#i just needed to complain
missmitchieg · 2 months
It's hard being in a fandom where people either talk about disagreements or indirect each other about not infantilizing a character (who gets infantilized by the show writers so blame them for the fandom) while also being characterized as hating being infantilized because he was so not used to it due to never having that as an actual child.
It's weird when the show writers literally had the character call his mentor out for "grooming him" (his words) to be perfect for the job and tell him he never considered another option after and then later when said mentor left, he bitterly complained to his friend about being "abandoned" (still his words) by his mentor the same way he was abandoned by his father.
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vulpixelates · 9 months
aoiewjfaoiwfe 😩 i did almost literally nothing today but be sad, wallow in being lonely, and hurt my back by sitting in a terrible position for three hours. why is it that when my back hurts, every other bone seems to also start hurting aoewifjawoief
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Dishes are the worst chore. You finally finish them, and then you have to eat again, which makes more dishes. It never ends!
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Every day is the same. I wake up and go to work so I can serve and clean up after people who don’t respect me or the work I do, then come home and clean up after everyone because they can’t be bothered to do it themselves. Then while at home I take care of all the animals because apparently I’m the only one who knows how to do that. Then I go to bed, only to wake up and do the whole thing over again.
What do I get from all this? Nothing. I get nothing. Not even a thank you. I do so much and people still expect me to do more, but no matter what I do it’s never enough. I ask for help but then get called lazy for not doing it myself. I have to be perfect, the maid, a mother, the list goes on. It’s so exhausting.
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wordsbyrian · 10 months
sweden won so im now focused on the fact that i got an allergy test over 12 hours ago and i still have a few massive welts on my arm
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hapalopus · 1 year
Not posting this on my kin blog cause I don't wanna start shit, but man, my patience with misanthropic toddlers has been completely worn down at this point. Like, I'm sorry you're a pussy who thinks *an entire species* is the cause of all your problems, rather than your own shit personality. I've avoided blocking nonhumans from my kin blog because I want it to be a community resource, but this whiny bitch attitude has finally worn me down. Get blocked crybaby.
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Gee I wonder why no one likes you. Could it be your personality?? No way it must be because of your species /s
Skill issue honestly.
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baby0puke · 1 year
Eating tomatos have started giving me a rash on my lips, and taste weirdly spicy
Yes I’ll get allergy test,, at some point
But :(( tomaaaaatoooooooooos
Why weren’t it peberfruit?!? I love tomatooos.
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dogsofthepod · 1 year
just received some delusion-shattering (completely inconsequential) news … sucks to be me
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missmitchieg · 9 months
A thing in certain fandoms I don't understand is when a character is wildly disliked because they suck and all the fic with that character severely exaggerates their irritating traits way too severely because 100% of the time, the exaggeration is completely unnecessary like they already suck enough because they are ableist and now people wanna make them a rapist, too and it's like why they're already garbage you didn't need to do that.
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banditlikme · 1 year
having rosacea fucking sucks
my face is hot and flushed ALL THE TIME and I have all the bumps so it looks like I have pimples which isn’t a big deal BUT I spent so much time and money to get clear skin after a weird but traumatic moment at work and this is just so goddamn annoying
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edwardssnail · 2 years
i try really hard not to hate on tumblr and staff anymore for changing things/trying to keep the site running bc that is a thankless job and honestly, i’m just glad this site has survived this long
but i do not fuck with tumblr tv, i’m sorry. every other social media platform has tried to copy tiktok already and it was SO NICE that tumblr has continually done its own thing
like it’s not that serious, i just won’t watch anything there. but it’s so annoying that it even exists
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faroreswinds · 2 years
You're always so focused on the task at hand. Sometimes, I almost forget you're Almyran. I always thought they were a...rough and unreliable sort of people. Though you're not really like the rest of them. You seem normal for the most part.
Fans: She’s so perfect, we love her so much!
Well... I thought it was a punishment well earned. I thought the people cruel and heartless, deserving of the tragedy that ultimately befell them. But you? You're different. You seem nothing like the people of whom I speak. .... I am sorry for how I've treated you. Truly.
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sunshine-gremlin · 3 years
i am filled with grief for fading love. I consume media to hide those feelings in a different sorrow. i grieve all the more. why mourn my own life when i can feel sorrow through fiction. the serotonin deficit is both expected and unavoidable. it's depression hours.
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a-solitary-man · 3 years
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Things I wish we could’ve gotten in canon.
1. The narrative acknowledging that Sheppard is very morally gray not just a do-good protagonist.
2. The narrative acknowledging that he’s not always cool or right or making great decisions.
3. The show not being so up the military’s ass so we could explore just how fucked up Sheppard was from his time in the military. The occasional episode where he clearly has PTSD but then we move on isn’t really enough.
4. Related, the man needed therapy. Like. A lot. And probably medication.
5. Also, the show goes out of its way to constantly mention how Sheppard’s a tough dude with a high pain tolerance. And to me it’s like... it’s not that he doesn’t feel pain, it’s that he doesn’t feel okay to show vulnerability??
Like, bless Joe Flanigan, he really contributed all the depth that Sheppard has, but the writing did not have his back.
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pinkcadillaccas · 3 years
Kurt you can't get upset about them thinking your too delicate to play Tony when you literally did not choose an audition song that matched the character, give any sense that you understood or were suited for the character musical theatre isn't about just being the best it's about acting yes I am getting very invested in glee
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senjuhashirama · 3 years
ok I need to share this with a class - nsfw pics of hsmd make me really uncomfortable, yes I’m a cupcake, but I hate it and it makes me feel uneasy 
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