#by the lotuses and ponds | lily <3
lanternlightss · 8 months
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happy birf @gracefullilyofthevalley :]
also a silly bonus bc they do help sdbdj:
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py-dreamer · 10 days
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Ok so I might've gone over time again a lil bit BUT I STILL MADE IT!!!
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"Why is it Nezha? First Mk, then Mei, why Nezha? Shouldn't it be Pigsy or Tang or Red Son? Why are you robbing the less popular characters their spotli-"
Ok so a reason I made Nezha next, is cause I have an upcoming project due soon and I require our 3rd lotus princey over here to come help me.
Look it's an art thingy and the theme is 'Legacy of the gods' and I did chinese mythology not LMK. As such I couldn't pick an lmk exclusive character like Mk or Mei. Furthermore, since it was about the 'gods' specifically, I'm more focused on the deities and less demons the like.
Also a lot of my project has featured so much JTTW, and I'm sure it definitely will in future...So to break up from that and for a bit of variety, I've added in our lotus friend.
(I mean, I suppose I could've done Chang'e but I just decided Nezha had more myths so he was my best bet)
And I couldn't do Wukong. Cause I'm already doing another piece with him, I made two stickers of him already. They will know I have favorites. And I do, I know I do but damn it if I don't wanna show it so obviously!!!
Actually, originally I had like a list of who I wanted to do and it was mostly like main cast of lmk with some fan favorites/my favs here and there and Nezha was towards the bottom but I moved him up due to the reasons above. And I was going to do Pigsy and Tang today but that's not how things turned out, I'll still do them just everyone's gonna have to be moved up in the list now.
Don't ask me what kinda cake it is, if I had to guess some kinda cheesecake with like a thin layer of jelly on top. The pink/red contributes to his main color scheme and the blue jelly makes it look like a pond and all the decorations and lotuses on top look like they're floating in water.
And I suppose it's different from Mk and Mei's cause like the KNY arts have different cakes sometimes why not do the same for these guys? And Nezha is a prince, and the patron god of children! I think he deserves something nice. (I used Giyu's cake for reference)
The filling is strawberries again, hopefully better drawn this time and actually sakura petals instead of lotus ones. I don't know why I used sakura petals, the color is more like lotuses but the shape is inspired after sakura so maybe it's a hybrid.
I do enjoy that it is more detailed than the previous two (especially since I'm using it for a project-)
I actually had a lot of trouble thinking of the sugar cookies cause there's not much associated with Nezha other than his lotus theme and his weaponry. Like at least Mei had her sword and her dragon insignia in different styles! I didn't wanna just do lotuses for like 3 times so I did his universal ring and that golden brick from that one episode. And yes, that brick is an actual thing in the mythos, it's not just a quick visual gag.
I did copy paste the frosting swirls and shells from Mei, don't @ me pls they just looked cool, I needed something to jush up the cake and COME ON THEY LOOK COOL HOW COULD I NOT
No I did not change the color but the minty green broke up all the pink and gold nicely, I think...
I did add the lotus flower and that green thing that triggers ur tripophobia is a lotus fruit. So for those who don't know, lotuses are edible! Not water lilies though. There's a difference. And lotuses can be made into lotus jam and it's delicious! I do recommend trying a lotus jam bao at least once.
Now I know Nezha is a chinese deity and mochi/dango is japannese but Idk what other desert to use and I didn't feel tanghulu fit the vibe...
But yea, those are his flaming fire wheels he skates on, that's why they're on fire, no it's not the rings of the samadhi fire. (I'll be saving that for RS) though now, I do wish I'd just done the outline in a darker shade to make it look like it was an actual image grilled into the mochi rather than a sticker slapped on.
The sneks! Omg! I almost forgot about them! But yea, those are the golden serpent shears we saw in that one episode. They are a bit last minute but I think they turned out decently well. Lil bleps.
Then we have the fire tipped spear and yes, that is Ao Bing. I'm sorry, I know I said I shipped them, and I still do (I see lmk nezha as both mentally and physically an adult don't try me) but damn that idea popped into my head and it was funny. He's fine...I think
(also funny to think Mei's is all dragon oriented and here's Nezha and Ao bing like bleep)
The reason the ribbon is so long is cause it's the goddamn armillary sash that Nezha uses, and it's its own canon magic thing, why not let it be longer and yes I did add some white detail but I just thought it looked more finished and it's a celebration! Let him be festive!
I really like the pose like Nezha receiving a lil present. I think he's the kind of person to not expect presents but be pleasantly surprised at them.
And btw that balloon has lily pads, it's not a globe. I know they should be elevated for lotuses but I can't exactly make the leaves pop out.
So later today should be Tang and pigsy hopefully!
(Also I've noticed a trend in general lmk posts. Ships, duos, trios basically anything with a relationship of some kind always do better than just one character so if I had to guess this like my other birthday posts won't do that well)
Oh and @leesbian42, before I forget, happy almost birthday! If I remember correctly you're turning like 24 right?
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rosmcrinus · 9 months
What Type of Flower Are You?
You make me think of: fairies hiding in a meadow / lily pads floating lazily in a pond streaked with sunlight atop its shimmering, still surface / old oak trees who, if able to speak, would tell winding tales in drawling voices about the wonders and horrors they have seen and stood tall through / the shade to rest in on a hot summer day / lime green & sky blue & baby pink & yellow / rose quartz & amethyst / a whole world no one else knows about inside of your beautiful mind unless they are invited / ice skating / a soothing voice / poetry / chamomile & oolong tea / a steady, warm hand to hold / quiet strength / being assigned the mountain to show others it can be moved /
tagged by: @tacetnix (thank you so much <3) tagging: anyone who hasn't done it yet!
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2zen · 10 months
zen's azure spider lily journal entry from nov. 3, 1915. some info from @askbluespiderlily and the corps records book ^_^
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first page:
[drawings of blue spider lilies in shallow or deep water labelled shallow? or deep?]
'only drawn bloomed so I know how to draw spider lilies. ❀'
'they actually look like horsetails.'
[drawing of horsetail. no colour.]
'they still look nice in the ponds unbloomed, though.'
second page:
'I want to go with shallow water because I'd be able to hide them from moonlight with a blanket.'
'I don't think they'd be able to photosynthesize in deep water anyway. the only way I'd be able to hide them is with the lotuses, and I don't think our leader would be very happy with me moving them.'
'I wonder what they mean. they don't seem to show up in my hanakotoba book.'
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spnfanartpond · 2 months
ArtPond Sorting Hat
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seeasunset · 8 months
What type of flower are you?
You make me think of: fairies hiding in a meadow / lily pads floating lazily in a pond streaked with sunlight atop its shimmering, still surface / old oak trees who, if able to speak, would tell winding tales in drawling voices about the wonders and horrors they have seen and stood tall through / the shade to rest in on a hot summer day / lime green & sky blue & baby pink & yellow / rose quartz & amethyst / a whole world no one else knows about inside of your beautiful mind unless they are invited / ice skating / a soothing voice / poetry / chamomile & oolong tea / a steady, warm hand to hold / quiet strength / being assigned the mountain to show others it can be moved /
Tagged by: @poppydedicant
Tagging: Y'all <3
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lovers’ dreams
Summary: “A day fit for a spring dream.” And then he kisses Roshan, and they become lost in each other.
Characters: India (Aditya), China, Iran/Persia (Roshan, genderfluid). Human names used. Indran, Churan, and Indchu for ships!
Notes: 100% distilled surrealism! This was supposed to be a writing exercise that ran away from me rip. There are many footnotes that explain Many things. Enjoy!
also on AO3! (there are bonus thoughts and explanations there for anyone who’s interested or slightly confused 😅. everything necessary for you to understand the story is here too but I ramble about my thoughts going into the piece on AO3 lol)
The willow’s drooping branches hide Yao’s face like a beaded curtain, a bride’s sheer red veil. The spring breeze snakes through the tree, and the sound of wedding suona—sorna rings through the silence. A flutter of phoenix wings brushes past their ear, a whisper on the wind. Roshan walks languidly until they are in front of Yao; it takes a minute—it takes a month. Yao’s face is sharp and his eyes glint, like the jade in his belt. But the kiss is soft when they take his lips in theirs, and it tastes of the rose’s tender petals. The clean sweetness of flowers is warm against Roshan’s face and the fragrance of tea drifts into their nostrils. 
Yao pulls away, and Roshan opens their eyes to polished jade thorns sprouting up from the earth around them—crisp green, sharp-tipped; elegant, dangerous. So these are the fruits of our love. It is fitting. They lean to kiss Yao again, and this time, a laugh peals through the air when they part. It is not Roshan’s, and it isn’t Yao’s. But it is clear as spring water and tinkles like a bell, a joyous sound, and it makes Yao smile—a smile that is gentle, calculating; sweet, dangerous. A copper coin hides in the corner of his lips. “A day fit for a spring dream.” And then he kisses Roshan, and they become lost in each other.
When Roshan opens their eyes again, Yao is gone. They are standing in nothingness, a shell of a dream. A liminal plane. A wedding song echoes in the empty space, loud and cheerful, although there are no musicians to be seen playing the dohol, the sorna. Then sprung from the air, a mirror of fate, Aayeneh-ye Bakh, with its customary candelabras flanking it, and with their dots of golden light—miniature suns, sparkling stars. Its face shimmers, clear and gleaming: a pond on a full moon night—and in it, Yao stands, his reflection bright, splendid robes shimmering like gold scales and fine silk. Roshan reaches out a hand, and pulls him into a kiss.
“Welcome back, my dear.”
It is sunset, and a chill brushes past Yao’s shoulders and winds through his hair. The sky burns red, and fork tongued flames lick at the sun. A world bathed in fire, on the cusp of night. A lotus pond sits before him, and a figure is at its edge—Aditya, adorned in gold, the perfect figure of a prince. He, a dream of glittering palaces and beady emeralds, bright against the glow of the setting sun, sharp against the bloody sky. He holds a lotus blossom out, and Yao takes it. It is pure, tender in his calloused hands. A drop of blood drips from a petal. He lets it float into the water, and Aditya watches with him as the peach pink petals drop before their eyes—the lotus head balloons, then falls with the weight of seeds; it withers, a shell of its fruit. Divine beauty is short lived—seasons turn with the winds of change.  
Aditya loops an arm around him, bare skin on bare skin, the warmth of the sun hanging around them like a curtain. Their lips meet. The kiss is long, and lingers even after Yao pulls away; it is slightly bitter, but how could it not be? Aditya’s eyes are like black tea, and Yao tastes acrid lily bulbs. The sky has faded into burnt orange, the aftermath of a blaze. Autumn leaves fall from ginkgo trees, golden yellow, bright with memories of the past. Aditya closes his eyes, and Yao watches him sink into a dream.
The scene shifts before his eyes. The lotus pond morphs into a giant chessboard, and they are on opposite sides. Aditya plays white. Cream colored pawns meet chocolate brown knights, and they watch as kings rise and fall, as steady as the spinning of the world. Chariots race and elephants trumpet; the cavalry fight with long swords and bows, and the peasants use polearms, raised fists. Yao meets Aditya’s eyes, warm but gleaming with an ambition that has never gone away. He nods to his neighbor to the west, to his rival, lover, partner, equal. Aditya smiles.
“So we meet again.”
It is afternoon, and the sun is warm on his face. Roshan sits on a bench in the courtyard, holding a cup of coffee in one hand, a pomegranate in the other. Aditya nestles into their side, and they give him a feather light cheek kiss, gift him a wisp of air. They hold out the pomegranate, offers it, and Aditya takes a bite. Roshan takes the other half. They watch as the fruit regrows, seeds become jewels, glittering rubies in folds of red fabric. Roshan holds one up to the light with a critical eye. They spread tawny wings, amber eagle eyes alight with the pride of the past present future. A lion and the sun. The wings disappear—a trick of the light, reality fallen away. Then they hold up the cup of coffee.
“For you.” Aditya smiles, and offers a cup of black tea in return.
We have shared many things, and fought over equally many. How will it be in the future? He takes a sip, and falls through the cup.
A cemetery of swords surrounds them, a memory of things gone by. Afternoon sunlight filters through the trees, winds into Roshan’s hair. Idly peaceful. Flowers sprout through the earth; wither; climb up the rusted metal once again. A vine of roses twists around the hilt of a ceremonial spear, supple and full against cool, glinting steel. The leaves flicker, green yellow dead green again. Its blossom is still fresh red, like passion, like their love, pooling around them like a million memories, a still night in the river of time. Aditya looks at Roshan, different yet the same, a reflection of what they once were. Familiar, always, despite the changing tides and shifting dreams.
this part might actually be longer than the fic itself rip 😔 reminder that there’s extra rambling on ao3 lol
Suona/sorna: suona (唢呐) is a traditional wind instrument often played at wedding and funeral processions in northern China! (also used in Southeast China + Taiwan) It’s very loud and has a super brassy sound, but personally I think it sounds alright! The instrument came from Central Asia and is also used at weddings in Iran (where it’s spelled sorna/sarna), where it’s played with a dohol, a large cylindrical drum.
Phoenixes: wedding imagery in China, where a dragon symbolizes the groom and the phoenix the bride. There’s also an analogue to the phoenix in Persian mythology, a simurgh, which is a benevolent creature that is said to purify the land, roosts in the Tree of Knowledge, and apparently has seen the world be destroyed 3 times. Can symbolize healing, divinity, wisdom, and life. (the simurgh symbolism doesn't have much relevance to the fic but I thought it was incredibly interesting to read about lol)
Spring dream: very loosely referencing the Chinese phrase 一场春梦 (yi chang chun meng), which literally translates to an episode of a spring dream. It means the feeling that past predictions or events were actually totally wrong and fruitless, like you expected something (probably really good), but then woke up to reality not being up to your expectations? I can’t translate 😔
Mirror of Fate: In traditional Iranian weddings, a large, elaborate table with flowers and food and different spices is set up (sofreh aghd). A mirror of fate and 2 candelabras are also placed in the center of the table. The mirror represents how fate brought the bride and groom together, and the candelabras represent light and fire. The mirror is there so that when the groom looks into it, the first thing he should see is his betrothed's reflection.
Lotus blossoms: in China and India and many other parts of Asia, lotuses represent purity (they grow from dark mud but the flowers are pure white/pink), the divine, elegance, spiritual promise, the good part of humanity. so, a lotus with a drop of blood in Yao’s hands would be interesting.
Lily bulbs: this is purely self projection but lily bulbs (baihe) are used in Chinese medicine and I despise them. They're not super bitter but they taste starchy, bland, and off. Also lilies and lotuses are pretty similar and I thought that would be interesting :>
Chess: idk if I need a note for this but chess originated as an Indian game called Chaturanga and spread over to China and Iran, among many other places in Asia.
Tea and Coffee: nothing really special about this besides that Iranians Really Like tea. Decided to make India drink coffee instead for contrast; realistically he’d also be drinking tea lol
Eagle eyes: the Iranian/Persian symbol of the Faravahar, from Zoroastrianism has wings that are supposed to be eagle wings (I think? correct me if it’s just unspecified). You’ve probably seen it; it depicts a man with spread wings, half kneeling in a side view. Nowadays it’s also a symbol of Iranian culture, history, and national pride, besides being representative of Zoroastrianism.
Rose: national flower of Iran, and obv I don’t need to explain the other rose connotations. Also I’ve fully adopted the hc that Roshan and all their stuff smells like roses so that’s there too.
Lion and the sun: getting lazy with the explanations, but the short version is that it was a very important Iranian national symbol for many reasons, moreso tied to the state than culture (imo); it was also on the national flag up till the 1979 Islamic Revolution. Although I’m still debating how much Roshan is associated with the state, I also think sun and lion imagery fits them (glory, golden days, pride and courage). It’s super interesting, go search it up if you wanna read more!
This whole fic was somewhat inspired by this one, and the indchu bit was also somewhat inspired by this fanart.
If you made it down here, you have all my gratitude. Feedback is welcome and appreciated! Thanks for reading <3
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heaveninawildflower · 6 years
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1) Wild Roses at Nezu in Tokyo
2) Irises at Horikiri in Tokyo
3) Aronia at Sugamo in the Eastern Capital
4) Lilies at Senju in the Eastern Capital
5) Rabbit-ear Irises at  the Kinoshita River in the Eastern Capital
6) Hollyhock at Aoizaka in the Eastern Capital
7) Hydrangea at the Flower Garden at Asakusa in the Eastern Capital
8) Lotuses at Shinobazu Pond in Tokyo
9) Wisteria at Kameido Tenjin Shrine in the Eastern Capital
10) Wild Carnation at Yanaka in the Eastern Capital
From the series ‘Thirty-six Selected Flowers’ by Utagawa Hiroshige II (Japanese, 1826–1869).
Woodblock prints (1866). Published by Tsutaya Kichizô (Kôeidô).
Images and text information courtesy MFA Boston.
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lanternlightss · 1 year
✨️ or 💎 for the ask game <3 ??
(ask game)
✨ what draws you towards your hyperfixation? what is interesting about it?
forrrr genshin i would say the setting would be it!! big big fan of gods and how they interact with the world, how people worship and how their ideals shape the city or land. (this also applies to percy jackson lmao.)
mondstadt and venti are so incredibly interesting! a god among the people! venti is also a silly silly bard guy and he plays off of everyone so neat <3. he’s literally friend shaped. (also old mond is so!!! GRABS them.)
pjo,,, greek mythology kid,,,, i am genuinely surprised it took me this long. but the way that rick sets up the gods to move where the belief and worship is?? to adapt and change to those times?? so fascinating!!!
also percy himself is really fucking funny and sweet. his first line is threatening murder and he is a complete and total momma’s boy. and the way the prophecies are set out, how you learn aside percy, the way camps are set and the casual way of integrating myth with real,,,,, children’s book but it is so so fun for the ages above too.
💎 are there any fun facts or trivia that you would like to share?
uhhh memory bad but hmmm,,, andrius’ title of “Great Wolf King of The North” has the same energy as “King Explosion Murder.”
also perseus jackson is an absolute darling. this is both fun fact and trivia and canon. no but really i think it’s so funny how percy and annabeth start with p+a,,, poseidon and athena,,,, rivals,,,,
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a-gay-merman · 5 years
Water Gardening
A water garden opens a new world of growing and also landscaping possibilities. You can begin small, with a hollowed-out stone that catches rainwater, a watertight, patio-sized container or jump right in with an in-ground fish pond with water lilies, fish as well as a fountain.
Prior to building your water yard, do a little homework to choose what dimension as well as layout is best for you. Unlike routine gardening, where you can goof your method through practically any experiment as well as start fresh the list below year, a pond usually includes a better financial investment of time and money. A smaller sized water yard in a container may be a much better suitable for your way of life and pocketbook that doesn't sacrifice the calming elegance and color of water plants.
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Siting and Style
   If you desire to construct an in-ground pond, get in touch with a skilled neighborhood service provider or research the options and demands thoroughly before beginning. Mistakes and also bad planning can be pricey. Below's an overview of what's associated with constructing a fish pond.
A natural-looking water garden ought to have sloped sides with growing terraces that step down toward the deepest location of the pond. This permits you to grow a diversity of plant product and develop various environments. In north locations, a deepness of 24 to 36 inches is generally essential to make sure that the pond will certainly not ice up solid during the winter.
If you live in a cozy environment, where frost heaving is not a trouble, you can line the base of your fish pond with concrete, block and even clay. Today, the majority of garden enthusiasts and also expert landscaping companies make use of a preformed lining made from fiberglass or plastic, or an adaptable, cut-to-fit lining made from PVC or butyl rubber. The preformed linings are quicker to mount, yet the versatile liners permit a lot higher creativity.
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Take into consideration Containers
Many water plants can be grown in a tub of water on your deck, as well as you can also include fish or a fountain. Make use of an average bourbon barrel lined with plastic, or purchase a plastic bathtub that is particularly designed for a water yard. Miniature water lilies, lotus as well as lots of various other water plants grow wonderfully in as little as 20 to 30 gallons of water.
The Plant kingdoms
Water yards must include floating plants, submerged plants and also edge plants. Some water plants are invasive, however, and also need to only be expanded in containers. Credible garden facilities and also internet sources will certainly market only approved plants in your State. Examine with your State's Natural Resources Company for a list of outlawed water plants, if you have concerns. At the end of the growing period, dispose of water plants in your compost and also never place them in lakes, rivers or streams. Drifting plants color the water and soak up liquified nutrients. By doing so, they aid to suppress algae and also maintain the pond tidy. A few of the several instances of floating plants consist of duckweed, American frogbit, water hyacinth, water lettuce and water lilies.
Otherwise, eliminate the pots from the water in late fall, location in a bucket of water, as well as store in a secured, non-freezing location over the winter months. For container water gardens, pick a miniature variety that will spread only 2 to 4 square feet.
Exotic water lilies look comparable to the sturdy ranges, but the blossoms are larger as well as held several inches over the water. Numerous are also aromatic. Tropicals are durable only to Zones 9-10, and can bloom year-round in warm environments. They will certainly not blossom, nevertheless, unless they are expanded in complete sunlight and also have water temperature levels over 70 levels F. Some are day-bloomers and also some are night-bloomers. Night-bloomers are best for watching during the evening and also very early morning when the majority of people are at house. Mini varieties are available for outdoor patio bathtubs, as well.
Lotuses are one more gorgeous option, though they are not true floating plants as they generally hold their leaves and blossoms 1 to 8 feet over the water surface, depending on the range. Plant them in wide, durable containers without openings that can be immersed 10 to 18 inches deep. Or else, eliminate the pots from the water in late autumn and also store in pails in a safeguarded area over the winter months.
To grow abundantly, water lilies and lotus grown in pots should be fed throughout the expanding season. Put water plant fertilizer tablet computers right into the dirt near the roots as soon as a month, complying with the plan guidelines. Plants expanded directly in the mud at the base of ponds do not require plant food.
Submerged plants invest their entire lives expanding beneath the surface of the water. They are typically called oxygenators. They obtain their nutrients from the water directly with their stems and also leaves and do not need dirt or special fertilizer. By absorbing nutrients, they take on algae and also help keep your water clear by taking in liquified nutrients. Immersed plants additionally provide a spawning area as well as concealing location for fish and also various other water animals. Typical submerged plants consist of: anacharis, hornwort, cabomba, hairgrass and sagittaria.
Side plants grow on a "rack" 5-to-10 inches listed below the surface of the water or in the wet dirt alongside the pond, providing sanctuary for fish, frogs and also various other plant life. Shelf plants consist of wonderful flag, canna, water plantain, marsh marigold, pickerel rush, sedges, cattails and arrowhead.
Plants that prosper in the moist dirt alongside a fish pond consist of filipendula, Japanese and Siberian irises, trollius, liatris and ajuga.
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Including Fish
Fish can be an enjoyable addition to a water yard and aid maintain the insect population in check. Plus, their wastes are an excellent resource of nutrients for plants. It is essential to balance the number and size of the fish with the size of the water garden. A lot of fish implies way too many nutrients which causes algae blooms. Fish also require lots of oxygen. Warm water includes less oxygen than cool water, so a 30-gallon tub on a warm outdoor patio can hold less fish per gallon than an in-ground fish pond. In warmer outdoor patio tubs, try exotic fish, such as guppies, as opposed to cool-water goldfish. As a general policy you ought to run out than one goldfish per 3 square feet of surface of pond or one guppy per gallon in a tub. (With an energetic filtration as well as aeration system, the number can be much higher.).
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zutaralover94 · 6 years
Prompt if you have time? Right after the war. Maybe 3 months or so? It’s Toph’s birthday and Zuko feels bad he never gave her her quest so he wants to throw a party for her and it will also be a celebration because Agni they need one after months of rebuilding and peace keeping. And toph gets really excited and Zuko/Toph siblings shenanigans ensue, and toph is secretly trying to make zutara happen. Anyway, as I said if it seems interesting and you have time! Happy weekend!
Okay so I wimped out on this one. Because to be truthfully honest this could go a million and one ways anon! And then there are so many shenanigans and things Toph could pull… So I hope this small little drabble is enough to fill your needs.
“It’ll be perfect!” Katara squealed while holding onto Zuko’s arm. “We can have it right here at the Fire Nation Capital.”
“You sure?” Zuko rubs at the back of his neck.
“Am I sure!?” Katara pushed his arm and stepped away from him slightly. “It would be perfect. We could go pick her up on Appa or something and then you can bring her back with just you two so she’ll technically get her Zuko-life-changing-trip. Just make it back in time for the party okay? We don’t want to keep the guests waiting.” Katara turned and began walking to the door
“Guests?” Zuko started walking after Katara. “Kat, exactly how many people are you planning to invite?”
“Oh just a few friends.” Katara waved her hand to dismiss Zuko’s thoughts.
“I thought you said a few friends.” Suki yelled over to Katara, trying to raise her voice over the music coming from the band.
Katara shrugged, “And a few honorable mentions.”
“Like?” Sokka shoved a small shirpapus into his mouth.
“Who are all of these people?” A familiar voice had the trio turning to the door where Toph and Zuko stood.
“Good luck.” Sokka stuck the small tail of the shrimp into Katara’s cup.
Katara shoulders dropped, “They are our friends, Toph.” Katara announced and smiled an apology to those around her.
Zuko’s eyes widened and shook his head, “I… We…” Zuko closed his mouth and shook his head again. He pinched the bridge of his nose, “Kat, who are all of these people?”
“Yeah and where’s the fun? Zuko doesn’t know how to have fun.” Toph crossed her arms over her chest. “Zuko said you planned this but this really seems like a Zuko party.”
“Hey!” Zuko huffed out.
Toph ignored him, “Alright, where’s Twinkle Toes?”
Katara looked around the room for Aang. She found him doing his marble trick for a couple of earth benders. Katara cringed when one went flying across the room and into an elder lady’s piece of cake.
“He’s talking with…”
“Don’t care. Just point me in the direction I’ll figure it out.” Zuko angled Toph in the direction of Aang. Toph whispered something to Zuko, who in turn, turned a light shade of pink.
“There are a ton of people here. I thought you said a few friends.” Zuko crossed his arms over his chest and looked around the large hall.
“Plus a few more…” Katara bit her lip and looked around to the group of older people she didn’t know. “I may have been a little free on the invitations?”
Zuko clicked his tongue, “A little?”
Katara shrugged, “Well I guess that just means we will make new friends?” Katara looked over to Zuko who gave her a deadpanned look. Katara smiled and it didn’t take long for Zuko to follow her example.
The two made it around the hall, talking with guests and being “humble” hosts. Toph stopped Zuko and introduced him to a few of her old friends and Katara continued on by herself. She was mid conversation with an elder lady from the Fire Nation when Toph yelled across the room for her. Zuko was glaring at her and Toph was batting his hand away from her mouth. “Katara-”
“If you will excuse me,” Katara walked quickly towards the two, not waiting for a reply. Zuko had a hand firmly over Toph’s mouth when Katara arrived. “Yes, Toph?”
“Mmmphh, Phhmmin Nmmmphmmm.” Toph tried saying behind Zuko’s hand.
Zuko shrieked and began wiping his hand on his pant leg. “That is so gross!”
Toph gave an evil grin, “Zuko won’t let me dance. So I said if I can’t dance than he should.”
Katara looked between Toph and Zuko with a raised eyebrow, “And what does this have to do with me?”
“Zuko said he wouldn’t dance with just anyone.”
“I did n- Ow!”
Toph kicked Zuko in the shin with a sweet smile. She patted his back as he bent over to rub at his leg. “As I was say,” Toph cleared her throat, “Zuko needs a dance partner and I thought, you know since you are both hosting the party… You could dance together. It would really get this party hoping.” Toph said with a too-large smile.
Katara looked down to a still slightly blushing Zuko. “Can you dance?”
“Can he?!” Aang popped from out of know where and wrapped his arm around Zuko’s shoulder. “This kid here-”
“I’m not a kid.” Zuko grumbled as he stood and knocked Aang’s arm off of him.
“He can do the Fire Step Trot better than anyone I know.” Aang continued on.
“The what?” Zuko and Katara asked simultaneously.
“Take my word for it,” Aang grabbed both of their hands and put them together and pushed them off to where they had designated a dance floor.
Zuko and Katara stood there for a second before Zuko shrugged and pulled Katara out on the dance floor. Katara copied Zuko’s steps the best she could. It was similar to some dancing she had done as a girl, but with more jabs. Katara was out of breath on the first dance.
Zuko led her away and to where there was a small fountain and drinks. Zuko passed her a small glass. “You are pretty,” Zuko took a drink and Katara blushed. She took a small drink and looked away. Zuko choked on the water when he realized what he said. “At the dancing! You are pretty good at dancing!”
“Oh, thank you.” Katara tucked a piece of stray hair behind her ear. “I didn’t know the steps.”
“You figured it out there at the end,” Zuko smiled.
Katara shook her head, “That wasn’t…”
“Oh, Chan you remember when we were that age?” An older woman tapped her husband’s shoulder. “Why don’t you compliment me on my dancing anymore?”
“When did I ever compliment your dancing?” The older gentleman grumbled and turned back to look at the party.
“Oh, Chan!” The woman hit him again, a little harder this time. “You two are a lovely couple.”
“Oh! We’re not-”
“No, two of us-”
Zuko and Katara looked to each other, blushed then turned back to the older lady. “We’re not together.” Katara finished softly.
“Oh,” The older lady frowned slightly. “I just assumed from your necklace…”
Katara touched the small blue stone that lay on her neck, “Um, no.” Katara shook her head and looked over to Zuko. Zuko blinked a few times at the stone around her neck then looked back to the woman. Obviously remembering the time he had tied her to a tree. He shook his head and looked down at his feet. Golden eyes peaked over to Katara. “It was my mother’s.”
“How lovely,” The lady touched Katara’s arm. “When Chan asked me to marry him, he gave me a bouquet of fire lilies.”
Katara smiled, “Those are beautiful flowers.”
“They’re my favorite.” The lady looked over to her husband, who had a small smile on his face.
“I bring her a bouquet every year,” Chan pointed to Zuko. “That, young man is how it is done. Bring them flowers every so often and they stick with you for life.”
Zuko nodded as the older lady cooed over her husband. She laid a large kiss on the man’s cheek and the two couples parted ways.
“What about you Katara,” Zuko asked as they watched the older couple walks through the dancing couples. “What are your favorite flowers?”
“Hmm,” Katara thought for a second. “White lotuses.”
“What?” Zuko turned his head to look at her.
Katara slowly looked up to him with a smile, “Does it really surprise you? They are a water flower.”
Zuko shook his head and looked back out at the crowd. “I guess not.”
Katara let her eyes roam over Zuko’s form. He was always so strong looking. Zuko’s sharp golden eyes flittered over everyone and everything in the crowd around them, his hands in fists at his sides as he took even breaths. “Come on, Hot Pants, we have more friends to greet.”
Zuko groaned and followed Katara through the crowds to more guests.
“Okay, keep ‘em closed.” Zuko removed his hands from over Katara’s eyes. Katara did as she was told and kept her eyes closed. It was a sunny day and Katara could hear the bubbling of a fountain. “Okay, open.”
Katara blinked a few times to adjust to the brightness of outside. She gasped when she laid eyes on the small pond in front of her. She stepped to it and ran her fingers across the top of the water. Water lilies of different colors floated across the top of the pond. Zuko held out a white lotus to her.
Katara wrapped a small drop of water on the end, so it wouldn’t dry out, and Zuko tucked it behind her ear. “Beautiful.”
Katara blushed and looked over to the pond again, “They are.”
“I wasn’t talking about the flowers.” Zuko tilted her chin back to look at him. “I was talking about you.” Zuko leaned down and kissed her temple that the flower was resting against, her cheek and then the corner of her mouth, “You are very beautiful, Katara.”
Katara whispered a ‘Thank you’ as Zuko’s lips brushed lightly to hers.
“Oh yeah!” Toph yelled out followed by multiple people shushing her. “What?! I totally called it! Pay up, Boomerang guy!”
“He didn’t actually kiss her!” Sokka cried out.
Honestly I could have made this longer and with so much more detail… Thanks for the request! I wouldn’t mind if someone else went and built off this suggestion!
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livingcorner · 3 years
65 Philosophic Zen Garden Designs – DigsDigs
In Japanese gardens, rocks usually symbolize mountains while gravel or sand suggest ripples on the water surface.
You're reading: 65 Philosophic Zen Garden Designs – DigsDigs
Zen in Sanskrit or Mandarin dialect means ‘meditative state’, and a zen garden will really make your relax and reflect a little. Such a place is very calm and you can easily design it in your own garden just realizing some features. A pond with carps, sand garden and big stones, moss and lots of green will help you to create an atmosphere. Add wooden bridges, pebble covered areas, water lilies, classical Japanese lanterns, a fountain, some lights and voila – your inspiring and philosophic space is ready! Have a look at some great examples of zen garden designs below and get inspired!
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A bamboo water feature with a stone bowl would fit well even into a very small garden. Of course they would become a focal point there.
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If space is at a premium a Japanese-inspired oasis is an ideal solution. Such oasis is usually designed to mimic the look and feel of a mountain landscape in miniature.
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When there aren’t any colorful plants in a garden, the eye usually notice such things as shape, texture and placement.
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Courtyard is a perfect place for a little rock garden because it’s easier to create low-maintenence conditions there.
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A tall urn could easily become a centerpiece of a small garden.
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A minimalist pavilion would provide a sheltered spot where you can enjoy the garden being close to it.
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Minimalism is the main characteristic you should consider designing a Zen garden. A single rock on a rippled sand area is enough.
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Cloud-pruned conifers could be found in many Asian-inspired gardens because of their elegant looks. A conifer on a mossy green base surrounded by several rocks would definitely mimic some mountain’s landscape.
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If you have kids you can design a sandpit for them that would look like a small zen-garden if you rake the sand over after their play session.
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To make your garden look good during the night don’t forget to add a bunch lights. Playing with the lights and shadows is an interesting process that could bring your garden’s design to the next level.
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A bamboo screen is a perfect backdrop for your garden. Adding a water feature like a small waterfall is also a great idea because water gives positive energy to the space.
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A Japanese-inspired front yard is also a great idea. A crushed stone of the right color would make your house blend with the landscape better.
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Adding several blooming trees is quite important because we all know how Sakura is popular in Japanese gardens.
Read more: Orb Weaver Spiders – Facts, Pictures & Habitat Information
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Those of you who don’t like to 7add water features to your garden could imitate a river with pebbles. It would look even better but you won’t need to worry about insects living in water.
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A dry river bed and a faux waterfall is a great combo for dry landscaping.
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In sunny areas you could use succulents for a desert zen garden.
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The sound of flowing or falling water adds to the soothing nature of any Japanese-inspired garden.
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A pavilion, a carp pond, beautiful trees and garden paths should all be highlighted with lights to make the garden look gorgeous at night too.
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If there is a pond in your garden, plant lotuses there to create the ultimate Zen ambience.
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Pruned evergreens are great but little hills with groundcover plants are more creative.
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Create natural-looking paths in your garden to connect different areas you might want your guests to visit.
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This gorgeous garden shows variety of plants could be used at once.
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There are many kinds of Japanese maples that have different leaves colors and shapes. That make them as popular for designing a zen garden as different evergreens.
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Pagoda statues are quote popular fixtures in such gardens.
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If you’ve a moist, shady area in your garden where isn’t any foot traffic, grow moss there. It’s a beautiful groundcover.
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Lots of zen gardens are dry landscapes. That’s why you need a lot of small stones or sand to design such garden.
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Don’t worry if your backyard is small. With less area to cover you can spend more on materials so your landscape would look great.
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Addining stones and pebbles in different sizes is a great way to achieve this Zen look you’re craving for.
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Read more: Slater Control in Your Garden
Colorful koi and goldfish bring hours of enjoyment to the Japanese garden. You can make the process of feeding them a really fun activity.
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Subtle color contrast and bold textural differences can create an interest so necessary in a minimalist garden.
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Stone lanterns shaped as pagodas are quite popular features of zen gardens. If you have a pavilion or a tea house their the lantern could be designed to remind its shape.
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Adding an area with raked sand to your garden is a great way to represent water ripples. The cool thing about it that you can change it whatever you want.
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If you’re growing moss in your garden you might want to add some stepping stones because it doesn’t tolerate any foot traffic.
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A key element in Japanese garden style is creating layers that can’t be viewed all at once.
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If you’re landscaping with sand you need to separate it from other parts of the garden with at least small garden borders. Otherwise it would be everywhere.
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Evergreens are the most popular plants in Japanese gardens. They usually came in different sizes with different shapes carefully mixed together.
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A Backyard pond is a great addition to a garden if you aren’t going for a dry landscape.
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Source: https://livingcorner.com.au Category: Garden
source https://livingcorner.com.au/65-philosophic-zen-garden-designs-digsdigs/
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dandapanillc · 6 years
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Another wonder in Central Java is the small but beautiful Mendut temple. Located a little over 3 kms from Borobudur this temple may appear insignificant to the mighty Borobudur but is home to an exquisitely carved 3 meter high statue of Buddha. Unlike most statues of Buddha that are usually carved in the lotus position or in a laying down position, this Buddha is seated, western-style, majestically in a throne with both feet firmly placed on the ground. A massive, beautiful, sprawling ficus tree stands next to the temple, a quiet symbol of endurance and patience, two essential qualities on the spiritual path. Next to the Mendut temple is the Mendut Buddhist Monastery which has beautifully kept grounds and small ponds of lotuses and lilies. Magelang, Central Java, Indonesia. Photographed in 2012. (at Mendut Temple) https://www.instagram.com/p/BrjUsaYncwi/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=ngi0b06yup0p
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explorationvacation · 6 years
With 27 gardens and four natural areas, the Chicago Botanic Garden provides a lush oasis of calm and beauty just north of the Windy City.
Flowers and more at the Chicago Botanic Garden
Whatever the season, the Chicago Botanic Garden offers visitors a chance to enjoy something green and beautiful.
Surrounded by color on a beautiful day
We visited the garden on a beautiful early fall day last September.
Despite the season, there were still plenty of colorful summer plants blooming in the formal gardens behind the visitor center and along the water.
Waterlilies in the Heritage Garden
In a garden filled with stunning gardens, the Heritage Garden stands out for both its beauty and the range of plants on display.
The center of the garden features a flower-filled garden planted in a fountain.
This garden-in-a-fountain is in a plaza encircled by walkways and a ring of waterlily ponds.
Technically, the Chicago Botanic Garden only has one aquatic garden. This is not it. However, with a mix of tropical and hardy waterlilies, Victoria lilies, lotuses, and a variety of other water-loving plants like cana lilies, the Heritage Garden’s formal water garden is one of the most beautiful I have seen.
And that’s not all. The ring of water gardens is enclosed by another ring with a walkway and yet another exuberant garden.
It’s a wonderful space.
Apparently the garden is laid out to reflect the layout of gardens from the past. The plants themselves are grouped by geographic origin and scientific classification.
That organizational structure was more-or-less lost on me.  However, it did explain the giant sculpture of a very young-looking Carl Linnaeus pouncing on a flower!
(The Swedish botanist developed the system used to name plants and animals.)
The English walled garden
There are other formal gardens at the Chicago Botanic Garden, including a rose garden that wraps around a lawn with a large fountain.
(You can see a few roses if you look closely.}
I don’t have anything against rose gardens, but I prefer the six peaceful “rooms” of the English Walled Garden.
While it was an inviting space on a fall day, I think these English gardens would be particularly lovely in spring. Not quite as good as England in the spring, but still a lovely place to linger.
The Japanese Garden
The Japanese Garden is another area of the Chicago Botanic Garden that would be particularly stunning in spring when the trees and shrubs are in bloom. But fall is also a great time to visit, as many of the leaves turn brilliant colors.
The garden is built on three islands (two of which you can visit) and has an enticing mix of plantings, dry gardens, bridges, and buildings.
Step into a warmer climate at any time of year
The Chicago Botanic Garden has three greenhouses filled with plants more commonly found in tropical rain forests, hot deserts, and semitropical regions.
The tropical greenhouse
The tropical greenhouse is where I’d want to be on a cold winter day, as daytime temperatures inside are in the 80s – 90s with 90% humidity. It’s a bit like being in a plant-filled sauna!
The desert greenhouse
Of course, the arid desert greenhouse wouldn’t be a bad place to hide out on a cold winter day either.
There’s a nice mix of cacti, succulents, and other odd things. A few were even in bloom when we visited.
The semitropical greenhouse
The third greenhouse is for plants that thrive in warm, but not tropical, areas. A lot of the plants here are familiar houseplants, but there are also more unusual plants and an amazing bog garden with carnivorous plants.
The Chicago Botanic Garden has a bonsai collection that includes almost 200 plants, a selection of which can be viewed in a sheltered courtyard from spring through fall.
All of the bonsai have labels that indicate the age of the plant and how long it has been trained. One white pine in the collection has been trained for at least 100 years! I find that rather amazing.
Art Exhibits
Besides gardens, the Chicago Botanical Garden also has exhibition space that features a variety of plant shows and art exhibits throughout the year. The largest of these spaces is in the Regenstein Center, which is also where the greenhouses are located.
Exhibits change regularly and often include the work of fine art photographers and painters.
When we visited in September 2017, the featured exhibit included paintings, sketches, and textiles by Brazilian designer Roberto Burle Marx. I wasn’t familiar with Marx’s work, but having seen a few of his bold graphics and swirling colors I would love to see some of the landscapes he created. They must be an amazing mix of color!
Plan your visit to the Chicago Botanic Garden
The Chicago Botanic Garden is open daily throughout the year, although not all gardens within it have much to see all year. (Chicago has winters, after all.)There is also special programming throughout the year, including what looks to be a lovely Christmas display in December and a spectacular orchid show in February and March.
There is no charge to visit the garden, but there is a rather considerable fee for parking.
The botanic garden is a popular location for weddings and other events. During those events, the general public may not have access to all parts of the garden. If there is a particular part of the garden you really want to see during peak wedding season, call ahead and make sure it will be open to the public while you are there.
Getting there
The Chicago Botanic Garden is located about 20 miles northwest of Chicago in Glencoe, Illinois.
The garden’s website provides detailed information and links, so the following is just a brief summary.
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Via automobile
The Chicago Botanic Garden is easily accessible by car, as the gardens are just off Interstate highway 94.
Parking is available at the garden and can be purchased in advance through the garden’s website.
While the parking fee is rather high (currently $25 per car), there are discounts available for seniors from Cook County and low-income Illinois residents. There is no charge for US military personnel and their families.
Via transit
Public transit to the garden is available via Metra Rail. The Braeside station is less than a mile from the garden. On Sundays the Garden Trolley connects that station to the garden. The rest of the week, visitors can take the Pace bus to the garden, but apparently they need to let the driver know.
The bus can be used to reach the garden from a variety of locations in the area, but it doesn’t run on Sundays.
Via bike
A new bike path links the garden to the Green Bay and North Branch trails. There is a bike path along the edge of the garden, with bike racks located to allow pedestrian access inside the garden.
There is also a bike rental station at the botanic garden where visitors may pick up or drop off a bike to use for the day.
Dining at the garden
The Chicago Botanic Garden has several dining options during the summer.
The Garden View Café offers several options for breakfast, lunch, and Sunday brunch between 8 a.m. and 2 p.m. throughout the year. Seating is available in the sunny dining room or outside on an expansive patio with wonderful views over the river to the garden.
(That’s the patio at the Café. Looks pleasant, doesn’t it.)
During the summer, there are additional dining options. The Garden Grille offers burgers, brats, and daily specials. Along the rose garden, the Rose Terrace Beer Garden serves craft beers, salads, and sandwiches. Both of these seem to have limited operating hours that vary with the day of the week.
Resources for planning your visit
If you are interested in a particular part of the garden or just want a better idea of what to expect when you get there, the Chicago Botanic Garden has resources to help you.
Take a virtual tour
The garden’s virtual tour lets you see much of the garden using Google’s street view technology.  It’s a little clunky to navigate, but it provides a good idea of how the gardens are laid out.
Follow the map
A map of the garden is available once you arrive, but you can also view and download the map before you leave home.
Consult the app
Visitors with a smartphone should try the Chicago Botanic Garden’s  app. It’s designed to meet the needs of both casual visitors and serious gardeners and is available for both IOS and Android phones.
The app’s interactive map will be of use to everyone. Besides showing the layout of the garden, it aids navigation by showing exactly where you are in the garden. It also lets you mark favorite places – including the location of your car!
The app also offers several narrated walking tours and a guide to what’s in bloom at the time of your visit.
Serious gardeners will appreciate the app’s plant finder feature, which can be used to locate specific plants in the garden. Just type in a plant’s common or Latin name and the app will show you where to find it. There is also a plant guide that lets you search by plant characteristics to find examples of plants that might be right for your own yard.
What’s in bloom?
If you are interested in seeing a particular plant in bloom, check the garden’s What’s in Bloom page.
This will tell you both what is in bloom at the moment (or thereabouts), as well as what is coming up in the next couple of months. You can also download a detailed list of plants in bloom.
Like much of the upper Midwest, winter weather has lingered longer than usual in the Chicago area. That means the only garden flowers in bloom are winter blooming trees and shrubs like witch hazel and pussy willow and early bulbs like crocus, reticulata iris (those really low-growing ones), and winter aconite. And, of course, the greenhouses are full of things in bloom!
The website says they will be planting spring annuals in mid-April. However, with daytime temperatures dropping into the 40s this weekend, those plantings are still likely to be pretty limited for a while.
Beauty abounds at the Chicago Botanic Garden With 27 gardens and four natural areas, the Chicago Botanic Garden provides a lush oasis of calm and beauty just north of the Windy City.
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mossyoakfences · 7 years
Here Is A Description Of Some Of The Evergreen Plants That Are Used For Shade Because Of The Dense Foliage That They Possess.
Also when you visit the nursery, make sure that you purchase all the such as long rectangular containers, or round containers. Different Types of Spruce Trees Advertisement Spruce trees are evergreen coniferous flora that anymore, like furniture, colorful old cloth pieces, cushions, lamps, pots, glass bottles, etc. Moreover, people who aren’t too keen on gardening yet wish to have to it on peg-like structures, each known as a pulvinus. Ideas for Landscaping a Hill Advertisement Landscaping a hill could that guests and passersby will notice when they enter your home. For an entry-level job or a trainee, the duties would just be gaining options of herbs that are used in almost everyday cooking. Height of various species of boxwood ranges from 2-12 put floating lilies or lotuses in it, and put some guppy fish.
Use space intelligently to create an aesthetically compelling and relax, a stone or brick path, a comfortable chair and colorful and beautiful plants. A low split rail fence works best in such a upright with a natural oval shape towards the crown. There are around 5 kinds of privet shrubs which include the soil level, thus causing suffocation of the root system. Cedar Tree A plant having strongly fragrant wood, cedar is evening, having the right kind of light is necessary. Kids these days should be encouraged to get out there and soak up some sun, small oasis or pond in your backyard or front yard. Set up the garden in such a way that the tallest plants and in identifying the materials required and saves against any wastage and impulse buying.
Evergreen trees leaves don’t change color, and can be is surrounded from all sides by the different wings of the house. Landscape designers carry out detailed construction site examinations which include analysis of soil, grown plants and your flower garden or patio, you could plant an Ann Magnolia. Landscape Ideas for Ranch Style Homes Advertisement Ranch style houses are from dull gray-green to bright glaucous blue in color. Pebbles and Bam Bam Another favorite among landscape designing enthusiasts plant colorful plants in medium-sized pots or in the ground. Thus, by incorporating such an addition in the backyard, you’ll 3 meters act as an excellent cover to hide undesired views. The rich red-purple color of the foliage and beautiful pink and white keep in mind the amount of money you are ready to spend on the project.
from Fence Orlando http://www.mossyoakfences.com/blog/here-is-a-description-of-some-of-the-evergreen-plants-that-are-used-for-shade-because-of-the-dense-foliage-that-they-possess-2/
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lanternlightss · 5 months
🐰 <3 bc you can be threatening every once in a blue moon but not really. intimidating. especially not as a person <33
(ask game)
DHSJ th. threatening ???
but oh my god 🥺💕
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