#and im SUPER curious if i can find a living descendant
bones-n-bookles · 2 years
Photos from Охотничьи Лайки (Hunting Laiki) by А. Т. Войлочников (A. T. Voylochnikov) and С. Д. Войлочникова (S. D. Voylochnikova).
Top image is a Greenland Dog
Bottom image is an F1 Wolf x West Siberian Laika hybrid. The second photo is of who I believe to be the same animal from the laikirus (dot) ru database. Not the exact same image and no name or registration number in the book so not 100% sure but it sure looks similar. The laikirus animal, Ulka, was born to a wild taken siberian wolf named Naida, and a pure dog WSL. Ulka was bred to pure WSL males, and as far as i can tell so were the continuing offspring. I haven't been able to find where her line ends so far, for all I know there are living descendants of her now. She was born to the ВНИИОЗ (VHIIOZ, still haven't looked up what thats an abbreviation for) kennel as part of an experiment for the viability of WSL x Wolf hunting dogs.
I'm only able to roughly translate russian currently so *please* correct me if I make any errors on these!
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watchmegetobsessed · 4 years
Memories - Grayson Dolan
here i am, back with another fic based on a dream i had! also, i did not proofread this so im sorry for the mistakes!
summary: You are childhood friends with the Dolan siblings and you recreate childhood photos, but one recreation results in surprising consequences.
word count: 3.8k
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“I can’t believe they made me do this,” you growl at your own reflection when you finish your already ridiculous look with putting your hair up into piggy tails. You look like someone who has fully lost her mind and acts like a child while being an adult. The denim overalls fit you loosely since you found it in your brother’s wardrobe, but it was the closest you could find to what was required from you. The striped shirt however is a little too tight, given the fact that the last time you wore it was in seventh grade. You’ve definitely gotten bigger in certain parts since then, but this is the only striped shirt you could find in such a short notice.
You feel ridiculous, but still excited. When the twins called you last night to ask if you’d be in recreating your old photos from your childhood there was just no way you could refuse. One, they sounded so thrilled and eager and two, you found it just as interesting and promising as them. You’ve been stuck at home for so long, you just couldn’t say no to some fun with your favorite neighbors. Growing up next door to the Dolan household has been one of the best things in your life. You instantly had two more awesome brothers and a big sister and friends you knew would always be there for you. When the twins left from home and Cam moved because of collage you were afraid you’d lose them since you stayed, only attending the local community college so you could help out the family business, but they proved you wrong. Endless video calls, nonstop texting and snapping and surprise visits whenever they came home to the family reassured that this is surely gonna last a lifetime.
Now in this messed up situation with the virus, they are all home with Lisa and being the restless goofballs that they are, there’s always something crazy they are up to and this time they made you join them.
“Y/N!” your mom calls from downstairs and though you already heard the quads arriving she lets you know the boys are here for you.
Taking your backpack that’s filled with your other childhood outfits you stomp down the stairs when you appear in the corner Grayson is the first one you spot. His eyes widen at you for a second before that shit-eating grin stretches across his face at your outfit, even though he looks just as ridiculous as you in his old, purple shirt with Sponge Bob on it and the hideous red shorts, socks pulled up almost until his knees.
“Look at you, Tootsie!” he chuckles and you roll your eyes at the nickname only he uses still. You couldn’t say the letter F normally until you were about seven, turning the word footsies into tootsies and everyone liked to tease you about that, especially Grayson. The name got unstuck by the time you turned sixteen, but not for him. He still calls you Tootsie whenever he has the chance. You don’t mind, it always awakens those damned butterflies in your tummy.
As you get to the bottom of the stairs his hand immediately reach up to curl a strand of hair from your piggy tail to his finger, playing with it a little before he lets it slip out of his grip.
“Woah, Y/N, you nailed the look!” Ethan shows up with freshly baked cookies in his hands that he probably got from your mom who is experimenting in the kitchen again. That’s her new favorite thing since the quarantine started.
“I know, right?” you grin, doing something that you meant to be a curtsey, but it turned out more like an awkward bopping.
Ethan has a black shirt on with striped pants, socks just as high as Grayson’s with his tennis shoes. They both nailed the vintage looks pretty well and you can’t wait to see their other outfits. Grayson sent you a bunch of photos last night that they want to recreate and he got you curious what will turn out of this.
Your mom walks out of the kitchen, oven mittens on her hands and she gasps seeing all three of you.
“Om my! How cute you all look!” she cheers and gathers all three of you into a group hug. “Time flies…”
“But you look just as pretty as you always did,” Grayson smirks at her and you can see her blushing. He never fails to make her feel better, one thing you absolutely adore in him.
She packs some more cookies for you before you finally leave, the quads waiting on your driveway. You go to Gray’s without a second thought, you always ride with him. Ethan used to make a fuss about it when they first got them, but eventually gave up on the fight and you guess he accepted that Grayson is your ride when it comes to the quads. You always told him it’s because you think he is a better driver, but in reality you just love sitting behind him, arms hugging his waist, thighs pressed together.
His sweet scent makes you smile as you sit behind him, waiting for him to start the quad and you often wish the way from your house to their would last longer, giving you more time to enjoy this little moment with him. Crushing on your childhood friend has taught you to savor these little things as if they are happening for the last time in life, because these are all you had and still has.
“Piggy tails!” Cameron greets you upon arriving, jumping down the stairs rocking the same hairstyle as you.
“We should do them more often,” you laugh as you get off the quad, unwillingly letting go of Grayson, going to hug her tight.
“We look fucking awesome for sure,” she grins.
The boys bring everything that’s going to be needed during the photoshoot into the pickup while you go inside to greet Lisa and the three of you girls have a quick little chat.
“Oh, I can’t wait to see the pictures,” she cheers happily, hips leaning against the edge of the counter. “I love these recreations.”
“We will look so ridiculous on all of them,” Cameron snorts finishing up her lemonade.
“We always end up looking ridiculous when we are together,” you smirk at her and she points at you nodding.
“You’ve got a point.”
Once the boys are done with loading the car you go to the backyard to shoot the first few pictures that were taken there. Ethan is responsible for the camera, Grayson controls the set while you and Cam try your best to nail the poses like on the pictures.
They turn out amazing. You all managed to recreate the outfits almost perfectly and you could find the exact spots from the photos, making it possible to nail them precisely. Lisa watches you work from the kitchen window, a wide smile on her lips and it makes you happy to see her like this. So carefree and full of life.
“Okay, we have one last photo here,” Ethan directs, zooming in on the picture on his phone. “Gray, Y/N, go to that tree.”
Nodding you follow the instructions, though you know which photo it is going to be. You adjust your piggy tails tugging on your shirt. You’ve changed from the overalls, now rocking a yellow polo shirt with high-waisted denim shorts and sandals. Many of the pictures were taken on the same day, so you can recreate more in the same outfits.
“Alright, Y/N has to sit on your shoulders and hold onto a branch.”
Gray nods and turns to you, rubbing his hands together.
“I’ll squat down, you sit on my shoulders, okay?”
“Yeah,” you nod, feeling a bit nervous. The guys used to pick you up, carry around on their back and shoulders a lot, but your teenage years made you super insecure about your weight, so you asked them to stop. They respected your choice and though you’ve successfully overcome this situation, they are still very careful around you.
Grayson squats down and you stand behind him, hesitant before lifting your leg up and planting it onto his shoulder. You freeze when his hand holds onto your thigh above your knee.
“Don’t worry, I got you,” he softly reminds you, thinking you froze because you’re afraid he would drop you, but in reality it’s because of his touch.
“I know,” you quietly say before placing a hand on his head for support, fingers digging into his now long hair before you lift your other leg up and finally put it to his shoulder. He counts back from three before he stands up and you suddenly tower over everyone in the backyard.
“Hold onto the branch!” Ethan instructs you and looking up you grab the first branch you can reach. Grayson’s hands on your thighs are basically burning and you can’t tell that it’s his palms that are so hot or your skin under his touch.
You manage to focus for a few so the picture can be taken and when Ethan says you got what you needed Grayson slowly descends so you can hop off his shoulders.
“You okay?” he asks brushing his hair out of his face once you are both standing on your own feet.
“Yeah,” you smile shyly as he brings a hand to your back, gently caressing it to let you know without words that you did great.
Once the backyard pictures are done you all load into the pickup and head into the forest, the place where you’ve had so many adventures growing up. You knew this recreating would be a lot of fun, but you finally feel like it’s all like before, when adulthood hasn’t set in, the twins and Cam were still living next door, making it easy to hangout whenever you wanted.
You take picture after picture, and not just recreations, you are making new ones, eternalizing this new memory the four of you share now.
“Alright, we have one more picture to take,” Ethan announces with a knowing grin and you furrow your eyebrows at him.
“What? I thought the one with the ladder was the last one.”
Walking over he shows you his phone, already laughing and your eyes go wide when you see the photo he wants to recreate.
“You did not send me this!” you protest as you stare down at the photo you’ve seen so many times before, but never thought it would cause you to almost have a heart attack.
It was taken of you and Gray, the two of you are sitting on the back of Sean’s old pickup, you were probably five, max six years old here, little arms hugging each other and Grayson is giving you a big smooch right onto your lips. This was technically your first kiss, if you count the innocent childhood kisses. Back then you had no idea what crushes or love were, you only knew that you liked this silly boy who lived next door and happened to have a clone, as you used to say it. Your feelings for Grayson originate from way back.
“Come on, Y/N! This is one of mom’s favorite,” Cam tells you grinning and you’re annoyed that she and Ethan are enjoying this more than they should while you are probably now as red as a tomato. Glancing over at Grayson you see that he is just standing there, looking nervous maybe? Eyes avoiding to look at you.
“She would be so disappointed if this one doesn’t get a recreation!” Ethan nags you and he is such a rat, using Lisa against you. They know you’d do anything for her, she is like a second mother to you, saying no to her has never been an option for you and they know that too well.
You are defeated, so walking over to the truck you just simply hop on the back, trying not to look like you are about to pass out from your nerves. Ethan makes his brother sit next to you and it feels so awkward, you definitely did not think this would ever happen.
“You don’t have to do this because they are blackmailing you with mom,” Grayson whispers to you while Ethan and Cam are busy with setting the camera up.
“It’s fine, really,” you say forcing a smile to your lips, but it’s so not true and he knows it too.
“Okay, so Gray, you just lean in and… go for it,” Ethan laughs as if he is a kid again, talking about kissing like it’s a forbidden thing to even say out loud.
The two of you adjust your position, turning to each other a little before you hug each other like in the photo. Grayson looks deep in your eyes, giving you the chance to bail out, but you just stare back at him, ready to go with whatever is about to happen.
“Okay,” he whispers to himself and before you could even have a second though his lips are on yours.
Your eyes close immediately at the sensation, arms loosening around him, making the hug more comfortable as you let your lips part a little. Far away you hear the camera clicking, but it doesn’t sound real, your heart is beating in your throat and that innocent smooch slowly turns into a real kiss.
“We got it!” Ethan’s voice snaps you out right before it could take a more radical turn. Leaning back your eyes are met with Grayson’s startled face, lips parted, hands still on your waist.
“Great, great,” you mumble awkwardly, hopping off the trunk, out of his arms.
The mood has definitely changed because of the kiss. Ethan and Cam start teasing the two of you about it, but you just try to shrug it off while forcing yourself to forget what it felt like to have his lips on yours, because the more you think about it the more you crave another kiss… and another one… and another one…
It seems like Grayson wants to say something, or this is what you see in his eyes, but he keeps quiet on the way back to the Dolan house. Cam invites you to stay over for a movie while Ethan edits the pictures and you accept it. Arriving back to the house you are wandering inside feeling distant and dizzy when a hand slides into yours and pulls you back before you could walk inside.
“Wait,” Grayson keeps you back and you turn to him with a puzzled look. “Can we…”
“Just take her to your room, Gray!” Ethan shouts from the front porch with the most annoying grin on his face.
“Shut up!” he snaps back at his brother. “Come with me,” he nods at you and he pulls you towards the quads.
“Where are you going?” Ethan calls after the two of you.
“Where you are not there to be an asshole!” Gray retorts making you laugh. You hop on the quad behind him. “Hold on tight, Tootsie,” he chuckles as you wrap your arms around his waist.
You have absolutely no idea where you are heading, you’re just enjoying the ride, face pressed against his broad back, feeling the muscles moving under your cheek every time he takes a turn.
When he stops and you look around you immediately recognize the place. The little abandoned patio you found about a decade ago in the woods still stands, vines and plans have taken over it, the wood looks like it would give up if a harsh wind blew through it, but it still looks like a magical place. It was you secret place with Grayson, you came her often when you both wanted to escape from home, just sat on the dirty floor and watched the sky through the cracks of the roof of the patio.
“I can’t believe it’s still here,” you chuckle walking closer while Grayson turns the quad off behind you.
“Yeah, looks deadly though,” he comments scoffing.
“Probably been through a lot,” you smile back at him. “What are we doing here?”
Hopping off the quad he walks towards you pulling his phone out of his pocket with a nervous, but excited smirk on his face.
“I wanted to recreate one more picture.”
He hands you his phone, a photo from about five years ago shown on the screen. You both were just teenagers, the phone was put to the ground on a timer and the two of you sat in front of it in the patio, laughing carefree, he had an arm around your shoulders and you were leaning into him. It was just a random day you spent out in the woods when Ethan had a doctor’s appointment and Lisa asked Grayson to stay over at ours while they are not home. You wandered in the woods for hours and of course ended up at the patio.
“You want to recreate this?” you ask with a smile, looking up at him as you hand him back his phone.
“Yeah,” he nods with a shy smile.
“Let’s do this.”
He sets his phone up the same way as you sit on the floor in the patio, waiting for him to join you. He thuds arriving next to you as the timer counts back from ten. Swinging an arm around your shoulders you look him in the eyes as you lean at him.
The urge to kiss him is back, you want to feel his lips again so bad, but you don’t know if you should. The counter reaches the end and the phone snaps the picture, but neither of you moves.
“We should have laughed,” you whisper, feeling like his eyes are locked on yours, not letting you look anywhere else but him.
“Should we make another picture then?” he asks and starts leaning closer.
“I guess,” you breathe out right before his lips meet yours.
It’s so much more than the one you shared earlier on the trunk. This kiss is real, full of lust and longing, not something kids would share, but you are not kids anymore. Cupping his face in your hands you try to get as close to him as possible, pushing yourself to his lap and he falls back to the ground pulling you with him. You share a laugh, rolling around in the dirt, Grayson getting on top of you, kissing you again and again and you don’t want this moment to end.
“Sixteen year-old Grayson would be so proud of me now,” he smirks against your lips.
“What?” you smile at him pushing him a little back so you can look into his eyes.
“I’ve wanted to kiss you here so many times, I can’t even count.”
“Yeah. Like the day the photo was taken. I was just a chicken and I thought you didn’t like me back.”
“I did. I still do,” you smile, brushing his hair out of his face but it keeps falling back.
“Sorry for earlier.”
“What do you mean?”
“The kiss on the pickup. They just wanted to urge me to do something because they are done with my pining after you.”
“What? It was all a setup?”
“Yeah,” he chuckles and rolling off you he sits up and you push yourself up as well. “Ethan planned it all out, hoping I would finally do something if I’m forced to kiss you, but I honestly thought you wouldn’t agree to take the picture.”
“But I did.”
“Yes you did,” he chuckles and reaching over he tugs a strand of hair behind your ear that escaped from your piggy tails. “Want to know something funny?”
“Mhm.” Nodding you scoot closer and kiss his lips softly, just because now you can.
“Remember how fussy Ethan used to get when you’d only ride with me on the quad?”
“Yeah. Like a baby,” you chuckle.
“That was because he used to have a crush on you too.”
“What?” Your eyes widen as you stare back at him. “He did not!”
“Yes he did,” he laughs. “We had a fight over this, because he didn’t know I liked you. But then I told him and he realized he has no chance.”
“How did he just realize it? What do you mean?”
Looking away from you he seems nervous to answer you and you give him time. You know he is going to share it with you.
“He said that… He has no chance, because he just likes you while I… I love you.”
Oh how long you’ve been craving to hear those words from him! And now it’s reality, not just a daydream in your mind. Leaning closer you kiss him, sweet and slow, taking your time with him.
“I loved you too. I still do,” you smile at him and wrapping his arms around you he pulls you down with him back to the floor kissing you all over and over again.
When you return to the house about an hour later Ethan and Cameron come out running to the front porch the moment you hop off the quad, clearly waiting for something holding their breath.
You don’t say a word, just try to hide your smile while Grayson gets off the quad too and stepping next to you he laces his fingers together with you. The moment this happens Ethan and Cam starts screaming and shouting, running to you and jumping all over the two of you.
“Oh my god, guys!” Grayson chuckles showing his siblings off to give us some space to breathe, but you don’t mind their enthusiasm. It’s cute that they were rooting for you so bad.
Lisa appears on the front porch, confused about all the noise, but then she sees as Grayson pulls you to his side, kissing the top of your head and she immediately knows what’s happening.
“You’re not joking, right?!” she gasps walking down the stairs.
“No, mom. It’s serious,” Grayson chuckles shyly and as his mom finally reaches you she embraces both of you in a tight hug, laughing happier than you’ve probably ever heard her.
“Finally! I’ve been waiting for this to happen for so long!”
“Mom!” Grayson whines, but you find it so sweet.
“We all did, Lisa,” you admit chuckling.
She invites you all inside for dinner and you gladly join. What happened today didn’t change anything in the dynamic you shared with them. Dinner is just as heartfelt and fun like it always is, or even better. When you’re done eating you all go into the living room and watch the little slideshow Ethan put together from the photos, laughing so much on both the old and new ones.
Today surely started as a day of old memories, but the new ones you’ve made are way better than any other you’ve made with your favorite siblings, especially one of them.
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minghaocouture · 4 years
Songs I associate the Seventeen Members with
Decided to do the SVT Tage game made by @milkteafairy-hyeri​. She said anyone who wants to do it and so here i am lol! (Also tagging @woozisnoots​ since she also did a “anyone who wants to do it”)
List songs in your playlist and strictly on your phone playlist which you associate the Seventeen members with! It’s up to you if u wanna add an explanation!
TBH this was really hard to do x.x Like none of my music really reminded me of them cause if i’m not listening to Kpop Im listening to hard rock or parody music x.x
Im tagging...anyone who wants to do this! Just tag me so i can see your choices <3
Warriors - Aaliyah Rose (She-Ra theme song)
Tbh this just feels like Cheollie to me, as a leader he is always there for his members and supports them so much.
Room Shaker - Ailee 
This song just reminds me of his on stage duality. like specifically this gif i saw forever ago but couldn’t find it again x.x
Goodnight My Angel - Celtic Woman
The title kinda explains itself lol. It’s a really pretty lullaby, and he likes sleeping so much and he’s an angel and it was cute.
Troublemaker - Olly Murs ft. Flo Rida
So it was either this song or Chillin’ Like a Villain from Descendants 2. But this one fit a bit better. All his cheating in games and how he is just kinda chaotic, it made me giggle thinking about.
Sing for You - EXO
This song just screams Joshua to me, i would love to hear him (and tbh the whole group) do a cover of this song. I can just imagine him playing his guitar and singing and it just makes me soft to think about. 
Dragon Slayer - NSP (E) 
It just reminded me of how anytime the fandom calls him the Gentleman of the group and the rest of SVT is just like “NAH”. (don’t read too much into this choice lol it just made me giggle) 
Níl Sé’n Lá - Celtic Woman
So this song is legit just about partying and having fun and not thinking about what will come tomorrow, and it just really reminded me of Jun’s cheerful personality.
Otsukimi Recital - Jin,IA
This one, reminded me of him comforting Yanan during that Chinese show they did together. The whole song is about trying to make someone close to you feel better and I just imagined Jun singing it to Yanan and it made me really happy. 
Also translates to Moon viewing recital, and his Korean last name is Moon.
I Don’t Know What We’re Talking About - NSP 
I imagine that this song is sometimes what it’s like to be in Soonyoung’s brain lol sometimes it doesn’t make sense but it always makes you laugh.
Caffeine - RWBY
This song is so hype for me and just reminds me of how he is live on stage. It is also a song called Caffeine and that boy has energy for literal DAYS. 
Kataomoi - Aimer
So this song starts out kinda sad but gets happier at the end, and it really reminded me of how Wonwoo had talked about himself during Hit the Road. How he was curious why people liked him. it was also super chill like he usually is.
My Only Chance - The Toxic Avenger
So this song is from one of my fave video game soundtracks. It’s a really chill song and feels like it would fit Wonwoo’s vibe, and the fact that he is a gamer.
Breathe (2 AM) - Anna Nalick
So this is dumb but i mostly picked this because A. It was just kind a chill kinda sound and B. Because of the line “2 am and i’m still awake writing a song”, it just reminded me of all that Jihoon does. 
Rock Show - Halestorm
Sunny Summer - Gfriend
This boy is literally sunshine, and i could also see him dancing to this song and just being super cute.
Dinosaur Laser Fight - NSP (E) 
That skit they did where he was the English teacher? Yeah this song is what it would have been if he was a science teacher in that skit.
The guys always tease him about having a lot of money so this is just where my brain went.
Guy.exe - Superfruit
“Six feet tall and super strong” I may pick on Kim Mingyu but this boy would be perfect BF material.
Dear Fellow Traveller -  Sea Wolf
This song just had a vibe that screamed Minghao to me. Just a kind of mysterious yet welcoming feel. If that makes sense.
Drop Dead Gorgeous - April Smith and the Great Picture Show
So i love this song and I feel Minghao could relate, because it’s talking about wanting to be with someone that’s smart and not just pretty. The tag line is “Cause if you’re just drop dead gorgeous, you should just drop dead.” saying that if there isn’t anything going on in your brains, then you need to GTFO and that just felt vry Minghao to me.
Sweets for Two - Interlunium 
1. Seungkwan is sweet as sugar, 2. Seungkwan is a foodie <3 
Pillow Talking (feat. Brain) - Lil Dicky, Brain (E)
Okay hear me out, this would legit be him arguing with someone about these things. I can legit see him having similar reactions to Lil Dicky in the song and it had me cackling just thinking about it.
Retro Future - Triple H 
Vernon’s whole closet just screamed this song at me (i know he’s changing to darker colors but until it’s happened i still got Tie-dye Vernon on the brain)
Popsicle - UHSN 
This is literally just because my all time favorite look for Vernon is this one
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Yakusoku no Kizuna - Risa Taneda
K-POP’S FUTURE LEE CHAN! This is all about working hard for your goals and being able to keep going forward because of the people around you. 
Byakuya ~True Light~
TBH this is legit just because i had an idea for a D.N.Angel au where Chan would take Daisuke’s role >.> (and Jeonghan would be Dark) that’s honestly it. 
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intothewilde · 4 years
⌠ ellie bamber, 20, cis female, she/her ⌡ welcome back to gallagher academy, GIORGIA WILDE! according to their records, they’re a FIRST year, specializing in UNDECIDED; and they DID NOT go to a spy prep high school. when i see them walking around in the halls, i usually see a flash of (first edition books, walking in the rain, candy-scented lip gloss, getting lost in a museum, millions of twinkling city lights). when it’s the (sagittarius)’s birthday on 12/13/1999, they always request their CHERRY PIE from the school’s chefs. looks like they’re well on their way to graduation. 
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she can’t do shit with knives yet but it’s a great gif, don’t @ me) but DO like this if you want me to hit you up for plots
tw: implied neglect, brief mentions of mental illness and addiction
ok! so giorgia was born and raised in new york city. both of her parents came from extremely wealthy families. her mother was a french socialite and her father was the golden boy of a hearst-like (founders/owners of a distinguished publishing conglomerate) family from connecticut. some of his family members claimed to be descendants of one of oscar wilde’s cousins (a rumor that has yet to be confirmed) and he believed he had it in him to become a literary great himself. he seemingly succeeded, having published multiple best sellers popular with young pseudo-intellectuals. 
giorgia was never sure if her mother had wanted a daughter or a life-size doll. from a very young age she was primed to fit into high society and paraded around her parent’s lavish parties. most of her time was spent with nannies and violin tutors, studying her father’s poetic heroes, and dancing ballet. she was taught how to socialize with society’s elite, but she never felt comfortable doing so. she felt safer hiding behind her mother or sitting beneath the stairs with her nose in a book.
while her mother wanted her child to be pretty and proper, her father wanted someone to continue his family’s legacy. she learned to read when she was four, and by the time she was five, gio was forced to write in a diary every. single. day. (over the last fifteen years she’s filled up dozens of notebooks that live on a bookshelf in her childhood bedroom). she didn’t particularly like her father and she didn’t want to want what he wanted for her. (did that sentence make sense? i hope so). but she did like to write and she was damn good at it. her poetry was published in online journals and lit mags, her short stories won young artist awards. on the outside, she was everything her parents wanted.
but like i said before, gio struggled with the social part or being a socialite, and the life of an heiress was never something she wanted. she didn’t seem to have the right attitude - she was demure and diffident, a textbook wallflower. she was never happier than when she was reading a book or roaming a museum, always curious about the world around her. she never misbehaved or did anything wrong, but her parents wanted her to behave differently. 
their tribeca penthouse always had a certain cold air to it and the high ceilings only seemed to add to the lonely feeling that gio couldn’t escape. her relationship with her parents seemed to become more strained with each passing day. the more she learned about them the more gio realized she didn’t know them at all - the spa retreats her mother went on were really trips to psychiatric facilities and rehabs, and the endless slew of young women her father employed as assistants were all lazily hidden affairs. they never talked about it, if she tried to she was shut down or ignored entirely.
gio grew up wanting to go to nyu. she didn’t know where the dream came from (her parents wanted her to go to vassar or dartmouth) but she loved her home city and something about nyu had always called to her. she was accepted early admission to the gallatin school where she planned to major in an individualized study of creative and dramatic writing.
she loved her freshman year of college. she was finally out of her parents’ home and into a postage stamp of an apartment with an eccentric girl studying theater. she was around people from all over the world and all walks of life instead of the tiny bubble of rich snobs and private schools. she was around people she actually had things in common with. she was still shy and she still found it extremely difficult to talk to people. the easiest way for her to interact with people was to overcompensate for her shyness and be excessively friendly. when she was actually able to talk, she found she had many things to say, and once she started talking it was hard for her to stop.
her roommate was a big fan of movie marathons (in october they watched all of the scream movies, and then all of the saw movies, and then all of the children of the corn movies. that’s twenty horror movies. gio still has nightmares from them). for a few weeks in the fall she had a spy movie marathon. mission: impossible and jason bourne movies, mostly. something about them piqued gio’s interest, and she started reading spy novels, which quickly turned into her writing one of her own. she wanted the protagonist to be a woman for once, and one who’s main personality trait wasn’t tits. her novel, at dawn beneath the bridge of sighs, followed a cia operative and an italia aisi agent who are forced to work together to find the kidnapped daughter of an american diplomat along with the priceless jewelry she was wearing at the time of her capture. (do i know what the fuck im talking about? no!!) 
gio comes from a family of publishers so it was fairly easy for her to find someone who wanted to publish it, but the nepotism ended there, the success was all her own. it was lauded as an impressive debut novel and critics praised her subversion of genre tropes and inventive action sequences. but it stuck out to a select few for a different reason - the heroine used tactics uncannily similar to those used by actual spies, and she used them well. some people were curious as to how the character would handle other situations in the spy world, or really how the author would plan it.
so yeah she got a letter from gallagher, and she thought it was a joke at first. she eventually figured out it was very real (how? idk!) and her curiosity got the better of her. she decided it would be good for research, and that she could go back to nyu if she wanted to. once she arrived at gallagher, giorgia... did not know what to do. she had never been so out of her element, and she felt like she was terrible at everything. but that wasn’t really true, all the things you could study for were things she was actually learning. she became determined to actually do well, and as her first year comes to an end, gio still feels extremely unsure of herself, and unsure of where she wants to focus her studies, but she’s starting to feel like gallagher is the right place for her to be.
personality: she’s very sweet, very earnest, sometimes has a tendency to retreat into herself and get quiet, but she still combats her shyness with an outgoing attitude she learned from her mother that takes her far out of her comfort zone. basically as outgoing as an introvert can be. she tries to see the best in everyone and every situation. emphasis on tries, because she’s a total worrier and is often pulled between the desire to find a silver lining and the fear that something horrible will happen. she will give people more chances than they deserve and let them walk all over her. her self esteem can be pretty low, but one thing she is confident about is her writing (although she won’t tell you because she doesn’t want to seem boastful). art and literature in all forms are her favorite things and she could talk about it forever. she’s the kind of person who tries to learn everyone’s names and once she knows it she’ll say hi to you every time she sees you.
other stuff: she’s fluent in french and english and grew up speaking them equally. (she also knows some spanish, italian, german, and russian from her nannies, but she’s not fluent). she has a deep love for photography, usually bringing a camera with her at all times. she can play classic violin and piano, but hasn’t in a while and is probably rusty, she continued to dance until she came to gallagher and no longer had time to practice. she has a cat named pierre (named after pierre-auguste renoir). she's a vegetarian. she’s basically addicted to fruit. she listens to a lot of sad pop music. her favorite colors are blush pink and forest green. she watches a lot jean-luc godard and wes anderson movies. she’s kind of a sad girl/art ho. she gets crushes on people easily and all the time. she is very impressionable, and seems to experience heartbreak often. she just wants someone to lover her for her, you know? 
wanted connections: (im super fucking tired so im just gonna write some really basic shit but hopefully i’ll edit it tomorrow).
a best friend: it’s not easy for her to make friends but i want gio to have one person she can truly be herself around. a platonic soulmate, if you will.
friends: really just anyone who is understanding of how she’s not always comfortable talking but will also listen if she starts ranting about queer representation in 20th century poetry and plays, ya feel?
big brother/big sister: because she hated being an only child and she really needs someone looking out for her
bad influence: its not hard to be a bad influence on her but someones gotta do it!
good influence: someone who lets her baby ways rub off on them
idk what to call this but a sort of mutual respect with someone she’s had a class with?
idk what to call this either but someone she really clashes with, they just don’t understand each other
people she knew in nyc: she was there for the first 19 years of her life so if your character was there in early 2019 or any time before that, they could’ve run into each other
someone from a similar background who she can just be like... felt with?
hookups/flings: she loves love but love does not love her
an ex: could be good or bad terms idk 
crushes, mutual or unrequited
give me literally anything, the more angst the better!!
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dukeofishgard · 6 years
Updated Duke Character Info
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The Duke of Ishgard
The Basics ––– –
Age: Unknown, his best guess is around a thousand something.
Birthday: 15th Sun of the 1st Umbral Moon
Race: Wildwood Elezen
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Bi, male-leaning.
Marital Status: Married
Physical Appearance ––– –
Hair: White, (Black when he was younger, turned white from shock.)
Eyes: Red
Height: 6′10″
Build: Lithe
Distinguishing Marks: Heavily scarred across his entire body. Right eye currently covered by a patch.
Common Accessories: Wedding ring, rapier, small card stating “If found dead, contact Dracyn Navarre in Limsa Lominsa Immediately.” a dagger or two.
Personal ––– –
Profession: Sometimes Adventurer, chef, hype man. all around renaissance man.
Hobbies: Cooking, reading, training.
Languages: Fluent in most languages, but better at understanding/speaking some.
Residence:  The Mists. Has an Estate in Ishgard.
Birthplace: Ishgard
Religion: Not particularly religous anymore, but will say Halone’s teaching s if asked
Patron Deity: Halone
Fears: Losing his loved ones, leeches, his dead wife. 
Relationships ––– -
Spouse: Dracyn Navarre. (Antoinette Sauvage, deceased.)
Children: Westley&Josette (twins, from Dracyn’s prior marriage.) Cemi Jinjahl (stepdaughter, adopted by Dracyn.) Minette and Alitte (adopted, deceased. )
Parents: Nobility from Ishgard, long dead.
Siblings: None.
Other Relatives: A myriad of descendants living in Ishgard that take care of his House affairs. Most notably, Lady Hatsu who is his current chatelaine. They are a secretive family, due to their Au’ra lineage- Minette and Alitte having been found by the Duke as children and sheltered and adopted at great risk to himself. While still retaining the typical Au ra horns/tails (which they keep hidden even now.) - their faces typically bear little to no scales due to mixed heritage. 
Pets: A black chocobo, Boco. A black kitten, Noire. His husband’s cat- Hunter.
Traits ––– -
* Bold your character’s answer.
Extroverted / In Between / Introverted
Disorganized / In Between / Organized
Close Minded / In Between / Open Minded
Calm / In Between / Anxious
Disagreeable / In Between / Agreeable
Cautious / In Between / Reckless
Patient / In Between /  Impatient
Outspoken / In Between / Reserved
Leader / In Between / Follower
Empathetic / In Between / Apathetic
Optimistic / In Between / Pessimistic
Traditional / In Between / Modern
Hard-working / In Between / Lazy
Cultured / In Between / Uncultured
Loyal / In Between / Disloyal
Faithful / In Between / Unfaithful
Additional information ––– –
Smoking Habit: A secret vice he keeps very well hidden.  Drugs: None. Alcohol: Socially
RP Hooks ––– –
Duke is cursed with immortality and has lived for quite a long time! It’s incredibly likely for either your character has heard of him, met him before, or has a family member that has come across him! I’m perfectly okay with having pre-established connections with him, as the nature of the character means he’s met a LOT of people. Perhaps your character came across and is intensely curious about him. Or maybe they’re an enemy Duke doesn’t know about! LITERALLY ENDLESS POSSIBILITIES! \o/
Ishgardians in particular may know of him- whether it’s curiosity or disgust from the rumors surrounding him. Most Ishgardians who grew up with the stories about him, believe it to be just an exaggerated story and legend. There are those who’ve sworn they’ve met him. He was an accomplished Dragoon during the beginning of the war, so again. The possibilities are endless. His House is quite secretive, and stays hidden though they wield considerable power- it’s mostly used to help those in need. 
Scientists, mages oh my. Duke’s curse is void-based. While he’s not a voidsent, the magic used to curse him is based on void magic. While he’s given up on finding a cure, he’s had plenty of people interested in studying him and the curse. He’s well aware that while his curse may be off-putting to some,  others may have an insatiable curiosity about it.
What I’m Looking For  ––– –
This isn’t a super cereal LFRP post, it’s more of just an updated character page for Duke. That being said, I’m always up for more RP contacts and friends! I am not looking for any romance or anything else however. Duke’s happily married. Friends, associates, enemies- all fine in my book. I’m also up for darker themed roleplays. As an aside about Duke’s curse- while he is immortal, and cannot die. There are specific caveats about his curse that prevent him from being infallible (in part due to the person having cast the curse being pretty inept.) He cannot be healed by potions, conjury or typical healing. 
Contact Information  ––– –
Either hit me up on here via ask or IM, or you can hit me up on Discord - Selphie/The Duke#7705
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paragonrobits · 6 years
so i just saw the AT finale and
-clutches chest-
my heart
even though i haven’t watched the show consistently in years, MY HEART
for the bubbliners, its nice that ship got as official as ye possibly can! i mean, i’m still neutral at best towards Bubbline, i was in the fandom at a dark place for anyone who wasn’t a Bubbline shipper and i just got overexposed but, still, i can appreciate what a big thing this is!
but moreover, the feeling i get from the finale is a confirmation of a theme Adventure Time might have, present in the shots of the future we’ve seen and how the present relates to human history: things go on. a cycle of friendship continues.
there will always be a world, and two heroic friends to love it
nothing lasts; not kingdoms, not empires, not the impact of civilizations. but people go on, and what they are matters
based on the thematics there, the relationship between the two viewpoint characters and what we saw with Shoko and her tiger, I am convinced those two characters we saw are Finn and Jake in a new life, unknowingly learning about their past selves and bringing things full circle
BMO IS THE BEST KING OF OOO and i don’t blame them for wanting to toss them out, finn and jake in any life are a mess
i also had no idea what was going on with that war because i haven’t seen things in a while but i really loved that Finn wanted to resolve things diplomatically. and the sheer number of bringing back characters from throughout, EVEN WAR ELEPHANT CAME BACK!!!
I dont know what happened with Fern but him and finn coming to peace made my heart soar
i understand your heart is made of sadness now but WHAT DID YOU DO, SUMMONING HORRORS NEVER WORKS OUT
it was legiatimately horrifying how everything wound up, and im curious how this all relates to the future, the scene in golb’s stomach was legit frightening and tense and SIMON IS BACK!!!
i want to see content of people adjusting to Simon’s return, like PB in person having proper conversations with Simon and finding out the Ice King was, all along, a pretty chill dude. no pun intended
gunter was the future devolved Ice King? I AM RELIEVED ABOUT THAT
oh no those gumball guardians :(((((
marceline, you have an INTERESTING choice in super monster forms, that looks like a demonic sheep. its so flufy with wool made of Doom. but i like that she got over her conflict avoidance to save PB!!
i also liked how it all set up that the world would end and it turned out tha t... things are fine, the power of song harmonized discordance and in the end, everyone got to live thier lives in peace
is that living Lich King being a giant!!! HE GOT BIG. and what if he is unknowingly emulating Finn and tryin gto be a hero??? THAT SOUNDS FANTASTIC
oh no, the treehouse, and FERN WANTED TO BE PLANTED THERE, MY HEART
and finally, in closing; all things come full circle. humanity returned to Ooo, or what is left of it. i want to imagine that Finn settled down there and HIS MOM CAME BACK
susan strong adventuring!!
ice king got married and apparently is like a dad-ish figure to PB and Marcy
i loved all this, okay????
And i interpret the end as, the cycle continues, and all is well.
also Future Jake Analogue is totally both jake reborn AND a descendant!!!
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