#the pet play going on with adam and tadashi
Sk8 Rewatch Ep12
You know, if Adam vented by dance skating in the rain more often, we might not have the problems we have now.
God the animation of Adam’s shadow as he dances is so fucking good.
Imagine being this poor fucking tailor man. It’s early in the morning, it’s a fucking monsoon raging outside, and then a lunatic in a matador costume bursts talking about making him a suit.
Sketchy is so cute~
Langa, it is not your job to fix that grown ass man.
Kiriko’s search warrant and subsequent raid on the Shindo household was completely erased from the narrative. Like, she had the warrant and never used it?
Miya asking Shadow about his injuries when Cherry probably cracked his skull in at least two separate places, had an arm and leg in a cast, probably some- at least- cracked ribs, among other things. Listen, if the founders are actually gods you can go ahead and reveal that, but at least acknowledge that Cherry’s injuries were far worse than Shadows.
If season two never finishes up Cherry’s hangups with Adam I will riot.
Imagine going to S, seeing a whole ass tombstone at the finish line and not turning the fuck around to go home.
Honestly, I love Adam’s second costume more than his first, but actually imagine being Langa, walking all the way up there and seeing your opponent dressed like the grim reaper talking about it’s your day of departure.
Langa using Cherry’s move to dodge Adam’s Love Hug Full Swing Kiss Combo. 😍🤩😭
The Zone is just Adam’s way to not feel any pain- something he’s experienced a lot of in life- as he completes his child murder suicide.
Oliver I feel like you could have visited your son long before now.
Adam: So I never had...an Eve to begin with, did I? No, no you did not.
Adam: There’s not...anyone at my side Okay, now who’s fault is that?
While I agree that adults can learn something from children. This 100% should not have been on Langa’s shoulder (thought narratively I understand why it was).
Adam says friends will ultimately betray you, flashing back to the “I have no opinions” scene (which lol ok), but we never get a scene from where Cherry and Joe supposedly betrayed him, showing that that they never did and that Adam left them first.
Adam: Nobody understands me! They never could! No one in this world can read minds. You actually have to tell your loved ones what’s going on with you. And also, Cherry’s repeated asked you what was wrong and you tried to kill him.
You know, in previous episodes, when someone got knocked down, it was an immediate win for their opponent. But when Langa gets up from him and Adam knocking each other down, and Adam was still struggling on the ground, the match is still on. Bullshit.
This show is trying to make me feel for this man, but it’s just not possible. Like, yay, you remembered the fun you used to have with the guy you treat like shit. Good for you.
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Adam almost killed Kaoru, Hiromi, Miya, Carla, and Sketchy with that parachute.
Tadashi as his boss goes to sexually harass a minor again: UWU
I want Koyomi to attend S in season 2.
Don’t worry shadow, they weren’t shown kissing, that could just be her brother or cousin for all you know!
The end scene tries to play Adam letting Tadashi believe he was going to go to jail for weeks as a positive “aw, he cares” scene, but Tadashi really believed that his life was over and Ainosuke is just like “Yeah, no, you’re stuck with me, dog.” Like, that’s a fucking threat coming from this man.
“You’ll be my dog for the rest of our lives.” Listen, have a pet kink if you want fandom. This is still an abusive relationship between a boss and his subordinate. Adam signs his paycheck, owns the house he lives, and could literally do anything he wanted to him. This is not sexy.
Knowing Reki’s and Langa’s luck, they tied.
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theheightofdishonor · 2 years
Do you think haikyuu is queer coded? There's the aspect of shipping is just out of canon which it is but to say interpretations can't mean anything feels odd at times. I see you analyse a lot wanted to know your general stance on this even if outside haikyuu
Hm, there's a lot of questions here so imma start with the fact that shipping and queer coding aren't necessarily related. As far as shipping is concerned, canon is but a sandbox from which we can make anything we like. Some people like canon/heavily supported by canon ships like Reki/Langa from Sk8, others like ships that just have a basis in canon/follow common shipping tropes like iwaoi and kuroken which are classic childhood friends to lovers, and then you have those like me who will ship any two random characters together based on little to no interaction or any canon basis simply because they're interesting. All of this is to say is that it's easy to twist canon to fit your needs and if you want a queer reading of hq because you yourself are queer or because you really like rivals to lovers and want to read kurodai as gay (me, I'm talking about me) than that's fine!
Of course I'm a bit of a lit nerd so I'm pretty big on the fact that while you're free to consume everything in a shippy way, you should also be able to see a text for what it is. Comprehensive reading is important! Like, if you're reading Romeo and Juliet and your only takeaway is Benvolio and Tybalt would make a cute couple, I'm sorry but you're doing it wrong.
Haikyuu isn't primarily a queer story the way that the little mermaid or fight club or orlando are filled with queer themes and subtexts. Furudate's pretty explicit about the fact that hq is about volleyball and connection. However, yeah, I think there's a bit of queer coding in it, like Noya's first name being picked intentionally to compliment Asahi's or how kagehina are written to be perfect complimentary pairs. Like, I'm pretty vocal about the fact that while I don't ship kghn, I think they're a very queerly written pairing.
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meaningless sk8 the infinity headcanons i have
joe has a pollen allergy but it has never and will never stop him from giving cherry flowers once a year (it was the day that they met but no one needs to know that).
shadow is lactose intolerant and it pisses him off bc he's never tried pizza because of that.
langa listens to doja cat and ariana grande's music religiously (he actually cried when the song "motive" came out)
reki loves the movie grease and knows all the words to all the songs since he was like 8 or smth (his favorite is beauty school drop-out)
whenever miya sees someone walking their dog outside he will go up to that person and ask to pet it.
cherry is horrible at remembering birthdays and even worse at picking out presents. he has carla make a note of all his friends' birthdays so he doesn't forget and look like an asshole but he still just gives reki a pair of socks on his birthday.
tadashi can knit and he can knit very well it's kind of impressive
adam has never watched star wars or star trek so he was always really fucking confused whenever joe and cherry would argue on which one was better (joe said star wars and cherry said star trek)
miya, reki and langa play minecraft together when there's no S that night
one time langa and his mom go to joe's restaurant bc langa wouldn't stop talking about how good the lasagna is there and she wanted to try it and joe came out and saw langa and said "nice date you got there, are you gonna introduce me?" and langa's mom says "i'm his mom" and joe just stays completely still and quiet then goes back to the kitchen and doesn't come back out and the next time that he saw langa at S he said "your mom is hot" and then avoided langa for a week
shadow loves all flowers but he has admitted (while drunk) that his favorite is the chrysanthemum bc of it's meaning
cherry got really really drunk at his and joe's graduation party and doesn't remember a single thing other than what joe filmed and took pictures of but joe claims that he had never laughed that hard before
adding on to that, cherry isn't specifically a lightweight but when they bust out the slightly harder alcohol he will go feral in two minutes
adam is a sad drunk (tadashi has videos of him sobbing while piss drunk and watches them when he's had about enough of adam's bullshit to remind himself that this is the man bullying him)
when he was younger, tadashi's grandma taught him how to bake, and he tried to teach a young adam but they ended up making a huge mess of the kitchen and got in trouble (it was tadashi's dad who caught them though, and man knows that adam needed a childhood so they got off easily by just having to clean the kitchen)
oka listens to trashy 90's pop in the shop sometimes and reki wants to impale his ears
shadow has a whole notebook filled with places to go on dates
langa and miya have no idea what kinks are so they ask reki and the poor boy was eating at the time so they almost had to go to the hospital and when they explained to joe what happened reki was fucking mortified and joe wheezed so hard he sounded like a balloon
shadow still can't tell his lefts from his rights
miya's alarm is the fucking uh "creeper aww man" song
idk man lemme know if you want more bc i have a whole army of these
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frogizz · 2 years
Sk8 Headcanons: Elementary Edition!
Joe: He was totally the kid to start rumors about someone having a crush on another and getting in trouble for the smallest things in class, a little rascal but otherwise a well-behaved kid who had a lot of friends.
Cherry: He was quiet and lonely, having only one friend (Joe) and just scribbled on his assignments. He didn't cause any trouble at all except that one time he accidentally installed a virus on the class computer in the 4th grade.
Shadow: He was definitely a little rascal all throughout elementary school. The kid no one really liked and kind of a bully but eventually grew out of that phase. The kind of kid to go "Ewww, ___ got cooties!" and make other kids cry.
Adam: He acted well behaved because of his aunts but at times lashed out in crying fits due to being frustrated or slightly spoiled and even having a smart mouth towards his teacher's until the 3rd grade.
Tadashi: An extremely quiet kid, was never acknowledged by anyone and didn't make friends, which he was pretty okay with. All of the teachers loved him because he was such a "mature, responsible, and quiet" kid.
Reki: He was totally a little menace, I mean a little monster. He was full on chaos in the classroom, loud, and one to interrupt the teacher during reading time. Always scribbled in crayon over his homework and never sat still in class.
Langa: Kind of shy and obedient in the classroom but whenever it snowed outside for recess he would play with the other kids. He never caused any trouble and was a teacher's pet just because he was shy and quiet and had no one else to talk to.
Miya: A star student and the example setter. A lot of kids admired him until they hated him. Could've skipped a grade back in elementary school if he wanted but he still wanted the chance to make friends his age.
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collapsing-galaxy · 3 years
It confuses me how some people in the sk8 fandom can see and fully understand the subtext of Renga’s relationship and understand the feelings the boys have for each other even if it’s not directly stated...
... but then go, “omg poor Tadashi needs therapy! He liked being called a dog!”
TL;DR: the ending scene with Tadashi and ADAM was actually really cute and used a great writing technique to show their relationship’s growth, but some of y’all refuse to see that because you don’t like ADAM
It’s totally fine to dislike ADAM, he’s not my cup of tea either, but just because you don’t like him doesn’t mean you can just not understand him like you do the other characters. Ive seen many people do great in-depth analysis on the other characters but with ADAM, some of y’all don’t even try or care to.
I thought it was obvious what ADAM meant when he said, “you’re my dog for the rest of our lives.” But then I see the majority of the fandom go, “what in the BDSM pet play is this??? Wtf is wrong with Tadashi???” Some of y’all are joking (which I get, I like to jokingly kink shame Tadashi some times I won’t even lie), but some of y’all are GENUINELY confused and concerned. Did y’all just suddenly forget context exists????
Y’all remember EVERY OTHER TIME, ADAM called Tadashi a dog? Was Tadashi happy in any of them? No! So obviously, because he smiled this time, it’s clear to see it meant something else.
Based on the tone of the scene and how, at this point of the story, ADAM has realized he cares for Tadashi and that it’s better to skate WITH people and not AGAINST, it’s again obvious that this time, this phrase was used as endearment. He was saying that he’s never gonna throw Tadashi out and that he WANTS Tadashi by his side forever. He just said it in his own weird ADAM way...
And that way, is just how writing works. I know a lot of people in the fandom aren’t writers. But I am. Take it from a writer, what they did here, was actually really nice and I even find it adorable. Writers usually give characters/pairs a “thing” that’s always there. Renga = fist bump, MatchBlossom = fighting, and for Tadaai its .... “dog”... romantic, I know, but you get the idea. And this “thing” can change or even change meaning overtime (like rengas fist bump) and that’s good story telling. It’s gone from dog (derogatory) to dog (affectionate). Its turned into a kind of inside joke between the two.
And that’s just their thing. Sure it’s a little weird (maybe a lot weird) but it’s really not hard to see it’s meaning changed. Honestly. Some of y’all need to read more books (or any professional media that’s a story) and start picking up on writing tropes. Cause I’m genuinely shocked on how many people were disgusting at this ending scene with Tadaai.
Again, I’m not a huge fan of ADAM, he makes me a bit uncomfortable, but I know the creator put a lot of thought into ADAM and had a vision for him, so I’m not gonna ignore the depth and story they put for him just because I don’t like him. He, as a character, deserves just as much deep analysis as the other characters.
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i am lowkey speechless at the fandom sksksjsk what do you mean people were upset at the dog comment?? what. I don't even care if it's a kinky thing or not it doesn't even matter it's like?? a lot of the time shows movies or whatever piece of media will have something said at the beginning and then again at the end but in a new context it's writing 101. ainosuke called tadashi a dog to imply he's lesser or worthless bc they were broken up and then they brought him back at the end and adam is now saying it in a teasing way while letting tadashi know he wants the two of them to stick together like lmao having those same words back makes sense bc that's how stories work
Well, most of this fandom don’t even get the basics of the storytelling, so idk why anyone is surprised really.
They also thought the show was gonna end with Adam going to jail and seriously discussed the possibility of everyone going to therapy, because “enjoying your hobby in such dangerous environment is bad” lol. 
And why what you said is a given, that only idiots won’t get, I still think those who didn’t see all the bdsm referenses coming from these two, must be either blind or the purest of the pure haha.
So you can try, of course, to explain this to them even from the innocent point of view, but I doubt they will get this. What they read is “Adam is abusing Tadashi and he should leave him ASAP”.
Also I’ve legit saw tweets saying stuff like “he should go see a therapist, if he’s so happy about Adam calling him a dog”. I was like “I didn’t know you must be send to a mental institution for being into a pet play, but ok” lmao. I also saw stuff like “idk maybe he blushed bc he said “for the rest of our lives”, so he mistook it for a proposal?” I’m like “ok, but who’s gonna tell that kid..” idk it’s pretty hilarious reading their reactions to me. 
Someone’s brain broke already after ep11, when they went into panic like “why did they change the ending? why did they change the ending?”. I was like lolz.
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fantastic-rambles · 4 years
Im so glad there's sm1 who appreciates how well adam's character is written, i need to vent to u (sorry!).
Ok so honestly, despite all the terrible shit he's done, i feel so so bad for him. I know that with police involved it's probably not gonna end well for him, but holy shit i want him to mend his relationships and heal so badly (tho with 🍵🌸 it's probably ruined to the point of no return). I just wish he opened up to tadashi and/or 🍵🌸 when they were young, and found comfort in them. I know the majority of the fandom wants to run adam over with a truck or smth, but honestly it's his fucked up family that truly deserves that. U have no business fucking up a person like that, adam should've left em years ago(which hopefully he will eventually do in the end). Anyway rly hoping that sm1 saves him and bitch slaps his father(i actually don't remember if he's still alive lmao) and aunts.
Sorry again for suddenly throwing this at u (feel free to leave this unanswered, no worries!)
Oh no, please don’t feel sorry! I love discussing my obsessions, lol. And also finding other non-Adam-haters. <3
But yes, absolutely, I feel bad for Adam. It doesn’t excuse what he does (though what he does is child’s play compared to *actual* villains), but he’s a textbook case of an abused child turning into an abusive adult. On top of that, mental health has a huge stigma in East Asian countries, so all the people yelling that he should get therapy... while they’re right, I understand why he doesn’t due to cultural norms, as well as the fact that he doesn’t realize how fucked up he is and in his relationships with other people. The first step to addressing a problem is to understand that there is a problem, but he doesn’t see a problem at all with what he does (and his morality pet feels too guilty about his own sins to point it out), so he can’t take steps to fix it.
His family is definitely a root cause of the problem (for some reason, I’m under the impression his father is in jail, but I might be misremembering/misinterpreting something one of his aunts said--in any case, I don’t think he’s around right now), but to be honest, while I like Tadashi, I also blame him for part of Adam’s trauma too. It’s pretty obvious that Tadashi has some sort of inferiority complex--which yeah, again, understandable since he’s a servant’s child, but then why do all the secret skating with Adam? Like, he realized that it was Adam’s only safe space, and just because Adam’s dad found out, it seems like he decided to just take that away from Adam?
The scene when Adam first sees “Snake” skating and says something like “Why now?” really hit me hard, because I believe that Tadashi has refused to skate with Adam for years (which is why Adam made “S” and is looking for “Eve”), and then when he finally does, which is something that should make Adam happy and remind them of the few bright moments of his childhood (plus, Tadashi is one of the only people who can skate with him equally), he’s doing it to try to completely take away what Adam loves more than anything else, and the only place where he can be himself. As I mentioned in another post, I think that Tadashi has good intentions in trying to do this, but the most recent episode has just hammered home the point that Tadashi doesn’t really understand how badly he fucked up before.
Like you said, if he’d had a more open relationship/friendship with Tadashi when he was younger and Tadashi continued to support him secretly (which I believe he stopped doing after the board-burning incident), I think that things could have turned out a lot different/better. I also think that with Cherry and Joe, there was a chance for things to work out and make him into a better person, but he was forced to leave them/go to America, where they couldn’t have a good influence over him. And imo, something also happened during those gap years that drove him batshit crazy and looking for his “Eve.”
At this point, I’m mostly hoping for one of two endings (for Adam):
That Adam somehow is made aware of how badly he’s fucked up everything and takes steps to make amends, including confessing to perjury and going to jail, which would be a huge middle finger/cutting ties to his family/aunts. I’m kinda skeptical that this will happen in a believable way, though, if that’s the intent, given that it seems Ep 11 will be him trying to traumatize Reki again so having a heel-face turn in one episode is pretty suspicious.
That Adam just goes down in a blaze of glory and destroys his skating kingdom in a fit of madness when it’s clear to him that he can never get what he really wants. This is also unlikely since I’m pretty sure he’ll end up going to jail one way or another, but if he’s going to be played off as “irredeemably evil,” then they should damn well go the whole way. Nothing he’s done so far convinces me that he’s a villain who deserves as much hate as he gets.
But yes, I feel like Adam is a marvelously complex character (partly because there’s still so much backstory missing, probably), which is why he’s my runaway favorite in the show. His characterization is absolutely head-and-shoulders above any other character’s. He’s a terrible guy for certain, but he makes the whole show possible.
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miyuskye · 3 years
GRIEVING because of the dubbed version of That tadaai hairpull/foreplay scene in the abandoned factory.
I had so many hopes after last episode and I honestly can't understand why they toned it down this much (while they pretty much toned up every other Adam's scene, especially his interactions with Langa). FIRST OF ALL they made Adam call Tadashi a dog in the first line, instead of using his name (like in the og version) and, while I understand that they want to enforce the pet play, i think that in that case it was unnecessary as Adam calls him a dog 2 mins later anyway. I've always looked at that scene as Adam being genuinely angry at the beginning, losing all of his flamboyant facade in front of Tadashi (conveyed by him calling Tadashi just by his name) (as both the dub and og version enforce the idea that Adam usually calls him with his petnames when he's in high spirits), and then as they proceeded with the usual dom/sub dynamics (Tada being the bratty power bottom he is) (and the bratty power bottom Adam loves to discipline as he is one himself when they switch). As a result, Adam got horny ofc and angrier, conveyed by the hair pulling and suggestive phrasing ("I'll illustrate that to your body") (and then they f*cked)
THEN in the eng dub they made Adam say "A dog is never allowed to disobey his owner" (and it's fine here) "...and if he does, he gets broken" which just... doesn't convey the sexual tension contained in the japanese version. Idk if they did that because of lip-synch but I really thought they would be going with "I'll make your body understand that". The body part needed to be there XD and also the domineering tone of the sentence imho.
On the other hand, Tadashi's va delivered greatly as his noises of pain were so soft and borderline moans, which was nice XD
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fantastic-secrets · 3 years
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Fandom: Sk8 the Infinity
Characters: Shindo Ainosuke (Adam), Kikuchi Tadashi (Snake)
Warnings: PWP, BDSM, Pet Play (obviously), Semi-Public Sex, Sex Toys, Oral Sex, Dirty Talk, etc.
Word Count: 2.9k
Summary: As Ainosuke's personal assistant, Tadashi strives to please his master while maintaining a professional appearance at work. And Ainosuke takes just as much pleasure in trying to put a crack in that stoic facade.
Tadashi walked sedately after Ainosuke, his expression as bland as ever while his master spoke with another representative on the bill that was currently under discussion. His steps were slightly smaller than usual, and he couldn’t focus on what the two men were saying, their voices an undercurrent to the blood pounding in his ears. Eventually, Ainosuke seemed to realize that his secretary was starting to fall behind, and he glanced over his shoulder at the dark-haired man with a slightly cruel twist to his charming smile.
“Do try to keep up, will you?” he asked, a reprimand in his voice, and Tadashi nodded, lengthening his stride while unobtrusively biting his lip to stifle a gasp as something shifted inside him. A faint touch of color brushed his cheeks as he rushed to catch up with the two men until he stood a few paces behind Ainosuke’s shoulder again, and his master nodded with apparent satisfaction before turning back to his companion. But the other man was still looking at Tadashi, and Tadashi forced himself to stare back with the dull green eyes of a dead fish.
“Is something wrong, Shimada-sensei?” Ainosuke asked, his tone entirely innocent, and Shimada turned to look back at his younger counterpart, blinking a little too quickly.
“Oh, nothing at all, Shindo-san. I was only concerned that Kikuchi-kun seems a little unwell. Would it not be better to give him the day off? He seems to be a good worker, so it would be unfortunate if something were to happen to him, right?”
“That’s what he says, Kikuchi-kun. What do you say? Do you need the day off?” Ainosuke called back carelessly, his voice infused with the hint of a challenge--something that only Tadashi could hear--and Tadashi bowed slightly, tensing at the feeling of something biting into his skin.
“Thank you for your concern, Shimada-sensei, but I am well.” Tadashi was glad that his voice remained steady, although Shimada didn’t seem to be entirely convinced. Still, he continued to walk with Ainosuke until they reached the younger man’s office, and Ainosuke paused with one hand on the doorknob, still chatting amiably while his other hand rested in his pocket. And Tadashi tensed again, the papers in his hand trembling slightly as he continued to stand ramrod straight, his eyes glazing over slightly while the conversation flowed around him.
“... look forward to working with you again.”
The two men shook hands, and Tadashi noticed Shimada’s eyes on him again, but then Ainosuke was pushing open his door and walking into the room. So Tadashi just inclined his head slightly in farewell before stiffly following his master inside and closing the door behind him. The light in the room faded as his master drew the curtains, letting only a sliver of the afternoon sun enter the room, and in the instant that the door snicked closed, Ainosuke was on him, whirling around to grab him by the hair and pull his head back, painfully.
Tadashi whimpered slightly as his legs trembled, but he didn’t respond as his master leaned forward, his breath hot against Tadashi’s ear.
“You were leading him on, weren’t you? Did you feel good when he noticed you, when he was oh-so-concerned about your health? You’re just like a bitch in heat: you’ll let anyone bend you over and fuck you if I’m not holding onto your leash, won’t you?”
“No,” Tadashi protested softly, wincing when his master tugged on his hair again. “Please, Master…”
“Please, Master,” Ainosuke mocked, shoving his secretary aside. Tadashi stumbled before collapsing onto the carpet, crying out desperately when the vibrator inside him shifted again, pressing up against his prostate while it buzzed and Tadashi flinched on the floor, shuddering and gasping and trying to hold himself back.
“You filthy dog.”
His master crouched over him, reaching out to pull off his tie before slowly unbuttoning Tadashi’s shirt and pulling the collar apart to reveal a leather band that encircled his neck. With agonizing slowness, he slipped each individual button out of its hole, letting the cloth fall open to reveal the thin red ropes that wrapped around Tadashi tightly and left marks where they had rubbed against his pale skin. The cords slipped even lower, under the waistband of his pants, and Ainosuke reached into his own pocket, pulling out a small remote.
"You look like that, and you're arguing with me?" he asked, his voice silky and cruel. "If Shimada-sensei had even touched you, you probably would have come all over yourself, wouldn't you?"
The vibrator suddenly thrummed harder inside Tadashi, who shook his head desperately, staring up at Ainosuke with wide, wet eyes.
"No. No, no, no," he whined. His thighs were twitching, and he tried to curl up around himself, only to be pinned down by his master's hand on his chest. There was nowhere for him to escape from that hungry, hot gaze, but Tadashi still squirmed as his flush spread from his cheeks down his neck and to his heaving chest.
It had been equal parts humiliating and exhilarating, following Ainosuke around all day with his body restrained and a vibrator in his ass. But he’d been able to manage, at least up to the point when his master had first turned it on while debate raged on the floor and he waited patiently outside with the other secretaries. It had started out slowly, a gentle teasing that he could mostly ignore. As much as he wanted to rush to the bathroom, somewhere away from other eyes, he forced himself to stay where he was, making small talk: he knew that his master would be exceedingly disappointed if he escaped--not just from the situation, but also from the range of the remote. And it had been worth it when he watched the representatives file out as they broke for lunch, watching Ainosuke’s eyes look around for him before he smiled in apparent satisfaction when he saw Tadashi right where he’d left him.
Ainosuke had turned it off then, for the walk back to the office and then to the car. And naively, Tadashi had thought that that was the end of it, that his master surely wouldn’t do anything in such an open, public space. But as he was placing his lunch order with the waitress, the toy jumped inside him, too sudden for him to stifle his gasp of surprise. It had startled the woman as well, but before she could ask if he was alright, he explained it away as having knocked his foot against the leg of the table, his cheeks pink with embarrassment while Ainosuke laughed softly and the vibrator fell silent. Tadashi had barely tasted his meal, tense with the expectation that his master would flick it on again. But Ainosuke had been as perverse as always, leaving him unmolested even when he was paying the bill and all the way back to the Diet.
And then Ainosuke had returned to the afternoon deliberations, and for the next few hours, Tadashi was forced to find a seat by the chambers with his folders laid over his lap, flinching slightly each time the toy came to life. There was no predictability to when his master would torment him, how intensely or for how long, and more than once, he’d had to dig his nails into his palms to distract himself from the sensations that rippled through his body. Even so, he waited for his master with a tense anticipation, holding himself up with a fragile veneer of self-control. Until Ainosuke had emerged in lively conversation with Shimada.
“Please,” Tadashi begged, his breath coming in desperate gasps as he writhed under Ainosuke, fighting against the waves of pleasure that sought to drag him under.
“Please what?”
“Come. Let me come,” Tadashi cried out, all traces of the steady, stoic assistant gone. He stood on the very edge of control, feeling the rope that bound him to reality slowly unraveling, thread by thread. But he couldn’t let go, not without his master’s permission, so he clung to it with desperate claws, his fingers biting into his master’s wrist. Through his watery vision, he saw Ainosuke bare his teeth in a slow smile, and then the movement stopped. Tadashi choked on a sob at the sudden feeling of emptiness, his hips thrusting against the air as he tried to not lose the feeling. And Ainosuke’s low chuckle was overlaid with the metallic clinking of a belt buckle.
“You’re so selfish, puppy. Do you really think that you deserve to come, when you haven’t done anything for your master?”
His voice had changed, gaining a more playful lilt beneath its sharp edges, and Tadashi’s harsh gasps were suddenly silenced by Ainosuke’s mouth pressed over his. Tadashi moaned into the kiss, his lips parting to allow his master’s tongue to snake into his mouth, lightly teasing and caressing. His body was still on fire, and he leaned up into his master, panting desperately into his master’s mouth as he kissed him back, wet and sloppy and demanding.
Cool, elegant fingers slipped under the lower edge of his collar, pulling it tighter around his throat and making Tadashi whimper softly as Ainosuke broke the kiss and drew away before tugging him up into a sitting position. His nose was nearly pressed against the fabric drawn tight over his master’s crotch, and his eyes were slightly glazed as he leaned forward, drawing his tongue along the warm metal of the zipper until he caught the end between his teeth before carefully drawing it down. He heard Ainosuke sigh softly as he was released from the confining cloth, and the fingers twisted in his collar let go, winding tightly into his hair instead, tugging and sending shocks down his spine.
The smell of his master’s musk, dark and arousing, encouraged him to press his mouth against the outline in Ainosuke’s underwear, and his master’s grip on his hair tightened while Ainosuke hissed. With deliberate slowness, Tadashi mouthed the thickening erection, nuzzled it with his nose, breathed in the deepening smell... and when he finally couldn’t wait any longer, he carefully sank his teeth into the waistband and began to draw it down, shivering when his master’s hot and heavy cock sprang free and brushed against his cheek.
“Good boy.” The soft praise made him shiver again, and Tadashi wrapped his tongue around the head of Ainosuke’s cock, drawing it into his mouth. His tongue rubbed firmly under the edge of the flared head and swirled around the tip, and then he was reaching up with his hand, encircling his master’s shaft before releasing Ainosuke with a soft, wet pop. His hand slid upward, the thumb gently caressing the sensitive tip while he dragged his tongue lower. After a moment when his head prickled more painfully, the hand in his hair let go, letting him trace the underside of his master’s cock and feel the heat burn his tongue and his lips until he settled at the root. And carefully, he began to lavish his attention on Ainosuke’s smooth, velvety balls.
"Fuck." Above him, Ainosuke swore softly, and Tadashi finally smiled as he continued to lick the heavy sac, his hand stroking his master in a steady rhythm. And then, when he’d covered every inch of it with his tongue and it was slick with his spit, he opened his mouth wide, his tongue reaching out to carefully guide the sensitive organs inside. Ainosuke groaned, low and dirty, making his own painfully hard cock twitch as he sucked on it lightly, running his tongue over the surface and along the slight cleft. He hummed contentedly as he rolled them around his mouth, feeling his master twitch under his hand, Ainosuke's breath finally starting to falter.
Tadashi continued to service his master, his mouth stuffed and his hand flicking up and down Ainosuke's shaft, twisting around under the head and firmly pressing down to his mouth until Ainosuke was making soft, needy sounds, his hips thrusting up into the circle of his fingers. Tadashi opened his mouth wide, letting his master tug himself free before guiding Ainosuke's cock into his mouth. His hand led the way, sliding down the thick length while his mouth trailed slightly behind, slowly swallowing his master and caressing him with his tongue until his nose was pressed against Ainosuke's hip. Just as carefully, he withdrew, enjoying the sounds of his master's pleasure and knowing that he was the one drawing them out. And then he finally began to fuck himself in earnest on his master's cock, bobbing up and down, choking a little each time the tip hit the back of his mouth and letting his throat clench around his master. The more vigorous movement caused the ropes binding him to rub against his skin, making him moan softly while his own hips twitched and drawing a chuckle out of Ainosuke.
"Such a good puppy. So good for me," Ainosuke whispered, and Tadashi moaned more loudly, his master's words echoing in his ears as the cords bit into his body while the wet spot on his underwear continued to grow. He struggled to focus on pleasuring his master as his own feelings threatened to swamp him, and then Ainosuke's hands settled firmly around his head, tangling in his hair and holding on to him while his master took over. The first thrust was rough and hard, driving into his throat and making Tadashi gag, but he relaxed as Ainosuke's hips snapped upward again and he forced Tadashi's head lower, demanding that he accept all of him... and Tadashi did. He kept his lips pressed tightly around his master's cock as his mouth was violated, his drool spilling over Ainosuke's member to ease the friction. Each thrust was wet and sloppy, accompanied by a primal grunt as Ainosuke increased the pace.
Panting and groaning, he shoved Tadashi's head down one last time, holding him against his crotch as his hips rotated, trying to push even deeper before his cock swelled and began to twitch, emptying himself down Tadashi's throat while his assistant struggled to breathe. And then it was over, and Ainosuke was pulling away, collapsing onto his couch and leaving Tadashi gasping, feeling empty. And yet, he was so close to bursting that tears of frustration pricked at his eyes while he crawled towards his master.
"Ainosuke-sama," he begged, his voice hoarse, and Ainosuke looked down at him, crouched at his feet. With deliberate slowness, he tucked himself away while Tadashi stared at him with wet, desperate eyes, his cheeks inflamed as his body shook with the effort of holding himself back, waiting for his master's permission. And when Ainosuke finally spoke again, his voice was steady and measured, but warm with approval. And just that was nearly enough to push him over the edge.
"I did promise, didn't I? This should be enough for you, right?" He raised his foot before pressing it down on the tent in Tadashi's pants. And Tadashi gasped again as sparks of pleasure radiated outward from the pressure. Unable to hold back, he began to hump the sole of his master's shoe, and his eyes widened when the vibrator turned on again, pressing up against his prostate while it stimulated him ruthlessly. His head tilted back, his mouth falling open as he cried out with the force of his release, tears of relief falling from his eyes. And then he collapsed as if he was a puppet whose strings had all been cut. He shuddered and sobbed at his master's feet until Ainosuke finally released him from the torture, the toy falling silent once more.
And then Ainosuke was also kneeling beside him, helping him up to his knees before pulling him into an embrace, rubbing one hand in small circles on his back above the rope while the other rested on the back of his head, pressing his face into his master's shoulder.
"Good boy, Tadashi. You did so good. I'm so proud of you, puppy." He continued to murmur soft reassurances while Tadashi shook in his arms, his breathing harsh and broken. Gradually, the warmth and affection sank into him, slowly bringing him back down as his tremors slowed before stopping, his frantic gulps of air settling into a more steady rhythm. But Ainosuke continued to hold onto him for a few minutes longer before carefully drawing back and tilting Tadashi's head up so that they could look at each other.
"Good?" Ainosuke asked, and Tadashi nodded, his cheeks still flushed but his eyes clear again. And his master leaned over to press a soft kiss against his lips before getting to his feet and helping Tadashi up. Carefully, Tadashi began to button his shirt up, shifting uncomfortably at the feeling of the mess in his pants. He felt his master's eyes on him as he walked over to their bags, pulling out a fresh pair of underwear and pants. When he stripped, more of the thin, scarlet cords were revealed, trailing over his hips and around his cock before riding up the cleft of his ass and disappearing under the edge of his shirt. But he quickly re-dressed himself before putting away the soiled garments and picking up the bag, taking a deep breath before he turned to face his master.
"Are you ready to go home?" he asked, once again the perfect, composed secretary.
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tsuumu · 4 years
hq boys: would they go to jail?
headcanons on the haikyuu boys’ encounters with the local authorities... this was meant to be a joke but i put way too much effort into it so now i’m s q u i n t i n g
hinata shoyo: this boy was caught trespassing on somebody’s property after diligently trying to accomplish something as harmless as finding a lost ball or petting a small cat... he’d climbed the fence and spent a maximum of FIVE minutes there, only for the owner to accuse him of breaking and entering without any room to explain himself. imagine: the poor boy being dragged by the ear despite his protesting. he’ll get an earful when he has to ask kageyama to pick him up after the police release him with a stern warning
kageyama tobio: tobio and his tendancies to disguise himself for ridiculous reasons is going to get him in trouble because they’re shitty and VERY suspicious most likely he’ll be one of his investigative escapades with his hat and glasses, only to be stopped and asked what he’s doing. that’ll be real embarrassing for him to explain, though it doesn’t end up getting more serious than that when they realise he’s just a kid
tanaka ryūnosuke: can i say almost? TALKS SO MUCH CRAP, oh my god he won’t ever shut up so one day he’ll bite off more than he can chew. he’d get into a serious looking argument and someone mentions calling the authorities. cue a 180 personality change up where he’s scratching his neck and apologising to everybody that’s stopped to watch. tanaka is no criminal, he just has a short fuse temper and a mouth that likes to RUN faster than his brain can catch up. he’s had a few close calls
nishinoya yuu: he’s DEFINITELY told people he’s been to jail LMAO like it’s something he mentions to girls whilst picking them up thinking that’s somehow attractive, when in reality he’s never even set foot in a police station. he might have once as a child for harmless reasons, but got scared and started crying his eyes out so they had to take him outside. he’s lowkey TERRIFIED of ever crossing paths with the law
tsukkishima kei: he’d never end up in jail or even in a situation that involved the police but he’s definitely not going to answer your call if you’ve ended up there and need a ride home, keep calling and he’ll block you until morning comes
daichi sawamura: post time-skip he’s a literal police officer so that’s out of the question
sugawara koushi: absolutely not. unlike tsukki, he will pick up though. he’d be surprisingly scary when lecturing you all the way back but would ask you if you want to stop and get something to eat, since you’ve had quite the day
yamaguchi tadashi: he wouldn’t. he’s overly cautious about most things and is definitely that friend who tugs on you and asks if it’s really okay to be doing this. par example: wondering into a restricted zone because you’re convinced it’s a short cut. he’d adamant to turn back and if, unfortunately, you did get caught, cue some intense waterworks from this poor boy, begging them not to call his parents. you’d feel pretty bad after that one
bokuto koutarou: i read a post from somewhere else about bokutou not understanding that paying tax as an adult is mandatory and extremely illegal if you don’t and it cracked me up because i can genuinely imagine the bewilderment in his face when he’s told he, a newly turned adult, has to pay the government a certain sum of money
“but it’s my money.”
“yeah, but it’s taxation, you have to pay the government.”
“but the government paid me first.”
once somebody mentions jail, he’s quick to end the argument and just deal with it, much to his dismay
akaashi keiji: he’s the one doing the explaining to bokuto. they’ve had this conversation at least 17 times and show no signs of stopping. akaashi is sensible and seems like the type of guy most his friends reach out to if they’re in tricky situations with the law, he’ll /begrudgingly/ wake up at 2am to come get you
kuroo tetsurou: he likes to do his deviant work when he’s belligerently drunk. like, someone told him shotgunning beers at a public gathering wouldn’t do too much harm. they were severely mistaken. tetsu has absolutely ZERO filter when he’s that intoxicated, picking verbal fights in club bathrooms with anybody over absolutely nothing. though chances are, he’ll end up befriending them and sharing a few more drinks. if not, kenma is there to supervise him. he’ll feel apologetic in the morning
kenma kozume: you have kenma to thank when it comes to preventing things from getting serious. he’s cool-headed and knows how to drag you out of situations. he won’t scold you, he’ll just tell you to stop causing everybody trouble. it’d make you feel bad and you’d probably quit it
oikawa tooru: he’s probably been in a few situations that could’ve lead to getting a permanent criminal record. tooru is convinced he’s never in the wrong for ANYTHING and will not listen to any kind of constructive critism. pretends to be fine when he’s literally screaming inside.
“your car was parked incorrectly.”
“uh, no. i really don’t think so.”
“look at it.”
“i am. i’m looking.”
“it’s covering two parking spaces.”
“that’s simply a matter of opinion.”
asks kindaichi or iwaizumi to help. they straight up refuse, walking away respectively.
ushijima wakatoshi: this man is intent on keeping a clean record in order to reach his goal of playing professional volleyball. states that it also gives him a clear conscience because toshi is for some reason very big on morality. he’ll come get you because -and i quote- ‘it’s my job’ but he’ll try to lay down piece by piece why exactly having run-ins with the police is so crippling to your future. you’re forced to listen for the entire 30 minute trip home
tendou satori: nobody knows where this man is at 3am. he’s just.. somewhere. you’re certain he’s not doing hard crack under some passageway but he’s not at home with his feet up either. he’ll start to mention last night’s escapades and stop himself, mumbling that it was definitely illegal and that he probably shouldn’t tell you. you can’t coax information out of him, though he wishes he could tell you. he just can’t. maybe it’s cult stuff...
miya atsumu: speaking of cars, this man straight up ignored the letter he got from the local authorities telling him his court date for the speeding ticket he recieved a few days ago. thinks it’s utter bs and continues to flutter around it until they knock on his door. atsumu proceeds to ARGUE with them about his speeding ticket until they ask him to come with them.
“yer tellin’ me i have to pay for going a little too fast?”
“sir, you were going fifty-two in a fourty mph area.”
is it his pride? is he just a blithering idiot? he’s one of the only people to probably end up in a holding cell for a short duration of time. none of his friends let him drive anymore.
miya osamu: he likes to use atsumu’s misfortunes to embarrass him. it’s an easy way to one-up himself when things get competitive. at least HE never got caught shirtless and drunk with his friends at the outdoors swimming pool a little past midnight.
atsumu states that it was ONE TIME when he was newly eighteen and to stop bringing it up in every argument. osamu himself doesn’t really bother with recklessness, so you simply won’t catch him in situations like that.
rintaro suna: straight up not having a good time and leaves before anything bad arises. will respectfully hang up on you mid-explaination because he has other things to do than bail you out
sakusa kiyoomi:??????? no
korai hoshiumi: okay, he has to admit that he’s a little curious... like there’s no way he’d want to actually end up in jail but he just wants to know?? like yes, there’s consequences but human existence is temporary.. his friends have to check up on him just to make his enthusiasm hasn’t landed him somewhere troublesome
yuji terushima: currently in holding for posession of an unknown substance. might be protein powder, might not. he won’t tell anybody.
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simp-tastic · 3 years
ok ok we all saw Tadashi’s reaction to Adam calling him his dog in the last ep so please enjoy this little bit i like to call,
SK8 the infinity character’s Kinks
all underage characters are aged up, think college age
Tumblr media
role play, specifically with a maid and schoolgirl roles, and it doesn’t matter who’s who
exhibitionism, something about him never being in the spotlight at school or "S" makes me think that he wants to be the star in the bedroom, especially when he's subbing
pain, emotional and physical, there's nothing about this boy that would make anyone think that he doesn't like how much things sting
Food Kink, I've said it once, I'll say it 1000 times, this man wants to drench you in honey and lick it off of every. single. crevice
overstimulation, mainly receiving, but he's happy to watch his partner squirm from his touch.
Praise, we all know how Langa reacted when Reki praised him for landing a new trick, and he just wants that same sort of love in the bedroom as well
Cherry | Kaoru
dominance play, giving or receiving, this fine man just wants some definitive roles in his bedroom, so if you decide to Dom, you better make him cry out for you
bondage, Specifically, he loves tying up his partner if they're larger, like joe, because it lets him reverse their public personas.
edge play, once again he just wants something definitive in his bedroom, so if he's giving or receiving, he's not going to break easily
Joe | Kojiro
Piss kink, Don't ask me how I came to this conclusion, but I did, and now nothing can change my mind.
Spit play, same sort of reasoning as the piss kink, but in reality he just wants to draw everything from his partner, and this includes all the liquids
Praise, please, for the love of God, just tell this man that he's doing a good job, tell him how good he's making you feel.
Praise, specifically about his character rather than performance, he loves being called a “good boy”
Being dominated, Specifically, i feel like he would hire a dominatrix
Mommy kink, something about this man just screams mommy issues
Pet kink, this needs no explanation
Degradation, having been with adam so long, he's started to enjoy being bossed around and reprimanded when he does something wrong
marking, he absolutely loves it when his partner (adam) leaves hickies where no one can admire them except him.
abduction kink, we were all thinking it
age play, I don't think this needs any sort of explanation
marking/branding, he doesn't care if you have a presentation the next day, he will leave marks anywhere and everywhere so that everyone knows who his partner belongs to
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theolddivorcedzukka · 3 years
Re: the tv show ask game, you had two going but this one looked especially fun. Really I just want to know what you think of sk8 since you put it in your top 5 shows and I’ve recently become obsessed
ooh okay!! hope you’re enjoying it!!
the first character i first fell in love with: reki ofc. something something characters that seem really happy but have the imposter syndrome of the century ❤️
the character i never expected to love as much as i do now: i’d say miya. like his character seemed very ‘meh’ to me at the start but now?? miya is god. miya is a way of living. miya is my nightmare cousin and i’m taking him to the arcade on friday
the character everyone else loves that i don't: don’t think there’s any
the character i love that everyone else hates: oh definitely ada— okay okay i’m kidding but could you imagine being an adam stan/apologist? embarrassing, pathetic, couldn’t be me
the character i used to love but don't any longer: i wouldn’t say i loved him but i was hoping for a better ending for tadashi but now i don’t really care for him. like okay bestie you’re into pet play live your truth ig 🙏
the character i would totally smooch: reki lemme give you a big old kiss on the forehead please (he has the most kissable of foreheads, ask langa)
the character i’d want to be like: reki but in the “more extroverted” sense. i already have imposter syndrome and a fear of being left behind 🙏
the character i’d slap: ADAM. also joe but in the “rb to slap his tits” way
a pairing that i love: renga!! it’s about the friends to lovers
a pairing that i despise: tadashi/adam for canon pairings and adam/langa for non-canon (fanon??) pairings how gross do you have to be-
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sleepingcrisis · 3 years
AU where Kojiro, Ainosuke, and Tadashi are con artists who are trying to Con famous calligrapher Kaoru Sakurayashiki out of his fortune.
They underestimate his witt and soon the calligrapher has all three of them under his thumb.
Kaoru doesn't really want them around but they won't leave until they have conned him (at least that is the excuse they come up with (and by they I mean Kojiro and Ainosuke)). Anyway he puts them to work watching over children that he is the godfather to.
"Read the fine print sweetie," Kaoru hummed as he set his brush down since the three storming in had caused a mistake in his brushwork. Damn idiots.
"What?" Ainosuke snatches the paper from Kojiro and Kaoru stared up at the three with boring golden eyes. His chin in the palm of his hand as he takes in their presence. Kojiro is a brute to put it simply, but Tadashi and Ainosuke are much more put together. Perhaps he can make this work after all.
"So now that you three have effectively signed your lives away to me unless you can come up with the money, I suppose you three can leave me alone now instead of playing this game? I can put you to work but I don't need three filthy criminals working for me—"
"Criminals?" Kojiro cut him off with a glare.
"Yes. Criminals," Kaoru sighed softly. "Carla?"
The small hologram projects over his table as he begins to put away his supplies. He wasn't in the mindset to practice his art anymore.
"Nanjo Kojiro: failed business owner. Criminal record including; theft, tax evasion, assault.
"Shindo Ainosuke: Former politician. Criminal record including; theft, tax evasion, assault, money laundering, traffic violations, DUI, Fraud.
"Kikuchi Tadashi: assistant to Shindo Ainosuke. Criminal record; possession of a weapon, associated with other crimes but never convicted." Her voice robotically supplied.
"Do you three think I don't do research on who I let into this building? Your phoney names gave you away for too easily and I honestly thought I would have more of a challenge with trying to find your actual identities but that didn't take very long either," Kaoru explained as he got up from where he was sitting and carefully adjusted his dark gray yukata. "So you three try and get me to sign over my fortune just like that? I expected more out of you three," he rounds his table and pulls out his fan from his sash and carefully tilts Tadashi’s head over. The green eyed man was always looking at the ground.
"Especially you, thought you were smarter since the brains has to come from one of you," Kaoru hummed. He countinued to walk past them. Tapping Kojiro and Ainosuke on the cheek with his fan not too gently.
"So what do you want us to do?" Kojiro asked.
"I just said I want you three gone? No need to work for me—"
"No. We will stay and work," Ainosuke agreed and stifled his grin into a polite smile. Kaoru’s eyes narrowed before he realized what they were up to.
"Ah. You still wish to steal from me? Okay fine. You three may work for me, but if you don't con me from my wealth by the time you have worked off the money you owe then I want all three of you gone and if you arent then I will make you three disappear got it?" Kaoru asked with a polite smile.
"Understood," Kojiro and Ainosuke replied.
"Understood," Tadashi agreed in a much softer voice.
"Wonderful," Kaoru hummed.
"What are we doing here?" Kojiro asked. They were at a school to be precise. An elementary school.
"Babysitting," Kaoru informed. "I godfather three children and if any of you touch a hair on their heads I will kill you," Kaoru’s voice deepened slightly.
"Why do we have to be here?" Ainosuke clarified Kojiro’s earlier question.
"Because you dimwitted fools insist on following me around."
"I meant at the school," Ainosuke clarified.
"Because they wanted to be picked up today," was all the explanation the three men recieved before Kaoru took a step forward when two boys came shooting out of the building with a third trailing behind and demanding that they slow down.
They make an effort to bulldoze Kaoru down by hugging him and Kaoru simply holds them close and leaves space for the third.
"Kaoru! Kaoru! Kaoru! Can we get ice cream today? Pleeeease!" The red haired one whined and clutched onto the fabric of Kaoru’s yukata as the third boy finally joins them in their puppy-dog-eyed begging.
"I suppose that would be okay," Kaoru said and gently ruffled the red haired boys hair.
"Mutts, introduce yourselves," Kaoru said and turned to the three older men with a very serious expression. They weren't sure if they should be using false names or not, but they supposed Kaoru would have mentioned a preference if he had one. Besides if they swapped between the two it was only a matter of time before a fuck up occurred.
"Nanjo Kojiro," the green haired male grumbled and nodded in their direction.
"Oh uh, Tadashi," the black haired male gave a friendly smile.
Ainosuke rolled his eyes before he kneeled down to he eye level with them and extended a hand. "Shindo Ainosuke, but if that is a mouthful then just Adam is fine," he said with a smile.
Kaoru smiled slightly when the three boys eagerly went to shake Adam’s hand. "Take notes," Kaoru mentioned and it was clearly directed at Tadashi and Kojiro. "You three, don't be rude," he tacked on.
"I'm Reki! This is Langa and Miya!" The red haired boy performed introductions for them and pointed to the blue haired boy and then the black haired boy.
Well Kojiro certainly couldn't let himself be one upped by Ainosuke of all people.
"Well aren't you three cute—"
"I am not cute you asshole—"
Miya's cussing was cut off with a smack to the back of his head with Kaoru’s fan. "Should I tell your mother about your mouth?" He asked and watched Miya's face quickly morph to some sort of fear before he spouted out apologies. "No harm done, he is a gorilla after all. Let's just get going," Kaoru said and ended up having to hold Miya and Langa's hands as Reki skipped ahead.
"So we are actually doing this," Kojiro muttered.
"I'm not sure what you two expected from this," Tadashi muttered and began to follow along. Keeping his distance as they were instructed to even if Kojiro and Ainosuke never listened to instructions.
They ended up getting ice-cream. Well the kids did and Kaoru got a smoothie. After that was the park where it was found out that Kaoru couldn't really play tag in traditional attire and instead made the other three pick up the slack for it. Turns out Tadashi wasn't a very fast runner and Kojiro was a lot better with kids then initially suspected.
"Damn con artists," Kaoru muttered from his spot on the bench.
They spent the day running around, well everyone but Kaoru ran around, until eventually the sun was going down and Miya was curled up in Kaoru’s lap.
"Okay let's head home," Kaoru eventually decided and lifted Miya up as he got up.
"I want to be carried, my legs are tired and I'm hungry and I think I'll starve!" Langa whined dramatically.
"Oh you are fine, besides I can't carry both of you at the same time," Kaoru mentioned. "And your mothers have food at home."
Either way Langa looked to the next most reasonable option before whispering to Reki briefly and soon they were both trying to get onto Kojiro’s back who huffed and stumbled forward.
"Hey you-"
"Nanjo, watch yourself," Kaoru mentioned as he walked.
Kojiro rolled his eyes and gently adjusted the kids and soon had both of them hanging onto his back with his arms holding their legs. It was uncomfortable as hell but they seemed happy.
Kaoru insisted on walking each of them all the way home so it took awhile but eventually they had every kid dropped off.
"Well two out of three of you did well today," Kaoru mentioned.
"Oh such high praise, and which one of us blundered," Ainosuke asked sarcastically.
Kaoru pivoted to turn around and began to head towards the three before he grabbed Tadashi by his jacket and tugged him forward. He reached into his jacket and pressed a hand against his chest before searching around and pulling a small hand gun out. Tadashi seemed relatively unfazed the entire time even as the other two watched. "Kikuchi? If you ever bring a weapon around my family ever again I'll make sure that it is the last time you ever have the honour of being around them," Kaoru whispered dangerously low before he put the gun back and adjusted Tadashi’s jacket to fix him back up into his pristine condition.
"When did you notice?" Kojiro asked. The tone of his voice gave way that he supposedly was unaware of this.
"At the park. You can't do that much running around and expect me not to notice. Miya pointed it out though," Kaoru explained and turned to countinue walking.
"You three are my dogs, bound to me until you can prove to be intellectually superior or work off your debt. Now you do as your master commands you and not bring weapons around my loved ones. Do we understand each other?" Kaoru asked and tilted his head to look back at them.
"Understood," each spoke with varying degrees of frustration or anger in their tone. Ainosuke with gritted teeth, Kojiro with a fake smile, and Tadashi as blank as always.
"I'm glad we understand eachother my pets," Kaoru turned and countinued down the sidewalk. Pink hair swishing gently behind him and the fabric of his clothing swishing with each step and each breeze that passed by as the sun set in ground of him and highlighted the edges of Kaoru’s figure.
They followed after him anyway, for they were the dogs and he was indeed their master.
They had the contract to prove it.
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taziidcvil · 3 years
Guard Dogs? If you are able to (I know you’ve said you have kinda fallen out of interest with RWBY). Otherwise, the gays from Sk8? Renga I think it’s called. I don’t go there but they look cute!
Send me a ship~
I'll be a thot and do both<3 thank you ;u;
Under a readmore because answering two will get hella long
who hogs the duvet
Marrow cannot stay still and tangles in the blankets. Wakes up as a comfortable warm burrito while Jaune freezes
who texts/rings to check how their day is going
Both are good at checking in but Marrow’s a little excessive 
who’s the most creative when it comes to gifts
Growing up in such a large family Jaune is more used to having to get creative and overly thoughtful. There’s only so many socks someone can receive on one birthday
who gets up first in the morning
Jaune’s been around loud early risers all his life. He doesn’t know what a sleep in feels like.
who suggests new things in bed
Marrow is bolder about bringing it up
who cries at movies
Both of them
who gives unprompted massages
Jaune loves how fast Marrow melts with a good back and shoulder rub
who fusses over the other when they’re sick
Jaune is more practical and experienced in taking care of people when they’re sick, and his semblance can lend a massive hand. But Marrow’s more over the top and terrible at it, but he tries his best!
who gets jealous easiest
Marrow. Half the time Jaune doesn’t even realise when someone’s flirting with Marrow.
who has the most embarrassing taste in music
Both of them have a questionably poppy taste in music, but only one of them gets embarrassed over it. And it’s Jaune.
who collects something unusual
After spending so much time travelling, Jaune knows to pack light and doesn’t really collect anything unnecessary. Marrow likes bobbleheads and cool rocks he finds on missions.
who takes the longest to get ready
Jaune’s outfit takes longer to put on. And don’t even get him started on the hair.
who is the most tidy and organised
Marrow. Between Nora and his sisters, Jaune has given up on keeping a system to anything.
who gets most excited about the holidays
They’re both absolute dorks about it
who is the big spoon/little spoon
Marrow likes to be held
who gets most competitive when playing games and/or sports
Marrow by a long shot. Jaune just likes to make sure Marrow’s having fun. Marrow, on the other hand, is a shittalker.
who starts the most arguments
Jaune can get frustrated over the smallest things
who suggests that they buy a pet
It’s a group effort. Marrow gets sad about strays and Jaune offers.
what couple traditions they have
One cannot have a cup of coffee without making one for the other too. Their days always start with turning off the coffee pot.
what tv shows they watch together
They both like contest romance shows, like the bachelor. Neither of them can ever agree who will win. Spoilers; they’re both wrong.
what other couple they hang out with
Nora usually drags them both into double dates with Ren, but she spends most of the dates grilling the two while Ren gets some much needed rest.
how they spend time together as a couple
They’re both very touch affectionate and can and will spend many hours napping together on the couch. Marrow also likes to sit and watch Jaune cook, and volunteers as the taste tester even when Jaune doesn’t ask.
who made the first move
Marrow made many moves before Jaune ever managed to take a hint
who brings flowers home
Marrow. Growing up in the colder areas of Atlas, he’s not used to fresh flowers. He gets very excited when he finds more interesting ones, and Jaune prunes them and sets them in a vase for him.
who is the best cook
Jaune. Marrow’s better at eating it.
First, thank you for sending anything for sk8 ;u;
Second, thank GOD you explained past ‘the gays’ because that’s,,,, that’s just the entire cast XD
who hogs the duvet
Reki gets colder easier. Langa doesn’t mind.
who texts/rings to check how their day is going
Langa usually sends Reki pictures of things he finds interesting or his random thoughts. Reki finds it endearing. 
who’s the most creative when it comes to gifts
Reki by a long shot. Langa forgets birthdays and anniversaries pretty easily.
who gets up first in the morning
Morning? These boys keep staying up until the early hours of the morning skateboarding, you’re lucky to see them before noon without an alarm to do the job for them.
who suggests new things in bed
Langa discovers new things and asks Reki without the slightest hint of warning.
who cries at movies
Reki. Langa is usually lost and has no idea what’s going on.
who gives unprompted massages
Reki is very considerate with these things. Langa’s learning to be too.
who fusses over the other when they’re sick
Reki’s used to taking care of his little sisters. Langa doesn’t really know what to do and just kind of mopes around until he gets better.
who gets jealous easiest
Reki’s started off incredibly bad about it, but he’s steadily getting better. Langa doesn’t have a jealous bone in his body.
who has the most embarrassing taste in music
Langa has no concept of shame. Reki, on the other hand, is incredibly self-conscious over it
who collects something unusual
Langa collects broken pieces of skateboards and Reki constructs them into weird amalgamations of skate art. Langa thinks it’s amazing.
who takes the longest to get ready
Langa rolls out of bed and claims he’s ready. Reki has to push him and remind him to at least brush his teeth.
who is the most tidy and organised
Mama Langa taught her son that much at least!
who gets most excited about the holidays
Reki gets pumped over holidays. Langa gets excited because Reki’s excited.
who is the big spoon/little spoon
They’re both disasters of tangled limbs and laying over the top of each other, but Langa holds onto Reki more. And Reki loves to be the little spoon.
who gets most competitive when playing games and/or sports
Reki used to get ugly competitive where as Langa enjoyed the competitiveness in a friendly way. Reki’s gotten much better since, and both can balance competitiveness and fun.
who starts the most arguments
Langa doesn’t know how to argue. He just looks sad until Reki gives in.
who suggests that they buy a pet
Langa wants anything and everything as a pet. Reki has to remind him not anything and everything should be a pet.
what couple traditions they have
what their little handshake greet doesn’t count? Because that is ABSOLUTELY their tradition.
what tv shows they watch together
Both enjoy extreme sports shows, especially skating. Reki also enjoys DIY and pawn shop shows. 
what other couple they hang out with
Much to Reki’s annoyance, Adam has a nasty habit of dropping in with Tadashi in tow. They are their constant uninvited guests.
how they spend time together as a couple
s-skating. lots and lots of skating.
who made the first move
It sort of happened naturally. Just a closeness between them that evolved overtime before Reki realised they kind of sort of were dating all along.
who brings flowers home
Neither of them are really interested in flowers. And yet somehow Langa always ends up with bouquets from Adam and doesn’t know what to do with them. Reki usually palms them off to his mother.
who is the best cook
Reki has cooked for his sisters many times before and had to help his mother in the kitchen. Langa has never used an oven in his life.
11 notes · View notes
enby-and-f-fics · 4 years
Little Libero {AsaNoya}
Summary: Littlespace - the act of regressing into a childlike state; such as a baby, toddler, or a child.  Nishinoya is a little that has no caregiver and is not out to his club members. One day he slips and practice and everything escalated from there.
Word count: 4077
It had been a long day for Noya. He was tired, and practice hadn't even started yet. He hadn't been getting as much sleep because exam season was coming up and he hadn't been able to slip for a while. All of the stress had started piling up.
He was so tired and stressed that he wasn't as accurate with his receives and the whole team could tell something was off about the little libero.
After missing the ball for about the tenth time, he couldn't take it anymore. He just froze. He couldn't move, he couldn't speak, he just froze.
Of course a few people were concerned. "Hey Noya," Asahi said, "Are you ok?"
Noya could feel himself slipping "No, I can't, not here" he said under his breath and realized he was close to crying. He started running out of the gym before anyone could see. Except one person did.
Tsukishima could tell something was off with Noya when he saw him freeze. He could definitely tell something was off when he heard what Noya had said. He had only heard that type of desperation from one person before. It was the first time that Tadashi had slipped in front of him.
Tsuki ran after Noya. Almost everyone on the team got immediately more scared for Noya because they thought that Tsuki was going to hurt him or something but, Yamaguchi stoped them, as he had also heard what Noya had said. Everyone skeptically returned to practice after a little more convincing from Yamaguchi.
~~~in the hallway~~~
Once Tsuki got into the hallway, he started looking for Nishinoya. After about 30 seconds of searching, he found him. He was hunched over his knees leaning against a wall. Tsuki could hear the faint sniffling of a child who was crying but didn't want anyone to notice (and was not doing a very good job).
"Hey," Tsuki said softly as to not scare the boy, "Are you little?"
Noya didn't know how to respond. He couldn't tell if Tsuki was going to judge him. His mind being younger didn't help, as Tsuki was pretty intimidating if you didn't know him.
Tsukishima could see the hesitation from the smaller boy, so he knelt down to be on the same level as him. "Bubba, you can talk to me. I won't hurt you."
Hearing him use that nickname made Noya calm down considerably. He peaked over his knees to see Tsukishima with nothing but care in his eyes. Noya jumped up and into Tsuki's arms. The taller was slightly taken off guard but quickly regained his balance.
After about 10 minuets of Tsuki talking with a babbling Noya sitting on his lap and playing with his fingers, Noya started to nod off. Tsuki realized and waited for him to fall asleep before picking him up. Noya immediately snuggled more into Tsuki's shoulder for safety. Tsuki chuckled slightly at the clingy libero as he started heading back to the gym.
Once he got back to the gym, he hesitantly opened the doors as to not wake Noya. He walked in and everyone went silent. They saw the strong headed libero curled up into Tsukishima's arms and their jaws dropped. They all started to stammer our questions when Noya started to stir. Tsuki cooed and shushed him back to sleep and glared daggers at the rest of the team.
He walked over to a corner of the room where it would be less noisy and he could make sure that Noya got the sleep he needed while he was still able to watch the practice.
Yamaguchi walked over to when they were sitting and knelt down to their level. "How's the little guy doing?" Tsuki looked down and pet the sleeping boy's head "He was really tired. He fell asleep after like 10 minutes. This should help." Yams nodded and when back to practice.
For the next hour, everyone else continued practice while Noya continued sleeping on Tsuki's lap. When Noya started to wake up, Tsuki checked to see if he was still in little space.
"Hmm...? Oh... Oh my god Tsukishima I'm sorry!" Noya frantically scrambled out of Tsuki's lap. Seeing the struggle, he lifted him off his lap so that he could make sure that Noya didn't hurt himself.
"How did you...?"
"Tadashi. I've been his caregiver for quite a few months now."
"Do you want us to help you tell the rest of them?" Tsuki wanted to make sure that Noya wasn't stressed right out of little space to prevent him slipping again.
"Yes please..."
"Yamaguchi, can you come over here?"
"Of course!" Yamaguchi came bounding over so that the three of them could discuss a plan to tell them.
Once, they figured out their plan, Yamaguchi called everyone over and gave Noya an encouraging pat on the back.
"So, I'm a little,"
"...A little what?" Asahi asked.
"Not a little something. Just a little. I sometimes slip into little space when I'm stressed or haven't slept in a while as a way to release some stress."
"Oh," Daichi said, "Okay."
"So you're not mad?"
"No, of course not," Suga said, "why would we be mad for something that helps you?"
"Well I don't know. Some people just find it really weird." Noya explained.
"Yeah, we don't care." Tanaka joined in, "I'm just really curious as to why Tsuki was such a good... what is it called?"
"Caregiver," Tsukishima answered, "I've been Yamaguchi's caregiver for months now so I've gotten the hang of it."
"Umm, yeah. I work at a day care."
Asahi was intrigued the whole time. Having come to the conclusion that he had a crush on the libero, he had tried to pay more attention and learn about the things that he liked.
For example, this thing called "little space".
He was intrigued by the concept of regressing into a different headspace. The more he read, the more he wanted to be Nishinoya's caregiver. He felt tinge of jealously of Tsukishima, him really being the only to see him little. He wanted to see the soft, child like side of his crush.
He decided that the next day at practice, he would ask Tsukishima a few more things about how to be a good caregiver and such. He really did want to be Nishinoya's "primary caregiver" as he learned that night.
Asahi had decided to start with asking Yamaguchi for help with being a good caregiver, as he was a little as well, and much less intimidating than Tsukishima.
"Hey Yamaguchi," he said to the pinch server across the room, "Can I ask you something?"
"Of course!" Tadashi bounded over to the ace as he spoke, having a feeling what this conversation was about, based one the events of the previous day. "What's up?"
"Umm... well I was wondering what it takes to be a good caregiver, and since you have Tsukishima, and apparently he's good at this, I thought you could give me some pointers?" Asahi said as he fumbled with his hands.
Yamaguchi chuckled, "Well it's usually specific to each little but based on how I've seen you interact with people I think your biggest problem would be setting rules and sticking to them."
"Hey! What do you mean?" Asahi was mildly offended. He did see that he was less than intimidating to someone who knew him but he could hold rules if he needed to.
"You're talking to me instead of Tsuki. Isn't that enough?" Asahi couldn't really defend himself. He was, indeed talking to the less intimidating person in the duo. "Also, why are you so adamant about being his caregiver? I mean everyone else did some basic research but you seem to want to go the extra mile."
"Umm..." Asahi was flustered. Was he really that obvious that he felt something more toward the spiky headed libero? Had anyone else noticed?
"Ah! I made you uncomfortable! I'm sorry! Tsuki and I have seen the way that you look at each other and it looks like more that's friendship."
"Well... I mean you are right..." Asahi didn't know what to do with this information. "Wait, did you just say that he looks at me that way?" Tsukishima, having heard the ruckus of Tadashi frantically apologizing, wanted to make sure everything was ok. "Are you blind? He quit volleyball because of you. He wouldn't come back if you didn't too."
"Oh," Asahi said, "I see your point. I guess he might like me too?" He was still quite skeptical, as Nishinoya seemed to be lusting after Kiyoko at the very same moment.
"You'll never be sure if you don't tell him," Yamaguchi said, "Have you thought about confessing? I mean it worked for me."
"Well sure bu- wait, what? What do you mean it worked for you?" Asahi was quite confused, he never really saw Yamaguchi interact with anyone besides Tsukishima, but he was still kind of mean to the pinch server. "Who?!"
"That would be me." Tsukishima said, slightly wrapping his arm around the shorter's waist, "Caregiver and boyfriend."
Just as he finished saying that, they heard a cry from across the gym. Someone had gotten hurt, and it just so happened to be the one who could slip into little space.
"Oh my god, Noya! Are you ok?" Tanaka, as he had been the one closest to him, heard the impact. He could tell this was more than just a little trip. "Asahi." Daichi said quickly. Asahi ran to get the first aid kit.
They had had incidents before but there hadn't been any major injuries, he was hoping this one wasn't.
"Here you go, Daichi," Asahi frantically brought the first aid kit that they had, up to this point, only had to use for cuts and bruises. The wounded libero was still crying. Almost the whole team had tried to calm him down. Almost.
"Asahi, will you try to get him to calm down so we can see where he hurt himself?" Daichi said, who was still hurting at the sight of one of his children crying. "Please?"
"Umm, okay," Asahi really still had no idea what to do but he just wanted to badly for his crush to stop crying that he was willing to try anything. "Hey baby, can you come here?" He said, picking the boy, his small frame fitting perfectly in his arms.
"Hey, shhh, you're ok. Shh shh shh." He slightly rocked the crying little from side to side, trying everything to get his baby to calm down. Soon, after some more cuddles from the ace, Nishinoya's crying was reduced to small sniffles. "Hey, baby, can you tell me where it hurts? We're gonna make it better, okay?"
The little just buried his face into the taller's chest, whimpering, seeming to not want to talk. "Hurts."
"Aww, honey I know, I know," Asahi stroked the smaller boy's face, "Can you show me where it hurts?"
Nishinoya turned his head slightly and pointed at his ankle, whimpering. Asahi looked at Daichi, who had been watching, and gave the nod to start treating his ankle. He had only just touched it and the poor boy started to tear up again. Everything was magnified when he was little, feelings, affections, and most definitely, pain. "Oh, poor thing. It's ok, sweetheart, I'll be gentle." Daichi could see how much pain the small libero was in and could only wonder what he had done to hurt himself. "Asahi, will you try to distract him while I do this?"
"Of course," he was still stroking the younger boy's head in an attempt to calm him. It seemed to be working until Daichi tried to turn his ankle to see if it was broken and Noya started crying again. "Hey, shh, you're ok, I'm right here, okay baby? I'm right here," Daichi started to wrap his ankle, "Just keep looking at me, you're doing so well."
It was clear to everyone in the room that Asahi was a natural. He knew just what to say to calm the boy, it seemed as if he had been his caregiver for years.
Nishinoya was still whimpering slightly but with being in Asahi's lap and his calming words, the tears had once again stopped.
"Okay, well it's nothing very major, it's a little sprained and very bruised. It should be better after a few days of rest. Just to be sure, Asahi, will you take him home and stay with him? I don't think he will completely remember to take it easy, considering he is in little space right now." Daichi said, ever the worried captain.
"Oh, ummm... Sure, I guess." Asahi was quite worried, knowing that his parents were out of town, so he would have to stay the whole weekend to make sure he didn't hurt himself more.
"You two can start to head home since neither of you are gonna do any more practice," Suga said, "Right, Daichi?"
"Yeah. Go home and get some rest, both of you."
Asahi started to gather their bags and carried Noya to the changing rooms to help him get ready to go. He started to set the boy down on one of the benches in the changing room so that he could help him change but before he could, the boy started whimpering and clutched his shirt even harder.
"Oh, I'm sorry baby, is everything okay?"
"Don wanna leave you." Noya whispered, barely being loud enough for the ace to hear, "Please don leave."
"Aww, honey," Asahi's heart broke. He could never leave the little and his remark made him wonder who hurt the small libero for him to be that desperate to not even let go of him. "Don't worry, baby, we just need to get you changed so that we can go home and sleep. Does that sound okay to you?"
"Okay, promise you won leave?"
"I promise, honey."
They had both gotten changed, Noya wanting to cling to Asahi the entire time. "Okay, baby. Are you ready to go home now? We can go home and cuddle more, okay?"
The smaller boy nodded sleepily and cuddled further into the ace's shoulder. "Mhm."
Asahi couldn't help but chuckle at the actions of the little. It was definitely time for a nap. He stared walking in the direction of Nishinoya's house, all the while talking to the smaller boy to keep him calm and lull him to sleep. Fortunately, the slight bounce of the tall boy's walk did put the second year to sleep.
Soft snores from the ace's shoulder alerted him of this fact just as they were walking up to the steps of the Nishinoya household. Asahi slowly walked up and opened the door as to not wake the sleeping little.
He was able to drop his and Noya's bags at the front door and take his shoes off before heading toward the younger's room.
He reached the room and set the sleeping boy down onto the bed and made a move to leave as to alert his mother that he would be staying at Nishinoya's house for the weekend. Before he could get to far, he felt a hand clutch his shirt. "You said you won leave." He heard a small voice coming from the bed, slightly groggy to tell his that the little was still asleep.
"Okay, honey, I won't" Asahi could hear the desperation in his voice so he crawled into the bed with him, wrapping his arm around the smaller boy so that he was sleep on his chest. He decided to text his mom, instead of calling like he had originally planned as to not disturb the libero.
Me: Hey, just letting you know that I'm going to stay at Noya's for the weekend. He hurt himself at practice and his parents are on a work trip.
Mom <3: Okay, hun! Let me know if you need anything!
Me: Thanks, mom. Love you!
Mom <3: Love you too!
Now that that was taken care of, he was able to focus all his attention on the boy currently sleeping on his chest. For about an hour, he just laid there and watched the younger's breaths. 'He looks so vulnerable, just sleeping there,' Asahi thought to himself, 'He's so cute. I really am in love with him.'
"I love you. I know you're asleep and can't hear me and I don't know whether I'm disappointed or relieved. I love you so much that every time I look at you my heart flutters. Today has been one of the best days because I've gotten to take care of you." Asahi couldn't help but voice his feelings to the sleeping libero. He had fallen completely head over heels for the boy and couldn't bear to hold it in any longer. This didn't mean that he suddenly had the courage to actually confess, but at least telling a sleeping Noya was better than keeping it to himself any longer. "Thank you for being who you are."
With that, he decided to get some sleep too. The weight on his chest actually comforted him and made it much easier to fall asleep.
Little did he know that Nishinoya had woke up in big space and heard everything that the ace had said.
Nishinoya was silently freaking out. The boy he had liked for a year had just unintentionally confessed to him. 'Okay, I can do this,' he thought to himself. 'I can't do this.'
He really didn't know what to do. It's not everyday that your crush just confesses that they LOVE YOU. The smaller boy looked at the clock and realized it was 10:00. 'Wow, how long did I sleep?' He tried to stretch his legs without waking Asahi, only to feel a sharp pain in his ankle, which made him wince. The taller male drew Noya in closer to try and smooth the boy. He was a natural even when he was asleep.
Nishinoya couldn't ignore how comfortable this position was. He was warm and comforted by the arms wrapped around him, and the beating heart under his head provided white noise to lull to sleep as soon as he closed his eyes.
'Okay, I'll do something about this tomorrow.' He thought just before falling sound asleep.
Asahi woke up to his phone alarm, quickly turning off the alarm, trying not to disturb the sleeping Nishinoya. He couldn't help but to reach out and pet the smaller's hair. The libero made a slight purring noise, indicating that he enjoyed it, which amused the ace. He sure didn't expect that noise to come out of Noya.
Nishinoya's eyes fluttered open with a smile on his face as he looked at the taller, 'God, he looks amazing in the morning.' The sunlight was just barely peaking through the curtains, illuminating Asahi's face with a golden light.
"Hi." Asahi's voice was gruff with sleep. Noya couldn't hold himself back anymore. He reached up and put his hand on Asahi's cheek.
"Umm, Noya, what are yo-" Asahi was cut off by soft lips being placed on his. Asahi was shocked for a second before he realized what was happening and started to kiss him back. Their lips moved together in perfect synchronization as if they were made for each other.
They both had to eventually part for air. "Wow, that was... wow" Asahi couldn't believe what just happened. His crush had kissed him out of nowhere.
"I love you too." Nishinoya, feeling bold after the kiss, decided that now was the best time just to spill all of his feelings. "I heard you last night. You were so sweet and I didn't know what to do. And then your voice was just... I couldn't hold myself back anymore." He finished with a slight chuckle, looking at the flustered ace.
"I... just.... umm..." Asahi didn't know what to do with himself, he had just had a make out session with his crush AND he confesses to him AND he had heard all of the things that he had said the previous night. "Will you be my boyfriend?"
Nishinoya blushed slightly at the offer. "Yes, of course." He leaned up to give the taller boy one last peck before moving to get up, completely forgetting about his ankle, only to be very abruptly reminded as he fell trying to get out of the bed.
"Oh my god, Noya! Are you okay?!"
"Agh, yeah. I kinda forgot." He tried to lighten the mood with a chuckle, only to be shot down with a look from Asahi. "Come on, I'll cary you to the kitchen and make breakfast. We have about two hours until we need to be at practice."
Asahi picked up the injured libero and brought him to the kitchen island. He then started to make breakfast as he had said. He practically lived at the Nishinoya residence, so he knew where all of the ingredients for various meals were. Nishinoya couldn't cook so he would often come over and make meals for him.
"YES!!!!" The smaller boy seemed very excited about the prospect of pancakes, so the Asahi started on them. They filled the time with small talk, just like they always had. Except this time was different. Nishinoya couldn't keep his eyes off of his now boyfriend, he just couldn't believe it. "I love you," he said.
"I love you too, but if you keep staring at me I'm gonna mess up the pancakes."
"Ok, time for practice!" Nishinoya said enthusiastically, starting to get up from where he was sitting on the bed.
"Not so fast, mister," Asahi caught Nishinoya before he could stand up completely, knowing he was going to hurt himself further if he started to run out the door. "You're not going anywhere by yourself. Come on." Asahi picked up the younger boy, making sure that he had a secure hold before setting off to get their bags.
They started out the door, with Nishinoya carrying the bags, him insisting that he can at least do something. The walk to practice stayed in a comfortable silence between the two boys.
Asahi walked in the door to see almost everyone chatting around. He moved over to a bench and sat down with Noya in his lap. Daichi came over to check his ankle and frankly because he was curious about why they were being so touchy. Nishinoya was always touchy with the taller but never this much and without Asahi excessively blushing.
"What's going on between you too, huh?" He said with a raise of an eyebrow, at a low voice as to not alert any others that something was happening between the two, in case they weren't quite ready to tell other people.
This is when Asahi became flustered. "Um w-what do you mean? There's n-nothing going on."
"Oh please," Nishinoya scoffed. He lowered his voice so that just Asahi could hear, "You say that as if you weren't making out with me just this morning."
Asahi let out a small squeal, which surprised Daichi as he had never seen Asahi this flustered. "Ahh, so there is something. Come on, spill."
"Well," Nishinoya started, seeing as Asahi was in no condition to explain, "I won't go into details be we are dating now."
"Finally." Suga said, coming up from behind Daichi, wondering what was taking so long. "Did the coward finally confess?"
"Hey, I'm not a coward..." Asahi wavered, his voice getting smaller with each word.
"Aww, it's okay, honey." Nishinoya said, "You're my coward."
"Awww." Daichi and Suga said in unison. "Well, Noya, your ankle is better than yesterday but you still can't practice today. Sorry. But we do need to start practice now."
"Ok, fine." Nishinoya said, getting up in the process to let Asahi stand up. Once Asahi was up, he sat back down in order to avoid being scolded by both Asahi and Daichi for being on his feet when he's not completely healed.
Daichi and Suga had moved away by then and had called everyone to start warming up. Asahi had moved to go with them before Nishinoya grabbed his arm and pulled him down to give the ace a small peck. "I love you."
Asahi blushed before looking back at the small libero.
"I love you too."
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fantastic-rambles · 3 years
Tumblr media
Fandom: Sk8 the Infinity
Characters: Shindo Ainosuke (Adam), Kikuchi Tadashi (Snake)
Warnings: What are ethics?, Genetically Engineered Humans, Human-Animal Chimeras, Animal Traits, Slavery/Ownership, Implied Abuse/Neglect
Word Count: 1.5k
Summary: Shindo Scientific is at the cutting edge of genetic engineering, and their most popular products are exotic chimeras that the obscenely rich purchase as pets. But when they start to explore the field of human chimeras, the young heir of the corporation finds himself developing a sense of empathy for their latest prototype. [This one is weird to tag, I think. But it's not canon-typical pet play, or sexual pet play in general, but it does involve ownership of "pets," so... yeah.] [TadaAi Week 2021 | Day 6: Sci-fi AU]
Ainosuke stared at the beautiful, white-winged creature in the gilded cage. It seemed to be sleeping, the wings furled around itself to conceal its body. But even though it simply sat there, perched on the couch inside the cage, he couldn't look away.
Of course, he could have asked one of the staff to go in and wake it up, to prod it until it flew around and showed off its plumage that shimmered with an iridescent phosphorescence, but he was content to just watch it like this. There was just something peaceful about the silence, and Ainosuke drew his knees up to his chest as he sat on the cool stone floor, breathing quietly.
Eventually, it began to stir, the gossamer wings stretching open to reveal the humanoid figure inside, looking only a few years older than him. Long, black hair fell down its back in a silky cascade, providing a sharp contrast to the wings while it stood up and stretched pale, delicate limbs. The white robe it wore fell down smoothly from one shoulder, draping in artful folds around its body. And it looked around with bright green eyes, a smile appearing on its face when it spotted the boy sitting outside the bars.
It made some small, unintelligible sounds as it walked over to Ainosuke, its wings folding neatly behind its back. But the noises sounded happy, and Ainosuke smiled back as it crouched down just inside the bars, looking back at him. Nervously, the boy looked around, but the two of them seemed to be alone. So he raised one finger to his lips while he dug around in his pocket, pulling out a chocolate bar. He stretched his arm toward the cage, but in the instant that the treat passed through the bars, a piercing wail made both of them flinch backwards while security ran in, his father in the rear.
"Again, Ainosuke?" Aiichiro snapped, grabbing his arm and roughly pulling him upright. He glanced at the candy bar on the floor before kicking it aside, where it thunked dully against the wall. "What were you thinking? You know that its diet has been precisely developed. If you give it something like that, it might get sick, and then all the investment into its development will go down the drain! And what if it had grabbed you? I thought I raised you to be smarter than this!"
"I'm sorry, Father! I'm sorry!" Ainosuke apologized, cringing. The prototype fluttered just inside the bars, its expression distressed before a wall of men formed between it and Ainosuke. "I just thought it might be lonely. It always just has to stay there--"
"Because it's a creature, Ainosuke! Even if it looks like that, it's not human! It's mindless, heartless, driven only by instinct like a mundane animal. You've seen what it does whenever we need to show it off to investors. You need to get rid of this useless sentimentalism of yours if you're seriously intending to take over this company when you get older. Do you understand?"
Reluctantly, Ainosuke nodded, glancing back toward the cage and catching a flash of soft white feathers past the wall of black. It didn't seem anything at all like his father said, though: even though it couldn't talk, it seemed reasonably intelligent and responded to his words when he talked to it. It wasn't like the other chimeras that Shindo Scientific had developed, but maybe it was just because it was their first successful part-human.
The others were certainly more dangerous pets: the part-lion, part-goat, part-snake chimeras that had become their flagship product had savaged more than one owner who didn't care for them properly. And then there were the pegasi that had provided the breakthrough for this angelic prototype: earlier versions of them had had the unfortunate tendency to buck off their riders when they were in the air before they were able to improve their docility. Of course, all buyers signed lengthy waivers absolving the company of responsibility in case of any such accidents, but there were always more buyers eager to purchase the latest exotic pet to show off to their friends despite the risk.
It was true that this one lashed out at its handlers during the exhibitions, but Ainosuke was convinced that if they just spoke to it, they wouldn't need to resort to violence to make it show off, unlike the others. He glanced back at the cage to see it soar above the barrier of guards, its emerald eyes fixed on him, but then it jerked and plummeted downward with a tranquilizer dart in its neck, pulling a cry out from Ainosuke's chest. He pulled against his father's grip, wanting to go and make sure that it was okay, that it hadn't broken anything, but Aiichiro firmly pulled him away.
"That's enough of that. Now, come on, or you'll be late for your lessons."
"Are you sure about this, sir? Nobody is allowed inside without protective equipment and a prod, usually. Shall I call in the guards, just in case?"
A technician hovered anxiously around Ainosuke as he unlocked the door of the cage. He was still dressed in a black mourning suit, but his scarlet eyes were dark with determination.
"I don't need any of that."
He stepped into the cage, closing the door behind him. The years had taken their toll on the beautiful creature of his memory: the wings were slightly tattered with many of the feathers askew, the black hair was messy and knotted, and its clothes were torn and stained. But the worst were the eyes: wary, like a cornered animal. Even so, Ainosuke had been impossibly relieved to know that it was still alive. Most pets were only kept for a few years, then put down to make space for the next fad. To have been able to buy it back after this long had been close to an impossibility.
It growled at him as he approached cautiously, his bare hands outstretched. He slowed down but continued to press forward, stopping when it bared its teeth and bated, its wings stretching out to their full length and sending gusts toward him.
"It's okay. It's me, remember?" Ainosuke called out softly, waiting for it to settle down again. He took another step forward, only to be greeted by the same reaction. Slowly, he reached into his pocket, and sharp green eyes followed his movements before he withdrew his hand to show it the chocolate bar.
"Remember?" he asked again, taking one more step forward. It was still clearly wary of him, but it didn't try to intimidate him this time. So Ainosuke continued to advance, freezing again when it bared its teeth at him again when he'd gotten within wing's length. Carefully, he extended the candy toward it, staying very still as it leaned forward, eyes fixed on his face. The silence stretched between them for over a minute before the candy was snatched out of his hand and raised to the creature's mouth. When it bit down on the wrapper, Ainosuke chuckled, stepping forward.
"Wait, you need to--"
An enormous white wing smacked into him, knocking him to the ground while a voice called out, "Ainosuke-sama!"
He raised a hand before slowly getting back to his feet.
"I'm fine. Don't yell. You'll startle it."
It had curled up defensively on its couch, shining eyes staring at him, and Ainosuke smiled gently, spreading his open hands again.
"It's okay. I scared you, right? I'm sorry. But the wrapper won't taste good. Let me show you?"
He took a cautious step forward, bracing himself for another buffet, but nothing came. It still shrank away from him as he moved closer, the wings twitching and sending small bursts of air toward him, but he was eventually close enough to reach out and take the candy bar back, though it flinched when he did.
With deliberate slowness, Ainosuke unwrapped the candy before holding it back out again, and it reached out just as slowly to take it, leaving a smear of melted chocolate on his fingers when it finally pulled it away and tasted it. And it hummed as it chewed, making Ainosuke smile more broadly as he raised his hand to his mouth, licking off the chocolate.
"Can I touch you?" he asked, extending his hand slowly. It watched the hand approach, but it didn't do anything to stop him, so he rested his hand on its head, waiting to see its reaction. Nothing happened, and feeling encouraged, Ainosuke gently stroked its hair, repeating the gesture a few times until it seemed to relax slightly.
Raising his other hand, he brushed it gently against one of the wings. It growled again when he caught against a loose feather, but the noise didn't sound like a threat, so he continued to carefully caress the dull, white feathers. For a while, there was no other sound besides that of chewing, but when it had finished eating, it leaned forward, resting its head on his chest. And Ainosuke sighed, bending down slightly so he could look it in the eye, so close that there would be nothing he could do if it suddenly decided to try to savage him.
"Welcome home."
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