#and he used kurumi as a means to cover up his own sadness
pixelatedraindrops · 4 months
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Yuma Month: Day 18: Future
“Thank you for coming... Makoto.”
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“Oh come now... Discard your emotions.
You are my homunculus are you not?”
"...You are cruel for this...shouldering me with yet another burden…
Kurumi...is still looking for you..."
“I know…I’m sorry.
Tell her…my journey has been extended.”
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My Roommate is a Cat 7 - 8 | Shield Hero 7 - 8 | Egao no Daika 8 - 9 | Morose Mononokean 8 - 9 | Mob Psycho 8 | Spec Ops Asuka 7 - 8
I can’t believe I forgot to check whether I had all the tags on my posts...I was missing Mononokean tags all along...
My Roommate is a Cat 7
Hiroto is such a meddler…
Hmm…this reminds me of a quote I have on a bookmark. “Picking 5 favourite books is like picking the 5 body parts you’d most like not to lose.” – Neil Gaiman
Tenshindon. I think the subs previously had it as “tenshidon”, so with tenshi meaning “angel” I was wondering what sort of rice warranted the name “angel rice”…
They say that pets are like their owners, but Haru really is a cat that’s like Subaru if I ever saw one! Hahaha!
Shield Hero 7
This stuff about the Spear Hero…we’ve heard about it before…hmm…(pieces all fall together)
This is sliding into demi-human harem territory…hmm…(disapproving)
Spec Ops Asuka 7
The sign on the maid café door says something along the lines of “Closed for Today”, not “Closed for Party”!
I like Tamara already. She says good quotes and has a cool catchphrase!
Mononokean 8
Fuzzy eating cotton candy is too cute~!
Ashiya’s black thug jacket says something like “no equal in heaven nor earth” (first 4 kanji), while Abeno’s says “good at fighting” (last 4 kanji)…but part of Abeno’s is covered by his hand and likewise Ashiya’s is covered by the frame, so I can’t tell you what the entire jackets say.
Fuzzy at the top of the slide is also cute. Just give me any shot of Fuzzy that isn’t CGI and I’ll be sold!
Why do watermelons in anime have black seeds only??? Plus, why does this one have so many of them???
Mob Psycho II 8
Dosei means Saturn (the planet). No wonder the shirt image’s planet has rings.
I-Is this the first time CR has added lyrics to the theme song???
The calligraphy on the wall behind Mob says “starry sky”.
Just jog instead of sitting. That’ll get you all fit!
Relationship advice, eh? I was bang on with my OWLS post, yay!
“He’s got the stamina of a snail.” – For some reason, I find that statement relatable…is that a good thing???
Is it just me, or are Mob’s shoes on the wrong feet?
As much as I never really grokked the first season, hence its rating on my anime list being in the 80s (as of right now, it’s an 86 but it used to be 85), my heart really sunk when Sho pulled the “burn your parents and brother in a fire” card. There’s a reason this is topping my charts this season, y’know. (Interestingly, if fangirlling is indicative of grokking the show, I grokked Magic-kyun Renaissance, currently sitting at a 76. It lost due to the simplicity of its plot…and the fact I may have overreacted to Ume voicing a character I could get behind.)
Ooh, it seems the narrator of this next-ep preview is dissing people who illegally downloaded the episode! Now that’s nasty!
Egao no Daika 8
…hmm, why do I get the feeling the Empire will intercept the data Izana is sending? (But on an unrelated note, I really like Izana’s hair…LOL, that’s just me being shallow.)
Hmm? Izana is French??? That’s the biggest surprise in the entire show, right up there with Joshua dying.
My Roommate is a Cat 8
How did Hiroto deal with unsocial Subaru, come to think of it…?
As someone who did want to be an author at one point, I went at my dream a completely different way – I went to the library a tonne, I wrote a tonne and I illustrated my own books whenever possible (but only ever made one copy of each book, because illustrating is hard). I never really owned that many books until I started up a collection of my own (because I was always sharing with other people).
Also, if Subaru did a degree…what degree did Subaru do??? I wanna know!
Also…I really like that shirt Subaru’s wearing in the flashback, The one with the black collar, sleeves and button section.
Did Subaru forget to eat again? *sigh* Subaru, what are we ever going to do with you??? (LOL)
Oh? Post-credits segment…keep watching!
LOL, that was a great post-credits segment!
Spec-Ops Asuka 8
Oh…goody. It’s thug!Kyubey (Giess). (sounds kind of sad)
Magical yandere, much????
Careful with Mia, you molester (Francine)!
For some reason, “Texas Girl” and “Russian” as nicknames makes me crack up.
Sata andagi. I think I first heard of these in Mahou Shoujo Ore.
Chisato seems to be the parallel to Kurumi.
Shield Hero 8
“I’m not warm, you know.” – Oh ho ho! Naofumi really knows how to tease a girl, eh?
Morose Mononokean 9
I find it interesting Ashiya’s mother’s name has a tree radical in it.
Strangely, CR didn’t sub a line but lip reading says it’s “Sumimasen” or “Shitsureishimasu”.
Poor Fuzzy…getting energy zapped from that youkai must be harsh…
Is Sakae Ashiya’s dad???
Mononokean does Mob Psycho’s shtick…but because I don’t find it touching or hilarious, it’s worse than the other show.
Who dis woman??? Update: That’s Ashiya’s sister.
Headbutt her! Headbutt he-awwwwwwww…why the facepalm? (disappointed)
Has Abeno always had spots on the left side of his face???
Sorry for interrupting with my opinions on gender, but why does Hanae have to be blue and his sister pink???
Egao no Daika 9
For some reason, I don’t feel like Izana died last episode. Unlike Joshua, who I could get over pretty easily because he was a Shonen Hero (TM), Izana we got to know more...to the point where it almost felt like this opening was a fakeout of sorts.
This is so obviously discussing nuclear power, y’know??? The fact they come from Verde (Green, the cliched colour of nuclear power and the colour of the environment) makes it even more obvous.
I read somewhere that Stella could be the child of Layla…hmm…
Oh dear…this death…Harold’s death…was quite the sucker punch to the feels, huh?
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