#and i love piers's EX costume too it looks so good on him
thecodeveronica · 8 months
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We were robbed of these two interacting in a game, even if we know they met in canon
look at them both in their cute racing outfits :(
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becausewerebatfam · 5 years
Our Future (3)
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Jason Todd x Reader
Long gone was the memory of the time-traveling boy as Jason continued to f*ck up his chances with you.
Warning: Language and suggestive content.
The occupants of the cave took a collective sigh of relief when you strolled into the cave. Many thought you would not show up when you found out everyone was being called in, including your ex-boyfriend.
Said ex-boyfriend was cooly leaning against the cave wall cross-armed and left leg propped against the wall making the other leg carry the entirety of his weight. It was obvious he was looking your way despite his signature red helmet. This caught a few concerned glances. 
“Behave,” was all Bruce said to him knowing very well that the case rested on his shoulders. If he said or did anything to piss you off then they would lose you. This mission relied on your particular set of skills.
“I didn’t do anything!”
“Yet,” Bruce deadpanned.
Jason’s eye narrowed watching Bruce walk away towards you and the others who seemed to quickly embrace your presence. It seemed no one had any sympathy for him. “What am I, the bad guy?” he muttered to himself before getting closer to hear what Bruce had to say about the mission.
For the most part, it seemed Bruce was trying to keep the peace between you two, He managed to plan things out so you only had to deal with Jason a handful of times.
But when you are dealing with a new threat, a new villain, things can get complicated fast.
“Where’s Y/N!” Jason shouted as he narrowly escaped the crumbling building. Ashes littered the shoulders of his jacket as well as Barbara and Dick’s hair.
“I don’t know,” Barbara coughed looking all around. “I lost sight of her.”
Tim and Damian came from opposite sides of the building sporting similar disheveled looks. 
“Did any of you see Y/N?”
Damian’s brow furrowed with worry as he looked at the pile of concrete.
Explosives were your area of expertise. Where to buy them, how to make them, components, arming, and diffusing. 
“That blast came from the cellar,” Tim deduced as he studied the remains of the building. According to the plan you were supposed to have disarmed the bombs starting from the lower levels and working your way up.
Their attention quickly shifted behind them at the sound of a loud gasp followed by violent coughing. You struggled to get a firm grip of the dock with your leather gloves.
In an instant, Jason was pulling you up onto the weathered wood boards. He kept a firm grip around your waist as you leaned into him struggling to catch your breath. 
“Guess I- missed one.”
“Tt, is that all you have to say?” Damian masked his pouting with anger as he yelled at you for being so sloppy with your work. “You could have killed us all!”
“I’m sorry,” you bowed your head forward. The action caused your soaking wet hair to fall forward shielding your face from them. Thankfully it hid the guilty tears that followed as you apologized to the group knowing very well this was all on you.
Jason sighed, “Idiot.” He straightened you up to face them all. “We’re all fine, it’s you we were worried about.” He turned to Damian, “the demon child was worried too.”
“Shut up Todd! I was only concerned-”
“Concerned is another word for worried,” Barbara pointed out. “Besides we got what we came for.” She held out the disk she had managed to take with her. 
Tim pulled out a similar one as he expectantly looked to you. 
With a cheeky smile, you lifted the bodice of your costume to reveal that you had indeed collected the third one.
“I knew we could count on you,” Dick hugged you. “Even in a life or death situation.”
Jason not so subtly pried The older male off of you as you told the others how you managed to jump off the roof and into the stagnant waters of the pier just as the building was toppling over. 
“Stay away from her,” Jason warned just loud enough for him and Dick to hear.
“Relax little wing, at least now you have an excuse.”
Jason couldn’t help but smile thinking he was right. This was the excuse he had been waiting for. 
As everyone began to head back you handed your disc to Barbara with no intention of going all the way back to the cave. You were too tired and needed to check for cuts and bruises if you were going to even think about going to work tomorrow. Not to mention the ache you felt at your ankle whenever you put your full weight on it. 
You figured some bandages and a good night’s sleep would do.
This is when Jason took action and swiftly picked you up. His movements were swift and careful minding your injuries as he held you over his shoulder. “If you can’t walk just say so.”
“I can walk,” you pointed out before elaborating, “it’s just mildly painful.”
Jason chuckled, “stubborn as always.” A small smile of victory as you did nothing to stop him from taking you home.
“You’re one to talk.” 
Your apartment was nearby but the location was very normal. In order to keep your identity a secret, you tended to sneak in through your own window through a back alley. 
When Jason climbed onto your balcony with you on his back you had to commend him for managing the scale. “That was impressive I have to admit.”
“Impressive enough for you to invite me in?”
He had always respected your boundaries and kept his distance from your home despite clearly being able to sneak inside himself.
You smirked, “Nice try but this isn’t one of those near-death experiences where I suddenly realize I want nothing more than to be with you.”
There were plenty of times when you two ended up making up over the rush of a near-death experience. Nights when all you wanted was to be in each other's arms appreciating that you got to live another day. 
Although you had to admit your heart did skip a few beats knowing that he still cared enough about you to notice the small signs of you concealing your own pain. Or the fact that he put aside his pride to reach out to you first this time around.
“Besides I-”
You were cut off when his big muscular arms wrapped around you nearly crushing all the air out of your lungs.
“Maybe not for you,” he shakily sighed. It was hard to swallow the lump of emotion in his throat. The possibility of tears was very much present. “When the building collapsed and you weren’t there I thought-” 
Emotions were contagious. Your arms wrapped themselves around him running soothing circles on his back to assure him you were fine. “Jerk!” You blamed him for the fresh batch of tears.
The thought that he still had feelings for you was more than enough for you to start hoping once more. The shift of his chin from the top of your head to your shoulder started a fire in your belly.
Jason couldn’t hold back much longer. He turned his head pressing his lips to your cheek. “I love you Y/N.” His lips went lower kissing along your jawline down to your neck sending a shudder down your spine.
“I love you too Jason.”
The next day you didn’t go to work. Cuts and bruises be damned, even your ankle couldn’t keep you away from work but it was hard to ignore the ache between your legs. Your thighs and hips burned as you felt the accumulation of three months away from Jason imprinted on your body. 
Too bad Jason always had to do something to ruin a good thing.
“Hey!” Roy nearly shrieked as he dodged the fist that came straight at his face. “I’m just saying you might want to start thinking of an apology Jaybird.”
Jason bit down the urge to swing at his best friend a third time. It wasn’t his fault this was happening. Roy’s only fault was pointing out the obvious, a repeat offense on his part but nothing worth injuring him for.
“Don’t you think I know that!”
Roy put his arm around Jason’s shoulders in an effort to relax him. “She really gets to you, huh?”
“I f*cking quit smoking! What else does she want from me?”
Yeah, it was just as Roy thought. Jason was experiencing the symptoms of withdrawal. He couldn’t tell before when he was silently brooding and violent. It took a lot of pestering until he finally hit the nail on the head. “Maybe she just needs some space to- sorry.” Roy quickly backed off knowing how annoyed he was by those particular words.
“She asked me to move in then asks for a break?” Jason’s voice begins to rise at the turn of events. “Who does that?”
“In Y/N’s defense, you did turn her down.”
“All I said was we should think things through.”
“You turned her down Jay,” Roy pointed out matter-of-factly. “Women are complex and read into every word.” The only reason Roy was so confident in confronting his friend was thanks to his knowledge on the subject, not of experience but he had already talked to you when he saw you earlier that night. “By the way, she said if you even go near her, she’ll kill you.”
Jason suddenly became interested in Roy once more taking a step in front of him to stop him from retiring to his room for the night. “She talked to you?”
Roy nodded smugly, “Our relationship is as strong as ever.” The grin turned into a smirk as he thought of a way he could add fuel to Jason’s fire. “We mostly talk sh*t about you behind your back anyway. Now that she’s giving me some juicy details it’s twice as fun.” His eyes went south to Jason’s thighs. “Heard you got a nicely hidden beauty mark and that size truly does not matter.”
Oh, Jason was not amused.
Dick approached you with all the intention in the world to help you out of your mind. Lately, it seemed you were only physically present while your mind wandered. He didn’t need confirmation from you but he knew what particular red hooded person had invaded your mind to the point of madness.
He pulled you out of your thoughts by placing a comforting and supportive hand on your shoulder. “I’m always here if you need to talk.”
Your lips curled into a sheepish smile knowing you hadn’t been on your a-game lately. “Thanks Dick, but I...” You sighed, “it’s complicated.”
“Your relationship or Jason?”
“My relationship with Jason.”
Dick’s arms motioned to a nearby bench offering you a seat and a moment to unpack the emotional baggage.
Another sigh escaped as you settled into the cold concrete bench in the middle of the night. Not a single streetlight seemed to function in a three-block radius shrouding you both in darkness. It wasn’t the best of places to have a heart to heart with a friend or your on and off significant other’s brother.
“Tell Dr. Nightwing all about your troubles.”
“We’d be here all night.”
“Luckily for us, our job requires us to be here all night.” Technically you two were supposed to be patrolling the city and unless you got a call from Bruce or Tim then it would be fine to stick around for a while.
“Why is your brother such an as*?”
Dick shrugged, “I think he died once and came back super murdery... might be related to the problem.” You giggled which is what Dick intended with the joke. “I’m glad that worked. I was going to go with- which brother at first.”
“You know I asked him to move in with me.”
Dick’s eyes widened knowing how particular you were about having your space. It was one of the reasons you and Jason fought. He was very forward, touchy, flirty- had no problem with invading your personal space from day one. Often Dick would hear Jason’s complains of how you never allowed him to stay the night. The times when he was allowed past your threshold were rare.
All you wanted was to confirm that your relationship could turn into something more serious.  It shouldn’t have hurt as much as it did, however, you had a lot on your mind lately.
“And the jerk said NO!”
Dick gasped not minding your sudden change of volume rather reacting to the context. “He really said no?”
“Well, he didn’t exactly say no. He said we should think about it.” Whenever you thought back to that moment you almost wished you could take back the vulnerable position you had put yourself in. It was the one time you had lowered your walls and quite literally invited someone into your life. “If Jason doesn’t think it’s a good idea then I don’t see the point.”
Dick was startled by your downcast somber look, he had never seen you this way before. Whenever you and Jason fought it seemed fun. You two seemed to enjoy the back and forth banter never taking it seriously. “The point?” he asked rather cautiously.
“The point of holding onto something that isn’t there.” A deep exhale cleared your resolve. “I always thought we fought because we cared too much about one another but now I’m starting to think they were just warning signs of how incompatible we are.”
“Woah, hold on.” Dick stopped you from walking away. “If anyone is compatible with Jason it’s you Y/N.” He wasn’t saying that for his brother’s sake. He truly felt you two were a perfect match. And what’s a match without a little fire?
You did not look back.
“I don’t think I can patrol Gotham anymore.”
“What?” Dick was dumbfounded by the statement. “So you weren’t talking about ending things with Jason?”
You shrugged, “Perhaps.” If you were right about your suspicions of the past few weeks then... “I won’t be sure until I check... the sooner the better.”
When Dick informed Bruce of your decision to end your patroling of the city he was met with understanding. 
Dick gave Bruce a pointed look. “I’m disappointed I thought you would put up more of a  fight.”
“What is there to fight over?” Bruce tapped away at the batcomputer without sparring a look. It was only the two in the cave now with Damian and Tim out on patrol and Jason off as an outlaw with Roy. 
The screens all showed information on Jason and what he had been up to lately. He was monitoring him, most likely looking for his location.
Aware of Dick’s wondering eyes Bruce let him in on what he was up to. “Jason has taken on a dangerous job. I haven’t been able to locate him in three days.”
“You think he’s in trouble?”
“I won’t know until I find him.”
“I see so you’re in Dad mode, keeping an eye on your baby birds.”
Bruce froze momentarily, “Not exactly.” Before you made your decision to stop patrolling Gotham you had gone to Bruce with your suspicions asking for his help. If you were right and needed to speak to Jason then he would help you find him. 
“Then why are you looking for him?”
“Precaution,” he simply answered. 
“Why do I feel like you know something I don’t?”
“And the pregnancy test was indeed positive.” 
“Aw sh*t...” you muttered. This was one suspicion you hoped would not end up being true. You had put off an official test at the doctor’s hoping the random bouts of sickness would be some sort of flu that came and went but when it came and never went you had to do the responsible thing. 
The doctor didn’t quite catch on to your words. To her, it looked like you were simply shocked. Your nervous grin was simply a nervous smile to her. “Congratulations,” she offered reassurance in the form of stats. Letting you know how your unborn child was completely healthy, as were you.
“Thanks,” was all you could offer in exchange.
You walked out of the doctor’s office looking down at the papers you were handed by the receptionist full of information. A smaller black and white glossy strip with three images held securely by your thumb atop the stack.
Engrossed by your new reality kept you from realizing you stepped past the awaiting figure.
“Hey!” Damian shouted following you with a scowl. He wasn’t sure if this was one of your jokes where you pretend not to see him because he’s too short or if you genuinely missed him. When he called your name once more it became obvious it was the latter.
“Huh?” You turned around to face the angry teenager who every day seemed to grow. “Dami I didn’t recognize you.” With his busy schedule and you not being on patrol anymore, there were hardly any chances for you two to meet. This was your first sighting of him in weeks and you were positively glowing at the sight. “You got taller.”
He smirked, “I know.” He wasn’t as comfortable in his normal clothes walking around the city. He didn’t like that he wasn’t being told what was going on with Jason or why you had stopped showing up. “I heard Jason might be in some foreign prison and wanted to check on you.”
“So you didn’t know.”
“THAT STUPID-” you sighed as a line of text flashed back in your mind stating how stress affected the baby. “Dami, how did you get here?”
“I drove,” he jingled his keys in your face.
“Take me to the manor.”
Damian obliged, he drove you straight there in his incredibly expensive sports vehicle. It wasn’t the most comfortable ride but it beat public transportation at this point as you suddenly became paranoid about anything happening to you for the sake of the helpless life inside you.
It wasn’t until you two were in the cave looking for Bruce that Damian thought of asking, “Why were you at the physician’s office?”
“How old are you Damian?”
A single brow rose in question, “Sixteen.”
You decided that was old enough for you to tell him but not as bluntly. “Your stupid brother is going to be a father.”
Damian stopped in his tracks, “Todd!?” 
He had nearly forgotten all about the time he met that annoying kid from the future. The way things had been going he thought perhaps the possibility of that future had ended but he was wrong.
“Tt-” Damian eyed your stomach with a scowl, James Todd was indeed going to be born.
Bruce stepped almost out of nowhere, the shadows most likely, at the sound of Damian’s voice. “So it’s true.”
You reluctantly nodded, “Guess so.”
At the moment you were a mess of emotion. It was hard to feel happy when you weren’t on the best of terms with Jason. Yet, you didn’t hate the idea of becoming a mother. All things considered, Jason was physically attractive and intelligent so your child would have that going for him. You did begrudgingly love him as well so perhaps it was time you end your silent treatment. 
“I know I told him to f*ck off but...” you shook your head no real ending to your statement in mind.  “Do you know where he is?”
Bruce nodded in understanding, “I’ll go get him.”
“Jason,” Batman sternly called out to the red hooded individual before he could run away. The night did little to hide his reluctance to stop. Bruce already knew there were plenty of other places he’d rather be than there.
“I don’t even need to turn around to know that’s you,” Jason turned around to face the man that had been monitoring him from afar. “Am I now going to know why you’ve been breathing down my neck?”
The silence had Jason defensively raising his hands. “I’ve been good, honest.” Well, he hadn’t killed anyone, only bled them near death so they would talk.
Batman gave him a knowing look, “We’ll talk about that later.” He took careful long strides towards and past him leading him out of the jungle. “For now, follow me.”
“What, you don’t think I have better things to do than follow a grown man dressed as a bat through the jungle?”
Batman fetched a remote out of his utility belt. With a press of a button, the sound of an aircraft starting up could be heard. “Do you have any other means of escaping this jungle?”
Jason did not.
“Guess it beats public transportation.” He nonchalantly rubbed the back of his neck feeling slightly relieved. “The subway system here must be crazy.”
Once they were seated in the Batplane Jason took his helmet off allowing himself to relax a bit. His mind wandered off to Roy wondering if he had been successful in his solo mission. 
He would have to contact him later.
When there was no more work to be done his mind went straight to the source of his unrest. You were the only reason he was going crazy overworking himself. Allowing Roy to keep him busy with sh*tty jobs was in a way essential to him keeping from going crazy with thoughts of you.
“Thinking about Y/N?”
Jason straightened up looking over at Batman’s smug grin.
“Suddenly got the urge to parent your orphan?”
”She asked me to find you.”
The sass was gone as he became genuinely interested in his reason for helping you find him. It wasn’t like you couldn’t do it yourself. “Why would she ask you?”
He could think of one too many times where you would suddenly appear only to drag him out of a dangerous situation. He could be in the most remote of places yet you would somehow find him. A part of him always wondered if you had secretly implanted some sort of tracking device on him.
“Why would you eve help? This doesn’t seem like something Batman would do.”
“You’re right,” Batman nodded. “It’s something a father would do for his son’s sake.”
Jason’s eyes widened startled by the confession. He quickly looked away to hide the hint of emotion. 
“You two need to have a serious talk.” Bruce knew Jason’s feelings for you were strong he just hoped he was mature enough to finally admit once and for all.
“I don’t know if you know this or not but you’re not exactly the best person to be giving love advice.”
“Playboy Bruce Wayne aside, Batman isn’t doing so well either when it comes to relationships. You have that thing with Catwoman then, of course, there’s that demon child with your baby mama-”
Batman turned giving him a pointed look. We’ll see how well you do then.
“Oh, the joy!” Starfire beamed at you as she finally got to see you for the first time after finding out your situation from Roy. “How long do human females gestate? I can not wait to meet the little one.”
Roy hushed her not knowing when exactly Jason would be back.
You had gone looking for him when Tim informed you that Bruce had brought said Outlaw back to Gotham but it seemed your timing was off. When you arrived it seemed Jason had gone out.
“It’s going to be a while Star. It takes about nine months, by the doctor’s estimations I’m only 12 weeks along.”
Starfire giggled as she continued to stare at your abdomen. When you first entered she thought nothing of your attire but now that she knew your secret she realized the oversized hoodie you wore was meant to hide your protruding belly. “I like the cute belly, may I see it again?”
You nodded grabbing the hem of your black hoodie to pull it up to just under your bust line. Perhaps you were grouchy from the hormones but you did not find anything to be cute these days. To you the “cute belly” as Starfire called it, only seemed like you had one too many beers the night before. 
“Thought of any names,” Roy asks.
“All I’ve thought about is telling Jason... I’m worried he might not take it so well.”
“Jason?” Roy asked before breaking out into a fit of laughter. His best friend was so madly in love with you that he was sure this would not be a problem. “You do know he’s whipped right?”
The question was met with an unhappy distant grunt.
Star immediately removed her hand allowing your hoddie to fall back in place while Roy pretended to look away. “Well guess that’s our queue to go. Come on Star.”
You gave them a smile and an appreciative nod knowing they were giving you some privacy so you could hash things out with the father to be.
Star couldn’t help but hug Jason repeating her excitement. “Oh, the joy!”
This left Jason angry and confused but it was quickly forgotten when his eyes met yours. There was something about seeing you in casual clothes that just took his breath away. It made him feel special knowing the you that wasn’t in the suit, the you that wasn’t a vigilante. 
“I heard you hung up the cape.”
You nodded, “Doctor’s orders.”
His face sunk as he began to think the worst. “What’s wrong, are you sick?”
“No, not really... it's complicated.” The doctor hadn’t really banned vigilantism but it required many risks that you knew a pregnant woman shouldn’t be taking. If he knew what you did for a living then you were sure he’d be against it. “First I want to apologize for, well-”
Jason knew how hard it was for you to apologize even when you were wrong. In this case, he did not think you had anything to apologize for. He took a few steps forward testing how close you would allow him to get since you were being apologetic and all. 
“Don’t hurt yourself,” he teased.
“Shut up!” Your hands went to your cheeks as you felt a warmth spread across them. With Jason so close you realized how much you missed him. 
Jason smiled, your voice was music to his ears after being deprived of it.
It had been nearly a month since your lover’s quarrel that resulted in you two taking a break from one another. Although he busied himself he hadn’t forgotten it. “I went to look for you as soon as I could but I guess you beat me.”
You nodded, thankful for his explanation to why he wasn’t here. 
“I have something important to tell you but I don’t want to say it until I know where we stand.” You had decided to pour your heart and soul into raising your baby preferably with Jason. However, you wanted to give your child stability, something you two seemed to lack. “I don’t want to keep doing this on and off thing we keep doing.”
You didn’t want to make him feel obligated to stay with you because you were pregnant. You wanted him to stay only if he loved you.
Jason’s heart sank, this was starting to sound too much like a breakup. 
“You know I’m not good with expressing my emotions,” you began to feel your eyes glaze over. “But I just need to know-” You cut yourself off as you choked back a sob.
Jason panicked at the sight of your tears wondering if it was okay for him to comfort you. His instincts told him to hold you close, to kiss away your tears, and assure you that he loved you.
Before he knew it his hands were on your cheeks, his thumbs clearing the stray tears. Briefly, he let go to remove his domino mask leaving no room for error as he conveyed his feelings. “I love you Y/N.” His rough lips pressed against your softer ones in a loving chaste kiss. Jason didn’t know how he was holding back from just devouring your lips but it was important for him to show that he could be more than just a passing passion, he could be a reliable loving partner. “I always have and always will,” his lips brushed yours with every word.
“I love you too,” you smiled now dry-eyed.
Your eyes glanced down at how closely you were pressed against Jason. Thankful for the armor that prevented him from feeling your concealed bump. When you tried pulling away Jason only held on tighter trapping your arms at your sides where they had been.
“Just stay like this a while longer.” A hand at the back of your head urged you forward into his chest. He then rested his chin atop your head feeling all the more at ease. He had missed this, the way you fit perfectly against him.
“But I still have something to tell you.”
“Then tell me.”
“I can’t just casually say it.” 
“Why not?”
You sighed, “Fine have it your way.”
Jason looked down at you expectantly when you shifted to look up at him. The unreadable expression on your face holding him captive.
“I’m pregnant,” you quickly admitted before in a much louder tone adding, “And I’ll kill you if you ask who the father is, even as a joke!”
Jason’s lips turned into a huge grin. “Are you serious?”
“About killing you? Yeah.” You were finally able to wiggle out of his hold as he subconsciously loosened his hold to accommodate the new situation.
“Do you know how long I’ve been waiting for this moment?!”
You weren’t exactly shocked by his reaction- more taken aback. It wasn’t like your getting pregnant was intentional. You had both been careful but of course, birth control and condoms could only do so much. (Remember Kids: Nothing is ever 100% effective.)
“What do you mean?”
He smirked, “You said I wasn’t Daddy material yet here I am.” 
You rolled your eyes in annoyance, ”Is that all you have to say after knocking me up?” Soon you would be subjected to the worst baby daddy jokes ever by the father of your child. But it was all quickly forgotten with the lively laughter of said jerk. 
Jason once again held you, this time much more gently than before. “I think this is the happiest I’ve ever been.”
“Me too.”
You thought it was funny how everyone managed to guess the gender of your unborn child correctly.  At first, you thought perhaps Jason had failed at keeping his mouth shut when the whole manor correctly guessed you were due to have a boy. Even more, suspicious when they knew your son was due in mid-August.
“Don’t lie Jason, you told them!”
“I swear I didn’t Babe.”
Damian rather enjoyed seeing how you two fought. Of course with you being pregnant the fights were much less intense with Jason trying to make sure you didn’t get too agitated, for the baby’s sake.
“Do not lie to the mother of your child, Jason.” Damian decided to put the final nail in the coffin. “He even told us you decided to name your son James.”
If looks could kill Jason would be dead... again.
You had only decided the night before to name your son after the charismatic child you had helped years ago. Not once had you admitted to Jason that James was the reason you looked forward to having a son. 
Jason had shown a much more caring and mature image in the short time you cared for James. Even back then, it made you think Jason would be a great father.
“That’s enough.” You held Jason’s shoulder as he pinned Damian to the wall. “You and I have to talk.”
“Babe I really didn’t-”
Your index finger lightly pressed against his lips silencing him. 
Even Damian got chills from the fake smile you used to mask your anger. He never knew pregnant women could look so threatening. A small part of him wondered if he had gone overboard.
“Let’s go.”
As soon as you turned your back Jason dropped Damian. “You’re  having fun aren’t you?” Jason knew all too well that Damian was acting much braver around you these days knowing there wasn’t much he could do without you getting angry at him. 
Damian was provoking him. 
“But once that baby is out...” Jason smirked leaving the threat to Damian’s imagination. 
Damian returned the smirk. “Won’t you be too busy drowning in diapers?”
Jason nodded, “perhaps.” It was true, a baby would make it difficult for him to enact his revenge but the baby would eventually have to sleep. “But did you know babies sleep a majority of the day?”
The two were about to go at it again when your voice echoed the cave.
“Sh*t! My water broke.”
A/N: I hope the flow was good despite the various time skips. Let me know if you liked it ^^ I’m off to work on my next creation.
Tag List: @avengerdragoness @sarcasmismyfirstlove @butterfly-highflyer @annapointone @call-me-zero-zro @httpfandxms @jasontoddsgunholster @fandomfan315  @chims-kookies  
(could not tag)  @bad-bitch-khaleesi   @assellium
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