#and i cant even say that computers should be smart enough to understand what im wanting them to do by now
gh-woah-st-v1 · 2 years
girl why does coding have to make absolutely no fucking sense
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dballzposting · 2 years
OK BUT that one thing you mentioned about trunks being better with stuff he can see? so fucking real, for every trunks ever, except GT trunks who is ok at coding because its required of him but also his shit lowkey is spaghetti... and Xeno trunks totally just forgot everything but the basics of coding with all the time shit, i havent read the super manga yet but hc that Bulma's Big Brain was just split between him and bulla, that girl cant fix a car for shit but she has access to nuclear launch codes<3 anyway i think itd be funny if goten had no idea about this and just called trunks to fix his stuff all the time and trunks is like sure whatever until once day goten asks for something that is too on the side of software and trunks pulls up with bulla and lets her fix it (only a grown ass man version of trunks would be capable of this btw, he doesnt have the.. the balls to admit to his mistakes as a teenager or young adult, he has to be a grown ass man, like GT trunks who was like 23.. wasnt he..)
sorry btw im projecting cause i cant code for shit and i am indeed mad about it
GT Trunks was able to code in a virus on that mechanism that was housing Baby and I thought at the time that it was unexpectedly hot of him BUT now I'm seeing that .. That's the one thing he knew how to do. He knew how to input a virus. Of course he knows how to do that. He wanted to know it becasue he thought it was funny. He was probably delighted that it even fucking worked and that his methods were compatible.
Before he was old enough to be confident in his inability he would just fix it Anyway. And ruin it a bit.
Goten would be like "Hey the video game you bought me stopped working, can you come fix it?"
And sometimes it's something fixable like, Goten wasnt plugging it in right. Other times it's an issue with the wiring in Chichis house. One time it was just a glitch.
And Trunks sees that it's a glitch and he's still young enough to think that he has potential and hes interested in looking into it, so hes like, "yeah man no problem. I can get that working for you."
And Goten is like "awesome man you're so smart and cool and skilled and amazing" and he kisses him on the nose and Trunks is like "yeah I am."
And then he spends 72 hours drilling away at this impossible project, learning on the job, making things worse, etc.
And he gives the game back with the original problem being solved, but now theres just a lot of weirdness otherwise about it.
Goten thinks it's cool becasue it's still playable mostly, it just has some quirks, he's tickled that his copy is unique.
And like sometimes Gohan will ask Trunks for help if Videl cant fix his computer, which of course means it's more than a basic issue, and Trunks knows just enough to barely skirt by every time, but hes watching himself click on things and he knows that he doesnt know what hes doing and hes hearing himself say things and he knows that hes just parroting some script hes picked up from his mother.
Every time he holds his cool but he starts sweating because he knows hes so close to Not Being Able To Fix It.
And by the end it's always something that he should have known about, but he just exhausts every avenue before he gets there. So it looks like hes a wizard putting in the hours but REALLY it takes him two hours just to narrow down what it's Not.
Yeah but he gets older and his sister gets older and she exhibits potential with that stuff and hes like Oh Thank God and he relaxes and stops trying to know that stuff because he doesnt have to anymore.
And Bura (I'm spelling it like that now) knows how to drive a car at age 9 becasue of course she does, but she just thinks that they're boring otherwise. Like Who Cares about sticking pipes and things together.
She single handedly brings on the movement of electrical cars with motherboards that we see today when she becomes President of Capsule Corp. Becasue it's all she fucking understands
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shoezuki · 4 years
Tommy's prison/revival arc isnt well written actually
Anyways ive been wanting to talk on it a while for a bit here but havent had the Time or like. The thought to. But im gonna go off now.
First off im gonna say im ASSUMING this stream and plot of tommy being in the prison with dream is written entirely by tommy and dream. Wilbur May be involved in the latest stream but im not sure.
Bringing tommy back to life after only three days of him being dead did practically nothing to progress plot, the characters, or audience's understanding. In fact i feel that it damaged Other characters' potential and plot and already established plotlines.
The 'development' aspect
A really, really easy way to see if anything has changed or developed through an arc or plotline is to straightup just compare the 'beginning' to the 'end' in terms of the barebones situation. So;
Beginning: tommy is trapped in an isolated prison cell with dream, his own abuser who has hurt him in the past, for an unknown amount of time. He's terrified of dream and being stuck there with him.
End: tommy is trapped in an isolated prison cell with dream after being killed then revived by him, his own abuser whos hurt him in the past, for an unknown amount of time. Hes terrified of dream and being stuck there with him.
Okay. This is simplified obvious. But the point stands. ALTHOUGH the troupe of 'going back to the beginning' is common in the heroes journey its. It doesnt work here. Has tommy learned anything? Has he changed as a character? Is the severity of their situation any different? Have we, as the audience, learned anything new?
Im going to expand on that last point because i think it has the strongest potential argument. Technically for progression in literature and development of plot/characters, things can Change without them being Aware as characters. It can change just by the audience's perception changing or being challenge.
Slight example: i've been reading a webcomic called Your Throne. Its a fantasy/political drama about a noble lady who entered a competition with another noble lady to become the empress. The main lady lost despite her being a better fit, and the comic starts with the main lady trying to assassinate the empress. Its assumed and stated by the main lady that she 'ruined her life' and so thats all the readers know. However, later in the novel we see flashbacks to the competition itself and find that the two ladies were extremely close friends, neither wanting anything bad for the other, but it was the emperor himself who manipulated both of them for his own agenda. Those flashbacks gave us an entirely different idea of who the real antagonist is and completely changed the two main ladies' relationship. THAT is how the audience's understanding of the plot and novel can be used to change the entire story. We dont get such here though
Some things that were brought to light during tommy being dead/revived:
Dream is capable of reviving people infinitely
This was already implicated and assumed. The book dream has being a means of reviving people has been around Technically since schlatt's death. This just 'confirmed' what was known
Time works differently/feels longer in the afterlife
This doesnt really impact much beyond emotions and implications. If we had more insight into what the 'afterlife' is like beyond nothingness perhaps so. But really it just makes it so wilbur being dead for what feels like 9 years and tommy having been dead for 2 months appeal to emotions.
Wilbur is evil
This one fuckin sucks i cant lie HSKSHSISSGEGDV. Like i was gon go on bout it and i will but it jus sucks. We have nothing to go on besides tommy's word, no examlles of what Horrible things wilbur said could make tommy assume this, etcetc. Ill most likely make a seperate post on how this feels like we're just going to get 'wilbur is a horrible villain' type with him. But still. I feel wilbur Not Being Good isnt a new development.
Dream is going to revive wilbur
This doesnt feel new either, part because phil had wanted to revive wilbur before (ill get to that more later) and that tommy had kept dream alive/initially imprisoned him with the idea of him reviving wilbur.
Dream believes wilbur will break him out of prison
Okau this makes no sense to me actually. I cwnt understand How exactly wilbur would be able to do this? Or why dream believes he even Could? Mans been dead for like 9 years and all we Know of the afterlife is that its black... nothingness. How would 9 years of that make wilbur capable of busting the prison open?
So. Yeah. All in all this plotline hasnt done anything new, developed things, or altered people's perceptions. We just ended up back at square one. Back to tommy being traumatized, dream being 'evil' and horrible and doing villain monologues, and them being stuck together.
Other characters and plotlines
Im pretty damn sure tommy's revival fucked up a LOT of other characters' plotlines and potential development. Honestly i feel this has a lot to do with the writers not communicating with other ccs well enough. But Ill talk about specific characters from least to most fucked over in my opinion:
He's the best off. He hqd been there during tommy's death, had been close to tommy, had majorly blamed himself and his own mistakes for tommy's death. His grief and self hatred was actually really heartbreaking and well done. The attached character of Sam Nook being unaware of tommy's death and simply waiting for tommy to return was a really good parallel to sam's own grief and anger. like it really snapped sam the guy who cares for tommy and wants to do Right by him back together with him as the Warden of the prison. Mixed personal life with 'just business'.
I feel it wouldve been nice to have him like. Have more time to grieve properly and come to terms eith tommy's death and his own involvement/influence over the events. Him finding tommy alive again Could be a means of him like. Facing his own grief head on if done well.
Mostly in the context of him and sam's argument do i feel it got screwed over. The weight of them yelling at each other and trying to find who to blame and the implications that Maybe ranboo was the one who caused the security breach that closed down the prison on tommy just.... doesnt hit so hard anymore. Because how can there be blame and arguments and a 'who done it' mystery when tommy popped up all fine again?
I dony know much of her involvement or how she found out tommy died (besides metagaming shhhhh) but i saw her monologuing of how they 'failed' tommy and like. Her whole 'he was so young we the Adults failed him' spiel is like........... inconsequential? Now??? Like no dont worry he died but hes alright now.
BET YOU DIDNY EXPECT TO SEE THIS FUCKER!!!!!! But actually though i want to talk bout how this ties into phil. A LOT. for Zalbr ❤. But also because i see ppl tying phil to tommy's death n like nah shutup u doin it wrong. Ill go off more in a Wilbur Post. But essentially: i dont like that dream is now going to revive wilbur. I feel they arent going to tie philza into this Despite phil having originally been trying to revive his son and studying on it and Attempting and Failing. But now suddenly dream can just. Say some magic words and Poof wilbur lives? So we're just going to Kill philza's revival attempts plotline and leave that hanging? This made his efforts seem pointless and Wack like oh why didnt you just Say The Magic Words phil????
I feel really bad for niki. She hasnt been able to do a lore stream during tommy's 'death' (she tweeted she wanted to but her computer wasnt working) and considering her entire character.... that shit is important. We seen it with Jack Manifold how tommy's death impacted Him considering he literally wanted tommy dead. And since niki is in a similar boat to jack of trying to kill tommy and it being her Only goal...... thats extremely important.
BUT. i feel there wasnt any communication. Did she or anyone even know tommy would be revived? Did no one consider they could At Least let her do a single stream on it? Like jack manifold????
We couldve gotten a Really good niki lore stream. I genuinely was so excited for it and i dont regularly watch her. But we seen it with jack manifold which is why i dont feel he got screwed because mans genuinely did So Good he could pop off with anything n i think it works in His favour. But now........ for niki. Canonically she never even knew tommy was Dead. So its like nothing even happened for her. Is she just supposed to continue on trying to kill tommy with no progression?
What i think would work
This is more me being like 'hey @ the dsmp writers let me in' type speculation sbosegussgs. But i was thinkin on a Really easy way to 'fix' this without rewriting lore and the streams.
Dream should kill tommy again now that he's been revived and Leave Him Dead.
More development for the characters who are affected by his death Especially niki. More time for grief and self reflection and development
A chance for the audience to figure out what the 'afterlife' really is.
Dream is supposed to be smart and a master manipulator or something right? Why doesnt he use being able to revive tommy as a bargaining chip with sam for his own freedom?
The audience would now Know dream's intentions with tommy better, that this death isnt 'final', but we could still see other characters' grief and reactions and coping without it feeling cheap. Ive seen some 'but people dont know tommy is alive so hes still dead in their mind' but that sucks imo.
We'd know more on dream's ability to revive people and that he can just Do It on a whim (which i think sucks but hey im trying) but no one else would know this canonically
Okay. Im done. If you read this. Thankyou. I love you. Hmu.
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freeshavacado · 4 years
My thoughts while reading Gone by Michael Grant:
* wait how old is Sam
* He do be liking Astrid doe
* Damn so Sam is a Leader
* Ew Orc is an 8th grader? 🤮
* Ok I googled it Sam is 14
* I like Quinn
* Sam thinks he’s so awkward but he’s actually really chill so far
* Poor Mary :(
* Howard’s a bitch
* Cut to Quinn being a racist motherfucker
* I love Edilio
* Sam is WHIPPED for Astrid
* Orc is such a piece of shiiiiiit
* Poor thing is in so much pain
* Patrick her dog is alive so that’s good
* She’s deadass slowly dying
* Thank god her arm is better
* I want to make this into a TV series
* If Sam and Astrid don’t kiss at some point I swear
* Hahahaha Sam do be shirtless rn
* Why isn’t Astrid happy to see Little Pete???
* Aw Mary has had bulimia since she was ten :(
* Ok so what she just took her Prozac and then threw up? Wouldn’t the pill go up too? I think your stomach/body needs like 30 minutes to absorb it into the blood stream...
* Bruh my ass would be so exhausted
* Quinn low key an ass tho
* Lol edilio isn’t standing for this bullshit
* Lmaooo Astrid knew 💀
* Omg little Pete has it too
* Wow Quinn is an asshole pt 2
* I feel like Caine is gonna be a villain...like he’s pretty AND nice? Nah bro too good to be true
* Fucking Orc god 😒😒😒
* Caine is up to some shit 🤨
* Lmao hold up
* Diana probably whipped tho
* Sam please only be a simp for Astrid 😩
* I bet Drake is hot
* Aww computer Jack :) DONT YOU TURN ON ME SON
* “The captain is already maintaining” Bullshit 💀
* Are they really gonna call this eighth grader ‘Captain’?
* Lol making Sam the fire chief because he was brave enough to go into a fire one time, so therefore he is the most qualified
* Bruh that’s like if I gave a kid the Heimlich maneuver bc he was choking on a gummy worm or some shit and they were like “Well because she did that, she should be the head doctor!!!”
* I already know that Diana is gonna try and seduce Sam while she’s actually a spy for the private school kids
* Which, btw, of course it’s the private school kids smh
* I feel like maybe Computer Jack will be someone who eventually switches to the Good Side
* ALSO wow jack really be thinking that he’s smarter than Astrid smh 🙄
* Jack is such a smartsass
* Diana is such a fucking bitch oh my god 😒😒😒
* “You don’t look tough, Astrid” STFU SHES THE TOUGHEST OF THEM ALL
* Ok but I bet Diana and Astrid low key have sexual tension. Like obviously nothing’s gonna happen...but still
* Bruh I hate Caine
* Fuckin Diana with her ‘readings’ bullshit smh
* YESSSS LANA 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 so strong
* Literally how do they not know how to make pasta
* “I thought your people ate tortillas,” QUINN YOU RACIST PEICE OF SHIT UGH
* Poor Bette :(
* Orc is a piece of shit, I know we’ve already established this but I wanted to say it again
* I love Edilio so much
* Orc really using a slur against Edilio huh. Imma kill him
* Drake is such a bastard oh my god
* If you hate Quinn and you know it clap your hands 👏🏻👏🏻
* No seriously. I fucking hate him.
* Nooooo Bette died :((
* “I can’t kiss you with your little brother watching” AHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!
* Did they kiss or not wtf
* What the hell is up with this cat
* Ah so they did kiss!!
* Why didn’t I get details 🤨
* No a baby died 😞
* Quinn s u c k s
* How convenient that Sam got there *right* before Emma disappeared
* Those last 6 minutes before Anna disappeared too and was calling out to her sister, and so for what she thought was her last few minutes on earth she held sams hand :(
* Lol Diana sucks
* ‘WoRDs DONT sCArE mE’ shut up Drake
* Okay Computer Jack is definitely going to betray them because they underestimate him and take him for granted
* You’re telling me Caine and Sam could be TWINS???
* Why was the kiss ‘a mistake’ ?
* Okay NOW they’re awkward
* “But it was the first time I meant it” I CANT. ITS SO CHEESY
* These kids are crazy violent
* Fuck Diana
* Yikes now Sam only has some of his eyebrows left 😬
* Caine is in love with Diana 👀
* Little Pete might be more powerful than Caine 😛
* Diana: I really dislike you Astrid: of course you dislike me, I make you feel inferior
* Mmmm Quinn is trying to redeem himself
* “Don’t call me brah. I’m not your brother” OHHHHHHHHHHH HE REALLY WENT THERE
* that’s what you get for being a backstabbing asshole
* Poor Astrid :(
* Poor Little Pete :(
* Bro I need this to be a movie
* I love that Sam just punched Quinn like we had no choice but to stan
* Ok drake would definitely shoot up a school
* Fuck Drake
* Lana is so strong. Like she’s been in so much pain physically and mentally, and she almost died. But she saved herself and now even though she thinks she might be the only person left alive on earth, she is still keeping strong.
* What happens if the boat runs out of gas?
* Bruh these coyotes don’t give up
* “Go out” “You’ll kill me,” “Yes. Go out, die fast. Stay, die slow”
* Wowwwwwwwwwww^
* Lmaooo “L.P.”
* Awwww Sam: “...she was still so beautiful that sometimes he had to look away.”
* Okay he a lil’ horny
* Awe Astrid and Sam hugging I’m soft 🥺
* I’m so sick of these damn coyotes
* Bruh these coyotes 😒
* Diana is annoying
* Literally can’t remember who Andrew is, but they’re about to film his passing away like wtf
* Poor Andrew :(
* “You’re a deep sleeper, Jack. Just now, while you were sleeping? I held your pudgy little hand. Probably as close as you’ll ever get to holding hands with a girl. Assuming you even like girls.” FUCK YOU DIANA
* Okay so Diana will protect Jack as long as he ‘belongs’ to her and does what ever she wants? That’s pretty sus
* Sam and Astrid kissed again 😖☺️
* Lmaooo Albert over here running McDonald’s
* Salads disappeared quickly from the McDonald’s menu since this whole thing? Who the hell orders a salad from McDonald’s?
* So Albert kinda whipped for Mary 👀
* I haaaaatttteeee the private school kids
* Y’know what depending on where I was and who I was with in this situation, I might’ve just killed myself
* “Remember who owns you” ew 🤨
* Diana. I hate you
* Bro I feel bad for Andrew
* How is Lana back at the cabin?
* That IS Lana right??
* Okay things are moving fast between Sam and Astrid. Like she’s already saying “I just want you here with me. Safe” like 🤢
* Lana, about Sam: your boyfriend? Astrid: ThAts nOt WhAt iTs AbouT
* Lol Lana be out here like “yeah shits crazy. Get with the program”
* Ew they’re eating pudding with their hands 🤮
* I don’t care how hungry you are, that’s gross
* Like get a spoon or something
* Lana just called Astrid “smart girl Barbie” 🤨
* Part of me is like “lol” but the other part of me is like “bruh stop Astrid did nothing wrong”
* I still hate Quinn but he is kind of funny
* Lana calling Astrid “the blonde” like girl 😑
* Bruh you’re stuck in a house that is literally on fire and getting hotter by the second as it fills with smoke, now is not the time to be kissing Astrid
* Finally the damn coyotes are gone.
* Sam is so angry and he’s disgusted with himself for being so angry, I relate
* Fuck you, Quinn
* Fuck drake
* I would gladly kill Drake
* omg I love it 😩
* Lmaooooo Sams speech wow
* Sam you should NOT forgive Quinn. Especially not that fast. Yikes.
* Orc should feel bad for killing Bette. I have no pity for him rn
* Yes please kill drake.
* I am so happy that his arm is on fire. 100% he deserves to feel that pain
* Aww that’s kinda nice that Albert is planning thanksgiving dinner for everyone
* I hate drake so much like dude just shut up and leave everyone alone
* Orc oh my god I could not be rolling my eyes harder right now
* Tbh if Orc and his other friends die, I’m okay with that
* What tf is up with this DVD
* Little Pete caused all of this??? 😦
* I’m sooooo sick of this whole darkness and coyote stuff istg
* Where is Patrick?????
* If Patrick is dead imma throw hands
* Diana is such an evil person. Like Drake is a monster, but she’s horrible in a different way.
* Also ughhhhhhhhhh Drake is back 😒😒😒😒😒 so sick of that mf
* “So. When do we go take down Sam Temple?” 🙄🙄🙄 no one likes you Drake
* IM. S O F T
* (like my brain is still saying “y’all have talked for less than two weeks and you’re 14”)
* But like whatever 😭❤️
* My eyes just rolled into the back of my skull once Diana appeared
* Taylor low key flirting with Sam tho 👀
* When I first met Dekka, I was all: ‘what the hecka?’
* I’m crying because Quinn couldn’t kill Drake because he was scared, and now children are screaming. Ugh I really wanted him to kill Drake but I understand that killing someone is a crazy thing to have on your conscience
* Call me cold hearted, but I would’ve shot him
* This is all in theory of course ^ I bet if I was in that situation though it wouldn’t be as easy as “just shoot him”
* I don’t think I’ve ever been more annoyed with a fictional character than I am with Drake rn
* Yooo I bet Isabella has some animal powers or sumn
* Caine 🙄🙄🙄 like that emoji doesn’t even come close to describing how annoyed I am
* Wait so is Patrick back now or...?
* Caine really just. Kissed Diana. Because she “owed him”????
* I literally hate sooooooooo many characters in this book ugh 😒😒😒
* Quinn is watching Drake kill Sam and is doing nothing. I’m so done with this piece of shit
* Ok finally he tried to shoot him
* “You know it always gets me hot when you say ‘apt analogy.’” “Why do you think I do it?”
* Y’all 🥴🥴🥴
* Literally? Imagine being this heartless. Giving up hundreds of kids to coyotes without hesitation. The hate I have for Caine is real
* Once again, Orc feeling bad for what he did to Bette. And honestly? I’m still okay with that
* This kid is an a l c o h o l i c
* Computer Jack is so annoying like dude stop holding on to Sams leg. Literally
* Still hate Diana, but I like that she’s helping out Sam a little bit
* Ew Diana just kissed Sam on the corner of his mouth 🤢
* Yay Patrick is alive :)
* “I guess we won,” Sam said. “Yeah,” Edilio agreed. “I’ll get the backhoe. Got a lot of holes to dig.”
* ^im. Depressed
* I cannot for the life of me remember who Cookie is
* “Orc sat with Howard in a corner by themselves. Orc had fought Drake to a standstill. But no one-least of all Orc-had forgotten Bette.”
* ^good.
* Y’all Sam and Astrid flirting I- 🥴🥴
* We love to see it ^
* Awww “we’re going to the beach” y’all Astrid and Sam are so cute
* FUCK. Goddamn this cliffhanger 😡
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choisgirls · 7 years
hihi! would it be out of the question to ask for a smart but silly mc? like an mc that people think is dumb because they like to show more than their intelligence? i've been struggling with finding a balance between the two so people will think i'm smart as well as funny. someday i will be both in the eyes of many but for now one of your lovely imagines/headcanons would make me very happy. i really love your blog! keep up the great work and i hope you have an amazing day!!!
A/N: Aaa thank youlove ;u; im really glad you like the writing!!! sorry i end up talking so muchbecause im trash™ but still!! it means a lot~(also i struggle with this alot? Just be whatever you’d like to be love! doesnt matter what others think~ ithink you’re amazing~ ^^)
like there reallyshouldnt be a need to hide your intelligence level, sweetheart. Being smartisn’t something to be ashamed of ^^ and if people cant handle it then well fuckthem they arent worth your time
-Honestly you werepretty goofy, but he loved it!
-Always wants someoneto joke and play games with
-But one day he wasstressing over this big test he had and he just… couldn’t… understand themath problem??
-You walked in to himbanging his head against the coffee table- you had to throw your handunderneath him so he couldn’t do it anymore. He was gonna knock himself out ifhe kept doing that!
-When you asked himwhat’s wrong, he’s starting to slowly get harder and harder to understandbecause he’s about to cry- but you’ve got to calm him down and wait until hecan tell you clearly
-You sit him down andlook over the problem. Internally, he’s panicking because? Oh no? He can’tunderstand it, would looking at it upset you?
-When you wrote thesteps and answer down, he looked at the paper and had to blink a few times. Youdid it! You did it correctly, too…. how?
-Didn’t want to berude because you were amazing and smart in your own way! But? You just…answered this seamlessly, how?
-You explained to himthat you’ve actually got a pretty good grip on your math skills- you tend to bethe highest in any of your math classes and you’re always willing to help himfigure it out
-You could easily havea degree in mathematics and he can never look at you the same way again. His carefree,sometimes oblivious s/o is also really smart. How did he not see it before?!
-He’s smart but to adegree- definitely wouldn’t tell you with confidence that he was book smart
-Knows more streetknowledge, but he can hold his own in the schooling department
-Who is he kidding, hehas a dinosaur for a computer.
-So even if you werealoof, it wouldn’t bother him in the slightest~
-But one day, in thechatroom, Jaehee and Jumin had started to talk about business and profits
-Behind the screen, theboth of you were sitting together as he started to complain to you that he hadno idea what they were saying
-So you took time toexplain it all while he stares at you in disbelief
-When you start to getself-conscious of the fact he’s staring at you and saying nothing, he tries toassure you that it’s not a bad thing, he just didn’t know that side of you!
-Honestly I don’tthink it would change the way he thinks about you, he’s fine with both sides ofyou!
-If anything, he’shappy he has someone to explain a few things he may not get at first
-She likes the sillyside of you because she’s always so serious
-Or she at least justappears that way to people, in reality she’s silly just like you are
-Just…. more privateabout it than you are! You’re more open about being carefree and silly~
-Sometimes you remindher of Saeyoung which is okay but sometimes it gets out of hand and she worriesabout you
-Like… you can holdyour own, right? You aren’t… always oblivious, are you? Please tell heryou’re aware of your surroundings, at least
-She’s watched youwalk away from lunch and have to run right back because you forgot your walletthere. She’s counted- it’s been 13 times now
-But apparently you’rejust.. forgetful?
-Because she’s watchedyou spit out fraction conversions when the two of you are baking together
-You can mess around,get flour all over you, and turn red and giggle while she dusts off yourcheeks, but the second she asks you to double the amount of brown sugar, you’reimmediately throwing out the numbers
-Sometimes she throwsconversions at you when you’re being extremely goofy and she just wants to makesure you’ve still got it
-She likes both sidesof you, she doesn’t see why you tend to hide one but she won’t pressure you toshow one more than the other
-Constantly remindingyou to calm down
-There are times thatyou need to be serious and you just aren’t
-It doesn’t bother himor anything but sometimes he’s tired of hearing others get so worked up aboutit
-Because it’s none oftheir business? He loves how carefree and fun you can be
-It’s a nice change ofpace compared to how he’s basically a piece of stale bread most of the time
-He lets himself getsilly around you, though, because you’ve unlocked that privilege~
-When someone came upand had told him that you were practically as dense as concrete, he stood upand was ready to defend you in a heartbeat
-Except you just satback, looked them in the eyes, and with a vast vocabulary of high end and*ahem* choice words, you told them it was none of their business how youdecided to act and maybe they should take a breath and calm down themselves
-Which left both themand Jumin in shock, because you brought up their numbers and stock dropswithout even blinking an eye in their direction
-So you /could/ beserious when you wanted! That was good to know, maybe he should try to provokeyou every now and again, see how serious you really could be?
-Everyone thought hewas silly??? They didn’t know the /both/ of you
-Though everyone alsoknew how smart he was, you, on the other hand….
-He knew yourbackground and he knew what you’ve accomplished with your intelligence
-So he knew how smartyou could be, and he wasn’t positive why you decided to hide it
-One day, he’s tellingeveryone about this new program he was adding to the app, but was too excitedto explain it in words everyone could understand
-Taking the liberty totranslate, you not only explained it in simpler terms, you also kept spittingwords no one could understand while you asked for more details from Saeyoung
-And in all honesty,sometimes he has you type up some of his coding so he can take a break and eatmore chips
-When you /told/ himto rest but you know how he works, so he just sits and watches you
-Is always in awebecause you really don’t come off in this light- you just like to have fun andmess around
-But you know what hasto happen now right? Always place bets and play trivia games against everyoneelse, that’s what
-Yes, dear god, becarefree with him
-That’s one of hisfavourite personality traits- being silly and just running through life
-Doesn’t even care ifyou seem naive, he’s sure you’re smart in your own way
-Like maybe in a deep,philosophical way! He can dig it
-Honestly, he isn’tone to judge someone based off of intelligence so you could have the IQ of agoldfish but if you’re rich in personality and love then he’s completelysmitten
-On the other end ofthe rainbow, he’d be completely okay with it if you were smarter than him,again just…. doesn’t mind
-So if you’re thissilly and carefree and are /also/ super smart then just /WOW/ he doesn’t knowhow to really react
-He just wants you tofeel comfortable enough to be yourself, not to hide a whole half of yourself
-If you’re smart thenbe smart! If you’re goofy, be goofy! You’re both? Sweet! Show it! There’s noshame!
-He has questionsabout anything? Immediately asking you so you know that he cares about everyaspect of you, not just one
-God just fucking stop
-Honestly he canhandle a little bit
-But if you’re to theextreme of his brother he can’t always handle you and just wants you to hush
-Also really concernedfor you though? Like you aren’t aware of yourself or your surrounding a lot
-I mean come on hetalked you into going into someone’s apartment, you were not the most cautiousperson
-Not to mention youthought it would be a good idea to, oh I don’t know, go poking around in thebusiness of a cult
-Really he thought youwere an idiot but he still for some reason loved you so here you two are now
-Though the first timehe fell asleep at the computer around you and woke up to his code finished, hewas surprised
-Then he was…amixture of angry and surprised because why didn’t he know about your secretintelligence and why didn’t you tell him
-He could’ve used youas an assistant ages ago while he was in Mint Eye if he had known! But nnoooyou had to go and hide it
-Encourages you to letyour intelligence show more often because there isn’t a need to hide it in thefirst place, it doesn’t change who you are inside
417 notes · View notes
undinefin · 7 years
Love Post (fuck you guys)
ok! SO! since some people decided to show me up and do extra long paragraphs and make me a friggin playlist, obviously I had to do something too!!!  this is going to be a long post, so there is heavy scrolling involved. I'm sorry.
also, i'd like to apologize to the people that i wasn't able to write stories for, be it I haven't known you enough, or im just a horrible friend (im sorry ood i will write u all the sanic fanfic) im really really sorry!!! 
tbh you dont even have to read the stories if you dont want to??
PLEASE READ THIS: this is the authors note where i essentially justify the mess (or messes if you decide to read all of them) that you are about to lay ya eyes on. i wrote most of these in a non-lucid state, fuelled only by anger and lack of sleep. they aren't the most amazing things. akire, you have another note before yours bc reasons. also im on the computer there will be no emojis sorry im lazy
the story order goes!: Boo CP Fath Nom Kiki Akire ^^ roughly based on story length. 
first however, i'm gonna get other mutuals their love posts!!!
@fooderaser​ : Ch!! The gc misses you so much aahhh i haven't talked to you in so long :(((( i'm sorry i didn't write you a story, and honestly the whole "haven't talked to you enough" is a poor excuse but really, if and when you're available i'll write you all the stories!!! you are so kind, and whenever we are blessed by your presence in the gc it's so nice! you bring this energy in that's so refreshing, and i've seen that post!! You're so beautiful!! I hope to be able to talk to you more! <3 
@sambashua​: Mir, I haven't known you for a long time, but you seem really nice!! I'm glad i have another friend to yell about Haikyuu!! with. SEEAASON FOUR BETTER COME OUT AND WHEN IT DOES WE SHALL Y E L L. im also glad to be a fellow cheermander, and will continue to work on the fy-charmander blog! hope we can talk more!!
@coralinfluencershark​: AUD MY DOD WHO HAS A GREAT BOD (i just thought of that today are you proud) i love you sosososoossoososos much words cant even describe it. again, i'm sorry i didnt write you the sanic x peach x dobby fanfic that i know you are dying to read. YOU ARE SO SWEET AND NICE AND CARE ABOUT ISSUES AND ITS GREAT and you are a lil strange (please, if you have to, BUY a verbal filter) but you are very loved. i love spending time with you, and you never fail to make me laugh. you'RE SO COOL ADN YOU CAN SKATE and are so much smarter than you think you are. im excited for bnha season 3, so on that note, i leave you with this (i sent it to u but idk if u watched it)
@juliaplatinumerr: JU CHAAAAN !!! i love you a lot a lot we have known each other for so long and thANK YOU for still keeping in contact with me it's honestly so magical. IM SORRY I DIDNT WRITE YOU ANYTHING I HAVE NO GOOD EXCUSE i can only offer my presence (aka we should hang out sometime??) and i might go back to japan so if u want anything hmu!! really you're so nice, and reliable, and i love that i can still talk to you and help you!! really really, I love you a lot!!
alrighty now we can move onto the stories!!! i'm so sorry this is a mess. love you all. btw the love paragraphs are arguably gonna be shorter...maybe.
Truthfully, I had no idea where I was going with any of these, and the writing is mediocre at best (because I know I can do better but…haahhhh) so yeah. If anything think of them as like….random little scenarios that I wrote up in which I am not-so-discreetly complimenting y’all in about 1000-2000 words. I don’t think there’s any romance??? Like if there is its like pure n shit but im still not the most comfortable with writing self insert also age! Anyways, apologies in advance. I wasn’t lucid during the making of any of these.
paragraphs look so fugly in tumblr oml.
@caramelmacch1ato​: BOOOOOOO!!! I actually love you sosos much i cant even start to describe it. You're so sweet and so smart wtf please teach me. i love reading your goodnight posts that i think you've sent nearly every night??? thats impressive damn. YOU ARE IMPRESSIVE I AM IMPRESSED BY YOU. i hope you enjoy the story i have no idea whats happening. love youuu <333
Boo had been to tons of concerts before, she’d been lucky enough to even get Meet n’ Greet tickets for Day6, where she met her bias Jae. He was funny, and strange, but also beautiful and amazing. There were still so many groups she wanted to see live, like Seventeen and Astro, but when Day6 was hosting their second live in America, she was definitely going.
Getting tickets was always a hassle, and even if Day6 didn’t have 4 billion followers (though they deserved it) you had to be clicking ‘check out’ the second the tickets were released to get Fansign tickers. Though, Boo always managed to pull through.
Fast forward about three weeks and Boo was once again lining up with a large poster board outside of the Day6 concert venue. It was a little chilly, as they were performing in February, but it was a birthday gift for Boo, so the cold didn’t bother her too much.
The anticipation killed her, “I Wait,” yeah, she sure as hell did. It took another fifteen minutes for the venue to dim, and the five members of Day6 ran onstage. Screams filled the theatre, and they didn’t stop for the next two hours. Boo’s Korean had improved since the last concert, and during the times where they would MC, she was able to pick up some words. 
Her poster was a light-up one, with nine pictures of the Day6 members, and a neon title spelling out “According to this mood board, how are you feeling today?” During one of their songs, she could have sworn Jae pointed at it and laughed. 
Jae had easily captured her heart, and he played a large part as to why Day6 was her bias group. He was funny, attractive, and had a beautiful voice. The fact that he spoke English was also helpful, in that she could sometimes understand him (“sometimes” because let’s face it, half of what he said was meme garbage).
The boys were doing a game section, in which they had to name their songs by the intro music as fast as they could. Whoever got the most right would draw from a lottery, and the lucky person would come up on stage to receive a prize. YoungK was winning, with Jae at a close second. Dowoon was surprisingly third, and Wonpil and Sungjin were tied for last place.
Familiar music filled the room, and the fans were shouting out the answers arguably faster than any of the boys. Jae hit his buzzer. “그렇더라고요!” he shouted eagerly. With this he was tied with Younghyun. “Or, When You Love Someone,” he followed up, remembering that the audience was English.
“I LOVE YOU JAE,” Boo screamed, her voice was hoarse from the fanchants, and general shouting, but she wasn’t fazed. Some other fans in the audience added on, and Jae bore a proud look. YoungK rolled his eyes but laughed, and Dowoon mumbled something about how he should’ve guessed that, since those were his drums.
Boo, able to pick up his worry due to her knowledge and proximity to the stage followed up with a, “YOU’RE PERFECT DOWOON.” Dowoon perked up, and others also shouted words of encouragement to him, as well as the other members.
The concert slipped away all too soon, and many were upset that their time with Day6 was over. The Hi-touch ticket holders went to give the members a quick high-five before leaving, practically worshipping their hands.
Boo got in line for the Jae Meet n’ Greet, which was very long. She was one of the last people to join, and the other lines were beginning to fill up as well. Boo watched the other people meet the members, some cried, others laughed, and a few even gave them gifts! The MyDays were very respectful though, and Boo was proud to be a part of them.
The minutes ticked by, and her poster felt heavier by the second. Boo checked her makeup to ensure she didn’t look like a total wreck. Jumping up and down, and singing along to songs was a lot more work than it seemed. Her makeup looked clean though, and there was one zit that she couldn’t cover up, but she could hide it with her hair.
“Hi there!” Jae smiled. Boo smiled back shyly, as always, he was even more beautiful in person! His smile was radiant, and despite how tired he was from performing, his face still looked energetic, like a puppy. “I’m number eight by the way,” he mentioned.
“Number eight?” Boo repeated, confused. 
Jae pointed to her poster, “Yeah on your mood board! Feeling totally pumped today, I also look especially fabulous in that photo! But number two, Sungjin eating…. that’s a close one.”
Boo laughed, “I think I’m also eight. Seeing you guys really gets me excited, I love your music a lot.”
Jae grinned, “That’s good, but I’m the main reason, right? My looks are so attractive that it compelled you to buy a ticket! 
“Of course,” Boo agreed jokingly.
“That laugh…you’re the ‘Okie Dokie Artichokie’ girl, aren’t you? I say it all the time to piss off Brian, he says I say it stupidly.”
Jae remembered her laugh, Jae remembered her.
“That’s because you do!” YoungK hissed. The girl that was meeting with him laughed as well.
Jae pulled his face into a strange expression, with his eyes looking upwards and a frown upon his lips. “OkIE doKiE, ArticHOkie,” he jested. His voice sounded like Goofy from Mickey Mouse, and Jae couldn’t stop himself from laughing at the end. He added finger guns that pointed at Boo.
“I’m proud,” Boo wiped an invisible tear from her eye.
“You should be, how have I never known this before?” Jae agreed seriously.
“Such ignorance for a wonderful phrase, I’m glad I was at least able to teach it to you, even though it was late.”
“As your follower in the religion of mood boards, and random phrases, I appreciate the important lesson.” The two of them continued back and forth, as their scenario grew more and more outrageous. It was when aliens were brought into the conversation that the two broke out into laughter.
 “That was fun, you’re fun,” Jae exclaimed. “You’re funny too, and nice! An ideal Myday, but most importantly, you stan me! Which makes you the most ideal Kpop fan of all!”
“Well…you are my ultimate bias,” Boo admitted.
“ULTIMATE!?” Jae guffawed. He turned to Younghyun, “Hear that? I’m her ultimate bias.” Jae bore a proud look on his face. He turned back to Boo, “Well, I’m just so handsome and talented that it’d be hard not to have me as an ultimate bias! Though everyone is starting to appreciate the other members’ individual looks, which is nice. Your looks could rival even mine!”
Boo blushed at that. As much as Jae joked(?) about how godly his face was, no one could actually deny it. He was very attractive after all, and being compared to that by the man himself, Boo was half certain she was dreaming.
“Thank you, I tried hard for you tonight,” Boo smiled.
“Ah see, that’s a killer smile right there. The makings of an idol! All you have to do now is learn some Korean and it’ll be smooth sailing from there. With all your charisma and caring-ness, the companies will be fighting over you!” Jae gleamed at her.
Jae noticed the time was ticking by, and the other girls in line were still waiting. “Alright Ms. Artichokie, is there a better name I can call you?”
Jae grinned and held out his hand. “Alright Boo, I hope you come to lots of concerts, and if you DO sign under a label be sure to tell me,” he winked at her, “Till then, I’ll remember you, Boo.”
@howcaniwait: CP overlord, you are truly the glue that sticks this mess of a gc together. i love you so much its actually so overwhelming for ma lil heart. you are so sweet, and you have evolved so much!! to love kpop!!!!! you're so beautiful thoSE EYEBROWS MAN and you're so easy to talk to and get along with and wE LIKE P!ATD YAAY. really you're actually one of the smartest people i know and i know sometimes it gets overwhelming but you're so smart i know you are!! again, i hope the story does some justice??? its kinda lame but whATEVER
Five Minutes 
The chances that you’d meet someone famous were quite slim, and it seemed that if you were a fan of said celebrity, the chances would be even slimmer. Taken that CP didn’t live in a largely visited country for artists, to even perform in, her chances were slimmer.
But CP loved the artists that she did nonetheless. Maybe a year ago she was wary of them, and she even made fun of the people that liked them! But slowly, very slowly, she began to have a change of heart. Day6 was something different compared to the other ones she had heard of at the time. Their music was magic, and the people who made that music were beyond skilled. She fell in love with them fast, and the one who caught her eye was none other than Kang Younghyun.
He had remained her ultimate bias for a year of Kpop adventures, which involved spending a lot of time online staring at pretty boys singing, dancing, and talking. Despite all the amazing idols she had seen, nothing could top her love for YoungK of Day6.
“You hear that CP?” A hand waved in front of her face. Kiki and L were sitting in front of her, at a restaurant in Korea Town. “They don’t have any more Bibimbap,” Kiki recapped. After tons and tons of pestering from her friends, and saving up, as well as a generous Christmas gift, CP was able to meet her friends in the place where YoungK had studied, Toronto.
“Ah, then I’ll have the….” CP quickly looked at the menu, “Tteok-bokki.” It was the cheapest option.
The three had energetic conversations about Kpop stars, as all avid fans of the music. It ranged from trying to discern the song that was playing in the restaurant, to showing Kiki various images in hopes that her alter ego would come out.
“Stop!” Kiki whined, the last picture of Bambam was starting to push her off the edge.
L nodded, “Yeah, please stop we don’t need that in this nice restaurant.”
“I can’t help it! You guys are the ones showing me the images!” Kiki argued.
“In this Good Christian Restaurant?” CP ignored her friend. “Control yourself,” she gave Kiki a stern look, despite being the one showing her the images. Kiki mumbled something under her breath.
The food in the restaurant was good, and CP thought that the Tteok-bokki was actually pretty delicious. Half way through the meal L sighed loudly.
“The damn subways are closed, I have to take the bus home. I hate taking the bus,” she informed the others. Kiki laughed, she could walk home from their location. CP was getting picked up by her parents, so it wasn’t a big deal for her too. “I’m probably going to have to leave early.”
The plan was that they’d eat, then go to a Kpop store with a good stock of albums. After another fifteen minutes, L apologized before setting down some money for her portion of the meal and then leaving to catch the bus. 
“That sucks,” Kiki sighed. “We can still go though, that’s fine, right?” CP nodded. They finished paying and then left for the store. The remaining snow on the ground was mostly slush, and even though the sun was out, a chill still remained in the air. CP was glad she wore her boots.
The store clerks greeted them nicely, and Kiki showed her to the Day6 section of the store, before going to buy another album to add to her collection. With the remaining $25, CP decided to buy Daydream.
“Maybe I should buy a BTR album in Toronto too…” CP wondered aloud, purposely saying it so that Kiki could hear 
Kiki’s enraged expression was hardly fake, “Don’t you dare mention that name within my sanctuary of Kpop albums!”
CP laughed, “It was a joke, a joke.” Kiki grumbled, unconvinced. The two of them left the store, that they admittedly spent far too long in. Kiki managed to find a poster of an Astro member, and the searching alone took around ten minutes.
“You want me to wait with you?” Kiki asked.
“It’s fine, don’t worry,” she assured her friend. Kiki lingered for a bit, before the cold air started getting to her. She said her goodbye, and promised to meet again.
CP had around five minutes until her parents would pick her up, those five minutes would possibly be the most fantastical five minutes of her life thus far. It started with her taking out her new Day6 album, because damnit they didn’t put their music on any platforms. CP quickly cracked it open, curious to see her photo card. She wouldn’t risk opening it anymore, lest she drop it in the slush. A picture of Wonpil staring into the camera at the beach was inside. She took it out to admire the photo. Even if he wasn’t her bias, CP was a good Kpop stan who appreciated all the members.
CP looked up for the briefest moment. She noticed someone rather tall, asking various people for something. Though, through the bustle of the streets no one seemed to stop and reply to him. CP looked closer, there was something so painfully familiar about him, and maybe it was the shock, or the sunglasses, but CP couldn’t quite put her finger on it.
“Excuse me, miss?” the man had come up to her. He had a slight accent, but his words were still clear. 
“Oh! Yes?” CP responded, somewhat startled.
The man sighed, “Finally. Do you have any toonies, or tokens? The subway is closed down, and I need to take the bus. It’s been a while…I’m still not completely familiar with this section of Toronto. 
CP didn’t say anything, but rummaged through a bag she had brought. She was still racking her brain, trying to think of who it was. But…it couldn’t be him. There was no way, this would have to be some shitty story that was written to the ideals of mere humans.
She handed him a token that her mother had given her just in case. “Thank you, you’re very kind,” he smiled at her.
CP knew that smile, almost as much as she knew the music that it went with. “You…you’re YoungK, right?”
Younghyun hummed. Normally he’d deny it, not cause a fuss, because even if people didn’t know you, they’d still try to take pictures just so they could say ‘I met YoungK.’ But something felt different, maybe it was her kindness, or the Wonpil picture she held between her fingers, or just a feeling, but something was different.
“I am,” he smiled again. He saw her face light up. Contrasting to all the dreary slush, and grey air, her smile and eyes were shining brightly. Her eyes were soft, but still looking at him in awe, and her smile was beautiful, big, and loving. “Would you like a signature?” Younghyun offered.
CP opened her mouth, though nothing audible came out. Instead she nodded, and held out the new album. Her heart was beating faster than it ever had before. Thousands of thoughts, questions, and horrible conversation starters were floundering around her head, but none of them were spoken. 
“Thank you,” she finally said. “Thank you so much. You…your music, your voice, everything is so amazing! You know I wasn’t a huge fan of Kpop, but I listened to you guys, and it was like a whole new sky had opened up for me.” Her voice was filled with amazement, as if she was singing praises, she practically was. CP was thoroughly grateful.
YoungK handed back the album. “Thank you,” his voice was firm. “Thank you for supporting us. Day6 would be nothing without our fans. I would just be a guy with a nice voice. You’ve given us something amazing, more than any of us could comprehend.” His eyes focused on her. “I’m glad that our fans are kind ones like you, and I’m glad I was able to change your heart. Can I call you something?”
CP was still in shock that the Kang Younghyun was talking to her, was complimenting her! “Uh…I’m known as Charlie by my friends…” she mumbled.
“Okay, Charlie, maybe we’ll meet again. Thank you so much!” he began to back away.
CP quickly sprung to action. “Wait!” she called. “Could I…could I get a picture? Is that okay? 
YoungK laughed, “Sure. Really, you’re so considerate, even just asking for a picture.”
Five minutes. It had been five minutes, and her parents pulled up. CP was still going through the scenario in her head over and over again. She had met YoungK.
Just as Younghyun had met Charlie.
@lollipopp3725: FATTHHHH!!!!!! oh gods when you were added to the chat and i found out we couLD YELL ABOUT UTAITE AND HAIKYUU you saw me i was literally having a breakdown i was so happy. so thank you for putting up with all my rants about them! you're so sweet!! i loved the story you wrote, jesus that angst man. you're so nice, and so energetic aND YOUR PUNS ARE TOP QUALITY. good puns, you could call them...aJUN nice. i know you had like a few other people that you heavily biased but here's jun!
Fath was growing a little impatient.
Weeks ago, somehow, miraculously, she had been able to buy a Seventeen album from a store and her parents were not aware of exactly what she had purchased. Fath knew that Seventeen was in Singapore for a tour, but when she opened her album to find a ballot to the fansign, she almost had a heart attack.
Fath knew that having one ballot was nothing, and there was nearly no chance of her getting into the event, but she couldn’t risk buying the album again. Even so, Fath filled out the ballot, because “nearly no chance” was better than no chance at all. Despite that, she still had little faith in the ballot. People would buy ten albums, twenty, or even fifty just to get into the fansign. It was a groundless dream.
So, when Fath received the news that she was accepted into the fansign, she went into shock for a good few minutes before muffling her cries into a pillow. Fath’s heart wouldn’t calm down – she swore it was working harder than when she did physical activity – and she kicked at the air, trying to contain her excitement.
There was only one problem now. Her parents.
They weren’t fans of music to begin with, finding it distracting, especially what they classified as “teenager music.” Kpop was worse. They disregarded anything Kpop, and Fath had remained a closeted fan in the presence of her parents.
The most Fath could do was tell them she was going out with a friend, and hope they wouldn’t question her too much. If they asked why there was a strange bulk in her bag, maybe she could say it was a book and hope they weren’t suspicious. Fath thought herself an okay liar, so she could get by. The fansign shouldn’t take more than an hour after all.
Fath only got a few, “When will you be back” and “Tell us if anything changes” before getting the approval to go out. She texted a friend to tell them about the plan, just in case her parents asked about it later.
The location of the fansign was a little far out, but it would only be a half our train ride, then a short walk. There were only a few delays on the train, which in turn resulted in an extra ten minute ride, but Fath still had around fifteen minutes before the fansign started. The air was crisp, and the sky was especially clear. Fath quickened her pace.
The building was one of the smaller ones on the block, only going up to about three stories high. The e-mail said to go downstairs, and the staff members would help guide you to the fansign location.
Fath luckily only took one wrong turn, and was quickly redirected into the proper room. About a hundred other girls were there, all bustling with excitement. It was loud, and everyone seemed to be talking to everyone. Before Fath could join into any conversation of “who’s your bias,” or “which album do you like best,” a middle-aged man stood at the front to gather everyone’s attention.
“Alright everyone, please listen carefully,” the feedback from the microphone whined, sending out a sound a little too high for humans to comprehend, but low enough just to pierce their eardrums. The man apologized, and proceeded to explain how the fansign would work.
Essentially, after Seventeen answered questions from the post-it notes, everyone would line up under who they had slotted, and they’d have a short time to chat, only about a minute. The members would sign a poster, and you could give gifts. The fansign wasn’t too strict, despite the band being Seventeen.
And that brought Fath to the present, where she was getting impatient. She had the Jun fansign slot, and was currently waiting in line to meet him. She was fine with that; the waiting was fine. What was annoying her was that she had been waiting for nearly forty minutes, and Fath was finally at the front of the line, but the girl in front of her was taking a long time. They were only supposed to have a minute when the fansign part started, but Fath was certain this girl had been clinging to Jun for nearly two minutes now. She was the last person in line, and a lot of the other lines were almost done too.
There was a sudden cry. Fath turned to see a burst of water sailing through the air. A pipe had sprung loose in the building, and the girls near it, as well as Dino were getting sprayed with water.
Chaos ensued. The water was getting more intense, as other breaks in the pipes were slowly forming. Both the fans, staff members, and Seventeen hastily ran away from the scene. After a few moments of ensuring no one was hurt, the middle-aged man stood up again.
“The fansign is now closed. We’re sorry for the inconvenience, but this is both the allocated time of closing, and considering the problem, we have to close it down anyways. If you were unable to receive the posters, please pick them up at the front,” he announced.
Most of the girls didn’t mind, they had already met with one of the members. Fath however, did mind. She didn’t care about the posters (well she did but not as much as) she cared about meeting Jun. In the crowd, she couldn’t even see him. Like the other members, he was probably already being escorted away.
Fath felt like screaming, or crying. Either were fine. She thought that maybe, just maybe she’d be able to meet her bias. She’d be able to talk to them. But it was ruined because what? A broken pipe and some insensitive girl who took too long. It was unfair. Fath was the last girl in line to talk to Jun. It was frustrating if anything, but a small part of her said “What do you expect?” All that risk with her parents for nothing.
Most of the girls had already left the room, trying to avoid the growing puddle of water. Fath followed, trudging along, when someone tapped her shoulder.
Truthfully, Fath wasn’t in the mood to talk to someone. She wanted to grab her poster and go, but the voice that spoke certainly wasn’t a fan.
“You are…l…last?” 
The voice was too deep to be a girl’s, and the accent and broken English was all Fath needed to turn around to see who was talking to her.
It was Jun. He turned around to face Vernon, who mouthed him something else. “I am…sorry,” he said robotically. Fath felt like crying again, but for another reason. Jun was talking to her, Jun wanted to speak to her.
“Thank you,” she breathed.
Jun smiled at the recognizable words, “You’re welcome.” He stared a while, seeming to be thinking before opening his mouth again. “You like…something? Hand?” Jun held out his hand low enough to be a handshake, but high enough to go for a high five.
Fath noticed the other members walking out another exit. “Thank you so much! You probably have to go but…can I have a hug?”
Fath felt awkward, he wasn’t too clear on what a hug was. “You…you know…arms around each other,” she lifted her arms as if pretending to go into the hug. Jun nodded and made a sound before raising his arm and hugging Fath.
It was a good hug. Jun was warm, which made Fath feel warm, and protected too. Jun lingred in the position, staying as they were for just a bit longer. Fath lightly rested her head against him, mumbling another thank you. The idol looked at her and smiled. His smile was cute, beautiful. Fath could’ve melted right then and there.
Jun pulled away, giving Fath one last smile before leaving. Maybe she didn’t officially have her fansign, but who cares because she just got to hug Jun.
@achuu-nice: nomiTH NOM NOOMMOFSNDK! i love you. you are the bestest mom i could think of anD YOU ARE SO SO SWEET!!! MUCH CARE!!! thank you for also suffering through the haikyuu angst fic, come to me and yell when you are done. no but seriously you are so nice and kind and even though i am the hype woman u give me lots of hype. so nice. I HOPE YOU ENJOY JEONGHAN. i loveeee you!!!
I’m sorry, this got out of hand
~A magical world in which nom and hannie can understand each other~
Nom was always the mother of the group. She was responsible, and always cared for her friends, regardless of whether they were actually younger than her or not. It fit, Nom the mom, Mom, and she truly loved all those dubbed as her children. But other than her name, what was it exactly that attracted people to her mom-ness? As well, would Nom ever know how it feels to be mommed? Truly, such questions were ones that could hardly ever be answered.
It was one fateful day, Nom was innocently listening to Teen, Age as she walked to buy more bird feed. Flower was booming in her earbuds, and when Jeonghan’s voice came on at exactly 2:42, she completely forgot her surroundings.
The bike came out of nowhere. She could hardly hear the bike bell over the sound of the music. She looked up to see the bike speeding towards her, and the person riding it screaming something. 
It happened in an instant. Nom’s vision went fuzzy, and an incessant ringing was going off in her ears. There was a bright light, and then a warm voice.
The voice was soft, and Nom could have sworn there was a slight echo to it. The voice was not clear, was she unconscious?
Nom…wake up…
It sounded very familiar…but something was different. If it was really that voice, then there would be an accent, and that was even assuming he could speak English. But this voice…it spoke in perfect English with practically no accent. The white light was still there, and Nom was fairly certain she was still awake.
Open your eyes…child…
Child? Did the voice call her child? When was she ever the child? Nom tried to “open her eyes,” but nothing changed. Her eyes were definitely open, and for whatever reason nothing actually hurt, despite being hit by the bike. Speaking of which, was not there. Where was the bike? Nom looked down, where was the road? She was in some strange white plane, with mist floating around everywhere. 
Nom opened her mouth, seeing if she could at least talk, “My…my eyes are open. Maybe you could turn down the brightness?” Her suggestion was earnest. A soft Oh could be heard and slowly the bright light disappeared, leaving what Nom could only describe as an angel.
He had beautiful feathers, they were sleek but still fluffy that were folded to covered his body. Some of them protruded from the main structure of the wings, and others had fallen to his feet. The wings encircled his body, and a halo of light rested lightly above his long, light brown hair.
With a flurry of feathers, the angel unfurled his wings to reveal his full body. The hair was pulled into a loose braid that ended just past his shoulders. His skin was smooth, so perfect that Nom was nearly convinced what she was seeing was an actual angel. He was clad in a loose white button-up shirt, with the last two buttons not done up, and fitted black jeans. He wore white running shoes of a brand that Nom didn’t recognize, and a silver bracelet.
“Jeonghan?” Nom said hesitantly.
‘Jeonghan’ smiled at her, “So you know my name, I’m glad.” His smile seemed to literally glow.
Gathering her thoughts and courage, Nom began to ask her questions, “Are you really him? There’s no way, right? Hannie speaks Korean, he lives in Korea, in fact, if you are him you should be in Korea now.” 
“Well…I suppose I am him? But not at the same time, it can be complicated. Simply put, think of me as like an astral projection of your Jeonghan, though you aren’t physically meeting, this plane and circumstance has allowed our minds to connect. Should you ever meet for real, both of you would remember this meeting and each other,” the angel Jeonghan replied.
Nom cocked her head to the side, “Circumstance? Oh…Oh yeah! Wasn’t I like, hit by a bike? Am I unconscious? Aren’t you just a figment of my imagination?” Though, if he was, Nom gave her imagination a large pat on the back, because Angel Jeonghan was masterfully thought up.
A bittersweet expression crossed Jeonghan’s face, “I’m sure you’re wondering about the wings.”
“I am.” 
“Well…like I said, this plane that is invisible to normal humans is what is allowing us to meet. The wings and halo are uh…part of the job I suppose,” Jeonghan started. “Do you believe in guardian angels, Nom?”
Nom thought, “I suppose they’d be nice, but I don’t really pray to my guardian angel or anything like that." 
“Well, I’m your guardian angel!” Jeonghan exclaimed. He seemed very excited, and his wings flapped, emulating his emotions. A few feathers around his feet flew up from the sudden wind.
Nom could only stare, gaping. A small laugh escaped her, though she quickly apologized.
“I suppose that’s hard to believe, after all, there are many other instances in which I could have saved you,” Jeonghan reached out to ruffle her hair. “The truth is, certain qualifications have to be met, if everyone was being saved by their guardian angel, the world would be thrown off balance, would it not?”
“Sorry, I’m still trying to wrap my head around that fact that Jeonghan is my guardian angel. I mean…I suppose him being an angel isn’t that far off but…my angel?” Nom felt truly blessed, and if this was her imagination, it was both the best and cruelest scenario it could think up.
“I really am! And you…you far exceed the qualifications needed. I’m actually the guardian angel for many people, I represent…well aside from all the major religious stuff, generally caring about others, and being a good person,” Jeonghan finished. Nom could believe that. Jeonghan was certainly caring, and he loved his members a lot. He enjoyed helping them and listening to their problems.
“So I had to be…a good mom?” Nom asked.
Jeonghan laughed, maybe it was the whole angelic thing, but it truly sounded like a bell. “You could call it that. Nom you are more than kind. You care so much for your friends, and take the time to talk to them.”
“Wait you can see the stuff I do!?” Nom’s voice was anxious.
Jeonghan grinned, “Only the stuff relevant to the whole angel thing.” Nom let out a sigh of relief. “You’re sweet, and are so nice to your friends, and try to stay mature when needed. And speaking from Jeonghan the Kpop Star, you’re a wonderful fan! You appreciate the members, and respect other fans. Truly, it’s your acts of kindness and being so sweet that allowed me to help you!”
“Oh! So you brought me to this plane because…I wouldn’t be hurt by the bike?” 
“Exactly!” Jeonghan reached out to pat her on the head. “Would you like a hug? I’m very good at hugging people.”
Nom nodded, and leaned into the angel. It was warm, and a loose feather tickled her nose. Jeonghan hummed happily. “I think our time is up. I’ll do my best to watch over you, as your angel.”
@maetaamong: oghetjdfkv kiki i actually love you so much there aren't any words. gahh you picked me up at swim and was the one that allowed me to meet everyone here, and for that i am so grateful. you're so fun to be around and you cARE so much and i love you for that. thank you for putting up with my idiocy, and thank you for teaching me all~~ about kpop. i'll work hard!! i believe in your situations and i really love you sososo much !!! FIGHTING!!!
Urs are the only universe in which you personally know the idol bc u are a spoiled brat love u also somehow u can understand each other??? You probably learned Korean or smt. U like…can choose if ya in a relationship or just friends idc man there’s no kissy kissy so . also u are older
“Kiki! Look! Look at this one!” The tall boy happily bounced towards the blonde, with a book in hand. The cover was two shades of blue, and obnoxious text that looked like it was an early 2007 meme. The title was Does God Ever Speak Through Cats? and Minhyuk seemed very excited about this question.
“I know it sounds stupid, but! He brings up some really good points? Don’t you think Bay acts strangely sometimes? It has to be the work of God!” he declared, which earned a few nasty stares from other patrons.
Kiki sighed and apologized to the startled customers, “Min, you do realize we are at a public library, and you’re being very loud?”
Minhyuk’s face fell, and he pouted innocently, “Sorry…should we go somewhere else?” His voice sounded remorseful, and even though he was taller than Kiki, she resisted the urge to pat him on the head. She could practically see the dog ears flapping over in guilt.
“It’s fine, you just have to be quiet. I just want to find a good book,” Kiki said softly.
“Okay, sorry, I know how much you like to read. Whatever you buy, I’ll pay,” he offered.
Kiki turned to him, with an incredulous look on her face, “Min, this is the public library. I have a library card, there’s no need for you to pay.”
Minhyuk, slightly annoyed by this fact, just mumbled in response and went back to browse the shelves for another strange book. He wasn’t a huge fan of reading, finding that he definitely didn’t have enough patience for it, and that reading words off a page simply weren’t exciting enough for him 
Though, the boy’s moodiness disappeared almost completely when he wordlessly handed Kiki another book. Teach Your Wife to be a Widow was a rather old looking book.
Kiki couldn’t hold back her laughter, “Is…is this supposed to be romantic or threatening? Calling me your wife…that’s sweet but this certainly isn’t how I thought it would go.”
Minhyuk giggled in response, “It’s both!” Another “shhh” was directed at him, to which he hastily apologized and trailed after Kiki, who disappeared into the ‘Fantasy’ section. She skimmed through the books, thumbing the spines of the ones that interested her from purely the title and art.
She had read a few of them, some didn’t catch her interest, while others had storylines far too similar to books already done. A book caught her eye. It had a bright blue cover, with the words Shatter Me written in blue and white font. Kiki pulled it out of the shelf. The cover had an eye on it. That was a good sign. Books with eyes on them usually had some cool theme going on. A quick skim of the summery told her that it was indeed a dystopian novel – her favourite genre – and that people had powers.
“What’s that? You gonna get it?” Minhyuk appeared out of nowhere. Kiki decided not to mention that even without him literally shouting out a stupid statement, his voice was still loud.
“Might,” she replied. Minhyuk sighed loudly, and finally one of the workers came up to him and asked him politely to “shut up or get out.” Minhyuk placed a hand over his mouth and actually kept this there as Kiki signed out the book. The pair could’ve sworn that people breathed a sigh of relief as they left the library.
As soon as they stepped out Minhyuk’s loud voice returned, “When we get to your room, I can be as loud as I want, right?”
“Of course,” Kiki laughed. Her apartment was a few blocks away from the library, both of which were on a beautiful promenade. They arrived at her apartment, which was a simple red brick building with white highlights around the windows, and a black roof. They climbed up three flights of stairs and walked to her room. 
Kiki set down her keys and took off her shoes. “Want anything to drink?”
Minhyuk didn’t skip a beat, “Green tea please. I’ll put on the water.” He filled up the kettle with water and waited for it to heat up. Kiki decided to drink some too, and took out a tea pot. 
“Are we really gonna read? On my precious day off?” Minhyuk whined. Kiki wanted to say that it was him just poking fun at her, but she knew very well that he wasn’t too excited.
“Only a bit, then we can do something more interesting. Maybe you’ll like the story.”
“Aww c’mon it won’t be that bad. Just the first few pages. Really, thank you for spending your ‘precious day off’ with me– geez that expression, you’re so cute. I promise reading isn’t the only thing we’ll do.”
Minhyuk couldn’t hold back a smile, “Thanks for letting me spend it with you. You’re nice, and fun, and caring. But I wish you would stop calling me cute. I’m not cute!”
Kiki stared at his flustered face, “I beg to differ.” The kettle began to whistle and they each poured themselves a cup of tea.
They spent the first twenty pages just sitting next to each other on Kiki’s bed. “You’re going too fast,” Minhyuk would say. Kiki would wait after finishing a page for Minhyuk to nod. After a while Minhyuk started to complain about how the position hurt his neck, and his posture was bad.
“Well, how should we sit?” Kiki asked. Minhyuk had a devilish grin on his face, and grabbed Kiki by her waist. She shrieked from the sudden contact, and Minhyuk pulled her into him. He bended his legs and Kiki was now sitting in front of him, between his legs. Minhyuk’s back was warm, and his arms were unconsciously-consciously wrapped around the girl.
“Won’t this hurt your neck more?”
“I’m taller than you so it’s fine.” Kiki decided to let him do what he wanted.
Another few minutes passed before Minhyuk spoke up again, “This girl is stupid.”
“Annoying,” Kiki agreed. “And this guy they’ve brought in…he’s just supposed to be the guard. I mean it’s kind of cute?”
“He’s too moody, too stiff,” Minhyuk said into Kiki’s ear. “He should be more like me." 
“Well they are in a prison,” Kiki pointed out. Minhyuk only clicked his tongue in response. Bored, he reached over to turn on her fairy lights.
Another thirty pages passed, and the love triangle of the story finally started to show up. Though the second contestant seemed a lot less desirable. “You know…” Minhyuk said for the first time in a while. “Even though we’re reading, it’s kind of fun I guess.”
“See, I knew you’d like it!" 
“No, it’s not the book. The book kinda sucks.” Kiki’s face slightly fell, but she had to agree. “Your presence is nice. It’s calming. We could be doing anything and I think I’d still like it,” Minhyuk mumbled. Kiki noticed his cheeks flushing and his head was turned away. 
Minhyuk finally met Kiki’s eye, “Cuz it’s you.”
Kiki was lonely. Cuddle-horny as she called it. Desperate for some attention, she relayed this feeling to her group chat, though they responded predictably.
awww kiki if I could id comfort youuuuu
Sighing, her hand hovered over another contact, but Kiki quickly dismissed the idea. Hoon would be busy with his work. She couldn’t trouble him just because she wanted a good hug. Letting out a long sigh, Kiki threw herself against her bed.
Ten minutes went by, to the girl, ten long minutes of no human comfort. Damn French Guy. Her phone buzzed, a part of her thought it was the group chat, lamenting over their forever-single state but the name ‘Hoon’ was on the notification.
Want to come over? Got the afternoon off bc yoon got sick and now we can’t focus on learning the new song.
Kiki didn’t waste a second replying, throwing on a jacket, and booting it to Hoon’s house. She arrived soon enough and was greeted by an enthusiastic Haute. Kiki gladly gave him all the belly rubs, and Hoon soon appeared. He wore a loose white shirt with a random logo on it, and black sweatpants.
“Glad you could make it,” he walked closer to pick up Haute.
“Me too,” Kiki mumbled under her breath. “Got…any plans?”
Hoon scratched the back of his neck, “Ah not really. I was just thinking we could hang out, catch up. I’ve been busy, we haven’t seen each other in a while.”
Kiki grinned, “That’s perfectly fine.” She could use the conversation, the human contact. “Can we just sit on the couch or something?”
Hoon grabbed some drinks and Kiki sat on the couch, putting the TV to a random channel that they wouldn’t watch anyways. Hoon sat next to her.
“Is Yoon okay? What happened?” Kiki asked.
Hoon took a sip of his drink before answering. “He got laryngitis. We tried to go over the music, but he really wasn’t feeling well so he went home for the rest of the day. We got let off too because none of us could focus.”
“Is he resting here?”
“Nope, I meant home, home. He’s with his parents. They got pretty worried and asked if he could come home for a bit. I think they also didn’t want me to catch it too,” Hoon replied.
Kiki nodded, “That makes sense. It would be super unfortunate if you both got it.”
The two found themselves inching closer until Kiki was leaning into Hoon’s broad chest, and Hoon had nearly all of his limbs wrapped around her. Kiki found that they were breathing in sync and even though no words were said, it was still so engaging.
They conversed through contact, and a few hums here and there. Hoon was warm, and his hold on Kiki was tight. Kiki buried her face into the crook of his neck, feeling as if she could fall asleep. Haute came to join them, wedging into a space between their stomachs.
Cuddling with Hoon really felt nice, his limbs, while lanky, were perfect for wrapping around Kiki. He was considerate if something felt uncomfortable, and every so often they’d whisper about something, and he’d laugh. His laugh lit up his entire face, and his smile was permanently stuck. It was a quiet laugh, but somehow his entire body would jerk with every little sound.
Hoon felt the same way, because Kiki became really happy when they cuddled. She’d snuggle close and trace little patterns on the nearest available surface. In all of her beauty she seemed so at peace, and so graceful just in his arms like this. 
“Thank you.”  
@red-dyed-sarumane: A K IR E SENPAI! im sorry if this is sudden, but! i couldn't leave you out, and i definitely didn't live vicariously through your story and that ISNT the reason why it's the longest nope haahhaahhhaha. really, thank you for putting up with me and my rants or whatever, and letting me talk to you a ton! i'm glad i was also able to meet so many new utaites. ageyuki hell here i comeeee. you're so kind and explain lots of things in detail which i appreciate. i hope we're able to talk even more in the new year! thank you so much. 
If u don't understand some of the jap (tho u are vv smort so I bet u will) or if I made mistakes (bc I definitely did fuCK particles man) pls tell me. Also I used ur mom sorrrryyyyy. AGAIN I HAD NO IDEA WHERE I WAS GOING WITH THIS JUST RELISH IN THE FACT THAT U SAW MAFFU
It was agreed upon the international Utaite fans that they suffered. Just barely grasping onto the blessed, but few, translators of their twitters, videos, and songs. Paying more for shipping than the actual product, and looking desperately into screens, unable to see their true face. Concerts were a dream, because going to Japan at the right time, and even buying a ticket would be difficult. Few people had the money, time, or permission to do it. Livestreams were almost never when they were awake, and even if they were, it’s not like there were subs to explain anything.
The salvation were the compilations the singers did of their concerts, with blurred out faces and some clips of them singing on stage as the audience held out their light sticks. Many tried to learn at least a little bit of Japanese, but they talked quite fast, and a few (*coughs* mafu) didn’t annunciate properly.
They were fighters really, being a fan for a long time, willing to burn holes through their pocket just to get an album, and loving the Utaites, even if they didn’t understand most of what was going on.
“You don’t know what they’re saying!”
“You’ve never seen their face!”
The fans heard those kinds of phrases far too often. It irked them, because music was so much more than the words, and pretty faces didn’t mean you couldn’t appreciate their abilities.
Akire was one such fan. She was smart, and worked hard to understand even a little bit of what the Utaite’s were saying. And, if there was anything worse than being a fan of an Utaite, it was being a fan of multiple Utaite. It was album after album being released, and live and live happening, and all the international fans could do was watch and wish.
It was one fateful day, when her mother, and told Akire the news.
“Well, it’s been a while since we’ve traveled, and I’ve been wanting to see the cherry blossoms in bloom for a while now!” she said through the phone. “So, we’re going to Japan! You like those Jpop guys, right?” Akire resisted the urge to correct her. “If there’s any concerts that are cheap, why not try to get tickets?”
Akire thought her heart would stop right there. They were going to Japan. She’d be surrounded by the culture of which so many things she treasured came from. Her mom would let her go to a concert. SHE COULD GO TO A CONCERT. Akire hastily opened Twitter and checked for any news of a concert over the spring break.
Yukimi and @gain were still relatively new and low key, so there was no word of a concert from them. Sou was working on an album, though no lives were being planned during the time. XYZ was having concerts, but they were just after Akire would be in Japan.
Akire would feel so unfulfilled if she didn’t go to a single Utaite concert when she had the opportunity. She scrolled mindlessly through Twitter, hoping that maybe someone would be hosting something she could attend.
A notification popped up. Akire clicked on it, half expecting the stupid ‘in case you missed it’ thing that Twitter did. It was from Mafumafu, and Akire didn’t even have to open the tweet fully to see the mass of exclamation marks.
It only took a quick skim to realize that Mafumafu was hosting a live. Akire quickly opened up the picture to check the dates. The 2nd of March, and the 7th, 12th, and 15th.
Fumbling to open her phone, Akire quickly texted her mother, When do we get to Japan?
Six painful minutes went by before her phone buzzed. She checked it the instant the screen lit up. Night of the 12th.
Akire checked the information again, she could make the last show! Crap, when did the tickets go on sale. She combed through the characters of Mafu’s tweet, trying to pick out the relevant ones, though there were still some she didn’t know. A quick Google Translate confirmed that tickets indeed went on sale at 8 o’clock a.m. Japan time. Which was, with the help of Google once again, in twelve minutes.  
Practically throwing her laptop across her room, Akire went to fetch her wallet which was left in a coat pocket. She sent a text explaining the tickets to her mom, and hopped she could read through the typos.
Dashing back upstairs, Akire clicked on the link provided. It took her to a website in complete Japanese. Akire just barely navigated through it, and occasionally had to look up various details, because business kanji was definitely not her forte. She was old enough to go alone (and she hopped her parents agreed with her because she was going to this live) and the tickets were at a mere 4500¥, which was around $40 US.
Praying to the Wifi Gods, Akire paid as fast as she could, she didn't even have time to check where the seats were, other information could be researched later. All that mattered was getting the tickets before they sold out or something.
And then Akire breathed, because she was going to see Mafumafu live.
In the previous month Akire had practiced Japanese much more intensely. Though the show would likely consist of mostly music, he would still MC a lot, and she wanted to understand as much as possible.
The venue wasn’t the biggest (it seemed they saved big venues for AtR concerts) but it still held around 2,000 seats and from what Akire could see, it was full. Her seat was relatively close to the stage, maybe six or so rows back.
Akire was excited; seeing Mafumafu live, she would see his face! The entire experience seemed surreal, and her appearance stood out a lot compared to the other fans. But her appearance didn’t matter when the lights went down and vibrant music started to play. Akire knew this song like the back of her hand, of course he’d sing すーぱーぬこになりたいfirst.
Some of the people had actually memorized his little spiel at the beginning, and said it to speed, which Akire found very impressive. Some artists sounded strange live, because their voice in a microphone was different compared to a studio, with mixing done. Though Mafumafu certainly couldn’t replicate any of the heavily engineered parts of his songs, somehow his voice sounded better live. It was clear, and there was raw emotion within his voice. The high notes were so much more intense, and just seeing the music come out of his mouth was amazing. 
He wore white cat ears, but simple black jeans and a loose sweater. After the song ended, Mafu quickly introduced himself, “はあいまふまふですー!じゃみんなさん!楽しみにして?” The crowd cheered in response. “みんなさんも歌ってよ!僕が嬉しいになって!”
ドラマツルギー began to play, and Mafu said something a little too fast for Akire to pick up. She got the feeling it was something about “wanting to sing this song, but never recorded it.”
The night felt like a blur, the light sticks that bounced in front of her, with the stage lights going crazy especially during 罰ゲーム and ゴーストルール. The show was only two hours, but it felt like a long, blissful eternity. The music that always remained through the screen, orin her ears was finally live. It was finally there.
Akire could see his face, his full face. Even with all the live-action videos, or the strange DVD’s he released, seeing him like this felt it was the definite proof that Mafumafu wasn’t just some singer on the internet. He was real, and he was talented. His voice shook the theatre, even when covering the softer songs on an acoustic guitar, like いかないで or 水彩銀河のクロニクル somehow his voice just enveloped the theatre.
It felt like a dream. Mafu bounced around the stage, and answered a few questions from Twitter. Akire could make out most of the details.
“What inspired you to start singing?”
“At the time, there were just so many talented people online. They were singing and people really liked them. Soraru-san and many others were uploading at the time, and I enjoyed music. I guess I wanted to be a part of that.”
“What time do you wake up in the morning?”
“Well it depends, sometimes it's a good time like 8:00, but sometimes it’s super early like 6:00 – I THINK 6:00 IS EARLY, YOU GUYS ARE WEIRD – or sometimes it’s late like 12:00.”
“Where do you live?”
“Within my dreams.”
“What do you think about love?” 
“This question is kind of deep…don’t you think? I mean, there’s familial love, and I love my family a lot. To think they’d support me having this kind of job, it’s really amazing. And I love my friends, Amatsuki-kun, and Soraru-san, and Luz-kun, Urata-san, and Sakatan too. They’re precious. Of course, I love you guys as well! There would be no Mafumafu without you guys. Thank you so much for being here, for liking my voice and music enough to see me live! Please continue to support me!”
A staff member off to the side laughed, and encouraged the audience to ask about romantic love. Akire joined in the chant of “恋!教えて!恋!” in which Mafu only replied with a finger over his lips and cuing the next song.
Mafumafu ran through a few more songs before announcing the next one would be the final one. The music to ねこがまるくなったcame on, and it was undoubtedly the most energetic performance of the night. Mafumafu starting and ending with a cat song, how classic. Akire sang along, knowing every word, maybe not hitting every note perfectly but still doing her best.
The confetti at the end showered the audience, and Akire found that she was smack in the center of its trajectory. Accepting that she’d be pulling pieces of paper out of her hair later on, she cheered as Mafumafu thanked everyone for coming, and exited the stage. Akire thought she was dreaming, that this was something her mind had made up because she so desperately wanted to see this singer in real life. Though, the free pin that she was given on the way out, signed by Mafumafu himself, seemed to solidify the experience.
She had seen Mafumafu live.
alllright~~ this motherload of a post is FINALLY done i should've worked on school projects during this time but fuck that who carES (i care) 
honestly, thank you guys so much! i cant believe that I was able to meet all of you, it's really been a ride. i hope you found the story/stories amusing!! i'm sorry for any typos, incorrect facts or anything seemingly out of character(?? u guys arent characters) but hopefully no hard feeling are taken. 
I hope next year will be even better!
with love,
P.S. honestly fuck you guys i cant believe i actually wrote all of this
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darlinggod · 7 years
title: how was i to know (i was far too much in love to see) (AO3 link)
summary: There’s a perfectly rational explanation as to why Clarke doesn’t like Bree and Bellamy has nothing to do with it. She’s mostly sure. 
A/N: This is mostly fluff and pining!Clarke. I love only ever writing, like, one kind of fanfiction!
Bree is not exactly hard to like. She’s smart, if a little lazy. Her jokes are inappropriate, but she’s charming enough to pull it off. In theory, she sounds like someone Clarke might actually like. But, there’s just something off about her. Clarke can’t like her. Not for a lack of trying, she’s looked at it from every angle. Clarke finds herself thinking about it a lot. It’s like staring at a painting that’s technically sound and still getting repulsed by it. It’s driving her insane.
But, Bree is Bellamy’s… something. She should, at least, figure out what she doesn’t like about her. He’s her best friend and she’s gotten along with most of his hook-ups. Though, she has to admit, none of them have hung around him this long.
The point is, once she understands why she doesn’t get along with his... whatever she is to him (because there absolutely has to be a reason for it), she might be able to look Bellamy in the eye again without feeling like she’s doing something wrong and just barely getting away with it.
Raven is as sympathetic as Clarke expects she would be when she tells her about it at brunch.
“You can’t be serious.” Raven looks utterly unimpressed but she can’t be exactly sure if it’s a reaction to what she said or if it’s just her default mood. “Oh, my god, you are unbelievable,” she mutters under her breath. Okay, so it’s her, then.
Clarke shifts uncomfortably. “What?”
“Clarke.” Raven stops herself abruptly, biting her bottom lip. “Never mind,” she says and chugs the rest of her mimosa, instead.
She doesn’t push, knows she won’t like what Raven has to say. Clarke considers her words, instead. “Do you like Bree?”
Raven makes a non-committal noise. “She’s fine.”
“Just fine?” Clarke asks and feels hope sparking in her chest. If Raven doesn’t like Bree either, there’s hope she isn’t over-reacting.  
“Clarke, you know that it’s hard for me to like people. I barely know her,” Raven tells her and, she knows she’s right. Raven doesn’t take easy to anyone, except for Luna, maybe. But,she was in love with Luna almost immediately, so that doesn’t count.
She thinks of Bree, for what seems like the millionth time, and tries to make sense of all this, but she draws a blank. Instead, she finds herself thinking of the time she’d seen Bellamy’s arm wrapped around Bree’s waist and her grinning up at him. Her stomach feels like lead.
Clarke pokes at her salad with her knife, her appetite gone. “But, you know why I don’t.” The answer is buzzing at the back of her head. Clarke has every intention of ignoring it until she absolutely has no choice.
“I’m not interfering.”
Clarke doesn’t laugh at that but it’s a close thing. Raven’s the most meddlesome person she knows. If she were to make a list of every single inappropriate comment someone has made about her love-life—or lack thereof—, Raven would make most of it.
But she doesn’t feel like following that train of thought. “You hacked into my laptop yesterday!”
“Okay, first,” she says, holding up a single finger, “guessing that your password is your middle name is not hacking— “
“Hey, that’s genius. No one knows my middle name which, conveniently, also means that witches can’t put curses on me!”
“— Second,” Raven continues, ignoring her, which, fair, “you kept going on and on about you haven’t installed any anti-virus software in your new laptop yet, and it was driving me insane.”
“I was getting to it,” Clarke protests in a tone that suggests she was not, in fact, getting to it.
“You needed it too with all the weird porn you watch.”
“For the last time, I was dating Sterling at the time and he was into some weird things!” Raven makes a face. “It was one time!”
“One time too many,” Raven mumbles.
Clarke smacks her shoulder with a discarded napkin and Raven jabs her in her ribcage.
“Next time, I’ll let you catch the virus.”
“Well, I like it better when you meddle.”
There’s an extended silence. Clarke’s not talking about the computer anymore and Raven is both smart and a good enough friend to pick up on it.
“Fine,” she relents, “you’re jealous.”
There it is. The most obvious explanation to her troubles. She knows that if she digs enough, she’ll find it’s true. And that, unfortunately, also makes it the most problematic explanation.
“He’s my best friend,” she reasons weakly, “We’re not a thing.”
“Those things aren’t mutually exclusive,” her friend retorts, not unkindly.
“Yeah but I don’t have feelings…” she trails off. She can’t say that. Even before this whole thing, she could never say that. They were Bellamy and Clarke. She realizes, with an ungentle tug of her stomach, that she had always thought that it was going to be them in the end. She swallows and it hurts.
Her expression must be truly pitiful because Raven backtracks. “He’s your best friend. Maybe, you just don’t want to share him.”
“Maybe.” She knows Raven is lying for her benefit. But, Clarke feels like she’s lying too.
                                                 Millers and Boon
                                                                                                 Is bellamy dead???
                                                                                  Why are you texting me then
                                                                                                 It’s 3 in the morning
I’m working I can’t tell the time
                                                                  There aren’t any clocks in the hospital?
It’s how they keep us here
Wait why would I be the one telling you that bellamy’s dead
                                                                                      Idk you’re always together
                                                                           And youre his emergency contact
It makes perfect sense to have a doctor as your emergency contact
Fuck off
But seriously
(two attachments sent)
She looks like me doesn’t she?
                                                                                                         I guess I see it
                                                             But you also said bryan looks like bellamy
                                                                                                Ok Clarke whatever
                                                                      Wait you woke me up for this??????
I mean you didn’t have to wake up for a text
                                                                                                  I cannot stand you.
                                        Does this have anything to do with your feelings for him
Did you talk to raven
             you think raven is the only person who thinks you’re in love with bellamy
                                                                        jasper calls you guys mom and dad
yeah but we’re talking about real people
                                                                                            im going to bed clarke
tell your boyfriend I said hi
                                                                  im not relaying your existence to bryan
                                                   you made it too weird with the bellamy comment
                                                                                       Millers and Boon is offline
She feels bad when she invites her friends over for dinner the next day and it’s only half because she misses them. In truth, she needs a distraction. Clarke’s never been particularly good at feelings. And whenever she’s had them, they were short-lived, all-consuming and almost painful. But, with Bellamy, it’s— it’s all encompassing. It’s soft and sweet and makes her feel like she’s doing something right. It’s a feeling in her chest that she carries with her everywhere she goes. She knows what she feels, and she’ll be fucked if she lets him go because she’s too afraid to be happy.
When Bellamy shoots her a messing telling her that he’s on his way, she finds that she isn’t actually that afraid anymore. It’s always nice seeing Bellamy, Clarke decides, when he pokes his head into her apartment without knocking. It’s nice to see him when she’s upset, and when she’s excited, it’s even nice when she’s on the brink of admitting that she’s in love with him. If there’s only thing she can be sure of, it’s that she’ll always want to see him. His smile is the one she’ll most easily recognize. She’d know him from miles away. He sets her at ease.
“Hey.” He wraps his arm around her shoulder as he enters the apartment and absent-mindedly presses a kiss to her temple.
“Oh,” she says. I love you, she thinks. “You’re early.”
“Nice to see you, too,” he replies, a teasing lilt to his voice. You have no idea, she thinks. She gravitates towards him, smile growing on its own accord. Not a fucking clue. Bellamy smiles back with his whole body. His shoulders perk up and his eyes sparkles and her head feels like it’s clearing itself up, like the noise is leaking out. She’s starting to realize that he loves her too. In whatever way.
He drops onto the couch and she slots herself next to him, the way she always has. “I just didn’t realize you were going to be early.”
He shrugs. “I’m on time. Everyone else is just late.”
“You’ve been friends with us for years, you should know what ‘on time’ means.”
“Just because my friends are impolite assholes, doesn’t mean I have to be.” She sticks out his tongue at him and he rolls his eyes, but it’s all stained with fondness.
“Yeah, you’re just a regular asshole.”
“Run of the mill,” he agrees, deadpan. Clarke bites her bottom lip to stop herself from giggling. It was all fairly clear, in hindsight. He makes her forget herself. He makes her happy.
“Here.” He gets up abruptly and extends a hand to her. She raises an eyebrow. “Help me set the table,” says Bellamy. She snorts and lets him help her to her feet.
“I was going to do that on my own before you got here,” she says primly.
He snorts. “You don’t have to do everything on your own, you know.”
Her whole body feel warm, her skin buzzing lightly. “I know.” She bumps his shoulder with hers. “I got you for that.”
They’re standing closely, and there’s a moment where she thinks he’s going to kiss her. But, he grabs the pizza boxes from the counter and sets them on the table instead. She sighs and sets out to search for the paper plates she hasn’t seen in weeks.
There’s a few minutes of easy silence. He gets the beer out of the fridge and she finally finds the paper plates in the cabinet next to stove she never uses. He even helps her clean up a little, dusting the countertops and picking up some of the garbage she had left lying around. He calls her a spoilt princess teasingly even though she knows it’s true and she calls him a dumb, helpful idiot, which rings, like, thirty percent true, at least.
“Hey,” he calls when the place looks – what she can only assume is—satisfactory to him, “Bree’s going to stop by to drop something off. Is that cool?”
A wave of hurt hits her. It starts at her stomach and she feels it constrict her insides. She’s surprised at how violent it is. How momentarily blinding. “Yeah,” she replies, not really looking at him. “Of course, it’s fine. Why wouldn’t it be?”
He laughs, not unkindly. “I didn’t think you really liked her.”
“That’s crazy,” she scoffs, but she sounds defensive to her own ears. “I don’t have a reason not to.”
“I just thought—“
“—Well, you thought wrong,” Clarke snaps.
Hurt flashes in his eyes and she regrets. The jealousy is immediately replaced with a vague sadness. She wants him to be happy. She would like him to be happy with her, but that’s secondary. That’s another unchangeable truth. But she can’t just stand there and pretend it’s all okay. She thought she was ready, but. She doesn’t think she’s strong enough. Maybe, just not yet.
“I have to go.” She doesn’t have the desire nor the energy to hide the breaking of her voice, or heart. She spins on her heel before she can do something even stupider like yell. Or cry.
“Wait,” he calls. She pauses long enough for him to catch her wrist. Her skin burns hot where he touches her. Her eyes burn. She burns. She turns to face him slowly, her heart thundering in her chest, and stares at the spot above his shoulder, still not daring to look at him. She’s sure he can feel her pulse, wild and erratic.
“Are you jealous, Clarke?”
Her first instinct is to laugh it off. Her second is to run for the hills. Maybe, that says something about her character. She does neither, which definitely says something about what he means to her. She risks a glance at him. His face is wide open, eyes as honest as she’s ever seen. His expression, she’s hopeful enough to call it longing. It hits her, for maybe the first time, that she wants him to know. That he might want to know.
She blinks. “Yes.”
His eyes widen, the grip on her wrist loosening. Her hands are shaking, her throat is dry. She only notices that his hands are shaking, too, when he slides it into hers.  
“You know I’m in love with you, right?” His voice is so soft, she’s half-sure she imagined it. Mostly, she finds herself settling into the revelation the way one might settle into their bed after a long, tiring day.
She feels relief and joy and she feels. More than she’s felt in a long time. She laughs, watery, and squeezes his hand. “I didn’t.”
He grins, a little crooked, a little shy. “Well, I am,” he says. He is beaming. She thinks she might explode, come undone. But she stays the way she is, and he looks at her the way he does. They are the same and they are in love.
“Oh.” I love you, she thinks. She tugs him closer, just because she can. “I love you, too,” she says.
He brushes her cheek with his thumb and she lets out a sigh so loud, it’s almost embarrassing. Almost. She gets on her tiptoes and kisses him then. He kisses her sweetly, and if he hadn’t said it before, she would’ve known that he loved her right there. She pulls away, places her hands on his shoulders to steady herself.
“Bree?” she asks because, apparently, she’s the jealous type. He kisses her quickly and she giggles into it, coaxing a longer one out of him. He grins smugly
“We slept together once. She’s pretty cool so, we hang out.”
She smiles, resting her forehead against his. “You know, I think I see it.”
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transhumanitynet · 6 years
The Future You That You Least Suspect
The other night my teenage boys asked me what was on my mind (likely looking for material to make fun of me. Just kidding, they’re thoughtful kids).
Instead of trying to “kid proof” my thoughts or rush the conversation, I wrote them this letter. First, to explain that I’m consumed by how we think about and where we look for answers to the biggest questions of our time (listed below), and second, to propose an alternative way of finding answers (hint: I found inspiration in an amoeba).
How are we going to address climate change before it creates global chaos?
What jobs will be available for my kids when they finish school? What should they study?
Over the next few decades, how will we re-train ourselves fast enough — again and again — to remain employed and useful as technology becomes more capable?
Can the human race cooperate well enough to solve our biggest problems or will the future simply overwhelm us?
Most importantly, where do we look to find answers to these questions?
Hopefully I didn’t ruin the possibility that my kids will ever again ask me what’s on my mind 🙂
There is an old joke where a man is looking for his keys under a street light. Another person walks by and inquires, “Sir, are you certain you lost your keys here?”
“No” the man replies, “I lost them across the street.”
Confused, the stranger says, “Then why are you looking here?”
The man responded, “The light is much brighter here!”
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This comic is as humorous as it is true. All too often, we each do this when we’re trying to solve something. It’s where our brains naturally take us first.
Our imaginations are constrained to the familiar (under the light), so we have a hard time finding answers to difficult questions and problems because the answers often lie in the unknown (or in the comic above, the darkness). Staying in the light is natural, easy, and intuitive, but this limits our discovery potential.
I. How to look in the dark?
History can give us some hints about how others found interesting things in the dark. For example, we discovered that:
the sun is the center of our planetary swarm
the earth is round
the physical world is a bunch of tiny, uncertain pieces governed by quantum physics
Before these became accepted truths, they were very difficult to imagine. This is part because they are non-obvious and also counter-intuitive to our everyday experience.
It’s also because we can’t know what is not known, which means we’re blind to what is yet to be discovered. Don’t believe me? Try to think of something you don’t already know. It’s impossible! That is, until you know it, and then it’s obvious.
Going back to the 5th question, how and where can we look today to find new unknowns (the dark) that help us solve our biggest problems? Where are today’s insights that are equivalent to the sun is the center of our planetary swarm?
I think the most exciting and consequential place to explore is not looking outside ourselves, but looking inside; in our own minds. This is where I see the most fruitful answers to the questions about your future and mine.
What if the next reality busting revolution happened to our very reality and consciousness? And if that happened, could the future of being human be entirely unrecognizable from our vantage point today? I hope so, because the answers to our challenges don’t appear under the lights we have turned on so far.
You’re probably thinking, c’mon Dad, this is crazy talk.
Well, it’s happened before.
II. Thanks Homo Erectus, We’ll Take it From Here
Our ancestor Homo erectus lived two million years ago and wasn’t equipped with our kinds of languages, abstractions, or technology. Homo erectus was possibly an inflexible learner as evidenced by the fact that they made the same axe for over 1 million years.
Imagine trying to explain to Homo erectus a complex phenomena of our modern day society, such as the stock market. You’d have to explain capitalism, economics, math, money, computers, and corporations — after extensive language training and the inevitable discussion of new axe design possibilities (of course, trying not to offend).
The supporting technological, cultural, and legal layers that enable the stock market to exist are the engines and evidence of our prosperity. It’s taken us thousands of years to develop this collective intellectual complexity. The point is, our brains are incredibly capable of evolving and adapting to new and more complicated things.
That our cognition evolved from Homo erectus demonstrates that we have radically evolved before.
III. Amoeba, You’re So Smart!
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A few months ago, Japanese researchers demonstrated that an amoeba, a single-celled organism, was able to find near optimal solutions to the following question:
Given a list of cities and the distances between each pair of cities, what is the shortest possible route a salesperson could take that visits each city only once and returns to the origin city? (image credit)
This is known as the Traveling Salesman Problem (TSP), and classified as an NP-hard problem because the time needed to solve it grows exponentially as the number of cities increases.
Humans can come up with near optimal solutions using various heuristics and computers can execute algorithms to solve the problem using their processing power.
However, what’s unique is that Masashi Aono and his team demonstrated that the amoeba’s solution to the TSP is completely different than the way humans or computers have traditionally solved it.
That’s right, this amoeba is flexing on us.
(Note: it’s worth reading about the clever way they set up the experiment to allow the amoeba to solve the problem.)
This got me thinking: when we’re confronted with a problem, we use the tools at our disposal. For example, we can think, do math, or program a computer to solve it.
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Professor Aono found a different tool for problem solving: a single-celled organism.
I know what you’re thinking, can the amoeba do my homework or take tests for me? It’s a good question!
Also, kudos to Aono and his team for searching in the dark — this experiment is non-obvious.
IV. Why Am I Telling You About Amoebas?
I strongly believe that we need a major cognitive revolution if we are to solve the global challenges we face. Our species evolved before and we can do it again, but we can’t wait a million years; we must accelerate this evolution.
What I’m saying is very hard to understand and imagine, because it’s in the dark. But bare with me.
The amoeba gives me hope because it didn’t evolve to solve the TSP. We augmented it with technology to accomplish something pretty amazing. Similarly, we haven’t evolved to deal with cooperating on a global scale, battle an invisible gas that warms our planet or retraining our brains every few years as AI takes over more of our work. How can we augment our own minds to allow us to take on these challenges?
Imagine a scenario where you are dressed head-to-toe in haptics (think Ready Player One) that allow you to experience and understand things by feeling changes in vibrations, temperature, and pressure.
Also imagine that you have a brain interface capable of both reading out neural activity and “writing” to your brain — meaning that certain communications can be sent directly into to your brain — the kind of stuff I’m building at Kernel.
Let’s call this a mind/body/machine interface (MBMI). It would basically wire you up to be like the amoeba in the experiment.
Now, what if you were given certain problems, such as the TSP, that your conscious and subconscious mind started working to solve? Imagine that instead of “thinking” about the problem, you just let your brain figure things out on it’s own — like riding a bike.
Would you come up with novel solutions not previously identified by any other person, computer or amoeba?
If we actually had the technology to reimagine how our brains work, over time, I bet that we’d get really good at it and be surprised with all the new things we can do and come up with. To be clear, this is not just “getting smarter” by today’s standards, this is about using our brains in entirely new ways.
Maybe that means that your school today would be in the museum of the future.
People would likely use these MBMIs to invent and discover, solve disagreements, create new art and music, learn new skills, improve themselves in surprising ways and dozens of other things we can’t imagine now.
When thinking about the possibilities, hundreds of questions come to my mind. For example, could we:
minimize many of our less desirable proclivities, individually and collectively?
become more wise as a species?
come up with original solutions to climate change and other pressing problems?
accelerate the speed someone learns (i.e. you get a new kind of PhD at age 12 versus the average of 31 today)
I wonder, is this what you will do at your job in 20 years? Would your mind change so much that it would be hard to recognize your 15 year old self?
Ultimately, for our own survival, we are in a race against time. We need to identify the problems that pose the greatest risks and respond fast enough so that we avoid a zombie apocalypse situation. The most important variable to avoid that: we need to be able to adapt fast enough.
I’m sure at this moment you’re thinking, woah, Dad, calm down!!
V. Your New Job — Being Really Weird (in a good way)
You’re right in wondering what jobs computers will take — if not all of them. They’ll do the boring things that adults do to make money, except far better and for far less money. But imagine a scenario where AI relieves you of 75% of your current day-to-day responsibilities, and is much better at doing those things than you. (I imagined what this world could look like)
A lot has been written, even movies made, about this scenario (e.g.Wall-E). If this happened, would you play fully immersive video games all day? Or live a life of pleasure and be work-free? Certainly possible, although those are linear extrapolations of what we are familiar with today — meaning that’s simply taking what we know today and mapping it into the future. The same thing as looking in the light.
What if millions or even billions of people could build careers by exploring new frontiers of reality and consciousness powered by MBMIs? These types of “weird” thought exercises may be breadcrumbs that extend the considerations we’re willing to make when thinking about our collective cognitive future.
These may be the starter tools that empower us to become Old Worldexplorers setting out for the New World, and journeying on the most exciting and consequential endeavor in human history — an expedition, inward, to discover ourselves.
  orginally posted here:
The Future You That You Least Suspect was originally published on transhumanity.net
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Storm Winters Vs Bridgette Monlyneaux
Storm Winters Vs. Bridgette Molyneuax
IN THE CIRCUIT COURT FOR ARLINGTON, VA Storm Winters   Address Sealed           Plaintiff                                                            Case #:    ______________                   v.         Bridgette Molyneaux         
                                                                COMPLAINT PLAINTIFF, Storm Winter, comes this day, Nov 3rd,  2017, pro se, and for the reasons and causes for this Complaint, states as follows:                           COUNT I, II, III IV VII VI:  Criminal Harassment, Intentional Emotional Distress,  Food Tampering and Poisoning and Conspiracy            1. Plaintiff, Storm Winters  rented a room from Bridgette Molyneaux on September 30, 2017. She answered an ad that put me in a desperate situation due to a previous landlord criminals behavior. I highlighted very clearly in that ad what the term of the renting agreement would be since a grey area put me in a desperate situation.            2.  The ad was very explanatory and  left nothing to the imagination yet Bridgette makes me travel 3 hours to come see the room and she pretty much attacks and states she cant rent to me unless I have first months security deposit  and rent up front.  My ad negates everything she said. At that point I had wasted my WHOLE last day before being illegally evicted coming to see a crazy woman’s room. I will post the CL ad so you get an understanding of why I find her comments crazy.                       3. If I had been a normal renter with more time to look and I came to see this room          I would have said FUCK NO and turned around. Excuse my language but that’s how bad her behavior was.  Something is off with Bridgette and she is siding with my criminal landlord with no reason to suggest I have done anything wrong. But there is no law or registry or license required to rent a room so I’m desperate enough on the last day of the month to have to accept Brigette’s room. I’m in a suit with my prior landlord its one criminal after the other. There should be a law or something.                       4. As the ad and our lease agreement states. I paid her 100.00 security deposit and agreed to pay an extra 50 for moving in 3 days earlier then my due date which is the 3rd of every month and we also agreed upon 30.00 for Bridgette transporting me back and forth between my previous landlord’s address and the new address. Rent is 500.00. So I Paid 580.00 on October with Rent being 500 every moth thereafter. I gave Bridgette Money with a lease agreement of my own. I was aware she had a lease agreement but due to my previous landlord behavior I created my own. Bridegtte states she will implement my lease into her lease and then we will sign. So I’m thinking she takes the money because she is agreeing. She is agreeing she can say whatever she likes. It states in the lease agreement I’m paying her 580 upon these conditions. It is now the 22nd and no lease agreement has been brought back to my attention but she has spent the money.                  5.In fact criminal activity has occurred first. Which I am not surprised by because of how she behaved upon me meeting her and seeing the room. She was protective of Sglinda which must mean she is guilty of the same behavior. It all falls under criminal harassment and other crimes.                 6. I noticed immediaitely she is taking my things then pretending to be unawares of their whereabouts I have to strong arm her metaphorically into telling me where she has placed my things. For example  Bridgette has two rooms she can rent. I am staying in one and the other is empty now and was empty when I moved in. She states she found pants in the bottom bedroom. It’s a lie because I don’t go in that room. And the day she says she found pants down there I wasn’t downstairs at all. Laundry and the empty bedroom is downstairs everything else is upstairs. Also I have a power cord to my labtop. Bridgette does as well. My power cord is in my room 90 percent of them time. Seldomly I bring it in the kitchen the ONLY other place it could ever be placed by me. My power cord to my labtop goes missing from my room. Bridgette has left the house. I text her and say sarcastically you haven’t seen my power cord to my labtop you didn’t ACCIDENTLY take it. Quite honestly in another life its possible she picked up someone elses by mistake because her power cord stays in the kitchen. But my power cord is in my room. Im pretty sure it was not accident. She comes back from wherever she was attempting to play stupid. That’s not your power plug over there? She is referring to her power plug that stays in the kitchen. I say no.  My input piece has a green ring around it hers is black. I looked in the living room before she came home. We were both in the living room when she came home and I watched her lie and pretend to look for it. The living room was empty and I’m never In the livingroom. Let alone with my labtop. I leave because I realize I will never get it back if I watch her. She will continue to lie. 10 minutes later. SHES FOUND IT. When I ask where she says the living room. It’s a lie but I leave it alone and put it in email. I brought household items when I went grocery shopping the beginning of the month. Toliet tissue Lysol Spray to clean the bathroom soap  Dish Liquid Clothes detergent liquid hand soap etc. I clean the bathroom atleast twice a week if not more. I place my Lysol spray on a nearly empty shelf in the bathroom. Its been there for weeks I notice immediately its been moved because when I go to clean the bathroom Its been removed. I ask Bridgette did you move my spray? At first she plays stupid. She then tries to point at other things SHES brought. I clearly say LYSOL spray over and over again. She’s pointing at scrubbing bubbles some other bathroom cleaners. She finally comes cleans after like three to five minutes and says I put some stuff in the downstairs bathroom. A bathroom I never use. Because there is a bathroom upstairs. She says its probably downstairs. I have a lot of sprays. It is in the downstairs bathroom but its not among OTHER Lysol SPRAYS which she has me believing. Its just other sprays. Not Lysol spray. She was trying to make it appear like an accident.             7. Upon first buying food I have to go back to Walmart to return food items because the frozen dinner has some brown substance that does not melt properly. I also have to return to Walmart because I ask Bridgette when I notice she has a printer if I buy the ink and paper do you mind If I use the printer She says sure We can go half on the ink. I originally go to the store when I buy food and purchase the paper and ink. When I go to let Bridgette know I need to use the printer she had gone ballistic done a 180. Doesn’t want me to use it. Something about she doesn’t want people in her room or something silly. Let me put here she is calling me every two minutes to call her phone when she loses it in her room. Or asking me do I know how to do something with the computer. Which I personally think is a ruse for me to unlock my phone so she can get inside. She asked more than once to take my phone and call her phone which I deny. I follow her and call. This is the climate of Bridgette’s behavior she is a Dr. Jeckle and Mr. Hyde. She Is nice charismatic one minute then angry and can’t be bothered the next.  Emotionally Unstable is my first guess. She says she will give me the money back for the ink and the paper. Which Is when Bridgette takes me to Walmart and I return the frozen food that will not melt but is brown. Surprisingly and embarrassingly to admit I wasn’t focused on that it could be Bridgette that is how charismatic she is. But now I believe differently.               8. A few days prior to the 12th of October Bridgette tells me house guest are coming and they are not staying long. On the night of the eleventh I count my food because I planned to go to Walmart and buy more frozen dinners to last the remainder of the month. Since my income is fixed. I will put here I already had just a passing suspicion of there should be more food then that in here but nothing more nothing less before the 12. I count the food on the night of the 11th. I have 12 meals. I eat breakfast the morning of the 12th and im actually woken up by the new house guest and I see the “wife” in passing. I am gone all day until about 5 or 6 pm. Upon returning I eat two meals since I missed lunch and it was dinner time. I brought 17 frozen meals. After I eat two frozen meals. I count my frozen meals again an hour or so later after I have eaten and put food away. I have counted 14 meals. I should have had a total of 27.  On the night of the 12th. I text Bridgette and let her know a substantial amount of my food is missing. I am requesting a refund. Bridgette ignores me for DAYS I have to continuously tell her to check her  texts and when I do talk to her in persons she is irritated and telling me she will read text later. I feel like a bother but it should have been ONE conversation. She creates the back and forth thing. My meals are returned but opened. One is opened which takes everything in the fridge. I finally go and point blank tell her we need to talk. She even off puts this LEAVES and then tells me she will be back later. This is days of AVOIDANCE. When we finally do talk she threatens to put me out or she says are you giving notice? She starts putting words in my mouth. She is sure they are a white military couple. They would never. Has never met these people in her life. In her fucking life. I even drafted a letter to give to the down stairs neighbors. Its professional but guilty parties will hate to read their guilt on a page Bridgette refuses to read it giving It to them is out of the question. We have not had a problem outside of Bridgette’s broken toilet which she was trying to make me pay for which was fixed. Before they got here. I am an ideal tenant. I will paste the letter I wrote for the downstairs tenants in this letter complaint as well. The mans wife is saying smart shit out her mouth while in my room the walls are beneath paper thin, plastic thin. I respond days later. You can hear them having sex and talking without a lot of work. My bedroom is above theirs. Why is a couple staying in a room in the FIRST PLACE? Makes no sense. Anyway that night Bridgette tells me to let her know what needs replacing. I text her the next day 40 is the amount she owes me on the guest behalf. She acts like she has not told me to tell her what she owes. She says I DON’T owe you ANYTHING. SHE becomes volatile hostile LOUD and agitated I walked away screaming I mad. I close my door and I say closed my door I need to calm down. Bridgette is ignoring me all THREE times I said it  and shes still trying to come  into my room and my door is closed.  I told her I was calling the police. Which I did that report number Is------ By officer------------- . I was instructed to call back as events happen. I have done another report online.  When I call the police she comes back and acts again as if nothing has happened. SOMETHING Is wrong with the bitch. She says im going to get you a microwave a small refrigerator and a key to your room. I play double advocate with her because this is a twistable lock on my door but there is no place for a key to go. The roomates have left on the 19th. They were slamming doors 20 times in 15 minutes which is documented in texts to Bridgette upon the noise and door slamming happening. They were upstairs in the kitchen. Bridgette has stopped responding to texts after the power cord incident before the couple came. I am pretty sure she is still reading them but she does not respond. The night she is trying to enter my room Bridgette tries to cover the white couple by saying you were telling me about missing food before they came. It’s a lie. I was suspicious but I haven’t talk to Bridgette about missing food until the 12th which is when the roomates arrived or their next day. That in text. Even when she  BALATNTLY has taken my stuff I have never said You’re stealing my stuff although her behavior is her behavior its criminal harassment. And I was thinking it.  All her behavior is in my email should the judge be interested. She is trying to cover for them I will paste the police complaints in this complaint. I have numerous of texts that I may paste in this complaint. I tell Bridgette she can give me 40 dollars now or I will deduct it from rent. I also let her know that the locks need to be changed on the front door one due to a tenant moving out two due to the fact their behavior is questionable. CRIMINAL. Unless Bridgette is in on the whole thing and that’s why she is not concerned. I personally care if MY food is being tampered with my house is being brought negative attention to by people hanging out being loud 11 pm at night slamming doors over 20 times and im not exaggerating I’m probably under exaggerating. This is in TEXTS Bridgette does not care. Thinks white men are GOD. Is an older woman not surprising, This is 2017. It is not slave times. Someone needs to tell her he Is “married” or a pimp and she old I’m sure he’s not interested.  Anyway back to them moving out and Bridgette getting upset at me even trying to talk to her about the food tampering and the money she owes me. She attempts to create a time for us to talk Monday. At 2:00. I didn’t even realize its Thursday a whole 4 days away and I HAVE TO eat all my food is in the trash. Will not be getting eaten by me. Bridgette is home 80 if not 90 percent of the time and up ALL hours of the night EVERY night. I’m sure something is wrong with her. She leaves her room probably 10 times in a hour. Her door creaks which is how I know. It’s not healthy or sane and given free world she can do as she pleases in her house but she has a roommate. Attest of character and behavior. And I notice a lot she leaves the room when I enter or exit my room or the bathroom. My first two days here she was copying the color clothes I wore. I wrote it off but something aint right upstairs. Like she had on clothes then changed clothes to match what I was wearing.           9. After I send her text stating the locks on the front door need to be changed. The next day Bridgette has been gone all day I notice at 1:00 pm the doors is left ajar and obviously unlocked I take a picture of it and send it to Bridgette and I say I could lie and say someone tried to rob me or walked in assaulted me and you’d be on trial for attempted and premeditated murder. She has also brought diet COKE. Never brought soda while ive been here and definitely not coke. It’s not the first time someone has used my name in a joke or harassing manner. My name is Keyonna. She Is not taking this seriously and I did request the tenants contact information since they have left and Bridgette was unwilling to intervene as landlord. I warn her if she is not willing to be proactive about this or giving me their contact information I will be pursuing a suit. I was already pursuing a suit. I cannot enjoy my food and I spend 500 a month in rent and I’m scared to leave the house for fear she is doing stuff to my food to my belongings. I paid her and she owes me money. She doesn’t even respond to text. She just harasses me. I have a whole gallon of milk that’s been sitting there since the 3rd of the month. Still sitting in the fridge the couple could have done anything to it. My food was in the fridge for 5 days before I stopped eating it. I don’t know who has done what and how. That was my food for the month and while I have oatmeal and Ramen Noodles I am still going to near stave until the 3rd of the month. Below You will find CL AD Lease Agreement, Police Complaints. Texts Messages Lease Agreement (Supplement to Landlords Agreement) On this third day of October 2017 Bridgette, Landlord at   is being paid $580.00  by  Keyona Ferrell, tenant  for October’s Rent only. Bridgette, Landlord and Keyona Ferrell, tenant are entering into a LEASE AGREEMENT. Rent is $500.00 monthly for the room on the second floor.  Landlord was paid an additional  $50.00 as agreed upon in the  CL  ad for the tenant arriving on the 30th of September 2017 three days prior to Rent due date. Bridgette, Landlord. also received $30.00 additional dollars for Octobers Rent for transporting tenant back and forth between this address and my previous address upon move in. $580.00 is being paid only for the month of October.  $100.00 Security deposit was paid to Bridgette on the 30th of September 2017 upon moving in. It is expected to be returned upon move out date. Rent is due on the third of every month in the amount of 500.00. This lease is month to month which requires a 30 days notice to be terminated. The thirty days must begin on the third and end on the third. Tenant is mandating a 30  days notice for termination of the lease agreement. Tenant is mandating all information regarding tenant while renting a room and anytime there after I move out be kept confidential. Tenant is mandating all information collected during move in such as ID and income verification  paperwork and rental agreement be destroyed. Tenant Is mandating an extra 30 days should ANY party give a 30 days notice if a new place of residence is not found within those 30 days. Those additional 30 days will be accompanied by rent of $500. __________________________              ____________________________ Bridgette, Landlord’s Signature                Keyona Ferrell, Tenant’ Signature
This Is the letter I wrote for the people downstairs but  Bridgette is refusing to read. I found an open container of food yesterday. Threw it away. I am writing this letter for the neighbors downstairs. It is my understanding that you are temporary guest. That is what I was told  before you arrived. I am a no nonsense laid back quite roommate. I don’t bother people and I usually stay to myself and only use things in MY POSSESSION.  It has come to my attention a large number of my meals were taken and or eaten then returned or majority of them were returned. I will be talking to Bridgette today and discussing with her that she has your real names and ways to identify you because unfortunately yesterday I found one of my meals opened. I started to eat it then threw it away.  It’s unfortunate we are off on a bad foot because I don’t know you and I’m quiet and keep to myself but for obvious reason I cant let the possibility of food tampering and or food poisoning go without notice. All frozen meals in the fridge are mine please be courteous and not touch them.  To be quite frank if you have not purchased something please bestow the same courtesy you would like other people to bestow upon your things.  Thanks again for your COOPERATION. The four police report numbers are BM Rutherford 2396 pd17101900267859        there are extension such as when Bridgettes daughetrs came and they were acting hostile I just added to the original police report. That number should pull up ALL of them. A police Officer was called to the property of 4318 0n the 19th of October 2017 due to possible food poisoning and food tampering and Bridgette’s behavior. I moved in on this property on the 30th of September. I've brought food twice this month the first was on the third which is when I get my workmans comp for my knee injury and the second time was the  12 when new temporary house guess of Bridgette moved in. The new house guest are a white couple. I personally find it weird a  COUPLE is renting a room. Either they are CRAZY poor or an its an emergency situation or they are covering for Bridgette. Anyway on the night of the 11 of this month I COUNT my frozen meals becasue I am going to Walmart on the 12th and this is my last trip to the grocery store for the month my food has to last I count to know how many I will need. The next day I eat breakfast. I am actually awoken by loud giggling  and hearing the new guest on out floor there room is downstairs. I see the wife on my way to warm up oatmeal. I am gone all day I return around dinnerI Buy 17 frozen dinners and eat two immediately upon returning since I skipped lunch while out. I should have had atlest 15 from what I brought and at least 12 meals in the freezer prior. A a few hours later I HAVE Substanially less then that I want to say atleast 6 to 8 meals are missing at that point. I write a text to my landlord stating items are missing its my food for the month. I need the money for those items. The food was replaced a while later BUT ally my texts go ignored by the LANDLORD. I first think okay they returned it no harm no foul one of my frozen meals is open which I stupidly start to eat but then throw away. They have taken all the food in fridge. at this point because those are containers that can be resealed. I threw them away Bridgette puts them back in the fridge Bridgette is my landlord. Let me just say my landlord has suspicious behavior before the couple moved in that i document in email but do not talk to her about because it cased conflict but mainly she takes my stuff and then plays stupid to it whereabouts. She create conflicts so it is a possibility Its Bridgette taking my meals its also possible the white couple is it in kahootz with her. A few days ago I say I would like to write the guest a letter letting them know my frozen meals are off limits and I want a refund if they have taken my food The letter is professional. She refused to talk to them or let me talk to them. They are white she is old and probably crazily think she is going to get with the you MARRIED white guy. I really dont know. She was born in slave times. That is only half a joke. This is 2017 I work around white people. I dont see anything and if they are guilty they are guilty end of discussion. They leave a fe days ago. slamming the door 20 times in 15 minutes and they are in the kitchen scrounging around. Bridgette didnt come to me and tell me they left I figured that out didnt see the car and didnt hear them as every night they are giggling and talking loud enough for me to hear them. They are directly under my room. I do have emergency food but i am still going to dam near starve until the third. The woman ign0re ALL my texts says things like tell me how much everything cost I do in text says she owes me 40 dollar. She ignored my text to the point I have to come talk to her she is loud and screaming I just call the cops at that point. If I cant enjoy my food where I stay its a suit. She just keep saying they are a white militay family they arent doing anything to your food. Bridgette sleeps and leaves she doesnt know what these people do and they appear to be poor. I have milk in the fridge he could have done ANYTHING with that my frozen meals were open. I had to throw them ALL away just for one being open. His wife one night makes a comment to me our wall are like plastic between us the first night I say nothing the night or two before they leave I respond back I hear them having sex its just gross. Ewww. I tell them to buy their own food. I have texted Bridgette stating the doors locks need to changed since they have left. I also tell her I will be taking here to court if I dont not get the roomates contact information. The following day which is today the front door is left ajar and unlocked and bridgette has been gone all day I notice it around 1:00 pm I take a pictre and send bridgette a text. I say I could lie and say someone broke and and tried to murder me then youd be on trial for attempted murder. I SAY this is criminal harassment and I will be taking you to court. I WILL BE GETTING The neighbors contact information. She also went out BROUGHT DIET COKE My name IS Keyonna its happened before. She is a landlord causing damages while not land lording but taking rent money. I told officer Rutherford I wasn’t interested in  having anyone arrested but if he’d like to im down. Chick batshit I have text emails and pictures. I do have one camera from when I was at sglindas.  I placed that in BRIDGETTS kitchen upon arriving then removed it shortly after My stuff went missing. I will be buying another for my room on today’s date December 3rd.  The text sent to Sglinda is enclosed.  Only the first text is Sglinda Every other txt is to Bridgette. [email protected] Sep 17
to me
this is to let you know i have put a camera in my room. Text Messages [email protected] 8:04 PM (13 hours ago)
to me
ok on my way back pulling 580 out. will sign the lease when I return.
[email protected] 8:05 PM (13 hours ago)
to me
Okay [email protected] 8:05 PM (13 hours ago)
to me
hey im on the bus headed to walmart do you mind writing down the black ink cartridge. you can give me half when I get back in the house. [email protected] 8:05 PM (13 hours ago)
to me
Ok [email protected] 8:06 PM (13 hours ago)
to me
Cannon pg 240xl black (no subject)
[email protected] 8:06 PM (13 hours ago)
to me
Cartridge (no subject)
[email protected] 8:06 PM (13 hours ago)
to me
ok thanks (no subject)
[email protected] 8:06 PM (13 hours ago)
to me
hey its abnormally hot in the house do you mind turning the ac on?
[email protected] 8:07 PM (13 hours ago)
to me
im going to need to print before I go to bed tonight. Reply
[email protected] 8:07 PM (13 hours ago)
to me
i think I figured out how to print from my labtop whats your printers full id cannon and then the numbers. [email protected] 8:07 PM (13 hours ago)
to me
omg youre gone and I vant find my labtop cord. all i see is your labtop cord did you ACCIDENTALLLY pick mines up. you wouldnt know where it is would you?
[email protected] 8:07 PM (13 hours ago)
to me
hey so im just going out on a ledge. its possible i miscounted but are you eating my dinners? [email protected] 8:08 PM (13 hours ago)
to me
please let the people downstairs know my food is off limits and if it anything was eaten they owe me money [email protected] 8:08 PM (13 hours ago)
to me
so i was trying yo be cordial and respectful. I'm not a conflict person but you seem obstinate tell possibly quilty parties need to know information. those are unfortunately your house guest so if they have taken something of mine you owe me on their behalf. that is my food for the rest of the month. you should not have known that but food is missing so I have to make you aware. thats 8 meals a total of 11.40.
[email protected] 8:08 PM (13 hours ago)
to me
im sorry looking at my receipt i didnt even have what I purchased. missing one that would be 1280. one is missing from what i brought as we [email protected] 8:09 PM (13 hours ago)
to me
I see alot of traffic and alot of noise.
[email protected] 8:09 PM (13 hours ago)
to me
there is a bunch of people i want to say atleast three talking loudly in the front yard I understand its saturday but there are restaurants Othe places besides neighbor hood to cause disturbances in this quiet neighborhood 1048 at night [email protected] 8:09 PM (13 hours ago)
to me
i am requesting 40 dollars for the food in the fridge. you told me to tell you what i need replacing 40 should replace it and that will include my dinner for tonight.
[email protected] 8:09 PM (13 hours ago)
to me
I did call you because you become upset when i tryto talk to you in person. i do understand your busy and you said monday at 2 but i did state in the previous texts that 40 is going towards yesterdays dinner its now near lunch the following day. and you are home. we are both adults i feel as though the games are unneccessary. i did as asked and I have to eat. i did also ask this morning you check your text messages. [email protected] 8:10 PM (13 hours ago)
to me
[email protected] 8:10 PM (13 hours ago)
to me
i did call the cops. [email protected] 8:10 PM (14 hours ago)
to me
i am waiting for the cops [email protected] Oct 22 (12 days ago)
to me
you can give me the 40 dollars or I can deduct it from rent. its up to you. all that food is going in the trash.
[email protected] Oct 22 (12 days ago)
to me
you were given a 100.00 security deposit on the 30th as well as 580 on the third along with a lease to sign which you said you were going to sign after you oncorporated my lease into your lease. you took money with promise of a lease that incorporated both my lease and your lease. rent is 500 i paid 50 for coming 3 days early and 30 forgas for taking me back and forth to sglindas Reply
[email protected] Oct 22 (12 days ago)
to me
thats why 580 was paid on the third rent is 500. you also answered an ad which put me on a desperate situation and highlighted in great detail our lease agreement. it is now the 21st and you not yet mentioned signing the lease but you took money [email protected] Oct 22 (12 days ago)
to me
the lease I created and gave to you states a 30 days notice is required to terminate the lease i also mandated any thing regarding me and my stay be kept confidential. i also requested any information obtained be destroyed upon me moving out like income verification and id [email protected] Oct 22 (12 days ago)
to me
the last one was that if any 30 days notice is given by any party i be given an additional 30 days if i am not successful finding somewhere to go. you bulked at this one saying you were declining. i have a copy as well. [email protected] Oct 22 (12 days ago)
to me
you rent a room where anything can go wrong at any time checking your texts at least daily is required and especially after i tell you continuously to check your texts. these are my last text about anything as you are not behaving in an adult manner. [email protected] Oct 22 (12 days ago)
to me
the food was thrown away i have pictures you pytting it back doesnt help you its starts lookibg like...i have a pic from yesterday of the food thrown out im taking a pic of the food being put back in the fridge. the food was put back in by you when all was in the trash.
[email protected] Oct 22 (12 days ago)
to me
nice house its unfortunate [email protected] Oct 22 (12 days ago)
to me
I will be pursuing a suit for the couples name that was down stairs and who appeared to have moved out. my food was in that fridge for about a week before i stopped eating it. i will take this house. i want their names and contact information. (no subject)
[email protected] Oct 22 (12 days ago)
to me
i still may take your house. i dont play those games [email protected] Oct 22 (12 days ago)
to me
these people were upstairs slamming doors in your kitchen and you dont care so either you are apart of it or you stupid but I will sue gor their names and their onformation. [email protected] Oct 22 (12 days ago)
to me
i am a virgin so should that be compromised say goodbye to your house you ignored multiple warnings
[email protected] Oct 22 (12 days ago)
to me
i want their phone number or I will sue you gor it. up to you. Reply
[email protected] Oct 22 (12 days ago)
to me
if you talk to them you start with their are cameras in the kitchen do not tell them you are unsure of anything. [email protected] Oct 22 (12 days ago)
to me
i see you brought new milk. so you must be concerned. must be.
[email protected] Oct 22 (12 days ago)
to me
i am interested to know why you keep saying they still are here. gone since like two days ago to my knowledge door slamming over 20 times in 15 minutes [email protected] Oct 22 (12 days ago)
to me
i noticed the food you brought die Coke soda i hope its not a sad attempt to harras me because at tgis point it is criminal harrassment and you are apart of it food tampering is a crime. along with food poisoning. you can turn this into a joje but you are souley responsible for another tenants behavior ir maybe it was you and thats why you blocked the letter letting them know my food was off limits. either way i will be suing. secondly you need to change your front door locks and that should happen whenever a tenant moves out. if i cannit enjoy my food you owe me howevee much money i spent in rent when I leave. you seem to cant be bothered maybe a judge will make you care. maybe you had the white couple move in to blam suspicious criminal activity on them either way. a suit. i dont play those games. im a grown ass woman half your age acting with more sense than you. [email protected] Oct 22 (12 days ago)
to me
also its freezing in the house has been since the last week it be great if you turn the heat on. [email protected] Oct 22 (12 days ago)
to me
you were called although I never brought the i dont read texts spill. [email protected] Oct 22 (12 days ago)
to me
noticed this from upstairs leaving the kitcgen
[email protected] Oct 22 (12 days ago)
to me
youve been gone all-day to my knowledge. door has been open all day and i had no clue [email protected] Oct 22 (12 days ago)
to me
i could lie and say someone came in trued to robbed me anything and youd be on trial for attempted murderer. the games need to stop youre a grown ass woman begging to go to jail
[email protected] Oct 22 (12 days ago)
to me
im going to need the money by tomorrow. secondly when are these people leaving? to me
i suggest you be proactive before YOU be outside its not a threar its a promise. i will sue you and take this house Only the following message is out of order [email protected] 4:28 AM (2 minutes ago)
to me
i was instructed to call the police back as events happen. don't run next time. last time i called the police you left. [email protected] 4:28 AM (2 minutes ago)
to me
i wake up from a nap i find bridgette here shes talking about things that have nothing to do with me. shes been harassing call me boo boo. saying sue boo boo. i sent it to bridgette as proof it has happened [email protected] 4:29 AM (3 minutes ago)
to me
this is following her and daughters harrassing behavior after receiving the civil suit. her daughter knowing anything breaches our lease agreement. i dont care if the daughter know shes has a roomate byt i made this lease agreement with bridgette. her daughter was also harassing mockibgly asking me my name because i put a different name in the civil suit i sent bridgette yesterday via email which is why her daughter came to see me. [email protected] 4:29 AM (3 minutes ago)
to me
i did record them yesterday when they became loud and agressive walked away after a whilw. the daughter threatened to call the cops because i walked off on them refuse to stay and talk. i filed an additional police report online about their behavior for security purposes. [email protected] 4:30 AM (3 minutes ago)
to me
Also i did tell you rent would be 460 this mont due to my food being thrown in the trash. All updates. please let me know if you have any questions [email protected] 4:30 AM (3 minutes ago)
to me
um i understood you heard noise but im in the bathroom abd I did say repeatedly everything's fine. yet you barge in while im on the toilet. and i have to tell you multiple times to close the door you opened. if i have to tell you whats wrong with that picture. god help you. im on the toilet and we are on strangers then you are attempting to get upset i nearly tripped on an inanimate object in the bathroom. its amazing. if i had been seriously hurt its a suit. let stuff go or better yet listen when I say everything's fine. you worked up over nothing. of im not screaming and yelling and I almost tripped you certainly dont have a reason to be upset. Please note these texts happened over a course of aout 10 to 14 days I emailed them all on on abot two days so you will see two dates. The last are emails of events that have happened in the past few days.
Lease Agreement 3 messages
Thu, Nov 2, 2017 at 3:18 PM To: Bridgette came to me saying---again repeatin herself-- she boldy state me coming to her with a CONCERN is breaking a rule she never game me. She is just now showing me a sheet of paper about rules and its TITLED IMMEDIATE TEERMINATION OF LEASE. I say mam I'm quite I don't bother anyone I have the right to come to you with a concern like OPEN food and she she is saying if SHE hears something and believes it DIDNT happen she is not going to talk to ANYONE. So pretty much she wants me to sign that there are no consequences to actions and that her retalion is allowed. She made up a list of house rules off WHAT HAS HAPPENED and what she provoked. he call me talking to her about CONCERNS accusations and LYING. Only NICE FRINDLY text are allowed. I say I have no problem wit house rules. I love rule its keep order. I say I will sign but you need to change the title it says housed rules then IMMEDIATE TERMINATION OF LEASE IN big bold letters. she tries to play me and say she will give me a lease to sign with it. I say I will sign it If you change the title. or add to it to clearly state this a I a supplmenet to lease agreement and if these rules are broken its immediate termination of leae. She refused to change the title saying shes not changing anything and if I wont sign it shes going to the judge to get a 30 days notice.  I'm not signing it it appears like I agreed to be immediately terminated.  Secondly I let her know in the beginning of the conversation I haven't broken any rules we have no had conflict except for broken toilet she tries to put on me which she had to HAve FIXED. I'm QUIET. I say I didn't give you a thirty days notice you are attempting to give me one in retaltion for saying I have a concern about OPEN food and taken food. We have a lease agreement whether she likes it or not. She is trying to over talk me and say we don't have a lease agreement we do. She tries to make me look crazy and show me what a  lease agreement is. I say I know that looks just like what I gave  you in the beginning of the month. She tells me someone wants to give me a deposit for decmeber I say You gave me till Janurary and I cant tell you how Long IT WILL TAKE CONSIDERING it took over 6 weeks  to find this this place. Craigslist is full of fake ad. I didn't gibve you a thirty days notice purposefully. I didn't cause the problem the romates cause this problem.
Thu, Nov 2, 2017 at 3:20 PM I also ask her if there are cameras in the kitchen You cannot think WHITE stranger are angels because they are white. Criminals come in ALL colors. Unless you have a camera in the kitchen you cant tell me they didn't do ANYTHING. I also ask her about the door slamming she says she gave me them permission to slam the door 20 times. I am calm anyone gets incenses when they realize they are talking to stupid ignorant people voice probably became a little loud but I think it was more because I was making too much sense. [Quoted text hidden]
Thu, Nov 2, 2017 at 3:24 PM *She gave them permission to slam the door twenty times. IM going to leave that alone, Something wrong with her. I'm trying to tell you a modern day slave. I'm going to hit up Stephen Spelileberg. On Tue, Oct 17, 2017 at 5:46 PM, SHE SET A time for us to meet in the house, I see the broad atleast three times a  day I had to ambush her to talk today at breakfast because she IGNORES my text even after I say did you read my text two days later oh no I have to read them she is always on her phone. NO mam you then owe me this month and last months rents and I will fucking leave. If I cannot trust my food in the house I don't have a place to stay you owe me money and I will be excessive because you don't have sense and then you think you going to strong arm with a 30 days notice bitch I will take your house ad leave your ass outside. Wed, Nov 1, 2017 at 8:34 AM So Bridgette comes to me today saying she will give me till january if I need it. shes aware of the fake ads shes telling me she doesn't check her texts. I stop talking to bridgette in person because she gets upset secondly its easier and its awkward.when I had nothing to do with it. shes telling me someone is moving in today a woman in the room next door. she then goes back to the food shes attempting to tell me this couple has all this money and im assuming they paid 500 for the 7 days thats 200 cheaper then extended stay and its a whole room for two people with a private entrance. she says they asked to use the fridge for leftovers in the whole time theyve been here ive never seen leftovers except coffe left in the microwave. she claims their first night they went to some expensive restaurant in dc with lobster and it's 54 dollars a person she couldn't tell me the restaurant name. i can see you seeing a bag or a container but I find it hard to believe they told you what they ordered. she keeps trying to imply i opened the container. that i possibly made a mistake. and she says she told them to come upstairs. that's why I Have to sue because after they leave shes telling me she talked to them. when she originally while they were here was not allowing me to talk to them or even entertaining she go talk to them. she keeps saying white military couple. then she attempts to take shots at my meals i didnt care but if bitches hungry one dollar 10 dollars its food. I'm still not convinced it wasn't her. i counted 14 meals the night of the 12th. why are you in a room with your wife making all that money. exactly you a lie. people look for other resources when they poor. if i have money lets find a hotel for 7 fucking days. smfh. she tries to again hit me up for money. says the water bill is high. she says you take three showers a day. i say no two once in a blue moon ill take three if im upset. but i say the showers normally are 15 minutes but i will cut it down and i said you had two people here from the 12 to the 19th and the day i did laundry. the dude was just running water might have been for a bath im not sure.but no matter what my rent is 500. end of discussion everything included. her best bargain is me cutting down on shower time. she is looking for the water bill now. [Quoted text hidden]
Wed, Nov 1, 2017 at 8:48 AM The water is off. bridgette is claiming its roadside assistance but due to her whole little speech. she didnt pay the water bill. and cant eat my oatmeal. [Quoted text hidden]
Wed, Nov 1, 2017 at 9:50 AM To: Right before I go to take a shower and wash out underwear she comes at me again arguing. She says she wants her rent in full. I fI cant give it to her the way she wants it shes giving me till DECEMEBER. She then says she will eat the food in front of me. nothing Is wrong with it. I said the container wa reseaed and the container inside was OPEN. and considering someone took a lot of my meals its no loneger a possibility Walmart is responsible secondly I have never seen a lean cusine meal open like that. And due to her needing money I'm pretty sure it was either Bridgette or hr guest. I tell her I'm barely eating not eating properly for 10 dayS. sHE TOOK ETHE FOO DOUT THE TRASH mind you its frozen food and had been sitting there for HOURSE I mean probably atleast 5 hours if not more in the house and she puts it back in the fridge. I say you can do whatever you want with the food you placed  the food I through in the trash ack in the fridge I don't want it. Youc an eat it do whatever you want it. Its possible ALL thosef rozen meals have been tampered with. you are responsible for your guest behavior. especially if I'm paying you rent but cant enjoy food. I paid for. SHE says I'm going to the judge I'm going to give you till December. if I cant get my rent the way I want it. This is right before I realize the water is cut off. [Quoted text hidden]
Wed, Nov 1, 2017 at 9:58 AM To: Like if I had to go to work or I had somewhere to go today it would be a suit. No running water and I'm going to starve all my food needs water ramen noodles and oatmeal. [Quoted text hidden]
Wed, Nov 1, 2017 at 10:38 AM To: The water is just being turned back on. Probably with  the money the girl moving in gave her She received 680 on the third no excuse poor. SMFH lol The first thing Bridgette brought when I gave her the 100 was food from Walmart and not even snacks green celey shit SMFH lol On Wed, Nov 1, 2017 at 9:58 AM,  wrote: Like if I had to go to work or I had somewhere to go today it would be a suit. No running water and I'm going to starve all my food needs water ramen noodles and oatmeal. On Wed, Nov 1, 2017 at 9:50 AM, wrote: Right before I go to take a shower and wash out underwear she comes at me again arguing. She says she wants her rent in full. I fI cant give it to her the way she wants it shes giving me till DECEMEBER. She then says she will eat the food in front of me. nothing Is wrong with it. I said the container wa reseaed and the container inside was OPEN. and considering someone took a lot of my meals its no loneger a possibility Walmart is responsible secondly I have never seen a lean cusine meal open like that. And due to her needing money I'm pretty sure it was either Bridgette or hr guest. I tell her I'm barely eating not eating properly for 10 dayS. sHE TOOK ETHE FOO DOUT THE TRASH mind you its frozen food and had been sitting there for HOURSE I mean probably atleast 5 hours if not more in the house and she puts it back in the fridge. I say you can do whatever you want with the food you placed  the food I through in the trash ack in the fridge I don't want it. Youc an eat it do whatever you want it. Its possible ALL thosef rozen meals have been tampered with. you are responsible for your guest behavior. especially if I'm paying you rent but cant enjoy food. I paid for. SHE says I'm going to the judge I'm going to give you till December. if I cant get my rent the way I want it. This is right before I realize the water is cut off. [Quoted text hidden] Relief Bridgette Is forced to hand over contact information regarding the couple I am requesting a criminal investigation after the couple has been contacted. I am requesting a criminal investigation of Bridgette Molyneaux I am requesting jail time if evidence warrants an arrest. I am requesting the sum of Bridgette’s house or 400,000. While Im aware this I not the best situation anything Is better then being homeless. Should I not find anywhere to go by December 3rd I AM REQUETING the judge mandate Bridgette give me till Janurary 3rd or I find somewhere to go since I was not the on to mandate a 30 days notice. It is actually retaliation on Bridgettes end. I have told the story to tell the housemate to get the truth she gets upset at me even wanting to talk talk to them about anything. Either she is the guilty party or she is a slave, press for white people. But Due to its possible that Its Bridgette tampering with my food. Im  going to lie and say I placed a camera in the kitchen upon moving in. I have an email from my old roomates in which I goaded. Im going to paste it with the suit to scare Bridgette into telling the truth. But I need this portion redacted from even Bridgette’s view. I am requesting this  WHOLE SUIT be sealed but Bridgette is the defendant and has to see the suit. I am requesting jus this last portion be redacted from her view. It Is for the judge’s Eyes only.
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