#and i can't wait to see how they conclude it in the next ep
likeshipsonthesea · 4 months
i had feelings and wrote this post about shannon and i didn't wanna confuse it w eddie stuff but as she is ultimately a character in eddie's story i also wanted to go into the implications of this for eddie
do i think eddie was a bad husband? yes. does this make him a horrible irredeemable man who should take a vow of celibacy to protect the world from the burden of his romantic love? no.
but i think it's important that eddie actually deals with the reality of his relationship with shannon. i think we've got a start with this arc, and all the things he said to kim, but even then he starts out saying shannon was "the love of [his] life" when bestie, you didn't even know her.
they met in high school. they got pregnant unexpectedly and married just as fast. and then eddie left and they didn't know each other outside of a screen and brief visits for five years, then eddie was full of trauma and shannon's mother was dying, and then another two years apart, and then they were back together but didn't really talk outside of christopher.
by the time eddie re-proposed, he knew shannon as christopher's mother. that's it. he had no idea she wouldn't want another proposal. he heard "pregnant" and immediately went back to his 18-21ish self who knew nothing more than Responsibility. he didn't know shannon wouldn't want that. he didn't know anything about her--or at least, the audience didn't. where did she live? what did she do for work? what were her interests? from the beginning, the narrative--and eddie--treated shannon like a mother-shaped ghost to flit into and out of eddie's life.
and right as eddie was forced to look the truth of his and shannon's relationship in the eye, she died. how is he meant to consider all the nitty gritty rough edges and centers of their relationship through the rose-colored veil of grief?
i get why eddie hasn't tried to de-tangle all these feelings. it feels like he's shitting on shannon's memory. but i don't think eddie will ever be able to give himself to anyone until he realizes how formative his relationship with shannon was in all the wrong ways.
i'mma be bold here and claim: eddie didn't love shannon towards the end. he didn't KNOW her. he was happy to play family with her until she thought she might be pregnant again and then he immediately thought Pregnancy=Propose=Responsibility. it wasn't out of love for who shannon was as a person, it was out of responsibility.
and the shannon eddie married would've said yes, as she presumably did when they got married the first time. but the shannon of s2 didn't want that, a marriage of necessity. she knew herself enough to know she couldn't devote herself to eddie as a husband and christopher as a mom at the same time, and she chose christopher. i think eddie loves her for being christopher's mother, the way michael loves athena even though he isn't In love with her, but i don't think eddie knows the difference.
eddie thinks romantic love is responsibility and tradition and expectation and christopher's mother. he's learned how to live for himself and be better for himself but he hasn't learned how to LOVE for himself.
this doesn't keep him from making incredibly selfish decisions, like leading kim on or treating his love-interests like sex-giving mother machines, but i digress. eddie has learned how to break out of the roles he's played--perfect son, army hero, self-sacrificing single dad--but he's never stopped to think about the role he plays in a romantic relationship and the feelings that come along with it.
the kim arc is forcing him to look all of this straight-on and i love it. i hope they take it further. i need eddie to reckon with the fact that he and shannon failed each other, and that she wasn't the great love of his life because he didn't actually know her well enough to be in love with her at the end. i need eddie to look at how he acts as a husband/boyfriend and realize he's fucked up, to acknowledge how he's made bad choices and decide to make better ones.
eddie has so much to give, and i think he can make someone really happy if he manages to break out of the Husband role he's learned and really give himself truly to someone. and hopefully, it'll make him really happy too.
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tubbytarchia · 11 months
My very not so condensed overview as to why Mizakai is such a nuanced #deep Yugioh pairing (AKA Mizakai propaganda)
Mizakai is really fucking good and I need everyone to understand this
If anyone out there is on the fence about Mizakai please allow me to convince you to the best of my ability
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Right off the bat, Mizael is supposed to be fighting for the Barian World yet he focuses on his rivalry with Kaito instead from their first encounter, and why was Kaito there anyway? An average viewer might say it was because they're both Galaxy-Eyes users but WRONG it was Mizael's homosexual pull. Shark was literally rearing up to duel Mizael when Yuma no longer could but then Kaito flew in like "no, me". And let me remind you how Zexal I ended: Kaito proclaimed that he had no reason to duel once Haruto was safe - he only ever dueled for him - to fight, while Yuma taught him how to duel for fun. And Kaito's first proper appearance in Zexal II where he duels is the episode he turns up to face some gay sassy blond when he didn't need to. So a bunch of homosexual banter, bla bla, and at the very end before their duel can conclude, as the last thing, Mizael gives Kaito his name
What happens the next time they meet? Kaito calls out his name <3
Anyway Sargasso time!!! All the Barians put into effect a card that causes damage to every player, but they also each have a card to protect themselves from said damage. Mizael however doesn't use it, because he wants an even fighting ground with Kaito. Later, when they observe Yuma having an epic 13yo breakdown for awhile, at some point Kaito decides 'that's enough of that' and instead asks Mizael "where are you looking?" (ep 98) like ok sir. Don't forget that Kaito and Yuma are literally friends too but this ain't about Yuma!! He can deal with this extremely traumatizing event on his own, Kaito's given him enough encouragement already
So Mizael is just soooo down bad and so desperate to just finish ONE singular duel with Kaito and is doing everything he can to make that happen. So naturally after killing 2 children, an autism creature and Kaito's ex, he goes to the Moon to duel Kaito because this matter simply can't wait. But he had the right idea because this is just the right place to duel anyway, and tension is significantly stronger in space than it is on Earth!
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Que Kaito telling Mizael of his past as Mizael struggles to come to terms with it. As he is conflicted though, Kaito sees right through him and understands him better than he himself could. All this time Mizael was seeking to duel Kaito to prove that he's the real dragon tamer, when in this duel, as Kaito is dying, he without hesitation declares Mizael the true dragon tamer without Mizael having to beat him, or before the duel even concludes (which Mizael simply cannot fathom). And as practically a dying wish, Kaito asks "Mizael, if we were to meet again, wouldn't you tell me, what happened to you?" before he makes the finishing blow and yet, kind of reverses the odds as he ends up dying instead of Mizael despite every other duel ending in the death of the person that lost. Kaito in his dying moments breathed so much wind into Mizael's wings for him to "keep fighting for what you believe in".
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But what does Mizael believe in? Well, Kaito was teaching him to believe in people just as he had been taught to. Mizael might have been the true dragon tamer, but in his pursuit trusted no one but dragons. He was raised by a dragon before his people failed him, and seeing as they had, Tachyon then protected Mizael from any further evil of mankind. As Tachyon can seal up into a weird bento box, seemingly shielding itself in the process, it shielded Mizael. How could Mizael ever accept that Tachyon was his curse? But Tachyon had been cursed by Don, just as Mizael had. No matter what they fought for then as a result, they stuck together of their own beliefs. But what made Tachyon Mizael's curse was that it stopped Mizael from moving on from the past. Even as time passed (and even if Barians don't age), Mizael's mindset never changed until Kaito came in to reap him of this shield that Mizael had put up. With Tachyon's effect of rewinding time, Mizael hoped to change the past, but Kaito showed him a future, thus removing his curse
Kaito taught Mizael that he was (or even is) human, a fact that Mizael does not want to accept one bit, literally shown visually as Mizael is forced into his human form, in rage then transforms back into his Barian form, only to be reduced back to his human form by the end anyway. And note that he STAYS in this form, he doesn't change back again!! Which is especially driven home when you see Nasch literally right there, Mizael's last surviving comrade, and yet he stays in his human form, as if to show that he is paving his own path now. And he is, because he's free of his curse. He's technically still a Barian but in a metaphorical sense, his curse has been lifted thanks to Kaito. Mizael was still fighting for the Barian World even if his focus shifted to some blondie, but in his final duel, he isn't dueling for the Barians, he's only dueling for himself. He gives it his very best shot to defeat Don on his own terms and, you know, despite the bullshit that Don pulls, Mizael doesn't look all that upset to die. I think that even as he was dying, he had found some fulfilment and was content to leave the rest to Nasch and Yuma
And speaking of Yuma - in his dying breaths, Kaito bestows Numeron Dragon onto Mizael (And don't forget that character A giving character B their card is basically a marriage proposal in Yugioh. Even within Zexal, think Yuma/Trey and Yuma/Shark among other instances). What does Mizael then do? He bestows the card on Yuma - The person who had taught Kaito to believe in people, just as Kaito had now taught Mizael. Sometimes Zexal is so beautiful in how it comes full circle, it makes me want to cry, and Mizakai comes in SUCH a circle it is INSANE.
When Kaito had nothing to defend anymore, he lost his reason to duel - but he refused to let Mizael lose his reason, even as Mizael had lost everyone except for Nasch, and so Mizael found a reason to duel (by virtue of finding what he really believed in)
I couldn't find a better place to put this but also just how visually beautifully tragic it is that Mizael, who can't for the love of him stop yapping, in his endless stubbornness, cannot bring himself to say anything as Kaito dies right before him with a smile on his face. All Mizael can do then is cry
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So of course Mizakai would be a goldmine in a post-zexal scenario too. I'm gonna yap about more headcanons rather than canon stuff but bear with me
Two characters mending together is always such good hurt/comfort shit but ohhh my god Mizakai... Compare Mizael's and Kaito's traumas and imagine how they would handle them in one another's presence. Mizael would probably project an immense amount of his frustration onto Kaito subconsciously or otherwise, but with how understanding Kaito was, his patience to deal with it must be limitless. Mizael seeks the Kaito that would challenge him - just as Kaito would challenge him to duels in Zexal II, he wants Kaito to challenge what he says, and it would take time for him to adjust to the fact that Kaito isn't some miracle noble being - he's human just like Mizael, as selfless and self-sacrificing as he is, and what he did or does for Mizael is from this tangible human care - something Mizael needs time to come to grips with, as he's still new to this whole "being human (again)" thing. Another wonderful place to bring up the Galaxy-Eyes', as Mizael is just as "noble" as Kaito. He always fought for what he believed in but he got lost along the way with the cursed Tachyon, whereas Kaito chose Photon (who was always pure and never cursed) to fight alongside him (even if he acted somewhat selfishly in taking people's souls etc, he was doing it for someone he loved) (harkening back to the idea of Kaito freeing Mizael from his curse (and the idea that Mizael's curse was his own personal dilemma, not the fact that he was a Barian, even if that was the case literally speaking)). In the end they both had their Galaxy-Eyes' to ensure that they were never truly fighting alone, even with Don's curse in Mizael's case. Just as they valued an even fighting ground in duels, Kaito wants to even it now too to stop Mizael from putting him up on a pedestal to such a degree that it frustrates him, because they're really not so different
Anyway Kaito is a sickly little victorian man, seeing how bad of a state he was in all throughout Zexal and especially by the Moon duel. You could argue that the Numeron Code is perfect and would bring everyone back in a perfect state, but I say there is no perfection, nothing is ever "perfect", as everything is always in motion and changing (but that's getting too semantic and philosophical (but then, what is Yugioh if not that?)). If the Numeron Code really did bring everything back "perfectly", wouldn't it erase the character's traumas and stuff too, instead of just bringing them back to good physical health? So my point is, Kaito is still a sickly little victorian man, but fighting is all he knows. This plays into why he went out to duel Mizael as well - it's... all he knows!! He needs to fight and if there's nothing to fight then he works. Just as he was denied rest or nourishment in his training and number hunting, he is hardwired to deny those things to himself. But now imagine how it makes Mizael feel, when he sees Kaito tired or even fainted. He absolutely cannot allow Kaito to die again (even if Kaito is sure that this photon illness aint gonna get the best of him), because he already struggles to forgive himself for what he did.
Kaito doesn't know all of his past, yet it damn near feels like he knows everything about Mizael, and did everything for him, even arguably dying in Mizael's stead. What else would Mizael want to do but to return the favor? To want to learn about Kaito and to be able to understand his troubles, and not only help care for him physically but also help him deal with past trauma once he begins to get over his own. Mizael, who is so deeply emotional and vocal practically forces his troubles upon Kaito, but as he starts to figure himself out, he convinces Kaito to talk to him, and shows him that it's okay for him to be emotional. Because Kaito very much suppresses his emotions and would rather bury his troubles at the back of his mind rather than deal with them healthily. He's much more prone to making quick easy decisions and adjustments for the sake of others, like for example forgiving his father because it's easier than not, even though he has a lot of complicated feelings that he just refuses to dwell on
Basically they switch roles lol and there's just something really beautiful and poetic about that. Even if that way, Mizael ends up adopting this selfless patience that so greatly frustrated him about Kaito in the beginning
Kaito had never once stopped fighting for the people he loved, until Mizael came around and Kaito made the choice of his own volition to face him. But when did anyone really dedicate themselves to Kaito that same way? Well, Mizael sure would!! And Kaito likes how tangible Mizael makes him feel through affirmation and touch - grounded in the reality that he himself seems to be at a disconnect with, the same reality that he brought Mizael to. He reaped Mizael of his shield and basically forced him into this new ironically alien world, but he was here for Mizael to land safely, and Mizael wants to be there to help him stay grounded. If Kaito needed a friendly face in Heartland Tower to make it bearable to even still be there, or if he needed someone to give him a reality check mid breakdown, or if he needed someone to bring him coffee and carry him to bed, then Mizael would be that someone
In conclusion:
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acidmatze · 11 months
I’ll be there for you (Yes, like the Friends theme) Chapter 5
Summary: After being in a coma for two years Vash wakes up, not being able to remember Anything that has happened since he was “a teenager”. How is he gonna adapt to living in a world so strange and unfamilliar? (vaguely TriStamp timeline post ep 12) By finally leaving the hospital and entering his Rehab arc Warnings: None this time Word count: 4.4k Chapters: 1 2 3 4
How did this week pass by so fast?
Vash feels like it was basically yesterday that he woke up to this strange world.
And now he's already standing outside, Karina next to him, waiting for the van that's supposed to bring him to the rehab place.
He's bringing several bags with him. Two of them filled with the new clothes he got the other day.
It is still somewhat dark outside, the suns barely grazing the horizon so its also really cold. Vash can see his breath when breathing out.
He's wearing his new jacket. It's black with red arrows going zig zag from the top left to the bottom right.
One small bag is full of his electronics stuff.
Last Friday Karina suddenly brought him a phone as well.
And another one is filled with hygiene stuff like shower gel and shampoo and towels and lotion to put on his scars when they ache and of course toothbrush and toothpaste and other necessities.
His new meds are in there as well.
On Thursday Dr. Nichols did a whole battery of tests with him.
Among other things testing his working memory and attention.
He then concluded that Vash has ADHD, whatever that was. From what Vash gathered it has to do with his focus and emotional regulation and such.
Vash also spend a lot of time filling out official-looking papers to get an ID and everything sorted out. And a bank account.
„Its so cold... I hope that van is coming soon.“ Karina complains while rubbing her arms.
„Its gonna get hot soon enough, just wait.“
„I'd rather not Wait.“
Other cars are approaching and picking people up or letting people out near constantly. Seems like Mondays are very busy for hospitals.
An ambulance rushes past, sirens blaring.
„I'm gonna call the place if no one's here in 5 minutes!“ Karina declares.
Then a small white minivan drives up to the two and stops.
It would look suspicious if it wasn't for the sticker on the car with a flock of pigeons flying on it, reading „Dove's Wings bus service, car 12“
The driver lets the window down.
„Hey, are you Vash?“
„Yup, that's me.“
The engine stops and the driver gets out to open the trunk.
„I'm Marcel. Put your bags in here. Before I drive you to the dorm I have to stop by the gas station real quick, hope you don't mind.“
„That's fine...“
It's a bit cumbersome to haul the heavy bags into the trunk with only one hand.
Luckily Marcel realises this quickly and helps.
He's a short rather gruff-looking guy with a light buzzcut and pale skin. Vash easily towers over him.
Which is still a really weird experience.
After all, the majority of his Lived Experience Vash was shorter than others.
Even as a teenager everyone else was much taller than him. When did he hit such a giant growth spurt?
Vash climbs into the van next to Marcel.
Karina waves at Vash.
„I will call you in the afternoon when my shift is over, okay? And I will definitely visit you on the weekend. You can't get rid of me.“
Vash chuckles weakly and also waves at his new friend.
Vash whips around.
„Huh? What-? No! Just a.. a regular friend.“
„Cool, cool.“
Marcel starts the motor and off they go.
Then he turns the radio on.
Vash has no idea about music much, even though Karina did her best to introduce him to as many bands as she could. He does vaguely recognise the singer as someone Karina likes.
Its a nice unoffending voice with nice unoffending guitar. Nothing that Vash would listen to in his free time though.
Then Marcel lights up a cigarette and offers the cigarette pack to Vash.
„Do you smoke?“ „Uh.. no, thanks.“
„Good for you. Don't start. Its a waste of money. How old are you?“
Marcel barks out a laugh.
„Good joke!“
„28 then.“
„Seriously? You don't look a day over 19 or something. You got a serious case of baby face, my guy.“
„Yeah... I've heard that quite often.“ Vash lies.
He hasn't heard it at all but feels like this is the appropriate response.
They are driving through what seems to be the oldest dictrict of the city.
It seems to be emulating ancient 17th century central european architecture but Vash can't say how accurate it is.
Shops on the ground floor, apartments on top all crammed next to each other.
And so many people outside already, even though it is still early in the day.
„It's not winter yet so school and work still start at 6, so most of the work can be crammed in before it gets hot.“ Marcel explains, as if he can read Vash's thoughts.
„And in winter?“
„Eh... 7-8ish. No mid-day break either but instead everyone can go home earlier overall. Allegedly on Earth seasons actually meant something in many cultures but here it only tells you when the suns will rise and set. Except for fall. If it rains then it rains in fall.“
Vash only has seen rain once so far in his life.
He was so excited he immediately ran outside and Brad dragged him back inside the ship and scolded him for getting the floor muddy.
It rained hard for maybe half an hour and then it was over. Within an hour the sand was back to its usual dry and hot state and everything carried on as if it hadn't rained at all.
What Vash had witnessed relatively often though were dry thunderstorms.
Now the scenery is changing.
The road gets broader and now has two lanes in each direction. The buildings become more modern and brighter, to deflect the suns.
Then they turn right into a smaller street again, probably now entering a more residential area.
The buildings that previously were all at least three to four stories tall are now getting smaller and less dense. Small shops line the road here and there.
Apartment buildings turn into row houses and then slowly into small family homes.
They pass a small park and Vash stares at the large lusciously green trees.
Then more houses. Kids waiting at a bus stop.
It's so weird to see a place like this. So full of life. Full of people doing their thing.
Not hanging by a thread.
They enter a slightly wider road again and a little later Marcel stops at the gas station.
„I'll be back in a minute. You want some snacks? I can get you some.“
„Uh... some chocolate bars? But no white chocolate or coconut.“
Marcel lets out a small grunt in acknowledgement.
„Alright. You get the kiddie chocolate.“
The van door slams shut.
Kiddie chocolate...
Vash watches Marcel while he recharges the car's battery. Its weird that „gas station“ is a word that's still so widely used even though almost no vehicle on this planet uses gas.
Its most likely a leftover from Earth English.
Vash watches the scene outside.
Some more kids and teens, probably on their way to school.
People on bicycles. Many many cars.
It is still so weird to Vash to see this many people in one place. He can't imagine the scope of the entire city.
What little distance they have covered so far already feels incredibly large to him.
Do the people who live here even know how harsh the desert is? Being here is so incredibly different from the ship.
Vash can barely believe he's still on the same planet.
Has Nai ever been in a city as well? Where even is he now? And will Vash ever see him again?
Well, he probably already has but can't remember.
But before he has the time to ponder about this more, Marcel returns.
He dumps a few chocolate bars in Vash's lap.
„Sorry they only had coconut and white chocolate.“
For the fraction of a second Vash is inclined to believe the man but before he can embarrass himself he realises it's a joke.
„Guess I have to puke all over the van then.“
„If you clean it, be my guest.“
The ride continues in silence, except for the radio.
Vash opens the packaging of the chocolate and starts eating.
He didn't eat anything at the hospital this morning, he was way too nervous.
Its nougat, the chocolate.
Which is good because Vash really likes that. He opens the second bar and basically shoves it in his mouth with one go.
Marcel lets out a snort but doesn't say anything.
„I haven't eaten anything yet.“
„I'm not judging. Just laughing. You don't behave like an adult.“
There it is.
Vash almost shrinks into his seat.
Then how is an adult supposed to to behave? He hasn't figured that out yet.
He was about to open the third bar but lets it drop back into his lap instead. Suddenly he doesn't feel hungry anymore.
There's no way he's gonna fit in anywhere like this.
But it's not like he can help it, dammit!
Some part of him is still 15 and it will probably take a long time until that changes.
„Hey kiddo, why are you crying?“
Vash pulls out a tissue from his pocket and blows his nose.
„I don't like being told that I don't behave like an adult. I know I don't. I can't change this.“
Marcel nods.
„I wasn't making fun of you, you know? If I would then i would have the wrong job. I drive people around who can't get into this van without help. Who can't fasten their seatbelt. Whose pants i have to pull up before they get in cuz they don't know how to use their belts after going to the bathroom. Who don't even realise when they need to go to the bathroom so sometimes they pee their pants during the ride. I also drive people around who don't talk. Who talk too much. Who talk a whole lot but not very well. Who say the same word over and over. I'm not judging anyone. My ego isn't blown up like that.“
„Will I meet them?“
„Eventually I suppose. But you're mentally ill so you live in a different section of the grounds. You'll meet them at work then. I also drive people like you around. Plenty.“
Vash can't imagine people like this. Luckily soon he wont have to use his imagination anymore but will experience it in real life.
They are back in a residential area. Small apartments and houses everywhere.
„We're there in a second. Look here's the convenience store. You wont have to walk far to get there. Just down this road. There's a bus stop. That line will take you directly to the old town, where we started out. Maybe not the most exciting part of the city but there are many nice small shops and cafés. And the biggest cinema in the city is there as well, in case you like movies. I think your group will go there from time to time.“
They make another right turn and Vash recognises this street from the photos.
They have indeed arrived.
Marcel parks under a tree in front of a wide two story tall red brick building.
There is a dark-skinned woman with glasses and long black hair waiting outside.
Vash and Marcel get out the van and Marcel shakes the woman's hand.
„Morning Nancy.“
„Good morning Marcel. I see you brought our new resident?“
„Yeah, that's Vash. Vash, that's Nancy.“ Nancy walks towards Vash and eagerly shakes his hand as well.
„Hi, I'm Nancy. I'm the leader of the group you will live in. Everyone will be so happy to meet you. Two weeks ago half of the group moved out into a different dorm and since then it has been way too quiet. Let me help you with your bags.“
The bags, that Marcel unloaded in the meantime.
He nods at Nancy.
„Well then. You got everything under control here. I'll go then and pick up the daycare patients.“
Nancy turns to Vash and basically beams at him.
„Let's take your bags inside first so I can show you your room and then we have to return to this building for a bit to do all the administrative stuff. Do you have any issues with walking?“ „Nah, just my left arm that's not doing so hot.“
„Great! I mean, that you can walk. Not that you lost your arm. Cuz we will have to walk a bit to your dorm. It's further down the road and then we turn left.“
They pass two other buildings, one to the left and one to the right.
The one on the left looks a bit like a school but smaller than what Vash had seen previously. But it has a schoolyard and a small playground and all.
The building to the right looks rather plain with chipped beige walls and a flat roof. The windows are just a tad bigger than the air conditioning unit on the wall.
„Villa Marigold“ says a blue sign outside.
„That doesn't look like a Villa...“ Vash mumbles and Nancy starts laughing.
„Well, we can't exactly call it Hut either, right? It will get renovated soon though.“
Hopefully it will get some bigger windows then. And a new coat of paint.
Another similar building is standing next to the „Villa“ but this one Does have a more colourful appearance. Its painted in a light blue colour and someone drew a flock of doves over the entrance.
They make a left turn just when Vash has spotted something looking suspiciously like a greenhouse far down the street.
„Wait! Is that a greenhouse?“
He points at it.
„Oh? Yeah it is. Good eye! We don't have time to go and look at it now but since you're gonna live here now you can go and look at it whenever you to from later on. You could also work there if you want. Do you like plants?“
Does he likes plants? „I... I have no idea. But I've never seen a greenhouse or.. many plants at all. So I'm just curious.“
„That's fine. Its good to be curious about things. Keeps your brain sharp.“
Sadly Vash feels his brain is as dull as a 6 hours math lesson.
Or the edge of a paper tissue. Depending on what meaning of „dull“ you have in mind.
The dorm they now enter is three stories tall and has a slightly sloped roof, unlike the majority of the other buildings which all have flat roofs.
It is painted slightly off-white and the paint looks new as well.
The stairway looks old and made of dark wood. Their steps echo slightly.
Nancy opens a yellow heavy-looking door.
„Fire-proof doors“ she explains „Your room will also have one. Almost all doors in the dorms are like this so get used to having to push a little harder.“
They are now standing in a large hallway with windows to the yard outside to the right light grey carpet and the walls are painted in a very light peach colour.
Paintings that look very much like the people living here painted them are everywhere on the walls.
Around the door that seems to be leading to the kitchen is a flower mural.
„Okay your room is number 105 so we go left.“
The room doors look like they are made of light wood but since they are supposedly fire-proof that can't be true.
They are probably painted to look like wood or something, Vash muses.
There's a little nook with armchairs and a very cozy-looking couch as well.
Vash hears two girls' voices from the staircase on the other end of the hallway, leading upstairs to the third floor.
„Have you seen Joe during assembly? He looked like he was about to fall asleep again.“
„Yeah I tried waking him up for breakfast earlier but he didn't wanted to open the door. I told him on Saturday not to drink so much when we went to club but of course he didn't listen.“
„Sounds like a killer hangover.“
„Totally. Anyway, we should hurry and get the kitchen cleaned up before someone complains again.“
They walk in the opposite direction as Nancy and Vash.
Nancy stops in front of room 105.
„Okay this is your room.“
She digs in her pocket and pulls out a small key which she then hands to Vash.
„And this is your key to the room. You will also later be given a key for the front door downstairs but our director hands those out, not us. Not every resident has one mind you. We got some troublemakers we can't just let come and go as they please. But don't worry about that.“
Vash opens the door.
He doesn't know what he expected his room to look like but certainly not like this.
Probably more like a hospital room?
This room is fairly large but mostly empty except for a desk with an office chair, an armchair made out of bast, a closet, a large mirror, a bed and a nighstand.
The floor is laminate made to look like wood in a similar shade as the door.
The curtains look rather heavy and have an old-fashioned plaid pattern on them.
The walls are white but not clinical-looking and overall the room is open and bright.
There's a door, probably leading to the bathroom.
Vash puts all of his bags down next to the bed and walks around the room once.
Yes, the door does indeed lead to a small-ish bathroom.
„I know this looks rather dull and empty. You can get your own furniture and rugs and put anything on the wall that you like but if it has to be hung on a nail then ask us first. Though I would advise you to wait a month or two with playing interior designer.
So we can determine how long you will be staying in this room. Would be annoying if you had to move just when you got cozy in here and then find out you can't fit all your furniture in the new room.“
Then they leave for the admin building.
But on the way down Nancy runs into a colleague who informs her that the person they want to talk to is actually right now in This building in the office section so they walk back up.
„Well I guess I show you the admin building at another time.“
They go back up the stairs but this time turn right in the hallway.
A guy with spiky red hair is mopping the staircase at the end.
In contrast to the one they just walked up this one is much newer and almost looks like its made of something like rubber?
Vash can't tell what material it is but it has some big anti-slip nubs on the steps.
Nancy taps the guy on the shoulder who takes his headphones off.
„Hey Paul, is Mr. Friesen in his office right now?“
„Uh... Yeah but he's in a meeting.“
The guy, Paul, nods at Vash.
„Are you new?“
„Yeah I just... I just moved in.“ „Cool, cool. Don't mind the ghost.“
Vash winces.
„A ghost??“
Paul shrugs.
„I dunno I haven't seen it either but a few guys upstairs say they have seen one here. Like, they wanted to talk to a counselor and it looked like someone was in the office cuz they saw a shadow in the glass but when they got closer it vanished. I think it's rubbish but figured I should warn you.“
Nancy chuckles.
„I don't believe it one bit. You know how they are upstairs. Sometimes they get bored and cook up some Scary Stories to tell the younger peeps.“
Seems like some really funny people are living here.
Maybe Vash wont stand out that much after all.
They continue walking.
„Okay if Mr. Friesen is not available right now then I will show you the rest of the dorm.“
The next hallway is overall darker than the one Vash's room is in. Obviously, because this one doesn't have any windows but doors to each side, most likely leading to the other people's rooms.
There's a ping pong table standing right in the middle of the hallway.
That seems a bit stupid and dangerous to Vash but also very funny.
One door is open and Vash can look right into someone's room.
To prevent the door from slamming shut a stool was put in front of it.
The person who probably belongs to this room is sitting in a beanbag in front of a TV and plays a video game.
Loud music is blasting out into the hallway.
„Are you just allowed to do that?“ Vash asks.
„Do what?“ „Play loud music with the door open.“ he clarifies.
„Sure. It's not like people are sleeping right now. At least, they shouldn't be. This is group 2. You are in group 1 and upstairs is group 3. This is a mixed use building so on the ground floor is the daycare. Daycare means they live off grounds and are brought here every morning and get picked up in the evening. The majority of them are seniors or people otherwise not able to work in the workshop. Usually we don't run into each other a lot.“
They walk past the kitchen.
„We cook our own lunch here. Each group has a kitchen and two people are doing the cooking together. They also plan the grocery shopping which we are doing.. actually right now. That's why no one's in there. Each Monday we take the big van and drive down to the store to get most of the things needed for the entire week. Sometimes we also do this on Fridays again cuz we also cook together on the weekends. At least when enough people stay here over the weekend. The majority of the time though almost everyone leaves to go to their parents or visit friends. You are also free to do that of course.“
There is yet another staircase at the end of this hallway that they take upstairs to look at group 3 as well.
Nothing much is different here except that they have a foosball table in the hallway. There is also a big room with huge windows and the wall to the hallway is glass as well.
Nancy explains that this is the assembly room but sometimes they also do other therapy things in there. Another room up here that the other groups don't have is the computer room. Everyone is free to use the computers if they don't have their own.
And back downstairs they go.
Mr. Friesen got done with his meeting in the meantime so now it's time for even more paperwork.
Meeting Mr. Friesen and getting all the paperwork done took an hour and now Vash's head is swimming.
He wishes he would get a break now but unfortunately the day is just beginning.
The weekly schedule he has in his hand says that before lunch he will meet his psychologist. After lunch his physical therapist. Later in the evening there's a nordic walking group but Vash has no idea what that is. There's a note telling him that's outside though.
He walks next to Nancy who is taking him back to his room.
„Saverem, huh? I was told you can't remember your family name. Did you remember or...?“ „Mom's family name. Well, not literally Mom but.. kind of... I don't know who my actual mom is.“
„Well, now it's also your name. So now you're her son for real.“
Her son for real...
He can't dwell on that because as they pass the kitchen someone from in there is shouting: „Hey! New guy! Come here for a bit!“
Nancy grabs Vash's arm and drags him into the kitchen.
„Well, well, well that's a great opportunity to meet the rest of the group! Hello everyone, this is Vash! Say Hi to Vash.“ „Hi Vash.“ the small group of four people parrots.
„Uh... hi...“
Four people, two girls and two guys are staring at him like he's an endangered animal.
„What happened to your arm???“ one of the girls suddenly yells. Shes short and round and has big glasses and pigtails and doesn't actually look to be much older than 18.
„Chelsea! You don't randomly ask people what happened to their arms!“ an equally short but very skinny boy says in a hushed but urgent tone. He looks just as young.
Vash lets out a weak unsure chuckle.
„Shark got me.“
„A what?“ Chelsea is still pointing at him „You're a liar! There are no sharks on No Man's Land!“
A tall man with nerdy glasses and very short dark hair speaks up.
„We usually call that one a Joke. Forgive her, she just says whatever is in her head. Which is a whole lot so you might want to invest in earplugs. I'm Steven, I'm the current group president. And those two are Melvin“ -the young guy with glasses who is still shushing Chelsea- „and Anna.“ He points at a girl who looks like the exact opposite of Chelsea.
Nancy nods at the group and seems very happy about the developments.
„I see you're talking to each other just fine. Maybe Vash can help you with the lunch prep? How is everything going anyways?“
„We are almost done cutting the vegetables and honestly there isn't much to do then. I'm gonna put the steaks in a pan in an hour or so, Melvin takes care of the rice. Yeah.. that's basically it.“ Steven answers.
„I uh... I have to go to my appointment soon..“ Vash reminds Nancy.
„Oh yeah I almost forgot about that. You do that. I see you all for lunch!“
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iaf · 2 years
CR: Campaign 1 Ep 2 "Into the Greyspine Mines"
Alright, I decided to compile all my thoughts of each episode into their own separate posts. This way I can quickly write down things, continue with the stream, and then come back to complete or correct anything when I have time. Okay, let's go!
- Hooray for closed captions!! I didn't notice/check if they where there for the first episode but I greatly appreciated them here. I'm watching at 1.25 speed while also drawing or doing chores so every now and then I don't quite catch what they say but the cc helped. Thank you to whoever took the time to do that <3
- Still no Pike. I shall patiently wait for her arrival.
- Scanlan reminding Hieris that he just killed after getting pat on the head. Haha it reminded me of that time Jake the dog said "I'm not cute, I'm hot." while getting belly rubs.
- Keyleth trying to impersonate a dwarf but then having bad Scottish accent.
Tiberus, trying his best: "uh...she had an accident on the way here."
- Vex helping Keyleth out the water :) It's a small gesture in the grand scheme of things but I just wanted to point it out.
- So many bad rolls this episode but I enjoy the chaos and distress.
- Vax saying "nobody touches my man-wife" after Scanlan gets attacked. Lovely.
- Oh no! Grog's unconscious :0
- Its really interesting to see how battle sequences play out. Like, the players looking at what they can and can't do, what they have to roll to succeed, moving across the map, etc.
- Also, I'm really liking Orion/Tiberius. Thought I should mention that :)
- Percy is fairly quiet but that could just be because I just finished watching tlovm and that arc was heavily focused on him. Or maybe I'm not paying enough attention.
Well, that concludes ep 2. Onto the next!
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binniesoob · 3 years
Lovely Writer ep.9
Okay so, I have things to say about Gene and Nubsib first time
I recommend you to not read this if you didn't see the episode, you might get the wrong idea about everything that happened: this is just my reflection on the dynamics!
Gene prospective:
Gene should have said Nubsib about the drink! Thank god it was a prank of Aye, but he didn't know that! Gene character is not the type to take advantage of others, he didn't go on to take advantage of Nubsib, instead he may have felt forced for real and surrendered because of the circumstances, not knowing how to handle the situation.
Nubsib prospective:
He didn't know about the drink so, after seeing what Gene had searched for on the computer, he just thought Gene was ready to sleep with him and got excited, chasing him around the room, joking, but not forcing himself on Gene when he told him to breathe slowly, obeying
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Gene prospective: thinking the drink is taking effect on nubsib
Nubsib prospective: thinking Gene is just scared for his first time, playing dumb, being excited
Then Gene decides to take charge of the situation...
Gene: being worried of Nubsib not being himself
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Nubsib: stops joking, makes sure Gene is not forcing himself
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And Gene tells him he's not and he confesses to him...
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It's true and obvious from previous episodes that Gene wants Nabsib, he loves him for real, but he is also scared of his feelings and the next steps, so, after reflecting on how this scene was handled, I worried about how much Gene might have actually been comfortable..
Also, here I got so confused...
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Nabsib?? what???? no!!!!!! if Gene really felt forced, after this obviously he just nods and go on! Where is my Nubsib personification of consent???
At this point we need to look at how things evolve
The morning after Gene is back being his fake sulky self and Nubsib takes care of him as always...
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On set Aey reveals that the viagra on the drink was a prank, Gene talks to Nubsib to confirm it
And then they are at home together and Gene is very comfortable with Nubsib, and i'm so relieved about it 🥺
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To conclude...
Has Lovely Writer handled their relationship better that so many dramas? Definitely, yes, and it's refreshing, but this happened too and I needed to point it out as much as everything else!
Anyway I love them and I'm really enjoying the series, can't wait to watch ep.10 this evening :)
If you read all of this thank you, here's your medal 🤲🏅
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