#and hayloft II too but we been knew
send-me-a-puffalope · 10 months
gun by scotch & water is so vanessa coded 👁️👁️
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turtletaubwrites · 6 months
Nine people I'd like to get to know better
Thank you @hey-august for this tag!
Last song: Hayloft II by Mother Mother
My current hyperfixation song. I dig the first one too: Hayloft by Mother Mother
Favourite Colour: Purple
But only dark purple that's more blue than red. Gray is my other favorite, and I really want me some dove gray doc martens 😭
Last Movie/TV Show: One Piece 😅
I've been alternating between rewatching dubbed One Piece and JJK as my background/comfort shows while I do other things. I started Solo Leveling recently, and I'm enjoying it, but WOW I didn't realize it was going to be so brutal when I started it.
Sweet/Spicy/Savoury: Bitter!
Lol, I love spicy/savory, but my favorite flavor type is bitter. Mainly for drinks, but I get made fun of for having an "old man's palette." I love to try new and interesting foods that others don't typically like.
Relationship Status: Engaged
We've been together for 11 years, and engaged for most of those. There were a lot of random reasons why we postponed, but now I don't think we will get legally married. Marriage inequality still exists for disabled people here, and if I ever can't work again, I wouldn't qualify for disability benefits due to his income. He's my golden retriever gamer boy with that bi wife energy 😅 We both have our gaming PC's in the open layout of the house, so we talk and make noises at each other while we do our own things. I adore him and his silly face so much. 🥰
Last thing I googled: Job hunting.
It is incredibly not fun 😩
Current Obsession: Lol, nonstop fanfic writing since October!
That's literally all I want to do everyday 😅 But the character I'm currently obsessed with is Law! I waited so long to write for him because I knew that I wouldn't be able to stop. I keep going through intense phases with different lil One Piece guys, but Law has me in a fucking chokehold. It's like I'm back in junior high, fucking FERAL over grumpy emo boys. I'll never be free 🖤😭
No pressure tags! I'm not doing 9 since so many have already been tagged. Tags: @maddddstuff | @shewrites02 | @wallachianblood | @anemptypuddingcup | @notanothersmutburner
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relationship ask game! #s 1, 2, 5, 6, 10, 11, 12, 18, 30, 31, 37, 38, & 50 (sorry it's a lot lol)
1: Of the ones you've written, which romantic relationship has developed the fastest? How fast is it?
Technically Jayssandra, because most of their development happened off-screen (off-page?) due to the story being from Siv's POV and her being trapped in the Negative Speed Force for four years.
5: Do you have any works where you refuse to reach a certain relationship landmark, for one reason or another?
Not really. I've never been to a wedding, and I actively hate babies (yes I know I'm a heartless monster lol), so I don't write either of those very much, but otherwise, I think I just kinda do "anything goes". I'm a pantster, not a planner.
6: Have you ever started to write a relationship and had it develop differently than you expected? How so?
Well, originally, I was just shipping Qiara and Marie, with Liah as a third wheel, then I was like "Holy crap they'd be so cute together" and now they're all a throuple.
10: [Couple] has just been struck by a magic spell, and now they're mortal enemies! What happens now?
I'm gonna answer this for Kyle and Max bc I haven't really talked about them much.
Already, they were on two different sides, with Kyle working to protect the city, and Max building more and more elaborate mech suits to impress his boyfriend terrorize the city, so if we remove that little spark of attraction between them, there's definitely going to be chaos. Between Kyle's electric powers and Max's prodigious abilities in robotics, Central CIty would be torn to shreds.
11: [Couple] has just stumbled into a fairy ring, and they've forgotten they ever knew each other! What happens now?
Qiara and Liah immediately hit it off due to their respective golden retriever and cinnamon roll personalities, and they feel sorry for Marie because she's so pathetic and cranky. Marie, not having the others to keep her in check, goes full-on Borg Queen and tries to take over the galaxy, until Qiara remembers that, oh yeah, she's an all-powerful space god, and puts things the way they were supposed to be.
12: [Couple] has just found an interdimensional portal, and one of them just walked in! Does the other go after them?
After Jay makes his way through the portal, Cassandra immediately follows after him, since she needs to make sure his idiot ass doesn't get eaten by some kind of interdimensional cosmic horror.
18: Pick a few characters you've written for (or, for a fun twist, asker chooses). Tell me about their relationship in three sentences or less.
Ember and Siv were distant at first, given that they had an employer/employee relationship. However, Ember soon realized that Siv was really lonely and in need of a mentor figure, so she became the "mom friend". The two have been inseparable ever since (and Siv definitely doesn't think of them as the emotionally stable parental figure they never had).
30: What's the most interesting familial relationship that you've written? Found family counts.
Definitely Siv and her dad. They are so petty, angry, and ridiculous, it's honestly pathetic.
31: Are there any songs that remind you of [couple]? Are there any songs that remind them of each other?
Siv and Gina (narrative)
Siv and Gina (couple)
37: Who's the Barbie and who's the Ken? Who's the Allan?
Cassandra (Barbie) Jay (Ken minus the patriarchy) Arya (Allan)
38: Who's the Romeo and who's the Juliet? Who's the Rosaline?
Before they all got together, Marie was the Romeo, Qiara was Juliet, and Liah was Rosaline.
50: Free space! Brag on yourself! Advertise your writing! What are you most proud of recently?
Chapter 2 of In Too Deep is on it's way, with some big reveals and cute Gina/Siv moments <3
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nanasarea · 4 years
tags (tyyy @bumblebeenct ily)
tagging (even tho I think like most of you have done this haha): @mjlkau @hyuckiecore @flirtyhyuck @lucas-wongs @stayinzencity @jaemallow @mikailo666 @neocitybynight @jisvnq 
A.  it’s time to love yourself! choose your 5 (or so) favorite works you created in the past year (fics, art, edits, etc.) and link them below to reflect on the amazing things you brought into the world in 2020. tag as many writers/artists/etc. as you want so we can spread the love and link each other’s awesome works!-
1.  Time Travel Agent (my longest and one of my fave fics so far) 
Prompt: renjun failed math and now instead of being 25, you’re 15 and stuck in a timeline without him
this is by far my fave fic I've ever written, it combines my two loves, its not only a Renjun fic, its a FIVE!RENJUN, it was so fun to write and I'm v really proud of it overall haha
2.  Marathon 
Prompt: Park Jisung  was good at running track, but he was also good at running his mouth, and through your mind. 
purely because track!jisung lives in my head rent free 
3.  [23:29] (jisung) and [14:12] (renjun)
mainly because I remember the exact moment when these ideas came to me and I remember screaming
4.  M’lady + M’lady ii
Prompt:  In which you and chenle become the superhero defenders of your town 
yes because I shall die with my Chenle Agreste agenda, Chenle Noir is my weakness and if its not yours, how. (plus it was so fun to write)
5. the whole as your best friend series ( Jaemin / Jisung / Renjun / Haechan / Chenle )
because I'm sad and want them as my best friends plus they were really fun to write 
B. you’re starring in a movie with the last person you saved in your camera roll and the last song you listened to is the title. who/what is it? (which @lucas-wongs also tagged me in tyyy ily)
Okay we been knew tho???
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C. 10 Song Shuffle Game you can usually tell a lot about a person by the type of music they listen to! put your favorite playlist on shuffle and list the first 10 songs. then tag 10 people! no skipping!
Why Don't We Go There-One Direction
My Axe-Insane Clown Posse
Blood // Water -Grandson
Looking At Me-Sabrina Carpenter
Talk Too Much-COIN
505 - Arctic Monkeys
Hayloft - Mother Mother
Now Or Never - Julie and The Phantoms cast
D. Various songs tag
a song that's your serotonin booster: Temporary Fix - One Direction
a song to which you can literally feel a heartache: Unsaid Emily - Julie and the phantom cast
your current repeat song: Pierre- Ryn Weaver
a song you wish you'd never forget: too many I can't choose
a nostalgic song: Hey Stephen - Taylor Swift
a song from cd/album you have: Dunk Shot - NCT DREAM
a song from your favourite group/band: We Go Up - NCT DREAM
a song from your favourite soloist: ‘tis the damn season - Taylor Swift
a song from your favourite album: Something Great - One Direction
three songs with the same name: Replay - SHINee, Iyaz, Lady Gaga (I'm unoriginal and its not even 9am so I'm gonna leave replay haha)
a song starting with the first letter of your name: Maniac - Conan Gray
E. About Me!
Were you named after someone? Yes, marlene dietrich, and her real name is my middle name so its doubled haha 
Last time you cried? probably yesterday but idk why
Kids? One day, sure, but until then, I shall just continue being a mom to my friends haha
Do you use sarcasm a lot? Unintentionally yes
First thing you notice about people? Hair and clothes probably
Eye colour? Brown
Scary movie or Happy Ending? Happy, I can't handle scary movies
Any special talents? Being extremely average at everything I do :)
Where were you born? Slovenia 
Hobbies? Drawing/painting, writing (lyrics and lit), jewellery making and crying
Pets? I have a dog named after Baekhyun (his name is Baek)
What sports do you play / have played? Haha I can't sport 
Favourite subject at school? none? probably English tho just because its usually a free period for me haha plus me and my friends sit together in this like square/circle and its really fun
Dream Job? I wish I knew too, I want like 101 jobs, I want to be a shop owner (jewellery and gifts or witchcraft), kindergarten teacher, music producer, interior designer,.....
F. Top 5 Songs Recently
Blood//Water - grandson
Temporary Fix - One Direction
Potential Break Up Song - Aly & AJ
Work It - NCT U
no body no crime - Taylor Swift
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inkofamethyst · 3 years
February 25, 2022
BAHAHAHA we haven’t gotten our grades back yet and maybe I won’t be laughing then but this is sort of a laugh-to-keep-from-crying situation: my biochem 2 prof said the average for the exam was a 64% and lower than normal.  He admitted that it could’ve been because it was a little long (which I agree with) or possibly harder than normal (I thought the difficulty appropriate).  Will update with my score, but I’m feeling C range after hearing that (was feeling low B before, I mean I probably performed above average (the thing is like,,,, as you move up into the upper level classes, you’re moving with people who probably also did well in the pre-req classes too, so like everybody is smart after the weed-outs)).  I’m not all that worried though, as he’s said that the class will, in fact, be curved at the end.
The interpretation of Hayloft having an abusive father/daughter relationship and Hayloft II being the daughter killing her father... it’s knocking me around all kinds of ways.
Also Nobody by Upstate?  Good stuff.  I mean all of their stuff is good (the harmonies take my breath away, and Lord knows I love me some reeds), but that song...
And in the vein of music, my next instrument will almost definitely be a bass guitar (unless I come across a cheap wind instrument at an estate sale or something idk).  It’s about time that I really learned bass clef.  I intend to give it a go the summer after my senior year.  There are just so many cool basslines.  And I feel like I’m nearing the age where I can just walk into a guitar shop by myself and have that experience.  All main character-like.
Sorry for the old meme templates, but this happened this week and I thought this one fit and if I can’t be cringey here then what’s the point of journaling in the first place:
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Every once in a while I do this thing where I randomly generate a few dates and I read some old entries form back then and let me tell you.  I just read October 31, 2018 and like I already knew it was gonna be bad because it was a late 2018 entry and in that six month period of despair n stuff, but... it was so interesting to read?  And obviously it was written in response to the November 1 college application deadline but there was such a whirlwind of thoughts and the stream of consciousness was just, wild.  Obviously those fears were unfounded, and I’m glad to be out of that phase (frankly, it was probably one of the more well-written screams into the void from that period), but it was so genuine and raw and as much as I hate the idea that good art must come from pain, there was almost an artistic quality to the prose.  I dunno.  I suppose I do get artistically prose-y when I’m especially stressed.
And speaking of stress... could Russia, like, chill out?  I don’t really understand much about war but I feel like most of them are pretty dumb.  Also, what do sanctions actually do?  Like all these “sanctions” are being “imposed” but like,,,, Russia isn’t poor, I feel like.  They’re a superpower, aren’t they?  At least, they’re supposed to be, right?  And what does Russia want with Ukraine anyway?  Don’t they have enough land (yes yes I’m sure this isn’t an issue of just land rights but still)?  And maybe these are stupid questions (I’ve read an article and a half on this issue), but I feel pretty safe expressing them where no one will find them.
My university is taking steps to lift mask mandates on campus.  Not entirely--they’re still required in class settings (and a few other select places), but that’s about it.  Interesting response, seeing as there was an uptick in cases last week.  They’re basically just doing what the county is doing.  And I get it: these decisions are made by people who represent us and are supposedly looking out for our best interests and our wants.  We’re all tired of all of this and we want it to end.  But it’s gonna be a while before you catch me without my mask on.
Today I’m thankful that one of my meetings was cancelled this morning tbh.  It’s already been a drag of a week and I had three other sessions to attend aside from class today.
[edit from two days later: I GOT AN 86% AHHHHHHH YASSSSS IT’S WAY ABOVE AVERAGE AND THE HIGHEST WAS A 90% WOOOOOO WE LOVE TO SEE IT now I just gotta catch up on all the revising I’ve skipped over the past few weeks yikes]
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maidendufay-blog · 7 years
Emone held Thierry’s hand tighter over her mouth and tried not to laugh. Behind her, her brother had his face buried in the top of her head. She could hear him struggling not to laugh, too.
Of all her siblings, Emone was closest to Thierry- both in age, and otherwise. Henri and Alex were eight and six years older then her respectively, making their struggles seem somewhat distant. And Manon was four years younger- still just a baby, really.
Emone and Thierry went most places together. They came as a pair. If you wanted to talk to one, you’d receive both or neither. Since they usually got into trouble together, though, this made it much easier for their parents to scold them; they only needed to send for one, and both would arrive.
“Just kissing,” they heard Susanne-from-the-village say, giggling.
“Just kissing,” Henri agreed. He sounded strange- breathless, like he’d been running for miles- and Emone snorted. She heard one of the boards in the hay-loft above them creak. “Suze, wait here a moment.” 
She froze. She could tell from her brother’s tone that he had heard her, and he was displeased. Thierry uncovered her mouth and raised a finger to his lips. Go that way, he mouthed, gesturing left around the hay bale that served as their hiding place. I’m right behind you. She nodded obediently and turned to run-
- smack into Henri, who knew almost all of his little siblings’ hiding places by heart.
“What are you two doing back here?” he said. There was no way he could possibly see Thierry yet, as he was still hidden, but he knew. Where one was, the other would be.
Emone looked at him suspiciously. “Where has your shirt gone?”
“Susanne has it.”
Henri groaned and pinched the bridge of his nose. “Because I gave it to her.”
“Is she cold?”
“Yes, Emone. She’s cold.”
“I think,” said Thierry, coming around the hay bale to stand beside his sister, “that they were kissing.”
“So do I,” Emone agreed. “But I don’t see why that involves the removing of one’s shirt.”
Henri was clearly trying to remain angry, but he couldn’t help but laugh. “You’ll find out one day, little sister,” he said, tugging on one of her braids in that way he knew she didn’t like. “When you are older.”
“Can’t you just tell us now?” she asked, glancing over her shoulder at Thierry, who nodded; he was curious, too.
“I can’t tell you little babies everything,” Henri said. “You need to learn some things by yourself. Now, can I go back to kissing Susanne?”
“Tell her we hope she warms up soon,” Thierry said earnestly.
Henri snickered. “She will, Thierry, I’ll make sure of it.”
Emone reached behind her and took Thierry’s hand. “We will leave you alone.” She raised her voice and called out, “Hello Susanne!”
Susanne peeped over the edge of the hayloft and waved. Her hair was undone. “Hello!”
“We are going to go,” Thierry said as the two children walked out of the barn hand-in-hand, “and take the dress off of Nonnie’s doll and hide it.”
“No,” Emone said, “because last time we did that, she pulled on my hair. And she is surprisingly strong, for a baby.”
Emone jumped down from the tree that stood by the gate to the farm that the du Fays rented and grabbed Thierry’s arm.
“Where have you been?!” she asked. “I had to play with Manon, and she isn’t anywhere near as fun as you!”
Thierry couldn’t help but smile smugly. “Thanks, Mo. I love you too.”
“That doesn’t answer my question,” she huffed.
He gestured for her to come closer, and bent his head to whisper in her ear; “I was kissing.”
Emone pulled away and raised an eyebrow. “A girl?”
“Of course a girl! Emone, really?”
She laughed. “Jesus, who?”
He slapped her playfully on the shoulder. “Don’t swear!”
“Who was it?!”
“..... Idette.”
“Shhh!!!” he rushed forward and grabbed her by the shoulders. “Emone, you mustn’t tell anybody!”
“I won’t, Thierry, I promise.” She looked down. “Your shirt is still on.”
He glanced down. “Yes. It is. I’m not entirely sure what Henri was referring to, that time.”
“Maybe we need to be even older,” Emone suggested.
“Maybe,” Thierry agreed.
Emone was fifteen when she had her first kiss. It was at Henri’s wedding (not to Susanne- that fling hadn’t lasted longer than a few months, and now she was engaged to the baker’s son). His bride had eight brothers, all in attendance, and one of them took a shine to her.
They danced a little, and then they went somewhere away from the festivities. “Have you ever been kissed?” he asked.
“No,” she replied.
“Do you want to be?”
And Emone was curious, so she said “Yes.” 
Curious because what happened to men’s shirts when they kissed? Curious because everyone seemed to like kissing an awful lot, and she hadn’t done it yet so she didn’t know why. She really didn’t care much for Seb, who was annoying and had funny-looking hair, but curiosity got the better of her.
It was the quickest kiss in the world, because Emone pulled away almost immediately. It felt wrong, and unpleasant, and she needed to find Thierry. She feigned embarrassment and ran away.
“Thierry,” she whispered, pulling him away from the buffet table, “I just kissed Seb and it was horrible.”
He pulled her into a hug. “It’s alright, Mo. It just means he isn’t The One for you.”
“I know. And I’m not upset. A little disappointed, maybe, but...” she sighed and buried her face in Thierry’s chest.
He smoothed down her hair. “Is his shirt still on?” he asked.
She laughed into the fabric of his tunic. “Yes, Thierry. Yes, it is.”
The morning after Thierry’s wedding, he arrived at the palace in search of his sister. The head-maid woke her even earlier than usual- although this wasn’t too much of a problem, as a childhood spent on a working farm meant Emone was used to early starts- and told her to get dressed; there was a strange man asking for her in the kitchens.
Emone feared the worst, and made sure to pin her hair up in such a way that she could just reach up and take the accessory out, if she needed a weapon. Hairpins were sharp.
When she saw Thierry standing awkwardly amid the bustle of breakfast preparations, she breathed a sigh of relief and ran towards him. He caught her in his arms with ease.
“Is everything alright?” she asked. “You said I’d be able to go back to work right after your wedding, but if you need me, I can-”
“Emone,” he cut her off. “I’m alright. So is Idette. We’re both doing wonderfully.”
“I’m glad.” She cocked her head to one side, curious. “What brings you to me here, then?”
“I have made a discovery,” he said. “Is there somewhere we can go?”
Emone brought him to the wine cellar. “No-one is supposed to come down here this early,” she explained. “Now talk.”
“I have discovered what happened to Henri’s shirt, back when we were little.”
“He was not kissing Susanne. Or... well, not just kissing.”
“Oh,” Emone said, connecting the pieces. “But... in the hay barn?! He was sixteen!!”
“You’re only seventeen now!”
“And I would never... wow. Wow.” she clasped her hands over her mouth. “Wow.”
“I know.”
“But she said just kissing!”
Thierry shrugged. “Maybe they didn’t go all the way.”
“There are things in-between?”
He nodded. “For example, last night Idette-”
Emone clamped her hands over her ears. “No! No, I do not want to hear what you did with Idette! Lalalalalalala!”
Laughing, Thierry tugged her hands away and held them in his. “You’ll have a husband of your own someday, you know.”
“If all men kiss like Seb, I do not think I want a husband.” There was part of Emone still holding out for a classic fairy-tale prince; tall, handsome, with a horse and a beautiful voice and the ability to kiss like the men in stories. But, being realistic, such things didn’t happen to girls like her. “Maybe I will be like Alex, except the other way around. Maybe I will only like women, in that way.”
“I think Papa might cry, if he had two children like Alex.” Thierry squeezed her hands. “You will find a man, and when you do, I want you to tell me. Immediately. You’re to come right to my house in Paris, I do not care what time it is.”
“I will, Thierry. I promise. We tell each-other everything, remember?”
He nodded. “Yes. We do.”
She heard the news from a soldier, who had returned from the war too injured to continue fighting. When the head-maid told her that there was a strange man in the kitchens asking for her, Emone thought it must be Thierry again. But it wasn’t, and her heart sunk when she saw him.
“Are you Emone du Fay?” the man asked. Emone nodded numbly. She knew, somehow, before the words left his mouth what he was going to say. “Your brother is dead.”
The letter had been sent to Idette, since she was his wife, and no-one had thought to tell his sister. They don’t ask, when people join the army, who their best friends are. They don’t think to. They just need to know who to send the letter to, and Idette was his wife. Of course it would be her.
“What have they done with the body?” Emone asked, reaching up to wipe her eyes with the back of her hand. She hated crying- hated it- but tears seemed to have leaked out without her knowledge.
“His wife had him buried in a church in Paris, near their house. The funeral was last Thursday. I’m so sorry, I tried to find you sooner, but it was just so difficult-”
“No,” Emone said, swallowing. “No, thank you. You’ve done everything perfectly, and I’m eternally grateful.”
“The way he spoke of you,” the soldier said, “I expected you to be younger.”
She laughed, and then choked on her tears. “Don’t be fooled. These last few years have aged me a great deal.” Between Henri’s death by plague, and now this... Gone was the giggling little girl, hiding in hay barns and clutching at her brother’s hand. “I shall have to tell the others. Alex lives in the country; I will write to him. But I don’t suppose you’re heading back via a road called le Rue du Caire? My sister lives their- our sister,” she smiled weakly. “Thierry’s, and mine.”
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pagan-raider · 8 years
Drawn to you (Part III)
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Part 1: http://pagan-raider.tumblr.com/post/156411985998/drawn-to-you
Part 2: http://pagan-raider.tumblr.com/post/156547584333/drawn-to-you-part-ii
The door of your room flew open and your mother stormed in, face clouded with worry.
“You need to pack, quickly. We have to leave.”
“What? What are you talking about, mother?”
“The great heathen army, they will be here soon. Your step-father wasn’t able to stop them.”
You sat down on your bed, overwhelmed by contradictory feelings. The great heathen army. You knew Ivar was with them. Almost a year had passed since you had last seen him. And now they would come here. You were terrified, but at the same time excited, hoping for a chance to see him again. Ever since he had left, the viking prince had haunted your dreams. You longed to feel his hands on your skin again, his lips on yours. You knew those were sinful thoughts but you couldn’t help yourself.
“Common, we have no time to waste!” Your mother’s voice pulled you out of your thoughts.
“I want to stay here.” The words were out before your mind had fully comprehended what they meant.
Your mother looked at you as if had lost your mind. “You can’t stay here. Haven’t you heard what I just said? The vikings are coming, everyone is leaving.”
You got up from the bed and took your mother’s hands. “I love you, mother. But I have to stay here.”
For a few more moments she stared at you in total disbelief, but then the expression on her face changed into a knowing smile. “This is about the son of Ragnar Lothbrok, isn’t it?”
You pressed your lips together, not wanting to give yourself away but you had never been able to hide anything from her.
“Don’t think I don’t know. I heard you sneak out of your chamber every night when he was here. And I saw the way you said goodbye to him when he left.”
“I…” You trailed off.
Your mother put her hands on both sides of your face. “Do you love him?”
You took a deep breath, then looked into her eyes. “Yes, I do.”
She nodded. A small smile played around her mouth but there was also an undeniable sadness in her eyes. “Then you should stay.”
You looked at her, almost in disbelief.
“I love you more than anything in this world and I want nothing more than to know you are save.” She continued. “But if you love this man, I have no right to keep you away from him. You have changed after he left. You’ve become so quiet and I can see how much you miss him. I want to see you happy. I want to see you smile again. Go and follow your heart. I can only pray that you are making the right decision and that god will protect you while I can’t.”
A single tear ran down her cheek and she tried her best to smile at you. “Well, at least he is a price.”
You could feel her pain and how much it cost her to let you go. Never in your whole life had you been so grateful.
She wrapped her arms around you. “I love you, my child.”
“I love you too, mother.”
Your mother was still holding you close to her as your step-father entered the room.
“What is going on in here? I thought you were packing.”
Your mother slowly let go of you, facing your step-father. “Y/N will stay here with your father.”
“What are you talking about? She cannot stay here. There will be no one here to protect her.”
“And still it is her wish.”
“Why would she…. Wait! Please tell me this is not about the son of Ragnar Lothbrok.”
You looked at your mother and could read your own surprise mirrored on her face.
“Do you two think I am stupid? I was there that day when she disgraced herself in front of everyone by letting that pagan savage put his hands on her.”
Your mother stepped forward and put her hand on his arm. “She has made her decision.”
He shook his head. “You are mad. Both of you. Do you really want to give her to a viking? To our enemy? I have seen him on the battlefield. Many good Christians died because of him. My father made a huge mistake to release him and now you are making another mistake thinking he would not harm her. He will have his way with her and then kill her. Is that what you want for her? Because I will not allow it.”
“It’s not your decision to make. She is my daughter, not yours.”
“It is good that you remind me how you disgraced both of us. She turned out just like you, didn’t she?”
Your mother stubbornly raised her chin. “I will not force her into a marriage she does not want, making her unhappy for the rest of her life.”
He snorted. “Than do what you want. But I promise you, this will not end well for her.”
With that he turned and left.
You knew that what you were doing was more than dangerous, reckless most would say. If the other vikings would stumble across you before you could find Ivar, they would probably kill you, or even worse. You had found a place on a hayloft from where you could overlook the whole yard through the gaps between the planks without being seen yourself.
As the heavy gate burst open your heart began to race. There was no way to back out of this now. You watched as the vikings stormed into the yard. More and more of them poured through the gate but you hadn't made out Ivar yet. There were hundreds of them, wild looking men, dressed in fur and leather. They were carrying swords or axes and their faces were smeared with blood. You felt a cold shiver go down your spine and a hint of doubt rose deep inside you. Maybe you had been naive to think you could just walk through them and right into Ivar's arms. But then you saw him. He came through the gates in a chariot. Most of his face was hidden by a helmet but you knew it could only be him. He stopped his horse not far from where you were hiding. As he took off his helmet you gasped in shock. He too was covered in blood. His beautiful face was hard as stone and his blue eyes icy and cold. He radiated wildness and brutality and in this moment you feared him like you feared all the others. You wondered if you had known the men who's blood was now smeared across his face and a sick feeling grew inside your stomach. The words of your step-father echoed through your head. Many good Christians died because of him. My father made a huge mistake to release him and now you are making another mistake thinking he would not harm her.
Could he have been right? You were sure that the Ivar you knew would never do anything to harm you but the Ivar you saw down in the yard seemed like a whole different person. You had no idea what to think, let alone to do anymore. As desperation overwhelmed you, you pulled your knees to your chest, wrapped your arms around them and quietly began to sob.
You had no idea how much time had passed. You sat with your back leaned against the planks, face still wet from the tears. You hated yourself for being stupid enough to stay here and for being to scared to do anything now. A small part of you still wanted to find Ivar, still hoped that what you had seen was just a bad dream, but the biggest part of you was scared to death and didn't dare to move. You wouldn't have known where to look for him now anyways.
You startled as you heard heavy steps on the stairs leading up to the hayloft. Full of panic you looked around but there was no place to hide. Terrified, you watched as the door was opened and a large man came in. As his gaze fell upon you, an evil smile appeared on his face. You couldn't help but let out a terrified scream as you tried to crawl backwards, away from him. But the loft was small and you didn't get any far. As he came closer to you he said something in his own tongue you didn't understand. He leaned down to you and you tried to push him away but he easily caught your arm and twisted it down hard. You gasped in pain and tried to slide away from him but his grip on your arm was merciless. With his other hand he reached for the neckline of your dress in order to rip it off you but stopped in the middle of his actions as you heard familiar voice from behind him. You couldn't understand the words but the tone was clear and commanding. The man let go of you and turned to face Ivar. You held your breath as an angry conversation evolved between the two. You had no way of telling what they were saying but it seemed like they would attack each other at any moment. After a while Ivar demonstratively pulled an ax from his belt and looked at the other man with challenging eyes. For a few heartbeats the other stared back at him, his hand at the grip of his sword, but then he just grunted and turned to leave.
As you heard his steps on the stairs Ivar turned to look at you. You cast your eyes down, avoiding his gaze. He waited a few seconds for you to look at him but as you didn't he lost his patience and crawled over to you.
“Are you hurt?“ He asked and reached out his hand to you.
You slid away from him before he could touch you and cowered into a corner of the loft. For a moment you thought he would follow you but he didn't. He leaned his back against the wall and looked at you.
“What is wrong?“
You took a short glimpse at him from the corner of your eye. He looked genuinely  hurt by your reaction.
“Y/N, please tell me what is wrong.“
You slowly looked up to meet his gaze and despite everything felt the familiar tingle in your stomach as your eyes met his. He had washed the blood off his face and his features were as calm and beautiful as you remembered. His hair was longer now and there was a long scar on his cheekbone, that hadn't been there before, but other than that he looked exactly like the Ivar you knew. But then you remembered his cold eyes and bloody face you had seen earlier. Conflicting feeling swirled around in your head.
He still looked at you, waiting for your response.
“You.... You have killed so many.“ You pressed out and took a deep breath to calm yourself down. “I have known these people. I have lived with them, I have talked to them...“ You trailed off.
Ivar nodded slowly. “I can understand that you are angry...“
“I am not angry.“ You interrupted him. “I am scared. I am scared of you, of what you have done and of what you will do in the future.“
“I don't want you to be scared of me. I never wanted to do anything to hurt you. But I had to avenge my father. I told you that I would come back to do so. And you knew that bloodshed would be involved but still you are here. Why did you not leave like all the others?”
“I'm still here because I wanted to be with you. I thought we could find a way to make it work, just like your father said, but now I'm not sure of it anymore.”
He was silent for a few seconds and you could see the conflict in his eyes. He was fighting with himself about something.
“It is your decision to make.” He finally said. “I want you to come with me. I want you by my side. But I will not lie to you, this won't be the last time that blood was shed.” 
He crawled over to you and sat down in front of you, looking into your eyes. “I promise I will never hurt you or allow that anyone else does.” He said, offering you his hand.
Very slowly you placed your small hand in his bigger one.
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