#and if tsaritsa doesn’t have child model
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birthday card for my friend 🤍
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someuncreativi2 · 1 year
[] Alia Fabula’s Voicelines []
Because why not.
I - Greetings and Time
Marione, Hydro Archon, Fontaine
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Hello: I am Model FJ-014, Chief Justice of the Court of Fontaine and servant to Lord Focalors. For commands, press 1. For assistance, press 2. For—… You wish to speak to me? As in beyond any type of help? Well, in that case… my name is Marione. It’s a pleasure to meet you.
Morning: As much as I can respect the love of a sunrise, it has always been tainted by my creator’s concern of not having enough charge to last the day…
Afternoon: It is fortunate that Lord Focalors does not require my assistance at the moment! The day seems perfect for a break.
Evening: If you have anything planned this evening, I would be happy to join you! I have always been fond of festivities… ah— do not tell Lord Focalors that I said that!
Night: It seems that my battery is running low on water… mm… well, I could probably last a short bit of time longer. I will simply charge more in between trials!
Murata, Pyro Archon, Natlan
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Hello: Oh, hey, you’re that outlander everyone’s been talking about! The name’s Murata; so cool to meet you! Oh, and uh, don’t try to shake my hand. Pyro energy and all that… What? What’s with that face? I— hey, just because I’m a god doesn’t mean I have to be all fancy with my introductions!
Morning: Hm… should I start the day with coffee or some fried eggs? Yeah… no. Definitely coffee.
Afternoon: Ooh, we could totally prepare a game of Pelota here! Quick, get me some vines! I’ll make some nets out of the thin ones.
Evening: Whenever I look at the sun, all I can think about is how the sun is just a giant ball of lava, and sunsets are like an eruption cooling down after a long day… I don’t know, though. Probably just me.
Night: Yawn… You can keep going. I’m all worn out from today’s sparring sessions…
Odelayo, Cryo Archon, Snezhnaya
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Hello: I am Odelayo Siberuva, ever-reigning Tsaritsa of Snezhnaya, Archon of Cryo, and God of Snowflakes. I trust that we are in good spirits today?
Morning: Sigh… parting with the night is such sweet sorrow, but at the same time, the sun’s ray always reminds us of better times.
Afternoon: …but if Childe’s troupes make their rounds through Chenyu Vale, then I’ll have to move Sandrone’s team to the valley near Mondstadt and… A-Ah… don’t mind me. I’m merely coordinating an expedition for later.
Evening: Is there anything more romantic than dusk in winter? The sky above shrouded in bluish-grey, outlined by the most vibrant of pinks. You and your loved one sharing a single scarf and snuggling up on a park bench like a group of penguins against the ever looming doom of nightfall… A-ah… Sorry, I lost myself for a moment…!
Night: This moment is so peaceful and quiet. Not even a cricket would want to disturb it— Oh, no, there goes a chirp. Well, I don’t mind; it only adds to the feeling, I believe.
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kyogre-blue · 3 years
@kyogre-blue the cocogoat haunts me ever since you reminded me of its existence. good point on the murder though. i guess we could say the model had some obvious sign of murder on it but.... -_- even at my most generous thats a bs excuse
The benefit of the cocogoat is that you get to see Zhongli be a complete idiot. That’s fun, though very random and abrupt. 
The thing about saying that the Exuvia did have wounds on it is that those wounds would have had to be purposefully created by Zhongli, and that doesn’t really make sense. Him faking death? Logical, ok. But him framing it as a murder? That creates a ton of problems. 
What I feel like people sometimes overlook when discussing Zhongli’s plan is that he actually did very little. We haven’t really seen evidence of Zhongli as any kind of deep schemer. Rather, he has the benefit of always being in the position of greater power and knowledge than everyone else. He then decides on a specific, rather direct course of action and never deviates from it, which makes him look smarter than everyone else, who are scrambling around him to achieve their plans via far more limited means. (Arguably, this does make him smarter than everyone else lol, since he doesn’t end up basically playing himself like the Fatui do at times.) 
For the retirement plan, his actions were just this: 
He decided to retire. As far as we know, he took no action toward this himself for whatever reason. 
The Tsaritsa approached him about obtaining his gnosis peacefully. They created a contract that we still don’t know the full content of, but the retirement aspect was that she would have her people test Liyue, and if Liyue passed, Zhongli would give her his gnosis, as he would no longer have a use for it. 
Not confirmed: Presumably, Zhongli set up Wangsheng Funeral Parlor and himself into partnership with the Fatui in order to better keep track of their actions. (Note how dismissive Hu Tao is toward the Fatui in her demo video. It doesn’t seem to have been her idea to partner with them.)
He fakes his death at the Rite of Descension. 
He arranges Rex Lapis’s Rite of Parting. 
He sends the Traveler to fight Childe at the Golden House when Childe tries to retrieve the (not present there) gnosis from the Exuvia. This action really doesn’t have any benefit for Zhongli’s plan, it seems to be another case of the writers just needing an excuse for why the player has to do something. 
After everything is done, he sends dreams to the Qixing and the adepti that he’s not dead and just retired. 
You can see how passively Zhongli approached all this, and how little complexity there was from his side. He sub-contracted the Harbingers to test Liyue, put himself into contact with them to act as observer, faked his death and then started preparing his funeral. Then just tidied up some loose ends afterwards. That’s it. There is not really a scheme aside from telling someone to test the city and faking his death (by dropping off a fake corpse and doing basically nothing else.) 
He’s especially hands-off in regard to the whole testing part. He had no input on how Liyue was tested at all. The plan with Osial was something that Childe came up with, and the Sigil of Permission he used was something he obtained during routine debt collection. Childe’s orders were also extremely vague, so you can’t really say he was maneuvered into acting a certain way. (I actually find this to be something of an oversight from the writers, since it has some weird implications for Zhongli’s approach to all this.) 
The stuff with Havria’s domain is also very similar. Zhongli wasn’t pulling some scheme. He had no greater plan at all. It’s just that everyone else was scheming and screwing around, so he looks like the smartest one because he didn’t have any goal at all and just carried through without trying anything fancy. This makes him smart in a certain way, yes, but it doesn’t make him capable of complex manipulations. Mostly it just shows how straightforward and unshakable he is. 
...I got a bit carried away there. 
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fanfiction-funtime · 3 years
Alexander Vodka lines
I did most of the characters, but some I don't know or genuinely can't think of anything. Hope this is good >-<
Hello: Hey there, your that Traveler fella ain’t ya? Hope I don't owe you copyrights for  the name. Hm? I don’t? Well then, what can I help ya with?
Adventures? Sure why not, I could use the inspiration.
Two names: You’re curious why I have two names? Well it's sort of a thing in Snezhnaya that officers and other high ranking people have two names, like how harbingers do. Since I’m a high ranking member of the Schneznayan authors association, well former member, I have the name “Eis Cay’zar” meaning “ice ruler”. And Alexander Vodka is a pen name. Hm? What's my resistance name and real one? Well now Traveler, a man must have some secrets.
Change of tone: Ah yes, people often find the way I change from more eloquent speech to more casual off putting. Well it's the same reason I wear two sets of clothes: sometimes I feel like looking like an old noir hero, other times I like looking like a new age caped crusader. Sometimes I like sounding high society, other times I enjoy sounding like I’m from Khaen’ria.
How do you know about Khaen’ria: Well I was looking for accents and found out about a place called “New York” or something, a bit of investigation and I discovered everything. My source? That's a secret, ehe.
Good morning: Mornin’ Traveler! What's in the mornin’ paper?
Noon: Lunch time, my favourite time of the day. Let’s go get some pizza, I’m famished!
Afternoon: Almost time to punch out, let's go knock some skulls first.
Night: *yawn* Today was fun, thanks buddy. Get some shut eye, or if you can't come meet me at (wanmin/angels share/the tea house), first rounds on me!
When it rains: I am so glad I got over my fear of contacts.
When it rains(with glasses outfit): Hey can we get under something? I can barely see!
When it stops raining: The smell that comes after rain has always been one of my favorites.
When it snows: Perfect weather to bundle up with a nice hot cup of hot chocolate!
When it stops snowing: Do you ever miss home, Traveler?
About freedom: I warned Barbados, you know that? I knew that as long as he saw it coming, Signora wouldn’t stand a chance. But he just looked at me and said, “good, when I’m gone mondstadt will be truly free of the gods”. That’s a man I’d follow to the depths of the abyss and back.
About Venti: Speaking of Barbados, he’s a great drinking buddy. Me and him knock back a couple hundred rounds whenever I’m in Mondstadt! Course I’m always paying the tab, but I consider it a way of repaying him for making songs about my books.
About Kaeya: The cavalry captain? He’s pretty cool if you ask me, modeled as Rex Mondoleon for the cover of a historical fiction book I made. But I’d still like to know what he’s hiding behind that smile.
About Diluc: Don’t tell him I told you this, but one time I found Diluc after he was hit by an abyss spell that made him drunk. While he was drunk he kept ranting about how sorry he is for kicking out his brother. The poor guy has all that forgiveness in him but he’s too afraid to let it out.
About Jean: The acting grandmaster of the knights is someone truly deserving of respect. She leads by being a good person and earning the respect of her people, and she has never once tried to cover up the mistakes of the knights. In fact if a knight makes a mistake she’ll rush out to fix it. Jean should be the grandmaster, not that crooked old bastard.
About Lisa: Lisa was my first friend in Mondstadt. She mailed me about getting copies of my books into the Mondstadt library, I said I’d do a signing to promote a new one, one thing led to another and now we have tea every ninth day of the month.
About Rosaria: Don’t tell anyone, but I’m very sure she’s a vampire. A nice one, but still.
About Barbara: Awe that little doll? I once saw her kill multiple fatui because they threatened some sick and injured travelers. So I think she’s a great person, takes compassion to save lives and guts to handle taking them as well.
About Bennett: Bennett? Yeah I know him, nice kid. He likes my books but kept breaking them, so now I make special enchanted ones so he can’t break them even if he tried.
About Razor: The guardian of wolvendom? He’s a weird one alright, but he’s not a bad guy. I taught him how to read and write.
About Fischl: That crazy kid? I don’t care what everyone else says, she’s nice. People need to learn to just leave people alone, she’s not hurting anyone with her persona.
About Noelle: You will never find someone more dedicated too...well anything than Noelle is too the knights and her training.
About Klee: Klee and I are great friends! Nothing is more stimulating than massive explosions!
About Amber: She always has interesting stories to tell, like one time where she got rid of some bandits by making a dummy merchant cart filled with explosives! Or the time she had to help a kid get her pet giant snake out from the cathedral!
About Zhongli: Heh, he thinks he’s slick, but I know he’s Rex Lapis. Gotta say I kinda hate him for just giving up his gnosis, however he did it to free his people so I can’t be mad.
About Ninnguang: Never much cared for economics because I don’t know much about ‘em, so I can’t say anything about her business sense. But I can say that she’s a great leader who puts her people first.
About Keqing: Haven’t talked to her enough to know much, but she’s dedicated to her people and that's enough for me. Her dislike of blind faith in the gods is definitely enough to make me want to get to know her better though.
About Qiqi: Qiqi’s a nice kid, I don’t care what anyone says her being a zombie doesn’t make her bad.
About Baizhu: Snake man? Nice guy, helps me be accurate in my books. Always worry about him though, one hot breeze and he’s out like a light.
About Xingqiu: Xingqiu always tries to hide his good deeds, and while I can respect anonymity I can’t let a hero go unsung. So I’ve written multiple short stories about him using a different name, and put in the beginnings that it’s based on a true story.
About Chongyun: His popsicles are great inventions, I’ve played around with the idea a bit and made flavored ones. So far I’ve got strawberry and grape down and am working on this weird fruit called a..Banananana? I think?
About Beidou: Captain Beidou is so cool! She tells me stories about her journeys out to see and I write about them, but after seeing her in action I can’t really say that I do her justice.
About Kazuha: Kazuha has suffered so much, yet he refuses to give up and curl up away from the world when he so easily could. I have immense respect for him.
About Xianling: You’d be surprised at how good slime and boar tusk can be.
About Xiao: I’ve written down many myths and legends of the yaksha, but sadly I've never seen him in person.
About Verr Goldet: Oh she’s great company! Good business sense, and always polite.
About Gorou: Many people rightly attribute the Resistance’s survival and victories to general Kokomi, but it’s wrong to say general Gorou isn’t a brilliant strategist. He knows how to rally his men against impossible odds, and how to keep them standing against them. I’d follow general Gorou into battle any day.
About Ayaka: Ayaka seems so lonely, I hope when this is all done she can have some form of social life.
About Thoma: Thoma’s as cool as he seems. He always has a level head, and solves problems smoothly and without issues.
About Yoimia: KABOOOM!
About Kokomi: One time I was doing an interview of her excellency, to boost morale and draw new members. I intended on asking for her autograph, only for her to ask for mine! I’ve been riding that high for a while now and still ain’t come down.
About Signora: I hate fatui, but without that she has some good qualities: most of her power is her own unlike most other harbingers, and she’s a sharp dresser. Plus she’s actually justified in her choice to join the fatui, not excused, but isolation can justify many crimes in my book. But no matter what I can’t forgive her. She attacked my friend without a chance for him to fight back, and was unfairly cruel. Nothing can justify that, and I will not forgive her as long as she remains unapologetic for her cowardly cruelty.
About Childe: Fatui are scum, but Childe’s probably the best of them: he personally tries to keep civilians and the weak out of fatui business, and he’s only in it to make sure his family lives well. He also is powerful on his own, but most of his strength is the Tsaritsa’s well deserved gifts. Still though, he’s just a single stressful day from losing all his morals. I can’t leave the fate of my homeland to a madman like him, not unless he gets therapy.
About Scaramouche: Scaramouche...that bastard, it’s been five years and he still owes me 30,061 mora.
About the Fatui: The fatui are really just people who are lost or genuinely believe they’re in the right, and while I can sympathize and respect many of them I can't agree nor can I just stand by and watch. The grunts usually aren’t that bad, honestly they’re more like underpaid graduates new to the workforce, but the fighters you see daily? Almost all of them are scum no better than raiders, and debt collectors are the worst of them because they’ll do anything they can to scam you out of everything in their contracts.
About us-commissions: You know, if you’d like to commission a biography it’s 100 mora per ten pages.
About us-inspiration: You’re a font of inspiration for me, ya know that?
About us-fellow rebels: I’ve been with ya enough to know that this path you’re on, the one to find your sis/bro, you’re fighting against something far beyond my ability to deal with. I won’t abandon you, I’ll be here every step of the way.
About us-friends: We’ve been through a lot pal, I’m glad to call you my friend. Please, call me my rebel name: it’s Belgrade, named after the city where some very brave men took their last stand against oppression.
Hobbies: Well you have reading and writing, otherwise? Can't think of anything.
Favorite food: Grilled tiger fish, come get it while it’s hot!
Least favorite food: I really wanna try it, but I can’t have almond tofu. Or any nuts. Closes my throat right up.
Something to share: Hehe, I got embarrassing dirt on all the harbingers. Signora? She has a Tsaritsa body pillow. Scaramouche? He knits sweaters for his pet pig, cute but he hates letting people know. And Childe? Hoo man, the pics I’ve got on him have put a pretty mora on my head.
About me: Hey have you seen my dice? I wanted to teach the mondstadt kids how to play them...hm? What?! No, not gambling! It’s, uh, a tad embarrassing...h-hey look! Literally anything else, let's pay attention to it!
About me II: Alright! These rolls are great, can’t wait to use them next game. I’m so proud of Fischl, so young yet so imaginative. She’s already-ah! T-traveler! What are you doing?..
You know I’m the one meant to be learning the secrets here.
About me III: Back in Snezhnaya, everyone looks down on things that don’t “conform” where even the most rigid of nations like Inazuma have stopped caring. Adults can't play games, men can’t wear dresses, can’t even have a “weird” sense of humor. No laws against it, but being outcasted is...it’s not good…
About me IV: I wish I grew up in Mondstadt. The kids there are so free to be themselves, and the adults aren’t pressured to be nothing more than working hands. It’s not perfect, after all people are rude to Fischl and Benny for being “different”, but it’s better that’s for sure.
About me V: Hey traveler...this is...no it’s not embarrassing. You’re my friend and I have no reason to be embarrassed by wanting to enjoy time with you! Fischl’s going to run a pen and paper dice game, ever played one? It’s super fun, you get to be anything you want really, and it’s a great way to bond.
You will? Great! I’ll help you make a character!
Alexander’s troubles: It’s so hard to find publishers these days. Noone wants an actual plot, they just want twist after twist. What’s up with that?! Shock value is no substitute for characters you love living fulfilling lives.
Happy birthday: Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you, happy birthday you crazy bastard, happy birthday to you! Seriously pal, you put yourself in harm's way every day it seems, we literally met when you were fighting an actual god! Actually, know what? No danger all day! We’re wrapping ourselves in blankets and just relaxing!
Feelings about ascension-intro: woah, somethin’ feels different. I like it!
Feelings about ascension-building up: man, I’m feeling inspired all of a sudden! Hey traveller, give me a prompt!
Feelings about ascension-climax: HA! I don’t know what high I’m riding but I like it, I just finished writing a whole book series!
Feelings about ascension-conclusion: WOO! YEAH! ULRICH MIKAEL KEEPS WINNIN’!-I-I meant Alexand-ah forget it, I’m feelin’ too good to care!
About Louis: That crazy inventor guy from Fontaine? I heard he got used by the fatui, damn shame that. Noone deserves to have their heart played with like that.
About Spritefather: You ever heard of Spritefather? I’ve only heard legends, but the fanmail I keep getting tells me that sometimes things are only legendary until someone writes them down.
About the Storytraveler: There’s this woman who travels from universe to universe to fix things, she��s in Teyvat right now. You should meet her, really nice person. But her powers are a bit weird, why does she transform like that? It takes so much time!
Tagging: @love-psxlm, @storytravelled, @genshin-obsessed, @golden-wingseos
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nordics with visions please .. 🧎 😩
GENSHIN!!!!! YEAHHH!!!!! FUCK!!!! 👹👹👹
Tino: Tino has a Pyro vision and is a claymore wielder! He used to be far more active but now he’s kinda retired after losing a leg! He was in the Snezhnayan army for a few years as a teen and then left after being mistreated and losing trust in the Tsaritsa. He fled to Mondstadt for freedom and joined the Adventurer’s Guild! He was an active adventurer for 6 years! And at the ripe age of 27, he retired from adventuring after losing his leg in a scuffle with a Ruin Hunter. He received his Pyro vison in a moment of need and had to cauterize his own wound....Owie. He now acts as a mentor for young adventurers! He’ll guide them through safe ruins to assess if they’re truly ready to adventure on their own or not. He’s kinda a father figure for many young adventurers or outriders who come to him to hear his stories! He isn’t old, I know ‘retiring’ insinuates that he’s old but he’s still young!! He just retired from the dangerous lifestyle he had before! He’s easily settled into this role model position :)
Berwald: Berwald doesn’t have vison but he’s okay with that! He is a blacksmith who makes some of the best swords in Teyvat!! He made Tino’s first sword :’). Berwald grew up a bit outside of Snezhnaya, it was very cold in his small town and many men banded together to hunt and trade along roads to Liyue! Berwald learned blacksmithing techniques and supplied his neighbors and other townspeople with weapons! He was the center of attention often due to his talent. He moved to Mondstadt after getting tired of working endless snow, he loves the spring and summer :) his dream as a child was to have a cryo vison and now as an adult, every day hes thankful he didn’t get it cause he’s grown to hate the cold. He lives in Springvale a few doors down from Alfred and Matthew. He has a tree full of bird houses and a garden full herbs! He’s a peaceful, soft spoken guy who can make one hell of a sword >:)
Lukas: An electro catalyst who practices necromancy and other forms of magic in a tent outside of Dragonspine. People travel far and wide to find him to ask if he can bring their loved ones back from the dead. He always refuses, no matter now much money is offered. He tells fortunes, offers advice, reads the stars, all kinds of stuff but he’s only well known because he brought his brother back from the dead :/ He was so hurt that he didn’t really consider how selfish it was to bring his brother back :( Now he takes care of his revived brother, everything he does is for him. He earned his vision for being intelligent and loyal to his family. He feels honored to be a recipient of an electro vision since they’re not often given out by the electro archon. He doesn’t know but the archons are very interested in his talents and keep an eye on him. They’ve seen him bring bugs or small animals back to life when he was still learning but now, seeing that he brought his brother back? Very interesting indeed.
Emil: Emil has always been sick, ever since he was born it was like he attracted illnesses, he was a magnet for germs. He passed away from a complex disease as he was being treated. He was brought home and Lukas, who had been practicing magic for years already, was able to bring him back to life. Their parents made them leave so no one would find out but people did anyways. Emil is a shell of who he was when he was alive. He’s quieter, speaks softly, moves stiffly and his once beautiful blue eyes are now white with no pupils. He used to call Lukas ‘brother’ but since he’s been brought back, he only refers to him as ‘Lukas’ which hurts his brother’s feelings a little... Emil isn’t doing it intentionally. When he was little, he was given a cryo vison for being brave and resilient against disease (when he could fend things off)! The cryo archon believed he’d pull through and become stronger! Welp... Now when the brothers fight side by side, they create huge elemental reactions. When he was alive, he was practicing with a pole arm but since he isn’t swift on his feet anymore, Lukas trained him to be a catalyst with the ability to produce a shield! Emil doesn’t feel emotions the way he used to but he still feels love and joy when he can be by his brothers side. Dream team
Matthias: Matthias is a gliding instructor who travels all over the place! He gets bored quickly so he jumps between Fontaine, Mondstadt, Liyue and Sumeru to get a change of scenery! He stays in inns or hotels and pays them off by teaching kids how to use gliders! He can even issue gliding licenses in Liyue and Mondstadt! Still waiting on paperwork from Sumeru and Fontaine! :) he loves seeing how excited people are to learn! Yeah!!!! He also has a scrapbook full of pressed flowers and photographs with his students from all over! He even has some students sign their names too so he can look back and remember them all! He’s only like 19 or 20 so he’s still young and living it up!! He lives to travel and make friends! You can see it in his eyes :’) if he could choose though, he’d love to get a hydro vison! He’s seen those people fight, dance and make art with their visions before! A little daydream he often entertains is the idea of gliding over a city and dropping balls of water down onto people below! He just thinks it’s funny! Of course that’d be the first thing he did lmao he’s a kid at heart!
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