pacakehatfiasco · 1 year
Prompt: The Harry Potter gang play DnD.
Optional (but this is what i kinda had in mind):
Luna's actions make her the loose cannon, Hermoine becomes a murder hobo, Ron decides he wants to create a better wizard class and falls headlong into mad scientist territory and drags Neville into helping him, Fred and George get into a bard and/or loot goblin character and refuse to stop in between sessions, Blaise keeps accidentally creating brothels/bars, Draco keeps insulting the NPCs accidentally, Harry or surprise!Professor is GM, shortish dnd sessions with a mix of these characters interacting.
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pacakehatfiasco · 1 year
Prompt: Tony Stark (Iron Man/Avengers movies) makes a sentient toaster. Said sentient toaster meets various Transformers (Transformers cartoon/movie series).
Optional: the "Are you my mother? game, Soundwave thinking the toaster is one of his cassettes, Starscream (the once politician, now second in command, still super ambitious) and Loki have a heart to heart, Tony Stark explaining to a confused Optimus that he's neither a Transformer nor a Decepticon, Tony Stark: Transformers mechanic, Tony Stark: Creator of baby Allspark, Tony Stark: machine dad/mom, Bumblebee and Dummy and Co. becoming besties, the Hulk challenges the Transformers to armwrestling, Bruce is like "wtf is my life but this is very interesting science stuff", the sentient toaster gets a roomba sibling and they go on Stark Tower Excursions, the roomba mysteriously keeps finding clint while he is in the ductwork and follows him, the toaster and roomba getting named by Tony/Peter/Harley/Clint, Harley and Peter nerd out over all of it, Aunt May is not amused but secretly is and deadpans it.
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pacakehatfiasco · 1 year
Prompt: Ravenstag!Hannibal (Hannibal tv show) meets StagAnimagus!Harry (Harry Potter books/movies)
Optional: Young Harry escaping/fleeing deatheaters meets the Ravenstag!Hannibal and is saved, Hannibal basically orders deatheaters doordash to himself by taking Harry places to be seen once he knows HPs story, Hannibal raises Harry, Will raises Harry, murderhusbands raise Harry, similarities between Jack Crawford and Dumbles' methods lead to the sussing of manipulation, puppy piles with a stag!Harry center, all of Will's dogs and their awesomeness, Harry overcomes fear of dogs (Thanks Marge, you Chinese Surveillance Balloon, you) through Will's pack.
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pacakehatfiasco · 1 year
Prompt: Dr Doom has a cat. He makes it tiny mechanical mice to chase around. Said cat catches one of them and proceeds to eat it, as cats do. Doom takes it to the vet where [insert NON-reader character here] works, shenanigans ensue.
Optional: Cat is sweet, Cat is purr evil (Yes I know that's a dumb pun, Idgaf), Dr Doom has history with this Cat (found it in an alley, it climbed into one of his doombots and came back and claimed the home as it's own, w/e), meet cute, meet ugly, snarky conversations, death threats, Doom cannot make an appointment so sends the kitty to the vet strapped onto a roomba, the vet becomes the villain-go-to for pet issues, other villains use this vet, heroes can use this vet.
Non-optional: NO reader character, any character from any show/movie/book/game/comic/etc is cool.
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pacakehatfiasco · 1 year
Prompt: John Wick (John Wick movie series) meets Kevin (Home Alone movie series)
Optional: John raises Kevin, the Bowery King raises Kevin, Kevin's trap skills level up when he goes adult rather than learning Gun-jutsu, John meets adult!Kevin, John meets kid!Kevin, Kevin is already an assassin when he meets John, Kevin meets John's dog first, Kevin or dog gets lost and the other finds them and then John finds both of them, adult!Kevin is a Security Consultant for home protection, Kevin is actually better behaved than the movies portray, Kevin is a little sh*t and John just rolls with it, shenanigans ensue at The Continental with adult!Kevin AND/OR kid!Kevin, The Sommelier does not do HomeDepot, Charon the Hotel Manager and Kevin interaction, the Bowery King likes Kevin's chaos.
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pacakehatfiasco · 1 year
Prompt: Derek's (Teen Wolf) restaurant called "The Garden" needs produce, Stiles' (Teen Wolf) garden called "The Kitchen" is growing like crazy because !SparkStiles.
Optional: Derek/Stiles, Derek & Stiles, Stiles being Stiles, Stiles' dad is called Noah, Stiles offloading excess produce to Noah for his heart but then there's just too much of it, "Nature does not hurry yet everything is accomplished" and Derek wearing a Tshirt/nametag with the word "Nature", a sign saying "If you can't take the heat, get out of The Kitchen" and Stiles wearing a shirt that says "the heat", Stiles makes a sign that says "If you can't take the heat, get out of The Garden" and a shirt for Derek that says "the heat", annoying customers are called "Weeds", older customers are called by the name of flowers unless they're a weed then they're a dandelion, something about garden gnomes, Garden Ramsey.
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pacakehatfiasco · 1 year
Prompt: Colonel Jack O'Neill (SG1) meets !fishperson Xander (Buffy) and maybe the SGA crew later
Jack is fishing in his private fishing spot and accidentally hooks a Xander who transformed from the Swim Team episode....or something like that. Later, if possible, Xander gets to go to SG Atlantis cause !fishperson
Optional: Jack thinks Xander's an alien, Xander may or may not be able to speak english, Thor (SG1) may or may not be able to help correct the assumption of "alien", Jack now has a fishing/drinking buddy, Jack and Xander friendship and resulting shenanigans, "For Crying Out Loud", Jack introduces Xander to the team, Daniel's confused face, Teal'c being Teal'c, Xander ends up going to Atlantis either to hide or help, Rodney being Rodney, Xander and Dex have a bench pressing/survival contest for fun, Carson being a cinnamon roll, John/Rodney or John & Rodney, SG1 or SGA talking Xander into pretending to be "scary alien overlord" for negotiations with another planet/faction, Xander helping repair Atlantis from the outside, Xander using !fishperson powers for good, Xander may or may not be able to become human again via the Asgard maybe, Xander meeting the Goa'uld/Tok'ra/Wraith.
NON OPTIONAL: Sass, so much sass.
(i posted this somewhere a long time ago but cant find it)
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pacakehatfiasco · 2 years
Prompt: Murder Husbands (Hannibal) meet the A Team (different Hannibal).
Optional: Will's gang of pups, Mental Health discussions, actual plot, Lynch being Lynch, Lynch being Dinner, Sosa-spicious, meet-cute, mission, A-Team in hiding, A-Team at work.
Actually feeding them long-pig is optional. I have no idea how they'd react, especially Murdock, bless him.
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