#and im just gonna........ work on ts2 stuff for now
ofmdee · 8 months
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i'm back, babeeeeeeeeey!!!! hitting randomize in CAS shouldn't be nearly as exciting as it is, lol, but thank u geneticized stuff, binned unnatural hair, and default replacements i owe you my life
also @pooklet because damn i would not have had the motivation to do this w/o them 😂
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ivycopur · 1 year
ty for the tag @simmer-until-tender!!
1. what’s your favorite sims death?
death by fright is fun with how it can escalate, ghosts killing people to create more ghosts killing more people... i enjoy the chaos of a very haunted house 😈
2. Alpha CC or Maxis Match?
i lean more maxis match these days but i don't have a strict aesthetic
3. Do you cheat when your sims gain weight?
i assume this is more about ts4, i hardly ever see sims gain weight in ts2. but in either case nah
4. Do you use move objects?
of course, i'm not much of a builder tho
5. Favorite mod?
hmmmm there's soooo many i consider essential but if i had to play with just one mod i guess it would be the sim blender
6. First expansion/game/stuff pack you got?
ts2 university! and it's still a fave, i love playing dorms
7.  Do you pronounce “live mode” like aLIVE or LIVing?
i always assumed it was like aLIVE until the behind the sims summit which was the first time i actually heard someone from EA say it out loud lmao. ive tried to adjust to say LIVing but it still sounds wrong
8. Who’s your favorite sim that you’ve made?
im gonna go with Clementine Bosden, the C heir of an alphabet legacy i attempted in 2011 (which got nowhere near Z, lol). she's a family sim with 1 nice point which is a hilarious combination to me. pictured here raging in the park for some reason & cheating at chess with her wife (an aged-up Chloe Gonzaga). ahhhh digging up these screenshots makes me wanna pick that hood back up again....
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9.  Have you made a simself?
the last one i made was in 2016 when i had an undercut... not terribly accurate ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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10. What sims traits do you give yourself?
using TS3 traits... Vegetarian, Computer Whiz, Brooding, Loves the Outdoors, Animal Lover
11. Which is your favorite EA hair color?
again i assume this is more about ts4. but i am a fan of the various ts2 rainbow mohawks
12. Favorite EA hair?
it's basic but i've used the french braid hair a lot
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13. Favorite life stage?
the younger stages are cute but it's gotta be adults, that's where the most gameplay is at
14. Are you a builder or are you in it for the game play?
building is a STRUGGLE for me, im here for the gameplay. although lately i've spent more time reading about how the game works & poking around in simpe than actually playing haha
15. Are you a CC creator?
nah, i've messed around a little with texture edits but im more interested in making mods than CC
16. Do you have any simblr friends/a sims squad?
me n my gf play sims together a lot but besides that not really
17. What’s your favorite game (1,2,3,4)?
18. Do you have any sims merch?
i have some sims themed stickers from redbubble...
19. Do you have a youtube for sims?
well i have a sub-account on my youtube just for all the sims youtubers i subscribe to so i can keep up with them without it all being mixed in with all my other subscriptions on my main account. but no i don't make sims videos myself. i do like to imagine the sims video essays i would make if i had a infinite time to spend on that sort of thing but i doubt i ever will 😅
20. How has your “sims style” changed throughout your years of playing?
my MO is usually to start with one sim, have a bunch of kids & then a bunch of grandkids, get overwhelmed by the number of sims i'm managing & then abandon the family. but now i'm setting up an uberhood to play with LD's story progression and im very excited to see how it goes when i can just focus on one household and let everyone live their lives without me :)
21. What’s your origin ID?
it's simbly but there's nothing on there
22. Who’s your favorite cc creator?
tbh i've been avoiding going down the cc rabbithole for now... i have a ton of stuff bookmarked to check out later but idk what i'll end up using.... i'm picky about keeping my files organized and wrangling my huge mods folder has been enough of a headache, the amount of cc out there is even more overwhelming >.<
23. How long have you had a simblr?
only since fall 2022, ive been on tumblr since 2013 but this account is pretty new, i'm just getting back into the sims after not playing for a long time!
24. How do you edit your pictures?
photoshop babey
25. What expansion/game/stuff pack do you want next?
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duskdragonxiii · 3 years
tell us your toy story 4 thoughts dusky
Ok you made this can of worms and now you have to die in it
Toy story 4 was the worst entry in the series by far, which i guess wasn't too difficult bc the first 3 films had already been great- and that is very very rare that all films in a 3 part series are good and not unnecessary. Its a shame TS4 came along and broke the trend. They should have ended it with 3 where it felt it ended, that was the natural end to the story
It is completely contradictory to woody's previous (and complete) character arc. Woody in this film completely reverts back to his previous state of being a shithead who's jealous of other people getting attention. The previous 3 films were about woody getting past his fear of abandonment and accepting that things change and life goes on. IMMEDIATELY the film opens on woody hating the fact Bonnie gave the Sherrifs badge to another toy and left him in the cupboard. Like ok, sure, maybe woody would still be a little jealous of not being played with, but not the way he behaves about it. if they wanted to address these themes again they would have been so much better making Jessie the focus of the movie since her issues with abandonment are so much worse and so much fresher.
Buzz Lightyear, though he had been gradually dumbed down and was never very intelligent- suddenly has no brains whatsoever. He's not much more than a joke now. Haha Buzz doesn't know what thoughts are isn't that funny. Yea he was a joke in TS3 too im not going to pretend he wasn't, but he and woody's friendship was still a key element in there. In TS4 he does..... Nothing.
Don't even get me started on Bo. Bo hasn't been present since TS2 and even in TS1 her role was absolute minimal. Her purpose really served as nothing but a jealousy pivot plot device in the development of Woody and Buzz' friendship. In TS4 they changed her entirely. She's not the same character anymore. We get it, you wanted a badass heroine in there for the Rep but [gestures to Jessie again] you really missed this. This movie could have had SO MUCH POTENTIAL if you had just REMEMBERED JESSIE IS THERE. We did not need Bo Peep and her weird "lets give woody a girlfriend" plot. Something something she helped woody find the next part of his life- except for the fact the ENTIRITY of this story is unnecessary.
The very focus of this whole saga is how best friends should stick together no-matter what. You've got a friend in me. Too bad that's out the window. Woody is fine leaving the gang to go and wander with Bo- contradicting the entire message of the previous films.
I get what they were trying to go for with forky, but given the context of the film compared to its predecessors its just totally lost. It's really overshadowed by what the hell else is going on- to the point i barely rmember what that plot was about. What was the point of Forky. It was a good premise and opened up all the mysteries of what qualifies as a toy and like how they're made and such and that even the simple things are important to a child but. He doesn't seem to serve as much more than a plot device either- because how the fuck are they gonna make a 4th movie in a finished franchise. In the end thats what forky feels like.
They bigged TS4 up for having very heavy themes never before addressed in an animated film for children and stuff in it and for being heartbreaking- but it did not meet those expectations in the slightest. I bawled my eyes out at TS3. My DAD cried at TS3. But TS4 didn't deliver at all. Those heavy themes they talked about? With the introduction of forky I expected it to be something about identity or something. That potential was there. But.... no it was organ donation. I'm not saying that's not a big thing, but overall it had so fucking little impact at all. They are toys. And in the end it would have no impact on woody anyway, because Bonnie would never find out, because HE FUCKING LEAVES THE GROUP. If you wanted to address organ donation SURELY you should have had him give up a part of himself and STILL be welcomed back lovingly among his friends who would support his decision. Surely Bonnie would be sad that her toy suddenly stopped working, but she would love him anyway. But she never knows because Woody becomes "lost". Bonnie is about 3-4 years old right? She absolutely has object permeance and when she discovered her cowboy is missing she will be so sad. She has other toys, but not that one. Do you people not remember TS3.
Tbh i do not even remember this movie that well. I saw it once in cinemas and was so incredibly disappointed I have never watched it again. So my points may be a little off bc ofc this is just my understanding of this film. But it annoys me so much to the point praise for it makes me want to hit people. They could have done so much better. It was an unneccssary sequel. they would have been better using similar story for a completely unrelated (preferably new) franchise instead of capitalising badly on characters who are already whole and loved. Animation is a hell industry under capitalism and TS4 ended up feeling more like a graphics showcase than a heart filled movie. I could probably go on but jesus christ i. sorry
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cmescapade · 3 years
Simblr Community Challenge by @amelettes
Rules: Tag some people, and let the community bonding commence!
Tagged by @aniraklova & @simsulate! ty for the tag 🥰
I’ll tag uhh @forgotten-pixels @fataleromeo​ @theageofsims and whoever would like to do it 🥰
gonna put it under the cut bc im chatty 😭
How long have you been playing the Sims?
On and off since uhh 2004?? My first exposure to the Sims was The Sims: Bustin’ Out for the PS2, where I had a sim named Pepto Bismol. 
...it was my favorite commercial ok 
How long have you been a Simblr, and why did you become one?
I’ve been a simblr since uhhh December 2017? I wasn’t that active then because I was too busy trying to figure out how everything worked on Tumblr since I never really had one (My really old one in like 2010 or w/e doesn’t count since all I did was reblog things when I remembered I even HAD a tumblr ahahahah)
I became a simblr only because I was told I should have one lmfao 😭 I thought simblr was scary bc ppl come and go all the time and everyone’s so good at editing n shit n all i ever do w my screenshots is redraw a hand every now and again
anyways Pre-Dec 2017 I made poses for myself, friends, and basically anyone who asked because I loved storytelling in The Sims. No one back then ever made poses for children specifically since child rigs in like 2015-2016 were so janky the only way to make them was to pose an adult rig and import it--so I decided that I could put up my random child poses for download in case anyone else was like me and needed them
even tho everything i made back then was.................................. questionable 
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What type of Simblr are you?
The kind that tries to post sims-related content but fails bc they post pics of their INCREDIBLY HANDSOMe son every other time i mean c’mon u cant blame me for that just look at him
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my chonky son, i love,, he smile,
i post gameplay and cc! for my gameplay stuff i’ll post as often as i could, but i’ll usually post cc on like sunday or monday, if i forgot to hit queue LOL
Which generation of Sims do you primarily play?
I prefer playing TS2 and TS4, but TS4 more often as of late. Nothing wrong with TS3, it just constantly runs like ass on my computer and I always forget where I saved my mods lmfao 
I don’t post my TS2 screenshots here because they always come out odd or I end up using a 3rd party program to take them, but here’s a gif of Colin & toddler Amy before they became vampires lmao
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I also really like the Sims Medieval and ofc Bustin’ Out :))) but I forgot to backup my TSM screenshots when my old drive decided to peace out still kinda sad about that.......................
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yakumtsaki · 4 years
Hey, newbie to the Sims 2 here. I’ve been following your works for so long and I’ve always wanted to try the whole screenshot/storytelling thing with my sims but I don’t really know where to start, it’s all pretty over whelming
hi anon! i feel u but dont be overwhelmed, u seriously just need 4 things to start taking pics/shooting for a story:a) a good screenshot program (fraps or greenshot are the top choices)b) photoshop and some ts2 editing actions (good starter are the ones by eversims until u figure ur ~personal style~) or gimp c) poseboxes and omsps (also mentioned in my tutorial which i link later)d) a willingness to accept that ur first couple pics are probably gonna suck and improvement will take timethat’s legit it, get urself items a-c and internalize the fact ur first attempts are gonna be bad and not up to par with what u see and like on simblr. dont let it discourage u, i guarantee u will eventually get there and it will happen faster than u think
since uve been following me for a while heres an example from my own pics. this is the first sim pic i posted on tumblr on august 2016. take a good look at it and note how bad it is in every aspect. all of my pics from that time are like that, they’re bland, lighting is weird, the posing is lol, the zoom is off, the editing is literally why etc etc. the pics in the first couple chpts of nll produce enough cringe in me to power a small country. by october i could do this, which at the time was my favorite pic id ever taken. by january i could do this which was a logistical nightmare, by may this, and by july i could write a tutorial 
im not saying this to pat my own back like ‘oh look how far i came blabla’, my point is i clearly had no natural talent for this stuff so if i can do it anyone can. i came into this exactly like u, knowing literal shit about ts2 pics, and there were times were i was like ‘ffs is this shit ever gonna look the way i want it to?!’ and short answer is yes it will if u keep practicing!
i used to hate hate HATE posing. i cant stress it enough, i prob have a few text posts from bitd where i rant about it, like it literally gave me migraines. now posing is my fav thing in the game bc the better u get at smth the more u enjoy it. get the required programs, start shooting, dont be neurotic about it looking like crap bc it will for a while, dont be content with mediocre pics, and if u end up posting dont get all emo about comparing urself to other ppl and not getting a lot of notes at first bc these things take time. watch urself drastically improve and always keep in mind it’s just a hobby and it’s supposed to be fun. if u find urself not enjoying it and feeling the annoyance of screenshots is not worth the fun u get out of them then tell screenshots to fuck off. hope ive helped a little, hmu if u need anything else! 🐹
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i RLY wanna play ts2 rn but of COURSE its throwing a fit
and therefor. so am i.
i rly dont know what to doooooo now im getting the flashing pink scenario in all my hoods, and i was thinking maybe its somehow some cc item or mod throwing stuff off but i generated a new ts2 folder w no cc etc and it was still happening, have there been any, idk windows 10 updates that messed w things recently cause this is honestly so sudden and i havent changed anything significant abt my game in ages like this is so random? and none of the normal flashing pink solutions do anything like ive used graphics rules maker and everything was working perfectly when i first got this laptop a few months ago and i havent changed anything?
and it doesnt seem like it happens EVERY SINGLE TIME i open the game, but more often than not at this point. atm when i load my current hood either the entire thing is flashing pink or it looks fine but my current family has one sim w a flashing pink face in the thumbnail thing when u click on the lot, and their lot crashes the game when i try to load it. it doesnt crash the game if i try to load it when the entire game is flashing tho.
im sry ive been whining and asking for help so much lol but GOSH its annoying it seems like whenever u wanna play theres something stopping you, u feel me.
anyways. if i turn off the shaders most of it stops flashing but the sims in lots will still be doing it n t-posing around the lot and it is very unsettling to say the least.
um some more info, im on windows 10, my sims is on a ssd, i have 32 gb of ram, a nvidia video card uhhhhhh. idk what other info is pertinent so here is my actual laptop n all that fun stuff
this is probably just something im gonna have to troubleshoot myself and try to figure out but, if anyone else has had this happen to them suddenly and figured out what the problem was i would rly appreciate ur comments.
anyway ive recently extracted a whole bunch of items from the game observer and im planning on converting those to ts2, so even if my game isnt working right im still gonna have a bunch of new things for it.
i also have over 100 outlast conversions i still gotta share so pls accept those future downloads as thanks for putting up w all my Game Issues lol
until then i might be posting more ts4 than normal, altho i already kinda feel like im getting bored of it SO. who knows
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dramallamadingdang · 7 years
Ermahgerd, somanyreplies...
Mostly because I haven’t had time to sit and answer ‘em.
So! For @mrningbrd, @simblrkersil, @emeraldfalconsims, @simper-fi, @holleyberry, @vampireacademysims, @penig, @serabiet, @kayleigh-83, @getmygameon, @stinkyunicorn, @alexbgd, @fuzzyspork, @crystaldollhouse, and last, but certainly not least, @strangetomato...
mrningbrd replied to your post “Well, this is a pain in the booty...”
Im also having ACR issues even though i 100% finished the story. Same exact issues too
mrningbrd replied to your post “So I had a bit of a think...”
I think i fixed my acr problem. Did u try taking it out and then redownloading it and putting it back in? That fixed it for me
Yeah, I did try taking it out/redownloading/reinstalling. Multiple times. And nada. It’s so frustrating! I was kinda disheartened when you said it didn’t work with having played the story, but reassured when you got it working. :) I mean, I know it works because it worked just fine in my initial install, once the story was played. So, I’m hoping that’s the key. I think it must be, because there are some fundamental changes with how the story neighborhood works once the story is completed. If that’s the case, I’m hoping it’ll still work even though I started the freeplay scenario before doing the story. 
So, I’m about halfway through the story. Hoping to finish it tonight with enough time to experiment in the other neighborhood. I’m encouraged by the fact that I peeked in the freeplay hood and the story rewards I’ve unlocked in the story so far were also available there. So *fingers crossed*.
simblrkersil replied to your post “So I had a bit of a think...”
Melissa Fancey, maybe? (IDK how you feel about her, but I love her XD horrifying flame pants and all)
It was between her and the adult Ivy Copur, actually! But in the end I went with Ivy because I’ve never had her as a playable before. :) I’m sure she’s thrilled to go through this torture.
emeraldfalconsims replied to your post “20. How has your “sim style” changed throughout your years of playing?”
I think the next time someone asks me what my aesthetic is, I'll just direct them to this post. :P
It’s tough when you don’t fall into one box or another but instead cherrypick bits and bobs from all the available boxes in order to build your own wacky box. :) I think henceforth I’m going to call my game aesthetic “Mutant Hybrid FrankenSHTEEN.” *nods sagely*
emeraldfalconsims replied to your post “So you’re stranded with seven other complete strangers on what may or...”
So I see overlay boxes work? Was not expecting that.
They do! At least the ones I installed do! (Male and female body hair and two tattoo boxes.) It’s likely because the game has the “heatstroke” overlay from Seasons. (And maybe the frozen one, too, but it’s sort of hard to freeze on a tropical island... :) ) Many things work, in fact, but some only after you’ve completed the story. 
I’m still trying to figure out the game engine the thing uses because knowing that will make it easier to predict whether or not a TS2 mod will work and/or which version of a mod to try first. It’s either Seasons’s or OFB’s or maybe a hybrid of the two. But it also has some stuff from BV, like the pirate ship. Those are all just objects, though; the beach lots don’t have surf like BV beaches do. (Which is a shame because it’d be fun to have @maybesomethingdunno‘s surfing mod in it, but I’m 99.8% certain that won’t work. :) And even if it did, it’d look weird without surf. :) )
simper-fi replied to your photo “So what do you do when you have way too many babies on a lot and not...”
BABY CORRAL! I love it!
holleyberry replied to your photo “So what do you do when you have way too many babies on a lot and not...”
Haha! That is awesome.
Heh. It was one of those ideas “born” out of desperation. I had seven babies at the time, couldn’t afford cribs (But I decided early on that rock “fences” would be free, in order to create “rooms” on the lot, if needed), and no one could sleep on the lot with a baby laying on the ground. (Which is SOOOOOOO stupid and needs to be modded out.) Hence, baby corral. It works. For babies, anyway. :)
vampireacademysims replied to your photo “So what do you do when you have way too many babies on a lot and not...”
Lmaaao! Wow I'd go crazy, I cursed my life each time I got quadruplets, now imagine this XD
Well, it helps that there are 8 adults to share the load. :) Nine babies isn’t so bad with 8 adults around, as it’s almost a 1:1 ratio, so long as no one slacks. *side-eyes Orlando Centowski* It’s just that they can’t do much else besides baby/toddler care other than occasionally shoving something edible in their face and maybe taking a nap here and there. :) In a normal two-parent household where at least one has a job, I pull my hair out with just twins. Maybe I won’t, so much, after doing this, though...
penig replied to your post “Preggo Ben!”
At the volume there's about to be, it hardly matters anyhow - nearest person deals with whoever's howling.
Ah, but the problem is that they’re ALL howling at once. :) Basically, they all have to cry themselves to sleep, since there are no cribs to put them in. Well, I do have ONE crib now, actually. One crib for nine toddlers. They get rotated in and out of it. I could buy more now, but the toddlers are all going to age up soon -- and there’s no “selling back” according to the rules I’m using for this scenario -- so I think I might want to save the resources for other things. Like more leaf beds. Hopefully children can use those.... And maybe some hammocks for the adults. I think they’ve earned them. I shudder to think of the hell it must’ve been hell to sleep on the ground in the third trimester...
serabiet replied to your post “In this Castaway scenario I’m playing, the castaway’d townies must use...”
why am i getting incoming village of the damned vibes off this development
It is kind of like that, actually... *laugh* Thankfully the lots in the game are big. Lots of a room for a tribe of the damned children.
kayleigh-83 replied to your photoset “When you spend hours on stuff that’s purely, uselessly decorative....”
Ahh you to so much more trouble than I do! I wish I had the patience to plan it out and apply it. My strategy for making my neighbourhood look better is essentially MOAR TREES!!!
More trees is my go-to, too! :) But actually, I don’t plan this sort of thing. It’s more like, “Hey, that lot opened the Athletic career! Now they need someplace to play.” *plops down baseball diamond in random spot* Then it’s, “Hmmmm, that looks really out of context. *moves baseball diamond close to lot that unlocked the career* Then it’s, “If people are gonna come see the game, they’ll need some place to park their car.” *builds adjacent completely useless deco parking lot* Then it’s, “I’m envisioning cracked windshields. Plus, how’re they gonna tell if it’s a home run?” *plots strategy to put lots under baseball diamond just so that fences can be built.* And on and on.
It’d be so much easier if I could just plop down the hood deco and be done with it, but I...just...can’t....
getmygameon replied to your photoset “So this is what I decided to do with Castaway. Take 8 of...”
Very neat :) you're really making that game your bitch aren't you? LOL jk XD
I’m tryin’! Although lately, it’s more like I’m the game’s bitch, jumping through hoops trying to make things work the way I want. :)                 
stinkyunicorn replied to your photoset “Komei has a “job” as a hunter, so he’s off the lot for a chunk of...”
"Hard row to hoe in this scenario"... You're a poet and didn't know it. I'm enjoying all your Castaway posts!
I’m glad you’re enjoying them! :) I’m having a blast playing it. It’s a great change-of-pace for when I get in one of those “I don’t feel like loading TS2″ moods. And it’s like instant gratification because the game loads instantly, so I can go in and out of the game to screw around with things and test out bizarre, wild hair ideas really easily.
And it was totally accidental poetry; I didn’t even realize it rhymed beyond “row to hoe” until you pointed it out. :)
alexbgd replied to your post “Goopy in Wonderland. :)”
a zoo with sims..
Preeeeeety much, yes. :)
holleyberry replied to your post “Goopy in Wonderland. :)”
Come on Goopy. Sandy's there too. Go after her man.
I totally thought he would! They double-bolt! They’re the only possible pairing with more than one bolt, I think. But.... Sandy goes for Ben Long and Goopy seems to like Andrea Hogan best. Go figure. They seem to be each other’s second-faves, though. And it’s not like it really matters since it’s basically one big polyamorous clan. Which is exactly what I wanted. 
fuzzyspork replied to your post “Goopy in Wonderland. :)”
At least those sand mites he just acquired in his nether crevisce will keep him company. XD
Poor Goopy. Only the lice and the stink bugs love him. :) Well, OK, that’s not true. Everyone loves him except Marisa Bendett; those two are oil and water, apparently.
crystaldollhouse replied to your post “Goopy in Wonderland. :)”
This looks so fun :D
It’s realllllllllllllly fun. Very addictive, too. And beyond being fun to play, it’s really fun to experiment with it, too, to see what’ll work and what won’t. 
strangetomato replied to your photoset “So this is what I decided to do with Castaway. Take 8 of...”
I agree with Fuzzy. this makes me want to play Castaway again too. Maybe I'll start loading that up again as a "just for fun" game.
DO EEEEET! You know you want to. Come to the dark side...
fuzzyspork replied to your photoset “So this is what I decided to do with Castaway. Take 8 of...”
You make me want to track down a copy of Castaway! I'll forever kick myself for not buying the one I saw at a thrift store last year. D;
*cough*games4theworld*cough* I pirated mine, and that site is nice. (No creepy porn ads, at least! :) ) The game’s not legitimately for sale new and unused anymore, so unless you can find a used copy, pirating is actually more ethical than paying more than retail to some shady online “store” that doesn’t have the right to sell it for those prices. *gets very irked at “stores” who ignore retail agreements*  Either way, EA doesn’t get any money out of it, so...eh. :)
emeraldfalconsims replied to your post “Drat! Dang! DOUBLE DRAT!”
This is probably not helpful at all, but I just discovered that in TS2 there's a settings option to add the Pets unlocks from codes shared with friends. I suppose it's too much to hope that they've done that for CS as well.
Not that I know of. I searched around a lot and read lots of “game strategy/hint” websites, and didn’t find anything about it. Buuuuuut, as it turns out I’m playing the story, anyway. In the end, you’re kind of forced to, at least if you ever want to use any of the electricity-dependent items in it. I’m just kind of blitzing through it to collect up all the story rewards, including some I missed on my first play-through.
emeraldfalconsims replied to your post “corruptuslocus: Also ACR 1 vs ACR 2 I know ACR 2 has more features...”
I only use V.1, and the only thing I know of to miss is autonomous proposals and go steadys. Have you seen this much with V.2, Icad?
Last I heard, twojeffs never got the auto proposals/go-steadys working in V.2, anyway. V.2′s kind of an eternal beta, as I understand it. The biggest differences between the two is that in v.2 you have far more control over the settings on a Sim level, so it’s much MUCH more customizable than v.1 is. It also has some settings that I really like, like setting a Sim’s “ideal family size” which further moderates whether or not a pair will try for baby. That being said, you have to fiddle with those settings manually on a Sim-by-Sim basis to get the full effect, which can be tedious unless you’re a person like me who gets off on tedium. So, like I said, which version is “better” really depends on how much control you want to have and how much effort you’re willing to put into it. I like v.2 a lot better, personally, but it requires AL/M&G, so I can’t use it in Castaway.
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