#yuma’s age is completely unknown here
pixelatedraindrops · 4 months
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Yuma Month: Day 18: Future
“Thank you for coming... Makoto.”
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“Oh come now... Discard your emotions.
You are my homunculus are you not?”
"...You are cruel for this...shouldering me with yet another burden…
Kurumi...is still looking for you..."
“I know…I’m sorry.
Tell her…my journey has been extended.”
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equinox-86 · 9 months
Noctis Character Profile
"Greetings. Kaminashi's top Vampire Hunter squad at your service. Please report any sightings to HQ immediately."
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C a n y o u h o l d h e r h e a r t ?
Most of the info listed here is still a work in progress :P Some things might change. Note that Noctis is very cold in the beginning but gradually warms up to the vampires, which results in forming strong connections and friendships later on.
Kanji: アエクアリス・ノクティス
Romaji: Aekuarisu Nokutisu
English: Aequalis Noctis
Also known as:
Pyromaniac, Jirai-Onna, Alcoholic, Chichinashi, (and many others, by Ayato) Bitch-Chan (by Laito) Livestock, Lilith (by Ruki) M-Neko-Chan (formerly by Kou) S-Neko-Chan (currently by Kou after witnessing Noctis kicking Ruki and Yuma in the balls during MB's Prologue) Drunkard, Punk, Mesubuta (by Yuma) Lilith (by Azusa and Karlheinz) Woman, Vessel, Bloodbag (by Carla) Chew toy (Shin)
Her Nicknames for the DiaBoys:
Ayato: Ayarou (Ayato + Yarou) Laito: Netorare/Cuck Reiji: Megane/Four-eyes, Mom (jokingly), Old man Shuu: Old man Ruki: Ojou-Chan (jokingly) Kou: Gigolo Yuma: Gorilla (due to his strong physique), Meathead Carla: Old man (jokingly after getting along) Shin: Cyclops, Eyepatch-bastard, Ankle Biter, lap dog Most of these nicknames aren't in use anymore or used jokingly after More Blood and Dark Fate.
Personal Information
Age: 18 (Physically)
Status: Alive
Race: Demon/ "Lilith" ( She is from a demonic species higher ranking than a Founder.)
Gender: Female
Height: 5'3
Hair Color: Black (natural) and Fuchsia (dyed)
Eye Color: Blood Red
Occupation: High ranked Vampire Hunter, 3rd year Student at Ryoutei Academy
Relatives: Unknown
Hobbies: making cocktails
Favorite Food: Alcoholic Beverages
CV: Yoko Hikasa
A mysterious figure with an unusual name. Affiliated with the church lead by Seiji Komori, Noctis was sent to the Sakamaki Mansion under false pretenses as a "Sacrificial Bride" in order to ruin Cordelia's plan and gain the Sakamaki brothers as allies for the sake of the assassination of Karlheinz, as well as to stop future women to be sacrificed to vampires. Unable to bear the thought of dooming his adopted daughter Yui Komori, Seiji forged a plan to train and send a powerful demon whose memories he took, to doom the Vampires. If Noctis were to die as a result of the plan, he would feel no guilt, as she is not human. She believes she is human, as she spent her time living among them.
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Noctis is a very calm and patient person, who could snap fast if someone acts unreasonable. She's very defiant to the vampires and doesn't tolerate their abusive behavior towards her, often engaging in physical fights with some of them. The mistreatment results in her getting dependent on alcohol and she is sometimes seen drunk during school hours in HDB. Despite appearing like an honor student at first glance, Noctis tends to engage in delinquent behavior. Despite of this, she is a responsible person that manages to complete her tasks decently, such as supervising Ayato and Laito to make sure they do not to cause trouble at school under Reiji's order. Noctis likes to throw sassy remarks at the vampires. She often gets in unnecessary trouble for running her mouth. She takes joy in teasing Ayato and Shin, who are quick to lose their temper, which she finds humorous. Noctis' has a resting face which makes her seem cold and serious, but it is easy to get a reaction out of her. She keeps her thoughts and feelings to herself and rarely shows compassion towards the vampires as to keep herself safe and not give them an opportunity to use her weak points against her. Rather than showing pity, she gives them advice from a rational perspective. She's very analytic and observant. Laito managed to break her cold barrier by constantly toying with her emotions for his own amusement, mainly enjoying the new expressions she makes by provoking her and putting her in situations that would cause her to show fear. His little games of psychological manipulation slowly resulted in Noctis showing more emotion and eventually warming up to the Vampires in More Blood.
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In most outfits, Noctis is seen wearing a heart choker on her neck and on her thigh to make biting more bothersome to the vampires. It serves as an extra protection measure.
She is always carrying a lighter with her.
With her drinking habits, Noctis developed spitting fire using alcohol and a lighter as a special skill.
Noctis hates cranberry juice as a result of drinking it too much to restore her iron levels.
When Reiji nags her too much, she jokingly starts calling him "Ossan" (おっさん) meaning "old man." Here, she refers to him or any other vampire as a grandpa due to how old they are.
Opposite to Yui, Noctis is a demon with a "human heart." Due to her memory loss, she was treated like a human by the church and learned their morals and values.
Noctis has a reflex that causes her to punch what causes her fear. For example, If someone were to jumpscare her, they would get punched by accident.
As a result of sharing a roof with 6 men, Noctis started to adapt manly speech mannerisms, such as using "ore" instead of "atashi" when referring to herself.
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tournesolia · 4 years
Lost Eden Subaru Maniac Epilogue Translation
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Place: Eden – Hall
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Shu: There’s nothing we can do for now, but…
Now that we cannot count on Carla, our planned forces dropped considerably…
Reiji: This is very troubling…
Subaru: I can still fight despite that, you know?
Shu: … Ha?
Shin: No way, are you implying you’ll take my brother’s place…?
Subaru: … So what? Got something against it?
Shin: No? I suppose we have no other choices.
Reiji: At any rate, we should make sure this incident isn’t subject to leaks.
*Reiji, Shu and Shin leave
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Subaru: Hey, Ruki.
Ruki: What is it?
Subaru: You’re smart, right? I got something to ask.
Ruki: … If you’re looking for someone smart, why don’t you ask your brother Reiji?
Subaru: … I wanna ask you.
Ruki: Hmph… Well, whatever. So, what do you want?
Subaru: Well—
*some time passes
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Kou: … Huh?
Azusa: … What’s wrong, Kou…?
Kou: Well… Was there familiars just now? Kinda strange that they flew away…
… Who could they be?
Scene change: Vibora castle – Reception hall
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Zweik: …
Kino: Good? Do you understand? Will you give instructions as I told you?
Zweik: … I understand.
Kino: Great, that’s the spirit. ♪
*Kino leaves the castle
Scene change : Forest
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Kino : The church is pretty skilled, huh.
If we keep this up…
*Yuri appears
Yuri: Kino, there you are. I have welcome news for you.
Some familiars who trespassed Eden have reported that the Founder king collapsed.
Kino: Eh!? Was there an internal discord? Or did the vampires plan to eliminate him from the beginning…?
… Well, that doesn’t matter.
Now that the king collapsed, we don’t have to worry much about the Founders’ power anymore.
Yuri: … You sound pleased.
Kino: Well yeah. It’s like a game to me.
Anyway, we’re seeing some hope. We can turn the tables with a single successful attack.
Scene change: Eden – Outside
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Yui: … This crying sound won’t stop, huh. What on earth is it…?
Subaru: … Sorry.
Yui: Eh?
Subaru: … It’s probably my fault.
I’m having Ruki investigating more about that.
It’s so weird that Eden’s current state is even worse than when I just got that power.
Yui: What do you mean…?
Subaru: I mean my powers are supposed to be more stable by now…
I thought my feelings of discontent calmed down little by little…
Yet it doesn’t get better at all, so fishy.
Yui: That’s true…
Subaru: Looks like those Mukamis guys who have always lived here with my father never heard such a sound before.
So it must be ‘cause of me…
Yui: …
*Yuma approaches
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Yuma: Hey, shut-in. Got a report from Ruki.
Yui: Yuma-kun…
Subaru: What did Ruki say?
Yuma: He looked into the laboratory but hasn’t found any meaningful clues.
Subaru: … I see.
*Carla and Shin are approaching
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Yui: Ah, Carla-san. Do you feel any better?
Carla: … Yes.
Shin: Hey, stop with the careless greetings and do something about that annoying noise!!
Subaru: Aah? Even if you ask me that…
Carla: … Is this Eden’s howling…?
Subaru: …? You know something?
Carla: … At a young age, I heard idle gossips from our father while he was under the influence of alcohol.
It was when he wasn’t imprisoned in the pandemonium yet.
He said he once heard a howling when visiting Eden.
He jokingly called it “Karl Heinz’s cry”.
Subaru: Cry…? What does that mean?
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Carla: Just after that howling, for an unknown reason, Karl Heinz secluded himself in Eden, distancing himself from his wives and children.
Our father mocked him, thinking he got probably dumped by a woman.
Yui: (What on earth does that mean…?)
Subaru: …
*familiars appearing
Yuma: Huh? Hey, aren’t they shut-in’s familiars?
Subaru: Yeah… Looks like they got something to report.
Yui: What’s wrong?
Subaru: … Apparently, the Viboras completely annihilated the Adlers and the Wolves at once.
Maniac epilogue : End
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baddyzarc · 4 years
6/7 Ruins: Legends of Labyrinth
1 2 3 4a 4b 5 x 7  
Due to the severe overlap in Vector and Nasch/Merag’s story, I couldn’t finish talking about all of Vector without talking about Nasch first. He is integral to understanding Vector’s behavior and roles. 
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Nasch and Merag are the final Barian Emperors of the show. Unlike the other Emperors, they don’t have a “canon” legend of their own. Their story is told to us through the memories of Ryouga after being prompted by Abyss, the Guardian of this ruin, and Durbe.
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Although this legend is supposed to cover both Nasch and Merag, Nasch ends up with the fuller story (and therefore more focus). Merag died at the start of the legend and only had a couple of episodes as an Emperor. Her role is important for Nasch’s motivations, but that’s just what she is—a motivation for Nasch. It sucks, but there a few noteworthy things about her.
These ruins are located in the Labyrinth under the ocean. It isn’t clear what trickery is at play (I assume Duel Monsters magic) so this place may or may not be a real location. It existed in the past, but that one was on land while this one is submerged. However, the Labyrinth is an interesting choice for the ruins due to how it relates to Nasch’s story. 
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The story started in the United Lands of the Poseidon Ocean, where Nasch was a beloved king and Merag was a priestess and princess. It followed the latter half of Vector’s tales. 
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Vector attacked their land, he was unsuccessful, in retaliation Vector summoned a powerful God “Number 73: Abyss Splash, the Roaring Waterfall Deity” by performing a blood sacrifice, Merag sacrificed herself, you know the gist. Oh, Durbe was there but this wasn't about him.
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This began the long rivalry between Nasch and Vector. Since I described most of what happened in Vector’s story already, I don’t need to gloss over it here. But there were a few notable things from Nasch’s perspective. 
Something new that we find out was that Merag’s sacrifice was pushed onto her by Don Thousand. It was implied that she was hypnotized into killing herself in an attempt to send Nasch into despair, but this was where things get a little mucky with Don Thousand’s interventions. She died under hypnosis (?), but then she came back as a spirit to guide Nasch through his journey. And then she went to Barian World after Nasch died. I think. I don’t know. Someone help. 
Since she wasn’t exposed to her Mythyrian Number and Don Thousand’s explanation was very lackluster, we don’t find out what truly happened to her aside from being sacrificed. My honest interpretation is that Don Thousand didn’t directly kill her. Instead, he gave her knowledge on how to stop “Abyss Splash”. It was ultimately her decision to sacrifice herself, and she did. This gave her access to Don Thousand’s powers, yet she maintained her autonomy, allowing her to aid Nasch in the afterlife before going to Barian World.  
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Another new detail was that Nasch found a little girl named Iris in one of the destroyed villages. The girl bore a high resemblance to Merag, and Nasch said that Merag may have guided him to this girl to aid him in his destiny.
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After finding the location of Vector, and with his army still injured from previous battles, Nasch decided to face Vector by himself with “Abyss Splash” by his side. As he battled in the Labyrinth, Durbe, his army, and Iris advanced into the battlefield to try to save him, resulting in everyone (except Durbe) getting slaughtered by Vector’s army of men and monsters. 
When the Shadow Game of the Labyrinth was completed, all of Nasch’s men and Iris laid dead outside of the Labyrinth, sending Nasch into grief. This grief sealed his fate as a Barian Emperor.  
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The story ends with Nasch pursuing and defeating Vector in his Cursed Royal Palace.
What we never found out was how Nasch died. Death is needed to become a Barian, and the last we saw of him was in Vector’s castle. He may have lived out the rest of his life until old age got him, but this was never stated. Personally, I think Nasch killed himself after completing his goal, which was to stop Vector’s terror. He lost all his men in battle, and the one person he cared for, Merag, was gone (he still had a kingdom to care for but this is Mr. Shark we’re talking about here). He fulfilled his desires. If he had nothing left to live for, he could end it there and ascend into Barian World to be with his people. 
Nasch is also a character whose fate is tied to Merag closely, as both Ryouga + Rio and Nasch + Merag. When Rio was hospitalized in the first season, Ryouga lost the will to duel (and since this is yugioh, that essentially equates to life) or be productive like going to his classes. When Vector tossed Merag into a Black Hole, Nasch followed her; if it wasn’t for Abyss, they would’ve died together. I’m not saying that there’s enough evidence to conclude that he killed himself in his past life, but the actual cause is unknown and if Nasch is a person whose fate is interwoven with Merag’s, perhaps. 
Alright. I skipped over a lot of the details in the story because there are a lot of things that happened there.
To begin, Nasch is an Emperor who went to Barian World on his own accord. 
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He isn’t tricked or hypnotized into going there, and this distinction is why I think Nasch is the most powerful of the Seven Emperors, alongside Vector for about the same reasons. Their own raw emotions led them to Barian World, making them “true” Barian Emperors. 
For Nasch specifically, this also allows him to access a unique form of Chaos. Yuma mentioned that Nasch’s Chaos possesses is different from previous forms of Chaos.
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Unlike the others, whose powers derive primarily from Don Thousand’s Over-Hundred Numbers and trickery, Nasch is an Emperor who is separate from Don Thousand (although Donny prodding him with a stick could count i guess). His Chaos is not the same as Don Thousand nor the other Emperors. Rejecting Don Thousand isn’t the only thing that distinguishes his strength, but I’m getting ahead of myself.
There is a sizable amount of subtext that proves Nasch’s unique Chaos, aside from Yuma’s direct observations.
In the final scene within the Labyrinth, the place that sealed his fate as a Barian and why it holds such significance as the location of his ruins, Nasch defeats Vector and causes a familiar object to fall from its pedestal and shatter. 
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Although seemingly meaningless, this sequence tells the audience how Nasch views Don Thousand. He walks away from the remnants of Don Thousand’s crest, and the entire framing of this scene tells the audience to pay attention to the broken crest and what Nasch is doing there. Nasch quite literally destroys and rejects Don Thousand. This is in stark contrast to Vector, an Emperor who derives all of his powers from Don Thousand, who is constantly framed with the emblem behind him. This is critical in how Nasch and Vector function as Emperors; one accepts Don Thousand’s power in its entirety while the other turns his head. And as you know, this rivalry comes back later in the show. 
(My only gripe with this is that we don’t know how Nasch got his Over-Hundred Number. All of the others had their cards explicitly injected into them, but with Nasch, it’s ambiguous how he acquired his Number.)
Furthermore, a few scenes with Iris and Merag hints that Nasch will not become Don Thousand’s Emperor due to his motto of “doing things his own way”.
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Nasch has a destiny, and his destiny is to become a Barian. 
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I think this particular scene spells it out nicely. As Nasch recounts that “this” is his destiny, the scene pans up towards the Big Dipper, which is what all of the Emperors are named after. The subtext implies that “this is my destiny” equates to “becoming an Emperor”. Nasch is fully aware that being a Barian Emperor is something he cannot escape. 
However, the final line states is that he will “fight against it”. This somewhat implies that Nasch tried to escape becoming a Barian, but that’s a shallow reading that contradicts his original statement. His fight isn’t to escape becoming a Barian Emperor. His fight is to escape becoming one of Don Thousand’s Barian Emperors, or one that is influenced by Don’s Chaos and manipulations. 
In that case, Nasch succeeds because he is the only Emperor unaffected by this evil strain of Chaos, and the scene in the Labyrinth backs this up.
Now, how did Nasch fight Don Thousand’s influence? I don’t think he did this alone. 
And this is where I think Merag fits in. I believe it’s her influence and guidance that allows Nasch to become the Emperor that he is.
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Merag represents a positive influence on Nasch in all of the lives they live. Within the past life, she guides him through it and “protects” him. It’s the reason why Ryouga becomes so hateful and bloodthirsty without Rio to keep him in check, or why Nasch pursues Vector with so much anger prior to running into Iris, a proxy of Merag. She is a purifying force, and because of her, she prevents Nasch from falling into the path of revenge and hatred.
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Merag is responsible for Nasch coming into contact with Iris. Originally, Iris’ role isn’t very clear aside from having someone for Nasch to grieve over, but I suspect that Merag orchestrates this to keep Nasch’s motivations “pure-hearted”. As in, he shouldn’t be pursuing Vector for only revenge. 
Prior to meeting Iris, Nasch’s primary motive is to kill Vector and avenge his fallen sister. He chases him everywhere, growing angrier and more bloodthirsty as he did so. But when he comes into contact with Iris, his goals seems to have shifted. He finds Iris in a village pillaged by Vector. By witnessing this atrocity and its effects on a familiar girl, I believe it pushes Nasch’s motives away from “kill Vector because revenge” to “kill Vector to protect the lives of innocent people like Iris (and a sprinkle of revenge)”. Soon after meeting Iris, Nasch realizes that his fight with Vector is costing innocent lives, and this realization influences his actions in the subsequent scenes. 
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This may be reading into it too much, but Merag may have been “protecting” Nasch from a fate of becoming a Barian of hatred. Although she can’t escape Don Thousand herself, her goal was to aid Nasch in his fight against Don Thousand’s influence. 
And finally, there’s Nasch’s relationship to his Mythyrian Number. 
Out of all the Emperors, Nasch is the only who consistently uses it in its base form. Despite being a Barian Emperor, Nasch relies on the Mythyrian Number “Number 73: Abyss Splash, the Roaring Waterfall Deity” as much as he does his Over-Hundred Number “Number 101: Silent Honors Ark Knight”, and he is the only Barian Emperor to do so. (with Vector being an exception which I’ll explain later)
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This almost doesn’t make sense since we know that Mythyrian Numbers are the antithesis to Over-Hundred Numbers. They have been able to purge Don Thousand’s Chaos from the bodies of the other Emperors. But, BUT Nasch isn’t one of Don Thousand’s Emperors, isnt he? 
Nasch acquired “Number 73: Abyss Splash, the Roaring Waterfall Deity” via Merag, and unlike the others, this Mythyrian is never purged from his body. He becomes an Emperor even with a Mythyrian in him, which is quite a feat and shows how strong his Barian-destiny is. Not only that, he is able to take “Abyss Splash” and transform it into a Chaos Number “Chaos Number 73: Abyss Supra, the God of Roaring Cascades”. Like previously stated, Vector also has this distinction (although he never summons the base-form of “Judge Buster” like Nasch always does). 
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Nasch is also on very good terms with his Mythyrian Number. After all, a key plot point in Zexal is that “Abyss Splash” saves Merag and Nasch after Vector sends them into the black hole. He also agrees to unlock their memories as Barian Emperors if they met again. And for a Mythyrian Number, this is odd. Supposedly they are the opposite of the Barians and Over-Hundreds. “Abyss Splash” should keep their memories as Emperors locked since it means he is erasing two very strong Barians from existence. 
But I want to make a point that Mythyrian Numbers only reveal the true emotions and memories of their beholder. With Alito during his Ruins duel and my discussion with Vector, the Mythyrian Numbers reveal the truth. They expel false emotions, which is why the other Emperors acquire their true personalities or memories when exposed to them. Since Nasch was uninfluenced by Don Thousand, this means he is made of only true memories and emotions. Therefore, Nasch has nothing to hide and “Abyss Splash” has nothing to purge, providing more evidence that Nasch is a true Barian. 
Likewise with my discussion with Vector, where I said his Mythyrian revealed nothing new about Vector because what we see is what we get, these two Emperors are “true” Emperors with some key differences (Don Thousand’s Chaos being one of them). Their individual revolves as Barians are so strong that even with the purifying effect of their Mythyrians, they are persons who are naturally destined for Barian World. While Vector ends up rejecting his Mythyrian Number, Nasch embraces it and synergizes with it. This explains his constant reliance on “Abyss Splash” and his ability to chaosify it by natural means. Vector, on the other hand, holds no respect for his Mythyrian and only manages to play its Chaos form by sheer luck. If we consider that Vector is heavily influenced by Don Thousand (which the Mythyrians suppress), this may explain why he is unable to synergize with his Mythyrian Number. Because Nasch does not rely on Don Thousand’s powers, he is able to use his Mythyrian Number without an issue. And since Nasch does not belong to Don Thousand, “Abyss Splash” is willing to help him. 
So Nasch is a unique Emperor, but why is he as powerful as he is?
For Chaos, my assumption is that you become a Barian if you die with strong desires, or some form of attachment to your life as a human. (simply being evil or hateful isn’t a strong definition due to Yuma and Iris.)
For most of the Emperors, this culminates in their desire for revenge against the people who betrayed them. For Merag and Nasch, their situation is different. Merag, I believe, died with a desire to stay by Nasch’s side, and maybe some of Don Thousand’s influence since it wasn’t very clear what he did to her aside from sacrificial stuff. With Nasch, revenge may have been on his mind, but that motivation concluded when he defeated Vector for the last time. Nasch should’ve been satisfied. So why didn’t he go to Astral World? 
Aside from his destiny as an Emperor, it’s because he held attachment to his past life. Nasch couldn’t go to Astral World, or ascend with a clear conscience, because he cannot let go of his life as an Earthling—the people he met, the friends he made, his choices leading to their deaths, his grief and remorse. Nasch cannot move forward from nor forgive himself for these things. Because he is held down by his emotions, it makes him the perfect “true” Barian, one that isn’t motivated by solely hatred or short-lived revenge but simply by strong attachment and honest heart. 
If attachment can lead to a powerful Barian, then Nasch has to be one of the strongest Barians. 
My evidence to this is his entire duel with Thomas. It reflects Nasch’s heavy attachment in an ironically tragic way. 
The duel occurs shortly after Nasch finds out he is a Barian Emperor. Throughout and prior to the duel, he argues that he is a Barian Emperor. His actions, however, suggest that he hasn’t fully accepted this fate yet. It’s evidenced that during this duel, Ryouga still resides within Nasch through his consistently mumbling that he hasn’t lost his human heart.
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It makes sense that he is unable to detach himself from his previous human life as Ryouga Kamishiro because by his own nature. Nasch cannot let go of the past; he cannot abandon humanity that easily. His nature, the one that made him such a powerful Emperor in the past, is also hindering his ability to become a full Emperor in the moment.
This proves especially difficult since his opponent is Thomas, who has such a powerful bond (???idk, the show said it not me???) with Ryouga that he is able to tap into Nasch’s humanity.
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Nasch will not abandon Ryouga by choice. His attachment is so heavy that he cannot reject it under normal circumstances, so what he does in this duel provides some insight in the strength of his bonds and how far he goes to break them. 
(I suspect that this is why he tells the other Emperors to kill him if his resolve as their leader begins to falter; he isn’t sure he has the strength to reject his human side).
So in all of the duels that involve Nasch, he is always void of cruelty and sadism. He does not toy with his opponent like Vector usually does. His duel with Thomas is the only one where he is sadistic towards his opponent. The writers make it extremely noticeable that his treatment of Thomas during this duel iss not due to, like, him being an actual sadist. He isn’t a naturally cruel person or because he hates Thomas, which is reinforced repeatedly throughout the duel via Nasch’s internal thoughts. 
On the contrary, he torments Thomas because by resorting to vileness to someone he once cared about, Nasch is putting himself in a situation where his actions speaks for him. If he can emotionally hurt and physically kill Thomas, it is enough for him to accept that he can no longer be a human; he crosses a thick line by performing these actions. Even if Nasch lacked malice, what he does to Thomas means is able to harm and murder humans; whether he means it or not is irrelevant. 
Although he starts by insulting Thomas on a personal level (which cmon, baby-banter dude), he manages to get the reactions he wants by showing Thomas the death of his allies before callously mocking them. Nasch is doing something unforgivable and appalling, but that’s exactly what he is going for. By resorting to this level of cruelty to Ryouga’s friend, Nasch makes it difficult to return to his old life as Ryouga.
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And I don’t think Nasch is enjoying this process in the same way as a typical villain would. Each time he is successful in coaxing IV to hate him, he keeps monologging about how Ryouga will “die” or thanking Thomas for being a stepping stool to Emperor-dom. 
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His underlying motives is oriented towards a specific goal rather than sadistic pleasure, which I think is important for his character overall. When Thomas finally snaps at him, by finally referring to him as the monster Nasch rather than his friend Ryouga, Nasch affirms that he burned the bridge. 
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Thinking about his actions and his nature, Nasch literally can’t abandon his old friends until he commits an atrocity so bad that Thomas calls him out for his lowliness. In order to lose his attachment to the humans he cares for, Nasch has to resort to being uncharacteristically inhumane towards them. If we assume that he holds this level of attachment during his past life, it makes plenty of sense why Nasch is as strong a Barian as he is. 
So… It’s hard to tell if he succeeds in abandoning his humanity during this duel. 
I mean, obviously he chooses the Barians over humans in the end, but his actions at the end of the duel is… questionable?
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These reactions aren’t from someone who lost his humanity. His mannerism towards Thomas says that he still has kindness and sympathy in his heart for humans. 
And this line—
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—which can be tossed up as an odd translation, but if I were to look at this, this line implies that “Ryouga” is still alive despite what Nasch does, but he won’t be for long. Ryouga will die once Nasch kills Yuma and all of his old friends. That’s just me though. I don’t really have a solid answer for this duel’s conclusion. 
Nasch may be a person who is incapable of severing bonds, or if he is, he has to take extreme measures to do so. These final scenes somewhat show that it isn’t easy for him to unattach himself from his old life.  
Merag shares this theme too. With the minimal amount of screentime she gets, we get to see that Merag shares similar levels of attachment with Nasch. With her original death, I assume that her desire to be with and protect Nasch is enough to send her to Barian World (along with whatever Don Thousand did, wasnt too clear there)
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During her duel with Tetsuo, she cries after killing him, which is sound evidence that she holds emotions and attachment to her life as Rio Kamishiro as much as Nasch is with Ryouga. 
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She is a powerful Barian Emperor. She would’ve defeated Vector had it not been for Don Thousand’s interference. Although her weakness comes from her inheritance of Don Thousand’s Chaos (and I’ll explain why this is a major weakness soon), he does not trick her into wanting revenge before her death. Rather Merag and Nasch (and perhaps Vector, too, although his sendoff is due to his high levels of malice for life on Earth) are powerful because they hold attachment to their previous life. They both struggle to let go of the past or abandon what they love, and in the terms of becoming a Barian, this is a very good thing. 
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This brings us to the final question. Nasch--why no evil. Why is his Chaos unlike that of Vector, or Don Thousand, or the other Emperors? What exactly is this unique Chaos that Yuma saw in Nasch?
The ruins may be finished, but there’s a couple of unfinished things I want to address with Zexal’s World of Chaos.
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A Brief Outline of the Diabolik Lovers Timeline
This post contains spoilers for Dark Fate and Lost Eden. However it is free of Chaos Lineage spoilers. Also note the spellings of some of the names here vary between translations. 
First of all I’m just going to give a quick outline of the world in which DL is set as of Lost Eden for anyone who hasn’t played the games. In the DL universe, there exists the human world and the demon world. In the demon world there are four different clans of demons, with links to four different animals; vampires (who are associated with bats), the Vibora (who are associated with snakes), the Adler (who are associated with eagles) and the wolf clan.
And then there are the founders (or originators depending on how the name is translated) who are also referred to as first bloods. The founders were the original demon race, and they are the ancestors of the four demon clans mentioned above. Because of this they possess abilities from all four clans and can transform into a bat, snake, eagle or wolf, as well as generally being considered stronger than the other demon races (with some exceptions).
On top of these races you also have the ghouls, who are first introduced in Lost Eden and are separate to the other demon races. Ghouls are very similar to humans in terms of abilities, although they can turn into crows. The main demon races mistreat the ghouls quite badly due to the distinct difference in their power levels. Humans who spend too long in the demon world become ghouls but ghouls can be conceived naturally between two ghoul parents as well. They have been forced to live in an area known as Rotigenberg, which is an unpleasant part of the demon world.
At the start of this timeline, Giesbach, Shin and Carla’s father, ruled over the founders and, although Karl Heinz was the vampire king around the same time, the founders were the ones effectively in charge of the demon world. They all lived in a castle known as Banmaden (the translation of which is Pandemonium, and you’ll often see it referenced using either of these names). I’m going to list the key events as bullet points because I think that makes it a little easier to read.
- Carla is born to Giesbach and his wife Krone.
- Endzeit first appears and begins to affect the founders. Endzeit is a fatal disease that is contracted through contact with infected blood, however it is completely unique to the founders and none of the other demon races can catch it. The illness presents with dark bruises on the skin sometime after infection, and later progresses to tuberculous-like symptoms, with the final stages involving a sort of paralysis.
- Karl visits Rotigenburg for unknown reasons and leaves some trace of his DNA behind. This fuses with the miasma present in the air to form Kino, who is later taken in by the ghouls. *
- Shin is born.*  
- Krone asks Karl Heinz for his help with Endzeit, as he was friends with her and Giesbach at the time. Karl asks Krone to send him a founder in order to conduct his research. Krone manages to get Menae, Shin and Carla’s aunt, to agree to this but they are not yet able to get her to Karl Heinz.
- Jealous of Karl’s power, Giesbach decides to wage war upon him and the demon lord Burai (who was one of the Vibora). Krone pleads with him not to but Giesbach locks her in dungeons.
- More founders are affected by Endzeit and confined to the dungeons, leading to Krone contracting the disease. As Carla visits her but remains fine, she realizes that it must be spread through blood.
- Krone gives a knife with her blood on it to Carla so that he can kill Giesbach and stop the war. Carla confronts his father and successfully infects him with Endzeit but becomes infected himself in the process. Unfortunately he is too late to save the founders and Karl Heinz seals them all in Banmaden using his magic.
- Menae receives instructions from Karl on how to slip through the barrier surrounding the castle and leaves (presumably after being infected with Endzeit). Magic is used to erase any memories of her possessed by the founders remaining in the castle but it does not work properly on Carla.
- Menae conceives Cordelia with Burai (the demon lord of the Vibora), due to Karl’s influence, making Cordelia Shin and Carla’s first cousin (while the triplets are their second cousins). Now as for Cordelia’s race, it’s a little vague but as far as I can tell, only one parent needs to be a full first blood in order for their offspring to inherent founder blood. So although Cordelia is part Vibora, her race would be classified as first blood because she draws on the blood of all four demon clans through Menae.
- Menae passes away after Cordelia is born and as she grows up, Karl Heinz starts to court her. Cordelia falls in love with him and then marries him.
- In order to push Cordelia to have children with him, Karl takes Beatrix as his wife and he also proceeds to marry Christa, his cousin. Now depending on which game you go on, this is either because he wants to have an incest child for his experiments (DF) or because he actually has some feelings for her but I’d take the last one with a pinch of salt given Karl’s overall characterization throughout the series.
- Shuu is born to Beatrix and Karl, which incites Cordelia’s fury as this makes Shuu his heir, even though Beatrix is Karl’s second wife.
- Reiji is born.
- Cordelia gives birth to the triplets. Despite Cordelia having founder blood, the triplets are vampires. I can only conclude that this is because Cordelia was not a full founder while Karl was a pure blood vampire. 
- Christa has Subaru and subsequently starts to descend into madness.
- While Shuu is still a child he encounters Yuma, known then as Edgar, and the two are friends until Reiji burns down Edgar’s village. This leaves Edgar with amnesia. He runs into a boy named Lucks, and joins his gang, however Lucks is later killed and Yuma is sent to an orphanage.
- Around this time Kou and Azusa are living on the streets and they are sent to the same orphanage as Yuma. -Also around this time, Ruki’s once rich father loses all of their money and commits suicide. Ruki’s mother runs off with a lover and Ruki is beaten by the household servants until he runs and takes to living on the streets. Ruki is then also sent to the orphanage.
- The Mukami brothers meet at the orphanage and work together to form an escape plan. It fails and Ruki is branded by the people running the orphanage. Karl Heinz then appears before him and offers to make the Mukami brothers vampires in exchange for their loyalty and help with his plan. They accept and Karl takes them in.
- Reiji hires Seiji, a vampire hunter who later becomes Yui’s adoptive father, to kill Beatrix.
- Cordelia is killed by the triplets but her heart is taken from her body by Richter, Karl’s brother, and implanted into an infant Yui who is then given to Seiji Komori. 
- Yui grows up and is sent to live with the Sakamaki brothers.
- While all this is happening the founders are still trapped in Banmaden, however they are killed off by Endzeit. Giesbach finally dies, leaving only Carla and Shin and making Carla the first blood ruler. Carla recalls that they had an aunt and they find her brooch which is imbued with some type of magic. Using that they deduce she escaped on the night of a lunar eclipse, as during lunar eclipses, a vampire’s power will weaken while a founder’s grows stronger.
- Carla and Shin break the barrier on Banmaden, freeing them and this is where Dark Fate starts. They seek out Menae as they need a woman with founder blood to restore their race, however they encounter a poorly disguised Richter who tells them that although Menae is dead, the heart of her daughter resides inside a human woman.
- The Tsukinami brothers seek out Yui and from here things diverge depending on which route you play.
- Although it is not stated exactly when, at some point Kino ascertains that he is related to Karl Heinz, although he mistakenly thinks that he is Karl’s son and it is only revealed that this is not the case in the Manservant Ending of his LE route.
And that should cover it. I’ve gone into more details with the founders because I know more about them and that seems to be the part that people find confusing.  In terms of a timescale, it’s a little hard to discern. I’ve seen various theories on the ages of the Sakamaki and Mukami brothers but I personally I am unsure. One thing I will say is that the Tsukinami brothers are definitely a lot older than all of the other diaboys, as they were trapped in Banmaden before Cordelia was even born. It does confuse me as to why their physical ages are listed as being younger than some of the Sakamaki brothers, but I’ve decided to put this down to them having to say they’re a certain age when applying to school. 
*Regarding the order of Shin and Kino’s birth, I do not believe that the canon material gives enough information to determine which of the two of them is actually older and personally I think I could argue it either way. The reason I have listed them in the order above, is that this gives perhaps the simplest overview of the timeline and groups a bunch of the founder-centric events together. But yeah, keep this in mind and I find anything more on this I’ll update this post.
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manjuhitorie · 5 years
Hitori-Escape Tour 2019 concerts 10-13
The previous 1-9 concerts of the tour: https://manjuhitorie.tumblr.com/post/188358977881/ Shinoda on vocals and guitar, Yumao on drums, and ygarshy on bass. performing Hitorie’s songs as the trio.
The standard setlist was: 
01 Senseless Wonder 02 Shutter Doll 03 Nichijou to Chikyuu no Gakubuchi
MC, usually consisting of Shinoda sharing greetings with the crowd, and breaking the ice a little bit.
04 Namid[A]me 05 Garandou Mae Zero Banchi 06 Inperfection
07 SLEEPWALK 08 Loveless
09 (W)HERE 10 Gekijougai 11 Talkie Dance 12 Unknown Mother Goose
13 Karanowaremono 14 Little Cry Baby 15 Ao 16 Polaris
Encore intermission + MC
17 Odoru Mannequin, Utau Aho 18 Rolling Girl
10 Hitorie’s Hitori-Escape Tour, 10/17/2019 at CLUB RIVERST in Niigata prefecture! Report!
SND “Everybody, everybody everybody. It’s all about love. Do you have enough love? Do you have enough love in you, do you?”
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During the intro of Loveless before the bass comes in, ygarshy had his instrument muted as he tuned it. Within that time frame, Shinoda, with his handheld microphone in one hand, went over to ygarshy and slapped his cheek twice (inducing laughter from the crowd). ygarshy’s face was hidden behind his hair, but what kind of expression did he make I wonder...
●SND was performing with a handheld mic, up until the guitar solo when the staff brought him a guitar to play.
●Which was, Leader’s own jaguar guitar. SND used it throughout (W)HERE and Gekijougai after. The emotional screaming numbers.
●For a while ygarshy had his head hung, performing with his back turned away from the crown or looking to his side, but during Talkie Dance his inner switch seemed to suddenly turn on, and from then onward he was aggressively approaching front stage. ●Then the encore intermission MC chat. SND stands in his usual position, but for this Yumao comes up front and uses ygarshy’s microphone so he can be closer to the crowd. ygarshy tucked away behind him.
●Yuma at SND “So, you were nervous about singing at the start of the tour, vyr are you feeling better now?” SND “I’m used to it. We’ve made it halfway through the tour and all.”
SND “But ahh, one day I dream of walking on top of the crowd’s heads and bridging all the way to the other side of the floor." Crowd “Get on us! Ride us!” SND “Naw, I don’t want to do something that’ll make the internet angry.” Yu “You're chill enough to want to walk on top of people. That’s a good sign.” SND “Yeah?” Yu “We’re halfway through the tour right, and you’ve already gotten halfway on top of the crowd. you were sitting on and climbing over on the stage railings earlier after all! You’re halfway there, next up is the other side-” SND “Uhm-”
●SND and Yumao jested about a role swap between them and the crowd, how crazy it would be, with hundreds of people on stage and three down in the crowd…. Crowd “Let’s do it!” SND “We’d get banned from the venue!”
SND continued to ask the crowd how they were feeling, as to which the majority responded “Hot.” While Rie were feeling comfy on stage, thanks to the air circulation system they set up. SND “For once! For once the tables have turned! We’ve always been hot up here and not vice versa. Is this a sign, is the crowd⇆stage role-swap going to become a reality next!?"
●Continuing, Yumao had a story to tell. At the commercial area near Niigata station, he and yga went out for food at a seemingly normal onigiri izakaya bar. (Here’s the store they probably went to: http://onigirisenka.com)
Yu “We walked in, we sat down, nothing out of the ordinary. But after a while we were like ‘? Why is the waitress still here at our table? What’s going on?’ We look around to see 5 girls who were blatantly hired based on looks alone, and one girl assigned to each table.” SND “You found your way into a god damn hostess club!”
Yuma “I'd be fine with it but this guy, ygarshy… Well, he's ygarshy. He can’t handle this kinda thing. We came to chat with each other but now there’s a girl barging into our conversations! And then she even asked us ‘Did you just come here on work~? You kinda look like you’re in a band~!’” SND “Hahaa you don’t wanna be caught up in that!”
Yumao loves to talk about this stuff, so on normal terms he would’ve just burst into conversation. But here he didn’t want to put yga in a traumatizing situation. So he bit his tongue and said “Band!? We can’t even play instruments!!”…. SND “Hahahaa.” Yu “Then she responded with ‘I love bands, I play the drums!’. Way to make it even more suffocating for me! She was talking to us so much that, ygarsh’s rice was gettin’ crusty.” ? “..Pot....”  yg, for the first time in ages, opened his mouth. He didn’t go up to the microphone or anything for this callout either, he just vocalized loud enough to be heard.
Yu “Pot!? Pot? I remember now... We had beautiful white rice inside of a pot, drying up!” The price was of your average izakaya, despite the hostess part too. SND “~~~�� Yumao “.….Let’s go again”
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●Yumao “Alrighty then let’s play...”
SND “Ah did you hear... It’s, an emergency it’s an emergency ygarshy! Apparently like 50 fire ants were found in Tokyo Harbor.”
yg *>>>BWOOOON<<<<*  *It was in the news that yesterday. 50 poisonous specimens which could’ve easily been queens fertilized, + their offspring could’ve easily spread further into the country, was a fright. Especially for those with entomophobia-. SND’s tweet Niigata concert: complete, thank you. Take care not to catch any colds y’all,,, We’ll be back. Next up is the city where Leader was born and raised, Kagoshima. Hope to see you there.
11 Hitorie’s Hitori-Escape Tour, 10/22/2019 at SR Hall in Kagoshima prefecture
SND “Y’all are from Leader’s city, and this all you’ve got?!? Dance more! Yeah! I’d expect nothing less from the city that made him!”
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During Loveless this time, SND tried to kick ygarshy. And while SND was floundering on stage, being crazy as he bounced to the music, he hit ygarshy again. And he bumped into ygarshy on the way onto the stage after the encore break. ●Yuma came out wearing the new Hitorie sweatshirt to promo it today. SND questioned his capability perform through the heat, Yuma responded with guts to continue!  SND “Well, you’re locked in now!” Crowd “You’re so cute~!!! Yumao~!! ” Yumao “Thanks~~” SND “How many times will we do this!? “So cute~~!!” “Thankies~~!” “Awww~~!” “Thanks. “ ●SND moaned and groaned with good means to back it up: the heat in the venue was crazy again. SND still holds the near-death Takutaku as the ultimate trauma but- It seems that wherever Rie journey to, the temperature outside rises up into the high 20’s. SND “Everywhere I go it suddenly gets hot, so people have started to call me Matsuo Kashuuzou. Yet the other members and the staff all come along too, so why am I the only one being framed? He’s not in me!”  *Matsuo Kashuuzou, dubbed the fire fairy, is a former pro tennis player who has an optimistic flaming soul, abd never stops shouting things like “light it up!!” He was such fire that once upon a time on the internet he was memed to be the origin of urban heat island and global warming etc. ●Crowd “Did you eat Shirokuma ice cream?” (*A treat which is sold nationwide, but originated in Kagoshima). SND “No, but our cameraman Nishimaki did.”  ‘Nishimaki doesn’t tag along for the whole tour, typically he’s only around for the first and last shows. So Leader’s hometown really was a special one... ●Yumao took SND’s water bottle, gazed at the label and got the crowd to cheer the name of it: “Zaihou!” with him. “It’s a local but, famous mineral water provider. Cool.” Yu “Whoop” *Proceeds to throw the water bottle back at SND* ((What’s up with Yumao showing his wild side these days)) ●SND conveyed a sweet spot for the sashimi there, but since it’s something of taboo to eat such raw food up mid-country in Tokyo... “Don’t post what I just said on Twitter okay, the twitter police are out there, don’t expose that I eat food raw.” ●Yumao went up to the mic in the front but fairly quickly shifted back to his in the back; apparently because he wanted to be in range of the electric fan set up there. ●SND resisted drinking yesterday to preserve sober sanity before the concert, while next to him Yuma and yg were whole hog on “Beer! highball! beer!” “I now understand what it’s like to be on the other side, to be the one surrounded by drunks instead of being the loggerhead.” Yumao then begins combs his hair back with his fingers* “Ahh~~ so gwood~ delish~” SND “Is.. Is that supposed to be me?” Yumao “I’m topped off~” “Ahh I drank like a dream~~ *still holding his hair up*.” SND “Oi! If you’re gonna mimic me then at least raise the production value!!”
●SND “Alright Let’s perform” Crowd “Yumao you’re so cute~” Yu “Alrighty!” SND “You’re getting a life’s worth of cutes. In response to being showered in cuteness, all you have to say is ‘alrighty’ now?!?” Yu “..Alrighty!!”  (Disclaimer: he was announcing that he was alright and ready to start). ●SND “ygarshy, you know what sandbags are, right? yga *Nods*  SND “Apparently those are stuffed with a bunch of cloth, not sand?” yg ..... >>*BWWOOON*<<
SND’s tweet “Kagoshima concert: complete, that was crazy! How did you fare? I was fucking hot, thank you all so much. We will be back.” Also SND’s drawing was on display at the merchandise booth: https://en.deli-a.jp/products/item_Info.php?itemID=846
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Nishimaki, the photographer, tweeted "It's been 6 or 7 years since I was last in Kagoshima, time well spent. Next is Fukuoka!!"   Megane Hirai, Rie's trusty trusty sound engineer, went to the concert and posted this too:
“Many emotions were felt during the 2 days I spent Kagoshima As I watched each song, The way he strummed his guitar right adjacent to me The way I would jot critiques as he sung his lyrics from the other side of the glass The way I would hear him say “Then how about this!” as we practiced trial and error with each mix The sights from those days would come flooding back. There’s different feelings and means of acceptance For me, going forward, I’m going to keep supporting these four”. 
12 Hitorie’s Hitori-Escape Tour, 10/25/2019 at SR Hall in Kagoshima prefecture
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The concert was a musical marvel, Rie never cease to amaze... But I'm hopping right into the intermission chat. Because, after they left Kagoshima they stayed at a vacation lodge in Aso Kumamoto....!! Antics ensue! Shinoda “The sheer amount of flying ants the size of peanuts out there left me squealing, I’m really bad with bugs, but they didn’t faze Yumao at all” Yu “In the end it's only ants? No matter the size, right? And then I was bored, and also the air in the room was suffocating so...” SND “This fucker started opening the windows!”  Yu: “Yeah I opened them all up.” SND: “One guy who hates bugs and another who hated the indoor air, the worst combo.“ Yu “Ultimately we BOTH started sneezing like crazy and closed them though.” Yu “I'm exhausted though. The goal was to go there for a vacation, but, cause I drank too much the day before or whatever, I played around so much..!  Do you know how attics in the log lodges are like? A bunch of pillars? Of wood? coming together? What are they called? *Makes hand gestures to try to shape it out*" Crowd “Beams!” Yu “Yeah, beams! I dangled and swung from the beams up in the lodge roof. When yga walked through the door, he was in for it! “What a surprise~”, he laughed after he got a spook!” SND “Yumao was like a monkey.”  Yu “It sounds like I was the only one playing around but, this guy! He doesn’t talk about it much in front of you, hey he doesn’t talk about it much in front of us either but. ygarshy was jumping all over the beds! From asocial to bouncy. He was playing around more than us!” SND “As soon as we came back to our 3 bed lounge after a drink with the crew, I see these two bouncing on them. yga looked like a fish the way he was twisting his body.“ Yu “He still had his usual emotionless expression, even when he was beautifully bending." SND “He played a lot eh? He had the damndest smile when he took fireworks in his hands…”  Yu “He’s so mean sometimes, he smirkingly creeped up behind Shinoda and stuck fireworks right against his ankles! It took SND a bit to notice, but when he did... Boy did he scream! And yg doubled up with laughter!” Yu “It had been raining outside then too, so we were doing them under the small awning outside. When SND realized what ygarshy was scheming, he had ran away shouting “It’s hot it’s hot!!”, but then found himself shouting ‘It’s cold!!!’ out in the rain.” SND “I was hit with hot and cold element attacks both at once.” Yu “Don’t do try this at home now!” SND “Ahh yg don’t look so gloomy! Seriously we have no idea how you’re feeling over there....”  Yu “He laughed the most back when he saw me dangling though~!!” SND “That’s why we're saying yg, stop looking down, put your chin up!” ●SND “So uhhh, ygarsh, please share with us a few words about the Fukuoka Soft Bank Hawks victory!”  yg *>>BWOOON<<*  *The Hawks are the pro baseball team of the prefecture, and they just won the entire Japan Series that week. They’ve won for the past 5 years straight now too. ●Cameraman posted the “Early winter fireworks”.
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●Rie’s manager too posted:  The Kagoshima live, Kumamoto Aso, the Fukuoka live. Fireworks to bring the summer to a close. So many things to make our venture to Kyuushuu a heart-wrenching one. Good night😴💤 ●SND’s tweet: Fukuoka concert: complete, thank you. Baritone felt great to do today. I think it's been a long time since I last played on a high stage,,, Or has it been? Has it? Nonetheless I performed with my feelings at full power. Thank you so much.
13 Hitorie’s Hitori-Escape Tour, 11/6/2019 at LIQUIDROOM in Tokyo prefecture. The first one.
From 7 years ago till now, our dreams are still relentlessly crying out their first words evermore!!
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●Yuma’s mom, Yurika was spotted at the venue! The family of two does live in Chofu of Tokyo after all.. Tabuchi of Unison Square Garden too. They sat in VIP seats. ●There were flower bouquets on display inside the lobby, one from fans and another from the Hitori-Atelier staff. ●Among some of SND's snazzy mid-show quotes were him screaming “A banger? An epic masterpiece? That's what you're about to hear... Karanowaremono, a present from Leader.”
●“I think I might be getting too old for this.” *Proceeds to do heartfelt vibratos, physical tricks, and giggle tons during the encore break! They didn't talk about the DVD which had released two days prior, but they did delve into some Hitorie history.... yga had recruited SND, who within 0.5 seconds of being contacted said “I'm in!” He didn’t know wowa’s face back then so he was nervous, but when the crew got on a skype chat and wo shared the first mp3 files, SND thought “This is the start of a revolution”... He was excited then, and that excitement lives on. ●SND “It’s been like, so long since I’ve last performed in Tokyo. Yumao you’re out doin’ truckloads of stuff, ygarsh you're doing the Wasure-whatever stuff.. But all I do is draw manga! I’m either stuck at home or in another part of the country! The last show we did here in Liquidroom was the nexUs with Passpied, and our last solo one was, 5 years ago?" Yu “Yeah, the one with a video up on Youtube, back when I was still performing in T-shirts instead of dress shirts.” ●Yu "At our first tour date you were so nervous about singing weren't cha SND. You were like 'Don't put me on the same level as you guys, work harder...’  But now you're fine haha! ...I've started to tease SND.  SND "Though backstage I tease you." Yu "When? :O "  SND "....Thinking about it, I don't really, do I-." ●They talked a little more in detail about their "relaxing" retreat to the Aso resort, which they had first mentioned in the Kagoshima MC up there ↑ .  yg came out of the bathroom, to see the back of strange black-haired drunk swinging from the wooden beams of their remote cottage. He was so scared! Until he realized the perpetrator was a restless Yumao. ●The story of when the trio were lighting firework sparklers and yga stuck them against SND’s ankles. SND “I didn’t even notice the flames until brown hair came into my line of sight.” Yu “And yg even had his phone ready! He recorded the entirety of SND's panic: from him running away from the heat right into the rain, to him shouting out there in cold.” SND “Ain’t he a freak psycho killer....  What are you even thinking about as you listen to us right now.” …Awkward silence. yg remains.
●Yu “In the cottage we were watching Mito Kōmon, the historical drama, ‘cause it was coincidentally playing on TV. Komon is supposed to be this hero of justice yet, he was taking down enemies with real underhanded tactics, it got SND and I cackling so hard. We kept calling out 'Ahh so underhanded! So underhanded!’ yga had been silent so I we assumed he wasn’t watching... But when the end credits hit, he spoke up to tell us “That was entertaining”. SND “So he actually was watching! I thought.” Yu “He does tell us things like ‘Today’s MC chat was long’ after shows too.” SND “Then you do it nice and concise yourself, I say!” ygarsh then turns his face to look right at SND* SND “What are you looking at... Wait, don’t look at me with those sparkly eyes...! Don't, don't...!!” ●Yu “Ahh. We haven't changed a bit huh…. I’m always like ‘wooAHHH! *💪 poses*’ levels of excited, SND is like ‘OY VEY SHUT UP!!’, and yg silently watches over us." ●Before they went back into the show Yumao promoted the merch. He uses the pouch to store his drum supplies, he likes it a lot, and he modeled too. To show us how the logo gets covered by the hood on the sweatshirt, he pulled it over and off~ over and off~ his head.
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●Then the usual...  SND “As soon as we get home and already, Masashi Tashiro got arrested again, did you hear?“  yg *>>BWOON<<*  *SND is using the news for this one. The celeb has gotten arrested countless times now for drug possession. He'd gone to rehab, and recently he’d been publishing books/posting videos/doing lectures to teach people about the horrors of meth but.. He's truly proving how fearful it is.. SND tweet: Tokyo concert: complete, thank you so much. Being up on the Liquidroom stage after so long moved my heart. We’ll be at Liquidroom again next week, hope to see you there. Though Takamatsu comes first!!
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englishvisualnovels · 6 years
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Discover the Truth in a Mysterious Game — Fatal Twelve Launches on Steam
Developers: aiueoKompany & Sekai Project Publisher: Sekai Project Release Date: March 30, 2018 Platform: Windows, Mac, & Linux Age Rating: All-Ages Price: $19.99
Suspense story Fatal Twelve is now on sale on Steam. 
A free demo is available for download through the Fatal Twelve website and on Steam.
Relevant Links:
Where to Buy (Digital): Steam
Official Site (Demo available)
Rinka Shishimai was a high schooler who ran a small café named Lion House in place of her grandmother. She lived her life much like any other person her age, but one day, she was caught up in an explosion while returning home on the train alongside her friend, Naomi Hitsuji. In an attempt to save her friend’s life, she shields her on instinct the moment the explosion goes off, losing her life in the process. However, before she knew it, she was back at Lion House, happily chatting with her friends as if nothing had happened in the first place.
“Good evening, my lovely little slaves to fate.”
A few days later, she found herself in a strange world. Here she met Parca, an odd girl claiming to be a goddess. It turns out that she had somehow become a participant in Divine Selection, a ritual carried out over twelve weeks by twelve people, which allowed them to compete in order to undo their deaths. Yet, what shocked Rinka most of all, was the presence of her friend Miharu Mishima amongst the twelve.
In order to get through Divine Selection, one must eliminate others by gathering information regarding their name, cause of death and regret in the real world, then “electing” them.
This turn of events would lead to her learning about the truth behind her death, as well as her own personal regrets. She would also come to face the reality that Miharu was willing to throw her life away for her sake, as well as the extents to which the other participants would go to for the sake of living through to the end.
Far more experiences than she ever could have imagined awaited her now, but where will her resolve lead her once all is said and done…?
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Rinka Shishimai Voiced by: Eriko Matsui
(Known roles: Higuma from Kemono Friends, Nao Kamiya from THE iDOLM@STER: Cinderella Girls, Suzuka from Akama ga Kill!, etc.)
She currently runs a small café named Lion House in place of her grandmother, who returned to the countryside temporarily to take care of a relative. The blonde streaks in her hair are natural, but have caused her peers to label her as a delinquent. To that effect, she rarely speaks to anyone there other than her friends Miharu, Mao and Naomi. This fact doesn’t particularly bother her however, especially as she’s not one for keeping up with trends and adjusting her attitude to those around her. Ironically she’s also seen as cool and aloof thanks to that, when in reality she cares for her friends deeply.
She has no particular hobbies to speak of, though she does enjoy shopping and reading shoujo manga. Black coffee is a favorite of hers, though she dislikes anything either too bitter or too sweet.
One day while returning home with Naomi, she dies while shielding Naomi from an explosion, becoming a participant in Divine Selection in the process. Her memory is somewhat fuzzy however, possibly due the shock of being caught up in the explosion, leading her to participate while not knowing both her cause of death and her regret.
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Naomi Hitsuji Voiced by: Asuka Kakumoto
(Known roles: Elena Shimabara from THE iDOLM@STER: Million Live!, Panotty from Puyo Puyo!! Quest, Niko Oono from Engaged to the Unidentified, etc.)
Rinka’s underclassman at Amecha Girls’ University High School.
Shy and introverted most of the time, though she has no issues talking to those she gets along with. Came to know Rinka through certain circumstances, and eventually became friends with Mao and Miharu through her. A bookworm at heart, she also enjoys making sweets often. Dark places and scary stories are two of her biggest weaknesses. She has a solid relationship with her parents.
Her tendency to keep her feelings to herself lead to her classmates assigning her as head of the committee for the cafe they plan on opening during the culture festival, but her dedication to doing the best possible job leads to her learning how to brew coffee from Rinka.
The events of Rinka’s death haunt her dreams despite said events having been erased due to Divine Selection, possibly because she was present at the time. While not a participant, she does help Rinka gather information for Divine Selection.
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Miharu Mishima Voiced by: Yuri Komagata
(Known roles: Sanguina from Fairy Fencer F, Sayoko Takayama from THE iDOLM@STER: Million Live!, Yuri from KiraKira ☆ PreCure a la Mode, etc.)
A student at Amecha Girls’ University High School, and one of Rinka’s classmates. While beautiful with the brains to match, others consider her difficult to approach, which results in her being avoided much like Rinka. As one would imagine, studying is her speciality, to the point where she can go for long hours without any breaks once she gets into it. Her eating habits would indicate that she isn’t fussy in the slightest, but in reality she simply doesn’t care much for taste in the first place. She works part-time at a certain restaurant, but apparently she’s yet to ask Rinka and Mao to come along at some point.
While typically level-headed, she sometimes speaks her mind without hesitation, leading to some harsh takes now and then. Her circumstances while growing up seem to be somewhat complciated, but not even Rinka knows much about it.
Her feelings for Rinka surpass the boundaries of simple friendship, but Rinka herself seems to be completely clueless about this.
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Goddess Parca Voiced by: Kanako Nomura
(Known roles: Chizuru Nikaido from The iDOLM@STER Million Live, Lieura from Rage of Bahamut, Yuno Kashima from Little Battlers eXperience WARS, etc.)
An odd girl who claims to be a goddess.
She oversees Divine Selection, and only interacts with Rinka and the other participants within the strange dream world it takes place in. Unlike the participants, she can also move around freely in this space. She feels absolutely nothing over the events that take place during Divine Selection.
Her white dress and wool-like hair provide a fantastical air to her appearance, and while she may speak like a lady from the upper echelons of society, she has little issue saying some rather horrible things. Very little is known about her, including her preferences or even how she spends her time when not overseeing Divine Selection.
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Mao Oguma Voiced by: Megumi Nanase
Rinka’s classmate and the mood maker of the group.
Seemingly has little interest in her classmates other than Rinka and Miharu, though unlike them she does have other friends. She loves shopping like no other, to the point that her first priority at amusement parks is to hit up the gift stores.
Rinka makes it a point not to tell her about Divine Selection, though she has noticed that something isn’t quite right.
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Chan Chan Voiced by: Yuma Imaizumi
A young and cheerful lady.
Both her and her husband died in an accident while on their honeymoon, but Divine Selection made it so that both of them returned home safe and sound. To this effect, her elimination would result in her husband’s death as well, leading her to desperate measures.
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??? Voiced by: Miho Saito
A mysterious child who crossed paths with Rinka and Naomi as they were making their way home. Gender unknown; Rinka thinks female, while Naomi thinks male.
While later revealed to be a participant in Divine Selection, further details are unknown.
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Man Within the Dream Voiced by: Koto Nagatsuka
An androgynous man who appeared in Rinka’s dreams. He seems to live in the dream world, but it’s unknown if he has any ties to Parca. Rinka has no recollection of meeting him.
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Sofiya Priessnitz Alexeievna Voiced by: Rinne
Otherwise known as Sonja.
A girl from Russia who boldly confronts Rinka in the real world despite being a participant in Divine Selection. What could she be planning…?
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Shigetsugu Ushizuka Voiced by: Shouhei Murao
Seemingly the oldest participant in Divine Selection.
His attitude in the dream world makes him difficult to read, though this could be a façade in order to keep his emotions hidden.
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Ferderico Carminati Voiced by: Hiroshi Koide
The Italian Stallion.
Seemingly a member of the mafia until he stirred up a certain incident, resulting in his death and participation in Divine Selection. Develops something of a friendly rivalry with Odette, another participant, and they agree to help each other until they’re the final two left.
Incredibly proud of his homeland, and convinced that no other country boasts food better than Italy. This leads to plenty of disputes with Odette. His main priorities when it comes to women are their appearance and chest size.
While rather happy go lucky most of the time, he’s known to display his mafioso side when the circumstances call for it.
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Odette Melancon Voiced by: Minami Okamura
A French woman blessed with an incredible physique.
Apparently the representative for a shipping company affiliated with the underworld who were known for taking on illegal work. This led to her clashing with pirates and military forces often, much to her delight as a fighting nut. Formed a friendly rivalry with Federico not long after Divine Selection began, agreeing to help one another become the last two participants.
Has a very larger than life attitude, but boasts an impeccable perception and capacity for reasoning. To this effect, she rarely lets Federico handle important tasks, opting to work on her own.
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Alan Scorpion Voiced by: Kunihiro Maeda
(Known roles: Larry from Ayakashi Gohan, Suzuki from Matsutarou Notari, etc.)
An Indian man of little words.
His personality makes his actions hard to predict, though it’s apparent that he has every intention of eliminating every other Divine Selection participant without mercy. What motivates him is unknown, but there’s certainly more to him than meets the eye.
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Scale Jones Voiced by: Naoto Takeda
(Known roles: Hercules from Taiko no Tatsujin: Dokodon! Mystery Adventure, Koumei from Yakuza 6: Song of Life, Ryouta Kawamura from Yakuza Kiwami 2, etc.)
A man with an upbeat mentality.
He calmly observed the situation during the beginning of the Divine Selection and little he gets involved in gathering information on Divine Selection.He scrutinizes every action as good or evil and has stated that if the last one standing in Divine Selection is someone of justice, he’d gladly give up the right to be that person.
He’s been seen drinking at the bar with Federico and Odette but what exactly is his relationship with those two…?
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Chanho Ro Voiced by: Yoshiyuki Koba
(Known roles: Gentle Nakamura from Yakuza 5, Ren from Shugo Kishi ~Palladium Knights~, etc.)
A well-built middle aged man from China. Apparently works for one of the country’s most influential companies.
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Keiko Kamebushi Voiced by: Aoi Morinaka
A woman of many misfortunes, her weak constiution seemingly led to her being hospitalized for a long period of time.
While a participant in Divine Selection, Alan acquires her name card immediately after the ritual began.
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cornishbirdblog · 5 years
Standing in the oppressive heat of the desert between Tucson and Phoenix I feel a very long way from the green, rain-soaked valleys of Cornwall. It is a vast and untamed landscape like nothing I have ever experienced before in all my travels, yet thousands of Cornish found themselves drawn here in the 19th century. Some found their fortunes, others hardship and loss, or worse.
“These dry, rocky places are made of drought, created by absence, the sky holding back on purpose . . . Deserts are mummifiers, bone makers.” Craig Childs, Essays from Dry Places, Arizona, 2019
So, how did one particular Cornishman come to end his days in the deserts of Arizona more than 5000 miles from home? And was his death just a unfortunate tragedy or something far more sinister?
The Bodies of Two Men
On 17th May 1894 a report appeared in the Mesa Free Press, the newspaper for the Maricopa county of Arizona. It read:
The bodies of two men were found a few days ago on the desert near the Congress mine. One of them left a note giving their names as William Rogers and Wm. McDonald.
The bodies had been initially discovered in early May. In the days that followed more information about the circumstances surrounding the deaths and the contents of the note began to emerge.
It was established that one of the men was William Rogers from Cornwall.
William Rogers
William was born in Ashton near Breage in 1869. He came from a long line of miners. Both his father Francis and both his grandfathers worked underground. His parents, Francis Rogers and Thomasine Kitto, had grown up together in the village and married in 1854. William was their youngest of five children.
On the 29th July 1889 aged 21 William Rogers boarded the SS Umbria and began the long voyage to the USA. The log records his name, age and occupation – miner.
SS Umbria 1884, Francis Frith negative no. 26619.
Cornish in Arizona
The stalling of the Cornish mining industry in the early part of the 19th century forced Cornish miners to search for work in other areas of mineral production, such as South Africa, Australia and America. It is estimated that more than 500,000 Cornish left their home in the 19th century.
Initially, many settled in Wisconsin and Michigan. Later making their way further west to California, Nevada, Colorado and Arizona. A train ticket that could take you from one side of the country to the other could be purchased in the 1880s for $40.
Cornish miners in Arizona
The Cornish could easily have integrated in to North American society but instead others found them ‘clanish’. They utilized their ethnicity to their advantage. Being from Cornwall implied expertise in mining that would secure the best paid jobs. And the Cornish mine captains took on their fellow countrymen first, often giving them higher rates of pay and special privileges. The Cornish were also said to be constantly looking for employment for friends and relatives. One explanation for their nickname, “Cousin Jack,” suggests that when asked if they knew someone who could do a job in the mine the answer was always, “My Cousin Jack can.”
From Montana to Arizona
William Rogers’ adventures began in the north of America. We know that he spent time in Helena, Montana. He then moved to Telluride in Colorado and then sometime around 1894 made his way to Arizona.
The Vulture Mine near Wickenburg. Credit: the appendix.net
The 1890s had seen a severe devaluation of silver and copper in the US. Miners were forced to move to where they thought there was work, or the rumour of work. From 1893 to 1900 many miners from all the old silver camps of the West became caught up in the search for gold. Arizona was incredibly rich in the precious mineral. Numerous new gold deposits were discovered, notably in Congress in the Bradshaw Mountains, the Mammoth north of Tucson, and the rich Harqua Hala. Fortunes were made. Gold fever was rife.
William Rogers is thought to have been on his way to the gold rush in Harqua Hala when he died. But how exactly William and his companion met their ends in the desert is not entirely clear. In fact, it’s a little ambiguous exactly who died out in the desert sun at all.
Gold Rush
The first reports in the newspapers said that the dead men were travelling to Harque Hala from the town Prescott. A distance of over 120 miles, they may have had transport part of the way, horses perhaps, but it appears that they were completing the last stretch of the journey on foot.
The Harqua Hala mountains: credit Google Earth
“The bodies of two Cornishmen who were on their way from Prescott to Harqua Hala, were found near the sink of Date Creek a few days ago . . . The two men had perished from thirst.” Monhave County Miner, 19th May 1894
Haraquahala like so many of Arizona’s old mining settlements is now a dusty, forgotten ghost town. But it once saw a gold rush of epic proportions. The mine there produced $3,630,000 of gold and nuggets worth upwards of $300 could be found just lying on the desert floor!
Gold mined in Arizona
By 1888 it had become a sprawling boom town with saloons, boarding houses, a post office and its own newspaper – The Harqua Hala Miner. Rogers was making his way towards this town and, he hoped, his fortune.
Culling’s Well
The bodies of our two boys were discovered near a dried up creek just a few miles from Culling’s Well. They were roughly 20 miles north of the Harqua Hala mountains. The well, which should have been their salvation, is now almost completely disappearing back into the desert but movingly it has retained a connection to William Rogers’ death.
Culling’s Well was established in the 1860s by Charles C. Culling. This innovative man had to dig down through 250ft (76m) of dirt before he found water. He then sold this cool, sweet ground water for 25c per animal or 50c a barrel. Culling was described by his contemporaries as “a jovial man, always giving a hearty welcome to travellers”. His was the only stable water source for 100 miles and when he died in 1878 the business was taken over by his widow’s new husband, John Drew. Drew just so happens to be one of the men who discovered the bodies of the Cornish prospectors.
Local legend has it that Drew was so moved by how close the two men were to the well when they died of thirst he decided to act. Sadly deaths like theirs seem to have been pretty common. One newspaper wrote at the time:
“Year by year the addition to the number of deaths on the deserts of the southwest are growing and yet the supervisors of the various counties take no action in the matter of putting up guideboards for the convenience of travellers and in so doing save many men from an awful death.”
Drew however decided to try and ensure no other travellers perished so near to water again. After the Cornish men’s deaths a light was suspended on the top of a long pole above Culling’s Well to act as a beacon for lost travellers. The settlement quickly became known as ‘the lighthouse in the desert’.
Graveyard Culling’s Well
There is a small graveyard at Culling’s Well, it isn’t confirmed but it’s entirely possible that Rogers and McDonald are buried here.
Rogers’ Last Words
The bodies of the two men were found some distance from each other. A journal containing a scribbled note was found on one body. the note read:
“I remain your loving son, William Rogers. Dying for want of water. Do no grieve for me mother, I am dying. Send to Telluride, Colo for my trunk. My partner will go on to Harqua Hala, his name is Bill McDonald. The key to my trunk is in my pocket.”
In the pocket of the other body was a letter of credit for £15, 3s issued by Wells Fargo Bank made out to Mrs. Constance Hoskins from William McDonald.
However, doubts over the identity of the bodies would quickly begin to surface.
The Manner of his Death
The circumstances surrounding the deaths of Willam Rogers and William McDonald at first seemed straightforward. They apparently died of dehydration when they became lost in the desert near Culling’s Well.
That was the story that appeared in The Times in London on 16th May 1894. The article bought dozens of letters to Justice Kincaid from worried relatives back in England, including one from William King, Rogers’ brother-in-law. The letter was published in The Arizona Republican in August 1894. King asks if Kincaid can provide more information concerning the circumstances of Rogers’ death. He writes that he has already contracted T J Drew “one of the discoverers of the bodies” but had no reply.
You see, rumours of foul play had begun circulating in late May, since another letter had been published. This letter was sent anonymously from a mining town called Harrisburg, Arizona. It claimed that the dead men had originally been part of a party of four who had left Congress Mine together. And that the bodies were William Rogers and a man called Hoskins, not McDonald.
Some twenty miles after setting off the letter says the four men separated. Hoskins and Rogers left the group. The other two, McDonald and an unknown man, went to on Copper Camp, then Culling’s Well, Harqua Hala and finally made their way to Harrisburg. In Harrisburg the writer claims that these men had been heard to say that “their partners were left in the desert to die”.
The letter goes on to assert that:
“Rogers and his partner [Hoskins] went to the Copper Camp and got water and went on. McDonald and his partner went to work at the Harqua Hala mines, never saying anything about their partners . . . If they had made it known men would have gone in every direction until they had been found . . . When found the dead men were lying on their backs with their hats over their faces. No man dies in that shape with thirst. Foul play is suspected and the case ought to be investigated. It was done in Maricopa county but the bodies were brought over to Yuma and buried.”
So, how exactly did the men come to reach their ends? Was there an argument, over money perhaps? Were Rogers and Hoskins (if it was Hoskins) just weaker than the others and rather than help they went on without them? As far as I can establish the deaths were never investigated further.
Unanswered Questions
The anonymous statement printed in The Arizona Republican raises a number of interesting questions. The most pressing being not just how the men died but who exactly was it that died in the wilderness.
Mrs. Constance Hoskins, the lady of the credit note found on the second body, lived at Churchtown in Breage. Very close to the Rogers family, did they already know each other? According to the 1891 census her husband William, a blacksmith, is abroad. She is also living with their two year old son and her brother, William Peller who records his occupation as retired Gold Miner.
If the second body wasn’t McDonald then why was that what was written in the journal? Was it ever verified that Rogers’ had written the note? The whole episode leaves me with so many unanswered questions. Perhaps something more will come to light in the future, in which case I will certainly let you all know!
Look out for another post coming soon about the Cornish in Arizona . . .
Further Reading:
For more travel related tales pop to my Cornish Bird on Tour page!
Gwennap Pit & the richest square mile on Earth
The Iconic Wheal Coates
Death in Arizona – how a Cornish miner came to die in the desert Standing in the oppressive heat of the desert between Tucson and Phoenix I feel a very long way from the green, rain-soaked valleys of Cornwall.
0 notes
pixelatedraindrops · 1 year
Why Yuma Kokohead is my main whump candidate🌡️ An Analysis:
(contains raincode spoilers)
So, some of you people are probably asking yourself; Why do I keep making these sickly edits of Yuma?
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Okay. Allow me to present my evidence and reasoning behind this weird little obsession of mine in 3 parts. (prepare for a small essay with some spoilers)
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First off; I've noticed that Yuma always holds his head like this whenever he's distressed.
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I know its probably just a nod to his memory loss, but he does it
Through the whole game.
Like his model is just programed to do it whenever he makes these two expressions in the sprite art.
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He always looks so pale and tired... sick even.
Which is why I edited these sprites first
The model of him that’s used in an Ace Attorney fan made crossover project does this exact same gesture too.
Only he actually looks like he's in even MORE pain here.
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And Reminder; he canonically felt sick in the first chapter of the game. Idc what the reason was, the point is it happened.
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All of this might confirm that he has potential to be frail of health or may suffer from specified ailments easily.
Like hello? BE FR RIGHT NOW??
In the JP dub, he speaks under somewhat heavy sounding breaths when he's going through this ordeal of trying to open the door to the Infirmary (as he should) It shows how exhausted he feels or how dizzy he is just wanting, BEGGING to lay down and make the world stop spinning.
(sorry for the poor quality video lol)
This was all that was going through my mind when I first played this part of the chapter. And I nearly lost it. He was officially on my list
This part of Chapter 0 was more than enough to convince me he had the potential.
Second: Yuma usually doesn't mind admitting when he is weak or vulnerable.
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Such as when he tells Fubuki that he feels like he's in pain and going to pass out after Shinigami punched him in the Ch3 ML, or telling Vivia how scared he was when he was threatening to kill him during the Ch4 Investigation, or admitting his fear and hesitation to Shinigami in Chapter 5's deserted factory. Anytime that he admits his feelings if someone asks him rather than trying to act tough. Instead of playing dumb, he admits when he feels a negative way. He's completely honest about it.
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This is really good fodder for a scenario where he just confesses that he's not feeling well. Or that he's about to be sick. Or if he's in pain or injured. Or if he's having a mental breakdown. He won't shy away from it. He'll say it.
(though I did kinda make him play dumb in my own fic lol I cannot deny that there are times he also wants to be strong and/or not be a burden to others)
Third: Yuma's size. HIS TINY SIZE??? COME ON?? He may as well be a CHILD.
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I know vivia is a freaking giant but STILL LOOK HOW SMALL HE IS
He is so baby despite his age being completely unknown. He could be a teenager or he could be an adult over 20. Nobody knows.
Point is regardless of that, you can see him is any kind of vulnerable situation with no doubt or worry of it being OOC. You can see him crying if he's hurting. You can see him whining about making the pain go away. You can see him wanting comfort if he has a nightmare. You can see him having a panic attack reaching out to a caretaker for support.
He can be carried or lifted up by anyone taller than him and probably be light as a feather. Seeing him cling to them like a sick or hurt kid would.
He could sit or lay on their lap. He could lean on them as they help him walk if he's hurt, or as they help him eat or drink if he's too weak to do so himself.
And he probably couldn't stop someone from forcing him down to rest if he tried due to his physical stature being unfit for combat. (or anything)
Regardless, it would ALL FIT.
Like taking care of a child.
Now with those 3 points out of the way, I ask you all:
How can this character NOT be easy whump bait? Don’t underestimate my imagination as a sickfic enthusiast.
He's a perfect victim for specifically any sort of head issue:
Be it a headache, a head injury, migraine, or what I usually continue to give to him in my edits.
A High Fever.
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plus, coupled with the RAIN 24/7 SETTING?
In THIS type of scenario??
he's got the major potential to be the biggest sickly wet cat ever
and I love him so much for that
he's so dizzyboy coded that I want to make him SICK AS A PUPPY
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Which is why I do it so much.
40 degrees? Call a freaking doctor aaaa
I'll mostly go with a high fever because they're my favorite thing in the sick whump category and easy to edit, but at the same time, he could be suffering with any sort of issue and it would seem accurate, likely or canon, so long as it involves his head.
Such as a splitting headache, immense dizziness, flash blurred vision, or even a nausea induced migraine. (heck, even all of the above, go crazy)
You may ask yourself, why?
Easy: For caretaking fluff purposes.
That's mostly why sickfics exist.
The potential fluff of him getting taken care of by the NDA (found family) Shinigami (chaotic mascot partner/sibling) Kurumi (platonic or romantic) or heck maybe even Makoto (sibling dynamic or possible ‘self-care’)
Just the thought and image of him getting taken care of in general puts a smile on my face. Its a HUGE comfort for me 💜
The potential for the found family, shipping, or sibling moments he can produce from being in this state is astronomical. And you don't see that in characters very often. He is a very rare specimen. He is Number 1 after all.
Checks literally all of my boxes on why I love illness whump and sickfics so much. He is perfect.
Sometimes sacrifices must be made to forge deeper connections. And these kinds of scenarios almost NEVER fail to be 1 of three things: tooth-rottingly wholesome, heartbreakingly angsty, or chaotically comedic. It depends on your preference. (They're mostly wholesome and sweet though.)
fr though.
once you find your prime whumpee you never go back
and now I know how it feels ;w; the bliss makes me feel as though I am now complete in a place where something was missing.
Thank you Kodaka for this adorable smol anxious purple trainee who’s actually the top dog 💜
I love him dearly🥰
Some of you may just want to see Yuma as a cool smart, competent, and badass protagonist and that's great! I completely agree! That he is.
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But to me personally? He's also a soft, delicate, anxiety filled, adorable lil' wet cat who needs constant TLC, love and/or support 💊 Physically and/or mentally.
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Get a character that can do both lol
That is all.
Thanks for coming to my Ted Talk.
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I love this little guy so much! He means everything to me.💜 He’s just a little guy. My babygirl, my little scrunkly, my lil' blorbo, my little meow meow…
No matter how you see it;
Yuma Kokohead is a blessing✨
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