#no hate or disrespect to the most recent person to leave this comment
itzsana-kiddingmenow · 5 months
okay guys so there has been a series of event going on in my inbox lately
i’m normally never serious or upset about anything on here but this is a matter of my mental health.
recently, as you’ve seen, there have been multiple hate massages making its way to my ask box, which is open to everyone to keep my ‘internet older sister’ persona, so i can help you if you need anything or need to rant or something.
lately some of these have been getting quite personal…to me and about the stray kids members, specifically my bias, changbin.
this anon seems to particularly dislike him, chan and hyunjin, and has made it clear that they dislike me as well.
they accused me of being a solo stan for changbin, disregarding the rest of the group. they are a w00jin stan ((not disrespecting him)) and are attacking binnie about his appearance for no apparent reason.
i’d like to clear this up; I AM NOT A SOLO STAN, if anything i’m ot8, stray kids is my favorite boy group and i love every member equally to the bottom of my heart.
i respect w00jin’s wishes to leave the group and although i am not a stan, i wouldn’t wish any hate on him to associate him with skz at all. that is their wish.
the first few messages seemed like regular hate comments, about my appearance and personality, i was able to counteract them, and they didn’t really affect me.
here are a few screenshots of some of the more recent ones, which are slightly more aggressive with the message this anon is putting out
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these messages hurt. that’s all i can say. they hurt me really bad, to the point i was crying in my bed in the middle of the night.
i don’t understand what i did to annoy this anon, but i might have to remove the anon feature from my blog for a little while
i was hesitant about going to this length, considering most of the interactions into my blog are anonymous, but it seems like a necessary precaution. i’m so sorry 💔
this will stay until i am certain the anon is gone. thank you
— sana 💗 to my sanshines 🥺
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pinkmandias · 1 year
i was sifting through a bunch of jesse hate (for an edit not bc i’m obsessed😭) and the gist of what i got was just. a willful misunderstanding of his character, his trauma, and his naivety/innocence in regards to his age/the power imbalance present within his relationship with walt and like. almost everyone else on the show.
obviously all of the people that loathe him and have paragraphs upon paragraphs of misinterpretations & simplifications of his arc to spew online are all people that love & identify with walter (surprise surprise), but i feel like it’s also so very reminiscent of the shit i noticed these last two years with certain media where a large portion of audience is both too stupid to recognize nuances present in writing & leans heavily on their confirmation bias.
and on that note, what was not shocking to me was how many of these complaints could be boiled down to him getting in walt’s way, making things more difficult for walt, or subverting walt’s authority. it’s incredibly similar to the hatred for skyler that has only recently begun to taper off (or at least take different forms or been redirected to other characters - like jane). jesse shares significantly more similarities with female characters in brba than any male character, and i think it’s only because he is not a woman (whereas skyler is) that jesse hate was not more prevalent while the show was airing/i see more of it now than ever.
jesse is a pussy, he’s a little bitch, he’s weak, he cries too much - because it’s not “manly” for him to feel remorse and to be destroyed by guilt. when he self destructs it’s selfish and when he lashes out he’s ungrateful. never mind the fact that he has been through more than enough to deeply traumatize even the most well adjusted individual by s3, much less at the end of his captivity by s5. with no one to turn to, no one to talk to, no one to comfort him. he’s neglected time and time again by the man who, from the very beginning, violated & disrespected his boundaries, his belongings, his personal life, his home, his time & has (both intentionally and unintentionally) methodically chipped away at any meaningful relationship jesse had or could have & left him with nothing but Him, nurturing a deadly codependency. he has at least two members of walt’s family being projected onto him as well as the role of a student & business partner. perfect obedience & perfect fulfillment of these roles is expected, but not praised.
would you not also be a little bitchy sometimes? do impulsive & risky things to gain attention or love or some semblance of power in your otherwise powerless life? would you not fall prey to fleeting affection given by a dying man (with the same sickness as your late aunt that you shared a home with and loved so dearly that you spent her remaining time on this earth by her side, taking care of her) when that affection is so heady? when you have nothing and no one else??
it always circles back around to “he knew what he was getting into”, “he deserved xyz”, ��he could have stopped at any time”, and “why didn’t he just leave” - just like with skyler. i don’t think i have to explain why those comments are so disturbing & i don’t think it’s difficult at all to understand why he cries or bitches so much…
anyway, i’ll conclude this post with these quotes because i think it says a lot that the only character vince remembers the audience hating so much is skyler -
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princelancey · 11 months
Yea honestly, like the hate that Lance gets is awful. Like yes, I do think he deserves some criticism but it just the fact that people get so personal, and you can sort of tell it gets to him sometimes. What I do admire is that he has never once ( as I can remember ) lashed out when people say those comments and never complains about it. I do really think he has good potential so I sort of hope he will get some rest during the break and come back super motivated and just smash all of those haters. Tbh, I have a feeling that if he doesn't do much better next year he might decide to retire from F1 because it isn't worth his mental health.
Valid criticism of his season aren't the issue, that happens to all sports people, hell I used to be on the receiving end of it myself when I used to compete (archery for those curious) but as you said, people get personal.
What triggered my most recent post was that at Cota the OFFICIAL banners at the track have drugovich on them instead of Lance. Like that's just unprofessional and so disrespectful. How it got past the several checks it had to is beyond me and I very much hope someone is held to account for it because it is simply not ok.
It's just another thing this year, like those 'big' updates account on twitter post bait knowing that people will leave hate comments towards lance. Members of the media calling out Lance for a 'bad' interview. I don't feel comfortable replying to Aston posts anymore because I will get hate and harassment in my replies, and I know I'm not the only one and the team does nothing about it.
F1 have all these slogans about #driveitout and #unitedagainstonlineabuse but nothing ever seems to come from them, the hate is allowed to continue incessantly. He hasn't posted on insta in nearly 2 months because of the hate comments, not that that stops people they just go to old posts and do it there, so I'm not surprised that it gets to him, and he probably couldn't even say anything about it without people just jumping down his throat.
He has been on the receiving end of some of the most persistent bad luck I have ever seen this year and despite that he has put in some incredible performances. People say he doesn't care about the sport he wouldn't have reacted like he did in Qatar if that was true (not saying it was ok) I think he still has a lot of fight left in him, he wants to perform well but if he chooses to leave f1 for another series I will gladly support him there. He deserves better than what the fans and media in f1 throw at him
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ziamln · 1 year
Long ramble post. [1D]
I’m feeling nostalgic, overanalysing shit, and bored on a Thursday night with nothing to do. You can read this or skip over it, especially if you disagree, I’m not looking for drama. This will probably be messy and incoherent with 0 structure. For those of you who weren’t there during the 1D era, this may be confusing, particularly if you weren’t there during the shit storm that was 2015/16. Again, feel free to skip this, as it will be long and probably won't make sense, but this is my blog so you don’t necessarily have to agree with me. Before I go into this I feel like I need to clarify, I am proud of all 5 boys and their solo careers, I support them all wholeheartedly, and my saying I miss OT5 doesn’t mean I don’t. some things are facts stated by the boys others are merely a speculation or my own deduction from what has been implied or reading between the lines, just to put that out there. Bear in mind I am a Ziam blog, Liam and Zayn have always been my focal point, and always will be and I also have a Louis [& slight Larry] bias so, do what you will with that information. Basically feel free to skip!
It was so good to see Zayn in an interview after so long [I can't lie it's so weird hearing people commenting on his talking voice as something new and unusual], but hopefully, he’ll actually get better promo for this upcoming album, I’m super excited either way, his music is rarely short of anything but a masterpiece. But there’s a line in Zayn’s recent podcast which stuck out to me.
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Personally, I found this intriguing, because at least to me, I feel as though it explains quite a few things. Particularly regarding Zouiam [Zayn, Louis and Liam], I’m not saying it didn’t apply to Niall or Harry but, I feel like it provides some sort of perspective on things others have speculated on, and also some things I have speculated on. Again, this is merely a speculation on my part, you don’t have to agree [scrolling is very easy]. I will not claim to know as much as I may have known about all 5 of them as I did 8 years ago, admittedly, though I support most of the boys through listening to their music, I don’t pay much attention beyond that to anyone other than Zayn, Liam and sometimes Louis, this isn’t to say I don’t like Niall, I enjoy his music or Harry, I have always been a Ziam/ Zouiam account and have always stuck to them, and as solo artists, I prefer their music, even during their time as a band. [As I’m sure many have a preference for the other boys. I don’t see an issue with it unless it is purposefully disrespectful or hateful to others.]
I know a lot of people are stuck on the line of how after ‘5 years together they all got sick of one another’, which is understandable and perhaps almost inevitable. [Personally, as someone with a sibling I definitely understand the sentiment] I don’t see any malice or drama in it, it would naturally happen to anyone after so many years of constantly being together, with barely any breaks and performing together non-stop for almost 5 years. It would catch up to even the most patient of people, especially considering how they were literally teenagers/ young adults the whole time. Nothing he said in that interview was hateful at all.
Also not to dismiss his line about how he said "I completely selfishly wanted to be the first person to go and make my own record." with this, whilst I’m not saying it’s untrue because it could be true that that's what happened. But I can’t deny its a little confusing because of the number of times the story of his reasoning for leaving the band has been changed throughout the years, initially, it started as him citing stress and saying he wanted to be a ‘normal 22-year-old’, then it was that he said there was ‘never any room for me to experiment creatively’ made sense as it was rumoured that his writing had been snubbed on Four and it could possibly be a mixture of all the reasons combined. But my point is we have been given many different reasons, but we will probably never know the full truth, so at this point, it's anyone’s guess as to what the actual reasoning was.
Of course, there is no doubt that behind the scenes of the entire One Direction era was a complete shit show, as has been stated/ hinted at by most if not all members at this point in some way, shape or form. So we can only begin to imagine the stress and pressure they were constantly put through. There is a lot we don’t know about that time, and probably never will. Some things are perhaps even traumatic for the boys who had to go through it, all we can do is speculate and be as supportive as possible as fans. 
I mean I feel like this trauma has presented itself in different ways with each member, perhaps in ways we will never know, Zayn himself has stated that we could never understand that time as it is something only they would get. 
In terms of image and what they show; Niall is quiet, unproblematic and as far as I’m aware he seems pretty much like, other than his music and tours, he keeps to himself. Harry from my impression, is a loudly quiet person, by this I mean, he comes across as loud as though he divulges a lot, people may claim he is the one who people have the most knowledge of, which is true to an extent. But in terms of his personal life, there are limitations, understandable of course, but it seems to me we only know what we are shown and the rest is left to be read between the lines. 
Louis, I feel as though we learn more about him through his music, his private life is fairly private, other than what he talks about and what we are shown, [side note: not everything that we are shown is necessarily how it is/true, this applies to all 5 boys] Louis is also quite an interesting case, we saw him get progressively quieter as time went on, especially in comparison to how he was in 2010/11, [many fans who believe in Larry attribute this to him being pushed into the closet and having to hide his more ‘flamboyant nature’] or it could be a simple case of all the stress and difficult life events taking its toll, or even [I think it's likely] a combination of all of this. Either way, it has been disheartening to witness.
Zayn has always been the most misunderstood I think. As Zayn himself said, they were all given personas and that has stuck with them from their time in the band, even until this present day I would say, [I wish some would consider this in Liam's case but that's for another post]. If you saw Zayn from 2010/11 he wasn’t particularly ‘mysterious’ or such, in fact, he was quite boisterous and funny if my memory serves me correctly, but again If the management wanted them to have a certain persona they were going to make sure it stuck. Zayn has always kept his private life exactly that, private. Typically in the case of his relationships [I would say this applies to some of Liam's also] but the main times we would hear about Zayn's relationships is if it was to make Zayn out to be a bad guy or to benefit the woman he was dating at the time through PR or some way as such, which is quite telling in itself.
Liam, again, people would think Liam is quite public and we know a lot about him but if you pay close attention, it's not the case at all. We don't know anything other than what we are told by the press or what we see. This is the case for all of them but as we know, from recent videos that Liam has done, there are a lot of other factors at play and a lot of distortion of stories and such that happens that we will never truly understand, we can only look out for it.  [another side note: IMO Liam is the full package he’s got the vocal range, the lyrical range, the melodies the dance moves, the fashion but he got so sabotaged and that pisses me off so much.]  Liam had always been the spokesperson for One Direction whilst in the band. Some people, particularly some groups of ‘fans’ or newer fans think that all his talking about 1D is him ‘trying too hard’ or whatever else to bash him. But the truth is, if you look closer, he never really stopped being the spokesperson for the band. He speaks on all of their solo endeavours, all of their achievements, indulges the nostalgic fans and is the one who most openly shows his support, he still holds the role of the spokesperson, just in a different manner. 
At a point you would seldom hear them talk about their One Direction days, unless you are the spokesperson... [it has become more frequent now], which is understandable as they are now Solo artists and perhaps wanting away from that image, but it is also quite curious in a way. But that is best left for another ramble. However, up until recently, I feel like the boys who have spoken the most about the band have been, in a sense, allocated to speak more on the topic than others [Personally I link this to the Politics comment, I’ll explain a little later on] But I find it interesting as to the different reactions we get from certain groups about each member when they do speak about their time in One Direction. Typically, Harry and Niall are met with positive reactions, with a few exceptions of course. Zayn sits in between, some of it gets regarded with nostalgia, other reactions are positive and hopeful and then the outright negativity too. Louis again sits in the middle. Liam however, you do of course get nostalgia and of course positive reactions from his fans and some OT5 fans. However, this is severely outweighed by the negativity he receives for it from *certain* ‘fans’ and some newer fans and just general people who like to jump on the hate bandwagon [side note: my god I miss 2013/2014 1D Twitter].
I’m not sure how many remember ‘Weed Gate’, how this was in a way at the time ‘damaging’ to the clean image they had and how much shit it was speculated to have caused behind the scenes, involving Zayn and Louis. 
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Louis and Zayn take a video doing weed in a car in one of the Peru (where weed isn’t illegal) on tour, there started some articles that make it sound like Zayn was sick or addicted to drugs. I feel like this was also a big player in how things turned out, Zayn took most of the heat from this and from our end it looked like no one did a thing to help. [We don't know what happened BTS]. Particularly interesting from this headline was the reiterating of the ‘squeaky clean image’, not long after this there were articles about 1D not getting along that came out of nowhere, particularly about how Harry was really angry with them and such. Even more interestingly disgustingly, Zayn took on most of the heat from this despite Louis also being in the video. 
Not long after this, Zayn missed some promo interviews and the album release in Orlando because of 'illness’, they get asked on the Today show if it’s actually because of drugs [entirely inappropriate] Liam, [looking pissed] reiterated it was a stomach bug. it would also be poignant to point out that Zayn looked very unwell at the time [I would think this would be regarding the eating disorder he previously mentioned] but many thought and press stated it as being related to drugs. At the time he was also, as he did throughout his time in the band, until this very day in fact, received disgusting prejudice and hate based on his religion and ethnicity. 
To touch lightly on the politics comment: obviously, we won't know the full extent. But if one were to speculate on the matter; we know certain people had been trying to pinch Harry since pretty early on in the band, so it would make sense that some of the comments Zayn made about the contracts make a lot of sense, I feel like it also links well with what Louis said about Harry calling the Hiatus. 
‘Certain people didn’t want to sign contracts,’ This line is so vague, but at the same time, I feel like it could be linked to a number of things. It could have been Harry wanting to leave to go solo. If you believe in Larry and Ziam it could have been a harsher contract regarding keeping them hidden with more shit attached. It could have been regarding the music they make, ridiculous NDA’s or any number of things, the speculation could be endless. However, it further reiterates the point that we can never understand fully what was at play behind the scenes, as much as we would like. But one thing we did see was how the boys went from being seemingly happy, excited and relatively carefree to burdened, exhausted and jaded which is somewhat self-explanatory [fuck 1DHQ]. I was going to add a bit about their images regarding the politics but I believe that is best left for another post.
If you think the boys are free/ ever have been, I’m sorry to burst your bubble but I doubt that has ever been the case, be that within the band or as solo artists. Feel free to check out this post if you require more insight, https://www.tumblr.com/yaz-the-spaz/662781923367747584?source=share. I don't think we could ever understand, nor will we ever know the extent of what the boys were/ have been put through. Hence why they all say they have a special bond because only they understand. I feel as though villainizing any particular member is very harmful, because at the end of the day at the time they were kids doing something so amazing that hadn't really been done on that scale before. What I do find gross is the fact that some refuse to speak up about the unnecessary hate certain groups give to other members [that again is another post entirely]. At the same time, it is important to remember whilst it might seem like other members have more freedom than others, which could be the case, it doesn't mean any of them are entirely free.
I’d say back to my point, but I wasn't particularly trying to make one in this post, this was simply an info/ speculative ramble, you don't have to agree with what has been said. But if you did read through, I’d love to, respectfully, of course, hear your thoughts, and opinions on everything. I will make posts on everything I’ve said requires its own post because I feel as though there is a lot to talk about on a number of topics so they will come in due time. 
At the end of the day, as Zayn [and Liam in the past] said; “You know, we’ve done crazy things with each other and that nobody else in the world will ever understand or have them. Experiences that we've shared.”
But yeah, all in all, it was good to hear Zayn talk about his chickens and describe himself as a chill, funny and loving guy because it's so much more true to him than being painted as mysterious and I love that for him.
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crystallinestars · 4 months
Regarding your post mentioning Genshin burnout, recently I kind of felt it as well ! The only saving grace for me was Scara's banner, I finally managed to get him on Tuesday after pining for him during the past few months. So I guess I kind of have more motivation to play now? Esp to build him along w his team (Layla and Faruzan also popped up in my rolls :D). But after I've built them sufficiently, I might lose motivation again ...
And I saw you mention toxicity on online platforms, this is so real (for both Genshin and HSR) 😭 Like I was scrolling on Reddit yesterday and I saw a hella cute AvenPaz family artwork. It was then reposted on another subreddit (It's kinda meme-y community) and OMG they were being so rude ... Like they legit seemed so pressed seeing Aventurine in a non-BL ship. They were going "ohhh the str8s are at it again," (they used a more obscene term that I won't name) and I was thinking: so my bi self is apparently mega straight now just because I like NL stuff, huh 🤨🤨 I had to unsubscribe, like I loved seeing the funny edit pics from this subreddit but whenever they see a NL ship (or even a hint that a male playable character could be with girl) they just absolutely become so rude... I guess it could have been worse (like straight up brigading the artist) but the negativity was so so off-putting. Ofc we could all have our own preferences but whyyy feel the need to become so insulting when they see something they don't like.
Big big sorry for longggg negative vibes rant 😭 Ngl I'm also super tempted to go off about the treatment of a certain architect by the hands of both Mihoyo and a huge chunk of Genshin fandom, but if it is too uncomfy for you then I will refrain. ^^ I don't want to disrespect your blog !
Tbh though it is comforting to know that there are at least other Genshin likers (esp girls) who have similar sentiments regarding BL and our favorite architect ahahah...
Congrats on pulling Scara!!! He’s so much fun and a godsend in exploration. Seems you already have a good team for him (I use Layla and Faruzan with him too 😄)! May he grow big and strong haha.
If you lose motivation to play again, well… don’t play! Do something else you find fun! Life is too short to dedicate all your free time to a single game.
Honestly, the entirety of the Hoyoverse fandom is quite toxic. The only game that’s exempt from it, to my knowledge, is Tears of Themis.
Reddit is definitely up there with Twitter for being the most toxic platform in the fandom (I’m guessing TikTok and Instagram too, but I’ve never been on these sites). The BG/NL ship bashing is incredibly common, unfortunately. Really can’t enjoy anything NL on there. Really, why can’t they leave the things they don’t like alone and just move on? Why be so rude? 😔
I used to be a part of AlhaithamMains and things were mostly chill at first, but over time it became a haikaveh mains. Anyone who requested for there to be a separate sub for the ship was berated, and posts politely saying they didn’t see Kaveh and Alhaitham in a romantic light were rife with hateful and aggressive comments. I remember someone posted Kavehlumi art in KavehMains, and one person had the audacity to comment that Kaveh actually belongs to Alhaitham. And these types of comments were EVERYWHERE, under every NL ship post.
I took one peek into AventurineMains, saw the very first post talk about how Ratiorine is implied in the 2.0 quest, and noped out of there. Not surprised the same fate befell Aventurine 😔
So yes, Reddit is full of awful, loud people that ruin the fun for anyone who doesn’t ship the popular ship. You were right to leave. I left a long time ago and have been so much happier because of it. It’s unfortunate you have can’t enjoy a lot of things now, but sometimes you gotta do what you gotta do to protect your mental health.
If you want to go off and rant about how Kaveh gets treated, please do! God knows I have my own gripes about it, so it’s really nice to know I’m not the only one troubled by it. Plus, I love it when people share their complaints with me, so don’t worry about being too negative.
Trust me, there are quite a few of us girls who love Kaveh but don’t care for BL. We just keep to ourselves and stay quiet to avoid trouble from the toxic shippers.
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moth--knight · 9 months
Just saw this 20 Questions for Fic Writers and decided I wanted to do it so ....... here it is! Lmao.
How many works do you have on AO3?
46 !
2. What's your total AO3 word count?
274,246 ...... wrow
3. What fandoms do you write for?
So far?
Bayonetta!!!!!!!!!! (38 works lolsies)
Abbott Elementary (2 works)
Elden Ring (1 work)
Bloodborne (1 work)
Splatoon (1 work)
LoZ: Twilight Princess (1 work)
Yellowjackets (1 work)
Wicked (1 work)
4. What are your top five fics by kudos?
the world's the same, but something's changing (Yellowjackets, Adult Timeline AU)
In other words... (Bayonetta, BayoJeanne love confession post B1)
desert hearts (Bayonetta, BayoJeanne β3 pre-canon)
I'll see you back home (Bayonetta, BayoJeanne post B3 "fix it")
work day with the boss (Splatoon, Deep Cut + Marie bonding)
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
Yes! I think it is nice to acknowledge that people took the time+effort to leave a comment, and sometimes it can start really fun and interesting conversations. I write niche fics for a small fandom primarily, so I don't get enough comments for it to be overwhelming, and thus every comment feels even more special. Plus I have some really lovely and generous regular commenters!
6. What's the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
Oh god. This is an impossible question to answer? I write a lot of angst. Maybe sadness hides in your smile, my post B1 AU where Bayonetta never regains any of her memories. Or night, I stand, the pre B1 AU where Cereza dies in the witch hunts and Jeanne goes mad with grief forcing Rosa to put her down like a mad dog. LOL.
7. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
AHHHHHH. I don't know! The two most recent fics that have happy endings are christmas wrapping and my hair no longer bounds to my foot’s glee, nor plant I it from rose or myrtle tree.
8. Do you get hate on fics?
Nah, not usually. I have gotten a few weird/mean spirited comments in the past, which I respond to and politely tell the person to fuck off and not leave comments like that (lolsies) and then delete. The pro of writing niche fics in a small fandom is I get very little interaction to start, so it is generally positive!
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
HA. Yes. I have no idea what "what kind" means though. The sexy kind? Hopefully?
10. Do you write crossovers? What's the craziest one you've written?
I've never written one, no. I find them hard to pull off and they rarely interest me.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not that I know of! I don't know why anyone would steal weird angst AU lesbian nonsense but hey. To each their own. (Please don't steal my fics)
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
Not that I can recall, but I could be wrong. I think it would be cool if people wanted to though!
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Just one, a smut fic with dubhgloinne. I would like to co-write more but I find it scary (and I worry I would be bad at collaborating).
14. What's your all-time favorite ship?
Bayonetta/Jeanne. Perhaps a bit obvious.
15. What's the WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
(Post Bayo 3 AU where Jeanne and Viola survive together. It is a long fic idea that could take over a year to properly pull off. The planning draft is gathering dust as we speak.)
16. What are your writing strengths?
Characterization! Evocative emotion!
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
Everything else!
Kidding. Mostly. I struggle a lot with description, especially around setting.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
I think if you do not speak that second language then you should consult someone who does, with a few rare exceptions. It often comes off as clunky when you don't, and in some cases can be incredibly demeaning and disrespectful if you lean hard into stereotypes or limited cultural knowledge. I really admire people who can write in multiple languages!
19. First fandom you wrote for?
I don't remember. Maybe Bleach? A YoruSoi fic? I was 12 and none of those fics exist anymore. Alas.
20. Favorite fic you've ever written?
IMPOSSIBLE QUESTION! But my favorite in terms of recent fics is easily severed, my Elden Ring Ranni focused fic, set before the events of the game.
AUGHHHH THIS WAS FUN AND COOL TO ANSWER >:) Tagging some of my friends @xilianx @dragon-in-the-tardis @modulatechaos if they wanna do this as well :)
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cassandralexxx · 7 months
being annoying:
being annoying bc I’m annoyed. It’s just kinda irritating that my friends do so many things to like make fun of/disrespect my faith. like they know that I don’t find that kinda thing amusing and in my head it feels direspectful so like it’s like can y’all pls stop?
it’s like always but most recent example is some person on tiktok has bought the communion wafers and is making food out of them and every time they make the food like 3 of my friends sends me the video. like yes im catholic but im not the target audience if that video. I am aware that they are not consecrated and aren’t sacred/ the holy host yet. Still though, the reason the videos are popular is because it is shocking/funny to see because of the religious context of how it is viewed as sacred (unless I’m misinterpreting). Considering everyone in the comments being like “you ate a whole Jesus” “make wine gravy to eat his blood too” it seems understandable to interpret the jokes in that way. like one of my friends used to be catholic and she kinda hates Catholicism, which like valid. But she will always send me stuff and do stuff shitting on it telling me about it. This part isn’t shitting on it but she mentioned some TikTok of a family that went to like Christmas mass and the adult kids got wasted before going and she was like “ isn’t that a dream come true” “that’s such a life goal”. And I emote a lot so my face made a face bc in my head the answer to that is a resounding no bc it feels disrespectful but I wasn’t going to say anything and she was like “I guess not for you 🙄😒” anyways yeah like I’d appreciate it if my friends would stop sending me specifically content that makes fun of my beliefs! Great that you’re having fun about it but kindly F off and leave me out of it.
like jokes are almost always centered around the Eucharist and it’s like… y’all do understand that when I say that I believe that the consecrated form is actually God I mean it right? Like I’ve mentioned that to them before like multiple times. Like idc about the jokes and stuff for themselves but it’s like they think ‘oh she’s catholic’ and then say stuff to me and it’s like girl maybe if I was ex catholic or didn’t yknow actively believe but i do and they know that 😭
it’s always something and it’s annoying like please stop fr. Idc that you find it funny just leave me out of it
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mrsman · 11 months
I'm not gonna be specific bc I just wanna say it but the fact that this woman is so vulnerable and open about her dating life and her experiences and how men treat her but fans still want to sit here and romanticize these relationships after she's long out of them and even some of the men publicly long for her after treating her badly like huh? We're all just ignoring the cheating, hiding and lying?? For what?? Romance?? It's not romantic for her to cut herself to the bone and fit into these tiny boxes to fit their lives only for them to pay her in dirt. Then she finally leaves and suddenly the fans and these men just can't believe she'd leave and act like that was her only chance at true love like fuxking excuse me? And some of her female friends too who she gets shipped with that leave clues for the fans after their friendships have already been dissolved it's giving clout chaser it's giving stop giving these fucking vampires attention this is terrible and shitty of them to do after already breaking her heart like be so fucking fr rn as a fan do you actually like this woman or do you just want to play with her like a doll as if she's not a human person
Like the career less loser who she wrote "love songs" about that are filled with real bleeding anxiety and fear and all the inspo she found for her "fictional" songs about heartbreak and begging for a crumb of attention and love and even on the most recent releases coming right out and saying this man didn't put her in his priority list to the end and running with her to avoid being seen like she's an embarrassing person to spend so much time with and now that they're over he makes a fucking post w references to her lyrics like how heartless can you be she left you she won't release the song everyone wants her to about you probably bc she doesn't want you to regret it or receive hate from her fans she's a nice fucking lady so nice and so sweet and so deserving of a real true love that puts her first and is proud of her and yea I'll say it like the one she has now bc excuse me it's night and day yet I still see stupid ass comments talking about "I miss her ex come back dad" like shut the fuck up you're a grown adult and you want this woman to turn back on a decision she obviously agonized over making they were together for 6 years do you think it didn't hurt her do you think she made that choice lightly do you think she wanted anyone else's input beside her own beating heart that told her it was time to go like once again this a woman who's been baring her soul for us making such gorgeous beautiful music that we relate to and allowing us in and to pay her dirt by ignoring her pain and her truth and the real desire there to be loved by someone who isn't afraid to give her what she needs that's crazy
And then today I saw a timeline of her and the teenager she dated and I was shocked bc I remember growing up and vaguely thinking they were cute but the way this man emotionally led her on for years and essentially called her the person who "he can always come back to be pushed and inspiration" like huh?? That's romantic??? The way he still obviously longs for her is cute?? After he cheated on her and never fully committed and let her suffer in silence and never said ily back except in a song like wait what?? It's totally fine and okay that he continually disrespects her existence as a woman with needs and desires that asked for the bare minimum and just acts like she was a home he'd always have the key to or like a dog waiting by the door basically an ex girlfriend who'd always have him back even if he couldn't get it right the first second third or fourth time if she hadn't put a stop to it like how can there be fans of this relationship almost a decade after it ended I've seen the videos I've seen the interactions she's such a kind human being and he's so grimy for the way he still feeds into these theories and probably his own feelings but couldn't ever commit to an actual relationship don't you think that hurts her to see don't you think she sits awake thinking what the fuck could she have done differently when the honest answer is nothing bc he's never going to grow up and he needs to keep it to himself and stop being a selfish asshole it's just crazy how low the standard is for these men who are famous
And don't get me started on that horrible witch and the other girl who is on thin ice in my eyes for always feeding the theories that she was in relationships with them when she's tried as politely as possible to emphasize that she is not bisexual or a lesbian if she was she'd be out and proud anyone who is a real fan and respects her and the words she says and the music she puts out would be able to read that and these delusional theories these women feed into drives me insane why would they do that to what was once a good friend of theirs?? Encouraging people to undermine her and her stance and the validity of her identity? When did that become okay? Stop calling her homophobic for not being what you wanted and stop giving that horrible model who was a horrible friend the time of day she's literally riding off the coattails of this insane theory while being safely in her stupid castle with her HUSBAND like give me a break it doesn't affect her at all
Meanwhile we have our girl out here fighting for her life she can't use social media anymore normally she can't make posts or like things without a million and one different analysis' and theories about what it means and people interpreting it however the voices in their head tells them to like don't you think she's tired of feeling separated from the general public and being unable to step outside or go online? And if she made a fake account it would be found immediately bc the fans are insane and they can't leave her be everything's become a clue and something to entertain us rather than just a normal person consuming media the way the rest of us do no she's apparently not allowed that privilege bc her music is too good and she's too pretty 😐
I'm not gonna name names or use tags bc I've seen how this goes I've seen the arguments I've seen everything that goes down in this fandom and I vibe with the good that comes from her and the way she connects with fans I love it makes my brain feel less abnormal bc she gets it most of her fans get it everything is connected there are no coincidences really I love that I love Mastermind as a concept as a song and as a part of who she is but the fans really put her in these boxes and play w her identity like an American girl doll and I refuse to fight anyone on this I just had to say it and get it off my chest bc shit I can't imagine why so many people have so little standards when it comes to men but don't put that on her she's thriving she's finally being put first and celebrated the way she should be and I pray she is truly happy bc she deserves it I grew up on her music I left the same time a lot of millennials did after this Era originally came about and I regret my opinions and choices and judgment I was wrong I would apologize if I'd ever said anything that she could've known or heard but she's a big name and luckily it's unlikely but I'm a fan and I appreciate everything she has given from her heart and soul and God will bless her path that's what I want and I hope the desires of her heart are for her and that's it that's all
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detectivenyx · 2 years
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waterstar2016 · 2 years
Smooth Criminals - Chapter 8
Immogene watched the large terrapin leave their apartments out of the corner of her eye. He turned back towards her just before he closed the door and smirked. She felt her cheeks warm which made her eyebrows furrow. Why should she blush? Because he caught her looking at him? He closed the door on a chuckle. Cocky bastard. 
She sighed loudly. She had been looking at him more, of course trying to be unobtrusive, but not always successful. The male was so different from her husband. Each day his actions showed that he wanted an equal partner in leading The Foot. Even more surprising was how he seemed to want individuals to hold her in regard, but with a healthy dose of respect of what she was capable of. 
The Foot were starting to treat her differently. Of course there were some that were quietly or more vocal about the changes, but the turtle was making it clear this was the way it was going to be. Often, if she was disrespected, whether through a passive aggressive comment or an outright confrontation, the male let her handle the situation. On some occasions she would hear a rumble of approval when the shit disturber was put in his place by her tongue. He was amused by her. She was well aware of this, but there wasn’t any negative connotations associated with the feeling. 
“Mistress Immogene are you ready to go to your studio?” The wolf mutant had poked his head into the room. “If so, Shouto is on his way and we shall be able to leave shortly.” The Foot had gone to receive a package on her behalf. Everything that was brought to her was inspected before she was able to accept it.
She gave him a nod and started gathering the folder with her most recent sketches within. There had been a change in her guard. After meeting Gabriella, Trax had approached both Raphael and her and asked to be the smaller woman’s personal guard. His reasoning had put a look of understanding in the turtle’s eyes that made her look at him. The triceratops said that the smaller female reminded him of his younger sister who had been killed in an attack a few years ago. He’d then recommended Shouto as his replacement. She had observed the Brutes reaction to that particular request. The terrapin had started pacing while he was thinking it over. He’d looked to her and she felt confident enough to give him a nod, showing him she was fine with what Trax had suggested. Raph looked to her before giving his consent. Later, he’d told her that when he was younger, Shouto had been one of The Foot that he’d encountered many times. It was only when he got older that he realized he had a healthy respect for the man. He was one of The Foot that actually seemed to follow the old code of Bushido. Shouto had been sworn in the next day and the relationship seemed to be working out. 
“Good morning gentleman.” Both males gave her a salute and they began their way to her studio. 
When they were approaching her the door Fang suddenly stopped. Immogene looked at him questioningly and the wolf made a signal for both her and Shouto. He wanted them on guard. She slowly walked to the door that led into her space and opened it. 
“Immogene! Get in the studio now and close the door!” She scrambled to obey and just as she was closing the door she saw Akito drop from somewhere above. The ring of steel blades could be heard through the wood. There was nothing she could do. Maybe when her and Gabriella went on their shopping trip she could look into getting a dagger put into the bodice of her corsets. God knew she had enough cleavage to support a long enough blade. Immogene hated feeling helpless. With Raphael, the feeling was starting to dissipate. She was also gaining the desire to be able to do something about it. A deep and sinister chuckle sounded from the back of the room and it made her blood run cold. “Slash!”
Fang ducked and felt the blade shave a bit of the fur off the top of his head. His eyes widened when he heard his charge yell out the name of the more than insane swamp turtle. Shouto swore under his breath and tried to get past Akito’s guard. The man was in front of the door and had no intention of letting them past. He only needed to hold them off for a few minutes. That would be enough time for the beast to take care of the woman. “That’s right. She’s dead.” He chuckled while fending off the attacks from both of the males. “You see, Slash has been quite lonely in the holding cells. Well, other than the occasional treats I’ve been able to get in for him.” 
Shouto shouted. “Go and get Master Raphael now! I will take care of Akito!” His eyes narrowed. “This is personal.” Fang paused for only a moment and then on a growl ran as fast as he could.
Immogene’s eyes frantically searched the room for any kind of a weapon. The swamp turtle mutant was stalking her slowly. Her stomach twisted at seeing the madness in his eyes. 
“I got something real special planned for you.” He turned his body sideways so she could see his spikes were now tipped with steel that had been filed to a deadly point. “How about a piggy back ride? The more I bounce around, the more you get stuck.” He laughed over his own words.  
She managed to maneuver herself over to her easel. Stopping in front of it, she palmed a paintbrush in one hand and a glass bottle of turpentine in the other. It was all she had. If she swung the easel at him it would only break against his plastron or shell with no damage done.
“What are you gonna do? Paint me to death?” The turtle laughed and it sent a violent chill down her spine. The beast took a deep breath. “Ahhh, I love the smell of fear before a meal. It sure builds my appetite!” 
Seeing him lower his massive spiny head she waited until the last second before rolling away. The moment caused her pencil skirt to rip. She ignored it. Besides it made it easier for her to move. 
Slash eyed the creamy thigh. “You have a lot of meat on those legs of yours. Sure, there’s some tough muscle but there’s also a layer of nice juicy fat over it. I like it. Makes the flesh more juicy.” A string of drool dripped from the corner of the turtle’s lips making her pale and her stomach roll with queasiness. She’d never seen the grisly aftermath of his torture, only heard rumours that he enjoyed dining on his kills. “Cook you low and slow after I tenderize and marinate you in your own blood.”
Fear rippled through her over his words. There was something seriously wrong with this creature. Seeing her discomfiture the swamp turtle laughed. 
He was toying with her. Playing with the fear of him that had been instilled within her from the day she arrived. She took a deep breath and inwardly focussed on slowing her heart rate. Her fear would get her killed. At the thought, an awareness grew within her and the colour of her eyes deepened. Oruko had trained her brutally, knowing she could never defeat him. The few times she’d tried, others had suffered. That threat had been effectively removed with her husbands death. The swamp turtle was going to die. She just had to be smart about it.
Raphael looked up from his desk when Fang came bursting into the room. “Attack! Immogene’s in trouble!” The wolf panted out the words.
The Brute said nothing and bolted out of the room in the direction that the wolf pointed.
Immogene dodged a swipe but the spiny flesh of the back of swamp turtle’s hand grazed her arm. She hissed at the sting but ignored the now dripping blood. 
Slash bent down and swiped his finger over a drop of her blood. Lifting the digit to his lips his tongue licked out and wiped it clean. “Ripe for the eating.” 
She took advantage of his gloating and ran at him. She slammed the bottle of turpentine on his head and the glass broke, the liquid spilling into the turtles eyes. He roared and she kicked off his front before his arms managed to grab her. His claws caught her side and she winced feeling a couple of them pierce her flesh. 
The turtle wiped at his eyes trying to rub the chemical away. In doing so he only made it worse. “What’s the matter, Slash? Your meal have a bit more bite than you expected?” She readied herself for the charge that she knew would come. 
Raphael turned the corner and saw Akito and Shouto head to head. Their katanas sliding against one another, both straining to push back the other. He put on another burst of speed.
Akito saw his death in those golden eyes, but it would be worth it. 
The swamp turtle roared again and she resisted putting her hands over her ears. It was now or she was dead. He took one step and then another, his eyes half closed and leaking with tears. His vision was blurry, not only was there turpentine, but a few shards of glass had gotten into his eyes when he’d rubbed them. “Time to die, you worthless female!”
Immogene waited until his arm wrapped around her waist and he lifted her off her feet. She lifted her hand with the paintbrush and slammed it as hard as she could into the small earhole on the side of the turtles head. 
Slash’s eyes went wide and all movement stopped. The sickly yellow orbs swivelled to her and a sardonic smile came over her face. “Oops.” His mouth opened like he was about to say something but it only opened and closed making her think of a goldfish. It was then the mutants legs collapsed and they both went down. A grunt of pain left her lips when they hit the floor and her injured arm connected with the marble. The turtle then rolled on top of her, pinning her to the ground.
The door slammed open and Raphael came in. There was rage burning in his eyes. His fist already covered in blood from demolishing Akito’s face. The man was still alive but out of his mind as he ran at seeing the spill of red mahogany hair from underneath the turtle.
“Immogene!” He roared and yanked the swamp turtle off of her like he was a rag doll. There was blood around her and he crouched down. A shocking feel of relief rolled through him when her green eyes opened. “There ya are.”
Gently he helped her stand, he tilted her chin making her look up at him. “Ya alright?” 
She snorted. “Mostly…but he’s not.”
Raph tore his gaze away from her and looked at the body. How had she killed him? There was no weapons in the room. His eyes squinted seeing something sticking out of the swamp turtles ear. A loud rumbling laugh filled the room. “Ya took him out with a fuckin’…”, The Brute was laughing so hard he could barely speak. “ha! That’s rich!”
Shouto and Fang came into the room. They looked at each other and then at the couple standing in front of them. The body of the swamp turtle in a heap beside them. “Uh, boss?” Fang said with a confused tone.
Raphael didn’t look at his two Foot soldiers, but grinned down at the woman. Ever so gently he moved a curl away from her face. “Ya know, I’ve always considered myself…creative… when it came ta murder weapons, but she, she takes the fuckin’ cake. She used a fuckin’ paintbrush and made a kabob outta Slash’s fuckin’ brain!” He chuckled deeply again and surprising everyone including the woman and pressed his forehead against hers. “Cleva girl.”
Immogene looked into the golden eyes and gave the Brute of a terrapin a shock when a smile tugged at the corner of her lips. ‘Fuck, she’s gorgeous when she smiles.’ 
“Let’s get ya cleaned up, sweetheart.” He put his arm around her waist and they started walking out of the room. Later he would have to think how afraid he’d been when he heard that she was in trouble. Yes, he wanted a partner that was as strong as he was, but his fear suggested that maybe there was something else as well.
After Amber had helped her shower and get her wounds dressed she was brought to her dressing table. The woman picked up the brush and started working on her hair. “I can’t believe…well I can, but killing Slash with a paintbrush?”
A self satisfied smile formed on her lips when she looked at herself in the mirror. “I’m just glad he’s finally gone.”
Raphael was trying not to listen, but failing in not hearing the women’s conversation. He sipped his whiskey and walked back and fourth in front of his desk. Immogene was different, very different from any woman he’d met. Women to him were a passing distraction. He knew one day he would have to take a partner when he came back to New York and all he had been hoping for was someone that didn’t annoy him and had a modicum of intelligence. Faithfulness was not a requirement. But, she not only didn’t aggravate him, she made him laugh and most surprisingly of all, seemed to have a calming influence. He huffed a breath and shook his head. 
He looked back over at the two woman and growled lowly in seeing the large bruising around Immogene’s shoulder. ‘A fuckin’ paintbrush.’ A smile formed on his lips. Yeah, she was somethin’ else. He’d already made the order to have the shell mounted in the main chambers with the paintbrush in a glass case below. Without really realizing what he was doing, he began walking over to the two.
Both women looked up at him expectantly, waiting for him to say what was on his mind. Why else would he have come over?
“Amber, yer dismissed for the evening.” The brunette paused mid stroke. Raph sighed loudly, not in exasperation, but in wondering what he was doing.
Immogene gave him a long look before nodding to Amber. “It’s alright. I’ll ring for you if I need you.”
After she left Immogene looked at the brush and started to reach for it. Her hair was only half done. Shaking her head she met the Brute’s golden gaze. “I suppose you’re going to brush my hair now?” Her tone was exasperated, there was no way she actually expected him to help, she would just have to do the best she could. It was such a female thing, but if her hair wasn’t brushed through it would be a rats nest by morning. 
Her eyes widened as the turtle picked up the brush and knelt behind her. “I call ya kitten, but this time I think the cat got yer tongue.”
She swallowed deeply and braced herself for the tugging that was surely to follow. Instead she found herself glancing back at him over her shoulder. His strokes were gentle. Her breath hitched a little when he grabbed a handful of her hair like he was going to put in a ponytail so that she would feel even less. “I suppose it did.”
Raphael chuckled and met her eyes in the mirror. “I don’t mind helpin’ ya, but I do have an anterior motive.”
Immogene’s eyes narrowed. “And that would be?” Her tone was a little sharp but she found herself more curious. 
A smirk formed on the Brutes lips. “This lets me get close.” Keeping a hold of her eyes he moved in and leaned into her back. “Real close.”
Her heart started a tattoo that beat strongly in her chest. “Why, aren’t you close enough?”
The behemoth of a terrapin leaned in closer to her ear. In a slow and yet exaggerated motion he shook his head. “As for the why, I’m gonna show ya.” His golden eyes were molten in the light. The severity of what almost happened was bringing something out of him. He needed to be near her, to feel the vitality that made her up under his hands. He had to push her, just a little, give her a taste of what he could make her feel. He had told her he would make her crave him and he was going to start right fuckin’ now.
His set down the brush but didn’t stop working her hair, except now it was with his fingers. He moved some of her thick and still slightly damp tresses away from her neck and brushed his snout along the column. “Tha smell of ya.” 
She shivered but not with fear. This was a feeling that was completely unfamiliar to her. “What about it?”
He grinned feeling the gooseflesh pebble on her neck. “It’s delectable. It makes me want to see if ya taste as good as yer scent.” 
Immogene swallowed hard. “Why…would…you want to…taste me?”
A dark chuckle left his lips and he daringly swiped his tongue over the back of her shoulder blade. A small sound came out of her throat. “Oh because I want to. Ya see, I take great pleasure…nah, more like I get off on making a woman scream ma name. Ya have never felt what a man can make ya feel and I’m gonna give that ta ya first.”
Her eyes shot open at the pulse of feeling she felt below and she saw her now flushed cheeks in the mirror. “Raphael…I…”.
“Shh. Not tonight. Tonight, I’m givin’ you a taste before I taste you. Before I crawl in between your legs and fill my mouth with your pussy.”
He watched with dark amusement when he saw her nipple show through the silk of her nightgown. The robe she was wearing was open just enough for him to get a glimpse of that hard little peak. “That’s it, sweetheart.”
Her lips parted but she didn’t know what to say. She shifted on her stool and was surprised to feel a dampness that made her thighs slippery. What was this? Was something wrong with her?
Almost reading her thoughts and of course his mutant sense of smell picking up her scent he gently gripped her waist and started sliding his hand up. The other rested below the puncture wounds she’d received. 
She watched almost mesmerized seeing the large hand move up higher and higher until it rested just below her breast. She sat still, waiting on bated breath for what he would do next. 
He chuckled and it made her throb in a place she didn’t know she could throb in. Leaning in again he gently brushed his thumb along the side of her generous globe of flesh. Immogene jumped a little in her chair and then he moved away and stood. 
Only by the control that he gained by his training had he managed not to let his cock descend. She wasn’t ready to see that yet. Even if it was covered by his slacks. He held back the groan over seeing her aroused. “That’s enough fer tonight.”
Immogene blinked. She looked away. Had she been really about to ask him to keep going? 
Raphael cupped her cheek turning her face towards his. “I’m going to take care of a couple of things before bed. It will give you some time to think of how yer feeling right now and understand I made ya feel like that. I can also make ya feel a lot more than that, kitten.”
She composed herself quickly. “You take care of what you need to take care of and don’t worry about what I’ll be thinking about.”
A smirk broke out over his lips. “Goodnight, kitten.”
Raphael needed to leave before he changed his mind. He turned and strode towards the door. She had no fuckin’ clue about how she looked right now. He knew if he would have spread her legs he would have found her wet. The thought made his cock come out from his slit and strain against his pants. Damn he needed to take care of this and he knew just where to go.
Knocking on the engraved silver doors an older woman wearing a see through negligee opened the door. She swallowed and then reminding herself who he was she forced a smile on her face. “Master Shredder. How may my girls or myself service you tonight?” She opened the doors and gestured for him to enter.
Coming into the room he looked around. There were various Foot that looked his way. He made a gesture of dismissal and they went back to the women on their laps. From behind one of the closed doors he heard a woman cry out, but ignored it as it wasn’t a sound of pain. He looked to the matron and then at the unoccupied women. There were females human and mutant alike. Different shades of hair and fur, colours of eyes and body types came into view as his eyes scanned the room. He paused coming to the end and then looked again.
“Master Shredder? Is something amiss? Is there…”, the woman choked a little, her worry coming through in the sound, “Is there no one here that meets your tastes?” 
Raph looked at a curvy redhead sitting in the back. After a moment he dismissed her. “Nah, I’m just here ta make sure the boys are treatin’ the women right. I’m sure ya all have heard the new rules. I don’t care if these woman are here ta service tha men. They’re ta be treated with respect.” He looked back to the matron who was looking at him with her eyebrows arched. “Also, ya and yer girls are ta start receiving the money ya earn, all of it. Not a percentage. Every single fuckin’ penny. Ya hear that boys? Yer ta pay tha woman directly.” The Foot in attendance all affirmed that the order would be obeyed. It was different, but it didn’t change how much their charge would be. There were only a few that liked to be rough and none of them were in attendance that night. Lucky for them.
Immogene was putting lotion on her legs. She knew why the terrapin had left. He had gone to seek relief from the ladies of the night. Her lips pursed. Just as she was about to slip under the sheet the door opened and the Brute walked in. What was he doing back so soon?
The terrapin looked at the woman and then towards the bathroom. “That didn’t take as long as I thought. I’m gonna have a shower and then come ta bed. ‘Guess I’ll be digging ma fingers into my own flesh tonight.’ He thought. “I’ll be getting in whether yer asleep or not.” She saw his eyes roam over her body. “Like I said, earlier was enough fer tonight.” He looked at her and she could feel his scrutiny. “I’m glad ya killed that fucker. Good on ya kitten. Just so ya know, I’ll be takin’ care of Akito tomorrow. I want yer opinion on what we are gonna do wit’ him. I’d like yer…”, he grinned widely, “artistic opinion, on the matta.”
A small smile formed on her lips at the look in his eyes. “I look forward to it.”
He nodded. The smirk still on his face. “I wanna acknowledge Shouto and Fang as well. Bein’ who they are, they won’t want a public ceremony, but somethin’ should be done.”
Immogene thought for a moment. “I’ve seen Shouto admiring a blade in one of the rooms. The way he looks at it makes me think it has some meaning to him. Maybe you could present that? He’s not much for monetary recognition…just an idea.”
The terrapin put his hand to his jaw. “That’ll do just fine, kitten. But, you’ll be tha one ta give him the blade.” 
When the bathroom door shut she found herself still smiling. After a moment of thought she realized that yes, she was pleased that he hadn’t taken one of those women. She turned off the bedside table lamp on her side, but left his on low. 
By the time Raphael crawled into bed, he felt a bit better, but jerking himself off was only a temporary relief. He wanted to fist his cock while he was lapping away at her core. Rumbling and forcing himself to think of something else he turned towards the woman beside him after pulling the string on the lamp. “Goodnight, Immogene.”
She inhaled deeply. “Goodnight, Raphael.”
A few days later Raph was looking over the paper, his golden orbs lifted towards the woman’s changing screen. The stirring he had felt the other night came to the forefront of his mind. He remembered when his lips grazed over her smooth skin. His eyes took the same trail over her neck which was in silhouette that his lips had taken. Hearing a knock at the door, Raph quickly shook himself out of the almost hypnotized state that just her shadow had put him in. Judging from the sounds she was almost ready. When she stepped out from behind the screen, he gave her a nod and then turned his attention to the door. “Enta.”
Entering the room, one of the elite members looked between the terrapin and the woman before bowing his head, “Forgive my intrusion Master Shredder, Lady Immogene. There is an important matter that needs your attention, Master. The cargo of vodka just arrived and well, it has been discovered that the contents of the bottles has been watered down. One of the men broke one, which was how the find was made.”
Slapping the paper down on the table, the Brute sighed, “Of fuckin’ course.,” he growled lowly and he rubbed his hand down his face before turning his attention to the soldier. “I’ll be right there. Make sure tha chump that delivered tha goods doesn’t leave until we get this shit straightened out.” The man bowed and hurried to fulfill the instructions he’d been given. 
Standing up from his seat, the large turtle grabbed his suit jacket before glancing down at the woman who was now at his side. He could see the irritation in the green depths of her eyes. The Brutes shoulders instantly relaxed and an approving smirk crossed his lips. ‘Shes lookin’ fierca every day,’ He gently grasped her chin and brushed his forehead against hers, a habit that had been developed since the altercation with Slash. “Have a good day kitten, I’ll see ya in a while.,” He reluctantly turned away from her and left to take care of the situation.
“Fuckin moron! That’s tha last time I hav O’Bryan handlin that. Couldn’t even fuckin’ tell the juice was watered down!,” Raph growled, irritated at how easily the Irish gang leader had been duped. Glaring down at the path ahead of him, he continued onwards hoping his other little charge had managed to translate the documents he needed to move forward with landing a deal with the Russians. Though just as he was about to round the corner he heard an arrogant tone call out, “Oh! Master Shredder! Master Shredder!”
Hearing Baxter Stockmans’ voice, Gabriella held back a squeak as her lithe body jolted back in fear from catching a glimpse of the scientist. “Lady Gabriella wha…”, Traximus stopped talking the moment Gabby’s motioned for him to hush with her finger to her lips. Shaking her head frantically, the young woman pointed to the alcove near them. Trusting the tiny females’ instincts, Trax nodded before moving into the space, protectively placing himself in front of her. If the man and Raphael turned back this way, they would see the woman. 
Gabby nibbled her lower lip nervously, ‘What is that no good scheming scumbag up to now?’ she thought with trepidation.
“Phew finally we are able to meet at last, Master Shredder. I must say you are a very hard erm..individual to pin down, our powerful and illustrious leader,” Stockman stated in fake awe widening his arms for show. Silence was the only thing he was met with. He watched the barbarian reach in his pocket and took it as a sign to continue, “I must say that your show in the arena was quite a spectacle to watch, never have I seen such might displayed before.,” The scientist was using his go to in appealing to the fools brute strength and let his guard down. “My hope was to congratulate you on your victory, but you have yet to stop by the laboratories.,” He arched a brow when the terrapin lit a cigar.
“I’ve been busy,” Raphael gruffly stated and pulled a deep drag from the cigar. He held the smoke in his mouth for a moment before blowing out a ring towards the scientist.
Coughing a little, Baxter pushed down the irritation he felt towards the freak and clasped his hands in front of him, feigning indifference. “Ah yes of course! Intelligent men such as us are constantly busy. One does not wait for opportunity to come our…”,
“Wha tha hell do ya want, Stockman?,” the behemoths bored baritone voice cut through the man’s sentence like a knife. 
Chuckling nervously the man bowed, “Of course…”, putting on a fake smile he continued, “I don’t mean to interrupt you during your tasks, but I wanted to broach with a ‘delicate’ matter I feel needs addressing.” 
The ‘delicate’ part of the mad scientist sentence made Gabbys’ eyes narrowed suspiciously. She forced herself to remain silent when she heart the mutant turtle speak. “Oh? And wha would that be?” 
“Well, you see Master, word has reached my lab that Immogene has recently been in a confrontation with Slash and was injured…”, Baxter shook his head solemnly. “What a horrible ordeal she endured. I knew that menace of a mutant would be trouble, but no one listened to my warnings,” he shrugged, “sad really. This could have easily been preventable.” Noticing the pointed glare, Baxter quickly explained things, “I know that Immogene is an Amazon and is gifted with an extraordinary ability to heal quickly. Typically, I wouldn’t have suggested this so soon considering it is coming close to Immogene’s monthly examination, but with this new development it would be in her ‘best interest’ for me to see her sooner. Perhaps you could convince her to come to my lab oh…say this afternoon or evening. You know how some women can be with seeing a doctor, mostly concerned about their private matters.”
Baxter waited while holding his breath. Exhilaration then coursed through him when the imbecile before him rubbed his chin like he was thinking it over. ‘Oh, Baxter Stockman you clever genius! Once again, you’ve astounded yourself with your brilliant mind. The fool, even a single celled amoeba has a bigger brain cell than this juggernaut of a moron. Pure childs’ play, it’s almost sad how easily manipulated this incompetent oversized individual is. To think he truly believes that I will help the Amazon.' A dark sinister glint passed the over mans’ eyes, ‘Oh I most assuredly will help. Help myself to what is that amazing DNA of hers. She will look very nice dissected and gutted open on my examination table…,’ He was so eager to carry out his dastardly plans, he didn’t notice how the turtle was looking at him or know there were other privy to their conversation. 
Grasping Traximus shirt tightly, Gabby’s amber eyes widened in horror at realization that the evil scientist was trying to get Immogene all by herself. ‘NO! He…The bastard, he just wants to…’, she quickly shook her head, clearing the images Baxters’ previous test subjects, aka victims filled her mind. She couldn’t allow this to happen.
“Mmm a’right.,” The Brute’s gruff words made Gabby gasp softly not wanting to believe he was actually considering it. A pleased and triumphant smile crossed the scientists’ lips. “I’ll bring this up ta Immogene.”
Baxter narrowed his eyes for just a second before pushing his point. “Just remember, Immogene will probably be against this appointment, she always tries to make some kind of excuse. Poor dear, I have her bed interests at heart.” Raphael only nodded.
“Excellent. I will have all the preparations ready by the time she arrives.” Turning to walk back the way he came, Baxter waved back, “Oh don’t you worry about a thing Master Shredder. I will give her nothing but special treatment,” the last words were spoken with a dark malicious tone. Now that things were settled, all he had to figure out was if he should cryofreeze the woman’s remains for future studies, or put them in formaldehyde filled jars? Oh, he would figure it out at some point, now all he had to do was wait and start planning a way to get the little dragon mutt in his grasp as well. With Immogene gone, chaos would sure follow and he could probably get the brute of a terrapin as well.
Staring after the scientist, the turtle tsked his tongue in disgust, “Finally got rid of tha bastard. He hasn’t changed one bit. God can that fucka cam still yap.” he growled. Closing his eyes, the males’ lips pursed taking a deep drag from his cigar before sighing, “Got somethin’ ta add ta all of this, little pixie?” The Brute had been aware of both Gabby and Traximus presence the whole time.
“Yes.” Gabby managed to stutter out and stepped out from the alcove. She sighed heavily, “I do have something to add.” Holding the files tightly, Gabby approached the gigantic male. “Please. You can’t let Immogene go anywhere near Baxter Stockman. That madman has no good intentions towards her whatsoever,” she firmly stated before stopping in front of the male.
“Oh? Tell me why that is? Isn’t he the head scientist of this joint,” Raph calmly asked intrigued with the sudden boldness of the small woman.
Judging the turtle’s expression, Gabby stood tall andcontinued, “He is. But even so the previous Shredder and my,” her glowed angrily as she softly hissed, “ex’ husband never left us alone with him during our examinations.” The folders full of documents made a crinkling sound as she twisted them to try and calm her nerves. There was a glint of fear that darkened the womans eyes while she reminisced, “From day one, Baxter spoke of his intention for us. More specifically he wanted to experiment and dissect both myself and Immogene for our unique DNA to further his research.,” she sighed sadly and her eyes grew distant, “I couldn’t tell you how many times Oroku and Kanto brought us down to the lab to show us what happened to Baxters ‘test subjects.’ They did this to help us remember to behave ourselves.” 
Shaking her head of the images of the deceased, Gabby did not notice the dark enraged look in the turtle’s eyes, nor that Traximus fists were clenched tightly. “I know I have no physical proof to back my claim. But believe me, Baxter is a snake that will lie to get what he wants. He is arrogant and so full of himself that I have no doubt he believes that he effectively fooled you. He never thought highly of mutants to begin with. I beg of you please don’t…”, She snapped her head up and the words stalled in her her throat when a large hand encompassed her shoulder. 
“No beggin’ needed or required. Thought I told ya that.” Giving her shoulder a reassuring squeeze, he put his hand firmly in his pocket and sighed, “Ain’t ma first time wit tha pompous douchebag. Creep hasn’t changed one bit. Still blowin’ hot gas out of that snivelin’ flappa of his. Probably thinks it makes him smarta or some shit.,” he then chuckled darkly, “don’t worry bout it, I’ll deal wit im.”
Putting out his cigar in a nearby plant he looked to the woman. “Now then. Ya got something fer me?” Gabby went over to the plant and pick out the cigar bud, making the Brute chuckle.“Huh oh..uhh,” looking at the files she handed them to the behemoth. 
She watched as the turtle’s eyes darted over the pages. “Nice work.” He gave her a nod.  “Wait!,” she exclaimed when the male began to walk away. “Why did you let me speak if you already knew about Baxter?”
Traximus chuckled at this while a wide smirk crossed the Brute lips, “Why? Heh well that’s easy.,” he glanced at the woman over his shoulders, “I wanted ta see tha fire in yer belly. Plus..ya gave me even more ammunition,” his tone dripped with menace. “I’m sure ya can undastand that I want ta go ova this wit Immogene first though right?” 
Staring at the the terrapins shell the young woman was struck dumbfounded by the by his words, “Yeah…I think I do.” She shook her head and then looked up at a smiling mutant triceratops. “Your boss is an ‘interesting’ individual Trax.,” she said which earned a knowing laugh from him.
To be continued…
@ravn-87 @turtle-babe83 @aurora-the-kunoichi @verothexeno @raphielover @nikitaboeve
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top-notch-swords · 2 years
So I just got this comment on my most recent Aiden/Lambert fic and this person left it anonymously therefore we have the right to laugh (we do anyways)
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I have just a couple things to say about this.
1) My brother in Christ, you realize that Lambert is a fictional character, correct?
2) My brother in Christ, you realize that this pairing is TECHNICALLY not even canon, right?
3) My brother in Christ, you realize that me choosing a particular SKIN of a character does not change the actual character, right?
4) My brother in Christ, it’s FREE fanfiction.
5) My brother in Christ, it would have cost you ABSOLUTELY NOTHING to not leave this comment. In fact, you took the time to type this out, further impacting yourself and not me, correct?
6) My brother in Christ, you still READ the 10k word kinky smut all the way to the bottom just to leave this comment, correct?
7) My brother in Christ, you realize I have read the books and played the game AND watched Netflix and just chose the SKIN of Lambert I wanted, correct?
and lastly,
8) My brother in Christ, you realize the most “shallow and gross” thing here is you leaving a hate comment anonymously, correct? Say it to my face you flaccid fuck.
Anyways. The last thing I want to say is Netflix’s actor for Lambert, Paul Bullion, is an absolutely remarkable human being that I admire very deeply and would not have known about had it not been for the Netflix series. Just yesterday he competed in another triathlon to raise money for the Calm Zone, a non-profit that campaigns against “living miserably” and suicide. I want to believe that this commenter doesn’t have ill will towards the cast for working with what they had, but my brother in Christ, I took that as disrespect.
Also @just-a-himbo-and-his-feral-bard / @frecklesanddamane helped me write this fic so you’re attempting to insult her too and now we are laughing.
Shite like this is the reason I’ve not been posting on this account too much, which is a shame, because I actually post my writing and put myself out there unlike whomever decided to be the bastard bairn of an Anonymous Andy and Negative Nancy today.
Anyways, thanks for leaving the comment lol, good to know my fic is getting out there :)
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fuffy2002 · 2 years
i will now rate all 4 sets from 1-4 (1 being best 4 being worst)
1. evanescence. obviously evanescence had the best performance. amy lee was stunningly beautiful even from the lawn. i was worried she wouldnt sound good live but she was AMAZING. ngl i almost cried during My Immortal not even joking. 1000000/10 im an evanescence fan now.
2. korn. what we came for. they were really good!!! it was amazing, jonathan davis is a legend, and the energy at the venue was amazing. people were dancing. unfortunately we had to leave halfway thru their set because it was getting late and we wanted to dip out early to beat traffic, also all the 50 yr old korn fans were super drunk and getting pretty rowdy. 8/10 would see again but probably not in ohio lol
3. helmet. idk much about them but they were super good! really modest and lowkey and nice, really good music. not very theatrical but they were the best opener. 7.5/10 honestly wish they got more applause from the audience ):
4. jeris johnson. motherfucking jeris johnson. im going to go on a rant. i had never heard of jeris johnson before i saw the poster for this concert and then completely forgot about him until we showed up to the venue. he definitely gave me a performance to remember. whoever he was playing with was pretty good, but my god. i need to speak with whoever decided it would be a good idea for this scumbag to open for motherfucking korn and MISS AMY LEE. he was trying wayyyy too hard to be edgy (bro literally said “WHO’S READY TO GET DECAPITATED”. embarrassing.) , only did covers (and did them completely wrong btw im talking wrong lyrics (btw btw he can't sing.)) and at the end asked people to follow him on instagram. tons of people booed him when he said that lmfao. but the story doesnt end there, my dear friends. oh no. i went onto his instagram and this is his most recent video. [trigger warning for ugly white man eating raw bleeding meat and then making out with some random chick]
???WHAT IS THIS SHIT. this is.. idek how to describe this. disgusting. disturbing. cringe. all of the above. most of the comments are hate comments. who is this fool. why did they let this douchebag open. he seems like a very unpleasant person. -10000000/10 don't you EVER disrespect amy lee AGAIN. *grabs throat*
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what do you think of aang's comments in "the southern raiders" and what they meant to katara? I watched that episode recently with my sister who dislikes atla, and assessed similar things to what certain people of the fandom are saying: "aang didn't understand her", "aang was pushing his beliefs onto her", "it didn't seem like he knew her", etc. she was more fair than those people of course because she did say it was realistic that he'd be so worried since she recognizes that he does love her.
Honestly those arguments are all,, tired. They’re outdated. They’re boring. They’re wrong. They’re a result of a fundamental misunderstanding of A:TLA canon. This isn’t to say that those who genuinely, truly believe these arguments are terrible people (obviously not lmao), but somewhere along the line they had a seed planted in their mind that posits them to have inherent dislike for Aang. And honestly? I just feel sorry for them, because not understanding and appreciating Aang means their A:TLA experience really can’t be that great. But I digress!
“aang didn’t understand her”
Oh, what’s the post? Right - “Fandom once again forgets that Aang is the sole survivor of genocide.” Aang understands better than anyone else what Katara is going through*. There is a direct parallel between Aang finding Gyatso’s skeleton and Katara finding Kya’s body. I’m not going to sit here and argue which was more traumatizing (literally can’t stand when people do that) because you can’t quantify grief like that, but it cannot be denied that Aang has experienced something incredibly similar to what Katara has gone through: the loss of a close parental figure followed by finding said parent’s corpse. Not only that, but Aang and Katara both share a unique sense of helplessness intertwined with their grief regarding their parental figures’ deaths. For Katara, there are the questions of:
- what if I wasn’t a waterbender
- what if I had run a little faster
- what if I had fought against Yon Rha back then
All leading to “Could I have saved her?” For Aang, there are the questions of:
- what if I wasn’t the Avatar
- what if I hadn’t run away
- what if I had stayed to fight the Fire Nation back then
All leading to “Could I have saved him?” Both of them feel incredibly guilty on a personal level about the death of their parental figures, thus blaming themselves. Katara tries to push it off onto Zuko/the Fire Nation and Aang tries to suppress it entirely, but ultimately it is revealed how closely they hold responsibility to their chests. For Aang, it comes out in “The Storm.” For Katara, it comes out in “The Southern Raiders.” So, bullshit that Aang doesn’t understand Katara! He understands her grief better than anyone.
Also, many, many people have gone into this before, but Aang’s example of Appa being stolen was not callous/rude/etc. Appa was the last living piece of his culture. Appa is not “just a pet.” People who insist so are the actual ones being callous, not Aang. And, as Aang himself says, “How do you think I felt about the Fire Nation when I found out what happened to my people?” Aang has experienced more hurt at the hands of the Fire Nation than anyone. There’s a great meta here that delves into Aang’s experiences as the sole survivor of genocide. I don’t understand how someone could acknowledge all that Aang has lost (read: he has lost everything) and then argue that he doesn’t understand Katara’s pain. Like, what? Do you have no sense of empathy?
But most importantly, from Katara herself: “Thanks for understanding, Aang.” She says this after her initial dismissal of him. So take it from the source, my friend - Katara believed Aang understood her. Who are we to argue?
*The only exception perhaps being Sokka, since Kya was indeed his mother, too, but it is worth noting that Sokka did not have the same experience of seeing Kya’s dead body or feeling the intense self-blame that Katara did.
“aang was pushing his beliefs onto her”
It is SO funny how those SAME people have NO problem with everyone in the Gaang telling Aang to kill Ozai the finale! Y’know, when they were disregarding the pacifistic beliefs of his people in exchange for emphasizing their, ahem, more aggressive ones? SO funny! I’m laughing SO hard right now!
Heavy sarcasm, in case it wasn’t obvious. They’re hypocrites and they know it.
But, more importantly, Aang was not pushing his beliefs onto her? At all?? Tell me where in the episode Aang:
- refused to let Katara go after Yon Rha
- told Katara what she was doing was wrong
- told Katara that HE was right and that SHE needed to listen to HIM
Here’s the thing: none of that ever happened! Not only does Aang accept that Katara needs to go (see: “I wasn’t planning to [stop you]. This is a journey you need to take. You need to face this man.”), but he allows her to take Appa on her journey. Appa, the last living piece of his culture. Aang has incredible trust in Katara, and his choice to send Appa with her (essentially sending a piece of himself with her) demonstrates this fact clearly. That should end the discussion point blank, but I guess I’ll break down the lines people seem to have issues with:
1) “It’s okay, because I forgive you. [Pauses.] That give you any ideas?”
Honestly, the criticism this line gets is laughable to me. People use it to argue that Aang was being disrespectful to Katara’s feelings and?? I hate to break it to them, but you HAVE to look at the context a line is in if you’re going to judge it. That is Analysis 101: Context is Everything. This moment is used to break tension. That type of scenario is an entire literary trope, okay? A:TLA did not invent it! Shakespeare literally did it in Romeo and Juliet when he had Peter argue with musicians about something stupid after Juliet’s “death.” The whole point is to break tension before more serious scenes. In R&J, it is before the lovers kill themselves, and in A:TLA, it is before Katara leaves with Zuko to confront Yon Rha. That’s why there’s another moment just like it at the end of that scene! Y’know, Sokka asking to borrow Momo for no reason? It breaks tension! It’s a moment of respite before weighty scenes! It’s incredibly common in every form of media! This is what no Humanities classes did to some of y’all, I swear to God. So yeah, Aang was not disrespecting Katara’s feelings with this. It’s just a tension-breaker. Sorry to be the bearer of bad news for those who devoutly believed it was a sign of Aang being a Horrible Person. You were wrong, ain’t no big thing, go drink some water and stay hydrated okay darlings?
2) “I don’t think so. I think it’s about getting revenge.”
Um, a major point of “The Southern Raiders” is that Aang was right about Katara’s initial drive to face Yon Rha? It was a quest for revenge? Katara literally bloodbends, an ability she was forced to learn and essentially feels cursed to bear? Also, nowhere here does Aang tell Katara she was a horrible person for feeling angry and wanting revenge. He simply brings her attention to the reality that what she’s currently seeking is revenge. He’s worried about her. She’s his best friend! He loves her! He doesn’t want her to kill Yon Rha because he knows that for Katara to have blood on her hands from a revenge quest would hurt her tremendously. (As a matter of fact, the audience knows - or should know - this, too.) So, sorry that Aang expresses concern for her? Apparently not wanting your best friend to murder someone is forcing your beliefs onto them? Damn. Y’all are harsh these days.
3) “The monks used to say that revenge is like a two-headed rat viper. While you watch your enemy go down, you’re being poisoned yourself.” // “Katara, you do have a choice: forgiveness.” // “No, it’s not. It's easy to do nothing, but it’s hard to forgive.” // “But when you do, please don’t choose revenge. Let your anger out, and then let it go. Forgive him.”
I put all the forgiveness quotes together since people tend to complain about them as a whole. But like,, I really don’t see how this is Aang forcing his beliefs onto her? He asks her to choose forgiveness. And just speaking plainly: on an emotional level, it is better for someone to forgive than to murder. Killing someone is not easy, even if you hate that person with every bone in your body, and it will mentally scar whomever does it. Y’all know this! It’s obvious! I shouldn’t have to say it! But Aang knows this, too, and thus he doesn’t want to see Katara kill Yon Rha and perhaps kill a part of herself in the process. Katara is not a killer. I’m not arguing about whether she could have or even if she wanted to, because you know what, she admits she was tempted, but Katara is not a killer. An FMA quote is very fitting here:
“Your hands weren’t meant to kill. They were meant to give life.”
Why should Katara have to live with a man’s murder on her conscience, especially when his death would be a result of fruitless revenge? The answer is simple: she shouldn’t, and Aang doesn’t want her to. Katara is a warrior. A healer. A leader. A friend. But not a killer.
Anyways. Back to my point: Aang is not forcing his beliefs onto her here. He’s offering her another option, the option she ends up choosing, albeit she extends forgiveness to Zuko instead. And Prince Holier-Than-Thou (jk love you Zuzu) acknowledges it himself: “You [Aang] were right about what Katara needed.” Aang didn’t force anything on Katara here. He reminded her of her choices, he reminded her about the consequences of revenge, and he reminded her about the value of forgiveness. Never once did he tell her she had to forgive Yon Rha or else. And when it came down to it, he stepped aside, and he let her go, because he knew this was a journey she needed to take. So… He actually did the exact opposite of forcing his beliefs onto her! He respected her feelings and let her make her own decision! Seriously, how many pairs of anti-Aang goggles do people have to wear to genuinely believe otherwise??
“it didn't seem like he knew her”
Ohhhhhh my God this is SO close to one of the actual points of the episode! So close!! It’s not that Aang didn’t know her; it’s that Katara wasn’t acting like herself. I’ve talked about it before here and here, but Katara was incredibly consumed by her emotions in “The Southern Raiders.” It’s why she ignores Zuko the entire time before they leave on Appa! It’s why she makes that callous comment to Sokka about their mother that we know she never would have made normally! She is drowning in grief about her mother’s absence, guilt regarding her mother’s death, and anger about Zuko (she still does not trust him, and yet he can lead her to her mother’s killer; I don’t know about y’all, but that is really freaking difficult to reconcile). So when Aang compares her to Jet, it’s not a far-off description. She is acting like Jet, because she’s consumed by grief and hurt and anger and she’s not acting like herself. It is instrumental, too, that Katara isn’t acting like herself, because it makes her decision not to pursue revenge and instead offer a second third chance to Zuko even more profound. “I’m proud of you,” Aang tells her, and damn! The audience is, too! I was incredibly proud of her for finding her way out of what can be a bottomless spiral for some people. So again, it wasn’t that Aang didn’t know her. It was that Katara wasn’t acting like herself (I guess meaning… no one knew her?).
In conclusion, literally all of these anti-Aang arguments regarding TSR are exhausting and so easily disprovable. The fact that they somehow manage to live on is evidence that people just want excuses to hate Aang, plain and simple. Like, it’s so easy to just say you don’t vibe with his character? You don’t have to pull BS excuses to “justify” it? I don’t vibe with Ty Lee as much as I do other characters (although I have recently grown much more fond of her; bless the Renaissance for more Mailee content, even if some of it is just a Zukka byproduct), but y’all don’t see me twisting her sacrifice in “Boiling Rock” to make it seem like it was selfish or something (mostly because, spoiler alert, it wasn’t). Like, you can say Aang isn’t your favorite and move on instead of using the same boring rhetoric over and over and over that just makes it look like you lack critical thinking. :/
TL;DR - Aang’s comments to Katara in “The Southern Raiders” came from a place of concern. A place of wisdom. A place of love. And honestly? I think Katara realizes this, and she’s grateful to him all the more for it.
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imkeepinit · 2 years
Facebook post by Georgia McBride, September 13, 2016
I'm angry and hurt today. I've read some of your posts on my feed in recent weeks. Said nothing. Felt the sting of your words, but said nothing. Long post to follow. Please forgive typos. Feel free to share. My posts are set to "public. "Today, I will speak. I will speak because some athletes not standing for our flag doesn't affect you. Sure. It might anger you, but it does not affect the quality of your life. But every time a black person is gunned down and the video is played over and over on national and international TV, it affects me. It affects my kids and my family. And we're not criminals. We aren't walking down the street wearing hoodies and carrying Skittles and Iced Tea. You know, like a criminal who deserves to be killed. And when YOU defend that action, it affects me. It affects all of us. And you know what else? It affects my husband. It makes his job a lot less safe and it makes him a target of additional violence and hatred. If you want to "unfriend" me, go right ahead. If you want to label me, I assure you, I have been called worse than anything you can fathom. I have been treated BY COPS in the most disrespectful and blatantly racist ways. I don't speak about it in public to protect my husband. One day, I will, to protect my children. If you don't get that we have a problem in this country with the way blacks and whites are treated, you and I aren't really friends to begin with. It isn't a difference of opinion. We don't "disagree." It is a fundamental underlying point of view that sets you above me in a position to determine whether blacks have a legitimate right to be heard on their grievances and have those grievances addressed. And because those grievances don't directly affect you, you dismiss them and employ the same tactics as those who victim shame women who are sexually assaulted, raped and beaten. Ryan Locthe went to represent the United States to the world in another country. He committed a crime, lied about it and fled prosecution. This is a true disgrace to our country. The Constitution doesn't protect his right to commit crimes in other countries or flee responsibility for them. I never once saw anyone call him a criminal, anti-American or refer to his race when referencing the crime. No real outrage except to dismiss him as dumb, a tool, a jerk. Yet, more people are outraged that an American football player who represents his team, not the United States, refuses to stand for the national anthem. More people are concerned that Gabby Douglas didn't place a hand over her heart during the anthem than they were about Ryan Locthe's criminal behavior. Several other athletes (white) never covered their hearts during the anthem and crickets. No outrage. None from the Internet patriots. No posts about how lucky they were to be chosen to represent the country and how they failed to show gratitude. Fast forward. All ppl posting negative comments re Colin Kaepernick, meet Georgia McBride. Let me address what I've seen you call the man "and others like him." I'm not a spoiled millionaire athlete. I'm not "ignorant." I don't hate cops. I don't hate America. I'm not leaving America - tho nice try. I stand for the anthem. I'm not "brainwashed" by Black Lives Matter. My mother does not have 20 kids by 10 different men. My father never abandoned us. I am not on welfare. Don't know anyone who is. I am not on drugs. Don't know anyone who is. I'm not racist. No really. I'm not. 95% of my friends are white. I come from a family of Ivy-League and City and State college-educated people. My husband is a cop as was his father and uncle. My brother was a cop. My father was in the military. My cousins are in the military. I was never a latch-key kid. I don't know anyone in a gang. My cousin is a politician. I have never lived in the "projects." I have teachers, nurses, businessmen, former FDNY in my immediate and extended family. So what will you call me? How will you disparage me? My kids? My family? My friends? How will you discredit me? How will use my skin color and background to prove I'm wrong and uninformed? How will you convince the world that I am brainwashed by Black Lives Matter? How will write me off as a gang-banging, welfare-loving, no-father-in-the-house-having, Black Lives Matter racist terrorist? I owe my entire life to protests - both peaceful and violent. To civil disobedience, and acts of courage and defiance that seem inappropriate or un-American and at the time, were illegal. Neither laws nor minds nor hearts are changed by silence and compliance. Think about that. Maybe it is disrespectful to kneel during the national anthem, but the Constitution protects that right same as it does for civilian gun ownership, which you all know I am fervently against. Back to protests. Were it not for brave protests like this one, my life and that of my family would be vastly different. I ask you to think about that next time you label something a "joke" or "disgusting" or "wrong" or post disparaging memes and comments about a few young men doing what they can to change the lives of many and who are giving a voice to those without one. I ask you NOT to judge them on what YOU feel they should be doing, but rather what they are doing. Would you risk your job, future income, personal safety and that of your family and friends to bring attention to injustice in this country? How do you not realize that this is what they're doing? Should I have to risk my job, my home, my life just to have the same rights afforded to you? Just to be able to have my kids walk down the street in their own neighborhood without being suspected of being a criminal or worse, shot to death? All those people saying he is disrespecting the military - think about this. This is HIS way of fighting. He has no protection. No training. Few people on his side. He is fighting here, in the United States, as people have threatened to kill him and his family. People burn his jersey on YouTube, football fans are filled with so much hatred that they are vowing never to watch football again in order to bankrupt the NFL. Why? Because a few black men kneeled or sat during the national anthem. These people are more concerned with this than WHY the men did what they did. Think about how YOUR comments and YOUR actions impact those around you. Think about how the memes which started out as calling him anti-American have now have turned blatantly racist. THINK ABOUT THAT. Think about how your lack of concern for the people he is speaking out for reflects on you. Think about all the smart white people telling the not-too-smart black people how to solve problems in "the black community" as if they have any clue at all? And the kicker? Posting the one or two black people who share your POV as proof that the millions of other blacks and whites are actually wrong. Please stop. PLEASE STOP. You stand for the national anthem at sporting events. Big deal. I'm guessing you don't when you're out to eat and a game is on. Or when you're watching the game at home. Nope. Only when people can see you and judge you for how patriotic they think you are. If it weren't for people calling bullshit on this country, our kids wouldn't be in school together. I wouldn't have my own business. My husband would not be allowed to be a cop. I would not have been allowed to marry my husband. It would've been illegal for me to have both my kids. As a woman I would not have been allowed to have credit in my own name or to have property such as a house or car in my own name. We would not have equal pay for equal work. I wouldn't be able to live in the neighborhood that I currently live in. Local friends, we would not have a female Chief of Police. I reprimand and punish my kids because I love them. To teach them that what they did was wrong so they won't do it again. Does this mean I hate my kids? I'm anti-children? If my spouse does something to hurt me and I tell him about it - I ask him to change - it isn't because I don't love him. If someone has an issue with a teacher or a doctor - do they hate teachers and doctors? Are they anti-education and anti-medical science? If someone has an issue with a cop's behavior, this makes him anti-cop? Un-American? Oh wait. We need to get right in this country. We need to recognize the problems we have and address them, no matter how painful. No matter if they don't affect us. Feel free to speak out against an athlete not standing for the national anthem because yeah - that's the change we need. All will be right in this country once NFL players return to showing respect for the national anthem. That's sarcasm.
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surfalldaybaby · 4 years
First this fandom is so fucking toxic it’s honestly hard to read posts or want to interact with people anymore. Some of yall I’m legit worried about how you see and interact with other people. You’re posts seem to lack so much compassion, objectivity, and have such a hard core judgements on morality.
Yall acting like Mor is the devil when all she did throw Nestas bad attitude in her face. She put her in her place after Mor tried to reach out to Nesta- did y’all forget- and Nesta was unreasonabley rude and cold back to Mor.
Nesta was treating Cassian like shit during the war so Mor told Nesta to go clean up with the same tone of voice. I would be defensive over my friend as well if some girl I don’t know was debasing his name based on being of a lesser bloodline. Like what the fuck?
Literally there hasn’t been ANY other circumstance to show Mors disrespect except for in the recent chapters.
The Hewn City comment was a lot but she is also a survivor of assault, seen Nesta be cruel to Feyre and Cassian, seen her alienate Elain, and watched her spend her courts money on booze and gambling when the people of her court, the people she loves are still suffering from the invasion. I don’t blame Mor for disliking Nesta. Nestas attitude directly correlates with the lack of care and cruelty that she saw and experienced in the Hewn City. We only know Nesta isn’t really like that because we see her POV and know more of her story. Mor doesn’t. Yall exagérate and dramatize the mutual dislike or apathy they have and use any single excuse to hate Mor. It’s disgusting. Just say you hate women who don’t do exactly as you would like and leave.
Mor is a survivor. She was almost murdered and raped at 17-18 after being abused by her family for her whole life. She turned that darkness in her into something beautiful and kind and forgiving but she isn’t always rational in that thinking. Y’all forgive nestas blatant lack of ability to get past her trauma and all the dysfunctionality that that causes but put a time limit on Mors trauma and judge her reactions to everything. You can’t put a time limit on someone’s grief or trauma! She was saved by Cassian and Az and Rhys and for 500 years they made a family and yall seem to think that relationship can be torn down or diminished because of Nesta? No. Trauma, abuse, and healing looks different for everyone and who the fuck are you to judge her? If you wanna judge Mor are you also going to judge Nesta for spending money that should have been used to rebuild innocent people’s houses and lives and help their children and instead went to seedy bars and gambling? Instead went to taking precious resources and basically shitting on everything that they mean? No I don’t think you are gonna judge for her that. Just because youre biased and have a prejudice against Mor doesn’t mean you are vindicated or correct. Try to be objective.
Even more disgusting some of you ship Eris, Mors abuser, with Nesta, a victim of abuse. That is fucking unbelievabley disgusting and startlingly cruel. You would want nesta to be a relationship with the one person Mor still cannot speak to or look at because he almost murdered her and incited so much fear in her that it’s taken her 500 years to grow event a little bit of strength back? I can’t get past that ever. You know who also can’t get past that. Cassian or any of the inner circle. For good fucking reason.
Mor is the seeming exact opposite of Nesta and she conforms to a lot of societal norms that Nesta doesn’t, so it’s interesting to see how once that dynamic was solidified people jumped on the bandwagon to hate Mor specifically while being infatuated and seeing no faults or wrongdoing with Nesta. When the characters are literally all written to have faults.
If you really want to say you hate her because of Cassian and how she and Cass treat Nesta they treat her like she treats them, a little standoffishish, rude and observant.
For most of the books Mor is said to have just ignored Nesta like literally that’s it. She doesn’t make comments when Feyre or Cassian speaks about her she minds her business until this moment when ALL the inner circle was speaking about what to do with Nesta.
As of right now there is no Nessian. It doesn’t exist. There’s a bond but Mor isn’t acting like she’s Cassians best friend friend and Nesta doesn’t matter. ITS THE REALITY. Mor is acting like she’s acted with Cassian for 500 years and he hasn’t told her to back off. That’s on him. Friends who flirt, friends who love eachother as viciously as they love eachother are not going to relent on their affection for some woman who continually is disrespectful and questions Cassians worth because of his bastard status- which is Inherently racist but y’all seem to gloss over that. Nesta is not worth that right now because she is still not a good person. Objectively nesta is not a good person she has lots of faults that even the author has said need to be brought up and worked through. She has a lot to be sorry for. I honestly think once Nessian is solidified, if it is, Mor will 100% back up on the obvious affection and blurred boundaries. As of now she hasn’t had too.
Pretty disgusting y’all hold genders to different standards. Mor and Nesta are very similar and it’s wild how y’all pick and choose whose trauma is ignored or applauded and whose is explored and ridiculed. You can’t hate one female for doing the same thing as another, holding one female up as if she can’t do anything wrong. HOLD THE SAME ENERGY!
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poisonfallen · 3 years
Your take on cancel culture and stan culture?
Oh boy, oh boy, it's happening.
Alright, let's talk about toxic people on the internet. And keep in mind that my opinion goes beneath the mcyt community. I feel the same about the kpop community and any other community that is famous for having lots of toxic people. 
Also, keep in mind that this is my opinion about these topics, I don’t intend to offend or misinform anybody. I might be wrong, and if I am wrong indeed, please help me correct any mistake that I’ve done.
Cancel culture
Before ranting about its toxicity, let's understand what it actually means and how it works.
What is cancel culture? 
Well, according to Wikipedia, “cancel culture or call-out culture is a modern form of ostracism in which someone is thrust out of social or professional circles – whether it be online, on social media, or in person” (source). 
Basically, cancel culture is the process of ceasing offering support to a public figure after saying or doing something that is considered objectionable or offensive. 
In theory, cancel culture is a good thing that helps the victims speak up and properly defend themselves, as well as preventing other people from doing the same mistakes. No harm done to innocent people, just a way of saying why a certain person or a certain company has done something that really hurt a category of people. Some even say that it’s an exercise of free speech.
However, while a culture that encourages calling out inappropriate behaviour is important, a culture that is quick to cancel and reluctant to forgive is something that divides the internet and starts wars in the trial of defending an opinion that is not shared by every single person on the internet, thus becoming the thing that its purpose is to defeat. (a vicious cycle of hatred)
So why is it toxic?
From my point of view, I don’t think that cancel culture is a toxic thing in theory. But the way people actually use it is what concerns (and bothers) me. 
In its current form, anonymous and fuelled by negative emotions, cancel culture has the power to destroy a person’s career in a matter of minutes. There are no gray areas, just the white and black pack mentality: “I am right and you are wrong”. 
The subject of the cancelation becomes “cancelled” for disagreeing with a certain opinion, and the cancelled one feels like the whole world is hating them. No one can argue that going through a cancellation, no matter how big or small it is, can severely affect one’s mental health and leave them scarred for life. 
Cancel culture, at this point, is bullying someone famous without facing the consequences. We are already used to surf the web and stumble across someone’s cancelation over something that not even in our wildest dreams we would be able to imagine otherwise. 
I think that all of us are familiar with a stupid cancelation, like canceling someone over a burger that somehow became the sole reason of obesity (see: Dream MrBeast burger). We can’t help but laugh at people trying to cancel someone for a stupid reason. 
But, unfortunately, not all of our cancelations are stupid or laughable. There are people cancelled over their physical aspect or them not being political active, people cancelled over being friends with certain people or over saying something that is now considered to be slightly offensive a few years ago. The ones who are under the spotlight can’t make jokes or take decisions by themselves, they are supposed to be the marionettes of their fans. 
(I do not intend to say that all cancelations are bad, but I’m trying to highlight how the majority of the most recent cancelations are out of place. If someone actually tries to actively harm your minority, your beliefs etc. you should call out that inappropriate behaviour, but without purposely harming that person as a means of payback) 
There is also a toxic behaviour that I’ve noticed in a cancelation: the “I forgive you”/”I don’t forgive you” phrase used by people who have no right to do so. If you are part of the minority who has been hurt, then you have every right to forgive or not someone for saying or doing something hurtful towards your minority. 
But if you are not a part of that minority, shut the f*** up. By speaking on behalf of a minority while you aren’t part of that minority you take away the right of actually addressing the issue from the people who are part of that minority. You can support them from the sides and let them express their pain with their own voice. They perfectly capable of addressing the issue, they need your support but not you taking the spotlight away from the actual problem.
What is my take on cancel culture?
I think that there are more civil ways of resolving an issue without actively trying to destroy someone’s career. Instead of cancelling that person, we could educate them (but not in that harmful way I’ve seen on twitter) on the subject and on why their words or actions are hurtful. 
We should remember that we are all humans and that every human makes mistakes. Don’t forget that children learn by making mistakes. And while I’m well aware that we are not talking about children here, you should also be well aware that we are talking about actual humans with feelings. 
Cancelation should be the last weapon we use, but only if that person refuses to give an apology and educate themselves on the subject. 
Overall, don’t. Just don’t cancel people. Don’t attack people on the internet. Don’t try to harm people on the internet. 
Some of you might disagree with my opinion and I’m open to criticism as long as you can help me educate more on the subject.
Now let’s move on to the other topic
Stan culture
Before I start talking about this one, I’d like to point out that stans actually scare me, a lot. 
What is stan culture?
“Stan culture describes an online phenomenon in which communities of stalker fans, or stans, engage in overly enthusiastic support of a favorite celebrity online (called “stanning”), including at times vehement, coordinated attacks against detractors and critics” (source). 
Basically stan = stalker + fan. 
There are also people who say that the word stan comes from Eminem’s song “Stan” which tells the story of a crazed fan. I do recommend listening to the lyrics of this song if Eminem is not your cup of tea, it’s a good intake in what stan culture was at the beginning of 2000′s.
To be honest, I don’t have anything more to add at this section. Anything more I’d say would, in the end, be the same as what was already stated. (but you can see my opinion on it with more comments at the end)
It stan culture toxic?
You have to live under a rock if you had never seen a stan on twitter or tumblr. You usually recognize them by their profile pictures, the content they share, their posts and their ready to argue behaviour in case you insult or disagree with the ones they worship. 
I’d like to point out that there is a fine line between a stan and a fan: stans know no length when it comes to defending their object of worship and often have really toxic ways of expressing their opinions, while a fan is there just to enjoy their favourite content without engaging in harmful discussion and hate speeches. 
This topic is filled with controversy. In essence, stanning should be a means of showing support. The majority of them don’t even realize the toxicity they spread only after leaving the fandom. 
The real problem here is the moment when they engage in conflicts without entertaining the thought that they might be wrong. Anything they do is right and their object of worship can say or do no mistake. This extends to the point of sending death threats and even doxxing. 
For those who don’t know about doxxing, short for dropping dox: doxxing is an internet slang that means to publish personal information (of an individual) on the internet. You can find more about it here.
With no intend to disrespect or disregard one’s religious beliefs, you can say that stanning is like being part of a religion. The stans are the extremist people who practice that religion, while the fans are those who practice it from time to time (eg. like a Christian who goes to Church only on Christmas and Easter - me). 
In the end, stan culture is toxic to both the stans and celebrities. 
Is there a connection between stan culture and cancel culture?
They are both toxic internet cultures, this one is right for sure.
From what I’ve noticed during my short timed stay on twitter, a lot of cancelations are made by stans from the same community or different communities. 
I’m part of mcyt community, so I’ve seen a lot of Dream fans and Dream antis fighting over the past months, trying to cancel each other and harm each other. It’s mental seeing people actively trying to do these kind of things just because they love or hate a certain person. Of course that we can’t tie the situation to a certain content creator. 
I know that his also happens a lot in the kpop community where stans are in a constant fight to destroy the career of each other’s favourite idol group or bias (someone's most favorite member of an idol group). 
What is my take on stan culture?
I feel like I need to repeat myself: stans scare the s*** out of me. 
It’s like their sole purpose in life is to support someone and don’t have the basic sense of boundaries. A lot of problems arise with this: like shipping people who are uncomfortable being shipped with, intense sexualizing (sexualizing the minors is the worst from my point of view), creating drama and intentionally ignoring real world problems just to make their favourite person(s) trend, and the list is so long that I feel like I’d create a record on tumblr for the longest post if I go on. 
We are talking about some weird adaptation of Lord of the Flies where children raise each other on the internet. It’s like a cult and they are brainwashed into believing what everybody else thinks. And the worst part is that I don’t think we’ll ever get better from this, things are only going south to heaven. 
I might be wrong and biased, so I do expect someone to help me understand these topics better, but for now these are my firm opinions. 
I’d also like to clarify, once again, that in the religion example I’m not making fun of Christianity, I’m just using it as a means to help people better understand my point.
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