#and i'm no strict moralist
azquine · 1 year
Can I get something on the JoanFK tag that ISN'T just complaining? It is ok to be feeling shit that things went badly in the show, but do you have to tag that negativity on the ship? The negativity is all that there is to see whenever I try to interact with the show and it's making me feel horrible.
I've been in far worse fandoms, and they didn't make me feel this bad.
It all feels so puritanical, like you have forgotten what a teen drama parody entails. Did you forget that they were ALL assholes in the first season who backstabbed and did shitty things to eachother for their own selfish gain? You are applying pretty strict rules of morality onto characters who intrinsically must break those rules to allow the narratives of their genre to move.
This was a short kiss, the result of feelings that JFK and Harriet had actively been trying to avoid for the sake of Joan. This could have been resolved by open communication, but that's not how either drama shows OR stupid hormonal teens work. After making this mistake, they did the most responsible and moral thing they could have and confessed it literally within the same episode as soon as Joan would not, you know, DIE as a result.
All things considered, it wasn't a secret relationship, it wasn't sex, it wasn't a long term secret held until it accidentally spills out and ruins everything. It could have been SO much worse, it was none of my worst fears, and I'm honestly relieved a kiss was where it stopped. And I am also really glad they confessed to quickly because I HATE liar revealed plots more than ANYTHING and I probably would have stopped watching. If they were going to do this plotline it was the best case scenario for me.
And do you know what is even better? What should be the bare minimum but is actually pretty rare in dramas from my experience? Neither of them tried to mitigate Joan's reaction, to say she was overreacting or to dance around the issue to make it sound better beyond a truthful 'we felt nothing'. Joan was allowed the space to fully process the information and her emotions, even if through a montage. And damn I wish I saw that more often.
As for those saying JFK would need a redemption for what he has done- does being open and honest about his wrongdoings not do that pretty succinctly? Beyond having not done it at all what else do you want? Pretty puritanical to want him to suffer before he can be forgiven.
And granted, Harriet got plenty of unjustified hate before she had even done anything, but post-kiss most of the discussion and anger I have seen has been directed solely at JFK. Harriet was part of that kiss too, knowingly going against her friend. Why is the romantic relationship deemed worse to betray? Both of them did a stupid thing together, and fixed it together.
And I'm not saying Joan putting all the consequence on Abe is justified, he didn't do shit wrong either, he tried to keep his friend alive in a tricky situation.
All of your feelings are valid, and I do see why the dominant opinion is what it is. Cheating is an awful thing to do and you should not be with someone you do not trust, I cannot refute that.
Yet at the same time, I felt it was important to put forward some differing points that I had been having. This show will not be enjoyable if we hold a position of being negative and moralistic. To some extent there has to be an acceptance that this is a fiction and moral failings are often part of a narrative structure.
(And while many of you have legitimate critiques on the execution of the show, it feels like some of you are taking the 'thing done badly because I don't like it' route)
I really hope nobody takes this as me trying to enforce cheating or to say that JFK and Harriet kissing was ok. It was shitty of them to do in the first place, but they are not morally irredeemable. Teen do stupid bad thing is not new. I'm also not interested in having an argument over this, I get caught up far too easily in that so I won't be answering any replies or asks. It is fine if you disagree, I'm here to propose a counterpoint.
Sorry if this was repetitive or lengthy. It just felt like I had to get it out there despite it being the early hours of the morning.
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anne-bsd-bibliophile · 7 months
Bah, the first ask didn't go in. I wanted to ask where Gide’s characteristics come from regarding his works and RL author since this isn't something really brought up amongst fans. I was able to piece some things together, but I'm worried this will take longer than nessasary for me.
I'm not as knowledgeable about French literature, but I can share what I know.
The literary work Gide's ability is named after is Strait is the Gate. The title comes from the Bible, Luke 13:24, which says “Strait is the gate and narrow is the way…” Britannica.com describes, "The work contrasts the yearning toward asceticism and self-sacrifice with the need for sensual exploration as a young woman struggles with conflicting feelings about the man who wants to marry her." Gide was born Protestant, and many of his works are morality tales. In Straight is the Gate, one major theme is the futile quest for sainthood and salvation.
The way I understand how the character Andre Gide in Bungo Stray Dogs is related to the real author is based on this theme. In BSD, Gide's ideal aren't religious (though he does recite John 12:24 from the Bible, so the character might have a religious background), but he does have high expectations for his duty as a soldier. And for him the path he has to take in order to take pride in being a soldier is just as rigorous and the religious ideals described in the real Andre Gide's books. The character in BSD even says that he is searching for someone "who will free our souls," similar to how the characters in Gide's novels seek salvation in religion. But it was never really possible for him to achieve the salvation he was looking for.
Ultimately salvation wasn't achievable for Gide in BSD or for the characters in Gide's novels. This could be a reflection of the author Andre Gide's real life: "Known for his fiction as well as his autobiographical works, Gide expressed the conflict and eventual reconciliation of the two sides of his personality (characterized by a Protestant austerity and a transgressive sexual adventurousness, respectively). He suggested that a strict and moralistic education had helped set these facets at odds" (source). The conflict between high ideals and reality might have been the war Andre Gide was fighting within himself, but the salvation he was taught to look for in Protestantism was actually a futile quest. And this psychological conflict is a major theme in his writing, and part of why he won the Nobel Piece Prize in Literature.
Of course this is just my personal opinion. I'm definitely not an expert in French literature and I have no idea what Asagiri Kafka had in mind when they created the character in BSD. But Gide is definitely an interesting author, and I think that reading his books Strait is the Gate and The Immoralist helped me understand the BSD character better.
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Honestly, I think the best thing the Riku-Data combo has ever said is that "This is probably going to be one of the hardest periods in our life save for any unexpected disaster, death, or massive illness" cause like, yeah damn right it is and we are more than ready for shit shit cause literally it's the silver lining to our trauma and abuse actually put into play. Like our trauma didn't "benefit us more than harm us" and I'm not gonna be like "This is what our trauma trained us for uwu" cause fuck that shit
But quite frankly since we survived the brunt of the trauma and the first 5-7 years of healing enough to restitch ourselves together pretty strongly, the side effect of having this adulthood shit pushed on us and having a (unhealthy but moderated) sense of extreme adulthood and budgetting skills and sense of having no support paired with the fact we kept a highly strict and minimalist life to set ourselves up with a good foundation of money and in a good place like...
We're good honestly. Like we're 22 and honestly having divorced the fucking stupidity that is Capitalism (not @ people still in it, its brain washing, Capitalism is stupid not victims in it) and it's fucking bait of chronic self torture, having a fucking amazing fiance, making great progress in whatever our transitioning goal is, having a number of hobbies and joys in life, having a decently set career and stable income with no plans for children because this world sucks, too queer for kids, and having kids in this economy is impossible - so as long as we know how to care for ourselves, manage money, and slowly upgrade shit towards the number of plans between Riku and I until we can have a mostly self sustaining life style save for a few things that aren't worth it - save any unexpected disaster we honestly have shit in the bag.
The thing that is a far out ideal if we play this "end game content" well enough would be to literally just buy a plot of land and transfer whatever we do for our personal life on there and either move friends and shit onto there to have a cheap sustainable life and/or leave it an open resource wherever we live for homeless and people in need to get shit like for real.
I really don't fucking get this need and desire people have to like idk take a vacation to Baja to sunbathe and buy some arbitrary keep sake that just shows off your wealth when you could just invest into having a fucking nice and peaceful life you can vibe in.
Like yeah I want some nice guitars and some nice clothes and shit but like I really don't get these stupid vices of wanting to live in a Mansion *sparkle* and have Gucchi *sparkle* like cool live in an empty mansion where you have to call your family on a phone to talk to cause thats fun and not isolating at all.
Fuck Capitalistic Materialistic "I'm Rich Look at Me" goals like literally they're stupid and just empty beyond the immediate joy of it. The real deal is just getting shit you can have to enjoy the world better and improving crap like.... for real I'm a self centered person but its really not about being "uwu selfless think about others" just like why
I still really don't fucking get why people don't just make shit better. Its not a moralistic thing is just you could buy a yacht youll use like once a month tops or you can actually just work to solve a problem that will have a longer pay out of both entertainment and enrichment while also building good terms with others
Like why
Why buy such stupid lavish things you probably will never use
It's really not a moralistic thing here for me. It really isn't. It's just so much more fucking entertaining, sensical and overall a fucking better decision to try to build a more sustainable way of living that is cheaper for people and thus help address some of the largest issues and problems plaguing society than idk, buying a yacht or a mansion that I'd only use like 3 rooms of regularly.
Like yeah I'd buy a stupid expensive guitar and leather and good clothes because you cant expect anyone to just sit here and be 100% giving 100% of the time and never treat themselves without burning out + this ISN'T A MORALISTIC THING AND JUST A HOBBY / PROJECT but that shit is all shit I *would regularly use*
Just like... why.
Like isn't the WHOLE thing about Capitalism is investing into Capital??? Then why do all the Rich People Buy Stupid Shit. Like JESUS christ it pisses me off how fucking stupid and brain dead American Capitalism is and how they fucking trap people in this fucking STUPID circle of suffering. Like in it's own fucking fundamentals it doesn't FUCKING make sense
Like fuck man as a part I was grilled to be a capitalistic war machine before I looked at that and said FUCK that so I GET how capitalism works which makes me look at this crap and Im like YOU GUYS AREN'T EVEN INVESTING INTO CAPITAL WHY WHAT DOES THIS SHIT SERVE YOU
Anyways fuck man, I was trying to reflect on how we are doing good and it just (de?)evolved into a capitalistic rant #SorryNotSorryMan
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hiisheart · 4 months
in the lists below, select all of the traits that you believe your muse embodies. for each category, bold, italicize, enlarge, & put in all caps (if you'd like) 2-3 of the most prominent characteristics of your muse. OPTIONAL DEEP DIVE STEP: under a cut, describe why you picked the 2-3 terms from each list for your muse.
Tumblr media
positive . active. adaptable. adventurous. agreeable. alert. articulate. athletic. BENEVOLENT. calm. capable. caring. charismatic. charming. cheerful. clear-headed. clever. compassionate. confident. conscientious. considerate. contemplative. cooperative. courageous. creative. curious. daring. decisive. dedicated. deep. dignified. disciplined. discreet. dramatic. dutiful. dynamic. educated. efficient. eloquent. empathetic. energetic. enthusiastic. fair. faithful. flexible. focused. forgiving. freethinking. friendly. fun-loving. gallant. generous. gentle. good-natured. gracious. hardworking. helpful. honest. humble. humorous. idealistic. imaginative. independent. intelligent. intuitive. kind. LEADERLY. logical. loyal. mature. modest. observant. open. optimistic. organized. passionate. patient. perfectionist. persuasive. playful. practical. principled. protective. rational. reflective. resourceful. respectful. responsible. romantic. selfless. sensitive. serious. sociable. spontaneous. stoic. studious. sympathetic. tolerant. trusting. understanding. vivacious. warm. wise. witty.
neutral . aggressive. ambitious. casual. competitive. deceptive. determined. EMOTIONAL. intense. mellow. moralistic. obedient. outspoken. predictable. preoccupied. private. proud. quiet. reserved. sarcastic. self-conscious. skeptical. strict. STUBBORN. unpredictable.
negative . aloof. angry. anxious. apathetic. argumentative. arrogant. assertive. blunt. boisterous. callous. careless. cautious. childish. clumsy. cold. conceited. conformist. cowardly. crass. crude. cruel. cynical. demanding. dependent. destructive. devious. dirty. dishonest. disloyal. disobedient. disorganized. disrespectful. disruptive. distractible. domineering. egocentric. envious. erratic. excitable. faithless. fearful. fiery. foolish. forgetful. frightening. greedy. gullible. hateful. hedonistic. hesitant. hostile. ignorant. impulsive. inconsiderate. indecisive. INSECURE. insensitive. intolerant. irrational. irresponsible. irritable. lazy. meddlesome. messy. miserable. moody. naive. narcissistic. neurotic. obnoxious. obsessive. opinionated. passive. pedantic. perverse. petty. power-hungry. presumptuous. pretentious. procrastinating. REPRESSED. resentful. rowdy. sadistic. secretive. selfish. shallow. shy. slow. submissive. superstitious. suspicious. tactless. tense. timid. troublesome. uncaring. uncooperative. unreliable. unstable. vindictive.
( i don't think i'm gonna do the deep dive here cuz i've talked about these elements of mike's character here, here, here, here, & here, but y'all are more than welcome to send in questions about why i chose what i did here c: )
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rowannothere · 11 months
Rowan's ThunderClan & ShadowClan Culture Overhaul
Hi! My bad for not posting yesterday, I was working on some OCs towards the end of the day but ended up falling asleep before finishing them haha. Today I have some culture concepts for a ThunderClan and ShadowClan reboot! I'm still working on the RIverClan and WindClan concepts, and the other groups (SkyClan, WarriorClan, the Tribe, the Sisters, the Guardians, BloodClan, & the Kin) are all kinda mixed into these main Clans (ShadowClan takes in daylight warriors like SkyClan and lives in the city, wearing collars lined with claws and teeth like BloodClan as well as pelts and skulls of their kills and sometimes their loved ones and ThunderClan offers sick and injured cats treatment if they join the Clan, similar to the Guardians, though afaik the Guardians don't make you join, and launches ambushes from the treetops like SkyClan).
ShadowClan is known for being a chaotic neutral group. They’re playful and mischievous, often talented, clever pranksters. They broke off from ThunderClan due to disagreements on how to run things and now live a pretty much lawless life; moralistic, but no rules. While they value and encourage individual freedom, they are extremely loyal to each other, willing to lay down their life for any of their Clanmates. They have different jobs for cats to choose between, but they don’t hold any job higher than another and run on a direct democratic system where every Clan decision is voted on by everyone. They’re crafty, especially with traps for both hunting and defense, and stealthy, utilizing the element of surprise in many of their strategies. They’re regarded by other Clans, especially ThunderClan, as criminals and renegades due to their tendencies to revert to stealing and trespassing when times are hard, as many had done when lower ranked cats in ThunderClan. As a conglomeration of outcasts, they value the “ugly” parts of nature and will take in almost anyone in need. They live in a large twolegplace and often have to resort to scavenging, which doesn't help their hunting skills very much. As aforementioned, they will wear mementos of their kills or their loved ones to remember them (and to intimidate the other Clans as this is considered awfully morbid and morose by the others) and they take in outdoor kittypets as daylight warriors, who help in guarding the camp and finding food while the others are asleep, as most of ShadowClan lurks during the nighttime.
ThunderClan is known for being a lawful good group—well, they started off good-intentioned, for the most part, at least. They’re strict on order and rules and each rank has a different value placed on it. They believe this order brings peace to their Clan, allowing everything to work together like a well-oiled machine, but as they recently discovered with the split of ShadowClan, this machine isn’t invincible to a malfunction or two. They have a representative democratic government and a court system run by these elected representatives, who can be overthrown with a 2/3 majority vote. In the beginning, the Clan was built to always help those in need, no matter the sacrifice required or the trivialness of the issue at hand. However, over time, they’ve become more “sensible” and only take in those they can trust and who are in dire need, and even then those cats are placed immediately in the lower ranks. Cats don’t choose what rank they obtain, it’s chosen for them through tests of their skills. It is extremely difficult to leave ThunderClan once you've joined, whether you intended to or not.
The ranks in ThunderClan go as followed: the Judge and Legislator are considered the highest ranks, with the Legislator writing laws and the Judge interpreting them; the Ambassadors and the Herbalist are the next highest ranks, with the Ambassadors acting as a mixture of a therapist, priest, diplomat, and an HR in that they settle disputes inside the Clan before they escalate to the court system, they handle spiritual communication and relationships between other Clans (with the agreement of the Head Paladin, they can start and end wars and treaties), and they provide advice and a shoulder to cry on during difficult times--since this job is so diverse, there are typically multiple Ambassadors at a time (usually just two, with a maximum of four for each specialty), and the Herbalist is in charge of keeping the Clan physically healthy; the Head Paladin and Head Ranger are the last of the high ranks, the Head Paladin organizing border patrols and battle strategies and the Head Ranger organizing hunting patrols; the Rangers and the Paladins are the middlemost ranks, with Rangers hunting for the Clan and the two types Paladins guarding camp and enforcing laws or guarding patrols and entering battles; finally, the lowest ranks are the Elders, the Apprentices, the Kits, and the Caregivers, with Elders being retired cats, Apprentices being Paladins, Herbalists, or Rangers in training, Kits being cats too young to train, and Caregivers being nursing or pregnant cats. While these roles are still vital to the Clan's survival, they aren't the most respected or honored. An Apprentice can choose to train to be a Paladin, Herbalist, or Ranger. Paladins and Rangers can then advance to Head Paladin or Head Ranger, then to Ambassador, then to Judge or Legislator.
I don't like to think there's a definitive right or wrong in any of my stories, it's all one big blob of gray matter to me. ThunderClan is genuinely trying to be the good guys, but their system is so easy for the antagonists to corrupt--you'd think since it's so difficult and complicated to rise up in the ranks it'd stop bad guys from taking control, right? But nobody starts out with bad intentions from the get-go, in fact, most people who do bad things genuinely think they're doing it for a good reason--that, or they're just plain evil, which admittedly can have its motivations too, like maybe they want to see people who hurt them suffer or they want power because they feel they have so little control in their life as is. Anyway, the point is, those good intentions can get twisted when one comes into power and they can start to oppress others and abuse this power, knowingly or not. So, in a story focused on ThunderClan, the protagonist would have to fix all this convoluted mess that has become of their government, but... how? How would YOU fix it? :0 (only answer if you're okay with me using these ideas since I'm not quite sure how to fix it myself!)
As for ShadowClan, I really hate to say I can't see what's wrong with them aside from them just being general crimebags... I know there must be some flaw to their system, there always is in any system, but what? They really would much rather disband than be led by anyone, which means there can't be corrupt leadership, but that also means a general lack of structure; nobody's making, judging, or enforcing laws. But, to get around this, the Clan is so fiercely loyal and protective of each other they would immediately become hostile with and exile anyone who kills or even hurts one of their own (though the family of that cat may not be too happy about the decision). Resources are distributed evenly among the Clan, so... what other major societal problems could they face?
Wow, that was a whole lot of rambling! Welp, I'd say you guys are well fed today then :D Oh, and before I forget, if you guys have any ideas on RiverClan or WindClan culture you'd be okay with me using, go ahead and suggest them! Also, my culture ideas are free to be inspired by for anyone (however, my characters are not unless specifically stated otherwise).
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johannstutt413 · 2 years
(requested by thewizardmus) Misha actually Defects to RI (at W’s request)
“...I’m sorry, you want me to do what?” Click had heard the Doctor’s request perfectly fine. What she didn’t understand was why he’d made it.
“I want you to make a movie about the consequences of us sparing the lives of certain individuals from Reunion.” He tapped a small journal he kept with him (almost) all the time. “Everything you need’s in this journal, including the funding.”
That didn’t answer her real question though, so the Zalak followed up with, “Why?”
“Because I don’t want to be the person that has to tell certain people certain things.” In other words: secrecy.
“Meaning you don’t want responsibility for it at all, then.” Important note. The videographer made sure to hold onto that for the end credits. “Well, it’ll probably take some time, but I’ll find your cast and get started on it. Anything else for me?”
The Doctor smiled, reaching into his desk and sliding a promotional medal across it. “Payment in advance. Thanks for your help and discretion.”
“Wow…Of course, Doctor. Let me know when you’ve got another project for me.”
“I will when you’re finished with this one,” he confirmed. “Dismissed.”
Well shit, time to make a movie, then.
What If? Misha Never Becomes Skullshatterer
The conditions to save Misha are, to put it lightly, difficult to achieve. For starters, her brother Skullshatterer’s death ultimately led her to take Reunion’s side; this means either her brother must be saved as well, OR they can’t meet each other for long enough for Skullshatterer to reveal his identity to her. Frankly, the scenarios in which W encounters her are often too far along the ‘failure’ branch to bring Misha on-side…However, with some alterations to events proceeding, perhaps she could have been saved.
“Can I ask... where we're going?” Misha [played by Absinthe] asked Amiya [herself] as Rhodes Island moved her from the area, Exusiai [herself] in the lead.
“We’re meeting with the LGD.” Amiya replied, brow furrowed. It didn’t sit entirely right with her, but Lungmen would be better equipped to defend innocents. “They will protect you.”
The Doctor [played by Ethan in a full Doctor costume] shook his head. “Amiya, you know we can’t do that.”
“That’s trading a sheep to a wolf in exchange for feed for the flock.” He looked at Misha, hood and mask completely obscuring his face. “No, we’re not giving her to the LGD. One more *cough* for the caravan is manageable.”
The Ursus was getting mixed signals. “So you…aren’t taking me to the LGD.”
“We aren’t leaving you with them. They have a reason for wanting to speak with you, and we had to agree to work with them to get this far, but they can have the conversation with us in the room. The only people I trust are the ones walking beside me. Either way, we have to dodge Reunion.” [A direct quote from the journal entry]
“...Reunion?” Misha asked. “I’ve never heard of Reunion.”
Amiya nodded. “They’re Infected, like us, but they believe that the only way for us to survive is to destroy anyone who isn’t Infected.”
“Are they the people you’re fighting?” Gunshots from up ahead - Exusiai and Texas were clearing a route to the LGD rendezvous.
“They’re the people attacking us, yes.” The Doctor looked around, frowning. “Ambush up ahead. They’re corralling us…Misha, do you know the two ways to stop violence?”
Certainly not asked so directly. “Um, no?”
“Violence is a short-term solution to violence; it’s a cycle that may halt for a moment, but will grind on forever without a more permanent solution. The other way to stop violence is diplomacy.”
“Doctor?” The Cautus at his side could sense where this was leading. “Are you sure we have an option of that sort here?”
He nodded. “There’s no other way. If there’s any way to stop the bleeding, we have to attempt it…Misha? Amiya? Come with me. Liskarm, Ex, take cover and hold your fire! Hands up, like mine…Good.”
“Hey!” A Reunion thug ran towards them, crowbar in hand, but upon seeing the trio with hands raised, he stopped.
“Good, you noticed.” The Doctor stared at the antagonist, hoping his mask could conceal his contempt as well. “We want to negotiate.”
The thug raised their crowbar. “Do you now? What changed?”
“Changed? Nothing’s changed. I want to talk to whoever’s giving you your orders to make something change.”
“...Hey, Skull!” He turned around and called out. Behind him, Liskarm lined up a shot but was waved down by the Doctor. “They’ve got Misha, and they wanna talk!”
Skullshatterer, weapons in full view, approached them. “Talk? Rhodes Island? You cowards-”
“I stopped running.” The Doctor removed the glove from his right hand.
“And? We’ve got you cornered.” His eyes passed over the trio, softening when turning to Misha. “It’s really you.”
Amiya stepped in front of her. “What do you want with her?”
“What do you? Aren’t you just helping Lungmen kill our brothers and sisters?” He pointed his weapon at an empty corner of the alleyway and fired.
“So that’s what they’re telling you, is it?” The Doctor sighed. “Look, the only reason we’re here is because of what happened in Chernobog. If you’re so bothered by the deaths of Infected, why are leading them on suicide missions against armed militias and police forces? Rhodes Island is trying to cure the Infection, but since we can’t do that, we’re trying to get the funds we need to fuel our research. What are you accomplishing, other than burning down our brothers’ homes and killing our sisters’ sons and daughters? Hmm?”
That stopped the Reunion leader in his tracks. “That’s not-”
“That’s exactly what you’ve done. Have you considered that your group’s actions have put Chernobog on a collision course with Lungmen?”
“What?” Everyone’s heads turned to the Doctor. “What do you mean?”
He pointed to the sky. “I mean exactly what I said. We have been shooting and stabbing and slaughtering each other, both sides in the name of improving the lives of the Infected, while an entire city of people is aimed at the backs of our heads. Whatever your leader claims, what they want is death and destruction, and unfortunately, Rhodes Island’s been playing right into your hands as well. So, if you want to keep fighting and dying, we can do that…What I want to know is what you want with Misha, and why you can’t let us take her out of the city to treat her infection, which if a stray crossbow bolt doesn’t kill her will more slowly and far more painfully.”
“...Misha.” Skullshatterer removed his mask.
“Alex?!” Misha took a step forward, grimacing as a sharp pain ran up her leg. “Ow…”
As Amiya called for a medic to help her treat the sudden spike in her symptoms, the Doctor looked at the young man standing before him. “You know her?”
“She’s my sister.” He dropped his weapons to approach her.
“Your sister?” The Doctor nodded. “And this was your idea, to ambush us and attack us with explosives and Arts and projectiles while we had her with us?”
He kneeled at her side, taking her hand as the medic assisting in her treatment gave her an injection of suppressive medicines. “I didn’t…I just wanted her by my side again.”
“And you wanted her to help you destroy Lungmen?”
“I…” Skullshatterer turned to glare at his philosophical enemy. “You’re trying to trick me.”
The Doctor sighed. “No, your leaders have done a good enough job of that. I’m trying to stop the bleeding, like I said. We want Misha safe and treated; frankly, if you can help us get her back to our ship, we can show you just how aligned your interests and ours truly are, as long as you understand that whatever you’ve been told, Reunion is not fighting for the betterment of the Infected.”
“He’s got a lot of hot air, I’ll give him that. For once it almost makes sense.” W commented from the shadows, flipping a detonator in the air.
“W?” The other Reunion leader growled as his mind and heart went to war internally. “I thought I-”
She kicked a rock towards him. “There’s two things I wanted out of this: him dead, and Talulah to lose. If I can’t have the first one, I really want the second. Only problem is my little toys are going to either take out this whole block or nothing at all…So if you want to walk out of here with your lil’ sis alive and kicking, you’ll want to follow lil’ Bunny and her friends back to their boat.”
“They don’t want to take me to the LGD, Alex…They’re not bad people…and the medicine is working.” Misha certainly still hurt, but it was weaker than before.
“...Alright.” He grabbed his weapons again. “I don’t trust you as far as I could blast you, but if you really want to help us-”
The Doctor held out his hand. “Shake on it. I’ll do everything in my power to save as many lives as I can; you’ll help us convince Reunion to stand down, to a man, so we can stop your leader - Talulah, if I heard that right? - from destroying two cities in the name of Infected rights.”
“And you didn’t hear it from me~” W left the scene, onto her rendezvous with Lungmen’s ‘finest’.
“I’ll shake on it.” Alex took the offered hand and shook. His grip was noticeably stronger than his counterpart’s. “Everyone! We’re heading to Rhodes Island’s headquarters! Defend yourselves, but do not engage unless absolutely necessary! I’m not losing more friends today if I can help it.”
Amiya looked around at the situation, saw that words had won over guns, and thought to herself, ‘Perhaps there can be a peaceful solution to all of this?’
…Of course, we know that’s not what happened.
Misha’s death, as terrible as any death is, acted as a catalyst. Without the experiences of defeating Reunion’s more sympathetic lower-level leaders, she wouldn’t be prepared to fight Kaschey alongside Ch’en. While there’s no such thing as a ‘necessary evil,’ Hell isn’t paved with only abject villainy, but good intentions as well. If the Doctor had stepped in here, Reunion wouldn’t have simply allowed them to live; they would have been cut down, portrayed as ‘traitors to the Infected cause,’ and the Black Snake would have had no one to step in his way.
Would you really trade the city of Lungmen for Misha’s life?
Would you really sacrifice thousands for a few names you recognize?
Is your heart so calloused to justify mass casualties to spare yourself a moment’s heartbreak?
Part One of Rhodes Island’s What If series. Funded by Rhodes Island Pharmaceuticals.
[Roll Credits]
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playedbetter · 2 years
So April is autism acceptance month and I'm autistic so in honor of those two things here are my muses that I see as autistic along with some extra info for each hc. Also if you just want a shortlist look at the tags cause all relevant characters shall be tagged!
Though you could kinda say any of my muses are autistic considering I'm writing them from an autistic perspective.
This is going to be long so the list is under the cut.
Zachary Zatara
He tries very hard to follow social rules as it does not come to him naturally, which has also made him very reliant on the showman persona he puts on.
A deck of playing cards is an excellent stim and one he frequently uses, mostly shuffling the deck or straightening out the cards.
He also messes around with his magic to stim sometimes. Such as playing magical cat's cradle
John Wick
Very low emotional expression and stoic behavior, and while part of this is due to his up bringing I do think it is also just naturally the type of person he is.
Demisexuality, he only is attracted to those he has gotten to know well. While this is an identity that can be separate from being autistic it is also a trait of autism.
Low empathy, meaning he doesn't really mirror the feelings around him or being expressed to him, such as not being sad because the person he is talking too is. Not to be confused with sympathy or compassion.
Jacket (Payday Verse)
Has a special interest in the Hotline Miami video game.
Trouble with verbal communication, which isn't helped by his other mental stuff but ultimately finds it's roots with him being autistic.
He has very flat facial expressions.
Social awkwardness is a big one here mixed with non adherence to social norms.
She could be considered a savant when it comes to her ability to research and put together mysteries.
Swinging around a staff and other physical activity like that can be a real good stim.
Caleb Widogast
Like Beauregard he could be considered a savant, excelling in magic and magical study.
Autistic people and cats have a natural connection, that's just a fact (but for real the community does occasionally see cats as a bit of a mascot)
The cat thing again.
Highly moralistic and concerned with the ideal of justice and fairness which is both due to some bleed over from Justice along with being autistic.
Another case of savant syndrome mixed with a special interest in his case. Invention and machines are his spin and that goes well with his natural talent in both. His passion and willingness to do anything for them is in part because he's autistic.
Can have trouble judging how people see him, such as failing to notice when people have crushes on him.
Kim Kitsuragi
Follows a strict routine, specifically when it comes to his smoking habits.
Special interest in automobiles.
Gloves help with avoiding touching bad textures.
Loud music for stimming.
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funkymbtifiction · 3 years
how does 1 fix work with 3 core? is it still about the same strict morals or more like "i don't care if people think i'm a bad person as long as they think what i do is perfect"?
In a word? Workaholic. They’re both “get it done” types and any tritype with those two in it is work-work-work in a “do it RIGHT” sense. Sometimes moralistic and sometimes opportunistic.
“ 1-3: Efficiency, getting the job done, repressing emotions, correct, accurate, responsible, competent, structured.” <- in a nutshell.
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nadziejastar · 3 years
I can see Isa being an INFJ, as I felt like he has extraverted feeling high in his function stack and after reading through your posts about his personality, I felt like he'd have dominant introverted intuition.
(cont'd) I also think Saix is Isa's super ego (I saw Saix as an ISTJ). His super ego was like the strict moralistic parent that was intent on fixing what's 'immoral.' I also feel like he had a lot of self-hatred and kinda projects what he hates about himself onto others (I'm not sure if my rant is making any sense)
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Jung stated the shadow to be the unknown dark side of the personality. According to Jung, the shadow, in being instinctive and irrational, is prone to psychological projection, in which a perceived personal inferiority is recognized as a perceived moral deficiency in someone else.
No, it makes total sense and I completely agree with you. I got a strong sense from Saix that he was suppressing his own shadow qualities and projecting them onto Roxas and Xion. 
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In Saix’s mind, it was a moral failure to be overly reliant on someone. He saw qualities of his past self in Xion especially. Qualities that he did not like and was ashamed of. Weak, dependent on another person for protection, failing missions, being “broken”. Axel also saw qualities of Isa in Xion. So, he treated Xion the same way he used to treat Isa. Worrying about her excessively, being very protective of her, etc. This made Saix jealous and he only wanted to tear her down more.
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pndorarp-blog · 7 years
I'm a little confused on whether this is more like a closed rp group with an overarching plot or a supernatural writing directory? Some of the aspects of the descriptions, rules and enrollment make it seem like a closed environment while other parts make it seem open. I'd like to join to find others to write with, but I'd rather not change my muse in order to fit a plot. I guess my question is what aspects, if any at all, of Pandora's lore need to be incorporated into a muse's story?
((’ We are neither, Pandora is an underground organization with many confidential aspects, considering that what they’re doing isn’t exactly moralistic. One very hushed fact being, that they’re funded by the government, which gives them leeway to basically do what they wish. They’re under strict secrecy of the methods that provide their subjects with almost any ability desired, every move their volunteers make is monitored and studied as to track the effect of the abilities they’re still trying to understand themselves. Considering the possibilities for error that the mun can decide on their own or with our help, it leaves room for much character development outside of Pandora and within.
     Soon, we will be revealing a training room especially designed to mold itself into the best scenario for the subject’s abilities, if they’d like to hone them to that extent, that is. The subject’s, though aware, are not fully aware of how watched they are. Anyone choosing to live under the residencies allows them to delve deeper into their studies, all of this information though, is not available to the muse, only to the mun.
     Overtime we will develop prompts pertaining to events within the organization and different tests that they would have them do, all of these things are just a part of the muse’s life though, they can leave the residency whenever desired and go on about their days with family and friends, work if they so wish. We want everyone to have as much of an open environment as any other normal being, especially because that’s where they get the most data.
          ((’ Hopefully this helps you tons! If there are anymore questions, let us know!
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