#and i HATE the mines. constant jumpscares
captainadwen · 9 months
I have a suspicion now that the weird doors in dungeons are actually more royal tombs (+ obligatory boss battle) because I went up and down the insomnia waterways dungeon for like an hour and found a weird alien door but not a royal tomb and every other dungeon has a royal tomb.....
Tho I hear pitioss (wherever it is. I'm looking forward to this one) doesn't have a royal tomb so maybe this one doesn't either....
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calico-kiwi · 3 months
i hate periods 🔥 🔥 🔥 (<this is me trying to burn mine so it is gone forever)
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54625 · 2 months
I miss kelp cocaine
I miss everyone congregating at Phil and Missa's, I miss Roier's over exaggerated moan every time he and Cellbit kissed, I miss everyone throwing their balaclavas on and going "passa tudo...", Tubbo's constant grilling of Fit and Pac (especially Fit), Mike's hairdressing, everyone singing the Pac e Mike wow wow song, Gegg, the admins striking people with lightning perfectly on cue, the Foolish cheating allegations, Slime and Mariana traumatising their viewers, Dorime playing randomly, people turning eachother rainbow coloured with the rainbow jelly, Dapper randomly pulling out all kinds of crazy creatures from his backpack, the extremely overwhelming pre-event meet ups, Las Casualonas, the casualonas dance, Sunny's materialism, Etoiles telling everyone how and why their armour and weapons aren't actually optimised, Phil breaking the fourth wall, Baghera and her fish joke, Rubius abusing his creative power, Foolish ruining the tension during serious moments, Cellbit obsessing over every lore lead or clue, Roier and his hilarious PNG builds, Felps "finally being added to the server", Fit always looking after Mariana's builds in his absence, everyone playing hide and seek, Cucurucho spying on and jumpscaring everyone, Quackity constantly being made fun of for his dead kid, Phil and Fit's aggressive "friendly" flirting, Cellbit talking over Richas' shoulder while he's painting, Leonarda's spoiledness, Ramón's obsession with the citric acid cycle, Slime's ability to show up for an event out of nowhere and just completely derail everything, new players always freaking out about Fit's voice, Quackity desperately trying to find a match since day 1 and always failing, Maximus' talk show, people teleporting in and out at just the right second, Jaiden's love for Hatsune Miku infecting the server, Bad and Foolish's encounters, Ramón threatening to blow himself up or digging himself into the ground when he doesn't get his way, Tallulah drowning herself when she doesn't get her way, the hilarious mistranslations, the wonderful screenshots, Vegetta's mines, Jaiden's expanding list of nationalities, Antoine being an enigma, the in-game karaoke place, Bobby starting fights, Juanaflippa dying over and over, Empanada trauma dumping about her first death to Bagi, Cellbit's vivo turbo ad, Bad yelling "language!", Pol and Foolish and Mouse not being able to stop laughing around each other, Pierre and Max's damn furry club, "no mames!", Spreen leaving for cigarettes, Bad stealing furniture, Missa being incomprehensibly cringefail (I will never forget that "bucket clutch"), Felps' hole, Tubbo's bigger hole, Mike going crazy that one time, Chayanne whipping out his cooking utensils, "Fofoca!", Pomme being the French Sniper, Pepito being homeless for a sec? Richarlyson's many personalities and characters, Tilin being "la tres leches", Trump even being called Trump to begin with, Cucuruchito flirting with everyone, dozens of plots to break into various federation buildings, hundreds of rule breaks, DanTDM being theorised to be Bagi's missing brother, Etoiles' love-hate relationship with the codes, Kameto going out for milk, Tina's heavily one sided rivalry with Fit, everyone changing their skins for events and some people being so extra with it, things falling into chaos every time an event needed them to travel a long distance together, the messy group photos, Charlie's grief spirals, people meeting up at Spreen's bar way back when, everyone making an effort to speak languages they don't speak, the sharing of international memes, the teaching of swear words, the joy that was born from the interconnectivity.
Just all of the things, dumb, hilarious, or adorable. The moments, bits and little jokes that made the QSMP so engaging, fun and entertaining to watch. That made you feel like you were participating in one massive celebration. I miss it.
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Omg I loved those video game hcs with the overwatch heroes! You know the ones where they were watching their S/O play their favorite game? Can I request the same thing except with Dva, Tracer, present day Genji, and Lúcio?
Much like every other set with the same topic, please feel free to go ahead and guess which games I’m referring to :)
Images are not mine.
Headcanons referred to can be found here and here
Present day Genji:
One of the few things Genji had retained over the years was his love of video games
And watching his S/O play video games. That too.
It didn’t take much begging from you for him to join you on the couch as you booted up the game
However, once the intro was over you and Genji were probably ready to jump into each other’s arms from a massive overload of fear
Although there were moments where the two of you managed to laugh, for the most part your eyes were transfixed on the screen and from the occasional glances you made, Genji was going through the exact same thing
Even when nothing was happening, the two of you were constantly scared that something was going to surprise you because of the game’s dark and somber atmosphere
The sharply defined graphics didn’t help either
Although it did make the game look extremely polished
When the protagonist got stabbed twice and had their hand chopped off by a chainsaw, you were surprised that neither of you screamed
Well on the outside at least
However, Genji’s arms were around you the moment an enemy shows up in the game, shocked from the grotesque and molded form of said enemy
He actually has to make sure that the two of you didn’t reach the brink of insanity with constant check-ins and taking the time to meditate before and after every gaming session
Even though you do keep good track of how much ammo and health packs you have left, Genji watches them like a hawk
Especially during a boss battle
God those bosses chewed up resources like it was nothing
He warns you whenever you’re starting to run low on bullets or fuel and suggests which weapon to use next
You swear you can feel Genji wince at some of the boss forms when you’re battling them
Especially the spider lady. You could feel the disgust roll off of him in waves
When they’re over, the two of you do sit in silence for a good period of time until Genji broke it
“That is…unnatural.”
The two of you do hand the controller off to each other, but for the most part he lets you take control of the situation
He always made sure to save the game even when he wasn’t playing the game
And the two of you made a mutual agreement that the elderly woman in the wheelchair that always showed up randomly was the weirdest part about the game
During the final boss battle, Genji did scoff a bit at how easy it was but you knew better
Needless to say, you were glad Genji was by your side throughout the entire ordeal, even though the two of you promised each other to never play that game again
Well that was until you got through all of the extra content and then you would officially stop
Because goddamn the lore was too well woven to be left alone
Lena Oxton/Tracer:
One thing Lena absolutely hated about your favorite game was how dark everything was
From the music, to the environment, to the tone itself, everything was dark
Not being able to see ahead was one thing that Tracer couldn’t exactly admit to liking
She actually has to force you off the couch to take a break and your smile only seemed to make her more exasperated even when you willingly go with her
Whenever you gave her control of the game, she immediately activated night vision and never turned it off
You swear that finding new batteries would be your main goal aside from story progression
Lena constantly twitched as you wandered around the area in search of a safe place and more resources
Absolutely screams when a jumpscare happens
Except at the cheap ones. She didn’t react to those at all
She did look startled whenever a random giggle but her agitated expression faded quickly
Every time some grotesque figure appeared on-screen, she always groaned and looked away
Tracer did hold onto your arm tightly when a giant wave that was sent from the heavens knocked the protagonist off of the flimsy wooden raft they were on and into a river filled to the brim with mutilated corpses
However the most disturbing thing that she did find about the game was the cult
God she hated the cult so much
And the amount of psychological horror that was featured throughout every step of the game
You actually caught her gaping at the screen with a terrified expression when a shadow appeared on the ground and appeared to be moving closer and closer until you turned around and there was nothing there
The only times Lena screamed was when you were close to dying or if tensions were running extremely high and she couldn’t take it anymore
It didn’t happen as frequently as you thought it would though
She did coo at the baby in the protagonist’s arms near the end of the game, but looked horrified when white noise began playing and light engulfed the screen before cutting back to the weird dream-like Catholic school
Lena’s shocked expression made you chuckle as the credits rolled and you couldn’t help but burst into laughter when she bombarded with you a thousand questions per second
Not that you minded all that much. She did seem more interested with the game more than ever now, which was all you could ask of her
D.Va/Hana Song:
When you told Hana about your favorite game, she immediately wanted to play it
Or at the very least, see why you liked it so much
Even though you barely got to touch the controller, you were alright with it, if only to carefully watch D.Va’s expressions as the game slowly progressed
But when you did get the chance to play, Hana was watching very attentively to every aspect of the environment
She did fall backwards slightly when a deathly pale woman with dark matted hair and an evil grin popped up in front of a window as rain and lightning continued to reverberate in the background
The two of you do jump at times, especially when a random noise echoed through your headphones
However the one moment in the game that made the two of you cringe was when a partially developed fetus lying in a white bathroom sink in amniotic fluid and blood
Its wails did not help in one bit.
When you do hear the radio telling you to turn around, Hana immediately snatches the controller away and keeps the protagonist moving forward and away from the malicious voice that blared over the radio
You didn’t say a single thing as she was staring at the screen intently, almost as if she was daring the game to tell her to do the opposite of what she was doing
Although neither of you screamed during the entire ordeal, you were certainly close to doing so at various intervals
Especially during the part with the bleeding fridge hanging in the main entrance
And the really disturbing bathroom scene describing several domestic murders that all included ‘some strange chanting’
D.Va does get extremely into it when she sees one of the hallway paintings disassembled all over the floor and the disappearing letters on the walls
However when she manages to solve all of the puzzles (with your help of course), the voiceover and subsequent cutscene left you in chills and a bit of curiosity
Hana does furrow her eyebrows when the unnamed protagonist turns around
“Isn’t that the actor from that popular zombie show a few decades ago?”
Regardless she is excited to see what the final game was when you told her it was only a game demo
That was until you told her that the full game had been canceled a few months after the demo was released
Expect her to be protesting to the game company for them to develop the full game for the next couple of weeks
Lúcio Correia dos Santos:
When he heard the in-game audio the first time, he fell in love almost immediately
Insists on you using his headphones to fully experience the binaural resonance while he plugged in a second pair of earbuds into another audio jack
Even though he prefers to let you play the game, you do catch him jump slightly whenever a voice shifted from one place to another
Lúcio does make a few observations of his own as you move the story along though
You swear he’s actually going to be buying any and all books on Norse mythology
Some of the visuals do make you turn away in disgust or make you take a break from the game, but trust Lúcio to take over if need be
If you also need calming music, he’ll put on a playlist and let you detox while he continued on
The two of you did have to admit that the game mechanics were quite smooth for its genre
However when the two of you begin to reach the climax of the game’s plot, you swear Lúcio’s also feeling the same amount of disgust and discomfort as you were
Especially when the protagonist’s backstory was fully revealed
At the end of the game, the two of you actually breathe a sigh of relief as the protagonist comes to terms with their past and the hallucinogenic visions and voices had begun to recede as the credits began rolling
Although the two of you did agree that it was a well-written game describing PTSD and psychosis, you and Lúcio also made a mutual agreement to never pick the game up again
But he did suggest the idea of performing at a few live concerts that were known to support reputable organizations that helped people with similar or identical situations to the protagonist
Which you were completely on-board with one hundred percent
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@elise-the-assassin @videogamesanddragons @sylvennia @freedomaboveallelse
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johnisntevendead · 7 years
For the fall ask thing: 3, 6, 7, 11, 14, 15, 17, 18, 20, 22
*strums guitar* aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
3. haunted house
“Why do you want to do this?” Dolls demands as the linemoves.  “Like, really, every day isHalloween, we get a day off and you wanna go to the haunted house.  What’s that even about?”
Chin dropping and eyes widening, Wynonna smooths her handsdown the front of his sweater and says, “Haunted houses are fun. I’ll let you hold my hand in case you get scared, though.”  Her voice is so low, so syrupy-sweet that hecan’t not be kissing her, a brief slide of his lips on hers, as she whispers,“Do you think you’ll get scared?”
“I’ll try to contain myself,” he mutters.
“Buddy, the line,” some guy behind him says.
“You’re so distracting,” he grumbles, pushing her untilthey’ve caught up with the people ahead of them.
“It’s what I do best,” she nods, threading their fingerstogether and leans into his shoulder. They’re close enough now to the house that they can hear screams.  It’s just for fun, but he’s got a knee-jerkreaction to that sound for pretty obvious reasons.  “Deep breaths, boss.”
“I’m fine,” he says.
They follow a group inside, and it’s too dark after the sunlightoutside, not even dusk yet—it smells like dust and a fog machine.  He can just make out the figures of thepeople ahead of him, holds her hand maybe a little tighter than necessary.
He jumps when someone leaps out at him, illuminated brieflyin the quick, jerky strobe light.  Hehears Wynonna’s quick, giddy giggle as she tugs him ahead, hears her startledshriek when someone else jumps out of another corner.  She pulls his arm, they catch up with thegroup of people huddled close together at the next door.
When he screams when someone grabs his ankle, he knows he’smade his fatal mistake.
6. ghost stories
Baby monitor in the cup holder of her lawn chair, Wynonnaleans forward with her hands wrapped around a warm mug of spiked cider.  Dolls watches her, bright eyes illuminatedoddly by the fire as she looks around at the others, circling the firepit.  He knows what she’s doing before she evenopens her mouth.  “I wanna tell you guysa story,” she says, voice pitched low.  “AboutDisney.”
“Disney?” Nicole parrots, frowning.
“Yes, Disney, don’t ruin the mood,” Wynonna scolds.  “So, there was this park that was abandonedby Disney, and they cited all sorts of reasons…”  Dolls has read this one—because she made him—listens to her recite the storywith unnerving dedication, and she does a good job, riding the line of suspensefuland suspension of disbelief.  As she getsto the part about the dressing room, her voice grows urgent, breathing staccato,her eyes wide and scared.  She talksabout Mickey, photo-negative and crumbling, standing in the middle of the room,and he could almost see him swaying where he stands.  “And then Mickey looks at him, and asks, ‘Hey,wanna see my head come off?’”
Her strange, strained Mickey Mouse voice is so perfectly wrong it makes the hairs onhis arms stand on end.  Out of the cornerof his eye, he sees a shudder ripple through the others.
After she finishes her story, the others are completelysilent, and the only noise is the crackling of the fire.
“Quick question:  whatthe fuck, Earp?” Nicole demands.
7. scary movies
“Oh, no,” Wynonna moans into his shoulder, eyes glued to thescreen.  “Why did you pick this?”
“I’d never seen it before,” he says quietly, cringing at theunnerving, mask-like faces of the people on screen.  They’d expected Waves and Nicole to jointhem, but as soon as they saw what they were planning on watching, neither evenbothered to come up with an excuse, just noped their way upstairs.  He’s starting to realize the genius of theirforesight.
“This isn’t even that scary, I just don’t like them,” shemumbles, curling closer.  “I wish they’dblink.”
“You know, if we don’t finish this, no one has to know,” heoffers.
Snorting, she pats the center of his chest and says, “But I’dknow, and I dunno if I can handle that.”
There’s an effective jumpscare and they both gasp.
11. pumpkin patch
This had really been Dolls’ idea—if she’s honest, Wynonnadoesn’t hate it.  She looks over hershoulder and sees Sprout sitting on a picnic table next to Doc who’s seated onthe bench so they’re nearly on-level.  He’sgot his hat tipped back, smile bright as he listens to whatever she’s saying.  There’s something warm and fuzzy in her chestas she watches them.  Dolls’ hand skimsher back as he asks, “Cocoa or cider?”
“Cider,” she says, looking back up at him; then, shecontinues fondly, “This is so cheesy.”
“Yeah, but fun,” he counters.
“Fun,” she huffs. They get their drinks, warm their bare hands on paper cups.  She carries Doc’s cider as well, while Dollshas his and the cocoa that he’d gotten for Sprout, cooled with cold milk.
As they trek back, footsteps crunching brown grass, shehears, “—and then Ava bet he couldn’t slide on the ice—”
“And that’s how Michelle became the proud mother of thefirst five-year-old detention of the year,” she mumbles confidentially toDolls.  “Honestly, I thought it’d be me.”
“Honestly, me too,” he shoots back.
As cheesy as Wynonna may find it, Sprout has fun runningthrough the pumpkin patch, plucking oddly-shaped ones and offering them untileach of them is carrying their own misshapen gourd.  “Mine looks like a Batman villain,” Wynonnawhispers.  There’s a barn where an oldwoman dishes up homemade applesauce, the space taken up almost entirely bytables and carving stations.  She andSprout have way too much fun diggingout pumpkin guts, sleeves rolled up to their elbows and paper aprons on but notentirely protecting their clothes from the gore.
“I worry about you,” Dolls says mildly as she makes soundeffects for her pumpkins death rattle and claws the last of the stringy seedsfrom inside.
14. baking
been done, my friend
15. bobbing for apples
Looking like someone challengedher, Wynonna throws her hair up and Dolls laughs, whispers, “I like the greenones,” as he brushes his lips to her white-painted cheek.  She winks and gets on her knees, handsgrasped behind her back, as she waits for Chrissie Nedley to give her and theothers kneeling at the kiddie pool full of water and apples the go ahead.  When she does, Wynonna lunges forward.  Dolls laughs, hears people cheering otherson, watches her chase the elusive fruit. There’s a little fighting, a lot of splashing, she elbows Nicole next toher playfully.
Soon, though, she sits up, green apple clutched in herteeth, and turns to grin at him around it. She’s the first to stand, the fake blood that had smeared her chin andneck now faded away to a pinkish stain. She crunches down loudly and offers the rest.
“Proud of me, boss?” she teases as he takes a bite.
“Always, love,” he says earnestly.
With a quick eye roll, she shrugs and pulls her hair out ofits ponytail.
17. caramel/candy apples
also done
18. wine tasting
20. crunching leaves
After a while, Dolls realizes the growing tension in theroom is mostly because Wynonna’s starting to go a little stir-crazy.  When he can’t possibly stand the antsy wayshe’s been fidgeting for the last, like, hour anymore, he stands and asks, “Youwanna go for a walk?”
“God, yes,” she huffs, pushing her chair back with a creakand shoving to her feet.  “Coffee, let’sgo get coffee.  From not here.”
He grabs his jacket as they leave the room, and at Nicole’squestioning look from the front desk, he explains, “Coffee run.  Usual?”
“Yeah, thanks,” she says, and he can feel her frown afterthem.
Outside, he hears Wynonna’s deep inhale, her slow exhale,but her face is pinched and tense and closed off.  He thinks he knows what’s going on—it’s beenquiet lately, and they needed the break, but it’s hard to feel like the momentthey fully unclench the world’s gonna go to shit around them again.  It would almost be better to be in constantmotion than to get a break you can’t trust. He takes her hand in his as the sidewalk begins, blanketed by dryleaves, every footfall a crisp crunch. She puffs out a sigh and frowns over at him.
“My hair is doing the tingling thing again,” she finallysays.  “Something’s coming, and it’sgonna be bad, and people are gonna die, and—”
“Hey,” he interrupts gently, combing his fingers through herhair, “When something else comes up, we’ll take care of it.  It’s okay not to be able to saveeveryone.  You physically cannot saveeveryone.”
“Pep talk needs work,” she mumbles, but something in herseems to loosen as she leans into his touch.
22. raking leaves
“I would not be doing this if you weren’t broken, I want youto know that from, like, the depths of my soul,” Wynonna says haughtily.
“And I really, really appreciate you doing it!” Nicole callsfrom the porch, leaning on a crutch under the arm that isn’t in a cast.  “Like, Iappreciate it so much, you’re such a good friend!”
Pausing, Wynonna rocks the rake back and forth beforeasking, “Doctors give you the good drugs?”
“They sure did,” she grins.
“Go inside before you freeze your tits off—you know Waveswould never forgive me,” she says, firm and serious.  Shaking her head and laughing, Nicole atleast does as she’s told.  In spite ofthe cool fall air, it only takes a few minutes for her to shed her jacket.  The yard isn’t exactly small, and Wynonna decides as she’s finally packing away the lastpile of dead leaves that she’s really gotta review the Black Badge hierarchicalchart to see how on earth she endedup being the one with this job.  Her noseis numb and her palms are red and starting to feel a little blistered.
After tossing the rake back into Nicole’s shed, she snagsher jacket on her way up to the door, hollering, “Not for nothing, but a reallyappreciative host would have made me coffee.”
“Rude,” Nicole mumbles from the couch, injured leg proppedup on a pillow on the arm.  “And I did make you coffee, so there.”
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