#and i am. so so so glad everyday and thankful for the dominos that fell to have us meet and start talking
lanternlightss · 8 months
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happy birf @gracefullilyofthevalley :]
also a silly bonus bc they do help sdbdj:
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twisted-clown · 4 years
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Thank you all for supporting Elmier for so long! I worked hard on him and love him dearly! I apologize I have not been posting as of late, but Lilly’s updated version will come soon. I am struggling to find a voice actress for her. 
Read Elmier’s birthday interview/card story below!
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Chapter 1
Happy Birthday Elmier!
Elmier: Oh thank you dear~! We are celebrating me today~ I am so flustered.
How is your birthday going? Are you ready for the interview?
Elmier: My birthday is going very well, thank you for asking dear~. Phineas and my brothers threw me a surprise birthday party, so I was very happy~!
Did they scare you?
Elmier: I already knew about the party so I only pretended to be surprised. Phineas figured that out, but my brothers did not. Don’t tell them, okay~? I wouldn’t want to make them sad.
I won’t. What did your brothers get you for your birthday?
Elmier: Hmm~ Banar gave me a beautiful new hairbrush, and Tanton gave me an elegant hand mirror. I am very happy. More time to work on my hair. This doesn’t look good by itself you know. Well, actually it does. *wink* Banar also baked a cake. He is so skilled with his hands as he does a lot of scrapbooking and stationary, so I am not surprised the cake turned out so beautifully.
You really like taking care of your appearance. Is it a long process?
Elmier: It can be a little lengthy, but it doesn’t feel too long, as it is something I enjoy doing very much. I especially love my hair. Sometimes to relax, I will just brush my hair to calm down. It feels very nice. Maybe I can give you a makeover sometime~
That sounds fun!
Chapter 2
Elmier, you’re very good at your aerial silk. It takes a lot of arm strength, do you work out?
Elmier: Oh of course I do. I work out everyday with Phineas, sometimes Tanton and Banar join, but Tanton usually complains about being lazy and not wanting to do it. Though I am quite feminine, I would say I am quite muscular because of my circus skills.
Is aerial hard work?
Elmier: All circus skills require a lot of work, dear. Work and dedication. I almost lost my life once during a show, but I am glad to still be here. It is definitely a risk to do aerial as I am always so high up, but that’s why I enjoy it. I get to soar above the crowds, wrapped in glittery silk. It makes me feel elegant like a swan.
Do you really like swans?
Elmier: I love swans, though I would say my favorite animal is a flamingo. They are very interesting and bright in color. Did you know that they make friendships and lovers just like us? Oh, it is quite fascinating. Phineas told me more about them. He loves to read. He got so excited to tell me about the book he was reading, it was nice to see him so happy.
Thats really cool!
Elmier: Indeed it is. Phineas told me a lot of facts about animals? Would you like to hear them~? Hmm~?
Haha, sure.
Chapter 3
I heard you like cross stitching. Is that true?
Elmier: I do. I find it quite relaxing. I do it sometimes to relax, along with brushing my hair. I have made pieces for Banar before. He hangs them up in his room, it’s so cute.
Its a nice hobby to have. A lot of the other students have hobbies they’re interested in. Do you have any students you particularly get along with?
Elmier: Hmm~ I talk to Cater sometimes. He can be very fun to spend time with, though he is quite energetic. I also enjoy talking to Rook. He can be a little bit strange, but aren’t we all? I absolutely love talking to him about what defines beauty, we seem to agree on quite a few things. Sometimes I meet up with him and have tea. It is very enjoyable, I must say.
Do you hang out with Pomefiore a lot?
Elmier: Sometimes. I do not tend to get along with Vil, sadly. I do not know what it is but I don’t think he likes me. Have I done something to upset him? Maybe I am overthinking it all. I do enjoy joining in on the Pomefiore yoga or tea sessions when they allow me to. I brought Tanton to yoga once and that was a disaster.
Why was it a disaster?
Elmier: He fell over onto Epel, who then fell over onto another student and it created a domino effect! Both of them had to sit out for a while, as Vil got quite upset with the two. He assumed Epel was the cause, when it was Tanton. I had Tanton go up and tell him what actually happened later. I don’t think it should have been a problem though. Some are more skilled than others.
Vil seems to have gone overboard….
Elmier: I most certainly agree. Well, enough talk of all that nonsense. It is quite draining. Anyways, dear, thank you for doing this birthday interview. I really enjoyed speaking with you. We should talk more, yes?
I would really like that. I hope you have a wonderful birthday Elmier.
Elmier: That is very kind of you. I hope you have a wonderful rest of your day, ufufu.
*Elmier’s groovy is of him smiling gleefully and sitting with a piece of cake made by Banar. Banar sits close by*
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