#and i hate when somebody says that romantic love is “more” than a friendship cuz fuck no not really its all love
nomidreams · 5 months
something something about dead boy detectives what edwin's and charles' friendship is actually works in show so half of fandom won't even care if they end up romantic or stay friends. (almost won't care. we all love queer stuff. can't judge.) I, personally, just love their whole dynamic and for me it's totally understandable that charles went into hell for his friend and stayed on earth as a ghost so he can be with edwin. and I think edwin actually meant it when he said "he did not feel the same way but i think we're better friends because of it".
idk for me they're just love each other so purely. what's even a difference between romantic and platonic love?
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deerfests · 3 years
( 001. the young pope/the new pope || 002. lenny/brannox || 003. sir john brannox ) && ( 001. space force || 002. malloraird || 003. dr adrian mallory ) && ( 004. the new pope/space force )
just for the heck of it, and because i’m greedy ☺️
fandom ask
man wth that's a lot... 😂😂😂
Okay, off we go~
001 | Send me a fandom and I will tell you my: + The Young Pope/The New Pope
Favorite character:
Sir John Brannox, because I love the emo pope. He's got so many issues, and he's lovable for it.
Least Favorite character:
Um... I guess I don't know. I don't want to offend anyone.
5 Favorite ships (canon or non-canon):
I only have 2-- Sofia Dubois/Sir John Brannox and Lenny Belardo/Sir John Brannox. Judge me if you must *shrugs*
Character I find most attractive:
Lenny and Brannox gotta fight over that one. I like how both of them look.
Character I would marry:
My hand in marriage is saved for Trench, exclusively, and he's not even a character in the show. Sorry. 🤠
Character I would be best friends with:
Gutiérrez but that's cuz he's a nice man and stuff. The dude would be swept away by me doing bs and just end up enduring it, not because he likes me. Let's be real. Nobody in the show would like me enough to befriend me! Unless I somehow weasel my way to Brannox, and we bond over being sad bastards but I don't think I have the energy to deal with his moping...
a random thought:
I feel like Adam's grave fucked up the timeline, nothing adds up. I'm sorry, but how old is Brannox supposed to be?? I am confused.
An unpopular opinion:
I don't obsess with some characters the rest of the fandom seems to, so I guess that's my unpopular opinion.
my canon OTP:
Sofia Dubois/Sir John Brannox
Non-canon OTP:
Lenny Belardo/Sir John Brannox, because imagine how fun that'd be!
most badass character:
Fck, I feel it's Lenny in The Young Pope. He's just out there destroying things.
pairing I am not a fan of:
I don't desire to put a bullseye on my back.
character I feel the writers screwed up (in one way or another):
Hmm, I feel like Adam is an easy pick cuz for real, they did fuck up the timeline with him.
favourite friendship:
Lenny and Gutiérrez
character I want to adopt or be adopted by:
Nobody!! AH, that would screw me up big time.
002 | send me a ship and I will tell you: + Lenny/Brannox
when of if I started shipping it.
Like love at first sight, I fell for that shit since I saw them doing the world's most awkward prom picture. I mean, look at it:
Tumblr media
And then I was pissed off... I watched the whole season and while I enjoyed it, I didn't get nearly enough interactions! But what I got, I treasure... Even if it probably tricks you into thinking this ship's dynamic is different than what I actually headcanon for them.
my thoughts:
Lenny would fuck up Brannox so badly. Then probably feel guilty about it to some extent, and try to do something about his incredibly low self-esteem. :) This is the only sfw thought I have.
What makes me happy about them:
:)) wouldn't you like to know.
I love, love, love the energy they would have, ok!? Imagine, the constant contrast of Lenny and Brannox! Just...imagine.
What makes me sad about them:
Lenny's dead. :((
Also, Brannox has no self-esteem. :(
things done in fanfic that annoys me:
IF there was fanfic of them, which there is none of, I checked-- I would be annoyed if somebody thought Brannox had any power to hold over Lenny. Also, IF there was fanfic, I would not hesitate to read it even if it was garbage, but there's none.
things I look for in fanfic:
Actually existing fanfic. There's none. I gotta write that shit myself, and I'm trying, but it's hard!
My kinks:
:)) I can't. I'll get shadowbanned. Lenny fucks him up, let's just say.
Who I’d be comfortable them ending up with, if not each other:
Sofia with Brannox, death with Lenny, I guess?? I'm quite happy how the show ended, but I've never been one to want my ships to be canon, most of the time.
My happily ever after for them:
They quit the clergy, I guess, and Lenny lives with Brannox in the estate and they slip into an awkward but working relationship? Brannox gets over his problems and so does Lenny.
003 | Give me a character & I will tell you + Sir John Brannox.
How I feel about this character:
I feel I got into it before, but I love him.
All the people I ship romantically with this character:
Ah, this is a repeat. Sofia and Lenny, both in their own verses, never together at the same time.
My non-romantic OTP for this character:
My unpopular opinion about this character:
Not in the mood to put a bullseye on myself~
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon:
We got to see him interact more with ghost!Lenny. Like the scene at Adam's grave, just replay it 100x more.
my het ship:
Sofia and him.
my fem/slash ship:
Lenny and him.
my OTP:
Lenny/Brannox. But that might be cuz I love suffering and pissing people off.
my OT3:
my cross over ship:
my kink:
He has a praise kink.Probably cries during it, too.
a head cannon fact:
*gently puts a hand on Brannox's head* This bastard can fit so many obsessive thoughts in himself!
Also, sorry tumblr user sirjohnbrannox, I am stealing all your headcanons about him.
His parents probably mainly hated him cuz he was a non-straight punk, then started drugs to deal with his problems, and genuinely I feel like he's a little bit...how do I put this, not stable cuz of that. Adam was a perfect son, John meanwhile ended up traumatized and soft and scared. He has no self-esteem cuz his parents fucking sucked and played favorites!! And also probably blamed him for Adam’s death, I guess.  Fuck Brannox's parents!! I don't want to see them!!
my gender bend:
I don't have one, cuz I don't like them~
001 | Send me a fandom and I will tell you my: + Space Force
Favorite character:
Dr. Adrian Mallory, duh.
Least Favorite character:
5 Favorite ships (canon or non-canon):
I literally only have one ship, Adrian/Mark.
Character I find most attractive:
In this episode of Dickie sets up ridiculous fights: Adrian Mallory vs Mark Naird. For whoever of the two, I actually find most attractive. Because I don't know, but boys are good.
Character I would marry:
Character I would be best friends with:
Adrian, but only because we're both could be judgemental af... together!
a random thought:
Man, I hope they didn't make Malk shave for season 2. I'd hate that.
An unpopular opinion:
I don't care that much for Fuck Tony, I'm sorry. He's fine, I just-- don't really see the appeal of him. Maybe, just maybe, I'm too much into old men.
my canon OTP:
I...no? IDK!? Ali/Chan is cute, I guess and they're canon.
Non-canon OTP:
Adrian/Mark, which probably will never be actually canon and we'll keep getting ship baited.RIP. Good that I don't care about my ships being canon all that much.
most badass character:
pairing I am not a fan of:
I do not care for Ch*ntony. RIP. Not a NOTP but I just don't see it.
character I feel the writers screwed up (in one way or another):
Erin Naird. I understand where's she's coming from, but my god.... they really wrote it poorly.
favourite friendship:
Mark and Adrian in the canon lense I guess.
character I want to adopt or be adopted by:
002 | send me a ship and I will tell you: + Malloraird
when of if I started shipping it.
When tumblr user sirjohnbrannox didn't shut up about it.
my thoughts:
It's cute, but my kinky hands will continue rubbing off on it.
What makes me happy about them:
Adrian being head over heels for a dense fool.
What makes me sad about them:
Nothing, cuz there's nothing sad in the show? Or at least nothing I am emotionally invested into enough to actually be upset about?
things done in fanfic that annoys me:
Y'all really think Adrian is vanilla? Y'all really think Adrian is anything but a brat?
things I look for in fanfic:
I am interested in a plot, that has a build-up for these two. So...my fic, In Need, which I am still working on. Cuz I literally stopped after my life fell apart and I couldn't handle the daunting comments. Anyways as I was saying. In Need-- except make it good.
My kinks:
:)) I don't want to get shadowbanned but Adrian is not vanilla, let's just say.
Who I’d be comfortable them ending up with, if not each other:
Just keep Mark with his wife, I don't care. Adrian, anyone but Jerome. It was painful to witness Jerome. I'm sorry, but how do you write Adrian-- a fairly not too stereotypical gay man? And then write him to be with somebody like Jerome, which just comes off as "oh shit we need a character for this and we didn't establish anyone!"
Also-- Jerome/Adrian is, unfortunately, canon-- why does the wiki make it creepy and one-sided?!!?
My happily ever after for them:
Maggie gets out of prison, runs off with her guard lover (which I'm actually fairly certain will happen), and Mark slowly enters a relationship with Adrian which actually results in both of them widening their views on things and getting along.
003 | Give me a character & I will tell you + Dr Adrian Mallory
How I feel about this character:
He's pretty cool. Fun.
All the people I ship romantically with this character:
I literally only ship him with Mark, cuz Jerome gives me the worst vibes that make me actively partake in Jerome erasure.
My non-romantic OTP for this character:
404 BrOTP not found.
My unpopular opinion about this character:
The man's a brat.
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon:
I wish he would have sung that song about Mark, and it would have actually been one side and nobody would have figured it out (so no photo kissing at the end) lmao cuz that'd -- now that'd be cursed and fun. >:3c
my het ship:
He's canonically gay so none. Unless season 2 decides to make him bisexual, this will continue.
my fem/slash ship:
Him with Mark.
my OTP:
Him and Mark. God, doing these memes is getting repetitve.
my OT3:
my cross over ship:
Lmao none. I mean, c'mon I don't even like crossovers 99% of the time.
my kink:
:DD are you trying to get me shadowbanned, bud.
a head cannon fact:
I have none that I can share here, or at least none springing to mind... but can we all agree that people saying Adrian is a spy or he has intentions for Space Force's downfall, is so funny, because it's literally not that deep. He's just gay and in love with Mark, how much do the r*dditors gotta overthink the damn show? It's not even that good to overthink!
my gender bend:
NO, I don't like them.
004 | send me 2 fandoms and I will give yo my crossover OTP + The New Pope/Space Force
None of these, I am not answering this, cuz this is the worst crossover ever conceived by man and I don't even like crossovers enough to begin with and my laptop is dying from heat--
no? ok.
Imagine poor ol' Brannox meeting Adrian. Goodbye.
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Survey #43
“i’m gonna pop your bubblegum heart.”
what do you order on your pizza?   jalapenos if it's from domino's, pepperoni everywhere else. what the kind of soda you drink most often?   mountain dew what do you think of girls sixteen and younger going on birth control?   it could be because of her menstrual cycle, in which case there's nothing wrong with that.  but if you're 16 and having sex, i have a problem with that, not that my opinion should mean much to you.  at least you're using protection, i guess. are you borrowing books from anybody at the moment?   well i still have "arthas: rise of the lich king" from jason, but i think it's pretty clear he won't get it back by now. would you ever want another sibling? older or younger? gender?   having a younger brother would be cool, but i don't want one now.  my parents are divorced and my mom's already gone through menopause. grilled cheese or peanut butter & jelly?   pb&j do you take vitamins?   no ever been told “it’s not you, it’s me”?   yes, even though it was a lie???  like he had a problem with me, it wasn't the other way around. will you get married?   i want to, but i don't see it happening.  if jason couldn't handle my depression, no one can. did you have a new year’s kiss?   lmao no how would you describe someone that is your type of guy/girl?   i've found more than anything, i like geeky people.  people that are passionate.  guys that will show their feelings.  i like imaginative guys, the ones that are creative and fun-loving. are you still friends with any of your exes? do you still communicate with any of them at all?   if you consider aaron and juan exes, they're both my friends on facebook, but i only ever talk to juan. do you live on your own or with your parents/a roommate? do you think you’d like to live alone?   i live with my mom (though rn i'm living with dad, long story), and no, i physically could not live alone.  depression would destroy me. how often do you typically change your bra?   ha, let's be realistic, it depends on if i'm even wearing a bra, because i'm like... always at home in my pj's.  but let's say i actually do get dressed, again, it depends on how long i'm dressed.  once i'm back home and know i'm not doing anything more, i get back into my pajamas.  other times, but rarely, i'm dressed all day.  but let's just say in the typical situation: i'll change my bra every other day or so, also depending on if i sweat or not. what is the last online purchase you made?   cheshire cat flip-flips and a "i'm just a poe boy, nobody loves me; he's just a poe boy, from a poe family" edgar allan poe shirt, both from hottopic.  ashley gave me a $40 gift card for it. is there anyone you have to see on a daily/weekly basis that you really dislike?   thank god, no. is your hair thick or thin? would you say it’s easy to manage?   anyone who touches my hair will tell you, it's thick AS FUCK.  like, to an annoying degree.  brushing it can be a nightmare just because it's so thick, and FORGET about putting it up in a ponytail.  it's mostly easy to manage just because i don't do anything special to it. have you ever had to deal with any type of long distance relationship, whether it be a romantic relationship or a friendship?   many friendships, but nothing romantic.  as someone who's been around the Internet since what, '06, i've made many friends that i'll never actually meet. do you have a place you go to a lot that you may be considered “a regular” at?   no when growing up, did your family always eat at the dinner table together?   nope. what is the greatest source of happiness in your life?   my memories of jason.  i just miss him so much.  that won't change. could you tolerate being in a relationship with someone who treated you wonderfully, but was sometimes rude and unkind to others?   let's be realistic, EVERYONE is sometimes rude and unkind...?   could you tolerate being in a relationship with someone who was lazy?   yeah, so long that trait doesn't dictate his life.  most people are lazy, anyway. did your parents read bedtime stories to you when you were little?   yeah what is something you know very little about?   politics have any of your worst fears ever come true?   oh, you mean jason leaving?   has anyone in your family gotten pregnant as a teenager?   yeah, my mom. to you, is sex just about physical pleasure, or do you see it as an expression of love and commitment?   it can be both do you change your type of music regularly?   no.  i've been a metalhead since 6th grade. ever met somebody who seem like they hated life?   oh, you mean me?  well... i guess i should correct that.  i don't hate life, i just hate my life. do you value your life?   yes and no.  like, if a bullet was coming at me, i'd move out of the way, but as i just mentioned, i also hate how my life is going. ever been called a low-life?   i think so, 'cuz i am one. do most of your friends have a significant other?   most do, yes.  a few are even married. who has made the biggest sacrifice for you?   my mama. do you think you could handle a day in jail?   maybe, seeing as i've been in a mental hospital four times, and it's comparable as far as permissions and schedules go.  it's the people i'm concerned about. do you believe that your first true love can be your only love in life?  i don't... know.  i'm not the person to ask.  i've only ever loved one man and am convinced i won't love another, sooo... what brings out the worst in you?   mentioning jason.  blaming me for what happened. do you know how many people your best friend has had sex with?   not that i've ever asked, but yes.  she tells me everything. are your boobs real?   yes.  implants have too many risks anyways. would you take your ex-significant other back?   in a fucking heartbeat. have you ever had sex on the beach?   no and i wouldn't want to because sand... everywhere...? have any of your friends died of an overdose?   it's possible.  i had an online friend disappear years ago, and i'm STILL worried about her... how many different colleges have you gone to?   two how much stress can you handle?   none what is one thing you thought you’d never do but have done or are doing?   survive without jason do you ever feel like your life is too boring or predictable?   i know damned well it is do you have to take medication for any mental illness?   yes are tongue piercings slutty?   no...? are you embarrassed to buy condoms?   i've never had to, but i don't think i'd be. have you discovered your passion?   yeeeaaars ago... meerkats. (: what’s your favorite cereal?   double chocolate krave do you read reddit? if so, how often and what subreddits do you like?   nah. what’s the weather like today? is it nice enough to go outside?   it's sleeting and snowing.  if it wasn't for the sleet, it'd be gorgeous. have you ever eaten at a restaurant and left without paying?   no how old were you when you first became sexually active?   uh, like 16-17?  still haven't had actual sex tho what's your favorite kind of bread?   pumpernickel have you ever been to a stadium concert?   no.  the alice cooper concert was outdoors. think of the last person you kissed, have you ever kissed them on a bed?   plenty of times. have you done illegal things with your parents nearby?   download music is all. are you taller then 5 foot 7 inches?   nah son. who was the last person you talked to before you went to bed last night?   i texted my mom. why aren’t you with the person you first fell in love with?   he doesn't like me anymore. last time you were told you’re cute?   probably months upon months ago by juan. next time you will eat?   like 30 minutes who will be the next person you kiss?   probably no one. ever. last time you were in trouble?   few days back when i talked back to my mom do you have a fish tank?   no last place you took a plane to?   ohio what is your preferred method of birth control?   abstinence.  hasn't failed me yet. do you have a hard time admitting you’re wrong?   not at all.  i always think i'm wrong anyway. have you ever made out in a bathroom?   i don't think so. would you rather have a poodle or a Rottweiler?   i don't currently want a dog, but a miniature poodle i guess. have you ever made out in a park?   nah. is it colder than usual outside today?   yeah.  there's snow out. what do you normally order on your burger?   cheese, mustard, ketchup, pickles... have you ever dipped french fries in a frosty?   yes, and it's gross. what is the biggest flaw in your spouse/crush?   he's obviously not very supportive.  if he was, he'd still be with me. do you prefer writing with mechanical pencils or normal #2 pencils?   mechanical are you planning on dressing up for halloween?   if we have the money, i'd like to. do you ever have days where you just don’t do anything?   oh, every day? who was (or is) the teacher that gave you the hardest time in school?   none of them did.  just be a good student and most teachers are great. how do you feel when you meet someone with the same music taste as you?   I GET SO EXCITED OMG OMG OMG do you ever feel self-conscious when you eat around other people?   not really.  i love food too much lol what is the worst thunderstorm you’ve experienced?   hurricane floyd how often do you take the train to go places?   never are you in love?   should be obvious. are you an affectionate person?   very have you ever had a valentine?   jason was the best. what is you favorite type of lunch meat?   ham are both of you biological parents currently alive?   yeah do you like mustard?   yeah do you wash your hair everyday?   no, that's bad for you. if you were a zoo animal (i.e. lion, tiger, warthog) what would you be?   meerkat any cheesy bands that you love?   lol ludo if you could go nuts and dye your hair any color, what would it be?   gray.  mom won't let me. when was the last time someone saw you naked?   probably mom after i got out of the shower and came into my room? what is the greatest loss you’ve endured?   jason where do you like to be kissed?   lips, neck... and i think brief kisses on the hand from a guy are very romantic. do you know a hoarder?   yup. can you do a split?   nope. is anyone in your family in the army?   nah. did your mother go to college?   she dropped out when she was younger, but she's back in it now. are your grandparents still married?   no, on both sides, a spouse is dead. do you spell the color as grey or gray?   "gray," 'cuz that's the american spelling is your father bald?   nah do you know triplets?   no do you prefer titanic or the notebook?   oh GOD.  the notebook, i guess. how many times have you been to the hospital?  er: seven times, actual hospital admission: three times what religion will you raise your children to practice?   christianity have you ever stayed in a stranger's house before? if yes, why?   no do you believe in the idea of taking from the rich and giving to the poor? why or why not?   no, honestly.  the rich earn their money just as the poor earn their money.  while i understand (BELIEVE ME) it's hard to live being poor, that's no excuse to take from those better off. if you were a god or goddess, what would your powers include?   communing with animals.  maybe be a shape-shifter, that'd be cool as fuck. what are your opinions on gendered products?   explain?  like, do you mean how some toys are "meant" for certain genders, not the other?  if so, then it's ridiculous.  if your child wants to play with a certain toy, let him/her.  for example, i played with dinosaurs in opposition to barbies, and i grew up fine in general. do you believe that animals are capable of “human” emotion?   absofuckinglutely. have you ever changed your views because you were in the wrong?   yeah who do you consider “family?”   my mother, father, two immediate sisters, one half-brother, two half-sisters, my pets, and my best friend colleen.  i guess jason, sometimes. could you sacrifice yourself for someone you barely knew?   no what’s your favorite video game?   "silent hill 2"!!! have you ever experienced discrimination first-hand?   yeah, bc of mental illness. what holiday is closest to your birthday?   valentine's day are you biracial?   nah. are you afraid of shots? like injections?   shots that draw blood, no.  shots that inject medication?  fuck yes, they're agonizing. do you know your blood type?   yeah, it's a. how many times did you have to take the driving test before you passed?   i haven't taken a driving test yet bc i'm fucking lame. what do you think when a band/artist “sells out”?   i think it's rarely even a thing.  like, i'll use metallica as an example.  everyone always says they sold out, when they didn't.  are you suddenly reaching a broader audience?  good for you.  congratulations.  did you change your look?  good for you, tastes change.  now, did you change just for fame?  you're foolish. what do you think of fans and fandoms?  it's absolutely marvelous that people can come together over a common interest.  some are just... oh my GOD, so entitled (i'm looking at you, mythical beasts).  but in general, the idea of fandoms are great. should parents be their child’s friends?   ... duh? what do you think of doctor-assisted suicide?   i'm not sure on this, but i think i disagree with it. in the case of prevention of overpopulation, should some people be prohibited from reproducing?   just flat-out stupid/cruel people, but that'll never happen. you discover that because of a mix-up at the hospital, your wonderful one-year-old child is not yours. would you want to exchange the child to try to correct the mistake?   yes, BUT i'd want to keep up with the child i'd raised that year. do you trust anyone to protect you? who, and why?   my parents, because they're my parents. if you had a death note (like the anime), would you use it?   ... fuck me, yeah, i would. when did you start discovering your own music taste? what was it?   middle school.  heavy metal. describe the ultimate hell.   hearing jason say he didn't love me anymore one more fucking time. are you able to kill animals? under what circumstances do you find killing to be acceptable or unacceptable?   i couldn't, i don't think.  i find killing fine if you're hunting for food, but not for pleasure. would you be willing to have horrible nightmares for a year if you would be rewarded with extraordinary wealth?   yeah. if you could influence people like a celebrity does, how would you use it for the benefit of the planet?   definitely spread Christianity how and when are abortions okay?   only when it's that type of pregnancy where despite growing, the baby is never alive.  shit, what's it called... ummm... entopic pregnancy, that's it!  the cells are only going to keep growing, so they obviously need to come out.  otherwise, i don't care if you're raped or whatever, you have that damn child and give it up for adoption. if you could offer a newborn child only one piece of advice, what would it be?   ANYONE can hurt you, even the unexpected. would you save an extremely talented musician who has the influence to promote good values for the world or a pregnant woman in a situation where it is certain you must choose one over the other?   ugh... the pregnant woman, i guess.
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