#and i am so so sleepy also emotionally speaking i could not handle going into work today so hopefully everything is squared away for tmm
wildevenusian · 10 months
i love going through my personal tag it’s like getting to remember my life
0 notes
Things I have learned about myself after learning about the 'tism
Just some personal stuff that I wanted to write down to have a laugh for the future. Under the Read More so I don't clog up feeds!
I actually hate socks. SPECIFICALLY socks that go over my ankles. I hate the feeling and I've scratched my skin raw before. Thank god for shorter socks. It also feels AWFUL when the sock slips and the heel isn't WHERE THE HEEL NEEDS TO BE.
I don't mind brushing my teeth actually. Until the bristles brush against the roof of my mouth. It's the worst.
I don't really go after leftovers because the texture/taste is different after re-heating it sometimes. There are exceptions though if I want flavor over texture.
SPEAKING OF: sometimes I have flavor cravings and sometimes I have texture cravings. A lot of times, it's a texture craving. I should probably invest in some chewing stims or get some bubble gum.
Sweating is the worst. I hate how it feels when it runs over my skin. It makes me sick just thinking about it. Eugh....
I do not get to choose the vocal stim. It takes so much effort to not vocally stim in public because it's embarrassing outside of my relationships. No, I will not share my current one.
Hyper fixating on every little single detail about a piece of media. This was especially a huge revelation after my Faith: The Unholy Trinity phase. I've learned to pace myself since then.
Why I actually really hate rubber balloons.
Graham crackers are a GODSEND
No joke, like really, marijuana actually helps a lot. It sort of... Evens out my senses? Like I'm not experiencing every single thing all at once. I can simply exist and focus on the things I need/want to focus on. It dulls the senses in a way that helps me. The only drawback is the forgetfulness, time blindness and sometimes I just lay there, letting my mind wander in a state of tranquility for hours at a time and forgetting to blink.
No longer masking is weird. I'm still kind of unmasking, but for the most part, I'm doing pretty good! What's odd to me is how much I really do value honesty, especially when it comes to me. I don't lie, I don't make things a big deal - I am honest.
What's also weird about unmasking is not forcing myself to emote as much? Like, not forcing myself to emote in a way that is not true to me or how someone expects me to emote. I don't have to perform or anything. Expression is subjective, so I might as well just express how I want to.
Some of my hyperfixations are not typical, and that's okay. One of them is psychology and learning how the brain functions. Though, I never want to be in that field in a job setting. Mostly because I don't think I could emotionally handle it. There are other hyperfixations, but they're mostly media based, hahah
Cold temperature = good! No sweat and dulls some senses that helps with my focus! :D Though, I run the risk of getting sleepy too hahah!
0 notes
expensiveglasses · 3 years
Charming Finale
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Summary: Prince Jungkook was as infuriating as he was beautiful. In line to one day be king, he requested your guidance in the ways of his people. In turn he will make you laugh, give your family fine gifts, and become an invaluable friend. Unfortunately, he will also make you fall in love with him. But the most unfortunate thing of all was his betrothal…to Snow White
Pairing: Jungkook x Reader
Genre: Fluff, Fantasy, Angst, Snow white/au
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: 7659
Warnings: The first few pages of this chapter deal with the fall out of OC’s decision, so there’s confusion, hurt, anger, etc. This story ends happily, but the first part of the chapter is a little more emotionally painful so be aware. . .
It’s not true what they say about death. The black doesn’t remain. You were surrounded by swirling shades of violet, fuchsia, and azure. Lights bursting behind the shade of your quickly cooling eyelids. Your limbs were stiff but your vision was alive and swelling. There was a consciousness you’d never known death could hold, that allowed thoughts and dreams to roam openly.
Visions of yellow daisies erupting left you breathless when suddenly there was an explosion of color and you were gasping for air, eyes shooting open and blinking in the confusion of the aftermath.
Fingers tingling and breast heaving, your vision finally came into focus and your gaze shifted to the figure leaning over you. “Jungkook?” You breathed.
Jungkook’s eyes were red, cheeks swollen with tears and you watched in surprise as he lurched forward, burying his face in your chest and crying. “I thought I’d lost you!” He wailed. “How could you do something so stupid? I need you, you’re everything to me!”
Your breathing was shallow, evening out with the life that was filling your chest. “What about Snow?”
“I could not wake her.  Only true loves kiss can break the spell.”
“How did I wake up?” You asked softly.
“I kissed you.” Jungkook murmured, his tears slowing with his exhale as he lifted himself from you.
You took a deep breath as you tried to allow your thoughts to settle. “You…kissed…me?”
“I had to try.” He whispered, “I love you.”
You watched his face carefully as you took deep breaths. Your body felt heavy from death, like you’d slept too deeply and woken suddenly.
 “Help me sit up?” You asked softly and Jungkook complied, helping you to sit up against the trunk of a tree.
You were still in the forest and morning light was seeping through the openings of the trees. “How long have I been…asleep?” You asked delicately. The dwarfs stood behind Jungkook’s kneeling figure, faces the picture of relief.
Jungkook frowned, eyes dimming. “You were missing 3 days. The dwarf’s found you this morning and I came as soon as I could. I thought I’d lost you.” He repeated weakly.
“I’m sorry.” You mumbled. “I thought I would never see you again and couldn’t bear the thought of it. It was a very selfish thing to do, I admit.”
“Yes, it was.” Jungkook scolded and you stared in surprise. “Death is a very permanent solution to such a temporary problem. You can’t just have a tantrum when things don’t go your way. Even if I had been able to wake Snow you would have recovered from the disappointment. We all recover and move on with our lives, that’s the way of things.”
“I thought you said you loved me, why are you yelling at me?” You muttered into your lap.
“I do love you,” Jungkook sighed, “but I’m mad at you.”
You nodded, clasping your hands together. “I understand.” Silence descended and you blinked in thought. “What will happen to Snow? Will she remain asleep forever?”
Jungkook paused, blinking down at you before pushing his hair from his brow. “I find in my sorrow I neglected to tell you everything. Snow is alive and well.”
Your eyes jumped up to his, eyebrows knitting together. “But you said you couldn’t wake her.”
“I couldn’t.” Jungkook affirmed, “But it turns out the huntsman could.”  
“Oh.” You breathed.
You supposed you shouldn’t have been so surprised; all the signs were there. You had just been so consumed with Jungkook and his destiny that you hadn’t paid much attention to what could have been happening between Snow and Diterich.
“Perhaps we could make our way inside.” Doc smiled and you glanced over Jungkook’s shoulder to return the gesture. “We are preparing supper and have warm blankets. It will take some time to recover from the effects of the poison.”
Jungkook stood suddenly, sliding his arms under your legs and around your waist to hoist you into his arms. “Please, lead the way.” . . The fire was warm and full as Jungkook placed you in the large chair in front of it, taking the proffered blanket from one of the dwarfs and spreading it over your body. You felt a bit too warm as you sat there, watching everyone prepare the food but Doc insisted you stay exactly as you were so that the heat could help you sweat out the remnants of the poison; much like a fever.
“What now?” You asked softly, holding onto Jungkook’s hand while he sat on the floor beside you. “Your father will be extremely unhappy about this turn of events.”
“I imagine so.” Jungkook mused, staring into the flames. Silence engulfed the two of you and you chewed on the inside of your bottom lip in thought. Even now, with Jungkook at your side and Snow awake from another’s kiss, there were no guarantees Jungkook’s father wouldn’t still insist on them marrying.
 They were betrothed, after all.
“I suppose it’s unreasonable to think you could be with a commoner.” You murmured, bottom lip trembling despite yourself. “I understand if you have to go.”
Jungkook turned to look at you sharply. “I have no intention of leaving you. I thought I lost you twice, I will not lose you again.”
“But your father!” You insisted, sniffing and rubbing a tear from the corner of your eye.
“I don’t care.” Jungkook said, lifting onto his knees and sitting in front of you. “You own my heart; totally and completely. I can’t continue without you and I refuse to do so. I’ve tried to do my duty my entire life and now I want to do something for me.”
“How selfish of you.” You smiled softly, a gesture that he returned, lifting your hand to his lips and leaving a soft kiss.
“We’re all entitled to a little selfishness sometimes.”
“Well come now,” Happy beamed, patting his belly cheerfully, “the supper is ready and we should have full stomachs before such heavy talk.”
“Stay put and we’ll bring some over to you.” Doc hummed, ladling some of the stew into a wooden bowl and handing it to Grumpy to bring to you.
“Thank you.” You murmured, taking the bowl from him and he offered you one of his rare smiles, patting the top of your hand.
“You really scared us, girl.”
“I’m sorry.” You whispered, “I really am. I didn’t realize how many people my decision would impact.”
“You have many people that love you, dear.” Doc smiled, bringing a bowl to Jungkook and sitting down across from you with his own. “Sometimes we don’t see what’s right in front of us, but it doesn’t mean it’s not there. We’re glad you’re safe.”
“I would miss you.” Bashful blushed and Dopey nodded his head vigorously.
“I would miss you too.” You smiled.
“Well, tuck in. Sleepy, could you bring the bread?” Doc called. The other dwarfs came with their own bowls and a loaf of bread that everyone divided between them.
Conversation was light and jolly as they talked of music and celebrations.  The bread was warm and buttered, melting on your tongue and the stew was hearty and filling. By the time you’d finished your food you felt full and as though you’d sweat a river. 
Jungkook looked at you, chuckling. “You’ll need to wash yourself.”
“How preposterous. Commenting on my state in such a way.” You tutted, attempting to push the blanket from your lap before Doc pushed it back up, insisting you wait.
“We’ll prepare a bath for you. We’ve sent for your mother; she will help to bathe you.”
“Oh, that’s not necessary!” You insisted, face warming.
“My dear child,” he said softly, holding your hand in his own and speaking gently, “you’ve been dead for 3 days. You’ll need the help. Would you prefer one of us help you bathe?” He chuckled.
Jungkook looked positively mortified, “what an outrageous jest!” He said, gesticulating wildly, “that would be completely improper.”
“I see your sense of humor remains stiff and serious.” Grumpy commented offhandedly, shuffling from the room.
The dwarfs settled back into their conversations; comfortable by the warmth of the fire. Shame filled your chest as you stared down at the prince, still sat on the floor beside you, fingers locked around yours. His face was puffy and red from crying and your heart thumped uncomfortably at the thought that you’d caused him so much pain.
“Jungkook.” You murmured and he looked up at you, eyes wide in inquiry. “I’m so sorry. I wasn’t thinking…I just assumed that you’d be able to wake her and I would be forgotten…I couldn’t…I just couldn’t handle it. I’m so sorry.”
Jungkook hurried to his knees, rubbing the tears from your cheeks with his thumb as he soothed you with gentle words. “I know. I would have missed you terribly. I did miss you terribly. I was nearly out of my mind with grief when we found you.”
“I’m so sorry.” You said once again, watching his dark eyes flicker across your face; surveying him so close you could hardly believe you were here and now. “And…I love you too.”
Your heart jumped nervously at the proclamation. Even though he’d been the first to say it, it was terrifying to say out loud. The nature of your relationship was altogether forbidden and yet you craved him, yearned for him, loved him.
 Anyone but him would never be enough.
Tears sprung from your eyes once more; unbidden and heavy in their tracks across your cheeks.
“I know.” He whispered, nodding and stroking your cheeks once more. “It’s such a tragedy that our first kiss was while you were sleeping, don’t you think?”
You watched as he smiled, eyes crinkling at the sides. His tone of voice was playful and you pouted at him. “Don’t tease me if you mean nothing by it.” You chastised.
He grinned, glancing around the room quickly before leaning forward to press his lips against yours. “Better?”
“That was too quick.” You breathed, reaching forward and pulling him back to you by the nape of the neck. He was warm against you, hands resting on the arms of the chair to your side as he tilted his head to fit comfortably against your mouth.
“Your mother has arrived.” Doc called from by the window and you pulled away from the prince quickly, glancing towards the door.
Jungkook stood, moving closer to the fireplace as your mother entered, eyes sunken and dark. The guilt floored you once again as you took in her expression; the fear, confusion, anger. She glanced around the room, eyes darting towards the prince.
“Your majesty.” She croaked, head bowing slightly before she moved towards you.
Your chest seized as she came to sit in front of you, eyes filling with tears and you couldn’t have felt smaller. “You stupid girl,” she whispered, hands shakily moving to grab yours resting on your lap. Her tears flowed freely now. “Are we nothing to you? Your father and I? Are we not deserving of your thoughts?”
“I’m so sorry.” You whispered, bottom lip trembling.
Her head fell into your lap, shoulders shaking with her cries and you felt the flames of tears licking at your throat. You didn’t feel like you deserved to cry now; not when you’d caused so much pain. It hadn’t even crossed your mind how many people cared. You felt foolish for ever having doubted.
Your mother raised her head, standing and wiping at her cheeks. “Will someone be kind enough to help me bring her to the bath?”
The prince immediately stepped forward. “I would be honored.” He said softly.
 They both helped you to move slowly to the bathing room, your arms around their shoulders and you felt like your chest might burst open from shame.
Jungkook helped you to sit on the stool by the bath before excusing himself, closing the door behind himself. Your mother worked to undo the bindings of your dress, sliding in from your form and you shivered. She’d not bathed you since you were a child and your mortification continued to mount.
“So, it’s the prince then?” She said as she unfolded a cloth and sat it on the edge of the tub before helping you to stand and step into the water. It was warm and smelled sweet like lavender. Your bones sunk heavily into the wooden basin. “He’s the one that you’ve been going to see?”
You glanced up at her, chewing your bottom lip before nodding and staring down into the water. Your mother sighed. “I suspected as much.”
“You suspected?” You asked in surprise.
“I’m not daft child.” She remarked and your fingers twisted together under the water. She bent into a squat, dipping the cloth into the water with you and using it to gently scrub your skin. “I saw the way he looked at you that day he came back. Why do you think I insisted you wear your best dress to the castle?”
“Surely you could not have foreseen this.” You said softly.
“Certainly not.” She agreed, “Though I did hope you could raise your fortune higher than we ever could.”
“Mother,” you sighed, using your fingers to trickle water across your arms, “to marry a prince…it’s a feat I’m afraid my station in life makes me incapable of.”
“Perhaps.” She agreed, scrubbing down your back. “But his devotion is clear, my child. If I am not mistaken, I believe he will fight for you.”
She moved to the front, scrubbing carefully and you watched her work, eyes blurry with tears. “I’m so sorry mother. I was so unfair to you and father.” She looked up at you, pausing her work as you cried, “You’ve given everything for me; given me a good life and I repaid you with so much sorrow. I will spend my whole life apologizing.”
Your mother tutted, lifting your chin with her finger and you looked at her blurry face. “The best apology I could get is your happiness. My dear, a mother always forgives and loves her child. Promise me you’ll fight for your future.”
“I promise.” . .
“Would you like stew?” Happy asked as your mother helped you to settle back in the chair by the fire. 
“I am a mite hungry.” She smiled, accepting the bowl from his hands and a hunk of bread. 
“What will happen with Snow now?” Sneezy asked, standing beside the hearth and prodding into the fire with a poker. “The queen is dead; Snow will have to ascend to the throne.”
You glanced sharply up and Jungkook who reached out to squeeze your shoulder. “All will be well, I’m sure. I will take care of things.”
“We need to return home as soon as I’m finished.” Your mother said from the chair by the fire. “Your father is expecting us. He wants to see you home.”
“Would you like my help escorting you?” The prince asked. “It’s a bit of a walk in her state.”
Your mother bowed her head as thanks. “I will accept the help as far as the fields. Any closer and my husband will see. I’ve told him that you were injured, Y/N, but he does not know the true nature of what happened. It will remain this way. As soon as we leave this cottage, we will never speak of it again. It’s for the best.” 
You nodded quietly, quickly thinking of a plausible injury while she finished her food. When everything was ready, both Jungkook and your mother hiked your arms around their shoulders once more, helping you from the cottage and carefully into the forest. 
The walk was quiet, despite the racing thoughts of your party, and you moved slowly so as not to weaken yourself further. When the three of you had made it to the fields, you paused and Jungkook stepped away from beside you. 
“Thank you for your help, your majesty.” Your mother said softly, bowing her head once more. 
Jungkook himself bowed, to the surprise of your mother and you smiled. Ever the gentleman. “The pleasure was mine, ma’am. Y/N…” he paused, glancing at your mother before continuing. “I will speak with my father tonight. . .
~Jungkook’s P.O.V~
The king was in the study when the prince returned that evening. He sat in a comfortable chair by a roaring fire, book in one hand and glass of red wine in the other. He nodded as his son entered, closing his book and waving him over into the seat in front of him. 
“I’m glad you’re here.” He said, setting the book and his glass of wine down on the small table beside him. He waited for Jungkook to seat himself. “I was wanting to speak to you about your betrothal.”
The prince nodded, hands ringing together in front of him. “I was hoping to speak with you as well.” He said, leaning forward onto his knees. “About Margit.”
“Yes, very sad affair this. The death of a monarch so suddenly; it’s quite a tragedy.” The king said; morose.
“The queen was trying to kill, Margit.” Jungkook said lowly.
The king looked over at him, gaze calculating. “There’s no need to be so moral with me, son. I know the details. We’re not here to talk about the evil queen, but of your betrothed. She’ll need to be married before she can ascend to the throne.”
“Yes,” Jungkook nodded, straightening slightly, “I wish to speak to you about that as well.”
“Good, then we are in agreement. The marriage should take place quickly. We will of course have to take time to prepare and send invitations. We have many people who will need to come from far so the earliest we can progress would be a fortnight.” The king blathered and Jungkook cleared his throat to gain his father’s attention. 
“If I could father, I would like to say something.” He took a deep breath at his father’s wave of approval. “You know I respect you and that I love this kingdom. I love this kingdom so much in fact, that I’ve done a lot of thinking and I wish to break the betrothal with Margit.”
“You wish to what?” The king spluttered, back ramrod straight in his chair. “You wish to break the betrothal?!”
“Yes, father.” Jungkook continued. “Margit is a wonderful woman and she will make a very good queen…of her own kingdom. We have discussed it and neither of us wishes to marry the other. We are not in love with one another.”
“What does love have to do with anything?” The king roared, eyes bulging from their sockets. “This is a political alliance of great magnitude! This is unacceptable, you will do your duty to your kingdom and your king!”
Jungkook straightened completely, staring deep into the angry eyes of his father. He looked mad with fury. “Why is marrying someone for political gain my duty, father? Do you not think someone from our own kingdom would do well?”
“Is this about that confounded peasant girl?” The king howled, standing from his chair and pacing angrily behind it.
Jungkook stood himself, quietly and with great poise. His father’s greatest weakness was how strongly his emotion ruled him. If the prince could present a calm and collected face, perhaps his father could see reason.
 “Yes, it is.” He admitted. The king stopped suddenly, turning to look at his son. “I am in love with her.”
The king opened and closed his mouth a few times, surprise clearly etched into the wrinkles of his eyes. “Well,” he blustered, “well, what’s that to do with running a kingdom? Who is this girl anyway?”
“Father, your concern is that you want what is best for the kingdom. Please believe me when I say, that is my desire as well.” The king paused a moment, scrubbing a hand down his tired face. “I have the deepest respect for you and for this kingdom. I want what is best for the people that are in my care. It is why I chose to spend so much time out trying to see the village. I will admit that it has been difficult to make acquaintances with the people without giving myself away; so, I chose to spend time studying them from afar.”
His father resumed his seat, beckoning for his son to sit again. “The people are hardworking, father.” Jungkook continued, “They are good and they are kind and I wish to know their truest needs and desires. I believe the best way to do so would be to choose a bride from among them; someone who knows intimately what it is to be a villager in our kingdom.”
“And you wish for that girl to be your wife?” The king asked, fingers bouncing along the arm of his chair as his gaze switched from the flames to his son and back again.
“I do.” Jungkook admitted. “I would do anything to have her. Anything including…including giving up my claim to the throne.”
The king turned to him suddenly, surprise renewed and his whole body tensed. “Give up the throne?!”
The prince nodded, folding his hands together and staring straight at his father. “If that’s what it takes. It is not my desire to abdicate the throne, but if that’s what it takes to have the woman I love, I would do it.”
The king spluttered again noisily before shifting a few times in his chair, as though his body was filled with energy he couldn’t seem to release. He stared straight into the fire and Jungkook could see the thoughts racing behind his eyes.
“And what of the princess? Margit still needs to marry to ascend to the throne.”
Jungkook smiled softly at his father. “I would not have suggested such a drastic change in plans if I didn’t have a solution.” He said softly. 
“I suppose you mean for her to marry a peasant as well?” The king grumbled, twisting the ring on his middle finger in quick circles. 
“Not quite a peasant. A huntsman.”
The king scoffed before groaning and dropping his head into his hands. Jungkook watched him, his heart squeezing with compassion. All his father had ever known was duty; his head was not accustomed to giving way to his heart.
He sighed, glancing up at his son, looking more tired than ever before. “You know I want you to be happy,” he said. “As a father, I want you to find happiness no matter what, but as your king, I need you to also be reasonable; to see what you’re asking of me. This is no easy thing…to marry a commoner.”
“I know,” Jungkook nodded, leaning forward on his elbows again, seeking his father’s eyes. “I know what I ask of you is difficult, but love and duty can be joined for once. I can be happy and still rule this kingdom well; better in fact, with one of its women as my backbone.”
The king smiled softly, shaking his head. “You have the determination of your mother, you know.”
“You say that as though it were a bad thing.” The prince smiled and the king shrugged.
“It depends on the day.” Silence descended on the room, only the cracks of the fire as company while the king thought. “You’ve still not told me the name of your bride.” He said finally. 
Jungkook looked up at his father, dark eyes twinkling in the light of the fire. “I think you will quite like her.” He grinned. . .
“You’re betrothed?” Else choked, standing at the doorway of her home and you smiled. “To the prince?!”
You chuckled, leaning against the timber walls. “That’s correct. You’ve met him you know…the man from the market. Jungkook.”
“That was the prince?” Else squawked and the chickens in her yard fluttered away with angry screeches. “How in the world did you woo him? How did you ever get the chance? Oh my, poor Peter! He will be so disappointed.”
Your heart dropped at the mention of his name. You’d requested your father not tell him after the prince had come to inquire after your hand. Your father had nearly fallen off his seat when the prince had expressed his desire; thought he’d about lost his mind to be asking such an absurd question. He was a prince! 
Of course, he’d given permission and then became so suddenly thrilled you thought he might just run into the streets telling anyone he saw. You wanted your friends to hear it from you, though. Especially Peter. Else was right, of course, Peter would be heartbroken. But you knew the news would be best coming from you and not from gossip. You were one of his best friends, after all. 
“Yes,” you agreed with a sigh. “I plan to meet with him today to tell him. The announcement will go out to the village tomorrow so this is my only opportunity. I’m not excited for it.”
“No, I supposed not.” Else commiserated. “You are to be queen, though! Never could I have imagined.”
“It feels uncomfortable to think it.” You admitted, leaning your forehead against the wall. “I’m not deserving of the title at all.”
Else frowned, hands going to rest on her hips as she looked at you. “I disagree completely.” She huffed, “You will make an excellent queen. You are kind and thoughtful, you keep the best interest of others at heart. You know the needs of the people. There is no one better for it.”
You smiled, shaking your head at her. “So decided are we, hey?” You sighed, standing straight and dusting off your dress. “I suppose I should go now. I want to catch Peter before he makes way home.” 
Else wished you luck, demanding further details at a later time and you left her at the door, traveling further up the dirt path. Peter lived a little further out of the village, on the farm his brother now owned. The day was beautiful and warm and made you feel calm as you moved down the lane. 
You caught Peter just before he turned on the path to his home and he greeted you warmly. “Good morning, Y/N! What brings you here?”
You smiled gently, “I’ve come to see you, Peter.”
“Oh?” He said, smiling happily. “Well, this is a pleasant surprise. To what do I owe the pleasure of your company?”
You cleared your throat, pointing towards the fence and he followed you there, leaning up against it, pushing the bag at his hip aside. “I was wondering if I might have a word with you.” You said softly. 
Peter seemed surprised. It was unlike you to be so formal, so timid and you could see the questions on his face. “Of course. What’s troubling you?”
You sighed, straightening your shoulders and looking up at him. “I wanted you to hear the news from me, as I think it will come as quite a shock.” You paused to gauge his reaction, but he only looked confused. You continued. “I am engaged to be married.”
“Oh,” he paused, looking stricken, “To Meinolf? He did say…well, he did say he thought he might like to do so.”
“No,” You said softly, eyeing his expression. It was worse than you’d thought. He seemed to be struggling a great deal to keep the heartbreak from his face. “I am engaged to be married to the prince.”
“The prince?” Peter repeated, numb. He stared down at the ground, hands twisting around the strap of his bag. “The one in the castle?”
You wanted to ask if he knew another prince, but understood his shock. “Yes.” You confirmed patiently.
“How?-” His voice cracked and he cleared his throat, shaking his head before continuing. “How did such a thing come about?”
“Well,” you sighed, “it started rather simply. They came to our house that time, months ago as you know, after he’d returned home from school. We were then invited to the castle and after I’d taken faint, he came to seek after my health. He requested my help in getting to know the village and I thought it would be rather good to have a king who knows intimately the struggles of his people.”
You took a deep breath and Peter nodded for you to continue. “So, I agreed and we began to spend time together. I showed him around the village; had him meet some people I thought he might like to know about, and we became naturally closer.”
Peter closed his eyes, leaning against the fence and absorbing the information. Your heart thudded painfully at the pinched look on his face, but you waited for him to be ready. “And he fell in love with you?” He asked finally. 
At your shy nod, he continued. “I am unsurprised by this. You are easy to fall in love with.” He said softly. You tried not to look pitying. You hated when people pitied you and you could imagine Peter would feel the same. “But do you love him? I remember you saying something about wanting to be in love.”
He looked earnest in his inquiry, like he really hoped for an honest answer so you felt at ease to give this to him. “I do.” You said, “I love him very much.”  
He sighed deeply, licking at his bottom lip before nodding. “Then I am happy for you; you deserve happiness. I always knew you could have done much better than me.”
“Don’t say that.” You chastised, “Don’t lower yourself for my honor. You deserve to be with someone who loves you just as much as you love them. Do you think you could ever truly be with someone who didn’t reciprocate your feelings?” 
He shrugged, staring up into the sky, robin’s egg blue and clear of all clouds. “It’s hard to say for sure, I’ve never tried it. You’re probably right, though…to love and be loved in return; it sounds wonderful. I’m happy for you, Y/N. I wish you a very happy marriage.”
“Thank you, Peter.” You smiled. 
He nodded, staring down the dirt path towards his house.” I should go. Home, I mean. They’re expecting me.”
“Of course.” You murmured, watching as he nodded once more before turning and resuming his walk. . .
The view of the village from the top of the hill by the mill was particularly beautiful today. The summer was waning slowly, but leaving in its wake a shimmering warmth. You sat below the tree with the gnarl, legs tucked underneath your dress, resting your chin against your knees. 
In a fortnight, everything would change. You would no longer be with your parents; your responsibilities would be completely new. You would be expected to learn politics, languages, public affairs…it would be a lie if you said the thought didn’t make you feel faint. 
You’d do it all to have Jungkook, but you certainly hadn’t thought much passed just being with him before your dreams actually came true. Now you were expected to take on the responsibilities as your kingdoms future queen and you felt ill equipped to do so. 
The village below you was teeming with life. You could hear the calls of people selling their goods; could see the butcher’s wife walking up through the streets with a basket full of sausages to tempt people into their shop. No one could imagine that tomorrow, one of their own would be elevated to a position so unimaginable. You worried that maybe some would resent you.
Perhaps some would imagine themselves worthy of royalty and wonder why they themselves had not been given a chance. How could you even begin to explain that you weren’t given a chance either? It just sort of…happened.
No, you supposed you would just have to endure whatever fall out may come. No monarch was unanimously liked…aside from perhaps Snow when she eventually took the throne. You smiled at the thought. Yes, you imagined she would be well liked. 
“I thought I would find you here.”
You turned to find the prince moving slowly towards you, hands clasped behind his back. The breeze moved through his hair lethargically, the strands framing his face handsomely. You could hardly believe he was yours. 
“You were looking for me, your majesty?” You teased, fingers twisting in the fabric of your dress as he scrunched his face at you. 
“Yes, my future queen.”
You huffed, flushing and staring out at the village below you. “I feel faint at the thought of it.” You admitted. 
“It is a lot of responsibility.” He sighed, sitting down beside you and slipping his fingers into yours. “We’ll do it together, won’t we?’
“Yes, we will.” You smiled up at him. 
“Did you speak with Else and Peter?” He asked delicately, tracing the veins against the back of your hand. 
“I did.” You replied. “Else was very happy and Peter was disappointed; nothing I didn’t expect. They send their well wishes, though. Both of them.” 
The morning was ebbing into early afternoon as you sat on that hill top together, fingers linked, the prince’s thumb stroking back and forth across the back of your hand as you enjoyed one another’s company. 
“Do you remember the first time we saw each other again? At your house.” He asked suddenly. You turned your attention towards him as he smiled down at you. “Your family was waiting for my father and I outside your house and we hadn’t seen each other in years.”
“Of course I remember.” You smiled, “I was dreading it. I assumed you’d be that same awful boy from before, just older.”
Jungkook flushed pink, lips twisting into a lopsided smile. “I have the feeling you thought I still was after that meeting.”
You could remember his words even now, he’d treated you as though you were just a toy to be played with, something to amuse him. Even now, you couldn’t reconcile that man with the man before you today. “Yes, you didn’t make a great impression. I felt as though you just saw me as an accessory.”
His head hung low, bobbing up and down with his nod. “Yes, I apologize for that. At the time, I hadn’t realized how it had sounded. It was upon further reflection that I felt I had sounded unkind. I only meant to ensure that you would be at the castle with your father and Peter.”
“Why is that?” You asked him. 
He smiled, staring down the hillside and avoiding your gaze. “You looked very pretty. I am a man after all, and I wanted to see you again. To show you that I’d changed. I didn’t do so well that first day.”
“No,” you said with a laugh. “No, you did not do well at all that day. Did you know that my mother put me in my best dress to go see you in the castle? I couldn’t understand why she would waste effort on making me look so presentable when I was going to go see the king. Why would he need for me to look nice?”
“The effort certainly was not wasted.” Jungkook said softly and you smiled, looking up into his soft brown eyes, warmed from affection. “You looked even more beautiful that day. I could hardly believe how much you had changed. It made me feel ashamed of myself.”
“Really?” You asked in surprise and he nodded. 
“Because I had assumed that you would still be that same little girl that I had misjudged. You were amazing, though. Vivacious, beautiful, gentle, and you were so unwilling to be what others wanted you to be. That was very alluring.” 
You laughed, your chest fit to bursting with equal amounts pride and embarrassment. “You make me sound so lovely.” You mumbled. 
Jungkook smiled, hand going to rest against your cheek and you looked up at him, heartbeat accelerating. “You are lovely. So lovely. I love you deeply. You are far more than I deserve. I am only a man.”
“And I am only a woman.” You smiled, cheek nestling deeper in his hand as his thumb made waves across your flesh. “let’s be equals, shall we?”
His lips against yours was his gentle acceptance. . . ** About 2 months later **
The early morning was crisp. You stood at the balcony dressed in only your night shirt and a glass of warm tea clutched in your hands. Your attendant had recently left after waking you and you sipped sleepily at your drink. 
You’d hardly slept last night; so much to occupy your mind. It had only been a month since your wedding, but after the party and the bedding ceremony were finished and you’d been able to get a night’s rest, you’d woken to lessons and training from sun up to sun down. 
The king had been uncommonly kind; understanding of your limitations and patient with your learning. He said you were doing remarkably well all things considered. You felt he flattered you to the point of near dishonesty, but you appreciated his faith in you none the less. 
It was intimidating to jump into a role you were so whole heartedly unprepared for. You could never have truly imagined how much work it would take to become an acceptable ruler. Still, there was a part of you that was really enjoying your time learning. 
In the village, you’d been unable to return to school once your womanhood had begun. Your mother insisted you stay home and learn to tend a home when that time came; insisting it was the education you would need anyway. 
At the time, it had felt unfair, but you’d understood. As far as you knew, you would grow up to tend a home and bear children. Language and politics were of no use to you. Now, of course, everything had changed and you felt very ill equipped. 
It was still early enough in the morning that most of the villagers had not woken. You could see some smoke plumes in chimneys from your spot on the balcony, but otherwise, all was silent. A knock at your bedroom door roused your attention and you called out softly for their entry. 
You knew it was Jungkook anyway. 
“Good morning.” He said gently, closing the door behind him and making his way over towards your balcony. “I see the master of the wardrobe has not come yet.”
“I asked for a little extra time to revive myself.” You hummed. 
Jungkook moved behind you, wrapping his arms around your waist and you could see that he himself was already dressed in his outer clothing. 
“You look beautiful.” He murmured, leaving a kiss against your cheek and you huffed pleasantly.
“I just woke up. I look like the undead.”
“Impossible!” Jungkook insisted. You could feel his interest against your back, the warmth of his body drawing you closer and you smiled as his nose drew a delicate line across your jaw.
“We don’t have time.” You mumbled as his lips made their way across your neck and collarbone. 
“I only need a few minutes.” He murmured, hands wandering temptingly upwards.
“That’s not as reassuring as it sounds.” You teased and you could hear his muffled laugh in the dip of your neck. “I still need to dress, we need to eat, and then we must travel a morning’s journey. We don’t have as much time as you think.”
You turned in his arms, placing your cup down on the table by the door and wrapping your arms around his neck. He looked unfathomably handsome this morning. Long dark hair pushed away from his face and wearing an ornate, deep blue tunic embossed in gold. 
“My prince charming.” You sighed, looking up at him and he smiled. “I still can’t believe you’re mine.”
“I’m very persuasive.” The prince hummed, rocking your bodies lightly from side to side, “My father didn’t stand a chance. I knew you would be here with me someday.”
You laughed, running your hand up his chest. “Your confidence is almost alarming at times.”
“Alarmingly attractive.” Jungkook said as you stepped away from him and back into the bedroom. You hummed your agreement and he smiled. “Shall I call the master of the wardrobe?”
“Yes please,” you said, surveying the bags of scented perfume on your bureau.
 After Jungkook returned from calling the help, he moved towards where you stood, two bags in your hands. “Which should I choose for today?”
You held each bag out for his inspection and he smelled them carefully before picking one. “You know this is my favorite.” He said, fiddling with the strings of a bag you’d left on the top of the bureau. 
“Yes, but I also know how you behave when I wear it and we can’t be doing that at a wedding of all places.” You teased. 
“True.” He grinned wolfishly. 
A knock at the door and the master of the wardrobe was stepping in at your call. Jungkook left you to get dressed with a promise to wait for you down at breakfast. . .
Snow looked radiant in her wedding dress. Deep red with gold accenting; her lovely dark hair held high in a golden snood and a crown perched delicately on top of her head. She was more beautiful than you’d ever seen her; beaming happily at Dietrich as he spoke with a wedding guest. 
The king led both Jungkook and yourself towards the couple and Snow smiled even brighter, embracing you tightly. “Your highness!” She beamed, nodding her head at the king who tucked his own in greeting. “Your majesties. You’ve all come. I am so happy to have you join us today.”
“It is the greatest pleasure.” The king replied grandly. “It is a wonderful day for a wedding, is it not? The weather is pleasant and the food is plenty.”
The hall of Snow’s castle was beautiful. The kingdom of Vildüngan was nestled in the rolling green hills of Weidenbaum auf Nidd. The décor of the dining hall reflected the nature surrounding the castle, vines draped across windows and corridors with soft pink and blue forget-me-nots and edelweiss tucked into the foliage.
The high table and three long tables in the center had been adorned with dining ware, ready for their occupants. You could smell the tantalizing scents of the kitchen wafting to where you all stood, sweet and savory already pricking your taste buds into excitement. 
“Will you be our honored guests at the high table?” Snow asked, her arm linked through that of her new husband’s. 
“How could we refuse such a generous offer?” Jungkook smiled, motioning for them to move forward and the three in your party followed after, greeting foreign dignitaries and foreign royalty on your way. 
The high table afforded you a spectacular view of the dining hall and its occupants. As everyone seated themselves, the servants began to fill the tables with food; so much you felt you could almost hear the tables groaning under the weight. 
You filled your plate with the food closest to you as you engaged in conversation with the queen from Duchy of Savoy. She spoke of her children, all too young to attend, and you smiled and laughed with her stories. 
She made you feel an anxious sort of excitement for your future with Jungkook. He was talking animatedly with the King, cutting into a shank of lamb and you tried desperately to concentrate on your own present conversation, despite how distracting he was.  
The evening waxed late when a trumpet was sounded and Snow smiled, standing tall before all in the room. “I want to thank you once again, on behalf of myself and my new husband. How gracious you are for coming to be with us this evening and to celebrate our union. There was a time not so long ago when things could have been very different than they are now.”
She glanced down at both Jungkook and you, a small smile curving her lips up. “We have much to be grateful for tonight. Your company, for starters.” The room cheered loudly, clanking cups against the wooden tables and Snow laughed. “Yes, and of course my health. I am indebted to my dear husband on that account. I am grateful for the bravery of friends that changed the tides of fate. For the flexibility of my people and the sovereigns of this land who felt that with great change, a better world could be created.”
The room was quiet, but happily so. The atmosphere was warm and pleasant, the buzz of contentedness you got from a full belly and a warm fire. You felt the alluring tendrils of sleep tug behind your eyes, but the party was still young and you hadn’t had a dance yet. 
“I hope, that going forward from this evening on, we will form a great alliance one with another; that we will remember this evening and these warm feelings. I beg we rise together, that we align together to look after our brothers of distant countries and remember we are family. I know each of you by name and you have great worth to me. Let us celebrate as long as the moon will allow and remain tied as long as our kingdoms shall endure. To our futures together!”
“Here here!” Called the room, lifting cups and drinking deeply. Jungkook finished his own glass, turning to face you and reaching for your hand under the table. 
“May we live long and reign with all the dignity and love we have in us.” He whispered.
You smiled, squeezing his hand in yours, warm and whole. You felt secure, you felt loved, and you finally felt like you’d found your rightful place. With him.
“Here here.”
I’m so sorry it’s late! I had a crazy weekend and completely forgot. It’s over, though! Can’t believe it’s done. I hope that you enjoyed and I’d really appreciate you sharing your thoughts! <3
Copyright © 2019 by Taeken-My-Heart. All rights reserved.
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lihikainanea · 5 years
All sentimental, reading OG Bill x Tiger like that morning sex piece where she says she wants to be ‘even closer’ when cuddling. Can we PLZ talk about sleepy, romantic cockwarming? Like, they’re too tired from a long day to even indulge in lazy sex- but need SOMETHING. I picture them both being too stubborn to admit that they’re too tired for their usual kind of lovin’ - Bonus points (fuckin hell) if he gets a little desperate with the sleepy whispers “need to be inside you” 🥺💦
LISTEN MAN I am just out here low key trying to get my thoughts into the internet world and here ya’ll are COMING FOR MY LIFE.
Nani, baby, I could talk forever about cockwarming. I could talk for even longer about cockwarming in a subby context. And I could talk for even longer than that about subby tiger, cockwarming, and how Good Dude Bill just makes her feel so loved and safe and comfy.
My train of thought derails splits and ya’ll just gonna HAVE. TO. DEAL.
So like, it’s been A Day for our girl tiger, right? A day full of balls-to-the-wall shit.  I don’t know about any of you guys, but I’m the smallest fucking subbiest thing behind closed doors but in public? On the dating scene? At my job? Get the fuck out of my way before I destroy you and everything you love. I am ruthless. And my job often requires me to be a powerhouse, to go up against men much more influential and powerful than me in every way, and I can’t show an iota of weakness. Not one, because I’ll be fucking eaten alive. 
But the thing is, when I have days that require me to really push it, to really be aggressive and authoritative, Jesus, emotionally and mentally when I get home it pushes me into such a small space. Because I like it when somebody else has control, I like it when I don’t feel like I need to be the one handling everything, and secretly I love it when someone forces me to yield. It’s nice to lose, in that sense. To give up the clutches of control.
In any case, maybe tiger is the same, and she’s had a day full of too many things that made her feel too in control, and now she’s fussy. Having a lot of anxiety about it. And she’s definitely not fussy in a bratty way, she’s not gunning for a punishment and in all reality probably couldn’t handle one anyway, but she’s fussy in a needy, emotional way. She’s really clinging on to him for most of the night but she’s also fidgeting, she’s doing that nervous habit thing where she’s picking at her lip--and when Bill gently reaches to pull her hand away and hold it instead, 30 seconds later she’s bouncing her knee uncontrollably. And when he puts his hand on that to stop it, then she’s scratching at the back of her hand and he can see the first onset of hives start to break out. So when he stops that, she huffs--maybe even gets up, walks away. There’s just so much nervous energy that she’s having a hard time reeling in. She didn’t eat much at dinner, got too warm in the bubble bath he drew for her after to relax, and she wants affection but is also kind of getting annoyed by his touch. He lets her be, he intervenes when he can see her mind getting away on her too much--like when she starts picking her lip again--but otherwise, when she’s this kind of fussy, she needs to be left alone a bit.
And when it’s bed time, Bill goes to get her at the kitchen table where she’s sketching or knitting or whatever, her knee bouncing out of control. He’ll coax her to the bathroom to brush her teeth while he gets her hot water bottle ready, and then they tuck in together. And Bill’s usually a pretty heavy sleeper--and it’s pretty immediate--but he fights it off a bit, because he knows tiger’s going to have trouble sleeping. He curls around her back, tucks her hot water bottle against her stomach, plops a gentle kiss on her ear and then buries his nose in her neck. She’s the one who reaches for his hand, brings it up to her mouth and slides his thumb inside--and he thinks thats a pretty good sign, maybe she’s ready to relax a bit.
But like, you know how nervous energy is palpable in that incredibly annoying way? Have you ever been able to reel in your own anxiety, when you’re around nervous person? (Because if you have, please tell me how.)
Bill knows he needs to fix it for her, but he’s trying to figure out how. But she’s good--man she’s good--and asking for what she wants would be ballsy and courageous in a way she’s tired of being so she’s not about to do that, but she’ll give him a hint. And very subtly, maybe she just knocks her ass back into him a tad--just a tap.
Bill waits.
But then she whines a little, does it again. And at this point Bill’s not sure if it’s actually sex that she wants, or if she wants that...something else that they tried once.
She speaks up before he can guess.
“Do you remember,” she says as she removes his thumb, “That one time that we...”
And Bill’s on it, immediately. He knows what she means, and he doesn’t want her to have to ask for it. So maybe he shimmies out of his boxers, and gently rolls her over onto her stomach. They’ll be more contact for her this way, more closeness, and she loves it when he rests some of his weight on her. He lifts her t-shirt a little bit, reaches his hand between her legs just to make sure she’s ready and--Jesus, she always is. So he slips inside slowly, fills her up, and it’s always really difficult for the first few seconds--because she’s so tight, so wet for him. But he grits his teeth, and usually after a second or two he can get it under control enough. She sighs and goes boneless under him immediately, sinking into the mattress, tucking her arms under her pillow. Bill lies on her back, caging her arms with his, nuzzling his cheek into her soft skin.
“Is this better sweet girl?” he murmurs to her, and she whimpers a little. And listen, I have no doubt--no doubt at all--that tiger falls into a real deep sleep after this. But I also have NO DOUBT AT ALL--that a few hours later, Bill wakes up to her full on grinding on him, working for it. And the angle is so perfect--it’s difficult for her to move the way she needs but it’s real easy for him, so as soon as he’s awake enough and just drives his hips down into her--they’re both coming in no time at all.
Listen, Bill tired as fuck alright? Maybe he’s back from somewhere, maybe she’s on set with him somewhere. He’s pulling real late nights so usually when he stumbles back to his hotel tiger is already curled up in bed, asleep. And it’s a real devastating thing when desire and exhaustion are battling, because nobody wins. And Bill wants to bang her brains out but he also just WANTS SLEEP ALWAYS and these days sleep is winning out.
And like, not only are his nights late, but his mornings are fucking early. And maybe this is the first time in a long time that he has a day off the next day. And he’s dead to the world, but maybe he wakes up real early the next morning just because his internal clock says it’s time to wake up. And he’s super drowsy, not fully awake because he also knows he doesn’t have to be. But then like...tiger backs her ass up into him in her sleep, like she sometimes does. And that friction stirred something--still not enough to wake him up, but something. And he can feel her lips pursing round his thumb, rhythmically sucking, And oh god--she smells so good. And he’s so tired, so warm and cuddly, and he’s a big sappy love bug and wants some more closeness with his girl but he’s nowhere near awake or motivated enough for sex. So instead he just burrows that cute little nose further into her neck, maybe rolls his hips into hers.
“Tiger,” he murmurs in her ear and Jesus if she wasn’t wet before, that’ll do it every time. His gravelly, sleepy voice in her ear, deep and raspy, his warm breath on her neck. She stirs a little.
“Please kid,” he whispers, “Can I....?”
And she’s also very much not awake yet so she just rolls her ass into his groin again, purring a little, which is all the confirmation he needs. So he tugs her panties down, pulls his boxers down to just his mid-thigh, and slowly pushes into her. It’s incredible--it’s euphoric and comforting and warm and just everything he needs. He sighs happily, curls around her even more, locks her tighter in his arms. But tiger--listen, she’s good to him, too. And she wants to make sure that he’s getting what he needs, and not just what’s good enough because that’s all he has the energy for. She doesn’t want him to ever go without something he wants or needs.
“Do you want me to do it for you, bud?” she murmurs sleepily to him, and her offer is clear. If he needs a release he can lie back and she’ll get him there, no strings attached. And he will eventually need that but right now....this is all that wants.
“No,” he says softly, “Just you, kid. Just this.”
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Throwing out something a little positive before the season finale breaks our hearts...
Fandom: 9-1-1 Pairing: Michael/OC (aka “Dr. McHottie”) w/ a little Bathena Rating: T Word Count: 2981
Summary:  None of that included coming face to face with the guy that’s been wondering in and out of his thoughts for the last few days.
Can also be read here -----
Dr. Derek Hale walked slowly as he exited the elevator. Each step was paired with a sip of the black, way too strong, coffee that he’d gotten from the lobby. The acrid taste was awful, but was doing a manageable job of keeping him awake right now. He hated when he wasn’t prepared for a shift, felt he was not only doing a disservice to himself, but the patients as well not being a hundred percent. Though, he didn’t feel right calling out or asking a colleague to work in his place, it was his own fault he was so tired. Well, the fault of a certain guy he’d met in an elevator who’d been heavily on his mind for the last three days, but that was beside the point.
As he approached the nurse’s station, he shook all thoughts of “Elevator Guy” from his mind, knowing they’d stray to point of distraction if he continued this line of thinking. Putting his things down and brushing off all comments about how tired he looked, he poured through the charts and notes on the patients he was responsible for on the trauma ward. He steeled his focus and was able to get caught up on everything in about 30 minutes and prepared to start making his rounds. He grabbed his tablet, stethoscope, pocketed an otoscope, and walked towards the first room on his list to check in on the patient.
Athena wasn’t sleeping but resting comfortably, well, as comfortably as she could. The warm body snuggled against her was doing wanders for her. She was spooned against Bobby, face in his neck inhaling the scent she’d been missing for the last three days. Bobby had his hands wrapped around her careful to avoid any of her injuries. Parts of her body still ached, but this having him next her again, it was making it so much better. It took a bit of convincing to do this, but not as much as she thought it would.
“I know both of you know better,” Derek said in amusement as he opened the door to the room.
Athena groaned inwardly pulling herself out of the moment she was in. “Is it shift change time already?” Athena asked innocently, “I thought we had a little more time.”
“It’s okay, I guess I’ll let it slide,” Derek paused as he looked between Bobby and Athena, “this time.” Dereks voice still held it’s amused tone. This was was far from the first time that he found patients in bed with loved ones. He’d worked in trauma long enough to know how much physical contact could help in the healing process mental and emotionally, as well as physically. “I’m glad you have a support system with you.”
“So am I.” Athena placed her hand over Bobby’s near by one, rubbing her thumb along the the back.
Derek smiled as used his foot to lift the bed so he can examine her better. “I’m Dr. Derek Hale, by the way.”
“Athena Nash.”
Following the introductions, he went through the motions of examining of her. He took note of her vitals making sure everything was within normal ranges. “Scale of 1 to 10, how bad’s the pain today?”
“About a 4,” she answered honestly. He looked at her, seeing if there were any sign of lying, she appeared to be telling the truth.
“The pain meds been treating you okay?”
“Other than making me a little sleepy, I feel fine.”
He hummed in acknowledgment as he took note of her answer. He pulled out the otoscope, looking at her eyes, checking their reaction to light, “no headaches, blurred vision, nausea, trouble breathing?”
“There is a dull ache in my head, but the meds help with that. No blurred vision, nausea, nothing like that. My chest hurts a bit when I inhale, but it’s nothing I can’t handle” He turned off the scope and put it back in his pocket, taking note that everything was normal.
He took note of her facial wounds, which appeared to be healing normally, no signs of infection. Nothing that time wouldn’t be able to take care of.
“You seem to be doing very well Athena. No adverse reactions to treatment. Healing nicely.”
“Great. When can I go home?” She asked eagerly.
“Athena.” Her partner said pointedly, which she responded to by shooting him a look.
Derek chuckled, “it’s fine. It’s a fair question,” he sat at the end of Athena’s bed, “honestly speaking, I see no reason why we can’t have you out of here by the end of the day.”
“Oh thank god,” Athena breathed a sigh of relief while her partner still looked wary.
“You’re healing is going to take time, but, at this point, it nothing that can’t be done at home. I think we’ve bandaged you up as much as we can. I see no reason why we can’t have you out of here by the end of the day,” he rose to his feet, “so you guys can cuddle up together in your own bed. As long as it’s just cuddling, no strenuous activities right now and you still need to get plenty of rest.”
“Of course, I understand.”
“Do you have any other questions for me?” She shook her head. “Well, I’m going to go update your chart and get the discharge process started. It was good meeting you, Athena.”
He reached over and held out his hand towards her partner. “Bobby,” he told him. Derek faltered a bit, having remembered hearing the name, but recovered quickly before it was, hopefully, noticed. Bobby didn’t give him any indicate that he noticed when he let go of his hand.
“Alright, I’ll be back to check on you later.” He said to Athena before turning to leave. As he did, the door opened, putting him face to face with none other than “Elevator Guy” holding a bouquet of flowers and a bag of food.
When Michael woke up this morning his plans included: making sure his kids were okay, calling his mom, going to visit Athena, and bringing her and Bobby some lunch from Athena’s favorite place. None of that included coming face to face with the guy that’s been wondering in and out of his thoughts for the last few days. Though, he couldn’t say he was mad at the strange turn of events.
Michael knew he was staring way past the point of what was considered appropriate, but he couldn’t help himself. He knew the man looked good, but the low lighting of the elevator didn’t do him nearly enough justice. In the fluorescent lighting of the hospital room he could clearly see his piercing dark brown eyes, smooth deep brown skin, and powerful jawline. The man was beautiful. As he watched “Hot Doctor’s” features shift from surprise to almost smiling, he could see the recognition. It was comforting to know that he hadn’t forgotten him.
It took a nurse clearing her throat from behind him for him to realize how caught up they had gotten in the moment. “Oh, sorry,” Michael chuckled nervously and stepped out of the nurse’s way for her to enter the room.
The doctor took the opportunity to make his leave as well. “I need to continue making my rounds,” he said quickly before exiting the room just as quickly. Michael was so flustered he wasn’t able to get another word in before he left.
Michael was mentally kicking himself as he stood out of the way, while the nurse tended to Athena’s IVs. He still hadn’t gotten his name. He just stood there staring like an idiot. It was just as well, he had every opportunity to do so when he was trapped with him three nights ago for well over an hour. He sighed, damn if he didn’t know how to waste an opportunity. He didn’t miss the look the look that the nurse shot him as she walked out of the room after finishing. The universe’s way of telling him it agreed with him.
When the door clicked closed, he was left with Bobby and Athena’s amused looks. He made his way over to them, placing the flowers and food on the bedside table. “So, how are you feeling today?” He asked Athena as he distracted himself with taking the food out of the bag. He was met with silent, eyebrow raises as he handed each container to both of them and pulled the rolling table in front of Athena, “I’m not getting away with that, am I?”
“Not a chance,” Bobby said, taking the top of of his and Athena’s containers.
“Micheal, what was that? Do you know him?”
“Yes- well, no- umm, kinda, I guess,” he stumbled over his words, trying to find the right words to say, “I met him in an elevator,” he settled on.
“You met him in an elevator?” Athena asked slowly.
“The night of your- what happened, after my MRI, I was leaving the hospital, and found myself stuck in elevator with him. We were trapped for about an hour or so before we were finally rescued. When we were I had every intention of asking for his name and, possibly, his phone number when I got the call from Bobby about what happened. All of that flew out the window. After the dust settled and I knew you were okay, I had time to think about it. I kinda just chalked it up as a missed opportunity. Didn’t think I would see him again.”
“Wait, so you were trapped with him, for over an hour, and you didn’t get his name?” Bobby asked.
“Don’t remind me. I guess we just got to talking and it didn’t come up.” Michael fondly remembered how the conversation between them just flowed, it’d been a while since he’d felt that spark with someone.
“So what ya gonna do about it?” Athena asked casually, as she ate one of her fries.
“What do you mean?” Michael asked, feigning ignorance.
“I’m gonna ignore that because you know exactly what I mean.” Athena eyed him carefully, “it’s not like you to waste an opportunity.”
She was right, it wasn’t, but this was different, felt different. It had been a while,since he’d felt this level of attraction to someone, since he’d purposefully put himself out there. If the connection was anything to go off of, he could chance saying that “Hot Doctor” was attracted to him too. Maybe, at some level. This was all still so new to him, he didn’t want to be wrong or risk misreading what he believed could be signals. “You’re right, I just don’t wanna be wrong. I wanna be sure I’m not wrong here and he likes me too.”
“He likes you,” Athena and Bobby told him simultaneously.
“This entire hospital felt the chemistry between you two just now.” Athena joked.
“Ha ha,” Michael snarked, “can we drop this and focus on you?” Michael asked, more than ready to stop talking about this.
Athena eyed him, “fine, as long as you remember that you deserve to be happy.” He laid a hand on her shoulder and placed a kiss on her forehead in response.
“Now, how are you feeling?” With that question he, Bobby, and Athena feel into a comfortable conversation that wasn’t about him anymore.
Before he knew it, a couple of hours had gone by. May was texting him, asking him if it was okay if he and Harry went to the hospital. He let her know that her mom was being released from the hospital today and they should see her by tonight. Bobby had left to go home to shower, change, and bring some comfy clothes for Athena to go home in. He told him he’d stay with her until he came back.
Glancing over at Athena to find her still sleeping, Michael decided to use the opportunity to get some himself something to drink and some air. Rising from his seat, he left, closing the door softly behind him. He looked left and right in the hallway, seeing if he’d spot him waking the halls. No such luck. He walked towards the elevators and luckily didn’t have to wait long before they opened. He walked in and headed straight for the back wall, placing one hand on the bridge of his nose squeezing his eyes shut tightly and the other on the rail behind him.
“We’ve gotta stop meeting like this.” The smooth, deep voice startled him a bit. Michael opened his eyes to find himself face to face with “Hot Doctor” as the elevator doors closed.
Michael sighed and slowly met his eyes before saying, “we do.”
He stepped closer to him and Michael put his other hand on the rail he was leaning against, trying desperately to hide his nervousness. He was probably failing, “you know, I’ve been kicking myself for a couple of days now.” He said to him.
“Oh, why?” Michael licked his lips and gripped the rail a little tighter.
“Well, you see, I met this guy, had this connection with him, well, at least, I thought so.”
“So, what happened?”
“Wouldn’t you know it, I didn’t get his name, and I didn’t even give him mine.”
Michael tried hard to hide his smile, “well, if the connection was there, you know, like you said it was, he just might be kicking himself for the same reasons. Maybe even wanting to apologize for running off without warning before you could get it.” Michael put his hands up, “that’s just me assuming that happened.”
He chuckled lowly, “well wouldn’t you know, that’s exactly what happened. I don’t blame him for it though, it happens. Seems like whatever it was seemed super important.”
“It was, otherwise it wouldn’t have happened. Hypothetically speaking of course. You don’t seem like the type of guy someone would just leave hanging like that, you know, unless absolutely necessary.”
“Do I now?” He asked cheekily.
“Yeah, you do.” What was it about this guy that made all of this so easy for him?
“It’s just as well, he probably has someone special at home.”
“No, I don’t think he does.” His smile widened, brightening his entire face.
He held out his hand, “Derek Hale.”
Taking his hand in his, “Michael Grant.” There it was again, that spark. That small shockwave that reverberated throughout his body. Whatever this was, was strong, and Michael liked it.
“It nice to meet you, Michael Grant.”
“You as well, Derek Hale.” Dropping his hand and the facade, he asked, “So, what gave you the impression that I had someone special?”
“I don’t know, guys like you always do. Plus, I saw the look on your face when you answered Bobby’s call, before the bad news part, and-”
“Woah, woah, wait. You thought Bobby was,” Michael couldn’t help but laugh at the thought.
“Love how you find that so funny,” Derek said as he looked away shyly.
“No, no, no, sorry about that,” he recovered, wiping his eyes, “it’s just funny because Bobby is my ex-wife’s husband. The woman I was visiting, the mother of my kids, your patient, the guy that was in there with her.”
He watched Derek eyes widen in recognition, “so that was... oh! I thought Bobby was- so he isn’t your- woo, that’s a relief. And he I was thinking that the guy I couldn’t stop thinking about was in a relationship.”
“The guy you couldn’t stop thinking about?” Michael asked slowly, crossing his arms across his chest.
“Fuck, I said that out loud, didn’t I?”
Before Michael could say anything further., the elevator started to move. Both looked at the other, knowing neither of them had pressed any buttons, and started to laugh. They both decided to shelve the conversation and fell into a comfortable silence as the elevator reached it destination: the first floor lobby.
When the elevator came to a halt, and the door opened, Michael and Derek exited quickly, allowing the other people waiting to get on. As they walked through the lobby, Derek bumped his shoulder and nodded his head to the left, “come with me.”
Michael, unquestioningly, followed him and was lead to a door that only read, “Private”. He watched as Derek pulled his badge from his pocket and swiped it against the adjacent pad. He opened the door into a nice looking lounge area.
Michael whistled, “this is nice.” He looked around, “am I even supposed to be in here?”
“I won’t tell if you won’t,” he winked before getting himself something out of the fridge. He threw one to Michael as well.
“Why’d you bring me here?”
“I knew no one else would be in here around this time and it was the most private place I could think of to continue our conversation.”
“So our conversation requires privacy, huh?”
“Well, didn’t really want to the risk having an audience when I asked you out.” Clear. Direct. Straight to the point.
“Wow, you waste no time.” Michael could feel the pull in the muscles in his cheeks from smiling so much.
“I’ve wasted three days, I think that’s more than enough time.”
“So, you’re saying that you would have asked me out that night, if we weren’t interrupted.”
“Absolutely.” Michael couldn’t help but appreciate the conviction in Derek’s tone.
“Well, Derek, I’d love to go out with you.” Michael fished his phone out of his back pocket, handing it to Derek. Derek, catching on, put his number in the phone and called himself so he’d have Michael’s number as well.
“So what are plans looking like next Friday night?” He asked as he handed Micheal back his phone.
“Can’t say that I have anything going on.”
“How about dinner? Around 7? The really good Italian place on 5th?” Derek asked tentatively.
“It’s a date.” -----
#GiveMichaelABoyfriend2k20 😌
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ryansfabray · 4 years
Hangover | Nyan
Who: Ryan Fabray-Lynn & Noah Duval ( @tapdancingduval )
When: Sunday Morning 9.20.20
Where: Noah’s Suite
What: Ryan and Noah have a heart to heart in the aftermath of a night out
Noah had gotten Ryan gotten her out of her skirt and top and wrangled one of his 42nd Street tshirts on before tucking her into bed. She had lost the anger and antogonism that had nearly landed her in a fistfight just a half an hour earlier and was now in that giggly, sleepy phase. They had managed to avoid the throwing up because you're half way to alcohol poisoning phase so he took that as a win. He'd barely gotten any water into her so the hangover was probably going to be epic though.
Now the sun had been up for a couple of hours and he figured it was time to check on her and definitely get some water and maybe a couple of ibuprofen into her. He knocked very lightly then moved into the room quietly. The shades were down and the sun didn't shine in these windows so it was still a little dark. "Hey, Angel, time to wake up for a little bit. You need to drink some water."
The night before was all a blur. Ryan barely remembered what happened for the first part of the night and completely blanked when around tequila shot number ten. Which meant she didn't remember dancing on the bar tops and she definitely didn't remember pulling a knife off the bar and holding it to some guys neck for grabbing her ass. Of course he deserved it, but she didn't need yet another altercation in town. Especially one where she could get banned from the local bar. She also didn't remember Noah basically throwing her over his shoulder and practically dragging her back to campus. She also didn't remember her making it extra difficult for him to change her into sleep appropriate clothes. What she would remember was the splitting headache and the piercing sound the door made when it creaked open. She was in and out of it for the better part of an hour so Noah coming in didn't startle her in the last. She pushed herself up and looked around, recognizing where she was immediately. She looked up at him then pressed her face into her hands, shaking her head as she cried into her hands. "I'm such a fucking idiot."
Noah nodded his head sagely. Not because he thought she was an idiot. Nothing could be further from the truth, but he knew exactly how it felt to be that hungover and ever single time he'd said the same exact thing. So he nodded because there was no argument to be made against the statement and her tears were breaking his heart. He walked over and sat gently down on the bed, knowing any exaggerated motion might do her stomach wrong. He set the water on the bedside table and rubbed her back.
It was meant to be comforting and she did appreciate the effort, but it only made Ryan feel worse. So she shoved his arm away without really looking over at him. Then when that just brought on a new wave of emotions that brought on more tears, Ryan let out a scream before falling back into the bed. It was still dark in the room which made it easier to finally open her eyes but she didn't dare look over at Noah. "Do you remember the last time I was in here?" She asked quietly, when the sobs finally stopped. But the tears still streamed down the side of her face and into her hair.
Noah forced himself not to take it personally. She was hurting. None of this was about him and he wouldn't make it about him. He wanted to comfort her somehow though and didn't know what he could do. He kept his distance but stayed on the bed. He looked around the room. Yeah, he remembered the last time she was here. "I do." It had been one of the hardest nights of his life. He'd wanted her so much. "I sometimes wish we'd made love that night. She'd been so very drunk though and it was unthinkable, but he still wished it sometimes. "It felt like the end of things. I guess it was in a way."
It seemed like her life was just a series of things coming to an end and she was starting to realize she was the reason. There was a sudden burst of fresh tears when he brought her back to that night in full force. She had blocked it out for so long but just like that it all came rushing back. The humiliation and hurt from being so vulnerable. And now she was doing the very same thing to Nate. She nodded. "I don't think it would have made a difference really, but it would have been nice to have a final night with you. Though looking back on it, if we had made - fucked that night, I probably wouldn't have had the strength to walk away and we'd be the ones in this predicament right now, not me and Nate." She let out a shaky breath and finally looked over to where Noah was sitting. "I think I'm going to leave him." It was the first time she said those words out loud.
"No, I don't think so. We had already said goodbye without actually saying the words. We already knew. If we'd made love," He smiled not changing his phrasing because in his mind they'd never just fucked. Not even once. Not that first time on a sandy lake beach, not when he'd gone down on her in the shower in a hurry before morning classes, not when they had all the time in the world in his bed. "it would have just been a different kind of goodbye. It was going to end then, but it was the beginning of something else right? Something good. One of the best things in my whole damn life." She wasn't sobbing anymore but the way her breath shook and the sadness in her eyes when she looked over at him was heartbreaking. "Okay." He wouldn't try to talk her into leaving or staying. The choice had to be hers. He just wanted her to know that he was there for her whatever that choice was. "How's it feel saying that?" He knew how different feelings were once you spoke them aloud.(edited)
Ryan nodded. There was no use rehashing things that happened in the past. They had already moved on, they were in a good place. They were friends. Real, true friends. But the reminder of how things always seemed to come crashing down for her was just too alarming. She smiled. Something good. They had both moved on to what was supposed to be the best of their lives. Hers was ending but at least Noah still had his chance. "Yes." Ryan couldn't maintain eye contact, even if she wanted to and green eyes flicked back up to the ceiling. "It feels like finally admitting something that I've been trying to suppress for months. It feels like an inevitability. I hear my father's voice telling me 'I told you so'. But over it all, I feel a small bit of relief."
Noah nodded. "I didn't feel any relief when I broke up with Ollie. I felt... sick, panicked, broken... never felt relieved. So maybe that's a sign that you're making the right decision. Do you think..." He paused to consider his words before speaking. "Do you think that maybe it has as much to do with D/s as it did with us. I already know that you care about Nate a lot. Probably love him more than you did me. Y'all have history and care about each other to the ends of the Earth, but is it possible that none of that was ever going to be enough. Just like it was never going to be enough for us?" They'd never actually talked about D/s related things. Sure they talked about his inability to do any of it, but that was more about how it affected him emotionally, not the specifics of it. And they'd never talked about her preferences, just that she did want to live a D/s life. Maybe she needed to actually talk about that now. Because right now she was just thinking she was this terrible person who broke things. He knew that wasn't true.
Ryan sighed. Was this the right decision? She sat up again, wiping the remaining tears from her eyes. "I do love Nate but it isn't a matter of quantity, it's just that I loved him different. Our relationship is solely based on D/s. And it was enough, it was fulfilling, but I'm not just a submissive. And I mean, Nate understands that." Ryan took a moment to gather her thoughts, not really knowing what she wanted to say. "When it was just me and Nate, in a scene - with me at his mercy in subspace, it was fine. I am his completely." Ryan felt like she was oversharing, but this was the first time she was able to say any of this out loud. "It's the times outside of scenes that I struggle with. The rules, the restrictions, having to suppress so much of myself. I thought I would be able to handle it because I wanted to be with him so much. But as time went on, it only got worse. I have been domming more which makes me want it more. I just can't be this perfect little submissive that Nate wants. He's supposed to be my number one priority but he isn't. I am."
Noah didn't interject. There were parts of this that he just didn't get, but he didn't need to really. He felt like for now he just needed to be a sounding board. He got the feeling that she hadn't ever said a lot of this out loud before. "I don't know if he's supposed to be your number one priority even if you do want to stay his submissive. Ollie's got..." He shook his head. "Forget that. We're not really a good example are we? And I have feeling that it's not about details is it?" He paused. "If you were to just imagine yourself in a place, a circumstance that is the best for helping you get to your best self what would that look like? Is you as a full-time 24/7 Dom or do you just want to be a different Dom's submissive?" He didn't really want to know the answer to the questions. He'd support her no matter what, but they seemed like questions she was asking herself or needed to be asking herself.
Ryan let out a dry laugh. “Yeah well to Nate - if he’s my Dominant, he should be my number one priority and I don’t know what I was thinking, trying to be that for him.” Tears started to form. “I wanted to be that for him.” She mulled over his question, bringing her knees to her chest so she could wrap her arms around her. “No, I could never be anyone else’s submissive,” she answered honestly. “If I’m ever going to claim again, I will be the Domme.” It was that statement that held the most confidence. “That’s as much as she wanted to say on the matter so she laid back down and sunk into the mattress. “Thank you for taking care of me last night. Did I do anything stupid?”
"You were thinking how good it felt to be submissive with him. You were thinking of an awful lot of shared history. I don't think that can be downplayed here. You have... well you have this tough relationship with your dad and no one understands that quite like he does right? And it felt really good and really really right when you were in a scene with him. You could give up all your worries and your concerns in those moments and just let him be in control, right?" He thought that even if Nate didn't see it now, someday he'd see that that this happened at all, that she was that for him at all, meant a whole damn lot. It made him damn special. He nodded. "Sucks, but might be you had to go through this to realize it, you know?" The if I ever claim again is hopefully just a reaction to the feelings that were all just right there. "I'll always take care of you Angel. Ollie too. Nah, nothing really stupid. There was a dickhead who was being stupid and you were very keen to fist fight him, but that's when we came home."
Ryan just nodded. There was nothing for her to say because he was right. It did feel good when she submitted to him and he did understand her relationship to her father in a way that no one else did. But this left her wondering if she was claimed by him for the wrong reasons. Though none of that really mattered anymore. In any case, she was done talking about it. “I tried to fight someone?” She asked with a chuckle before pulling him towards her and down on the bed. She snuggled into his side and just enjoyed the closeness. “Thank you, Noah.
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crappyfics · 5 years
Blue Dress [part 2]
A/N: This one came upon request. Shout out to raywishii for loving this story with all their heart and encouraging me to write the part 2. (not tagging to avoid glitch).
After that phone call, Sehun showed up at your door looking quite unsettled and tired. But when he saw your soft and sleepy face, his features softened as well. He sighed through his nose before stepping forward and into your apartment. His familiar way of walking across your living room and making himself comfortable reminded you of the times his visits were often and didn’t mean anything but just a visit. 
For as much as you loved the man who was then seated on your couch, you couldn’t feel quite alright about his late night visit. It wasn’t like a few years ago when you were both college students and the only thing you worried about was your grades. Back then, you had no one to go home to, you had only the night to live through and spend time together as if the night would never end. It was easier, it was lighter, but it was gone. Having Sehun in your apartment now meant something completely different and sometimes it was awkward. Maybe the two of you weren’t ready yet to acknowledge the shift in your friendship but it was there, it was loud and it was screaming at your face. But the way he was stiff on your couch brought you back to the given moment to focus on him, forgetting completely how sleepy you were. 
“I’m sorry I woke you up,” he said but you didn’t believe he was actually sorry for it. You nodded and made your way to the couch, sitting beside him and crossing your legs on the seat trying to keep your warmth. The thick pants of the pajamas helped a lot in the cold nights. “I thought you wouldn’t mind me coming over.”
“I don’t,” you replied. “I just didn’t expect it.” Sehun nodded in response and paused for a minute or so to put himself together before he could speak again. He was confused and disturbed, still very conflicted with the latest events at his own apartment. And your apartment, your couch, the smell of your laundry detergent weren’t helping him at all. Your sleepy voice also had a great effect on him. “Sehun?” your voice pulled his attention back to you who was right beside him rather then the vision of you he had in his imagination. 
“She yelled at me today,” as he spoke he crossed his legs copying your position. It seemed as if he was protecting himself from his own words but you knew he was replaying the scene in his head over and over. “I thought I could make her happy, that we would be happy together. But now I’m not so sure anymore.” 
It still pained you when he spoke about her. You thought that over the years it would have gotten easier, less painful, but you were wrong and it still cut through you very roughly. You used to think that you would get used to them dating, then you told yourself you would get used to them being married, but time had passed and you never got used to Sehun not being yours. You knew you were selfish, and bitter, and jealous. You knew all that but it didn’t mean you didn’t work hard to overcome those ugly feelings. After all, you still were Sehun’s best friend and at least that post no one could take away from you. 
You were eager to hug him, you wanted to comfort him bringing his head to your chest and caressing his hair through your fingers. But you didn’t know how he would feel about it, it was weird not knowing how to behave around him anymore now that he was married. It had been like that for a little over a year and still you were clueless. For as much as you were indifferent for Hyerin, you still respected her and her relationship with Sehun. You didn’t think she would be okay with you being so touchy with her husband and so intimate with him in ways that made her insecure. Even if it was at your apartment, alone with the man beside you, you couldn’t just ignore her existence completely. But at the same time, it made you think of what Sehun had in mind. When he came over to see you, what did he have in mind when he left his wife behind because things got tough and he couldn’t handle the situation? When he came running to you, was it because he wanted to escape and go back into your embrace like in the old times when he got scared, or was him just doing it out of a better option? You couldn’t quite tell yet.
“I don’t know what to say,” you spoke after a while. He looked down at you, face so languid in a way you haven’t seen before. “I don’t think I am the best person to help you with it, Sehun.” you admit with a sigh and in your head you pat yourself on the back for being strong enough to admit your weaknesses. You were afraid you would only help him in favor of you egotistical desires. It was best he believed you were just inexperienced in the subject. 
“I think I made a mistake,” he said getting closer to you. He didn’t dare looking into your eyes but he needed to feel your warmth a little more. “And I don’t know how to fix it. I am trapped in my own mistake, you know? I tried to be the best husband, the best friend, the best listener. I even go beyond my limits to get Hyerin what she wants. But she doesn’t trust me and for some reason I don’t trust myself either.” he confesses letting out a heavy sigh that indicated the charge his words carried. You observed him and the way he looked down never looking up to meet your gaze. He played with the fabric of your pajama pants, drawing the little circles over your knee. It was hard for him to put himself in that situation, feeling so vulnerable yet feeling as if that at this point it was useless trying to pretend otherwise. 
“I know you tried,” you said caressing his head for the first time and letting the texture of his hair make you travel back in time to when things were plain simple. “I wanna say I understand, but I don’t think I do.”
“There are things I don’t understand either,” he continues on your note. “I thought everything would be much more clear after the wedding, after moving in together, after a year of the same routine. But I feel more confused now. I thought… I thought I loved her.”
You weren’t sure what he was talking about anymore. There was so much being said yet so many unsaid things. You had your attention solely on him and on his fingers that traced the circled pattern on your pajama pants. For once it felt like in college, but the way your conversion was taking all possible twists and turns, you realized you’ve grown older, therefore, things had shifted not only in your friendship, but also emotionally.
“I spent so much time trying to make sure she loved me, making sure she was not gonna leave me, that I forgot I also had to love her back. But I couldn’t.” your heart fluttered with every word he said. The small ball of hope in your heart you thought had died, was still there and now it manifested against your rib-cage. But it was bold of you think that you had a chance with Sehun. If he didn’t love Hyerin, his wife, the woman he chose to spend the rest of his life with, you had no chance of being loved by him. A rush of lucidity hit you, reminding you that this wasn’t about you, Sehun’s problem wasn’t about you, and if your best friend’s relationship was in danger you were morally responsible to help him sort things out. You had to leave your intentions aside, your frustrations too. It wasn’t about you, it was about Sehun and Hyerin. 
“I don’t make much sense anymore,” he scoffed and shook his head trying to reorganize his thoughts. But it was useless, everything was already pretty messy. “I shouldn’t have come here.”
“Love can take different forms sometimes. We love our family, our friends, our pets, a song, a food… You can love anything, anyone. Who you love, and how much you love them are things you can’t control,” you spoke softly. You maintained your voice low just loud enough for him to hear you. He felt your breath on his cheek and for as much as he wanted to look up right now, he couldn’t find the courage to do it. He was afraid of what he would do next after he met your attentive eyes. Your hand on his shoulder wasn’t not helping him focusing on your words solely. “I’m sure you love her,” you continued. “You’ve given up time, dreams, and… people in order to be with her. I don’t see where you committed a mistake if there is love where you at.”
Sehun sighed unsure if he understood your speech. He took in every word and processed each one of them carefully. But his heart was so loud, so confused that it messed with his thoughts. His heart knew what it wanted, it wanted the love he’s been craving for ages. His brain wanted to do what was right, what was clean and easy and simple. His brain wanted to fix his already broken relationship. But his heart wasn’t willing to work hard on an already failed marriage. He didn't know what to do, but he knew how he felt and this confusion was only making him anxious. 
Though, you were anxious as well. You were doing what was right. You decided to follow your brain, because your heart was too naive to help you with anything. You were giving the advice he needed to hear but also the advice you needed to follow. Take the love you have, and hold it for dear life. Don’t let it go, don’t lose it. And you understood it as letting Sehun be… once again, letting him go. His friendship was the only kind of love you believed he could give you
“Is it normal that I love someone else more than her?” like a child, he asked you the question. This time, he took a deep breath and grew the courage to look up at you. His finger stopped tracing the patterns and his tired eyes observed you attentively. Your hand still on his shoulder felt awkward so you dropped it to your lap. He took your hand back towards him but now holding it between his own. “Do you remember at my wedding when I ran late? I was scared. I knew I wasn’t supposed to be doing it because I knew I would regret it. I couldn’t see myself with Hyerin for the rest of my life. I couldn’t even see myself with her for another year since then.”
“Yet, here you are,” you said. But he shook his head knowing that whatever you meant by it, you were absolutely wrong. He was ready to continue and to say what he had stuck in his chest for so long. It didn’t matter if you were trying to dodge that bullet because you felt guilty, his hands held you close to him so you wouldn’t escape. 
“My dad dragged me to the ceremony. It was awful, I wanted to puke. Even if I wanted to scream and turn back not to attend my own wedding, I arrived at the church. And when I saw you there, in that blue dress, I just knew I was making a mistake.”
You held a gasp in your throat. You voice was too shy to make itself present, you were surprised. It never occurred to you that you would even be in such situation. You never thought that Sehun would walk on a tightrope like this, putting his everything at risk. But Hyerin wasn’t his everything, she never was. She was just available. And she was emotionally available when you weren’t, when you didn’t look his way, when you never expressed your feelings for him so he got the memo not to express his feelings either. He didn’t know that you were also struggling from the other side this whole time. It was all just a big mistake, you started to think. It was just a huge lack of communication. You both feared being rejected, you both feared losing the friendship. You both, at different times, thought it was just a crush. But when the feelings developed and flourished, you knew this wasn’t just gonna go away. It stayed. And it stayed even when he had to love somebody else, it stayed when you saw him loving Hyerin. 
“This is probably not the best timing, nor the best way to tell you that all this time I’ve been thinking of you. But if I didn’t say it now, I would go back home to someone I don’t love and live with the bitter taste of the “ifs”.” He said still holding your hands in his. “And I wanna say I understand if you don’t feel the same way but I would be lying because I desperately want you to tell me you do too.”
“I love you, Sehun,” you managed to say ever so weakly. You were shaking in his hands, you were scared it was just a dream. You were scared he would think his confession was also another one of his mistakes. But he smiled when he heard you, a smile that didn’t take up all his lips but it was there, weak and tired yet relieved. One of his hands made its way to your neck resting there for a little while. You watched his eyes twinkle in a magical way, a way you’ve never seen before. You felt warm inside. 
“I can’t remember a time when I didn’t love you.” You continued. “It was hard before for me to confess it, and it still is. Even worse now that you’re married and things are messy.” his hand caressed your neck encouraging you to continue. He wanted you to tell him everything you felt because suddenly all his conflicted thoughts started to make some sense. “My feelings for you have always been there, hidden behind the lies I told myself.”
“No need to hide anymore. I love you too, I’ve always did. I’m sorry I didn’t do anything about it earlier,” he breathed, “I used to lie to myself too…” he explained bringing his face closer to yours. You both closed your eyes and enjoyed the proximity that was absolutely tender. “I’m sorry,” he whispered. 
“What do we do now?” you asked after a moment. Now that things were revealed, now that you both acknowledged the elephant in the room, you still were unsure of what to do next. What about Hyerin? About their doomed relationship? What about you? What about your love for him that was locked in your heart for so long and was eager to come out? It all depended on Sehun now, only him could do anything about all that mess. You felt his forehead on yours and his breath fanning on your face. For the first time in your life, it felt real, it felt like he finally was yours and yet he wasn’t. 
“I’ll fix things now. Now that I know who I belong with…” he whispered back and you could hear his small giggle coming through his nose. You had a smile on your face, also small and exhausted but genuine and hopeful. 
“I love you,” you whispered even lower than before. 
“I love you too.”
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hanharin · 8 years
Two Worlds Apart (ZenxMC) -- Chapter 4
Also, if you’re interested in reading my other fics, you can find them on my masterlist.
Recommended song for this chapter: “ Back in Time ” by Lyn
Two Worlds Apart – Chapter 4
Red eyes. Red eyes were looking at him, and he looked back at her with his own. He could see it, her resemblance to you. The hair color, the big eyes, the tiny nose, and even the sharp chin.
“Damn it,” Jumin muttered under his breath. Zen glared at him.
“Jumin. You better talk. Now.” Zen was barely managing to keep his tone calm, trying not to scare the girl.
Jumin sighed in defeat and moved away from the door. “Alright, come in and follow me.” Jumin picked up the girl and walked into the house. Zen followed with haste; the urge to know what the hell was going on only got stronger. When they got to the living room, Jumin sat down on the couch, placing the girl on his lap, knowing that Zen would want to look at her for a little longer. He motioned for Zen to sit in the armchair across from him. Zen kept his eyes trained on the girl as he sat down, inwardly cursing all of his friends for hiding everything from him. The girl looked at him curiously before turning back to look at Jumin. 
“Appa? I’m sleepy,” the girl said as she wrapped her arms around Jumin’s torso.
“Sleep. Appa will carry you back to your room later,” Jumin told her, proceeding to slowly rub her back as she closed her eyes and rested her head against his chest. Zen was surprised to see Jumin’s eyes soften when he looked at her and to hear a certain tenderness in his voice when he spoke to her. His heart clenched, watching the exchange. It should be me holding her, not that jackass.
“She’ll be 4 years old in 2 months. On December 25th,” Jumin told him, not once looking up from the girl.
So it’s true then. I left you while you were pregnant, MC. God… 
They sat there in silence for a few minutes. Then he saw Jumin shift to check that the girl was asleep. Then, he spoke.
“It’s not your fault, you know. It’s not your fault that you didn’t know,” Jumin said, looking up and staring intently at him. “What is your fault, though, is ignoring all our calls, texts, voicemails, and letters. I even sent people to Japan to tell you there is an urgent matter you had to come home for. But you brushed them off and continued on with your business.” 
Zen’s eyes widened. So this was why they wanted me to come back. Not because they didn’t want me to reach my goals, but because you were pregnant. I’m a fucking idiot. He opened his mouth, trying to speak; but, nothing came out. 
“Was it that great, Zen? Your success, that is. Was it worth what you gave up, what you left behind? Was it worth everything that you missed out on?”
No, Zen thought. But he couldn’t find it in himself to speak at the moment. The regret he felt just kept building up.
“She tried to hide it, but we all saw it in her eyes. You broke her. You left her to chase after your dream, not even asking her to come with you. And, worst of all, you had told her not to wait for you. She was a robot, going through each day like it was a task.”
Zen couldn’t do anything but lean over and look down at his feet, trying to keep the tears at bay.
“I gave Assistant Kang paid leave, so that she could stay with MC and be there for her, for however long she needed to be. And, every time I called to check up on them, she would tell me that MC was like a body without a soul.”
Zen squeezed his eyes shut. Don’t cry. Don’t cry. You’re a man. Don’t cry.
“Then, one day, MC collapsed. She ate when Assistant Kang was around; but, when Assistant Kang was away or went to bed, MC went into the bathroom to throw it all up.”
Zen jerked his head up, speechless. No, MC isn’t like that. She wouldn’t do that.
“It was that day that the doctor had told MC that she was pregnant. You should have seen it. The way her eyes shined brighter after that. She told us that the twins were a part of you, that she would always have a part of you now.”
Zen couldn’t help it. A tear slipped out of his right eye and down his cheek. 
“She was sick. Her lungs were weak… because you smoked around her…” Jumin said, the disdain evident in his voice. “The doctor had told her that the pregnancy would be difficult in her state, but she insisted that she would have the babies.”
What? MC, you were sick? Because of me? Zen felt like his heart had stopped. This… this is all my fault, isn’t it…? 
“You don’t know what it was like, Zen. Seeing her grow weaker and weaker every day, supporting two lives when she was not even in a good state herself. All for a man who had left her,” Jumin said, barely above a whisper.
Zen heard the crack in Jumin’s voice and looked at him. The man across from him managed to surprise him yet again this night. Jumin was crying. It was then that Zen realized it: Han Jumin, the emotionally constipated trustfund jerk, had loved you. No, scratch that. He was IN LOVE with you. But you ended up loving me, the man who left you. 
“They were born on Christmas … 4 weeks premature. Labor was hard for MC. She had trouble breathing because of her weak lungs. But, after 15 hours, the twins were finally born. I do not think any of us had ever seen her as happy as she was the moment she got to hold them. She… she asked Assistant Kang and me to be their godparents.” Jumin paused to brush away a stray strand of hair that had fallen on the girl’s face. 
“When Yongseo was born, his lungs were weak too, just like MC. He was in the ICU for weeks because he couldn’t breathe properly on his own. It hurt all of us, Zen, to see an innocent baby have to go through something as painful as that, to be hooked up to so many machines.” 
Zen could hear the strain in Jumin’s voice. The matter was clearly extremely difficult for him to discuss.
“Stop. I don’t think I can handle anymore” If it’s already this bad, then I don’t want to find out how bad the rest of the story is.
“No. You came to my house at some absurd time, demanding answers. And you’re going to get them. You need to know this,” Jumin said, forcefully. “Yongseo… he didn’t make it. He spent three weeks in the ICU, but his frail body couldn’t handle it anymore.” Jumin paused, sniffing. “Do you know, Zen? Do you know how MC felt, watching her own child go before she did? Because of that, she closed up again. She locked all of us out again.”
So, in the end, I’m the reason my son is dead… I didn’t even have a chance to meet him, but I had already killed him. The thoughts wracked his brain, and all he could do was blame himself. 
“We all took turns staying the night at her apartment, helping out with her daughter. Yoosung had just gotten into medical school. He stayed up all night studying and watching the baby. Seven was not able to stay the nights because of his job, but he had cameras and baby monitors set up everywhere. Assistant Kang left work early and brought whatever she did not finish at the office to MC’s apartment. And, whenever I was over at the apartment, Assistant Kang was in charge of taking care of the office. All of us… we made it work… but it was not enough. MC was just getting weaker and weaker.”
Zen didn’t realize it, but his tears were running freely down his cheeks, landing on his hands on his lap. He wiped his eyes, telling himself he didn’t deserve to cry. He was the reason for all of this.
“Do you know why she named him Yongseo? It was because she forgave you, for all the idiotic things you had done. Yongseo looked exactly like you, right down to the white hair and red eyes.” Zen remembered the picture he had seen earlier that day, knowing fully well how much Yongseo had looked like him.
“She loved him and his sister so much. To her, Yongseo represented her second chance with you. To make things right. But, when Yongseo… passed… she was not able to handle it. In her mind, it was her fault. In her mind, she thought that she had failed as a mother.”
 But you didn’t fail, MC. It was my fault. Why did you blame yourself?
“She fell into depression. Although her daughter was still there, she could not stand looking at her, because her eyes and Yongseo’s eyes were the same. She got weaker, Zen. Her lungs got progressively worse. Almost a year after Yongseo went… MC did too.” Jumin had to pause and take a deep breath, attempting to calm himself and not break down.
Zen took a moment to collect his thoughts. Although Jumin had told him the events that had occurred in his absence, there was still one important question.
“Why does she call you her appa?”
Jumin’s eyes widened in surprise. Then, a small smile formed on his lips. “She’s a smart one, you know. She started talking early and even knows how to read simple children’s books at this age. The workers at the daycare say that she learns faster than other children her age. They told me to enroll her in school, even though she’s only 3 years old,” he said proudly. “But, I refuse to do that. She does not know it yet, but she’s lost a lot… so, I just want her to have a normal life. I’m not raising her to be a genius or a prodigy. I want her to have a proper childhood.”
So she got her brains from her mom. Zen couldn’t help but smile at that. Jumin looked down at the child in his arms, and his voice softened.
“I was picking her up from daycare one day. She was watching a girl run up to her father and call him ‘appa.’ When she finally noticed that I was there, she smiled and ran up to me, screaming, ‘Appa!’” Jumin chuckled, the memory obviously one he was very fond of. “Ever since then, she’s been calling me that. I was around a lot when she was younger, more than Yoosung and Seven were. That is probably why she assumed I am her father.” 
Zen was jealous. But you’re not her father. I am. Jumin saw the look in Zen’s eyes.
“Zen, I understand you must be upset. Your daughter is calling another man her father. But, I just want to say this. She may be your daughter in blood, but she is my daughter through bond. She is my daughter just as much as she is yours.”
Zen felt anger boiling inside of him. “You bastard. How dare you take my daughter from me,” he snarled through his teeth. Jumin was taken aback by his sudden anger.
“What makes you think I ‘took’ her from you? MC asked me to be her godfather, and I accepted. The duty of the godparent is to take care of the child should anything happen to the parents.”
“Well, I’m here now. So give me my child,” Zen demanded, his voice getting louder. 
“Yes, but you were not here for the first four years of her life!” Jumin accidentally said too forcefully. “I was there when she was born. I was there when MC held her for the first time. I was there when she crawled for the first time. I was there when MC left us. I was there when she spoke her first words. I was there when she took her first steps.”
Zen was seething. He thought Jumin was his friend. And, yet, here he was claiming his child as his own.
“Also, Zen. By your logic, Assistant Kang has ‘taken’ your child too then, since she was named the babies’ godmother and has been there for your daughter too. And what about Yoosung then? Are you going to say that he ‘took’ her too, because she calls him her uncle? And Seven, whom she calls ‘Uncle Red’?” 
Right, but she doesn’t call any of them her FATHER. That’s ME. I’M her father. 
Zen abruptly stood up. “You have no right!” 
Jumin was about to answer back, when he felt hands grabbing his shirt. Looking down, he saw his child holding onto him with her face buried in his shirt. Peeking out, she looked at Zen. Then, she looked up at Jumin. There were tears in her eyes.
“Appa… I’m scared. Why is ahjussi yelling?” She had woken up because of Zen. She’s scared of me? My daughter, my own flesh and blood, is scared… of ME? His previous anger disappeared. Only a sense of sadness and longing remained.
Jumin rubbed her back. “It’s okay. Ahjussi and I were just talking. Appa will bring you back to your room now, okay?” He held her securely in his arms before he stood up.
“I think you should go now. Please lock the door on your way out.” Jumin disappeared down the hallway to her room. Zen didn’t feel like leaving, at least not yet; so, he quietly followed them, not sure of what else to do. From outside the room, he saw Jumin tuck her in and kiss her on her forehead. Zen turned to leave after seeing that, jealous that he couldn’t tuck her in like that. That should be me. He stopped walking when he heard her speak.
“I love you, appa.”
“I love you too, Hyunji. Sleep well, my princess.”
Zen froze. This was the first time he had ever heard her name. Not once earlier did Jumin mention her name. Hyunji. Ryu Hyunji. MC… you named her after me? Tears welled in his eyes. Knowing that MC had named their daughter after him made everything seem more real. That was his daughter in there, calling another man her dad and telling him she loved him. That was his daughter, whom he hadn’t even been given a chance to touch yet, but Jumin got to kiss her and hold her all night long. That was his daughter, completely unaware that the man she was scared of earlier is her real father. It was too much to handle, too heartbreaking. So, Zen did the only thing he could do at that moment. He left, making sure to lock the door. Inside, Jumin was unaware of the fact that Zen had seen the entire exchange.
Translations: Ahjussi: a term used to refer to middle-aged men; equivalent to “mister” Appa: “daddy”, “dad” Yongseo: “forgiveness” Hyunji: the syllable “Hyun” (meaning “virtuous, good, able, worthy”) is taken from Zen’s real name, Ryu Hyun ; the syllable “ji” means “wisdom, knowledge, intelligence” ; pronounced “hee-yuhn-gee”
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meapistrash · 8 years
Beautiful Nightmare - SS Fanfiction
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maciaslucymua-blog1 · 7 years
7 Ways to Take Care of Yourself Through the Divorce Process
New Post has been published on http://www.healthgoesfemale.com/7-ways-to-take-care-of-yourself-through-the-divorce-process/
7 Ways to Take Care of Yourself Through the Divorce Process
Divorce proceedings are killer – emotionally, spiritually, socially, financially. These tips on how to take care of yourself through the divorce process will help you avoid overwhelm and burnout. I’m writing this for you…and a reader who asked for help takin care of herself while divorcing her husband. “Three months ago my husband of 27 years left me for one of our family friends,” says Dana on How to Know if Divorce is the Best Decision. “He was having an affair with her for almost a year, and is in love with her. He plans to spend the rest of his life with her. We started the divorce process and I know it’s the best decision. But husband somehow thought I’d be okay with this and we’d all still be friends. My husband somehow thought I’d be okay with this and we’d all still be friends. I don’t know how he could be so delusional, but he’s surprised that I don’t want to associate with them. I’m getting exercise, have reached out to friends, am on an antidepressant, am seeing a counselor and have begun journaling. What else can I do to take care of myself and move on?” Here are two easy steps to taking care of yourself when you’re getting divorced:
Take a deep breath. Tell yourself that everything will be okay in the end. If it’s not okay yet, then it’s not the end. Figure out what you really need, and give yourself permission to get it. The most important thing you can do is listen to your body. Your spirit, mind and heart is trying to tell you what you need! If you take a deep breath and give yourself five minutes to listen to your body, you will know how to take care of yourself. The divorce process won’t be the end of you — especially if you slow down and listen. How to Take Care of Yourself When you’re going through the divorce process, you haven’t just lost a husband and home. Your whole life has been uprooted. You’ve lost your identity as a wife, and you’re left to pick up the pieces of your shattered heart. Divorcing your husband wasn’t ever in your plans, and your have to let go of your hopes and dreams for a future together. You know you have to let go of the past, but you just can’t find the strength. Deep down you believe God has a plan for your life and you hope a new season awaits…but how do you actually start moving forward? By learning how to take care of yourself through the divorce process. See the ripple effect of caring for yourself while divorcing You’re grieving the end of your marriage. The divorce process is ugly — even when it’s an amicable, agreeable parting of the ways! Even the gentlest of divorces involve the splitting of many lives. Not just yours and your husband’s, but your children’s and in-laws’ and other family members and friends and coworkers. Even neighbors are affected by a divorcing couple. If you learn how to take care of yourself through the divorce process, you can take care of others. Sometimes this happens without you even realizing it; the people around you see you caring for your body, soul, heart, and spirit. This teaches them to take care of themselves, to treat themselves better. By taking care of yourself, you’re creating a ripple of health and wellness that will positively affect everyone during the divorce process. And, by caring for yourself, you’ll learn how to fill the void in your life after the divorce is over. Tell me how your stomach, head, and guts feel Take a deep breath. Get comfortable. Listen to what your body is telling you. What do you need physically right now? Is your stomach empty or full? Are you sleepy or alert? What parts of your physical body ache — maybe your head, feet, teeth, or hair? Does your butt feel sore because you sit too much, or your legs tired because you’re standing or running constantly? The first step to taking care of yourself during the process of divorce is to check in with your physical body. What do you need right now? Give yourself what you need, whether it’s food, affection, sleep, massage, hot bath, yoga, swimming, running, even just a walk around the block. Fresh air! Learn how to take care of yourself by listening to your body. The next step is to tell someone what you need. Tell me! Write what your body is saying in the comments section below. Tell me one way you can take care of your physical body. Remember that if you care for your body, you will increase your strength and resilience — and you’ll need lots of both if you want to come through the divorce process with all your members intact! Take care of your heart You drag yourself out of bed in the morning, you do and say the right things, you pull yourself through the day…but something is missing. Your heart, your soul, your spark. You lost someone who meant everything to you; now you’re going through the motions but you’re not fully alive. Your husband was a huge part of your life, and now you’re in the throes of the divorce process.
Your heart hurts. Your emotions have taken a battering, and you need to learn how to take care of yourself in kinder, gentler ways. Take a deep breath. Listen to what your heart is telling you. Is it bitter or broken? Maybe both. Is your heart aching or empty? Torn between different camps of loved ones? Ripped in shreds because of the divorce process? The only way to take good care of yourself is to tune in to how your heart feels. Then, give yourself permission to care for yourself emotionally. Maybe this means going away by yourself for a week or a weekend. Or a year. The divorce process will proceed without you. Or maybe you need to distance yourself from someone, or spend more time with others. Only you know what you need, and only you can give yourself what you need. Realize that if you don’t take care of yourself, nobody will Ouch. It hurts me to write that sentence! But it’s true. 7 Ways to Take Care of Yourself Through the Divorce Process One of the saddest things about being an adult is the fact that if we don’t care for ourselves, then nobody will. Even sadder is the fact that the divorce process is the time we most need to learn how to take care of ourselves in deeper and better ways…and it’s often the time that we’re most distracted and least able to invest time, money, and energy caring for ourselves. But the power this gives us! If we are responsible for taking care of ourselves, then we don’t have to rely on others to take care of us! And we’re not stuck with their ways of taking care of us. You get to take care of yourself the way you need to. This is good news. Even better — you can learn how to take care of yourself by experimenting with different, interesting, and fun ways! Trying new tips and strategies for self-care will send you soaring through the divorce process, like the girl on the flying trapeze. If you have kids to care for, read How to Help Your Children Through a Painful Divorce. Help Taking Care of Yourself Through the Divorce Process “After divorcing an abusive man or narcissist there is a season of healing,” writes Melissa in Weekend Wisdom: It Is Well With My Soul. “It takes work. Gut-wrenching work. Giving up resentments. Seeing our own fears and selfishness. Developing boundaries. Learning what love really is. Figuring out how we got here. Deciding where we want to go.” One of the best ways to take care of yourself and recover from the divorce process is to connect with other women who are going through the same thing. Melissa’s blog is Broken.HEARTED: A Christian’s Path to Divorcing and Healing from a Narcissist and Emotional Abuser. It’s a wonderful, healing, honest blog that will help you heal and move forward in your life. Did you know that every year 900,000 women of faith go through a divorce? There is life on the other side of the end of a marriage! A life full of hope, healing, and triumph.
In The Christian Chick’s Guide to Surviving Divorce – What Your Girlfriends Would Tell You If They Knew What To Say, Suzanne Reeves describes how God doesn’t want divorce — but He also doesn’t want you to be in an unhealthy marriage that doesn’t conform to His plan. She’ll give you the encouragement and hope you need to survive the divorce process and learn how to take care of yourself in healthy, spiritually uplifting ways.   This book and blog offers helpful strategies for taking care of yourself while you’re divorcing, but the best source of power and strength is God. How are you doing spiritually? Are you on speaking terms with God, or have you let Him go? He hasn’t let you go. He knows exactly how this divorce process will end, and He knows how to take care of you. God won’t protect you from making mistakes or experiencing pain, but He will protect you from anything you can’t handle. Take a deep breath. Look up. Open your heart. What do you hear, feel, see? If you feel completely alone and abandoned — even by God — read 7 Things to Remember When You Feel Like No One Cares.
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mecha-velli · 7 years
i rlly don't think I'm self hating or whatever for thinking it's fine if someone has a preference for trans dudes... or like specifically I enjoy it? like there are lots of ways to be a transphobic creep and only some of those coexist with preference, and only some ppl with preferences are creeps idk... I think context matters. I'm more wary of pan+poly+cis dorks with greasy hair who claim not to have any preference than like, a normal respectful chaser. and like ok if someone is like mostly just into women and then likes some trans dudes (for whatever reason) I'm more likely to side-eye them but even then there's legitimate reasons sometimes. but like I think especially if someone is into men basically exclusively, and then specifically prefers trans men, there is likely an ok reason for that am I crazy? like... I don't think I am. I get if it's not for u but like... idk maybe I'll end up having a bad experience and I'll change my mind. but as for right now I kinda can't imagine that anyone who experiences sexual attraction truly feels neutral about bodies? like I think either you're going to like what's going on w my body or you're gonna dislike it. maybe it's bc I'm almost-sorta dating a non-trans gay dude (a monosexual lmfao) with a preference for trans guys but like, he didn't bring up that preference until I asked him abt it? bc I wanted reassurance that I'm not like gross to him.. and it was v comforting to know that he's Into it. but idk I mean probably some of the stuff I engage with is a little problematic idk. but like as someone who's non-op I guess I just like enjoy having my real actual body be valued. ig there's also the importance of the trans imaginary when it comes to both social n sexual relationships, but I think chasers also have a good chance of being able to engage in that.
also in the case of Boy specifically like he is also ~90% exclusively attracted to bigger guys and that also doesn't bug me at all... why should it. vast majority of dudes think we're nasty and that's a preference I gotta live with, why not also b chill with preferences that benefit me. additionally like idk. so what if someone has a type, like I definitely do. he likes boyish big dudes with weird relationships to masculinity, so ofc he likes trans guys.
also he likes poetry n writerly shit n intellectuals n extremely online people n whatnot. I'm learning the few things about myself that aren't his ideal and thankfully he is too. like I'm not older n more mature than he is; we're both working out how to be good to other ppl. but at least I'm at a place where I can hopefully meet him where he's at and we can both challenge each other to grow. I also don't know much about jrpgs. we also seem to have pretty different perspectives on sex but I, at least, am incredibly refreshed by his approach so far. there are probably other ideals which I shall shatter, but I hope they are also manageable human flaws rather than irreconcilable differences lol. still hoping he's not a scary evil person, and that I am also not a scary evil person. would really like it if neither of us destroyed the other.
talking with him abt my past and some of the stuff going on there and he is seeming to be quite understanding... but also there appears to be a similar darkness in his past which I am concerned about. if someone hates him the way my exes hate me, either he also met a real lunatic or... maybe he did something real bad. I'm scared for that conversation. he mentioned kinda taking advantage of his last bf and that does alarm me a bit even though he seems to be actively trying to grow in the wake of that.
I can't believe at first I was gonna post some of this to my main lmao girl u crazy for that one. speaking of crazy. he seems to be continually undaunted by my mental illness stuff but I wonder if he really has a handle on what all that means. does he reckon himself to be a saviour of sorts? does he think he's some shining white knight? like he's gonna idk... idk man. and like I was honest with him that one of the possibilities that excites me about pursuing a relationship with him is that he seems to provide some kind of room to heal. he is so gentle with me and like assertive and capable of having difficult conversations without shutting down (at least so far). but like I don't see him as a white Knight. I see him as a person that I can pursue emotional health and wellness with, without endangering myself hopefully. but what does it mean for him? what kind of growth does he see for himself in me? does he just see me as an opportunity for him to learn how compassion and ethics and principles work? bc I wouldn't like to be the person who taught him how to love lol...
I hate that I'm thinking so damn far in the future. like I'd like very much for him to be se great guy but I already feel myself clamping up and convincing myself that he's the only person who could be attracted to me. I have to actively remind myself that there are several people who are and have been attracted to me. and there will be many more. chances are that this relationship will not last forever, even if I'm already in fucking ltr mode mentally. I'm trying to predict what the problems will be so that they won't surprise me when they come.
possible problems: he or I meet someone geographically closer + fall in mad passion with them. I scare him away by broadcasting too many of my breakdowns to him, especially if I share my suicidality/true crime obsession/belief that I'm an evil sociopath/ whatever, and just generally be inconsolable enough times until he's worn down completely. I make fun of him and get too mean about it. he turns ace and I start fucking random dudes. he becomes emotionally unavailable and I become needy. he has problems that I can't solve. I never get over my awkwardness about his pain bc I can relate to almost none of it. he decides pussy isn't for him anymore. he drifts too far from gay boy gender-wise and I lose interest. we end up having to move to REALLY different places for work n life. he rapes me. he can't get over the fact that certain things abt me might not go away with recovery. he can't deal with my flirtatious ways. we move in and realize we can't stand each other. we have sex too soon and he loses interest. I'm bad at sex and he loses interest. he realizes my naked body is a shambling horror. he just gets scared of my feelings and the fact that I have them. my career amounts to nothing and he gets suck of supporting me through it
I'm too sleepy to go on
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