#and i’m not questioning my gender (rn anyway. who knows what the future holds) but i’m kinda vibing in this Gender feeling if that makes
milflewis · 1 year
feeling v . hmm. interesting
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sunsinrinn · 4 years
Secrets Part 5.
Bakugo x reader, Bakugo x Uraraka, Kirishima x Reader
Fluff- ish, language, little angst
Word Count: 1,401
Idea: Y/n has a secret to share with bakugo not expecting a secret from him. She leaves heart broken and attempts to move on. But how will she move on if her secret can no longer be hidden? She fakes a relationship hoping its enough to not expose the true origin of the secret. (This is a terrible summary but I cant say much without spoiling future parts. 🙃)
“I feel scared but excited” Kirishima says nervously, “I am ready to be the best dad our baby could ever have”
Izuku and Shoto smile at his enthusiasm and nod, “I’m glad Y/n has you.. also now that I think about it. Does Bakugo now about the two of you?”
You nod, “Yeah.. He found out that day I twisted my ankle... Let’s just say he was furious”
They look at each other before Shoto speaking up, “So what are you both going to do with the rumor going around?”
You bite your lip as Kirishima answers, “Both of us are going to make a joint statement to clarify and take down the rumors.” You nod in agreement.
“I just wish I fucking knew who gave them the anonymous tip.” You say thinking of who could knowingly try to stain your reputation. It wouldn’t be Bakugo, right?
During that silence you check your phone and see that you have different notifications from your friends. You read over some and laugh at Kaminari’s string of incoherent texts,
“Kiri, did you also receive a fuck load of messages from our friends?”
He looks confused but checks his phone and notices that, he did in fact have a lot of messages and they kept coming.
“This anonymous bitch really left us in a pickle, I cant even relax in peace because someone decided to start a rumor, that by the way, is the opposite of what happened. To make things worse Ground Zero’s bitch ass didn’t even comment making me and Kiri look bad-”
“What do you mean its the opposite of what happened?” Izuku interrupts your rant.
‘Well shet.’
“Yeah soooo... um... He was the one that cheated on me... I caught him the day I was going to- to the store. I found him at his house with- with some skank and I stayed with Kirishima until I moved out which coincidentally was right beside him and you, Izuku.”
Shoto and Izuku look shocked and feel anger towards Bakugo. They both wonder why the hell he would cheat on someone as kind and loving as you.
“But I don’t care... I have Kiri now” you smile and look over at Kirishima who smiles and blushes.
“Well,,, Y/N sorry for bursting in here, we just wanted to know from you instead of believing the news.” Shoto says softly as he begins to walk towards the door.
“That’s fine shoto.” You pause before continuing, “Have fun boning. But dont be to fucking loud!” Izuku blushes and stutters but Shoto rolls his eyes and grabs Izuku practically dragging him out because Izuku stopped working You and Kirishima laugh as you see them leave.
“Well, that was something.” You nod and try and muffle a yawn.
“Y/N, lets go to sleep. We have an early day tomorrow as we will have to deal with the press and the announcement.”
You nod in agreements and walk to your bedroom to get ready for bed.
When you’re done Kirishima walks in to say good night but you pat the empty side of your bed, inviting him to sleep with you. He smiles and lays down beside you and instantly is tangled in between your limbs.
You awake the next day to find yourself alone, confused, you get up and and look for Kirishima. You find him all dressed up in his hero outfit and smile.
“Sorry Kiri but looks like you’re going to be the only one wearing a hero suit. There will be no way I will fit into my hero outfit. Not with this belly” You watch him laugh and reach out for your belly. He pulls you closer and puts his face right on your belly “I can’t wait until your born- uh... what are we going to call the baby?” He pulls away and looks at you.
“I- I don’t know... Do you have any suggestions?”
He shakes his head, “We should start thinking of some names”
You nod and lean down to kiss his forehead. “Let me go change into something and we can head out to your agency so we can get this announcement over with.” You lull away and change into a an outfit that accentuates your belly making it obvious. ‘No need to hide it anymore’ you think and walk out to find Kirishima had made a breakfast for both of you. You sit beside him and eat in a comfortable silence.
As it nears time for you to go you both rush to get everything and head out the door.
You both walk to his agency, where there is a crowd of paparazzi waiting and a Podium in front of them which you guess is for the both of you. Once they spot you they begin to bombard both of you with questions but you ignore them as you make your way up. You feel nervous but calm down when Kirishima holds your hand.
You both stand side by side behind the podium and the paparazzi begin quieting down so they can hear you speak.
You stand there silent making them wait in suspense because you’re feeling like a little shit rn. You take a deep breath and speak.
“As you all may know, we are having to stand here in front of you all because the news, got an anonymous tip. That tip was false. I never did cheat on Ground Zero with his best friend. Ground Zero and I were split long before Red Riot and I got together. Red Riot helped me heal and we fell in love. Yes, I will always love Ground Zero, but there was” You pause, “One thing he did that hurt me so much. I Hope to maybe forgive him in the future, but for now? Forgiveness is off the tables for Ground Zero.”
You look at Kirishima and he squeezes your hand giving you a proud grin.
You let the press and paps take in the informations before continuing, “I will confirm that the news only got half of the information right. I am pregnant. And yes I will be taking an indefinite leave in hero work. I will return when I find the right time after my- mine and Kirishima’s baby is born. I hope this clears shit up because I am so tired of-“ Your cut off by Kirishima. You back away from the podium and take a seat as he speaks
“Yes thank you for being here and I hope Y/n here was able to clear things up.” He turns his back to the podium and walks over to you. As you see him walk over to you you stand up and walk along side him to enter the building.
You ignore the press and pap as they shout out questions and make your way up to Kirishima’s office. You sit in his chair as he enters and pouts,
“Babe- you’re in my seat”
You make him feel guilty with your words, “oh...okay then,,, I’ll just stand here... pregnant.... without a seat.” You look at him and watch him stutter out, “OH MY GOD y/n, I’m so sorry baby no- no don’t get up. Stay seated. I forgot you were pregnant.” You laugh at him and speak, “Kiri how the hell can you forget I’m growing huge as the days go by? Anyways I have to go now, Mina wants to meet up to talk about the baby shower” You get up and kiss him goodbye, “I’ll see you soon kiri-babe”
“See you soon babe”
You walk out and head to the cafe you’re supposed to meet up with mina. When you arrive you see her waving at you excitedly.
“Y/N!” You smile at her and walk towards her. Before you can even sit down she begins talking about the baby shower and how it will take place during mid day. She had everything ready to go. How she planned it in less than 24 hours is shocking. But hey, its mina we are talking about. She tells you the day it will be on, which is a week from today. She even made a virtual invitation and a group chat for the invited. You thank her so many times and all she does is say
“If you want to show your gratitude, just make me the god mother of your baby!”
You chuckle nervously, ‘Oh crap-‘
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A/N- ANOTHER CHAPTER!!! I Hope you guys enjoys this! Also what should the baby’s name be? Im thinking of something gender neutral that works for both genders:)
If you’d like to be tagged in future parts or future works dont hesitate to dm, ask, or comment! I hope you guys had a lovely day today! Also if you asked to be tagged and I didnt tag you send me a dm so I can fix it :) also any tags in italics and bold, I couldn’t tag you :/ I’m sorry </3
Secrets taglist: @hero-ink-pillar , @silentw-lkr , @ushiwakatrash , @purple-rabanito , @chaelysian , @puppycat714 , @fake-id-69, @adaydreaminganon , @jessie9008
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lemonwritesstuff · 4 years
safety pin (ow highschool au)
summary: jesse and genji make a promise to each other and maybe, this time, two wrongs will make a right. read it on ao3
a/n: this is very based off the song safety pin by 5 seconds of summer bc im on a mcgenji and old 5sos kick rn. Featuring an american high school written by a british first year college student. Also jesse and hana are jack and gabes kids ok good cool also genji is trans and lucio is enby ok bye 
genji and jesse use he/him, hana uses she/her and lucio uses he/they
Ships: mcgenji, a sprinkling of bunnyribbit and background reaper76
word count: 1.2k (this is the longest fic i’ve ever written holy shit)
tw for mentions of transphobia and gender dysphoria/ self deprecating talk
Jesse just wanted to get to his locker. But instead, he was greeted with a crowd of people shouting horrible things at someone. Upon further investigation, he saw two people being targeted. And when the taller boy saw the green, he knew it was Genji and Lucio. 
Genji could usually stand up for himself, so why wasn’t he? 
Before anything could happen physically, the vice principal, Jack Morrison, appeared with his husband and head of phys ed, Gabriel Reyes, in tow. They were the teachers in charge of the GSA and they were also Jesse’s parents. They both knew how much Genji meant to Jesse, and how much Lucio meant to Genji so they were always first to take their side whenever anything happened to them.  
“Get to class, all of you!” Jack shouted, his voice laced with anger but also an attempt to stay professional. Gabe weaved through the crowds in an attempt to get them to disperse, before he caught the dickheads responsible.
“Principal's office. Now” Gabe scowled, his voice also laced with anger.
 As the crowd cleared, Jack spotted Jesse and Hana, worry plastered on their faces.
“Jesse, Hana, stay here.” he said, his voice much softer. He had a soft spot for any of the kids in the GSA, he’d been in their position years ago and was glad to give them the help he wished he had. At this point, the GSA was just the entire queer population of the school and no allies, but that was fine. They could all just unapologetically be themselves, without the fear of judgement. The GSA was the safest place in the school to be for them. 
“I’ll let your teachers know what's gone on and have them mark you in for the rest of the day but you don't have to go to class.” He was addressing the four of them now, voice still soft but laced with concern for the green duo. “I’ll write you all hall passes but you’re free to sit in our room if you want to. I’ll also notify all staff about what’s happened and I’ll be in my office if any of you need me.” 
“Thank you, Sir.” the four of them said in somewhat unison. Once Jack had walked off, Hana rushed over to Lucio, who was leaning against the wall and still shaking from the encounter.
“Lú! Are you ok?” Hana asked, concern now laced through her voice. She cradled Lucio’s head in her hands, rubbing away their tears. 
“Yeah, I’ll be fine, Hana. It’s nothing I haven’t heard before. I guess I deserve it, wearing a skirt to school” they replied. Being one of two openly trans people in the entire school was bound to go wrong at some point. 
“Shut it, dingus. We both know you don’t deserve it. It’s not our fault people are transphobic assholes.” Genji chimed in. 
“Exactly!” Hana said. “Now, let's go sit in the room and fix your makeup. You deserve to feel pretty, baby.” With that statement, the pair set off, hand in hand, to the room that GSA meetings were held in, leaving Jesse and Genji alone in the hallway. Genji was still processing what happened but Jesse pulled him back to reality.
“Our spot?” Jesse asked, voice quiet in order to not disturb the students learning in the class opposite them. Genji just nodded, and after Jesse got his bag from his locker (which was the only reason he was in that part of the school anyway), they set off toward the exits.
“Thank god I got some snacks, I forgot we were gonna have a shorter lunch. I’m starvin’.” Jesse started, plonking himself down on the ground with Genji following suit opposite him. “You ok darlin’? Ya still look scared. How come ya didn’t stand up for yourself? I know you can, the entire grade has seen ya do it before.”  Genji chuckled and sighed, before replying.
“I was already having a bad enough day with my dysphoria and I was talking about it with Lucio when someone overheard us and.. yeah.” 
“Oh, baby, I-”
“No, it’s fine.” Genji said, cutting Jesse off. “They’re right, I’m not a real man and never will be. I wouldn’t be surprised if you wanted to break up with me, Jesse.” Genji couldn’t hold back the tears any longer and before he could say anything, he was in Jesse’s arms. One of the few places he felt safe. One of two places where he could exist without judgement.
“Dumplin’, I know it’s hard but please never believe anything those assholess say. You’re not only a man, but you’re MY man and I’m not going anywhere. Nothing will ever change that. Ever. They’re just asshats that lack so much self confidence that they tear others down.” Jesse said softly, cradling his lovers face in his hands, wiping away tears. 
Genji melted at any nickname Jesse gave him, especially dumpling. It came from an in-joke on their first date, where Genji had compared himself to a dumpling, small and bite sized (compared to Jesse anyway) and the nickname stuck ever since. 
“Do ya want me to do anything, darlin’?” Jesse murmured, rubbing circles on Genji’s back in an effort to calm his tears.
“No, this is fine for now.” Genji barely whispered, not even daring to look up at the brunette. Just as Jesse was about to reply, his phone pinged. 
buncha fuckin misfits
padre: the dickheads have been dealt with and they’re outta here
gaymer gorl: good riddance lmao
boy scout lookin ass: those kids have done this multiple times and i’m surprised it took this long to expel them 
boy scout lookin ass: how are gen and lú by the way?
gaymer gorl: i redid Lú’s makeup and they’re back to lookin fabulous!
yee to the haw: just givin’ gen some cuddles, he was already havin’ a bad day with dysphoria and he just needs some convincin’ that he’s stronger than he thinks. he’ll be ok :)
With that, Jesse shut off his phone and turned his attention back to the green haired boy in his arms. The brunette ran his hands through the sea of green hair beneath him, letting out a low whistle when he realised how soft it was.
“I redyed it last night” Genji said, his tears having pretty much run dry at his point. 
“Well, ya better tell me what hair products you use, darlin’. Wish my hair was as soft as this.” 
Genji let out a chuckle, which made Jesse smile. He’s getting there. 
The pair stayed like that for some time until Jesse had an idea. He reached over to his bag and pulled a safety pin off the strap, handing it to Genji. Before Genji could question him, he began to explain himself.
“ Maybe we can safety pin the pieces of our broken hearts back together. We’ve both been hurt so much in the past, and we’re obviously gonna wanna be whole in the future. So, I’ll give you this as a promise, that I’m always gonna have your back and the one on my bag is your promise to me, that you’ll always have my back. Make sense?” Jesse said, pinky extended towards his love, smile creeping onto his face.
“Of course.” Genji replied. “Besides, maybe, this time, two wrongs make a right.”
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Imagine going into labor while Casey is away at a conference. Part one!
Warnings: None that I can think of, if I’ve missed any, please let me know!
Summary: You are pregnant with your first child and your girlfriend, Casey, is away at a conference. You weren’t expecting anything to happen, but the little human inside you had other plans.
Based on this request: “Maybe Casey’s gf is heavily pregnant (7/8 months?) with their baby girl. Casey has a conference in a different state (which she only reluctantly went to bc rn her gf is ever so clingy) R hangs out with Alex (godmother of the baby?) but suddenly has (false) labor contractions Alex panics, calls Casey who freaks out;all flights are heavily delayed. Alex calls Liv for help and R just misses Casey really badly add ur own twist? :)”
AN: So I had to split this because I got really carried away with the build up, but I’ll work on the next part and try to get it up tomorrow! 
When you and Casey had had the conversation about children, you weren’t sure what to expect. You knew you loved her and you had gotten as close to marriage as the law would allow you to get. The words “Domestic Partnership” rattled around in your brain. There was no way that label could fully encompass the feeling you felt for her. You knew that the moment you two could be legally married you would be. You would drag her to the courthouse yourself.
But you had to settle for a partnership for the time being. And, if you were being honest, you didn’t want to have a child if you both weren’t going to be able to have the same amount of rights. It made you feel like you would have too much power. Not that you would ever use it to your advantage.
When talks of legalizing same sex marriage started in New York, you were cautiously optimistic. Maybe, finally, you two could be seen as equals in the eyes of the law. All of your friends knew you were already basically married. But they knew just how much this meant to you.
You and Casey had actually gotten into a few fights about the subject of marriage. Well, not quite fights, disagreements would be the more accurate word. Casey didn’t understand why you wanted to get married so bad, you tried to explain how you wanted to have this declaration of love that everyone could witness, you wanted to be able to say, “My wife, Casey.” And most importantly, you wanted to be able to have a child that knew that their parents were just like everyone else’s.
They wouldn’t have to hear the taunting, having the other kids ask why their parents weren’t married. It was already going to be difficult for the other parents to understand. You wanted to make it as easy as possible for your child.
It took a few conversations, disagreements, cries, and make ups before you came to a compromise. You would be open to saving up money to go through the process of artificial insemination and keep your eyes on how the laws were constantly evolving.
When the day finally came and the laws went into effect, you and Casey had planned a nice dinner out on the town. You both made sure to be off work on time and you met each other at the pizza place around the corner from your flat.
You had gotten off work early enough to get yourself all gussied up and grabbed to small gift bag hoping that Casey would enjoy part one of your gift.
As you walked into the pizza parlor, you gave a nod to the man behind the counter kneading the dough. “Hey James!” The man nodded back to you sending a smile as he gestured towards Casey sitting in your usual spot.
When you sat down, you placed the gift bag off to the side and saw Casey raise her eyebrow. “We’ve been together for three years now, please tell me I didn’t forget a special occasion.”
You laughed lightly, “No, you haven’t forgotten anything, I just have a little surprise for you. But you have to wait until after dinner.”
Casey let out a sigh of relief when she found out that she hadn’t forgotten anything important and you felt the butterflies start to flutter in your stomach as you thought of how much your life was about to change. Or it would if it all went to plan.
As dinner went on, your hands started to get sweaty and your appetite decreased until you were just picking the toppings off your pizza. Casey noticed and got concerned.
“Y/N, is everything ok? You never get this picky when we come in here.” Casey said nodding to your pile of pizza toppings on the plate in front of you.
You nodded wiping your hands on your napkin and then grabbed the gift bag and passed it to Casey. “I know I said you had to wait until the end of dinner, but I can’t focus on anything else, I need you to open this before I explode.”
Casey slowly opened the bag and got a confused look on her face as she pulled out a small plastic binky with foxes on it. “I don’t… Y/N, why is there a binky in the bag?”
A moment passed and Casey looked up at you. “Are you saying what I think you’re saying? You want to try? You really want to?” The tears started to reflect in her eyes.
You nodded and grabbed her hand, bringing it to your lips, “I really do Case, I know I said we should wait until we were married, but I can’t anymore, I want to have a kid with you, and I know we have enough saved up, enough to try a couple times if we have to. And it takes nine months anyway, who knows what can happen in that amount of time.” You smiled before continuing, “But if you think I’m going to get married while I’m looking like a beached whale, you have another thing coming!”
Casey smiled at your threat knowing that you weren’t being serious. “I have something for you too. It should help ease some of your worries. I didn’t want to be cliché, I’m sure a lot of couples are having this exact conversation tonight, but I couldn’t wait either. I know we’ve had our disagreements about what this will symbolize for each of us, but the more I thought of it, the more I realized what you were talking about. I want you to know that anything that comes at us in the future we will handle it together.” Casey stood for a moment and then got down on one knee pulling out a ring box and opening it up, “So, what I’m trying to ask you is, will you marry me?” 
You felt the tears well up in your eyes and you started to laugh. “You are not going to believe this, Case.” You got down on your knee in front of her, mirroring the woman. “I got you one too.” You reached into your pocket and pulled out a ring box, showing her the fine silver band inside. “My answer is yes, what;s yours?”
Casey pulled you to her and gave you a passionate kiss, “Of course my answer is yes!” 
James led the restaurant in a round of applause and let you know that your meal was on him tonight. He gave the two of you a wink as you left the building, shouting out after the both of you, “It’s about damn time!” 
________________________________________________________________The next day, you went into the squad room and immediately go to Cragen’s office to inform him of the progress in  your relationship. You and Casey had disclosed your relationship when it had first started, but you both felt like you needed to let your superiors know. 
Cragen offered you his congratulations and you walked out of his office and straight to Liv’s desk. When you placed your hand on her desk, you made sure the ring was catching the light and smiled at her. 
Liv and the rest of the team offered you their congratulations and you had an almost impossible time trying to keep the smile off of your face. 
A week later you had your appointment to meet with your doctor to start the process of starting your family. You had already studied everything that you could about the process, you wanted to be in control of everything you could be. What sacred you was that no matter how prepared you were, your body was in control of what happened next. You were worried that something would go wrong, maybe you weren’t meant to be a mom.
A few months later, the testing had been done, the procedure was over and you were waiting in your bathroom four pregnancy tests sitting in front of you and your countdown timer going. Your leg was bouncing and when the timer hit zero, you stilled completely. Holding your breath you looked at the first test, and then the second, the third, and finally the fourth. You had tears in your eyes as you came out of the bathroom, holding the four tests. 
“Casey!” you called out and immediately heard her running down the hall towards you. 
“What, what is it? Is everything ok? Are you ok?” Casey shot off the questions. Ever since the procedure, she had been by your side, making sure you were ok, not letting anything happen to you. She even talked to Cragen with you and you all decided to go on desk duty until you found out the results, not wanting to cause any unnecessary stress. 
You handed her the tests without saying a word. She looked at them and her eyes went wide. “These are all positive. These are all positive! Y/N, we’re going to be parents!” 
Casey wrapped you in a hug and held you close to her. “We’re going to be parents.” 
________________________________________________________________A few months later, you were at your doctors finding out just how many little ones you had growing inside you. You knew that with artificial insemination thee possibility of having more than one child was pretty high. 
As you heard the ultrasound technician prepare you, you sucked in a deep breath as they started pressing into your stomach with the wand. 
“Now you didn’t want to know the sex right?” They asked. 
You looked over at Casey, “No, we’re wanting to keep it a surprise. But if you could, would you write them down? Our friends are insisting on having a gender reveal.” 
“I can do that, now, let’s see how many we have in here.” They went silent for a moment as they looked at the screen. “Looks like space might feel a little cramped in here in the coming months. You’ve got a duplex situation going on. Congrats!” 
You looked at them with a shocked expression, “Do you mean twins? We’re having twins?” 
Casey gripped your hand, “Twins?” 
The tech nodded at the two of you and smiled, “Twins!”
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Honey and Oats (Chapter 1)
Pairing: Agent Whisky x Reader
Warnings/Troupes: Not much rn except Age gap relationship for future. + Enemies to lovers. lotsa angry words.
A/N: This is my second fic with any of Pedro’s characters! I’m still rewatching the movies to get a better hold of their personalities,,,
Reader Warnings (Will not be repeated onwards): Reader has set clothes like armors and masks, but not a set appearance underneath (No physical descriptions other than clothes). Had Cambodian Reader in mind. Reader is a city kid from Chicago. And some people who use gendered pronouns (only pronouns) will change but some gendered names like “Princess” and such will stay.
AO3 Link
{First} {Next} {Masterlist}
As usual, Tequila’s the rough ‘em up and rough ‘em up even more kinda guy. The two crashers were two Brits saying something about being invited. Of course, them hacking through the biometric system and putting a hole in the older whiskey reserves wasn't the nicest way of coming in, but, knocking them out before they could fully explain themselves wasn’t either. (Also, you had to admit though. The younger one of the two was pretty cute.) That reminds you, maybe they’re with the other Brit that Ginger and Tequila helped a couple weeks prior… Is that racist?
You and Ginger headed to the Doomsday locker. Ginger said something about the two mentioning Kingsman and how it’s the branch to Statesman and so on. But you just had one question on your mind.
“So, why can’t we go with their story again? They looked pretty desperate, Ging’. Desperate people don’t usually lie when trying to find help.” You leaned back in the chair you sat, legs crossed and right on the table top. You watched Ginger fumble around a bit as she placed the small emblem in her hands into the similarly shaped socket.
“Rum. You can never be too sure. For all we know, they could be using stolen clothes and identities.” She reminded you as she started opening the lock. You just pouted, not to toot your own horn but, in situations like these you had a pretty good gut on who to trust. And anyway, fancy lookin’ men like that don’t come to the farmy south unless they were looking to buy land.
Finally, Ginger opened the doomsday lock, turning around, she revealed a very fancy looking umbrella. On the handle revealed the familiar name of… 
Kingsman, London.
“Fuckin’ hell.” You and Ginger ran out of that chamber as fast as you two could. At this point, Tequila’s probably gonna show them his favorite magic trick of turning balls into ash.
Ginger opened the door just as you heard Tequila’s baritone voice counted up to three.
“Stop!” You and Ginger moved between the tall cowboy and the strapped down men. “Their story checked out.” The woman quickly grabbed some towels to pat down the sitting men’s laps. You leaned against the nearby desk while watching everything unfold.
“We opened our Doomsday scenario locker and that umbrella was in it,” You tossed the agent the umbrella in question before stepping out of the sitting men’s view. “Kingsman. It’s got our logo on it.” You gave the two a bit of a smug look as if to tell them ‘I told you so’. Ginger subtly rolled her eyes at your winning smirk before apologizing to the two men. On the other hand, Tequila just laughed the situation off as if he wasn’t planning on shooting their friend dead center in the head a few seconds prior. The ‘no hard feelings but it was just my job’ kinda talk.
“Welcome to statesman. Independent Intelligence agency. Just like y’all I reckon. But our founders went into the booze business. Thank the sweet lord above.” The cowboy looked up to the ceiling as if to thank Jesus himself for that plan before pointing to Ginger with the umbrella.
“This is Ginger Ale. She’s our strategy Executive.” She gave them a short nod and a polite ‘hello’ just before Tequila pointed to you.
“This here’s Agent Rum. Sh-- They. They’re not the most talkative with most folks, but they sure as hell know how to get the job done.” You gave the men an awkward wave.
“And I’m Agent Tequila.” And with an award winning smile, he sticks the landing. Unfortunately for him, the crowd still remembers the fact they almost got their balls turned to ash by this cowboy so they’re just gonna pass on the whole innocent smile situation. The cuter one of the two already looks exasperated, relieved that the introductions are finally over.
“This is the part where you untie us.”
The moment the two men were freed from their ziptied hell and whisky stained pants, they zoomed past the three of you to reach their one eyed friend. The three of you sat down as you watched the reintroduction quickly turn bittersweet.
“So these fellas right here are our Doomsday protocol?”
“Turns out, our founder’s tailor was Kingsman.”
“Why couldn’t we have gotten those fancy suits?” Tequila looked at you in utter betrayal.
“Hey, these clothes are nice an’ all but I dunno. Those suits are real nice lookin--”
 “What the fuck have you done to him?”The men returned to the room with angered faces.
Ginger explained to the two that the Statesman only have been trying to help the poor man. But since they couldn’t jog his memory with the amnesia and all, there’s not much that can be done. All that the agency knew was that mister butterfly collector was part of intelligence but not whose. Honestly the three of them were lucky Ginger was as quick as she was otherwise he would’ve counted as another one of the casualties in that damned church.
-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------You and Tequila escorted the younger man that introduced himself as Eggsy, otherwise known as Agent Galahad, to Champ. The moment the three of you entered the room, Champ was already scolding Tequila about his interrogation skills before introducing himself. To apologize for the inconvenience Tequila caused the two men, Champ placed the Statesman’s larger resources at their disposal just before looking at ole’ ‘reliable’ Whiskey with an amused smile.
“Could you imagine us in the clothing business?��� You rolled your eyes at the other man’s chuckle. It’s been ten seconds and you were already tired of lookin’ at Whisky dick. Tequila could already see your annoyance with the other man and quickly thought of something to distract you with.
“Hey, real quick, Rum? Could you play bartender?” 
“Sure,” Anything to keep you from looking at the man more than you already have to. You turned towards the little drink making station where all the mixers and some bottles were already set up.
“Got a drink in mind?”
“Bartender’s choice.” A Sour Henry cocktail it is. A Whisky sour with more than a little bitters would be too on the nose.
Eggsy thanked the bossman senior and explained whoever attacked the Kingsman agents was most likely planning for something bigger and that a former trainee of theirs is working with those part of the Golden circle. Said trainee’s ex is still in contact with him and just so happens to be attending a concert. 
You listened closely to what Eggsy was saying, trying to figure out why the golden circle sounded so familiar, as you finally poured the drink in Tequila’s cup. However, your thought process was cut through by something you noticed on the statesman agent. Just as Tequila thanked you and took a swing of his drink, your eyes caught a glimpse of the growing blue veins protruding from his neck.
“Ay Tequila, you feelin’ alright?”
“Yeah, a bit tired, but fine, thanks.” At this point, Champ could see the blue veins on the man too.
“Your face��You got… ” Tequila finally looked at himself through the cup’s reflection.
“What the fuck?” Champ ordered him to head to the med bay before whatever it was got any worse but not before having Tequila give Eggsy his glasses. It would be a bit awkward to converse with someone and not see them in this situation.
Champ let out a hefty sigh before giving you and Whisky a sorry look.
“Now, Agent Rum. I know you and Whisky sure as hell aren’t peas in a pod--” You already knew where this dumb talk was going.
“You cannot be serious with me, Champ.” If looks could kill, that old man would have croaked a month prior.
“You’re a talented agent. But you’re reckless. Whiskey is going to watch over the two of you--”
“I don’t need no fuckin’ babysitter, Champ!” You slammed your fist on the tabletop out of anger, toppling over a few of the cups. Eggsy was surprised at the tonal shift from you. Well, he’s even more surprised you talk to your superior that way and he doesn’t even blink an eye. 
“He’s the only other agent with enough experience for the case. One job together ain’t gonna kill the two of you.”
“I’ve got enough experience on my hands, I can handle it!”
“Agent Whisky is going to join the two of you and that’s final.” You opened your mouth but quickly shut it. Even you can’t say anything when Champ’s got the final word in. You could only glare as Whisky gave you the most smug smirk known to man.
“Agent Galahad, our finest senior agent will be joining the two of you. Right now he’s in our New York office.” Mister Boss points at Whisky’s hologram once Eggsy puts on the glasses. 
“Galahad, meet Agent Whisky.” God. You just want to strangle that stupid cowboy with his own fuckin’ moustache. 
“Kid, looks like we’re hookin’ up with a chick at a rock concert.” He gives Eggsy one of his dumb signature smiles. “My favorite kind of mission.” You could only roll your eyes at the flirtatious man’s comment.
“I’m sending my jet to pick you two up.” 
“The old man’s gonna croak before he could get his whisky dick into anything.” You muttered right before Champ gave you an incredulous look.
“Rum, there ain’t no need to hit a man’s pride like that.”
“It’s fine, Champ. Little Miss spitfire over here is just envious--”
“Of what? Da women who are with ya’ for under ten minutes in bed while I’m stuck with ya’ here fer hours? ‘Course I am.” And with the small twitch of that moustached lip, that was enough to tell  you even a little bit of his pride was hurt.
“Watch it lil’ city girl, your Chicago’s comin’ out. That place was never the best about its manners.” Nothin’ but smirk from this old man, as if you didn’t just insult his libido. He really just had to insult your home. You took a deep breath.
“Unlike you, I was raised properly.” You gave Whisky a final haunting stare. “You,” Standing on the opposite end of where Whisky sat, you got right up in his stoic, holographic space. “Were dragged through a whore house.” You turned your back on the man, mentally patting yourself on the back for getting the final word. Just as you got to the doorway, you turned to the British agent.
“Galahad? Let’s get a move on.” 
“Oh--Oh! Right.” Eggsy quickly got up and followed you out the door. Leaving Champ very exhausted at his decision. He only hopes the two of you don’t kill each other first before they could figure this situation out.
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teacherimagines · 5 years
My Tc Diary
Hey y’all. This is my tc diary from 2018 and I decided to post this now in 2020 since I don’t think my identity will be revealed from anyone I know possibly reading this. It was sooooo weird rereading this, seeing what my thought process used to be, and the silly things I thought were important. So much has changed in my life since this phase of my life, but I hope you enjoy!
M/N stands for my name. I am not gender specific in the anecdotes. I am bisexual, and I talk about having three different tcs in here. I just use they/them to talk about them. And when I refer to ‘my tc’ I am talking about my first tc (the one I am crushing on the most). The other two I only talk about in one divided section for each.
*ONE FINAL VERY IMPORTANT NOTE* My teacher crushes were always professional when I was around them, they did absolutely nothing to suggest that they liked me as anything more than just a student. I started writing this because I was crushing on them badly, and I needed a way that I could share the times I was around them that made me happy. I hold a very high respect for my teachers, and I am so grateful that I got to have them in class. I never did/would never try to do anything that would harm/intrude on their careers, relationships, happiness, and personal lives. My relationships with teachers are the way they should be, the fact that I was crushing on them did not get in the way of that.
My Masterlist
I was walking out of school today, and my tc was walking behind me. I heard footsteps but I didn’t know it was them! Anyway I walked out the door, and held the door for them, and they thanked me. Their ‘thank you’ sounded so genuine and nice, I nearly had a heart attack.
I had my first class with my tc at the beginning of the semester. During the first week of class my tc had to shout out names for attendance because they didn’t know everyone yet. But they knew me. They never said my name during attendance. It just felt good, to have them remember me after meeting them only a couple of times before. Especially because I’m crushing on them super hard.
My tc got really excited today in class omg. We are doing a project and we get to pick our topics. So my tc comes up to me like “What is your topic?” And then I told them, my tc got so excited. Their eyes widened a little, and they went into this little rant about how fascinating my topic was. I like to see them being so passionate about something.
Someone in my class has a pet snail, and they keep it in a jar and bring it to school. So they go and ask my tc if they want to hold the snail. My tc (seriously) asks ‘does it bite?’ I WAS LIKE ARE YOU FOR REAL RN? I think it was cute because it was such a little snail.
My tc helped me write an essay today. They were super helpful, like, I was stuggling so bad, and they just helped me without making me feel like a complete idiot :)
OKAY IM SORRY OKAY TEMPTATIONS. I watched my tc put on chapstick today. Trust me, I wouldn’t watch it if they were looking directly at me. They were just staring off into space. *Note from future, I watch them do this quite often lol.
My tc said “good morning, M/N.” today! I said good morning back and was really happy. My tc also made a lot of eye contact with me today :o
I walk into my classroom today, and there were only two other students sitting at the desks. The class has about twenty students in it, and the bell was about to ring. One of the people in the room says “ooh, there’s a third one.” as I walk in. And my tc laughed and smiled and looked at me.
My tc was passing back papers and their arm accidentally bumped mine. Lol I’m dying inside.
When my tc lectures, they are very active with and linger their eye contact with every student. And I mean like that’s a good thing, but it makes me nervous when they look at me lol. OKAY BUT LIKE EYE CONTACT IS NOT OKAY. It is okay. But it makes me not okay. Especially when I’m trying to concentrate on the lesson, I just keep thinking back to five minutes ago when their eyes met mine and I felt all gooey in my tummy.
Got a paper back and on the top it said ‘good work M/N!’ in my tc’s handwriting. Felt good lol. I literally stared at my name written in their handwriting for like ten minutes. I need to stop. *not from future- I kept ALL of the papers from their class.
My tc will always ask the class something opinionated, and they will always make sure that everyone answers the question. And if it is regarding something that has to do with us being comfortable (ex: someone making a joke that is slightly controversial), they just make sure that everyone is really okay, no bs. OMG I FOUND A TEACHER WHO ACTUALLY CARES ABOUT THEIR STUDENTS WELL BEINGS. And I may or may not have a massively obvious crush on them.
I saw someone (a student) flirting with my tc today. This person is a MAJOR flirt. I know that they would never actually date my tc so I am not really worried about it. But they interrupt class a lot and flirt with them. IT IS SO OBVIOUS OMG.
I was walking in the hall today, and I saw my tc. They looked at me really quickly but as they walked closer they just stared at the floor lol. They do that a lot. Also, on another day, I was standing in the hall talking with my friend and my tc walked passed us. I know they looked at me- even if it was only for a second- I could feel it.
How can someone be so alert, friendly, and attractive at the beginning of the school day?
Today I was sitting doing my work and my tc comes over to my desk. They ask me how I am doing on the assignment and I said I’m doing okay. They stand by my desk, looking at my paper for what felt like a minute. I felt so awkward so I looked up at them with a face that said ‘need something’? Then they nodded and walked away. Like okayyyyyyy I’m not okay.
Every damn time I say ‘thank you’ to my tc they say ‘of course ‘my name.’ AND I AM LITERALLY MELTING RN MELTING
My tc learned a few fun facts about me today! Also, almost no one in my class believes in sasquatches (even me), but my tc does. And they got so frustrated because they said that sasquatches are ‘tangible’. Plus, they asked me where I see myself in ten years and I said I have no clue, and they were like ‘okay so you have like what, two years left to figure the rest of your life out?’ THANKS TC THANKS A LOT
My tc asked me if I had anything to share with the class today, and I said no lol. They asked another student and they said no too. Lol. Then my tc said ‘I shouldn’t let you all say no to me.’ Haha I’m dead.
I saw my tc with their significant other today. I feel really sad, and I really do care about my tc’s happiness, it just makes me sad that I can’t be that kind of special to them.
I saw my tc run today. I feel so blessed.
My tc said I did really good on writing my essays, and thanked me for handing them in. also—MY TC SMILED AT ME TODAY AND THEY ARE SO CUTE AND THEIR SMILE IS SO CUTE IMMMM DEADDDDD. Their smile was literally like this :)) They don’t usually smile at me, Idk why, but like I am also wondering what put them in such a good mood.
My tc gave me a letter today. At first I was like- woah?. Then they told me it was an invitation (from another teacher) for taking a AP course in their subject next school year. I was like ‘ah thank you’ but inside I was screeching (THE LETTER WASNT EVEN PERSONALLY FROM THEM WHY AM I FREAKING OUT??). Even though they won’t be teaching the course (they are moving schools), I want to make them remember me as someone who wants to excel in their subject (so I will take the course, plus I was planning on it already with my guidance counselor). Also, this means that they had a conversation with another teacher about me. So they probably thought of me recommended for me to take AP? This makes me happyyyy :)
So today my tc asked me if I read the letter they gave me. I said yes. They asked if I signed up for AP and I said yes. They got so happy omg- I was like trying to be chill (so were they). They said “that is so good ‘M/N’, you would make a really good fit in that class.” Then they kept smiling at me- I couldn’t concentrate! IT MAKES ME SO HAPPY THAT MY HARD WORK IS STARTING TO PAY OFF, AND MY TC IS RECOGNIZING THAT.
My tc gave my class a free work period and I was caught up on my work. Usually every night I try to read at least one news article before I go to bed, so I stay up to date on things (ya know, like nerds do). I didn’t get to read last night so I read some news in class. My tc comes over to see what I am doing and asks me “M/N, are you reading the news?” I nodded. Then they said “that is a very good use of your time.” Lol I wasn’t even doing the work they assigned. Then they come over later in class and ask me if I read from The Atlantic. I told them no, and they were like “I think you’d like them, they have very in depth articles. There’s this one a teacher showed me this morning about Donald Trump, and how he won the election, it was really good. You can let me know later if you’re interested in reading it.” I was like OKAY with a big splash of happiness. I want to read the article they suggested, but I was like hesitant to ask them for it, so I am just going to try and find it on my own lol. *NOTE from future, I read this website a lot now because it makes me think of them and it’s like, what if they read this article too?
I saw my tc in the hallway this morning and they said “good morning M/N.” They were carrying a cup of coffee, and that’s when I got to see how they drink their coffee-with a lot of creamer.
OKAY WHAT IS GOING ON? There’s this other teacher I have. My friend says she likes them. I thought I didn’t like them that much, and I expressed that to her. BUT THEN they start giving me this eye contact, and joking during class. And one day they try helping me on an assignment and LITERALLY THEIR ARM WAS TOUCHING MINE. I didn’t want to be rude and move it, and THEY JUST LEFT IT THERE. I have little physical contact with humans- I’m weird like that- I don’t usually like it when people touch me, there’s really no reason for it besides it is what it is. But I was fine in this situation. They also make a lot of conversation with me. Then I saw them in the library and they looked at me and smiled- they are gorgeous. I DONT KNOW WHAT TO THINK ABOUT LIFE ANYMORE. I thought I was only crushing on my original tc, but that’s changing now?¿ I think I take simple situations and go crazy with them, but STILL. So much more has happened between me and this teacher than me and my tc, but I still like my first tc more. ALSO, they bite their lip when they are concentrating on something difficult- I am swooning. *NOTE- I had a dream (rated R) about this teacher. WHATWHATWHAT? Today, I walked passed this tc and it LITERALLY felt like slow motion- and they kept eye contact with me as they walked by.
I’m hormonal. There’s this other tc I might have now. They are a different gender than my other two tcs. I like them a lot and I had them in a class before but I never thought of them like this. I realized that I have a lil crush on them today when I passed them in the hall and had some small talk. I thought wow, they’re a good person, they teach really good, they just talked to me like a normal person, and they’re attractive. MY BRAIN IS EXPLODING I HAVE LIKE THREE TCS NOW AND NO ONE IN MY LIFE KNOWS?
Today was my last day with my tc :(( it was kind of bittersweet though. They never really gave anyone a formal goodbye, but we did have a good conversation (which is the longest one I have ever had with them). I was on the computer doing a research project for a vacation to Italy. I was exploring around on google maps and they come over and ask me ‘where are you looking at?’ And I say Venice. So I zoom out and show them Italy from a map view, they talked about Italy, and just Europe in general. I then told them that I have been to Paris and London before, and they thought it was cool. Then they told me about their significant other who has traveled to London for a semester at college. Then they told me about their dream vacation to southern France, to see the lilac fields. They said ‘That would be my picturesque vacation.’ I WAS LIKE AWWWW (internally lol). I like flowers a lot, and I am pretty sure my tc knows that bc I wear clothes that have flower print, my backpack and pencil case is flower print too. And now that they told me that they like flowers too- I am just so happy! I have a lot in common with this tc, and it saddens me that this was our last interaction :((
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HI! I’m putting all of the things i’ve been tagged in from the past couple of weeks that i haven’t answered yet bc i’m working hard on an admission portfolio for university and i really want to get into Sheridan, so yep lots of work and lots of art. i am also working on the HTTYD fandom reading (please sign up) and the next chapters of J’Imagine and No Cannon Shall Sink This Ship. Anyways, onto the tagged: 
get to know me meme: tagged by @animalsarepeople2​ thank youuuu! 
nicknames: Kei / Keiko *i explain this in a question down there somewhere 
Gender: Female 
Star Sign: Libra
Height: 163cm 
Time: 17:07 (by the time I finished all of these it’s 18:36) 
Birthday: February 25 
Favourite Bands: Beatles, Young Rising Sons, Clean Bandits, Lovelyz, Infinite 
Favourite Solo Artists: Ailee, Ed Sheeran 
Song Stuck in My Head: 1cm by Lovelyz 
Last Movie Watched: Charlie and the Chocolate Factory with Johnny Depp
Last Show Watched: I just binge watched Stranger Things 
When I created my blog: July 15, 2013/June 27, 2017
What I post about: httyd, animated movies, animation
Last thing I Googled: information about Sheridan and character rotation 
Other blogs I have: my main blog @tokkeiko
Following: 100, though I want to find more good blogs, any recs anyone? 
Followers: in total from both blogs, 200 or something 
Favourite colour: Green 
Average hours of sleep: 8-ish 
Lucky number: 7
Instruments: piano, oboe 
What I’m wearing: jeans and my current favourite sweater which is grey with gold spots 
Number of blankets: I need to remember to find another one bc my room is freezing when I wake up in the morning
Dream Job: story artist at Disney 
Dream trip: i just want to get out of my city rn 
Favourite food: i’m just hungry rn, give me anything, but favourite food, among others, is salted caramel truffle blizzard from the good old DQ (#lovemydq) 
Music ask, tagged by @yv-sketches THANKS!!!! 
10 songs that you are listening to right now; 
my current favourite playlist is called Shut Up and Dance:
“Elle Me Dit” Mika 
“Red Balloon” Charli XCX 
“Dancing in the Dark” Rihanna 
“Shut Up and Dance” Walk the Moon
“Red and Gold” Young Rising Sons 
“Can’t Stop the Feeling” Justin Timberlake 
“Better When I’m Dancing” Meghan Trainor 
“I Bet My Life” Imagine Dragons 
“Into a Fantasy” Alexander Rybak 
“Get Back Up Again” Anna Kendrick
Tag Game, taggged by @thepurplewriter333 ty friend-o! 
Nicknames: Keiko/Kei/Spirit/Sweet Potato 
Gender: Female
Star Sign; Pisces 
Height: 163cm 
Sexuality: probably straight 
Hogwarts House: Hufflepuff!!!
Favourite animals: uhhhh... orcas probably 
Average hours spent sleeping: 8 i think, i’m not bothering with math rn 
Dogs or cats: KITTY, all of my sibilings have a significant other and all of their significant others’ have cats and why can’t I have a s/o with a cat???
number of blankets sleeping: during the winter, aka now already, two 
Dream trip: geeeeetttt meeeee ouuuuttt offf thissss citttyyyyy
Dream job: Story artist at Disney 
when I made this account: June 27. 2017
why I made this account: bc i wanted a place to reblog all of the httyd stuff without loosing followers on my other blog 
# of followers: like 47, I think? I recently got more. follow me i am cool person 
92 statements, tagged by @thepurplewriter333 thanks for the double tag! 
Drink: Tim Hortons’ Double Double (got to stay caffeinatedddddddd) 
 Phone Call: Home to get a ride home 
Text message: Friend to go hang out later
Song You Listened To: Shooting Star by Lovelyz
Time You Cried: uhhhhhhhh... oh, like a month ago, it was a bad week and then I watched Home and my emotions were already out of wack so I basically sobbed near the end 
Have you: 
Dated someone twice: Nope 
Kissed someone and regretted it: Nope, i’m boring
Been cheated on: nope 
Lost someone special: nope 
Been depressed: i feel like it’s hard to be a university student and not get depressed 
Gotten drunk and thrown up: i am a boring party person and yeah, no i haven’t 
List 3 favourite colours: 
In the last year have you: 
made new friends: Yeahhhh
fallen out of love: nopppeee...?
Laughed until you cried: like every other day
Found someone was talking about you: in a good way; nope. In a bad way: yeah too many times
found out who your friends are: yeahhhhhh
kissed someone on your FB list: okay someday, i’ll have more interesting answers 
how many FB friends do you know IRL: 99% of them 
Do you have any pets: nope 
Do you want to change your name: i recently thought about dropping my middle name, but like it has significance to my parents so probably won’t happen and my middle name doesn’t do anything so idk 
what did you do for your last birthday: Keep in mind that I turned 18: my friends and I went to Build-A-Bear and they got me a Build-A-Bear Toothless. 
What time do you wake up: my alarms on early days are 7:00, 7:05, 7:15, 7:25, 7:35, 7:45, 8:00. I naturally wake up at 9-ish 
What were you doing at midnight last night: Sleeping :D 
Name something you can’t wait for: to (hopefully) get accepted into Sheridan and start a new adventure out there.
When was the last time you saw your mom: she’s in the kitchen with me 
what is one thing you wish you could change in your life: i wish that I could’ve figured out what I wanted to do with life so that I could’ve started Sheridan this year 
What are you listening to right now: Sheridan portfolio reviews, tips, etc. (Starting to see a pattern here?) 
Have you ever talked to a person named Tom: friend’s dad. he’s a cool dad. 
Something that is getting on your nerves: when people are packing up their stuff before the professor is finished talking in the last 5 minutes of class. URGH stop moving ppl this stuff is important 
Most visited website: FB, YT, tumblr 
Mole(s): couple
Mark(s): I have freckles (might be moles) on each cheek under both eyes. 
Childhood dream: when you’re a kid, you’re really only exposed to teacher, doctor, police man and whatever your parents are. I think I defaulted to an artist when adults asked. 
Hair colour: black, I have silver hairs though, they stick out on the black hair a lot 
long or short hair: I always grow my hair out and then cut off 12 inches to donate to cancer wigs  
Do you have a crush on someone: not currently, though i had a crush on a guy for like 5 years, so even now, 5 years later, I get happy when I think about him 
Piercings: no, i really think a conch piercing would be nice though 
Blood type: ... A I think, i’ve never gotten tested, but according to genetics, I should be an A 
Nicknames: my full name is Keiko, but everyone called me Kei as a kid, but during high school, I started introducing myself as Keiko, so some people call me Kei, some people call me Keiko, one of them is a nickname, depending on which way you think about it, 
Relationship Status: Egg salad. 
Zodiac: Pisces 
Pronouns: She/her
Favourite TV show: Friends 
Right or left handed: Right, but recently I’ve been trying to teach myself to draw with my left hand 
Surgery: Wisdom teeth 
Hair dyed a different colour: nope, but I think I might try a ombre some day 
Sports: ballet since I was 4ish, ballet is a sport, come fight me on it if you dare 
Vacation: a lot of camping when I was younger, I’ve been to Japan twice, and then places across Canada
Pair of trainers: are we talking about trainers as in shoes? bc then ankle high all black vans. 
More General: 
Eating: this is taking so long I stopped and had supper between these sections
Drinking: Double Double (Tim’s coffee, two creams, two sugars), gotta stay AWaaaaaaaaaaKE
I’m about to: draw character designs or go out to coffee shop to study with friends 
Want: to get into Sheridan so so so so so badly 
Get married: I’m still single, want to put my career first, so yep not for a little while 
Career: i’m a cake decorator rn, see my cakes on my insta @tanakeiart 
Hugs or Kisses: hUG mE
Lips or eyes: Eyes, (though I am supper bad at making eye contact) 
Shorter or taller: would be nice to be slightly taller... 
Older or younger: like to date or something? I think high school rule is a good rule, but rn looking at niners mAN they are tiny
Nice arms or stomach: arms to hug meeeeee
Sensitive or loud: i think I would need a loud person to compliment me 
Hook up or relationship: relationship bc you have a standing plus one to everything and rn being single I have to text like 5 friends to find someone to go with me to something 
Troublemaker or hesitant: hesitant 
Have you ever: 
kissed a stranger: Nope 
Drank hard liquor: I only have like four months until my 19th so like i’ll go drinking then 
Lost Glasses/contact lenses: funny story: family and i were in Japan and we were at Kinkaku-ji and then i realize that one of my eyes have gone fuzzy, so thinking that there is something on the lens, i take my glasses off and my lens had fallen out of the frame. my family literally crawled around trying to find my lost lens, we did find it, but we couldn’t find a small screw that would hold the lens in. my dad fixed it with a twist tie.
turned someone down: nobody likes me so nobody has asked me so i have never turned someone down 
broken someone’s heart: no 
had your heart broken: yeah, by a friend. It is shATTERing 
been arrested: not even a parking ticket in my name 
cried when someone died: no, i am some kind of emotionless egg
fallen for a friend: my heart easily leaps and often trips falls and gets lost
Do you believe in:
yourself: yes, I believe that I can get in, I believe that I can be what I want to be. 
Miracles: I believe in karma more than miracles 
Love at first sight: yes, but not in the way that media portrays it 
Santa claus: nah 
Kiss on the first date: this is weirdly phrased. 
current best friend name: becky 
Eye colour: brown 
Favourite movie: the other day i was procrastinating and made an official list of favourite movies, which still has a lot of ties: 1/2: httyd 1/2, 3/4: moana, big hero 6, 5/6/7: wreck it ralph, tangled, rise of the guardians,  8/9/10: back to the future 1-3 
wow that took a lot of time, but thanks for tagging me! I’m tagging @thepurplewriter333 @yv-sketches and @animalsarepeople2 on the ones that you didn’t tag me in! also tagging @katlikespie @crazilexa and @fading-shadows for whichever one/s you want to do! 
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i was tagged by @imkait​ to do this SUPER LONG questionnaire. Also I totally stole some of your answers :P 
ALSO shoutout to my best friend @somebooksmakeusfree for talking me through the mild panic attack i had when i had to think of something i was talented at and could not for the life of me find an answer. 
anyways i tag @anthropologicalhands​, @risssaar​, @millennialfangirl​
last text sent: to my best friend. we’ve been geeking out over Riverdale and Cole Sprouse for the last two weeks.  list three favourite colours: blue, black, and red what time did you wake up today?: 6 what were you doing last night at midnight?: writing questions for an interview with someone from the fundraising department of NMNH, half asleep.  name something you can’t wait for: Riverdale next week.  when was the last time you saw your mother: this past Tuesday! She came out to see me on my Spring Break which was really nice.  one thing you wish you could change about your life: more money, more sleep, less depression, less anxiety, no migraines what’s getting on your nerves right now?: I’m so stressed about school, and getting enough hours in my internship,and my writing requirement, and graduating, and finding a job, and LIFE. favorite tv shows: veronica mars, riverdale, arrow, when calls the heart, criminal minds, miraculous ladybug, cutthroat kitchen, etc. etc. etc. I mean I can keep listing shows... first best friend: A girl named Bee who moved away in the 6th grade. We’re still facebook friends but we’re not really in touch.  listening to right now: LITTLE MIX. I BLAME YOU KAIT.  3 fears: I HAVE HERPETOPHOBIA. PHOBIA OF LIZARDS. DO NOT LIKE. IMMEDIATE TEARS. Other than that I fear failure and the future 4 turn ons: dry sense of humor/wit, nice smile, deep voice, kindness 4 turn offs: people who don’t read, bigotry, lack of empathy, just meanies in general >:( sexual orientation: heterosexual (probably? mostly? I’ve never been in a position to really test that out and I’ve always stood by the point that gender wouldn’t matter if I loved a person) senior quote in your yearbook: Dude I don’t even know. I feel like I blocked out a lot of high school memories.  first thing you notice in a new person: height I guess? whether or not they’re smiling? shoe size: 6.5-7.5 depending on the shoe.  eye color: brown hair color: dark brown  favorite item of clothing: A black leather and lace jacket I got from LA for like $25 or my brown and black brocade corset.  what color underwear you’re wearing rn: dark gray with light pink polka dots ultimate bias: ? what does this mean ultimate bias group: ? what does this meaaaaaan favourite season: fall how much time did you spend designing your blog: not long? It’s one of the free themes. I should change it up I think.  the reason you joined tumblr: my best friend convinced me to join do you ever get ‘good morning’ or ‘good night’ texts?: not really no?  when did you last hold hands: I don’t know. I honestly don’t know. I link arms a lot but the last time i think i held someone’s hand may be high school? Maybe it happened once or twice in undergrad?  how long does it take you to get ready in the morning?: eh. anywhere from 10 min to 1 hour. depends on how much effort i actually put into it.  have you shaved your legs in the past three days?: no i wax where are you right now?: on my bed trying to convince myself to go and make dinner do you like music loud or at a reasonable level?: I usually listen on headphones but if not I feel like I listen at a reasonable level? I’m always paranoid about how much my neighbor can hear me. (Although honestly i don’t give a shit anymore with how loud she is). 3 things you love: lipstick, books, french fries how you feel right now: i have a bit of a migraine. Not eating is probably not helping.  something you really really want: to have a jooooob, where i get paid with moooooney, someone hire me pleaseeeeee.  3 things that upset you: what doesn’t upset me, honestly what do you find attractive in other people?: didn’t i already answer this? 3 habits you have: biting my nails (which is why i wear nail polish), making a high pitched sound when startled, and flailing a lot with my hands, especially when excited.  something you fantasize about: being gainfully employed something you’re talented at: ... um... i don’t know? My best friend said “Cooking and writing and logistics”  the last person that reblogged something from you: @maggisesk do you smoke/drink: no your favorite food: french fries. and burgers. i really want some right now.  your favorite dessert: lemon meringue pie what you did yesterday: I worked at my internship from 8-5, cataloguing items from a 5,000 item loan. Guess what I did today? Guess what I’m gonna do tomorrow?  number of kids you want: none. absolutely none. nope. nada. no kids. DO NOT WANT.  number of siblings you have: zilch something that’s constantly on your mind: I can guarantee you it’s an OTP. Which specific otp it is depends on the week. these past two weeks, it’s been Bughead. and also Jack and Elizabeth from When Calls the Heart. The week before that was the Doctor and Rose. IT’S ALWAYS AN OTP.  last person you messaged on tumblr: alissa @somebooksmakeusfree  can you drive?: yes, technically. honestly the past two years I’ve only driven while I have my car in CA and that was just at the christmas breaks. and only in my tiny hometown.  what state or part of the world do you live in?: washington, DC are you in school?: yes but the end is so close i can almost taste it do you get grossed out easily?: depends, a bit yes  somewhere you would like to visit for a week: ALISSA. LET’S RUN AWAY TO SCOTLAND TOGETHER I’ll love you if …: you talk to me about my OTP’s  last show you binge-watched?: Riverdale. also When Calls The Heart on Netflix. GO WATCH BOTH.  what words upset you the most: i don’t know if it’s words so much as tone. like, say something to me in a mild tone i can misconstrue as criticism and i’m a mess what words make you feel the best about yourself: compliments? a wish that you’ve wished for repeatedly on 11:11: love, a job, money who would you switch lives with for a day?: I... honestly don’t know. I’d say someone rich and famous but then I’d probably have all their responsibilities. Like performing for them or something and thats too much for me.  your favorite ice cream: strawberry or vanilla caramel allergies: cats. honestly it’s the saddest thing because they’re so cute and fluffy.  sexiest person to come your mind immediately: chris evans. i mean hot damn.  your childhood career choice: actress one of your insecurities: my tummy. it pooches.  how many blogs are you following?: 116 how many tabs/windows do you have open right now?: only 10. i’m honestly surprised coke or pepsi: coke  tea or coffee: tea movie or book: book a sense you would be willing to lose: hmmm maybe smell?  quote you live by: stay gold type of accessory you wear most: i love earrings, i have a huge assortment but I am almost ALWAYS wearing my gold Buddha necklace.  last awkward situation you found yourself in: i’m consistently awkward every day of my life, so who knows honestly what time is it right now?: 10:27 pm a song that’s made you cry: recently? what song hasn’t? I’ve been an anxious, depressive mess, crying at everything.  first song you ever sang at karaoke: probably some thai karaoke at a party when i was 3 i bet you. 
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drashleighreid · 8 years
all of them :)
Sorry it took me so long to answer these lol1) What images do you have set for your desktop/cell phone wallpapers?My lock screen is sasha and my home screen is sandra lol 2) Have you ever had a crush on a teacher?did my horrible embarrassing crush on my gi count lmao 3) What was your last text message?me asking my mum how her day was going lol 4) What do you see yourself doing in 10 years?I wanna be living in LA working on movie sets or a studio in any capacity possible !! I'm !!! 5) If you could be anywhere else right now, where would you be?honestly ?? Nowhere LA is just..... 😭😍 I wanna be here forever and always 6) What was your coolest Halloween costume?I haven't done Halloween a lot so probably Alice in wonderland. I have a lot of cool ideas but never really get the chance 7) What was your favorite 90s show?SO MANY!! maybe friends?? But also Rugrats cat dog the nanny the x files Daria Arthur Sabrina ??? What a time to be alive 8) Who was your last kiss?umm?? I think someone in a club tbh lmao 🤷🏻‍♀️9) Have you ever been stood up?Uh not really?? I've gotten completely ready for something then had friends flake on me 10) Favorite ice cream flavor?Cookie dough!!!!11) Have you been to Las Vegas?no :--( I need to tho!! Gotta go to that flagship Taco Bell !!! 12) Your favorite pair of shoes?Luv my Adidas or my birks!! 13) Honestly, have you ever cheated on your significant other?No14) What is your favorite fruit?Mango!!!!15) Have you talked to anyone on tumblr that you could see yourself dating/having sex with? If possible?I don't think so 16) Are you into hookups? Short or long term relationships??? Who knows depends on the person 17) Do you smoke? If so, what?no. Sometimes w if it's available but very rarely 18) What do you do to get over your anger?listen to music and lay down, go for a drive, work out. 19) Do you believe in God?to some capacity. I'm more agnostic than anything. 20) Does the person you're in love with know it?No bc they're all celebrities who don't know who I am 21) Favorite position?Sleeping22) What's your horoscope sign?Scorpio 23) Your fears?I'm claustrophobic and have a fear of vomit and cockroaches lmao 24) How many pets do you have? What kind?None :---( 25) What never fails to turn you on?what 26) Your idea of a perfect first date?something fun!! Something active and cool!! Something where you can talk maybe like an arcade or smthn 27) What is something most people don't know about you?hmm.. a tough one. can't share all my secrets 28) What makes you feel the happiest?Travelling!! Airports!! Really good food!! Dogs!! 29) What store do you shop at most often?Probably target lmao 30) How do you feel about oral? Giving and/or receiving?👍🏼31) Do you believe in karma?Yes binch 32) Are you single?ye 33) Do you think flowers or candy are a better way to apologize?Flowers34) Are you a good swimmer?I won't drown but I probably wouldn't win many races either 35) Coffee or Tea?Cawfee!! 36) Online shopping or shopping in person?Depends on my mood and what I'm shopping for. I like both. 37) Would you rather be older or younger than your current age?I like my current age!! Younger if I could fix some shit ,, older if I'm where I wanna b then 38) Cats or Dogs?Doggos!! 39) Are you a competitive person?Depends on the thing. I'm lowkey competitive I won't #fight but I secretly rly wanna win everything 40) Do you believe in aliens?yes!!! Especially today !! Intergalactic alien day 41) Do you like dancing?Yes!! 42) What kind of music to you listen to?All kinds !! My music taste is a MESS 43) What is your favorite cartoon character?I relate to Lisa Simpson 44) Where are you from?nowhere bitch !! ?? I'm from Aus this question is weird tho rn bc I'm in living limbo n dont have a 'home' !! 45) Eat at home or eat out?Eat out!! Or get take out and eat at home watching Netflix 46) How much more social are you when you're drunk?A bit more depends on my mood n stuff and who I'm around 47) What was the last thing you bought for yourself?Taco Bell lmao 48) Why do you think your followers follow you???? no clue tbh ,, I feel like a lot of the followers I have now are just og from the vivaziva days 49) How many hours do you sleep at night?Can't function without 8-9 hours of beauty sleep !! 50) What worries you most about the future?not accomplishing my goals or being successful !! Not being happy or content ever w who I am and what I'm doing w my life !! 51) If you had a friend that spoke to you the same way you speak to yourself, how long would you be friends?we'd b friends she cool and tries to keep me in line52) Are you happy with yourself?there are things I can improve on. I'm not sure I'll ever be satisfied but I can keep trying and someday I'll b there 53) What do you wish you didn't know?The plot lines of my fave shows movies and books so I could experience it again. 54) What big lesson could people learn from your life?That life is ab priorities !! 55) If you could live in any home on a television series, what would it be?Hmm !! Maybe the friends apartment ,, or Mauras house !! Or Gabrielle's house from desperate housewives ,, 56) What's your favorite Website?Fanfic dot net 57) What's the habit you're proudest of breaking?Idk ??? people pleasing 58) What was your most recent trip of more than 50 miles?Does flying count ??? MCI-LAX 59) What's the best bargain you've ever found at a garage sale or thrift store?hmm?? Probably some jackets. I'm not good at finding bargains 60) What do you order when you eat Chinese food?I don't like Chinese food... I'll make stir fries at home w rice and veggies n a spicy sauce 61) If you had to be named after one of the 50 states, which would it be?The only one that doesn't sound awful to me rn is alaska lol. 62) If you had to teach a subject to a class, what would it be?English !! 63) Favorite kind of chips?Tortilla bitch 64) Favorite kind of sandwich?Veggie patty!! Or avocado on toast if that counts 65) Which do you use more often, the dictionary or the thesaurus?Thesaurus 66) Have you ever been stung by a bee?Yea67) What's your favorite form of exercise?Martial arts or dancing 68) Are you afraid of heights?no69) What's the most memorable class you've ever taken?umm... at school prob gender studies but my immediate thought was this bikram yoga class I did like 5 years ago that was like a masterclass taught by some important dude and when we were meditating at the end he was talkin ab how we should imagine ourselves floating in the perfect temperate water and the sky is filled with stars and they're reflecting off the water and ur just surrounded by stars everywhere and the water is lapping at ur skin and it's peaceful n beautiful and it just rly painted a picture for me and it was such a #moment that I always remember how euphoric I felt in that moment meditating and imagining what he was describing and every time I'm stressed or am meditating or just laying in bed I picture that I'm floating in this big ocean surrounded by stars and it's just stuck w me for a long time 70) What's your favorite breakfast?Acai bowls !! Or avocado toast !! 71) Do you like guacamole?BITXH yes .. so much72) Have you ever been in a physical fight?When I was like 10 lol 73) What/who are you thinking about right now?Doing this thing but I immediately thought of Sasha a bc I was looking at pics of her before this to put on to customised popsockets I'm thinking of getting lol 74) Do you like cuddling?Depends on my mood 75) Are you holding onto something you need to let go of?Probably 76) Have you ever experienced one of your biggest fears?Idk I'm claustrophobic and I used to be moreso than I am now and I used to nearly have panic attacks when taking off on flights bc I knew I couldn't get up and off the plane. I don't get those anymore on flights but I still avoid elevators and things like that if I can. 77) Favorite city you've been to?LA !!! Or London 78) Would you break the law to save a family member?Maybe 79) Talk about an embarrassing moment?ummmm. Probably something in school . I can't think of anything super embarrassing that's happened to me recently I'm not rly fazed by a lot. I'm most embarrassed just thinking of the person I was like 2-3 years ago lol 80) Are there any causes you strongly believe in?Veganism!!! 81) What's the worst injury you've ever had?Knock on wood I've been very fortunate in my life w injuries. All I can think of is when I was in eighth grade I used to bike to school w a friend and when I was pedalling up this rly steep hill my gears fucked up and gave out and my foot slipped off the pedal because I was pushing so hard and the pedal ground up the back of my foot and ankle and leg and I got a huge scrape on the front of it as well form the road and I still have a big lumpy scar on the back of my ankle from it lol 82) Favorite day of the week?Idk or care tbh !! Sunday maybe bc there's an aesthetic 83) Do you consider yourself sexually open minded?yes 84) How do you feel about porn?I feel like this requires like a novel length response. The industry is problematic in certain ways but the practice of watching it is fine 85) Which living celebrity would you like to know?Sasha Alexander !! 86) Who was your hottest ex? no one on here would know anyone I'd say anyway?! 87) Do you want/have kids?not really, not right now, maybe someday,88) Has anyone ever told you that they wanted to marry you?well 89) Do you get easily distracted?I get bored quick 90) Ass or titties?Ass91) What is your favorite word?Colloquial 92) How do you feel about tattoos?Luv em!! Too indecisive for any but they're cool to look at lol93) Do you have any pets?Not personally...... yet 94) How tall are you?5'6.595) How old are you?2296) 3 physical features you get complimented on a lot?Umm ,, eyes, hair, and boobs probably lmao 97) Is there anything you're really passionate about?Veganism !! ;) also movies/tv shows, travelling, middle aged actresses 98) Do you have trust issues?Somewhat 99) Do you believe in love at first sight?Never experienced it but that doesn't mean anything 100) What are some words that you live by? Why?'The cure for anything is salt water; sweat, tears, or the sea' bc it's tru I grew up near the ocean. Also 'if you always do what you've always done you'll always get what you've always got' also truThanks so much !! xx
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