#and if you refuse to accept that theres queer content there then youre not fully understanding the show
theheightofdishonor · 2 years
Do you think haikyuu is queer coded? There's the aspect of shipping is just out of canon which it is but to say interpretations can't mean anything feels odd at times. I see you analyse a lot wanted to know your general stance on this even if outside haikyuu
Hm, there's a lot of questions here so imma start with the fact that shipping and queer coding aren't necessarily related. As far as shipping is concerned, canon is but a sandbox from which we can make anything we like. Some people like canon/heavily supported by canon ships like Reki/Langa from Sk8, others like ships that just have a basis in canon/follow common shipping tropes like iwaoi and kuroken which are classic childhood friends to lovers, and then you have those like me who will ship any two random characters together based on little to no interaction or any canon basis simply because they're interesting. All of this is to say is that it's easy to twist canon to fit your needs and if you want a queer reading of hq because you yourself are queer or because you really like rivals to lovers and want to read kurodai as gay (me, I'm talking about me) than that's fine!
Of course I'm a bit of a lit nerd so I'm pretty big on the fact that while you're free to consume everything in a shippy way, you should also be able to see a text for what it is. Comprehensive reading is important! Like, if you're reading Romeo and Juliet and your only takeaway is Benvolio and Tybalt would make a cute couple, I'm sorry but you're doing it wrong.
Haikyuu isn't primarily a queer story the way that the little mermaid or fight club or orlando are filled with queer themes and subtexts. Furudate's pretty explicit about the fact that hq is about volleyball and connection. However, yeah, I think there's a bit of queer coding in it, like Noya's first name being picked intentionally to compliment Asahi's or how kagehina are written to be perfect complimentary pairs. Like, I'm pretty vocal about the fact that while I don't ship kghn, I think they're a very queerly written pairing.
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