#and hopes their kid will become a doctor. babe your first mistake was sending him to a state comprehensive with a bad ofsted rating đŸ‘đŸ»
fingertipsmp3 · 8 months
Living in a small town for pretty much all your life is like being in a sitcom that’s been going on for way too long
#you end up being like ‘it’s season 27. why are we now bringing back a character who hasn’t been seen since season 16’#aka guy i had a crush on in secondary school’s mom is in my pilates class#ya girl never forgets a face so as soon as she walked in i was like ‘i Know her. i swear to god i know her’ my mom was like ‘you don’t know#anything’ i was like ‘hush. it’ll come to me’#it bothered me throughout the whole class but then at the end i walked out into the church car park and literally laughed#she has a personalised number plate with her surname and first initial. i turned to my mom and was like ‘don’t ever tell me i don’t know#something ever again’ she’s like ‘what’ because she’s not even familiar with this person as a concept#so i have to explain about the time this boy turned up at my house unannounced and was like ‘do you want to go for a walk’ and i was like#‘hell yeah’ so we went back to his house and his three dogs jumped all over me and his mom asked me about a bazillion questions#that was 11 years ago#i have not seen her since that day but i swear to you i remembered her. i just couldn’t figure out from where until i saw the car#anyway he’s doing like a postgrad in geology now somewhere. i bet she’s mad. she was one of those parents who hires like a billion tutors#and hopes their kid will become a doctor. babe your first mistake was sending him to a state comprehensive with a bad ofsted rating đŸ‘đŸ»#literally just pretending to be catholic long enough to get him into the catholic school would’ve done way more than hiring tutors#and it would’ve been free! no one can tell me lying to the church gets you nothing#my best friend from primary school went there and got to do free violin lessons and learn german; japanese and french AND they had macs#meanwhile i was playing cricket without a bat because our school couldn’t afford bats. life isn’t fair#personal
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splendidlyimperfect · 5 years
Gray hasn’t seen Natsu in years - not since he moved away with his boyfriend Joel and Natsu stopped texting him. A chance run-in at a bar brings Natsu back into Gray’s life, but the encounter puts Gray in danger when Joel finds out. Natsu quickly realizes that Gray’s stuck in a cycle of violence, and wants to help him escape. But leaving isn’t that easy, and sometimes loving someone might not be enough. 
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Chapter Summary:  Gray's excited to move away with Joel, but Natsu's not answering him and Erza thinks he's making a mistake.
Chapters (11/22):   1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 Rating: Mature Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Relationships: Natsu Dragneel/Gray Fullbuster, Gray Fullbuster/Original Male Character(s) Tags: Alternate Universe - Modern Setting, Angst and Hurt/Comfort, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Abuse, Abusive Relationships, Rape/Non-con Elements, Rape Aftermath, Unhealthy Coping Mechanisms, Natsu just wants to help, but Gray feels like he can’t leave, Non-Linear Narrative, Trans Character, Tumblr: FTLGBTales, ftlgbtpride2019, Coming Out, First Love, Angst with a Happy Ending, I promise
it's as simple as can be  
iso·late | \â€ŻËˆÄ«-sə-ˌlāt transitive verb :  to set apart from others
v may five years ago
Three weeks before the end of spring semester, Joel shows up at Gray’s place with a bouquet of flowers and an announcement.  
“I got a job back in Crocus,” he says as Gray searches the kitchen for a vase for the flowers. They’re soft, pink roses with petals that feel like silk under Gray’s fingertips. “At Ekhart and Wilson.”  
“Really?” Gray turns to Joel with raised eyebrows – that’s been Joel’s dream since he started college. “That’s awesome.” Joel grins at Gray, then pulls him into his arms and kisses Gray’s forehead.
“I start in July, after I graduate,” Joel says, wrapping his arms around Gray’s waist and looking at him seriously. “So you’ll have time to talk to your guidance counsellor about transferring credits.”  
“Transferring?” Gray asks, frowning. Joel rolls his eyes good-naturedly.  
“To the college in Crocus,” he says. “I already found us an apartment – it’s downtown, right near the campus and the office. You’re gonna love it.” He runs his fingers through Gray’s hair, giving him a fond look.  
“An apartment?” Gray says, starting to feel a bit off-kilter. “You mean – moving with you? To Crocus?”  
Continue reading on AO3
Joel gives him a hurt look. “You said you wanted to live together, remember?”  
“I do,” Gray says quickly, trying to regain his equilibrium. The words are starting to make sense, but it feels a bit like the floor is tipping out from beneath him. They’ve been talking about finding a place – as much as Gray loves Erza and Jellal, this is their home, not his. But
 “I just thought you meant here.”  
Joel sighs, ruffling Gray’s hair. “There’s nowhere for me to work here, silly.” Gray nods – Elmsworth is a pretty small town. There’s not much here except the college, a few crappy diners, and the bowling alley.  
“I...” Gray hesitates, chewing his lip. Crocus is hours from here, and even further from his parents. He hasn’t seen them much lately, though – he’d tested the waters with his mom by talking about a hypothetical trans friend, and the response had been... chilly.  
“I’d have insurance at the new job,” Joel adds, giving Gray a significant look. Gray frowns at him, and Joel adds, “it would help could cover hormones, if you wanted them. Or surgery.”  
Gray freezes. He’s been talking more and more to Joel about transitioning, about finding a doctor who’d be willing to help him. He hasn’t mentioned it to anyone else. With everyone other than Joel, he’s still Ellie, even though he's tried over and over again to tell Natsu. It just never comes out right, and he ends up deleting the words before he can send them.
“Seriously?” he asks, and Joel gives him a wide smile, squeezing his hands. “You mean
“We can have a new start,” Joel says. “Just you and me.”  
[June 11]
Natsu [19:32]  i miss you, ells. i hope things are good for you.  
Gray [23:35]  Things are great. I’m moving to Crocus with Joel in a couple weeks.  
[June 13]
Natsu [02:59]  wow thats a big step! im happy for you  
[June 14]  
Gray [03:33]  I'm excited but a bit nervous. I told my mom today and she was happy because she loves Joel but sad because it’s so far away.  
Gray [03:34]  They ran into a problem with my credit transfer so I don’t know if I’m gonna be able to go back to school in the fall. I might have to work for a year, but Joel says there’s lots of jobs in Crocus so hopefully I can find something.  
Gray [04:22]  I’m sorry about the trip. I really wanted to see you .  
Gray [04:43]  I know you’re probably in bed but I can’t sleep, I've been sitting here staring at my phone for hours. I think it’s because I’m excited/nervous about the move.  
Gray [05:01]  Maybe we can meet halfway at Christmas break? I can’t believe we haven’t seen each other in a year. I’m sorry I haven’t been around much lately. I know Erza’s worried about me moving with Joel and maybe you are too, I just want you guys to trust me. Please?  
Gray [06:54]  I miss you so much.  
Gray finally falls asleep around seven, but he still wakes up before Joel does, just after eleven. As soon as he reads through his late-night messages to Natsu, he groans and quickly sends one more.  
Gray [11:17]  Sorry, sleep deprived me is sappy. I'll let you know when we get settled in Crocus and maybe we can Skype.  
Joel makes a soft sound in his sleep, rolling over and throwing an arm over Gray’s waist. Gray brushes Joel’s hair from his face, squeezing his eyes shut as a wave of guilt washes over him.  
He deletes all the texts, then throws his phone on the side table and wakes Joel up with a kiss.  
Natsu doesn’t answer. A week goes by, and Gray texts him a couple more times, but it’s as if Natsu’s disappeared. Gray’s pretty sure he’s pissed because they’re moving right before Natsu was planning to come to town, but Natsu’s never stopped talking to him before.  
Gray’s tempted to ask Erza if she’s heard from Natsu, but once he tells her that he’s moving away with Joel, she turns into somebody that he doesn’t want to be around anymore.  
“Ellie, you’ve only known him for a few months,” she says as he’s putting his things into boxes. She’s leaning against his bedroom door, arms crossed over her chest, eyes serious. “It just seems
“Erza,” Gray groans, rubbing his face and turning to look at her.  
“Don’t give me that look,” she says, scowling at him. “It’s just
 you just started your degree, and you don’t know anybody in Crocus, and—”  
“Natsu didn’t know anyone at Danston either,” Gray argues.  
“That’s not—”  
“I’m not a little kid,” he continues, waving away whatever she’d been going to say. “I don’t understand why you guys can’t just be happy for me.”  
Erza sighs, pulling a strand of hair over her shoulder and coiling it around her finger. Gray turns back to his packing, wishing he could will Erza away with angry thoughts.  
“I think you’re making a mistake,” Erza says softly. “I feel like you sho—”  
“It’s a good thing I don’t need your permission then, isn’t it?” Gray snaps, shoving several pairs of old jeans into a duffel bag. He hears Erza’s sharp intake of breath and he refuses to look at her. He can’t deal with the disappointed expression that he knows is on her face.  
“Ellie, please,” Erza whispers, but Gray shakes his head.  
“I thought you’d be supportive,” he says quietly, swallowing hard to keep himself from crying. “You and Natsu, b-both of you...”  
He looks up when Erza crouches down beside him and wraps her arms around him. “It’s... I just feel like I’m being left behind,” she says. “Natsu, and you, and I’ve got Jellal, but...”  
Gray leans against her, reaching up and covering her hand with his own as he swallows down both guilt and frustration. “I’m sorry,” he says, but he’s not sure if that’s true.  
“Me too,” she says, kissing his head.  
They sit on the floor of his room for a long time, until his phone buzzes with a text from Joel, and Erza gets up silently and heads back to the kitchen. 
[June 21]
Gray [02:45] Please answer me
Gray: [02:45] I need you
Gray [02:47] I’m angry
Gray [02:48] I miss you
Gray [02:49] I love you
Gray [02:50] Don’t abandon me
Gray [04:43]  We’re leaving tomorrow. The address is 6 Willowdale Crescent, Apartment 503. 
“I’m gonna miss you so much,” Erza says, hugging Gray tightly and kissing his forehead. “Take care of yourself, okay?”  
“I will,” Gray says, leaning back and giving Erza what he hopes is a reassuring smile. “You worry too much.”  
“I worry just the right amount,” Erza replies, shaking her head and glancing over at where Joel is sitting in the front seat of his car. Everything in Gray’s life has been easily reduced to two cardboard boxes and a duffel bag that fits neatly in the trunk.  
“I’ll text you when we get there,” Gray says, and Erza nods, then gives him a serious look.  
“Ellie, I just wanna make sure you—”  
“Don’t.” Gray feels the fondness in his chest start to dissolve into irritation. “No more lectures. Please? This is what I want.”
Erza studies Gray’s face carefully. “Okay,” Erza says finally. “Just... be careful.”  
Gray nods, squeezing Erza’s hands one last time before letting go and heading over to the car.  
“You ready, babe?” Joel asks, leaning over and catching Gray’s lips in a kiss. Gray hums happily, kissing Joel back and then settling into his seat as Joel puts the car in reverse and pulls out of Erza and Jellal’s driveway.  
“Yeah,” Gray says, squeezing Joel’s hand and watching Elmsworth fly past them as they start the journey to Crocus. “Yeah, I am.”  
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urwarriorangel · 6 years
subconscious mistakes (sweet pea au part iii)
plot: sweet pea’s gone from childhood best friend to stranger... to caretaker? after all the times you’ve taken care of him, it’s his turn to take care of you and he has no script for that.
w: angsty, emotional turmoil, nervous sweets! caring fangs! sassy toni! (idk why these are all warnings, they just are), a lil lovin at the very end ;) also a cliffhanger!! (no gifs are mine)
a/n: omg hi hi i love this series and this part and it goes all over the place, so thank you all for reading this and loving this as well. there will definitely be at least one more chapter to this story and i hope i’m ready to say goodbye. this is kind of the first multi-chapter thing that i haven’t unnecessarily dragged out and taken my time with (while also being timely) and loved writing every second of it. so thank you for giving me the time and support. y’all are the best! as always, please let me know what you think babes! xoxo
The rain makes it hard for you to see and your lungs are tired from all the crying, but you keep running as fast as you can. And you don’t stop until you’ve made it to the White Wyrm, soaking and trembling and barely able to breathe. Panic finally begin to settle in you and every bone begins to quake.
No one sees you at first and you don’t have the energy to make yourself known. You walk over slightly, wrapping your arms around yourself before Toni’s eyes land on you. She yells someone’s name, you can’t properly make out whose. You can barely keep your eyes open.
You feel someone grip your shoulders just as you feel your legs giving way. Sweet Pea calls out your name, his jet black hair makes it into view and you feel the slightest comfort.
“Ghoulies,” you whisper, chest heaving as you fight to catch your breath. “Ghoulies were behind me. P-please,” you whimper, barely able to stay awake. “Please. Don’t let them. Don’t let them
 get me.”
When your body went limp, Sweet Pea went into a frenzy. He started screaming for help, he couldn’t seem to let go of you or stop kissing your forehead. He kept whispering promises of you being okay over and over again, to convince both you and him. He’s petrified.
For the first time in your friendship, it’s Sweet Pea taking care of you. It’s his turn to be your rock, to worry, to feel paralyzing fear. He can’t seem to sit still, he can barely breathe.  
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Sweet Pea, Fangs, and Toni manage to get you back to your apartment after you fainted. His hands are shaking as he opens your door, promising your unconscious and terrifyingly limp body that he would bring back the heads of the ghoulies for you. He was too scared to carry you, your pale and slightly cold body bringing him thoughts he couldn’t bear. So it was Fangs who got you in his car and then carried you to your place, it was Fangs who managed to calm Sweet Pea down.
It was Fangs who convinced him to stay by your side and not go after the Ghoulies as he originally wanted to. Fangs promised Pea (and you) that the Serpents would take care of the Ghoulies. Fangs went to collect the Serpents, leaving Toni to keep Sweet Pea sane.
“Toni why is she not awake yet?” Sweets is pacing back and forth, unable to look at you as the stress and fear eats at him.
“It’s only been 20 minutes. Are you sure we can’t take her to the hospital?” Toni replaces a wet rag on your forehead and looks up at the giant that’s pacing a hole in your living room.
“Are you kidding me? She hates doctors. If she wakes up--when she wakes up, she’ll want to see familiar faces. Seeing a doctor will only increase her anxiety by ten-fold. Trust me,” Sweet Pea sits next to you, placing a hand on your forehead as he fights to keep steady.
“You sure she’s still that way? It’s been a while since you two have actually spoken,” Toni glares at him, indirectly blaming him for your state.
“Some things don’t change. This is one of those things. And besides, I always keep an eye on her,” he glares back but the guilt seeps in nearly swallowing him whole. “But maybe you’re right. She’s like this because of me. That’s what you meant to say wasn’t it?”
“What I meant to say was maybe you should’ve been around more. This is the second time the Ghoulies attacked her, you know?” Toni raises her voice as the tears make their way in her eyes. “Both times they attacked her because they thought she was your girl. They taunted her, you know?”
Sweet Pea stiffens, the new information hitting him like a fucking wave. His stomach drops and he can barely breathe. Still, he refuses to believe it. He doesn’t want to think this is something he couldn’t fix.
“That’s crazy, there’s no way they thought she was my girl.”
“They remembered, Sweet Pea. They knew you two used to be close. They wanted to get to you by going after her. When it didn’t work the first time, they thought the second time would be the charm.” She spits out the last words before tilting her head up and taking a good look at Sweet Pea, quickly coming to a realization. “She never told you, did she?”
“No she didn’t fucking tell me!”  Sweet Pea’s voice roars through the small apartment, sending vibrations through your bones. Unbeknownst to him and Toni, a small tremble moves through you. “Of course she didn’t fucking tell me.”
“It’s because she didn’t want to worry you,” Toni backtracks, recognizing Sweet Pea’s explosive signs. “Sweets, forget I--”
“No, no fucking way. You’re right. This is all my fault!” he runs a hand through his hair, tears gathering in his eyes. “This is entirely my-!!”
“Sweets?” You whisper, barely able to get the word out of your mouth. They both turn to look at you, scared they’re imagining things. “Sweet Pea?”
“Y/N, I’m here, baby. I’m here,” he forgets the argument, the anger, the pain and gets on his knees next to your bed so that he’s level with you.The amount of fear he’s felt this past half hour is unmatched, so the relief he’s soon to be hit with is the same.
“What’s wrong?” You slowly open your eyes and he lets out a breath of relief, the tears racing down his cheeks. “What is it?” You lift a hand up to wipe his tears, and his kisses your palm in the process.
“Nothing, I’m just glad you’re awake,” he smiles softly as you cup his face.
Your heart races and all you can see is Sweet Pea. He’s clouding your every emotion, every thought, every revived breath. You’re grateful he’s here.
“Now you know how I feel every time you’re bruised up. I get so worried,” you cough a little and Toni brings a glass to your lips. You’re brought back to reality and you shoot her a grateful smile as she kisses your forehead.
“You scared us all, Y/N,” she whispers and brushes a hand through your hair.
“I’m not that easy to get rid of,” you chuckle softly and Sweet Pea nuzzles his face against your palm.
“We’re glad you’re not. I’m gonna go give news to the rest of the gang that you’re okay. Sweets, you good to take care of her for a bit?” Toni smiles down at you as Sweet Pea nods.
“We’ll be good here,” he kisses your palm once again and your cheeks go red at the action.
Toni says her goodbyes to you two and heads out, locking the door behind her.
“Have you eaten at all?” You slowly start to sit up and Sweet Pea’s not having it. He shakes his head and gently pushes you back down.
“Can you let me worry for once? Please? Just-- What are you doing?” He furrows his brows at you as you scoot to the side, making a bit of room on the bed.
“Making room for you. Sit down and then yell at me. I want you to be relaxed when you’re chewing me out,” you wink at him and he shakes his head in awe.
“You quite literally nearly got mauled by the fucking Ghoulies for the second time, and you’re here making sure that I’m comfortable?” He sits next to you, worried and confused as ever while he tries to figure out how to converse with you.
“ I’m safe now,” you gently rest your head on Sweet’s shoulder and his heart skips a beat as you do so.
You feel him tensing under you and you recognize this as a sign that he’s feeling something. His emotions are going awry and if you don’t intervene, he will pull away. Again. The tears rush into your eyes and you do your best to quiet down. Sweet Pea clears his throat and your name rolls off his tongue almost like a prayer until finally settling.
“Y/N, I--”
“Sweets not now, please?” You tilt your head up to look at him and he shifts his to look at you, nodding slowly as he realizes how close you two are, how much you both need this. “I just need you here. I need to feel safe. Please.”
You press your forehead against his and let out the quiet cries that have been begging to be released since you left your house earlier that night. One hand grabs ahold of yours and the others reaches up to cup your face, closing his eyes as the fear and the confusion and the hurt finally turn to relief and joy. You’re here. He didn’t lose you. So he throws all caution to the window and places soft, small kisses all across your face as his tears begin to match yours.
“I’m so glad you’re here,” Sweet whispers, his lips nearing but never touching yours.
“I’m glad you’re here, Sweets,” you whisper, smiling through the tears as you revel in the wonder that is Sweet Pea.
The hand that’s cupping your face, moves down so he can grab both your hands in his and his lips can feel every inch of your face. Feeling bold, the gentle pads of his thumbs fueling you, you lean forward and close the space between your lips.
Time stops, your breathing becomes almost nonexistent, space bends, reality falls apart, and Sweet Pea--dear, dear Sweet Pea--is torn between giving in to everything he’s worked so hard to ignore and doing what he does best: leaving.
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hungrywhovianjedi · 7 years
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                                              If I Never Leave
In an alternate reality, everything is different. Emma got to raise Henry, Neal never died, and Hook never changed. This is the story of when Hook changed the past, and Neal never left.
Read where it all began : Prologue, chapter 1, chapter 2, chapter 3, chapter 4, chapter 5, chapter 6 chapter 7 Epilogue
Read the rest of this story Prologue 
this story is also on FFN
tagging a few friends and people who showed interest: @flslp87 @revanmeetra87 @thegladelf @galadriel26 @swanfireheart @andiirivera @tralfamador-ian  
if you would like to be tagged in future chapters, just let me know or if you would like me not to tag you, likewise
Chapter 1
Neal Cassidy wasn’t prepared. He thought he was, but nothing prepared him for the mood swings, the cravings. The aches and pains, and the general difficulty of having a pregnant girlfriend. Wait, no fiancĂ©. As soon as they found out, going to Canada didn’t feel right. He wanted to raise his son in the place that they chose together.
Neal turned them around and pushed the little bug to its limit after getting it a clean vin, and they made it to Tallahassee, Neal bought a small house with the watch money, and got a job at a local store. The first thing he did when he got their house, was buy a ring.
It wasn’t fancy, but he knew Emma wouldn’t care, and anything beat an onion ring in a bathroom at a roadside motel outside of Tacoma. Then he took her out on the town, and did it right. He and Emma were on the beach after a movie, and dinner, when he pulled her to a stop, and dropped on one knee. He pulled out the small box, and asked her to marry her on the Tallahassee beaches, and she told him yes, her lips warm and soft against his, this time without puke breath and onion rings.
They got married in a courthouse, Neal in a dress shirt and jeans, and Emma in a white sundress practically glowing with joy, and pregnancy their little boy becoming more pronounced every day.
It was days like today he knew he would always cherish, as Emma waddled into the living room, softly humming to her their son, and rubbing soothing circles over her stomach. He wished he could paint, so he could capture that moment forever, the way her eyes were closed, and the way her face lit up as she caught his eye across the room. “Henry’s been active today. I think he’s as anxious to come meet us, as we are to meet him.” She said as she moved over to him.
She was almost seven months along now, and they had finally agreed on a name. She had been thinking Benjamin, or James, and he offered John and Michael, but Emma refused to have her son named after “the little boys from Peter Pan” It went like that often, but Neal found it he didn’t even know how, but one day, he and Emma were watching a movie, when he heard it. Henry. Henry James Swan-Cassidy, they chose James because Emma said it was “A strong name, and it made him sound like a prince, even though neither of them were.” He smiled when he thought about it, Henry really was a prince, not that Emma knew that.
Neal moved to her side, resting his hands on her swollen stomach and leaning down so his face was inches away from his son. “We’re excited to meet you to, kid.” He looked up at Emma, and smiled at the fondness on her face, as she gazed back at him softly. “But, let’s take it easy on your mom a bit yeah? We’ll still be here in a couple of weeks, and we can’t wait, but you have to, alright kiddo?” He was answered by a hard kick to his hand, and he smiled. “Glad we agree Henry. Glad we agree.”
~~zero hour~~
Neal was woken by a sudden gasp beside him, and a bone crushing grip around his arm. He shot upright, as Emma groaned. “Emma?” He asked groggily, “Babe, what’s wrong?” He barely opened his eyes, when it suddenly felt like he had been jolted awaked by a car battery.
“He’s coming.” She gasped. “I think he’s coming!” She gasped again, clutching at her stomach. Neal was out of bed in an instance, scrabbling for the light switch, and rushing to the closet. He frantically dug through, he knew the bag was in there, he watched Emma put it in here. After a minute of searching, where most of their closet wound up relocated to the bedroom floor, he found it, and was back at Emma’s side. She was breathing heavily, she hissed as Neal helped her out of the bed, and into the sweater that was beside the bed.
“Just breathe, Emma. Breathe, and before you know it, Henry will be here.” He told her, with a small smile, that she returned before a contraction struck, and she was crushing his hand.
~~hour 1~~
The drive to the hospital, was one of the longest, and most nerve-racking drives Neal had ever taken. Emma was trying to urge him to go faster, despite the fact he was already going ten over, and well beyond the point of getting pulled over. So, when the lights never flashed, before he swung into the hospital parking lot, he released a sigh of relief before he pressed a kiss to Emma’s head, and launched out of the car and into the emergency room, to get help.
The nurse looked up when he came running in. “I need help!” He called to her, making her bustle around the desk, “My wife, she’s in the car, and she’s in labor.” When he said the words, it really came crashing down on him. This was happening, he was going to be a dad. In a matter of a few hours, he would be a father, and Emma would be the best mother. He knew it already, as he helped the nurse get Emma into the wheelchair, and rolled her into the emergency room.
Not long after, they were in one of the rooms with the curtain door, Emma perched on the high bed. The nurse that helped Neal get her inside, was preforming a check on Emma’s vitals. Jotting down notes. She took her temp, “Okay, Emma. About how far apart are your contractions? So we can get a good estimate of when your little one is going to come meet you.” The nurse asked soothingly.
Neal rubbed her shoulders gently, as Emma answered, her hand resting over Neal’s. “I woke up about five, with the first one, and they’re I don’t know twenty minutes apart?”
The nurse nodded, jotting something down on her clipboard. “okay, the doctor will be in, in a moment, she’ll check and see how much you’re dilated, but chances are, you’re in early labor, which means you have a long way to go. Which if you are only in early labor, you’ll have a choice. You’ll be able to go home, and come back, or we can get you set up in a birthing suite here.” Emma nodded, and the nurse left, after a parting pat to her leg, and a smile.
The curtain pulled back a couple moments later, revealing a doctor that held a striking resemblance to Emma, just with dark hair on the other side.
“Okay, Mrs. Cassidy.”
“Swan-Cassidy.” Emma corrected. “Mrs. Swan-Cassidy”
The doctor nodded. “My name is doctor Cameron, and I’ll be preforming your preliminary exam, then I’ll send that to your doctor. I see it listed here, as doctor Rider?”
Emma nodded. “Yes, doctor Rider.” She confirmed.
Dr. Cameron nodded, and looked up with a smile. “Alright, let’s take a look, and see when little one is going to come say hello.”
~~hour 4~~
Neal and Emma decided to stay, because Emma didn’t want to wait too long and end up ‘having a house baby’ because they didn’t know what they were doing. So they were set up in a birthing suite, and Neal found himself pacing restlessly, as Emma slept. The first three hours, had been spent with Doctor Rider coming in to take a look at Emma’s progress, and him reading Emma’s old beat up copy of Peter Pan. A book which he had come to cherish, despite his knowledge of what Neverland really was, because of the way Emma’s face lit, up whenever she read it to their son.
He hated Pan, but even he had to admit that the story in this land was not Peter Pan as he truly was. This Pan was mischievous and playful, not evil and spiteful. He was halfway through the final duel with Captain Hook, when he looked up, and noticed that Emma had drifted to sleep. He released a sigh of relief, glad that she was finally sleeping, he knew he should try and do some sleeping before things got serious in a couple hours, but he was wired.  
He looked back at Emma, sleeping peacefully, and it hit him again, how he almost gave this up. He almost walked away from her, leaving her to go to prison, he almost destroyed her life. He almost put Emma in the position to give up the baby they were eagerly awaiting. He owed it to Hook. If it weren’t for Hook telling him she was pregnant, if he hadn’t fallen in love with an older, more broken Emma, he would have thrown this away.
As he paced, he replayed his life in his mind, all the mistakes he had made. When he was a little boy, he had been so happy. His father had been his best friend, his mother his stone wall, that would shield him from the dark nights. Then his mother left, and tore down the wall, leaving his father feebly covering them with scratchy wool, and raising him to be afraid. Then the Ogre’s War draft came for him, and that was when he saw his life crumble. He suddenly was a prince in their village. His father a vengeful king. He was no longer the loving father that had sold everything he owned for his son. Neal looked to his wife again, when she made a small sound in her sleep. His father had turned to darkness to protect his family. Neal made a vow as he looked at his world, asleep in that small hospital bed, he would protect them, but he would never do something that he wouldn’t want his son to emulate to do so. He wouldn’t let darkness rip apart this family, like it did with his first.
His mind replayed the night that he left his father. He was so hopeful, he thought that he would finally get the chance to live a life free of dark magic, by taking his father to the land without magic. His father let him go, he abandoned him. Neal admitted to himself, that he would likely never forgive his father doing that to him. He knew that staying here with Emma, he knew it was the road back to his father. He also knew, he would never leave Emma to face him alone. Not with Henry. He wouldn’t do that, so when that time came, he would walk into the town that the curse made, and he would suck it up. He would go back to his father. He vowed to stay by her, and he would protect her, and their son. Even if that meant going to the one place he never wanted to go. Even if it meant that he would have to face his father. Neal would never leave his family.
He paused in his pacing, and moved back to Emma’s side, and pressed a kiss to her forehead. He didn’t know why Hook would give him this chance, but if he ever saw the man that saved his future, he wasn’t sure he could ever repay the gift he was given, even as Emma woke with a groan, and something told him, that Henry wasn’t that far away.
~~hour 7~~
Sweat beaded on Emma’s forehead, her contractions began coming closer and closer together. Doctor Rider was a constant in the room now, as the room began to transform, and it seemed to get smaller, as more and more people came in, bringing things for the doctor, and offering Emma drugs. All of which she denied immediately. She had told Neal right away, that she didn’t want anything. She wanted this to be natural.
Neal had taken up a new position by her head, hand clamped in hers. It was another check, and this time doctor Rider looked up. “Emma.” He began, as Emma clenched Neal’s hand again, he grunted, but otherwise showed no reaction, aside from whispering encouragements, “Emma,” Dr. Rider started again. “We’re almost ready, your water should be breaking any time now, or we’ll have to break it ourselves, then it’ll just be a matter of time, before your little guy is here.” He assured. “Something that will help, is if you wanted to take a short walk around the ward, it might help get things get rolling.”
Emma nodded, as they brought her legs down from the stirrups. “I think I’ll try that, I’m already getting tired of this bed.” She joked.
Neal smiled and rubbed his thumb over the back of her hand, and nodded, whatever she wanted.
~~hour 9~~
Another lap around the hospital, it seemed like Henry was really not willing to come out and say hello, but there was hope, back around the end of the last lap, her water broke, and that was when the pressure really started, mostly because he was sure he would need a splint or perhaps a full cast if she squeezed much harder, doctor Rider was back at his place by her feet, legs up in stirrups once more, and then he said the magic words.
“Emma, when I say push, I’m going to need you to push.” His voice was soothing, and Neal felt a wave of anxious, happiness, with twinges of terror, cut through with pain, as Emma crushed his hand again. “Okay, Emma. Push!” he ordered, and Emma tensed, body contracting, a solid cry slipping past her lips, Neal swore he saw the lights flicker, but that could just be because of the points of pain flashing behind his eyes, as he swore he felt something crack in his hand.
“Okay, that was so good Emma, so good, just a little bit more, and he’ll be here, ready, and I need you to push again Emma. Push!” He ordered, Emma pushed again, a strangled scream leaving her lips, and Neal felt his heart go out to her, as he began to lose feeling in his fingers, whispering praise in her ear.
“Shut up!” She all but shrieked at him. “You did this to me!” He tried not to let the words hurt, he was warned by the doctor, that she might say things she didn’t mean because of the pain.
“I know, Emma, I know. I’m sorry babe, but it’ll be over soon, he’ll be here soon.” He whispered.
“Emma, push!” The doctor ordered again, and this time Neal was sure he felt a bone crack, and the only thing that broke through the haze, was Dr. Rider’s exclamation. “I see the head, just one more Emma. Ready, and, push!”
Emma’s resounding scream was the longest most agonized scream he had ever heard her release, and when it was done she sagged back against the mattress.
“Okay Emma, one more push, and his shoulders will be through. Just one more, and you get to hold your son.”
“I can’t do it! I can’t!” She sobbed. “I can’t do it!”
“Yes you can, he want’s to meet you Emma, just one more push!”
Emma shook her head, but finally she tensed again, grip harder on Neal’s hand, as she screamed one more time, and this time, it was joined by another scream, one that Neal wouldn’t soon forget, because it was the high, clear, first cry of his son.
Emma sobbed when she heard it, and he saw pure joy, mix with the exhaustion on her face, as the doctor laid Henry in her arms. “Hi, Henry.” She whispered, holding him close to her chest, her grin growing, when his cry silenced as soon as he was in her arms. “Hi” she whispered, before tearing her eyes away to look at her husband, “We made this.”
Neal felt tears on his face, as he bent to kiss her. “You did all the work.” He turned to look at his son, and he swore, he had never seen anything so beautiful. “Henry Swan-Cassidy, he’s going to take this world by storm” He told the little boy, earning a sleepy laugh from his wife.  
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