#he prepared absolutely everything to kill mahiru himself
detectivenyx · 2 years
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katzkinder · 3 years
Tarte Tatin
[Here's the follow up to "Strawberry Madeleine" I said I'd do! 🥳 Feat: Tsurugi getting all the presents. All of them. And a very special gift from Freya.]
Tsurugi can’t remember the last time he was so excited for his birthday.
Actually, that’s a lie. He absolutely can. The last time was when he turned twenty and had gone out, ID in hand and stupid grin on his face, to buy as much beer as Yumikage’s credit card could handle as the first official adult of their little trio (or as much as the clerk would let him purchase). Two bikes, three idiots, and three cases of cheap beer, all pedaling towards the ocean on a beautiful, moonlit night, not a cloud in the sky.
The only thing that had dampened his mood then was the heat of Yumikage’s back against his as he stared up at the sky, at the moon, and recalled the promise he had asked his friend to make, and the offer of freedom he had turned down.
Neither of those things were a problem anymore.
Never again would Hod have to worry over killing Baldr to save him from himself.
The venue is, of course, Yumikage’s apartment. The walls are thick, the living room is large, and there’s no one there but him to bother if they get rowdy (aside from the neighbors, but Tsurugi never cared much for what they thought).
Most importantly, though, it’s a familiar place. Every year, ever since Yumikage started living in the high end apartments, each of them would have their birthday there. It was also the place Tsurugi went to when he no longer had a home, his best friend opening his own to him, and Tsurugi had felt so guilty, had been so worried, about what that change would mean for them.
As it turned out... It didn’t mean much at all.
Of course, with his weird sense of boundaries and how touchy he can get with people he likes, other people might not agree. --Especially when he and Yumikage still shared a bed.
All the guests had arrived. First, of course, were Jun, Takuto, and surprisingly, Jun’s parents. Tsurugi had hefted Takuto onto his hip, chirping at them all to come in, and led them to the living room where they had prepared snacks, drinks, big, big bowls of pretty much everything you would need for a party. Chips and dips and little trays of veggies, big two liters of soda and a store bought cake chilling in the fridge, hard candies and caramels, even a crummy cheese platter with little tiny sausages and crackers.
Next had been Freya, Iduna, and the two subclasses Takuto had taken to calling his uncles, much to their delight. Opening the door, he’d been met with three party poppers being set off in his face, Iduna, Gil, and Ray shouting their congratulations at him while he had stood there, stunned, trying to process the colorful streamers and confetti now decorating his head, shoulders, and the entry hall. Soon, though, he was laughing, dragging them all in by the arms while Freya shook her head and tried not to look too fond, a gentle scolding on her lips while C3’s ace inventor promised to clean up the mess herself.
Four presents joined the pile, and four more members of his family joined the festivities.
Finally came the Sloth pair, Kuro and Mahiru, and the gift he had been told to open immediately. The one that almost made him cry. So small, so little, so… Perfect.
Turning to bring them back to the group, Tsurugi thought to himself, All these people… Are happy I was born.
At that point, the tears he had been holding back started to overflow, quickly dripping down his face and onto the floor, much to the Sloth pair’s worry. Even Kuro, as blank faced as he normally kept himself, was clearly startled. Clearly worried. About him.
It only made the tears come faster.
“Uwah! Tsurugi-san?! Why are you crying!”
A watery laugh, quickly wiping his face on the back of his hand while Mahiru crowded closer to fuss. “I’m just glad you’re all here is all…!”
Ah. How embarrassing.
As it turned out, they didn’t need that second, store bought cake at all. The one Mahiru had brought with him, had made himself from scratch, was more than enough. There were even leftovers, sitting happily in Yumikage’s fridge and waiting to be devoured the next day.
And, of course, after cake came presents.
Jun’s parents had given him a new set of chopsticks, glossy black ones patterned with colorful paper cranes, and a matching paper crane shaped ceramic rest to go with them. From Gil and Ray, he’d received a new wallet, smelling of leather and, frankly, making him too nervous to ask if it was genuine or not. Such an expensive gift was… Not something he deserved, he felt, but he’d accept it gratefully nonetheless. From Takuto, he’d gotten the most adorable little wolf themed coin purse, as well as a handmade card. Jun gave him a new to go mug. Yumikage had grinned, sliding him a little box containing earrings that sparkled and showe and Tsurugi very nearly leapt at him if it weren’t for his idiot friend clarifying “They’re fake, dumbass. You like sparkly stuff though, right?”
“Don’t scare me like that!” he had complained, swatting Yumikage on the chest while the other man had snickered to himself. Really, he should have known better.
And now, he is here, with Iduna thrusting a misshapen gift into his arms with the biggest, most excited grin.
… He hopes it doesn’t blow up.
Tearing the bright, shiny paper away reveals a pillow shaped like a strawberry, red fading into pink and green leaves at the top. The smell immediately slaps him in the face and he wastes no time burying himself in it, a reverent, “It’s so soft…!” on his lips that make the people around him giggle. “Jun-chan, feel how soft it is!”
“I modified a pillow I bought for you!” Iduna gushes, and Tsurugi’s attention snaps to her, her cheeks just as rosy as his no doubt are with elation. “Freya helped me add a little pocket with velcro so I could put a scent pack inside! Also it’s made with memory foam so you can squish it as much as you want and it’ll always go back to it’s proper shape! Oh, and, here’s the remote, cuz I added a temperature change feature, too, so it’s never too hot or too cold and…” A hand on her shoulder has her chattering trailing off and she peeks at Ray, who seems to be holding back laughter. “Ah, oops! Sorry...” A sheepish chuckle, the girl wilting ever so slightly. “I just got so excited from your reaction…”
“I love it,” Tsurugi assures her, squeezing the gift tight. “Iduna-chan’s so smart! I’d be excited to give this to somebody, too!”
Iduna perks up once more, back to her beaming smile, and Freya… Nudges her present forward. For some reason, she looks nervous, and Tsurugi reaches for it curiously.
“Lately, I’ve been… Looking into making jewelry,” she explains, arms folded across her chest and black gloved fingers digging into her skin, awaiting Tsurugi’s response as he slides back the cover on the box. “Iduna showed me how to work with some of her tools, like things for cutting metal…”
“Freya…” Tsurugi breathes, cutting what he now realizes are anxious ramblings over having an overlapping gift short, “You made these?” In that little aqua colored box, with its white ribbon and bow so cutely done on top, are a set of earrings. Where Yumikage’s had been studs, these would dangle, little seashells carefully connected to ribbon by a simple loop of gold and a single bead, the same yellow as his eyes. Picking one up, the deep, navy colored ribbons, satin finish, flutter delicately. “They’re beautiful…”
He glances away from his gift just in time to see Freya start to turn pink. He swallows, wets his lips, and carefully, carefully, brings the box closer to his chest. “I can really have this? Like, really really?”
“Of course you can,” Freya answers, relaxing ever so slightly. “I made them for you.”
Right. That’s right. These were… Made especially for him. Him, Kamiya Tsurugi, twenty seven years old today. This gift… Is his. It’s his alone.
… Oh. That’s right. Back then… Freya had asked for…
I don’t have anything I can give to you…
You have two of these. Maybe you can give me one.
We… Except this body… Have nothing else to call our own. Aside from that… There is nothing I can offer.
In this world… Exists things that you should share and bear the burden of with other people, as well as things you yourself must treasure. You must… Understand which is which.
A… Are you angry...?
I am.
Back then, he had told her… That he had given up. Back then, what she had wanted… Was for him to take her hand. In the end... He hadn't. But they were happy.
“... Freya. Are you proud of me? I finally… Grew up!” I finally got angry. I finally fought back.
“... I am. Very, very, proud.”
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dadsbongos · 3 years
Insert Coin - Chapter 2 / Series Masterlist
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Waking up to the cursed sound of Monokuma’s voice, (Y/n) let her body remain in the warm confines of her duvet. Her eyes were heavy and burned whether she had them open or not. Turning, she let her back rest against the mattress, endless stare settled on the ceiling.
Every time she went to close her eyes, Byakuya’s bloody corpse was staring her in the face. His voice festered between her ears as it called her name. Quite possibly the last thing he’d said to anybody was him calling her name for help.
Stabbed over ten times between his abdomen and throat.
It must’ve been excruciating. To be working to bring everyone together only to be brutally murdered in your endeavors.
She can only hope death was quick to lay its merciful hands upon Byakuya’s soul.
And to be boiled alive, even.
A hand came up and over her heart, scrunching up the fabric of her sleepshirt, a new wave of misery banging at her brain as she thought of Teruteru. The Ultimate Cook. No, their Ultimate Chef. The least she could do was honor his wishes in her mind.
To be slathered in slimy batter and caked with breading was a mere inconvenience in comparison to being boiled - being cooked. The heat. The bubbling and popping of your skin as you quickly simmer.
It made her queasy just to think about.
All that pain, all that suffering - brought about by the hands of Nagito Komaeda. The sweet-faced, gentle-smiled boy of luck. The same boy she was planning on meeting in the dining hall.
Sighing through her nose, (Y/n) slowly rose from her bed before swinging her legs over the edge of her bed frame and pushing up to a complete stand. Her body felt like gelatin, mind in a foggy haze as she moved towards her closet, pulling off her makeshift pajamas and trading them in for cleaner versions of the clothes she already had on.
Exiting her cottage, (Y/n) was sure to lock her door before stowing the key away and heading towards the dining hall before anybody sent out a search party for her. The sand crunched under her shoes as she made her way to the dining hall, hopefully, the others had somehow forgotten about the entire night prior. If she could be the only one with the horrid memory of their friends’ deaths, she’d be happy.
Ultimate Peacekeeper and yet she couldn’t even keep two people alive.
Clenching her teeth, (Y/n) shook her head - if she thought like that then she’d be too busy throwing herself a pity party to focus on any of her peers. She reached out to open the dining hall door and stepped inside, and for a split second, her heart picked up at the thought of finding another body.
A corpse laid across the floor and Monokuma’s wretched voice bringing about another body discovery announcement.
Once again, she forcefully shook off her thoughts and pushed forward. Everyone was there. No, two people were missing.
Fuyuhiko, which was no surprise, seemed an avid supporter of being the “lone wolf” of their group. Nagito, on the other hand, was almost never by himself - despite his previous exclamations of being unworthy of a friend, he surely liked the company of the people on the island.
(Y/n) sidled herself up beside Hajime, giving the boy’s side profile a gentle, unnoticed smile - he looked exhausted, “How’re you feeling?”
“Hm,” Hajime flinched at the sudden noise, turning to lock eyes with the mediator, “I feel…” he looked down at his plate sadly, “fine.”
“Alright,” she pat his back, “if you need anything, I’m always available. It’s what I’m here for, Hajime.”
“Right,” the brunette nodded, he let his shoulders droop, defenses falling ever so slightly, “thanks, (Y/n).”
“Of course,” she nodded, looking around the dining hall once again and quirking a brow, “is it just me or… are there people missing?”
Before Hajime could answer her question, Monokuma appeared suddenly inside the cafeteria - frightening a few of the students. Hajime’s brows furrowed, “You can't just pop up out of nowhere like that!"
"Puhuhuhu, but I can!" what a high-pitched drawl, (Y/n) suddenly thought - she’d always been taught that villains have sickeningly deep voices and here Monokuma was, proving her entire life wrong, "I'm here to deliver the next motive!"
"A motive?" Hajime tilted his head in the midst of his confusion.
"It's not that I don't think you all love participating in my super fun killing game or anything..." Monokuma fidgeted, faking a new shy persona, "But, of course, I thought it would be even more fun to give you guys a motive!"
"Well, we've taken care of everything,” Kazuichi immediately rebuffed, “No one is going to kill anymore, no matter what your motive is!"
(Y/n) swung her head to look at the Ultimate Mechanic, “‘Taken care of’, what are you talking about?”
"Whatever you say!" the black-and-white bear waved off, clearly in disbelief of the boy’s words anyway, "If you're interested, there's an arcade machine in Jabberwock Park with a game on it that might have some cool info for you! And that’s as much as you’re getting from me, bye for now!"
"Ooh, fun!" Ibuki blurted out as Monokuma disappeared.
"Fun?” Hajime shook his head, irritation clear on his face, “No! Guys, we absolutely cannot play that game. This is Monokuma's attempt to trap us. Who knows? The game could be filled with lies to get us to kill each other!"
“Hajime’s right,” (Y/n) nodded, “If anyone plays that game, a murder is likely. I know it’ll be hard but we have to do our best to keep alive.”
Hajime could be a good leader. Strong, independent, commanding - a good man. He could be great. Then again, so was Byakuya.
Mahiru looked around and asked the question (Y/n) had before Monokuma arrived, "Wait, where's Nagito?"
Hiyoko giggled, covering her mouth with her hands as she did so, "He's probably too ashamed to show his ugly face around here.”
"No," (Y/n) interrupted, “I don’t think he’d be so self-conscious.”
"Don't worry about it,” Kazuichi waved off, locking his hands behind his head, “He isn't going to bother us anymore."
"What did you do?" (Y/n) pushed herself away from Hajime and toward the mechanic.
"Kazuichi, you probably shouldn't say stuff like that..." Nekomaru’s voice was strange - hasty, as if he was trying to hide something.
"Nekomaru, Kazuichi," (Y/n)’s brows furrowed as she looked between the boys, “Tell me, right now, what did you two do?”
"Well, we..." Kazuichi glanced at Nekomaru, "Took care of him this morning."
"You guys killed someone?" Mahiru exclaimed, face running pale.
"No! What the hell? Of course, not, we didn't do that!" Nekomaru shook his head as if he couldn’t fathom how his suspicious behavior could lead to that conclusion, "We found him on the way here and... tied him up. So he couldn't do anything drastic again! He's on the floor of the room we had the party in, he's- he'll be fine."
"So you guys - without telling anyone - kidnapped Nagito this morning and just left him tied up?" Hajime turned his head between the two, obviously done with the idiots, "Do you understand why that possibly wasn't the most fantastic idea?"
"What were we supposed to do, just let him run around acting like that?" Kazuichi asked, exasperated, "It's fine! He'll live, we just have to bring him food or something once in a while..."
"Now that we're in this mess, it will be difficult to pull us out," (Y/n) crossed her arms, thinking over the situation, “I’ll keep watch over him. I was going to do so anyway, but two people,” she glared directly at the boys of the hour, “decided to act without consulting the group,” as Mahiru prepared a plate, (Y/n) continued, “Just leave Nagito to me, I’ll be a babysitter for him - if anybody has an issue with him, please don’t act on your own until necessary. It could do more harm than good.”
Handing over the plate, Mahiru gave the peacekeeper a nervous smile, "Be careful, okay? Just run outta there if anything weird happens."
“Right,” (Y/n) nodded, taking the plate, “Kazuichi, Nekomaru,” the two hesitantly looked over to her - it felt horribly similar to facing a disappointed parent - she pursed her lips before giving a sympathetic grin, “I get where you two were coming from and I appreciate it, but don’t do something like this again. It’s dangerous.”
The two murmured out their agreements as (Y/n) left.
Crossing from the dining hall to the old building, (Y/n) flexed her fingers as she walked, gut knotting up inside her. Byakuya died there. Her friend, and to some extent, a role model. All because of the man she was going to be spending the rest of their stay at Jabberwock with. She had to. She needed to keep tabs over him if they wanted to avoid something like the party again.
Her hand stopped at the door handle, fingers resting against the cool metal.
She could just let him starve, it’s not like anybody would care. Nobody would check the old building anyway.
Shaking her head, (Y/n) pushed the door open - she’s supposed to be the Ultimate Peacekeeper and she was already dropping the ball with two deaths and a kidnapping. Letting Nagito starve was just a cruel and unusual punishment. An impulsive thought she'd never act on.
And so, putting one foot in front of the other, she continued down the hall Teruteru did. To find Nagito.
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Reader stops Nagito from starting the killing game
Think of this as a “Mod Fuyu’s Birthday Special” cause it’s my birthday and I had the idea :) After this I’ll finish up the requests and post em
Also, if you like this kind of “what if this kind of person stopped so-and-so from happening”, I love writing this kinda stuff so feel free to ask for it
Category: Neutral/kinda angst(??) imagine (might make more parts)
Specifics: GN!reader, reader is the Ultimate Analyst, takes place in Chapter 1 of SDR2, kind of Nagito x reader???
Warnings: Nagito being Nagito, Twogami pats you down? Idk if that counts as a warning? And lowkey stalking Hope Bagel Boy, I believe that’s it- also there are things in here that are just my headcannons so please don’t come at me for them, thank you
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You had your eye on Nagito since everyone arrived. The moment he introduced himself, you found something... off... about him. Due to you being unsure of what was wrong, you immediately began to silently observe him out of habit. He clearly noticed, even if he tried to hide it. At the very least, he wasn’t bothered by it.
Pretty quickly you were able to figure out he had dementia, perhaps cancer, and definitely some ptsd. His pale skin, the fact that the tips of his hair had some color, as well as his subtle behavior lead you to the first two. He didn’t react well when you brought up maybe flying off the island. Even if he seemed normal to everyone else and acted like it didn’t bother him, it was obvious to you. You picked up on the strained but natural-looking smile he forced. You guess that’s the perk of being the Ultimate Analyst, seeing things people won’t tell you.
He would also constantly praise you and the group- or more accurately, praised your talents. You were slightly annoyed by this, you were more than just a talent, but kept your mouth shut for the time being. He definitely had some sort of inferiority complex, or had trauma that made him believe he wasn’t worthy of basic human rights, maybe it was both.
Because of these reasons, you felt the need to not only help the boy, but maybe befriend him if possible?
So when this “killing game” was announced, you stuck to his side. Time and time again he said it wasn’t necessary, but you still wanted to get close to him. You knew he wouldn’t open up easily, seeing as he brushes off questions about himself, but you were determined enough to stay with him till he did.
Once Byakuya announced a party will commence, seemingly out of nowhere, you immediately had your eyes set on Nagito. He instantly agreed with some hope/friendship rant. He had something to do with this. He had to. So from that moment, even if it was from a distance, you were keeping an eye on him.
Soon you figured out the biggest factor of Nagito. The thing that had made him who he is now and the reason why he treated you all like gods. That his luck was indeed real.
“So how are we gonna decide who’ll clean up the place?” You asked, still a little concerned about the suddenness of the party. If it weren’t for Nagito, you’d probably be like Fuyuhiko and refuse to attend.
“Are there any volunteers?” Byakuya turned to the group. No one said anything in response, leaving the supposed-heir (you had doubts of his identity, but he was a good leader so for now you let it slide) to sigh.
“We could draw sticks? Let chance decide?” Nagito found some sticks in his jacket, breaking one to be shorter than the others.
“Wait- that wouldn’t be fair! You’d be off cleaning duty!” Hajime joked with a small smile. Even so, Nagito gave a simple smile, the same one he had when he was hiding something. It was the same smile when he tried not to reveal he was upset by the planes. As well as the same one he had when Byakuya first brought up having a party.
Despite this, you decided to play along. Going first, you sighed a breath when you got a long stick. One by one, everyone pulled. All of them got long sticks.
The tall, white haired boy revealed the final stick, showing it to be the short one.
“Heh, guess my luck isn’t always great,” he gave that smile again, “my talent clearly isn’t accurate.”
You gave a suspicious look to him. Letting everyone else joyfully leave the room, you stayed behind.
“Y/n?” Nagito looked a little confused, “Is there something you’d like?”
Taking a breath, you answered. “I wanna help!” You gave a fake excited smile, tilting your head to the side for emphasis.
“You don’t have to help scum like me, Y/n,” he sounded as if he was desperate, “I have this under control.” Thinking quickly, you attempted to prove your talent true to him, showing you can pick up on things he won’t tell. But you also can’t let him know you think he is up to something.
“Nagito,” you started slowly, “you get fatigued so easily, I don’t want you hurting yourself!” The boy looked taken aback. He smiled once again.
“You really are the Ultimate Analyst! Such an amazing talent!” He bit his inner cheek. “If you insist then!”
With that, he let you help out with the preparations. Though he was a bit more careful when he left the room after about a two to three hours. He used the excuse of needing to go to the bathroom. Of course, you knew better.
After a few minutes, he came back. Smile still on his face, but you could’ve swore there was something softly glowing inside his jacket. You then took your own turn of “using the bathroom”.
On the way to see what exactly Nagito did, you ran into Teruteru, who looked terrified. He sounded even worse, an accent of some sort bleeding a bit into his words.
“Y-You’re not apart of his crazy idea, h-huh?!”
“What idea?” You moved so you were at eye level with the chef. “Teruteru, what’s Nagito planning.”
He still stood there, frozen completely. You looked over your shoulder to make sure Nagito couldn’t see you. You turned back to Teruteru, speaking slow and calmly.
“Teruteru.” You tried to remain calm, “I know something is up with him. Please, tell me what he said to you.”
“H-he’s plannin’ on killin’ so’body!” His words were quick and panicked. The accent was thicker now. It took you just a second to fully understand him. You brought your hands to his shoulders.
“Don’t say anything to anyone just yet, okay? Not even Nagito.” He looked slightly confused. “We don’t want anyone else panicking. It could cause absolute chaos. What we need to do is stop Nagito from killing in a silent manner. Do you know what exactly his plan is?”
Once more, the boy nodded. Calmer now, he told you what he knew. The two of you figured out how to stop Nagito without him knowing. He agreed to run out and tell Byakuya what was going on and have him approve of the plan. With a final sigh, you walked back into the room.
“Where were you? It’s been a good 20 minutes, not planning on murder I hope.” He chuckled at his joke. You hid your grimace.
“No, I just ran into Teruteru and had him ask Byakuya if the iron skewers would be considered a weapon.” You lied easily, putting on a relaxed-looking smile. “He wanted to use them for a more tropical theme.”
Nagito simply nodded in response. The two of you quickly finished up. You attempted to find where his weapon would be and take it out to bring it to Byakuya, but you couldn’t do so with Nagito staring at you.
Before long, the nighttime announcement went off. You brushed off your top and fixed up anything you saw necessary. Taking a final breath of preparation, you ran over to the old hotel.
“Did you confiscate his weapon?” Byakuya asked as he pat your sides down in routine. Even if you had stopped Nagito and Teruteru from killing, he still wanted to check you to be safe.
“Unfortunately, no, he wouldn’t leave the room until I did.” You answered truthfully. The large man pulled back once he was satisfied with his search. “But I’ll keep him close, and make sure I know where he is when his plan starts.” He nodded in understanding and let you into the room.
Upon entering, you heard numerous compliments on the room directed towards Nagito. Though he was quick to say that you had stayed behind to help. Almost as if he’s trying to make a point of it to the others..
Everything was going smoothly. Teruteru brought out food, Peko went to guard the case in the office, and Chiaki went with Monomi to prevent Monokuma from coming in. You made sure to stay next to Nagito the whole time, sneaking glances at the clock on the air conditioner. Even when Ibuki excitedly tried to pull you towards something else, you always found your way back to Nagito.
And then it struck 11:30.
The lights went out as you and Nagito stood next to the table near the back of the room. Quickly, you flew your hand up to grasp Nagito’s sleeve, knowing even if you were unable to, Byakuya would catch him leaving your side. You held his arm close to you, stopping him from walking off until the lights came back on.
As soon as they did, your eyes landed on Mikan, who was helplessly sprawled out across the floor. You pushed your gaze away from her as Mahiru helped her up. When you looked to Nagito, his eyes were latched onto you. They held a curious but cautious look. In a rush, you acted oblivious to what the true consequence of your actions were.
“S-sorry!” You let go of him immediately, “I just latched onto the closest person! I was scared!”
“It’s okay..” He knew something of your true intentions. You can tell by his eyes.
You let a smile fall over your face and looked away. Byakuya met your gaze, proud of the work you had done. Even if you didn’t see it as much to do, he definitely did.
“Everyone,” Sonia called out, “go look for Peko and Chiaki! Make sure they are okay!” After a short shout of affirmation from Kazuichi, everyone split off to find the two.
Everyone except you and Nagito. The latter of which pulled you to a room near the back of the building. Isn’t this where Byakuya originally decided to put the case? You saw the irons Teruteru spoke about earlier that day and it made sense.
You turned to Nagito, slightly confused as to why he pulled you aside. Did he know you purposely stopped him? How would he? You made sure to keep quiet about it.
“Y/n...” Nagito’s voice was serious, it almost scared you. “You knew what you were doing.”
It wasn’t a question. It was a demand to admit.
“And? You just expect me to let you kill an innocent classmate?” You shot back, irritated.
“If I start this game, the rest of you would be able to use me as a stepping stone for hope!”
A stepping stone for hope???
You took a minute to process what exactly he meant. Putting together his self-loathing words, the way he saw and described you all as almost godlike figures, and his already tortured mind- was it possible he did this just so you could “have hope”?
“Nagito.” You pulled his face to be level with yours, furious yes, but also concerned for the man you want to consider a friend. “We don’t need you to sacrifice yours and another person’s life to have hope. We’re already doing that, like you said when Byakuya first came up with the party idea!”
“But Y/n...” His voice trailed off, as if he wanted to say something but didn’t know how.
“In a way, you did help us.” You tried to give a reassuring smile, not exactly used to comforting people as you are to reading them. “You’re the reason we had the party, we’re all closer because of it.”
He let out a bitter laugh and looked off to the side. “Scum like me doesn’t deserve that sort of praise, but I appreciate the sentiment.”
“Nagito. Look at me.” He kept his gaze away from you. “Nagito.”
The sternness of your voice made his head snap towards you. He looked almost scared. Maybe has trauma with verbal abuse, got it. You kept your voice calmer.
“You’re not scum. And you do deserve the praise. Even if your reasoning was flawed, you brought all of us together. People are gonna be less likely to kill.” Nagito’s eyes shone like he wasn’t used to this sort of talk, especially about himself. The swirl in his eyes left completely “I know you might not think so, but you had a good effect on us. We’ll figure out a way to get off this island without participating in this killing game. I promise.” You let a genuine smile show on your face before jokingly adding, “Oh, and without using a plane preferably.”
Nagito seemed to have mixed emotions, but stayed silent nonetheless. He simply nodded his head and gave a smile- it wasn’t the strained one though. Neither was it the one he put up as a front. This was his genuine smile.
The door opening had startled you out of your observations. You snatched your hands away from Nagito’s face and looked to the door. Your face was slightly heated. Gundham had a surprised look on his face.
“Dearest apologies, but I must obtain my Hell Hound Earring. This room must have the entrance leading to it.” Without speaking, you simply pointed to the trap door in the back of the storage room. Gundham simply nodded in appreciation and moved to the side for you and Nagito to get out of the small room.
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The manipulative, toxic, unhealthy and possessive relationship mahiru-guren. Part 1..
Can I say that they relationship is built towards love? No, not at all. Can I say that was love between guren and mahiru from both parts? No, absolutely not (even so kagami tried to make them a couple in catastrophe so bad, like it was the most beautiful and innocent love, when actually their interection is not more than toxic, unhealthy and extremely manipulative something that love or care shouldn’t be, that is not love, not all end always good, but this kind of interaction end hurt, disgraceful and deathly not even with all about her demon's possession to make her look like a victim could make this a good romantic love, bcs is not something that stop them to have a relationship) There wasn't never love at all in mahiru's part and guren's part. Their relationship was built upon manipulation from mahiru'part.
Guren was just an innocent sweet child that doesn't know anything about life and I can't blame him for not being able to see that is bad and cruel people out there in the world,he has (and have) an innocent and sweet heart, he is ignorant about so many things, even about manipulation, vengeance, abuse, and control and he just know his people and even he is training try to have a normal life, even so that he is being educated in an exaggerated and unhealthy way, as the next head of the family would be and carrying on his shoulders responsibilities that a child of his age should not, and is not wrong for him to train, but not to make him assume so much responsibility for people's lives and that is something that Mahiru used to her advantage to force him to protect her, in other words she exploited everything what she saw in guren as a child for her needs. Mahiru, was a vengeful girl who knew what she wanted and what she was doing, she is not a cute or innocent girl. Maybe some people see their interection since child like cute, innocent and sweet but is not the case. She knew that the Ichinose family would pay for her actions, even so she did not care and her actions are selfish one, something a child shouldn’t  know about that. But she knew her family was following her if not, why she would go there in the first place? she get free will when they go look for her and she already know guren would cover her up and they would be hurt and still she did not care and does nothing that manipulate and use guren at her will.
Mahiru does nothing but build guren's mind on manipulation since 5.
Manipulative, narcissistic since 5.
1: "lives is a fantasy world which may include, flirting, affairs and dream of unlimited success and will lie and distort facts and change events to suit their one agenda"
Vol 6 manipulation facts: “Rather serious wounds. Are you being bullied?”“Then why did you suffer such serious injuries?”“What kind of training?”“Eh. Then Guren must be strong.”If I say that I am the fairy of this forest, what are you going to do?”“I have no parents.”“If you want me to tell you. Come here at this time to bath again tomorrow. Then you will be able to see me again.”“Have you ever despised training?”“Has Guren been in a relationship before? Do you have a girl you like or something like this?”“What kind of boy do you want to grow up to be?”“What happens if you become strong?”
2: And here start a classic manipulative behavior. manipulator “(makes) a small request that you agree to, which is followed by the real request. It’s harder to say no, because you’ve already said yes…Now it’s all about them and their complaints, and you’re on the defense.”
“Everything?! If so, then if I ask you to bring some cake here, can you do it?”“You can’t do anything right?”“Then let’s have it next time. Remember to prepare it, Guren.”“Eh, you want a girl to prepare it?”“Furthermore, Guren will definitely become strong one day and get a cake for me right?”“Then I’ll wait until Guren becomes strong.”“That’s okay. But you must let me become a cute bride.”“Guren’s cute bride. I want to be someone like this in the future.”“Is it because you think that that might make me happy?”“I love most.”“I love Guren.”“Must there be a reason for our encounter?”“Never mind. I have already checked that there is no one here. Also, even if I am being found, Guren will become strong and protect me right?”“Hmm. Yeah. Because talking with the child of trash Ichinose House, must be the thing father despise most.However……”“However, things did not progress as smoothly. Because the child of the Ichinose House is too cute, I accidentally fell in love.”“After we become adults……that, we, can we marry?”“Like how we are now. Can we be together forever?
3:THEY WEAKEN YOUR SELF-CONFIDENCE: “Emotional manipulators seek out the vulnerabilities of people in order to exploit them. In fact, they may consciously or unconsciously create relationships with people who are the most vulnerable and willing to be controlled"
Even guren in this chapter feel he have some sense of self-worth, he believe he is strong and he is doing it for his people, he didn't give a crap about hiragi's issue toward them, but that didn't last because she put in his brain that little worth must be to protect her and save her, She destroyed his little self worth and built a new one, about not being strong enough to protect her and stay with her. She over flatter him in a way that is not seen sincere and actually it wasn’t bcs she went there with darkness porpuse. She was manipulating guren and others to get her way. That's why guren think he love her (In fact, Guren was never able to know or understand what he really felt for her, because he just have doubts and question himself about what ties him to her all the time). Because she was broken him down and built him back up to believe it. It wasn't an accident. And yeah people can say nothing of this is like that and is exaggerate bcs she was a child, but a child don't do this to other people, she knew everything she was doing, everything.
Grow up guren and more facts upon her manipulation, control and abuse.
4:"Guilty trips to control, expert at using Passive aggressive behavior to hurt, bullying, arrogant, acts superior to people close to them, anger, violence, abuse, use guilt, charm, hope, love, obligation, fear or confusion to get what they want"
Vol 2: “Enough of that. Keep quiet” tinge of anger colored her voice.(this is control and not a nice way to treat guren by the way and get angry with a person for no reason is not be good).“And a thug like you has learned how to flatter people?”( thug? For real? since when guren is a thug to her? when  she saw guren like that? that is not even being nice or treat a person how should be treat)
And here cames sayuri's part in by the way she was observing the situation and "helps" when guren try to stop the massacre that sheishiro was doing to her. She doesn't care about sayuri at all bcs she could stop it before but after guren show up she doesn’t move a finger to help her, so  she used that opportunity to make feel guren worthless."With your power, you won’t win against Seishirou. If you go, you’ll be murdered.”(drown him down, this is not care) “Don’t tell me you intend to murder someone here?”( didn't she do that? how much hypocrisy can be show in her words?) “Here, your attendant.”( treat sayuri like trash bcs is the way she see people and is true and throw sayuri at guren as an object that is worth nothing). “I hate getting apologies from you. Especially, from the you who is always weak and cannot protect a girl…” ( guilty trips and treat a person like worthless crap, the worst thing is that she says it in front of everyone else, humiliating him, punishing him as if he was absolutely worthless, and as if guren owed something to her, like blaming him for not protect her when she was a child, bcs this words are to herself not from sayuri or other girl. what make her diferent from her family when she is too pride of herself and even is worse than anybody on that school).
Guren was trying to live his life but this get worse upon more and more about a possessive, obsessive and manipulative interection. You don't drown down people you love and humiliate him like he doesn't worth anything. She is false, her kindness is false and is hipocrite with people around her and that is a fact. A healthy relationship doesn't drag you down it inspires you to be better. It support you and guren is not her property and he owes nothing to her.
“Because Mahiru-san is your lover, is she not?”But Guren laughed in response.“I’m not stupid enough to make a woman I haven’t seen in ten years my lover.” “Ahaha, I see.” “Exactly.” “But there’s still an attachment, no?” “No.” “No no, there is. The fact that your power—is at a much higher level for someone your age, is all because to rescue Mahiru-san from the Hiiragi House……”“I already said there isn't”“ Mahiru-san said that she still likes you. She wanted to be together with you. She said to achieve this, she was willing to do anything, even betray her own family.”“It doesn’t matter. You seem to have misunderstood, I didn’t become strong because of her……”
First than anything she is no one to obligated a person to stay with her or love her, that is not more than being a controlling and a psycho person. Saito is already saying she wants to achieve this, be the most powerful, even if that means kills many people on the ways like if they weren’t exist in the first place, bcs she is the one that is suffering so much, and those people out there are worthless objects.
Guren, after no seeing her for ten years still have some sense of self-worth, and honestly he thinks that met her was just a childhood thing and was an ignorant, can we see guren was an innocent child? he even think if he was capatable to defeat her, but met her again, make guren feel worthless bcs of her control and manipulation towards him. If guren did not feel that he was self-worth, even a little, why hide his power? He himself knows he is strong, he analyzes the attack patterns of the others, he is smart on his own right. But according to mahiru, nothing that what you are or obtain on your own merit is useful, power is obtained by committing atrocities, which makes guren feel useless, someone who has no value not only as a person but also as a human being, mahiru does nothing but abuse and destroy other people morally, psychologically, emotionally and physically to achieve her goals.
Can you see the difference between guren without her and guren close to her?
She wear him down his self-esteem and undermine his mental health and she's been doing it since kids, when guren is close to her, even since child, one can see, she bit chips away he's self-esteem and there is when he begin to doubt his perceptions and reality. Guren always feel wounded, frustrated, confused, misunderstood, depressed, anxious, or worthless any time he interact with her and that is no more than being emotionally abuse. And all of this start in their first meet, everybody forget that guren start to feel weak when he couldn’t protect her? (and even having 24 still thinks that he was weak for that reason? and that wasn’t more than mental abuse from her. When actually she was strong and have more free that what she was saying?) Guren with the real people he loves is mentally healthy, smiles, trust, care about the world and has fun, if we believe that his relationship with mahiru from child made guren happy, is wrong, because it caused pain and problems to his family and him, and did nothing but break him down, emotionally and physically, and mahiru did nothing but brainwashed him that he would marry her. Even when Guren grew up, he saw again that the power he seek and wanted was to protect his family. For the first time in his life, he finds value, ideals and belief about friendship, loving and protecting his loved ones, by will, beyond what was instilled in him since he was a child, he does it because he loves them because they support him and they see in him the real guren and not the guren that mahiru wants to force to be, that's not love, guren has no responsibility for mahiru, she forces him to have it because she brainwashed him that that's his responsibility towards her. Guren believe he is a damn rat and all of that is cause for her, bcs he didn’t see himself like that when was a child, but who forced him to feel worthlless? Can you see the difference about guren living in reality with his beloved ones and fantasy with her?
She was telling to saito since child she just want one thing, guren, and like she is a hiragi she could have whatever she wanted, even if that means make guren surrender to her bcs she see him like her property not as a person. Can you see that this was never about shinoa? She wanted to be a queen is other hiragi more, hungry power and have whatever she wanted no matter what, so if she has to eliminate every person guren could love, then why not, and make guren to do it better to her.  Puppy guren is what she see on him. She is not capable of having things without forcing them, she has to take it, and if it is not as she wants, she tortures, manipulates, destroys or kills.
“Don’t say such cruel things.”“So powerful…… You’ve really become stronger, Guren. Was it because of me?”“No.”“Ah, no?”“Aah, no. Don’t make me repeat myself.”Mahiru was not pleased and bit her lip. Guren had seen this expression before. When they were younger, he had seen it on several occasions. Mahiru had always asked if Guren liked her, and when he had always evaded her questions, she would have that expression on her face. “Really……? The reason why I became stronger was because I wanted to be with Guren.”“Fu, fufu…… Once you have the power, it becomes very enjoyable. Isn’t that how you feel, Guren? To let your body become so strong like now you have to be completely immersed in it.”“But the physical body has a limit. I can’t reach a higher level with this. “I guess I can say that it’s almost done. But, Guren. Even with just this, I’m already undefeatable, right?”“Ah, aren’t you being a bit hypocritical? As if you have never made any similar sacrifices…… You have got to be kidding? In order to get this strong, I think you must have also given up something.”“Wasn’t this what we agreed to that day? Under the blue sky, on the green grass. How can you protect something if you don’t have power? Even the people you care about, you cannot protect. Even the important things, you cannot protect. That’s why you need power. Me too, you too…… Right, Guren?”“Why don’t you come with me? If you do, you can also become this powerful. With me together, to make this power complete…… To make it…… complete.”Don’t… don’t come here, Guren. I’m already…… I’m already swallowed by the…… «Kiju». It, it was a failure…… I, I’m already, not…… shut up, shut up! I’m not swallowed up yet! I still have a lot more power…… A whole lot more power……”“I really like you.”“I’m going to ask you again, Guren. Do you want to come together with me?”Guren replied. “No.”“You will gain more power.”“Not interested.”“Ahaha. It looks like Guren really hates me now.”She sounded a little sad. However, Guren replied,“That’s not the problem. The power I seek is not the same as yours.”“Really?”“Really.”“Alright…… But when did we become this different?”“I like you, Guren.”She said.“This is my true feeling. So, I will always wait…… always wait for the day you need me again.”
To her, people are not more than trash that killing each others, but she has the right to killed them? And that is not bad at all? So that make her innocent, victim and a saviour? There is no need to sacrifice people, to become strong, guren is right, she seeks power to dominate, to control, to be on top, guren does not seek that, and for mahiru, her mind does not reach more than seeking power through diabolical things and atrocities. And if there is something that she loves, it is that power that she uses while committing atrocities. And why guren should be the hypocrite here?, if he has become strong without going that far, in fact he is stronger and smarter than anyone in that school, even more than the jujo, goshi and sangu, and he has shown it.
She used her love bombing towards guren can we talk here that mahiru already knows what she wanted, that her goal, was guren, no save the damn world, and yes i know she is possess (but even so she still is her true self and she doesn’t change since child, bcs still is manipulative, controller, egoist, selfish and does not support that others go against her will) and she knows what the hell she is doing and saying, she is aware of everything and doesn’t feel a damn remorse about all of that and people is gonna say, demons use her desire, etc, but her desire is power, nothing more and how manipulate guren about her demon’s issue. Can we talk here how she uses her demons possession to make guren feel pity towards her, can you see her clear manipulation on how she acusses of doing things guren is not doing\things she is doing and how she think guren and her were equals and how he didn’t give a crap about her. She wasn’t capatable to understand and know guren a little. She pleading, begging and repeating something over and over until he wear down. Crying, acting dependant, despondent,sulking and withdrawing. Lack sympathy for others, especially those she exploit (guren) she is not looking to love him, she is looking to control him.
mahiru met guren since 5 and after 10 years she used love bombing that is when someone overwhelms another with attention, flattery and adoration. Is yet another manipulation tactic used by narcissist’s. While there are many reasons behind why a narcissist love bombs, those reasons are typically selfish ones. It’s used by someone to receive a certain result from another person. Whether it’s control or receiving adoration back there are many reasons someone love bombs. Are a false illusion by someone who (most likely) has not fallen in love. It is a form of manipulation and once she feels you are “easily controllable,” the love bombs disappear and emotional abuse sets in and can be used as a way of “trapping” or “buttering someone up” to convince them to be in a relationship. Then once their in a relationship, narcissistic abuse sets in.
Their interaction wasnt a met between two innocent childs was plan and research about a little boy, they relationship start from hurt other people and was more interaction than relationship bcs they don’t know  each other, not from child and less from teenagers. He force himself to love her by her look, godness, fairy, most beautiful girl and the most victim from everybody. Is not more than a fantasy bond what guren had for her. She love him for his strength, for being strong. because if it wasn’t for that she would lost interest in him.There wasn't any sincere action from her towards guren, not even since child. Their interaction (not even relationship, bcs never was one in the firt place) Start: greedy Progress: lust End: pain
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mediioxumate · 4 years
send ‘this sparks joy’ for a happy hc, or ‘this does not spark joy’ for a sad one || accepting!
@willofcausality said:  This Sparks Joy + doesn’t [ Kaz, Kaito, Peko, Sonia, Hajime ]
[ kazuichi ]
sparks joy : kazuichi has a very good relationship with his mom once his dad leaves them, they’re very close and she’s extremely supportive of him. most of his experience making little trinkets for every day things were developed to make things easier on his mom.
does not spark joy : as remnant, his primary use was less direct and mass murder so much as being the mechanic behind the executions used in the first killing game. later, after makoto and survivor squad saves them, he feels absolutely immeasurable guilt and responsibility for a lot of their trauma, and can never shake that he knows EXACTLY how he designed each of the remaining student’s executions. 
[ kaito ]
sparks joy : big hiker and explorer! kaito loves to try new things and new places, and loves to hike to nice open clears and hang around to watch the stars (which is also his go to date idea)
does not spark joy : a lot of the aggressive confidence is a front. he’s used to being called an idiot and written off - a lot of it having to do with life long adhd. he’s a little too loud and a little too enthusiastic, and he doesn’t really have much in the way of close friends until shuichi and maki. very few people have been willing to stick out and learn more about him, and he’s painfully aware of it. 
[ peko ]
sparks joy : post canon, in addition to being able to really pursue a normal relationship with fuyuhiko, she slowly forms genuine bonds with their other classmates. in particular, she connects with mahiru, and ends up picking up photography a bit to bond with her. 
does not spark joy : peko is like. severely repressed. allowing herself to feel things - and specifically feel human, comes with a lot of trauma she was not necessarily prepared to process. in essence, she’s lost 18 years of her life to being dehumanized, and acting accordingly, all while being conditioned to be grateful for it despite fuyuhiko’s insistence against it. suddenly everything she’s done is on her shoulders as a person rather than a tool.
[ sonia ]
sparks joy : sonia gets very into lolita fashion in her time in japan. it primarily speaks to her as something that’s just for her - all about what she likes and wants. also meaning she gets to try dramatic goth lolita that matches her best friend :>
does not spark joy : sonia has severe attachment and commitment issues. her parents were never really around for her, and she cycled through babysitters and nannies and tutors growing up, learning not to grow too attached since everyone leaves. not only that, she often had people who’s only interest in her was her station. it felt like she was never seen for herself, and soon believed herself to be someone no one truly wanted. it’s part of why she’s so drawn to gundham.
[ hajime ] 
sparks joy : hajime, though nothing against chiaki, really likes gaming. his favorites are rpg - pc is the hero kind of games! he also gets really into indie developer games. they’re one of the ways he can feel Good about himself, and are also one of his biggest depression coping mechanisms, and always bring him a little joy. it’s part of why he’s so drawn to chiaki - even if she’s ‘better’ than him at games, she loves them as much as he does.
does not spark joy : considering his willingness to sign up for the kamukura project, as well as the extravagance of the reserve course, hajime comes from money and a rather distant family that he has little to no attachment to. some part of the kamukura project is to finally have them appreciate him, and part that it’s an easy out to escape them completely, and he still doesn’t know which he truly wants. 
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Owari no Seraph Chapter 54 Rough Translations:
as usual, if you want to read along, you can find the pages HERE: Part 1,   2,    3,   and 4.
(the quality this time around was really awful so forgive major mistakes and entire lines that were completely blocked/improvised.)
This was done entirely independently for my own personal use, so I’m going ahead and sharing it so others can read too! But it was also done in a single day at 2 AM ( ;n;)
Translation below the Keep Reading
Page 1:
(Crowley has recieved an order from Ferid. And now, Yuuichirou and friends...)
*door opening*
Page 2:
Kimizuki: Whoooah!
What the heck is this?
I've never seen so much food like this in my life!!
Yuu: Is it awesome?
Is it awesomely delicious?
It's Wagyu Beef.
Yoichi: Wagyu Beef!!?
Yuu: Huh? What’s Wagyu Beef? Does it taste good?
Left Page:
  (Will the young maidens wish arrive?)
Page 3:
Narumi: a poor man wouldn't know of this food.
Yuu: 'Poor man'?
Was I the 'Poor Man'?
Narumi: How should I know.
Yuu: Theeeen, were you a rich man?
Narumi: Me?...I wonder.
I'm from a distinguished family retainer house that served the Ichinose family.
Yoichi: Eh? Then... Long ago, you were Lieutenant Colonel Guren's...
Yuu: What does “Distinguished Family” mean?
Kimizuki: a family with Wagyu Beef.
Yuu: Then, does it taste good?
Narumi: I'm gonna murder all of y...!
Left Page:
Kimizuki: Anyway, I'm starving!
Let's cook!
Roasted barbeque!
Yoichi: WhooooOooOoOAH!!
Yuu: Yaaaaay!!
Narumi: For your information, you all are younger than me! 
Have you not forgotten that!?
 Page 4:
Mi-chan! My voice echoes!
Mitsuba: Is it really okay to not help with cooking?
Shinoa: Even when we help Kimizuki-san, he doesn't like it.<difficult reading>
Mitsuba: Well, that guy is pretty particular.
Shinoa: Thaaat's right!
Wearing his glasses like this.
"You're horrible at cooking"
Like that.
 Left Page:
Mitsuba: W-wait just a-You really want to get in? <referring to the baths btw>
Shinoa: Do you not want to?
Mitsuba: Well, no. I'd like to get in too, but...It's been so long.
Shinoa: Well then, let's get in!
 Page 5:
Mitsuba: The bath was already warm.
The food was also prepared.
All of this...
Shinoa: Ferid Bathory is preparing, it seems.
Just like everything you see here.
Has Mi-chan noticed?
Mitsuba: Noticed what?
Shinoa: a change of the Japanese Emperial Army uniform is also prepared.
In other words; Ferid has connections with the Demon Emperial Army.
Left Page:
Mitsuba: That...
Shinoa: Taking it may have been planned, hm?
Mitsuba: As expected as it is...
I'm scared...
Shinoa: Yeah. Honestly...
What on earth does he intend to do?
I'm scared too.
Mitsuba:...If that's the correct size of my Bra, I'm absolutely not going to save Ferid.
Shinoa: !
 Page 6:
Shinoa: If this is the right cup size...
Mitsuba: What cup was it?
Shinoa:....Eh, it says G cup.......
As expected, Mi-chan is the reincarnation of a dairy cow, but can it really be possible?
Hold on!!! That...Whos' bra is that!!?
Mitsuba: I thought you said for sure you're a B, didn't you?
Shinoa: Nononononono!!
Now w...Wait just a minute...!!
 Left Page:
Shinoa: SHUT UP!!
<cut off orz>
 Page 7:
Crowley: If you want to drink, there’s no need to keep an eye on me.
Mika: Who's blood.
Crowley: Well, you know.
But perhaps you have the taste for the blood of a child.
Ferid-kun likes the taste of children's blood, unlike myself.
But you know that well, don't you?
Left Page:
Crowley: It's strange, huh.
Even though they don't mind cooking a cow...
why is there a sense of disgust and an immoral feeling when drinking similar blood?
Well, when I was forcibly made a Vampire by Ferid-kun, I was like that too.
Page 8:
Crowley: That's an interested face.
What do you want to ask?
Mika:...How long will it be until I lose all human emotions...?
 Left Page:
Mika: When did you stop being human?
Page 9:
Shinya:...Hey, Guren.
As expected, you're silence now that it's all over, aren't you.
 Left Page:
Shinya: Just what in the world are you?
Guren: You'll know when we get there.
Shinya: Tell me before we get there.
 Page 10:
Guren: Just wait, Shinya.
Shinya: I can't wait.
No, I've waiting long enough.
Which is fine, because you're going to explain it.
Shinya: What was that experiment in Nagoya?
I saw you killing all your friends.
All of us who are here right now.
That...What's with that?
 Left Page:
Shinya: Explain it.
Norito: N-Now now, Shinya-sama.
Mito: I'm sure Guren has some sort of cause to-
Shinya: I know there is.
Guren wouldn't do such a thing without a reason.
The problem is...
 Page 11:
Shinya: That he hadn't said anything.
Guren is keeping something to himself, but he hasn't told us.
Is that because he doesn't trust us?
 Left Page:
Guren: so friends have to tell each other everything?
Shinya: Exactly.
Guren: Well then,
You go first; What time did you take a shit today?
Goshi, tell him.
Norito: What!? Why me!!?
Ah, well. Earlier I was at the Service Area...
Norito: GWAAH!!
Mito: But, I really think it would be nice to talk about it soon.
Page 12:
Mito: It's been 9 years since we met, and 8 years since the world has been destroyed.
We're all already family, aren't we?
Norito: Ah, right right!
I also say that! <hard to read>
Mito: Is there something you're hiding?
Norito: That! That! That's it!
Mito: Hey, Goshi.
Norito: Hm?
 Left Page:
Norito: But, there's no use talking to him in such a blaming tone.
There IS something, but you won't say it.
Is that right, Guren?
Shigure: Guren-sama
Sayuri: Is that true, Guren-sama?
 Page 13:
(8 years ago, World Destruction Day)
 Left Page:
(People sin)
 Page 14:
(Always, Humans must commit a sin to regain their family.
The price for reviving a life, is every other human life throughout the world.
Even so, the resurrected life will only last 10 years)
Guren: Only ten years...
Still, my family, if you show me a smile...
I will carry this sin.
 Page 15:
*literally destroys the entire world smh guren*
 Page 16:
As expected, That's a face with a secret.
Norito: <says something i can't read but it can't be that important srry>
Shinya: I can't read it. <referring to Gurens beautiful face>
But there was a reaction.
Mito: Which comment did he respond to?
Shinya: I wonder if it was 'Family'.
There was also a reaction to the number '8 years'
What's so meaningful about 8 years?
 Left Page:
Guren: Tch! Why are you reading my facial expressions.
Shinya: 'Cause you won't talk.
But, there's a reason for not saying it, isn't there?
Another reaction!
Shinya: Ha ha!
Don't think you can keep this secret to yourself!
Even if you don't speak, I'll understand everything.
Guren: Don't read it.
 Page 17:
Shinya: If we knew, it would only hurt us.
Am I wrong?
Shinya: But that's-
Guren: Shut up already.
Shinya: I understood the situation.
Left Page:
Shinya: There's something that we shouldn't know.
That kind of game.
Are we also being monitored?
Or is it something that can't be known to us.
Is it a curse that even you don't understand?
Norito: Curse...
Curse, huh?
I see.
But what curse?
Do you know?
Sayuri: I...
 Page 18:
Sayuri: If Hiiragi Mahiru is involved again-
Shinya: Let's stop expecting it.
It's useless to expected Guren to say it.
I believe that.
That's okay, isn't it, Guren?
Ah, but just tell me this...
 Left Page:
Shinya: Are you still looking forwards?
Guren: Looking forwards?
towards what?
Shinya: Regarding saving the world, protecting our family.
Shinya: Ah, enough. You don't have to answer.
Guren:...Did you read my expression again?
Shinya: No, I didn't read it.
 Page 19:
Shinya: Just, I thought it was a foolish question.
Mahiru: As usual you're a good friend, so they can't know, Guren.
Left Page:
Mahiru: If the dead knew that they have been revived, they would once again turn to dust.
 Page 20:
Guren: You're in the way.
I can't see.
Shinya: Huh? Now what?
 Left Page:
Mahiru:...What's this~
So you can see me?
Byakkomaru: Aah...This is the first time I saw you.
What are you?
You're not a "Demon"
Mahiru: Hehehe, so what if I'm not?
Byakkomaru: Doesn't really matter.
But if you hurt Shinya-
 Page 21:
Mahiru: If I talk about what I saw, Shinya will die.
So, keep the beast silent.
Guren: Just leave already.
Shinya: Guren, did you just say something?
Guren: We've arrived at Osaka
 Left Page:
Mahiru:...Ah, I smell Shinoa.
She's near here.
The smell of burning Vampires.
 Page 22:
Mahiru: Haha, it's not roasted barbeque.
(the reaction to Ferid burning in fire...)
Keep in mind this is in no way professional, and I will continue to edit it as I study more, so go easy and take every line with a grain of salt. I’m not making any profit off of this, and I encourage you to buy the manga when it officially releases, guaranteed to be MUCH better than my crappy 2 AM translations.
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