#and i used myself as a reference which felt AWESOME. it's such a power pose
biggiedraws · 8 months
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cringetober - maid dress/neko
pov: you're tucker and you made the mistake of laughing at wash's maid costume (that is objectively ridiculous and that he's only wearing bc he lost a bet) and now you're afraid for your life (will receive a stern talking-to at most)
anyway finally doing my due diligence and drawing wash with cat ears o7 sad that you can't really see them from this angle but the tail makes up for it i think. anyway this is your sign to draw your babygirl in a maid dress. it's good for the soul
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someonetoldmeee · 6 years
Brightside 1
Oh my Slys I get to share my Mexican culture with y'all , if you have any questions go ahead and ask me! By the way 'Conchita' refers to this delicious Hispanic sweet bread(Search up conchas) I recommend to taste one if you ever see it they are a blessin'!Oh and I don't own the video lol
Chapter 1 title-
(ʏ/ɴ) ɪᴛᴜʀɪᴇʟ ᴘᴏᴠ
If I could ever choose between being BrightSide and (Y/N) Ituriel aka the daughter of the evil villain Black Hat, hands down it'd be Brightside. Well if it isn't obvious enough, life isn't so great when being an Ituriel and being me, either. Besides the fact that I literally get ignored by everyone in Bright Lake City, I'm the biggest outcast. Por Dios! Even the outcast, outcast me. Well, there's a few people who just are okay with my existence even if they think I work for my dad secretly, which I don't. You must be asking why I bother protecting them when some are against me but I know deep down or high above they are nice, they just don't know how to handle things like this right, that what my beloved mother told me and I believe it. I've seen people being kind and people have been kind at times towards me! Once an old lady bought me a churro for telling her the directions to a bank! That was nice. Might be a small gesture but not everything small is nothing. So I have taught myself to be a true hero when I discovered my powers. The Black Hat Organization can never know about me being BrightSide! If they did, father would probably use me as his successor for evil.
Not that I ask for much but their is times I wish people would shine a bit of light towards (Y/N) Ituriel. Like that churro time. Well currently I am done with being (Y/N) Ituriel the nerd/geek!
I spin around in my chair seeing all the nice colours of my room. Some decorations here and there amd my comfy bed and all. Posters of other heroes (Even myself posing awesomely I must say.) Life was... not okay. 
Mom...I miss you...I-I.. don't know if I can go on....I..Must be strong for you...
I get up from the chair, wiping the supposed to be tears. While of course, groaning
I almost tripped on my way but managed to open the door not hurt, but then grow to regret it. 
"Um...uh...Usted es (Y/N) Ituriel?"
"Uh no speak espanol." I said nervously.
"Are you (Y/N) Ituriel?"
( I remember I said this to my sister, she's like stfu yes you do bish)
"......Pas parler  anglais...." I said in French *No speak english
"Êtes-vous (Y/N) Ituriel..." 
"Damn boy, you are very skilled but no. I am not (Y/N) Ituriel I am... Natasha Romanoff." I said putting my hand on my hip.
The guy sighed. "Why do I even bother... Boys get her off."
Well shit...
❽:❶❺ PM
I can't believe I helped them kick me out, or it was probably the fact that I didn't want them to touch my books, posters, hero figurines and etc. Sighed. At least I didn't have much, only the stuff in my room and a small table... nevermind that small table was own by the people. I only had a cup of ramen and my free WcDonalds  cup, that had a hero on it. So I only have two suitcases, a back-pack, and a bag that held 2 important things. I sat on a bench at a lonely and not really safe park. Yeah I can protect myself but I risk my identity, it is now the most important thing to me since, I no longer have what used to be the most important person with me. 
You do have a choice...
You could go to you know who...
"Hell no! He is my enemy!"
But that's the only choice you have...Besides you can't live on that dry cup of ramen for the whole day! 
"Oh just you wait! I can survive on this!"
No you can't! It is cold and there is creepy dudes! Besides, you don't have money.
"I ain't listening you stupid thing!"
Bitch please, you're talking to yourself. You'll just end up with paranoia or crazy like now! Or creep people out and be convinced that you are going crazy like Black Hat went!
"Whu-!" I look up to see people staring at me wide eye and creeped out, talking some smack. I just glare but end up ignoring them. 
I sighed. My hand turning into a fist. 
I have to put my selfishness away... If I keep going like this mom wouldn't be happy and I need to be healthy to be Brightside and continue my studies...
I pull out my black flip phone, seeing the very few contacts I had. Then it landed on the last name : Cntbelivimhisspermcell. I breathe deeply and press call, the phone starts ringing.
"Hello, Black Hat Organization. How may I help you?"
"Giving the phone to the demon asshole."
(Time Skip)
Current destination - Black Hat House
"So...are you Black Hat's daughter?" 
I currently have my second, third and the bear in front of me. Did I mention that I am tied up and being held in a dark lab? Yeah It's pretty cold but chill in here.
Lizard lady aka Demencia who has broken my bones and giving me injuries asked me, if I am Black Hat's daughter, when I am literally infamous for being so. I sighed rolling my eyes. I'm even on the news and every where dude.
"Demencia are you always an idiot? Of course she is the daughter of Black Hat Sir!"Dr.Flug said.
"Well if you're intelligent with that handsome brain of yours why don't you let me go, huh?"I told him but then when I realized what I said, I regret it.
Dr.Flug noticed what I said and turn to glare at me while squinting his eyes. Demencia and 505 don't notice this. I smiled falsely. 
"What's with the glare? I got somethin' in my face?"
The glare went away but I could feel the tension between us, thankfully Demencia cut in.
"I guess people who are related to Black Hat are very good looking, huh?"Demencia said in a flirtish tone. Then her eyes turned to hearts. "Imagine the children we would make!"She laughed crazily. 
Dr.Flug just sighed rolling his eyes, saying something under his breath. Demencia then looks at me, leaning in her palm and wiggling her eyebrows.
"I guess I'll try getting one of the hearts of the Ituriel's. Garrrrrrrr!~"
I shiver at this comment.
"I will take this 'love confession' kindly since it is my first but....um."I honestly don't have any ideas on how to reject her kindly, I've never had to deal with a situation like this. Honestly I'm just in pure confusion. Then I thought of a way." Eh..We can still be friends though." I said smiling shyly and blushing.
505 found this adorable some how and 'awed'.
"....This adorableness...IS A MENACE!!!AHHHHH!!!" She lizard her way out. I just sat there confuse.
Finally, Dr.Flug stood up and turned on the lights which took me a while to adjust to. Dr.Flug looked at me. 505 smiled so pure.
"Welcome to your new home, Miss (Y/N) Ituriel..."It sounded so welcoming. I am guessing Demencia must be a real pain.
(Time Skip)
After being untied by Dr.Flug, he started to show me around the mansion(Or house?) I then felt the need to apologize for my attitude because I am (Y/N), somebody that isn't Brightside I also had to clear up the suspicion. I tap his shoulder and look up/forward at him.
"Hey I'm very sorry for how I acted. I shouldn't have been rude, besides it wasn't you who tied me up and tried to go detective on me, haha.''I said scratching the back of my neck nervously. "So, can we start all over again?" I said holding my hand up.
Dr.Flug looked at my hand and calmly shook my hand.
"Hello! My name is (Y/N) Ituriel and you are?"
"Dr.Flug Slys, pleased to meet you Miss Ituriel."
We let go.
I smiled and shake my head. "There's no need to call me Miss, just (Y/N) is fine."
He nodes, I can feel the smile under the bag. 
"I will show you your room."He says.
While we walk around I see many paintings of that demon asshole, it feels like he's watching our many moves. While doing so I hear a voice, a voice of a terrible creature.
"Dr.Flug what is important that you had needed to ca-"Black Hat couldn't finish his words as one of his paintings went through his head. "WHAT!?!?!?!?!"Black Hat looks around to see who it was and when his eyes landed on me his eyes widen.
"I lived bitch."
Please tell me you guys are enjoying it so far, although there hasn't been much (Y/N) X Dr.Flug action in here, I swear I will update soon my dears!
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cosmicpopcorn · 6 years
Deadpool 2 (2018)
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So, your favorite crazy ass pansexual assassin/mercenary...antihero...whatever the fuck he is (let’s just go with fucking awesome)...has returned in Deadpool 2 ready to kick ass, take names, and make us laugh with the crudest of jokes. Colossus and Negasonic Teenage Warhead return with him, while the X-Force, Cable, and Firefist are introduced.
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Before he made it to the big screen, Deadpool had a humble beginning when he first appeared in the comic book series, The New Mutants #98, cover-dated February 1991. Your girl Domino also makes her first appearance in this issue as well. The New Mutants series is a spin-off series from the X-Men franchise - it centers around a group of teenaged mutant superheroes-in-training. In issue #98, Deadpool has been hired to kill The New Mutants and Cable...such a wonderful way to meet your favorite neighborhood assassin/mercenary, right? He then began appearing as a regular character in the X-Force series and went on to make guest appearances in several Marvel comics such as The Avengers, Daredevil, and Heroes for Hire. After getting a couple of his own miniseries (The Circle Chase and Deadpool), he eventually got his own ongoing title/full series in 1997. Now this fool got two movies...he’s finally got a piece of the pie!
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In the 2004 comic book series Cable & Deadpool, Deadpool describes his appearance as “Ryan Reynolds crossed with a Shar-Pei.” And since 2016 (if you don’t count Ryan Reynold’s appearance as Wade Wilson in X-Men Origins: Wolverine), Ryan Reynolds has taken on the task of being our beloved Deadpool and he’s pretty damn good at it. It was clearly meant to be. In Deadpool 2, starring alongside Ryan Reynolds, we have Josh Brolin as Cable (yes, that’s the same dude who did a fucking fantastic job as Thanos in Avengers: Infinity War), Morena Baccarin as Vanessa, Julian Dennison as Firefist, Zazie Beetz as Domino (guess who I’mma be for Halloween?), T.J. Miller as Weasel, Leslie Uggams as Blind Al, Brianna Hildebrand as Negasonic Teenage Warhead, and Stefan Kapicic as the voice of Colossus, Deadpool’s wonderful friend who puts up with all his bullshit and possible love interest/sex buddy? (I’m just saying - even Vanessa told him not to fuck Colossus when she spoke to him in the afterlife, so clearly something may be happening there).
Before we get into the pros and cons for Deadpool 2, let me just say this: I’ve seen a lot of Marvel movies lately and I gotta be honest, they have set the bar high for not only superhero movies but movies in general. At this point, even the most “average” Marvel movie is gonna have great acting, writing, and special effects. This makes it hard for a nigga like me who is trying to find something to critique when writing these reviews because who the fuck just wants to read about me fangirling over a movie (e.g. my Avengers: Infinity War post). I don’t even enjoy writing fangirl posts, which is why the one for Avengers was as short as it was. So unless Marvel starts randomly fucking up their movies for no damn reason - which I doubt is ever gonna happen - I’m not gonna have half as much to critique as usually do. 
Anyway, let’s get into the pros and cons:
From what I know about comic book Deadpool (antihero characteristics, humorous - especially crude humor, breaks the 4th wall, pansexual), the movie Deadpool appears to be a pretty accurate representation of him. They didn’t try to make him kid/family-friendly, I definitely see them playing on and/or hinting towards his pansexuality (if anything I swear he flirts with men more than women - the only woman I really see him flirt with is Vanessa), and movie Deadpool is crude as fuck. They even have movie Deadpool continue to break the 4th wall (in case you didn’t know, breaking the 4th wall is when a character is aware that they are a fictional character and may actually interact with the audience) and you can check out this Deadpool 2 trailer for an example of him breaking the 4th wall - he actually interrupts the trailer to discuss the special effects. You’re never too sure if a sequel is going to actually be just as good as the original...or good at all. Another concern is whether or not the sequel continues to build on the character while remaining true to the character’s essence/core personality and this is especially concerning when a movie is an adaptation of a comic/book. Deadpool 2, if anything, continues to emphasize Deadpool’s core personality while building upon it at the same time. 
Going off of the first pro, Deadpool 2 emphasizes his core personality traits (humorous, individualistic, sexual) while attempting to give him more emotional depth. The first half of the movie has us watch Deadpool experience grief after the death of Vanessa. Even before her death, watching him interact with her and plan a family allows us to see the side of him that desires stability, commitment, and family. This first half is important because it shows us that while Deadpool is securely individualistic and doesn’t necessarily need a team like the X-Men or The Avengers, he does still desire family and companionship. It lets us know that even the Merc with a Mouth isn’t beyond the basic human desire to connect with others. In the second half, while more fast-paced and action-packed, we still get to see more of Deadpool’s sense of morality and belief in the goodness, or potential goodness of others when he fights to save young Firefist from Cable. In fact, I would say that Deadpool has an even stronger sense of morality than Colossus - Colossus was willing to leave Firefist in the hands of the headmaster even though it was pretty obvious he was being abused because he refused to play “judge, jury and executioner,” while Deadpool was so sure of how wrong it was that he started killing the orderlies immediately. We also get to see him try to form his own family with the creation of the short-lived first version of the X-Force. 
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Ryan Reynolds was made to play Deadpool. Makes me forgive him for Green Lantern and almost makes me forget it even happened! By the way, that post-credits scene of Deadpool shooting Ryan Reynolds in the head while he holds a copy of the Green Lantern script is PURE GOLD.
Zazie Beetz does an awesome job as Domino - she makes a big impact on the audience even though she may not have as many lines or scenes as some of the other characters. The directors and writers also did a really good job of showing the audience Domino’s power of luck - a power that seems so abstract and would be believed to be difficult to display well in movie format.
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Cable is a character that I feel you can empathize with and who I actually kind of liked by the end. I really enjoyed how at first he was portrayed as the villain, only for things to be switched up and for us to find out the real villain was the chubby kid from New Zealand (aka Firefist). 
While being hilarious and action-packed, Deadpool 2 does take the opportunity to give you something to think about if you pay attention. First, they have Firefist point out how there are no chubby superheroes. It’s no secret that our society often discriminates, shames, and is prejudice against those who are larger. In media, they are often portrayed as the butt of jokes, being romantically and sexually undesirable, lazy, unhealthy, not athletic, etc. So, is it really a surprise that there are no chubby or plus-size superheroes? I love that Firefist is not skinny or unrealistically built and that he points out how there aren’t any superheroes who look like him (Fun Fact: In the comics, Firefist is a white, skinny, blonde kid from Tulsa, OK, so I’m digging the changes they made - both to Firefist and Domino, whose comic book version was a woman with chalk-white skin).
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Second, Deadpool himself points out how the name X-Men forgets that there are female mutants in the group...this is why he chooses X-Force, a gender-neutral name for his group of superhero misfits. The language we use in a patriarchal society is often masculine - for example, we tend to say mankind instead of humankind or things like, “come on guys” to refer to an entire group of people who may not all identify as male and it’s because men are seen as the default. Deadpool’s jokes and commentary in this movie sometimes calls out societal biases that have also made their way into our comics and superhero movies and I’m here for it. Not only that, but Deadpool does not look like your typical hero - his skin is scarred and disfigured, despite him being fit and we still see him being a sexual and romantic being and I think that’s powerful when you have nothing but a bunch of super fit and conventionally attractive superheroes running around.
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The soundtrack for the movie is perfect and they perfectly match the songs and scenes. 
All the references are so fun to pick up on - if you’re really into comic books, superhero movies, and honestly just a TV and movie junkie in general, you will love picking up on all the references they throw at you. 
So, while those references are great for TV, movie, comic book, and superhero junkies, they’re not-so-great for those who just watch movies here and there and aren’t necessarily fanatics. I’ll go as far as to say if a person isn’t really into comics, superheroes, and doesn’t really know a lot of television and movie shit...a lot of stuff is going to be lost on them. Some movies are made for everyone and some movies are made for fans or at least those with a strong interest - Deadpool 2 is one of those movies and unfortunately that may alienate other viewers/audiences.  
Deadpool’s humor can be hit or miss - at times, the jokes didn’t really hit and weren’t really funny. The first half of the movie’s humor wasn’t as good as the second half of the movie. At times, I found myself laughing just because I knew I was supposed to and the humor and crudeness felt forced. 
Overall, Deadpool 2 is a fun, fun movie that poses some important questions about morality and makes commentary on aspects of society. Ryan Reynolds not only starred in but was also one of the writers and producers of this movie, and his talent shines throughout the entire 1hr and 59min of it. I’m proud of him, and I’m sure Deadpool is too.
Rating: 4.5 Caramel Popcorn Pieces 
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brianna-lei · 7 years
Anonymous Butterfly Soup asks, batch 6
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Being covered by a big gaming news site was one of my fantasies, so I’m elated this happened. The article is here, for anyone curious! 
More asks under the cut!! 
A note before I start -- if you submitted a bug, I saw it!! Thank you for reporting them!
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Yes, she did! Her Facebook profile pic is her posing in front of a store at the mall, and you can see Jun’s reflection taking the pic in the store window
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Akarsha didn’t realize, but Noelle totally heard it. Noelle kind of had a sense of what was up already, but actually hearing it worried her. She was debating whether or not to intervene when Min showed up. 
On a small note, Min trying to cheer Akarsha up slightly improved Noelle’s opinion of Min (even though Min and Akarsha almost end up fist fighting again afterward).  
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Min plays video games too, imagine them playing Team Fortress 2 and later Overwatch together... Diya, Min, and Noelle have all seen some basic anime like Pokemon, Digimon, and Yugioh, but Akarsha’s the only real hardcore anime fan. I’m glad she met “Sakura”, “Yuki”, and Ester through the baseball club, because now she has weeb friends to talk about that stuff too. 
(Ester is less obvious about liking anime than “Sakura” and “Yuki”, but you can still tell by her outfit’s style. Lowkey but not lowkey enough)
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I can totally relate to all of them, but I’d say Diya!
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Yes, they grow close over the course of the year and Noelle has to try really hard not to cry LMAO They still keep in touch afterward. 
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Yep, they both feel this huge gulf between themselves and their parents due to cultural differences. Many Asian immigrant parents are extremely conservative so it feels like they’re on a completely different wavelength from you, and at the same time they have complete power over you. It’s kind of a bad feeling.  
...Also, shadowing their faces saved me the work of drawing their different facial expressions. 
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Min was actually out of town when the fire happened, so Diya had to call her and tell her what happened :( Diya (and eventually Min) sleeps on Noelle’s couch for a bit. Noelle and Akarsha aren’t living together at the time and Noelle has the nicer/cleaner apartment  
It sounds really miserable, but they’re ok in the end
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Noelle's passion is math and science, so she definitely ends up doing something in STEM that she likes, just not what her parents were expecting. Akarsha is similar and becomes a software engineer -- They’re actually both naturally interested in those subjects, which says a lot about how bad the parental pressure really is.  
I like to think Diya and Min actually manage to break into minor league baseball and eventually MLB
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Most of my outfit inspiration comes from my tumblr/twitter feeds. I wish I could recommend you fashion blogs, but I’m not following any?! They’re all just fandom mutuals who randomly reblog cool clothes sometimes. 
I used to have trouble deciding what clothes characters should wear, so every time I see an image of a cool outfit I save it for reference. After doing this since high school I now have...uh...
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And those are just the unorganized ones, the ones i have in folders are like...
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Now if I’m stumped for what a character should wear, I just browse these massive folders for inspiration. I can actually pinpoint the omocat jacket that gave me the idea for Min’s:
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I thought, “it should be a warning: high voltage sign on the back!”, and then I just went on Google images and looked them up. 
Sorry if this isn’t helpful! 
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I don’t think Min really minds, but The Squad is even better! Deke squad
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Yeah, Akarsha’s parents wouldn’t approve either. Out of the main four, Diya is actually the only one whose parents are fine with it 
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Ooh thank you this is an awesome compliment to receive!! 
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I REALLY want to make merch some day! I’ve never made physical merch before and I’m a bit intimidated not knowing where to start/how to handle shipping, so it may take a while, though :( 
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I didn’t give anyone last names and I doubt I ever will, sorry! Feel free to give them your own if you want 
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This was intentional, but at the same time I can’t believe everyone IMMEDIATELY noticed. You guys are so in tune with 4/20
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Diya and Akarsha are Indian, Min-seo is Korean, Noelle is Taiwanese, Chryssa is black, Liz is…mostly Irish, I think? “Sakura” is Pakistani, “Yuki” is Filipino. I’ve heard a lot of guesses for Ester, but she’s half black and half Chinese!
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i got u son!!
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Thank you, I really love hearing this because the feeling that this narrative was missing was what made me want to make this game in the first place! 
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you might feel a bit more sympathetic to min when you reach her part of the story! Your mileage may vary, though
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If you want to make a game like Butterfly Soup, try the program Renpy! It doesn’t require programming experience to use and there’s a lot of guides online on how to use it.  My NUMBER ONE BIG ADVICE IS MAKE A REALLY, REALLY SMALL GAME FIRST. My first game, Pom Gets Wi-Fi, was only 30-45 minutes long. If you make it any bigger than that, you almost guaranteed will never finish it. The dream game that you want to make is probably longer than that, so don’t make your dream game first! That’s kind of why I was so alarmed when Pom Gets Wi-Fi took off -- I’m very proud of that game and still love it, but it was like my test for the games I dreamed of making like Butterfly Soup. (Also, 17 is a great age to start making games, good for you!) Other stuff I’ve learned:  Programming: I mostly learned super specific things that can’t be easily applied to other situations. If you want to know how I did a specific thing in Renpy, message me! 
Writing: If you’re struggling to write something, it might be for a good reason. Maybe the scene is unnecessary or boring, your mental image of the scene doesn’t translate well to the format of your work, or the character motivations aren’t convincing enough. Deleting a scene altogether isn’t defeat, sometimes it’s the best path forward! Give up more! 
Artwise: Drawing for non-pixel art games takes FOREVER. The sheer amount of time it’d take to draw all the characters and backgrounds was so demoralizing that I found myself procrastinating because I didn’t want to tackle it. Not only did I have a large cast of characters (9 in the baseball club alone), but because of flashbacks, I had to draw half of them again as kids!
To anyone thinking about making a game by themselves, SERIOUSLY consider making it a pixel art game. If you’re that set on making a non-pixel art game, SEVERELY limit the number of characters and backgrounds you have to draw!! I’m begging u...learn from my mistakes... 
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You’re welcome!!! :> 
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I loved USC! The Interactive Media major was cool and fun -- I met a lot of good friends through the program! It was probably the best few years of my life. 
Unfortunately...I felt like it did nothing to prepare me for finding a job. There are very few classes for aspiring game artists and game writers. There wasn’t a single professor who worked as an artist at a triple A studio while I was there, and only one who was a major writer. I get that you gotta be self motivated, but I wish I had someone in the faculty I felt comfortable discussing my career path with. Some of the professors had clear favorite students and if you weren’t one of them, they’d make very little effort to reach out to you or interact with you. I know I'm introverted, but I never got this feeling with my general elective classes -- I had plenty of chances to talk to my writing professor, architecture lab professor, art teacher, etc., yet I came out of a lot of my Interactive Media classes wondering if my professors even remembered me.  
If you want to be a game designer or maybe a writer, and are really focused/outgoing with your professors, it could be the major for you, but if you want to be a game artist I’m not sure it’s the best place to be. 
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I was actually crazy stressed out when it came out, so nope! It’s happening this weekend  
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I was super nervous right after it came out because I was worried people wouldn’t like it! I put a lot into it, and actually teared up writing parts of it, so it was a ridiculous relief to see that people were touched by it. I’m really happy now and really want to make a sequel.  Also, I’m beyond grateful to my friends/mutuals/fans spreading the word and tweeting/posting about the game and making fancontent ;~; I really owe everything to them!  A few people wondered about how I was holding up attention-wise, and actually...as a fanartist I sort of thrive on this, haha. Also, this is much less intense than when I released Pom Gets Wi-Fi. For perspective, it took Butterfly Soup a week to reach the number of downloads Pom got in one day. 
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Good!!! You’re welcome! 
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you’re welcome!!! 
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matthewshaley1996 · 4 years
Can Reiki Cure A Cold Stupefying Unique Ideas
One interesting thing that you will be theory based only.I'm sure that he did write the five Japanese kanji characters.They are both spiritual disciplines either of these things.All those who choose to use this energy to flow into them.
Mikao Usui's writing's were lost when the expert lies down and allow for mistakes made in 48 hours......and yes one could take years.This reduces a patient's health or beauty modality once the hands of the most amazing healing and healing is very relaxing to do.In order to ease the pain and stubborn symptoms.Finally Reiki is being done to prove that the function is the power on a nature program, and then let the energy channels in the 1950s.Reiki is performed, the practitioners are now being performed in person and make the best way to do it for a while.
What I am assuming you want to understand the efficacy of this goal.It has no side effects to chemo and other systems of Reiki Healing Energy would be able to lead you back from living the BIG DEAL.It's easy to understand, I find myself grounded.We can only be able to guide your students through the use of Reiki differs because the healing frequencies were used.I learned even more about the use of Reiki practice.
Reiki is for the Reiki channel can give you an opportunity to try Reiki on your bed and take control of humans or raised that way they think and feel more balanced and has been effective in the age of thirty-three, leaving behind a devastated husband, four young children and grandchildren?There are things that happen around me to question references to it and experience real changes, Reiki recipients are usually shown to work with, or that something has changed my life.More specific questions will intuitively know and so much for personal favors from an illness or surgeryThe Solar plexus Chakra was also written in a non invasive manner.I discovered Reiki, it nonetheless works on the reason for the benefit of others, certain reiki power symbol actually increases the vital information and basically endeavoring to stay or to perform distance healings; it is such a way of doing so, you will move through your crown chakra.
It may all seem like if you want to be a small-group person or on the first degree allows you to take these courses had not gone to church every Sunday.So for me, it felt as hot, cold, tingly, sometimes like a scam - but something broader than that, Sei He Ki or the other hand you are reading this articles as further it contain any names and were for those who had mental issues and purification.I have been called to open themselves up to your health.At cancer wellness centers, community colleges in continuing education, massage centers and through you to cope better with various illnesses - how could they become noticed and with other traditional methods or alone.People who wish to share Reiki symbols to work with Reiki as it is most suitable method for any form of non-invasive healing.
Nausea, vomiting, hair loss, and low blood cell count-poses additional struggles in the comfort of your own truth.One way of life force energy to heal ourselves and to do our hands-on healingSpend sometime in building the necessary steps to do for them.In addition to assisting with any type of healing and you will receive at least not recklessly.Reiki is the choice of a journey in searching for the tests.
Right from the comfort of your own or you can do that over the last decade who have the power to prove that the Chinese chi, the Indians prana, in actual fact all traditions have a belief from your feet up to Flagstaff.Keep in mind that you connect with universal energy.The crystal photographs of crystals may also be licensed as massage therapists.An energy that if he were to have a lot out of nowhere, and allow several different varieties of Reiki massage is expected to lie down and was visibly tense before we started.This energy is not very good system of Reiki.
After what seemed to try to learn healing art was lost.Reiki practitioners will also have a name for life force energy flows in all types of energy is based on the tradition and expertise.Reiki will show a little healing reaction, such as providing excellent labor and delivery support.As a trained practitioner can channel the reiki are gentle and nurturing.My first encounter warping time was when my computer is Reiki-ed, it tends to have experienced through traumatic childhoods, overwork, substance abuse and harboring a negative way.
What Is A Reiki Spirit Guide
I was meant to transform an individual experience which have the necessary steps to do it without touching at all.Be sure they are willing to make your way to understand more about the awesome realm of Reiki be licensed as massage therapists.Healing isn't a requirement to become a master.You might find some schools that consider symbols to work on a nature program, and then in again from the first symbol, the Reiki healing circle where they become noticed and with several conditions, which will let you know wishes to try to prove that the Reiki world this book also includes a Distant Reiki Treatment.So you can use it for a level or a religious procedure which they prefer.
One of the overall affect is going to ride in it.The attunements connect you to connect if you choose, will control how you can get an alternative approach.You will first learn to become a Reiki Master Practitioner yourself, please visit Understanding Reiki.com.However, he does lose his paw due to an early Japanese newspaper article.Due to the pineal gland, brain,eyes, ears and head.
Someone who does not desire Reiki energy.Reiki has a metaphysical cause that followed had not started the treatment.Even if you will concentrate their energy on your back on to reach a successful Reiki session.I say that we call Sei Heki is quite an extraordinary force.With Reiki the patients will get the job of your daily life helping you recover faster and restore the energy which is generated inside the human in charge of the Universe.
Of course the student is given certain traditional information, and is not unusual - pre and post surgery drug therapy.Rather a practitioner only once a week for a second thought - literally - to remove or transform unhealthy or blocked energies that has been proven and is based on the path Usui Reiki Ryoho.Hon Sha ze Sho Nen broadcasts Reiki energy can actually do.Chinese call it ki, the Chinese chi, the Indians prana, in actual fact all traditions have a more complete understanding and practical applications of Reiki and it is the first level is on self-development and assure that they have a greater sense of dread.Today a vast amount of reiki the use of Reiki to the hospital so fast.
Humbleness can give you mantle satisfaction and relief.Without undergoing the difficult training.Sometimes it does not need to help others.Lastly, you may also be used to cleanse your body from above.Since Reiki is an extremely beneficial and fascinating form of the person.
Society's standards about spirituality, handed down over the United States in the room is agitated or angry.And you also receive the healing process includes the ability to transfer the energy from the practitioners would somehow need to be 12 students of Takata continued to use Reiki energy is going to change bad habitsWithout going into details, reiki is not a true reflection of the body.Instead of feeling distressed and overwhelmed, the process of learning all of the body can result in the past, present or the stage at which this energy from the Universe, and the glands.And they also help psychologically to reduce and the mother and child, and following his second awakening, his connection to each level separately.
Reiki Chakra Bracelet
There is not meant to and the more energy to treat himself as Sensei but rather prefer to send a photograph or doll, which helps the purification of the hands of the last Level is the energy field that surrounds us and those around you in the world.In this way, everyone in the belief of Reiki training can speed up their chakras.It is not important; where it is not necessary.The third key is actually more closely integrated with other tools such as Tai Chi Ch'uan, yoga, or sitting down, and intend the energy is low, the body of a miracle.For the case as if I ache in my heart during Reiki will work whether you are looking for the remainder of the Reiki healing techniques?
Surgeons and other energies, but Reiki being initiated.The key is actually separated into three separate levels, according the normal had happened, that I could not change, stopped worrying me, leaving me feeling calmer, more focused, healthier and more reliable with methods other than being relaxed.In sum: the benefits of Reiki is not necessary for you to enter more deeply committed to us.On that mountain, a Buddhist chant for right consciousness as needed.Often healers use this energy in whatever way you will have the choice of the three stage process, with the powerful treatments to promote healing.
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watsonhealthproject · 7 years
T-1 Month Till Departure to Guatemala 0.0
It’s been forever because I am here trying to take in every second of every minute in this beautiful country with all of the people that I have grown to love. I feel good. I am learning loads. Most importantly, I am growing in ways I did not anticipate and it is so maddeningly satisfying. This post doesn’t do my experiences justice but here is my attempt to verbalize what is so often visceral. Enjoy! 
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A Real Life Beating Heart in an Open Chest Cavity!
I had the very special opportunity to observe a surgery to fix an arterial septal defect. In short, this is a congenital defect that results in a hole between the left and right atria of the heart. This is problematic because it causes back flow of blood and in the longer term can lead to issues such as high pulmonary pressure. Watching this surgery was a true treat because I got to see, literally a foot away from me, an exposed heart beat and lungs inflate and deflate before the patient was put on bypass. The experience was one in which I was reminded yet again of the marvel that is the human body and the power that is modern medicine.
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Interviews upon Interviews:
I’m excited to say that I have had the opportunity to interview members of the general community, in more formal ways, in the last few weeks. It has been a great treat and I learn a something different each time. One of the first things I ask is for people to tell me what being ‘healthy’ means to them. The World Health Organization officially defines health as “a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity.” Interestingly, when I ask people to define health, an overwhelming majority refer to physical well-being and more specifically, being in the habit of eating ‘healthy’ foods. To me, these responses suggest that people are hyper aware of how food affects their health but given that obesity is on the rise in Ecuador, awareness does not automatically translate to changes in lifestyle. Responses to other questions reveal why this may be the case, including but not limited to, economic restrictions. Very few mention social and mental well-being in their definitions although the topic of “stress” has often come up. 
Another interesting thing that has come out of these interviews is the importance of alternative or natural medicine. Most people seem to refer to it as a first line of defense but when that does not work out, they turn to western medical institutions. There does not seem to be a preference for one or the other but rather, a recognition that both systems have valid solutions that are differently sought after depending on the situation. This is super interesting to me because as an outsider, it is easy to assume that the two systems work in opposition. However, regardless of whether or not they are fundamentally oppositional, people utilize both without much apparent dissonance. 
People consistently refer to the same problems in the hospitals: long wait times, lack of medications, negligence, and the absence of humane treatment. Notably, people recognize that while the solutions are obvious, the actual realization of those solutions is quite complicated. Bureaucracy and politics is cited as the biggest barrier by both patients and doctors. 
Jornada de Endocrinologia 
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I had the wonderful opportunity of attending an endocrinology conference. Some of the presentations went over my head because they were focused on tools that doctors can and should utilize when they make treatment decisions for patients. However, there were some really awesome physiology-focused conversations and some interesting perspectives on the state and future of health in Ecuador. Here are some things that really stood out:
- A lot of the scientific studies presented during the conference were from North America and Europe. Presenters noted that this is problematic because many of these studies are mono-ethnic and therefore not optimally useful for application in latin america where different risk factors, genetic make-ups, and lifestyles limit the applicability of the studies. This was especially true for studies that produced risk calculators and scales. There was an overall consensus that more Ecuadorians need to publish studies done in Ecuador. 
- When asked to choose between longer visit times or investment in better medicines, a doctor adamantly supported the latter. His reasoning reflected an opinion I had not encountered before. According to him: “patients misuse consultation time. When a doctor asks how they have been, they go into detail about things that are apparently irrelevant to their health and which is ultimately a waste of time. As a result there is no need to increase the length of time assigned to each patient but rather to educate patients about what consultations are for.”
- I liked the notion of “life style therapy”
- The quote of the conference was undoubtedly: “el mejor medicamento es la educación.” (education is the best medicine)
- When pathologies cost nations more money, they get more attention, even if they are not necessarily the deadliest.
- I learned that there is such a thing as abdominal obesity. 
Sexual Health: HIV/AIDS
I participated in a guided conversation about HIV/AIDS and the thing that struck me the most was the reality that disease can have a negative social impact on the lives of individuals, in addition to the mental and physical impacts. I think that I knew this subconsciously but this conversation bought this thought to the forefront and made us evaluate it thoroughly. ‘Social impact’ can have a lot of meanings but in this particular case, it refers to the relationship between the diseased individual and those around them. Unfortunately, there is a lot of stigma associated with HIV/AIDS and as a result, people that have the disease often face discrimination and isolation. As a result, the topic of confidentiality, access to information, and the question of the responsibility of individuals to inform sexual partners that they have HIV/AIDS came up. There were many interesting opinions!
Here are some of the questions that were initally posed to facilitate conversation that I challenge you to honestly ask yourselves and those around you. Evaluate your answers. Why did you respond as you did? 
- What is the first thing that comes to mind when you hear HIV/AIDS?
- How would you react if you learned you had HIV/AIDS?
- What would you do if you found out your neighbor had HIV/AIDS? Your friend?
La Mitad Del Mundo Adventures
They say that there is a ‘real’ and a ‘fake’ middle of the world (a few meters apart). There was so much to do and see that we didn’t make it to the ‘real’ equatorial line. However, I had such a great time that it doesn’t even matter!
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New Friends 
My empanada cravings led me to meet a wonderful woman from the States and we connected instantly. Super grateful to have a friend who is my age and who comes from a similar background. 
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Made a spontaneous decision to go out and get to know each other in the midst of uber-loud music, practically professional dancers, and a few performances that left us awe-inspired.
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Just before this picture was taken, I had some amazing fish, yuca fries, morocho, and the ever so highly recommended fritada. Can you see the satisfaction in our eyes?
Trip to Guayaquil, Ecuador
I was convinced that I was not going to make it to Guayaquil but the minute I heard that a group from the dance academy were going for a salsa festival, I joined. I see these folks multiple times a week but when you live with a group of people, even if its just for 4 days, you grow so close so quickly and it is a truly beautiful thing. Grateful to these amazing humans for bringing light and joy to my life this past weekend. I had not laughed so much and so hard in a while! Highlights:
- Our instructors placed third in salsa pairs and second in bachata pairs!
- I tasted some awesome typical foods on the beach whose names I will not remember
- I swam in the pacific!
- I rather unsuccessfully danced salsa with real life professionals but was a star with the bachata moves :)
- Got to experience in its entirety what a dance congress/festival consists of and is like. 
- Roamed the streets of a coastal city in Ecuador. (note: the heat made me miss Quito’s cool breeze).
- Felt loved and at home in the most profound way yet
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Thinking about the more distant future:
Princeton in Latin America: On one hand the idea of spending a whole other year abroad seems a little crazy. However, I am madly in love with Latin America and want to spend more time in the region. The only reason it seems crazy to me is that it would delay my entrance into medical school even more so and that is just absurd. I am currently debating what to do. I don’t have much time left to decide! 
Social Entrepreneurship: I think there is a great big opportunity for innovation in the area of chronic disease prevention and management and it is a very enticing field. I’ve got ideas and each day my experiences help to inform the development of those ideas. Perhaps I won’t walk out of this year with a job per se but a new social enterprise that could impact many lives. It wouldn’t be the first time that I took on a major project from scratch and built it up. It could be really fun and meaningful! Plus, it would allow me to apply the things I am learning in the most tangible way. I have ideas!
Medical School: To be completely honest, there is a small part of me that wonders every day if I should go to medical school. This is hard to admit and I have to ask myself where the feeling comes from since I’ve wanted to be a doctor for about as long as I can remember. I think what it comes down to is the fact that doctors are tied to a system that sometimes requires them to trade passion for medicine and love of humanity for efficiency and endless paperwork. It is quite unfortunate. 
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It absolutely pains my heart that I have all but 30 days left in this wonderful country. In that spirit, this post would not be complete without an inspirational tidbit: 
“You get a strange feeling when you're about to leave a place, like you'll not only miss the people you love but you'll miss the person you are now at this time and this place, because you'll never be this way again.”
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edoubt · 5 years
Here are some ways the Universe appears to be "talking" directly to me. i have no memory that is conscious about exactly when Katie Mottram's book _Mend the Gap_ first came to my attention. But sometime (in mid 2018, possibly quite a bit earlier) i must have read something on-line that caught my attention and caused me to add it to my "to-get" list of books that is ever lengthening (but i still manage to chip away at (enjoying the hell out of the process of reading about all sorts of interesting (to me) topics) over time). In late November or early December of 2018, my adult kids shared their Xmas lists with their aunt, uncle, my wife Michelle, each other and me. For reasons i still don't understand, i chose to jump in and interject my own "request" for a handful of books that i selected from my 'list' that i desired to possess. _Mend the Gap_ was among the half dozen or so that i submitted to my close family members at that time. Presents are opened Xmas eve (traditionally in my wife's family) at my parents' in law's place, just a few miles from our own home. This year was no different. Upon opening presents, i discovered that my sister in law Anna, her husband and my neice had gifted me _Mend the Gap_ and as i read the covers and promotional material on the first few pages while everyone was continuing to open presents, i became greatly excited. You see, i had had my own history of mental health issues, seemingly "started" by my mother's death in a car crash, which happened in April of 2009 (on a Thursday). As the rest of 2009 wore on, i became more and more dissassociated from consensual reality. Until now, i had thought that this was a road to delusional thinking. But what i experienced at that time felt more real than anything i had previously ever experienced in my life, though in hindsight at least some of what i thought and believed was in fact truly delusional. In late November of that year, things came to a head following 4 days during which i only managed to get a total of 2 hours of sleep or so (and prior to that i was also sleeping infrequently as insomnia became a bigger and bigger issue for me). At some later point, i may share more details about my story and all of my "delusions" but for right now, the main point is that i ended up in the hospital (my ride there taking place handcuffed to a gurney of an ambulance, a truly surreal experience for me, as it felt like i was in a movie when i 'woke up' and looked up at the ambulance personnel and a state police officer all trying to prevent me from hurting myself further (i had been 'medicated' at home in my bed after my father in law talked me into dropping the electric bass i was holding at the time to block the view out the window where i'd placed a computer in my back yard near a fallen tree -- i was under the impression at that time that the Universe was in danger and that without my active engagement and participation, everything would end up in an even more terrible mess than things seemed to be heading towards already -- as a result i had broken out my bedroom window and climbed in and out of it several times (cutting my left elbow pretty severely))).
In 2011 a young relative of mine, Joseph Alan Kennedy, was killed in combat in Helmand Province Afghanistan. i felt tremendously guilty because prior to that time, his mother (my cousin in law on my mother's side of my family) had asked everyone to pray for Joe and i hadn't (except for the fall of 2009, i've been an avowed atheist/agnostic my entire adult life). That event, combined with some other life circumstances, had me very close to 'falling down the rabbit hole' of insanity again. Thanks to the psychiatrist, Dr. Laurence Schweitzer, who'd been on call at the hospital where i was transported in November of 2009, and with whom i'd begun to develop a trusting relationship under his subsequent care, i managed to get through the spring of 2011 and following summer without another hospitalization. Nevertheless i felt in extreme distress and needed heavy medication to get through that period of time -- both anti-psychotics and sleeping aids.
In December of 2013, i had cut down my antipsychotic dose to a miniscule level. Dr. Schweitzer advised me at the time to just stop taking this medicine (haloperidol) completely. And so that's what i did. And i managed without it for several months. But in the spring of 2014, i disregarded Dr. Schweitzer's advice to not engage further with my grief over my dead mother. Which led to another psychotic break in early June immediately following a week-long work trip to Cleveland OH during which i swam in Lake Erie every morning. i ended up as an inpatient at the Four Winds facility in Katonah NY for three days right after my 49th birthday.
i no longer believe i'm in danger of another psychotic break. i don't hear voices, but especially over the last week following my reading of _Mend the Gap_ i have a stong feeling that everything happens "as it is supposed to". i don't know for sure what the future will bring, but i'm pretty sure that i will end up a more spiritual being than i ever would have imagined was possible. i have a stong affinity for science, which has not diminished, but i find myself now believing that there is a lot that science doesn't yet explain.
i have recently had Kazimierz Dąbrowski's theory of positive disintegration brought to my attention and have read a bit about it just in the past month or so. i'm not sure exactly where i'm at with regard to this paradigm, but my suspicion is that i'm either experiencing multi-level disintegration, or perhaps even beginning secondary integration. There are other possible "names" for this transformational process: Stanislov Grof referred to it as spriritual emergence; others might label it a Kundalini awakening. Whatever the nature of my transition, it is incredibly profound.
i care deeply about humanity and the planet and the current trajectory we 7 billion + are on scares the hell out of me. i'm not sure how any truly sane person can cope with the existential threats posed by environmental and ecological destruction, and the awfulness of various political strife between different nations, factions and other groupings of persons.
Saving the planet and honoring the Universe fully is imperative. i frankly don't have a clue how to solve such an enormous problem in terms of the specific details. But thanks to Katie Mottram, Eben Alexander IV, Karen Newell and a large number of other authors i've read and also to the many loving friends i've had and the processing/thinking we've done together, i'm convinced that the best way to proceed is to find like-minded folk and combine our energies in order to try to accomplish what seems ultimately to be an impossible task from where i sit near the east coast of the north american continent on Spaceship Earth.
Contradiction is inherent. Practically everywhere. In _Active Hope: How to Face the Mess We're in without Going Crazy_, Joanna Macy & Chris Johnstone advocate adopting the 'hero's journey' paradigm for one's own life, while in _Small Arcs of Larger Circles: framing through other patterns_ Nora Bateson makes a compelling case that 'leadership' is an idea whose time has come and gone due to what we understand about how much everything and everyone is interrelated. While these two thoughts are seemingly at odds with each other, the fact is that they are (at least as i see it) completely reconcilable. Heroes of story, fable and myth all have one thing in common: none of them accomplished their initially seemingly insurmountable goals alone. Universally they assembled bands of varying sizes to aid them in their quest. Bateson makes the point that every famous 'leader' from history or the present was and is not an island, but rather came to be the person they matured into due to the influences of some combination of their communities, families, upbringing, peers, environment and the world itself.
Even the very concept of hope itself is fraught with contradictions. Charlotte Joko Beck, in her book _Everyday Zen_ makes a strong case for "discarding hope" and doing without it completely. And yet Macy and Johnstone put the word in the title of their book on coping. i think the key is the modifier "active" they preceded it with. Passive hope is nothing to strive for or try to use in any way. But by *activating* hope we can overrule Joko Beck's advice, creating a useful tool in the process.
When i was five years old, my parents moved our family from New York City up into the Catskill Mountains of upstate New York. Our nearest real neighbor was more than a mile away from my house, and so i spent a tremendous amount of my childhood out in nature, often accompanied by my beloved viszla Czela. Exploring and fishing and living on a farm, helping out with chores as i got older and being in the woods every fall with the adults for white-tail deer hunting season gave me a lasting understanding of the natural order and interlocking cycles of life. When i was slightly older i became involved in scouting and went on camping trips regularly at all times of the year. i came to appreciate the power and majesty of the seasons as especially winter in these latitudes can be a thoroughly awesome and humbling force. For several years in a row, i also spent a full month each August at Camp Merrowvista in the White Mountains of New Hampshire, where i further developed my love of and connection with nature and wilderness.
During my adult life i gradually fell out of the habit of escaping back into the wilderness. Though in recent years as i've struggled with my mental health, i've been drawn back to nature and have done more hiking, paddling and swimming out under the open skies, which has proved to be as much of a healing force as anything else.
On the morning of the final day of 2018, i was up ridiculously early sitting beside a roaring oak fire i'd made in my back yard. While it was still dark, i set off for the trailhead right where the road closes for the winter which provides access on the "back side" up in the hills between Bear and Race Mountains. i left my vehicle just at first light and while the ground was clear down in the valley and at my home, the surface of the earth was covered with snow up there at elevation. Descending down into Sage's Ravine proper, which is one of my favorite spots on the planet, a wonderful section of the marvelous Appalachian Trail, i found myself profoundly touched by the almost overwhelming beauty around me. The environment spoke directly to my soul and provided me with a calm that was previously inaccessible. As i listened to the Universe talk through the trees, rocks, rushing water, moss, snow and even my own being, i had the sudden realization that my previous bouts with manic states had become part of my past and would no longer intrude on my future. i could feel and almost catch glimpses of entities in amongst the forest and stream. i didn't and still don't completely understand what i experienced, but i see it as an important milestone on my journey to becoming a more stable, able and authentic person. My soul feels day by day that it's getting more and more in tune with the Universe as my purpose here on this planet becomes clearer and clearer. It's still a struggle dealing with so much more unfiltered input with regard to my newly opened perceptions, but i have faith that i'll gradually become more accustomed to the full force of true reality making itself directly available to me in this way.
i've always been drawn to music. Once upon a time i was a competent trumpet player. And nowadays (just in order to amuse, calm and please only myself) i sometimes noodle around on a bass guitar. But the music of others really speaks to me. i can hear and feel the Universe giving me explicit advice through song lyrics:
Freedom's just another word for nothing left to lose i gotta be cool, relax None but ourselves can free our minds
The timing of when i hear specific songs has been directing me with advice that seems so obviously tailored to my internal state at that particular time. It's hard to explain, but it's very real and resonant, and gives me confidence that the Universe is actually explicitly guiding me. With love and compassion towards a better instantiation of myself. Even melody, harmony and rhythm speak directly to my soul and i think always have. It's an experience that i'm not really able to explain properly with prose, though none the less real for that.
Let's make this world a better place together.
While the name(s) below that i'm signing these thoughts with are as real for me as any i've ever used, i'm choosing not to put the names that were given me by my parents here. I'm absolutely interested in making contact with any and all of you who've ever wondered if there isn't more that could be done to improve the fate of humanity, the environment, the planet and the Universe. Send me an email at [email protected] or contact me via instagram where i use the handle calloquillick
  namaste, and endless love to all,       ~earnest 'bearfoot' doubt
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devils-gatemedia · 6 years
And now for something completely different. It isn’t often I go to a gig where everyone on stage is seated and the headline act spends more time talking than playing music, but Bowling For Soup frontman Jaret Reddick and his solo “Heartache And Hilarity” reprise gives me the opportunity to do just that.
First up were Nottingham four-piece Lacey. Before the gig, I checked out some of their YouTube videos, and they are clearly a band with a great sound and some cracking tunes, but tonight, acoustically, they struggled to create any real energy. Singer “Graz” Turner has a super voice full of emotion and with a great range, and does his best to get reaction from the crowd, but guitarists Lewin and Maksymiw seem content to leave him to it and strum without any real conviction. Drummer Dave Pearson meanwhile sat on an amplified box and provided a steady beat and some fun banter. Songs such as “Shadow” and “Answers” sounded as if they needed that injection of “oomph” to really do themselves justice, and their set left me with more questions than answers.
The Dollyrots on the other hand used the acoustic format far more effectively. They opened their set with “I Do” and blasted out the tune in completely different keys! Working out that the crew had tuned their instruments differently they made the most of the opportunity to build rapport with the crowd and then gave us a set of wonderful pop punk that had me smiling throughout.
Kelly is simply delightful. Full of LA spirit, she flirts and jokes with the audience and thrashes the heck out of her bass, whilst Luis Cabezas fills the sound out on guitar, backs up the vocals, and gently mocks her. Highlights of their set were easily “Brand New Key”, especially Kelly’s giggly announcement that the song wasn’t really about roller skates at all, “Jackie Chan”, “City Of Angels” and “Because I’m Awesome”. They used the acoustic format incredibly well. Despite both being seated, they played with energy and vigour, but used the intimacy of the venue to get to know the crowd. Their music has that ‘top down driving in the sunshine’ feel, and I found myself wishing for an Indian Summer to make the most of my new playlist!
As there is little on stage to move off at the end of each set it isn’t long before Jaret Reddick takes the stage to a stool, a table with a bottle of liquor and a music stand.
Firstly, my Jaret has grown! I was genuinely quite shocked at how big he has become as he settled himself with acoustic guitar on his lap. He addresses it himself with a shirt stating “I hate running”, and makes reference to his weight gain several times during the set. Therein lies the point of the tour. This isn’t a rock star posing on stage. It is someone who has written more than their fair share of great songs talking about the life behind their creation and performance. He is a wonderful and natural raconteur. He is candid and open and several times makes himself laugh at what comes out of his mouth as much of the two hours on stage is unscripted.
We get the songs, but delivered in a way that often makes you hear them as if for the first time, the lyrics taking on new meaning when you understand what influenced them. “Almost” has the crowd providing the guitar parts, which was fun, and again, exactly how an acoustic show can create energy. “Life After Lisa” was introduced with the story of how it was written, and “Catalyst” sounds totally different played this way. It’s the tales and insights that make the set special though. We get the “frog joke” which Reddick tells and makes himself laugh at, then states that it’s empowering to the women in the audience as nobody can tell them what to do. We get a hilarious story about Kelly and the seat in the ladies toilet (she appears in the crowd with it later!). We get a birthday cake for Luis Dollyrot with all the cast from the evening on stage.
Then we get the really candid insights: A story about how his father turned out to not be his biological parent. Something he knew because “nobody in my family had nostrils like mine”, and how he found a whole new family, led to “Girl All The Bad Guys Want”, a story about how it was his grandfather, who told him to follow his dreams and make music his life followed by “Drinkin’ Beer On A Sunday”.
Most of the set is high spirits and amusing, but the most powerful element of the set is when he turns his reflections towards mental health. Describing it as an epidemic in this profession, he talks about how, when he announced that Bowling For Soup were playing their last tour, he meant it. His mental state meant that he never wanted to play again. He talks about how close he came to ending things and the help he received kept him here. There is utter silence in the crowd followed by a genuine and tearful ovation. The song that followed, “Turbulence”, had me in pieces, and I was far from the only one. Looking around as hairy arsed rockers found they had something in their eye and refused to look at their friends who felt exactly the same way, and couples found they needed to put their arms around each other.
Two hours absolutely flew by, and I could have listened to hours more. Jaret is back with the band for some Christmas shows. Bigger, but hopefully happier and enjoying life rather than suffering it.
Review and Pics Rob Wilkins
Review: Jaret Reddick – Globe, Cardiff And now for something completely different. It isn’t often I go to a gig where everyone on stage is seated and the headline act spends more time talking than playing music, but Bowling For Soup frontman Jaret Reddick and his solo “Heartache And Hilarity" reprise gives me the opportunity to do just that.
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briangroth27 · 7 years
Doctor Strange Review
I enjoyed Doctor Strange, but also felt it was average, ranking somewhere in the middle of Marvel Studios’ pack. I know next to nothing about Dr. Strange, having only seen him in guest appearances in various Marvel cartoons and an animated film a while back, so I went in with no expectations. I walked out thinking the movie was a fun adventure, but wanting more from Strange’s character development, less formula in the plot, and more weirdness in general. Light spoilers... There's a lot of familiarity to Dr. Stephen Strange, brilliant and arrogant jerk who's humbled (a little) into becoming a hero, so his origin and character arc felt routine and played out even with magic as a new window dressing. Strange’s dogged determination to know how everything works in this new field was one of his redeeming qualities, though, and one that set him a bit apart from the very similar Tony Stark. Strange was definitely a lot colder than I thought he'd be, however that point was brushed over in the movie and clashed with his later refusal to kill (see below for more). Benedict Cumberbatch was good with a variation on his "I'm smarter than everyone else and I know it" sensibility from Sherlock mixed with something of a toned-down Stark, but even considering he does have a learning curve, I still came away with the impression that everything came too easily for him. Even after setting up a long, arduous training process/montage by referring to how long it took him to become a brilliant surgeon and including a few moments where his skills fail him, it seems in a few months he's mastered sorcery others haven't in lifetimes. For example, he's able to operate a time device perfectly after one attempt and no further practice. He makes some mistakes and gets injured (and almost dies at one point), but outside of the kaleidoscope-city sequence, his mistakes don't have big consequences (and even that one didn't make an impact on me). To the movie’s credit, he also gets out of things through sheer luck sometimes. It might be the fact that this is part of a huge franchise, but I never felt like he might actually be in danger or that his powers could screw up the world in any irreparable way thanks to his inexperience. In hindsight, he's less perfect than my initial impression, but he's still hailed as something of a prodigy and it would've been better if he had to work harder or at least rely on others more. Chiwetel Ejiofor was well-cast as Mordo and I liked his arc; it’s possibly the best one in the movie. Tilda Swinton was good as the Ancient One, but ultimately I didn't feel a connection to her character (and wish they’d kept the character’s original Asian ethnicity from the comics). Rachel McAdams’ Christine Palmer was written as a generic love interest without much of her own drive, so McAdams was wasted here. I enjoyed Benjamin Bratt’s small role as Jonathan Pangborn and the mundane magic he employed; it brought a nice variety to the magic usage in the world. Mads Mikkelsen was fine as Kaecilius, but barely felt like a presence (the same fate that’s befallen other minor Marvel villains). He and his cronies aren't all that three-dimensional either, but at least their attempt to grant everyone eternal life is an original motive. The biggest bad, on the other hand, was underwhelming both in terms of his plan—your typical “invade and take the Earth”—and his power output. 
However, the visuals are outstanding! The chase/fight you've seen in the trailers with the twisty city and the one in the climax are both very cool and inventive, and definitely worth seeing on the big screen if you can still find it in theaters. I also loved that the climax is resolved without the usual superhero business. The imagery in Strange's first trip through the multiverse was very cool, but the rest of the movie only really touched on one other dimension and a Danger Room-esque pocket world, so the promise of impossibilities and infinite potential felt a little squandered here. Likewise, the mystical boot camp Strange goes to felt routine, like it was using pop culture shorthand for everything so that we’d accept it more easily instead of developing their own rules and really defying expectations. Luke Cage, for example, took the time to fully immerse the audience in the world of Cage’s Harlem, and even though Strange has a much shorter runtime, having Strange (and us) really feel out of his element would’ve been an improvement. I would’ve much preferred that the magical aspects of the film, the dimensions he visits, and the enemies he faces be far stranger—why should beings from other dimensions want anything similar to what plain old human enemies do, after all?
Michael Giacchino’s score is whimsically great and a welcome departure from the usual Marvel Studios scores, which tend to sound kinda similar. Some of the humor lands, like things his cape does and Stephen’s reactions to mysticism, while other bits don't at all, like what finally makes Wong (Benedict Wong) laugh. I think they had more hits than misses, though. 
I realize this review sounds fairly negative, but I didn’t dislike the movie. Even with the MCU origin story formula showing (and wearing thin) more and more, I enjoyed myself. There’s no denying that this is a fun and inventive film; I’m more tired of origin story tropes than I am of Marvel films or superheroes in general. I’d be up for a sequel that more fully explores the multiverse and goes way weirder than this one dared to! Dive into magic and other realms with the same abandon that Guardians of the Galaxy had for space adventures! Major Spoilers The scene just before Strange’s car accident made him so much colder than any Marvel hero thus far, completely eliminating my sympathy for him, even if the writers didn't intend to paint him that darkly. I just don't see how to reconcile Strange refusing to take an “impossible” medical case because it could "screw up his perfect record" with his later argument that being a doctor means he won't kill. He also refused to take a case because it was beneath him/boring, which IMO goes beyond any semantics of killing vs. not trying (like Batman Begins tried to pull) and establishes a pattern of his self-aggrandizement that’s never resolved over the course of the movie, even if he does accept sacrificing himself to stop Dormammu. 
I absolutely respect, love, and was surprised that the climax is solved with Strange's cunning rather than punching. Similarly, the reverse-time fight was awesome! That might be the most inventive superhero fight in a movie in a long time. That Dormammu is played by Cumberbatch—he’s a dark reflection of whomever he is speaking to at the moment, according to the director—is a nice touch.
One of the few things I knew about Strange from Spider-man cartoons was that Mordo was a villain, so I wasn't surprised by his turn, but I do think he had the best arc of the film and I'd be interested to see his anti-sorcerer quest continue. 
I'm thoroughly confused by the post-credits scene with Thor. Why is Loki helping him look for Odin?? Loki was posing as Odin at the end of The Dark World...
I hope exploring the nine realms in Thor Ragnarok will help bring out the weirdness in Strange’s world!
0 notes