#and he was literally only not the culprit because of peko ex machina
detectivenyx · 2 years
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magioftheseas · 6 years
Multiples of 10 for the Dangan ask thing!
Under the readmore!!!
10. What would be your Ultimate Title?
Ultimate Good But Not Great. I don’t actually know.
20. Who do you think is an overrated character?
For dr1, Junko, Ishimaru, Celes, and Kirigiri. For dr0, Junko. For sdr2, Nanami, Gundam, Souda, and Mikan. Also Junko. For DRAE, Junko. For Killer Killer, Junko. For dr3, Nanami. And Junko. For v3, Ouma and Maki. And Junko.
30. Which character would’ve deserved to survive?
In v3 I felt like every character who died deserved to survive more than the actual survivors. :’D
In dr1, um… Ehhhh? I mean obviously they all deserve to live but the story isn’t worse for any of them dying. Ishimaru’s death could’ve been less unceremonious, I suppose.
In sdr2, they all survive but fucking Saionji still way deserved to make it to the endgame.
In dr3, every character who died except for Chisa and probably Izayoi deserved to survive more than the actual dr3 survivors. (Discounting the dr1 kids. Leave the dr1 kids alone. Sakura didn’t fucking die for this.)
In drae, Taichi. Yuta’s death sucked but it at least left a lasting impact. Taichi just dies for tragedy porn’s sake.
In dr0, FUCKING GUESS. it’s matsuda.
40. Favourite culprit?
I mean… Sakura. Obviously. Or Mondo if we’re talking an actual murderer.
In sdr2, it’s Peko.
In v3, it’s Kaito.
Overall, Sakura and Kaito.
50. Favourite game design?
Sdr2, I think! :’D
60. Saddest moment?
In dr1, Sakura’s letter and the fallout of Chapter 2′s trial, probably. Naegi getting thrown under the bus in Chapter 5 was pretty bad, too.
In sdr2, also the fallout of Chapter 2′s trial. But Hinata’s breakdown in Chapter 6 was really, incredibly heartbreaking! Komaeda also in general… Uuu…
In dr0, Matsuda… Uuu… ;;
In drae, Komaru crying after Touko hugs her. And Nagisa’s breakdown.
In dr3, Juzo’s death is the clear victor. Still cried over Kizakura tho.
In v3, Ouma having his breakdown in Kaito’s flashback. Also Saihara’s downward spiral. Yeah.
70. Character you would have a sleepover with?
Sayaka, Sonia, Koizumi, Komaru, Miaya, honestly Ryouko, Kaede, Tenko, Tsumugi, and Kirumi.
80. Hope or Despair?
Hope for the future!
90. Do you like Junko?
That sure is a question. And this sure isn’t an answer.
100. Opinion on all the Protagonists!
Dr1 - Naegi’s simplicity and resolve are not to be undermined! Just because he’s simple doesn’t mean he’s not a great character and protagonist to follow! He’s absolutely deserving of his role, fuck you!
SDR2 - Hinata is a remarkable foil to Naegi and that he’s more emotionally uncertain and shaky really makes for a character you can resonate with rather be inspired by. That said, the way Chapter 6 uses dead waifu powers to pull him out of rut is a huge misstep when the theme of sdr2 is future. You can’t use the past as a crutch if you’re supposed to move on, y’know?
DR0 - Both Matsuda and Ryouko are fantastic protagonists and focus characters in different ways. Matsuda’s incredibly layered and proactive. And Ryouko gives a very unique perspective and her genuinely fucked up situation makes for some really harsh, heavy, complicated moments. Not to mention the twist at the end which makes matters a lot clearer. Now if fucking only that shitty “all according to keikaku” bullshit wasn’t a thing.
DRAE - Two solid character arcs! For dual female protagonists! That’s really neat! Komaru and Touko are definitely among the strongest parts of DRAE, both as our leads and as their relationship being the emotional core. Pretty satisfying stuff here! Some of the details could’ve been better but overall this is good shit. Even Syo gets some good character moments and character development. It may be the black sheep of the games, but it’s one of the brightest stars in this regard!
DR3 - HAHAHAAAAAA. Naegi literally does close to nothing in the last couple of episodes, Chisa is a shallow fucking plot device and a tool for man pain, and Hinata spends most of this shit MIA and then bursts in at the last minute as a very convenient Deus Ex Machina. Dr3 has no fucking idea how to write a protagonist much less any of its protagonists.
Killer Killer - I only read the second half of this so I don’t have much of an opinion. Whoops. I think Takumi’s at least alright though. I guess. That dumb ending left too much of an impact for me to really think about anything else.
V3 - Kaede was well-written and very dynamic. In Chapter 1. And Chapter 1 alone. Saihara meanwhile, um… Well his character arc is kinda just thrown out the window in Chapter 6 so he doesn’t get any real closure thus no real development. Like he’s still needy, codependent, and still has no idea what to think so he’s just rolling with whatever? Has he really changed at all? I guess he accepts that this is just the kind of person he is, but that wasn’t really what his conflict was even about? Also isn’t it kind of bad to just be like “how I am, flaws and all, is fine”? Like stagnancy is supposed to be a bad thing, right? Also his role as a detective is something he never reconciles with even when it’s continuously forced on him despite how much he doesn’t enjoy it and when it’s something he isn’t even particularly good at? Saihara’s writing is all over the damn place in general so I’d hesitate to even call him a good character but as a protagonist? Yeah he’s weeeeeeeeak. Easily the weakest and poorly defined of the games.
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