#and him planting his moms fav flowers in the manga
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this makes me cry cause bros already having an anxiety attack I mean LOOK AT HIS FACE. you dont always see vforce Tyson with this face.
i wish they gave him these expressions more in the season cause then the audience would actually understand whats happening to him. poor boy.
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3-E Bedroom Aesthetic Headcanons Part 1
I’m simply bored rn so why not?
It’s very obvious she’s into mangas/anime’s lmao
Has a lot of merch and posters all around, as well as cute plushies
Likes to keep it dark most of the time so she can watch/play on her TV. If she wants to read or write, she can just turn on her lamp.
Bed is a standard size, but filled with a ton of pillows and blankets so she’s comfy while doing whatever. It’s also perfect for building blanket forts or starting pillow fights with friends
Looks like this but maybe less intense haha
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Has a fairly spacious room that she loves
Prefers sunlight so she keeps her curtain open for as long as she can
Has a few posters of singers that she really likes
Her room overall has a pretty indie vibe. It’s super chill though
Literally never makes her bed. Ever.
Has a desk but she likes to do homework on the floor for some reason
Looks like this but a lot messier
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He has the smallest bedroom in his house, and he completely offered to take it.
It’s very cramped :( He only fits his bed, desk, and dresser inside there.
Doesn’t spend a lot of time in his room though because of his very busy schedule
Cant fit a bookshelf so he keeps his textbooks and such under his desk.
His room is tidy for the most part but it’s probably just because he’s barely there
The lighting is pretty awful. He once saved up some of his money to buy a proper lamp that would be better for studying
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I know y’all weren’t expecting him to be a plant mom lmao, but listen: his parents are into artisan crafts, his sister travels, they are an artsy family ok?
So his room has a lot of greenery inside, and he takes care of all his plants UwU
His room is very much a reflection of himself and all his rebellious energy. So he’s painted his walls, put up posters or quotes he resonates with, etc.
His bed is minimalistic because he’s barely in it tbh. Whenever he wants to chill or draw, he has a mini sofa. It’s also seating for whenever he brings friends over.
Room’s kinda cramped but he prefers it that way
Looks like this
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Her room is very minimalistic but has a sweet vibe to it
Likes open-lighting but has a habit of leaving the curtains closed even after finishing her experiments
Has a view plants that she takes care of very responsibly
Doesn’t like having a boring white room, so she’s put up flower images and art around, just to give it more life.
Her desk area is kind of a mess filled with papers and such haha. Despite that, she still makes room for when she wants to carry out another spontaneous experiment
Her lab equipment is all in a spare room in the house, solely for her use. So there’s not much in her room but you might see a vial of poison randomly somewhere lol
Looks like this
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Has one of the smaller rooms in his family’s apartment above the restaurant and it annoys him sometimes
At least he doesn’t have to share with his brother anymore though....
Anyways yeah. It’s pretty minimalistic. He doesn’t use a desk, and instead works on the floor or in the living room. Usually studies with his friends.
His clothes take up most of the room lmao, boy cares about his wardrobe a lot
Bed is always messy but he tries not to leave piles of clothing around, or leaving any dirty dishes.
Full-length mirror so he can check out his outfits every morning and take selfies
Leaves tissues, a few graphic novels, cookbooks by his bed, as well as some other things on his lil makeshift nightstand
Sleeps with a fox plushie. Will deny that its his vehemently, even if it’s right there in front of you.
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Gets the best room bc she’s the eldest and the only girl hehehe
Her room is honestly the definition of cozy
A very soft rug covers most of the floor, and it’s great to just lay on tbh
Always has very warm lighting because she prefers that vibe. Sometimes lights up candles if she’s feeling it
Has a lot of storage space so her room is never really cramped or full. Also keeps it very tidy all the time.
Hides her private stuff away from her little brothers, who snoop around a lot
If no one else is home, sometimes she clears her floor and tries out wrestling moves or fitness stuff on her rug.
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Keeps a very huge extensive collection of all his fav movies in a corner of the room, stored in a box
His room is medium-sized but he has so much shit that he hasn’t organized yet, it’s a bit tight
His desk is near his bookshelf, and he prefers to study during the day. Then at night, he can chill with some movies and snacks
He has a lava lamp and he loves it. It was a gift from Fuwa for his birthday actually
Tries to be tidy but he just doesn’t have the energy to go through all his stuff and organize it
Doesn’t have a rug and he really wants one bc it’s hell every morning, to step onto the freezing wooden floor and yelp loudly at 6am
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Kanzaki’s gaming corner
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