum is safe, she works at becoming qualified as a therapist and sees patients online, writing an agony aunt column for the local paper.
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Amelia Earhart (Ellen Page): She likes to pretend that she’s actually the pilot that she was sculpted to be. She’s very much her own person though, feisty and fun loving. She has no idea how to fly a plane, but has a flight simulator that Max’s grandmother gave her and is a computer game ace. She has the high score and no one can beat her.
She is the first waxwork that Max discovers is alive and persuades him that he isn’t hallucinating. She takes him to see the others when she realises that he’s the grandson of the previous owner.
She ends the film playing games in esports tournaments and winning, much to the amusement and delight of her fellow waxworks.
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Steve (Taika Waititi): The night watchman of the House of Wax. He’s always known as Steve and no one knows his full name. He never really seems to go home, he’s just there. Max is very confused by him at first, but eventually realises that he’s another waxwork. He was one of the first created and no one is ever sure who he was supposed to be, at the end of the film it’s discovered that he’s supposed to be Genghis Khan, but like most of the other waxworks he bears no resemblance to his original. He is quite protective of the museum though.
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Cooper Farnsworth (Woody Harrelson): An American property developer who is interested in buying the House of Wax and turning it into flats. He moved to the UK, to get away from some people who didn’t like him much (actually he double crossed the Mafia). He gets increasingly desperate to buy the House of Wax when some of his former business partners catch up with him, threatening Max and Poppy if they don’t sell up, but he never finds out the real secret of the museum. He thinks he’s hallucinating when he sees the waxworks move and fight back during the finale. He’s dragged away shouting about moving statues and charged with arson.
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Meryl Streep (herself): She is modelled after the three time Oscar winning actress and is the only waxwork who looks like she is supposed to. She’s something of a leader of the group, checking in with everyone to make sure that they’re doing okay. She’s concerned about the fading magic and trying to keep everyone’s spirits up. She offers very good advice to Max about how to run the museum, most of which Max ignores to begin with because he thinks he knows better. Later we see her taking on the museum accounts and running the financial side of the museum with Max listening carefully to her. He may have been a banker but those skills are very little use when it comes to book keeping.
Additional actors:
Arthur Darvill as David Bowie - Can actually sing, sounds nothing like David Bowie. Wants to be Major Tom and follows NASA on Twitter. Tom Ellis as Paul McCartney - Can also sing and taught himself to play the piano. Duets with Bowie to entertain the rest of the group. John Boyega as Frank Bruno - Hates punching people, is a total softy. Ryan Reynolds as Salvador Dali - He once tried painting and decided never to do so again. He prefers reading and writes poetry. Eccentric. Celia Imrie as Queen Victoria - Knows everything that there is about Queen Victoria. She misses Albert who hasn’t woken up for a while now due to lack of magic.
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yoolee · 6 years
If lee wrote otome #9 | Super! (II)
Responsible, chill automechanic wakes up with superpowers that suspiciously resemble city’s top hero’s
Gets swept up into a secret corporation’s superhero support system, despite best efforts to live normal life
Love interests: 
The perennial hostage (ex-journalist turned  exasperated microbrewer in attempt to stave off kidnappings)
The (ex-villain) butler (ex-supervillain, judgy and snarky)
The villain’s kid (total softie with a trigger temper)
The legacy (costume designer child of superheroes, no powers)
The golden hero (rescued her once, bit of an overly serious dork)
Supporting cast: 
Mentor (badass lady hero whose city-saving sacrifice cost her powers, but not her skills and knowledge)
Mother (kinda flaky curtainmaker) & Stepmother (musical theatre nerd and owner of automechanic shop) & much younger little sibs (they want a dog)
Roomie (also arch-nemesis, but they do their dishes and pay rent on time)
Various villains & heroes 
Superpowers come in one of two ways - an epic, disastrous tragedy (explosions in abandoned factories, radioactive spills, bites from super-creatures, aliens) or genetics. When the heroine wakes up one day with superpowers, she really just wants to ignore them and go back to work, but she’s whisked off by the staff of a secret company designed to support superheroes and given a choice - learn how to control her powers, and pay back the company for her training, supplies, costumes, and support by working to save the world, dropping out and becoming a villain, or going home, risking exposure and damage and having to go into the super-powered protection program, leaving family and friends behind. Begrudgingly, she opts for the first option - but she’s not exactly putting a whole lot of effort into it. Or she wasn’t planning to, except the nature of her superpowers makes it impossible to avoid notice, and suddenly the city’s most well-known superhero takes a personal interest in raising her to follow in his footsteps.
Automechanic who really just wants to build stuff, not save the world (especially if it means classwork) but hey, thanks for the spandex tights. Had to be the ‘adult’ for most of her life, until stepmother came into the picture in high school, but some habits are hard to break. Responsible and organized, but they’re learned traits - underneath is a bit of a slapdash wild child just waiting to explore. Got dragged into theatre a lot by her mother, and has a mixed relationship with theatrics as a result. Super chill, not particularly curious about stuff that isn’t in her exact wheelhouse of interests (work, family, video games). Definitely has a hero complex, it just has to be right in front of her face - ie, she won’t go prowl the streets looking for crimes to foil, but if she sees someone being profiled at a supermarket she’ll speak up. Not lazy, exactly, but also not super motivated. More interested in the villain’s motorcycle than their dramatic speech. Not one to agonize over the ethics of superhero-ing. They hit you, you hit back. You save the citizens, you hang the person who held them hostage from a flagpole, you go home and play video games.
Love interests
The Butler: Head of staff for the superhero billionaire who took heroine under their wing. A (barely) reformed supervillain (because the butler always does it aaahahaha) but either had powers taken away, just never uses them, or they are very very subtle, Heroine can’t tell. Didn’t lose the tendency towards snarky, jerkish banter. Makes no secret of the fact they think heroine can't hack it in the big leagues. Simultaneously takes care of every need (laundered supersuits, fresh juice with breakfast, chamomile before bed) and pokes at every sore spot with snark and side commentary. Very, very loyal to the hero they work for. Cocky, confident, but also very good at blending in and disappearing, which comes in handy for espionage sorts of things. Very lax stance on morality and ethics. Very strong stance on presentation, tidiness, and appropriate breakfast options (no cold pizza on his watch).
The (Designated) Hostage: Very first person heroine rescues - albeit somewhat inadvertently. Unfortunately, this leads to them being a pretty regular target for any villains passing through, which massively annoys them at first but after they work through the various stages of grief they end up on the acceptance side. Periodically manages to rescue themselves. Possibly becomes a villain in one of the routes out of spite. Initially works as a journalist, but quits in the hopes of dissuading villains and opens their own microbrewery instead--if they’re going to have to sit around waiting for the heroine to show up, they can at least have a beer while they wait, right? Has a fairly remarkable pain tolerance and high fear threshold at this point.
The Legacy: Child of two exceptional superheroes who was expected to do tremendous things - except they never manifested powers. Their little sibling did, and resentful of all the expectations set on Legacy, went off and became a supervillain so basically there is Serious Family Drama. For their part, legacy is honestly massively relieved not to have powers. Quiet, dreamy, bit of a flower-child but very sharp when they pay attention and focus. Because they know all about superheroes (and wanted to stay in the loop on little sib) they work for the superhero support system, designing costumes (their motto is ‘flattering, functional, bulletproof’). Has been around the company forever so they know everyone and everything. Fluctuates between practical (due to such longterm exposure to the way things are) and philosophical (which they’ve had to be to accept parents choosing heroics over family time).
The Villain’s Kid: Family Issues, Episode 2. As far as anyone knows, their villainous parent killed their heroic parent and is still serving consecutive life sentences for the aftermath (there’s more to it, but no one ever gets the villain’s side). Subsequently, there’s a lot of mistrust of VK, who is actually the sweetest, softest marshmallow around - though admittedly when you do manage to get their ire up, it gets nasty fast. Quietly confident in their identity, no matter how absent parents were (not totally their fault) or how much people expect them to be something else. Uses what could be incredibly destructive powers in a surprisingly effective, non-violent way most of the time. Likes to keep things simple and not overthink it (because then they start plotting and that’s, you know, frowned on).
The (other) Superhero: One of the heroes whose powers manifested via tragic explosion in their early teens. Ran around trying to save the world in a sweatshirt and Halloween mask until the superhero support system scooped them up and got them a real costume and some martial arts training. Genuinely a good person, trying to do their best to save everyone and everything, despite it kind of burning them out just from constant stream of demands and the fact they are incapable of treating people’s lives being at risk as routine. Same age as heroine (maybe a year younger) but has been doing this a lot longer - actually saved her once or twice back in the day. Civilian identity is a regular at the repair shop - heroine always assumed they were just a lousy driver, but it’s more that villains tend to destroy their ride as collateral damage. Kind of quiet, kind of dorky. Has one of the best track records for saving people, but doesn’t really know how to relax or wind down. Grizzled vet of the biz, though they’d be genuinely startled to be identified as such.
Supporting Cast
Roommate/Arch-nemesis: Always pays the rent on time, never leaves dishes in the sink, but also dons a mask and tries to take over the city at night at least twice a month. Still not the worst roomie heroine’s ever had. Plus, they have a dog so they can’t be that bad. Will literally leave in the middle of a dramatic confrontation to go let the dog out, too. Dramatic, but not psychotic. Unless you threaten the dog.
Mentor: Superhero “officially” retired from active duty on account of losing her superpowers during an act that saved millions of lives but that doesn’t stop her from pulling on the mask and using influence, technology, and sheer knowledge of tactics to even the playing field when her mentees are in over their heads--though she is also a big believer in trials by fire, and they’re all usually strong enough to survive a hospital stay or two, so they don’t count on her. SERIOUSLY pragmatic. Excellent strategist and longterm thinker - can match any supervillain in xanatos gambit capability except she keeps her cards close to her chest and her mouth shut so no one knows (least of all her mentee) until the chips fall. Believer in preparing for the worst at all times - which means putting her mentee through the worst because better it’s with her than with a supervillain who won’t take her to the medbay after. Doesn’t pull punches.  
Mother: Very loving, very sweet, very flaky. Tries very hard to step up to the plate but just isn’t great at it - she does best when someone else can provide structure and guidance and she can just fill in the details. Super forgetful. Makes custom curtains, but also does tailoring, and used to make all of heroine’s halloween costumes. Still makes costumes for the local community theatre. Really wanted to be an actress, but can never remember lines, so nowadays is happy in the audience. Likes to create things, but doesn’t do well with deadlines. Determinedly defends small happinesses in a world where she is called frivolous for doing so - she maybe is a little, but it’s more  that she recognizes happiness is rare and special and so feels it should never be begrudged. Loves her kids, but isn’t the greatest at remembering details like doctor’s appointments or shoe sizes or school supplies.
Stepmother: Owner of the autorepair shop, frequent stage manager, director, and sometimes performer at the local community theatre - it’s a toss up whether she loves the stage or cars more. In general, she just likes seeing things come together. Likes lists and more importantly, checking things off of them. Heroine’s mother helps keep her spontaneous and gets her to explore new things. Came into heroine’s life when she was in high school, and they generally get along pretty well. There are occasionally awkward moments, but they both love Heroine’s mother and want her to be happy and that goes a long way.
Little Brother 1 (~9/10 ish): Long-suffering little brainiac. Sarcastic little snot, but only because he already worries about everything, which makes heroine super sad because he shouldn’t have to. Reader, and likes to show off new words he finds in books (doesn’t always pronounce them properly, but the family is so stoked to have a smart kid they are all for it anyway). Secretly really likes musicals but acts like he hates them because his parents will drag him to every audition on the planet otherwise and he likes watching them not participating. Likes to be on the fringes of things, offering commentary, but doesn’t like the spotlight or being in the center. Really wants a dog.
Little Brother 2: (~6/7ish) Hyper-curious chatterbox until he wears himself out and just wants to cuddle. ALSO wants a dog. Likes putting on family plays (though insists every time if they had a dog it could play XYZ role). Wants to be a professional soccer playing paleontologist most days. Doesn’t like being alone.
Little Sister (~4/5ish): UH TBD it’s been awhile since I had a niece/nephew in this range I forget what they are like >>;; slightly demanding? Also wants a dog because bros want a dog?
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ifleewroteotome · 6 years
#3 - Super!
Responsible, chill automechanic wakes up with superpowers that suspiciously resemble city’s top hero’s - and said hero has gone MIA. She gets swept up into a secret corporation’s superhero support system, despite best efforts to live normal life.
Love Interests:
The perennial hostage (ex-journalist turned  exasperated microbrewer in attempt to stave off kidnappings)
The (ex-villain) butler (ex-supervillain, judgy and snarky)
The villain’s kid (total softie with a trigger temper)
The legacy (costume designer child of superheroes, no powers)
The golden hero (rescued her once, bit of an overly serious dork)
Supporting cast:
Mentor (badass lady hero whose city-saving sacrifice cost her powers, but not her skills and knowledge)
Mother (kinda flaky curtainmaker) & Stepmother (musical theatre nerd and owner of automechanic shop) & much younger little sibs (they want a dog)
Roomie (also arch-nemesis, but they do their dishes and pay rent on time)
Various villains & heroes
Superpowers come in one of two ways - an epic, disastrous tragedy (explosions in abandoned factories, radioactive spills, bites from super-creatures, aliens) or genetics. When the heroine wakes up one day with superpowers, she really just wants to ignore them and go back to work, but she’s whisked off by the staff of a secret company designed to support superheroes and given a choice - learn how to control her powers, and pay back the company for her training, supplies, costumes, and support by working to save the world, dropping out and becoming a villain, or going home, risking exposure and damage and having to go into the super-powered protection program, leaving family and friends behind. Begrudgingly, she opts for the first option - but she’s not exactly putting a whole lot of effort into it. Or she wasn’t planning to, except the nature of her superpowers makes it impossible to avoid notice, and suddenly the city’s most well-known superhero takes a personal interest in raising her to follow in his footsteps.
Automechanic who really just wants to build stuff, not save the world (especially if it means classwork) but hey, thanks for the spandex tights. Had to be the ‘adult’ for most of her life, until stepmother came into the picture in high school, but some habits are hard to break. Responsible and organized, but they’re learned traits - underneath is a bit of a slapdash wild child just waiting to explore. Got dragged into theatre a lot by her mother, and has a mixed relationship with theatrics as a result. Super chill, not particularly curious about stuff that isn’t in her exact wheelhouse of interests (work, family, video games). Definitely has a hero complex, it just has to be right in front of her face - ie, she won’t go prowl the streets looking for crimes to foil, but if she sees someone being profiled at a supermarket she’ll speak up. Not lazy, exactly, but also not super motivated. More interested in the villain’s motorcycle than their dramatic speech. Not one to agonize over the ethics of superhero-ing. They hit you, you hit back. You save the citizens, you hang the person who held them hostage from a flagpole, you go home and play video games.
Love interests
The Butler: Head of staff for the superhero billionaire who took heroine under their wing. A (barely) reformed supervillain (because the butler always does it aaahahaha) but either had powers taken away, just never uses them, or they are very very subtle, Heroine can’t tell. Didn’t lose the tendency towards snarky, jerkish banter. Makes no secret of the fact they think heroine can't hack it in the big leagues. Simultaneously takes care of every need (laundered supersuits, fresh juice with breakfast, chamomile before bed) and pokes at every sore spot with snark and side commentary. Very, very loyal to the hero they work for. Cocky, confident, but also very good at blending in and disappearing, which comes in handy for espionage sorts of things. Very lax stance on morality and ethics. Very strong stance on presentation, tidiness, and appropriate breakfast options (no cold pizza on his watch).
The (Designated) Hostage: Very first person heroine rescues - albeit somewhat inadvertently. Unfortunately, this leads to them being a pretty regular target for any villains passing through, which massively annoys them at first but after they work through the various stages of grief they end up on the acceptance side. Periodically manages to rescue themselves. Possibly becomes a villain in one of the routes out of spite. Initially works as a journalist, but quits in the hopes of dissuading villains and opens their own microbrewery instead--if they’re going to have to sit around waiting for the heroine to show up, they can at least have a beer while they wait, right? Has a fairly remarkable pain tolerance and high fear threshold at this point.
The Legacy: Child of two exceptional superheroes who was expected to do tremendous things - except they never manifested powers. Their little sibling did, and resentful of all the expectations set on Legacy, went off and became a supervillain so basically there is Serious Family Drama. For their part, legacy is honestly massively relieved not to have powers. Quiet, dreamy, bit of a flower-child but very sharp when they pay attention and focus. Because they know all about superheroes (and wanted to stay in the loop on little sib) they work for the superhero support system, designing costumes (their motto is ‘flattering, functional, bulletproof’). Has been around the company forever so they know everyone and everything. Fluctuates between practical (due to such longterm exposure to the way things are) and philosophical (which they’ve had to be to accept parents choosing heroics over family time).
The Villain’s Kid: Family Issues, Episode 2. As far as anyone knows, their villainous parent killed their heroic parent and is still serving consecutive life sentences for the aftermath (there’s more to it, but no one ever gets the villain’s side). Subsequently, there’s a lot of mistrust of VK, who is actually the sweetest, softest marshmallow around - though admittedly when you do manage to get their ire up, it gets nasty fast. Quietly confident in their identity, no matter how absent parents were (not totally their fault) or how much people expect them to be something else. Uses what could be incredibly destructive powers in a surprisingly effective, non-violent way most of the time. Likes to keep things simple and not overthink it (because then they start plotting and that’s, you know, frowned on).
The (other) Superhero: One of the heroes whose powers manifested via tragic explosion in their early teens. Ran around trying to save the world in a sweatshirt and Halloween mask until the superhero support system scooped them up and got them a real costume and some martial arts training. Genuinely a good person, trying to do their best to save everyone and everything, despite it kind of burning them out just from constant stream of demands and the fact they are incapable of treating people’s lives being at risk as routine. Same age as heroine (maybe a year younger) but has been doing this a lot longer - actually saved her once or twice back in the day. Civilian identity is a regular at the repair shop - heroine always assumed they were just a lousy driver, but it’s more that villains tend to destroy their ride as collateral damage. Kind of quiet, kind of dorky. Has one of the best track records for saving people, but doesn’t really know how to relax or wind down. Grizzled vet of the biz, though they’d be genuinely startled to be identified as such.
Supporting Cast
Roommate/Arch-nemesis: Always pays the rent on time, never leaves dishes in the sink, but also dons a mask and tries to take over the city at night at least twice a month. Still not the worst roomie heroine’s ever had. Plus, they have a dog so they can’t be that bad. Will literally leave in the middle of a dramatic confrontation to go let the dog out, too. Dramatic, but not psychotic. Unless you threaten the dog.
Mentor: Superhero “officially” retired from active duty on account of losing her superpowers during an act that saved millions of lives but that doesn’t stop her from pulling on the mask and using influence, technology, and sheer knowledge of tactics to even the playing field when her mentees are in over their heads--though she is also a big believer in trials by fire, and they’re all usually strong enough to survive a hospital stay or two, so they don’t count on her. SERIOUSLY pragmatic. Excellent strategist and longterm thinker - can match any supervillain in xanatos gambit capability except she keeps her cards close to her chest and her mouth shut so no one knows (least of all her mentee) until the chips fall. Believer in preparing for the worst at all times - which means putting her mentee through the worst because better it’s with her than with a supervillain who won’t take her to the medbay after. Doesn’t pull punches.  
Mother: Very loving, very sweet, very flaky. Tries very hard to step up to the plate but just isn’t great at it - she does best when someone else can provide structure and guidance and she can just fill in the details. Super forgetful. Makes custom curtains, but also does tailoring, and used to make all of heroine’s halloween costumes. Still makes costumes for the local community theatre. Really wanted to be an actress, but can never remember lines, so nowadays is happy in the audience. Likes to create things, but doesn’t do well with deadlines. Determinedly defends small happinesses in a world where she is called frivolous for doing so - she maybe is a little, but it’s more  that she recognizes happiness is rare and special and so feels it should never be begrudged. Loves her kids, but isn’t the greatest at remembering details like doctor’s appointments or shoe sizes or school supplies.
Stepmother: Owner of the autorepair shop, frequent stage manager, director, and sometimes performer at the local community theatre - it’s a toss up whether she loves the stage or cars more. In general, she just likes seeing things come together. Likes lists and more importantly, checking things off of them. Heroine’s mother helps keep her spontaneous and gets her to explore new things. Came into heroine’s life when she was in high school, and they generally get along pretty well. There are occasionally awkward moments, but they both love Heroine’s mother and want her to be happy and that goes a long way.
Little Brother 1 (~9/10 ish): Long-suffering little brainiac. Sarcastic little snot, but only because he already worries about everything, which makes heroine super sad because he shouldn’t have to. Reader, and likes to show off new words he finds in books (doesn’t always pronounce them properly, but the family is so stoked to have a smart kid they are all for it anyway). Secretly really likes musicals but acts like he hates them because his parents will drag him to every audition on the planet otherwise and he likes watching them not participating. Likes to be on the fringes of things, offering commentary, but doesn’t like the spotlight or being in the center. Really wants a dog.
Little Brother 2: (~6/7ish) Hyper-curious chatterbox until he wears himself out and just wants to cuddle. ALSO wants a dog. Likes putting on family plays (though insists every time if they had a dog it could play XYZ role). Wants to be a professional soccer playing paleontologist most days. Doesn’t like being alone.
Little Sister (~4/5ish): UH TBD it’s been awhile since I had a niece/nephew in this range I forget what they are like >>;; slightly demanding? Also wants a dog because bros want a dog?
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