#and he reminds me of Knut the ice bear
whump-it-like-its-hot · 11 months
You rolled number…2, so, drumroll,
Knut Bjerke
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Oh, where do I even start about him. Technically, he isn’t even alive at the current point in time. However, I will make exceptions to this rule :)
Knut is Agender and doesn’t really mind any pronouns, but usually sticks to He for the sake of simplicity. He’s Ace and also autistic, so basically a Triple A Battery <3
They were Loki’s partner when they were still alive, before they got murdered in cold blood. (Rumors say the incident involved a chicken nugget…)
Knut was most recently training to become a paramedic. He genuinely believes that there’s something good in every person, and does his best to bring that out. However, he also tends to be kind of a doormat. Other than that…he’s extremely allergic to walnuts. And he knows danish and british sign language. In whump, he usually plays a caretaker role, or rarely a whumpee.
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just-eyris-things · 2 years
The Legend of Ragnar Bjornskin
Character focus: Eyris, Ragnar Bjornskin
Words: 1 683
Time and place: PoF (post Departing, but it really doesn't matter much), Desolation
Eyris sat by the fire, watching the flames dance upon the wood. Canach gently shoved her with his shoulder as he sat by and handed her a bowl of soup. As she took it she looked at it, then at Airell. He was really hardworking, considering that he just grew them a tree so they had timber for fire and something to eat on and with. Trusting his cooking skills, Eyris put the spoon in her mouth. The soup was hot, pleasantly warming her from the inside. Just like dad used to make, she thought, blankly staring at the soup.
"-ris. Eyris? Eeeeyris," she suddenly heard and popped her head up as she frantically looked around, asking herself in the back of her head if she had zoned out again. She noticed the commander looking at her. Eyris didn't know, she didn't really listen.
"What is it, Furaha?" She sighed as she asked, focusing her eyes on the commander.
"Well, I was wondering if you'd like to join our newly founded guild, Dragon's Watch," Nia said as she sipped on her tea. Eyris was silent for a moment, as if thinking. But the truth was that her mind was blank. Was there a point in affiliating herself with a guild? She had always been on her own, except for...back then.
"She clearly keeps wandering off," said Canach, "give her a break."
"No, no. It's...fine." Eyris spoke slowly. "Sorry. I do not join guilds." She smiled apologetically, yet she did not feel so. That was something culturally expected, she was supposed to say she was sorry and put on this fake smile. This facade reminded her of something she heard once among the sylvari in the Grove. She has been away for so long, she clearly got used to hiding her feelings even from herself. But she knew that wasn't aways the case.
"Can I ask why? You aways appear so... lonely."
Eyris sighed, irritated. "Commander, this is none of your business. I do not ask you why you left your family in Kryta, I do not ask why you even came to Tyria, I do not ask why you joined Vigil while your sister started a family. I agree with Braham. Give me a break," Eyris said it so forcefully, it sounded more like a demand than a plea. Nia furrowed her eyebrows. Clearly something the sylvari said did not resonate with her right, but she said nothing.
"As much as I just love chaos..." Canach said as he warmed himself by the fire in that cold, desert night. "Anyone would like to share some story? As you are meant to by the fire?" He clearly just wanted everyone to relax. Needless tensions in the middle of nowhere were... quite unwanted. Airell was about to open his mouth when Eyris broke in.
"I will tell you a story." She was surprised by herself, the words just left her mouth as if they lived on their own. But now all eyes were on her. She had to do it. She exhaled slowly, mentally preparing herself. If there was a story worth telling, it was that story. "Let me tell you the legend of Ragnar Bjornskin."
Everyone looked at her, surprised yet intrigued. Eyris rarely spoke, and now she was to share a story? Truly, unexpected. The sylvari cleared her throat.
"Ragnar Bjornskin was a norn and a follower of Bear. He had a family, a beautiful wife, Sigrún, and a daughter Brunhildr, named after one of the great warriors of the Far Shiverpeaks who stayed behind when Jormag pushed the norn south. But the story of Brunhildr is for another evening.
"Ragnar carved his legend when he was a young norn. He brought the offering to Bear before he set off onto the Great Hunt of 1286 when many norn went to Far Shiverpeaks to fight Jormag minions. Many fell to corruption, infected by severe bites and scratches of the icebrood. Many fell in battle. But the champion that lived in that area, Ice Terror, was slain, and it was Ragnar who brought its head back.
"After showing it to Knut, Ragnar threw a celebratory feast. By the age of 33 his legend was already carved. Ragnar attended many other Hunts, and during one of them he met Sigrún Heartpiercer. Now, I know that I said she was beautiful. But it was not her beauty that took Ragnar's heart prisoner, no. It was that she was an amazing spear wielder. It was that her spear throw alone could pierce four icebrood at once. Her spear never missed. It always went straight through the heart. Ragnar fell in love with the battle scars on her body, with the way she laughed as she always emerged victorious. They said she had never lost a battle. And Ragnar, as today youngsters would say it, thought it was super hot.
"Ragnar and Sigrún had truly a norn wedding. They got married spontaneously, during a Hunt on yet another one of Jormag's champion, Frost Maw. A few more hunts later Sigrún rounded up. She was expecting. The two thought about it but as they concluded their legends were carved, they could settle down and raise a child whom they later on called Brunhildr. Their future seemed bright.
"One day Ragnar left for a hunt. He left before dawn and was to come back by sundown. He left a stead he called home, and what he came back to were ashes and charred remains of his beloved wife. His daughter was nowhere to be found.
"Enraged Ragnar swore to find his daughter. He buried his wife in a nearby clearing by a Bear shrine where they always brought offerings before leaving their stead. Leaving behind nothing but charred remains of his home, he set off to find the perpetrators. On a back of a polar bear he traversed the Shiverpeaks, tearing down every camp of Svanir followers, convinced that his precious daughter was held prisoner somewhere there. While yes, they do look down on women, Ragnar feared the worst. And as he crossed encampments off the map, his legend began growing again.
"Year after year, his legend grew. Ragnar Bjornskin became known as Ragnar Svanirskinner due to the gruesome methods he used when fighting them. But one day, he disappeared. Just like that, after over twenty years of fighting. Some say he died, was killed or eaten by wild animals. Some say he is still out there, hunting those whom he did not hunt while he was alive."
Eyris hands were trembling. She knew that she omitted a piece of the story. Yet, how could she say it? She knew it was disrespectful, she knew that she should finish the tale. But nobody had to know, right? Nobody had to know that she was the reason Ragnar met his end in the least glorious way. She dug her nails deep into her hands, hoping to stop them from trembling, hoping that nobody would notice. The people around were silent. Finally, Airell took a loud sip of his tea.
"May Ragnar Bjornskin continue on his legend within the Mists."
People raised their wooden mugs and drunk. Even though it was tea, somehow it burned their throats in a similar way to ale. The conversation soon shifted to other topics but in the end, all there was to Eyris story was that her chest hurt and her throat was tied in a knot.
"I'll take the first watch," said Airell. After everyone exchanged "good night's", they all went to their tents. All of them but Eyris, who was still sitting on the rock she had been on during the entire evening. Airell looked at her in silence then sat by, his eyes up in the sky.
"Ah. There it is," he said suddenly and pointed at the starry night. "The Great Tree. See that star? It shines the strongest, the 'Heart' of the Tree. Kaana said that if we're ever lost we should climb the highest tree and look for the Heart. It would always lead us home."
Eyris looked at the star Airell was pointing at. She tilted her head. By 'we' he clearly meant himself and his frog siblings, not him and her and the others. But it was still a nice thing for him to share.
"Yes, I can see that," she said, nodding. She then looked away as she clenched her hands on the blanket she used to keep warm in that cold night. "Ragnar would always say the same thing, except he would tell me to look at the arrow of the Huntress."
Airell looked at her, yet said nothing. He didn't want to push, fully aware that if there was a story like he suspected, it was a heavy burden for her to bear.
Eyris's breath was heavy. A secret she held in was out: she did know Ragnar personally
"I... I killed Ragnar," she confessed, her chest tightening. "He did not just 'disappear'. After years of fighting in the Shiverpeaks he realised that he would never find his daughter. He claimed that Spirits guided him to Maguuma. After all, he had no real reason to be there.
"Ragnar found me there, in the ruins of Soundless village I used to live in. He took care of me as if I was his kin. He taught me everything I know. In the end he died, protecting me from the Risen. I...I had to make sure he wouldn't be one of them."
Eyris fell silent and Airell just sat there, watching her. A short moment later he got up and pulled her head to his body, hugging her, embracing her, as if he was hiding her from the cold, cruel world.
"I'm sorry, Rissie," he told her quietly. "I'm sorry you had to go through that."
Tears started rolling down her cheeks as she hugged into him, taking in the feeling of safety and lightness. So many years passed and she finally finished the story.
"May Ragnar Bjornskin continue on his legend within the Mists."
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kranamuffins · 6 years
Once again I have done a thing.
Braham slammed into his late mother’s homestead throwing the door closed with such force that he heard icicles shatter in his wake. How could she?!?! How could The Commander, the woman who was his only family left in the world, treat him like a child! This was his mother’s legacy! Killing Jormag was HIS legacy to carry out! His burden..
He looked down to his feet and noticed that garm was missing, a faint scratching told him that he had left the dire wolf outside. He turned and opened the door. The moment Garm’’s nose entered the building he got excited. Pushing past Braham he raced to the hearth to greet none other than Knut Whitebear.
Braham paled, his face covered in shame that the leader of his people had seen his outburst. “Knut.. ah.. I didn’t see you there…….,” his voice trailed off as he scratched the back of his head.
“I came to see if you were up to joining the moot tonight, after all you cracked the tooth.. But I can see there is something yet that troubles you.” Knut motioned to the furs set in front of the hearth. “Come sit with me for a time.”
Braham could not refuse, it was Knut Whitebear, and so he sat. He sat and told one of his mother’s oldest friends what had happened. The Commanders betrayal at making a new guild, her insistence that he wait, his scathing rebuke of both. Through it all Knut sat quietly, but his face showed the storm of conflict in his heart. There was silence for a short while after Braham had finished.
Suddenly Knut stood with a deep sigh. “I should not be doing this,” he muttered. He walked to the door and opened it then turned expectantly, “Well boy? Are you coming or not?” Knuts eyes dared braham to say no, and so he stood and followed.
They stopped by the great lodge to pick up some of knuts things. Braham made sure to drop garm off with Rox, and leave wprd that he was off with Knut if anyone needed him. Then they headed out. Out of Hoelbrak, out past the Wayfarer’s Foothills, and deep into the mountains surrounding the area of frostgorge sound.
Almost two weeks into their long trekk Knut called for them to stop early for the day.  Curious after so many late nights sloughing through the ice, snow, and Dragon Minions that permeated this harsh area, he did as he was told. That night knut did not bother to set the traps around camp to warn them of the approach of hostiles. “Nothing dares come this close,” explained knut with a downward glance. “I would not do so if it did not guarantee us a full night's sleep.”
They awoke early the next morning. Whitebear was silent as he banked their fire and prepared to head out. Braham was confused when his companion left his weapon and took instead a sheaf of dried flowers. As they walked a wall covered in the ice of dragon minions came into view. Its broken walkways stark against the morning’s dawning light. Knut began quietly reciting some Scaald’s tale as Braham drew his mace..
From the ruined structure they heard nothing. Even the howling winds which had harried them for their entire journey did not so much as whisper through the empty village.
“..And the spirits of the wild blessed Denmuir with the powers to cleanse and protect his clansmen. For many years he stood as a pillar of the spirits, protecting all of his village from the harsh icebrood.” Knut paused his tale at the broken gates. And motioned for Braham to lower his weapon.
“One day Jormag grew weary of waiting for his prize, so cleverly hidden by the spirits from his view. Thus came to pass the annihilation of the AnchoritePreservers clan.” He gestured at the empty husk of a settlement before him. “This was once the home of that clan. Reclusive people to be sure, but they certainly bred the best heros. Many of their clansmen are sung of around the fires and hearths of our people.”
“What happened here,” Braham asked breathlessly examining the dilapidated buildings and chunks of ley infused ice pillars around them. “ if they were great warriors why is their home destroyed.. What could they have had that the dragon wanted?”
“Several years before the attack Denmuir interrupted the ritual blood sacrifice of one of their young clanswomen to the dragon. The child bore the mark, and scars of the encounter for many years. When the dragon sent one of his lieutenants to retrieve her, she became one with the dragon, the clan could not withstand the assault from without while also trying to restrain the monster within…” Knut grew silent.
They turned a corner to the main square of the village. At the center stood a huge ice crystal, nearly 3 times the size of the norns standing before it. Carved deep into the ice were the forms of two girls. Unmistakably the work of Eir Stegalkin, Braham’s mother.
The two girls were locked in combat one was in the midst of falling onto her back while simultaneously firing an arrow point blank at the enemy before her. The other girl wore the icy armor of the icebrood and wielding a sword of pure ice, bearing down on her opponent. The figures were so lifelike that Braham felt as if they watched him.
Knut knelt before the plaque set in the ice and bowed his head for a moment. Them he scattered the dried flowers in front of the carving. As Braham read the plaque he noted that there was evidence of other flowers. Recent ones. “ In Memorial of Heros, of Life Lived and Lost, and of Innocence Torn Asunder.  -Eir Stegalkin, Commissioned by Knut Whitebear-”
“So you brought me out here to show me one of mother's sculptures?” Braham was confused. It was just another clan that refused to move into Hoelbrak and paid the price.
Knut sighed and stood. “No Braham, I brought you here to understand.” He led them into the largest building. The ice formation on one of the beds told Braham that the mattress and furs had belonged to the girl who was the dragons lost sacrifice. Knut stood in the doorway as his young companion gave in to his curiosity and explored the building. As Braham's search neared the icy bed he turned and left, heading back to the statue.
Braham glanced over the bed, what had happened there was obvious, and went straight to the clothes chest next to it. Kneeling he opened the lid, hinges protesting their use. It was just a chest for clothing and other common items a young norn might have. Everything was normal, regular. What was he supposed to understand.
As he stood Braham heard the crunch of glass beneath his boot. He looked down and saw a portrait. It was the two girls. Joined at the hip one smiling shyly at the other, who beamed with joy at the first. The second girl, the one with the bow in the sculpture, reminded him of something. Picking up the portrait he squinted at the girls.
His face went pale. The face was young, but he knew it well. He looked closer this time with the eyes of a brother in battle, they eyes of a companion through harsh times, the eyes of a friend. Had he ever seen Frelliah smile like that? He looked around the lodge again. The largest building in the village… This was the commander’s home. Her clan. He gripped the painting tighter, her family. And it was gone. How much had she lost to the dragon? And she had told him to wait…
He walked out, the two girls still clutched in his fist, back to the central square.
“Do you see now,” Knut asked him. “Eir was as much her mother as yours, more in some ways.” He looked down. “She sees you well and truly as a little brother, she just did not want you to rush in without complete certainty that you could succeed. She has lost too many to Jormag…”
Braham folded the paper on which the commander smiled a true smile, one he had never seen, and put it in his traveling pack.
“She does not want to lose you too.”
Braham walked past Knut, towards the entrance to the village.
“She won’t,” he promised. There was a conviction in his voice that Knut had never heard from Braham before when he said, “Because I’m going to kill Jormag,” ‘For my friend,’ he thought, ‘for the only family I have left.’
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shiverpeakstraveler · 7 years
Just Like Fire Chp2
Upon arriving at the Black Citadel, Liana finds herself being sent to Hoelbrak instead to aid the norn at the request of Rytlock Brimstone, who is overwhelmed by the amount of refugees coming to him. With the help of Hjalmar and a young guardian claiming to be related to a member of Destiny's Edge, Liana finds herself going head to head against an unusual alliance between the Flame Legion and dredge.
The smell of of engine grease and molten metal wafted past Liana's nose as she stepped through the Asuran Gate and into The Black Citadel, a massive city constructed of iron and built upon the ruins of the human city of Rin. Commanded by Imperator Smodur the Unflinching of the Iron Legion, the Black Citadel served as both the headquarters of the High Legions in Ascalon as well as the testing and manufacturing grounds for the Iron Legion's armaments.
As Liana neared the Blood Tribune Quarters within the Imperator's Core, she could already hear the rising noise of a heated arguement. One of the voices she easily recognized as Logan's friend and Blood Legion Tribune Rytlock Brimstone. The other voice was of a younger male, the tone in his voice fearful and desperate as he attempted to persuade the charr.
"You have to send troops! My friends, my home. We're loosing everything. People are dying!" "Who do you think you are, pup, barging into my office like this?" snarled Rytlock, the stress from all the refugees arriving at the Black Citadel becoming apparent with each word. "My people are hunters. They don't know a thing about fighting an army!" "That may be true, but that doesn't make me your keeper! You're in the wrong place. Go talk to Knut Whitebear. I'm up to my eyeballs with refugees." "I'm Eir's son. I heard...I thought you would help." Liana found herself freezing outside the Tribune's door at that last sentence. She didn't have much time to think it over, for as soon as the sentence was uttered, an ear-splitting roar erupted from the room. "Eir has no son! Now get your mangy hide out of my office this instant!" The door swung open and Liana nearly collided with a rather tall norn storming out of the Tribune's quarters. Firey red hair trailed behind him in a braid and piercing green eyes gleamed with anger as he stomped away, muttering a few choice words that she was certain would have angered Rytlock even further. This day is becoming more and more interesting she thought as she ducked into the Tribune's office. Laria Sharpeye, the aide-de-camp to the Tribune, glanced over at Liana with a worried expression. "I'd approach Tribune Brimstone with caution if I were you, Commander," she hissed, "He's not happy I let that young norn in." The ranger proceeded to nod as she approached the desk where Rytlock sat, the charr appearing to try and distract himself with reports in order to get his mind off of the confrontation. "You better have a very good reason letting another tourist in, Sharpeye." "Nice to see you too, Rytlock. What's got your tail in a twist?" Rytlock immediately tore himself from the reports, appearing somewhat relieved to see Liana. "Commander! This is an unexpected visit. What can I do for you?" "Logan sent me to lend you a hand," she replied, the corner of her mouth twitching into a smirk as Nyla darted around the desk and proceeded to headbutt the charr's paw, "That, and someone was pretty excited to see you again." "Hate to burst Nyla's bubble, but I'm not really in a visiting mood," Rytlock growled as he rubbed the tiger behind the ears, "The High Legions are spread so thin, we've got cooks out scouting the mountains for Flame Legion. Just what kind of help are you offering?" Liana merely shrugged, snapping her fingers to draw Nyla's attention back to her. "Whatever you need, to be honest. I could try and help pull the Flame Legion off your back or take care of some of the ghosts." "That can wait. Right now, I'd like for you to take a message to Knut Whitebear for me. His people are coming to me for help. Their situation is as rough as ours; maybe he could use some help, too." "Sure, I can do that. First things first, though. Why didn't you offer to help that norn out?" The charr bristled slightly. "Two reasons. First, we've got our hands full. I can't spare a single soldier for the norn when my own people are dying and the Flame Legion are burning our assets. And second, he lied to me." "What did he lie to you about?" "He's claiming he's Eir's son. I've known her for years. She would have told me if she had any kids." Liana frowned. The tribune had a point, Eir would have probably told someone if she had any sort of family. At the same time though, the mere thought of her keeping something like that a secret was plausible, although she refrained from telling Rytlock that given the charr was already aggravated. "Alright then.....so you want me to tackle the issue with Hoelbrak first?" "It would be appreciated. Then after you take care of Whitebear's mess, I could use your hand with another matter. Just do what you can to make sure that cub doesn't come crawling back pleading for help again." "As you wish. Come on, Nyla," Liana called, glancing over her shoulder as she began to take her leave, "Catch you later, Sourpuss." "Rah! Remind me to gut Logan for telling you about that nickname!" The ranger couldn't help but laugh as she exited the Tribune's office, shaking her head as she neared the spiraling staircase that led back to the ground floor. "Let's go see if we can find our new friend, girl," Liana said as she and her pet hurried down the steps, hoping the catch the norn before he heads for Hoelbrak. It didn't take her long to spot the norn in question, his flaming red hair almost like a beacon as he was making his way towards the Asuran Gate that would lead to the hub in Lion's Arch and eventually to Hoelbrak. What became cumbersome, however, was the bustling crowd that seperated her from the individual she was trying to reach. "Hey! Excuse me! Can you wait a moment? Please wait-...Oh, Mother of Bear and all of her wacky nephews!" Liana gritted her teeth as she pushed through the crowd to try and reach him, yet it seemed like the norn was getting further and further away. In a final act to get his attention, she stuck her fingers in her mouth and let loose a shrill whistle. If he doesn't respond to this, I'll eat my own bow. "Oi! EIRSSON!" That finally captured his attention as he glanced around wildly before spotting the human waving frantically at him. A look of confusion spread across his face as he stepped off to the side, allowing Liana to catch up to him. "Do I know you?" he asked once she approached, wondering how she happened to know his name. "No, but I think I can help you all the same," she replied, clearing her throat slightly, "I, erm, couldn't help but overhear you arguing with Tribune Brimstone." At the mention of the charr, the norn grimaced slightly before turning to glare up at the Imperator's Core. "Flame Legion and Dredge have recently been attacking my homestead, killing and kidnapping anyone they get their claws on. My people are in danger, and that mighty tribune won't help. I'm not asking him to go himself, just to send some troops." "He's got a lot of things on his plate right now, the Ascalonian Ghosts just to name one of them. He was pretty harsh to you, though." "Eh, it's no skin off my dolyak," the norn replied with a shrug, "I'll just go speak with Knut Whitebear in Hoelbrak. He's a wise man. He'll listen to reason." Liana proceeded to nod. "You might have better luck with him. Why didn't you go to Hoelbrak first, if you don't mind me asking?" He sighed. "Let's just say I have ghosts from my past there that I try to avoid, my mother to be more specific. It never ends well whenever she and I are in the same room. I barely know her anyway." "Well, would you like for me to come with you? I could help you convince Knut to send some muscle?" The offer seems to catch the norn by surprise before a smile appeared on his face. "That would be great, actually! I could use all the help I can get." "Then it's settled," she replied, finding his smile to be contagious, "I've got a few things I need to look into here real quick, but I'll meet up with you as soon as I'm able to." "I'll be seeing you in Hoelbrak then," he exclaimed, extending a hand for her to shake, "I'm Braham, by the way. Braham Eirsson. You've probably heard of my mother...she's Eir Stegalkin of Destiny's Edge. Not exactly bragging, mind you. I take more after my father." Liana grasped ahold of his hand, giving it a firm shake. "Pleasure to meet you, Braham. I'm Liana Rohland."
At least Hjalmar will be happy to see me sooner, even if it means I'll have to return to the Black Citadel once this mess is cleared up, Liana thought as she stepped through the waygate and into the crisp mountain air of the Shiverpeaks. Even as she tried to reconnect to her human roots, Liana would always consider the norn city of Hoelbrak her home. She had practically grew up her entire life here until she set out for Kryta at the age of seventeen, and even though she had grown to love it, she preferred the ice and snow over the walled up city of Divinity's Reach. A smile formed on her lips as she breathed in deeply before hurrying off towards the Great Lodge, returning a few shouts of greeting as she made her way to Knut Whitebear's Loft. Knut Whitebear was an elder of the norn and the Master of the Great Lodge. Some would even consider him the leader of the norn, although the concept of leadership amongst norn was poorly defined. His grandsire, Aesgir Dragonrender, led the norn south to where Hoelbrak now stood from the ravages of the Elder Ice Dragon Jormag, even managing to strike out a tooth from the jaws of the mighty beast, a tooth that now stood within the middle of the Great Lodge. The norn believed that one day a hero would come and break the tooth, signaling the time for them to head north and face Jormag in an attempt to reclaim their lands. So far, none have managed to pierce the frozen fang that stood as a testament to Aesgir's legend. As she began to push open the doors leading to the Loft, Liana found herself once more evesdropping on a conversation. "-The smart ones are evacuating, coming here, where we can protect them." "The smart ones? You mean the wounded and near-death ones! The fierce are fighting. Dying!" That doesn't sound good, she thought, quickly throwing the door open and hurrying inside. Inside, she found Braham was already pleading with Knut Whitebear. Beside him was Eir Stegalkin-who Liana noticed possessed a look of saddness as she stared at Braham-and her direwolf Garm. Hjalmar stood off to the side, a concerned frown on his face that quickly disappeared when he spotted her, immediately waving to her before jogging over to where she stood. "Thought you were going to be helping Tribune Brimstone," he whispered. "Bit of a change of plans," she hissed, keeping an eye on Braham, "He wants me to help with Knut first so he doens't have any more refugees flooding the citadel." "I'm sorry, but I can't spare anyone," Knut gently explained, "Perhaps you could find others who will help you?" "What about you, Eir?" Braham asked, appearing to finally acknowledge her presence. "Braham, you need to stay here, in Hoelbrak," Eir began, "The people of Cragstead will-" "No," he snarled, his hands clenching into fists, "You stay, cowering around your bonfires. As soon as I restock my supplies, I'm going to get my people." "Braham, I didn't mean-!" Eir called out as the young norn turned on his heel and stalked out of the loft, a sigh escaping her as she brought a hand to her temple. "Who was that kid?" Knut inquired, turning to glance over at the famed ranger. "My son." "Hmm...I see the resemblance. He has your stubborness." "I didn't know Eir had a son," Hjalmar murmured, surprised at the revelation, "She mention any of that to you, sis?" Liana did not answer, instead choosing to bolt after Braham, her brother swearing under his breath as he hurried to catch up with her. "Braham! Hey, Braham! Wait!" Liana hollered as she chased after him, nearly colliding with him when he finally stops and turns around to face her, the frustration apparent on his face, "I caught the tail end of that....are you going to be alright?" "I'm fine," Braham muttered through gritted teeth, "I just shouldn't have gotten my hopes up. It looks as though I'll have to go back to Cragstead alone." "Are you sure about that?" Hjalmar questioned, crossing his arms with a frown. Braham turned to look at him, having to crane his neck up as he only came up to the warrior's shoulder. "I don't have much of a choice. Some of my steaders refused to leave. They're going to be massacred if I don't." "Well, if you think you're going alone, you've got another thing coming," Liana exclaimed, "Knocking dredge and Flame Legion heads together happens to be one of my many talents. We can swoop in, save your friends, and send a bunch of skritt heads running before suppertime. It'll be cherry!" Braham's face is filled with surprise before a broad grin spreads across his face-Raven's beak, he's got a beautiful smile!-while Hjalmar proceeded to raise an eyebrow at her statement. "Spirits guide you!" Braham exclaimed, clasping a hand on Liana's shoulder, "I'll meet you at the gates of Cragstead, in Wayfarer Foothills. I have to gather supplies, but I'll be there. Thank you!" "You're welcome. Hjalmar and I will see you there soon." "I'll hold you to that, Liana. Again, thank you!" As Braham proceeded to run off to gather supplies, Hjalmar turned and glanced down at Liana, a smirk tugging at the corner of his mouth. "'It'll be cherry'? Really?" Liana sighed. "I know, I know. I've been finding myself saying that a lot lately since...you know." The warrior proceeded to chuckle slightly before glancing off in the direction Braham had taken off. "I'm glad you said something about going to Cragstead. I was worried I would have to drag you there myself." His statement earned him a frown as Liana turned to look at him, puzzled. "What do you mean?" "I was speaking with Eir before your friend showed up. Mom and Dad had left for Cragstead several days ago. No one's heard from them since the refugees started pooling in."
Liana gritted her teeth as she nocked an arrow to her bow, glancing around the pillar from where she had taken cover. After learning from Hjalmar that their parents may be caught up in the carnage at Cragstead, she wasted no time rushing out to the northeastern part of the Wayfarer Foothills. As soon as Braham arrived, she was already barreling through the gate, sending a barrage of arrows flying towards charr and dredge alike.
Braham proved himself to be a formidable fighter, revealing himself to be a Guardian as he delivered blow after blow to the invaders, his weapons of choice being a shield and a mace that one could easily wield two-handed hammer. Both he and Hjalmar would charge into the fray-their foes either falling to Braham's mace or Hjalmar's axes-while Liana would provide covering fire. Nyla darted in between the two men, claws raking and teeth tearing into flesh as the group tore through the invaders, eventually clearing the lower half of the homestead. "This can't be everyone," Hjalmar grunted, using healing magic to tend to a burn on his side. "They're probably up at Wolf's Shrine," Braham replied as he helped Liana retrieve arrows, "Please, Wolf, let us not be too late."
"We'll find them, Raven willing," Liana assured him, ignoring the confused look on his face as they hurried up the steps to the cave, "We're going to do everything we can to get everyone out of here in one piece." "Wolf's teeth-There they are! Hurry!" the guardian cried as soon as he spotted the remaining steaders, charging in quickly as the ringleader appeared through a portal, "Hey, ugly!" The charr glanced over at Braham and let out a harsh laugh. "You're kidding, right? Look at you! I'm surprised you can even lift that mace!"
Braham snarled, his eyes alight with rage. "This mace will be the last thing you ever see!" "Pah! I'm going to enjoy punishing you, whelp!"
The fight itself seemed almost never ending, the charr possessing both Flame magic and dredge sonic weaponry as he fired down upon the four, his attacks relentless and unforgiving. Braham gritted his teeth as he channeled magic to keep a protective barrier up to shield the group from the strikes, fire and sonic resonance rained down upon them. Liana grimaced as she peered around him, her arrows seeming to have little affect on the charr. It wasn't long before an idea struck her and she quickly turned to the guardian. "Braham, do you think you can get close enough to knock that rifle out of his hands?" "Maybe. Yeah, I think I can," he replied with a grunt, glancing over his shoulder at her, "Why, you got a plan?" "I might, but there's no way Nyla will be able to get close enough with him firing that sonic peashooter everywhere unless we can get it away from him." "I'll see what I can do. Get ready!" With a shout, Braham let the barrier down and charged forward, striking the charr with the flat of his shield. The blow managed to daze the charr for a moment, as well as send his rifle skidding across the cavern floor. As soon as she saw the weapon go flying, Liana wasted no time in shouting a command. "Nyla, now! Go for the throat!" "Raah! You'll pay for that, you mangy-!" The charr had no time to finish his sentence before the tiger was upon him, fangs tearing into his throat while claws raked deep into his flesh. With a gurgled cry, the ringleader toppled backwards to the ground, a look of rage forever plastered across his face. The group paused for a moment to catch their breath, weary from the battle before turning their attention towards the imprisoned steaders. "Oh, my young wolf, we should never have stayed behind!" a norn that seemed to be the head of the group lamented, "I'm glad to see friendly faces." "I'm glad you're alright, Ornan," Braham replied, stepping forwards to break his restraints, "C'mon. Let's get out of here." "Braham....they took Ottilia and her family." Braham froze for a moment with a look of shock before quickly giving in to anger. "They what?! Where? Why!?" "They're collecting prisoners. I don't know where they took them or why. We were going to be next when you and your friends showed up."
Liana glanced over at Braham with concern while Hjalmar began to search through the crowd for their parents, hesitating for a moment before approaching him. "Braham?" "I hate this! We have to find Ottilia-and her family-but first, I have to make sure these steaders are okay. I've got this under control." "Braham, are you sure you're okay?" she asked, resting a hand on his arm. "I'll be fine," he muttered, his face clouded with anger and slight distress, "Thanks for your help. That was a bigger mess than I expected. I wish we could have stopped those machines from getting away." "You did your best." "Yeah, well, I guess sometimes your best just isn't good enough." "Hey. You'll rescue them."-a pause- "We'll rescue them. I want to make sure everyone of those bastards pay for what they've done here." Braham couldn't help but grin. "I'll be sure to let you know if I catch wind of anything then." "Thanks. So, now what?" "I want to tell Brimstone and Whitebear that we managed without their help. Rub it in their faces, you know?" he replied, his grin turning into a smirk, "Tell you what. You go tell Brimstone. I hear he's in the middle of a big meeting in the Imperator's Core." "Sure, I'll go let Sourpuss know. You going to inform Whitebear, I take it?" The guardian seemed a bit shocked by her nickname for the Tribune before composing himself. "First things first, I have to get these people to Hoelbrak. Once they're safe and healed and fed, I'll find out how I can rescue those who were taken." "Why didn't everyone evacuate when they had the chance?" "Too proud to admit they couldn't win against that enemy. This is our home." Bugnuts, Liana, you should know this! she thought before coughing nervously. "Sooo....Cragstead is your home too, I take it?" "Yeah. I've lived here since I was an infant with my father, Borje the Sun Chaser. He died when I was young, but I stayed and lived with Yngvi Rugnar. He and his mate have taught me well." Liana nodded for a moment before a sly grin began to tug at the corner of her mouth. "Right then. So, who's this Ottilia I've been hearing about? Close friend of yours?" Braham proceeded to sputter, his face turning a deep shade of red. "Ottilia? Who's Ottilia? Well, she lives in Cragstead, and she's... kind of beautiful. I mean sweet! She's nice, okay?" The ranger broke into laughter, patting him on the arm. "Relax, Braham. I'm not trying to interrogate you. We'll find her, I promise-" "Liana! Over here!"
Liana immediately snapped her head towards the direction Hjalmar was shouting from, her eyes widening. "MOM!" She bolted towards her brother and the norn woman accompanying him, throwing her arms around the latter as soon as she reached her. Nyla chuffed loudly and darted towards a large snow leopard trailing behind the woman, rubbing up against him. "Thank the Spirits!" Liana exclaimed, "When Mar told me you and Dad got caught up in all of this, I thought-!" The woman held on to Liana for a few seconds before pulling back, her face filled with anguish as she stared down at her daughter. "Liana," she began slowly, her voice shaking as though she was struggling not to cry, "They took your father." Liana felt as though someone had driven a knife into her stomach and twisted the blade. "What..?" "He saw them rounding up people and attempted to go after them. By the time I was able to break free from the fighting, he was already gone." The urge to burst into tears began to bubble up inside her, only to be forced away as Liana angrily rubbed at her eyes. "We'll...we'll find him," she choked out, "By the Bear, if anything has happened to him-!" "Um...." She glanced over her shoulder to find Braham standing there, scratching the back of his head and possessing a rather puzzled look. Clearing her throat slightly, she stepped back and turned to fully face him. "Sorry...forgot my manners for a moment. Mother, this is Braham Eirsson. He alerted me about the attack here on Cragstead. Braham, this is my mother, Astrid Windrider."
"Oh! Erm, nice to meet you," he began, glancing between Liana and Astrid with a frown. Liana found herself smirking in amusement at his reaction. "You were expecting humans when I said my parents might have been caught up in the fighting?" A sheepish look appeared on the guardian's face. "Yeah..sorry." "It's alright, Braham," she replied with a small chuckle, "I should have told you that before we threw ourselves into the fray." Astrid sighed, shaking her head for a moment before turning to look at Braham. "I'm glad you were able to find aid. I'm not sure what would have happened had they managed to accomplish their goal." "Couldn't stand aside and do nothing," he replied, "I'm just lucky I ran into Liana." "She does have a habit of showing up when others need help," Astrid chuckled before glancing over at Liana, "I'll need to gather my things and see if I can find any trace of your father. If I'm lucky, he might have managed to get away." "You said he went after the prisoners that were dragged away, Mom," Liana pointed out, "I doubt he would abandon them to whatever fate awaits them." The elder ranger sighed. "I know. I just hope the Spirits are watching out for him. You do plan on aiding the search once you've helped Tribune Brimstone?" "I don't think Raven would forgive me if I didn't. I promise I'll be back once I take care of things in Ascalon." "Until we meet again, may Snow Leopard guide your steps. Thorir! To me!"
The snow leopard let loose a snort before following Astrid out of the shrine, the latter quickly grabbing ahold of a discarded bow on their way to the gates. Liana watched them leave until they disappeared from sight before turning to face Braham. "You'll send word to me if you hear anything, right?" she asked, a desperate tone clinging to her words, "The first chance you get, if possible?" "Yeah, I'll definitely let you know if I hear anything," Braham assured her, "There anything about your father I should know about in case I stumble across anything regarding him?" "Just keep your eyes out for a grouchy looking necromancer that goes by the name of Thrain Ravenseeker. He'll also have a few scars going down the right side of his face that he earned combating an Icebrood." "I'll be sure to do that. Erm, hey..I hope you'll be able to find your father safe and sound." A small smile appeared on her face. "Thank you...I hope you're able to find Ottilia in the same condition as well." Braham returned the smile before clearing his throat. "I better get ready to help escort everyone to Hoelbrak. They'll be wanting to leave soon once everyone is accounted for." "I'll come with you," Hjalmar announced, "You'll need the extra muscle, especially in case the Svanir decide to get gutsy." "Thanks, Hjalmar," the guardian replied gratefully before turning back to Liana, "I'll see you once I find a promising lead, then. May the Spirits of the Wild watch over you, friend." "You too, Braham. Take care of yourself." Braham nodded before turning to check on the remaining steaders, while Hjalmar lingered behind for a moment to speak with Liana. "Hey. Dad's going to be alright, sis," he assured her, patting her on the back, "He may be old, but that wolf still has teeth. I hate to be any charr or dredge that gets in his way." "I hope you're right," she sighed, "Be sure to let me know if you hear anything as well, alright?" "You got it. Good luck in Ascalon, Liana." As the crowd began to pool out of the cave, Liana allowed herself to sink to the ground, hugging her knees to her chest as the tears she had been holding in began to escape. Nyla rumbled slightly as she curled up next to her, licking the human's hand in an attempt to offer comfort as the ranger began to shake with sobs. Raven, hear my plea.....please keep my father safe until I can find him.
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