#and honestly who would threaten to mutilation some guy who flirts with your wife? i would
Yuri : That was so hot, babe.
Satan : Thanks.
Yukio : I'm a little scared to ask, but what did he do?
Satan : Nothing? I literally called some filthy human who flirted with your mother a degenterate dog and told them I planned to turn them into a blood eagle if they were persistent.
Yukio : I'm sorry a blood-what?
Satan : A blood eagle, it's not too difficult to do. You just carve the back open and cut the ribs away from their spine, pull out the lungs from the gap, and inflate.
Yukio : *Disgusted*
Satan : Blood eagle, honestly, what do they teach you in school nowadays.
Yuri : Again, I'm so in love with you.
Satan : Again, thanks.
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