#and how they manipulate their followers
minzart · 2 months
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Going togheter with this
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rottenratman · 2 years
I will make connections between belos / the emperors coven and the latest ghost album
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I've been watching Hazbin Hotel in prime. Just watched episode 5 and I gotta ask
Like I get it, the song before it "Hell's Greatest Dad" Is a bop reminiscent of other music from the era its parodying. I loved it.
BUT why are you only putting clips of that song when this MASTERPIECE comes a few minutes after
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I honestly don't even know where to begin with this song. The visuals are beautiful, especially when we get moments like this where you can just see the absolute LOVE this man has for her daughter is so sweet and Heartwarming I just-
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The voices are fenomenal but what else can you expect from the broadway talents of Erika Henningsen and Jeremy Jordan.
There is also the whole Symbolism with passing the baton to the next generation and stuff. I- I can't even get into the specifics right now Im too emotional.
But above all else THE LYRICS
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It's just so fucking beautiful man. Probably the best song I will hear all year. Obviously my favorite from Hazbin.
#Call me Sir Pentious cause Im crying like a baby over here.#WHY HAVE YOU BEEN HIDING THIS GEM FROM ME. THIS ABSOLUTE DIAMOND#I didnt even mention lyrics like “I've been dying to find out who you are. looks like the apple doesnt fall far.”#“You are a part of who I am” “you are the only thing worth fighting for” that just BREAK ME#but oh well#BTW of course I was gonna watch and become obsessed with Hazbin Hotel. I am a theater kid that loves animation. It was like meant for me#could do with a little less obsenities but thats alright its a staple of the show#On another note I almost went insane when I found out lucifer was Jeremy Jordan.#Like its insane how that man always ends up in my obsessions. Newsies. Tangled the series. The Death Note Musical#(Im team L btw in death note but GOD Jeremy's singing made me reconsider for a milisecond in Where's the justice he is just THAT GOOD)#Erika I knew from the mean girls musical which I also deeply enjoy#its Insane the Talent this show brought in. my theater kid heart is ELATED#Last thing is I gotta say I LOVED Lucifer#Like I thought I was gonna hate him because everyone was talking about charlie's daddy issues#I thought he was gonna be neglectful and manipulative#BUT NO. He is a silly (little) father who just loves his daughter but doesnt know how to show it#And had DREAMS and AMBITION and fate in humanity. And he is just such a fun character to follow I had such a riot with this episode#Hazbin Hotel#charlie morningstar#lucifer morningstar#charlotte morningstar
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deimosatellite · 3 days
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stavrovensky childhood meeting
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domesticated-feral · 5 months
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Then someone will say, "What is lost can never be saved."
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how i feel coming back on tumblr after being dead for 4 months
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autismmydearwatson · 5 months
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dieselocelot · 1 month
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you're losing a savior and a saint
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venti-death-watch · 6 months
i cannot explain it. arlecchino & freminet's potential relationship is so fascinating to me. i think the trio all has a bit of arlecchino in them but freminet's the one who's a potential threat. they both were under the previous director, they're both perceptive even of the divine (they could both read furina), they both use their appearance & personality to achieve their goals/missions. she knows how to redirect lyney & lynette's cunning/analytical nature/loyalty as she wants, and freminet will follow direct orders. so what happens when he decides something else takes precedence?
freminet says protecting his family has become his personal goal rather than an oath given by either director. do you ever wonder if arlecchino has considered the outcome of freminet deciding she's hurt his family & deciding to act on it, like how she killed the previous director?
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tetracopter · 1 year
I'm surprised I haven't seen anyone mention yet how Cartman used Kenny to manipulate Butters into investing. He knows damn well that Kenny is Butters' weakness.
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symbiotic-slime · 2 months
would you guys be interested in venom/the magnus archives crossover fan art
#I wanna draw the guys as avatars#also I think it would be a fun challenge to try to make Venom visibly an avatar of the hunt#because they already look like that#but I have ideas for the others :3#venom#venom comics#venom movies#the magnus archives#I’m going to elaborate in the tags because I can#so Eddie is 100% an avatar of the corruption#and is also the type of guy who willingly became an avatar#he’s so deranged he would be enthralled by the wasp nest in his attic#he would be a victim of the lonely though#like especially comics!Eddie#because his bond with the symbiote is so deep that like. being singular sends him into a depressive spiral#flash is an avatar of the slaughter#but he’s not deranged like Eddie his was more of a result of his situation#like being a bully and then joining the military#very slaughter coded#and yes he’s made up for the bullying so I’m not sure how that would play in?? but he still does have some anger issues#he’s a victim of the web#like one the alcoholism is classic web#and two being manipulated. like the whole agent venom arc where he was essentially being blackmailed by jack olantern#venom is a manifestation of the corruption#an avatar of the hunt#and probably also a victim of the lonely#like I think the idea of being alone as a being who’s whole purpose is to bond and connect with a host would be devastating#recently I think they could probably also be a victim of the desolation given that everyone important to them keeps fucking dying lmao#I’m kinda second guessing myself with flash because he’s just so damn normal like he doesn’t revel in war but I also want to give him one#do any of my followers know both of these. if so please help me out I’m struggling with flash 😭
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Is it "good rep" to have autistic characters be evil? No. But I, an autistic person whose autism occasionally makes me evil, appreciate it.
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hella1975 · 1 year
tams azula is sooo fascinating bc while canon azula doesn't really show her age at all like she's completely desensitised to so much shit 'she is fourteen' is not a justification for ANYTHING both in her own mind and in other people's, in tams she has zuko. and yes the world has been abundantly cruel to her but zuko hasn't. he's basically raised azula and he's done so in a way that she's allowed to show her age, but she still only shows her age in very azula-esque ways. there's no reluctance to see violence like you'd expect from a fourteen-year-old, and like ive said before, that means zuko can't play on that reluctance in order to shield her, but he still wants to shield her from that violence because regardless of what SHE feels about it, as the eldest he knows fundamentally that she shouldn't be seeing certain things no matter how well she can handle them. and seeing zuko effectively PLAY azula in order to protect her is so interesting and complicated and fun
#and also a little heartbreaking bc it's the 'you protect azula but who protects you?'#like in order to shield azula from these things zuko is metaphorically standing in front of her and seeing them himself#as if he's not only sixteen and a child too#but yeah taking azula's canon traits and manipulating into the tamsverse is soooo fun#like the example that inspired this post is how canon azula is logical NOT cruel#like time and time again she follows only the logical route and even actively avoids the cruel route#e.g calling off torture in the boiling rock bc she knew that he was telling the truth and therefore continuing to torture him was illogical#im not saying azula is averse to/incapable of cruelty i just hc that she genuinely just thinks it's stupid#just like any other unnecessary act would be considered stupid. if it's not logical or being used for a greater plan then what's the point?#and tams azula STILL HOLDS THIS TRAIT except because i lean more into her age in tams bc she's been given the freedom with zuko#to liberally be a CHILD without any consequences as a result of that simple thing#her intense logic actually becomes a certain naivety on azula#like she cannot comprehend other people NOT coming to the conclusions she comes to#and that expands to needless cruelty. like she wont factor a person's cruelty into her calculations#because in her head all she needs to dismiss that calculation is 'excessive cruelty here would waste time which is illogical'#she assumes everyone is as smart and to-the-point as she is so when they ARENT and will actively waste time just to do dumb shit#it catches her off guard and she DOESNT PLAN FOR IT so it can really fuck them over sometimes#so this is one instance where zuko has azula beat despite it being STRATEGY aka azula's strong point#bc zuko's immense cynicism and assumption that Everyone Is Awful doesn't hold up against logic 9 times out of 10#but the one time it does is the time azula gets caught out#i just think tams zuko and azula's dynamic is so fucking interesting im so clever for that tbh#twice as many stars
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butterflieswhisper · 20 days
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they're so cool. they are so cool. testament guilty gear my beloved they're so cool. I love love love this art specifically it's so good. the way the most vibrant part is the blood that forms their staff but only the part that pools under them. something something weight of their actions etc etc. they are also non binary and so cool forever and ever
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toxiccaves · 7 months
you know, i want to stay positive and believe that it'll be fine because there's definitely more people in the world that know that pr0sh!pp3r nonsense is used to groom children and is reprehensible. and I know a lotta kids these days know better too, or have people who reach out to them if they don't.
but how many of the kids online that aren't "trendy" or don't post content or lack social skills get completely ignored, or have no one in their online spaces around to help keep them safe? There is so much propaganda and manipulated language being used by these people to groom children and make even adults think it's fine to do, and I just don't know how we can be there to protect every kid who needs it online. it is so repulsive to me how abundant this kinda thing is in every fanbase. all i can think to say is if you see a minor online interacting with it, always try to reach out to keep them safe. maybe take time to talk about it every once in a while.
the way i was publicly preyed upon on this website when i was 14-17 and no one said anything has still left its scars and I don't want any other child to go through that too.
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antianakin · 1 year
I understand people liked Ahsoka by season five and all, but would it not have been more interesting to have had Ahsoka BE the bomber, like maybe she intentionally planned it so she was off planet and therefore free of suspicion when it happened.
Have her just... go dark. Both because of the war and its impact on the Jedi and the corruption in the Jedi, but also because she learned at the heels of Anakin Skywalker and he's taught her all of his worst habits. He's taught her attachment, and selfishness, and impatience, and mistrust, and arrogance.
The entire bombing isn't even ABOUT the Jedi or sending a message, it's to frame Anakin for the whole thing so that she can get him to come with her afterwards, but Anakin's a little better at proving his own innocence than Ahsoka was, so he manages to get out of it on his own and Ahsoka gets exposed and has to run.
Ahsoka also underestimates how attached he is to the idea of being a Jedi, and to Padme on Coruscant, so she's taken by surprise when he refuses. And maybe she even calls him out for staying with the Jedi even when he doesn't agree with them, even when he's powerful enough that he could "do more" to win the war quicker, even when he's thought about leaving before but he's too cowardly to do so. Anakin's there like "How could you do this, Ahsoka, how could you betray everyone you know, everyone who cares about you?" and she can come back with "Because this is what you made me, this is what you taught me." And Anakin would reject that, refuse to see the truth in it, because of course he would. He would NEVER be anything but a hero, obviously.
It feels more interesting and compelling than the framing narrative and I feel like it leaves more for Ahsoka to do and room for her to grow as a separate character later on if they wanted to keep following her.
I don't HATE the trajectory she's been on prior to this, but it also feels like she's ended up a little static for years now, stuck in limbo with nowhere to go. At least if they'd thrown her down into the pits in TCW, she'd have an obvious path up from there to explore.
#ahsoka tano#star wars#the clone wars#tcw#swtcw#star wars the clone wars#darksider ahsoka au#think about like rebels ahsoka being darksider ahsoka who shows up in season 2 instead of the inquisitors and/or maul#darksider ahsoka who sees potential in ezra and scoffs at kanan's more traditional teachings#darksider ahsoka who remembers rex and still cares about rex but who has disappointed him and betrayed him and can't apologize for it yet#not truly#darksider ahsoka having such a weird relationship with kanan where some part of her pities him and wants to bring him into the dark too#but the other part envies him and wishes she were more like him still#some part of her still YEARNS to be like kanan still is#darksider ahsoka who follows them to malachor because she may not like the jedi but she isn't exactly pro-sith either here#so she's willing to help them get rid of the battlestation and gain knowledge of how to destroy the sith#darksider ahsoka getting sort-of warped by malachor a little#pushed further into her worst instincts so she tries to manipulate ezra into helping her with her own agenda and find the sith holocron#and then vader shows up#and ahsoka sees her mirror#darksider ahsoka getting a hit on vader's life support unit instead of his mask because she doesn't need proof to know who he is#darksider ahsoka leaving vader behind in that temple to die and going back to the rebels with kanan and ezra#darksider ahsoka who has to figure out where to even GO from here now that she's not a Jedi anymore but she's not quite dark either#she's not gandalf the white with the symbol of the light on her shoulder this time#she's jaded and bitter and clawing her way back from her pit
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