#and i feel like a geriatric old man taking a long drag of a cigar sitting in my rocking chair with all these zoomers sat in front of me
levmada · 10 months
i wasnt going to talk abt this but the irony is too convenient
theres a very very old youtube channel that dates back to antiquity (my childhood) that i rediscovered recently. surreal visuals done in ms paint with super disturbing implications/settings/"lyrics" to 30-second "songs" which are more like religious chants.
like their most popular video is a parody on human nature and society, its perversions, greed, cruelty, selfishness, and the song is catchy as FUCK.
but then you have "behds" which is just a 20 second clip of a guy drawn in ms paint complaining about being a servant for anthropomorphic birds
the channel is called "treatsforbeasts"
ZEKE would be fucking obsessed with it. he'd think it's the epitome of genius modern art. (most of the videos are pretty disturbing did i mention?) NOBODY understands treatsforbeasts like him. he's super pretentious about it and would get all cocky and indignant if you're disturbed by it.
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Ezekiel “EZ” Reyes x Reader
Anon asked: how about an imagine in which you an ez fight because of emily
Chapter index
Chapter three ; part one
Chapter three ; part two
Word count: 1.9k
Thanks to my lovely beta reader @chibsytelford 💘
Author comments: I hope you all enjoy. This is the part two of the third chapter, you can find the first part right over here . Gif credits: @angels-reyes.
Tag list: @starrynite7114 ​ @chibsytelford ​ @dazzledamazon ​ @mara-mpou ​ @sammskellington ​ @gemini0410 ​ @1-800-imagines ​ @briana-mishell24 ​ @sassymox @wrcn9fvlcver 💥 (if you wanna be tagged, send me a message!)
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Your forearms are supporting on the door, with the open window, resting your cheek there. Closed eyes covered by the sunglasses feeling somewhat relaxed after pass away the welcome sign. Even so, you're pretty excited about meeting this town and meeting other bikers, part of the Mayans family. At the end, they turned you into family too. 
“MAAMAAAAAA”. EZ's voice gets interrupted by another more booming.
Lifting the sunglasses to the roots of your hair, drawing a huge and happy smile on the corner of your lips. As soon  as the car stop, you practically jump off from it to walk fast towards Angel, who is coming with open arms till he have you between them. It's been two days, but it's feels like an eternity. 
“Ezekiel scared me, going to the ranch at night! I thought something bad happened!” You say making some pouts.
“Nah!” He chuckles before letting you go, walking closer to the crew. But you don't see Taza, guessing his in a meeting when EZ carries the backpack inside the clubhouse.
Hugging your boys and being introduced to the Sons', you sit on Angel's lap at the picnic table.
“How was the travel?” Gilly asks having a smoke of his cigar. You shrug.
“I was sleeping till Lost Hills, and then I drove to Stockton. Everything went... good”. You don't want to give it more importance than it really has, but by Angel's gaze you know that he knows his brother screwed up at some points. “Hey, papi, I'm hungry”.
“Oh, really?” The oldest Reyes raise both eyebrows, playing again. That distract him. The guys at the table breaks in laughters.
“Yea'!” You poke his chest with your forefingers.
“Oka', let's find somethen' fo' mama”. Palming your hips to make you get up, he does the same holding your hand with his full of golden rings. “So, wha' did my brother say, ah? Maybe he's the smart one, bu' I'm not stupid”.
“It was nothen', Angel. We were laughing, and he just called me 'baby'. That's all”. He rolls his eyes with a snort, rubbing his forehead. Very typical. “But he took care of me pretty well, you already know how he is”.
He doesn't say anything else about it, leaving back the workshop to find some place where buy you some good food, to regain strength. Whilst he tells you about the party tonight, one of those legendary SOA do with a lot of meat, alcohol, girls and drugs, even if Mayans aren't into this last one more than to sell it. In the end, it's a party and it's gonna help you to calm yourself a little more.
See Taza again, coming back of eating something, makes you fully happy running towards him to be received by his strong arms, pushing you close to him. You missed him, and he did it too. You can feel it pretty well when the man fills your face with a lot of kisses, walking next to Tranq and Bishop.
“All good, kid?” The president asks, giving you a flash hug and leaving a caress on your chin, you nod, being dearly surround by Hank. “If you need to sleep, the Sons' has prepared you a dorm, okay?”
“Good, but I slept in the car. Maybe fo' late”. You reply palming the big guy's chest with a soft smile.
┅┅ ┅ ┅ ┅┅
The guys break in laugh, so you do mixed between Mayans and Sons', lying on Angel's lap with the fifth beer you have drunk in your hands. They're talking about funny and unbelievable anecdotes happened through the years. Having a good time for the first time in many months, being also a little drunk. 
“So, wha'bout my friend Taza and ya', lass? Do ya' have some kink fo' geriatrics or mummies?” Chibs, the SOA president ask, provoking more loud laughs.
“We're more into family stuff”. You shake your head, getting comfy above Angel's leg. “I'm friend of those two shitty guys since ever, they introduce me to the club. And Che and I...” Pursing your lips, you twist a little your neck. “We had a connection. I live with him at the ranch and I take care of the animals”.
“Kinda grandpa, no incest”. The man adds, leaving a caress on your head.
“You're not that old!” You chuckle turning to him for a while.
“And what about your shitty guys?” A young woman walks towards your table, placing her hands on SOA Vice, licking his lips hinting. You raise an eyebrow.
“'Am taken for life”. EZ talks first, without doubting and a firm tone of voice, showing a soft and gently smile.
“But you can take me, bonita”. The tension installed on air for a second disappear when Angel replies, provoking some more laughs, making you getting up so he can have the offered hand by the woman. 
“Com'ere”. Taza says palming his lap, but you shake your head.
“I think it's time to sleep, I'm tired and I drunk enough”.
“Okay, I'll tell you where's your dorm”. He says then throwing his cigar to get up too.
“Good night, guys. Amazing party, president”.
“Whenever ya' need'at, here's your house, lady”. Chibs answers raising his whisky in a soft cheer.
Narrowing one of Bishop's shoulders, you smile at him, before being wrapped by Che guiding you towards the clubhouse. Crossing the hallways, he opens the last door, the furthest room, so that you are not disturbed by noise. Your bag is already there and you also have a bathroom in it, in case you want to take a shower.
“If you need something, call me, okay?” He says holding you into his arms, leaving a kiss on your temple. “It was good having you here. Maybe Bish will let you come with us next time”.
“That would be amazing”.
“Rest, baby girl, you deserve it”.
“Taza”. You say before he can close the main door. “Can you... ask EZ to come?”
He doesn't say anything, staring at you.
“Please... I'm gonna be okay, I promise. He's tired too”. Finally he nods.
You take some advantage, changing your clothes and wearing the SAMCRO big shirt they gave you, 'cause Angel said them that you collect shirts or something like. Everything spins around you, going to the window to open it and let in the fresh air of northern Cali. Getting inside the bed and covering your body with the blankets, you wait for the younger Reyes.
You hear his steps, stopping next to the door for some seconds. Maybe he's doubting. Maybe Che threatened again. But when he opens the door, you get up on your palms between the darkness around the dorm only illuminated by some lights outside.
“I thought you would like to sleep”.
“Yea', but I can sleep in the car”.
You click your tongue, palming the empty side of the bed, before getting comfy on it.
“C'mon, prospect”.
Ezekiel closing the door and walking towards the mattress, gets undressed leaving his clothes on a chair. You make him some space, facing each other above the pillow.
“You drunk too much”.
“Yea', I know... The hangover is gonna fuck me up tomorrow, uh”.
“When was the last time you drunk so much, ah?”
“Dunno'. Three months ago?”
“Yea'course. Sorre'bout that”.
“You hurt me”. You mutter shrugging your shoulders. “But I have so much fun getting drunk with Taza”.
“I'm tryin' fuckin' hard to make it up to you. No matter how much I've to do it”. He says then, pulling away some brists of your hair with a gently touch.
“I know”. And you also know that those words have lifted a huge weight off him.
Ezekiel takes the first step, wrapping your body with his arms to push closer. Your pulse goes fast. You know that something like that could happen, but by the other hand, you weren't expecting. Leaving a sigh out of your lips you surround his neck with yours, hugging you tightly for some seconds as if you didn't see each other in years. And even if you don't want to recognize, its makes you feel somewhat happy again. 
Putting some inches between both, with your heads on their pillow, he has his gaze on yours. His fingertips touring your back softly from top to bottom, once and again, with a calm breath. You're fucking lost in his eyes, as many nights you did before. You could be like that forever with his smell filling your lungs, sinking your face on his neck. Closing your eyes, you let one of your hands travel on his head back and nape in gently caresses, wishing to not fall asleep so fast as always, just to enjoy the intimate moment you two are having. And you know that EZ is fighting against his tiredness to do the same.  
“Do you think... you could forgive me one day?” He soughs then, from nowhere.
Yes, you know you will, but there are open wounds that you don't know how to heal. And maybe he's the one who can take care of them, but, how can you say it? How can you ask him for it? You sigh, resting your dizzy head back to the pillow. 
“You don' have to tell me when it will be”. He adds shrugging. “I just wanna know it to think new plans to bother you, 'cause I'm running out of ideas”.
You chuckle closing your eyes for a second, as he does stirring slightly on the bed.
“I was serious, baby, I'll wait for you all my life”. He mutters leaving a dearly and slow kiss on your forehead.
And you're falling for him again, with those voices inside your mind telling you to keep calm and that you're too drunk to have a clear decision. His lips almost dragging your skin doesn't help, leaving another smooth kiss on the bridge of your nose and another on the tip. Till he reach yours. He just presses them against yours, mildly, inchmeal. Your lips catching his lower in a soft move, tasting him and noticing how much you need him, and how much he needs you.
EZ sighs against your mouth, pulling it away so as not to make you feel pressured. Leaving a last one on your cheek, he pushes you closer ready to sleep for long hours as he couldn't do the last months.
Your phone dings with a notification, making you waking up with a horrible headache hitting your whole body. You growl, palming the bed trying to find Ezekiel. But the mattress is cold and empty. For a second, you think that maybe was an illusion because of the alcohol running through your veins, rolling till your blurry gaze is on the ceiling. Stretching your right arm, you grab your phone unlocking it. But there's nothing on it. Frowning you turn to the nightstand, finding Ez's. You don't want to look. You can't. Even if you know his secret code, it's not your phone. But, shit, you have to look it. Turning on the screen, without moving it, you're able to read the message from an unknown number.
💬: “I have left Miguel”.
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mojofun · 4 years
Good morning people 😊
I was watching Hellboy a few days ago and I was suddenly by this groundbreaking realisation: Bucky and Red are very similar (though the cigar, attitude and some other characteristics may be more in tune with Tony’s, but humour me)
So, naturally, my mind started galloping way too fast... And this was the result.
I’m finally on vacay🤞 so I’m going to start writing some stories, and reading too 😊
Have you watched Hellboy? If you haven't this will be a little confusing, but it still makes sense! I love that movie, what do you think?
The OC featured is a character I created called Rebecca Longford (actually that’s not her real name, but that’s another story I’ve been working on for a while. It’s a little long though so tell me if you’d like to read it)
Anyway, here is the story. I hope you enjoy 😊
Warnings: there may be a few mentions of smut but nothing actually happens
How I love to do this (Bucky Barnes x OC)
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That morning, in the Tower, all the Avengers awoke rather early, because of a glorious smell that wafted through the air: cinnamon, honey, peanut butter, chocolate, tea, coffee, sugar, bacon, maple syrup, orange juice...
When the team reached the kitchen, they found Rebecca, the newest addition, smiling at them, dolloping a stack of pancakes with golden brown liquid
<<Hi folks. Good morning. I made you breakfast>>
Everyone stared at her with a gaping mouth
<<Bec, this is a feast>> Sam exhaled.
She giggled
<<Let's break the fast with the feast, shall we?>>
Thor picked her up and spun her around
<<You do know the way to a man's heart, Rebecca>>
She laughed and patted his back, signalling for him to put her down
<<The only thing I'm interested in right now is food making its way to my stomach. Thanks though, Thor>>
Thus speaking, they sat around the table, followed by the other members of the team.
None of them noticed the glare in Bucky's eyes as he looked at them.
Except for Steve.
The blond looked at his friend with concern
<<Why are you upset?>>
The brown-haired man furrowed
<<I'm not>>
<<Yes you are. Why?>>
Bucky looked away
<<I don't know what you're talking about...>>
Steve huffed and turned around, slightly annoyed, while Bucky looked in the direction of where Rebecca was sitting, next to Thor.
In the meantime, Rebecca was eating a doughnut. Tony saw it and reached for the box to get one for himself, but he was sorely disappointed when he found it empty
<<What the hell? Longford?>>
The new girl cocked an eyebrow, looking at him
<<What do you want?>>
<<Did you eat all the donuts?>>
<<Nope; that would be Thor>>
In fact, just beside her, the blond giant was munching happily on a blueberry-glazed treat.
Tony sighed and slumped in his chair, his eyes fixed on Rebecca's donut
<<Oh, alright. Can I have a bite?>>
She smirked
<<Come here>>
That was unexpected for the genius, who happily stood up and approached her, even if a bit suspicious. When he was near enough, she tried to bite him.
He instantly shuffled away
<<What the hell?>>
<<You wanted a bite>>
He narrowed his eyes at her while all the others, even Steve, laughed
<<I'm tired of your antics, Longford>>
<<It's called karma, Stark>> Clint commented <<You do the exact same thing to us>>
In the meantime, Bucky was still staring at Rebecca, and his friend noticed it.
Suddenly, Steve turned back toward him, smirking
<<You like her!>> He whisper-yelled, so only Bucky heard him.
Said man just stared at his best friend with wide eyes
<<No I don't>>
<<Yes you do>>
<<No, I don't>>
<<Yes, you do>>
<<Do not!>>
<<Do too>>
Bucky sighed
<<What makes you say that?>>
The blond grinned
<<You've been clenching your fists a lot, and you keep looking at her. She caught your interest, didn't she?>>
Bucky face-palmed
<<You know me well, punk. Maybe too well>>
Steve cackled
<<Of course, jerk. Anyway, I don't think she's into Thor that way>>
<<How would you know?>>
<<I... Well, you've always been the best with girls, right?>>
<<I'm not that guy anymore>>
Smiling, Steve patted him on the shoulder
<<Yes you are. You're still that Bucky, I don't care what you say>>
That comment made the other man smile too
<<Thanks Steve>>
<<You're welcome, buddy. However, you better put your suaveness on because I'll be watching you>>
They laughed together
<<Alright, dad>>
At some point, unnoticed by the two super soldiers, the young girl had made her way toward them. She gently tapped the brown-haired one on the shoulder; when he turned around, she presented him with a donut and a shy smile
<<You said this is your favourite flavour, so I saved it for you>>
He beamed
<<Thank you Bec>>
<<You're welcome, Buck>>
A few giggles escaped their lips, but they died down pretty soon as the two stared at each other.
Rebecca had joined the team not even two months earlier, and they had been dancing around each other for a while.
Bucky thought that her curly red locks were amazing, and her green eyes shone like emeralds; her smile made his stomach flip, and having her next to him made him happier.
For her part, Rebecca absolutely adored his hair, and his smile made her insides tingle and her cheeks blush red like ripe cherries.
Unfortunately, Tony ruined the moment
<<Hey! Why does he get a donut and I don't?>>
Rebecca rolled her eyes and handed Bucky the sweet, walking back to her seat
<<Shut up, Stark>>
<<You two are so cute; why don't you get a room?>>
Bucky suddenly became very interested in the plums laid out before him, while the redhead smirked at the billionaire and retorted <<Tony, if you want to watch porn just go on the internet, like you always do>>
<<Ha! That means you do it and don't want to get caught>>
She sighed
<<You're just upset that you have to use your hands>>
Everyone hooted with laughter; everyone but Tony, who grinned deviously
<<Do you know what he likes about his metal arm? That it never gets tired!>>
Bucky glared at him, but she giggled and retaliated
<<So that's why you built the suit. Geez, I didn't know you were so geriatric already>>
The billionaire froze, suddenly unable to find a comeback, while the
laughter increased
<<Now, enough with this. Let's eat>>
They all agreed and munched on what she had prepared. Still, from time to time, Bucky's eyes wandered over to her, and when they met hers, he would suddenly look away, red in the face.
When breakfast was done and they were putting things away, Bucky subtly approached Rebecca
<<That was... Awesome. Thank you for defending me>>
<<Anytime king Balor>>
He raised an eyebrow in confusion; she gave him an explanation
<<He's a character from "Hellboy">>
<<And what does he have to do with me?>>
<<He has a prosthetic arm>>
Giggling to disguise her blush, Rebecca leaned in to whisper something to him
<<Maybe... Maybe later we can watch it together?>>
Bucky did a double-take. The two of them, alone, watching a movie? Yes ma'am
<<Of course>>
She was beaming, just like him.
<<What are you going to do on this fine morning?>> Sam asked, ready to join Steve on his jog
<<Bucky and I are going to watch a movie>>
<<Oh, really now?>> He grinned cheekily.
The girl turned to glare at Sam <<You little tramp, show some respect or I shall whack you!>> She stated with the strongest British accent they ever heard.
They always made fun of her accent
<<I'm sorry, Your Majesty>>
<<Good. Now, I'm going to steal the grandpa>>
That said, she took Bucky by his left arm and dragged him away.
Tony chuckled <<I would say young love, but he is a century old, so... Just love>>
<<Stark, stop messing with them>>
<<I was merely pointing out they like each other, Spangles>>
<<He's right, Steve>> Natasha said.
Tony brought a hand to his chest <<Romanoff agrees with me; what a day>>
The redhead rolled her eyes <<I'm going to the training room; anyone wants to join me?>>
Sam, Wanda, Vision and Clint went with her, while Tony and Bruce retreated to the lab and Thor went to find some more poptarts.
<<What do you like so much about him?>>
Bucky asked when the credits rolled. He was curious, and a little bit jealous: Rebecca had been going on and on about the guy for a long time.
She cackled <<Well... He's very sure of himself, doesn't take crap from anyone, is very brave and strong... He's just awesome>>
Bucky furrowed his brow in thought <<He is a man out of time, he has an arm made of some strange, indestructible material, has long hair and keeps it in a bun, has a less cocky friend who's all blue...>>
Suddenly, he stopped talking: realisation had finally dawned upon him. In fact, the things he said did not describe only the main character of the movie, but himself too.
Rebecca smiled sweetly and scooted closer to him on the couch, cupping his cheeks with her hands
<<He is feared by everyone because they think he is a freak. But I don't think he is a monster, oh no; he's a strong, kind and amazing man. He's just misunderstood>>
They stared into each other's eyes for a quite a while, lost in the moment, unawarely but slowly leaning in. Finally, they kissed.
Automatically, their eyes closed and they wrapped their arms around each other, happy to be finally experiencing what they'd been craving for a while now.
Bucky's fingers wove themselves in her hair, while hers gripped his shoulders, pulling him even closer.
It was absolutely amazing.
That is, until the moment was ruined.
The two pulled way to find the entire team crowded in the doorway, some were smirking (Sam and Tony), some were feeling out of place (Bruce and Steve, even if he was happy for his friend) and some were not quite sure what was going on, so they just cheered along with everyone (Thor). Someone else was rolling their eyes at Tony's antics (Natasha)
<<Get some, Frosty! Get some, Becky!>>
The young woman smirked mischievously
<<I already have>>
Her words brought bursts of laughter, while the billionaire grinned right back
<<I knew you were getting it on>>
She huffed and leaned against Bucky <<You're lucky I'm too happy to be mad>>
<<About damn time!>> Sam exploded
<<Clint, pay up>>
<<Aw, man!>> The archer complained, handing Natasha a 20 dollar bill.
Rebecca laughed
<<Happy to be useful, Nat>>
The other redhead chuckled <<Thank you>>
<<Sam, you too>>
Rebecca laughed <<You owe Nat money, because you lost a bet; I'm assuming it is a conspicuous amount, considering how you have been avoiding her gaze for the past five minutes>>
He sighed <<Shut up, Sherlock>>
She grinned widely <<Oh, how I love to do this>>
Bucky pulled her closer
<<Only that?>>
Cackling, she pulled him closer <<This too>> and she kissed him.
Perhaps the rest of the team bickering over lost and won bets was not the most romantic background (not to mention Thor still eating Poptarts in the corner), but they really did not give a damn.
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