#and i can’t forget about my need to speedrun my class which takes up more of my thoughts than i’d like to admit
shatteredsnail · 2 years
i’m suffering from too many things disease. theres too much stuff i want to do or read or watch right now but i can only do so much at once
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dvlboy · 3 years
himbo top s/o x mondo
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I do plan on posting a thingy where anons can ask questions about me just so that we get to know eachother a bit more hehe
tw: NSFW corruption, size kink, dumbification, degrading later in chapter
you first met mondo through The Crazy Diamonds
your brother joined the gang, and you being the nosey little shit you were decided to follow him and see where your big brother went, so you tagged along a few blocks behind after seeing him sneak out after dark
OH BOY you were never caught so fast and scared so shittily in your life lmao
scary men on bikes = danger
Thats when you met mondo, who was thrown with you seeing that the two of you were the same age
It was kind of awkward in the beginning, the two of you had nothing in common but when you clicked YOU CLICKED
you were young n clueless so you kind of just followed your brother and him around, happy and not a thought in your mind
one day you didn’t show up, and stopped showing up after that
turns out your parents heard you leave and thought they were getting robbed, when they found out they panicked and forbid you from coming
your brother went anyways lol, he kept the gang updated on their little brother :’)
mondo was quite sad because he missed you and could only hear you from another person :(
the next time that you two met was in Hope’s Peak. When you walked through that door mondo was shocked
you looked like God took some clay and slapped you with it. how one person could get beefier and taller then he was, was above his head
you looked really excited to meet everyone, but mondo could tell from the way you looked at him showed that you didnt recognize him :(
you kind of flocked between people before locking eyes with him
you thought you knew him but you didnt?? what?? before you could say anything the teacher came in and started :(
but after class, the first thing you did was flock over to him and poke him. 
He was kind of annoyed but his soul almost flew out of his body to see someone giant staring down at him
The two of you had to have a few conversations before it finally clicked that you DID know him. man did you stick to him like glue after that.
mondo sometimes gets a bit insecure because you cant catch a hint at all, and he wonders why you choose to stick to him when your entire class loves you
it does make him smug that no one unwanted interrupts him because his status as a gang leader scares everyone off
doesnt work on his close friends they watched him fall down stairs
anyways you really enjoy bein with other people
carrying chihiro on your back? chucking baseballs as hard as you can to leon and watching him gulp in fear? yes
but in all honesty, you like (most) of your class, and it shows because you would be the person to help them with anything
youre the person that waits for them to finish tying their shoelaces before walking with them so theyre obviously VERY protective
you make the first move and show up to his dorm with flowers and blankets n movies
mans is sputtering and is flustered all over but he does enjoy getting coddled
he enjoys having someone else take care of him but sometimes you need to get a hint
youre a dumbass and it really shows
when you tell the class they were very sweet but did let mondo know that if he hurts you his pompadour will just be pom.
despite being a sweetie, when people first meet you they are very scared
so when you get with a gang leader on the same level of beefyness and scariness its terrifying
when he gets into fights he will 100% say “oh yea? here comes my boyfriend, the one that can easily rip out your spine >:)”
sometimes fails as you come walking in with a tiny cactus in a pot, with a massive grin on your face
he really enjoys when you lean your head on his lap
he really is whipped for you and would  really do anything
which leads to really fun dates because you two are just “head empty, fun with lover”
and do stupidly cute shit
you two would go on a date day and just run through all he things you both wanna do
cat cafe, arcade, beach, checking up on the gang in like 6 hours its like a speedrun like me trying to post this before it gathers too much attention cause its unfinished and i messed up
he stumbled in on you trying to convince terteru to help you learn to make one of mondos favourite desserts 
it was so funny because youre all pouty and begging to get help from a gross slime child whos like up to your kneecaps LOL
he managed to hear the explanation as to why you were begging and he had to walk away or else his blush wouldn’t go down
loves pda
sits on your lap, pushes you against the wall and kisses you, holds hands with you, and sometimes gives you a little love bite on the neck during lunch 
really likes cuddling between your chest but not in school 
Also really loves when you brush his wet hair and play with it
its a very fun relationship to witness, with two himbos in love 
mondo is a power bottom. I will not be taking any feedback no sir 
despite you being physically much larger in all aspects, youre his little toy to play with
you knew very little about sex with a male before you met him. he is smug that hes the one to take you.
it may be your very large cock going up his ass, but hes the one in charge.
he loves giving oral, and likes the feeling of his throat bulging to make room for your large size
has a thing for facials, and likes the feeling of your warm cum on him
his favourite positions are ones where he has control
cowboy, reverse cow boy, along those lines yeah
for part of his birthday gift you agreed to let him use your body and to try out bondage
you got handcuffed to your bed as he milked you dry with his mouth and ass
he is a very handsy person, and an incredibly loud moaner
you actually enjoy when he rides you because sometimes you get scared that you’re hurting him so you want him to be comfortable
his favourite thing to do is to bury his face inbetween the crevice of your neck, and hearing your deep grunts in his ear
his hands either wrap around your neck, or he uses them to fondle and play with your pecs
mondo can go 2/3 rounds, and each time he tries something different
when he gets horny he gets what he wants, you guys have messed around in parks, behind food stands and in school
he will whisper in your ear about 
he likes to put his hands over his stomach and feel the flesh make way for your girth, and he finds it incredibly hot to find a bulge the shape of your cock
he can’t help how sensitive he is, and after the first round he finds it hard to communicate, with him just becoming a babbling mess that sloppily rides up and down your body.
once pleasure rots both of your minds and you can’t think properly, if you lovingly call him your dirty little slut, or your cum whore and tell him to let you take control, he will whine and slop over, giving you access to him.
you dont want to hurt him, but sometimes your mind gets a bit too hazy, and the next thing you know hes pressed against a wall, and you’re grabbing his hair or neck as you plow him, his moans echoing 
you find it cute when you whisper about how he corrupted you, how he’s the reason why you’re acting like an animal, or how he’s the reason why you’re always horny because you can’t get enough and he needs to take responsibility especially because his grunts and moans get louder and he clenches around you
when he cums, he cums alot. most of the time its over your chest or on the wall
either way, he loves the duality between the man in the streets and the beast in the sheets, sometimes he wonders how you can be the same person
just dont forget to give him aftercare, lotion his body and cuddle him after
tag list: @kenniethedumbass
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(re)Watching Magia Record S1 - part 1
Hello and welcome everyone to the first post on this watch-along commentary of the first season of Magia Record! Whether you are just now watching it for the first time, or are re-watching in preparation for the second season, or have only played the game and are curious about the anime (in which case I'd be surprised you even exist) I hope you can have some fun reading these ramblings as I try to put my thoughts into words  (actually turned more into narrating the show) throughout all 12 13 episodes.
Before we can get to it, though, I have a few warnings to give:
1 - As much as I'd love to be able to memory swipe so I can watch this fresh all over again, such an ability is sadly still beyond my grasp. In other words, this isn't my first time watching (or second, for that matter; more like the sixth… or seventh…). That being the case I can't claim that these are my first impressions and it's very likely this commentary will be somewhat biased by my previous knowledge. However, I can guarantee one thing: I will do my best to keep this spoiler-free, so you don't have to worry if this is your first time watching.
(I will, however, be assuming that you have watched the OG series and Rebellion, so beware of that).
2 - Please don't come into this expecting it to be Madoka 2
Also no, this is not a continuation of the OG, it’s an alternate universe spin-off.
This one's for first-time viewers.
Well, ok, this sounds like vague tweeting and I'm kind of whining here, but I have seen a number of peeps on the internet saying that Magia Record is bad only for their argument to boil down to "because it isn't OG Madoka!"
Yeah it isn't. I'm pretty sure there's "Side Story" written somewhere in the title too.
Leaving aside the matter of nostalgia glasses and whether the original series was that much of a masterpiece or not (it's been over five years since I last watched it, so I can't say anything either way.) it seems kind of weird to me that someone would bash a spinoff on the grounds of how close it is to the original. Because here's the thing: to me, the whole point of spinoffs is taking an already existing scenario and putting a spin on it to make something new. That's exactly what makes them fun!
MagiReco didn't need to be a Madoka clone or to try hard and beat the original. That would probably have made it bad, actually. What it did need to do was to create an interesting story using the world set up by the OG Madoka and the other spinoffs, and that, in my opinion, it did, so I hope people can give it a chance and judge it on its own merits rather than only compared to the original. I'm not saying you can't hate it, either, I myself have my own problems with it, it's just that I want to see more reasonable reasons than "it's not the OG so it's bad".
3 - As you can probably already tell from these warnings, these posts are bound to get looong, so I'd recommend setting aside a fair amount of time and getting real comfy if you're gonna read it all. I also don't mind if you just skip ahead and only read the interesting parts, I'm not the internet police.
3.5 - I don't want to use it as an excuse, but I think I should make it clear that English is not my native language, so I apologize in advance for any mistakes and awkward/stilted text. It's hard to tell by myself, so feel free to correct me if you find something.
SO, with that out of the way let’s get down to what’s really important:
Puella Magi Madoka Magica Side Story: Magia Record Episode 1
Whew, now that’s a mouthful.
You know, in my mind I always thought a “side story” was something that happened alongside a “main story”, like another POV, so I’m not sure that’s the most appropriate title, but who am I to judge?
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So here we go, we’re off with some beautiful futuristic scenery already, that’s the Madoka series I know.
As the classic Sis Puella Magi plays in the background, two unseen narrators tell us the tale of the so called “magical girls” as we are shown the reality of being one, meeting our first witch for this series.
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Risking your life to save a cat doesn’t seem like the smartest of things. Rather, witches eat cats? That’s mean.
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No, you really, really don’t. This narration definitely seems made to make everyone who saw the original say this, particularly with how silly are the wishes these girls suggest. 
And hey, look, even this girl who supposedly had her wish granted doesn’t seem very happy.
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Hang in there, this is only the first episode.
Man, this scenery really is pretty though.
After an exciting fight with a witch in the train, our girl here silently goes home to find
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Whatever the heck this is.
So, our girl here seems to be having strange visions whenever she enters her room, that is very very suspiciously cut exactly in half. Protagonist, you sure have an unique sense of interior decoration.
She goes on with her day, makes two lunchboxes and… oh, it seems she’s all alone.
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Is this something you should be telling your own daughter?
Long story short, Iroha’s parents are abroad right now (as is suspiciously the case with many a anime protagonist parents). I actually love the parallel this scene draws with OG Madoka: whereas Madoka’s parents seem responsible and Madoka even looks up to her mom and they’re a happy united family, Iroha comes off as being the responsible one in her family and her parents are gone from the get-go. This way, the lonely atmosphere of the previous scene also starts making sense.
So, it seems like there’s something Iroha wants to do here, and that’s why she decided to stay behind.
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Perhaps. Did you wish to save a black cat?
Wow, this teacher is speaking fast. Calm down lady, we’re not here to speedrun the content, geez. Though I guess we should be happy she’s at least giving a proper class, unlike a certain other teacher…
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Oh great, it's this guy.
Ok, Iroha doesn’t remember what she wished for and Kyuubei doesn’t know either, although he knows she used her wish for the sake of someone. Kyuubei theorizes that the reason she doesn’t remember might be that not remembering was part of her wish, but Iroha doesn’t think she’d wish for that. I don’t think you’d ever think to wish for something like that until you had to wish for something like that though.
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She’s got a fair point. After all, wishing in this universe is basica— the heck is going on in the background there?! O-kaaay…
Iroha was having a weird think-spot mental conversation with Kyuubei there, and missed speedrun teacher’s lecture entirely. Being meguca is suffering.
We get some school motto propaganda, and now we’re on the roof. Oh? Where did all the friendship stuff from the propaganda go? Seems like Iroha’s not following the school spirit. Unless she considers the white weasel a friend, so that’s why she gave him her extra… wait, Kyuubei can EAT? I thought he was some alien machine-like being. H-Huh...
Classmate A: Tamaki-san, maji tenshi!
She’s probably just shy. According to her classmates, Iroha used to be busy doing something or the other, but no one can remember what that is.
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But maybe don’t do that somewhere someone could easily walk in on you, Iroha.
Iroha gets a call by the girl from the combat scene from before, whose name is Kuroe. I couldn’t tell from their conversation if they’ve known each other for a while or if they just met each other for the first time in the fight before.
On the train, although she’s the one who called her over, Kuroe remains silent. Iroha, clearly uncomfortable, tries her best to make conversation. Poor Iroha, I know the feeling.
We learn from her that the number of witches around has been decreasing. She comments that being unable to get Grief Seeds is troubling, but it’s better than having witches causing trouble. Poor girl has no way to know just how much of a bad news it is running out of Grief Seeds.
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What’s with pink-haired girls and lacking self-esteem? Iroha, are you sure you didn’t wish to save a black and forget that you did? You did save a white one just before.
Kuroe finally decides to talk, and she tells us this:
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If you go to Kamihama, you’ll be saved. To anyone that saw the OG, the first thought that comes to mind is that they’ll be saved from their destiny of turning into witches, but it seems Kuroe doesn’t know the truth yet. She just doesn’t want to fight witches anymore. I think.
The train lights up, and…
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...this is extremely unsettling considering the truth about witches and the conversation they’re having right now. There’s a lot of this, but this just hits different having watched the original.
Iroha’s not inclined to believe what Kuroe’s saying. Of course, despite not remembering her wish, she’s the type that’s happy with fighting witches if she can save someone, and Kuroe’s not being very convincing either. The whole thing is apparently a rumor spread by some girls who saw a dream that told them that.
Except that Kuroe actually had the dream too.
Like most magical girls, Kuroe made a short-sighted wish, and regrets it. She now wants to be saved, so she’s going to Kamihama.
...or she was, but before that, they’ll have to defeat the witch they let escape the other day, ‘cos she’s back for more.
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I actually have so many questions about this scene. Weren’t Labyrinths pocket dimensions? How come this one’s moving in physical space? We know witches themselves move and their Labyrinth goes with that, but I thought it was more, like, the entrance to the Labyrinth moves. Then how come witches can escape if magical girls get carried with their Labyrinth when they move…? Just... just... what?
The answer to all of that is probably “magic”.
Like that, Express Witch Labyrinth crashes right into what seems to be a train station. Labyrinths don’t have brakes, confirmed.
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Looks like it’s not only magical girls who have territorial disputes going on. Although it’s nice that they won’t have to fight two witches at the same time, this is not exactly a relief when you consider these two were already struggling with the previous one, and this one just ripped it apart like crab.
As expected, Iroha’s arrows do no damage at all. When all seems lost…
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A wild singing mini Kyuubei appears! Is this a shiny?
The singing Kyuubei distracts the witch and jumps towards Iroha, who uses her pro white cat catching skills to grab it, and… something happens. Whatever this Kyuubei did, Iroha’s having some flashbacks now. Sadly, the middle of a battle isn’t the best time to be having a BSOD and, despite Kuroe’s attempts to snap her out of it, they’re sitting ducks right now, a black and a white one.
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Thankfully for them, though, they’re not alone in this barrier. This mystery blue haired girl spams flying spears and makes short work of the witch Iroha’s arrows didn’t even scratch earlier. She’s clearly at a whole ‘nother level.
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Also, chibi Kyuubei’s gone. Totally not suspicious. Nope. Not at all.
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So, from this OP miss get-the-heck-out-of-my-territory, who didn’t even bother saying her name, we learn that not only there is no salvation in Kamihama, there are more, stronger witches, and there are currently no Kyuubei. She gives them the Grief Seeds from the two witches before, and passes on a warning to them. Not the friendliest of magical girls. Though if you consider what happens when you run out of Grief Seeds, one could understand why it’d be undesirable having too many magical girls in the same place.
With this, Iroha and Kuroe take the train back to their town and things are totally awkward again.
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Welp, seems like Kuroe doesn’t want to chat anymore, so we’ll have a dream sequence instead.
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Forgive my lack of words, but this scene doesn’t need them. This is just… you couldn’t ask for a better representation of what being a magical girl wishing for salvation is like. Everyone has their own reasons, but in the end, having known despair, these girls are desperately clinging to this last hope called Kamihama. It’s almost a pilgrimage.
“Let’s go to Kamihama. We’ll be saved there”
And in the midst of all that is the mysterious girl from Iroha’s dreams.
(the track here, Paradero de Memoria, is also great btw)
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Now, with various wishes written all over in the background, we get Kyuubei’s spiel about magical girls. I think this is word-by-word the same from the original too.
We now get to finally know what our protagonist’s wish was.
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So Iroha wished to cure her younger sister’s illness, but the sister in question is now nowhere to be found. Worse: everything related to her is gone. Even Iroha, who made a wish for her sake, didn’t remember her existence until now. Oh man, that’s no normal disappearance. What happened? Guess that’s what Iroha will have to find out now.
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With that, we conclude the first episode of Magia Record(’s s1)!
This is a really strong first episode in my opinion. It decently introduces our protagonist, sets up the mysteries we will be dealing with from here on and also manages to trace connections with the original, while using the viewer’s previous knowledge to give a whole different impression to some scenes. You wouldn’t be like “hell no” at the rumor there at the start if you didn’t know the truth about magical girls, and I doubt that final scene would hit that hard either. It’s just really good at this and it’ll continue doing that from now on. I love it.
Speaking of the final scene, me having watched the original over five years ago might also be part of it but that is really my favorite scene in Madoka overall. I just really really love that scene. (Seriously, I’ve watched this scene so many times I know it by heart now. Help.)
Alas, I lied, the episode’s not over yet, we still have our classic anime first episode ending-opening to watch. So let’s listen, to Gomakashi:
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This logo’s real pretty.
So yeah, pretty standard anime opening. If you pay attention, there are some references to Connect too, what with the selfcest and whatnot. Although I managed to mistake this when I first watched, this one’s actually sung by the trio TrySail rather than ClariS. That’s the VAs for Iroha, Asakura Momo; Yachiyo (the get-out-of-my-territory girl), Amamiya Sora and Natsukawa Shiina, whose character we’ve yet to meet. TrySail has a lot of cool songs, so do check them out if you haven’t already. (free ad)
This time, in fact, the episode is over! Whew, I did say this was going to be long, but not even I thought it’d be this long. By the time this is posted I should have a backlog of these, so my plan is to post one everyday until we are done. I hope you had fun reading this here rant and I’ll be looking forward to meeting you guys again tomorrow, same place, maybe same hour, so we can go on and watch episode 2 together!
(P.S.: I am considering doing a series of posts at a later date comparing the anime to the game, but we’ll see. The first few chapters are fine, but the game is stupidly long, so I feel it’d take a lot of motivation and stamina I’m not sure I have at the moment. There’s also the possibility watching the first arc again would bring back my yt copy-apocalipse grief back and that’d suck, definitely don’t wanna go through that again.)
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1. I am an INTP 5w6 female and I want to know how to meet new people, it didn't bother me before but I had a boyfriend.of 1.5years and I now miss having someone in my life, don't remember exactly what I wrote but I thought I had made a good choice and was really hopeful about that relationship and I tried hard to make it work but I couldn't deal with his bs anymore, I did for a while cause I thought he was worth it, I've been trying to build deeper relationships but didn't care before so imbehnd
2. My ex wasn't extremely manipulative but he lied and hid things from me and got angry when I complained when his stories made no sense, I left We knew each other for so long and I couldn't deal with him not apologizing for his bs and blaming me for what he was doing, I just couldn't justify the relationship even if I still loved him This lead me to believe my strategy was wrong since I thought I knew him and that he was more mature than that, no matter how high the filter this could happen..
3. It's just so disappointing, you know? That people can be such assholes after managing to present themselves as the opposite of that for so long I've never really had close friendships except for my ex, and a few friends (I guess?) I didn't care much for this before since I'm alright on my own, but I found that I really liked having someone, so I'm trying to meet new people now that I'm more or less healing, but idk how to do it, acquaintances used to fall in my lap before but not anymore
4. I'm 23 yo, about to get my degree. I do have a crush on a classmate but when I try to picture us going out it feels awkward and weird since I don't know him very well, I need to know people well before considering dating... I'm just very lost and I feel kind of behind from everyone else since I'm super inexperienced (only that one bf, and it was long distance...) and idk how to correct that at this point. I've been dressing better so people treat me better (haven't noticed, makes sense tho)
5. People do seem to like me well enough but I guess everyone already has their group of friends and is too busy to invite me places often enough that I become part of the core group, but I'm getting there, a bit (I think) I've been going everywhere I've been invited with my classmates lately but they don't really bring anyone new, I've managed to be a step up from acquaintance with a girl friend, which is nice, with older friends the same thing happens, even if we come across their friends...
6. I've always had a hard time fitting in very well, romantically I'd love to have someone at a similar experience level because I feel like I missed out on being a crucial relationship for the other person, but my ex had several gfs before and I didn't care too much then but now I do because afterwards certain things made me feel bad, but I guess I could manage anyway.I also get paranoid when I read what other bs some people manage to do like marrying someone but loving their bestfriend instead
7. I apologize for making it so long but I thought it'd be necessary to give a bit of info on myself and my thoughts, my age, what I've been trying etc I just wanna meet good people at this point in my life and want some tips on how to do that without taking extremely long only for them to be assholes anyways... I think I've managed to make some more acquaintances but I've only clicked with two girls I talk to outside of the classroom when we're not hanging out, gonna focus on them rn-----------------------
(very long response ahead)
I know this is not what you asked nor is it necessarily going to be helpful or relevant but: I would strongly rethink your type. Ti-doms and 5s are both vanishingly unlikely to drop seven asks worth of highly personal and emotionally open information in the inboxes of total strangers.
With regards to the actual question, this is really not an MBTI question (more on this at the end) and not entirely something I’d consider myself an expert on. I very much hope I am not the only person you can go to on this because I personally wouldn’t want me to be my only source of advice on this. With those caveats, see below.
I think Tumblr (and to be fair some forms of media) portray friendships and relationships as an attraction at first sight/immediate connection.
This is fucking stupid.
Because I tie everything back to my personal soapbox causes: this is why I have such disdain for the anti-small talk crowd, or people who think they’re special because they crave a deep, below-the-surface human connection. Nearly everyone wants deep connection. It’s normal and healthy. It’s also an ongoing process that nearly always involves some period of time during which you and the other potential friend are awkward acquaintances who don’t entirely understand each other and have to talk about surface-level things. You can’t speedrun intimacy.
This is particularly true in adulthood. Children do make friends more quickly, but also children are weird and fickle and a friendship can be based on little more than sharing crayons (not to knock that, plenty of great friendships started that way) while adults have a much better sense of who they are and also typically a much more narrow definition of who they want as a friend and all kinds of emotional baggage to boot.
Essentially, if you want a friendship that matches the depth of a relationship of 1.5 years it’s probably going to take close to 1.5 years to get there, and from what you said you’d known each other even longer before the romantic relationship, so add that time too. Which might not be what you want to hear, but it’s important to manage the expectation. Basically all relationships (and by this I mean romantic or platonic) start out with little connection, and you become friends through building that connection, and you can’t really rush it.
I believe in “clicking” in the sense of there being an immediate mutual interest in getting to know each other better, but speaking practically, regardless of the initial chemistry you are still basically intrigued strangers at that point. All clicking does is provide additional motivation for that process of getting to know each other. And speaking from experience, deep friendships in the long term don’t always have an initial “click”. I’ve had relationships that were initially quite intense fade away, and others slowly grow from acquaintanceship into lasting intimate friendship even if we didn’t expect it on first meeting. The myth of clicking is confirmation bias - unless there was a serious fallout, you’ll probably forget the people who you thought you clicked with if it didn’t just work out, and conversely it’s not hard to look back through the lenses of memory and nostalgia and find a single moment when a friendship or love crystalized, even though the reality is that it was merely the tipping point after considerable energy had already been invested on both sides.
In terms of practical advice, finishing up a degree is a uniquely awkward time, especially if all your classmates are in the same boat, because there’s often a mentality of “we’re all going to leave soon, let’s stick with the friendships we have.” Others in your class may not have that motivation to make a close connection, and it sucks but it’s temporary. The good news is that the larger world doesn’t feel that way. It is a bit more difficult to make friends as an adult, just because you’re not spending time with people naturally the same way as you do in school, but meetups and clubs and social organizations all exist for this reason and are explicitly there for people who want to make friends. And again, it’s going to be a slow process. I respect that it’s frustrating having to start from what feels like square one, but it’s unavoidable.
As for dating, you don’t need to do apps if you don’t want to! But you’re right. It’s going to be comparatively inefficient. Particularly if you prefer to date people you already know socially, you’ll have to put in a lot of effort going to social things and building those acquaintanceships over time and you might need to ask someone out face to face. Inexperience is fine. Everyone has to start somewhere. The tradeoff is more that you can’t screen people as well if you’re on apps, and they can be kind of impersonal but you do get to interact with many people quickly on your own terms without having to go outside and with the luxury of being able to think up witty comebacks instead of having to chat in real time.
(I do want to counter the idea that people who use apps are any less deep or anything like that. Some people are comfortable with casual hookups and some aren’t, but many people use apps to set up a date first and see if they have enough of an interest to keep things going. As with all of the above, everything has to start somewhere and if you think of the app as a way to facilitate meeting people, rather than “I must make a romantic connection with this person tonight”, and steer towards dating vs. hookup apps/make it clear you’re looking for long-term relationships, you might have more luck. The point of the first date for most people isn’t to find a partner, though sometimes that happens; it’s to find someone you enjoy enough to go on a second date with and slowly get to know).
One final thought: all this advice applies universally but I actually think considering it in the context of MBTI is more harmful than helpful, or at best misleading. For example, you say that being a 5 you take too long to check if people are safe, which whether or not you actually are a 5 also has absolutely nothing to do with being a 5, and even if you are a 5 and this is a 5 thing, you’re aware of this behavior! You can stop doing that then! MBTI is not destiny!
Regardless of type, no one automatically knows what to say in every situation, no one can read minds, and no one has discovered the secret to always being liked and never being rejected. Type can convey talent or inclination but skill requires time. Extroverts are often better with people because they have to be - they aren’t as okay with just being alone, especially when younger, so they go out and deal with people and through that process learn to make friends. But they weren’t born with it. Sites that favor introverts and/or intuitives are terrible for a lot of reasons but I find they perpetuate the ideas I disagreed with above, that friendships for introverts and intuitives must always be with people who Click and Already Get It. This is wrong and it’s limiting. Obviously don’t pursue a friendship or relationship if you don’t like the person, but don’t write someone off just because you didn’t feel a magical spark right away. That’s not being deep and sensitive - that’s being closed off to new experiences. Anything worth doing involves real-world effort and some amount of risk, and usually it involves patience and time and awkwardness and uncertainty as well.
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olympus-summit · 4 years
On Blast || Ryu || Re: Results, Everyone || ATT: everyone
The votes were counted, and to no one's shock it was Ryu selected to be executed. Many tried to annoy him with loopholes or fake guilt over ending him, but at the end of the day, common sense prevailed. He could at least smile at that detail, even while the Fates attempted to mock him
"And with that, it appears as though it is time to go. Please, do your best to contain your tears. Even if they are of joy" he said jokingly, rising from his throne to take in everyone's expressions. It was funny; the lead up to all of this left him numb, but now knowing he'd be leaving, and leaving with this much impact nonetheless was enough to return some joy to him. Not enough to make him fear his demise, but enough to have one last bit of fun before his departure. First came answers though, of course. He turned to Shinobu with a smirk on his face
"Hm...I'd say this is what I truly want at this point. I suppose if I have any last requests, it's that none of you ever forget me. And naturally, give me a minute to speak my last words"
Ryu cleared his throat and paused. Being put in this situation, it almost felt triumphant despite all the shame and failure bubbling underneath. This was his moment though, his grand speech. He had the power to do whatever he wanted at this moment
"Originally, I planned on making a speech; choosing my last words days before they were heard. Listening to all of you though, I realized leaving on such a graceful note would be a sign of respect. Respect has always been the most important thing to me, which is why I can confidently state that I will leave without a shred of it towards anyone. As such, why bother with formalities. Fear not, I will give you the honesty so many of you have wished from me, but I will not be doing it with respect~"
What did that even mean? Without another word, Ryu moved, only to stop as his neighbor's throne. Menai's throne
"Having a bodyguard as skilled as my dearest friend Ayame, I've always doubted the abilities of others with the same profession. I can see why now, given your inability to hide your own bias and commit to your job. Wish I could see you snap at someone else when they eventually hurt those little feelings you attempt to hide"
He made his way to each and every throne in a clockwise path, having a comment in mind for everyone. He didn't care if his remarks were seen as immature anymore. There was no need to word them correctly
"What can I say about you but….meh? Grow some skin, I suppose"
He skipped Sabine's and Nezumi's, as expected
"I really wanted to respect you and your little girl group. It really seems as though you only care about the act of being tough though. Not the reasoning for being so"
"...With you? Well, I said I would be honest; I can say that I genuinely liked you a lot at first. Our honeymoon phase began to fade as I realized that you're biased though, despite your efforts not to be. Still hot though~!"
"You've...mildly grown on me. Like a tumor. How I wished you would've taken my advice and toughen up somewhat though, for fuck's sake. So...I guess no more looking forward to our cooking classes"
"Oh Shinobu, I don't know why you continue to try and speak knowing very well everyone simply wishes to see me die as soon as possible. Thank you for promoting this! You...were okayish"
"My ex friend! Yes, I did genuinely consider you a friend, Mitsu, and it pains me that one little charred orphanage tore that appart. You have to maintain those strong opinions though, I suppose"
At Rusty's podium, he stayed quiet and stared, much like the archaeologist always did to him. As soon as he made it to Setsuna's, a chuckle escaped him
"Hey Setsu, remember me? It's Ryu! Now, don't overthink attempting to get the name down. I'm just about to leave anyway"
"...No comment. You actually weren't that bad"
"Until this trial, I saw you nothing more as cannon fodder, Tenko. Now...now I have to say, you're fairly skilled. Try not to fall in your best friend's footprints"
At Leland's podium, he went silent for a moment, his expression softening…
Only to be replaced by the default grin within a second
"See his notes" Ryu said with a wink as he pointed to Sol. With that out the way, he was faced with Adelina and Evren
"Oh my, it appears as though I saved the best for last, haven't I? What a coincidence. Anyhow, first up is you, doctor. I know very well you didn't take me seriously before the reveal of my secret. I was an annoying, immature nuisance and nothing else. How pleased it makes me that you seemed to grow quieter after my reveal. It shows me that you only enjoy the truth when it is convenient or pleases you. And speaking of hypocrisy, Evren!~"
Ryu sharply turned towards him, his smirk taking on hints of a snarl
"I've told you this before, but you remind me of my dearest sister, Chi Chi. I'm sure with context it now sounds disturbing, but what's just a little more? She was obsessed with the concept of justice, to the point where she killed over 30 individuals including our father and his colleagues, all because she didn't approve of their work. Hearing about your hitmen only confirmed to me that you're as pathetic as she is, and I can't wait to see the look on your face when you inevitably bump into me in hell~"
And with that, he turned and looked at everyone casually
"Let's see, was that everyone….Oh! Yes, our beloved leaders, how could I forget. Allow me to speedrun that one. Useless, useless, and you~" he added on, pointing to Clotho, then Lachesis, then Atropos
"You no longer have power over me, doll. Nothing you do or say can make me feel uneasy. Have fun with that knowledge"
With everyone out of the day, he strolled confidently towards Charon, satisfied with his work. If that wasn't a moment to go out on, then he didn't know what was
"You must be excited. Well, let's hurry it up now, it isn't everyday your trusted to do something of use"
Before he truly went though, he turned to his peers one last time. His previous smirk was replaced with a pained grin; something that was genuine. Was there anything else he should say at the moment
"...So long, dolls!~"
If that wasn't a fitting goodbye, then he didn't know what was.
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