#and i proceeded to get hit with a huge wave of memories I had thankfully forgotten until that moment
juggalogojackerbox · 8 months
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You had never seen a wolf before, and nobody ever warned you their teeth were so sharp.
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Did someone say Dani and Jamie holiday cuteness?
Title: White Christmas
Post-cannon, spoilers maybe?
Check it out on AO3 or read below
Feel free to hit me up with any prompt requests!
Dani assumed her position as wall flower. She leaned against the cool surface sipping her eggnog. It was a long-held family recipe that became more parts rum than eggnog as the years passed by. It wasn’t the most pleasant tasting drink in the world, but beggars can’t be choosers and well, Dani was desperate for an escape. Unable to shake off the nagging feeling she made a huge mistake by coming here.
She’d forgotten how exhausting it was to be around her family for an extended period of time. Especially, when alcohol was involved. They arrived at her mother’s house several hours ago. In that short amount of time, her mother announced to everyone that her renegade daughter finally returned home after running away to England, she’d received several agonizing speeches full of pity about her lost chance at marriage along with way too many pats on the head commending her commitment to single life, and her creepy uncle Bob managed to make serval passes at Jamie which he proceeded to cover up with feeble offers to set Jamie up with his son.
Dani downed another gulp of the rum flavored liquid effectively suppressing the vivid memories. Much to her relief, the evening festivities were fizzling out. Presents were opened, kids were scattered about enthralled with their gifts, tipsy adults were gathered all around, some picking on the cold remnants of the holiday feast, others consuming eggnog chatting at heightened volumes, and a few dancing along to Christmas music blaring from the radio.
Once upon a time, Dani was one of them. She was an excited child ripping open presents like a fiend, she loudly sung carols surrounded by family, and, not too long ago, she was just another lounging adult shooting the shit in a pleasant inebriated state. It seemed like a lifetime ago. In more ways than one, her time spent in Bly changed everything.
Dani tugged at the neck of her tacky sweater for relief. Her mother insisted they all wear them invoking the laws of holiday tradition. Dani felt stifled clad in the tight-fitting attire of the life she once had surrounded by the people she no longer fit in with. She contemplated sneaking out the back door, it was only a few meters away. No one would notice her sudden absence.
Well, almost no one.
As the crippling sense of isolation hit her like a wave, her savior Jamie appeared crossing the length of the living room. She wasn’t sure how, but Jamie managed wear the hand-me-down jumper with three plush, white snowmen on it and still looked absolutely stunning. Dani already felt herself relaxing as Jamie stood in front of her. She playfully quirked an eyebrow and, without warning, grabbed the eggnog from Dani’s hand downing the remaining contents in a matter of seconds. She grimaced at the taste before placing the empty glass on the shelf adjacent to Dani.
Jamie smiled extending her hand in front of Dani, “Shall we dance?”
Thankful for the distraction, Dani eagerly clasped Jamie’s hand allowing the brunette to pull her into the middle of the living room alongside a few other swaying couples. Jamie wrapped her free hand securely around Dani’s waist effectively drawing their bodies flush together. Dani clutched onto Jamie’s bicep with her free hand while continuing to hold the other off to the side. Within seconds, she succumbed to the warmth and security inside Jamie’s embrace. Dani rested the side of her head against Jamie’s closing her eyes and allowing Jamie to lead. Jamie hummed along to Bing Crosby’s White Christmas, her warm breath brushing along the shell of her ear.
Dani nestled further into Jamie’s body. “Have I ever told you how much I love you?” She whispered into Jamie’s ear as they swayed together.
She felt Jamie smiling against her cheek “Once or twice.”
Despite the sense of safety in Jamie’s arms, Dani felt like an imposter carrying along like everything was normal within the walls of her childhood home.
She pulled back looking at Jamie. “Do you want to step outside for a minute?” She asked darting her eyes towards the exit. Jamie followed her line of sight towards the back door. She nodded in agreement. Dani laced their fingers together leading Jamie out of the house onto the back porch.
Once she was outside, Dani could finally breathe with ease. Jamie looked on with concern.
“Sorry.” Dani began squeezing Jamie’s hand like a life-line. “I can’t shake the nagging thought that coming here was a bad idea. It’s just.. I’m not, I’m not a part of this anymore. Everything is different. I’m different. It was selfish of me to bring all of that back here.”
Tears welled up in her eyes threatening to fall. Jamie moved in closer, lowering her body so her eyeline was equal with Dani’s. Her voice was soft and full of compassion. “It’s understandable you wanted to see your family before…” Jamie’s sentence trailed off as if she couldn’t bring herself to finish.
“Yeah…” Dani sighed heavily. The emotional dam was breached. A stream of tears cascaded down her face. Jamie quickly wiped them away with her thumbs. She pulled Dani in for a hug. Dani clung to her back, body shaking uncontrollably as she sobbed into Jamie’s shoulder.
“There, there Poppins.” Jamie cooed. “We came here of our own free will which means we can leave whenever we like. Even as early as first light tomorrow, if you’re up for it. We can go anywhere you’d like.”
Dani sniffled. “That sounds really nice.” She admitted wiping the remaining tears on the back of her sleeve.
Jamie was smiling at her with specks of moonlight shimmering in her hazel eyes. Dani wasn’t sure if she would ever get used to the way Jamie looked at her, like she was the center of her world.
“All right.” Jamie began, “We’ve got the beginnings of an escape plan. Since this is your neck of the woods and all, I’ll leave the details to you.” They shared a lighthearted laugh together. She placed a chaste peck on Jamie’s cheek and then pulled her in for another embrace. They stayed like that for a while. The wind rustling through the thick forest set a tranquil mood. Dani found peace. Her fears fading away into the night. Despite all aftermath to come from the events at Bly, she knew how fortunate she was to have found Jamie. Something she would be grateful for as long as she lived.
She glanced over Jamie’s shoulder. In the light of the crescent moon, she spotted a few rogue snow flurries. She smiled to herself. The cogs of her mind working through the details of their great escape.
“Let’s head back inside. It’s getting chilly.” Dani said. Jamie pulled back with a cheeky grin plastered on her face. “We could call it an early night. I can think of a few ways to warm you up.”
Dani became ignited with a different type of warmth coursing through her body. She quickly pulled Jamie inside leaving the chill of the night behind them.
Dani woke the next morning before the sun. She detangled herself from Jamie’s limbs careful not to arouse the sleeping beauty beside her. She knew she had until sunrise to get everything together before Jamie woke up. Ever the dedicated gardener, Jamie had a pesky habit of waking up with the sun even on her days off.
She quietly dressed in a non-holiday themed sweater, her warmest and most durable trousers, and fuzzy calf-length socks. After she was decent, Dani tipped toed out of the bedroom silently closing the door behind her. She proceeded down the stairs. Her first stop was the attached garage. She scanned the shelves for an open box labeled “Camping supplies”.  From the box, she grabbed an intact, well-worn nap-sack, a steel Thermos, and one mildly dusty plaid blanket. She stashed the blanket in the bag and went back into the house.
Her next stop was the kitchen to gather the remaining supplies. She rustled together a collection of Tupperware left-overs, ripe fruits, and, Christmas cookies. After squirreling the edibles inside the nap-sack, she whipped up a batch of hot cocoa. As she poured the last droplets of the piping hot chocolate into the Thermos, she noticed the first rays of sunshine peeking through the forest and into the kitchen. After securing the lid, she dashed upstairs as quietly a possible.
Thankfully, Jamie was still asleep exactly as she’d left her. Dani crept past her into the closet to search for the last items they needed. Unfortunately, the extra pair of hiking boots were located on the top shelf just out of reach. She cursed her small stature as she struggled on her tippy toes. Her fingers just barely poking the fabric. Determined and also frustrated, she grabbed a flip-flop from the bottom of her closet and used it to poke and prod the boots. She managed to successfully finagle the first one, almost yelping with success when it cascaded down into her open palm. The second shoe was proving to be a bit more challenging. This one was wedged between an unmarked box of who knows what and mountain of clothing she collected over the years. She managed to eventually knock it loose along with various other items which all came tumbling down on top of her and eventually fell to the floor with a loud thud. Pouting under a pile of clothes and clutching a pair of scuffed hiking boots, is how Jamie found her.
“What’s goin’ on in here?” Jamie asked her voice husky from sleep. She leaned with one arm against the door frame. Dani peeled off the rogue fabrics clinging to her body tossing the unwanted garments towards the back of the closet. She moved towards Jamie placing a kiss on her cheek and handing her the hiking boots. “These are for you.”
Jamie’s face scrunched in confusion. Dani noticed another item she was searching for sitting on her dresser. “Ah ha!” She exclaimed grabbing the silver Nikon camera which by some miracle still had a roll of usable film loaded within. Jamie tilted her head in amusement while awkwardly dangling the boots by their laces. “Umm, I love ya and all, but I reckon it’s a bit early for a fashion show and photo shoot.”
“Oh, no! This is all part of our adventure today. You know, the whole escaping from here plan. It involves a short hike through the forest.” Dani stammered.
“Ah, all right then. Let me freshen up so we can get a move on.” Jamie said heading off to the bathroom.
Jamie changed into her own winter appropriate attire while Dani collected the satchel of provisions and slung the camera strap around her neck. The pair headed down into the kitchen to snatching a few extra cookies to munch on for breakfast before exiting the kitchen trough the back door leading onto the back porch.
Dani watched with glee as Jamie froze on the balcony in awe over the frosted forest that lay before them. Dani took a quick photo to capture the moment. The click of the shutter drew Jamie’s attention.
“What was that for?” Jamie asked.
Dani grinned in triumph, “To remember your first look at a real-life white Christmas in, well, not in Vermont, but we’re in the America so it still counts.”
Jamie bit her bottom lip averting Dani’s gaze focusing instead on digging the back of her heel into the snow, “Of course you remembered.” Her voice laced with affection.
Dani’s heart fluttered in her chest causing her to smile. She grabbed Jamie’s hand. “Come on, there is more to see.”
They took a short hike through thicket. The sentient pines crowded out the rays of sun. Their boots crunching on the freshly fallen snow with every step they took. It was peaceful, serine; as if they existed in their own haven.
Every so often Jamie would stop them to point out notable local flora. Her eyes beaming with enthusiasm, talking animatedly about each and every plant, and waving her hands as if she were conjuring a story to life. Dani couldn’t help but snap a few photos during Jamie’s enthusiastic botany lesions. Every frame capturing Jamie in her element. Each photo evidence of the passionate woman full of life Danie was falling more in love with every day.
After crossing a small, winding stream, the pair arrived at Dani’s favorite spot. Just beyond the pine forest was a look-out point with an unobstructed view of the rolling hills blanketed in snow.
“It’s so beautiful.” Jamie said awestruck by the scenery. Dani wasn’t at all enraptured by the familiar landscape. All she could focus on was Jamie. Her cheeks rosy from the hike, wisps of curls peeking out underneath her beanie, her eyes sparkling with wonder. “Yeah,” Dani whispered looking at Jamie, “it is.”
She managed to tear her gaze away from Jamie long enough to take a photo, one she hoped to frame and hang in their London flat. Dani placed the nap-sack on the ground, spread out the blanket on a flat surface, and proceeded to unpack the bag. Eventually, Jamie turned away from the winter wonderland.
“I thought we could stay here for a while. Have ourselves a little picnic.” Dani patted the vacant half of the blanket next to her as an invitation to join. Jamie smiled, nodding in agreement. She took a seat next to Dani, sitting cross legged with her elbows resting on her knees. Dani pulled out the Thermos of hot chocolate. She unscrewed the lid and poured a generous amount into it. She handed the makeshift cup to Jamie.
“Mhmm, it’s still warm.” Jamie said as she inhaled the heavenly scent.
Dani held the silver container near Jamie’s cup of coco.
“A toast, to the first of many white Christmases.” Dani said smiling at Jamie.
Jamie grinned, clinking their vessels together. “To many more, Poppins. Cheers!”
They sipped their drinks in celebration to the first of many special days together.
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Challenge #4.5
Alternately Titled: Like a Dream That You Can’t Quite Place
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a/n: Hello hi heyo everyone! This is the long overdue part of the christmas ball I’ve been meaning to write but I’ve been too busy/overworked to do. Thankfully, I found time to write this little side fic for the past few days thanks to some extended deadlines from my teachers. This kinda picks up from where Challenge 4 left off- and the events are kinda in a flashback.  ANYWAY, thank you @nathaniel-schreave​ for the RP, this was really a fun RP to do! (Also, yes another Hamilton-inspired title because I am hamiltrash). Hope you guys enjoy this one!!!  (3793-ish words)
I crack one of my eyes open, but another wave of pain hits me, followed by a simultaneous wave of nausea. The floor beneath me sways as I swing my feet to the side of my bed. Aside from the dryness of my tongue, I’m starting to indicate the resurgence of the bitter taste of me wanting to throw up. 
I should have never drank last night.
I try to shake off the buzzing in my head, gripping the side of my bed when another splitting headache washes over me thanks to the sudden movement. This time, I try to stand to grab a glass of water on one of the coffee tables and I slowly take steps over to pitcher of water to soothe the dryness of my throat. I’ve never been this hungover in a long time- sure, I’ve drank every once in a while with the Bullets… but god damn it- this had to be one of the worst.
Something catches my eye as I take small sips from the glass, a small package sitting on the top of my desk. I’m not sure if I see it right in the haze of my vision. After shutting my eyes for a good five seconds, my vision’s a little clearer. I take a step to my desk to inspect the package and a small note beside it, setting the glass of water on my desk as I take a seat at the desk, scanning the note.
Your maids will probably help you but take these when you wake up, you’ll feel a lot better. Also Merry Christmas -Nate
I had sent my maids away an hour ago (well.. kinda yelled and threw a pillow at one of them), irritated by their disturbance of my much needed sleep. I closed the note and saw the aspirins sitting on top of my desk and mentally thanked God for Nate, that boy was a godsend.
I take one, rubbing my temples trying to soothe the ache. It’s been like this since earlier this morning, the pounding in my head continuously torturing me- with the addition of some annoying voice in my dreams that narrated the events last night. That was one weird dream.
My eyes set themselves on the package on the desk, and I remember it from last night… I remember Nate holding it in his hands last night… I remember last night…
~flash back, insert Satisfied-like rewind sequence~ rewind rewind rewind
“Well, Natalie, the numbers are in.” I declare, catching Nate at the right moment where he was alone.
He flashes a smirk as his eyes looks around the room, “So... who won?”
I hated to admit to defeat, so I pinch the bridge of my nose in annoyance. “You did... technically.”
“Technically...?” he asks, expectant of an explanation.
“It's a tie… er… technically,” I shrug, hating have to admit the technicalities of my loss. “Six girls are sober, another seven are getting tipsy or drunk off their asses... one girl... I haven't seen around. That makes it 7-7 for both of us.”
7 girls had to get drunk for him to win, and my encounter of Fleur and the spiked punch had tipped the scales in Nate’s favor.
“But I admit defeat, Natalie.”
As the words come out of my mouth, Nate’s face breaks out into a huge smile. “I knew I was going to win. I think it would be best if you started to drink now.”
“I can't believe that I'm willingly getting drunk tonight,” I scoff at Nate’s directness, while simultaneously taking a flute of champagne from a passing waiter’s tray. “Do you know the last time I got drunk?”
“Nope, but tonight you are, drink up.” Nate shakes his head, still grinning with pride over his win. I hate how much I didn’t hate him for his gloating smile.
“I was 17 and at a graduation party,” I shook my head as I took my first sip of champagne. “I didn't see that keg coming…”
“Ah one of those parties.”
I shudder at the memory of that party, still arguably one of the worst hangovers I had ever had, but one of my favorite memories… a right of passage for any teenager… something that made me have a sense of normalcy.
“Yeah, one of those parties,” a laugh escapes my lips, “So Natalie, no plans on drinking tonight?”
“Nope, I don’t like alcohol and I was definitely staying sober to help you.” Nate replies, and his words catch me off guard. Staying sober to help you. Now was not the time to start getting attached.
“Why? Worried that I might be a hazard when drunk?” I quickly evade his eye contact for a while, taking another drink from the glass. I was going to need something stronger soon.
“One drunky can’t help another drunky as well as a sober. Also my mother would be disappointed in me if I got drunk at a ball, especially one that was for me.”
“Always the gentleman,” I muse, thinking about how that tendency seemed so ingrained in his personality. He was just so nice. “I wish there were more people like you.”
Nate looks confused as the words fall off my lips, “What do you mean ‘more people like me’...?”
“You're one of those people who…” I try to explain what I thought about him, waving my hand in the air looking for something that brought justice to the way he acted. He wasn’t just nice, or charming, or polite. Nate was more than just those things, and the more I lingered around him… I was starting to realize how decent his soul was and …. how the champagne was starting to get to my head, damn this stuff didn’t even taste that good.
“… who kinda makes the world a little more decent.” Eh, not my best description. 
Nate’s usually pale complexion flushes slightly, “Oh, thank you.”
“Don't go blushing on me, Schreave.” I laugh at his reaction while finally drinking the last few drops of champagne in my flute.
“I’m not.” he mumbles as he looks down to his shoes.
I smirk at his continuous fluster, it never made sense how he never seemed accustomed to listening compliments. Come on, Golden Boy, show a little more confidence.
“I know what you’re doing.”
“And that would be...?”
Nate looks up and laughs, “you’re getting drunk.”
“I would have never figured that out!” I gasp as I hold the empty glass of champagne up.
“Just drink up.” Nate laughs,
“Easy for you to say,” I set my champagne glass on a table and grab another drink from another passing waiter. I sniff it quickly and identify it as whiskey, great a strong drink.“You don't have to worry about embarrassing yourself in front of everyone,” I add before taking a sip then coughing up, surprised with how horrible this drink tasted in general.
“Okay, that was stronger than I thought it was going to be.”
“I’ll drink one drink, just for you so you won’t feel lonely,” Nate offers as he picks out the same drink from another waiter before I could warn him, proceeding to drink it and cringe.
“Ew it’s just so gross.”
His face in reaction to the whiskey was nothing short of hilarious, making me laugh louder than I usually do.
“It's whiskey,” I explain, cringing as I take another drink of the putrid drink. “This stuff is way too popular in Midston.”
“It’s gross that’s what it is.”
This time, I try not to shudder as I try to finish the glass, “Agreed.”
He impressively drinks the remainder of his whiskey in one go, still making a disgusted face. “Uck I just got that over with. I’m not doing that again.”
“Yeah, definitely not drinking that crap again. But that was a very... valiant effort.” There’s a warm buzzing feeling that started to move from my ears to the rest of my body, and I’m starting to suspect that the alcohol was starting to work. Damn it, did I have to be that much of a lightweight?
Nate rolls his eyes jokingly, “Thanks... one more and you’ll be set.” Excuse you Natalie, I get to decide when I’ll be set… but he was right judging from how warm I was feeling.
“Let’s hope so,” I agree begrudgingly as I found my next drink- a glass of red wine. “This, I could handle better.”
“You finish that up but I got to go really quick, stay here.” Nate says before making a quick dash away from me, leaving me alone with my glass of wine. What was he in such a hurry to do?
“Oooookay…” Nevertheless, I nod as I watch him go. Maybe he didn’t have the time to babysit me as I drank. The thought of someone babysitting me was even more absurd. In fact, why was I even doing this?
I take drink from the wine, enjoying the next wave of bitterness that floods my tastebuds. I needed to question my actions for these past few days, how dangerously close I was to being attached to everyone in this palace-most especially Nate. I knew how invaluable I was among the remaining girls here. I wasn’t meant to mean much here, I was one in fifteen- replaceable. Just like the hundreds of soldiers and pilots I’ve worked with, my worth as an individual was not significant. Wanting to live my life with these people was just setting myself for heartbreak.
But why had so much changed… why did I suddenly start wanting to stay with these people, despite all the warnings I’ve told myself in the past? You can always just leave.
Another drink.
Because for the first time in a long time, there was someone who looked at me like there was something worth looking at.  
The realization makes me want to finish the wine, detesting the weakness of my spirit. How cruel must the universe be to send me somewhere I could never stay? To send me someone I could never have?
I lose track of time as I drink until I see my reflection against one of the mirrors in the ballroom, seeing my flushed expression. The same time I do, I turn to the sound of running behind me and I see Nate standing in front of me again.
“That was… a while.” Okay, I was lying, I wasn’t actually sure how long he was gone.
“It wasn’t that long, do you want to go to bed now?” Nate asks.
I shake my head,”No, don't worry, I'm fine.” I then begin to feel the floor sway underneath my feet, and I lean against the wall for support.
“Nope you’re coming with me... “ Nate rolls his eyes playfully, as he held his hand out for me to hold. “Come on.”
“I'm not that drunk, but,” I sigh realizing that it was best for me to stop drinking. “Fine.”
I take his hand as I shot a glare at him, why did he have to be riiiiiiight.
Nate laughs, “ I won.”
There’s that confidence I was looking for a while ago.
“Yeah yeah,” I wave him off, “You don't have to worry about me stumbling by the way, I changed out of my heels about an hour and a half ago…”
“So where did they go?” he raises an eyebrow curiously.
“My maids brought one of my flats and got my shoes, see?” I explain, lifting my dress a little just enough for Nate to see my shoes.
“No one's noticed a thing.” I laugh. It was such a smart move to switch shoes, I was so smart.
“How genius of you.” Nate comments with an amused expression on his face.
“Gotta be prepared for anything…” I tap my temple for effect, just like that new meme I once saw online.
He rolls his eyes with a laugh, “Lets go.”
“Okaaaaay,” I say as I allowed him to drag me away from the party.
“So other than getting drunk, how was the ball?” Nate asks as we made it to the hallway.
“Better than I expected honestly. You were right, it felt like just a small group of people.” I answer, affirming what Nate had told me last night during my birthday.
“I talked to the queen for a while, before I got to meet one of my childhood heroes.” I just had to share that with him, about her majesty and the general. Meeting the two of them were one of the highlights of the night.
“Who was your childhood hero?”
“General Delilah Arnolds, she was the first woman to receive the Medal of Honor from your dad.” I smile, I’ve rewatched her award ceremony more times than I could count.
“Oh yes, she’s very kind. What about my mother what did you think of her?” Nate continues to ask.
“At first I thought about how gorgeous she was, she looked stunning in her gown, but when I talked to her..” I take a moment to pause for some dramatic flare- meeting Queen Aubrey was surreal. “Wow, I have nothing but respect for her.”
He smiles as I try to describe meeting the queen, “Sounds like my mom.”
“She makes it all look so easy, I swear.” I say as the two of us start walking up the stairs and I’m trying not to trip over my dress.
“She does, she really does. I love her.”
“I'm sure you do,” I smile at him, admiring how obviously cared for his mother.
We make it to the top of the stairs, and my legs are starting to feel even more wobbly than before.
“Which room is yours?” Nate asks me as we stand in the main hallway.
“I'm in the America Hall,” I point him to the right direction… at least I think it was the right hall… my visions was starting to get a little blurry, “Uh… Room number 2.” Wait… wouldn’t he remember which room was mine? We were just there last night.
“Thanks,” he says as he continues to guide me to my room- and I feel him putting my arm over his shoulder to help hold me up. Damn, he must be strong… of course he’s strong… it’s not like I didn’t catch him lifting weights in the gym. But yes, he probably was strong.
Nate helps open my door as we both walk into my room. He proceeds to help bring me close to my bed for me to sit down. “Here go lie on the bed.”
“Thanks Nate,” How noble for him to really make an effort to take care of me, he was like some knight in shining armor… wait.. knight… Nate…
“I just realized something…” I laugh at the most amazing joke that popped into my mind.
“What?” Nate asks as I watch him disappear into my closet.
“Nate in shining armor... You're a Nate in shining armor.” I laugh. That boy was such a godsend, he didn’t have to get me my pajamas, but he was. Bless him. God bless the Illean monarchy.
““Thanks,” I hear him laugh as he comes out of my closet with a shirt and some pajamas. Nate walks up to the bed with furrowed brows, what’s gotten him so worried?
“Umm…I’m going to have to trust you to go the bathroom and change.” he tells me, and despite my intoxicated state I kinda realize what’s gotten him into such a twist. He may have considered the thought that I needed to change from my dress.
“Awe don't worry, I think I can change myself,” I stand to meet him half way, still feeling my legs wobble as I try to kick my shoes off- but I could still manage as I take my clothes from him.
“Thanks.” I say as I walk into the bathroom and start taking off my jewelry and setting them on the bathroom counter. I reach behind me to try and unzip myself out of the dress, struggling in getting the zipper down. A thought of asking Nate to help me out pops into my head, which practically was … okay? But I decide against it… because… that would have been awkward… and stupid… Yes, very very stupid. You may be kinda drunk Marshall, but you are not a stupid drunk, Marshall. 
If that wasn’t a good enough reason against the notion, I hear Nate shout from the other side of the door.“Hey, I’m going to quick run out, I’ll be back in like 3 minutes.”
“Alright!” I yell back as I hear the sound of my door open and close.
Thank you universe for telling me no, but fuck you for leaving me alone to get out of this dress. After a few attempts of reaching behind me, I finally manage to get the zipper down and everything else seems to be smooth sailing from there. I slip into my pajamas and grab a few make up wipes to clean my face from all that make up my maids had placed on me a few hours ago. I find a hanger for my dress and hang it on a hook on the wall.
Just as I was finished with brushing my teeth, I hear the sound of someone entering my room again.
I step out of my bathroom, and see Nate holding a wrapped box in his hands which makes me blink in confusion.
“I thought you gave me a gift already...?” Nate had already given me a gift last night… the leggings. I thought that was both for my birthday and Christmas. I mean… that how it was like before with my parents, a downside of being born near Christmas Day.
“I did... just go lay down and open this in the morning.” Nate gestures to my bed and I notice his breathing was off, he was slightly out breath.
“Wait just a minute,” I walk up to Nate, he looked disheveled- his dark curls looking unforgivably messier than usual.
“Fix your hair, it's looking a little messy,” I lift my hand wanting to reach up to fix it for him, but I stop myself- thinking about how I may be overstepping both of our boundaries.
Nate gives me an amused look, “Would you like to fix my hair?” He chuckles.
“Would you trust me?” I snort, raising an eyebrow at him.
“It can’t look worse than it probably does right now.”
“You just need to,” I raise my hand and push his hair up. His face was getting covered by his hair, and he looked way better if his face wasn’t obscured by the little twists. “keep that little twirl out of your face so much.”
I try to adjust his hair a little more, making sure his hair wasn’t in his eyes and twisting a piece of hair just right to get it to the way it was like when I first saw him in the beginning of the ball. “There.”
Nate just stands there as I step back, chuckling. “Thanks, now you go to bed, okay?”
“I will,” I nod turning and walking to my bed. “Congrats on winning the bet, and thanks for looking out for me tonight, Natalie.”
I reach my bed and pull the cover away as I started tucking myself in.
He lets out a breath, “It’s what I was planning on. I’m going to quick finish something up then I’ll be on my way.”
“Alright, take care of yourself while you're off rescuing more damsels in distress, okay?” I tell him as I lay my head down on my pillow.
“Okay…” Nate laughs.
Before I close my eyes and drift off into sleep, I catch Nate writing something down on my desk and leaving the gift there.
“Goodnight Michelle.”
~insert flashforward to the present, ala Satisfied Style~
I remember last night, and the dream that followed and ended where I was about to tell Nate about the bet. The memory felt like a dream still though… like a dream I couldn’t quite place. But I remembered last night as I take the wrapped gift in my hands and inspect it.
The wrapping looks good, maybe Natalie’s gift wrapping skills have improved overnight.
I quickly start tearing into the wrapping paper, revealing a black box that I had to open. Inside it was a set of pins that made me snort. I took the airplane pins into my hand, laughing at how thoughtful they were, and the silver bullet pin… how appropriate for a Silver Bullet like myself.
I set the box down when another wave of pain and nausea hits me, and I grip both sides of my head- willing the pain away.
Sure I may have regretted drinking last night, but everything else…
well… I don’t regret anything else.
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aria-blazin-it · 7 years
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Adagio had no words to describe her feelings at that moment. Hate, disdain, disgust, none of these words were quite enough to encapsulate the state of contempt she was in. Her body trudged forward as her hands lay in the front pocket of her hoodie. The weather was fair and was actually quite warm as the sun was still in the sky, though it wasn’t enough to keep her warm. As of late, she could never be comfortable; she was always too cold, sore, or achy. Her body protested for one reason or another and no matter what she did, it would never be enough.
It didn’t help that Aria had dragged her outside. She claimed it was a good day to go out and at least get some fresh air she said as she took deep hits from her bong. As much as Adagio wanted to say no, the other two insisted; there was carnival in town and they promised the moment she wanted to go back home they would. If it meant they would leave her alone a walk up and down the block, it wouldn’t hurt. They walked through the busy parking lot and finally at the gate they had arrived. The carnival was cheap looking and rather ratty, though what did she expect. Standing there she waited for Aria to pay the fare as Sonata bounced eagerly in place, her eyes glanced from attraction to attraction obviously unable to make up her mind what she wanted to do first as soon she entered. Adagio also looked around but not with the same wonderment Sonata had for this tetanus filled wonderland. The sights and smells caused Adagio stomach to heave as her toes curled in her shoes. The loud rides thundered in every direction and the booths populated by slacked jaw carnies and gullible mortals. They weren’t even in the park yet but already Adagio wanted to turn back.
Though if she said anything now her day would be over, as the other two would make her life impossible if they didn’t at least enter this dump. Aria gestured to walk through the barricade to enter. The two Sirens waited for Adagio to enter first before following her in and just as she figured, it was just as miserable. She waded through crowds walking in no particular direction seeing as it didn’t matter. Clueless and stupid faces as far as the eye could see, obnoxious laughter in every direction, and that horrid smell. Truly, this was hell.
Adagio stopped as she found a small clearing to catch her breath as the other two stopped behind her. She looked around and listened intently, even with the loud metal rides she could catch the faint beating of hearts all around her, all of them pounding with excitement. She turned head slightly and caught Aria staring at her through her peripherals. A slight grin tugged at her mouth; this was a little game she and Aria played throughout the millennia. Catching Aria spying on her, she would quickly turn her gaze or preceded to stare passed her as if she wasn’t looking, though long ago the implications were a lot more serious as the countless assassination attempts were once a thing to consider but now it was just pure habit. Turning to face the other two, she took a deep breath.
“Well we’re here. Hurry up and choose something while I still have the patience to tolerate this place.” With that, Sonata beamed with excitement and proceeded to speed-walk to her chosen ride. The other two followed close behind.
Adagio was actually surprised. Though she was miserable and this place was hellish, she wasn’t dying to leave quite yet. She wondered if it was her mind eroding, the winkles in her brain smoothing out and her body growing numb to this world after all this time. At one point, she would have never been caught dead in a place like this, yet here she was. Stopping at the railing next to the ride, she watched as Sonata was strapped into some sort of boat. As Aria had also stepped on to the ride, Adagio spotted the name of the ride preached on top the of huge gears that swung the boat, “The Siren’s Call.” She couldn’t have rolled her eyes hard enough after reading that. Was Sonata attracted to the ride because of the name, the theme, or was it just a coincidence? As the ride started, Sonata grinned and waved to Adagio. The boat swung back and forth, gaining speed and height. The screams of terror and laughs of glee melded together as the ride reached its peak. The ride wasn’t long but it felt like an eternity waiting by the sidelines. Adagio had made up her mind to inform the others to leave but as they approached. Sonata was sporting her usual big stupid grin she saw something that was fairly new, a genuine smile from Aria.
Aria was usually stoic and mostly rather humorless in most cases. If she wasn’t completely high out of her mind she was usually straight faced. The smile was small but it was there. Sonata bounced in place as they assumed the usual formation at Adagio’s side and waited. Adagio glanced at the two before she spoke. “You riding another ride or what? I am not picking or riding so hurry up.” Aria’s brow raised ever so slightly after hearing Adagio. “So you don’t want to leave yet?” Aria hid her surprise rather well and Sonata squinted at Adagio with obvious suspicion.
Adagio rolled her eyes and started walking in a random direction. The trio walked in silence, the two in the back unsure of what to say. Nevertheless, it wasn’t long until Sonata spoke.
“So Aria, you wanna go on that ride?” Sonata gestured with her head in a direction toward a roller coaster.
Aria glanced at the small coaster and then to Adagio. Even with her back turned Adagio felt Aria’s stare. She knew she was waiting for some sort of approval. She stopped and turned to face Aria. With a dismissive shrug and a quick nod, Adagio made her way to the gate surrounding the ride. Aria and Sonata ran over to the small line and after a short wait, they boarded. Again, Adagio merely watched as the two rode.
The rumbling of the tracks and piercing scream brought memories of days past. A derailed train due to a broken axle; who could’ve possibly seen this coming except her? She happened to be at the right spot to witness the tragedy. The amount of lives lost brought with it great sorrow and she drank it all up. She could almost imagine the faint taste of the sweet wine on her tongue she chose for that day. But soon the memory gave way to others and then those became a jumbled mess. Flashes of different times, all incoherent memories, and no matter how much she attempted to grasp on to one it only slipped through her fingers. The flashes only got worse as she tightened her grip on the railing, her eyes screwed shut in an attempt to stop the attack.
However, through the chaos of her mind she heard distinct and precise voices calling to her and the memories stopped. The sounds of the carnival came flooding back and her vision cleared. Starting at the dead patch of grass on the floor past the rusted railing, she caught her breath. A hand was gently pressed up against her and she traced up the arm with her eyes to its owner. It was Aria, with only the faintest look of concern. A thin sheen of sweat covered Adagio’s face as her eyes bounced to Sonata who expressed far more obvious concern.
“Are you ok?” Aria asked, keeping a small distant away from her distressed leader. Adagio quickly looked back the floor. “Yeah, I am just fine. You ready for another ride?” Aria face became obviously more concerned. “Dagi, we don’t need to be here. We can go. I mean it’s just-” Adagio whipped around to face the tall siren. With an expression of unquestionable certainly she interrupted. “I am fine. We’re already here so choose a ride and let’s go.”
Nudging passed her with surprising strength, Adagio lead them once more around the park. She stuffed her hands in the hoodie and listen carefully to the world around her. She blocked out the screams and shouts, ignored the racing heartbeats, and focused on the duo behind her. Aria’s steps were softer, as she made sure to be two steps behind Adagio. Sonata’s were quick as she stumbled to keep the same distance. Adagio knew they were both obviously disturbed by her behavior.
With a small huff, she made her way to another clearing and stopped along a few closed booths. The other two stopped in front of her before re-positioning next to her. They stood and watched the crowds pass in silence, the flurry of people minding their own business, paying no mind to the trio that watched them. If it were a year ago, the situation would’ve been so much different. They wouldn’t be just watching, they would stalking and preying on the mortals who dared get too close. Who knew a year would be the difference between her peak and her failure. With another loud huff she looked at Sonata whose attention was obviously directed to a nearby food court selling grease-laden foods. The smell was atrocious, but Sonata didn’t seem to mind.
“Ask Aria to get you something.” Sonata flinched at the sudden statement. Her glance snapped back and forth between the two older sirens. It wasn’t until Aria walked towards the booth did Sonata’s stupor broke and her trademark smile appeared on her face again.
Sometime after Sonata devoured her meal with vigor did their trip around the park continue. The carnival was quite big and provided a decent selection of rides and games. It was sprawled out in no particular order and the park goers made it seem even more chaotic then it really was. They rode more rides, Sonata ate more food, Adagio and the incident back at the first roller coaster was forgotten or least never mentioned.
The sun began to set, it bled into marvelous reds and bright yellows and Adagio shook her head. The colors reminded her of a certain thorn in her side. A thorn that they needed at the moment. Evening came and park lit up in colored lights but one ride stood out among the rest, a merry-go-round. Its dated appearance made it unique and it was antiquated compared to the others, which thankfully made its line short.
Removing a hand from her hoodie she gestured towards the ride and that was all Sonata needed, and she ran excitedly toward the ride.
Adagio followed and leaned on the rail overlooking the ride as she watched Sonata choose a seahorse as her mount. She felt a weight press onto the railing beside her and a familiar sight broke the stillness. For a second time Aria appeared next to her. The ride begun to spin and music started to play.
For a moment Adagio had wanted to ask why she wasn’t with Sonata but before she could Aria spoke first.
“She always has that stupid look on her face doesn’t she” Aria chuckled. Adagio kept her eyes locked onto Sonata and indeed, she had the wide smile. “Even after the body shifts, she always kept that smile.”
“Don’t tell me you’re just noticing that now?” Adagio sneered a bit as she thought back. Her tongue passed over her crooked teeth. When they arrived in this world, human mannerism were a challenge to get used to. A smile was a basic expression of happiness or humor and Sonata latched on to that one almost immediately. After some time they discovered they were able to change small features of their body. Grow in height, slim their figures, change their face but only small intervals. It proved to be useful, certain features were considered attractive in different regions but Sonata she always kept that wide smile that was noticeable from a mile away.
“You know I think she smiles more for us.” Aria concluded.
“Smiles? For us?” Adagio questioned with slight interest.
“Yeah, I think she feels she has to comfort us or just to show us she’s ok.”
“Assuming a bit much aren’t you?”
“Please Dagi, don’t tell me you buy into her act of the oblivious spaz?”
“No, I don’t but still you think she cares. The little tart that would be running around for days on end, spending all her money on food and drink, partying with any unfortunate mortal that would fall into her trap of promises.”
“And? She always came back. Even if we moved suddenly she would find her way back to us.”
Adagio thought of Sonata’s exploits; they were trips debauchery and over indulgence. She would always come home broke and often disheveled but “full” according to her. Adagio never asked nor did Aria, being an abyssal they could only assume but never really wanting to truly know.
Adagio chuckled and grinned. Shaking her head, trying to make sense of Sonata’s action was a fool’s game and Aria of all people would know that.
“Let’s say she does care. What would it mean to us?”
“Does it matter if it means anything to us? All these years and Sonata is still here.”
“And you?” Adagio rebutted.
“What about me?” Adagio felt Aria’s stare burning a hole in side of head but she didn’t bother to meet to her gaze.
“You’re still here, even when you decided to leave you came back. Very angry, but you came back.” Adagio waded through the memories and was able to find a crystal clear image. A livid Aria huffing over her desk, covered in head to toe in dirt and rags. If a look could kill, she would have been dead ten times over. The sound of Aria’s voice brought her back.
“Yeah well, I had something to settle with you and after that I didn’t have a reason to leave.”
“Until the next set of wedding bells rung.”
“Ok, ok, I get it. We had our moments. Fuck, you always manage to turn this around on me,” Aria sounded unamused.
“You make it too easy.” Adagio said with a deep sigh, rubbing her eyes the day was starting to catch up on her body.
“Bring this back to the present. Why haven’t we left yet? I was certain I paying for one ride.”
Adagio shrugged lightly. “I don’t know”
“’I don’t know’, quote Adagio Dazzle, 2017. I am making a note of that for future generations.”
“I just don’t have the answers like I used to Aria.”
“You’re not giving up are you?” Aria said in disbelief.
“No. Even in the face death, I’ll never consider giving up. Defying that wretched wizard and knowing he’s rotting in the ground is what keeps me going.” The Adagio brand grin on her face, that fire burning in her eyes but soon it dimmed.
“I am just tired.”
The conversation ended and they continued to watch the merry-go-round once more.
Sonata stumbled out of the ride dizzy and laughing up a storm. She came towards them and Aria placed her sizable hand on her head halting her approach. “After all you ate and that ride you’re not getting anywhere near me.” Sonata only giggled “What? That’d be a waste of food.” Aria only mumbled as they continued to walk. At the end of the park stood a tall bright Ferris wheel. Sonata was bouncing with anticipation; the choice was obvious. Sonata and Adagio made their to the Ferris wheel but Aria stayed behind. This didn’t go unnoticed as Adagio turn to face her.
“It’s the last ride.”
“So? Ferris wheels are lame and they take forever, let’s get out of here. If we start walking now we’ll beat the crowd out.”
Aria’s expression was unmoving and whether or not she meant what she said or not a relief washed over Adagio.
“Awwww but it’s so tall. Not even one go around?”
“No.” Aria preemptively grabbed Sonata’s collar as she pulled out her phone. “But let’s take a picture.”
“A picture?” Adagio said less then enthused.
“Yeah, why not?”
Adagio rolled her eyes for umpteen time that night. She always thought pictures were a novel idea but Aria always had a soft spot for mortal habits. A picture couldn’t hurt though.
“Make it quick then.” Adagio said with little resistance as she brushed her hair out of her face.
Aria positioned herself in front of the supposed lame Ferris wheel holding her arm out Adagio took her place next to her. Sonata leapt on to Aria and latched her arms around her shoulder. With an unceremonious light tap of the screen, the picture was taken. Aria examined the picture and nodded satisfied with her work.
“Aww let me see.” Sonata whined as she scrambled to Aria’s shoulders, perched right over her head.
“I’ll show you at home. Let’s just get out of here.”
With a pout, Sonata rested her chin on top of Aria’s head slouching the rest of her body forward and with that, they left. Not a word was said during their trip home. Sonata dozed off as she was carried and Aria merely hummed lightly to herself.
Adagio’s body ached but luckily, home wasn’t very far. She took deep breaths and flushed the smell of that carnival out of her nose. Her mind wandered as she began to think about the day.
All the faces passing in a blur; did she know any of them? Did any of them know her? What did all of this mean? Was the trip worth it? What was her time worth now?
That last question almost stopped her heart. The uncertainty of it all would’ve normally shook her very core. However, she realized she did not care at the moment and it did not matter. She only wanted to claim her spot next to the couch, away from mortal eyes where she could wallow in peace. Maybe then she’ll worry about her day later but for now, it was a nice night.
[[Something that has no business for being this long but yeah I’d like to thank all you guys for the support. A big shout out to Tango my go to editor. You’ve been a big help man. Lazer, TDX and my nigga JC you've all been a real bros for the past almost three years. Gorjee, you bring out the best in me and you’ve been nothing but a sweetheart. And to all the new and old followers thank for sticking around expect this thrilling drama to continue.]]
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bangtanbae100 · 8 years
Something’s Fishy (Jungkook x Reader) Part 6
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Pairing: Reader x Jungkook
Genre: Fluff, angst in the future, au (A lot of appearance from other members too)
Description:Your policy of ‘i don’t know, i don’t care’ certainly benefited as you were hired to manage the popular group BTS on a mysterious trip of utmost secrecy. Unfortunately, what you discovered on accident was too great to be ignored. But the boys needed your help to solve their predicament and save their beloved maknae. Will you stick by your worth and help them or be a snitch and tell the world a terrible secret?
I personally really like this part. This is like the dangerous part of the story. BTW happy hoseok day!!! Our sunshine has turned 24 now and continues to spread love and happiness around the world. I wish he’ll have a great time at the concert tomorrow. If he cries i’ll bawl my eyes out :((
Part 1  Part 2  Part 3  Part 4  Part 5  Part 6  Part 7   Part 8
‘Aaaand…here we are! Make yourself at home.’
 His hyungs crowded the doorway, hastily prying off their shoes after seeing you do the same. Only when they disappeared inside, exclaiming at the interior, did he place his beloved Timberlands by the doorway and stepped inside.
It was a modest village home, built using traditional wooden materials like the rest of the houses. But yours had small hints of a young person living in it. The living room was airy and felt large due to the minimal amount of furnitures. There were posters from famous landmarks around the world dedicated to one wall, as well as collectibles, mostly snow globes that were neatly arranged in a glass case. Jungkook darted over to a section full of family portraits. Oddly, most of them only contained two people – you and another older girl. A few has your grandmother in them, and some of the village children.
‘Well, I hope you guys aren’t too disappointed with this arrangement. Your side didn’t specify anything, so I thought it would be okay if I house you in. Plus, the hotels are far away in the city and it would be time consuming to go back and forth. And, I don’t think you guys are expecting a typical trip since you chose to be here anyway. Still, I hope you don’t feel too uncomfortable,’ you explained, hoping they didn’t think you mean anything by inviting seven men into your personal home.
‘Don’t worry, Y/N. This place is perfect. You have a pretty house,’ Jin assured to your immense relief. ‘By the way, won’t your grandma mind?’
‘Oh, she won’t,’ you chuckled. ‘She doesn’t live here.’
‘Oh, really?’ Taehyung asked. ‘What about your parents?’
You shrugged. ‘My mom died a really long time ago. My father when I was ten. They passed down the house to me so my grandmother doesn’t really have any say on who I should or shouldn’t bring.’
Jungkook could feel his hyungs visibly cringe and he could see Yoongi making a strangling gesture towards Taehyung. Jungkook bit his lip, trying to find a way to ease the awkwardness when you burst into laughter.
‘Oh my god! Guys, you should see your faces!’ You doubled over in a fit of snorts of laughter. ‘You look like you just murdered someone! Relax,’ you waved your hand. ‘It’s not a big deal. I hardly remember them.’
‘Oh,’ Namjoon literally deflated with relief. ‘Well, we’re sorry anyway.’
You shook your head. ‘You guys are funny. Well then, the bathroom’s in the kitchen and you guys can use the last two rooms. If you need anything I’ll be fixing lunch in the kitchen since I know you guys are starving. And…just make yourselves at home.’
 Lunch was an amazing affair.
Jungkook had no idea how you could literally whip out a whole buffet in under two hours, but that was what you did. Plates upon plates of seafood lined the round dining table. The smells made the boys literally drool as you explained each dish and the local table etiquette. With seven additional people, the table was quite snug, but the cumulative hunger made them ignore that. As soon as everyone was seated, all of you began digging in. Halfway through, most of them were drenched with sweat, especially Yoongi and Hoseok, who marveled at the spiciness of the dishes.
‘I’m really sorry. I really did tone down on the chilli peppers. Next time I’ll let you guys taste first,’ you apologized profusely, while handing out huge clumps of tissues to the red-faced duo.
‘No, I mean, this is really great,’ Hoseok sucked the air between his teeth as he waited for the heat to abate. ‘But yeah, I can’t stand the heat too much.’
‘I’ll keep that in mind,’ you turned to Jungkook. ‘Do you want more rice? There’s still plenty to go around.’
Jungkook was a little startled when you called his name. He had been silently going through the meal, not wanting to attract your attention. But now he found himself looking as you expectantly reached to scoop more rice into his plate.
‘Is this enough?’ You indicated to the small mountain of rice in his plate. He nodded and resumed his meal.
‘I think Jungkookie really likes your cooking. If he really likes something he won’t bother making conversation,’ Jimin nudged him, and Jungkook pretended not to notice your smile as he scooped more side dishes onto his plate.
‘Really? That’s a relief. It’s really a satisfaction seeing people appreciate my efforts.’
At this Jin exclaimed. ‘Yes, finally someone who understands my feelings,’ he turned to the others. ‘Kids, if I cook like this will you eat my meals then?’
‘Don’t bother hyung,’ Namjoon mumbled through his chewing. ‘You’ll just ruin it.’
You laughed as Jin mimed hitting Namjoon at the back of his head and giving him the evil eye. ‘Oh, that reminds me of something. There’s a little show tonight at the village square. If you guys want to join, I can bring you there.’
‘Oh really?’ Taehyung perked up. ‘What kind of show?’
‘You’ll see.’
 As it gets dark, you remind the boys to get prepared. They were all pretty excited, especially since you acted all mysterious. You’ve seen the show plenty of times in your life, but tourists were always fascinated by it. Besides, you have no clue how to fill in their time, and asking the purpose of their trip still seems intrusive to you. Just as all of you were ready to leave – Taehyung forgot where he placed his camera’s memory card and was now in a scrambling panic – there came a small harried figure at your door.
‘Hey sis,’ you nonchalantly greeted. ‘Back already?’
‘Oh, hey Y/N,’ your sister, Intan said distractingly. She was currently struggling with the straps of her camera, which seemed to be strangling her, unaware of the visitors currently observing her with a bemused expression.
‘Uh, Intan, I thought you’d like to know-,’
‘Oh this stupid fucking thing!’ she yelled in frustration as the knot became worse. ‘I ought to just smash you for the trouble!’
You sighed at the less-than-savory first impression and the onset of humiliation that she would feel later at her actions. Deciding to end it, you began to move towards her when Taehyung burst out from the room, holding his own camera triumphantly in the air.
‘I found it! Now let’s-,’
What ensued was an almightly crash which sent both to instinctively protect their precious cameras, taking the brunt of the impact with their own bodies. A shrilling scream pierced from your sister’s throat from the unexpected assault. There was absolute silence for about five seconds, before your sister screamed again, pointing an accusatory finger towards Taehyung who was rubbing his temples in pain.
‘Oh my God! Who are you? Y/N-,’ she turned towards you only to find six other people in awkward positions, not knowing how to react. ‘Y/N, who are these people?’
Before you could answer, Taehyung gave a little gasp of awe. ‘Oh, wow! Is that… the Nikon D700 model with 55mm sigma lens? I’ve always wanted to buy it but they ran out of stock and I have to wait for two months. The resolution is crazy and-,’ he stopped mid-ramble when he noticed your sister looking at him like he was speaking an alien language. Which in a sense, he was.
‘Um, Taehyung. My sister doesn’t speak Hangul. But, I’ll try to fix this,’ you grasped your sister’s shoulder, pointing to the young man who was now beet red in embarrassment. ‘This is Taehyung. He and his friends are staying here for a while. I’m being paid extremely well for this so please don’t ruin it,’ you stressed the last point as you informed your sister in your native tongue.
‘And Taehyung and co, this is my beloved older sister. She may not look like it, but believe me she’s older. Please excuse her behavior. She’s much more civil with guests. Most of the time.’
Your flustered sister finally regained enough sense to absorb the incident, apologizing to everyone and to Taehyung especially of her outburst. You could feel her desperately trying to find a way to regain her dignity and discovered it in the object cradled preciously in Taehyung’s arms.
‘Hey, that’s a cool model,’ she pointed at it, speaking in English. ‘You take good pictures?’
‘Uh yes!’ Taehyung perked up. ‘I love take pictures,’ he mimed snapping photos with his camera.
‘Scenery pictures?’ your sister asked again, but Taehyung just gave her a confused look. She proceeded to show the shots she had in her camera. ‘Like this? Nature?’
‘Oooh, pretty!’ Taehyung exclaimed, admiring your sister’s professionalism. ‘You…camera job?’
You can sense the conversation – however choppy – will get pretty lengthy. Gesturing to the others, you exited the house, trying to make it in time before the show started. The others also relented, leaving the two who were now deeply absorbed in their discussion.
 Thankfully, all of you managed to grab a few seats. Most of the villagers were already there, crowding the small area near the riverbank, facing the simply made stage. Curious villagers were all directing stares towards him and his hyungs. Jungkook could feel that you were afraid they would feel uncomfortable, but Jimin quickly assured you that it was fine. Some of the children shyly approached them, touching their clothes and colorful hair. Of course, they didn’t mind the physical contact. Hoseok especially, warmed up to them pretty quickly, laughing when they marveled over his bright pink hair. Yoongi was at the opposite of the spectrum. He just smiled silently at them, sometimes taking their pictures and showing the result, a look of satisfaction crossing his features when they clapped their hands at seeing their faces in his camera.
After a while, the performance leader asked everyone to be seated, as the show was about to start. Behind a white cloth, a candle flame was illuminated, giving out the aura of a ghostly orange glow.
‘This is called a shadow puppet show. It’s a traditional show, where someone tells a story behind the screen using shadows from handmade figures,’ you briefly informed them.
‘Who’s the storyteller?’ Jimin asked.
‘The master puppeteer. Sometimes it’s-,’
Before you could finish, the gong sounded, signaling the start of the show. A puppet figure appeared, and the story began:
‘Once, long long ago, before man discovered the ways to cross the sea, there lived a prince. He was a famous warrior known to be fearless and fiercely protected his people from his enemies. After many many victories, he became so powerful that he was sure he was invincible. He claimed that nothing can seduce Death to come to him. So sure he was of his might, he became arrogant and challenged anyone to beat him to a duel, of which as a reward he would let the winner rule over his land.’
The shadow of the prince boasted arrogance, swinging a sword up high in the air.
‘His challenge was heard to the ends of the earth, but only one in particular decided to accept it. The person travelled far, at last arriving at the court of the prince. Cloaked, His Majesty could not recognize the stranger. But he let the visitor lay out his terms.’
‘And so the stranger spoke, “I need neither blades nor fists to beat Your Highness. Only I request that your window will be open at night, and listen to a song that will not lead Death to you, but you to Death.” The prince barked with laughter at the claims, but the stranger merely excused himself. That night, as requested, all the windows in the palace were bared wide, letting in the cold sea air. Then, as midnight falls, the breeze brought forth a melody. At first very faint, but later became a sweet seduction to the ears. The prince fell under this spell, finding him and dozens of his people walking senselessly towards the shore, where the song seemed to be coming. The stranger saw this, as she – yes, a woman – perched on a high rock, observing the humans wading into their own deaths. Her otherworldly voice ensnared them such that even the cold sea cannot awaken them. So slowly, ever so slowly, they each sink to their deaths trying to reach her, and her haunting song.’
Jungkook watched with intense as the tiny shadow figures disappear from the makeshift waves, drowning as the song was sung.
‘The creature held the prince to his word. Every year of the same night, the song would drift upon the land, and those with weak will were instantly pulled to it, no matter how much their family tries to stop them. And so the people moved away from the sea to escape the curse. The creature’s power did not extend beyond that, but parents would warn their children to not follow strange songs, and to strengthen their wills against it. But it is said that the creature has henchmen on land, determined to carry out the promise made by the foolish prince. It could be anyone, guised in human form. It could be you,’ the puppet’s long finger pointed to a man in the crowds.
‘Or you,’ it pointed to a child, resting contently among his friends. The puppet seemed to look to point to someone else. Finally, its crooked finger settled, seeming to reach beyond the screen.  With an accusatory tone, the puppet master’s voice boomed, making Jungkook tremble.
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