#and i'm tempted to start over because even with the more recent editing i've caught mistakes
starkerscoop · 2 years
I’m going to lose my mind
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nikanndros · 4 years
I just want you to know that I think about From Eden at least once a week and I've lost count of how many times I've reread it. If you ever wanna share what comes next amd what other ideas you had for that universe i'm here to listen op 👀
Thank you, I love you! When I first wrote that fic, I had two other parts (at least) that I wanted to go with it, and since they’re partially written I’m happy to share those bits with you:
From Eden Part 2
“It’s just unfair, you know,” the girl said. Her words were slightly slurred. To be fair, they were in a nightclub after midnight. Everyone was slurring. “I was there for him, and I paid his bills while he went through college and now! He has a real job and he dumped me for his secretary.” She started sobbing.
Damen, who was six foot three, strongly built, and also carrying a loaded weapon, took her hands and made a sympathetic noise. “Lykaios,” he said, because he --unlike Laurent-- had actually listened when she’d introduced herself. “I think the best thing for you now is to forget about him. He didn’t deserve you.”
Lykaios sniffled. “You think so?”
“Of course I do,” Damen said. “I’ve only known you for a few minutes and I already can see that you’re incredible. Right, babe?”
“Right,” Laurent deadpanned. He glanced at his watch. “It’s quarter to.”
Damen nodded. Still holding Lykaios’ hands, he turned to Laurent. “Security?”
“Just the two.”
“Great.” He looked back to Lykaois. “Listen, doll, we’ve got to get down to business, but I want you to remember what I said, okay? You’re worth a lot more than that guy gave you.  And your mascara is running a little. Maybe you should go fix it up in the bathroom and wipe your tears?”
“Okay,” Lykaois sniffed. “Thank you.” She left.
Damen gave Laurent a grin, the crooked, teeth-baring one that appeared whenever they were about to do a job. “Ready?”
“You never call me doll.”
“Do you want me to?”
“Try it sometime and see.”
Damen yanked him in by the jacket and kissed him, slowly and bordering on indecent. “Alright,” he said, after he pulled back. “Show time.”
As Damen disappeared into the crowd, Laurent grasped his --still full-- drink, turned, and threw its contents at the roughest looking guy in the place.
“Hey, what the hell?” The guy squared his shoulders; he was intimidating even covered in lemonade.
“Fuck you,” Laurent replied. 
At this point, three months of travelling and stealing and, most importantly, Damen, Laurent had become pretty efficient at inciting fights. He didn’t need to see the punch coming to know that it was, he just sidestepped and let the man stumble into the back of another patron. It took less than thirty seconds before half the clientele were involved in an all out brawl.
The two security guards rushed in, and were immediately overwhelmed enough that the only bartender -- a youngish lad with a crooked nose -- had to join in to get everything under control. Laurent punched him.
Eventually, the fight got calmed down enough for fingers to point to Laurent and the lemonade clad man as the inciters, and guards hauled them both out into the parking lot.
“Let me go!” Lemonade guy yelled. “I’ll fucking kill him.”
“You can try,” Laurent said, a lot more willing to be subdued by the guard that had him by the arms.
“Don’t make us call the police, man,” his guard complained. “The both of you can go your separate ways, come on.”
The door behind them opened. 
“Sweetheart,” Damen said, chidingly. “I step away for two minutes and you get yourself into trouble.”
They go back to a motel after this and Damen reveals the money he stole from the tills while Laurent was being a distraction. Sexy times ensue. Damen eventually falls asleep and Laurent stays awake with the tv on. The news comes on and an interview is shown with Lykaios being interviewed about the robbery at the bar -- she gives a completely inaccurate description of what Damen looked like, and Laurent reflects on how easy it is for Damen to charm people to taking his side.
From Eden Part 3
Their most recent car was a much older model. The aircon was busted and they had to wind down the windows themselves, but at least the radio worked. It was hot, despite it being a couple of hours past sunset. 
Damen was singing with the radio. He wasn’t going to win any awards, but his voice was deep and he had a nice enough sense of the music. He grinned at Laurent. He was always happy. It was part of what made him so magnetic. 
Laurent smiled back. After two years with Damen, the expression felt natural.
Except for them, the road was empty. Damen reached over and took Laurent’s hand in his. 
“Watch the road,” Laurent said.
Damen laughed. “But you’re my favourite view.”
“I won’t be happy if you kill us in a car wreck.”
Obediently, Damen looked back to the road. And then, because it was Damen, the car sped up.
Laurent’s hair flew about chaotically, longer than it had ever been when his uncle had been keeping a hand of Laurent’s appearance. It needed a trim, but as much as Laurent trusted Damen, he didn’t trust him to do that. Damen had offered to take him to a salon, somewhere quiet where there was no chance he’d be recognised, but Laurent wasn’t fond of the idea of being trapped in a chair like that. He was too used to freedom by now.
“Left here,” Laurent instructed.
They’d had to slow down once the got near the town. It was best to avoid anyone’s attention for as long as possible. (An admittedly difficult feat when traveling with someone like Damen).
They drove a little way past the house, until they found an obscure little dirt road to park down. It wouldn’t do for someone to see the car. They grabbed their things, and looped back to the house on foot.
Quietly, Damen was still singing. 
“Stop it,” Laurent said.
“You love it,” he replied. “This is your birthday present, baby, at least look like you’re having fun.”
“This is literally the worst place we could get caught.”
“No it isn’t,” Damen replied. “I checked out the police station last time I was here. Breaking out of the cells would be too easy.”
“You know that’s not what I meant.”
“There were no lights on when we drove by. No one is home.”
That was true. And they’d timed it perfectly, assuming schedules hadn’t changed in the last two years. The house was silent when they got to it, not a light in sight as promised.
Laurent took a deep breath.
“Chin up,” Damen said. “Let’s go rob your uncle.”
The spare key wasn’t where uncle used to keep it, so they went around the back and Damen fucked with the lock until it opened. It was almost hard to walk into the house, full of so many bad memories, except it had never truly been Laurent’s home and he could just tell himself this was another job. 
“The study,” Laurent said, leading the way.
They crept up the stairs together, torches on their lowest settings.
The study was a formidable room with the big, mahogany desk, and the shelves of books that existed solely to make visitors feel stupid. “Look at this,” Laurent said, pulling out one of the books. “War and Peace in Russian. He doesn’t even know Russian.”
Damen reached past him, and nonchalantly, tipped a stack of books off the shelf. They clattered noisily onto the floor. “Oops,” Damen said. He turned away. “Where’s the safe?”
“Under the desk,” Laurent replied. He was busy searching through the books, finding any early editions to pilfer. They’d probably be able to sell them to an antique store for a bit of quick cash. 
Damen worked away at the safe for a bit, guessing potential codes Laurent had told him about. “None of these are working, sweetheart.” The safe made a beeping noise. “Oh, wait. Got it. Wow, he really deserves to be robbed.”
“I’m sure he thought I’d never come back here.”
Damen made a vaguely angry noise. He didn’t like reminders of what had happened to Laurent in this house. He’d even tried to convince Laurent that they could just murder his uncle while they were here. Laurent wasn’t sure he wanted to add cold-blooded murder to their repertoire just yet though. However tempting.
Damen stood up, suddenly. Hands full of Laurent’s uncle’s emergency cash. He grinned.
“Happy birthday - to - you,” he crooned.
Laurent couldn’t help it. He laughed. “I love you, you beautiful fucking bastard.” 
Abandoning the books, Laurent moved in and kissed him. Carefully, Damen put the money down on the desk so that he could cup Laurent’s face in his hands. It was always intoxicating to kiss Damen. There was something about him that made Laurent forget himself until there was only the press of their lips.
“I love you too,” Damen whispered, pulling back a little. He’d stopped smiling; it was a moment of complete genuine emotion. He did that sometimes, always out of the blue, and it always made Laurent want to clutch him tighter and maybe cry. 
“Let’s finish up here,” Laurent said, “and then we can go find somewhere nice and fuck under the stars.”
“You always know just what to say to seduce me,” Damen said.
They bagged the money, and the books Laurent had picked, and then they made their way down the stairs again.
“Wait,” Damen said.
“I’m hungry.” He turned into the kitchen and opened the fridge. “Oh hey, chocolate.”
Actually, that was an idea. Laurent followed him into the kitchen and went straight for the pretentious temperature controlled wine fridge. “Pinot noir or Shiraz?”
“Whatever is more expensive,” Damen replied. He was adding strawberries and oranges to the bag as well. Cream?”
“It’ll go warm too fast.”
“I feel like we should unplug the fridge before we go, at least,” Damen added. “If you’re still against me putting bleach in the milk.”
“Wouldn’t that make it curdle?”
Damen shrugged. “I don’t know. I had a cement mixer in a bar once but that was lime juice.”
“You can unplug the fridge. If he dies from food poisoning, that’s on him.”
Damen started to look for the cord to the fridge.
“Wait,” Laurent whispered. “Did you hear that?”
They froze, listening.
There it was. The soft sound of the stairs creaking. Fuck. Silently, Laurent gestured towards the back door. Damen nodded. He was carefully reaching over to the knife stand.
“Renaud?” came a small voice.
A young boy, no more than thirteen, stepped into the kitchen. He was wiping at one eye sleepily in a childlike gesture. Less childlike were the bruises on his arms. Laurent knew he and Damen had matching expressions of horror.
The boy’s eyes widened as he took them in. “Who are you?” he said.
Damen’s expression was one of barely concealed fury. He looked at Laurent. “I’m not leaving until that man is in a shallow grave.”
“Don’t scare the boy,” Laurent admonished. He turned to the child and tried to look as non-intimidating as a late-night home invader could possibly look. “What’s your name?”
“Are you Renaud’s friends?” The boy asked.
“No,” Laurent said. “Definitely not. I’m Laurent.”
The boy was frowning. “You used to live here.” 
“Well,” he straightened up, suddenly hostile. “You’re not allowed to come back. He doesn’t want you anymore; I’m better.”
“Where are your parents?” Damen asked.
“We’re not giving him back to parents who-”
“They’re dead,” the boy said. He didn’t sound upset.
The boy is obviously Nicaise. They hear a car in the driveway and Laurent locks Nicaise in the pantry. Laurent’s protective instinct rears up and he insists they kill the uncle now. Damen is fully down for it. Murder ensues. They let Nicaise out and keep him away from finding out that the uncle is dead in the next room. They tell Nicaise to pack a back and discuss what to do with him. Damen suggests dropping him off at a hospital or somewhere like that where someone can get help for him (since they can’t exactly go to the cops). 
Nicaise overhears and says that he doesn’t want to have a new foster parent; at least his current one has a big house. Laurent hearing that feels too wary to risk Nicaise getting another bad household. Damen is like, well I guess we can keep him if you want??? Laurent agrees. They go get in the car and drive away. 
Anyway this AU was directly inspired by the film clip for Hozier’s ‘From Eden’, you should watch it bc that’s the story I intended to write 
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