blujayonthewing · 1 year
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I only imported this bit from the really old height lineup to get corker's size accurate but I'm really pleased with how consistent I've been able to keep her overall sizing proportions over time :D
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azwriting · 5 years
Across the Stars (Forget Me Not, Kylo Ren x Reader) - Epilogue
Hi everyone! Here is the last chapter of this fic and my heart is sad. I’m going to see TROS tomorrow and despite whatever happens, I’m still going to be writing for Kylo/Ben. I have another fic I’m planning but I will start taking requests soon too! Thank you to you all for reading this, it has been a journey lol.
Summary: Ben and (Y/N) find their destiny
Warnings: Fluff
Word Count: 2147
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Warm sunlight streamed in through the large open balcony door waking the woman with (Y/E/C) eyes from her slumber. She hummed out softly stretching her arms over her head, shifting in the bed to face the sleeping man beside her. His black curls were splayed out across the pale blue pillow as soft spurts of air escaped his parted lips. His face was calm, his aura emitting pure serenity despite the faded scar that trailed down the right side of his face and into his exposed shoulder. His bare chest rose and fell rhythmically, the sun streaking across his soft skin. (Y/N) smiled to herself, endless amounts of love pouring out from within her as a delicate hand ran through his wild hair. She pushed the hair from his eyes unaware that her gentle touch had awoken her husband. 
“Good Morning my Love.” Ben’s raspy voice mumbled out, startling her. Of course he was awake, he had always been such a light sleeper. 
“Good Morning.” (Y/N) leaned over pressing a chaste kiss to his lips. In return he gave her a lazy smile, his eyes still hooded with sleep. 
“How much longer do we have?” He whispered. She smirked a little, eyeing the closed door. They were silent for a minute, listening to the faint sounds coming from outside the bedroom walls. A part of her was surprised to not wake up to a stowaway lodged in between Ben and her. 
“I’m afraid only a few minutes, tops.” Ben let out a low groan, shifting further into the comforts of the bed, his long arms hooking around her waist, and pulling her into him. (Y/N) placed her hands against his bare chest, fingers faintly skimming across the skin of his collarbones, and closed her eyes as well, both enjoying their fleeting moments of tranquility.
The sound of the blast door shooting open not long after, had (Y/N)'s eyes flickering open. In front of her, Ben’s eyes remained close but his lips stretched into an undeniably large grin, signaling he was still awake. The piddle paddle of feet echoed across the stone floor, drawing closer to the bed positioned on the far wall. She closed her eyes feigning sleep alongside Ben as small grunts were heard, the sheets being tugged on correspondingly. A sudden dip in the mattress alerted them to the new presence that had joined them in the comfort of their bed. A small hand was placed gently on (Y/N)’s upper arm, the hand attempting to shake her out of her slumber, the same thing happening to Ben. 
“Mamma Papa, it’s time to wake up.” Two sweet voices chirped causing (Y/N) and Ben to open their eyes and smile at each other. The two shifted to look up at the grinning children, their sweet loves. A girl with black ringlets and honey brown eyes hovered above Ben, her beauty marks prominent on the apples of her smiling cheeks. A boy with (Y/H/C) hair and sparkling (Y/E/C) eyes hovered above (Y/N), his face adorned in many tiny freckles. Twins, of course, although they looked more like their opposite sex parent than each other. 
“Is it daylight already?” (Y/N) pretending to be shocked, pulled her little boy down into her arms. Her sweet Maverick only giggled into her chest as his sister Rowena was hugged tightly by Ben.
Ben secured his whole family in his arms contently. Never in a billion years did he believe he would end up here. Perhaps back in his padawan days he could have envisioned it, but eleven years in the First Order under the icy and angry mantra of Kylo Ren had diminished any belief of it. He had spent those years mourning the loss of the love of his life, who had been alive and under his nose the whole time. The Force protecting her until it was time for Ben Solo to rise. He had always been conflicted but she had been the final piece to unravel him whole. Ben looked over at (Y/N), who lovingly embraced their children, softly humming the sweet melody of an old lullaby, one Leia used to sing to them in their youth. 
Everyday for the past six years he was afraid to wake and find it had all been a dream, that none of it was real. Too many times, far more than he liked to admit, (Y/N) would press loving kisses to his face, drawing declarations of love onto his exposed skin, and remind him of everything. They were real, the First Order was gone, the Emperor dead, and they were safe. He knew it was true, but deep down he felt as if he would never lose that irrational fear in himself, but it only made him appreciate every moment more. He had never been happier and everyday his little family helped him grow away from the horrors of his past. He even believed one day he could forget it all. Surely with a sight like this, it was hard to remember what his previous life had entailed beyond these walls.
“My Lights, what would you like to do today?” Ben asked looking down to the three beauties in his arms.
 Maverick’s head popped up from (Y/N)’s chest, eyes wide as he pleaded, “Can we go swimming?” (Y/N) nodded, her left hand raking through the boy’s messy locks, the silver band on her ring finger sparkling in the sunlight. 
“Yes Mave, we can.” The boy grinned, he loved being in the water, a plus to living in an isolated villa surrounded by water. Rowena groaned propping a little elbow up on Ben’s chest and resting her head in her tiny hand, her pale green nightgown bunched up to her knees. 
“I’m hungry, can we eat first?” Ben chuckled, he had met his match in his daughter, the little girl filled to the brim with retorts and mischievousness. It almost made him send his mother a hologram to apologize for how difficult he had been in his youth. Him and (Y/N) had gotten into plenty of trouble over the years before going to the Jedi temple. Although they had gotten into plenty of other trouble there too.
 “Of course.” 
Rowena gasped an idea sparkling in her big eyes as she turned to look at her father, “Papa can you make Strawberry Strudel?” 
Maverick perked up again at that his little fingers fidgeting with the purple kyber crystal around his mother’s neck, “Oh yes! Please Papa can you?” (Y/N) bit back a laugh turning to her husband, feigning innocence. The twins were a lot like their mother, which he was quite thankful for, but there were many parts of his children that reminded Ben of himself… A perfect blend. 
“Only if you two help.” He bargained and the two children nodded eagerly.
 “I get to break the eggs!” Rowena claimed sliding out of bed, rushing out the door. 
“Hey, no fair!” Maverick shouted chasing after his sister. 
(Y/N) and Ben laughed, kissing each other before getting out of bed, “Let’s go before they destroy the kitchen.”
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Rowena and Maverick raced down the docks, hand in hand, heading towards the glistening blue water of Naboo. “You two be careful!” (Y/N) shouted from underneath the shade of a close by Cherry Blossom tree, her back pressed firmly against Ben’s. A large splash shot up in the air, signifying the children’s descent into the refreshing water. Ben’s hearty laugh vibrated through her back as the two settled in watching their twins. In a thousand years, (Y/N) never thought she would end up here. In her padawan days, she had thought of what her future with Ben would entail, but the idea vanished the moment she woke up on Hosnian with no memory. She had spent eleven years with no real sense of identity, the only thing she had was the Resistance. It was only when she found Ben again, under the most unpleasant circumstances, that she started to feel connected to the missing part of herself again. 
Yes there had been immense heartache along the way, but they had won. They had overcome the obstacles tearing them apart and the universe had rewarded them with two of the greatest gifts. And every night when they would lie in bed after an endless day of happiness, (Y/N) would remind her love of how much of an amazing and loving father and husband he was. Ben had lived up to his promise, but the validation would chip away a piece of his harsh past and she would kiss the newly exposed part of him each time. They had finally achieved their destiny and now she could sink into the galaxy with her family, happily.
“My mother sent a hologram.” Ben spoke up, his chin resting on her shoulder, arms secured around her frame, eyes to the lake. (Y/N) hummed in response, urging him to continue as she smoothed out the skirt of her mauve dress. “She plans on visiting soon.” After the war and the official resignation, Leia had returned to politics making sure democracy was done correct this time, the galaxy did not need another Empire or First Order. But the woman made sure to visit her grandchildren as much as possible, she never wanted them to feel abandoned as Ben had. 
“That would be nice, Euora has been asking when she would be coming. Is Rey going to accompany her?” Ben simply shrugged, unsure. “Well tell Lele, that Row and Mave would like to see their Aunt.” Rey had become close with the family as well, the kids viewing her as their long lost Aunt, but she was often off world training the new generation of Jedi, with the seemingly odd help of Finn and Poe… The three had become inseparable after the war. She had begged for Ben and (Y/N) to join her, but the two were quite content sitting under the Naboo sun with their children. Besides they had their own Force users to teach.
“Maverick Anakin Solo and Rowena Padme Solo, you two put those poor little frogs down!” (Y/N) scolded eyeing the two frogs levitating above the water. The two children giggled and dropped the frogs, issuing out apologies. She bit her lip watching as the two mischievous Solo’s returned to swimming. She could feel the tense state of Ben behind her and without even seeing his face she knew his brows were knitted together in thought. “What?” (Y/N) asked tearing her gaze away from the water to look up her husband. He sighed, never tearing his gaze away from his salvations. 
“Do you think Mave will ever be upset we named him after my grandfather?” His voice was barely above a whisper, but nonetheless (Y/N) heard him. She was not surprised by his concern, in fact she was more surprised this was the first time he had voiced it. She watched as Maverick splashed around with Rowena, big smiles on each of their little round faces, unaware of their lineage. Before they had even been born, Ben and (Y/N) had discussed how they would not hide the truth from their children. They would tell them of their true lineage, born from both sides of the Force. And only if they wanted to be, then they would train them in the ways of the Force, but they had no pressure to do so. For once in a lifetime, the Skywalker family had free reign over their lives. “He may be confused as to why one day, but we will tell him the truth.”
 “And that is?” Ben questioned. 
“That it is a reminder for him, both of them both, that there is a balance, that Light resides in everyone, and darkness can be redeemed.” Calloused fingertips grabbed ahold of her chin, turning her to look back and up at Ben. He wore a soft smile, she always knew what to say to pull him from his worrisome thoughts. He leaned down and captured her in a passionate kiss, their everlasting love sealed within. 
“Ew, they’re kissing again!” Rowena’s voice shouted in disgust. Maverick groaned in unison and (Y/N) and Ben could only laugh, pulling apart. She nuzzled her nose into his, before resting her head on his shoulder, their eyes falling back to their giggling babies.
(Y/N) could feel it, the other presences in the Force. Luke, her Great-Uncle, Ben’s Grandparents, and even Han and her parents. She was positive if she looked to her sides she would see them, their great past, but instead she only focused on her future. Ben’s hand clasped hers tightly as they continued to watch the children until their skin began to prune from the water and the clouds turned into a soft shade of lilac. And as the sun began to set, filling them with peace and love, they drifted into their happily ever after in a galaxy far far away.
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ask-the-phan-site · 5 years
Phan Cam: Restoration and Resurrections
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This is Huxley Prescott for Griffin Rock News. Yesterday evening, a calling card was delivered to the home of rich business woman and ex-convict, Madeline Pynch. The calling card was discovered to from the renowned group, the Phantom Thieves of Hearts. The next morning, Pynch confessed to a secret she had kept hidden a long time... She is responsible for the death of her husband, Philip Pynch. She hired an assassin... Not the hooded guys from the video games. After that, Madeline Pynch was once again imprisoned, and this time, for life. Her daughter, Priscilla Pynch, is now being sent to live with some relatives on the main land until something can be decided. Next up, it’s time for Huxley Prescott’s I Dare Me. Join me as I dare me to swim all the way from Griffin Rock to the main land, taking little to no breaks.
>Doc Greene’s lab. Team Science and Team Sorcery had finally finished reprogramming the Nightmare Imaging Device.
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It’s finally finished.
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It took a lot of work, but I think it’ll now work.
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It will since we added a little magic to it.
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It is not all about the magic, Lucy. This is the work of both.
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He’s right. Don’t out science just yet.
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Lucy: I suppose you’re right.
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So I’ll be able to change me back? Sweet!
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But not as sweet as the people who helped us at the last minute.
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People who helped last minute?
?????: He means us.
Ryuji: (shocked) What are you guys doin’ here!?
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I tried to talk him out of it, but he insisted he come, too.
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I just had to see how things were going.
Ryuji: Harry, you didn’t have to come here.
Harry: I know. But I just had to.
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It makes me wonder how New York is fairing without you two.
Peter: Anya said she’ll handle things. Of course, it doesn’t hurt that I asked for a little help.
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Yes. Miss Marvel told me. She’ll help your friend for sure. Since both of them are still new to being heroes, they might make a good team.
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I can believe that. Firestorm is a bit of the same.
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He’ll get it in time. That bloke has a great fire, if you’ll pardon the pun.
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Anyway, we have done all we can. Now all we have to do is use the machine. Ryuji shall go into the sleep chamber and Doctor Strange and four others shall go into the energy chamber to enter his mind and convince Overflow’s spirit to separate from Ryuji’s, allowing him to change back into a human.
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In theory, anyway.
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What do you mean?
Dr. Choi: Well... There’s a 50% chance that Ryuji may not survive the process.
Ryuji: (shocked) For real!?
Dr. Choi: If this doesn’t work, the machine could leave you brain dead. Even with magical help, it’s a slim chance.
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But Chim-Chim crunched the numbers.
Conor: That doesn’t guarantee that things will go smoothly. There’s always that unexpected turn. But that doesn’t mean we should lose faith.
Zatanna: That’s right. The show isn’t over until after the prestige.
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I agree. You won’t know something will work unless you try.
Peter: That’s right... It’s a leap of faith.
Ryuji: ... If it means I’ll be human again and be with my mom and continue living my dream, I’ll do it.
Headmistress Faragonda: I’m glad to hear it. Now we just need a team who will go with Doctor Strange into his mind.
Doctor Strange: I have already decided that Ren Amamiya will be joining me. But I shall leave it to him to choose the other three who will come as well.
Ren: Alright. Let’s see...
>I think very hard on who will come with me and Doctor Strange into Ryuji’s mind.
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>Peter >>Akechi >Diego >Ann >>Blurr >Yusuke >>Jared and Jesse
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That’s probably a good idea. I can use my detective skills and I’ve already formed a bond with Ryuji. That should help.
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I have a strong bond with him, too. And you might need my speed.
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And me and Jared can use our ability as well.
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If his mind is anything like a Palace, we can use that ability to make it easier to go into .
Harry: I thought you needed three people more.
Ren: Jared and Jesse count as a whole. Their powers combined can help us.
Harry: If that’s the case, I’m coming with you, too.
Doctor Strange: That would be ill advised. Your minds are already linked. There is no telling how you both will be effected. Besides, if this does not work... We have the nuclear option.
Ryuji: (worried) The nuclear option?
Doctor Strange: You might end up brain dead, Ryuji, that could have a negative effect on Harry. We may lose our chance to save you, but we might be able to save him.
Harry: How?
Doctor Strange: As much as I hate to admit it, but it requires the greatest sacrifice... We have to sever your connection. Permanently. And in doing so, will erase all of Harry’s memories of Ryuji.
Harry: You mean... I won’t remember Ryuji!?
Ryuji: Will... Will I forget, too?
Doctor Strange: No, Ryuji, you will still remember because of your bond with Ren and your Persona. However, Harry only has a bond and not a Persona. Luckily, that bond will only protect Harry’s memories of everything else, including the identities of the Phantom Thieves and the time he spent with them.
Harry: But... I don’t want to forget Ryuji or our time or our connection.
Bruce: As Doctor Strange has just said, this is only if we fail or if something goes wrong... And I just know we’ll succeed in saving you both.
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Is that from one of your old sayings?
Bruce: ... More like a hunch.
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(sarcastic) Oh, joy.
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Don’t be like that, Heatwave. It might actually work.
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He’s right. We just have to hope.
Heatwave: Tell that to the other 50%.
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Either way, we’ve got our team. Now we just have to get to work.
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Right. Doctor Strange, Ren, Akechi, Blurr, Jared and Jesse will go into Ryuji’s mind. The rest of us will stay out here to keep an eye on things.
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Good luck, you guys. We’re counting on you.
Blurr: Uh, question... How do I get into the energy chamber?
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Choi Hakasei, do you think you can fix that?
Dr. Choi: I’ll see what I can do.
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>The Atom shrunk Blurr to just the right size to fit inside. Then, we go inside the energy chamber as Ryuji goes inside the sleep chamber.
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Be careful in there.
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We will.
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Okay, let’s start the machine! Merta, you ready?
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Ready as I’ll ever be.
Headmistress Faragonda: I am ready as well.
>Team Science begins the machine as the Team Sorcery begins chanting.
Life to life and mind to mind, Their spirits now will intertwine. Now meld their souls and journey to The one whose thoughts they wish they knew.
>I looked two Doctor Strange who is chanting the same thing, but different.
Life to life and mind to mind, Our spirits now will intertwine. Now meld our souls and journey to The one whose thoughts we wish we knew.
>The machine begins to spark and the Eye of Agamotto opens. A bright light blinds us and the chanting fades. When the light fades, we were no longer in the lab or in the energy chamber.
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Did it work?
Doctor Strange: It must have. Take a look at your clothes.
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Our Phantom Thieves clothes!?
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I guess it makes sense. Jar- I mean, Slice and Dice did say this would be like going to a Palace.
Dice: See?
Blurr: Then, this must be Ry- Skull’s Palace. Look.
>We look to see a huge cross between a pirate ship and a Buddest temple with skull flags flying over it with search lights. It was also night.
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It’s so hard to believe that when I first met him, he had this in his heart.
?????? ?????: It’s only up for now.
>Suddenly, something flew down from the top floor of the temple ship.
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Captain Kidd!?
>Then, Captain Kidd changes shape.
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Missed me?
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Skull’s Shadow!? ... You look different from the last time we saw you.
Shadow Skull: I thought, since you are here, I’d slip into something a little more... Appropriate. And don’t give me that look, I’m not here to fight you. I thought I’d bring you right to the problem at hand.
Blurr: You have?
Shadow Skull: If I wanted to destroy you, I would have done it by now. Besides... Overflow is starting to get real upset.
>With that, the Shadow changes back to Captain Kidd. Then, the ship he was riding grows.
Captain Kidd: Time to weight anchor.
>We boarded the ship and took off to the top of the temple. Inside, it looked like a cross between a captains quarters and a meditation hall. Standing before an alter with a statue of Skull, a statue of Harry, and a statue of Blurr is Overflow, looking down and maybe even... in pain. He turns to us.
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You came.
Doctor Strange: Yes. We came.
Overflow: This mean I leave now?
Crow: You’re depriving our friend of his life. His dreams...
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Even his own mother.
Overflow: ... Me understand.
Blurr: You do?
Overflow: Just tell me... What happen to me now?
Doctor Strange: If you are wondering if you will disappear like what is happening to the true master of this place... I do not think it will happen. You will most likely sleep. But I doubt you will vanish.
Overflow: Me know. Me just... Me just wish me could stay longer. Me know me not real Overflow from that Ben. But me have memories. Just wish me could have life outside of it.
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>I can tell Blurr was feeling the same as well... But I know...
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I’m sure we’ll find a way for you to do that, Overflow kun.
Overflow: Really? You mean it?
Joker: Well, we did come here through science and sorcery. Maybe we can find a way to help you live on your own.
Overflow: You really think?
Doctor Strange: It sounds possible.
Crow: But how do we do it?
Blurr: What about the machine that brought us here? It was originally used to bring stuff from people’s minds, but maybe it’ll work if we bring you with us.
Crow: I suppose. Bringing him with us could cause him to materialize in our world. Maybe that will work.
Doctor Strange: That might work.
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Then let’s do it.
Overflow: (happy) Then let’s go.
Captain Kidd: Then I will take you to where you came-
????????????: HAHAHA!
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What was...
Blurr: Look, up in there!
>There was a huge shadow on the window of the temple. Then, the shadow flew down to us... We couldn’t believe who it was.
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At last, I have found you, villain! You and your pet monster!
Joker: Kamoshida!? Dressed like a superhero?
Doctor Strange: It is the manifestation of what your friend regrets the most.
Joker: You mean... The time he was kicked off the track team? But he’s past that now.
Doctor Strange: He has... Which is why defeating all that is left of it will be easy. It will not let us leave until it is gone.
Blurr: Alright! If that’s what it takes, we’ll do it!
Overflow: Me fight, too. For freedom!
Captain Kidd: Then I shall fight with you... As your Persona.
Crow: Can you do that?
Captain Kidd: Overflow exist with me in the mind. So I shall fight along side him.
Blurr: What about me? I know I might not need one, but I think I need a Persona for this, too.
Joker: I’ll let you borrow one of mine.
Blurr: For real!? Thanks, bro!
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(laughs a bit) You and Skull are defiantly connected just like his is with Harry.
Blurr: You really think so?
Crow: But it’s going to be hard. Without any guidance from Oracle or Fuuka, we might lose.
Doctor Strange: I can fill that role while we are here.
Joker: Okay, we’re counting on you.
>Doctor Strange uses the Eye of Agamotto to read the enemy.
Doctor Strange: I do not sense any weakness, but you might land a critical hit with enough strength.
Captain Kidd: I can help with that. Right, Overflow?
Overflow: Right!
>I change Personas.
Joker: Persona!
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Joker: Melchizedek, I want you to be Blurr’s Persona for now. Can you do it?
>Melchizedek nods and goes over to Blurr. I call a new Persona.
Joker: Persona!
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Crow: Persona!
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(Insert song: Nothing is Promised)
>Kamoshidaman, as we will be calling him, uses Giant Slice on me. But I dodge it. Melchizedek uses Revolution. Kumbhanda uses Tempest Slash. No critical hit this time. Captain Kidd uses Headbutt. He didn’t Forget, but it was a critical hit.
Overflow: Go! Now!
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>After the attack, Kamoshidaman is still up. Robin Hood uses Megaton Raid. Kamoshidaman uses Hysterical Slap on Overflow. Luckily, he didn’t get Enraged. Melchizedek uses Megaton Raid. Kumbhanda uses Tempest Slash. Captain Kid uses Assault Dive. Robin Hood uses Megaton Raid. Kamoshidaman uses Assault Dive on me. It was a critical hit. Kamoshida uses Assault Dive again on Crow. Melchizedek uses God’s Hand. It was a critical hit. Blurr attacks Kamoshidaman. I get back up and Kumbhanda uses Hysterical Slap. Captain Kidd uses Zionga. Robin Hood uses Kouga. Kamoshidaman uses Brain Shake on Crow. He becomes Brainwashed. Melchizedek uses Amrita Drop on Crow which cures him of the Brainwash. Kumbhanda uses Revolution. Captain Kidd uses Headbutt. Kamoshidaman Forgets. Robin Hood uses Megidola. Kamoshidaman doesn’t do anything since he Forgot. Melchizedek uses God’s Hand. It knocks him down.
Blurr: Let’s drive on through!
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>After the attack, Kamoshidaman was still up, but slightly weaker. Kumbhanda uses Tempest Slash. It knocks him down.
Joker: Let’s do it!
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>After the attack, Kamoshidaman was still up, but a little more weaker.
Doctor Strange: Now it is my turn. Eye of Agamotto, assist them!
>Doctor Strange uses Mediarama. Captain Kidd uses Zionga. It recoils. Robin Hood uses Megaton Raid. Kamoshidaman recovers.
Kamoshidaman: I refuse to let my justice go down like this. You evildoers will not win!
>Kamoshidaman uses Life Drain on Overflow.
Doctor Strange: Be careful, I think is getting ready to get more serious.
Joker: Right. Then we’ll just have to be twice as serious.
>Melchizedek uses God’s Hand. Kumbhanda uses Hysterical Slap. Kamoshidaman becomes Enraged. Captain Kidd uses Swift Strike. Crow uses a Psycho Bomb. It was a technical hit. Kamoshidaman tries to attack me, but he misses. Melchizedek uses Megaton Raid. Kumbhanda uses Tempest Slash. Captain Kidd uses Megaton Raid. So does Robin Hood. Kamoshidaman recovers and uses Bloodbath. Me and Overflow are infected with Fear. Melchizedek uses Megaton Raid. Me and Overflow are too scared to move.
Crow: How inconvenient.
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Joker: Thanks. Think you can help Overflow?
Crow: I’m on it.
>Crow uses a Hiranya on Overflow. He recovers.
Overflow: Thank you.
Kamoshidaman: Big deal, you recovered. It doesn’t matter, you can’t escape the fists of justice!
>Kamoshidaman uses Flash Bomb. Luckily, no one became Dizzy. Melchizedek uses Revolution. Kumbhanda uses Tempest Slash. Captain Kidd uses Matarukaja. Robin Hood uses Megaton Raid. It was a critical hit.
Crow: Let’s scatter!
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>After the attack, Kamoshidaman was still up, but now real weak. Kamoshidaman uses God’s Hand on me. Melchizedek uses Megaton Raid. Kumbhanda uses Hysterical Slap. Captain Kidd uses Megaton Raid. It was a critical hit.
Hold Up!
Kamoshidaman: You foolish alien! Even if you do make it out of this place, where will you go? Do you think anyone will take in a monster like you? No one likes you. You want to know why the original Overflow became locked in the Omnitrix and can no longer be used? Because no one care about him anymore! Even Ben Tennyson has stopped caring!
Overflow: Even if Ben has stopped caring, me still here. Me... I can find my own reason to exist! ... I WILL LIVE!
Crow: Glad to hear it, Overflow kun. Now let’s finish this!
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>After the attack, Kamoshidaman was gone.
Dice: Nice goin’, everyone!
Joker: Thanks...
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But why didn’t you two help us?
Slice: We just got caught in the moment. It looked like something you guys needed to do. We’re just strangers who helped you get here.
Doctor Strange: They are correct, this is your journey. You needed to pass this test yourselves.
Overflow: Me... I suppose.
Crow: Overflow kun, you’re making actual sentences.
Doctor Strange: That is because he has been around you and us for so long. He is beginning to gain a proper psyche. Perhaps this means the he can exist outside of your friend.
Overflow: I can?
Blurr: I guess we’ll find out.
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>Overflow got in.
Captain Kidd: I shall see you again soon. All of you.
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We will.
>With that, we leave the Palace back to the entrance where Blurr changes back after Overflow comes out.
Blurr: Are you ready?
Overflow: (a little nervous) Yeah...
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Don’t worry. We’re right here.
Overflow: ... Thank you.
Doctor Strange: Are we ready?
Everyone: Ready.
>With that, Doctor Strange opens the Eye and a bright light engulfs us.
Life from life and mind from mind Our spirits now will disentwine. We part our souls and journey home To let our thoughts be on their own.
>When it was over, we were back. The door of the engergy chamber opens... However, Overflow was not with us.
Doc Greene: Welcome back.
Ren: Wh- Where’s...
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Hey, look!
>We turn to the sleep chamber. It was glowing inside that we couldn’t see Ryuji. Then, it died leaving only some kind of smoke. The sleep chamber opened to let the smoke out. Then, something fell on the floor with a clank... It is the Omnitrix badge. Finally, the smoke cleared as something came out... Our jaws dropped.
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(groaning in pain) God, that hurt!
Harry: Ryuji?
Ryuji: What is it?
Zatanna: Evah a kool rof flesruoy.
>Zatanna conjures a mirror. Ryuji looks in it and is overjoyed.
Ryuji: I... I don’t believe it... It worked...
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And I’m naked.
Lucy: (covering her eyes) No shit, Sherlock.
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(changing back to civilian form) Hold on, I’ve got this. Stella taught me.
Headmistress Faragonda: No, Mirta. We’re all too drained from keeping the machine in check... Ann?
Ann: ...
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Alright. Everyone... Don’t freak out.
>With that, Ann snaps her fingers... Ryuji was now dressed in a puff of smoke.
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Oh my god!
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Ann chan, you can do magic outside of the Magic Dimension!?
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It’s a long story. I’ll explain another time.
Ren: Either way, we’ve finally changed Ryuji back to his human self again.
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I’m grateful for that. Thanks.
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Wait! ... Aren’t we missing someone?
>We looked around... And we realize...
Blurr: Where’s Overflow?
Heatwave: What?
>Suddenly, the Omnitrix badge starts to glow blue.
Doctor Strange: I think I have an idea.
>Doctor Strange picks up the badge as it glows brighter and brighter. Suddenly, something in Diego’s pocket glows as well.
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Diego: ... (gasp) I got it!
Constantine: Are you thinking what I’m thinking?
Diego: (smiling) You bet.
Doctor Strange: Yes. I think I know what you’re thinking, too.
>He stares at it for a while and turns to the Atom.
Doctor Strange: Dr. Choi, inside this badge, you will find a glowing blue tube. Shrink inside and get it, if you will.
Atom: Alright.
Aquaman: Outrageous, I’’ll come with you.
Doctor Strange: I am afraid not, Your Majesty. I already have a job for you. Have you ever been to Planet Cascareau?
Aquaman: Only once.
Doctor Strange: Then, you must know what the waters there are like.
Aquaman: Believe it or not, I do.
Docotr Strange: Then, I shall leave it to you to recreate those waters.
Aquaman: If that’s what you want, I’ll do what I can.
Atom: Wish me luck. And good luck to you, too, Aquaman.
>With that, the Atom shrinks down and goes into the badge. Doctor Strange conjures up some water and he and Aquaman do something to it until it becomes pure blue that it’s almost glowing. Then, they put that water in the Holy Grail. Then, the Atom comes out of the badge.
Atom: Is this what you asked for?
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Blurr: That’s... That’s Overflow. Or at least, his DNA.
Doctor Strange: Yes. Fighting along side you gave him hope and that hope gave him a proper mind and spirit. Now all he needs is a body.
Constantine: And that’s why we need the Holy Grail.
>The Atom opens the tube and pours the DNA in the Holy Grail.
Kade: So, what now? Is there something we have to say to make it work?
Constantine: Nothing really. Just... Brace yourself.
>Suddenly, the inside of the cup glow and shakes as if something alive was in it. Then, the sound of someone yelling can be heard inside.
Constantine: Diego, now! Pour the cup out!
>Diego quickly pours the contents out of the Grail. The liquid beings to take shape. Then, it solidifies... It transformed into Overflow.
Overflow: What...
Blurr: Welcome to the land of the living.
Overflow: Me... I’m free?
Ren: You must be. Take a look.
>I pointed at Overflow’s chest... No Omnitrix badge.
Overflow: I’m free... (overjoyed) I’M MY OWN BEING NOW!
Dani: How is this possible?
Diego: Because of the Holy Grail. Its powers gave Overflow his own life.
>Diego looks at the engraving at the bottom of it.
Diego: I think I understand now.
Ren: What is it, Diego?
Diego: When Overflow temporarily emerged, the Holy Grail was reacting to it. Me and Constantine think it wanted us to use it on him. When we saw the engraving on it, it had the number twelve. But when we used it, it went down to eleven.
Akechi: What does that mean?
Diego: I think this number tells us... How many uses it has left.
Akechi: I see. We can use the Grail’s powers, but the number of times we use it is limited.
Makoto: I can also understand why it started with twelve. Twelve uses, one for each of the Twelve Apostles, the disciples of Jesus Christ, the one whose essence gave the Holy Grail its powers.
Constantine: That’s right. When Overflow’s DNA went into the cup, he somehow drank from it and gained a life of his own.
Aquaman: (a bit confused) But where does the water come in?
Doctor Strange: Technically, Cascans do not have blood. Just waters from their homeworld. So we used that instead of wine.
Overflow: Thank you so much.
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You’re welcome.
Ryuji: Wait til Mom hears this. She’ll be so happy.
Doc Greene: Don’t pack your bags just yet. We still have to run a few tests to make sure everything’s okay.
Graham: He’s right. But don’ worry. They’ll be over before you know it.
>We all agreed and left the lab...
>Then, footsteps can be heard leaving.
>In an abandoned ship that is hidden from the rest of Griffin Rock, Jin was hard at work on his computer. Then, he turned to the sound of footsteps coming in.
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Do you have it?
>The two people come into the visible view. They had used ID Masks to make themselves invisible.
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Like taking candy from a bunch of idiots.
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>Myles does something on his phone and an email arrives on Jin’s computer. Inside, he sees... The blueprints for the Nightmare Imaging Device.
Jin: Well done. Unlike those Deucey twins, you two are actually smarter. Very well, as promised.
>Jin hands the Daymond twins each a case. They open them...
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>Jin reaches into his pocket and takes something out of it... A small bottle with along strand of white hair inside.
Jin: Myles and Evan Daymond... Welcome to Strega.
>The plot gets even more crazy.
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