#and hermes & luke relationship is soooooo good
sandwichmustbetasty ยท 6 months
'we're friends of luke'
'i've met your dad'
hermes instantly changes from flippant to guilt-ridden and there's so much pain in his eyes
and luke does a 180 at the mention of his dad. he was calm before, trying to recruit percy, but you can see the rage the second he hear 'dad'
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thesungod ยท 6 years
Apollo and his relationship with other gods
I don't agree with Tumblr's idea of Apollo's relationship with his fellow deities.
If we think of Apollo as the deity the Greeks worshipped, he was feared and respected, even by other deities.
If we think of Apollo as the deity in Percy Jackson, then things are more complicated.
It isn't clear if the other gods agree with Zeus, if he has any real friend in the Council and if the gods respect each other.
Since we don't have these answers, which means everyone can think what they want, I will make a short list of my unpopular opinions about Apollo's relationship with his fellow Olympians.
1) Zeus isn't a good guy at all
I would like to see them reconcile, but let's be clear: this is not a "both parties have their reasons", this is not a two ways street.
Zeus is in the wrong period.
Not because he punished his son, but for his reasons.
In the Burning Maze, Apollo says he's starting to understand why Zeus did what he did. Apollo needs to fix the Oracles, he was negligent, he didn't care about anything but himself blablabla.
AHAHAHAHAH. Zeus didn't punish you because he cares about Oracles and mortals, baby.
He wouldn't have made you completely powerless if he wanted you to succeed so badly. He wouldn't treat people like shit and he wouldn't abuse you if he cared.
I don't understand people who thinks Zeus punished Apollo for good reasons. Zeus probably will not like Apollo's development and new ideas about mortals. He just wanted to blame someone and scare his son into submission. The intentions were bad. The results will be good, but not because Zeus planned this.
2) Apollo and the Olympians will NOT reconcile and live happily ever after
At least at the start, it would be a lot more realistic if Apollo held grudge against them. He's been through a lot, he knows what they ignore and they allowed Zeus to do what he did.
They didn't have the power to stop Zeus blablabla, but feelings aren't rational sometimes. If I was him, I wouldn't want to come back to my family like nothing happened. In the Burning Maze, he clearly is bitter in some moments and it's fucking valid.
Also, based on what we know, he is the one who always had to face Zeus' anger and lightning.
Either they knew and didn't do anything or they spent centuries ignoring something that literally changed him forever. Either way, they will not win the award "best family ever".
I would pretty much hate them.
3) Apollo will not feel guilty because of May Castellan
I mean, knowing him, probably, but following this reasoning, shouldn't Hermes feel guilty because two of Apollo's children died because of Luke?
With the difference Luke acted like that because he wanted to, Apollo almost certainly didn't want to ruin May's life. Guess what IT WAS ZEUS WHO CURSED THE ORACLE! IT'S ALSO HIS FAULT IF DELPHI IS A MESS!
4) Artemis isn't this great
In the myths she is AS CRUEL AS HER BROTHER. Not less, not more. Exactly equal.
And in Rick's world, all the myths are true soooooo...
She did good things like helping Annabeth with the sky, but over the course of ToA Apollo did far more good things now and he's still considered morally grey (which he is). She's like the Daenerys Targaryen of the Pjo fandom: she kills people, she does bad thing as much as the other protagonists, but since she's sometimes a lil bit nicer people treat her like a hero. Okay?
If I wrote ToA, I would make them have a pretty nasty conversation at the end of the series, not just make them live happily ever after but I doubt this will happen.
ATTENTION: I didn't say Artemis is bad. I'm saying she's morally grey, like every other god. They are more complex than humans. She is capable of being pretty cool.
5) Apollo will not be respected after these Trials.
By humans? Yes.
By gods? AHAHAHAHAH NO. Sadly, they won't understand. He will probably be a joke for centuries.
These are mine opinions about this family. Maybe I'll make another post talking more about the first two points because I think they are veryyyy important, but let me know what you think!
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