#and i have like a few other lik things that ate annoying me that could also be from vitamin defiences and if they are like????
voidwritesstuff · 8 months
Long Way To The Truth
->cw: angst,mentions of ptsd, your usual Lucas stuff.
->chapter three: Arkansas pt2// Oklahoma.
->reblogs over likes.
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A little weirded out,he packs up his stuff and leaves. The road before him its still pretty wet,so he drives slowly and taking Wheelers advice.
He could afford to take the day slow,to relax,just this once.
Most of the trip across Arkansans is pretty calm, just towns and towns. Some nice people,some mildly annoying ones,but its as normal as his trip could get.
The most interesting thing he had during the trip was while he was taking a break from Driving. The heat is not that bad at that moment, hes sitting on the floor of his van with a guitar in hand.
Said guitar wasnt his,it was Wheeler's. He was going to be their band's guitarist,it did go to wheeler's head for a few days, and he was a goddamn menace about It. He spent days bragging about how he would get all the chicks and leave the others with none. (To which Lucas would reply that the jokes on him because Lucas himself is Bisexual).
Regardless, he sits on the floor of the van,leaning Back on some of his bags and boxes and he starts to strum what few chords he remembers.
The strumming continues for a bit as his thoughts swirl to the beat of the song. Hes composed a few of songs before,kept them all to himself.
But around him theres not that Many people only the passing cars of the road, no-one is paying attention to him.
So,it Beggins in a humm,tuning his voice to the chords. He takes a deep breath and...
--See me and the boys
We got plans for what comes later
After the war
Got names for a band
And jobs for each other-- he sings,looking at his Journal,Open beside him where he has a picture of him and his Friends.
He was the youngest of his team, the platoon's Child that Wheeler fawned over like a mother hen. Even if his captain denied any favoritism, it was clear as day that if anything happened to Lucas,Alphonso wouldve totally commited a few war crimes.
--so,do you have any children?-- Lucas asked Alphonso once while they Ate lunch.-- you seem like ya do
--Nah,me n my Lady are waitin' for me to come back home to try. Ion wanna lose my baby's first steps or words. --Wheeler answered, eating a bite from his food-- but honestly I think at this Point we might as well adopt you
Lucas chuckles,a little embarassed but moved, he clears his throat trying to play it off-- c'mon Man,dont Rob me of the experience of being the cool uncle
--Fine fine I wont. On one condition-- his captains eyes had that look in his face, that mischevious glint that meant that he was going to thoroughly embarass him by being cheesy and sappy-- I get to be your best Man when you get married
The younger Man nodded-- deal,you better not embarass me infront of my future spouse though
--Cant make any promises,kiddo-- Alphonso replied with a teasing smirk.
God,those were the days.
--It feel really good, whoa
I'm crashing, I'm crashing down
Everyone's crashing
But as long as we're together-- he keeps singing, the memory sitting like a weight on his chest.
Maybe after this,he should check on Wheeler's wife,she was in a retirement home in Tennesee, he visited her during the anniversary of Wheeler's death and during the holidays,hes taken her to some of his family gatherings before.
To this day,she maintains that hes the son she and Alphonso never had, Hence why he has Wheeler's guitar and some of his memorabilia.
Anger,regret, sadness and grief pour from his voice as he sings each word,a little shaky and weak--Ooh, and the drummer plays
A beat too long and the whole damn song
Starts to fall apart
Ooh, by show of hands
The group disbands, and they won't be back
By popular demand 
"Im with you,every step of the way. Keep going,kid"
Those words echo in his mind, and it almost feels like Wheeler is showing him New chords he didnt know with the way that his fingers press down on different parts of the guitar's neck. They just sort of come to him.
Its like he can almost hear him say "Like this- no youre doing it wrong,that finger goes here. Atta boy"
--Believe it now, believe it then
As long as you believe it when
It comes knocking, it comes knocking for your friends
Between the times we used to spend
And now the feeling never bends
I noticed and I notice it again-- he sings,pouring his feelings into the dragging of the words. The strumming becomes a lot more fluid,Like an actual song hes played over,and over again.
He even gets a small Disney princess moment because a few of the critters like birds and squirrels get closer to him to hear what hes playing
But putting his feelings into words is really good for his anguish,it makes him feel a lot lighter and at ease with that constant maelstorm of unresolved issues. He eventually does put away the guitar and grabs his Journal,as much as it stings him je writes down a little item that says "get a therapist ( a good one)".
The only reason hes considering seeing a therapist again is because of Wheeler, he needs to take the reigns of his mental health somehow. The worlds huge,this country was huge, there has to be at least one therapist that Will hear him out.
Right after that,he resumes his Driving. And by nightfall hes already in Oklahoma,which does help him quite a bit with his anxiety.
During the night, he found himself a nice parkinglot to park,a little in the shadows of the streelights. Hes currently writing down on his Journal before going to bed.
"Diary entry #200.
Already in Oklahoma,im so sick of Driving so much. Theres still a few days until I reach Milton-Haven, but I also find myself enjoying the trip, havent been outside for this long in a good while.
It feels just like the hunting road trips me and my dad would do every year when I was a kid.
I think im going to find a room for the night tonight, despite the fact that I might need to sleep on the floor. But it would be great to not half freeze my ass for one night.
Regardless, heres my to do list for when I get to MH.
•find a place to stay.
•find a job (prefferably a quiet sort of job)
•research about Mayer and possible facilities they May own. (Visit town hall)
•find documents about AR.
• find a therapist (A good one)."
After that,he closes the Journal and goes to bed. Lately,as hes been able to think about his past and process it, hes had less run Ins with bad dreams and his PTSD related. He low key hates how actually confronting his emotions helps.
But regardless of that,his sleep goes uninterrupted, and Next morning he continued his trip after getting breakfast.
Nothing of note happens thruought the day. The night however does bring Lucas something interesting, as he entered the bar, he noted the stage was getting ready for a performance.
And as he eats dinner he can hear the supposed band members argue over him
--Goddamnit,He cancelled?--A guy asked,sounding exhasperated.
--Its the third time this week!-- a girl added-- explain to me where are we getting a damn drummer now?!
--We cant cancell this gig- I cant afford it-- another guy says.
Lucas sighs,scratching the back of his neck. Was he really going to do this? He could just nope out,not his circus not his monkeys. It would be exposing himself to a large crowd,there could be some goverment agent in there and-.
--I dont get why we even made this band in the first place! -- the girl said-- stupid fucking- I cant fucking belive it. Its a waste of damn time
Fine,fuck,guess hes doing this.
After he eats dinner,he goes to talk with the band. Telling them who he is and that hes good at drums,and in their desesparation the band accepts.
--Im isabell--says the girl-- im the vocalist of the Group, this is Leon, hes the bassist and this is Jay the guitarrist.
Lucas wouldve Flinched if he heard that a few days ago,but for some reason now hes a lot more at ease when the memory of Alphonso pops out.
--Nice to make yer acquaintance, what song are yall playin'?
Isabell scratches the back of her neck-- we're uh playing the Trooper by iron maiden
A smile appears on the face of the ex soldier-- neat,I know the chords to that song. I really like it actually
--Oh thank god-- the main singer exclaims-- de can go fix up the Seat for you n all, we gotta get ready anyway
--Sounds great, lets do it then
Lucas cant help but look at the main three of the band as they get ready and tune their instruments. He can tell theyve been Friends for a while because of the way they interact, he smiles fondly at the sight,wondering if him and his Friends wouldve been the same way if they ever did manage to form that band that they wanted to form.
Before the show,Isabell seems a little anxious as she warms up her voice, It makes him feel for her as she sits on the steps to the stage as she looks down with this fearful look in her eyes. on a whim he decided to sit with her and talk, see if he could help.
--Hey, whats up?-- he asked,putting a hand on her shoulder.
--Ah nothing- stage Fright. I always get it before every show- theres a lotta people in here and it makes me nervous-- she explains, passing her hands across her face-- the owner said that if we do good tonight, we'll become The Band of the bar. Its huge for us you know?
He nodds-- yeah I get that, seems quite daunting-- his hands reach to Grab the dog tags hidden underneath his flannel-- but yknow after a lifetime of well, war, i-ive realized something. No matter how scared you are- its better to just- just do it rather than running away
--How did you deal with the Fear?--She asked,eyes setting on the dogtags. She seems a little distracted from her anguish.
--beside just doing the damn thing even if I was shittin' myself internally?-- he asked, and at that she laughed and nodded-- had really good Friends-- he nodds towards her bandmates-- for..-for me it was my captain -- he takes a deep breath as he considers what hes about to do-- for you? Its leon and Jay, im a pretty observant guy and ive seen the way yall act together. Im sure those boys would follow you to the ends of the earth if you just asked. So dont be afraid to reach out- here,gimme your hand
A little curious and quite moved,she offers his hand as he takes off his dogtags and places them on her palm-- hopefully this helps, I have one of the tags of my captain on that chain. And since yer singing The Trooper, its only appropiate you have something army related.
Isabell smiles,putting on the dogtags. The weight of the metal is oddly soothing-- Thanks, Lucas.
He smiles and pats their back-- s'nuthin.-- he stands up and dusts himself off-- c'mon kid,lets get the show started -- he helps her up and smiles reassuringly.
Soon,the show starts. Lucas hits the drumsticks together, marking the beat of the song before he starts playing,leon and Jay join in and so the instrumental begins.
The vocalist presses her hand against the dogtags as she gets ready to sing, she feels the warm metal against her palm, takes a deep breath and looking upon the semi crowded room begins singing.
--You'll take my life, but I'll take yours too
You'll fire your musket, but I'll run you through
So when you're waiting for the next attack
You'd better stand, there's no turning back-- and damn, shes quite good at it. She follows along to the melody with no issue, her voice doesnt break or falter as the lyrics flow in the air like mist.
Lucas gets a smile on his face that grows bigger and bigger as the Group gets more and more into the song.
And he cant help but laugh internally at how impressed the crowd looks at the performance of the band. One dude looks particularly impressed, and he wonders If thats the owner of the gig.
--The horse, he sweats with fear, we break to run
The mighty roar of the Russian guns
And as we race towards the human wall
The screams of pain as my comrades fall-- isabell has put her soul into her singing, as if a siren was the vocalist of a metal band.
Theres a catharsis in the way theyre playing the song, especially for Lucas who can relate more than most to the lyrics. He doesnt hold back either and he plays as if nobody is watching, all he can hope for is that he doesnt break the drum set.
By the end of the show the crowd is a mess of cheering and screaming, Jay and Leon pick up their vocalist friend and sort of throws her up to then catch it again.
Isabell is all smiles as she talks to a man afterwards, the one he correctly guessed to be the owner.
In that moment he gets ready to leave, but as he makes his way to the van, the band stops him.
--Lucas hold on!--says Leon, running up to him.
--Hey yall, whats up?--He asked.
--Two things-- the vocalist girl says,outta breath, taking off the dogtags-- these and-
--You wanna be part of our band?--Jay asked Straight up,gaining a glare from his friends-- what?! You two were going to make a whole fanfarre over it. So id rather just ask
Lucas shifts his gaze between the three of them,pretty amused. He puts on his dogtags and answers-- ah im sorry,I cant. Im on a sort of moving to Washington,gonna visit an old friend while im at it and 'm already runnin' late.
--Shame-- Isabell answered, a little dissappinted-- but-but thank you,you literally saved us-
--S'nuth--the ex soldier doesnt finish his phrase before Isabell gives him a big tight hug. He hugs back a little confused but endeared.
--This band has been her dream-- leon explains once the girl pulls back from the embrace-- means a lot to her- to us. Even if we dont have any names for our band yet
--Well see that I can help with-- Lucas said with a smirk-- yall remind me of me and my war buddies, we talked about a band once and we wanted to call ourselves "the ragtags" 'cuz we came from all 'round the US. Since that bands never happening,i leave it up to yall youngsters to Carry the torch for me- us
The three look at eachother and nodd enthusiastically-- Will do,take care dude-- says leon,shaking Lucas' hand, so does Jay.
--You too,all of you -- he replied,to then adress isabell and say-- and you have one hell of a voice, by the way.
In that instant,isabell goes red as a tomato, to which Jay rolls his eyes a little. -- a uhm thanks, hey do you uhm m-
Jay and leon Grab their friend and slowly drags her away, she kicks and complains trying to get out of their grasp. --YOU ASSHOLES I WAS GONNA ASK FOR HIS NUMBER.
--Leave the guy alone!--Leon Shouts.
--HES GODDAMN CUTE. --isabell yells back.
Jay looks thoroughly embarassed and exclaims a quick-- SORRY--at Lucas before dragging her into the bar.
Lucas stands there mistified, a little flustered. --Yep,still got it-- he mutters with a smirk before grabbing his keys and getting into his van to drive to a motel nearby.
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this-doesnt-endd · 2 years
Not passing the vibe check at the moment
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#i cant fall asleep even tho im tired and got sad like outta nowhere#i was just vibing chilling and then i was like#i will never recover from being like a teenage girl and my brain was like so fucking true bestie#lets get horrifically sad and start over analyzing everything about urself from birth to now#so im just having a time#also like this is a completly unrelated topic#but i got coffee 2day and they used oatmilk and i didnt know cause like i didnt ask for it but it had like a weird cinnamon taste#and i had my friend taste it who figured it out and it was whatever cause like i was trying figure out why it had a cereal oatmeal quality#before i figured it out#and like it was fine i drank it had my coffee but it worried me for just a second later cause like it was prolly an accident#but like i have food allergies and it was like damn what would have happened if like hazelnut syrup accidentally got used#and this is a flaw of mine but i go out virtually unprepared if i was to accidentally get something im allergic to#cause theyre easy things for me to avoid and im good abt being like nah if im not sure abt something or like asking#but i realized out of most places coffee is prolly an easier one for that to happen at and it was like oh damn#anyways sorry 2 be dramatic but i am#i just want like 2-3 days rot alone in bed but its summer break which means my mom is home and thats not happening#i also have a few new sudden bruises one that is very dark and like im a simple man somwthing happens and i google why#and fucking google is like lukemia and i know its not but like dont make me anxious but then its like vitamin defeciences#and i have like a few other lik things that ate annoying me that could also be from vitamin defiences and if they are like????#i just got a b12 shot not long ago and they usually make me feel pretty better for a few weeks and this one felt like it did nothing#am i that defiecent? how do i get to not be like is this a problem? can it become one?#and ive been waking up feeling overheated 2 a bloody nose which is odd cause the temp never changes im usually always a lil cold#and the blanket i use is super thin and its only been recently despite me changing nothing#my feet also hurt bad and i still havrnt gotten that referal for a physical therapist which like im not excited to go to at all but also#like damn my feet hurt and my ankle hurts and i swear im on the verge of rolling my ankle at an given moment like almost all the time#and ive broken both of them can they get some slack#and ive ruined my sleep schedual#and i want to scream cause im feeling all mixed up
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the-toppat-king · 4 years
Chapter Two: Small Steps
Right groaned as he came out of unconsciousness.
He flexed his fingers a moment before opening his eye.
Wait. Where was his other eye?
Suddenly the Toppat sat up, realizing he was not longer fully human. At least half his face was now covered in metal, and throwing off his blanket, he saw that his right arm and both his legs were gone, replaced with metal augmentations. Flexing his new hand a bit, he took a breath to calm himself down.
First things first, where was he?
Glancing around, Right saw that he was in the medical wing, and that Reginald was sleeping not far away in a chair. At first he was relieved seeing the leader unharmed, but he quickly realized that wasn't entirely the case. His throat was bruised, his hair was messy and he looked like he hadn't slept in days.
Right knew the moment he looked at him that he'd been defeated.
Reginald jolted awake at the sound of his voice, face immediately morphing into one of relief. He got to his feet, apparently trying to seem dignified as he walked over.
"W'at 'appened?" Right frowned as Reginald sat down in a closer chair.
"Henry caught me." Reginald sighed. "It was either give up leadership to him or be given to the government. Thankfully it seems at least some things haven't changed."
"Once a Toppat, always a Toppat." Right forced a laugh, but immediately knew that this was a bad situation. The last time they saw Henry was twenty years ago, when they killed Terrence. Henry had run away almost immediately after, and while they had searched for him there was no finding Henry when he decided to go missing.
Not to mention he and Right had actually fought. It was only Henry thinking to fight dirty and pulling a knife on him that he wasn't hurt.
"'E didn't...'urt you...did 'e?" Right asked, grabbed Reginald's hand. Reginald shook his head.
"He had me by my necklace. The bruise is from the pressure. I don't think he was trying to hurt me, or it would have been easy from that position." The former leader explained. He took a deep breath, rubbing it before meeting Right's gaze. "That...that Henry. That's not our Henry anymore. I can barely recognize him anymore."
"Reg, it'll be fine." Right replied. "I'm sure 'e's just a bit s'aken up from everything- like those government scum sending 'im in to do t'eir dirty work."
"Right, Reginald?" Sven's voice interrupted before Reginald could reply. "Henry is in his office. You should probably go show him the ropes. He's...acting skittish, for lack of better words."
Right groaned. So much for soothing Reginald's fears.
In hindsight, Right wasn't sure what he expected.
At first when he saw Henry bent over a desk, muttering to himself with Terrence's old Top hat on his head, he thought he was seeing a ghost. Terrence could have never denied that Henry was his son.
"With Charles and the General this might be difficult." He was muttering in a hoarse, weak voice. Henry didn't use his voice much, but Right didn't think speaking should sound so painful. "I could probably drop them someone rural and lay low a few weeks, but that might piss off the Clan. But if I keep them with us the Government might come for them. Or at least for the General. Either way the Clan has to lay low and they're pissed that I saved two government officials instead of just letting-"
"Sir?" Sven spoke up.
Henry jolted, turning around, back to silence. Right rolled his eye, stepping forward. "'Enry, we ain't strangers, don't act lik-"
Suddenly the leader was on his feet, body tense. Both Right and Reginald froze, taking in his body language.
He looked like a cornered animal, every muscle tense and ready to either fight or flee. He glanced around for a possible exit before his eyes settled back on Right, Reginald and Sven, clearly untrusting. First Right felt nearly uncontrollable rage. What the fuck did those assholes tell him to make him act like this?
Henry must have noticed, because he took a few steps back, eyes narrow.
Second, Right doubted his earlier statement of "Once a Toppat, always a Toppat."
Toppats didn't act like this. They were typically dignified, cool under pressure. If they needed an escape they looked for one without giving themselves away. They didn't stand tense, waiting for the enemy to make a move before they reacted. They either shot or they got the hell out of that situation.
Their Henry acted like a Toppat.
This Henry didn't.
Of course Right recognized this body language. It was pretty common, especially with criminals on the street. Typically it was criminals and thieves who ran into fights a lot and so needed to be ready for a scrap.
He saw it in desperate, afraid people. The Henry he knew was neither.
Right took a step back, seeing Henry relax a little. Reginald is right. That's not our Henry anymore.
"Settle down." Reginald stepped forward this time, and Right noticed that Henry wasn't as tense. He's reacting based on threat level. He knows if it comes to a fight, he couldn't do anything against me, but Reginald isn't going to be as physical if it comes to a confrontation. He wasn't sure if he should be impressed that Henry was already taking mental notes or concerned because Henry obviously didn't trust his own high ranking crew. "Right isn't going to do anything."
"Do you see what I mean?" Sven sighed. "He can't seem to talk unless he's alone, he freaks if anyone approaches without a warning, he's acting like he doesn't know us."
Movement caught Right's attention, and he noticed that Henry was signing.
"Don't talk about me like I'm not here."
"Then don't stare at us like a deer caught in headlights!" Sven shot back. "Henry, stop acting like we're strangers! Do you really think Reginald, Right or anyone else would hurt you?"
Henry's expression went from being annoyed to being...unsure for a complete lack of better words. Sven's shoulder's slumped.
"You...you don't trust us?"
"The last time I saw any of you," Henry signed slowly, seeming unsure of his word choice. "Was twenty years ago. I was six and had just witnessed my father being overthrown as leader of the Toppat Clan and shot in the head." He took a breath before adding: "I know now that Terrence was a terrible leader. But I didn't understand at the time and I didn't know what would happen to me. I still don't."
"You're not Terrence." Right spoke up. "W'y would we 'arm you for his terrible decisions? Especially twenty years later."
"I just burst in through the window in a giant hamsterball, tried to run you over, proceeded to stab you and push you off a bridge when I got the opportunity and took Reginald hostage. That's all just from one day. Why would you all not want to kill me?" Henry's eyebrows furrowed in confusion. "Not to mention I was working with the government? Okay I was kinda taken hostage-"
Right glanced at Reginald, mouthing a "why did you not fucking tell me this?". Reginald shrugged in response, looking a little helpless.
"-but a Toppat would never betray the Clan in the first place. I betrayed the Clan the second I deserted it, and I did it again when I tried following through with the Government's plan. The only thing stopping me was the fact that even if they kept up their end and pardoned my crimes I don't have anything to go back to." Henry seemed to deflate a bit. "No one would be stupid enough to hire a thief infamous enough for the Government to track down. The only jobs I could find were all as test subjects."
Right could tell the gears were turning in Reginald's head, and Right was figuring it out too.
Henry wasn't wrong.
His goals here were completely centered on self-preservation. Fleeing as a child when he thought his life may be in danger(which could be excused, Right supposed, still didn't look good), likely defaulting on theft to survive, the only thing he would have known how to do(and likely continuing to do so into teenage and adult years when people saw a bratty little thief rather than a kid who didn't know how else to get by), taking the deal the Government offered him for a chance at a life even slightly more sustainable than what he had now. Even accepting Reginald's last-minute bargaining, leader of the Toppat Clan was a safer, more stable life than anything else he could do with his reputation.
Toppats didn't act like that. They were actively disgusted by people who held their own lives as more important the the Clan's safety. It was one of many reasons why Terrence was overthrown- not caring about the Clan and prioritizing his own thrill over their safety.
The Clan already had every right to overthrow Henry. They had helped raise him, yes, but that meant his betrayal left a deeper wound than a stranger's.
Trust on both ends needed to be rebuilt, and it wasn't working with the way things were currently going.
"'Old on." Right suddenly spoke up. "I need a time frame. 'Ow long was I out?"
Henry sheepishly held up five fingers.
"Five 'ours?" That didn't seem right.
"Days." Henry signed.
Ah, that makes more sense.
"'Ave you interacted at all with the crew outside w'at was necessary?" Right crossed his arms.
Henry looked even more sheepish.
"'ave you even ate?"
"I managed to make him eat when Reginald handed over leadership since he was skin and bones." Sven spoke up. "Otherwise he hasn't touched anything."
Right sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose. "I swear to God- Sven, go get something small for 'Enry, please. Just a sandwic' or something, because somet'ing tells me this c'aotic dumbass 'asn't been eating nearly enough and 'e needs to start slow.
Reginald sighed, swinging an arm over Henry's shoulder and sitting him back down as Sven left. "Henry, you need to trust Right, Sven and I. The Clan is willing to give you a shot as long as one of us higher members doesn't decide you're not fit to lead. But that means you need to work with us and stop being self-destructive." He looked up at Right. "Hey do we have anyone with a psychology degree or something? Henry's definitely going to need a therapist."
"Excuse me, I am not a child-" Henry signed, face red.
"T'en I don't suppose you're ready to open up about w'at the 'ell 'appened before you got 'ere?" Right asked.
Henry didn't have a response for that.
"T'at's w'at I t'ought." Right sighed. "I don't t'ink we 'ave a therapist, t'ough. Could you at least try opening up to Reg first? You don't need to tell 'im anyt'ing major if you aren't comfortable yet. But we've got to start somew'ere."
Henry sighed, nodding.
Something told Right that this would not be the last conversation they had of this nature, but he supposed it was good enough for now.
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cycwrites · 5 years
Switching Gears Part 4 - Dinner Admissions
Words: 2600 (Is this the shortest thing I’ve ever written that wasn’t a fic tease?)
Rating: M (Eventually. I think.)
Also on AO3 and FFN
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A/N: Thank you to @tiny-maus-boots for all the encouragement and beta things. 
“Hey, Chloe.” Emily said as she let Chloe into the house. “Stacie’s in the kitchen still.”
“Oh god, it’s her night to cook? Why didn’t anyone warn me?”
“Ha ha.” Stacie looked over the pass-through counter toward the front door. “You love my food so shut up.”
“She’s making spaghetti; even she can’t screw that up.” Emily laughed as she closed the door.
“She can if she’s making the sauce herself.” Chloe shrugged off her coat and draped it over the couch as she walked into the living room. “Which you have clearly forgotten.”
“Oh. Right. Yeah, I blocked that.” Emily walked to the counter and sat down.
Stacie frowned at them both. “That was ONE TIME in college. So I forgot I’d already added salt to the sauce. Sue me.”
“Five times.” Chloe took a seat next to Emily. “Or was it six?”
“It was midterms!” Stacie picked up a spoon and dipped some of the sauce out of the pan. “Here. Zip it and try this.”
Chloe grinned at her. “I trust you.” Stacie just waited and finally Chloe rolled her eyes. “Fine.” She opened her mouth and Stacie sighed but lifted the spoon to her lips.
As Chloe leaned forward to take it into her mouth Emily made a face. “Gross. If I didn’t know you two as well as I do, I’d think you were flirting.”
“Poor sheltered child.” Stacie pulled the spoon back while Chloe licked her lips. “We really do need to find you someone if you consider that foreplay.”
“It’s because you two make everything look like foreplay.”
“Why thank you.” Chloe fluttered her eyelashes until, laughing, Emily pushed on her shoulder. “Okay okay. Yes. The sauce is perfect, Stace.”
“Ha.” Stacie gave it one more stir. “Should be ready soon. Noodles are a cookin’ and I just put in the garlic bread.” As she turned around Chloe sighed.
“Please tell me that is not what I think it is?” She pointed at the end of the counter on Emily’s other side.
“That’s not what you think it is.” Stacie parroted back.
“Bullshit. That’s another one of Aubrey’s bells isn’t it?” Chloe held out her hand. “Gimme.” Emily dutifully placed it in her palm.
“That’s not what you think it is,” Stacie repeated while inwardly wishing she’d thrown it away earlier.
“When are you going to stop making me an accessory?” Chloe hit the lever and the ringing sound made Stacie’s jaw clench.
“When she stops chaining my bike to the rack.” She closed her eyes when Chloe gave it another half ring. “Can you please stop doing that?”
“Oh, I’m sorry.” Chloe’s finger hovered over the lever. “Am I triggering you?”
Emily leaned over and stage whispered. “When I rang it, she threatened to shove it up my ass, if that’s any indication.”
Chloe laughed. “Well there’s an image.” She handed it back to Emily who carefully put it back where it had been. “Seriously though… you have to stop stealing it.”
“When she stops chaining my bike to the rack.” Stacie repeated.
“Are you just going to repeat everything twice?” Chloe leaned on the bar.
“Maybe.” Stacie kept one eye on the stove. “I didn’t start this, Chlo.”
“Yeah, but you’re the one committing theft.” Chloe was using her rational voice and it annoyed Stacie because she couldn’t even argue against it.
“She calls the cops on me I’ll call them on her.” Needing something to do she turned around and opened the cupboard to get the plates and wine glasses.
“For what? Harassment?” Emily held up her hands when Stacie shot her a look. “Don’t give me that look. Chloe’s right – if anyone is going to get in actual trouble over this, it’s you.”
“’Sorry officer, she started it’ won’t cut it, you know.” Chloe sighed. “And I know I joked about this before, but if she decides to go full vindictive – which yes, I don’t see her doing, but if she did – they’re going to want to see the security tapes and I don’t want that association.”
“Why are you being all logical right now?” Stacie handed the stack of plates to Emily who began to set the table. “Are you really worried?”
“Yes but no?” Chloe shrugged. “But it’d be nice if you guys could somehow form a truce.”
“I haven’t even seen her since that day.” Stacie pulled out silverware and handed it over when Emily reached for them. “I don’t know how we can form a truce.”
“Well,” Chloe said reasonably, “the next time she chains your bike to the rack – don’t steal the bell.”
“But then she wins!”
“What – exactly – is she winning?” Emily asked as she set down the last fork.
“I don’t know.” Stacie threw up her hands. “But it’d drive me nuts if I let her.”
“Not even for me?” Chloe batted her eyes and Stacie was startled into laughter.
“God, not the puppy dog eyes. You’re a cheat, Chloe.” Stacie rolled her eyes, already weakening.
“Only when necessary.” Chloe leaned further over the counter and looked at the stove. “Uh, if you don’t take that off the burner, we might be having plain pasta.”
“Shit!” Stacie turned and lifted the sauce pan while turning off the stove. “Alright, no more distractions or we’re having pizza again.”
The next while was spent putting the final touches on dinner where, thankfully, Chloe turned the topic away from bells and chains and started talking about the progress one of her newest teen classes was making. By the time they were settled at the table Stacie’s hackles had gone back down and she felt calm again as they ate.
“I… did… actually see Aubrey a few weeks ago, you know.” She supposed it was that lull in her defenses that made her say it.
Chloe stopped with her wine halfway to her mouth and Emily froze mid bite of garlic bread.
“You did?” Chloe said it carefully, as if she were trying not to spook her before continuing the motion of glass to lips.
Still not sure why she had even said it, Stacie took another bite of spaghetti. She sighed when they just stared at her. “Yeah. She was talking to Emily. I didn’t recognize her at first because she was laughing and smiling.”
Emily set down the bread as she quickly finished chewing. “I mean, that could be any day. She’s really nice, Stace.” She looked so earnest it almost made Stacie’s teeth ache. “We usually laugh over something.”
Stacie lifted one shoulder. “I didn’t hear what you were talking about or anything, I just walked past to my locker.”
“I wish you’d have stopped and said hi.��� Emily looked down at her plate, her fork idly twirling up noodles. “I’d have introduced you guys properly and you could’ve made up.” She looked at Stacie from under her eyelashes. “Maybe with kissing.”
“More like she’d have grabbed a pen and stabbed me in the eyes,” Stacie said, her mouth twisting into a crooked grin.
“No bloodshed allowed on the premises,” Chloe said easily. “It’s in the contract.”
“Good to know.” Stacie picked up her glass and took a drink.
“So nothing happened?” Chloe prodded gently.
“No. I just…” Stacie stopped then decided to go for it. She knew the odds were high that all she was doing was giving them ammunition, but they were her family and who else was she going to talk about this with? “It struck me at that moment that if I’d seen her then, for the first time? I’d have walked up to greet my cousin who, because she’s just that nice a girl, would’ve introduced me. I’d have done it specifically for that reason – it’s the perfect excuse to talk to a pretty woman who caught my eye. After a few such encounters I’d either know to back off or ask her to coffee.”
She could still picture it; her attention had been caught at first by the laughter she heard when she walked in the door with lunch and then by the radiant smile that accompanied it. In that instant Aubrey had been the embodiment of someone who Stacie very much would’ve made an effort to get closer to. Hell, even as pissed off as she’d been all those months ago Aubrey had still been beautiful. Just… Crazy.
“So what happened?” Emily prodded when Stacie had been silent too long.
“She chained my bike to the rack,” Stacie shrugged. “So, you know… Fuck that.” She took a drink of her wine.
“You should.”
Stacie almost choked at Chloe’s words and Emily let out a snort of laughter.
“I’m with her this time,” Stacie pointed at Emily once she’d swallowed the mouthful of wine. Chloe was eyeing her in a way she didn’t trust.
“You know I just want the best for you. I wouldn’t encourage you to pursue someone I didn’t think very highly of.” Stacie opened her mouth but Chloe held up her hand. “And I have no idea why I feel so strongly about this. But something in me tells me that you should give it a shot.”
“I’m with her.” Emily nodded. “Aubrey’s funny, smart, kind…” She stopped when Stacie’s brows knitted together in annoyance. “Nohittingwe’refamily!”
“Just… consider it.” Chloe said earnestly. “At the very least, stop stealing the damn bell, Stacie. You never know what could happen if one of you just stops being stubborn.”
“Why does that have to be me?” Stacie winced when it came out as a whine.
“Because I can’t yell at her because she hasn’t come to me with any problems.” Chloe turned back to her plate. “But I’ve slept with you and that gives me the right to yell at you.”
“She’s probably right you know,” Emily said easily.
“I’d have thought you’d cover your ears with the sex talk,” Stacie muttered.
“If you start reminiscing about said events, I might.” Emily eyed her. “But you both love me and will keep all the sordid details to yourself.”
“Unless you push me,” Stacie said; half threat, half tease.
“Good thing Chloe’s the one who’s gonna do that for me.” Emily picked up her bread.
“Damn right I am.” Chloe picked up her glass and stared at Stacie over the rim.
“I hate it when you two gang up on me.” Stacie forced herself to frown when all she wanted to do was grin.
“We know,” Emily said cheerfully.
“It’s because we just want the best for you.” Chloe held out her glass and Emily tapped her own against it. “And now that we know you like her…”
“Physical attraction alone does not mean ‘like’, Chloe,” Stacie countered. “Do we even know if she likes women?”
“At least you’re no longer denying any attraction,” Chloe saluted with her wine.
“I’ve never seen her with anyone,” Emily said through a mouthful of pasta. She paused to swallow. “I think I’ve seen her check Chloe out though.”
“Blind people would still check Chloe out,” Stacie said as she waved her hand. “That doesn’t count.”
“Aw, thanks babe.” Chloe fluttered her eyelashes. “But stop hitting on me, we’re past that.”
“You wish I was hitting on you.” Stacie rolled her eyes as she picked up her wine.
“Sometimes,” Chloe shrugged and Stacie blinked at her. “What?”
“You can’t just say we’re past that but you think about… us.” Stacie pointed at her. “While trying to get me to ask out Aubrey.”
“Can I just say that as much as I would love the two of you together, it would weird me out?” Emily interjected. “I mean, I’d get used to it, but it’d take a while.”
“I’m not saying anything.” Chloe leaned her elbow on the table and rested her chin on her palm. “We’re great how we are right now but I’d be lying if I said I didn’t occasionally think about it.”
“Oh.” Stacie said, realizing how stupid and inadequate that was. “I… uh…” She shot Emily a look who made a face at her. “Alright, me too, but…”
“I know. Water under the bridge.” Chloe smiled at her.
“How did we even get on this topic?” Stacie asked, carefully stashing that piece of information away. “Other than I am amazing and unforgettable.”
“I’ll give you that,” Chloe nodded, eyes sparkling with amusement. “As much as it pains me to feed your ego.” Stacie buffed her nails on her chest with a smug grin.
“Okay.” Emily held up her hands and made a ‘T’. “Timeout – this is approaching TMI.”
Chloe turned slightly more serious. “All kidding aside, can you just... let it go?”
Stacie pursed her lips. “I’ll try, Chlo. I’ll stop stealing the bell, even if she chains my bike again.” She pointed a finger at Chloe. “But if we meet face to face and she goes nutso, I make no promises.”
“I suppose that’s the best offer I can ask for,” Chloe said and held out her hand. “Deal.” Stacie sighed but shook it.
“Aw,” Emily cooed. “Normally this is where I’d make a joke about kissing to seal the deal but you guys might and then I’d have to gouge my eyes out with a spoon.”
“Or take pointers.” Stacie said, letting go of Chloe’s hand to resume eating. “Chloe’s really quite an amazing kisser.”
“If we were dating, that’d so get you laid tonight.” She paused, eyeing Stacie.
“Oh my god.” Emily’s fork hit the plate and she covered her eyes. “Now that’s in my head.”
‘Mine too,’ Stacie thought with an inward grin.
“Is it cheating if you’re not dating her yet?” Chloe asked lightly.
“’Yet’?” Stacie shook her head. “It’s almost like you’ve got us married before we’ve even introduced ourselves.”
“I’ve already got your colors picked out; hope you like green.” Chloe shrugged. “You two will eventually come to your senses because I’ll be an awesome best man.”
“Why do you get to be the best man?” Emily huffed as she dropped her hands again. “I’m blood family. Besides, wouldn’t it be tacky if the best man had slept with one of the brides?”
“I am many things, Em, but tacky is not one of them,” Chloe said airily. “But as it gets closer, we can wrestle for it.”
“Only if you don’t cheat this time,” Emily pointed at her. “I’m not thirteen anymore.”
“I regret this dinner invitation a thousand times over.” Stacie leaned back and crossed her arms. “Is it too late to change my mind?”
“Considering I’m almost done with my plate and am about to go for seconds, yes.” Emily pushed back her chair. “Anyone else?”
Stacie nodded and quickly spun the last of the noodles on her plate onto her fork. “Me please.” She handed over her plate with her free hand. “Thanks, Em.”
“It’s the least I can do considering Chloe and I are about to start Operation Date.”
“Is that what we’re calling it?” Chloe stood up and carried her own plate to the kitchen.
“We can’t call it Operation Bike Wars because they’re already in the middle of that.”
Stacie turned and hooked one arm over the back of her chair as she looked at them. “That’s a stupid name.”
“What, you’d prefer Operation Get My Cousin A Date?” Emily made a face. “God I’m bad at this.”
“Just need some practice,” Chloe said as she waited for Emily to finish filling both plates. “We’ll brainstorm later.”
Emily walked back into the dining area and set Stacie’s plate down. “Operation Staubrey?”
Chloe looked over at her quickly, eyes full of glee. “Ooh… that has promise.”
Stacie groaned and buried her face in her palm.
This was going to be a long night.
A/N 2: I swear, they’re face to face again next chapter. I promise!
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into-control · 4 years
(i’m making my comments along the way in bold because whew)
my v embarrasing old showmila fanfic
context: I was technically 11 yrs old, but very nearly 12 (😭). this was written in the IKWYDLS era, and I'd only just become a fan of shawn and fifth harmony, so I barely knew anything about their personalities. I really believed that shawn and camila were secretly dating. and for some reason, I clearly thought shawn was some kind of cocky bad boy 🤦 
anyway, this is super embarrassing lol. I've deleted the fic from quotev now. the plot of the fic was basically that shawn makes a bet with those vine guys he was friends with that he can get camila to fall in love with him in a week. but then, once they eventually get together, camila starts getting stalked and threatened by a crazy gay fan of shawn's that's in love with him and hates camila. (homophobic undertones I know 😬 I'm gay and was def not impressed with myself reading it back)
Summary: Shawn made a bet with Cameron and Jack that he will get Camila to fall for him by the 1 week deadline but somewhere along the way he found himself falling in love with her- and hard. What will happen when Camila finds out? Will Shawmila survive? Or is Shawn finally gonna find out what it feels like to be broken in pieces?
A certain brown- eyed heartthrob barged into Camila's dressing room. "Shawn!" she screamed, dropping the magazine she had been gazing at. Shawn was curious; he strolls over to the magazine and picked it up. On the front cover was a huge picture of himself. He smirked. "Camila, why stare at a picture of me when you can stare at the real thing baby girl?" Camila was confused, what did he mean? She snatched the magazine off him and she sighed. "That's not the page I was looking at," she explained, turning to a page where there was a shirtless pic of Taylor Lautner. She hands it back to him. (omg heterosexual icon)
"Wait, what'd ya mean? I am way hotter than some man who plays a dog!" Shawn exclaims cockily. "Haven't you seen Twilight, Shawn? He's a werewolf!" "Shawn too cool to watch Twilight," he countered. (why is he talking like a caveman pls)
Cameron turned to look at Jack. "He's been flirting with Cabello again!" he said to him, clearly irritated. Wait, what? He was not flirting with Camila, they were fighting!!! Were his friends blind? "Dude, face it. You soo like her," said Jack. "I do not have a crush on Camila!" "You visit her every day, have your dumb flirt/fights and you always talk about her- always!" shouted a frustrated Jack. (the way jack used a slash in an out loud sentence) "Only because it's fun to annoy her and if I liked a girl I would ask her out!!" "No You're afraid that she doesn't like you, that you'll get rejected and made a fool of yourself!" Cameron guessed. "Fine! I will get Camila Cabello to fall for me and guess what; I can do it within one weeks!" He yells in anger. Oh no, Shawn Peter Raul Mendes never loses his temper. (u serious right now) "It's a bet then. And if Jack and me win you have to admit you love her, in front of everybody!" said Cameron. Shawn agreed but as he walked away, he wonderes if he'd made the right choice. Oh well, time to turn on the Shawn Mendes charm, he thought, popping his collar. Starting from tomorrow. Though"
As he walked back to his table, he felt happy- it was because he was going to prove Cameron and Jack wrong. He ate his sandwich without saying a word to his friends and went to go to the flower shop. "Hey get me the best roses you got," he demanded. The employee's eyes widened and before she could say anything, he interrupted. "Yeah yeah I'm the awesome Shawn Mendes, hit singer, now get the flowers lady" (GSHDHDHAHSHAHHA) She rushes over and grabbed some expensive looking roses; he paid the money and gave a 100 dollar tip and headed back to the Fifth Harmony house. He left them on the table in Camila's dressing room that shared with Dinah, with a careful note. As he walked out, he bumped into Miss Cabello herself. "Shawn, what were you doing in our dressing room!" she shouted. "You'll see," he replied mysteriously, before walking off in his bad boy stroll. She shrugged and stepped inside, when she spotted the flowers on her table. They were roses, she read the note. It said: To Camila, saw these and thought you would like them, from Shawn Mendes. She awwed and put them in a vase. From behind the door, Shawn watched and was proud of himself. He was a step closer to winning his bet.
Shawn nodded his head. "Camila, I have to tell you a secret," She looked at him. "Okay you know how I've been acting weirdly lately?" Shawn explains.. "What, you mean like when you insulted me in Spanish, dressed all stupid then screamed when you saw the reflection, followed me around everywhere and flirted with a guy because I asked you to? Nooooooooo, that wasn't at all weird," Camila said sarcastically. Shawn looked down in embarrassment. "Yeaaaah, you see, I was acting like that because I was trying to win a bet, I made with Cameron and jack" shawn explained. She looked confused. Camila was so cute when she was confused. "What kind of bet?" she asked him. "The bet were to get a girl to like you," Shawn continues. "Well, who was that girl?" she questioned. Was it just him or did she look… jealous? Shawn panicked and blurted out. "Uh, she has pretty dark hair and is Spanish," Camila looked upset. "Oh, so you like Lauren then. Well, you can go tell her now," (SHUT UPDJFJ) Shawn slapped a hand to his forehead. "No, it's you Camila!!!" he admitted She looked at him. "Whaa-?" Shawn sighs. Maybe he should have been scared. "I really really like you Camila," She hugged him tightly. "Really Shawn?" Shawn nodded. "Do you want toa go to that new food place tonight?" He asked. She looked like she was thinking about it. "Eres un idiota, pero frente Shawn seguro," she said. He gave her a confused stare. "I knew you couldn't speak Spanish!" Camila said triumphantly. Shaw looked at her. "Yes and Shawn? I really like you too," she said
Shawn smirked and went to sit next to Camila. They looked at each other, thinking the same thing because they were so connected. Their friends all hated them being lovey-dovey so they made it into a game. They acted like a perfect couple when they were around. Their reaction were always hilarious. Shawn started off. He gazed into Camila's eyes and pretended he was in a Twilight scene. "Hello Camila-bear, I missed you so much," Shawn said realistically as possible. (manibear is shaking) Camila played along and sighed. "I know, Shawnykins. It's been almost 5 whole minutes. I can't possibly go that long without getting lost in your dreamy chocolate eyes," Camila put in a dreamy sigh for good measure. Their friends are staring at then horror- struck, like they want to look away but couldn't. Yes! It was working! "I'm so happy you feel the same way! I was worried you had…" Shawn paused dramatically. "…forgotten about me," Camila gasped in horror. "I would do anything for you, MiMi," Shawn finished. Camila frowned at the nickname, knowing Shawn was trying to annoy her. "Oh Shawn!" she sighed. "Camila!" He copied. They both leaned in shared a short kiss then pulled away, looking at their reactions. Lauren had her mouth half open and was staring into space, horrified. Normani had her eyes covered and was yelling, "Make it stop! Please make it stop!". (lauren baby i’m gonna get you out of there) Ally held onto Dinah liks a cuddly toy and Dinah looked like she wanted to push her away but was too busy trying to breathe, like if she found out her favourite lipstick was discontinued. Shawn's friends the girls were holding a hand to their mouth while the guys looked like they wanted to be put out their misery. Shawn couldn't take it anymore. He and Camila began laughing hysterically, clutching their abs and holding tears of laughter.
Shawn swiped the don't answer button and tried to go back to sleep. Then his phone beeped loudy. He sighed and read the text. It was from his girlfriend Camila. To: Shawn From: Camila shawn sum1 at window help! He read it and quickly hopped out of bed and ran all the way to the Fifth Harmony house to the bedroom Camila was in without shoes on. She was carrying a lamp in one hand and her phone in the other hand and was hiding behind the door. Shawn walked forward and pur his hand on her shoulder. She jumped but then She hid behind Shawn as he crept slowly towards the window. Camila whisperers something to him, terrified. "Th- they wer- were tapping o- on the window, then I s-saw a human sh- shadow across the wall," Shawn locked the window and lied on the floor while Camila was on the bed for the night. she fell asleep and Shawn took out his new iPhone. (rich king) He said on twitter that he was looking for a bodyguard for his girlfriend and that interviews were gonna be at his mansion at 2:00, tomorrow. (he prolly put it on craigslist or something) He looked at Camila. She looked so peaceful and cute when she was sleeping. Stupid cute Camila. Suddenly she started turning around in her sleep and got a few sweat droplets on her forehead. Gross, wait, was she having a nightmare? I have got to wake her up! Shawn stood up and ran over to her. "Camila!" he whisper- yelled.
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jiminsjam · 6 years
I Might Be In Love With You
Summary: After denying your feelings for too long, you are certain you have fallen in love with a certain super soldier.
Word Count: 2K
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Female!Reader x Steve Rogers
Warnings: Jealousy, Language, Angst, Smut (nothing too deep)
Author’s Note: This is my first imagine in here and hopefully I will be writing more. I am still learning to use Tumblr (LOL) so bear with me. Also, thank you for reading. ENJOY!
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(GIF credits to owner)
The alarm you had set on your phone last night rung loudly for what seemed like the millionth time, echoing through your room in the Avengers Upstate. You aggressively reached for the phone on the night stand and tried to snooze it again. Just when your head hit the pillows, a light knock on the door made you look up.
“Y/N, its already six am. You gotta wake up now. Come on.” His voice said through the other side of the door.
You buried your face in the pillows to muffle your voice so he wouldn’t hear you, “Fucking Steven!”
“I heard you, you know.” He chuckled. Of course, he did.
“Whatever Rogers. I will be out in five minutes!” You yelled, getting out of the covers. “Wait for me.”
“Looks like someone is having a bad morning today.” Steve said as you both walked to the gym in the building together.
This had become your everyday morning routine. Steve has been your workout partner for a few months now and honestly, you liked working out with him. Being an Avenger meant growing stronger each day and staying in great shape. Steve was just the guy for it. He taught you some of his fighting moves and forced you to get outta bed every morning so that you don’t get lazy. You had to admit waking up at six in the morning wasn’t something you liked. But you knew, this was better for you and you made sure to thank Steve for keeping up with your tantrums.
“Hello! Earth to Y/N!” He waved his hand in front of your face, pulling you out of your thoughts. “You alright?” You nodded, assuring him that it was nothing. 
After a long walk from your room, you both enter the gym, finding it completely empty as usual. You ran inside and started to stretch. Steve waited until you were done so you could get started on the fighting.
“So, Blondie, what are we learning today?” Standing in front of him, hands on your hips, you ask him.
He thought for a moment or at least pretended to before looking at you, “Honestly, I didn’t plan anything for today. Let’s just work on our defending, okay?”
“Fine by me.” 
You got in your position, so does he. Suddenly, he threw punches at you as you effortlessly dodged them. His left leg comes flying to your face but just in time, you managed to lean far back. He missed. 
You attacked this time. You threw punched, tried kicks and back flips. He dodged all of them. 
“Damn, he’s good at this.” You thought.
It doesn’t take much time for you to come up with a plan to bring him down.
Go for the legs.
You got an opportunity to catch him off-guard and kicked his right leg as hard as you could. Successfully, he fell to the floor but then.... so did you. Your feet slipped in the process. You fell on top of him, both of your faces just inches away.
You looked into his eyes and they are just so blue. You were panting. He was too. You couldn’t help but laugh out loudly because of the Great Fall of Steven Rogers. You face falls in his neck and you continued to laugh. He couldn’t help but laugh too. You both were a laughing mess when you hear someone fake coughing behind you to catch your attention.
“I hope I am not interrupting anything.” You looked up to see Bucky standing by the door. You quickly gathered yourself and stood up, offering your hand to Steve. 
“She brought me down again.” Steve told Bucky with a smile. He was proud of you.
“Good.” Bucky almost ignored you both. He had a strange look on his face. He was frowning and seemed so annoyed the whole time. 
“Well Y/N, you can-” He raised his voice a little louder for Bucky to hear, “Stay a little longer to practice.” He emphasized the word and smirked at you. “But I gotta go. See ya.” 
There he was at it again. He left the gym, grinning at you. 
Steve knew about your stupid little crush on his best friend. He tried so hard for you and Bucky to get together and talk to each other but Bucky never seemed to be interested. So, you stopped trying. 
You thought it was only a crush and you would get over it, but your heart didn’t seem to agree. Every time he walked into the room, he would leave you breathless. Every time you looked at you with his perfect blue eyes, your heart would skip a beat. Every time he touched you, just a slightest bit, goosebumps would rise on your skin. Every time he spoke to you, his raspy voice would sound like music to your ears.
These little things made you fall in love with him every day. As much as you liked the feeling, you couldn’t let it lead you on. He’s been to distant from you for the past few months and it ate you up alive. You always thought about where you went wrong that made him hate you. 
“Good Morning, Bucky.” You told him, trying to make conversation. But you couldn’t as his back was facing you this whole time. 
“Mornin’“ He said, wrapping a long piece of cloth on his hands for boxing, not even bothering to look at you.
“You need a partner for practicing? I’m free now.” You smiled even though he couldn’t see your face. 
Then finally he turned around, and peeled the tight t-shirt off his well build body and threw it at one corner of the gym. You chocked on your breath, swallowing hard as he stood there, looking... so good.
He walked towards you, you stiffened. Numbness took over your body and you felt you couldn’t move. He was so close now, you could practically feel his breath falling on your face, “No, Y/N, I am good, Why don’t you after Steve? I am sure his waiting for you in his bedroom.” With that, he stormed out of the gym.
“Okay, what the fuck just happened?” You said to yourself.
You had ENOUGH! You showered after the gym and were determined that you would confront Bucky about his odd behavior towards you. You were on your way to his room but to your luck, you found him in the hallway.  
“We need to talk.” You say, standing upto him.
“So talk.” He says, looking at you. No emotion in his voice.
“Why are you ignoring me?” You asked him, directly. “Or in other words, Why are you being such a bitch to me?” 
“I am not.” He simply stated. You felt your blood boil at his words. Just as you were about to throw a sassy remark at him, Steve appeared out of no where. 
Way to ruin the moment, Steve!
“Y/N, do you wanna go for a movie?” He said. I am tryna talk here!
“Yes.” Bucky turned to him, giving a fake smile, “Of course, she does.” 
Then again, repeating his actions he left me alone again. 
“Woah, what’s up with him?” Steve asked, walking towards me.
“Slow Down! What’s wrong?” He asked, completely clueless about what the heck was going on.
“Bucky has been acting so distant with me lately. I tried to talk to him about it and then you appeared outta no where. He saw you, acted like nothing happened and stormed off.” You crossed your arms and huffed. 
He looked at you like there were two horns on your head, then started laughing hysterically. 
“Its not funny, Steve!” You shoved his chest, pushing him away.
“He’s jealous, Y/N.” What?
“The fuck you sayin’?” My eyes widened at his words.
“Y/N,” He breathed before continuing, “We have been best friends for over a hundred years. I am sure I would know when he’s in love with someone.” He grinned at me.
Then, me being me, I started laughing. Again. Louder this time. 
“Bucky Barnes? In love with me?” I laughed.
After I was done laughing for five minutes straight, he looked at me with a poker face. 
“What are you implying, Steve?” 
He smirked.
“I would like to thank everyone for coming. It was very short noticed-” Tony looked your way, flashing a cheeky smile, “But I am glad you people could make it.”
“Steve, you have five seconds to explain what the fuck you and Tony are doing!” You whisper-yelled to Steve, making sure no one hears you.
“We are gonna make Buck jealous.” He almost sings, smirking at you again.
“Just wait and see.”
Just then, Bucky entered the room. His gaze fell on you, he almost smiled. But then, he saw Steve sitting beside you. He lowered his head and walked towards the bar. 
“Hey Buck!” Steve called him from across the room. NO, THIS IS BAD! “Come sit with us!” He loudly said, over the music.
“Don’t do that!” You whispered, angrily. “Don’t call him here!” 
Too late. He walked towards your table where you, Nat, Steve, and then Bucky were sitting. He sat opposite to you and Steve, beside Nat, smiling. 
“Y/N, you look so beautiful tonight.” Steve had one arm draped around your shoulder, his fingers slowly running up and down your shoulder. 
You glared at him but it changed to a smile soon, “Thank you, Steve.” 
“You are welcome, gorgeous.” 
You raised your head to look at Bucky who’s face and ears were now blood red and he was fuming with anger. While, Nat sipped her Martini, trying so hard not to laugh at our situation. 
There was this awkward silence\ tension in the air but Bucky breaks it, “Nat, you wanna go get a drink?” He held his hand out for her. 
Nat awkwardly looked at Steve and back at you. You could tell she couldn’t say no his request. 
You glared at Steve, shoving him by the chest as he fell on the couch, “I told you he didn’t like me!” 
He sat up again, closer to you than you thought, “Y/N, kiss me.”
“Do it!!” 
You brought your lips closer to his. He huffed, cupped your face and kissed the hell outta you. You broke the kiss, looking him in the eye when suddenly a glass crashed from a distance. 
It was Bucky.
He saw you and Steve kissing.
This wouldn’t end well.
“Bucky, wait!”
And there you were. Running after him from the party he just left. Or running away from a party which was especially arranged to make him jealous. 
You felt like your brain was going to explode because of the whole drama going on. That moment, you hated Steve so much. But internally, you were happy that you and Bucky were going somewhere (probably).
“Bucky, please!! Listen to me.” Then he finally turned around.
“What’s there to listen now, huh, Y/N?” He tauntingly said, walking towards you. 
Seeing him almost hovering over you, your feet took steps backwards, but then your back hit the wall, making you stiff in your position, “Bucky, he kissed me to make you jealous.” You sighed, biting your lower lip. Bucky seemed like his eyes would pop out of the socket at your confession. “This whole... This whole party was planned by Tony and Steve to make you jealous. I am sorry. Steve-”
“Wait, Steve planned all this? To make me jealous?” He asked, still hovering over you.
“Yes! I told him not to!” You said, looking up at his beautiful face. Gah, he is so beautiful that sometimes you wanna cry seeing his face. “Did it work? The plan?” You shyly asked.
“Fuck yes!”
You woke up to a strange feeling of coolness surrounding. You sat up straight, yawning a little. Last night’s events playing like a tape in your head. You smiled, looking down at his peaceful self.
There he was. Sleeping right beside you.
He looked so precious. His brown hair was falling on his face. You reached your hand out to tug the strand of hair behind his face, admiring his sleepy state. Lowering your head, you placed your lips on his forehead, kissing it softly.
Bucky groaned a little but his expression changed, seeing you. He smiled.
“Good Morning, Sunshine.” You said, laying back down, facing him.
“Good Morning, Doll.” He smiled one of his million dollar smiles.
He brought his face up to yours and kissed you, It was nothing to dramatic but it was of love and full of passion. He lied down, still smiling like a child on Christmas Morning.
“I know it might be too soon to say this,” You breathed before continuing, “But I might be in love with you.” 
“I AM in love with you, Y/N.” 
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