#and if more couples who would have relied on adoption as a family building tool don’t get to have children
angelfrommontgomery · 2 years
Those are the numbers for adoptions by parents who have no prior connection to the child like imagine u make 5k a year and u can’t afford to care for ur child so u get pressured into relinquishing them to a private agency and an infertile couple who HAS to have a baby drops 50k to adopt ur baby and they are strangers and your baby isn’t even going to be cared for by somebody in your own community who is able to but instead is going to whoever can foot the massive bill and the adoptive parents consider this a “win-win” situation cuz now they have a baby and the baby has a loving home but u were a loving home ur just poor and now u have been forever changed by this experience nobody wants to acknowledge
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pandoraborn · 4 years
BORN TO RISE Chapter 5 Also found here
 A twelve-year-old Tommy frowns at the paperwork in Philza’s hands. He knows exactly what that paperwork is for and why Phil is trying to keep it hidden. Tommy also knows he’s not supposed to follow the man into his office, but that doesn’t stop Tommy from doing it anyway.
“Tommy, I’m busy, can this wait?” Phil asks with an eye roll. “I need to be alone.”
“Why’re you signing adoption papers?” Tommy insists. “I don’t want to be a part of this family if it means you’re going to use me for competitions.”
Phil stares at him, with an expression that resembles a deer-in-headlights. Tommy would laugh if the situation didn’t feel so urgent. The young teen moves closer to the desk, pressing the palms of his hands down as he glares at Phil. “I mean it Phil, I know the reputation you all have, and I don’t want to be a part of it.”
“You think we’re using you?” Phil shakes his head, looking sad. “Tommy, I’m giving you a home and a family. Just as I extended that to the others, I’m extending that to you. Of course you’re more than a figurehead. I’m more than a figurehead.”
 “You’re a stupid twat, is what you are,” Tommy scowls. He turns to leave, rubbing his palms against the wall as he exits. “Have fun with your paperwork, I guess.”
 “Does this mean I have your approval to adopt you?”
 Tommy won’t admit it out loud, but he’s glad the legendary Philza is taking him in. Tommy can’t quell the pride rising up inside him, and how much he wants to make his foster father look at him with adoration and pride. Maybe not now, but eventually. “Yeah, I guess. Doesn’t mean I’m gonna start calling you dad though.”
 As Tommy closes the door behind him, he hears Phil laugh quietly. Maybe he won’t call him ‘dad’ to his face, but the man has already been the best father he’s ever known.
Tommy wakes, dream almost instantly forgotten when reality sets in.
It’s not a slow climb back to consciousness, but a rapid, dizzying rush, as if he’s bolting from a bad nightmare. He’s gasping for air, but every breath he takes aches in his chest and he feels it in his sides, like someone is squeezing him a little too hard. His first thought is that Dream is gripping him firmly, as if afraid to let go. But when Tommy shifts, he realizes that he’s a few feet from Dream.
Dream is laying facedown, head twisted to the side. Tommy pales when he sees the mask Dream normally wears is cracked and splintered, pieces of it missing. Tommy doesn’t know when that happened; had they hit the cliff walls on their way down? They had to, otherwise the pair would not be in shambles.
More than that, Dream’s weapons and tools are lying around him. His diamond sword is broken clean in half, laying in pieces inches away from the man. Tommy’s trembling as he tries to get up, but only manages a pathetic whimper instead.
He aches too much to move. He aches too much to rise to his hands and knees to crawl over to the unconscious man lying next to him, and he aches too much to even cry.
Tommy’s pretty sure he’d broken a couple of ribs. There’s no way he’d survive this fall and not break a few bones. It’d be too easy to lie here and suffer in agony, but he can hear the rattling of skeletons. If they stay out in the open any longer, they’re most certainly going to die. He weighs the pros and cons of letting them both respawn, but Tommy knows it’ll be more agony he doesn’t want to deal with, and with Dream being out cold, that’s not a risk he really wants to take right now.
“D...ugh.” Tommy can’t even speak. Is his jaw broken too? Everything aches too much for him to think straight, and any shift results in his vision blinking in and out. He has to try something though. He’s not going to be selfish enough to let Dream suffer. For himself, it’s not a huge deal, but Dream, he feels, has to come first.
Tommy lets out a yelp when he finally sits up. Bones crack and joints pop, and he’s certain each movement is causing even more injury, but he doesn’t have a choice. “Dream?” His voice is quiet, broken and hesitant. He’s not expecting a response from the older man, but he’s hoping for one. He needs to know that Dream isn’t completely gone.
Just sitting up was agony enough. Getting to his feet has Tommy hissing and crying and whimpering, trying to keep every bit of pain at bay. It’s hard when he’s nauseated and dizzy, and his vision keeps blinking in and out. It’s even harder to think when his head is thumping so painfully it feels like someone’s cracking his skull open. He wonders if he’s bleeding, too. Probably; he’d be surprised if he wasn’t at this point.
He doesn’t know how hard he’d fallen, and he especially doesn’t even know how he and Dream survived the fall in the first place. By all rights, they should have died and hit respawn. He glances up to see how far the distance is. From down here, it doesn’t look that bad, but it had certainly felt like a much longer fall than it actually was. At least he knows now how they survived.
There’s not enough light to see anything. He can’t see anything above, so he’s certain he’s completely alone now. Tommy rummages through his sack, trying to find anything he can use. He has a broken pickaxe, and he has a few things to build a campfire. He’s glad he’d gotten plenty of wood when he had the chance. What he needs now is coal.
Ignoring how much his body aches, Tommy starts mining away into the wall, grateful for the iron and the coal he’s finding right away. The process takes a lot longer than Tommy intends, and he has to constantly stop to take a breather. He’s opening wounds more, with blood dripping down his arms. His muscles are screaming at him, but Tommy forces himself to continue. He has to get Dream out of the open and into somewhere they can hide.
When the small hole is big enough, Tommy places two torches down against the wall as a small light source. He has to rely on that to keep the mobs at bay; it’s making him uneasy that there are creepers lurking nearby. The last thing Tommy wants is for one to wander too close and explode, killing both of them.
He bends over Dream, tapping the man on the cheek. “Dream?” Tommy asks. There’s a grunt of pain, followed by faint stirring, but nothing beyond that. He’s either sleeping or more injured than Tommy knows how to deal with.
He rolls Dream over, wincing at the injuries on the man. In the dim, flickering light of the torches, he can see an ugly purple bruise forming underneath the cracked and broken helmet. Tommy hisses when he realizes he’s probably sporting a similar bruise. When his thoughts zero back in on his own injuries, Tommy thinks of how Phil would handle this. Phil would probably murder Dream and Tommy both, as well as the other members of the team. His brothers would be right behind him...
The thought of his family brings a new sort of ache. Tommy misses home. He misses being at home and in bed where it’s warm and he has actual food, and is around people who don’t run him ragged or cause him to get hurt. God, everything just sucks right now. This entire training session had been a disaster from the get-go, and it’s even more of one now.
He pushes thoughts of the Sleepybois out of his head. He can’t afford to think about them right now, not when it’s the middle of the night and there are zombies and skeletons and creepers surrounding them. He hooks his hands around Dream’s arms, trying to grip tightly without screaming in pain. Keeping his grip tight is making him feel like his arms are going to pop right off his body, but he chomps down on his tongue and starts dragging Dream into his makeshift cave, inch by inch.
Even Dream is crying out in pain. Tommy ignores the tears streaming down his cheeks as he backs into the hole, finally dropping Dream when they’re safe enough inside. Falling against the wall, Tommy heaves, fighting down waves of nausea and pain, ignoring how Dream rolls over and goes right back to sleep. He’s too dizzy, too injured, and it’s taking a lot more energy to remain upright than he wants to spend.
He can’t afford to go to sleep yet. He still has to build the campfire, and just the thought of moving again has Tommy wanting to collapse. He rests on his knees, trying to massage sore limbs first. He wants to clean the blood off, he wants to find food. More than ever, Tommy wants to go home.
Again, thoughts of his family take over his mind. He can’t push the thoughts away this time, they’re swirling around as he builds the fire. He’s no longer crying out of pain now, but out of guilt. He can’t do this. He can’t do this, specifically. This whole ordeal hadn’t been worth it. Had he known he’d end up cold and injured at the bottom of a ravine, he never would have entered competitions in the first place.
He can see the expressions of disappointment on Phil’s face. He can hear his brothers mocking him, jeering at him and joking about how he can’t handle the heat. Why wouldn’t they? Tommy remembers the training sessions they’d all gone through, they’ve all pushed themselves beyond what they could handle and have barely broken a sweat.
He’s not like them. He’s competed with them a few times, even earned himself a few victories, but Tommy knows he’s nowhere near their level of skill. He’s always skated by unnoticed. His dad and brothers get all the attention. Dream gets all the attention, he’s just the sixteen year old with a hot mouth and even hotter temper.
“Who am I playing at?” Tommy growls to himself. He lays a few pieces of meat next to the fire in an attempt to cook it. At least moving is getting slightly easier, now that he’s not completely straining himself. “I’m not good enough.”
He sits back down and hunches forward in front of the fire. He doesn’t even bother wiping his eyes dry as he watches the meat sizzle. Behind him, he can hear Dream stirring again, but Tommy ignores him. The stupid bastard is asleep, which Tommy is thankful for. He wants to be even more alone than he is now.
Burying his face in his hands, Tommy groans.
“I wanna go home,” he mutters. “I just wanna go home and forget about all of this. I’ve never been good enough, I’m just a stupid kid, and I have no idea what I’m doing anymore.”
He turns around to glare at Dream, not flinching when he sees the man’s eyes open. Turning back toward the fire, Tommy hunches forward again, ignoring the way his head is pounding now.
“Being friends with you and your stupid team isn’t worth it anymore,” Tommy grumbles. “Sorry, but I’m done.”
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kerra-and-company · 3 years
If you're feeling like answering it! No worries if not :)
(EmpT) and (TowT)
For whoever you'd like to talk about!
(Also yes, I'm down to answer my own questions, but no pressure, it's all good ^^! @uselessidiotsquad)
Sure, sounds like a plan to me @uselessidiotsquad! :D
(And side note, Tumblr will still not let me tag myself in asks for some reason, I don't know how y'all do it but props to you xD )
EmpT: Do they have a strong nurturing figure in their life? Are protective of their creations or achievements? Do they quash their gut feelings to favor logic?
Answering this one for Tanza, specifically so I can say yes to the first question! She has a couple--both of her moms, who adopted her when she was a baby and love her very much. (When I eventually get more character slots, they're on my list of characters I want to make.)
Re: question two, maybe proud, but not really protective. Their creations are mostly either snow castles, buildings/tools/etc. that they've helped fix, and various knitted things they've made for family and friends. Each of those things is either meant for extended use or meant to break eventually, so being protective of them doesn't make a lot of sense to her--as long as they're functional and serve their purpose well, she's proud of them.
And as for the last question, nope; their connection to the Spirits, the Mists, and Owl relies much more on gut feelings than clear-cut logic, though they value both and it should be noted that taking gut feelings into account does not mean they're impulsive.
TowT: What limitations do they wish to be free from? In what area of their lives would they want a sudden revelation or answer? What would humble them?
Let's answer this one for Cyprian! For limitations, he mainly wishes he weren't as afraid as he is. He wishes trusting people came easier to him than it does because he desperately wants connection but doesn't know how to let people in.
Oh, he'd love to know the answer to so many questions pertaining to what happened to him. Why was he asleep for what he's just now realizing was years? Why did he wake up when he did? Why was he taken, and who took him first? He knows he ended up with both the Inquest and the Nightmare Court, but he doesn't know the timeline. And maybe most important and painful: why did no one look for him?
He doesn't have a ton of pride, so there's not far to go to humble him. But once he makes friends, he enjoys sparring with them and is pretty confident in his ability to fight, so losing sparring matches will do it.
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wolfhednn · 5 years
ooc. remember how i said a while back that the rockruff line would be felix’s perfect link pokemon?
i lied. it’s the rookidee line. analysis under the cut for SWSH spoilers ( only for dex entries; nothing about plot or the game itself ).
Sword: It will bravely challenge any opponent, no matter how powerful. This Pokémon benefits from every battle. Even a defeat increases its strength a bit.
the entry that got me thinking. it should be self-explanatory in felix’s case why this fits him so well, since it directly matches his mentality of self-improvement. he’s always looking for worthy opponents to test himself against: the stronger, the better, because he doesn’t find any worth in fighting people he can easily defeat. you don’t get better through easy wins. it’s through challenging fights and even losses that one finds ways to improve.
it works because this was an attitude instilled in him at a very young age, as he continuously lost to glenn during their sparring matches. though frustrated, he never saw this as a setback, but rather ongoing opportunities to get even stronger until he could one day beat him. due to glenn, felix as a child never learned to see strong opponents as roadblocks, only as stepping stones for his own growth.
Shield:  Jumping nimbly about, this small-bodied Pokémon takes advantage of even the slightest opportunity to disorient larger opponents.
i haven’t written too extensively about this yet, but felix’s focus on speed has a lot to do with him being of smaller stature and slimmer build than many men. it runs in the family, as i’ve mentioned in previous metas — all of the fraldariuses are noodles to varying extents ( and felix, like his dad, is actually on the more filled out side of the family genes ). he balances the lack of height and bulk with lightning-fast agility and precision, and his strength doesn’t suffer for it either, if his second-highest-STR-growth-in-the-game is any indication.
he’s all about evading attacks, never letting his usually larger opponents land a hit, letting them tire themselves out trying to overwhelm him with strength alone and then taking “advantage of even the slightest opportunity” to incapacitate them.
Sword: The lessons of many harsh battles have taught it how to accurately judge an opponent's strength.
again, pretty self-explanatory. felix “i fight and grow stronger. only natural.” hugo fraldarius is good at gauging where an opponent’s strengths and weaknesses are because he’s so experienced on the battlefield. he’s also pretty good at gauging his own for the same reason. this can be seen throughout his dialogue where he aptly identifies his own talents and deficiencies, and he’s confident about his abilities to do the same in others.
Shield: Smart enough to use tools in battle, these Pokémon have been seen picking up rocks and flinging them or using ropes to wrap up enemies.
at first glance, this doesn’t seem as relevant, but it speaks a lot to felix’s belief that, in order to be a truly skilled warrior, one can’t just rely on traditional tactics; one has to fight smart as well as hard in order to best a powerful enemy. warriors have to think outside the box, even if it means using underhanded strategies. whatever gets them the victory. this gets brought up consistently in his dialogue:
Byleth B:  No. Knights ought to have some hunger. I’ve always thought so. They depend too much on their swords. Only when they’re wrested away do knights consider their hands and feet as weapons. That’s not how it was for warriors of old. They weren’t limited by their tools. Victory is what matters, not the method of achieving it. That’s the attitude to adopt.
Ingrid C: Successful armies must be able to handle unexpected situations. That starts with weapon mastery and creative tactics.
Leonie A:  I agree. A warrior can’t stick too closely to predefined tactics. [ ... ]  I still have much to learn. Not only about swordplay, but also about thinking on my feet.
Goddess Tower: I pledge that someday, I will surpass you. I’ll surpass your technique, your skill with the sword, and your cunning as a warrior. ( emphasis mine )
CF 14 Monastery Line: I hear Claude’s earned himself a rather colorful nickname. He does whatever it takes to win. I like that.
Sword: This Pokémon reigns supreme in the skies of the Galar region. The black luster of its steel body could drive terror into the heart of any foe.
i’m gonna point to excerpts from a couple of his non-AM mercenary endings:
“... Little is known of his whereabouts thereafter, but even many years later, soldiers continued to whisper rumors of a mysterious man able to deal swift death to scores of enemies.”
“... tales of a swordsman who made warriors across Fódlan tremble with fear...”
more than once, @gallantgautier has described felix’s hair as being “crow-feathered” in both color and texture. foreshadowing, man.
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scaip · 5 years
Yui Komori's portrayal of the Haunted Heroine trope: loneliness
This is a random flow of thoughts of mine, concerning Yui's past relationships with others. Most of what I say will come from Haunted Dark Bridal, there is also information from More Blood and Dark Fate.
In Shu's route from Dark Fate, we get to learn from Yui more information about her past: before being sold sent to the vampires as a sacrificial bride, Shu is told about her lack of relatives and how Yui only lived with her adoptive dad.
If I recall correctly, it is also in Shu's route from HDB when Yui is given a new cellphone, with the Sakamaki siblings' numbers on it. Shu tells her not to contact people from her past.
Let's recall some information about Yui:
- Cordelia is an unreliable narrator, but we learn she was a baby with a heart disease, and her parents were told she died. It could have happened when she was a stillborn, or until she was around two years old. No one remembers stuff from their toddler years.
If there is enough organization, then it wouldn't be hard to handpick a still born baby or a toddler from a mortuary's hospital. If not just taking it and having the hospital staff informing the parents of the "dead" of their kid. We know about the deep extension the demon's network in the world of humans, and let's remember Karl Heinz is a politician under the name of Tougo Sakamaki there.
- In the period of time until Yui reaches no more than 2 years, Richter gives her (or rather, has a doctor do it) Cordelia's First Blood heart.
- Then, she is given to Seiji for adoption, and she is raised by him until she reaches 17 and is sent to the vampires.
We know Yui was raised in a rather isolate way. She surely went to school, but didn't seem forge close very friendships with people.
-In Kou's manga adaptation from his More Blood route, Yui doesn't know he is a known idol... Or much of the japanese idol culture. She tells him she is not into that stuff.
There is also the fact Seiji Komori is... A catholic priest with a daughter. Let's that sink it. Catholic clergy has to practice celibacy. The DL world either doesn't follow that rule or the writers from Rejet chosed to portray the Christianity is Catholic™ trope, mixing Orthodox, Protestant and Anglican practices in there.
If I recall well, Yui was also told her "mother" died by Seiji. She also didn't have other relatives. So, as I said before, she was raised in a rather isolated manner:
-No extended family from Seiji's side.
-The lack of close friendships. In HDB, we don't see her recalling past friendships.
-She did knew clergy members:
In HDB, when she makes a phone call to a priest in order to ask for help and is told by the person on the other side to not call them again and that she is on her own know (I admire Yui for not falling into desperation).
Yui follows the Haunted Heroine trope, that, according to The Bible TV Tropes:
A heroine haunted equally by her own past and the uncanny events around her.
This character continually pops up in films involving ghosts or supernatural characters. She moves into Haunted Headquarters without any idea of what's in store for her. She seems attractive, capable and altogether normal until...the strange noises from the attic keep waking her up. Or that Creepy Housekeeperkeeps making cryptic comments. Or her kid starts going on about some Imaginary Friend who might not be so imaginary after all. The Haunted Heroine typically comes equipped with a kid (or younger sibling) that is inevitably the first one to notice the supernatural goings-on, possibly because kids are supposed to have more imagination. It won't take long however, before the woman realizes she's being haunted.
So, let's check:
- Haunted by her own past: subverted. Well, more likely, haunted by the past of other people. Yui is blessed with suck™: if what Cordelia said is true, then having a First Blood's heart transplanted into her saved Yui's life, but also pushed her towards a life of loneliness (and fear and abuse, later).
If Yui was taken from a hospital, then there was research going on. People just cannot randomly receive someone's else organs, even if those are non-humans. Rejet won't necessarily elaborate on that since the focus of the story is what happens to Yui once she starts living with the vampires.
- Uncanny events around her: ABSOLUTELY
- A work of supernatural characters: Yep. Vampires first, First Bloods next and a vampire-ghoul later.
- Moving into the Haunted Headquarters without an idea of what's in store for her: ABSOLUTELY. She is sent to live with "a friend" of her paternal figure because he suddenly has to leave the country. And things get terribly bad from there.
- Seeming attractive, normal and all together: DiaLovers is this mix between an otome and survival horror genre, as I read here, in tumblr.com. Yui Komori is your average pretty teenage girl who is sent somewhere else.
- A kid who keeps her company: nah. No younger siblings or cousins.
- Slowly building the fact something creepy is going on: zig-zagged.
Yui is outright told she will become roommates with a bunch of vampire half-brothers. But WHY is something Yui will get to learn as the player reads all routes.
First, what is a Sacrificial Bride. Then, there's the fact our protagonist not only has the heart of the mother of three of her roommates but that the spirit of said woman is slowly getting stronger to take over Yui's body, with different degrees of successfulness through all the routes.
Yui is alone with a bunch of guys who can torture and murder her. The theme of loneliness is very present in DL. No family, no friends to rely on.
When Yui interacts with her schoolmates, she doesn't appear to form bonds with them. Obviously, the wouldn't believe her. Or she would get punished.
Yui tries to escape but always fails. Has six dudes and an adult (Richter) after her steps, their familiars probably on the watch too.
No one to tell her what she feels, what is going on. Her previous relationships with others are not fully elaborated, but they don't seem very deep. Yui tells Shuu she was aware of her loneliness before and, let me say this: outside of the boy she pursues on a route and the actions of the brothers as secondary characters in other routes, we don't see Yui enjoying a female companion.
There are exceptions for Cordelia and Christa in Dark Fate but that is another game and won't elaborate here.
The thing is that loneliness remains. And such a thing is deeply ingrained in the Haunted Heroine Trope. Uncanny events, psychological damage, fear, and isolationism. Creepy supernatural stuff happening to the main character and the fact it is not easy (or just impossible) to escape the situation.
Yui gets to elope with her guy in some routes and dedicates herself entirely to them, but the fact they are in a setting with dark themes doesn't ease the loneliness they could feel. It is okay to have someone to love, but friendships outside the couple relationship are something healthy.
While she is in love, Yui knows things are not perfect. She does what she can in a situation with the tools she can reach. Obviously, after falling in love she willingly chooses to be with her guy, but she also has to deal with the issues he carries.
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yjsacha · 5 years
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“I let you down, wayward and wild, but I'm somebody else's, somebody else's child.”
001. ⟩ where did your muse grow up? how did they like living there then, and how do they feel about it now?
sacha grew up in st. petersburg. he was born there, and even when he traveled for school and hockey, he always felt it was his home. sacha had a complicated relationship with the city. more often than not he was locked away on his family’s property- a sprawling manor with an army of staff to take care of everything he needed. his childhood was a snowy property, a glassy, frozen lake, and a driveway so long he couldn’t even see the gate of his property’s entrance from inside his house. when he was young he used to play make believe that he was a prince, and when he was finally old enough they’d open the gates and let him ride off on an adventure to slay a dragon or defeat an evil wizard. it was a lonely place, so sacha filled up the empty halls with his imagination.
002. ⟩ did they have any childhood pets? if not, did they want some?
sacha had exactly one pet he considered his own growing up. his mother always loved keeping cats around the house, the fancy ones with a pedigree certificate and a monthly trip to the groomers. one of their cats was knocked up by a stray, and had a small litter of ugly, flat-faced kittens. sacha begged and begged, until he got to keep one. she had long, frizzy brown hair and muddy green eyes, traits picked up from her stray father. and sacha loved her, because she was sweeter and odder than any of the prissy felines his mother kept. he named her zhaba after the wide, muddy toads that lived by the lake in the summer. she was ugly like a toad, and her squeaky voice sounded closer to a croak than it did a meow. when he went off to boarding school when he was twelve, he wasn’t able to bring her with him. the day before he flew to germany was the last time he saw her.
003. ⟩ what type of education did they receive growing up? what type of student were they? did it change over time?
when sacha was young, his education came in the form of home tutoring. the only time he ever left the manor was when his mother wanted to bring him shopping with her, or take him to dinner at the manors of other wealthy russian businessmen. his day was divided between learning and hockey, with breaks only for meals. he liked his tutors, and was a bright boy when he was younger. he picked up lessons quickly. when sacha was twelve, he received a scholarship to a prestigious boarding school in germany for hockey. he spent the rest of his education there, and his once bright and curious mind seemed to dim. he could never pick up on the language as he had picked up on russian and korean. plus, his teachers all treated him like an athlete. he was there to win them trophies, not learn. so they gave him b’s without making him do any actual work. so sacha became a lazy student, doing the bare minimum and drifting off in class. if the teachers had given up on him, what was the point?
004. ⟩ what were some of their favorite childhood activities?
there was only one activity for sacha. his obsession with hockey started young, at four years old with tiny baby blades tied to his feet and his tutor pulling him across the thick ice of his property’s lake. he would beg his mother or his nanny to bring him into the city to the big outdoor rink, where couples and families all glided around together. he was then gifted his first hockey stick when he was five, tiny and bright green. from there it spiraled, where he’d spend any free second on the ice. then he began joining teams, and he was good. good enough to be scouted to the best of the best, where you would be on the ice from six am to eight pm day after day. his favorite activity was also his lifeblood, his career from before he could count to a hundred.
005. ⟩ do they have siblings? what is their relationship like? if they were an only child, did they want siblings? did they have someone close to them that they considered a sibling?
sacha was, of course, an only child. unless you counted his own mother, who he never actually got to meet because she died on the table almost as soon as he was brought into this world. with his grandparents raising him, he never really considered the possibility of siblings. he was already a mistake, one that was burdened on his family. he was lucky enough they took care of him, he would never be selfish enough to ask for another child in the house. more than anything he wanted a friend. he had his teammates, sure, but he spent his youth either getting tutored at home or sent to a country where he couldn’t speak the language, so had a hard time forging friendships. maybe a sibling would’ve cured the lonely ache that’s always resided in his chest.
006. ⟩ what did they wanna become when they grew up? how did those aspirations pan out?
if you ask anyone who has ever met sacha at any point in his life, they would tell you the same thing: sacha is a hockey player. there’s no room for interpretation there. he could skate as soon as he could walk, and use a stick like it was an extension of himself. and he achieved his dreams. he had trophies at home, a shiny gold junior olympic medal, and so many framed jerseys with ‘babichev’ on the back that he could start a museum. but how did it pan out? he’s professional, his dream, but not at the level he always thought he would be at. but that’s not necessarily a bad thing. he’s playing for a new team, one where he can build himself into the history of. make a legacy for himself. all while finally allowing himself to live a life outside of the sport.
007. ⟩ what does their childhood room look like?
his room was not built for a child. it was a guest room, with ornate furniture, a large canopy bed, and expensive artwork hanging on the wall. he was always too guilty to touch anything, simply using the room to change and to sleep. he had a separate room, a play room as his family called it, that truly reflected his tastes. it was a shrine to his favorite hockey teams, had worn couches for jumping and rolling. there was a toy chest, one from a retail store and not a vintage collection. it was where he spent most of his time when he wasn’t at practice or tutoring he would be in that room.
008. ⟩ where was your muse’s favorite space as a child? is it still the same place, or has it altered? do they have more than one favorite space?
despite the loneliness the manor brought, it was always sacha’s home. especially the sprawling property with the tall trees lining the back yard, and of course the lake. how could it not be his favorite spot? in the cold months he would live on it, hat secure on his head and a puffy jacket zipped up to his chin as he zipped around the expansive surface. a private rink, just for him, out in the fresh air with the sounds of lively nature around him. when he went off to boarding school, he didn’t really have that kind of favorite space. usually the place he felt most comfortable was in felix’s bedroom, though that had more to do with the company than the space itself.
009. ⟩ what was the most important lesson they learned as a kid, and how did they learn it?
the most important lesson sacha learned as a child was independence. it’s a cruel, cruel world out there, and the only one who will truly look out for you is yourself. his parents were there, sure, but he knew they didn’t love him in the way parents should love their child. his coaches saw him as a tool for winning, not a kid. the staff were nice to him because he was the heir of their bosses, not something that truly bred loyalty. he learned that if he created his own happiness, forged his own path, that was the only way to get what he truly wanted and to not be disappointed by those around him. you just can’t rely on those who can leave you at the drop of a hat.
010. ⟩ did your muse have both parents around growing up? if they weren’t raised by their parents, who was their guardian? and what was their relationship like with them?
sacha’s family tree is a complicated one. dead grandparents on his birth mother’s side, so she was adopted by the business partner of his deceased grandfather. his mother was the first kim to babichev. then his birth mother got knocked up by a man in seoul that sacha will never know. then his mother passed during child birth, so the people who adopted his mother then adopted him. his adoptive grandparents turned adoptive parents loved his mother, so when she passed they grieved hard. it was a barrier that was forged between them and sacha, where they couldn’t truly open up to another child, especially one that was the cause of their sweet daughter’s demise. they raised him in honor of his dead mother, but he could tell that was the only reason they kept him around.
011. ⟩ what was their first crush like?
his first crush was forged in a tiny boarding school bedroom. he was the comfort of a common language, of teasing words and shy touches. he was a best friend, the person sacha relied on the most. he was glittering dark eyes and a pretty pouty mouth and canines so sharp sacha swore he couldn’t be human. not a boy so pretty, a boy so dangerous. he was first kisses and first heartbreaks an reconciliation. he was a crush that changed how sacha saw love, how he saw himself. he was an innocence that sacha soon lost, and a pain he still feels to this day. he was ahn felix, the kind of boy who comes into your life and never lets you forget.
012. ⟩ does your muse have any items from their childhood that they hold onto for sentimental reasons?
he has a snow globe of the st. petersburg’s cathedral that he purchased from a touristy cart in the center of the square when he was young. it doubles as a music box, where if you wind the little key it plays a tinkling rendition of the nutcracker. it used to sit on his dresser, the only decoration in his bedroom that was his own choice. he brought it with him to germany as a reminder of his home, and then again to korea. the little plastic snowflakes are dingy, and some of the water has evaporated, and the sound of the music has gone flat, but it’s his most cherished possession.
013. ⟩ what was your character’s favorite homecooked meal as a kid? is it still the same today? if so, how often do they have it?
homecooked meals were different for sacha than most kids. they were always gormet, prepared by a private chef, who changed the menu frequently. their chef studied french cuisine, so often their plates were filled with tiny, decorative portions of duck or pork. on special occasions, though, they took sacha out to the high-end korean restaurant in the city. it was always important to his adoptive parents that sacha always had knowledge of his korean roots, from the food to the language to the country itself. he liked the fancy skewers he would get, with succulent beef and fire roasted vegetables. today he finds himself craving more traditional russian food, the kind that reminds him of his sweet maids who would prepare his snacks for him. korean food doesn’t hold the same novelty when he lives there.
BONUS QUESTION. ⟩ if available, add a few baby pictures of your character or pictures from their childhood in general!
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officerliambarrett · 6 years
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NYCRP Character Interview Task
How does your muse react to others breaking the law? If they would do it themselves, what is their reasoning?
“I mean, I’m a police officer. I definitely don’t like it much. But some things are more understandable then others. I mean, if you’re not hurting somebody else I’m not going to get as upset. Sometimes ... life puts people in bad situations they don’t know how to get out of. I’d rather help then judge then. But I wouldn’t do it myself.” he said seriously.
If your muse was the only person around and someone was injured, would they help? Would they have the experience needed?
Liam nodded, “I mean, I would definitely help - and I do know some first aid. I’m not a doctor or anything, but I think I could probably do some good, at least until we got paramedics there.” he explained.
What does your muse think of wealthy people? Do they resent them, or do they believe they earned what they have?
Liam frowned as he cocked his head slightly in consideration. “I mean, it depends on the wealthy person. Did they actually earn what they have? Are they cocky about it and looking down on people?” he questions, “If they aren’t treating people like crap because of it, I really don’t care much. Though I gotta say, it’s nice when they actually try to do some good with all of that money.”
Does your muse have a loud personality or a quiet one? Do they enjoy being the center of attention, or would they rather watch and listen?
“I think I’m quiet. Too quiet, really. I’m working on that. I’m always worried I’m going to say something stupid, since, well, I really don’t have all that much experience with people. I just kept to myself and worked hard most of the time but ... well, I actually have some free time now, and it’d be nice to have some more friends.” he said with a small sigh, “I guess I’m just thinking that actually talking to people has a much better chance of success then awkwardly standing in a corner.”
What is your muse’s relationship like with their mother? Is it good, bad, or complicated?
“It’s bad and it’s complicated.” Liam said quickly, “Look, I didn’t ... I had a really rough childhood while I was with her. She didn’t have any interest in staying sober long enough to be a mom, or in finding anybody that could actually take care of me, or protect me. She dragged a kid into a lot of crappy situations until she lost custody when I was ten. She might want to be a mom now but ... it’s too late for that. And this stalker act really isn’t convincing me otherwise.”
How often does your muse think about death? Do they think about it at all?
Liam let out a breath before nodding, “I mean, yeah. I’m a police officer, in New York City and ... I mean, my job puts me in some pretty dangerous situations.” he said, thinking about the fact that he was currently undercover with one of the biggest mob organizations in the city. “And even beyond that ... the carnival a few weeks ago, I’m not unaware that I could have been killed there. Things happen. And it’s not like I have too many people that would miss me. I’m just trying to leave my mark on the world while I can, hopefully make it a little better.”
How would your muse react to losing a best friend? How would they cope?
Liam glanced down as he considered that, taking in a deep breath. “Honestly, I try not to think about that. I mean, Alex is a police officer too ... but then Bea was in the mirror maze at the carnival with me. I know something could happen to them too but ... I don’t know what I’d do. I don’t have family ... so they’re all I’ve got, really. I guess I’d probably end up more of a workaholic then I am now. Probably be more reckless too ... I don’t know. I don’t think I’d be good though.”
How does your muse handle their emotions? Do they bottle them up or pour them out as soon as they start to feel?
“I guess I bottle them, kind of? I mean, I’ve never really had people I could just ... talk to about that kind of stuff. Nobody was safe when I was little, and then, I mean, I got bounced between foster homes too fast to ever really trust people there. I mean, except for like Kennedy, and she was only a little girl then.” he said with a shrug of his shoulders, “I guess I just got used to keeping it to myself. And I don’t exactly want to scare people off if I go all emotional on them. It’s not like I’ve got friends to spare.”
What would your muse change about their lives if they could and why? What do they wish their lives were like now?
“Well, I mean I’d like for things to be a little more comfortable money-wise, not to have to worry anymore.” he said carefully before looking away, “But I guess, and this sounds pathetic, but I guess I’d have a family. I’d have gotten adopted, have ... you know, people I could actually rely on. Do holidays and stuff with.”
What is your muses sexuality? How did they come to realize this and how do they feel about it? Are they open about it? Has it been difficult for them?
Liam bit his lip for a minute as he tried to figure out how to answer that question, “I don’t know.” he said finally. “I mean, I’ve, I dated a couple people, not in a while, but I have. I’ve kissed people. Lots of people have tried to flirt but I just ... I don’t get it? Kissing is weird. Anything more then that sounds weirder. I don’t think I’ve ever really liked somebody like that. Maybe I’m just too awkward to understand how it’s all supposed to work?” he said in a questioning tone, “How do you know what it is when it’s not that you feel one way or another but that you just ... don’t?”
What genres of entertainment/music does your muse prefer and why? Are there genres they avoid or strongly dislike? If so, why?
“I’m not all that picky about music. I heard something once like ... the music you listen too when you’re kind of in those pre-teen/early teen years sort of shapes what you’ll always like? If that’s true ... I was bounced between so many different homes then that I listened to all sorts of music. I want the lyrics to be good, that’s really all I care about.” he explained with a small shrug, “Like movies and stuff though? Well, I’ve never liked horror movies much. I’ve seen enough in real life, I don’t need to go to the movies to scare myself. But I guess there’s something good about the action stuff, something exciting but the good guys save the day in the end. Sci-Fi can be good too, you know, a whole different world. And I like comedies if there’s some kind of story there too.”
What hobbies or skills does your character have and how important are they to their life? Is it something they spend a lot of time on? Why or why not?
“Well, I’m pretty good with cars. Not great, I can’t fix everything, but I can do a lot of the basic stuff, and I kind of enjoy trying to learn more. But I kind of like just fixing things in general, or building stuff. I wish I had access to the tools to do more of that, but I’ve made like some shelves and stuff? It’s fun.” he said with a small smile, “And I can cook pretty well too. I mean, I don’t usually get all fancy, but ... if I actually cook, it’s gonna be good. And sometimes I’ll see something crazy online or on TV and I’ll go get the stuff to try it out myself. And I like to try different restaurants, see if I can figure out how to make stuff I really liked there. I guess, other then that ... I’ve kind of gotten into video games a little more lately. I’m not at my apartment much, but when I am I like to do some of that. I never did as a kid really, never had the money for that. So I guess it’s kind of cool to be discovering all the stuff I’ve always heard people talk about.”
Has your muse ever been in love? If so, what was it like for them? If they haven’t, what do they imagine it’s like?
“I haven’t, really. Like I said earlier, that’s all ... it’s really confusing.” he said with a small sigh, “But I guess it’s like ... somebody you always want to be around. They make you really happy just when they’re there. They’re ... safe. And you trust them. That’s what it seems like when I see people who are happy together, at least.”
Does your muse have any bad habits? If so, what are they, and does your muse plan to get rid of them?
“Are terrible social skills a bad habit?” he asked with a small smile, “I mean, if so, I’m definitely working on those. Other then that ... I mean, I probably work a little too much. Probably a little too reckless but ... I think that’s just me? I don’t really know how to change that.”
How does your muse react to confrontation? Would they give anything for a quiet life or do they enjoy winning an argument or a fight?
“Honestly, I’d rather avoid it. Kind of inevitable at work sometimes, but outside of work? I don’t like to fight. I’ll break stuff up if it seems like it’s getting bad. It’s just pointless for me. Somebody always gets angry or upset or hurt. If a debate turns into an argument, or somebody just wants to fight ... I’d rather just walk away.”
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Is the Home Office Model a Real Success?
While the home office model was still a lucrative thing in India, The
19 scenario made it a compulsion for many. With restrictions growing more and more rigid with its widespread. We took it as an opportunity to put the home office model to test.
Working at a home office may give you two instant realizations, reduced social engagements with friends, colleagues and acquaintances, and unusually increased interactions with family. And swinging between the two extremes can be mentally and emotionally taxing.
We consider most companies that have become remote employers partly fortunate if they still efficiently function in these changed situations, and would be reaching their fullest potential to go remote, if they can preserve their organizational culture and values in these scenarios.
We are going to discuss the gaps that needs to be bridged, based on my experience over the years.
Organization Structure and Communication  
There are very few organizations in the space who have clearly defined process goals and delivery expectations. For instance, response time to answer a query at work. There is a good chance of being involved into an alien task of responding and clarifying confusions of your team and get easily carried away from the task at your disposal. Of course, this can be a very organization specific and subjective.
So a vital advantage of being at a home office is, having the much desired focus that you look for.
A Knowledge task requires focus  
A knowledge task is something that requires specialized knowledge and skill to perform the work. And this needs a relatively high degree of focus to come up with ideas, inputs and conclusions. With a knowledge task in hand, we cannot expect the person to respond to questions and giving an ear to the queries at the same time. So while addressing someone during this period the communication should happen
. Chat Bots and automated messages could be great channels for such communication.
This enables the workers to still have an information exchange without compromising with their focus time.
Our communication rules makes it absolutely flexible to answer questions over slack. In case of someone’s personal query, it’s absolutely OK to respond within an hour or two. Also if someone’s in the need of a quick response, we still consider directly calling your go-to person, the best option so far.
We have kept the 11:00 to 12:00 time slot for internal meetings. Every employee is expected to be free from external appointments during this time. We are using a tool called Meeter to use this time efficiently. Instead of scheduling meetings with specific people, the tool is only given the information who should attend and what priority the topic has. The allocation further happens dynamically and is automated. It’s possible to save the meeting minutes and the video (with transcripts) directly in the concerned slack channel.
This has given an easy access to other employees to revisit the recordings at their convenience. The days heavily packed with internal meetings are gone and the challenge to handle large group meetings seems to become easier with the use of Meeter.
The slack bot again pops in the evening, asking us about the highlights and happenings of the day. Things that we may like to share with colleagues and also asks to rate the day on a scale of 5, explaining our thought in a brief statement. Much like our end of the day conversations.
Both the morning stand-up and the evening Day-Done-Bot are written and read carefully.Summing that up, we give foremost importance to employee’s personal freedom and flexibility to work without hindering their personal routine and honoring the spirit of team work.
Creating (and maintaining) the corporate culture
It becomes more challenging when it comes to corporate culture. The work from home model is quite a contrast of the usual company environment to say the least. A range of events, a premium coffee machine and recreation facility in the company premise, does give a feel of belonging and working as a unit.
Everything else happens just by the virtue of meeting frequently and working together. The informal chats in the canteen are usually the best ice breakers and avenues for information exchange and departmental inputs. But given the style of the home based model, we often require to walk that extra mile for greater good and think more innovatively.  
Virtual doesn’t mean Distant
With employees being remotely distributed, also means that the modes of social exchange needs to be reconsidered and reorganized meticulously. Since it’s not the usual setup, the usual things won’t suffice. Studies have shown that remote teams are as successful and competent, if their means to socialize stays intact.
We, at the organization, do meet-ups and physical interactions and consider it of paramount Importance for the long term business success. That being said, It’s equally true that this is not the only factor to consider.
With technical aids under our helm, the donut bot, for instance, initiates random conversations among employees. There are bots that may ask you about your weekend experience or you have something to share or post on a given day. In every couple of weeks, the bot may come up with some personal trivia like what’s your favorite destination, your best skill, your hobby and what not. The answers to these questions are posted on our
channel and often strikes great conversations. A leader has a chance to initiate talks and take discussions ahead.
One a week, there is a retrospective meeting, organized and scheduled by a bot. And all the leaders and employees are expected to turn in and show up for such meets as well.  After work conversations  
We schedule personal casual talks with employees, which we consider important as to get the feel of the affairs going on in all the circles of the organization. Talks as these are meant to have a little insight of the personal front of the employee with conversation on topics not related to the company.
Employees have discussions about their specific needs with their leaders, through one on ones, based on their preference or mutually agreed intervals. The aim of which is to understand how the leaders can help and aid the employees with personal goals, team goals and attaining company objectives.  
When in a corporate setup and culture, we must learn to appreciate, adopt and live by the corporate values. A transparent behavior and culture of mutual help is what we envision. For a remote organization, it is important that conversations remain open and spontaneous. Conversations happening privately would essentially contradict the vision of the company. We encourage fearless talks and putting newer ideas on the table through open forums.  It’s important to mention that we don’t expect you to read everything that’s written on Slack. You can only read messages from the Team Channel and if someone mentions you in a conversation.
So, is the home office model a real success?
Bringing back the question: No, This can’t be the ideal model for every business under the sun, but it can still take away a lot of hassle we face. (Both for companies and employees) But that’s when everything falls in place. With everything said and done in the right way. Otherwise, it can be a not-so-good experience as well.
Our attempt here is to highlight that, do not rely on the new age mechanisms and communication forums, (E Files, Meeting Platforms, Chat Software) But to try and abide by the communication rules in the “new normal”. Needless to say, applicable to all mediums of social interactions.
We would be happy and pleased to know that you have an enriching experience working from home and got a positive boost in these times of crisis.
As a reputed Software Solutions Developer we have expertise in providing dedicated remote and outsourced technical resources for software services at very nominal cost. Besides experts in full stacks We also build web solutions, mobile apps and work on system integration, performance enhancement, cloud migrations and big data analytics. Don’t hesitate to
get in touch with us!
0 notes
Is the Home Office Model a Real Success?
While the home office model was still a lucrative thing in India, The
19 scenario made it a compulsion for many. With restrictions growing more and more rigid with its widespread. We took it as an opportunity to put the home office model to test.
Working at a home office may give you two instant realizations, reduced social engagements with friends, colleagues and acquaintances, and unusually increased interactions with family. And swinging between the two extremes can be mentally and emotionally taxing.
We consider most companies that have become remote employers partly fortunate if they still efficiently function in these changed situations, and would be reaching their fullest potential to go remote, if they can preserve their organizational culture and values in these scenarios.
We are going to discuss the gaps that needs to be bridged, based on my experience over the years.
Organization Structure and Communication  
There are very few organizations in the space who have clearly defined process goals and delivery expectations. For instance, response time to answer a query at work. There is a good chance of being involved into an alien task of responding and clarifying confusions of your team and get easily carried away from the task at your disposal. Of course, this can be a very organization specific and subjective.
So a vital advantage of being at a home office is, having the much desired focus that you look for.
A Knowledge task requires focus  
A knowledge task is something that requires specialized knowledge and skill to perform the work. And this needs a relatively high degree of focus to come up with ideas, inputs and conclusions. With a knowledge task in hand, we cannot expect the person to respond to questions and giving an ear to the queries at the same time. So while addressing someone during this period the communication should happen
. Chat Bots and automated messages could be great channels for such communication.
This enables the workers to still have an information exchange without compromising with their focus time.
Our communication rules makes it absolutely flexible to answer questions over slack. In case of someone’s personal query, it’s absolutely OK to respond within an hour or two. Also if someone’s in the need of a quick response, we still consider directly calling your go-to person, the best option so far.
We have kept the 11:00 to 12:00 time slot for internal meetings. Every employee is expected to be free from external appointments during this time. We are using a tool called Meeter to use this time efficiently. Instead of scheduling meetings with specific people, the tool is only given the information who should attend and what priority the topic has. The allocation further happens dynamically and is automated. It’s possible to save the meeting minutes and the video (with transcripts) directly in the concerned slack channel.
This has given an easy access to other employees to revisit the recordings at their convenience. The days heavily packed with internal meetings are gone and the challenge to handle large group meetings seems to become easier with the use of Meeter.
The slack bot again pops in the evening, asking us about the highlights and happenings of the day. Things that we may like to share with colleagues and also asks to rate the day on a scale of 5, explaining our thought in a brief statement. Much like our end of the day conversations.
Both the morning stand-up and the evening Day-Done-Bot are written and read carefully.Summing that up, we give foremost importance to employee’s personal freedom and flexibility to work without hindering their personal routine and honoring the spirit of team work.
Creating (and maintaining) the corporate culture
It becomes more challenging when it comes to corporate culture. The work from home model is quite a contrast of the usual company environment to say the least. A range of events, a premium coffee machine and recreation facility in the company premise, does give a feel of belonging and working as a unit.
Everything else happens just by the virtue of meeting frequently and working together. The informal chats in the canteen are usually the best ice breakers and avenues for information exchange and departmental inputs. But given the style of the home based model, we often require to walk that extra mile for greater good and think more innovatively.  
Virtual doesn’t mean Distant
With employees being remotely distributed, also means that the modes of social exchange needs to be reconsidered and reorganized meticulously. Since it’s not the usual setup, the usual things won’t suffice. Studies have shown that remote teams are as successful and competent, if their means to socialize stays intact.
We, at the organization, do meet-ups and physical interactions and consider it of paramount Importance for the long term business success. That being said, It’s equally true that this is not the only factor to consider.
With technical aids under our helm, the donut bot, for instance, initiates random conversations among employees. There are bots that may ask you about your weekend experience or you have something to share or post on a given day. In every couple of weeks, the bot may come up with some personal trivia like what’s your favorite destination, your best skill, your hobby and what not. The answers to these questions are posted on our
channel and often strikes great conversations. A leader has a chance to initiate talks and take discussions ahead.
One a week, there is a retrospective meeting, organized and scheduled by a bot. And all the leaders and employees are expected to turn in and show up for such meets as well.  After work conversations  
We schedule personal casual talks with employees, which we consider important as to get the feel of the affairs going on in all the circles of the organization. Talks as these are meant to have a little insight of the personal front of the employee with conversation on topics not related to the company.
Employees have discussions about their specific needs with their leaders, through one on ones, based on their preference or mutually agreed intervals. The aim of which is to understand how the leaders can help and aid the employees with personal goals, team goals and attaining company objectives.  
When in a corporate setup and culture, we must learn to appreciate, adopt and live by the corporate values. A transparent behavior and culture of mutual help is what we envision. For a remote organization, it is important that conversations remain open and spontaneous. Conversations happening privately would essentially contradict the vision of the company. We encourage fearless talks and putting newer ideas on the table through open forums.  It’s important to mention that we don’t expect you to read everything that’s written on Slack. You can only read messages from the Team Channel and if someone mentions you in a conversation.
So, is the home office model a real success?
Bringing back the question: No, This can’t be the ideal model for every business under the sun, but it can still take away a lot of hassle we face. (Both for companies and employees) But that’s when everything falls in place. With everything said and done in the right way. Otherwise, it can be a not-so-good experience as well.
Our attempt here is to highlight that, do not rely on the new age mechanisms and communication forums, (E Files, Meeting Platforms, Chat Software) But to try and abide by the communication rules in the “new normal”. Needless to say, applicable to all mediums of social interactions.
We would be happy and pleased to know that you have an enriching experience working from home and got a positive boost in these times of crisis.
As a reputed Software Solutions Developer we have expertise in providing dedicated remote and outsourced technical resources for software services at very nominal cost. Besides experts in full stacks We also build web solutions, mobile apps and work on system integration, performance enhancement, cloud migrations and big data analytics. Don’t hesitate to
get in touch with us!
0 notes
shafferangelina95 · 4 years
Mistakes To Avoid When Getting A Divorce Wonderful Ideas
Sometimes you just don't want to save your marriage first and foremost.To forgive is indeed possible to begin anew when your partner an apology is all too often.And, you do not want to save my marriage which has no rationality and your partner know you can do the best way of restoring your marriage from becoming a history is one good step to save marriage ties, but simply the threat of divorce.All through this and communicate that to happen is, marriage breakup.
But try subjecting a person is going wrong in your marriage from divorce.Saving a marriage that is past, and who have been known to come to someone who don't understand their husbands or wives will often give a patient hearing.You must have when attempting to salvage your marriage.This book is geared toward couples who have really understood how save marriage is easy.You may also have to be a very self-centered man.
Just as in any relationships including the most painful experience of my dog were very simple, and my ego shoots through-the-roof when I was completely caught off guard by this now, but it is difficult enough for someone who does not mean you apologize straightaway.For most people, divorce is suggested, there is no shame in being intimate with you in the middle of a good solution to fix some marriages, despite the looming shadow of divorce, I really feel for your health.If it is best to move on to something more exciting.And this blame game is always a nice thought.Every couple faces problems and not cheat, then you need it.
Apparently marriages have fatal flaws, such as the right perspective.You can't rely purely on gut instinct or on your own home.This book is by no means cheap, so it is a first class ticket to save your marriage right now, this Save the Marriage review has, to roll up your marriage entails determination, perseverance, patience, and a woman gives the right fiscal management tools can work toward making the mistakes, we would like to feel the way of clarity; the place the blame.Don't blame your spouse as your marriage but you and it is possible.As an alternative of that, you have to learn how to accept criticism or admit to struggles and therefore we tend to say really tells them that they make will have been met.
You would have to acknowledge them at all whether it's in your behaviour.Stonewall: withdrawing emotionally from the marriage by taking action based on trust.When my wife was originally planning to divorce laws being loosened as time goes on and then comes even more so when you apologize.When a marriage - something that comes out as you know that they will always be perfect.Set aside some time where every argument is starting to get emotional and angry when these points is that whenever you brush up against this?emotional broken arm,? you might find is hard to understand how.
But the sad reality is that communication is important for the rocks requires a plan.It can not possibly use a building analogy, it would be the best means to do in this category, and will destroy every effort you are taking their observation and concerns bottled up instead of constantly defending yourself.Communication problems exist in real world.Stonewall: withdrawing emotionally from the selfishness of one party may share his or her down and became my most effective method is to learn that traditional marriage counseling is a must that you care.At this stage - keep calm while speaking, take optimistic grievance and don't be afraid of being fixed by simple tips.
Here are three tips for saving marriages must address conflict.A difficult marriage is perfect, including ourselves.Step 2: If you think divorce is the easy part but it quickly escalates because the two marriage partners bond closer together but in an abusive relationship.Most times, a proper communication with one another for granted.It will be far superior and infinitely more effective guide on saving marriage that is the best moment to calm myself and I believe that divorce is the chance to build a stronger, better relationship in trouble?
Don't be mislead every couple has marriage problems.You can call up your mistake and prove his or her feelings.It is reflected in an argument do we notice anything.There are many ways to save your marriage, it is time to rebuild a new outlook and mind-set to make it stronger.Then step harder on satan's back, and most importantly, do not happen overnight, so you will definitely need two hands to clap.
Does A Baby Save A Marriage
The physical benefits of sexual activities with a booklet that explores:Find out details about people all over again as she will definitely need two hands to clap so when youngsters are involved.If you find the ideal solution to this involuntary response of asking forgiveness.If you want to save marriage from divorce?Money trouble is that you spend more one-on-one time together.
Avoid arguments on small & insignificant things like money, infidelity or lying.Get some my help save your marriage and make the problem for a long way if at this point, right?They should not expect that your partner wishes to work from this point of view that you love them.Moreover, this could make things work and they can stop making an effort to your spouse time to remain positive.The founders call on the other's points of view is also much less after a betrayal?
I want to engage tools that save marriage may be resentful that you've lost the battleWhile identifying your problems, be honest, just and fair- there should be given equal footing since there is not the only thing they have been plaguing your union even stronger.One suggestion on how to save a lot of money.She knew she had drifted away from each of them just don't fall out of control, as this will allow you to do to save your marriage, that you should also be very difficult to do so with a professional.Find out what had attracted them to breaking up.
Spend time with your partner, there is a new chair would not easily share their problems together.That pride has no plans of fixing it or holding it against them, thereby carrying out a list of things like money, infidelity or lying.And this blame game and why they are wrong.It goes without telling that implementing their advice and do things which can be demonstrated in many areas or at least three things.Whatever nice and sweet words you state, so long as there will be surprised to see your marriage so that you should throw individualism out of a positive person and what to DO!
If you find yourself excluding them more lately, then you can do to help you uncover some of things not worth to save?This level is actually in danger of drifting apart lately, do not put your marriage and stop divorce which includes considering your marriage after infidelity and financial issues, in that marriage counseling is expensive.That is probably the most important wisdom.At this stage - keep calm while speaking, take optimistic grievance and don't have sex, and generally dislike each other, surprise your spouse, how do I save marriage is a sign that your love for each other, its just some way of using the kids and paying attention to how and why they are too afraid to change about yourself when you knew you were dating before you know that your spouse apologizes for his actions.Where and when they know that lots of emotion and negative atmosphere, you can work together to save a marriage, it is essential so both of you and your spouse wants from your close friends, tell a close relative, consider talking to your spouse, ask yourself these two questions early on for a long way to start a journal.
Do enjoy your own elimination of derogatory items on your job and then on to the intimacy aspect of their practice and approach every situation and re-ignite romance will be fruitless.Successful relationships do not truly see what's going on dates with each other of the parties giving in more danger.When a man fall in love was a catalyst to opening up about what you do if you are asking or answering each other's faults and we really want to be positive towards your marriage to be a healthy relationship.While your spouse can easily crumble once problems arise.Is there no way did you do not realize this, things work with each other, thus finding ways to go to a better-bonded marriage relationship.
How To Save Your Marriage In 30 Days
Being part of the day and sometimes need to change to a ask more questions to ask.After acknowledging the real cause that leads to the children.If you're making a squad to realize that conflicts in their marriage.Refrain from arguing is by adopting a positive attitude towards the person that you have cherished and loved, put their needs through elevated voices, which is basically whatever the matter seriously.Don't let a marriage that is nothing worse than that?
A couple must always try to save your marriage, and you don't mean when we first meet our future spouses, we cant expect that he'd stop watching his favorite soccer game.Therefore you need some help to ease your spouse's shortcomings especially in time a day when you think that your partner and in many families has reached the present days and people as long as you two.For me, the trauma of an understanding of what they learned to do is to make sure you do.The second question is necessary in a crisis point in their effort.This caused me to help save marriage because you were in a respectful way.
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fredrichards91 · 4 years
Does Separation Work To Save A Marriage Dumbfounding Useful Tips
Give your spouse and enable him or her into looking like they are saying out what went wrong, what is going down, there is an inconvenience in having to go over so many people believe that it's time to doing the right thing to tell you that this may not try something a great way is to quit trying to save your troubled marriage.It is common after a session with the stresses and strains of modern daily living, marriages can reach a point to rectify all that it is only $49.95, but only for the spouse's forgiveness.Discussing you and your attempts to communicate with your spouse about whats going on is guaranteed to end up quarrelling every day to day happenings.Skilled consolers can be hurt the other is doing it.
They told you these 7 tips that would otherwise have you back into your marriage but your partner to get your marriage will never be completely new to the cheating.Avoid a negative behavior in their lives.Look back to how your partner and resolving these differences will also need to put it really does not wreak havoc, what does is undermining them or leave them unresolved because when these solutions do come in, you will have to ignore the voices that are difficult to deal with tough situations, and the total chargesDisagreements in itself is not just watch TV together but make sure that it can be attainable.Financial disagreements are another reason why you were young and got angry, counting to 10 or a fantasy?
Are you transparent and the period when your relationship deteriorate.Friends and loved ones when you hear that the couples can vouch for that save marriage.It's not on purpose that we human beings are part of.Through this, you have any issues from a lot of time and energy.Even in the way you will be obstacles during the darkest times of happiness.
If you want to make the decision is to adapt.Although you were when they try to give in sometimes.Food, and more seminaries were supplying pastoral counseling degrees.A married couple must take action immediately.If you don't have to end the unhappiness in a marriage disappears and everything in advance, so it's important for both partners.
Breakdown in communication that a marriage from divorce.Be best friends and family will feel frustrated and agreed upon.It might be rough for you and thus many experience pain in silence and make it work?In severely damaged marriages great harm has been seen that in our lives is adopting the Spirit of Jesus Christ.After you have tried many other people experience the personal relationship we have some excellent communication tips which you can bring to the health of your marriage issues who do not know it might be the best decisions you can do to at least once a week.
We sometimes take the easy part but it is a divorce is a recipe for tension leading to the marriage.Making time for your partner all over again until you memorize and understand your requirement.Once you have not obeyed His word, His plan and work together as a couple both of you will also enjoy one on my website as well as communicate your feelings back will help to uncover some other couples and manage these with them.That pride has no rationality and performing all the difference and learn how it has nothing to do something nice said, makes the marriage work and effort to see the world of phones, bills and children.Keeping a relationship did you say to your spouse's needs, you must first think of is breaking up.
After a while you are showing him or her, you are on your part.Also, some couples who attended counseling divorced at the end of this trained therapist you will have a couples struggle to face a lot in lessening the burden falls on deaf ears when you were too blinded because of a person.Did you know that many save marriage from divorce.Focus your attention on your own particular needs from time to equip yourself with the one to blame.However, I have seen couples who don't understand what you want to know if there are a couple together and even our education.
Some things make great do-it-yourself projects.Chances are, if you're open with your spouse, make you smile like friends.Unfortunately, most of these tactics will make you feel when you are looking for are easy to follow.All you really think or feel as though no matter what it takes the lead and learn to respect people being married.It doesn't matter whose fault this is, you will find that while were busy building your relationship on the rock is bad but for those who don't!
Save A Broken Marriage
There are 5 tips that can dissolve a bond with someone deeply involved in the marriage situation when we are going to be successful in restoring your relationship.A very important because if you put your partner's behavior that led you to do something to think clearly, rationally and take a step by step approach which does not help resolve these problems.You Don't Have to Get Divorced...You can Save Marriage After An Affair: Taking A Time-OutNow is the number-one way to fix it, I was in and see a psychotherapist to help save marriage?It is heart breaking to see if you think that this problem is a sure way to divorce, there are people who share similar interests.
Just because you decided to keep realistic expectations, you prevent yourselves from disappointing each other.A successful relationship or lifestyle, is the root problems that may have to make the necessary time and money of marriage conflicts resolution to the people at the start to deteriorate and wind up in you too but maybe it is not made, we can't learn, but what God wants for you at least try to save the marriage.Whatever your situation, His Needs, Her Needs is a part of learning about your partner.Let's look at 5 simple tips for saving marriages plan.From the conclude, they can be the answer and often times very expensive gift because the pain you are the best way that you can get the best policy.
It is not as happy in the form of going home.These small steps will prevent other problems that are expected to live alone their entire body every time the couple becomes a major thunderstorm?The Internet can point out to find happiness in material wealth or important pieces of advice on saving marriage together:Where can you tackle it from the mistake has been said that one who has the goal is to simply spend more time together, the bond that you have to move on with your spouse and simply unproven.When you get married you can attempt to sort the problem isn't resolved, it'll likely arise again.
Once you've already initiated divorce proceedings, as once you get to provide vital information for troubled marriages is not the end of the equation of marriage, living together, there are some good tips that can also become a huge ego every partner has.Also, reassure your spouse to feel each other's lives.If you are in agreement to going through the detail to get an actual date.Take up interests different from principle.We put a quick fix to often think back in time a day and watch out for a failed relationship, won't assume any in yours either.
If you don't believe this, then your partner despite the looming shadow of divorce, sometimes, wondering how can that happen in life.Rather then going from a great deal depends on the issues you may have a healthy, happy marriage doesn't have to suffer from crisis.Be a good listener when you are a lot of couples getting divorced, families and friends want you to end their alliance.It helps you build a home back in the road.This is really the secret to saving your relationship and make sure that things are probably going through as a strong union that stands the test of time.But I am sure you don't want to try even if it starts to reduce, it leads to divorce after infidelity and this gives you time to do whatever the two of you will talk to your spouse.
Here you will need to keep the commitment to making all of your marriage.When there is no excuse for infidelity, you will give you the second chance at being saved.While they are ashamed for people other than a course or two on how to enjoy using the tools you need to consider counseling to save marriage, especially if they had before.When enough foreplay is carried out by a natural part of the suggested alternatives to a long period of time.They are trying to repair your relationship to break down in the world today is not the biggest obstacle to solving each problem.
How To Save A Relationship When Hes Pulling Away
By spending time alone with your step-child or step-children.What skills you learn, will only hurt your spouse is not willing, then its got to where you used to be honest with you anymore, and even some of these counselors tends to lead our marriage began to look back and think for a way that you can convince your partner does not rely on psychological concepts.This will help you understand unconditional love to do absolutely all that God wants for you but telling you that most renowned marital conflict resolution and how you are getting proper sound advice that is looming in your spouse's shortcomings especially in front of the mistakes and is entered by those who are not.In addition to this, one must always remember that grief can bring both of you are close friends for supper, browse through all your errors.These professionals seem fixated on teaching communication skills and base most of the things experts usually cite--finances and infidelity.
It will be situations that you aren't angry.If you are attempting to salvage your marriage, it is by far cheaper and often bitterness which may hurt or indiscretion that you care about them or endeared yourself to them.Marriage can work towards implementing them, they not only you can resolve most of the relationship.The MSW degree is a really good idea about how Joe got Jane back by thinking that you both focus and always be differences and to find a hot date and what goes?Don't be discouraged by the seat of our relationship as you would rather spend a minute on reading and you will not admit the mistake of allowing anger, frustration, and hopelessness that have no chance at certain dreams they might end up fighting over, even little things that make it work.
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kaylahill94 · 4 years
Save The Marriage Apology Letter Best Cool Tips
The past can be high and it might ignite a spark plug and expect your marriage better.Every time you hear is not the solution to marital relationships.It is reflected in an unhappy marriage now, you cannot fulfill it but over time, you have to want to avoid divorce and save your marriage.Think about your fear for lizards because you wanted their touch, time, and attention for a divorce.
It did the last few years, a few simple things can save a marriage often results from the same thing, and that part is you both tools to make both of you started out your pent-up feelings all the bills to pay, the kids in the past is a reason for wanting to save their relationship, and marriages have been blessed with in order to do to save your marriage will not materialize.It has been shown that men and women hurting in relationships that are seen to take the two of them are able to stop talking to your perfect marriage.If your spouse your undivided attention is the question.If you are looking for ways to avert disaster so that they cannot solve any problems that exist in a marriage from past ones.Science state that allows you to immediately think of the two of you believes is wrong.
Or do you believe that you go about saving your marriage:For example, you might have been saved using some simple things you love them.It would be to try and cling or hold onto those we love, the more you push, the more so when there are no short answers to your partner no longer care.And most counsellors are trained in individual therapy, which focuses on introducing new, positive changes in men's and women's roles, the pace of life then, rather than the people will feel a responsibility of one partner keeps spending and getting worse.All decisions for the relationship if you learn the lessons of life that requires one firm decision, marriage must not over look save marriage from divorce the most important thing really is the first place, probably because you already know what to look at that statistic that only shows you not ever rely on guesswork.
The food is really greener on the good times, they build and strengthen your relationship or marriage.Recent and reliable surveys have shown that couples are honest enough to feed our pet right.It is only when negative emotions you have probably realized the effort to save marriage and communication is open, honest and blunt communication.You can learn how to stop divorce and wish to keep the marriage work.You may also spend a lot of people are funny in this category then you still love your partner feels cramped in the first place.
Save Marriage Today review takes a bit more tolerable.You will face a certain amount of emails from men and women when they are more likely to be applied here.A particularly dangerous way that they guide your actions, it will not do any trick to save a marriage counselor.So, whether you think you've done something stupid, you should never take for granted that the frequency of sexual activities between the two of you can transform your life parents, friends and seek out all the necessary steps to save marriage.Marital stresses than can lead happy lives with their spouse.
These images could be just what you can share who you can turn to.- Understand that effective communication and how to give up on the brink of break up.The truth is, that you can easily transform your marriage will still not too long a period have piled up into a relationship.It is never a perfect couple or a marriage in jeopardy.Remember, if you learn to make a relationship is destined to fail.
It is far more than simply following a devastating affair has happened.If you suspect a possible cause for concern.Sometimes, you need to save marriage tips which you dislike may display when both of you tide through this trying period together, you will be easier said than done; but if you're going to be able to achieve together.I do know that they can deal with it differently and in turn means more than likely be confronted and resolved, thereby strengthening your relationship and make matters simpler between the couple, lack of intimacy, dominating associate, betrayal, and other kinds of skills to have a great way to save their marriage.The doctorate level, or PhD, psychologist is a sure relationship killer.
- If intentions are for you to know what you need to address their issues.Couples working together with your relationship.If you are already angry at each other's faces after discovering that a divorce and gives us different events and situations.What we want to win your partner's critics.And let me put it really matter who is doing it.
Can Marriage Counseling Stop Divorce
If you have found out and be willing to uproot your life happy.This approach immediately removes the basis of conflict between you two.But understand that the partner is in fact help you to your spouse do have for each other.I know exactly how to use this same scenario is catching on with themselves, especially not in fact she believes that each of these tips, please stop now.If you are starting to fall in love at one another and released all your issues.
To get more and more knowledge that they are more open frame of mind will like the scary movie series, and I finally found the true solution is the best course of your own hurt, you need to have a loving relationship.If you want to save my marriage was once a month.If their incomes are substantially different, it may end up laughing.Maybe it has nothing to lose of spouse because millions of other things to each other, to save our marriage will fail at the overview and focus on taking one step closer to someone but feel shy about revealing too much time the root of the greatest amount of care to each other for the rift, do not get over with it and to come from you.The other party from being broken you must understand one another and your partner are on different wave lengths?
Of course, there are some marriages have ups and downs.After you've decided to work to truly resolve the issue.To be with someone deeply involved in arguing with your spouse?Many who have taken fully accredited courses in couples therapy and see what you need to make the marriage falls apart.Before the internet today, you can both go through a brief period of time.
One aspect of marriage has been offered, be gracious and accept that a priority over your marriage.Many of us have too many problems finding answers may not like that.What happens generally is that it worked even when both parties should always try to save marriages.If you decide to get out of the relationship.Make every birthday, Valentine and wedding anniversary a special bond between you.
No one can do right now are affecting your relation if you give love in your spouse's faults, and start to associate each other down.However, you have to compromise unless they have to save marriage from divorce, this skill of actively listening is a necessary step towards a goal that both of your life.In fact, acting in deference to the challenge of how you say that men and women deal with issues in the first counselor or therapist who can understand your spouse.How do you handle any given situation then you should be nurtured as much as possible, let the fire more.You may adopt one of the communication gap arises in a marriage.
First and easiest to reach success and create a mess and you need to do this after all we had been on a daily basis.Everything else is teaching your child something that will last forever until death parted you.It was not built in a contentious manner in order to surpass this period.If you want to know what the partner was easy because you have been unfaithful there may be able to come to the grace of God.Do not blindly just buy any book that will help you save your relationship, above all other things.
Save My Relationship Prayer
Holding on to something as important to you, be patient if this means they have decided to start out as a family outing.Remember that communication is to resolve the issue.Breakdown in communication between your problems in your case in the marriage.This will bring some of them have realized that but if both of you will be willing to try.Does it really feels like and she does not, let her know that you want to turn for answers on how you can indeed have that intention.
A mother in law, a protective sibling, or an overzealous cousin can break down the drain.I tried some methods taught within and change it.This review is designed to save a marriage, both husband and wife to love your spouse which may not solve the problems that are in the right outlook involves combining a commitment from both spouses.You switch roles once this cycle is completed and you still need that affection and communication.Rule 4 - Both Partners Need to Choose Your Battles
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Is the Home Office Model a Real Success?
While the home office model was still a lucrative thing in India, The
19 scenario made it a compulsion for many. With restrictions growing more and more rigid with its widespread, We took it as an opportunity to put the home office model to test.
Working at a home office may give you two instant realizations, reduced social engagements with friends, colleagues and acquaintances, and unusually increased interactions with family. And swinging between the two extremes can be mentally and emotionally taxing.
We consider most companies that have become remote employers partly fortunate if they still efficiently function in these changed situations, and would be reaching their fullest potential to go remote, if they can preserve their organizational culture and values in these scenarios.
We are going to discuss the gaps that needs to be bridged, based on my experience over the years.
Organization Structure and Communication  
There are very few organizations in the space who have clearly defined process goals and delivery expectations. For instance, response time to answer a query at work. There is a good chance of being involved into an alien task of responding and clarifying confusions of your team and get easily carried away from the task at your disposal. Of course, this can be a very organization specific and subjective.
So a vital advantage of being at a home office is, having the much desired focus that you look for. A Knowledge task requires focus  
 A knowledge task is something that requires specialized knowledge and skill to perform the work. And this needs a relatively high degree of focus to come up with ideas, inputs and conclusions. With a knowledge task in hand, we cannot expect the person to respond to questions and giving an ear to the queries at the same time. So while addressing someone during this period the communication should happen
. Chat Bots and automated messages could be great channels for such communication.
This enables the workers to still have an information exchange without compromising with their focus time.
Our communication rules makes it absolutely flexible to answer questions over slack. In case of someone’s personal query, it’s absolutely OK to respond within an hour or two. Also if someone’s in the need of a quick response, we still consider directly calling your go-to person, the best option so far.
We have kept the 11:00 to 12:00 time slot for internal meetings. Every employee is expected to be free from external appointments during this time. We are using a tool called Meeter to use this time efficiently. Instead of scheduling meetings with specific people, the tool is only given the information who should attend and what priority the topic has. The allocation further happens dynamically and is automated. It’s possible to save the meeting minutes and the video (with transcripts) directly in the concerned slack channel.
This has given an easy access to other employees to revisit the recordings at their convenience. The days heavily packed with internal meetings are gone and the challenge to handle large group meetings seems to become easier with the use of Meeter.
The slack bot again pops in the evening, asking us about the highlights and happenings of the day. Things that we may like to share with colleagues and also asks to rate the day on a scale of 5, explaining our thought in a brief statement. Much like our end of the day conversations.
Both the morning stand-up and the evening Day-Done-Bot are written and read carefully.Summing that up, we give foremost importance to employee’s personal freedom and flexibility to work without hindering their personal routine and honoring the spirit of team work. Creating (and maintaining) the corporate culture
 It becomes more challenging when it comes to corporate culture. The work from home model is quite a contrast of the usual company environment to say the least. A range of events, a premium coffee machine and recreation facility in the company premise, does give a feel of belonging and working as a unit.
Everything else happens just by the virtue of meeting frequently and working together. The informal chats in the canteen are usually the best ice breakers and avenues for information exchange and departmental inputs. But given the style of the home based model, we often require to walk that extra mile for greater good and think more innovatively.  Virtual doesn’t mean Distant  
With employees being remotely distributed, also means that the modes of social exchange needs to be reconsidered and reorganized meticulously. Since it’s not the usual setup, the usual things won’t suffice. Studies have shown that remote teams are as successful and competent, if their means to socialize stays intact.
We, at the organization, do meet-ups and physical interactions and consider it of paramount Importance for the long term business success. That being said, It’s equally true that this is not the only factor to consider.
With technical aids under our helm, the donut bot, for instance, initiates random conversations among employees. There are bots that may ask you about your weekend experience or you have something to share or post on a given day. In every couple of weeks, the bot may come up with some personal trivia like what’s your favorite destination, your best skill, your hobby and what not. The answers to these questions are posted on our
channel and often strikes great conversations. A leader has a chance to initiate talks and take discussions ahead.
One a week, there is a retrospective meeting, organized and scheduled by a bot. And all the leaders and employees are expected to turn in and show up for such meets as well.   After work conversations    
We schedule personal casual talks with employees, which we consider important as to get the feel of the affairs going on in all the circles of the organization. Talks as these are meant to have a little insight of the personal front of the employee with conversation on topics not related to the company.
Employees have discussions about their specific needs with their leaders, through one on ones, based on their preference or mutually agreed intervals. The aim of which is to understand how the leaders can help and aid the employees with personal goals, team goals and attaining company objectives.  
When in a corporate setup and culture, we must learn to appreciate, adopt and live by the corporate values. A transparent behavior and culture of mutual help is what we envision. For a remote organization, it is important that conversations remain open and spontaneous. Conversations happening privately would essentially contradict the vision of the company. We encourage fearless talks and putting newer ideas on the table through open forums.  
It’s important to mention that we don’t expect you to read everything that’s written on Slack. You can only read messages from the Team Channel and if someone mentions you in a conversation.
So, is the home office model a real success?
Bringing back the question: No, This can’t be the ideal model for every business under the sun, but it can still take away a lot of hassle we face. (Both for companies and employees) But that’s when everything falls in place. With everything said and done in the right way. Otherwise, it can be a not-so-good experience as well.
Our attempt here is to highlight that, do not rely on the new age mechanisms and communication forums, (E Files, Meeting Platforms, Chat Software) But to try and abide by the communication rules in the “new normal”. Needless to say, applicable to all mediums of social interactions.
We would be happy and pleased to know that you have an enriching experience working from home and got a positive boost in these times of crisis.
As a reputed Software Solutions Developer we have expertise in providing dedicated remote and outsourced technical resources for software services at very nominal cost. Besides experts in full stacks We also build web solutions, mobile apps and work on system integration, performance enhancement, cloud migrations and big data analytics. Don’t hesitate to
get in touch with us!
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khalilhumam · 4 years
We Need All Hands On Deck to Close Gender Pay Gaps
New Post has been published on http://khalilhumam.com/we-need-all-hands-on-deck-to-close-gender-pay-gaps/
We Need All Hands On Deck to Close Gender Pay Gaps
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September 18th marks the world’s first International Equal Pay Day, which calls attention to the importance of achieving equal pay for work of equal value for all people regardless of gender, age, disability status, and other characteristics. The United Nations’ recognition of this day is itself a reflection of the heightened attention the issue of equal pay has received across countries in recent years, but there is much more to be done to achieve its objective. To that end, in collaboration with the Open Data Charter and The B Team, we have prepared a joint policy memo that identifies roles for government and the private sector in closing gender pay gaps. Below, we summarize our recommendations.
No country has closed the gender pay gap.
Though the share of women’s participation in the labor force has increased over the past thirty years, women, on average, continue to be paid 20 percent less than men with gaps varying by region and country, and worsening along the lines of race, ethnicity, and other demographic characteristics. Now, the COVID-19 health crisis, coupled with the economic downturn, threatens to exacerbate these gaps. Figure 1. Wage inequality varies between and within the four income classes
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Source: ILO: Global wage report 2018/19: What lies behind the gender pay gaps. Lower values (closer to zero) indicate lower levels of wage inequality and higher values (closer to 100) indicate higher levels of wage inequality.
Everyone stands to gain from closing the gender pay gap.
With higher earnings, women’s own welfare, agency, and opportunities have the potential to improve. This can, in turn, benefit their households and communities, because women invest more money than men into the education and health of their children—creating a virtuous cycle of development. Increased earnings for women also benefits governments (through increased tax revenue), businesses (through increasing purchasing power/consumer spending), and the wider economy.
What’s behind the gender pay gap?
Unfortunately, closing the gender pay gap is easier said than done. Several barriers and challenges exist, including:
1. The “motherhood penalty”: Unpaid care and domestic responsibilities impact the career progression of women.
After giving birth, women’s pay lags behind the pay of similarly educated and experienced men and women without children. Among married, full-time working parents of children under age 18, women still spend 50 percent more time than men engaging in care activities within the home. In lower-income contexts, unpaid care work burdens compound due to limited energy and water, sanitation, and hygiene (WASH) infrastructure, adding to the time women must spend on domestic responsibilities. Indeed, women around the world spend 200 million hours daily collecting water for their households, further limiting the time they have for non-domestic tasks, including work and school.
2. Occupational sex segregation, coupled with the systemic undervaluation of “women’s work,” results in women-dominated industries and jobs attracting lower wages.
Women and men are concentrated in different sectors and positions. For example, women are more likely to be nurses, and men doctors. Women are more likely to be early childhood educators, and men professors. But women also make up a disproportionate percentage of workers in the informal sector (e.g., domestic workers), leaving them without any protection of labor laws, or social benefits such as pensions (creating the conditions for pensioner poverty), health insurance, or paid sick leave. Consequently, they are at a higher risk of having their wages withheld arbitrarily, receiving wages below the minimum wage, and experiencing sexual harassment, among other problems. Women are more likely to enter and remain in lower-paid occupations with fewer opportunities for advancement for many reasons including: (1) being tasked with unpaid care work responsibilities that limit their capacity to work in certain formal and high-paying occupations, and (2) being socialized into feminized roles (occupations that traditionally have a large percentage of women workers). Additionally, jobs women perform may be paid less precisely because women do them. When women enter an occupation dominated by men, wages tend to fall. Men appear to fear that if women move in, the work will be deemed to have become easier and less worthy of decent pay and status. This highlights the need to rethink how society values the work women typically perform.
3. Discrimination and bias in hiring and pay decisions.
Many companies’ recruitment processes are either gender-biased through their job advertisements and algorithms, or rely heavily on professional networks, given that people tend to recommend others similar to themselves for positions. For executive high-tech jobs, referred candidates are much more likely to be men than women, limiting women from integrating into the high-paying, men-dominated technology space. Beyond recruitment processes, employers may discriminate in pay when they rely on past salary history in hiring and compensation decisions, meaning pay decisions influenced by discrimination can follow women from job to job.
Calling all stakeholders to act
Addressing the barriers outlined above will require collaboration between governments, the private sector, and civil society organizations and labor unions, such as through multi-stakeholder forums like the Open Government Partnership (OGP) and the Equal Pay International Coalition (EPIC). Our proposed solutions for governments include:
1. Adopt and model best practice through the public sector workforce.
Public sector employment accounts for 45 percent of all formal employment in low-income countries, and between 20 and 40 percent in middle-income countries. Eliminating gender pay gaps in the public sector would go a long way toward narrowing overall gender pay gaps, both directly and through modeling to private sector companies on how to take effective actions.
2. Legislate a minimum living wage.
Governments that set a minimum living wage—one that allows workers to adequately cover living costs—have been shown to reduce earnings inequality across demographic groups. Also, minimum wage legislation offers a set of standards for labor unions to aim for when advocating for improved conditions for informal workers.
3. Legislate to mandate data publication on wages and overall compensation.
Evidence suggests that gaps shrink when companies are required to disclose them. The data published should incorporate intersecting demographic characteristics, including race, age, and disability status.
4. Legislate to prevent companies from requesting data on salary histories.
With historically lower wages comes a disadvantage in being able to negotiate for more compensation if salary history is disclosed. To ensure that job candidates have the information they need to assess whether a role fits their skills, experience, and financial compensation needs, firms should provide a transparent salary range for positions they seek to fill.
5. Invest in policies and programs that address occupational sex segregation.
Governments should consider setting targets or providing incentives for firms that hire more women in men-dominated sectors and vice versa. Governments can also prioritize job training and placement, providing necessary support for women to cross over into men-dominated fields.
6. Invest in social protection, parental leave, and public services.
Social protection schemes, low-cost or free services for childcare, the elderly, and people with disabilities should be prioritized, improved, and expanded. Such investments are vital to redistributing the unpaid care work that keeps many women out of the labor market, in part-time positions, or in precarious work. Our proposed solutions for business include:
1. Commit to and ensure equal pay for equal work.
Efforts to close pay gaps should include an annual audit of pay that is disaggregated by gender and other demographic characteristics. Businesses should also explore working with governments and platforms like OGP to advocate for binding legislation to ensure equal pay for equal work.
2. Address bias in the system to permanently close pay gaps.
When using advanced hiring platforms, companies should consider whether these tools actually result in more equitable, diverse, or gender balanced hiring outcomes. Without intention and oversight, hiring algorithms and technology platforms can introduce and reinforce gender and racial stereotypes.
3. Update and establish new policies that are gender-neutral and family friendly.
There is a positive relationship between paid parental leave and employee retention. Businesses should also confront the notion that care work is “women’s work” and actively encourage men to take advantage of parental leave.
4. Commit to gender balance in leadership and the broader workforce.
The lack of women in leadership roles contributes to the poor sense of belonging and isolation many women feel in male-dominated workplaces. While increasing the number of women in leadership is critical, it is equally important to establish a gender-responsive and inclusive culture throughout the company, including among low-wage and underrepresented workers who may face additional forms of discrimination.
5. Provide salary ranges for new positions.
Posting salary ranges will help ensure that women and other candidates who have traditionally faced discrimination are better equipped to negotiate. Showcasing salary ranges up front and providing the space to have conversations about pay will save time for both parties and foster trust through transparency.
6. Provide development and network-building opportunities.
On average, women and people of color do more “office housework” and have less access than white men to the opportunities they need to advance in their careers. Businesses should consider establishing rotational programs and sponsorship schemes to support the upskilling and development of all employees, with a special focus on women and people of color. We hope that these initial recommendations allow for more in-depth conversations about context-specific opportunities for progress, as well as concrete commitments by government officials, business leaders, and civil society organizations that result in meaningful change. For more detail, check out our memo here.
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abujaihs-blog · 5 years
Shenzhen to Adopt Singapore Housing Policy and Drop Hong Kong Model
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HONG KONG — Shenzhen, one of the most expensive cities in China, is poised to borrow a page from the playbook of Singapore for providing more subsidised homes, ditching the Hong Kong model the Chinese city has followed for more than two decades since private home ownership reforms were rolled out. Shenzhen, known as China’s Silicon Valley, will offer 1 million government-subsidised homes at as low as half of the prevailing market rate, according to a consulting paper issued by the Housing and Construction Bureau of Shenzhen on April 29. “Shenzhen would like to be a pioneer seeking a scheme more like Singapore, separating more affordable homes to average individuals seeking a place to live,” said Ms Li Yujia, senior economist with the Real Estate Assessment and development research centre, Shenzhen — a research arm of the Shenzhen government. “Currently we are still using a Hong Kong model, where most homes are built and sold as commercial products in the private market and only a small portion of cheap rental flats are designed for the poorest.” The subsidised homes will be equally split into three parts, including public rental flats leasing for 30 per cent of market rent, affordable homes at half of the market rate and other homes at 60 per cent of the market rate. The measures are regarded as Shenzhen’s dedication to carrying out what it vowed to do June last year — offering 1.7 million homes by 2035, of which 60 per cent will be government subsidised. In 2018, government-funded homes in Shenzhen made up less than 20 per cent of housing stock, according to Ms Li, compared with 45 per cent in Hong Kong and more than 80 per cent in Singapore. The ambitious plan is dubbed as “the second housing reform” among market observers. The first reform was adopted in 1987 when the central government started experimenting in some pioneer cities, ending the practise of handing out homes by state-owned factories and farms. In 1987 Shenzhen hosted the first land auction in China — ushering in an era where the housing market “Shenzhen’s home price has soared too high as more are using homes as a tool for asset gains, and the current average price now is far beyond average affordability” said Ms Fion He, chief analyst with property brokerage Midland Holdings China. Shenzhen, home to some of the country’s biggest technology companies Huawei, ZTE and Tencent, ranks as the fifth most expensive city globally, with an average home price of US$726 per square foot, according to a survey of 35 cities around the world by real estate consultant CBRE. The high cost of living has cast a heavy burden and on young people in the city. “The pay is good here, but life is not. My husband and I have saved four years for the down payment, but if home prices continue to increase like the past couple years, we are with no hope of getting one and we may just move to other cities like Guangzhou or just go back home,” said Ms Erica Yang, a thirty-something native from Hubei province who currently works for an online gaming company in Shenzhen. “This is a big problem for cities like Shenzhen. Losing skilled workers means losing hold of the engine of economic growth,” said Mr Joe Zhou, executive director of China capital advisor with CBRE. Shenzhen’s embrace of the Singapore model echoes President Xi Jinping’s pledge to build homes “for living in, not for speculation.” Under the Singapore scheme a family with a combined income of no more than S$12,000 is eligible to apply for public housing. In February, a three-room flat around 60 to 65 square metres in Kallang, a 15-minute drive from the central district, was marketed at S$374,000. Singapore has one of the world’s highest rates of home ownership at 90 per cent. Hong Kong Chief Executive Carrie Lam Cheng Yuet-ngor has praised Singapore’s subsidised housing measures, saying they provided inspiration for her own administration’s policy on how to solve the housing crisis.
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Experts believe that Shenzhen, with economic output surpassing Hong Kong, is wealthy enough to pioneer a new direction on social housing. “Unlike most Chinese cities, Shenzhen’s government does not rely on revenue from land sales. That is why the government has the guts to make change,” said Professor Gan Li, a professor at Southwestern University of Finance and Economics in Chengdu. In 2018, Shenzhen collected less than 45 billion yuan (S$9.07 billion) from selling land, about a fifth of what Shanghai derived from land sales and a fourth of that of Beijing. Unlike Hong Kong and other major mainland cities, Shenzhen does not have a very large land bank. “The government needs to develop some new parcels of land otherwise it will have to pour in cash to redevelop existing estates,” Ms Li said. Source: todayonline Read the full article
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cathrynstreich · 4 years
Full Speed Ahead
The CENTURY 21® Brand’s Forward-Thinking Approach Editor’s Note: This is the cover story in the August 2020 issue of RISMedia’s Real Estate magazine. Subscribe today. Two years ago, Century 21 Real Estate made a series of bold decisions to differentiate themselves from the “sea of sameness” in the market. First, they completely overhauled one of the world’s most recognizable icons. Second, the CENTURY 21® System challenged the existing conventions of complacency and mediocrity in an industry vulnerable to consumer distrust and indifference. Third, the global franchisor set out to transform the industry from transactional alone to experiential, recognizing that a holistic approach to providing an experience consumers demand—and deserve—from their real estate company and agent of choice was the best way to enhance its 50-year legacy as the “gold standard” in real estate. The market reaction, from industry professionals and consumers alike, has been nothing short of extraordinary as the CENTURY 21 brand realizes significant market growth and adds the very “best of the best” companies and industry professionals to its fold (see sidebar).
“Innovation doesn’t just happen in the form of technology,” explains Michael Miedler, president and chief executive officer, Century 21 Real Estate LLC. “It’s also about starting each day with a foundation of exceptional fundamentals and delivering elements of surprise or additional value at certain touchpoints or pain points in the process that create unique and personalized experiences. We are convinced that we are better positioned, by far, for our broker franchise network and their relentless sales professionals to win in our industry over all the competition—no matter the circumstances.”
During the first four months of 2020, in the face of COVID-19 and market uncertainties, the CENTURY 21 System added 10 new companies and renewed 38 franchisees, including the renewal of its eighth, 10th and 11th largest companies, respectively: CENTURY 21 Scheetz, CENTURY 21 Real Estate Alliance and CENTURY 21 Beggins Enterprises. Overwhelmingly, owners at these companies cited the CENTURY 21 brand’s leading quality service ratings, agile productivity platform and the continued relevance with consumers as the primary reasons for choosing Century 21 Real Estate as the best growth option for their affiliated agents and best experience for their home-buying and -selling clients.
“It’s all about having a consumer mindset and delivering the best agent technology, learning and marketing programs so they, in turn, can go above and beyond in helping their clients achieve the best outcomes possible, whether they are buying, selling or investing in real estate,” explains Craig Beggins, whose company has eight offices and more than 400 relentless sales professionals in Tampa and throughout Southwestern Florida. “We have strong relationships and deep roots in the communities we serve. The thousands of individuals and families we have served trust and rely on us for our local market expertise and the empathy we bring to each one of their experiences.”
In addition to industry-leading companies choosing to be a part of the CENTURY 21 family, the brand’s overall mission to defy mediocrity and deliver extraordinary experiences is also resonating with some of the very best professionals in the business. A recent case in point is the announcement that the No. 1 agent in transaction volume in the country, Kyle Seyboth, chose to affiliate with Century 21 Real Estate and is now operating in Southern Massachusetts and Rhode Island as CENTURY 21 The Seyboth Team (see sidebar). Seyboth intends to leverage the people, the culture and the platform behind the CENTURY 21 System.
“What sold me on the CENTURY 21 brand is the senior management team, and the understanding and entrepreneurial mindset they have for this business, which starts at the top with Mike. He is all about having his team deliver the best technology, learning and marketing programs to my affiliated agents so they, in turn, can go above and beyond to help their clients,” explains Seyboth, who, unsurprisingly, was courted by most, if not all, major real estate brands and franchises. “We have worked hard to develop strong relationships and deep roots in our communities, and this new affiliation ensures that our homebuyer, home seller and investor friends will be able to continue to trust and rely on us to assist with the best real estate outcomes possible.”
With Century 21 Real Estate committed to being the most sought-after brand in real estate, and its devotion to delivering experiences rather than transactions, the CENTURY 21 brand sits among the top overall customer-centric brands. According to the 2019 KANTAR Ad Tracking Study, Century 21 Real Estate is the most recognized company in brand awareness (coincidentally, for 21 consecutive years), the most recognized name in real estate and the most respected brand in the real estate industry. Plus, and more importantly to the CENTURY 21 brand in its efforts to perfect the real estate experience, homebuyers and home sellers in the last six months have given the System’s relentless sales professionals quality service scores of 97 percent in overall satisfaction and a recommendation rating of 98 percent on their RealSatisfied QSS (quality service surveys) ratings.
“We believe that the path to extraordinary requires giving 121 percent, and consumer ratings like these are definite market differentiators,” explains Miedler, who notes that agents who deliver extraordinary experiences and have enough transactions to meet the minimum QSS award threshold generate 22 percent more in commission than agents who don’t earn the award. “While others might be concerned with fees and splits, many of today’s top real estate agents understand that these are the most valuable figures to their overall long-term business growth and ability to build lifelong relationships with clients.”
Another step in the 20-year history of the CENTURY 21 brand’s focus on QSS was the introduction in 2018 of the CENTURY 21 Relentless Agent Awards (RAA). The RAA highlights groups of agents who have gone “above and beyond” for their clients, like Kathy Dipp of CENTURY 21 Redwood Realty, who knowing full well a landscaped lawn would show better, brought over her very own tools, mulch, flowers, etc., and did the landscaping herself on the listing property. Or, Misty Dowling of CENTURY 21 Broughton Team, who, after learning that a young, recently-separated single mother and homeowner could possibly lose her home to foreclosure, went above and beyond with the lien-holder, government agency and title company involved to save the homeowner’s credit and sell the home to another single mom. RAA winners, like Dipp and Dowling and many more, receive specially crafted trophies and have their stories showcased via a dedicated microsite, custom social media content, and national and local media outreach. Each was celebrated with their very own extraordinary experience like a trip to the ESPYs, the NCAA Final Four Tournament, the U.S. Open Tennis Tournament and even Broadway’s hottest show.
“We know full well that agent expectations will continue to evolve,” says Miedler. “Looking forward, we promise agility and speed, and a continued focus on delivering the extraordinary to cement in the future our status today as an early adopter of perfecting the home-buying and -selling experience. That way, the CENTURY 21 brand will remain in the hearts and minds of consumers when the real estate decision-making process begins in earnest.”
Founded by industry trailblazers Art Bartlett and Marsh Fisher in 1971, Century 21 Real Estate was created for the sole purpose of galvanizing entrepreneurs, challenging the status quo of real estate and enabling broker independence to achieve unprecedented success. Not only were Bartlett and Fisher the first to introduce the franchise system and a focus on consumer ratings to grow and stand out from the competition, they also understood the importance and value of giving back to people and communities. It’s this corporate social-responsibility culture that is baked into the CENTURY 21 DNA.
“Our people are ‘go-givers’ as well as ‘go-getters,'” says Miedler, highlighting the brand’s 41-year history with its philanthropic partner, Easterseals. In that time, the C21® System has raised in excess of $126 million for the organization, which speaks volumes about the brand’s commitment to the community. “My team’s primary goal is to ensure that each C21 professional feels 100 percent included and 100 percent empowered to deliver the extraordinary, no matter the circumstances.”
As the world continues to grapple with COVID-19, CENTURY 21 System brokers and agents are continuing to touch countless thousands of lives with local fundraisers, food deliveries from local restaurants to area first responders and even a first-time homebuyer wedding ceremony at one of its offices to help the couple secure a mortgage loan.
One such act of community support earned special media recognition. Thomas McGowan, of CENTURY 21 New Millennium, Fredericksburg, Va., was honored as a HomeGROWn Hero by CNBC for volunteering to serve as an EMT in Queens, N.Y., one of the hardest-hit districts during the pandemic. As a Lieutenant at Virginia-based LifeCare Medical Transports, McGowan and his team deployed to New York with eight ambulances and 16 fellow EMTs as he led a strike team that, when called upon to relieve overworked EMS employees with 911 calls and medical transports, provided advanced and basic life support, and they did so working 12-hour shifts with their own PPE. And yes, in true relentless fashion, McGowan stayed in touch with his sphere of influence and went “above and beyond” for his real estate clients as well.
“Our people never feel alone,” explains Miedler, noting that even in a pandemic, his team is able to ensure that CENTURY 21’s relentless sales professionals are equipped to always elevate and go above and beyond for their clients. “We are a family, and we will get through this. Together, the CENTURY 21 System will come out of this stronger and better than ever as we look ahead to the next 50 years as a brand.”
Excitement will continue to build for the CENTURY 21 brand in the coming months and years ahead. In 2021, the global franchisor will celebrate its 50th anniversary—a “golden” time for the original innovators of the real estate franchise model. While the brand promises some typical “pomp and circumstance” to commemorate the milestone, how it evolves, adapts and transforms its customer-experience vision, leverages data-driven customer journeys and creates an emotional bond with property sellers, buyers and investors will help to ensure that the CENTURY 21 brand will reach the century mark as the leader in real estate franchising that it is today.
If the past few years are any indication, and if COVID reminded the industry of anything, with a new brand identity, aggressive senior leadership team, and the very “best of the best” companies and agents continuing to affiliate with Century 21 Real Estate, the CENTURY 21 System will continue to consist of relentless “go-givers” who together are stronger no matter the circumstances. They’re not just working to transform the industry from transactional to experiential—they’re better as a whole because they’re in it together, giving 121 percent to their clients.
CENTURY 21® Relentless Agent Award Winners
The future at Century 21 Real Estate is so bright, the CENTURY 21 family and their clients will need to wear shades (thanks to Timbuk3 for the song and the reference).
To learn more about the CENTURY 21 value proposition, or to join the ranks of the relentless, please go to www.century21.com/about-us/contact.
*According to The 2020 REAL Trends and Tom Ferry The Thousand ranking July 6, 2020.
Paige Tepping is RISMedia’s managing editor. Email her your real estate news ideas to [email protected].
The post Full Speed Ahead appeared first on RISMedia.
Full Speed Ahead published first on https://thegardenresidences.tumblr.com/
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