#and i have MORE PROGRESS TO GO 💪💪💪💪 i will keep at it. bc at the end of the day i just really love writing.
orcelito · 7 months
Ok though its actually kinda nice to see some of my earliest rps... 15 year old me just having fun 🥺🥺🥺
Might go digging more later. Don't rly feel like getting That into it tonight lol
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breannasfluff · 2 months
Since you asked for feedback,
Idk if this is something you're doing bc this is the early parts of manus lupus so it's following Wild and Sky bc that's where most of the story progression is happening rn
But I would looooove to see shenanigans with the other members who haven't gotten much of a spotlight! Just their thoughts and feelings on how the hierarchy shook out, what they do in downtime, trouble that the omegas might be getting into, etc.
Wild and Sky are going to be our main PoV. We’ll get more of a focus on each character as we hit their era, although I don’t know if I’m up for writing ALL the eras.
Yeah, this is a struggle. It’s just a lot of characters to balance and trying to show everyone means that we get less depth on individual personalities and growth.
I don’t have a good answer to that, probably just something to keep working on when writing. Gotta keep improving 💪
Thanks for the feedback!
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funnywormz · 9 months
i enjoyed writing my last fic but in retrospect i got so caught up with my love of scene descriptions that i think the fic ended up suffering and being boring to read bc of it........
i have another fic idea (star trek this time) bubbling around in my head and i think if i write it i'm going to try to take some lessons from my previous fic to make it more engaging to read!!! like just picking out what i do/don't like abt it and seeing how i can incorporate that into the one i'm working on now. i figure if i keep on doing that then over time i might see some progress and improvement in my writing skills bc ik i have a long way to go atm but i want to do better 💪😤
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corvidexoskeleton · 2 years
💇‍♀️ HAIRCUT - what is their hair color / length? how do they like their hair styled?
Similar hair type as Butch, but more auburn than red. She'd normally keep it shorter before getting frozen, but it grew out while she was being kept at the Institute, and she cut it back down after getting out
💪 FLEXED ARM - what is their build / shape?
More of a wider, slightly rectangular heavyset build, with a bit of muscle after getting out of the Institute and being more active and working at the compound and nuka world
🧏‍♀️ DEAF SIGNING GIRL - do they have any disabilities? (if so) what are they?
Would ad/hd count as a disability? She'll probably have some mild neurological issues after getting shot, in addition to having bad eyesight and needing glasses
👖 JEANS - what is their most iconic outfit?
Quite possibly the Hellrider LookTM (assuming I ever figure out what that is exactly) but with some tasteful ripping and a few other modifications
🐶 DOG - do they have any pets?
Whiskey, the rottweiler that Butch found out on the road as a lil puppy and brought back for her
✨ SPARKLES - do they have any prominent features (freckles, moles, dimples, etc)?
Got freckles and dimples
☁️ CLOUD - what is their biggest dream / wish?
I think that regardless of how happy she is or gets, she would've wished to have not gotten frozen and lived the rest of her life "regularly" but after seeing how the world progressed after they were frozen, it would be less that she wishes she hadn't been frozen but moreso that just wishes she could've lived not in the post-apocalypse
🌵 CACTUS - what is a sore subject for them?
Blair would be a touchy subject by proxy bc she was still pretty young when Blair died and would've probably have liked to hear more about her growing up, but it was such a sore subject for Butch that Lily ended up cautious about it as well since she wouldn't want to accidentally bring it up at an inopportune time
🎂 BIRTHDAY CAKE - when is their birthday? do they like to celebrate it?
April 25th 1995, and she does like a good birthday party
🍲 SOUP - do they like to cook? are they good at it?
She knows how to cook a little bit from helping Butch growing up. She's not the best, but she's not bad at it, just needs a little time to get the hang of it
🥊 BOXING GLOVE - what is their go-to fighting style (hand-to-hand, short range, long range, etc)?
Would prefer close range melee or hand-to-hand, and close to medium range with a gun if she ends up needing to use one
🎬 ACTING - are they a good liar? what are giveaways when they are lying?
She's a decent liar and is good at lying on the spot, but might crack if pressured enough. She gets better about it while in the Institute tho
🎸 GUITAR - do they know how to play any instruments?
Wouldn't know how to play anything by the time she was frozen, but would like to learn guitar if she ever gets the chance
🗽 STATUE OF LIBERTY - do they travel? have they traveled? would they ever travel?
She liked traveling before the war, on the few times her and Butch traveled around. A lot of it would've consisted of driving and road trips, or driving out to a camping spot, but she was just happy to get out and go somewhere else. She'd like to do more traveling post war, but it would obviously be harder due to there being less cars and other automated transportation
🎞 FILM - what is their greatest / happiest memory?
A random, nondescript night when she was little and had stayed home from school while sick and Butch stayed up, played some games, got some snacks, and watched some movies with her on the couch
🧸 TEDDY BEAR - what are their thoughts on children? do they have any / would they ever have any and home many?
She likes kids well enough. Might get a little too enthusiastic at times tho. Doesn't really want any of her own at her current age, unsurprisingly, but who knows
📚 BOOKS - do they know any other languages? (if so) what are they?
Does coding count
❤️ RED HEART- are they easy to love? (if not) what makes them so difficult?
Yes and no I think. Yes because she's easy to get along with so long the other person isn't someone she'd butt heads with, and no because the way she just is and acts can make it hard for her to like... I don't think it makes it hard for her to commit, but she might need some reminding every once in a while or she'll get too caught up in other stuff
💛 YELLOW HEART - what do they seek in a relationship?
Someone that's gonna make her laugh and who she can enjoy being around
🧶 YARN - do they know how to sew? can they patch clothes?
Not really lmao. Probably something she might learn post war if someone else at the compound decides to try and teach her
🦖 TREX - what is the biggest creature they have ever seen?
Super mutant Butch The behemoth that lives near the compound
🧼 SOAP - are they clean? do they try to shower often?
Cleaner than a lot of people post war and dirtier than people in the Institute
🧨 DYNAMITE - a random angsty headcanon.
Same answer as cloud
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