#he was fully willing to take it to trial himself and was only looking to back out because he was conflicted about going so far on mahiru
amailboxlemur · 3 months
Simon thoughts for season 3
My poor poor baby 💔💔💔💔
I love Simon. So much. And this season… he’s really going through it. Like the Erik bombshell really took over in episode 5 but up until then I genuinely think Simon was even more of a main character than Wille. I’m so glad they brought him back to the forefront this season.
Right off the bat, Simon is uncomfortable this season. He wants the trial? Settlement? Legal process? To just be over with. He hates that his classmates are staring at him. He wishes Wille gave him a heads up before the speech so he could have prepared himself.
His family life is a mess. Linda has finally clocked what’s going on and doesn’t trust him. Like I get it, he did steal and sell drugs. But also, he’s not using and more than anything he just got himself into a messed up situation. And it feels unfair that she missed what was going on for so long but now that she knows she’s acting like Simon is CURRENTLY drug dealing. Seeing him breakdown to Linda was absolutely heart wrenching, I’ve been waiting for the Simon breakdown and Omar did not disappoint.
And he’s not speaking to Sara. After doing everything to protect her for years she’s betrayed him in the worst way. I also think it’s interesting that they really leaned into SARA hating Micke and Simon only cut him off for her sake. After she comes home crying when Micke disappoints yet again it seems they’re on the path to mending their relationship but we’re not there yet.
Then there’s the online hate. It’s so easy to fall prey to the endless stream of negativity. Wille doesn’t understand, it’s always been his life and he’s probably at least somewhat accustomed to tuning it out. So Simon feels so alone in this. I also think the “the ones that like me only like me because I’m with wille” comment is very telling. It probably feels so fake and shallow to him. There’s also the “typical Latino” comment which… ick. I can’t imagine that’s the only comment of the sort out there.
So what does Simon do? He tries to carve out some positivity. He posts his song and receives some good comments immediately. He meets a young child who looks up to him. And gets a call right away from Wille that kind of… deflates his good mood. Why is Wille being left to “handle” Simon. And I can understand Wille trying to be gentle about it, but Simon just doesn’t understand the “rules” of the Royal court. It’s just an all around mess.
And then it gets worse. He starts getting hate comments even on his song. The kids at school are making fun of him. He even says he doesn’t love singing anymore which breaks my heart because music has always defined Simon. He gets a rock thrown through his window!! And the police are saying “ah yes, probably just a prank”.
No wonder he deletes his social media, no wonder he’s deleting himself. Nothing he does is right. The moment he gives in and joins the hillerska protest is so heartbreaking. From now on, these are the only ideals he gets to stand up for.
But he’s still insecure about his place with Wille. When Wille is distant after finding out about Erik, Simon immediately thinks he’s the problem, that he’s asking too many questions about what to wear to Wille’s birthday.
I want wilmon endgame. I believe in wilmon endgame. But Simon absolutely needed to take that pause at the end of episode 5. I hope they can save what they have without breaking up first. I hope they can have a genuinely honest all cards on the table conversation. I hope Simon can really let himself be fully vulnerable. And I hope to god wille listens, hears him and moves heaven and earth to make the situation better for Simon. Because the way it’s been going isn’t working.
I also can’t post this without a massive WOW to Omar’s acting this season. The role of Simon has always been complex but subtle. This season he really brings it with the big emotions.
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symphonyofsilence · 10 months
Do you ever think about Immortal ghosts and gods, being traumatized sons of long-gone fathers still?
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Do you ever think about Qi Rong, the son of an abusive man seeing a child mistreated by his father and deciding to adopt the child? Qi Rong who was born and for some time raised in a Doghouse-like Shack and his life was turned around when his mother ran away from his father and took him to the palace promising his son that he was going to take him to live in big, beautiful mansions? Qi Rong who was looked down upon by everyone, even by the person he considered a god in the heavens before he even ascended, who was the only one who was kind to him and stood up for him when everyone else was bullying him and his mother in his first exposure to the outside world, Qi Rong who got little respect even as a ghost king, Qi Rong who was insecure as someone who was looked down upon by upper-class children because of his commoner Yan'An-born father, who called Feng Xin & Mu Qing shitty low-lives, who had no regards for commoners and abused the poor lower-class child that was Honhong-er, THAT Qi Rong adopting a commoner child and doing his best to look the best and the mightiest and the most respected in the eyes of his son, not caring if everyone else didn't respect him? And succeeding (in something that the King of Xianle didn't succeed in) as one of the last things we hear of Gu Zi is that he says that his dad can't die because he's told him that he has cultivated to be the king of the three realms or something. Because even if Gu Zi didn't know what the king of the three realms was, it was something that his father was. So it must have been quite a powerful, mighty thing to be? Do you ever think about Qi Rong whose last words, when being asked "What do you have to be held in high regard?" was "SO WHAT IF YOU ALL LOOK DOWN ON ME? THIS ANCESTOR...THIS ANCESTOR...THIS ANCESTOR HAS A SON!"
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Do you ever think about Mu Qing, whose earliest experience of law and Justice was his father being beheaded, and then his teacher who wouldn't even accept him as his disciple due to Mu Qing being poor and the son of an executed man, never lifting a finger to stop the relentless bullying he got by rich kids but being more than willing to kick him out if he stood up for himself, and in one memorable occasion accused Mu Qing of "intentionally withholding communication" without even hearing him out first while "his [Mei Nianqing's] words and expression showed he already firmly believed Mu Qing to be sabotaging the affair purposely", (And then didn't apologize to him when his accusations turned out to be false. And while MNQ was so quick to accuse him, apparently hours of nimbly & skillfully carrying a 9 ft Zhanmaodo that a group of people together couldn't pull out of a wall wasn't impressive enough for him to give Mu Qing so much as a nod of approval. He couldn't even just not disagree when the queen praised Mu Qing and compared him to Feng Xin who at 14 was already good enough at martial art to be selected as the bodyguard of the crown prince while MQ only started cultivating at 14 but caught up to FX in 3 years.) still, even as the Martial God of the Southwest with seven thousand temples dedicated to him fully believing that unless he takes matters into his own hands he won't receive any justice? (And note how he thinks if he stays and waits for trial he will face "death" even though as far as we know there's no mention of any god being sentenced to death, at worst even with a kill count as impressive as Pei Su they get sentenced to banishment)? And of how his story constantly revolves around him being accused of crimes he didn't commit from start to finish? As he's introduced to the audience as someone who left Xie Lian behind as soon as Xie Lian got banished and treats Xie Lian with contempt even though he owed everything to him, as he's accused of intentionally withholding communication to sabotage the Shangyuan festival as a 17-year-old, as he's thought to have left Xie Lian & Feng Xin behind and teamed up with the other junior officials against Xie Lian, as Xie Lian second-guesses his intentions when Mu Qing brings him medicine, as he's first suspected of being the father of Cuo Cuo and then the culprit behind Jian Lan's forced abortion, as he's accused of trying to murder Feng Xin when everyone was evacuating the Heavenly Capital, as he's accused of conspiring with Jun Wu against Xie Lian. Despite how he was the only Heavenly official with a totally clean record with nothing to be used against him by Jun Wu and every time anyone suspects him of anything he has actually been doing good because he's a good, kind-hearted person. Do you ever think about how in the end he did end up with cursed shackles but got them voluntarily? Of how Mu Qing who was so sensitive to being accused that he would break a broom and run away when hearing Feng Xin's comment on how they couldn't invite too many people to search for the coral earring, and valued his hard-earned cultivation and statues so much, and his good deeds would always backfire in his face so bad that he believed "truly, there is no point in being a good person" but would still continue to try to do good without expecting anything in return, knowing that Jun Wu would try to frame him and paint him as a traitor every step of the way, and believing what Jun Wu had said about his friends being unwilling to believe him because they hated him, still decided to go to Mt. Tonglu to search for Feng Xin and stayed true to himself and his friends and did the right thing? and in the end, a hand reached out to him just before his fall. Because Xie Lian believed in him all along and sometimes just one person believing in you is enough. because as Xie Lian once said "I don't believe that good will brings bad returns." in the end the cursed shackles broke once and for all.
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shy-urban-hobbit · 11 months
#34 for Laiden/Lambden if you are feelin’ it?
34 - "Please don't do this." - My brain decided to go down the 'hurt them to keep them safe' route with this one. Hope you like it!!
"Please don't do this." It wasn't quite begging, but it was a near thing as Lambert heard his own voice tremble slightly, "Please don't leave."
Aiden gave a derisive huff of a laugh from where he was shoving on his boot, not bothering to look at Lambert as he replied, "Cats get bored easily and you I'm afraid, have lost your entertainment value." He stood and started to strap on his swords and armour, "Don't get me wrong, it was fun while it lasted. But that was all it was ever going to be."
"Not to me, it wasn't." Lambert snarled, attempting his usual trick of hiding vulnerability under anger.
It didn't work as Aiden laughed fully this time. A cruel sounding thing Lambert had never heard from the other before as he turned to look at him, "Oh, you poor naive thing." Aiden's condescending tone matching the twisted smile " You Wolves really are starved for it aren't you? Typical stray, follow anyone who sees fit to throw you a few scraps."
He let his gaze briefly sweep over the room one last time before leaving with a curt "Don't follow me." Letting the door slam behind him.
Aiden made it about two miles from the outskirts of the town before he allowed himself to break, dropping to his knees by the roadside and heaving as if he'd just run from one end of the continent to the other as he tried to take in a full breath. His chest in a vice grip as he was sure he could physically feel his heart crack.
He'd had no choice. There had been talk at the Caravan for years but what was idle gossip had now turned into a very real threat.
They had been watching him. Watching them. There had been whispers and accusations that winter - from Jad especially - about whether Aiden was no longer trustworthy, how he favoured a rival school over his own, how he'd 'changed' spitting the word as if it were a curse (so what if he didn't take human contracts anymore!?), accompanied by threats from various other groups and individuals that if Aiden didn't put an end to it, they would and they wouldn't spare either of them. It's not as if relations between the two schools could get any worse. What difference would it make if they put down one more Wolf? Aiden couldn't care less what they did to him, but the thought of them hurting Lambert made him panic in a way he hadn't since the day of the first Trial.
The most worrying part of all of this was that Guxart had stayed silent on the matter. Whether those involved had managed to keep him in the dark or whether the older Cat agreed with them Aiden didn't know, and it was a risk he wasn't willing to take. Not if it meant Lambert's life on the line, not when he'd caught glimpses as the two of them travelled together. His brethren careful to keep themselves hidden from Lambert, but reminding Aiden. Waiting.
And so, he had made his choice. The words burning as they fell from his mouth, as he pushed all of the hate he felt towards himself outwards and hoped it would be enough to convince Lambert that it was directed at him. Trying not to look at Lambert until he absolutely had to, knowing he would lose his resolve if he did. He could only hope now that his act had been enough to convince any prying eyes or eavesdroppers to keep Lambert safe, if they believed he was now nothing more than a discarded toy.
Eventually, Aiden came back to himself enough to drag himself to his feet. Even though he wanted nothing more than to roll himself into the ditch which ran alongside the road and not move until either starvation exposure, or a monster got him. Whichever came first.
"Stay safe, Love." He whispered under his breath, casting a longing look over his shoulder and praying that Lambert had had the sense to travel in the opposite direction if he wasn't still in the town.
"You're a Witcher yes? I was wondering if you might be for hire, so to speak."
Aiden peered at the man from over his tankard. Well dressed, well spoken. Potentially the first decent pay he'd had in weeks.
"Depends on the job." Aiden answered as he put his tankard down, leaning forward to show the stranger he was listening, "I don't take human contracts. Find another Cat for that."
"Oh, no. Nothing as crude as that!" The stranger said, flapping a hand as if he were warding off a bad smell, "I seem to find myself with an Ogre situation. Tell me, what do you know of curses?"
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atopvisenyashill · 8 months
What the hound had not intervened, and the mountain had killed Loras Tyrell at the Hand's tourney?
i thought i’d answer this one quick off the cuff but then i was thinking about everything gregor affects and started spiraling lmao. bc for a minor, not very deep character, this man is instrumental in the mess of the riverlands, in beric’s undead journey, in tyrion’s downfall, AND in the dornish plot.
first you’ve got the fallout of killing loras bc - Mace and Renly are coming for that fuckers HEAD and Ned is gonna have a political crisis on his hands .2 seconds after showing up (besides the other 20 big ones). Considering Mace’s heir was permanently disabled by a tourney before and nothing happened to Oberyn (bc it wasn't Oberyn's fault, it was Mace's, and everyone knew it including Willas, while this one would definitely be fully on Gregor), Mace is gonna PUSH that his shining glory of a knight Loras is avenged in some way. While Robert might not want to step on his wife’s toes - and more specifically the toes of her powerful father - if Renly is pushing for a punishment for Gregor, and Mace starts making threats about it as well, Robert has a pretty good reason to throw Gregor to the wolves (or well, the wolf lol because I'm sure Ned is gonna be pissed off too). Even if Robert doesn’t want to execute Gregor, Gregor is probably in the cells by the time the rest of the plot happens, which means the Riverlands looks WILDLY different bc Gregor and his gang aren’t raping and reaving after Cat steals away with Tyrion, only Amory is, which tbf IS bad enough on its own to get Ned to send Beric, Thoros, Harwin, and the rest but that might also mean the Brotherhood is luckier in stopping some of the Lannister looting going on in the Riverlands. That definitely impacts the war effort, don't ask me how, beyond "maybe things look better in the Riverlands but maybe not."
There's also the fact that if Tywin isn't willing to give up Loras' killer, does Mace even decide to throw his lot in with the Lannisters after Renly is killed? Does he go for the Starks, maybe fancying himself as King of the Reach or tempting Robb with a "give up that Frey girl for my daughter and I'll fund your whole kingdom" offer? Does he go to Stannis, maybe offering Willas up for Shireen (she's only 3 years younger than Sansa, and marriages with bigger age gaps have happened)? Mace is certainly ambitious enough to overlook massive logistical problems (see: not even suspecting that Garlan and Olenna are trying to kill Joffrey to protect Loras from pulling a Jaime to defend Margaery when Joffrey inevitably loses his temper with her) but Loras is his pride and joy and I do wonder if cozying up with Loras' killer is too much to overlook for him.
But beyond "can Ned and Mace get this dude WHACKED without causing yet another political crisis" I would say Gregor being potentially executed or sent to the Wall (which, he's not even gonna make it to the Wall bc Yoren doesn't make it and he might recognize Arya anyway which completely fucks up her storyline) is gonna be a big issue for Dorne. For one, there’s no easy ish target for Oberyn's rage when he shows up in asos because both Amory and Gregor are dead, which only leaves the man who gave the order as an outlet for his anger. That is a political CRISIS. There's also no one to fight against Tyrion in the trial that is any sort of match for Oberyn - like we think Boros Blount is gonna defeat him? We think Meryn Trant is gonna take on The Viper? Fucking Osmund Kettleback? I don't think so.
AND THEN without Ser Robert Strong - well, not to say Cersei is fucked because Qyburn I'm sure would be more than happy to re-animate anyone's corpse but it certainly throws a wrench in her trial.
Anyways, what's that trope, Boss Disguised As Mook or something? That's Gregor. He's not the final boss but he's a boss battle you don't fully expect and he winds up impacting the plot a lot more than I expected.
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jeanniebug623 · 13 days
🕸️🕷️ Weaving the Web 🕷️🕸️
Chapter 20: Repetition, Repetition, Repetition
“I’m gonna kill him...” whispered a very anxious Spider as Quaritch packed him a rucksack for his first unchaperoned stay with Nash McCosker. The recom looked at the boy on the other end of the couch, leaning forward with his arms on his knees as his leg bounced nervously under it. He was trying to ground himself with a new focus technique advised by Ja and made better by Quaritch. Ja suggested something rhythmic like counting; Quaritch suggested tracing the blue stripes on his arms. 
“You got this, tiger.” Quaritch said firmly. But the truth was, his insides were as unstable as not fully set jelly. He watched Spider trace over the swirls and patterns they’d painted on his arms the day before. There were so many that both forearms were more blue than his normal skin tone, which had become notably paler as he’d spent almost a month now inside as they worked on his therapy. 
And by ‘therapy’, it was all trial and error. Spider had been put through a fast-tracked slew of medications to see what might help his condition. Antianxiety, antidepressants, antipsychotics...anything and everything that was ‘anti’ enough to reduce overactivity of his brain. Some made him sick. Others made him hyper. One combination didn't just make Miles rear his violent self, but it was days before Spider came back. 
“Which ones do you take in the morning?” Quaritch asked, watching Spider trace the patterns on his arms. He wanted to stimulate his boy’s brain in a different way. As unpleasant as the efforts to figure out a passable regimen of medications, Spider was more than willing to do it. He hated Nash and so did Quaritch, but it would serve neither of them if something did happen to the prick. 
“Um...” Spider said, cursing under his breath. Was it two of the blue ones? Were those antianxiety or antipsychotics? He definitely had to take one of those giant white ones three times a day. Maybe that one was for anxiety. He sighed and covered his face with his hands, his knee still bouncing away. 
“Come on, son, you know this.” Quaritch said with an encouraging tone and nod. It was incredibly difficult not to walk over and scoop up his boy until the panic passed. To say he could say ‘to hell with the general’ again and not be sent out on another surveillance mission for five days. As far as they knew, none of his meds were causing the restless leg so this was all new nervous behavior that had developed the last few weeks. 
“Two...no. It’s only one of the blue ones. One of the big white ones and two of the pinkish ones?” Spider said, looking at Quaritch with a look like he’d just flunked a test. 
“That’s right.” Quaritch said, smiling at Spider’s success but mentally sucker punching himself for being the reason the kid was a walking pharmacy, “Atta boy. 1200?” 
Spider sighed annoyed, but it was the situation and Quaritch knew it. He traced some squiggly lines down his left forearm and answered, “Big white one, half a blue one, small white one.” 
“Good. 1500?” the colonel continued, noticing the change in tone Spider answered to be more confident. 
The teen paused and looked at the recom, “I don’t...I don’t take anything at 1500. Other half of the blue one at 1700...if I need it.” 
“Good boy.” Quaritch said with a raised brow, “You caught me. 2100?” 
A small smile snuck its way onto the nervous teen’s face. He appreciated the effort to make him feel better, but what could make him feel better knowing he was going to be staying with Nash McCosker while Quaritch and the recoms were out in the field? There were a lot of things Spider didn’t like about the situation. While he should be more worried about the recoms hurting the Na’vi, he was more worried about Quaritch leaving him. 
Things had sucked lately but Koaktan had been there for him through all of it. The meds that didn’t work and made him sick. He was there when he came to in a strait jacket and padded cell after that motherfucker alter of his almost got McCosker again at the first attempted reunion. And then the second attempt. Followed by the third.... 
It took eight tests before Spider could be in the same room as his former foster father without Miles taking over and trying to finish what he started. It didn't exactly have good results, but it was enough for the general as she had ordered the recoms to head out on their next mission. That call was made less than forty-eight hours ago... 
Quaritch waited for the answer to his last question about Spider’s medication schedule. His ears went back when he didn’t get an answer and it was at least two minutes of just silently watching the boy trace and retrace the same spiral the whole time. He cleared his throat and walked over to crouch in front of the boy. The teen’s eyes darted up as he jumped slightly, like the recom had just appeared out of thin. 
“I-I’m sorry.” Spider stammered quickly, “What’s the question?” 
The colonel slowly lowered one hand in a calming gesture and spoke softly, “At 2100, you take one of those big ass horse pills and the green gel-filled one.” 
“For sleep.” Spider said with a nod. He was going to need that one... 
“That’s right, Spider, good memory. I put it all down in your tablet if you forget.” Quaritch said, his tail curling preemptively in frustration for what he said next, “Let’s get you over to McCosker’s.” 
Spider let out a quiet sigh as Quaritch patted his head gently and they made the way from the military wing to the civilian residences. He looked around as he stuck close to the colonel, using every ounce of his teenage pride to not grab onto the recom’s arm and trail behind like a little kid. It felt like they’d walked into a completely different world. The halls were less like the gears of a well-oiled machine and more appealing as far as structure and decor. 
When they reached McCosker’s lavish new apartment, both Quaritch and Spider knew it was way above his paygrade and trust factor, so Ardmore clearly pulled some strings. Wainfleet was already there, ears back and tip of his tail flipping a bit. He gave the kid a big smile and a sharp nod to the colonel, indicating he’d already swept the place for anything amiss. 
“Damn, Spider-Man, you’re gonna be king of the castle.” Wainfleet said. 
“I’d rather be in a marui...” Spider said, unable to match Wainfleet’s efforts. But, like Quaritch, he appreciated the effort and returned the fist bump. 
“Quaritch.” McCosker said firmly, clearly not intent to refer to him by his military title anymore. 
“McCosker.” Quaritch returned in a flat tone. 
“Spider.” McCosker said, turning his attention to the teen between the two recoms. 
“...” Spider said nothing, just stared at the man who’s broken orbital bone was healing and the bruising finally faded. Quaritch and Wainfleet exchanged a quick look before both looking down at the kid as he stared at the man formerly known as his guardian without so much of a blink. 
“Spider.” Quaritch said, his nerves prickling with fear his boy was about to spend the next five days in solitary while he was out chasing down rumors of hostile gatherings near the old Omatikaya Hometree. Before he could put his hand on the teen’s shoulder, they were all relieved when he spoke again. 
“...I don’t know what to call you...” Spider grumbled, not hiding his disdain for the arrangement. 
“Uh, Nash is fine...” McCosker said, hiding the fact that he was the most relieved that it wasn’t Miles again. 
“Yea...last time I did that, you beat my ass black and blue...” Spider huffed angrily under his breath before walking past McCosker with an eye roll. What he said did not go unnoticed, but the man opted to follow the boy into the apartment instead of make eye contact with Quaritch. “Which room is mine?” 
“One on the right, I figured you’d want the one with more windows...” McCosker’s words trailed off as Spider went into the bedroom on the right side of the open living room and slammed the door shut. He went over to the door and attempted to open the door only to find it locked. “Mi-...Spider.” 
“Teenagers, right?” Quaritch said before McCosker’s blood pressure could start to rise. The man turned around to see the recom had followed them in with Spider’s rucksack in one hand. He eyed the man like a predator stalking prey as he walked over and knocked on the door. “Spider, I’m leaving your bag out here. Get it when you want.” 
McCosker watched the recom place the bag in front of the door and turn to walk away. He sighed and abandoned the teen’s bedroom door to walk the recom out, “Anything else I should know?” 
“Nah, he knows how to take care of himself.” Quaritch answered, knowing it would be better to just rip the Band-Aid off and leave versus getting emotional and making him leaving harder on both of them. “Just make sure he eats.” 
“Not a problem, I cooked for those boys for years. He always liked my Cajun brisket.” McCosker said. Like providing food for a child made him father of the year. But the attempt he made to seem like he was going to take care of Spider the way he needed to be was quickly countered. 
“No...” Spider said, annoyed and glaring from the door as he silently opened it to retrieve his rucksack. He had intended to do it unnoticed but wanted to set the record straight. “That was Henry...you know, your real son. Not the stand-in until you managed to knock up your wife...” 
McCosker’s face turned red as Spider closed the door. Whether it was from embarrassment or anger, Quaritch was just satisfied his boy just made a snarky remark instead of going into full psycho mode. 
“Like I said...teenagers.” Quaritch repeated with a shrug then remarked, “Spider doesn’t like spicy food. Listen up, McCosker. If the boy stays in there for the next five days? We’ll call it mission successful. Just make sure he eats.” 
“Mission success?” McCosker asked, “I’m trying to make it up to the kid for all the shit I put him through.” 
Quaritch’s ears flattened; he didn’t believe that for a second. But he wasn’t in a position to call the bluff. 
“The best thing you can do for Spider is leave him alone.” Quaritch said quietly, “He’s not the one who cares about the past. It’s the other one...” 
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incesthemes · 4 months
i like how dean's impatience to get through these trials mirrors both kevin's situation and his own inner desires. kevin really is, in a way, a manifestation of dean's current state: he's a guy forced into a life he doesn't want and who wants to get it over with so he can move on (to what? who knows).
the bunker was introduced at probably the perfect point then, because it represents a kind of stability dean has never had, and so it only serves to make him crave that alternate life more desperately. it feeds into his impatience and fucks him over in the end.
and on the other end of this is sam, who, like he says at the beginning of episode 8.14, is treating this life as a marathon, not a sprint. there's a marked difference between how sam is using the bunker and how dean is: for dean it's stability and home, an ideal he's never really had. sam, on the other hand, is largely indifferent to this idea of stability, represented in his indifference to maintaining his space (i.e. not caring that he misses the trash can when he throws out his wrapper) and his irreverence toward dean's lifestyle changes (i.e. mocking dean for "nesting" and cooking and generally becoming something of a homemaker). this is a running theme throughout supernatural... over and over sam completely abandons the idea of a normative life, even when he claims to want "out" so badly. he's more willing to give everything up, to avoid forming attachments, to simply not care about what he could have instead.
it's expounded on again and again throughout the show that dean and sam are opposites in this regard. dean has resigned himself to the hunter life, but he secretly craves normalcy. sam tries to get out of the hunter life, but he is more willing than even dean to commit himself fully to it.
and so the fact that this culminates in sam undertaking the trials is delightfully poetic. dean wants out, and so even though he wants to protect sam and take the trials on himself, he fails to rise to the occasion: his own impatience to leave this world behind, his desire to get out, becomes his undoing. sam, committed to this life for the long haul and fully resigning himself to everything that means, is the one left.
so in the end, dean fails to protect sam because of his own inability to give everything up. it's just another reason to hate himself. and how fucked up is it that despite dean going on and on about how attachments are liabilities, it's those very attachments, those deep-seated desires, that backfire on him thoroughly. he can't even live up to his own ideologies. in this way, sam and john are far more similar; dean is the black sheep of the family.
benny and the bunker both are great ways to set up this plot line and symbolize dean's inner psychology. it provides great setup and tension that's been building across the season, so that when the final hour approaches and dean fails spectacularly to protect the one person he's devoted his whole life to, there is a whole list of everywhere dean went wrong to look back on and regret. it's a perfect tragedy because it's entirely preventable, and yet doomed from the start—because how can you really blame someone simply for wanting something he can call home?
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theblackinnkeeper · 2 months
Why I hate nagito komaeda
I don’t think it’s an exaggeration to say that nagito is one of the most popular characters in the fandoms and is loved by many except for me so yeah this is kind of a hot take
Now I want to clarify that some of these complaints are subjective and that this is my opinion if you disagree that’s fine so let’s
Issue 1 nagito’s plans are kind of dumb
What’s is nagito’s goal? To see a great hope shine How does he intend to see it through? By pitting his classmates against each other to see who’s hope will succeed all this sounds like an interesting concept and it would be we’re it not for the small teensy weensy detail that we’re in
To me in a killing game the number one priority (outside of you know ending the game) is to minimize as many murders a humanly possible and for someone like nagito who wants to see hope shine brightly and to see the ultimate’s triumph over despair it really strikes me as jarring that someone like him is willing to side with the murderer potentially risking everyone’s lives after all wouldn’t it be more hopeful if every ultimate survived and overcame despair instead of putting one life over many
It’s things like this that make me question nagito especially considering how vocal he is about hope and how he’s constantly portrayed as one of the most intelligent characters in the series to me at least
Issue two nagito’s treatment of hajime
Nagito and hajime meet each other in the first few minutes of the game and hit it off instantly (curious how Komahina’s like to call hinanami forced and yet everyone in that camp swears hajime loved nagito despite knowing him for two days) then nagito reveals his darker nature hajime feels betrayed and it goes south from there. Now I am fully aware that despite hajime being annoyed with nagito throughout chapters 2 and 3 he still cared about him I ain’t denying that however it’s chapter 4 and 5 when a few red flags start rising for me
Now one thing I need to point out is that hajime was the only student that nagito genuinely cared about as a person (even during the deaths nagito’s laments were more to do with the talent as opposed to the person) so to see him treat hajime like this annoys me
Now normally somebody actually like someone is worthless isn’t enough for me to warrant their behavior as abuse heck it can even be funny at times
However if this is the only guy on the island who you cared about and you’re treating him this poorly over a subject he is very sensitive about over what basically amounts to “not knowing your place” (especially ironic considering the academy pushed him into it) I think we are going to have some problems
Now some have tried to argue that nagito doesn’t actually look down on hajime for being talented and that’s he’s actually just conflicted and I take issues with this because through the chapter nagito treats hajime how he describes a talentless person which to be blunt dead weight he acts condescending constantly tries to upstage the trial repeatedly talks down to hajime and insists he’s only good for sacrificing himself to the others
(“But hajime was ultimate despair” quiet you I’ll get their in a minute)
Issue 3 nagito’s reaction to the news
A common rebuttal towards these criticisms is that these students are ultimate despair and that we shouldn’t be so condemning of nagito and okay I suppose that’s fair however once we learn the truth in chapter six the argument is like this now
Yeah turns out the ultimate despairs were brainwashed (this isn’t a retcon look it up) which makes nagito’s whole gambit look really stupid in hindsight especially considering junko’s plan as well as considering he contributed indirectly to one of the murders
This also brings into question why nagito would trust what monokuma said because isn’t he despair? Hasn’t he been proven to be untrustworthy? Don’t you hate despair more than anything? Why are you trusting him! You should be smarter than this
Compared to asahina where I can feel more empathy towards her getting fooled because of how the situation was framed however I see no reason whatsoever for nagito to trust monokuma’s words especially since those typical lead towards disaster
Issue 4 nagito’s development (or lack therof)
Nagito has caused a lot of harm throughout the series and is the reason ai Chiaki is dead no one in the class really trusts him so what do you do with a character like this post sdr2
You give him the (bleep)ing Steven universe treatment
One of my biggest gripes with nagito’s character is how he was easily forgiven despite causing so much harm he caused to everyone
Now I’m not saying that nagito’s was the only bad person in the group by no means is that true however since these characters typically face consequences for the actions a la execution (and some even getting redemption arcs can you tell I love fuyuhiko) however nagito instant forgiveness without having to actually change or own up to his mistakes while others had to face consequences makes this especially jarring and makes this feel completely half assed
What doesn’t help is that in the same ova we learn that deep down nagito doesn’t genuinely feel this way and deep down wants to be normal and to be accepted this is good stuff and what do you do with it
More reasons why I hate the ova a lot have fans have tried to argue that he has changed subtly and one every argument I’ve seen feels like reaching especially with how limited his screen time is in the hope arc and two if he did it feels way to short to be believable
Now this is just my opinion and you can disagree if you want heck by the time i post this I expect the inbox the be filled with complaints from nagito fans within the next 10 hours or so but whatever this is why I hate nagito
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Hello, @katditca I see that you have been so gracious to want a small potion from me, though I do apologize for losing your note - I suppose I lost it while traveling; a grave oversight that I hope to remedy.
Now I see that you are wanting a little bit more time to spend doing the small pleasures of life, to relax for just a moment longer. And though it may be a more difficult potion, I am happy to provide for you.
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Life was ever-changing and also at such a high speed that it made it nearly impossible for one to keep up with it. But you always had to try, for if not you would be swept up with the tied and dragged further away from shore.
But at times it was hard to fight the current that was life.
You never complained much, for truly there was nothing to grand to be complaining about in the first place, and nothing ever really seemed to bother you for you were always more than accepting of the flaws of man and willing to be patient for the sake of peace.
But such skill, such generosity, to be able to handle the burdens and trials of those around you with a smile in order to keep things calm - to sacrifice some of your time to ensure those around you had whatever they needed - weighed heavily on you.
It was not like you didn’t want to do it. You loved very deeply and helping those that needed it was part of that nature, you wouldn’t trade that for anything. But at times, it seemed more of a burden than a blessing, and you risked going off into the tide.
Bakugou, however, wouldn’t let that happen.
He may not speak much, words often failing him as he has never used them much, but he could listen, and he could see; and what he saw was how weighed down you were with the current you were swimming. He wanted to help you, truly, but how could he when the current he was swimming in was just as brutal?
There simply was not enough time within the day to spare; not without a little help at least, and though Bakugou was not only a fan of reaching out to someone else for help - he can and would easily swallow his pride to ensure you got what you needed.
He wasn’t a fan of the peddler and found her tone to be mocking as she inquired about his visit - about a request for a potion - stating how it wouldn’t be easy to brew but she could make an exception in his case; how lucky was he. And he sat there, for what seemed like hours, watching her create the potion he requested with ease, her humming to an imaginary tune causing his patience to wane and eyes to twitch, but nonetheless, he endured it for you; for a small vial of time - being told it must take two people to drink the potion for it to take effect.
He mixed it with your favorite hot beverage, and him doing the same when you got home that day; he could tell your day was long, perhaps even brutal, but you still cast him that sweet smile he fell in love with, claiming your day went on fine.
“I know you’re lying” he mumbled, allowing you to sit first before he followed suit, carefully handing you your mug “You can tell me when it gets too much, yeah?”
“I know…” You sighed out, blowing away the steam from your drink before taking a small sip “It’s just, today was manageable, nothing bad really happened. So, overall can’t complain.”
“But you could.” Bakugou countered, taking a sip himself and moving to sit more comfortably.
“I’d rather just enjoy my time with you, okay?” 
You leaned into his side, allowing yourself to fully relax as his arm wrapped around you; enjoying his warmth as you both slowly sipped away at your drinks; not noticing how time started to stand still, how the clocks stopped ticking, and the sun ceased falling over the horizon. It was only when you went to go place your mug in the sink did you begin to notice; how a small sparrow sat at your windowsill, unmoving. How the trees stood still, in the middle of a breeze. How a petal of a flower stayed in the air mid-fall.
“Katsuki..?” You called out, eyes unable to cease looking at the spectacle they saw “What’s going on…?”
“I managed to get us a bit more time,” He explained, arms wrapping around you once more as his lips pressed to your neck “cause I think we needed a moment to breathe, together. So why don’t you come back to the couch and we can cuddle for a little bit, okay?”
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May the little bit of extra time you get together be filled with love, my darling sweet. And please, take it easy tonight, you may find yourself a little out of sorts - it tends to happen when you're within time that doesn't move.
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handoverthekawaii · 9 months
We Go Together | Homelander x You | Chapter 25
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Taglist: @hom3landr @theaudacitytowrite
After months of waiting, you and John are just one night’s sleep away from the big day — tomorrow, John will finally face Vought in court for the first day of the civil bench trial.
The legal proceedings have dragged along, with victories scored on each side. In one clash, Vought managed to convince the judge to institute a gag order on the involved parties until after the verdict. BUT, Em’s firm tracked down one of Madelyn Stillwell’s former secretaries, who is more than willing to share how much time her boss was spending keeping America’s favorite hero satisfied when he first debuted in The Seven.
Alvarez and his colleagues spent weeks reading box after box of discovery materials, practicing oral arguments, and prepping John to testify about his illegal contract with Vought. When you and John leave the law office for the day, you feel confident that there’s nothing more to be done to prepare. From here, you have no choice but to let the legal process play out, and to hope that the court can see through Vought’s conniving ways.
But John is still nervous — he won’t admit it, but you can tell by the way he keeps clenching and releasing your hand as you walk up the street toward a nearby park. It is nearly the end of summer now, so much warmer and sunnier than when you first started working at Vought back during spring. Now, it’s the perfect time of year to stay out a little late on the town, cut loose, and maybe take a step outside both your comfort zones.
Which is how a couple hours later, John ends up sitting on a barstool beside you, getting ready to participate in a trivia competition at a local Irish pub. He’s never been comfortable drinking — too many opportunities to make a truly catastrophic drunken mistake. Instead, you and he split an appetizer of pretzels and dip while you wait for the first question.
It took him months to be confident visiting public places, even disguised with street clothes and sunglasses. All summer long, he worried that someone would stop to squint at him and say, “You look familiar…” but it never happened. John is realizing that most people don’t gawk at each other the way they used to gawk at Homelander.
As it turns out, having a secret identity has its perks..
With a deep knowledge of American history, current events over the last twenty years, and Vought International’s many pop-culture offerings, John proves himself a standout trivia contestant. You can barely keep up, dropping a semi-confident answer here and there, but your efforts combined land you in third place when the scores are tallied. A perfectly respectable score, you and John reassure one another — and, next time, you’ll probably win the whole thing!
Now, sure, John makes a show of rolling his eyes and insisting to the bartender that he’s only here because of YOU. But in truth, he knows that you insisted on coming to take his mind off the proceedings tomorrow.
And it’s working, John thinks to himself. He won’t allow himself to fully relax until the trial is over but, at least for now, he can feel the weight on his chest lightening and his mood lifting.
All thanks to you — YOU made that happen for him.
He loves you so much that it hurts. And when you get home for the night, he’s going to tell you — no, he’s going to SHOW you — just how fucking much you mean to him.
“All rise!” the bailiff shouts, announcing that the judge is entering the courtroom to begin hearing the case of John Gillman v. Vought International Co.
Glancing around as you sit back down, you can’t help but be astounded by the array of people assembled in the courtroom today. Alvarez and John are seated at the plaintiff’s table, the captain of The Seven wearing his Homelander uniform for the first time in months. You, Em, and other staff from the law firm are lined up in a row of chairs behind the plaintiff’s table.
More of John’s supporters sit in the public gallery benches. Many of them are strangers — like the college kids wearing #freehomelander shirts — but there are also a couple familiar faces. Black Noir is standing in the back of the courtroom, and Translucent’s disembodied voice whispered a greeting as you and John exited the elevator.
No cameras are permitted in the courtroom, but the rest of the seats are filled with journalists, from NNC and the New York Times and USA Today, phones at the ready to start live tweeting once the proceedings begin.
Then there’s the opposing counsel, a small army of grey suits from Vought’s Legal Division flanking Madelyn Stillwell herself. She tried to approach John when she first saw him, but Alvarez heroically jumped in and herded the executive back to her seat.
No Stan Edgar today, though — the bastard must not think it’s worth his time to be here, John thinks to himself angrily as the judge takes a seat at the bench.
We’ll see about that, won’t we, Stan? [continued on AO3]
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So obsessed with your Peter Parker roommates concept. What do MCU Foggy and Karen think of the whole situation? How much of this has Matt actually deigned to tell them? How much did he let them just figure it out when Definitely Not Bucky Barnes showed up and told them he was their secretary?
They find out before Matt, actually.
MCU Matt gets outed as Daredevil and is being held without bail awaiting trial. The thing is that he got arrested as Matt Murdock, not in the suit, but there evidence is pretty damning. Like, there’s a photograph pretty clearly showing his face, his DNA matches blood left behind the scene by Daredevil in the past, that kind of thing. Frank had to get himself arrested and declare the attorney who once represented him his bitch to keep him from getting 1) murdered in prison or 2) having to defend himself and really solidify the fact for everyone that he’s definitely, without a doubt, Daredevil, which is a solution that absolutely everyone hates. Basically the only card they have to play is the “this man is fully blind, no light perception” card, but even then, Karen and Foggy both know that the judge is going to grant the motion to have him tested for enhancement any day now and their ship is sinking fast. They’ll probably be arrested and charged as accomplices any day now and don’t have any real hope for making it out the other side of this.
And then Spider-Man shows up.
They don’t know Spider-Man. They don’t trust Spider-Man. Spider-Man has spent the last three months very heavily hinting that he knew Daredevils secret identity, which is a fact they’re very sensitive about now. All of a sudden, he shows up in their current base of operations insisting he has a way to save Matt, which is a penthouse apartment Elektra left to matt that no one should know exists. And foggy and Karen are like “no. Fuck off. Don’t want your help don’t trust your help. For all we know you’re how they found out about Matt.” It’s very tense. Karen’s got a fucking gun pointed at him.
And then Spider-Man takes off his mask.
And he’s just some fucking kid.
He tells him that there is absolutely no one in this world that knows his face anymore. He lost everyone the last time someone saw his face. It’s just them now. They can destroy him, do they understand? They can destroy him, so they can trust him, because he needs to fucking save Matt, and he has a way. He has a way for Matt to walk out of this with his name free and clear and everyone else convinced that someone else is daredevil.
And both of them are still processing the fact that Spider-Man was apparently fucking seventeen all along when he’s been doing this for like, an entire presidential term, but are like “okay, fine. How?” Because the photos got leaked with his face in daredevils suit and that’s pretty fucking convincing, and they have DNA.
But they don’t have fingerprints. And there’s an explanation as to how someone could look the same and have the same DNA while still being an entirely different person.
You can come in now, by the way.
And then Matt Murdock walks into the room.
This, explains Peter, is Matthew Michael Murdock. He was born in Hell’s Kitchen to Jack and Margaret Murdock, where he currently runs a law practice. He graduated from Columbia Law School, summa cum laude. And for the past seven years, he has been active as the vigilante Daredevil.
And he’s willing to stand in as Matt Murdock’s identical twin brother, and he’s already started on manufacturing the story as to where all record of him went. He looks the part. And, more importantly, he can play the part. Very few people can fight and move like daredevil, except for another Daredevil.
It would be easier to show them than to explain.
All Spider-Men can pull people along with them in a multiverse jump, which Peter does to prove how this is all possible. So they meet Peter B’s Matt, Foggy, and Karen first, and they actually know about it all for a long time before Matt (because they cannot get on a fucking recorded and monitored prison line and tell him don’t worry, an alternate version of him is going to pretend he’s his scoundrel twin brother).
The “Saving Matt” arc in the story is a very long one (and one of my favorites) that I won’t go into detail about here because it’s not relevant to the question but some brief highlights:
Mr. Murdock kept insisting that he go by Mike Murdock and foggy was like “what parents on the planet would name their twins Matthew Michael Murdock and Michael Matthew Murdock” and vetoing it and then when they finally get him into court Matt, in an act of stunning theatre kid improv, says “Mike you bastard” and they’re stuck with him being Mike Murdock. Foggy does not know why all versions of Matt are the same kind of stupid.
Mr. Murdock refuses to help simply on the basis that Matt’s also him, because all versions of Matt Murdock instinctively hate each other. The self-loathing is that strong. Pete is footing the bill of his assistance, however (the bill is causing an international scandal large enough to make sure that the fucking Avengers never bother him ever again)
There’s two separate heists that happen in this arc, one which deals in Pete heisting Stark Industries to make a lens that gives the appearance that “Mike” has reactive pupils (because they cannot fucking have Mike be blind too. Okay. They cannot. Everyone knows that only Matt Murdock was hit by that chemical truck. The only reason why they think they have a shot at getting Matt through this is playing the blind card so fucking hard and then handing them someone who could do it all unenhanced). The other heist involves an MRI machine and multiversal copies of Christine Palmer and a completely uninvolved blind man because the court approves the motion for matt to be tested for enhancement and they have to fake his results
Part of the extraction plan for “Mike” involves Peter B slipping in using Pete’s press pass and it only works because Pete’s JJJ cannot tell the different versions of Peter Parker apart. There’s no cosmic reason, he’s just an asshole.
Half of Hell’s Kitchen lies about totally remembering Mike Murdock, little Matty’s scoundrel twin brother, because they both love Daredevil and love Matt Murdock and will absolutely make shit up to protect him. Yeah, that little shit Mike, he was always up to something, not like that Matt tho. Matt’s a dependable local hero. By the end of the day after they kickstart the lie you could enter any place in Hell’s Kitchen and have a half decent shot of meeting someone who would swear on their dear sweet GamGam’s soul (God rest her) that not only did they know Mikey Murdock, but that that fucker owed them money.
After Matt gets the charges dropped he’s still unfortunately well known from the mess and starts wearing “I’m Not Daredevil” shirts to whip out whenever paparazzi come near him.
Overall, Foggy and Karen are huge fans of the situation in general. This is actually their favorite thing that has ever happened since Matt became daredevil. They simply adore Pete with their whole heart because he swooped in during their darkest hour and saved Matt. They also both separately thought that no one could ever understand the beleaguered depths of Being Them, until they met themselves. They keep asking the Spider-Men to give them rides to other universes so that they can get brunch at the hottest locales in the other universe with their alternative selves.
It is briefly awkward because they saw Mr. Murdock and his Karen holding hands first and assumed that Peter B’s universe was just the weirdly straight universe and then they find out that not only have all three of them been dating for years but they’re at the point where Karen and Foggy are quietly yearning for children and Matt’s trying to find durable orphans in a profoundly misguided attempt to make them happy. It’s existentially weird when you find out that another version of yourself is fucking someone you’re just friends with, which is, in part, why the Peters had an agreement around who they were not allowed to date. It’s hard to explain. As much as you tell yourself that they’re entirely autonomous and very different people whose relationship together does not reflect on your relationship with your version of them, it causes an extremely unique and inexplicable metaphysical discomfort. Which is, in part, why Pete’s response to Peter P’s MJ actually being a Matt Murdock was to pack up his little hobo sack and take to the streets. When MCU!Matt found out that Peter P was with an alternate version of himself, he had like thirty seconds where he was trying to be rational and be like “this doesn’t change anything between us they’re different people it shouldn’t matter at all” and then had to leave the room entirely. It was just
Matt, in existential disquiet: it’s really nothing that could make things weird between us, I—actually foggy could you take over for a second I need to do something really quick
Foggy: Pete really they’re completely different people. They’ve had pretty distinct lives from yours even if there are commonalities, they’re the same age as each other and different ages than both of you—fuck, Red doesn’t even look identical to Matt and Peter P doesn’t look identical to you
Matt, from the other room: OH MY GOD
Foggy: … this is no reason to be embarrassed and no reason to feel weird
As for Bucky, they actually adore him too. He’s a super soldier who has kill bill sirens go off every time Matt does something terminally stupid and grabs him by the scruff of the neck like an angry kitten. It’s so good for Matt’s health and, by extension, their health. This is the most zen they’ve ever been.
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pixartwashere · 9 months
Kazui open discussion!!
His MV’s so far has been making me going insane and I NEED to talk about it with someone!! So please join into the discussion and share you guys’ opinions!!
So before you jump into this, the content warnings are: mentions of suicide, death (duh) and murder cus its milgram.
I've seen the theories between Kazui either pushing her off the balcony or her comitting suicide. And I am torn. Cus something just feels off about those two and I'm trying to find a middle ground between the theories. And I wanna hear your guy's opinions too! Whether you have a middle ground as well, or something about the suicide/pushed off the balcony theories.
So let's start!
Evidence for suicide theory
So one of the evidence I've heard about is from the Undercover MV, with all prisoners "murdering" their victims. When looking through them, Mahiru's and Kazui's victims are the only ones that have one shoe off.
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As we know, in japan, it's common to take off your shoes when comitting suicide. With Mahiru's boyfriend, we can associate the shoe with it and so apply it with Hinako.
At first, I was skeptical, because if we apply this logic, we would also see it on Fuuta's victim, considering she also ended her life due to online harrassement.
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However, a friend of mine pointed out that unlike Mahiru and Kazui, Fuuta wasn't there to witness his victims death in real time and only have heard rumors through online sources. This can be confirmed through Fuuta's 2nd trial voice drama.
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So we can STILL apply the shoe theory on Hinako!
Now comes the part that makes me skeptical: why?
What was her reason? What was it that Kazui said or do that made her decided to jump?
There's no way she would just jump because his gay or because of divorce would she? Hinako seems like a reasonable adult woman, surely there was more to it then just those two reasons.
And yes, I’m aware how much of a taboo it is to be a divorced woman in Japan, I still feel like that CAN’T possibly be the only reason right? But regardless, the motif is still on the table and I’m not going to brush it off due to how reputation and marital status is important in japan.
That’s for the suicide theory.
Evidence for being pushed off theory
Okay so when I first got into the fandom, I fully believed that Kazui pushed her because of intoxication. This was all before I knew about the voice dramas or Half MV, and just went off from what I saw in Cat MV. I will mention about this again later in this text.
So of course the pushed of theory mainly comes from this shot as we see her falling backwards.
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And looks like she herself was pushed off rather than jumped. But (as far as I’m aware/remember) it’s the only evidence we have so far of her falling backwards. And because the MV shows the characters emotions and memories, many theorised that this was just Kazui seeing how drastic his consequence from lying was, especially as he paints himself as a monster (by eating the dove).
To why Kazui would push her, there are two theories I heard: intoxication (which what I thought) or self defense (instantly regretting telling the truth and pushed her by instinct).
I want to keep the theory of being pushed off as a possibility. So I’ll keep that on the table as well, along with the suicide due to marital status.
Other wise there isn’t any other evidence I can find??? So if you find more, please let me know in the comments!!!
My own silly theory and evidence
Okay I’ll admit it: my theory lowkey sounds like a stretch as well. But again!! I’m willing to be open to ANY possibilities!!
So one thing I’ve been thinking about is what if there was some physical assault/fight involved and threat of suicide?
Someone pointed out that Kazui mentions in his 2nd voice drama about ”going up against a woman like her was a first” when talking about Kotoko. We also know that he has experiences in judo, karate AND kendo (like my guy fights a lot jesus).
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Meaning he has experience with fighting women. And also possibly won most of them due to this comment:
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He’s 186cm/6’1 foot tall (jesus fuck), so yeah, a possibility of physical fight between him and Hinako could happen.
How do we know if she also has the skills to fight? Well she and Kazui were both cops no? Surely they are required to have training in fighting in order to know how to apprehend culprits.
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And also! Someone pointed out this lyric to me:
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Two-way deceit. Meaning that Kazui wasn’t the only one involved in lying about something. That maybe, possibly, Hinako was also in the wrong for something. What exactly? No idea sadly. Although this theory can be cancelled due to a certain someone which I will mention later.
Because of Tumblrs 10 pic limit, so here is part two!!
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theprayerfulword · 29 days
May 19
1 Corinthians 13:8 Love never fails.
John 2:9-10 The steward called the bridegroom 10 and said to him, “Everyone serves the good wine first, and then the inferior wine after the guests have become drunk. But you have kept the good wine until now.”
Mark 5:19 Jesus did not let him [the man from whom he had cast out demons] come with him, but said, "Go home to your family and tell them how much the Lord has done for you, and how he has had mercy on you."
John 15:9-12 As the Father has loved me, so have I loved you. Now remain in my love. 10 If you obey my commands, you will remain in my love, just as I have obeyed my Father’s commands and remain in his love. 11 I have told you this so that my joy may be in you and that your joy may be complete. 12 My command is this: Love each other as I have loved you.
2 Corinthians 9:8 In all things at all times, having all that you need.
Proverbs 11:24-25 One gives freely, yet grows all the richer; another withholds what he should give, and only suffers want. 25 Whoever brings blessing will be enriched, and one who waters will himself be watered.
May you not be overcome of evil, nor permit others to render evil for good on your behalf, but, exercising faith and patience, hold tightly to the promises God has given you, trusting Him to bring them to pass in His time and in His way. 1 Samuel 24
May you truly repent and turn from the choices and actions God convicts you of, as David did, and not merely mourn when they are revealed, weeping for them but continuing to love them, convinced but not converted, ashamed yet still bitter, as Saul did. 1 Samuel 24
May you always remember that you are but a steward of what you have, realizing that all which you hold authority over was given you from God so that you may do the work of the Father, showing His love to those who have lost sight of Him and demonstrating His abundance to those who have need in doing His work. 1 Samuel 25
May you be as willing to follow Christ as His disciple in trials and sufferings as Abigail was willing to share the privations of David in the wilderness, because of faith in the kingship which shall be realized, and in response to the mercy and loving acceptance already shown. 1 Samuel 25
May you learn to hear the Lord plainly, listening to His voice and following Him in the paths of eternal life, as He keeps you safe from those who would snatch you from His hand, defeating them as they try. John 10
May you realize and understand that those who resist the work of God and reject the Word of God cannot restrict the will of God, but can only remove the blessing of God from their own lives, not the lives of others. John 10
Pray, My child, without ceasing; stand firm in resisting the enemy. Receive the full victory that is yours by praying with persistence, for while I purchased it for you in My flesh, you must receive it from Me by My Spirit. When you pray, I hear. And because I hear, My love guarantees an answer. But you must not doubt, for that is the enemy's goal. He cannot prevent My answer, but if he can make you doubt that I have heard and answered, you may give up, turn away, and quit praying. Look into the world of the spirit with My eyes, My wavering one. See the agents of the enemy which have been given assignments against you. Watch My anger burst forth and defeat the evil that attacks you, soundly and fully vanquishing each that touches My beloved, bringing you respite. But do not look away – for another minion has been sent to continue the attack. If you do not understand this, you may think you have “lost” the victory, that you were too “weak” to walk in the spirit, that “hidden” sin in your life is separating you from Me. Do not give up! Do not quit! Do not lay down your sword and shield! Stand against each attack and watch My power vanquish each foe. Remember that the enemy comes in as a flood, and he will send as many underlings to certain defeat as it takes to make you waver in your faith. Whatever the attack, it will not overwhelm you. Just as I have no limit to My grace, and endless abundance of compassion for all your needs, so also My arm will not grow weary, nor shall My will ever fail. I am the Captain of the army of the Lord, and I have personally overcome the wickedness of evil that strives against Me. Call upon Me as often as needed, speak in My name at every attack, stand on My promise in each situation, for I will always be victorious, time and time again, until the waves of attacks end. Remember that I was accosted by Satan more than once, but he eventually departed for a season; so must the repeated attacks which tempt you to give in eventually end as you endure in My name, lifting Me up, and celebrate each victory.
May you love the Lord and call upon Him for as long as you live, for He has turned His ear to you and hears your voice when you cry for mercy. Psalm 116
When you are overcome by trouble and sorrow, tangled in the cords of death and the anguish of the grave, may you call on the name of Lord to save you. Psalm 116
May the Lord save and protect you, preserving and guarding you while He keeps watch over you, as He does for all who are defenseless and untrained, who approach Him in simplicity and innocence, with the humility of the inexperienced and the weak. Psalm 116
May your soul be at rest once more for the Lord has been good to you, for He has delivered your soul from death, your eyes from tears, your feet from stumbling that you may walk before the Lord in the land of the living. Psalm 116
May you bring a song of thanksgiving to the Lord and fulfill your vows to Him, performing them in the presence of all His people, in the courts of the Lord's house, and in the midst of Jerusalem. Psalm 116
May you choose and desire to be a wise and sensible child who brings joy and gladness to his Father, causing Him to rejoice in your faithfulness and obedience. Proverbs 15:20
May you have the intelligence, understanding and good sense to walk uprightly, to keep to a straight course, and regulate your walk in order to stay on the right path. Proverbs 15:21
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How I Think Narumitsu feel about each other after each major event
Between DL-6 and Phoenix's Trial, 2014
Phoenix thinks about Edgeworth enough, writes him letters like a journal. He has no expectations of talking to him again by the time he meets Dahila.
Edgeworth used to think about Phoenix for those first few years. Eventually it petered out.
After Dahila's Trial
Phoenix sees Edgeworth in the newspaper and latches on. It's a way to get over Dahila, and he really feels safe and connected to Mia. Mainly, pursuing law is about ensuring his safety and being able to help others the way Mia helped him. He says he wants to save Edgeworth, which is true, but it is only a side-bonus.
After Maya's trial, September 2016
Edgeworth dislikes Phoenix strongly. His whole winning streak is gone. Von Karma is not happy.
Phoenix thinks, "Huh, here's my chance to rescue him! May as well take it." Also he gets major bi panic from Edgeworth. He can barely concentrate at the start of the trial bc damn, Edgeworth grew up hot.
After Will Power's Trial, October 2016
Edgeworth feels very conflicted (hence "unnecessary feelings.")
Phoenix is just confused, and definitely thinks Edgeworth has a crush on him.
After Edgeworth's trial, December 2016
They start a "rivals with benefits" thing. Edgeworth is very conflicted still, but here's entirely willing to ignore that and just have sex. He's still demi tho lol
Phoenix is quite chill. He doesn't love Edgeworth, but he thinks he's hot.
In late January, he realises Edgeworth won't let him close, and knows that it won't ever be anything more than hooking up. He grows indifferent, still enjoying the sex, but plans to leave and find a romantic relationship eventually.
After "Miles Edgeworth chooses death", February 2016
Phoenix is grieving. He was semi-disconnected from the relationship at this point, but he blames himself. He refuses to discuss it and won't even talk to his therapist about it for months.
Edgeworth is so caught up in depression and self-loathing that he doesn't even realise he cares about Phoenix. After a suicide attempt, he starts therapy and working on himself.
Matt Engarde's Trial, March 2018
Edgeworth's return angered Phoenix. He had spent ages getting over his grief, and then Edgeworth just waltzes back in. He still loves him, but the anger is stronger.
Miles just wants to be with Phoenix at this point. He's ready to start a real relationship. But he understands Phoenix is hurt, and wants to give him space.
They start to become friends after a few months, and they fall into that space where they know it's more than friends, but haven't fully committed yet (at least, Phoenix hasn't)
Iris's trial, February 2019
Phoenix is still pissed. He was willing to see where things went with Edgeworth, with plans to try and get over his anger.
Then Iris walks in and they pick up where they left off. Phoenix knows he doesn't love her, and tbh he's pissed at her too.
Unconsciously, he's punishing both Iris and Edgeworth - cheating on them both because they hurt him.
Miles doesn't realise this.
Phoenix's Disbarment, May 2019
After the trial, he ghosts both of them and falls into a drinking problem. He starts hooking up with Kristoph and it is far from healthy. Kristoph is manipulating and abusing Phoenix, and Phoenix is just using him to get over Edgeworth.
After months of calling, talking to Maya and even a few visits to Japanifornica, Miles just...gives up. He looks out for Trucy and still has feelings for Phoenix (not in love, but some of the way there) but he starts dating Lang Zi and tries to move on.
He and Lang Zi don't last and amicably break up, remaining good friends. He focuses back on Phoenix, but doesn't have any romantic intentions. His feelings get stronger during the times Phoenix lets him close, and he loves Trucy like a daughter, but knows nothing will happen. He worries about Phoenix intensely due to Kristoph's worsening abuse.
Phoenix was sus of Kristoph from the get go, but he gathers more dirt on him over the course of their relationship. He begins plotting the MASON system with Edgeworth and start working on a way out.
Phoenix gets over his anger towards Edgeworth. Edgeworth has been there for him more consistently than anyone else bar Maya and Mia.
In 2022, after they see each other for the first time in 2 years (covid exists here bc angst) they hook up and start dating. They have to be cautious because Kristoph, and keep it secret from everyone bar Maya, Trucy and Kay.
After Kristoph Gavin's Trial, April 2026
They get married. They're in love and want to spend the rest of their lives together. Happy ever after i guess.
This is definitely canon divergent in terms of timelines. My headcanons baby. I was inspired by a lot of fanfics and music, will add playlist and fanfics in a future reblog.
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g0nta-g0kuhara · 6 months
Hello, hello! I heard you were the Gonta enthusiast of Tumblr x)
And I wanted to know your opinion about this:
Do you think maybe Gonta would be frustrated about how everyone just thinks Kokichi forced him to kill Miu? That Oma OBVIOUSLY is the only one to blame, that Gonta never wanted to do this, that he would never do a thing like this?
I mean, everyone pretty much ignores that HE CAN THINK ON HIS OWN AND MAKE DECISIONS.
Yes Kokichi approached him with intentions in mind, but at this point of the game Gonta was ready to make a radical decision for everyone's good.
I just think he would be sad or annoyed.
Kokichi just taking the blame fully wouldn't make him feel better either (then again the guy's a leader so he would do it. Minions' actions are his responsability after all.)
Just, wanted to know your thoughts about this x)
Hmmm In thinking about this a little bit, maybe my memory is just off (it is, regularly) but I don't remember any of the other members of the v3 cast implying that? I Could look through the chapter 4 post trial but I don't want to right now (I'm following a v3 playthrough and they're in the middle of trial 4, I want to keep the dialogue fresh for when they get there!) But from my memory, while they are outraged at Kokichi, none of them try to absolve Gonta entirely. Mostly they just want to know what the secret of the outside world is, what forced Gonta (and Kokichi I guess, in their minds at the moment) to do such a thing. People thinking that Kokichi entirely forced Gonta to kill is mostly a fandom problem, not a character problem.
THAT BEING SAID. In a VR post game where everyone survives in the end, I could see this being a bit of an issue. Still, I don't think anyone could fully absolve Gonta and push the blame onto Kokichi because Miu did die specifically at Gonta's hands. and ignoring that would be a disservice to Miu. but I could see Gonta feeling crushed by guilt at what he did, and very well meaning friends might try to reassure him along this angle. That it was Kokichi's fault he did what he did. But I think I agree with you that this wouldn't make him feel much better. If anything, this might make him blame himself in a different way. "Why did Gonta listen to Kokichi again? Why is Gonta so stupid!?" (sidenote.. I'm not sure if Gonta would remember the virtual world in a vr postgame. its something I go back and forth on a bit)
As for Kokichi, my postgame headcanons for him follow closely my interepretation of him that I wrote about. I think after baring his soul a bit to Kaito in ch5 he would be even More closed off than before. I think his facade of being a very cheerful person would be harder to keep up, and he'd be more willing to say cruel things to keep people away from him as much as possible until he could get away from them for good. Like a cornered, injured animal lashing out. I think he would fully claim what happened in ch4 for that reason. It'd be a very effective way of keeping Miu and Gonta away from him, at the very least. (On a deeper, more genuine level, he also probably does take responsibility for it. Kokichi manipulates on purpose- he knew what he was doing. He knows that he pushed Gonta into that position. I think he would put the blame on himself for it.)
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fandomn00blr · 1 year
sappy prompt for you - "a bowl of soup" and "heart eyes" for anders/fenris?
Auggghh...they are just the most sappiest, aren't they?! Thanks for this! I really enjoy any excuse to get these two arguing about food...because yes, that's what this is really about. Just the soup. That's all... ;)
(Oh, and FYI, this is set in my retro-modern-futurish y2k post-apocalyptic zombie Dark Sprawl AU, but all anyone really needs to know is that Link=Mage, Facility=Circle, and uhh, Justice is benevolent malware...yeah, that should clear everything up!)
"Awwww…” Anders fawns over the steaming bowl of soup Fenris has just placed in front of him on the island where he’s currently perched, looking absolutely ragged after another double shift at the clinic. “You cooked…for me?"
"It's soup. I just opened a can and put it in a bowl and microwaved it."
"That's three whole steps more than you're usually willing to take in order to feed yourself!" Anders exclaims. “I’m quite flattered.”
“Don’t be. You look like shit. It literally is the least I could do…”
Anders seems unfazed by this as he takes a big slurping spoonful of the soup. "Ow!” He spits it back into the bowl. “Fuck…too hot still…"
Fenris doesn’t even bother trying to stifle his chuckle. "Try blowing on it next time, maybe?"
"Thanks for the tip.” Anders smirks. “Not sure I fully trust it coming from someone who only eats seeds and berries and other random things gathered from the forest for every meal, though."
"I'll have you know that I can cook."
"Yes…” Fenris eyes him suspiciously for a moment, then his face softens a little as he explains, “It used to be a hobby of mine. Back when I had half-way decent ingredients available to work with…"
"Back in Tevinter, you mean?"
Fenris nods. But doesn't say any more than that. Which Anders has learned through trial and much error to take as a sign that he's getting dangerously close to poking at something painful. He's trying to be better about not prying too much, though it's hard for him, and for Justice, not to demand to know more about what, or who, made him want to leave such a marvelous-sounding place where Links aren’t all just rounded up and institutionalized and there are apparently enough fresh ingredients available to inspire even Fenris to take up cooking. For fun!
"Well, you've just got to be a little more creative here in perpetually post-apocalyptic Kirkwall," he says, trying to veer around it without completely changing the subject of Fenris’ cooking skills.
"Creative?” Fenris snorts. “You mean like Merrill? Bio-engineering chickens and hacking fruit trees to grow and thrive where they've no business doing so?"
Anders grimaces. "I try not to think about all of that when she gifts me a basket of fresh produce or delicious jumbo eggs. But if you're so dead set against using her stuff, I'm sure there's plenty of ingredients to be scavenged from the pantries of these abandoned estates."
"Years past their expiration dates, I'm sure," Fenris scoffs.
"Oh, c’mon! Most of those dates were just made up to get people to keep buying more!”
"I don't know if that's entirely true…"
"Fine. Continue eating your boring birdseed, then, while I enjoy these supposedly 'expired' canned goods." Anders takes another, more cautious slurp of his soup and finds it to be less scalding, at least.
Fenris watches him swallow it down with a forced smile. "You're not exactly selling it."
"It's not…the worst soup I've ever tasted. The stuff at the Facility was always watered down and flavorless, like they thought we might somehow be able to channel our connectivity through salt or seasoning and escape via our taste buds. This at least tastes like…something…"
Fenris grabs a spoon from the silverware drawer and pulls the bowl of soup across the island to himself with a frustrated huff. He dips into the bowl and tastes it, frowning.
"Needs more acid…" he mutters as he turns and heads back into the pantry.
He returns with a bottle of some dark liquid with a fancy-looking label in Tevene and drizzles it over the top in an effortless spiral, then passes the bowl back to Anders.
"Try it now." He steps back, bracing himself against the sink, and Anders can't help but appreciate the expectant look in his eyes. He seems to have stumbled upon something here. A hidden passion maybe, and the fact that Fenris is willing to share it with him…well, best not get ahead of himself. It's just a bowl of soup, right?
"What is it?" Anders asks, trying to temper the unexpected flood of fondness he’s feeling with a bit of feigned skepticism and his usual sarcasm. “Arsenic? Cyanide? Deadly nightshade?”
"Balsamic vinegar…very well aged," Fenris snorts, exuding so much smugness at his own terrible culinary joke that Anders now fears he may have unwittingly unleashed a monster.
He mixes it into the soup and tries another spoonful.
"Better?" Fenris asks, looking downright impatient now for his opinion.
"It's good," Anders drawls. But he can’t seem to resist the opportunity to needle him a little. "I think you could balance it out with something creamy…got any powdered milk?"
Fenris makes a disgusted face. "Powdered milk?!" He throws his hands up in dismay. "Are you deranged?"
"Creative…not deranged." Anders laughs. Maybe he is deranged. Or perhaps it’s the exhaustion hitting him now, or the relief he feels here, in Fenris’ ridiculous mansion, of all the places he could’ve ended up tonight…but seeing Fenris, who is normally so measured and stoic about everything, react so dramatically to a bad recipe idea makes him finally just lose it.
“What is so funny, Link?” He hears Fenris catch himself saying it, and he hears the hesitation in the softness of it. He hears him try to sharpen it awkwardly just at the end, too, but it's too late. Anders already knows it’s become a sort of pet name to him.
"It’s just…” He won’t mention the slip up. Not yet. It’s a bit too new and precious to him still. But Fenris is watching him with such heavy expectation again, so surely the situation calls for some kind of teasing? “Fenris…” he breathes, trying to draw it out a little bit longer.
“What is it?”
“I guess...I just didn't realize..." Fenris leans a bit closer, his eyes growing even wider with anticipation. "I had no idea you were such a foodie!”
Anders grins cheekily. And he’s pretty sure Fenris knows exactly what he's doing judging by the annoyed face he makes. But spite is a heck of a motivator…
“If Merrill has any interest in raising goats and making cheese from their milk, I may be persuaded to change my stance on her methods,” he tells him.
Anders can't help looking at him now with all the affection he's been trying to keep in check. “I’ll…be sure to let her know."
😍<- Anders (ok, me), at the thought of having Fenris and Merrill collaborate on a rotating dinner party schedule...
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imagineanime2022 · 8 months
If it's okay can I please ask for any character that you want with ema and you can pick anything really it's up to you
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Kind-hearted and caring
Can be motherly at times but mostly for children
Has no desire to hurt anyone as long as they don't hurt her or her friends and truly has no Cruel Intentions with anyone
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She's an omnisexual
Likes watching anime
A hard worker
Good with bullets and guns
Like certain things with pink
Likes cats and dogs but prefers dogs
Can't decide on which weather she likes
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Does not like the idea of using or hurting people
Hates her disgusting Step Brothers that she's cut off ties with
Society and Society itself
And any type of bug
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Making friends
Cute clothes
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This isn't everything but if you want you can find more information about her on my page here on Tumblr
Hi, I did a sort of ship scenario I hope that okay, I picked one character from the first game and one from the second, hope that you like it.
Trigger Happy Havoc
For Trigger Happy Havoc I would probably say that she is mostly likely to fit with Makoto, of all the kids that were thrown into that scenario he was the one that probably would have understood and worked with her the best.
He soft spoken until it’s absolutely needed. He loves animals the same as she does, he had a pet dog and would be open to having another one if she wanted and would watch anything that she wanted with her, although I feel like there would be a lot of explaining that needed to be done because as smart as he seems in the trials he doesn’t follow everyday life very well. He works just as hard as she does and he’d never let her take on too much work, he’s always willing to help.
Given everything that you both have been through, he fully understands that she doesn’t like society or the principles that it’s built on, he supports her in her beliefs and only ever asks for her trust when he does something. He understands suspicion and believes that it has its place after all it’s the only thing that kept him alive once. I’m not sure that he’s going to be able to save her from bugs but he’ll never judge her for being afraid of them and will likely be afraid of them with her.
I don’t see Makoto having much of an opinion on what she wears but he does like the cute style that she takes up. He's up for making as many friends as she is as well, they are a sunshine pair that befriend anyone that crosses their path. Her napping habit would have a good effect on him as well with all the trouble he gets himself into he forgets to look after himself, so when she slows down for a nap he’ll likely do the same.
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Goodbye Despair
For Goodbye Despair I think Soda would be one of the best picks for her, he truly does not have a bad bone in his body and he'll probably fall for her immediately. Since she is for the most part really nice, he’d probably follow you around like a lost puppy all the time and offer what skills he has whenever she needs them.
Let’s be honest Soda loves pink as much as she does, and his hair shows you that. He honestly will go out in all weather so it doesn’t matter that she doesn’t have a favourite, he’ll dance in the rain or bathe in the sun as long as she’s there with him.
He dislikes a lot of the same things that she does and given the fact that he’s part of a group that society hates he’d welcome anyone who thought that was wrong (because they did nothing wrong but that’s a fight for another day). He might not be able to fight her older brothers but he will stand with her if she ever comes face to face with them again, has no problem laying it all on the line for her. That being said, don't expect him to be saving her from any bugs because he ran the moment he saw it whether she was with him or not.
Soda hasn’t really been good at making friends or keeping them so he is relieved that you can, he likes being around people but in his efforts to get people to like him, he can sometimes come across as childish or annoying but with her there it happened less often. He likes the cute clothes, he often gushes about how cute she looked and often tells her what his favourite outfit was. He will fall asleep anywhere with you to avoid having to do work or be away from her, he loves being around her and will do anything to stay around her.
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Request Here!!
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