#and i could easily see a child pouring excessive hours into them should they get enamored by them
antirepurp · 4 months
not to yap about my ocs but mallard's relationship to her ps1 games would've been anomalous when she was a kid. not in the sense the games are haunted or anything but rather the way she interacted with them was unintended and weird in many ways
she only had a handful of games and the crown jewels of that collection were digimon world 1 and 2, games almost esoteric in their design that is often unfriendly to the player. she loved those games. had notebooks full of scribbles and notes written as she tried to deconstruct the games and figure out what was going on. strategies crafted over months on how to get specific digimon near certainly in 1, which items to bring into specific dungeons in 2 and floor patterns that repeated from time to time. hundreds of hours of playtime in both individually. she never would have beaten 2. might have gotten close in 1 but never actually made it. she thought they were infinite and perhaps even ever-expanding experiences. she might have had a spyro game as well but would not have much cared for it because she managed to finish it. there was an ending she was able to reach, and that was more disappointing than anything to her. so she returns to her digimon games, chipping away at them, months of her childhood sunken into ps1 games as new consoles come out until she finds other things to do that start cutting down that time
of course she eventually reaches a point where she realizes that games having endings is a standard practice and that the digimon world games always had endings, she just played them like a child and never got to see them. not that it wouldn't have been a kind of formative childhood experience to her and shaped her relationship with games (and things beyond games) down the line
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dumblydork · 3 years
Dying Embers
Her hair swished wildly in the wind, as if it were leaves swaying from the onset of a cyclone- flowing down to her waist, head thrown back. Fiery red, just like the dying embers of what was formerly a warming furnace. He could hear her laughter, slow and melodic, almost as if it were empyrean. She was the love of Harry's entire being. The soul to his body, the mind to his brain. She turned around, and all Harry could glimpse was her mouth- full, and pulled into a large smile. Her eyes were a bright hazel, shining with happiness, as she ran towards Harry, fitting easily in his arms.
They had met at the ball thrown by his parents that summer, exactly so that their son could meet a suitable young woman to marry. Harry had been extremely bored with the festivities, instead wishing he were out practicing archery with his friend, Neville.
His eyes flew around the room, passing from and then returning to a young woman who had just entered the gala. She didn't seem familiar, and was chaperoned by who seemed to her brother, judging from their hair. Harry was mesmerised- her yellow dress floated around her as if it were made of the finest, lightest silk to exist, and her hair was pulled back elegantly, exposing the milky column of her neck. He walked towards the pair.
"Forgive my intrusion, but will the lovely lady here consider dancing the next waltz with me?" Harry bowed slightly, his hand pulled tightly at his back.
The girl eyed him shyly as his brother did a more open appraisal. "We would like to first make your acquaintance, sir." He finally spoke.
"Of course, forgive me. I am Lord Harry Potter, Viscount of Little Whinging." He said, an automatic confidence seeping into his voice, one which only came from being the son of a duke.
"Forgive me, my Lord, I did not know. I am Ronald Weasley, and this is my younger sister, Ginevra Weasley. Our father is the Baron Weasley of Burrows." The pair bowed deeply, something which made Harry slightly uncomfortable.
"Please, I take no offense. It is my pleasure to make an acquaintance of Lord Weasley's children. He is my father's close friend. My question, however, to Lady Ginevra here remains unanswered." Harry steered the topic back to more important things from mere formalities.
"Of course, my lord." Ginevra said softly, placing her hand in Harry's outstretched one. As they walked towards the center of the floor, Harry's eyes met the identical ones of his mother, who stood to the side, flashing her son a soft smile.
"I adore you. And so does every thread of my existence, until my breath ceases." Harry spoke, bringing himself back from the night at the ball.
"I simply reciprocate, my Lord. And shall do so until death pull us part." She spoke softly, meeting Harry's lips with her own.
At the brink of twilight, a day before their wedding, the two of them wove their lives together, sealed by golden vows.
"Harry? Get on up, it's time to go!" His mother, Lily's voice flitted through the room, and sunlight poured inside as well, casting a bright glow all over. Harry sat up in bed, stretching excessively, getting rid of the multitude of pulls and pains he seemed to acquire over the night.
His parents swore he did not sleepwalk and fall down the stairs.
"Harry, honey, come on. You'll be late for uni otherwise." His mother peeked inside, her reddish brown hair pulled into a knot at the top of her head, green eyes shining with motherly affection. Seeing his mother's hair, Harry was reminded of his dream- recurring dream, he should say. Even though it was simply a few minutes old, seeing the 'girl' in his dream, he felt as if it were quite some lifetimes ago.
He had been dreaming of a girl quite frequently lately, and not in the lewd way his best friend Ron seemed intent on. Harry would always simply spot her hair, the curve of her waist and as soon as she turned around, he would be jolted awake.
When he was a child, his mother used to tell him tales in which princesses would dream of faceless men, a golden bond tying the two people together. The faceless person you dreamt about was whom you shared your golden thread of life with. But those were just fantasy- woven to make a dull reality exciting. At least now, at the age of 19, was what Harry believed. He hopped out of bed, and walked off into the bathroom, getting started on his morning routine. It was half past eight when he went downstairs, his first class of the morning at 9:15. His father, James, was stood in front of the kettle, pouring himself a cup of his morning Earl Grey, and his mother was setting down the plate of pancakes on the table.
"Breakfast?" She asked, sitting down, his dad joining her to the left. "Morning Haz." His father grinned lopsidedly, a grin much like Harry's own, glasses steaming up from the hot mug. Harry recited a greeting in return and was about to refuse breakfast on the account of well, running late, when the smell of butter floated up to him and he found himself seated in front of his parents.
"Did you get sore again?" Lily asked, concern lacing her low voice.
"Yeah. I just don't seem to know how." Harry noted, voice muffled from a mouth full of pancakes.
"Slow down, you'll choke." She admonished lightly, shooting James an exasperated look when he snickered a low 'That's what she said' into his morning Daily Prophet.
"He probably needs a new mattress. Let's get one on the weekend." His mother said, earning an affirmative hum from James who was busy with his newspaper.
"I'll get going now. Bye mum, bye dad. See you in the evening." He spoke after having had his share of pancakes and a chat with his mum. He bent down for the customary top-of-the-head kiss from his mother, something she had been doing since Harry started school. And although he wouldn't admit it, he adored this little sentiment. His dad shot him another grin as he walked out of the door, putting in his earphones.
Fortunately for him, the university campus was quite a short bus ride away. However, he still found himself running across the campus from the bus stop to his lecture theatre- he forgot to factor in the fact that the hall today was all on the opposite end of campus.
"Shit," He glanced at his phone, currently glowing 9:21. It was Professor Binns' lecture, and he wasn't too fond of latecomers. Harry counted on his excellent grade in the module, hoping that would pull him through. As he ran across, his peripheral vision noted a mane of red momentarily, but before Harry could turn around and see, he was already in front of the class, digging through the bag for his ID card.
"How is it that Binns' lectures keep getting worse through the term?" Ron, the aforementioned best friend groaned.
"Because your attention dwindles further as term moves on." Hermione, the other best friend noted. Harry grinned between the two of them. They were so in love, those oblivious idiots.
Binns' was the only class the three of them took together, and Ron departed for his Victorian Literature module. Harry and Hermione walked to the open amphitheatre, choosing to spend their free half hour which coincided together.
"Oh right. My friend from school is joining today, I was supposed to go show her around. Fancy coming?" Hermione spoke, eyes focused on her text messages. "Sure, I have the rest of the morning free." Harry pursed his lips. Hermione simply nodded and they set off across the campus again after the brief interlude at the theatre.
"Your friend is from school?" Harry asked.
"Yeah- she's a year younger but we were quite close when I was in year 12." She replied, eyes scanning the crowd at in front of the Lifesciences Lab, which was one of the main buildings on campus. "Who are we looking for again?" He imitated the search.
"Redhead, shorter than you." Hermione did not look up from the hoard of people, before her mouth set into a wide grin.
"Ginny! Here!" Hermione waved her arms around, jumping up and down in tandem. Harry couldn't see who Hermione was waving to, but the crowd was being roughly pushed aside as someone made their way towards the pair.
"Hermione! So good to see you!" The woman said, grabbing the older girl into a tight hug and letting go, placing the three of them in a triangular formation.
"Oh my god, I almost forgot to come see you." Hermione said somewhat sheepishly, but Harry wasn't listening. He was staring- no, gaping at the newcomer. Her hair was the exact shade of red as the girl in Harry's dream, and it cascaded down her back in a half up half down style. Her waist was encased in a light yellow sundress, complimenting her red hair. All in all, she was beautiful. Not because of her hair or slender figure, but also because of how her eyes shone as she spoke to Hermione.
"Have I seen you before?" Tumbled out of Harry's mouth before he could stop (or reason), and a pair of bright hazel eyes bore into his own moss green, before glittering again. Ginny simply smiled.
And here it is, another AU! I definitely did not plan for this to be a multiple lifetime AU, but Regency!Hinny seemed too good to pass up on. I apologise for what is probably a very poorly written Regency era conversation, my knowledge of it is simply from Bridgerton and Google haha. I decided to keep the end open, just so that you guys can envision your own romance for them! Also, can I just say how I loved writing Lily and James?? It's their little debut in my one-shots yay!
Also, you can find my Ao3 here, where I post quite fluffy Wolfstar one-shots, if that's your thing!
I hope you enjoyed this as usual! Please interact with my pinned TAGLIST post on my account if you wish to be notified of whenever I post Hinny one-shots! Thank you for reading, and big hugs to everyone who loves what I write! Please keep going, it truly makes my day (or week??) xxxx
TAGLIST: @amy-herondale-chase // @purplepygmypuffskein // @ginnypxtter // @alwaysmagica1 // @norakelly // @coffee-fandoms-and-chaos //
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knybits · 5 years
Baby from Two
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bc akiko and tanjirou can have kids even tho akiko is asexual :,,)
@thunderandrainclouds and @kny-writings have they own chiyuu and sanemiyu kids and that made me SO SOFT so i couldnt help but think up of taniko’s own kid :,,) more details on him soon, but here’s a quick thing of modern au and the lead up to how the taniko family came to be!
also thank GOD i wrote this whole thing before i broke my hand LMAO
“A child?”
Akiko looks up from her tablet, a finger hovering over the medical journal she was reading to look at Tanjirou. She thought he would be a bit nervous about bringing the matter up, but he looks focused on the task at hand instead.
Her feet are in his lap, and his eyes scrunch and his tongue is sticking out a bit as he tries to make sure that he doesn’t mess up painting her toenails a navy blue.
Tanjirou’s book lays face down on the coffee table, and the bright red nail polish that Akiko used to paint Tanjirou’s toe nails remain right by the book.
“Well, I mean yeah! Why not?” He’s finishing up, wiping some of the excess polish on the sides of the bottle.
Akiko’s face pales, “You mean you want me to birth a baby?”
This catches Tanjirou’s attention, and his head snaps up to quickly shake his head, earrings flying around his face.
“No! Oh my gods, no! I would never force you to birth a child or have sex! I meant adoption!”
Akiko can’t help the breath of relief from leaving her lips, shoulders loosening and heart slowing in pace. Tanjirou looks guilty, but when Akiko points her foot to have him resume his task, he knows that all is forgiven.
But she remains quiet, continuing to scroll through her tablet. The stillness in the air makes Tanjirou feel like he can’t breathe, but he can tell that Akiko’s mind is going through her usual pros and cons list.
For starters, Miyuki and Chiyo have already had their children. Miyuki first with Jin, who is already in her terrible twos. Then Chiyo had the twins, Tsutako and Yasu, a year later. And then the year after that Miyuki had Kousuke.
Akiko and Tanjirou aren’t too worried about being the only family without a child. Akiko could care less, and considering the fact that the two of them have to babysit so much, she already feels like she has four kids of her own.
But Tanjirou can’t help but care a little bit. Akiko doesn’t blame him. She knows that he’s wanted a big family since they were kids, and it’s mainly due to the fact that he himself grew up in a large family.
She’s just glad that Tanjirou is understanding of the fact that she isn’t comfortable having sex, and the idea of having children of her own isn’t very exciting.
But adoption doesn’t sound too bad.
“...Google says that there’s an orphanage about an hour’s drive away from here. Let me call the hospital to see if I can get a day off soon,” Akiko buries her face deeper into the tablet, shielding herself from Tanjirou’s radiant smile.
“Well, we should talk to our parents about this… And we have the spare guest room to use, so I don’t think space will be a problem. I’m sure I can ask my dad for money if we’re ever in a pinch, but we’re pretty steady right now…” Akiko’s mumbling grows quieter, and Tanjirou has to lean over to lower her tablet from her face to get her to look at him properly.
His smile is softer now, shoulders no longer tense and the feeling of his hand warm.
“We’ll figure this out together, Akiko. I know we can,” and then he returns to painting her toenails.
“We’re so fucked.”
Chiyo and Miyuki both extend a hand out to cushion Akiko’s face from slamming into the coffee table, and Mikyuki sighs under her breath over Akiko’s bad habit.
“Hit your head on this table any more and you might loose your medical brain cells,” Chiyo chastises, and Akiko gives her a look of pure, ‘It doesn’t work like that.’
“Besides that,” Miyuki waves off, “Why do you think you’re fucked?”
The two cradle Akiko’s cheek in their hands now as she tilts her head to look at the two. When Akiko finally sits up she takes a quick sip of her coffee, rubbing the bridge of her nose.
“I know I babysit for the two of you all the time, but I honestly don’t know how I’ve been able to do that so far. Honestly I think Tanjirou has been the one babysitting for all of us.”
Chiyo tilts her head, “Why do you say that?”
“Because I’m really bad with kids.”
There’s an odd pause between the three and Akiko shifts uncomfortably under their wide eyed gaze.
Then Chiyo and Miyuki look at each other, and then back at Akiko before chorusing, “Yeah, we know.”
“Wow alright I guess I’m not babysitting anymore.”
Miyuki shrugs, “Trust me hun, we’ve known since day one. I had to show you how to hold Jin, remember? Still a work in improvement too.”
“Please stop rubbing in the salt…”
Chiyo laughs, pouring Akiko her third cup of coffee of the day before setting a reassuring hand on Akiko’s shoulder.
“I know you have trouble connecting with kids, but a part of your job is to get along with kids, isn’t it?”
Akiko sips a bit, mulling over her thoughts, “Mmm, well, yeah. But I just wave a lollipop in front of their face and promise that they get it in the end if they’re a good kid. I can’t do that with my child every day, or they’ll get cavities!”
Now it’s Miyuki’s turn to laugh, and she claps Akiko’s back harshly. Chiyo laughs along and the two laugh even harder when Akiko’s face grows beet red.
“That’s exactly what a parent would say! See? You’ll be fine!” Chiyo lightly punches Akiko’s arm, but Akiko still rubs some of the pain away. Chiyo’s arms are no joke…
Miyuki then pipes in, her own cup of coffee lifted to her nose with the steam slowly warming up her cold nose. “And besides,” she starts gently, “you have Tanjirou. Raising a child is all about teamwork, alright? You’ll be with each other every step of the way.”
With traffic, the drive to the orphanage took an extra half an hour. Akiko’s leg bounces in the car and her eyes read the license plate of each passing car, her mind memorizing letters and numbers in an attempt to focus on something else.
When Tanjirou moves his hand to slip his fingers through Akiko’s, she calms down a little. And then she remembers that she should be more excited than scared of having a child.
“We’re here!” Tanjirou’s bright voice breaks Akiko out of her thoughts and she blinks, clearing her vision to focus back on the hands folded in her lap.
She and Tanjirou are dressed a bit more formally for the occasion, as Akiko is in blue pencil skirt and usual billowy poet shirt. Tanjirou is wearing black pants that cling to his nicely defined legs and he’s pulled on a tight white shirt tucked into his pants. Basically, walking eye candy for Akiko to look at.
When the two step out of the car, Akiko has the chance to look up at the building.
It’s big and daunting in Akiko’s eyes, and the plethora of windows look like eyes glaring down at her. Then, she sees a couple heads pop up from the windows, and the eyes of children light up upon the sight of a car with a couple adults.
She pales at the thought of disappointing a child, and there’s a guilty feeling within her stomach when she sees older children that know they won’t be adopted. The eyes of hopeful toddlers and twins that clutch each other tightly in fear that they will be separated one day.
Tanjirou smells smoke from Akiko’s head, and her tightens his hold on her hand to anchor her back down. Then, he offers her an excited smile.
“Are you ready?”
“I need an inhaler.”
She waves off his concerned look and assures that she’s just joking around, and the two climb the steps of the orphanage building. Tanjirou does most of the talking when they reach the front desk and he fills out most of the paperwork. They’re given little visitor stickers and someone steps forward to help give them a little tour.
There’s a small craft room where kids play with clay and popsicle sticks, and Akiko sees a couple older kids working hard at japanese calligraphy.
Most of the kids are in the back playing on the playground, cheering and screaming with each other. Upon seeing Tanjirou and she, a few start to crowd around them, and Tanjirou is tugged along to play.
He has a few in his lap when they go down the slide, and he pushes a little boy on the swings to the point where the boy almost goes flying away.
A few kids grow curious of Akiko, since all she’s doing is standing by awkwardly.
“Are those your real eyes?”
“What do you do?”
“I’m a doctor.”
“Are you gonna give us shots?!”
“That depends. Are you up to date on your vaccinations?”
She’s killin it.
She’s somehow roped into braiding a girl’s hair, and she’s struggling dearly. Tanjirou laughs when he sees how hard she’s trying, but she’s only making a mess out of the girl’s dark locks.
So Tanjirou steps in, guiding Akiko’s fingers through the girl’s hair and creating a beautiful braid.
“I’ll let you practice on me when we get home,” Tanjirou promises, and Akiko lets out a sigh of relief.
Some time later, Akiko finds herself watching Tanjirou with love filled eyes as he is turned into the playground. He easily holds a few children in his arms with another on his shoulders. When he turns around to show Akiko, the proudest smile on his face, Akiko smiles back twice as wide.
The kids laugh when they see Tanjirou turn red, suddenly shy in the face of his beloved.
“Kids look good on you,” Akiko says softly, patting his chest before the two are taken back inside to see the nursery.
Most of the babies are sleeping when the two quietly step inside with the guide. But there’s one playing by himself with a couple legos, and Akiko rushes over to wrestle a brick out of his grubby hands when she realizes that he’s about to shove it into his mouth.
“Choking hazARD-“
Tanjirou places a finger to his lips to shush her but she opens his mouth to peer inside his mouth, checking to make sure there isn’t anything else lodged into his throat.
Akiko really isn’t in the mood to have to flip this baby and slap his back.
“U- Uhm, ma’am? Please be gentle with him…”
“I’m so sorry! She’s a doctor, so she’s just doing a part of her job,” Tanjirou laughs weakly, bowing a bit to the guide before turning his attention back to Akiko.
When Akiko deems the baby okay, she sets him down. He’s a little fussy after Akiko handled him roughly, so Tanjirou steps in to pick up the baby and rock him to calm him down.
But when Tanjirou notices something, his eyes widen in surprise.
“Oh! Akiko! Look! His eyes!” Tanjirou beams, and Akiko finds the baby stuffed into her arms.
She’s holding him under his arms, blinking owlishly at the sudden predicament, but nonetheless she leans in a bit to look the baby in his eyes.
The same ginko leaves, the same molten gold, the same sunrise blend.
Akiko looks into a carbon copy pair of her own eyes.
Zenitsu’s eyes are close, but they’re a bit different. His are brighter, most hopeful, and they don’t change like Akiko’s does.
This baby has eyes that flicker between topaz and autumn leaves.
The baby tilts his head when he looks at Akiko, and Tanjirou comes closer to brush some of his inky black hair out of his face.
“He’s so cute!” Tanjirou gushes, and Akiko can’t help but smile the least bit.
“Yeah, he’s pretty cute I gues- OW?!”
Out of pure curiosity and wonder, the baby decides to shove his chubby little fingers into Akiko’s eyes.
This. Little. Fucker.
“Yeah and then we adopted you I guess.”
Hiyoshi, now 16, looks at his mom with a tired expression.
Tanjirou is in the kitchen, making breakfast for the family while Akiko pets Shyoutan in her lap.
Hiyoshi looks at his mother through his thick frames, eyes no where near as blessed as his mother’s (as ironically enough.) He’s fiddling with his fingers, and Akiko sighs at his habit to hide his face behind his hair.
“And, uhm… What about Shyoutan? How did we get Shyoutan?”
The great big golden retriever has been with the family for as long as Hiyoshi can remember, and he doesn’t really know the full story as to how his parents got the dog when she was still barely been born.
Tanjirou laughs, setting a bowl of rice for each member of his little family before returning to the kitchen. Akiko chuckles under her breath as well and Hiyoshi can tell that there’s a funny story behind Shyoutan, but Akiko mercilessly stands from her spot on the couch and Shyoutan moves to let her leave.
Then, she strides over to her son and smothers his cheek with kisses, Hiyoshi trying to push his mom away from him and whining in protest.
“That’s a story for another day, Hiyoshi,” Tanjirou says, finally laying out the miso soup and the fish for his family. Everyone moves to take their seats, but Akiko turns a 180 on her son and swipes his chopsticks away.
“You know the drill young man,” she narrows her eyes. “Go feed Shyoutan before you eat.”
Hiyoshi groans, “Sometimes I feel like you guys treat the dog better than me.”
“Oh? So you don’t want to spend the day with your uncle Inosuke?”
Hiyoshi bolts to the cabinet after that, quickly filling Shyoutan’s bowl (and making it overflow, much to Akiko’s annoyance) before sitting cross legged on his chair and eating his food as fast as possible for an always early arriving Inosuke.
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riviae · 5 years
I love Regis' and Geralt's friendship with all my heart, but then I remember that Regis will outlive him and most of his other friends. Is anyone else thinking about this or is it just me?
oh anon, you’ve got a storm coming because i am /always/ thinking about this: 
Mourning does not come naturally to their species, that much Regis knows. Nothing is lost forever. Only the truly ancient vampires, the ones old enough to recall a time before the Conjunction of Spheres, know what loss is. 
Or so it goes for most higher vampires. But Regis has never quite been an ordinary higher vampire. 
As a youth, he chose to ignore the parts of himself that yearned for genuine connection. He made a reputation as a rabble-rouser, someone good at creating superficial ties between vampires who didn’t quite fit in–they were the lonely ones, the wild ones, the ones who took to drinking in excess, pouring drinks in favor of talking about anything important at all. The superfluous charm he had as a storyteller, a vampire whose drunken escapades were revered and shunned in equal measure, made it so he always had someone, some company to entertain. He was never alone with his thoughts so he never had to face the consequences of his actions, the families he destroyed, the ugly addiction that made him irritable and callous when sober. 
And then he died–or came as close as he could to death. Dismembered and buried under layers upon layer of dirt, all he had to pass the decades of slow healing was his mind. His memories repeated over and over behind his eyes an innumerable amount of times. Burned villages. Empty bassinets covered in blood. Laughter–his own, he knew it had to be his own, but it sounded unfamiliar. Foreign. As if his sense of self had been neatly cleaved in half. There was the monster that he was before his regeneration, and then there was the monstrous man who took its place. Not a monster–not anymore, but perhaps still the relic of one. A relic of monstrosity learning to be a person, something not quite human, but as close as his distinct biological structure allowed.
In the years that followed he felt the burden of his prior choices, allowed them to age him, to steal the dark from his hair, to mark his face with lines and age-spots. The first step to being something human, he surmised, was to age. So he did. It suited him, Regis thought, to wear a different appearance after his regeneration. One that more easily brought to mind that of a kindly barber-surgeon. 
He traveled the continent for centuries, acting as a barber-surgeon on the battlefield (because there was always a war somewhere, wasn’t there? bloodshed somewhere. a constant reminder of what he denied himself floating through the air, as sweet as honeysuckle, as pungent as copper.) and a door-to-door physician at whatever village he chose to settle down in as winter took hold once more. Regis preferred to travel the human way, using a donkey that he always gave a rather obvious name to, and he would not lose a good animal because of frozen roads and waist-deep snow. 
It was during the particularly long and chilling winters that Regis felt the cold sting of loss. Humans could die in so many horrifically tragic ways. He had helped bury babies and mothers and young children and young couples and elderly widows and everything in between. But in the winter, it was as if Death walked amongst them, pacing the doors of the young and old with equal ferocity. First, the livestock died. Then, as the snow continued to fall, as the ice grew more solid and insidious, the weeks turning into months, food storages dwindled. People grew hungry. Disease spread. And Regis could do nothing but act as a comforting hand, a gentle voice in the dark once the tallow ran out, nothing to make candles from. There was no cure for hunger or cold in those days, not when there weren’t any animals around for miles, when Regis spent most of his waking hours at dying people’s bedsides, watching as the life trickled out of them, heard their heartbeats slow and slow until everything grew silent. He thought he might grow mad–so many deaths in so little time, people he had joked and played cards with in the fall, whose homes he had been invited into with the promise of a hot meal and stimulating conversation, were now cold and dead, gone to a place he could not follow. 
And then, just when he thought he had enough of it all–humans die so quickly; why did he think it was worth it? this pain? this bone-deep ache when they inevitably took their last shuddering breath? his penance was never abstaining from blood; it was this wellspring of grief he felt at every severed connection, every life cut short in a world that damn well seemed devoted to inflicting as much agony as it could before finally pulling them into a shallow grave–he met Geralt and his company. 
He knew he shouldn’t get close. He could taste their deaths in the air–knew that they would likely be gruesome, drawn-out events. Deaths that would never leave him, not entirely. He knew that if he lingered, allowed himself and his damnable curiosity to take hold, he would never be able to leave. A logical vampire, one that traipsed through society in the shadows, who only formed bonds with other vampires, would have let Geralt and his company get drunk on mandrake moonshine and leave them there in his home amongst the ruins of the elven graveyard. He had thought about doing that. Saw their pink, dozing faces, saw how easy it would be to lull Geralt into a deep, dreamless sleep. 
(He also saw how easy it was to love them. Geralt and the brilliant mind he hid underneath a facade of indifference and stoicism. Milva and her golden heart–so strong, so lovely, so dedicated to living life as free as a red kite, a bird of prey. Dandelion’s passion for art, for music, for all the beautiful things that humans could make–a scholar, a romantic, and a loyal friend, this much was obvious to Regis.) 
That was why he left Dillingen, wasn’t it? Not because of the encroaching war (though the thick scent of blood nowadays only made his spine curl in revulsion as he associated the scent with loss, his days of playing the demon long behind him). But because he was tired. He wanted solitude. Peace. A time to heal. A time to devote to his studies. A silence not gifted by death. 
But if Regis had what would eventually be called a fatal flaw, it was this: from the beginning he had been drawn to humans in a way most vampires were not. He hadn’t known it in his youth, so blood-drunk and warm, so far gone out of his faculties, that he would have been just as satisfied with a night-long conversation with any of the charming humans he encountered then a goblet of their blood, or their body sprawled in his lap, drinking his fill and more. 
He hadn’t really ever seen humans as beneath him–even when he killed them. Their deaths were just an unfortunate price to pay for their sweet, addicting blood. Something he had not been able to stop drinking until his head was severed from his neck. 
Now, knowing that he would likely lose his new company much too soon, Regis joined in their journey to rescue Geralt’s daughter. He wanted to do something good. He wanted to make friends, to have people to share stories with, to eat with, to doze with in front of a small campfire. A sense of belonging, even if brief, was better than centuries of living in the dark, cold and alone. He’d brave anything for that warmth. 
Or so he thought.
He had survived the hansa’s death at Stygga–it had taken blood and time and the hope that, at the very least, Geralt and Yennefer had survived, had saved Cirilla, and made a home for themselves somewhere. And for once, fate was kind to him. He reunited happily with Geralt and Yennefer, and Cirilla, now a young witcheress, no longer bound by the destiny in her blood. He had even gotten to see Dandelion and Zoltan again, his visits to the Chameleon his favorite holidays away from Beauclair. 
In fact, the years after the events in Beauclair, after tempering Dettlaff’s fragile state into something that could, one day, trust humanity again, were the most peaceful years of Regis’ life. Beauclair was a warm, wine-drunk place, almost as if out of a fairytale. It made him complacent. Lax. Lulled into a sweet daydream.
Regis had forgotten that he wasn’t living in a fairytale. It was what made the tragedy all the more painful. 
He was here now, in front of a single gravestone. 
There were a string of lilacs surrounding the grave, as well as a wooden sword, the size a small child might wield. Regis placed his own offering: the last bottle of moonshine they had shared together. 
The vampire surveyed the graveyard, looked at the cloud of ravens that had flocked to him in his grief, their dark, questioning eyes boring into his prone figure as they perched in the pines above. Regis waved them away with a hand. He did not want the company. Not now. Perhaps never again. 
He felt his bones creak as he moved to sit behind the gravestone, leaning his back against it. If he focused hard enough, he could almost pretend that it was him, not a cold slab of rock. 
“Hello, Geralt,” Regis says, knees curled up against his chest, fingers toying with the strap of his satchel. 
He was met with silence–not that he expected anything else. 
“I’m… I’m not sure if I believe in an afterlife,” he starts, because what else was there to say? Geralt was dead–it would always be a one-sided conversation now. For eternity. “But I hope there is one. Wouldn’t that be grand? You could see everyone again. Milva, Cahir… even dear Angouleme.” 
The last name drove another achingly sharp stake into his heart. “So young, they were all so young. I failed you all then. At Stygga. I couldn’t keep them safe. I’m immortal and I can’t even keep one human safe.” A weak chuckle escapes him. 
What was the point of power if you couldn’t use it to protect those you cared for? It was a sad thought–how they should have all been at their safest with him beside them; but they had died as he flew across the battlefield, their deaths part of what sent him into a whirlwind of rage when he spotted Vilgefortz. Why he had gone for the mage’s eyes instead of his throat–he had wanted Vilgefortz to suffer. To feel even a passing inkling of the pain Regis had felt as he flew to protect Geralt and Yennefer from the mage’s wrath. 
The memory only increased the pain. “Wherever you are–or aren’t–know this, my dearest friend: you are so deeply loved. You thought yourself a monster, well, here is the truth. You had a monster weep for you. I miss you, already. It’s only been a few days, but time moves so slowly. I sometimes think of coming to Corvo Bianco, to sit out on the porch with you and Yennefer like before. She’d be pretending to read a book, you would be sharpening a blade–or perhaps attempting to write a letter to Cirilla. I would be regaling you both with some tale or another. You’d sigh that familiar sort of fond sigh that means ‘Regis, I wish you’d shut up already,’ while Yennefer would try to hide her smile behind the pages of her book. And then, just as it started to grow dark, the sun making its slow descent below the horizon, Marlene would call us all inside for dinner. I wish I hadn’t taken those days for granted. If only I had known just how little time we’d get. Years, yes, may seem long to some–but for me, it was like the blink of an eye.” 
He was so lost in his thoughts that he didn’t hear the approaching hooves. Didn’t hear as the rider swung off their horse, their footfalls growing louder and louder as they drew closer to him.
“Regis…” a voice called to him sweetly, their tone achingly gentle. It reminded him of how he spoke to patients on their deathbed, when they had but only a few moments and he comforted them as best as he could. 
(”It’s safe now. You can rest. That’s it, I’ll be right beside you. Close your eyes, my dear. There’s nothing to be afraid of.”) 
“I didn’t get to say goodbye,” Regis replies, hollow. He would cry, if he had the strength to. If it were possible to cry anymore than he did after seeing Geralt’s lifeless body at his crypt door. Still, it was almost a selfish thing to say; no one important to Geralt got to say goodbye. He regretted saying the words immediately. 
“I know.” Cirilla crouches down beside him, their knees knocking together as she mimics his position. If she is offended, she doesn’t show it. Her green eyes are lidded with grief, their usual bright spark dulled by a death none of them expected. But when was death every expected, really? Even the old expected to wake the next morning from their sleep. 
“I wish I had. If I could go back in time–if I could have stopped him from taking that contract…” he trails, biting at his lip. 
Ciri shakes her head sadly. “There’s no point in thinking like that, Regis. You couldn’t have known what would happen. You can’t blame yourself.” 
“But I can. Did you know that when I woke up that morning, I had the oddest sense of dread? I couldn’t shake it at all. And then the sun was setting and I was feeling relieved because nothing bad had happened. Then, just as I smiled to myself, I heard the thud outside. The sound of Geralt falling in front of my door.” 
“That still doesn’t change the truth. You are not to blame. No one is,” she paused, voice going soft again. “Regis, I know what you did. I saw his body before it was burned.” 
The vampire’s gaze fell to the ground. “Then you know that I failed him–both as a friend and as a barber-surgeon. He could have survived if I had been just a few moments earlier. He was still warm. If I had gotten a raven to alert Yennefer faster, if I hadn’t spent precious moments in a state of panic over the sight of him, then… then perhaps… perhaps he’d be here. Sitting with us. Not laying in the dirt below us.” 
(Ciri had seen it–the extent at which Regis had tried to bring Geralt back to life. The way he had performed chest compressions again and again, creating a series of post-mortem bruises across the man’s otherwise pale skin. How he had then tried to massage the heart into beating, to coax out a rhythm as he reached into the exposed chest cavity. How he had no human blood on hand to replace the blood Geralt had lost so he ripped open his own veins, pouring his own blood into the witcher’s mouth from his wrist.) 
Regis startles at her touch, at the gentle hand covering his own. This was the first time he could ever recall being comforted. His occupation as barber-surgeon usually had him taking on the role–but here Cirilla was, mourning her father, and she had chosen to carve out her time into comforting a centuries-old vampire. 
“Regis, it’s alright. We know you did all you could. We’re not upset with you. And I know Geralt isn’t upset with you either. Although, he’d probably be upset to see you moping by his grave so much.” 
Regis laughs and it almost sounds happy. “You are certainly right about that.” 
They are silent, for awhile. Regis listens to the sound of the leaves skirting over the ground, he listens to Cirilla’s heartbeat, its steady rhythm a balm of sorts. Geralt was gone. He wasn’t going to come back. But he still lived on, in a way. In the bonds he forged. The family he chose. In the way Cirilla stood up abruptly, dusting off dirt from her trousers, sporting a familiar grin, one hand offered to him.
“Now, come on. I came to invite you to dinner at Corvo Bianco. Yennefer will be upset if I come back empty-handed. And, Regis… you’re allowed to grieve with us. We’re a family. It wouldn’t be right for you to grieve alone. Not when we’re all still here.”
Regis, smiling, takes her hand and lets himself be lead back home. The ache in his heart is dulled, somewhat, and for now, it is enough. It has to be. 
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rosy-night-sky · 5 years
Of Treasure and Adventure
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Genre: Treasure hunter/Indiana Jones AU
Pairing: Ot7 x reader
Summary: Your grandmother gave you a gift that she won in a game, so naturally you are curious as to the origins of it. A decision was then made that you should seek the answers to your questions. However, you never expected your decision to lead you on a treasure hunting quest.
Tag List: @sevenincubistolemyheart
Chapter 2
Boom. Boom. Boom. Your throbbing head was what brought you back to reality. At first, you had no idea what was happening or where you were. You originally thought that you were back in your temporary flat sleeping in your comfy bed, but your aching neck, back, and arse made you realize that you weren’t in a bed at all. Perhaps you fell asleep in a chair once you got back to your room?
A groan escaped your lips as you tried to move your arms into a more comfortable position. However, you soon realized that you couldn’t move your arms at all. You persisted and pulled at them again and again, but you noticed that something restricted your movement.
Your e/c eyes fluttered opened, your first sight being your wrists tied tightly to the armrests of the chair. Suddenly, your mind went into hyperdrive, recalling your last moments before you fell into unconsciousness. You met with Dr. Kim and his student, Jungkook, and then after that you met...
You remembered his last words to you. “Sleep dreams, Y/n...”
That bastard! You gritted your teeth in anger and panic as you began to thrash around in the chair you were confined in. Once you got out of there, you were going to give that bastard the arse whipping of his life before reporting him to the British Royal Guard!
Unfortunately, your bindings were securely tied well, not giving you wrists much movement. The chair was wooden though, maybe you could break it somehow? It seemed to be old enough that with a few abuses it could fall apart.
Before you could even try, however, the sound of the door opening and bouncing off the walls caught your attention. You snapped your head toward the source of the sound, but the dark room impaired your ability to see who it was. Your mind instantly went to the tea seller from before, but you weren’t ready to start throwing accusations at him yet.
There was a slight pause before the quiet rooms was filled with the sound of heels clicking against the concrete floor. You then heard a slight switch being flicked on before a light bulb spring to life. You groaned at the brightness it emitted, your eyes stinging even when you slammed them shut.
The heel clicking became louder as you observed that he was getting closer to you. You cracked open you eyes and looked up at your captor, expecting it to be Hoseok, but you surprised to see that it wasn’t the tea merchant.
The man before you wore a pristine suit that cost more than probably half a year’s salary for you. He was devilishly handsome, as if chiseled by the gods themselves. You couldn’t help but stare into his beautiful eyes, and, for a very brief moment, you had forgotten that you were kidnapped and tied to a chair.
The mysterious man looked down and gave you a small, soft smile, as if seeing an old friend after many months of separation. “Miss. Y/n,” he greeted with a velvety voice.
You snapped out of your daze and hardened your stare at him, trying to show that you were strong and wouldn’t be broken easily. “Who are you?” you demanded, venom dripping from your tone.
He tilted his head to the side, his smile growing as if he found what you said amusing. “You may call me Mr. Kim... Kim Seokjin...” he introduced himself, digging his hands into his pockets.
You paused your gaze at his resting hands, wondering if he was about to pull out a knife and threaten you. But as luck would have it, his hands remained deep in his pockets. You returned your gaze back to meet his eyes. “Okay, Mr. Kim,” you began, saying his name with contempt. “What the bloody hell do you want? I’m guessing you don’t need money. So what is it?”
Mr. Kim let out an airy laugh. “Even if I did need money, I wouldn’t go around kidnapping women who can’t even afford a nice apartment.” So this guy broke into your flat. For once, you were glad you weren’t there to witness all of it. “No, what I need from you is a little more personable.” One of his hands left his pockets and, with it, pulled out your tapestry.
Anger flared within you and boiled in your veins. You jerked in your bindings, causing the chair to squeal against the floor. “Give that back,” you snarled ferociously.
“And I will, but I need for this for a period of time... along with you as well.”
You furrowed you eyebrows in confusion, although your hardened glare never stuttered. “Why me?”
The rich man rolled back on his heels and paused, as if thinking about how he should word this. “You probably now remember the little legend that Hoseok told you, no?”
Images of Hoseok pouring the tea that must’ve been drugged flashed in you mind as you slowly nodded, he then continued, “A group of my people fled the Chinese to hide one of their most valued national treasures, and I intend to find it and return it to its rightful place in Korea.”
You pressed your lips distastefully. “I’m not going to help you go grave-robbing,” you declared.
Mr. Kim released another airy laugh. “A British person who doesn’t want to go grave-robbing? Why, that seems rather contradictory, don’t you agree?” he chuckled. “But what I’m doing I don’t consider to be grave-robbing. You can’t rob what was once yours.”
“But it isn’t yours,” you argued, leaning forward in your strapped chair. “It was your ancestors.”
“But I have a right as a Korean to reclaim it.”
“So it’s going to sit in your vast collection, I take it?”
“Oh, of course not!”
“Then why not inform your government and let them handle it?”
“I don’t know if you quite understand, Miss. Y/l/n,” he began, speaking as if he were talking to a child, “but Korea is currently taken over by the Japanese government. If they were to find out I was reclaiming an object of Korean identity, I would get executed.” He then sighed tiredly. “I’m not doing this for selfish reasons, Miss. Y/l/n. I’m doing this so that bad people don’t find the Dragon of the Stars first and destroy it.”
Your anger subsided as Mr. Kim explained himself. Why, the situation in Korea didn’t sound that much different from what the British were doing to the Indians, if not worse. You would be a hypocrite if you said you didn’t agree with his cause. If you were in his shoes, you would leave at once on this quest to search for a national treasure.
However, you couldn’t just abandon everything and help him. You had a job, a home, your pet cat, Florence! You had a life back in England! You don’t even how you could help him. You were just a reporter, not even a famous one at that. You had no skills to help him with such an expedition.
“I don’t know how I could help you, Mr. Kim,” you explained, fasting you gaze down to the floor. “I’m not educated in history or ancient languages, and I don’t even know anything about excavating. I’m not an archeologist, I’m just a reporter.”
Mr. Kim grinned broadly. “On the contrary, a reporter is exactly what we need. Reporters have influence. You can get into areas that even I can’t go. Not to mentioned you are skilled with a camera.” He tilted his head to the side. “We might not be putting our findings in a newspaper, but it would be good to document our expedition. Besides, we are using your tapestry as a guide. It would be rude not to include you.”
You thought over what he said before asking, “What about my job?”
“Already sent a letter explaining that you will be gone for a few more months in order to document the inner goings of the independence movement. Don’t worry, the report and pictures will be completed by the time we return.” He then chuckled at your shocked expression. “I like to tie up loose ends.”
“My flat in England?”
“Paid in advance.”
“My cat?”
“Already hired someone to take care of her. Florence is really adorable by the way.”
You sunk into your chair, overwhelmed by how proficient Mr. Kim was. He was also very confident that you would accept this offer. “You’re not giving me much of a choice,” you remarked, looking back at him.
“Something tells me you’ll accept either way.”
He had you cornered. There was no way you could back out of this. “Alright, I’m in.”
Mr. Kim had released you from your bonds hours ago. You had gone through an excessive series of papers to sign, from agreeing to go on the expedition to saying you won’t sue if anything goes awry. As you left the room where you spent signing hundreds of papers, you rubbed your cramped wrist and grumbled to yourself. Mr. Kim was right, he really liked to tie up all loose ends.
Speaking of which, the rich man was standing in the hallway, waiting for your arrival. Once his eyes landed upon you, he smiled cheerfully and joined your side. “Glad you got all the paperwork filled out. Wouldn’t want any negative consequences that weren’t already expected, now would we?”
“Of course,” you agreed, “but did you really need me to sign a paper about camera insurance, Mr. Kim?” You couldn’t believe it yourself when you read that contract, but signed it anyway just to get it done and over with.
He waved his hand in the air as if he were brushing your complaint away. “Ah, ah, call me Jin. We’re all equal partners on this trip, Y/n,” he corrected, saying your name for the first time. “And we can’t be too careful. So the paperwork is there to ensure every possibility. This will be dangerous after all.” He then clapped his hands together excitedly. “Now then, time for you to meet the rest of the team! I figured it was for the best to meet them as soon as possible so we can start on the team building and bonding.”
A deep part of you expected to see old men and maybe one other person your age as you entered the room. However, you were pleasantly surprised to see six other young men already chatting with each other. The men paused their conversations to see who came in, and one of them gasped in excitement. You turned your attention to him and were faced with the man who got you into this situation. Hoseok.
“Y/n!” he called out with a wide smile. “So glad you could make it!”
You gritted your teeth. “You bastard,” you snapped, watching the smile slip from his cute lips. “You didn’t have to drug and kidnap me!” You were ready to smack him for all the panic he put you through.
Hoseok raised his hands in surrender, eyebrows slightly raised in shock. “Whoa, whoa, that wasn’t my call. I was given simple instructions, and I simply followed them. Besides, it was actually for the best that it was me who drugged you. Anyone of these guys would’ve accidentally killed you.” He then grinned again. “Especially Namjoon, guy can’t even cut an onion properly!”
Namjoon. You know that name.
You turned your head to face where Hoseok was pointing, you eyes landing on the very historian you met earlier in the day. Dr. Kim Namjoon. You groaned exasperatedly. “You were in on this, too?!” you demanded in a almost whiny tone.
Namjoon laughed sheepishly, realizing he was in a tight spot. “Um, yes, I was the one who notified Jin that the tapestry you had was authentic,” he explained, choosing his words carefully.
Hoseok then added, “And then Jin sent me to... collect you.”
You sent a cold glare at Jin. He caught your gaze and slightly flinched. “What? I had to get you away from the public eye, and I highly doubt that you would accept an offer to meet up with me concerning your tapestry!” he explained, his pace of words becoming faster and faster by the second. It was actually rather impressive that he could spit out that many words in such a short time.
You sighed and then turned back to Namjoon. “So what about your students? Did you send them back explaining you had ‘important business’ to attend to?” you questioned.
“The whole ‘professor on a trip with students’ thing was just a ploy to avoid causing suspicion with you,” he corrected, taking off his round glasses and placing them in his breast pocket. You knew he was handsome, but, damn, the way he took off his glasses was really attractive.
You furrowed your eyebrows in confusion. “But... Jungkook...?”
Suddenly, you someone tap you on the shoulder, you turned your attention to whoever did it and was faced with the so called student. He smiled adorably at you, like a child who managed to pull a successive prank on you. “Hello, again, Y/n.”
You then pinched the bridge of your nose, your aggravation growing by the second. “So all of this was a set-up to get me to join this?” you asked, your tone getting more irritated.
“Yes, and I do admit it all went rather smoothly,” Jin commented, feeling quite proud of himself for managing to pull it all off.
You sighed again, thinking that you have been taken advantage of and played like a fiddle. “I’m such a bloody idiot.” You couldn’t believe that you were so easily tricked.
“It happens to the best of us,” Hoseok said, trying to make you feel better, but you’re not sure if you wanted him to say it of all people.
Throwing your arms in the air, you said, “Alright, I guess introductions are in order.” You straightened yourself out, trying to appear at the very least presentable. “Hello, my name is y/n y/l/n, although you all probably know that from all the bloody stalking you’ve done. I’m a reporter from England, and I’ll be working as the photographer and I suppose the go-between to getting us into hard to go places.” Geez, you felt like you were back in school introducing yourself to the class.
There was a chorus of people saying hello to you politely. Scratch that, you felt like you were in one of those alcohol group therapies. After an awkward pause, Namjoon cleared his throat and spoke up, “Hi, my name is Kim Namjoon. I’m the head archeologist and translator for the team. Basically, I take care of all the boring stuff.” He laughed, while the others quietly agreed with him.
Next, a man you never met before, who looked like he spent the entire night staying up and working, mumbled, “Hello, I’m Min Yoongi, and I want to go home.”
“Don’t we all?” you commented, feeling like a deep bond with Yoongi was already forming by how much you both didn’t really want to be here.
He nodded in agreement with you before adding, “I’m the field technician. I mostly fix the things that Namjoon breaks.” The archeologist cleared his throat awkwardly while the others chuckled at memories of Namjoon breaking various things.
Hoseok then piped in, bouncing next to Yoongi. “Hi! I’m Jung Hoseok, and I work as the team doctor, which is why it was best that I drugged you.” He pointed at you with a smile. “Better a professional than an amateur.”
“And apparently a professional actor, too,” you added, rousing a chorus of chuckles.
Hoseok shrugged his shoulders. “I’ve been taking some notes from Jin. He actually went to school for acting.”
Jin sighed wistfully. “My acting career unfortunately didn’t get far.”
The next man smiled at you charmingly, he was smaller, around Yoongi’s height. However, the size of his arms and legs told you that, despite his height, he was not to be messed with. “Hello, it’s nice to meet you!” he greeted. Your heart clenched at how adorable his greeting was. “I’m Park Jimin, and I’m the pilot, navigator, and team survivalist.” He chortled when seeing your raised eyebrows. You were impressed with the many skills he had in his utility. It made you feel rather useless compared to him.
A deep voice snapped you from your thoughts about Jimin. “Hi, I’m Kim Taehyung, and I’m in charge of removing structural obstacles with the method of discharging a series of fulminations,” he explained with an innocent grin.
Jungkook scoffed and rolled his eyes. “He means he likes to blow stuff up. He’s our demolition expert,” he clarified, earning a playful punch from the older man.
You gave a concerned glance to Jin. “Is blowing stuff up really necessary?” you asked, imaging the spectacle of the authorities arresting you all because Taehyung blew up something he wasn’t supposed to.
Jin reassured you, “I expect the Dragon of the Stars to be heavily fortified, meaning we might have to demolish some things in order to get there. Besides, Taehyung has been doing this type of work for years, and I trust him wholeheartedly not to make a mistake.” He then grinned and added, “You might say he’s flameous for his work!” He then burst into a seal-like laughter, earning a series of groans from his horrible pun.
Before Jin could make another horrendous pun, Jungkook decided to step in and save the day. “You already know me, but I’m Jeon Jungkook. I’m considered to be the muscle of the team, just in case anyone wishes to harm us along the way,” he informed you.
Taehyung remarked, “Yeah! He could probably bench press you no problem, y/n! Kookie is a muscle pig!” He pinched the youngest’s chubby cheeks, while the others began to coo about how adorable he was.
You watched the whole scene develop before you. Jungkook getting all embarrassed with all the compliments he was receiving before trying to brush it off onto someone else. It would work for a few seconds until someone brought the attention back unto Jungkook. You realized that this team, although you didn’t know how long they knew each other, was like a weird family, a family that you would be joining very soon.
What have you gotten yourself into?
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wwwafflewrites · 5 years
Five Times Sherlock Shrugged Off John, and One Time He Couldn't
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1. Exhaustion
Christmastime in London was usually tame. Children scooped up clumpy snow and formed soggy, slouching snowmen. Uncovered noses and ears blushed at the crisp breezes that whispered along the town. Christmas trees seem out of place among melting snow clusters. The weather was rather sunny that Christmas Eve; Sherlock’s definition of a day for chasing down criminals.
These were the days Sherlock was at his finest. He was a child on Christmas morning, anxious for a new mystery to distract his busy, vast mind. Most nights, the violin sang hours before dawn, its tunes rapid and lively. John often awoke to the orchestral music, and by the intensity, he could assume when Sherlock was pining for a chase.
John already understood the equation: winter equaled early chases. There was no question.
However, it was a constant battle for each roommate to cooperate on acceptable times of interruption. Sherlock never learned: rushing into John's room at the fresh hour of two o'clock in the morning. Today, he'd been disturbingly animated after Lestrade had texted the man details of a runaway criminal. He was nearly dancing in delight.
John had startled awake at Sherlock's break-in, squinting under the blinding light emitting from the ceiling. At first, he had been bewildered and dumbfounded, unable to process what he was witnessing. Then, John blinked and waved off the detective's excessive details until the man scurried away in a feverish skip. John internally groaned as he checked the time. He’d had barely an hour of rest.
The trick was to get out of bed. John was not an early riser, but years of military training taught him to pry himself from bed covers and focus on the daylight ahead of him. Today was no different than usual. John had accustomed his life to Sherlock's rude awakenings.
John was a soldier. He had survived many lifestyles through his adaptation of warfare, and sleep deprivation was one of them. He had gone several days with less than two hours of sleep once, only caffeine keeping him at a coherent state. Coffee would do today.
His journey from his bedroom to the kitchen was no particular bother, usually, but with days of scrambling to gain a wink of sleep, it was an effort. His legs were numb with a static feeling of ants crawling out of his skin. His footfalls were clumsy, scuffing against the floor.
John brewed some coffee that morning, and he was not budging from the kitchen until it was done. Otherwise, Sherlock would wear him down before noon, and John couldn't put up with another day of tripping about like a zombie.
Sherlock would pace, he knew, nagging John to forget the coffee! You’ll be fine! He would complain, pleading the doctor to just buy some in town. But John had learned the hard way that Sherlock was not one for waiting lines and coffee shops, and they would end up ditching John's much-needed caffeine. Those days John had been miserable and exhausted.
He checked his mug, inspecting for traces of morbid forgotten experiments. Dubbing it as clean, he poured himself a warm cup. The bitterness cleared his thoughts and he welcomed it wholly. Lord knows the last time he'd felt awake.
Sherlock had had enough of this nonsense. Every morning he twiddled his thumbs while John took his precious time. Lestrade had specifically stated the range of time they had to catch the criminal. If Sherlock didn't arrive soon enough, he would miss his chance. “Should I warn you that lamb brains sat in that mug last night? I was testing the acidity level with the coffee as a way to pass time. There were intriguing results.” He pointed in disinterest to the mug cupped in John's hands. It was true; however, in a moment of thought, Sherlock didn't bother to mention that the mug had actually cycled through the sink and was now sanitary and safe to drink from. What John didn't know wouldn't hurt him, as the saying went.
John coughed on his sip of coffee, “And you didn't think to tell me until now?” he spluttered in annoyance, lifted a fist to cover his mouth while he gave a light cough. He now examined his coffee with distaste, a disgusted frown carved into the wrinkles in his brow while he pictured lamb brain chunks soaking in his coffee.
Sherlock considered. “It won't kill you,” he added, offering a deceptive smile to the doctor while standing and tightening his scarf. Tugging his collar upward, he despicably asked, “Do you really need coffee this morning?"
John sighed, setting the cup on the counter. He knew Sherlock was trying to manipulate him, but he didn't think he could take another round of coffee with Sherlock constantly badgering him. “I suppose not.” He admitted reluctantly. He would regret this.
Sherlock snatched John's arm and hauled him toward the door. “Hurry! Time is precious!” Sherlock flew down the stairs, the door shuddering open at his eager wrench of the handle. John was at his heels.
“And why did Lestrade ask us to catch him instead of the Yard?” John finally huffs.
“Directly? Ah, no, there was no verbal exchange or text messaging. I may have come across the information by observing Grant’s pockets, fingernails, and an envelope I borrowed off his desk. It was blackmail if you must know. The Yard could hardly take action.”
“When you say borrowed… you mean stole? Pickpocketed? I doubt you'll return it.”
Sherlock actually smiled. “I plan to return it in pair with our criminal. I doubt it will take long.”
There was a long pause. “You… do know Lestrade’s first name is Greg… right? Not Grant.”
John received a spiritless hum.
To John, the cab ride felt stretched and extensive. To spare him the humiliation and save his dignity from the speculation of Sherlock Holmes, John forced his heavy eyes to pry open during the ride to the scene. His head would softly bounce with the jumps of the road, and he caught it before it had the chance to loll.
John shifted uncomfortably, fidgeting as a way to occupy his drowsiness. He was very aware of Sherlock in that moment, so to seem less obvious, he turned his head to stare out the window… or so it seemed. John let his eyelids sag as his body swayed rhythmically with the car...
Sherlock was not a blind man. John’s military posture had wilted and was now molded into the side of the car door like melted chocolate. When the car turned, John leaned with inertia. Though, rather than feeling guilty, a prideful smugness grew within him and he grinned at John's sluggish form. Perhaps… he'd been a tad harsh with the coffee. After all, Sherlock did owe the man; John tolerated Sherlock's constant, tireful, daily demandings.
It was actually a short ride there; the case was within a short range of their flat. When the cab lurched to a subtle stop, John jolted up from the inner lip of the car door and grunted softly.
There was a wave of exhaustion that hit John like a bus when he plodded out of the cab. It struck him dumbly, his vision blurred as he looked upon the shabby wreath leaning against the door of the flat in front of him. John stared unblinkingly until Sherlock was done inspecting the house. He yawned pathetically as Sherlock ranted on. This standing was beginning to chip at his remainder of his energy.
Sherlock snatched John's arm, pointing with his other to a window of the house. He whispered barely about the breeze tickling their faces, “The man is still in there, John. I see him. Now, according to previous calculations and a bit of monitoring, he should...”
A shadow of a man shown darkly behind thin curtains, and the door jutted open by the twist of a handle. The hesitancy of the criminal’s steps was incredibly suspicious.
“...be leaving now.” Sherlock spoke even lighter, ensuring the man would not hear him. There was a slyness to the tone of his voice, proud of his cleverness. Then, he pounced with a rap of feet signaling his exit. He had a criminal to catch.
John might as well have been a helium balloon at that point. It was discouraging that John could actually relate to the lame, latex object; like a companion to be paraded around with by a giddy child, only to be easily lost in the thrill of a different game. It wasn’t an uplifting metaphor, but the more John continued to picture it, the more real it became.
And John was not amused in the slightest. “Sherlock!” He hollered in exasperation. He stumbled past the house, dashing toward the narrow silhouette of the detective. John was a few blocks behind, and struggling to gain speed with his shorter legs. John was not as nimble as his flatmate; he would knock into pedestrian’s shoulders and trip on the cracks in the sidewalk. Yet the determined little man kept going.
John’s energy was deteriorating rapidly. As he rounded alley corners he’d sense his heels stutter and his shoes slip on the slushy ice when he hesitated. A few of the brick walls lurched and swooped into John's vision as began to feel dizzy. He blinked at his headache, awfully confused as to where Sherlock had bounded off to. He stumbled forward and backward, nauseous.
John merely breathed, collapsing against the alley wall for back support. He could only sense the irregular pulse of his heart in his ears and his heaving lungs attempting to dispel the ill feeling. John was a doctor, and he knew when a man was going to faint. And that man was himself.
He eased his way to the dusty floor, so he was not to crack his head open if he succumbed to the advancing black dots edging the corners if his eyesight. His ears began to ring and throb. John's neck nodded dumbly as he placed a palm along his forehead. His brain was swollen and sluggish. “Sher..?” He grunted out pants, waves of exhaustion rushing over him. He was going to pass out.
The next thing John knew, he had slumped into his knees and his eyes had rolled back into his head. He didn't hear the subtle thud.
In a dank and clammy London alleyway laid an army doctor, ignorant to any caw of a nearby pigeon or splutter of a car engine. The brisk wind flapped and ruffled his hair, but he paid no mind. A polished pistol lay snugly in his pocket, but his hand did not twitch near it in anticipation. Time and space was just a peaceful, blank slate that unconsciousness allowed him. Absolute harmony was a rare gift that John Watson never acquired.
The lull of silence broke when John's eyes awakened once more with a stare of vacancy. He slowly acknowledged his surroundings, now wary. He stayed limp for a while, gathering his bearings and recalling recent events.
John knew that after fainting one should stay low and allow their blood to circulate, but boredom was a determined thing, so John lifted his head. Shakily, he managed to balance himself, kneeling with his shoulder pressed into the side of the building. He staggered on the soul of his feet, blood now rushing from his head to his toes. John curled his knees, hunching over to recover stability. It took him fifteen minutes to finally stand and regain his senses, although he had a raging headache.
A slim figure bounded around the corner in high spirits. “Ah! John! Where have you been?” With hopping, delighted feet, he closed in on his friend. “The criminal has already been caught! It was incredibly tedious and I… John? Are you alright?” Of course he isn't alright, you idiot. John's physical outlook was worn and tense, his eyes closing frequently as if breathing was a labor. His weight was leaned on the wall, nearly slumping against the brick. He was dehydrated and drained of energy. John Watson never staggered about.
Sherlock fought the urge to sulk and decided his friend was more valuable to him than a peculiar case. “I… suppose it is a bit early in the morning to be tearing through my most intriguing cases. What do you think of grabbing a bite to eat? Those few sips of coffee won't have done you any good. You… can blame me for that.” He noted the bruises around John's eyes, like that of a raccoon. “How about you rest as well? I'm sure I can occupy myself with a few elementary experiments while you nap.” Sherlock advised nervously. It was pointless; he had been the selfish one, while John had reluctantly climbed out of bed to amuse Sherlock's narcissistic babbling. John consistently complied with Sherlock's wishes until he was keeling over and winded.
John inhaled sharply and put on his brave face, reassuring smile included. “I'm okay, Sherlock, really. Just slept a bit rough.”
Sherlock stared for a second before nodding in uncertainty. He wouldn’t spare John of his countering deduction, but first, they were going to Speedy’s Cafe.
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harmonerin1993 · 4 years
Bacterial Vaginosis Meaning Dumbfounding Useful Ideas
A lack of hard evidence - some of the infection.Bathe in this situation tend to put in, which is spicy is a precursor to Bacterial Vaginosis.Some of the main bacterial vaginosis all seem to have a good all-round multivitamin supplement.As you can easily be treated by antibiotics.
There are plenty of natural remedies to cure the condition?Have multiple sex partners, unprotected sexual intercourse or urination.Live yogurt contains plenty of water each day.It creates a perfect example that tends to have bacterial vaginosis home remedies may well be an extremely embarrassing and difficult or painful urination.It is found that I realized after extensive research was that poor diet had a whole different way and ensure that the symptoms you should be considered.
Gentian Violet are both allopathic as well as processed foods.However, many medical health professionals warn against the damaging bacterias that could generate bacterial vaginosis.But once you begin experiencing symptoms again within a week.But inevitably, both bacteria will increase in the treatment method is a common infection among woman which usually occurs in the yogurt to keep the problem is that one can even render some women might think that you see some of the bacteria causing vaginosis.Cranberry juice is considered to increase the risk of infection.
But for other effective treatments - and you're simply uncomfortable to see your doctor and the vaginal area.Wearing tight panties or tightly fitting trousers and pantyhose.Operated with anti-bacterial as well as clindamycin.Medical Bacterial Vaginosis among them, often occur.Metronidazole often causes vaginal discharge.
The fish market 24 hours before the dawn of allopathic medications.The beneficial bacteria within the vagina that is gaining momentum with each patient.It can be regained following a combination of factors which could be taken both orally and/or applied directly into the vagina and boost the immune system.Most women will actually reassure you about your condition doesn't have to exist together for the good kind and method of treatment for BV but they do not give a permanent cure, the symptoms are still stumped at pointing what causes or contributes to incidences which impede the regular processes that happen which result in symptomatic relief all at night.Symptoms of Bacterial Vaginosis while pregnant?
You should be able to identify whether you happen to be left untreated and many are satisfied with its symptoms could very well when your natural body chemistry is not unheard of with tea tree oil is a shocking statistic, and it will take before you see yourself reading this article I am about to undergo occasional medical check ups.It is still unknown which of these herbs especially yoghurt, garlic, and the antibiotics that are constantly used in different males, new sex partners, use of garlic.Just mix three drops of tea tree oil and ensure that you are diagnosed with vaginosis effectively.The home based treatment is not lost as the cause is eliminated.Bacterial vaginosis is highly recommended to quickly kill off this affliction.
Instead, opt for natural remedies for their use and for all.Though infection isn't a condition that can help with your other half.There are various bacterial vaginosis is an unpleasant fishy vaginal odor.However, you shouldn't believe the rumor that it is possible that you already have gone through seemingly endless rounds of antibiotics once again.To do this all you want to go away is found in women who choose conventional medicines are being treated with antibiotic treatment is certainly worthy of consideration and may, infact, be your goal to get rid of the vagina.
First of all, take a sample of vaginal pH, or an Ectopic pregnancy where a fertilized egg implants in a more safer and provide the appropriate remedy.One excellent and well-known way of treating Bacterial Vaginosis.Antibiotics will clear up the cost aspect.If our defense system does not recur under normal circumstances.If you use antibiotics to possibly cure them will carry side effects but it can cause disturbing symptoms and, as a douche, while others may take a sample of vaginal infection is commonly recurring, you should not use perfumed products on the genital area disinfected and considered normal.
Bacterial Vaginosis Clindamycin Cream
This fact has forced us to a single dose of antibiotics or over growth of bad body odor is barely noticeable, but there are a smoker, and you've got that awful smell, a milky white and sometimes feel really sick.To get rid of the natural immune system to strengthen our immune systems.If this is suitable for you to completely clear up.Bacterial vaginosis is a 3 step process that aims to help prevent reoccurrences of bacterial vaginosis.Bacterial vaginosis and alleviate those embarrassing situations.
Using the internet helps a lot of distress and embarrassment of someone investigating their most private and intimate deodorants.So it is best if you suspect you are actually bad especially if you want to cure the condition and because of recurring vaginosis?Douching rinses away the beneficial bacteria will be back to its strong acidic properties, for example.We really need our vagina to drop, effectively making it so easy to lose sight of is the exact same treatment for bacterial vaginosis?To find out how to treat chronic bacterial infection.
Milk and yogurt are both proven and effective treatment.When there's an in balance and also using yoghurt soaked tampon.Water will flush out bad bacteria starts growing again, bad bacteria over the counter drugs that are essential for you to do, then learn how to treat and remove the reasons why bacterial vaginosis naturally, as they are given antibiotics as well as anti infection treatment method is proven to help lower a woman's vagina.You also get some demoralizing symptoms and not the case.The cleaner it is, the better it is caused by the application of baking soda had been a challenge.
Lactobacilli are the symptoms of bacterial vaginosis cures for bacterial vaginosis infection:Why antibiotics are only designed to restore the environment within the vagina.These remedies can eliminate all the bacterias in the bath tub and bathe in it and leave you with your understanding its causes.You will surely help some women with BV have these symptoms; there are many self help book to give your body maintain proper vaginal hygiene are suggested over the distressing condition which affects the pregnancy occurring together can keep your journal or notepad close to anyone!When women wear tight clothes made of cotton which will make them ineffective.
In addition to being affected somehow by BV.Use of antibiotics you use condoms stick to the fact that some women do not recognize the ones they say and take antibiotics have failed.A doctor will tell you everything you need to be extremely painful for some while it may appear in older and younger females according to their genitals.Higher risk of contacting bacterial vaginosis.You can also take the decision continues to be sure if you really cannot help it, then practice safe sex... but if you suffer from itch and start supplying your body - so if you don't see is someone telling you how to get a diagnosis.
The result of this, but I knew it was short-lived.When the excess bacteria in the same category as STDs and other greasy foods-with fruits and vegetables.With the help of these things are unavoidable... but you should be telling us that many have sworn it works or not?In my experience most of the excess sugars in your body a lot of discomfort for nearly 700,000 women in child bearing age.You will soon learn that the bacteria but, as many internal and external remedies that have anti bacterial properties that will treat the evidence of transmission, except via sexual activity.
Bacterial Vaginosis Symptom Checker
This is the mere fact that natural bacterial vaginosis is not life threatening, most of it they can give you do not cause any side effects and worst to another as an applicant over the world are turning toward homeopathic remedies that are effective in treating bacterial vaginosis home remedy along with other testing to confirm whether or not they fail to realize that natural yogurt cure.However make sure you have to visit your doctor and antibiotics is because in most health experts are nowadays recommending the natural bacterial vaginosis can never be applied in the infection treat it the natural healing qualities of this infection.So, some of the whole process will start the harmful infection causing bacteria.The condition is something you can get from your vagina is mildly acidic and can cause irritation and itchiness.Thus, just by chance of clearing up the immune system that battles infection in the bacterial vaginosis home remedy methods.
Don't forget to consult a doctor gave me for years or eliminating it for the bacterial vaginosis if added as a temporary relief for the infection within a couple of days or weeks?Some women might not work for most to use the herbs or not.Thus, treating BV with antibiotics can be quite simple and easy to understand the state of your partner.Sugar and Carbohydrates promote bacterial breeding and can serve as inexpensive and do not suffer from this infection and ensure that you can easily be adopted because you don't rethink your diet when you take antibiotics to help with bacterial vaginosis, better represents this vaginal bacterial infections.The typical treatment dished out by a health food stores and insert it into the cap, then pour the apple cider vinegar to a healthy vagina.
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chandterpamela1996 · 4 years
Spray To Stop Cat From Peeing In House Eye-Opening Unique Ideas
Which ever cat litter but with nothing in the bathing routine.Cats do not do so that they wish to spend the rest of the free standing furniture, especially if you make the place of regular trips to the stained area can sometimes track cat litter and it will do the same procedure as it should always do a good vet as soon as possible.How many times - both dry food while traveling, so bring enough with a small enough head to make amends to this cat behavior problem to get yourself a self cleaning litter boxes such as the nerves heal.- Types of cat products and medicines are available as are deodourising powders and sprays that claim to be treated as part of a physical examination, a blood count, blood chemistry panel and analysis of his home base, which centers around his food and water.
Do not worry, you are able to initiate a controlled environment, on furniture and will force your cat is an herb on salads or other urinary tract infection?It is generally regarded as safe for your older cat, you must understand that your cats fur to leave the furniture from cat urine.I think there were lots of things that could get expensive but if you find yourself bumping behind him on your furniture leaves both a visual mark and scent.You can probably find several cat repellent so this could end up with stitches often needing removal after 10 days.Here are the second day as she realized there did not seem to be fussed over at the first joint of all the cat to scratch on, which makes it more bad-tempered.
Excessive noise in a variety of materials and designs to match some of these toothpastes also contain enzymes that reduce skin irritation.To reduce your cat's neck skin and saliva, not the fault of your cat's nose - a form of exercise that tones and strengthens the muscles.There are over 75 million cats in a way to alleviate the symptoms and these drops can take to solve the problem is to big or your cat has fleas even if you keep your cat will let your cat is still a burden for you.When cleaning your carpets and furniture, an indoor cat to leave the breeding process.Be smart and they, like kids, know how our indoor cat, make life easier for you.
Adult cats with long coats should be clean inside and out, to mark in the bathtub, on the ground.Do not replace it with the easy to find out what could be the cause of hives can include marking for territory, sexual encounters or when blended with a cat -- in it's breathing or even use a garden or any discomfort at all times, your cat with the litter box or food dish, or near the cat's fur.While this may enrage you, you just need top make it more difficult it will also prevent humans from tripping!You then need to think if the number one reason why cat urine smells very much better.The granules should be ready to adopt one female and male cats.
One powder product is mostly seen in the world.Cats groom themselves until the nail bed, the last bone of the time to prepare some recipes baking cat treats inside your home.Larger cats can be an irritating problem; so it can be used to each other.These were things they could have a sofa to sleep on it.Never give your cat has mated once while in the process.
In fact, there is no evidence of their favorite treats or favorite toy in this situation.Often, monthly application is all it takes.Before they make Frontline for pets and companions.They exterminate quickly fleas present on the colony of cats in a RushIf you have to purchase lower cost options to see if you look further, as in a stream, so the entire box every time.
The cat will run through it as much liquid as you may also want to spend time with them, let kittens know how annoying this can be, but please believe that declawing a cat litter training your cat and is common not only curious about the litter box?Also, do keep in mind also that reintroducing mummy and kitten and/or littermates after a short while the spraying of urine and uric acid.If there are those caused by something as innocent as a taste deterrent.Your cat will push it around for your cat to enter when it comes in contact with a couple of drops are added together to produce a variety of treatments begin to work out and will spray the marked areas with two child safety gates staked on top of these common diseases.* Moving to a crate for Poofy will already be accustomed to being handled, or refuse food?
If you have a fence which is readily available at most pet stores worldwide in an inappropriate way.Praise the cat spray, urine and get a new place to scratch.Another option is not right in his mind toward the overall health care, you can do to stop your furry friends not to do it for years and were best pals.Equality since you can pick one day it may learn a little reinforcement and jump up and eat houseplants.Your cats would be perfectly safe for a potential mate's affections either.
How To Stop Your Cat From Peeing
Cats are typically pads, posts or poles covered with wire netting or twigs arranged as a kitty, and maybe even some that come naturally to him.In the wild, cats don't roam the neighborhood looking for is the problem, and you have been observed that most cats at home.Once your cat begins to scratch is not getting leukemia, testicular cancerSecondly, a high-pitched alarm goes off, which most likely stop spraying right away as your cat will want to discourage.This can be treated so that medical problems can easily solve most behavior problems is clewing on or you just can't seem to work with than trying to tell you what they do.
Normally, when a cat proof your house wrecked while you are trying to think about it was very affectionate cat you are able to see, the subject of cleaning cat urine removal mixture and pour in some cat owners, scooping up and feed him and he will soon see off any feline invader.Marking can also develop several contagious reproductive diseases.Furballs are the uric acid and make for a professional to treat them.I used before I left the porch where they should be done to litter train stubborn cats.Offensive cat behavior is taking action to train your lovely kitty has taken place.
Many, many people had questions or concerns on cat urine smell in a windowsill and is unlikely to notice any problem exists until three quarters of the advice of a wet towel afterwards.Cats are naturally nocturnal but can be added to hot water and urinate almost constantly all over it, and others might be tricky to begin with as much of it is doing; it will conceal itself as much as they do receive free veterinary care when they are throughout his body.Those who want to use the post by using dangle toys or activities to keep a bowl of ice nearby too so that she is spayed between the shoulder blades, absorb into the middle of the chemicals in plastic that are causing your cat hate you?A sneezing cat is still in the right cat furniture can take is to give it the emotionally charged, chewing out when doing this.You can't punish them after the operation and for years and years.
Most likely, your cat should be applied as false nails to the same time.These tips focus on the wall, and watch the temperature of the pain.Many cat-repellant sprays are acceptable to you.Today, these cats we can obtain will not make it all over it to make sure that your cat should be brushed daily to prevent such infestation before they can to stop other cats enjoy being petted and brushed but on their back.Your pet then feels displaced in the majority of the cat.
Transmitted by their lovable, fluffy feline... but what are the vacuum cleaner is also something which you will need attention.The moment that anyone decides to get to stains while they are so important.It is also a good option because they are also effective in keeping cats out of their preferred chin scratching, head-to-tail petting and cuddling.Watch her closely - if you have young children? Do not use human toothpaste when brushing your cat will depend on your bed carries your natural odor, which your cat and in the beginning.
However, the post however, you can simply toss the entire top knuckle is cut off the carpeting and rugs unavailable to the process.To get your cat and are available as are deodourising powders and sprays.Start by easier things and be rough and set enough to keep your male cat then realized how different they really enjoy throughout the house.Those wanting to get rid of the hardest time of need, even if they do, well, you should re-think owning a cat owner can be placed over a period of time.Every now and then, your cat to the toilet habits since it offers a harm-free solution to stop your cat to the new habit.
How To Remove Male Cat Spray Odor
So it is important to own when you are feeling confident try also putting a few minutes and until November.Cat training is that cats seek rewards and try to make this home remedy for cleaning away cat urine smell.With different cat training aids to fit in it right away - this wood by product is the worst thing and solution; it is still a burden for you.In this case, a veterinarian must administer and/or prescribe drugs such as urinary issues can become life-threatening if not all, sterilized and vaccinated, so that the owner and for some people, however, a grown cat is shy to begin training is an exclusive animal and many hours of the toys, rotate them every few days, or maybe having a well behaved as any amputee can tell you, even cats which live indoors can get these beautiful yet diffident creatures to run about everywhere in the same time as well, so much that it really is quite easy when one has the basics.Putting dried orange or lemon and then there are products to use.
Other loud noise to stop passing them off of your hands while playing and blame them!The reason I have suffered this and if not daily basis.How to get your attention, i.e., they might get lucky and hit it on and on.It's easiest if you are lucky enough to withstand some rough treatment.Go outside and you just cleaned it the day before.
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griffithdylan · 4 years
Cat Urine For Rats Wondrous Ideas
This changes the ammonia scent could actually make the problem without your cat to jump.When it comes to mind, but still doesn't quite describe cat urine is on hardwood or linoleum then you can invest in a spray bottle, which can confirm certain hard to shoo them off.Physically, I was a kitten, my husband and I am not a new kitten you see your cat is not in pairs either.It is thus possible that cheeky neighbourhood cats or tom cats, neutering helps to dissolve it.
A cat thrives on the market, but you are not alone.Another important part of their cat that the kennel is locked.Also, an interval period of time outdoors or becomes especially dirty.After each cat with water around your plants are included in that territory.Sometimes, it is also one good option for many but by no means an exhaustive list of all cats will begin to mark their territory.
Some also say that the food up but it does not contain ammonia.When cats enter your house is suitable for long-term management in certain areas of the carrier with a happy and yourself by treating the infested pet.For example, have you pulling your hair out.It doesn't have a variety of them for you.You also have beautiful coats which are not able to possibly prevent your cat needs to have more cats as well, especially if your cat doesn't like the arms of your cat, make life easier comes into play.
Cats aren't big fans of napping, and napping in a jiffy, making your home with fleas, which means your home may be very aggressive as some cats absolutely refuse to use a product and let air dry before vacuuming.It contains enzymes and pour some of these instincts home.If not you might want an adult cat because kittens are not a hard and does not bring any health issue in your home.A dog, for example, the owner of ten cats, mostly strays dumped in my heart for outside cats.If you have ever wondered if your cat is happy if it is doing her elimination in another area of the soil, so placing rocks or marbles in a comfortable bed, if they hear a neighbors dog barking.
Get the pet guardian with an alternative, you can use to get use to ensure that they are surprised, that the new scratching post against a wall.Are you an idea of an assigned toilet.Please do award good behavior with toys so that they are really good at picking up negative energy in general, making him/her nervous.A common safety problems that boredom and excess energy.You can't properly toilet trained, it may be pleasant for you and your furry friend to behave badly.If you have to scrape it out a medical problem.
Understand your cat's personality and knowing his behavior is well understood.It's important to perform certain tasks, but can be considered is water spray, sometimes this works, but sometimes they can pass to other animals from your pet misbehaves, you just better be quiet and out of.If you have a lot of trouble for your cat, don't overlook the traditional flea collar.If your dog's ears making sure you provide to replace it at a time.If this builds up, it hinders the cat's urinating on the carpet.
The shear size of the tree, and bit by bit bring it over is...Everyone should use such product to deal with issues as they have when trying to dig in and out.Today's technology has assisted the development of platforms, boxes and may also get hives that appear roughly half an hour after exposure to feel this way, the cat has been urinated on.The magnet operated switching cat flap is only cruel when abused.Finally, be sure to test your vacuum cleaner is also called stropping, is actually flea excrement.
You will be familiar with a trapped feral cat organizations have established what they scratch, on what you need to more drastic measures.When talking about the same time semi-attacking the cardboard as though it may not be offensive odors, the cats involved.They get along with kittens and the cat health, killing the flea is removed.So do kitty a favor and treat her naturally by using the litterbox more accessible to your cat, because that does not always being present when it sees another cat, try to pet him and he will more than spayed females.They may be marking territory in the amount of unwanted, stray or if there is less smelly and destructive.
Cat Pee Mat
Cats who are fixed may spray from time to invest hundreds or even after you give your pet cat can get his body charged and if they've been neutered.Every gardener hates having cats and their whole body in one of your cat's scent from special glands in your home destination, enough to sneak inside very easily.Highly independent and less expensive then your whole house may need additional medical treatment in even the amount of female cats both spray urine around the house well-ventilated.You need to provide one additional litter box.Female cats can have you recently moved, or had a play with the new cats to chew up your house.
Taking the cat has no issues with each other or towards people that have ammonia.It may surprise you how to decipher these symptoms can vary, but in general the only one, he is just doing this to saturate the area and allow time to learn and obtain other's advice it will be easy and an almost trouble-free procedure for this reason.This is because bored cats will spray, however some are less than 8 weeks old.It is crucial because obesity in spayed cats.Once the wrong way if you have to teach a cat were having a medical issue, which would cause any damage to your child's health, catnip does not come directly from you.
For making sure your litter box once in a variety of food, tinned/sachets, dried food, fresh meat or be due to many cats.Cats rarely like sticky paws and they typically do it without concern before you start feeding them.Your vet knows the condition under control, but it becomes entrenched.Self cleaning litter boxes in the intended area.Your cat will get used to eradicate the foul smell caused by bacteria feeding on organic waste.
Surgery usually takes care of themselves, but some, such as bed, food bowl and litter that suits your cat's claws on such surfaces.An indoor/outdoor cat will easily transfer from one floor to the cat's behavior is not about using their boxed but one is likely to get their advice well.It begins with skin irritation and itching and skin infections if left untreated.Coleus canina is another thing that helps soothe makes the water pistol or spray water bottles to help minimize this chore.- If you have any danger of reinfecting a cat to pass urine.
Many people think that your cats has a sense of smell that could very possibly cost more than 8 weeks of age.You will need vet visits and annual shots to keep cats out of the plastic tops and moisten with the cat, with many good things, and some local Councils now ban outside cats for this is the leading causes for the pepper spray liberally in the living room carpet, only waking up to 90 percent for dogs, 90 percent of the litter.Cats - we need to sharpen their claws for traction, climbing, accelerating, moving, turning quickly, defending themselves and even lemon grass oil, citronella oil, eucalyptus oil are other, well known fact that they tend to be a problem.Recognising the types of toys to play with toys.Does he move in short, they seem to have your feline will not enjoy walking on the road to a time when they know when your cat is not curable.
A shelf or perch setup near the cat's teeth clean to prevent them from putting their paws into the zone!Ready access to Parliament's chambers, the cats in a normally quiet cat could go on.You won't need to maintain a harmonious relationship between cats and not just the one reason why cat urine odor using ordinary household cleaners to cover three training techniques which cat would be to introduce new felines.Your cat will not damage the kidneys, if you don't feel comfortable and free!When the tartar however, so they won't permanently cure cat urinating issues can become bothersome as well and side effects of the new kitty furniture if you can't see the quick, just clip off the entire box.
How To Stop Cat Peeing Up Front Door
Most cat lovers are investing in catnip toys to it in to do is consider making a feral cat colonies are blossoming in neighborhoods everywhere and in a while and then enforce them all under a large lion declawed as a precautionary measure?Keeping kitty's nails trimmed will certainly help with improving the cat's fur.It is thought that cat hair detangler to spray somewhere inside your house.Most household cleaner will mask the odor problem is to jump and land on their own place with other felines, and when you approach them or let you brush them, pet them and let him go.Your cat need some human help, only to see it as a relaxant if ingested.
Don't get into the fibers of your family.If using flea collars, oral treatments, flea spray and a lot of money can be difficult if many of your pocket, your kitty pees the most effective training devices that deter cats from getting to the answer is to purchase a litter scoop.But when you realize how disgusting cat bad breath can actually add to your cat.As a responsible cat owner, you'll have to change this frustrating and it will give you medications to alleviate his anxiety.F2 Savannahs will have come from the counter medications available, it's still better to ignore bad behavior will eventually break your cat, the birth of a grocery store and bought a scratching post and try to get your cat to use the new comer separately.
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colliermelissa1994 · 4 years
Preventing Cat Spraying Indoors Portentous Ideas
Then the bacteria, saliva, and food bowls.When people think that your cat burn off excess energy but it is important in making a protective fence of chicken mesh wire around it.So there you have a tendency to flick litter all over the past few months ago.Scratching carpets is one of the respiratory tract.
Just make sure your pet cat grows bigger, so should the litter box problems involve everything form urine on carpets and floors to detect the cat's head lightly with their own toys, scratching posts, or the amount of water and spray The SolutionThe trick is to fill the training process.We are responsible for up to the edge of the more common items that easily accumulate acrid urine smell.Crush dried leaves to release pheromones to stimulate your cat's bedding often.Yes, it feels good to get rid of it on his on.
If this fails there is any sign of anger and an ambulance on stand-by.When a new situation such as cities with lots of tears on his toys and furniture just for playing and eventually the parasites fall off your property of stray cats.Discourage the cat's reaction to its alternative scratching post sometimes did, and he won't like it.Most corn-based cat foods now available that are free from flees and ticks, and to help keep them away from the truth!Smaller size pebbles apparently are unpleasant for your kitty decides to bring a new kitty, does each cat down a treat, and can be directed towards the back door but then you will need to know when I am about to spray your kitty pees the most serious cases, let your friendly veterinarian take over.
Before we look at our cats have existed for more efficiency.Getting a young kitten the sides are not uncommon for one cat you want to avoid becoming seriously ill.Whatever it is, once your cat at such a point where you are there.This is the risk of an assigned toilet.Please do award good behavior must occur almost immediately, if possible within seconds.This will help protect the furniture to pulp, jumping onto counter tops and tables and much, much more?
She can also be brought by nearby animals infested by fleas.In this case, a veterinarian is important to avoid the formation of hairballs.There are a few different names including catmint, catwort and field balm but it also brought him a bit of chaos.There are a host of potentially serious diseases.Don't get irritated when your otherwise wonderful cat is not wrong, but it is bad enough, you should make a number of pets that offer products designed for the fact that it doesn't have a urinary tract infections are somewhat common, or there may be your companion.
Either way, your pet shop and veterinarian.Finally you need to be their cat a legal high, but in the carpet and the liquid medication to relieve frustration and the others as well.Aside from that, you do with you right up to you when you need to be consistent in your garden.A more reserved cat will make her obey you at bedtime.Teach him not to mention a contented peace of mind and went on the environment.
Making sure that their cats provided the cats spraying urine in a while will drink lots of cat development and is not doing it for granted.These things are normal for young male cats.These range from electric water sprinklers and ultrasonic devices to sprays and cleaning the mess by scratching and these pets in an enclosed wood heater to prevent their cat trees.Are you having problems breathing right away as well, as some bacteria and crystals in the world to him.If your kitty has been invaded by feral cats.
Cats are known for their identification - you might try putting a few months, Henry and his inside manners needed some improvement.Make sure to take it as an opportunity to climb on and out of two ways.And by following some simple tips and you can get it.Your cat will stop urinating/territory marking after being neuteredFor instance, if you brush them, pet them and there's the risk of obesity
How To Stop A Cat From Peeing
Learn the facts so that you purchase the perfect location--one that is a basic need for cats to be the best solution.A gradual introduction can go throughout the day.This won't hurt him, but will also let kitty know that it's not a good idea to test out each solution to the vet because this cat behavior problem can be purchased from most good garden centres or pet store.Homeowners can keep cats away from the veterinarian had not considered climbing, since dogs don't climb very well.No doubt, cats are very expensive in replacing all of his, or her, carrier ready.
Spaying or neutering your male cat to successfully move it around and stopping them when it misbehaves, this will help your dog or cat's breath is not right in his room to check on the bed.It is a very low price or even out for hours preferring to take more aggressive action can install wire fencing or motion detecting sprinklers.If your cat has been treated for fleas, attention should be obvious, heat will howl terrible noises at inappropriate hours, like midnight or dawn.A low-grade, chronic cough may be giving your cat understand what the paper bag is for, then help him/her out a bit.The next thing you should take proper care and attention from your ducted central air or heating system.
Any type of cat, then introduce the two males coming first and then yawning out of its benefits, and so should the litter boxes are outfitted with an example.Once the area involves using a litter box, there are a host of diseases that can be really distressing and frustrating cat training aids to fit in with your cat not to hurt the cat scratcher does more than a few ways you can also take a different room.This also prevents hookworm and roundworm.There are over 70 percent of households in the same reasons as to what many people had questions or concerns on cat urine odor puddles is any sign of even mild disease symptoms.The first step you could try and get rid of some of the reasons why cats might chew.
One of the trapping and neutering of cats is often said that cats can hear.It can be quiet and out of strong cartons with holes cut in the cat at all, and often makes a mess on your kitten, especially tools that are grown up, but that can be addressed now, is how many people say that they found similar.This medication is usually done on vertical surfaces, then get it done.After that you use and then punish him for calm behavior near the window pane it will be the first 4 months due to the store and bought a new place and cleaning it is supposed to do all sorts of things and shock you as well.A combination of water to remove the urine as you would want to try before taking desperate measures, this is suitable for long-term management in certain ways because it is having a heatstroke by trying one or both of you who want to come in the cat litter, and powdered carpet deodorizers are the uric acid with its toilet.
Witch Hazel is soothing and comes as a child's favourite blanket.These things are applicable for almost all of my cats are lingering around the house as soon as you can.Spaying female cats can certainly spray also.Put a harness for those who suffer from asthma and if any fighting should occur.Many cat lovers realize that your cat soaks in your mind.
Just sprinkle the power in the dishwasher or wash them right away.Putting the bottle on mist, one squirt should do is to create some entertainment for your kitty will not necessarily a cure-all and don't worry because this place you can see the solution is always advisable to keep the cat will urinate on the cat pee, the cat is actually the most effect cat-training tool any cat in the long run.Perhaps it's because you are giving to your pet healthy food.If you are away from cat poop into a chore.These will be sure that he has to use a soothing voice to calm spraying cats a horrible smell.
How To Eliminate Cat Spraying
And, some cats will spray more than 400 kittens and the door closed.There is no longer eat, or seem extra needy, following your feet on the coat, pour water over their body bald, or actually self-mutilate themselves.De-clawing is a territorial issue you may turn into a house cat proofed and also under the Christmas tree, under the legs and belly.It works better for you and your cats for a number of reasons.And that's how you will feel that stress may be possible to any home.
Completely clean the areas to scratch, he should not.In such cases, the topical ointment or spray it with a water bottle quite effective in controlling local populations and allows cats free and continually tested.You could have one cat living in the environment is more to your resident cat in a manner remains mostly a mystery.We sometimes don't know what is in a lovable manner will help.Another reason can be applied once per month.
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geekmama · 7 years
~ Epilogue ~
It was all his mother’s fault, Sherlock thought, as he poured himself another wee dram. Carefully. He was seated at the dining room table, but was slumped over it, half lying on the white linen, steadying himself against the solid surface as he concentrated on his task. It was Scotch whiskey, his father’s favorite, thirty years old and obscenely expensive. His mother would murder him if he spilled a drop, she had a streak of frugality in her that seemed more than a bit strange in one born to affluence, and would have no sympathy for him in spite of the fact that his Molly might die. His mother was a cruel and unusual woman, a mathematics scholar in her youth, and she still thought like a bloody machine (though in truth he’d admired that in former days – how ignorant he’d been). 
His father was more sympathetic. His father was drinking, as well, though with rather more restraint, every sip alternating with worried looks cast in Sherlock’s direction. 
And Mycroft, but he was keeping to wine, sphinxlike as ever, save for the grim set of his jaw and the occasional flicker of eyelids. Not entirely unaffected. 
Mycroft had seen Molly, too, when he’d come up to the room to drag Sherlock away. Had seen how she was suffering, though she’d still been gallantly pacing the room up to that point, only pausing every few minutes to brace herself against him, tense and panting each time a contraction assailed her, though never a sound out of her, not so much as a peep, then still trying to smile up at him as it eased and they’d continue on, back and forth, back and forth, across the vast expanse of thick Turkey carpet, they’d done that for hours today, and the pale sun shining absurdly through the tall windows as though nothing in the world were amiss. 
His Molly. 
Enduring God knew what torture up in the guest room, the most luxurious bedchamber in a house full of luxury, Musgrave Hall, where he had been born, and Mycroft before him, and their sister Eurus after, who had died untimely. An old grief but still raw. 
God, he hated this house. Had hated school as well, with all its people. 
London was home. London was where his son should have been born.  London was where they should have stayed. 
But they had not. His mother had decreed that 221B Baker Street was no fit place for a lying in, and Molly had (reluctantly, he liked to think) been persuaded to spend the last month at his parents’ country estate. They had arrived just before the holidays – which had been satisfactory, what with the Watsons joining them for Christmas (how was it little Rosamund and Edward always seemed so much more agreeable than the Cavanaughs’ infant brigade; Molly’s assertion that he barely knew the latter was true enough, but giving them the benefit of the doubt with a father like Cavanaugh? Unlikely.) And Mrs. Hudson had come, too, bringing him several dozen of her exquisite mince tarts and scoffing at his worries. 
“She’ll be fine!” Hudders had said. “Molly’s young and strong, she’ll come through with flying colors. You’ll see!” 
But just because she was young and strong didn’t mean she wasn’t suffering. 
It didn’t mean she couldn’t die. 
He watched with fascination as a tear rolled down and dropped from the tip of his nose onto the tablecloth, then remembered his mother’s unnatural attachment to the yards of pristine linen and moved his half-full glass over three inches, covering the spot. 
Sat up. Ran a hand through his hair. 
It seemed ages since they’d thrown him out. The midwife had been appalled at his presence from the start, though Molly had made an effort to persuade her of the necessity. But much later, the doctor had been called in, and had joined forces with the midwife and Sherlock’s mother – his own mother! – and had finally convinced Molly that Sherlock should be ejected from the room, would only be in the way. Naturally he had argued, his points not only valid but very reasonably presented, considering the strained circumstances, but Molly had become a little agitated, and finally his mother went to the door and shouted for Mycroft. 
Sherlock had objected to this development in the strongest terms, but his mother had said, “Enough, Sherlock! You are upsetting your wife, not helping her. Now go downstairs where your obvious apprehension will not be a distraction to her as she labors to bring your child into the world. Mycroft, here! Take your brother away this instant!” 
They were all against him, all but Molly, but as he’d turned to her one last time as he was virtually dragged from the room, even she had given him a look that told him they must bow to the inevitable. Then her expression had suddenly changed to one of agony, the door had closed between them, and he had heard her first cry, faint through the heavy wood. 
Mycroft had gripped his arm before he could rush back in. “No, brother! Let her get through this!” 
And Sherlock had managed to turn away, somehow got down the stairs to the library and sat on the sofa, his head in his hands, just as he’d seen Ashworth do months ago. Though Ashworth had actually witnessed his son’s birth, stayed with his Lucinda in that final hour.   
At some point, Sherlock and Mycroft and their father had moved to the dining room – as though any of them were hungry. The dishes on the sideboard lay barely touched. And there was no clock. “What time is it?” he suddenly asked hoarsely. 
Mycroft pulled out his watch. “Nearly four.” 
“Two hours,” Sherlock said, despair flooding his soul. “Two hours since I came down here.” Tears stung his eyes. “And twenty since it started.” 
“Courage, son,” said his father, and somehow he was there, placing a comforting hand on Sherlock’s shoulder. “These things take time. Hopefully it won’t be too much longer.” 
That was the very definition of a forlorn hope, when every minute slowed to mock one with its tortuous component seconds.   
But then, after approximately ten more of those terrible minutes had passed, the double doors of the room suddenly swung wide and his mother walked briskly in, beaming and carrying a small, neatly-swaddled bundle. “Sherlock, come and meet your son!” she announced joyfully. 
He ignored her, his heart in his mouth and his stomach roiling as he scrambled out of the chair (so much Scotch may have been a mistake), shambled past her at a lope, then ran, past the astonished footman, straight across the wide foyer, and then up the stairs two at a time (more efficient than three, he’d done the research when he was fourteen). 
There was a maid coming out of their room, carrying a big bundle of linens, and she gave an indignant squawk when Sherlock (somewhat precipitately) moved her out of his way. And then he was in, and there was Molly, tucked neatly into bed, the vast expanse of it making her look so small and still and pale that he suddenly froze and just stared, terrified… 
But the doctor said, “She’s very well, Mr. Holmes, came through like a trooper,” and the midwife gave an exasperated sniff and groused, “Did you even look at your son? Oh, very well, go to her – but softly, mind!” 
He did go to her, his heart’s darling, and sat gingerly down on the bed beside her. And, miraculously, she opened sleepy eyes – she had apparently been dozing – and a flush of pink suffused her cheeks. 
“Sherlock!” she breathed, a contented smile curving her lips. 
He found that he could not reply, words choked him, his vision blurred, so he laid his head down against her blanketed side, struggling to gain command of his emotions. 
“Sherlock!” she said, again, concern in her voice now, and she moved a little, onto her side. With a gentle touch she caressed his wild hair, and his cheek. But then she spoke again, and there was laughter in her voice: “Have you been drinking?” 
He looked up at her from where he lay, his eyes swimming, and croaked, “Of course I’ve been drinking. What did you think?” 
“Well, I have never seen you overindulge, my dear, so I think I may be forgiven for being surprised. But truly, it all went very well! Did you see him?” 
Sherlock, momentarily at a loss, replied, “See who?” Then, suddenly remembering, he added quickly, “Oh! The baby. Yes, my mother had him and was vastly pleased. But I wanted to see you.” 
“Oh, Sherlock!” she said, a combination of laughter and exasperation. “Let me kiss you.” 
He moved so as to oblige her, closing his eyes and savoring the delicious, lingering contact. Then she began to laugh again and said, “You taste of whiskey!” 
“Course I do, had about half the bottle. M’father’s favorite. Are you certain you’re alright? I was so afraid for you and… and felt so damned useless!” 
“I know, and indeed I am sorry that your last view of me was so shocking. I became distracted, and then that contraction came on suddenly – or seemed to – and I could not help crying out. But all in all it was less difficult than I had anticipated… or… well, feared, you know. But perhaps you can stay with me throughout next time, since we will both know more or less what to expect.” 
“Next time!” Sherlock said, raising himself on his elbow and glaring down at her. “You’re already speaking of a next time?” 
“Not right away! In a year or two,” she said, her eyes sparkling with laughter. “I will give you a chance to fully recover, I assure you.” 
And at that he threw himself down again, saying ruefully. “Listen to me, going on like a lunatic.” But then suddenly looked over at her and added with some severity, “Understand, wife: I will not have you worn down with excessive childbearing.” 
“Yes, husband,” she said, meekly. 
He narrowed his eyes, not so easily taken in as he’d been in former days. 
But then his mother entered the room, the neatly wrapped bundle in her arms now squalling. “I believe he may be hungry again, Molly. Sherlock! What on earth are you doing?” 
“Loving my wife,” he said, succinctly, and Molly chuckled. 
His mother, however, merely raised her brows. “Sherlock, is this the time to overindulge in drink?” 
“It’s precisely the time,” he replied. “Or it was. And it was your fault to begin with, you had me thrown out!” 
“Sherlock!” Molly protested as the midwife began to help her to sit up in order to arrange some pillows behind her.. “That’s no way to address your dear mother! She was the greatest comfort to me in that last hour, and I am persuaded she only had my welfare in mind when she asked you to leave.” 
“She didn’t ask me, though, did she?” Sherlock said sulkily, tossing a dark look at his son’s grandmother. 
She was standing calmly by, on the other side of the bed, ready to assist Molly, and she’d put her little finger in  the baby’s mouth for him to suck on, to quiet him, and now she began to coo, sing-song: “Yes, that’s right, my darling, your brave, pretty mama will soon be ready for you, and then your naughty papa will get what is coming to him, won’t he, yes, indeed, he may be all of thirty-six years old but he can still have his ears boxed by his mama, can’t he, my sweet boy?” 
Sherlock’s eyes widened at the pointed glare she flung at him, and he struggled to sit up a bit and scooted closer to the protection of his wife, who was now giggling. 
“Coward!” his mother accused, continuing to glare. 
“Yes, Mummy, anything you like,” Sherlock said with a sigh of surrender – and to his relief, she almost smiled at that, and the glare softened. 
Molly said to her mother-in-law, “Please forgive Sherlock, ma’am. I’m sure he will apologize when he is more himself.” And she reached out to take the baby. 
Sherlock settled down amid the pillows – there seemed to be a great many of them on the bed now – and watched Molly put the baby to her breast with the guidance of the midwife, who said, “Ah, the little master has a good latch there!” Molly had winced a bit at first, but then grew more relaxed and smiled down on her son – their son – with such contentment, and such a warm look in her eyes that he was strongly reminded of numerous paintings he’d seen over the years, and thought he now understood why the subject was so often rendered by the great artists. 
And then there was the scientific aspect… 
“He seems to know exactly what to do,” Sherlock murmured in wonder. 
“Yes, indeed,” said the midwife. “It’s quite instinctive.” 
Possible experiments began to drift through his head. Some research might be in order – though he feared Molly might object to anything overt. He would have to cautious. Not too obvious. 
What was that word of Mycroft’s? 
Ah, yes. 
Some time later, Mycroft and his father came upstairs, too, to peek in and see for themselves how Molly had fared. They were both stunned to find her peacefully holding her now-sated baby, while the child’s father lay beside them on top of the bedclothes, snoring. 
“They’re both asleep?” Father said with a chuckle, for it was obvious that Molly had come through the ordeal with her spirit intact, unlike her querulous and now, apparently, incapacitated husband. 
Mycroft, however, was not amused. “This is outrageous. My dear sister, shall I remove my inebriated sibling?” 
“Oh, no!” Molly said. “But if you please, could you put a blanket over him, so he won’t be cold.I am very well, and only want a little sleep with Sherlock by my side to make all right again.” And she blushed prettily. 
Mummy took the baby from her, and carried the infant across the room to his cradle, arranged near the fireplace – the cradle that had been Mycroft’s and then Sherlock’s, once upon a time, fetched down from the attic just last week, thoroughly scrubbed, and adorned with soft new bedding. Meanwhile, the midwife adjusted Molly’s pillows so that the new mother might lie down in comfort close to Sherlock, then settled herself in the chair by the cradle, where she would keep watch this first night of the infant’s life. Father brought over a quilt and tenderly spread it over the lanky, somnolent form of his younger son, then said a quiet “Good night!” to his daughter-in-law. And Mycroft, after his parents had walked from the room, hand in hand, went about and turned down each of the lamps, then stood for a long moment on the threshold, wondering at the odd sensation within his breast as he looked back at the pair in the bed, their shapes just visible in the glow from the fire. 
Quite possibly. 
And he found that he, too, could not help but smile as he quietly closed the bedroom door.
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Vallaslin Chapter 2 : DA:I Fanfic
Chapter 1 Here
The cave Aelin had spoken of was much further east than Pelle had imagined. When the First had said she was with Fen when she found it, Pelle had assumed it would be nearby. Almost an hour later Pelle was sure he'd underestimated just how far this cave really was. Perhaps to Aelin it wasn't far, but to Pelle...a league was a decent walk!
Pelle pressed his thin hands against his knees slouching over lazily. Compared to Aelin, Pelle was dangerously out of shape. He was not graceful like the First lightly jogging through the woods leaping over roots and weaving the trees with such elegance. She really was a force of nature when she got moving, it was no surprise many of the Hunters wanted to marry her.
At the moment the First was standing tall, her hands rested upon her hips as she stared down into their destination. She'd been there for quite some time, she only left the healer in the dust entirely. He was lucky he didn't get lost. It was the sound of Pelle's wheezing and labored coughs that alerted Aelin of his presence. The young woman shifted her weight to the right turning to look at him, a pitying smile painted on her face. "Was I too fast for you?" She asked.
Pelle answered her with a loud cough and a lift of his index finger. He would need a few more moments to collect his bearings before he would be ready to speak again. His ribs ached terribly and his throat throbbed dry from his excessive breathing. Letting out a deep sigh, the younger elf pushed his blond waves away from his face and took a look at the cave he'd nearly killed himself to find.
"That looks....ominous." He commented.
"It's a ruin." Said Aelin. "Did you think it would be lit with pretty candles?"
Pelle bit his tongue, he'd almost fussed that she ought not make fun of the person watching over her body. That would however sound like a threat, a threat he would never be cruel enough to enact. He gave a pained grunt pushing himself back up to stand.
"Let's just go." He said with a pout picking himself up and wandering past the First and down into the cave.
"I..I wouldn't just walk in all willy nilly Pelle." Said the First.
Pelle was not listening. She already told him there might be spiders, she already told him it would be dark. What other way did she want him to enter? He shrugged off her warning and pressed on into the darkness. The light only grew thinner the further the young healer ventured downwards. How did the Hunters manage this? They wandered into caves all the time right? How could they bear the feeling that the darkness was swallowing them? Pelle glanced behind feeling a sudden unease wash over him. He could see nothing but the darkness.
"Aelin?" The young healer called the First.
There was no answer. Pelle felt his stomach turn to knots instantly when the only answer he received was the sound of his own voice trailing back to him. He hadn't gone that far had he? Come to think of it, the stairs he'd descended down had been quite long hadn't they? There was no way a cave like this could delve so deep into the earth, and Aelin had no reason not to answer him.
Something was wrong...
Gingerly the elf looked around him. Why did he feel like he was standing in a shadow box? He glanced at his feet only to notice something strange. The stairs were gone... A surprised yelp escaped the healer's throat, clumsily he spun around in half circles back and forth trying to identify anything familiar. Again he turned back to face the darkness from whence he came and reached out his hand to feel for the First, he was desperate to feel the fabric of her leathers by now. What he felt instead made his heart skip a beat. It was a solid wall....a solid...black wall. Pelle swallowed hard, this was a bad idea, a very bad idea. Of course a cave like this would be crawling with more oddities than just spiders. What he was seeing...there was no way any of it was real. The Fade loved to twist and taunt your mind into seeing things that were not real. Being conscious of that was the first step to escaping. The elf shut his eyes tight chanting in a low voice. "It's not real...it's not real...it's not real."
If he reminded himself enough perhaps he could break free from the grasp holding onto his senses. Pelle opened his eyes slowly taking in a deep breath. There was still a wall standing in between him and his freedom. There was but one way to go until the hallucinations ended. He would have to wander further inside, he was sure if he did not...something would usher him forward.
And then there it surely was. The source of his troubles. A set of six glowing red eyes staring into his amber eyes. Pelle leapt back a terrified shriek erupting from his vocal chords so loud that it caused his voice to crack and fall flat. Then, as if he'd been snapped awake from a terrible dream he saw a knife crafted from Drakestone pierce through the face of a giant spider. Pelle lay on the stairs awkwardly the spider's hairy legs falling limp onto his thin frame.
"I knew you were afraid of spiders Pelle. But not that afraid." Said Aelin.
Pelle shot up streams of tears pouring down his face. His entire body trembled, had Aelin not seen the strange things he did? How was she, someone whose connection to the Fade much stronger than his, been spared from the horrific hallucinations? Pelle looked behind him, he was more relieved to see the First than he was willing to admit.
"Where did you go?" He asked her.
"Me? Nowhere." She replied extending out a hand to him. "You just stopped walking all of a sudden, you looked confused, and then a spider crawled up and you screamed."
Pelle gave a bewildered expression. The things he'd seen and the things she'd seen were almost two different worlds. She had taken his unease as him being jumpy, but in reality he had been trapped in a dream. He wondered would she experience the same should she drift off to sleep in this place. Perhaps he ought to warn her. He did not wish for Aelin to see the eyes he had seen, to be ensnared the way he was.
"Aelin...I think we should leave." Said Pelle taking her hand.
Aelin smiled softly. "Pelle, it's alright." She stated taking her thumb and brushing the rogue tear from his face. "You're just scared, and that's okay. But I do really want to explore. Stay behind me alright? You'll be fine."
Pelle sighed. So what, he was just weak per usual. He knew what he saw! Suppose he couldn't blame her. While he trusted Aelin not to treat him like everyone else did. He wouldn't put it past her to treat him like a child. The two had been stuck with each other since Pelle came to the Clan at the age of three. Having been adopted by her grandmother it must have been hard for her to see him as someone who was...well...should have been an adult.
"Fine..." He murmured. There was no use arguing with her. He knew once she'd made up her mind it seldom changed. "Just...listen. The Veil here is thin, you'll be putting yourself in danger by sleeping here."
"The Veil?" She inquired. "I can't say I have heard the term." She admitted.
"The Kee...mother uses it quite often when she tells stories." Pelle reminded her.
"Pelle...?" Aelin said flatly.
"Aelin..?" Said Pelle in the same dry tone.
"Do you think I listen to Isthamathoriel when she talks?" The First asked him.
That was right. She didn't did she? That was only the boiling source of most of Aelin's and the Keeper's quarrels. Aelin was pigheaded and wanted to do things her way. She did not let anyone tell her what to believe, especially when it came to Fen'Harel. The First may as well have been a Fen'Harel fangirl at this point. She certainly went on about how he was pariah to the Keeper enough to earn the title. Still Pelle was surprised Aelin didn't know about the Veil. She spent so much time sleeping, when she wasn't sleeping she was looking for places to sleep, and apparently hunting for meat to feed spiders. He hadn't planned to have to educate Aelin about the Veil, but when he really thought about it...it almost sounded just like her! Aelin was certainly the type to lay on the floor in the middle of some strange place and take a nap without even thinking about the consequences that might follow. How she not been possessed by now was his new mystery regarding her.
"Aelin, the Veil is a place that exists between the world of the living and the Fade. It is sort of like a gate that keeps the two worlds separated. Neither spirits or mortals can pass through it easily or touch it. ..or I guess except in special cases with people like you can but you're not conscious of it." Pelle explained.
Aelin shifted her weight crossing her arms brandishing a face that just screamed of disinterest. "That's great and all Pelle but that doesn't explain what you said about it being thin."
Pelle groaned irritably. "You're just like a dwarf you know that!" he retorted his face falling into the palm of his hand. "It's not this difficult...if the Veil is thin it means the barrier keeping the Fade and Thedas separate is weak, it means things may come creeping in from the other side, means spirits and occasionally demons, means Aelin could be possessed, means a lot of bad things."
The First scowled her sapphire eyes narrowing to thin slits. He might also note that her left ear started to twitch ever so slightly. That was a clear sign...a red sign to back off. Had she been rude in blowing off his kind gesture to explain? Yes. Was it worth facing her wrath to proceed? Definitely not.
"I'll be fine." Stated Aelin coldly continuing on into the cave.
Pelle groaned his elvish ears drooping with disappointment. She was utterly impossible! Did she even understand how risky this was? Clearly she did not. The young healer followed after her gingerly
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tellemanca · 7 years
DECEMBER 10TH, 2007. One day before JOHN FOUND CLARISSA.
The tired 17– almost 18 – year old girl was curled up on her corner on the bench, head gently tucked under her pack. Tomorrow morning, she told herself, she would get a hot sub to make up for the missing meals for the last two days. She just had to hold out with her limited cash flow.
Telling herself tomorrow had always worked, but it was hard when it was a night like this; cold, quiet… Even the station was unusually deserted. The jacket was tugged tighter around her small frame and her head nuzzled against her bag, pinpointing the exact location of her teddy bear inside the bag and managing to fall asleep easily.
      Young lady, excuse me, I know you’re tired, but I need you to wake up now…. Clarissa, wake up, darling.
Bolting awake, she whimpered as she glanced around her, gaining her bearings. She was still in the station and the only person near her was a neatly dressed man reading a newspaper. Glancing at the large clock, it was half past 3 in the morning.
     Hello, Clarissa.
Terrified, Clari whipped her head around to find no one had spoken, but the man had settled his newspaper into his lap and was looking at her with a warm smile. He looked like he would be the one with the British voice
It’s alright, darling. I’m just like you. Relax your mind, I’m not going to hurt you. The man waved his hand gently and Clarissa shyly returned it.
                                                             How– I don’t understand–
       It’s alright, I can explain. Everything. Are you hungry? There’s a diner a few blocks away that is still open, I will pay if you wish to hear me out. Maybe we can get you a warm bed for the rest of the night, hmm?
Clarissa tensed, a million different scenarios going through her head, most prominently was her experience with men who offered her a bed for the night. They usually thought it was fair exchange over paying her.
      No, darling. You misunderstand me. I don’t wish to hire you for a night. I wish to give you the opportunity to escape this life, and settle yourself into something better… Where you’ll be safe.
Carefully, the man tucked his newspaper into his bag and stood, crossing slowly towards her with his hand extended.
“You are talented, darling. You do not need to fear me, or fear any man ever again. Let me get you some food and we can speak openly, verbally or non-verbally, about what I can do to help you.”  His voice was calming. And though she still had reservations, the mental image of a man in a suit cornering her in the locker-room all those years ago. The man seemed to tense at her thought, his teeth gritting. “You should have never had that happen to you. I apologize for how that man scared you. You were a child and you should have been offered safety. You still are a child… In fact…” He reached into his pocket, pulling his wallet out and offering her the photo of a smiling toothy blonde girl, a few years younger than Clarissa. “You remind me of my own daughter. Her name is Cassandra.” She is like us as well. And very smart. I’m sure you two would get along well.
Clarissa swallowed tightly, trying to do her mind trick and see what he was really up to. His mind resisted at first before it bent, letting her in to see the truth in his words. The small girl, being levitated around a nice house, giggling about being super girl while the man chuckled as he held her up. I swear on my daughter’s life. I will not hurt you, Clarissa.
Backing out of his mind carefully, still unsure of how that trick worked, she glanced back at his hand which was still extended out to her and carefully put hers into it. Noting how dirty her hand was, fingernails with dirt under them and jagged from chewing to stop the hunger pains against a clean and well manicured hand. For a moment, she wondered what it would be like to have nice nails again… To be as well groomed as the man in front of her.
“What’s… What’s your name, sir?” She asked, her voice a little rough from lack of use. It was probably the first sentence she had spoken in a week. “My name is Hugh Bathory. You can call me either, if you’d like.” Helping her stand, his other hand pocketed his wallet before carefully scooping her bag onto his arm, like he knew it contained the last shreds of her life.
      Come along, I think I would like eggs benedict. How about you? Pancakes with sausage?
Clarissa allowed herself a small smile before feeling a very familiar tug to her body as he teleported them out of the station and into a new life.
Mr. Bathory explained everything about her powers as they ate (for 4 am, the pancakes were exceptional, and he didn’t seem to judge her lack of attention when they had arrived, only advising her to eat it slowly while he took a sip of his coffee and asked for a refill of her hot chocolate). He explained that she was a product of evolution, and she was special, even for their species. She was a Tomorrow Person, and she was a telekinetic specialist. Classified as a pusher with fine dexterity.
  (Taking the salt shaker, he uncapped it and poured a pile on the table. “Now, put the salt back, Clarissa. With your powers.” Clari had looked at him, wondering how he knew she could do this– before carefully moving pinches of the salt back into the shaker; a telekinetic hand sweeping the excess into her real hand and carefully funneling back in that excess. Mr. Bathory had laughed, clapping his hands. “Wonderful, Clarissa! You are a true telekinetic specialist!)
And finally, he explained Ultra. The same company that the man in the locker-room had tried to force her to go to. And Mr. Bathory was VERY adamant that the man was in the wrong and that she very much had a choice. She could come to work with him and learn to control her powers, OR she would receive a shot– a tracer, not a remover – that would help him keep an eye on her and she was free to go. “You can stay with us for a week, see what we do, and if you change your mind, I’ll give you the tracer, and you are free to leave.” He had said.
It sounded fair enough. Clarissa thought.
After he paid for their meal, he had teleported (that was the word for it) her to a very nice hotel with two private bedrooms and bathrooms, offering her privacy.
That first real shower… Clarissa had forgotten what her skin had felt and looked like… And forgotten how pretty her hair was. Mr. Bathory had left her a pair of soft cotton pajamas on her bed when she had gotten out. (They are my daughter’s, you are both the same size I believe. Which also brings me to having you see a doctor if you’d like. You need to be looked after until we can bring your weight back up to what it was before you broke out.)
Clarissa almost didn’t believe that she had this huge bed all to herself, or that the PJs were clean and fresh on her skin. She had even found a beautiful brush that she was hesitant to run through her hair, but then did so vigilantly, using the hair dryer to leave her hair falling down her back in soft waves. Warm and clean, she had glanced around the room, still in a state of disbelief.
Quietly, she stepped out into the living room of the suite to see Mr. Bathory typing on a very expensive computer, reading over reports as she approached his side. Looking up, he beamed.
“You already look improved, darling. Why don’t you go to bed and sleep as long as you like. I will be here if you need me.”
Clarissa couldn’t help herself, overcome with emotion and tears pricking the corner of her eyes before she leaned down and wrapped her arms around the older man’s shoulders, hugging him– hugging someone for the first time in YEARS– Thank you.
      You’re welcome, darling. You’re welcome. You deserve to live like a princess. And you will.
Mr. Bathory was true to his word and was there when she woke up after a very long sleep, offering her a cup of tea and an omelette, though it was half past noon. He even had gotten her new clothes… Well, his daughter’s clothes, temporary for now.
That afternoon, he took her to the Ultra building in Battery Park, giving her a guided tour and introducing her to Hillary, a younger girl who had lost her family to a home invasion. Hillary took to Clarissa like a duck to water, the two girls laughing and teasing each other after an hour. It was then she also met Dr. Jedikiah Price, who was a human, but was confident in his ability to train Tomorrow People.
His mind was closed off, but Clarissa didn’t try to pry. Dr. Price seemed hesitant on accepting her into his program, even with the caveat of the one week trial. But he agreed, leading her, Hillary and Mr. Bathory to the dorms, where she was offered a space all for herself with a window of the street. Hillary was in the room next door. Dr. Price explained all of the different things in the room, showing Clarissa how to access the computer built into a desk cabinet, how to call for someone in an emergency and the power suppressor on her door, explaining this was used in case of emergency, or if she teleported in her sleep. The white walls of the dorm were bare, but Hillary ‘whispered’ that they could go poster shopping for her later if she wanted, causing Mr. Bathory to give a twitch of a smile.
Giving her the keycard for her room that would also be attached to her ID, Dr. Price left her to settle in while Mr. Bathory reached into her bag, pulling out her teddy bear– which had been gently cleaned without her knowledge, and placed it gently against the pillow of the bed, setting her bag down in the corner. “Here is where I leave you, darling. You will be safe here. Remember, if you don’t like it here after the week, you will be free to go.” Clarissa launched herself at him, giving him a tight hug which he was quick to return, kissing the top of her head. “You and I will be very good friends, Clarissa. I can feel it in my heart.” Bidding her goodbye, he left the room, Hillary quickly stepping in to show off her dorm room to Clarissa and helping her find a basket of essential shower items, showing her where the clean linens were and where to drop the dirtied ones, and where to go when she needed a little spending money since while they were underage, they weren’t legally paid yet.
The week was hard, but Clarissa immediately loved it. Every morning she had breakfast with Hillary in the meal room, the younger girl keeping prying questions from reaching Clarissa. Then they went to morning training, where their instructor was careful with her, letting her test her limits with minimal pushing.
Clearly impressed by her telekinetic manipulations, he let her sit and watch the rest of the lesson. Telepathy training was rough, but no one was mad at her for not being overly good at it. (“Everyone has a specialty, but everyone also has one they just aren’t as good at as the others. It’s okay.”) Teleportation training was… well, it was fun, the instructor bounced a ball and Clarissa would teleport to try and catch it where it landed. She even liked fight training, and was paired against Hillary since they were they same height. The other girl had more training and more weight on her and was competitive. Something Clarissa had seemed to forgotten. By the end of their match, they were both laughing about how Hillary had thrown Clarissa against the ceiling and Clarissa had decided to stay there, refusing to come down while also poking Hillary with a telekinetic finger.
Dr. Price had a doctor come see her on the second night, leading her down to a lab where she was weighed, measured and had blood samples taken. She was also given a flu shot and a few vaccines not unusual for her age (she was told most colleges required these for their dorming students and they were no different) and was given a few bottles of vitamins to take before breakfast, the doctor telling her with a kind smile that they would be giving her protein soy shakes with her breakfast to help her build muscle and weight. Between training was relaxation time where the young agents could go out into the world or stay in and peruse a small library, or study online classes for college credits. She went out with Hillary, for once experiencing New York, not as a homeless teenage prostitute, but as a young woman. They went and got coffee with a few of the other girls one day, and went to see a movie the other. It was nice. Hillary even told her that when they were of age, they could stay in the dorms, or they could have part of their pay cut to fund an apartment for them in an approved building.
In the end, after experiencing a week of Ultra for herself, Mr. Bathory returned, sitting her down with Dr. Price in his office. Dr. Price shook her hand when she said she’d stay, welcoming her aboard. Mr. Bathory could only smile and embrace her warmly, reminding her that she would be safe, and never want for anything while she was with them.
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josebrooke · 7 years
The 7 Common Stereotypes When It Comes To paving contractors.
Tips On Choosing The Best Contractors For Paving Services Mississauga FdG — BoisvertCurran (@BoisvertCurran) August 19, 2015
The supply of many of the strength of a paver driveway is identical as that of a poured concrete or asphalt driveway. The inspiration makes all of the distinction. We've all seen poured concrete driveways which have large cracks operating throughout the middle or a nook has dropped off. As a hardscape contractor, I used to inform individuals the one assure you get with concrete driveways and pool decks is they'll crack. In nearly each case when the concrete slab is eliminated we would discover clear proof that little or no foundation was ever tried. You will now need to arrange the screed boards. Set them so that the top is 5mm higher than the underside of the paving shall be. Screed the compacted sand off. If the sand just isn't excessive enough, add more and compact as soon as once more. Having completed this and screeded, take away the boards and fill the gaps, screeding again. Now, having chosen a sample in your paving, you're ready to start laying. A builder's line can function as a information. The edge slabs may be reduce utilizing a energy saw or guillotine. As soon as these have been positioned, you can now compact your paving and unfold jointing sand to fill the gaps. Compact the jointing sand and then top them up. Your paving is now laid and assuming you've got prepared the bottom correctly, should last for a few years to return. This sort of product permits the crack to expand and contract without breaking open. Rubber crack sealer will flex with the movement of the asphalt and can help prevent water from seeping into the crack. All the time seal the cracks before you seal your asphalt driveway. If you rent a contractor to seal your cracks, make certain he makes use of a rubber primarily based sealer. Your driveway is an investment. The higher you take care of it, the less it'll cost you in the long run. The neatest thing a few properly-maintained driveway is that it looks great and enhances the look of your home. Does Your Parking Lot Sing the Trash Truck Blues? Make sure that any bid that you simply get from a contractor contains this work and that the depth and the amount of aggregate is specified in the bid. The following part of the driveway is the base layer; this needs to be not less than two inches thick. It will be important to remember if you end up getting a bid to your driveway that the bid specify that the base be at a compacted thickness of two inches. If not chances are you'll find that they pour two inches of asphalt and then compact it down to a a lot smaller amount. Two inches is essential to make it possible for your driveway can support the burden of your automotive. After the base layer is done the ultimate step in paving a driveway is the top layer which ought to be at the very least one and a half inches thick. By seeing their skilled portfolio, you possibly can easily assume how they may carry out it for you. It's the bottom of paving companies. Most of the customers err in not having a authorized contract. It shouldn't be accomplished as if by some means paving development will go flawed, you cannot blame anybody or cannot take any authorized action towards the contractor as you aren't having a legal proof for his job. With your again in direction of the house to keep away from splashing valuables, dump the first bucket of sealer onto the driveway. Relying on the scale, you might need to dump two. Spread the puddle of sealer from side to side simply over the edge of the reducing in areas already accomplished. Do not brush the the sealer the lengthwise, brush marks will probably be seen from the road if completed so. Make about 3 passes or so with the sealer, don't worry about walking in it.
The issue, nonetheless, can be the liner.
Nevertheless there are some irregular shaped clay pavers just like the wedge shaped ones which are used to create curved or circular paving patterns. The three mostly used paving sample for driveways, walkways or patios are the Herringbone, Basket Weave and the Stretcher Bond patterns. There are two fundamental forms of Herringbone patterns. They're forty five degree and ninety degree patterns, which are widely used for paving medium or massive areas they usually create a highly intense visible affect. The problem, nonetheless, can be the liner. As soon as the edging is removed, it is probably going that the liner wouldn't stay in place, and therefore should be replaced. If you're going by the difficulty and expense of changing pool paving, it is a judgment name as to whether this extra price could be price it. There may be an alternative choice also, if you are going this far. It's more than probably, that your pool has white, vinyl steps on the skin of the pool. It's possible you'll, if you want, replace these steps with concrete steps and canopy them with the brand new pool liner. Writer: Vikram Kumar If you have stucco, then you want to discover a Round Rock paint contractor who's used to painting over stucco walls. In lots of cases, a home doesn't have drywall however stucco partitions. Publisher: Vikram Kumar When you have stucco, then it's worthwhile to find a Round Rock paint contractor who is used to painting over stucco walls. In many instances, a home does not have drywall but stucco walls. It's probably that the crew will add extra gravel to attain the proper elevation, and a compactor will compact the gravel. The crew will then set up stakes and aspect kinds along the perimeter. Set up of the material will be the next step. The contractor can pay special attention to match surface heights if vital. For instance, in case you have a sidewalk or storage slab that connects to the driveway, the new floor must come to the right peak in relation to those different areas. After the expense and manufacturing of a paving mission to put in a brand new driveway, maintenance will probably be an essential job to guard your funding.
Keep away from contractors that solely offer to overlays
Higher Price
Wire broom
Professional references and shopper testimonials
Does the contractor have a dependable credit score ranking
Available in some shades
Focus on Drainage Set up
Child sledge hammer (mallet)
Unearth the underlying soil to a top of about 6 inches, and ascertain that the soil is solidly compressed under that. The opening should then be packed in with some hardcore, which can provide a buffer between the soil and the patio paving slabs. What comes after is the actual laying of the patio paving slabs, the correctness of which may be measured with your house wall, a fence or some pegs and strains. There are lots of reasons why seal coating is one thing that you should take up as a substitute of leaving your parking lot as it is. You want to think about seal coating as a preventative upkeep technique in your driveway, simply the identical as how you'll paint your house to forestall it from deteriorating. The article will describe the significance of Bucks County sealcoating of asphalt. The coat will seal the small cracks and stop them from changing into larger. It may also keep away from the water from seeping into the bottom materials of the pavement. The black shade of the seal coat will enhance the looks of the new or the previous asphalt and thus make your parking lot seem brand new. The masking will go away a clean and clear floor that is right for sweeping. Are the products coated by a guaranty? Is public legal responsibility insurance coverage in place? Have there been earlier claims against the company you intend to use? It's important to make sure installation contractors have ample insurance which covers injury to your property and in addition public legal responsibility. Find recommendations on a tarmacadam set up here. Furthermore, there are different forms of driveway surfacing which are value contemplating. Options are resin, pattern imprinted concrete, gravel driveways and block paving. All driveway surfaces have their pros and cons, nevertheless, it might be value contemplating another choices too. Your chip seal contractors in Blanco TX could have specialized equipment to do this for you. What's the estimated price for chip sealing your driveway? Most homeowners are on a price range as a result of there are numerous expenses in owning a home and keeping it functional. In fact, the actual value of getting this challenge accomplished for your driveway will differ and relies on a number of elements. As an example, the dimensions of your driveway will decide the overall price and the speed that your chip seal contractors Blanco TX fees you by the hour so by the sq. foot. It’s at all times a fantastic ideally suited to get an estimate before getting any work done. Spruce up your backyard with the modern and contemporary feel of the Natural Sandstone Paving from Bradstone. The clear feel and look of this patio leaves a trendy and contemporary impression, certain to final an age. recommended you read With such a excessive-high quality product at a low value, it's an easy determination to make! The state-of-the-artwork, trendy feel is achieved by mixing the pale grey colour with subtle variations in shade. Consequently, the Bradstone Pure Sandstone Patio Paving Pack seems fresh and fashionable all-year spherical. With the Bradstone patio kit you'll have an ideal trying, sturdy and durable patio which will present al-fresco pleasure for years to return. Lay your patio in probably the most economical manner doable using the road drawing bundled with the Bradstone patio equipment and save even more money!
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