#and i know this because you were snoring louder than the gong
fingertipsmp3 · 2 years
I approach spiritualism the same way I approach driving. Everyone who’s less spiritual than me is a stick in the mud skeptic, everyone who’s more spiritual than me is delusional
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thong-in-the-twist · 7 years
Hii can you write a drabble for Gong Yoo? And your stories are just... wow... especially your Gong Yoo stories❤❤❤
Well, you said nothing about what you want except for Gong Yoo, so:
“Here you go.” You smile, when you take the manilaenvelope and you pry it open as you walk down the corridor. You were so anxiousto receive it, to prove him wrong.
You quickly scan the charts on the single page,and without a blink you stuff it back. You allow your arm to fall down and yousqueeze it a little too tight for it to be only a measure not to let the envelopeout of your hand.
“Good morning!” Nurse’s chirpy voice comes toyou and you smile at her, as she passes you. Several other “goodmornings” arethrown your way, and you make sure to answer all of them. You find the room,you’ve been trying to reach, and you knock slightly before coming in.
“Hello, Mrs. Doctor! We’ve been waiting foryou.” You expect patient to be alone and asleep. And true enough patient isasleep, but he is definitely not alone, as Doctor Gong is reading his chart whenyou enter.
You certainly didn’t want him there. It’s yourpatient. It’s your responsibility, and yet Jicheol is here to make sure you don’tscrew up.
You close the door slowly, allowing yourself toroll your eyes with your back to the older doctor. He was already there whenyou started, and he was there on every step of your way. And he is still thereto make sure you won’t lose all you’ve worked for.
But it doesn’t make it easier.
You turn around, and you walk to the machineryto check vitals, and you plainly see how bad they are. It’s stable, but bad,and it’s your fault. And you were about to make it worse.
“You were right.” You say, and Jicheol shrugs.
“Well, we only ruled out meningitis. It doesn’tyet mean that parasites are too blame.”
“But roundworms in feces show that prettyclearly.” You say, although it pains you. Doctor looks at you with eyebrowsraised high, so you hand him the envelope. He takes it and checks the resultsof the test you’ve asked for earlier. It was to rule Jicheol’s idea out, but asit turned out – he was right.
As always.
You’ll give him point for not smiling.
“The only thing I need now is rest.” You laugh,because that sounds ridiculous. You are on call today, it doesn’t matter thatyou’ve just went out of your second operation today. When they call you go.Your anesthesiologist sighs at your laugh, and fishes pack of cigarettes out ofhis pocket. You don’t have the moral imperative to tell him off for being adoctor yet smoking.
You smoke occasionally. You know how it feelswhen you live only on coffee and cigarettes. Jaesuk nods to you and disappearsinto the staircase and you walk forward, enjoying the quietness of thecorridor. It’s middle of the night, no patient should be out. Nurses are alsolulled by the seemingly quiet hospital – but you all know better. At the firstsign of trouble, everyone would be on their feet.
But for now you can all just rest.
You reach your destination, and you crack openthe door leading to female sleeping room. You can hear the quiet breathing,luring you in, but you decide that, you have something else to do.
Few steps forward and you reach another quietroom, and once again you crack the door open, but this time you just slide in.It mirrors the other one, but the sleeping sounds are a little louder. Youtiptoe through the room, reaching bunk beds, and sure enough Jicheol issleeping on the lower bed.
No one would make his sleep on the upper one.
You kick your shoes off and you sneak under hiscovers.
He is wearing scrubs, just like you are and hesmells of disinfectant – which also is the scent that surround you. Hospital,everything here smells like disinfectant.
His body instinctively recognizes that he isnot alone, and he shifts allowing you to hug him. You do that, although youknow that if you do that he is going to stir awake. And he should be resting.As should you.
“Hello, Mrs. Doctor.” He murmurs, and youbreathe quiet “hi” in return. He is warm and familiar, and you push yourself furtherinto his personal space, fitting your head under his chin, your nose at hisneck. He hums quietly, and there it is: his octopus hug, hands traveling wayfurther than it’s needed. You smile, feeling peaceful, knowing that in fewseconds you will be asleep. It’s dark and warm, and quiet, and someone workingin hospital doesn’t need anything more.
You don’t know what changes, but you knowJicheol’s mind before he tries to do anything.
“No.” You whisper harshly, and sure enough hewhines quietly, hand sliding down your back. “Jicheol, I said no.”
“It’s been so long, and you came here in themiddle of the night. “He pleads, and you agree with premise, not with theconclusion.
“I came here to rest with my fiancé, not tofuck him.” You whisper, as someone snores.
“You can rest. I will do the work.” He murmurs,as his hand slides into your pants. You grab his wrist and you yank it back up.
“We are not fucking, while your intern is aboveus.” You reason, but he uses his bodyweight to push you on your back, and damn, you love when he does that. Andknows that as well. You may be saying no, but you want it just as bad. It’s been long.
“You no into that?” He asks, and kisses yourneck. You caress his nape, exhaling – he would be so good. He would be so goodfor you.
“No, I am not into that. But I am certainlyinto good grammar.” You answer pushing your leg between his, putting pressureon his crotch. He murmurs quietly and kisses your neck. “Jicheol, we can’t.”
“But I can tell them that they didn’t hearanything. You know I can do that.” He says, rocking slightly on top of you,moving so he can rest his forehead against yours. That is unethical, that wouldbe horrible abuse of power, but it’s so tempting. “C’mon.”
You kiss him, knowing that you shouldn’t, andhis quiet groan is victorious. You pinch his side.
“Quiet!” You reprimand him in a shushed voice,but even in darkness you can see his smile.
Suddenly your phone starts buzzing. Just likeJicheol’s. And his intern’s.
It’s instinctive. Both you and Jicheol roll outof the bed, blindly searching for shoes. Even if someone is surprised to seeyou there, no one says anything, as you one by one bolt out of the doors,mixing with girls leaving the other door.
Time for teasing will come later.
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