#and i was just trying to copy the vibe with the sanji one but the colours didnt quite work
kinstein-art · 11 months
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some zoro and sanji sketch pages i did to practice drawing them :)
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opbackgrounds · 1 year
So I finished the live action and have taken a little time to get my thoughts together, and I'm very much of two minds about this show. I don't seem to be quite as high on it as some other people and the parts I didn't like I *really* didn't like, but I think the bones of the show are good and that the problems I had could be improved upon in future seasons.
More detailed thoughts under the cut
I've said all along that the live action will need to carve out its own identity if it wants to survive, that it needed not to copy the source material, but rhyme with it.
I feel like the first four episodes do that best. There was a lot to cover in the East Blue, and the more disconnected, episodic nature of the manga wasn't going to work. The solution was to combine and condense the manga content, and then add a significant B plot with the marines to help tie everything together.
The problem I have is that the addition of the marines takes away too much time from the Straw Hats without adding enough to make it worth it in the end. While backstories and story arcs were rushed to hell for our main crew, everything with Garp slogged, with the final payoff being nonsensical and poorly executed. I get what they were trying to do with Garp, shifting from childish temper tantrums to laughing maniacally, but it just doesn't work. Garp just doesn't work. Which is a shame, because I think that the growth for Koby and Helmeppo had a lot of potential and the actors exceeded my expectations. The material they had to work with just wasn't good enough.
Syrup Villiage worked best for me, because of all the arcs in the manga it was the most dragged out and poorly executed. It benefits from being condensed and leaning into the horror vibe over the generic shonen battle of the original was inspired. Plus, it validated my head canon of Kuro poisoning Kaya, which is always a nice feeling.
But even here, there's a knock-on effect of what came before it. Because Shells Town and Orange Town were cut down so drastically, Zoro's backstory and some of Nami's development were kicked on down the line, making Usopp more of a bystander in the arc where he should have shined the brightest. Later on the Baratie, Sanji's inner turmoil and struggle to follow his dream is reduced down to a "hey, the chore boy offered me a job, I'm gonna bounce".
And for what? So we can spend a painfully long scene of Garp eating a fucking steak?
The show needed its original ten episodes of runtime to let the characters just breathe. The chemistry amongst the crew is great, there are cinematic moments that took my breath away, the soundtrack is fire, the fights were enjoyable, and the set design is fantastic, but the depth of the manga is flattened. In the East Blue, every villain--even the shitty ones--acted as double foils. For example, Captain Morgan's narcissism contrasted with Zoro's willingness to throw away his good name in order to follow his dream, where his more villainous nature foiled Koby's heroism. In the show, Morgan barely counts as a villain, with his more disturbing and evocative acts such as telling his subordinates to shoot themselves (and more chillingly, them willing to do it) are cut out entirely, and it makes Garp's decision to later tie him up to the same post as Zoro seem almost insane.
Of all the arcs, Arlong Park left the worst taste in my mouth, which is so frustrating when it's supposed to be the crown jewel of the season. The changes they made to Nojiko are baffling and the one time I honestly don't understand why a change was made. Nami's backstory, the most powerful in the East Blue, was chopped into pieces and condensed so much that I felt nothing when Bellemere died. Luffy's decision to actually listen to Nami's backstory, while it made sense for this version of the character, went so against the spirit of the original that it took me out of the moment, as well as removing one of the aspects that makes Luffy such a unique character in the first place.
And for what, so the season had time to end with Luffy fighting Garp in a hopeless fight, only for Garp to let him go because "it was all a test"? Bullshit. Bullshit, bullshit, bullshit. The whole point of the East Blue is to establish the Straw Hat Pirates. They shouldn't be playing second fiddle to anyone, let alone this deranged, poorly written version of Garp.
I said that the bones of the show are good, and I stand by that. The Straw Hats are the Straw Hats. The One Piece world is the One Piece world. I do remain hopeful for improvements should there be a season two, because the marine B plot with Smoker is already in the manga, and the overarching story of Alabasta gives the writers the ability to be more flexible with the limited time that they have. I have to believe that it's easier doing one big story over the course of a season than it is trying to shove 5 origin stories into 8 episodes, but I'm not a TV person so I might be wrong.
However, my concern is that in some ways season one benefited from the pandemic. The series was in pre-production for like 7 years, and all the interviews I've read have credited the extra time the series had in the developmental oven for my favorite aspects of the show--particularly the sets. That's not going to necessarily the case going forward, and my worry is if future seasons aren't given the time to get it right that it's all going to fall apart. At the same time they can't wait too long, because that's not how live action works.
The live action isn't a bad show, but it isn't a good show, either. I'm glad that it exists, even if it's only to point back to the original. I wouldn't be devistated if it were cancelled, but would certainly check out season two should it get renewed.
Just, please. No more Garp. I'm begging Matt Owens and Oda himself, please. Just let the man do cool stuff off screen for a couple seasons, and when he's reintroduced pretend all this never happened. Your show will be better for it, I promise.
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mihawking · 1 month
I never thought about collaborative work before but the way you describe it sounds very interesting. I’ve always enjoyed reading your docs (I loved Touching Base sm 😭) and now it makes sense why Zoro and Sanji feel so different! I would love to collaborate myself. Do you enjoy only being in charge of one or do you miss writing Sanji? Do you help each other with the assigned characters at all? What about side characters? Sorry for the questions! I’m a writer so it really interests me. 💙💛
collabing is fun. i'm not sure i know how to write anymore without it lol which is a testament to how great of a co-writer aevv is! we really prove that entire "two heads are better than one" thing.
Touching Base is a blast from the past. i'm sorry that it was deleted unfinished. if you ever want the pdf copy, let me know and i can send it to you.
i appreciate you saying zoro and sanji feel "different" when reading our collab work. that's the vibe we are always going for when we write zosan -- we want them to feel different. the true secret of that is giving up your ego and letting the other character be fully controlled by someone else.
i enjoy only having to be in charge of zoro. i love sanji (obsessively in love with him tbh) but i don't like having to juggle his rich inner workings. his brain doesn't work like my own and anytime i personally try to write his POV, it feels flat for me. so i am happy to give that up and get a great sanji in return from aevv.
we help each other brainstorm and we bounce ideas off each other. i think aevv helps me tremendously just by being an ear to listen to my plot ramblings or to help me confirm if an idea i have is in character or makes sense given the story, etc. so we do help each other in these ways.
side characters we just share responsibility. we both have side characters we prefer (for example, I like Law, she likes Ace) but for the most part, it's essentially up to whoever has the best line or joke or set-up for that character in the moment. sometimes if there's a heavy conversation between let's say Sanji and Nami, i'll handle Nami purely so aevv has someone to write against and can focus on her Sanji stuff.
hope you found this interesting. it is by no means the "right" way to do this shit -- it's just what works for us.
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softrozene · 3 years
One Piece Fantasy Cottage Event
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Event is Closed
3-in-1 Event Masterlist
I have finally decided what I wanted to do for the 3-in-1 event and name it One Piece Fantasy Cottage Event! This event was going to take place in June but I found out my family planned two weeks of vacation for my 21st birthday so I will be quite busy at that time which would also be this blog’s birthday : ( So here we are a month early and this event will stay open until I get overwhelmed lol. Before we continue to the event this is a reminder but any requests for this event must be for One Piece characters. I will do any character up to the Whole Island Cake arc. I am willing to try other characters past that but if I am unconfident in them, I will delete that request. I am not writing for other fandoms in this event. Okay now here we go:
Imagine you stumble upon a cottage in the forest, with a lake nearby. It has a mysterious vibe to it but also one of calmness. You decide to check it out. The closer you get, the more pretty the surroundings come to be. It is surreal. It is like you stepped into a painting.
The color of the flowers surrounding the homey little cottage stands out. The greens of the plants nearby wanting you to come closer. The lake seems to glisten and glitter as your hand goes out to the doorknob. You hesitate- The hesitance a feeling that this place is too good to be true. Or that you are about to disturb the majestic feeling of this mysterious cottage. Then you feel a calm wash over you. A calling for you to open the door so…
You open the door. Inside is even calmer, silent even. The cottage is near empty, but three doors lay before you. Each with a sign.
The first door says: To celebrate the milestone of 1k followers, I dare yee to enter the library of fantasies where you can pick a character(s), your gender, the genre, and any fantasy creature, monster, or mythical lore (Who do you want to be the fantasy creature? Or it a character as well in this story?) and any details to live out a short story written by the creator of this cottage.
(Basically, this is the door where I will write anything fantasy!au related!)
Example: I entered the library of fantasies. May I get knight!Zoro with a gender-neutral Reader, fluff, and a dragon (Zoro slays the dragon or they adopt it- something of that sort)!
Library of fantasies! May I get a fae!Robin with a female Reader, genre angst!
Etc. Any creature basically goes here! And a reminder that fairy and faerie are different!
The second door says: To celebrate this blog’s 1st anniversary, I dare yee to enter the library of memories where you can pick a character(s), your gender, the genre, a memory of something you treasure or maybe despise with that character of your choosing, and any details you wish to add to that memory to remember a short story written by the creator of this cottage.
(This door I will basically write anything you want to “remember” with a character.)
Example: I entered the library of memories. May I get Robin with a non-binary reader, their first kiss with fluff, please?
Library of memories! May I get poly Zoro and Sanji with a Male Reader, break up with angst, please?
The third door says: To celebrate the creator of this cottage’s birthday, I dare yee to enter the library of birthdays where you can pick a character(s), your gender, and a gift (please say what gift you or your character want) and any details you wish to add to see how you or your character would live out their special birthday day, a short story written by the creator of this cottage.
(Of course, this is the birthday part since my birthday is coming up lol so this will just be plain out fluff or nsfw)
Example: I entered the library of birthdays. May I get Luffy (who gets the gift of dinner that reader made) with a female reader?
Library of birthdays! May I get Ace with a nonbinary Reader (who gets a necklace as a gift)?
That is all the doors say. You suddenly get a note in your hand from the creator of this cottage:
Dear Reader: Lol, I apologize if any of that is confusing! I really wanted to do a theme and thought of this while looking at cottagecore aesthetics. I thought this would be perfect for the 3-in-1 event! Just pick a door, make sure to read the examples, and make sure you read what you need to write for that door when requesting!
As for the rules of this event- All I ask is that you guys are polite and patient since it is my first major event on here. (I may be biting off more than I can chew but I am very excited!) My goal is to keep it going for as long as I can for this month or until I get overwhelmed and need to temporarily close the askbox in order to work on these.
You are more than welcomed to request multiple things or in this case doors! Just send your requests separately to avoid confusion. Please do not spam me with requests though.
You can request multiple characters (as in poly or love triangle) and most of these writings will turn out to be scenarios or one-shots! You can also choose multiple characters and have them be separate but those will only be headcanons.
Also- If you want your request to be nsfw in any way, please add that and any details for it, but know for anons, I will only be doing Hint of Spice and tagging it as so (meaning the most nsfw for anons will be is make-outs) since I may be a bit uncomfortable doing extreme nsfw for anons on this event.
If you are a mutual or someone that actually has their legal adult age in their bio then I am more than willing to do nsfw for you guys!
Anyway, minors and those who are not comfortable with any nsfw content please blacklist the tag #spicy writing and #n s f w (and #sinful but I use that tag for other writer’s or artist’s works).
I will have a pending requests list out for this when requests start rolling in, in order for everyone to know what requests have been accepted and so there are no repeats or copies of similar requests!
Anyway, have fun requesting!
Love, Roze- The Creator of this Cottage.
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