#and i dont mean this in a 'ohh youll be so sad way'
faerociousbeast · 2 years
dont watch buddy daddies. ever. just dont do it
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isaacathom · 2 years
ds9 time, s2e8 and s2e9
hellO? Hello! madame? madame! oh mon dieu. introduced staring dramatically out the window as the thunder rolls, simply sublime, madame. it a good outfit also. oh shes a queen. oh i love her. shes got such Verve. oh shes excellent. im like 80% sure she dies based on my memory of the wikipedia summary for this episode (versus the netflix summary) but man. shes great. shes got charisma. i know thats not the point here but nevertheless.
i like that this season they seem to be expanding who gets to be the log character. like its uuuusually sisko but there was one that started with Bashir, and this one starts with Odo. Im a fan of that.
oh thats a good fucking opening sequence. going from odos utterly exasperated log to quark and rom being devious. yes!
oh that mans about to be fucking murdered again for real. oh like for real for real straight murdered his ass okay.
excuse me bashir how the fuck did you just pronounce the word 'trauma'. trama???? sir?
i mean yeah you should accuse rom until rom sees fit to explain shit, but its very funny that sisko chooses to describe rom as a 'family friend'. thats kinda sweet. when are the boys gonna go on a roadtrip (later in the season yes i know)
Oh this is fascinating. oh this fucks.
KIRA NERYS????????????????????????????????
"i better get back to my bar" "🙄 hes not dead yet rom" god odo is so fucking good
"it wouldn't have mattered to the cardassians" "it mattered to me" ooooooh my god
oh here we go heres the bit where odo trips ass backwards into something, love you man but my god you have improved as an investigator with time
got his ass kira
god shes so hot (is this about kira or mrs vaatrik? yes)
god her OUTFIT. her VIBE. impeccable. exceptional.
the way she acts out her little emotional shifts, the way she acts when the door closes, augh! its so good. like idk what the fuck shes doing but shes doing great.
im just engaged honestly this rules
i love that it leads you to believe for a bit that kira killed vaatrik, then one two weeoo.
rom going from :D im a hero to D: i saved my brothers life, on god, comedy
'youll never be able to prove i killed my husband because i didn't' 'i know' oh SUBLIME
oh so there was the misdirect that kira was doing something unrelated but no, no she was involved?? OHHHH THATS CLEVER. she knew what happened on lvl 21 because she was INVOLVED but not the one DOING it, oh thats clever man i like that.
god thats actually really goo- oh no theres the ground upon which a romance will be built. oh man. at least the two are very compelling so this is fine.
odos genuine look like.... sadness? when kira says that he was worried telling the truth would affect their friendship? lads. oh yeah. like that scene is DEFINITELY serving as a ground floor to build a relationship on later, i know this already, but fuck thats dramatic. god. exceptional shit. mwah.
man that episode fucks! that episode was so good! genuinely really like it. the misdirect with the wife, the misdirect with kira, its EXCEPTIONAL stuff.
okay im in the mood, lets pop in another.
oh this scene is cute. its just really sweet. ive been missing jake a little as like, an opportunity to see soft sisko. very nice.
i dont remember how this episode was synops- nevermind i remember how this episode was synopsised on wikipedia, hello madame. oh shes also get an exceptional look. these last two eps theyve taken their two guest female leads and put them in some LOOKS.
Fenna is a recurring character, isnt she. im POSITIVE i saw that name in multiple synopsis. or maybe that was unrelated. its taking a lot of self control not to go check.
uhoh lads we got an alien situation on hand, not unusual given the circumstances but an unusual situation in specific, we're hallucinating hot women on the promenade.
ohh this is the star one, okay, there are many eps with similar synopsis (i was pulling up a transcript for reasons)
its always funny and a little heartbreaking when the way character A realises somethings up with character B because theyre too upbeat and cheerful. like yes, very funny that Kira immediately id's thats smths up because hes friendly b4 his morning coffee but also :( ykwim
eugh. flashing. nasty.
see my thing is im sitting here going, wasnt reigniting a dead star a plot in a tng ep? or, maybe that was trying to save a DYING star. there was some dead or dying star involved. i believe it exploded? there are possibly a couple come to think of it. there was definitely one of a similar thrust though i think.
"i never fail. well, i did once. but i found it didnt agree with me, so i swore never to do it again and i never break my word" this guy rules
this guy. feels familiar. do i know you sir. im gonna find out. he is not anyone i know, nevermind, hes just got one of those faces.
Heterosexuals™️. like listen i think shes attractive also but this went from 0 to like 75 very quickly. okay i read the summary this is very very heterosexuals.
okay the little bit with him and dax? cute. they do have a good dynamic. that was cute.
obrien in the background of this like "? i feel like everyones in on a joke im missing. what the fuck." and thats frankly a mood.
oh she still has a nice outf- ohh i see. okay so we're operating on an extremely basic visual level here - Fenna wears vibrant colours and clothes that are more revealing, less restrictive (no sleeves, whatever the boob window situation is), Nidell wears muted colours that are fully covering, Okay, Okay, boring zzz. like i get it. i know what theyre Doing. i just think that its a kinda boring way of doing it. does that make sense? maybe i just think so because if i was free to dress how i liked, using psychic projection, id be dressed like an edwardian dandy or smth, like my most uninhibited self isnt just me with my tits out. but when the character will be present for a single episode (?) you cant really get too deep in the weeds, you need to operate on the more basic level of it.
my feeling is this episode kinda sucks but there are little good bits. Quark offering sisko a drink was good, honestly. like theres good like character dynamic bits. in fact id say that the dynamic the regular cast is having with sisko is the strongest part of the episode, which is bas considering the main POINT is the relationship between him and Fenna.
benjamin kisses her, she disappears into energy, he immediately facepalms and groans, sir youve been fucking supernaturally romanced my good man
okay so this guy does suck but his delivery on 'dont ask me why [she loves me]... but she does' kinda hits. theres a bit of genuine emotion buried under his bravado and facade.
"theres nothing i can do" was bashir not available this episode aside from the dinner scene- oh i guess you are currently isolated in space, nevermind.
yeah that episode kinda sucks, sorry lmao.
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chamaelhyun · 7 years
so i just finished reading stephen king’s it...
... and i have too much feelings for it i think i have to write everything down, more for myself than for anything else lmao
first and foremost, bill loves georgie so much just thinking about them makes me so fucking soft??? and georgie kissing him on his cheek that day legit brought tears to my eyes knowing what’s gonna happen to him
also, stanley did not take that fucking bath i refuse to believe it no sir
“it was easier to be brave when you were someone else” - richie tozier
eddie my dear boy why would you marry your mother smh
ben loves beverly so much okay!!!!
i feel like bill and eddie’s friendship is so underrated so let me just put it right here -- bill thinks of eddie as his only real friend prior to everything that happened that summer and eddie "would have died for bill", if bill had asked him he would have just responded: “sure, big bill.. you got a time in mind yet?”
"..richie’s mouth was like a half-tamed horse that has a way of bolting for absolutely no reason at all” uhHHH IF THIS AINT THE TRUEST THING LMAO
“maybe sometimes things didn’t just go wrong and then stop; maybe sometimes they just kept going wronger and wronger until everything was totally fucked up”
eddie loves bill like a big brother or a father if this isnt the purest thing ever im crying
RICHIE LIKES PINCHING EDDIE’S CHEEKS OKAY DO NOT TOUCH ME “i hate it when you do that, richie” “ah, you love it, eds” 
i’m such a trash but richie!!! winking!!! at!!! eddie!!!
uhh richie telling eddie about his ambition when they were hanging out in eddie’s garage??? good shit right here
from eddie’s pov -- richie has an “enchanting, often exhausting charm” okay
the savage bill that usually comes out when richie is being such a little shit, i love it!! “best part of you ran down your father’s leg” kids pls lmao
stan “i think that must have been my father” the man
“it was just richie. he could drive you bugshit.. but it was still sort of nice to have him around” oh eddie spaghetti
isn’t it adorable how whenever richie says something which eddie thinks is bullshit but he isnt really sure is bullshit, he just turns to bill for confirmation??? “is there such a thing as a sift bill” 
“you know about fucking, don’t you, eds?” uhhh richie dont corrupt my innocent little son like this??? (tho of course my son is well aware thanks to this taliendo boy?? whoever he is??)
uh ben is such a genius??? youngest architect y’all. this. my son. right here.
that time when they were caught by mr. nell building the dam and everybody -- even richie himself -- was like, “shut the fuck up richie gdi!!!” and stan was holding on to richie’s arm ready to squeeze him hard if he starts being a little shit it’s like one of my faves of them idek why it’s just so funny to me??
also, richie is such a trash for bill istg??? “..maybe just seeing bill’s eyes light up with their own excitement was enough” ???
ONE OF MY MOST FAVORITE RICHIE MOMENTS (and there’s a lot considering he’s my fave loser) -- him making bill feel better and less guilty about georgie’s death and then comforting bill, tho awkwardly, when the latter started crying 
uh idk if i maybe missed it in the book or in the movie but why is almost the entire fandom saying that his parents dont give a shit about richie?? cause i think out of all the losers, his parents are fairly regular (bill said so himself) he even gets to joke around with them?? and from richie’s pov: “he could read both of his parents like books -- well-worn and well-loved books” so im really kinda confused??
“they’ll pinch my cheeks and tell me how much i’ve grown” “that’s cause they know how cute you are, eds -- just like me. i saw what a cutie you were the first time i met you” uhh richie how many times are you gonna call eddie cute?? well i dont really blame you, my son is a reaal cutie
also!!!! bev and richie’s frienship??? hello why was it not in the movie????? cigarette buddies??? my badass babies??? 
richie: “likes bev a lot. well, he likes her, but not that way.’
also richie: *blushes and flustered when bev teased him if he was asking her out on a date*
ben not believing himself when he told richie to shut up, oh child you have all the right in the world to make him shut up lmao
bill and richie are like two of the bravest losers but after escaping the werefolf from the neibolt house they both just hugged each other and cried and oh my god my poor sons they do not deserve any of this theyre just kids ffs
uhhh beverly on the plane on the way back to derry was just a mess who couldnt stop laughing and just?? if i could smack tom rogan i would gladly do so and her father too for good measure
ben and bev and eddie just hysterically laughing is my aesthetic my kids deserve all the happiness in the world pls
ben always stands up for bev he’s so sweet?? he doesnt even care much what others say to him as long as they arent disrespecting bev and i just????
my pure innocent eddie not understanding why bev isnt allowed to have boys into the house when there inst anyone else there oh boy so precious
what’s worse than frightening stan uris? offending him, that’s right
the losers have forgotten about each other for more than twenty years but when they remembered and met up again its like nothing has changed at all????
uhh richie trying to calm eddie down but the latter just rounded on him telling him not to call him eds!!! and not to pinch his cheeks!!! cause he hates it!!! and richie recoiled and just?? my heart hurts
“i wish stan was here” you and me both mikey
“she wouldve died for him” why are they all willing to die for bill oh god these kids
“he thrusts his fists against the posts and still insists he sees the ghosts”
dafuq richie is really so funny istg??? im not playing favorites with my kids here but he’s so funny?? his voices are so funny i hate him lmao
The Apocalyptic Rockfight (need i say more?????)
excuse me but richie (and bev) taking care of eddie after said rockfight
bill is like the president of the losers club and richie is his right hand man am i right or amirite
I JUST LOVE HOW THESE LOSERS KEEP SAYING THEY LOVE EACH OTHER??? they’re so vocal about it and just??? idc if they were, like, brought together by this turtle to fight it,, their friendship is one of a kind and they deserve all the best thinsg in life
“stan did not have much sense of humor, and the bit he did have was sort of peculiar” UHH I SHOULDNT BE LAUGHING THIS HARD
“i don’t call you dick, as in ‘you got any gum on ya, dick?’“ OHH EDDIE STRIKES BACK YES
uhm excuse the fuck outta me but richie called eddie “my love” do not fucking touch me
“the losers are still losing, but stanley uris is finally ahead” uhhh fuck you pennywise???
I JUST LOVE IT WHEN THE LOSERS ARE BEING KIDS AND JUST PLAYING AROUND TOGETHER HAPPILY this is how it shouldve been anyways they should all just be happy and protected 
stan catching the losers’ crazy yup
richie being so proud of them, of his friends?? losers or not losers?? he;s just proud that theyre all together?? im so soft
"he shouldnt be down here” - richie when he heard eddie coughing when they were in the smokehole im such a reddie trash i feel like i notice every little thing between them lol
bill is eddie’s hero it’s canon
uhh when the losers visited eddie in the hospital and not even richie was smiling uhh why dont you just step on my heart???
“no good friends. no bad friend. only people you want, need to be with; people who build their houses in your heart.”
"it hurts, doesn’t it?” “yeah, why, sure. it hurts.” RICHIE CRYING CAUSE OF STAN SOMEBODY HOLD ME
richie asking for eddie’s aspirator and the others doing the same before they entered the house on neibolt street
UHH EDDIE IS LIKE THE LITERAL BABY OF THE LOSERS DON’T FIGHT ME ON THIS he’s often called cute (by richie of course) and often described as fragile, vulnerable and beautiful. and also,ticklish. so yup. a baby. The Baby.
“sure i can. i was alone last time. this time i’m with my friends.” SEE AN ACTUAL BABY THAT MUST BE PROTECTED AT ALL COSTS
“anyone who tries to steal your aspirator, we kill him. but we kill him slow.” oh richie just say outright that youll protect the baby itsokay son say it
“hey eddie needs help okay?” richie making sure the baby is properly assisted by the losers (ok im such a trash really, sue me)
stan,,,,, makes me so sad istg yes he’s like the weakest among the losers in some ways but he was brave enough to go with them that summer okay and that says so much about my poor baby!! “i don’t have anything” YOU HAVE YOUR FRIEMNDS SON PLS DONT HURT ME LIKE THIS
uhh can i just say,, i love all my children,,, but no to cheating pls????
these kids are such,,, kids lmao that part where eddie wanted a lick on richie’s ice cream (i think) and richie’s like no??? germs??? sharing??? your mom wouldnt like it?? then began to eat faster and eddie’s just like, i’ll chance it. so richie reluctantly let him have a taste but snatched it away quick lmao then stan offered his to eddie
“she says henrys gone crazy” “shit you mean he used to be sane??” richie istg
baby eddie!!!!! richie’s like no eds youre not going your arm is still broken and bill’s like he has to so walk with me eddie ill keep an eye on you (and protect you and carry you on my back and)
that moment when eddie called the others fucking pussies cause he’s doing that mashed potatoes all over it and he’s got a broken arm!!!!! ahhh i love this kid so much?????
and then after when the eye is gone and richie is mimicking eddie and was like “not too shabby, eds” and eddie was all “i hate it when you call me eds” and richie just goes i know and HUGGED EDDIE and says, “but somebody has to toughen you up, eds...” I LOVE THEM SO MUCH?????
FUCKKKKKK it’s the part when my kid’s arm got cut off and my heart just hurts so fucking much????? he doesnt deseve this?? none of them does????
‘richie was weaving and tumbling toward him like a drunk at the end of a long hard night’ “--eds--” STAB ME IN THE HEART WHY DONT YOU
 “richie, don’t call me eds. you know i..i...” FUCK YOU ALL I HATE YOU ALL
uhhh lets not talk about that thing that happened so they could get out of there im still so fukcing disturbed??? 
“son, you did real good” i wouldve smacked this turtle thing or whatever had i been a loser,,, i mean???
“we gotta get him out of here” “it’s too dark, you know.. it’s too dark. eds.. he.” RICHIE MY POOR BOY MY SON MY MOST PRECIOUS SOBBING OVER HIS BELOVED
“fuck you, bitch!!!” 
ben and beverly yes its what they both deserve
“even if we forget each other, we’ll remember in our dreams”
mike went through so much,,, i mean he was the only one who stayed in derry and looked into all that happened there beginning from god knows when. he was scared as fuck when the killings started again but he put off calling the others cause he wanted to be absolutely sure it is back before he disrupts the other losers’ lives??? he wasnt envious whatsoever of the success of the other losers even though the difference between him and them is so fucking vast?? he accepted it -- that he stayed in derry for a reason and that is to call the others back to finally end it hwen it comes back. he has done all these and more. let us not sleep on him. my boy deserves all the love and recognition he deserves. 
YOU KNOW WHAT FUCKS ME UP SO MUCH IT’S NOT JUST THE DEATHS OF MY KIDS it’s the fact that after everything theyve gone through together, they forgot about each other in the end
but maybe it was better for them too. to not think about the nightmares. to not think about the lives lost. but is forgetting really better than not knowing at all?
they went thorugh so much together and in the end they’ll forget
maybe cause as richie said, “nothing lasts forever”
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myteline · 6 years
•//▪Mysterious artist▪//•
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<<¤BTS FF¤>>
《♡Taehyung x Reader♡》
●☆Word count: I DONT even know… ☆●
■♢Genre: Romance, Drama, Angst(future chapters ;)) ♢■
○Description: Your name is Kim Y/N. You are 18 years old. You are Korean but moved to America 2 years ago, your dad made that decision he just wants to run from his problems -_-. Anyways you’re moving back to Korea today! You were planning on finishing high school in the school you started before moving in America however you eventually got news that Portman high school( your first high school in Korea before you moved to America) was shut down due to poor teaching system and no teachers available to teach. So your dad sent you to Soung Highschool which was a high school closer to your home than Portman. Everything goes well till you meet a guy and he acts weird around you and he always acts like a dick around you. I wonder why?
Previously in Chapter 2:
The boys were so happy to have you back and you were happy to be back. You texted the girls the night before and agreed to go out to buy school things. Clothes, supplies, etc. You got up and got ready. You stopped for a second and looked in the mirror... Was this reality? Was this really you? You couldn't believe that it was reality... How could your life go back to normal after that day? It never would... it was always an act. You were so lost in your thoughts that you didn't notice the doorbell ringing multiple times and Mark shouting at you to open it.
Chapter 3:
Lisa: Hey gurlll! Jisoo: Hiya!! How are you gorgeous!! Y/N: Ohh PpPLEasE pfffttt. Hi guys! Mark: Byeee nuggets! You waved at Mark and left. You went to the mall with the girls and bought multiple things.
-TIME SKIP TO BEDTIME- toooo lazyyy to type ;))
Mark: Tomorrows your first day back! Are you nervous? Y/N: Nahhhh *you said confidently although on the inside you were endlessly shaking*. Suddenly you felt warm. Mark was hugging you. Y/N:???! Mark: Don't ever lie to me *he said softly* Don't keep it inside you, talk to me, I can't lose anyone anymore... You felt weak and fell to your knees, silently sobbing. His words hurt you cause you knew you were the cause of this in the first place. No one else is to blame except yourself... Mark hugged you even tighter. His hugs were the best, they were comforting. 
Mark POV:
I hugged Y/N I didn't wanna lose her but I could tell she was lying to me. How can she not be nervous on her first day back to her old high school? suddenly I felt a weight on my shoulder. Y/N had fallen asleep. I picked her up and put her into her bed. Mark: Goodnight Y/N *kisses *forehead*.
You woke up. Suddenly you remembered what had happened the previous night. Mark... Does he still blame?
You woke up on the hospital bed, confused you asked the nurse what had happened. She told you everything... You started crying... You felt like screaming and then heard him shout. Mark: WHAT NO! WHY! WHY! *He was breaking down* He entered your room and said, “ I HATE YOU! YOU CAUSED ALL OF THIS! JUST DIE ALREADY” His words penetrated your heart. You felt like jumping off a bridge. He wanted you to die and he was the closest family to you after your mum died so when you heard him say that you were in utter shock. Your heart was beating too fast, you were feeling dizzy, tears were streaming down your eyes. Mark was forced out of the room and that's all you saw till you blanked out. One day you woke up and saw a nurse with a worried but excited expression. Nurse1: Miss you're finally awake! She hugged you tight* OH MY WE THOUGHT YOU WOULD EVER WAKE UP! Y/N: How long was I asleep for? Doctor1: Almost 2 weeks and we thought because of your trauma you would never wake u as your body started shutting down... Y/N: So I almost killed myself unknowingly? Nurse1:  Kind of... yes... Y/N: Did anyone come visit me during this time? Doctor1: Yes a group of girls came and spoke to you every day with hope youll wake up and a boy came but he could never enter the room he always said that if you wake up to say that he was just upset he didn't want to hurt you and he never meant those words. But I'm not sure what he meant...  Although the doctor and nurse had no idea you did. Mark didn't mean those words but you know he did. He had never spoken to you that way so you knew he was genuine. 
Mark: Y/NNN  ARE YOU READY WELL BE HEADING OUT IN 15 MINUTES UNLESS YOU WANNA WALK! He shouted from downstairs. OK Y/N breathe everything will be fine! Your first day is going to be a good one! Y/N: COMINGGG
- TIME SKIP TO ARRIVAL AT SCHOOL- (too lazy to type) All eyes were on you. This is what you were wearing.
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Everyone was in awe.  Y/N:  BYEE MARK! Imma go get my schedule! You left Mark and as you were running indoor you bumped into someone. Y/N: IM SO SORRY! ???: Do you ever watch were your going chubbs? The boy hugged you. Y/N: SAMUEL!? OMG, I MISSED YOU SO FUCKING MUCH! Samuel: Me too chubsss!!! You and Samuel were childhood BFFs but after you left Korea you lost contact the only updates you got were through the girls. And the other way around the only updates they got was from the girls. Y/N: Wanna come with me to get my schedule? Samuel: Of course lets gooo! You went to the office and found out you had most classes except English and some other boring ones with Samuel. The bell rang and you went to your first class which thankfully was art. You entered the class and as before all eyes were on you. Teacher: New student! Please introduce yourself! Y/N: Hi I'm Y/N and I hope we can all be friends! You sat down next to Samuel and an empty seat. You took your sketchbook out and as you were about to open your sketchbook someone entered the class. They were almost late but as from their gasp for air, you could tell he ran to get here. He was probably running late. ???: Sorry miss I had to drop my little sis to her first day at kindergarten and she woke up late! He apologised and you could tell he was sincere. Teacher: Its ok Taehyung, just don’t let it happen again. She sad in a sweet tone. You looked at him... Do I know him from somewhere? You ignored your thoughts and drew. After half an hour or so the teacher asked you to show your drawing. You went up and showed the class your drawing. Everyone's jaws dropped. This is what you drew:
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Teacher: Woah! It looks like we have another good artist in here! *Bell rings* Teacher: OK everyone please pack up. Y/N AND Taehyung please stay behind! You stay behind as the teacher asked you to. Teacher: Y/N this is Taehyung. Taehyng this is Y/N. You two are the best artists in this class so, Taehyung you already know this, but Y/N if I am ever in need of a student to represent our school in competition is going to be you two who will be picked for it. Is that ok?”You both nodded.”Well, then you're free to go unless you wanna say anything to each other...” Y/N: Hi I'm Y/N nice to meet you :)) Taehyung: Whatever... he said as he left the classroom but he accidentally pushed you as he turned around. You fell and were in utter shock. Why is he such a dick? He looked like such a sweet boy! W-w-wait co-could i-it be that he's jealous or is he afraid ill beat him? But I'm nowhere near his level! UGH, whatever.  Teacher: OH MY! Y/N I'm so sorry he isn't always like this i dont know whats gotten into him ately. Hes been acting strange and coming late to cass... Y/N: its ok! Ill take my leave now see you next time teacher! You exit the class and head to lunch. As you enter the cafeteria you see four girls sitting at a table giggling. You go behind one of them and cover her eyes. Jennie: I know its you chubbs! she said as she smirked. Y/N: WHAT? HOW? Lisa: We have known you for over 9 years of course we would recognise you! Y/N: OH. Well how were your lessons? BP: They were fine! You? Y/N: Well, uhm-uh they were fine i guess... *they gave you stare which indicated that they knew you were lying-  UGH FINE it was actually bad cause this guy is acting like a dick! HEs HES SO- You felt cold water down your back... TO BE CONTINUEDDDD
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