#coming from ts4 back to ts2 like lol
ofmdee · 1 year
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i'm back, babeeeeeeeeey!!!! hitting randomize in CAS shouldn't be nearly as exciting as it is, lol, but thank u geneticized stuff, binned unnatural hair, and default replacements i owe you my life
also @pooklet because damn i would not have had the motivation to do this w/o them 😂
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nonsensical-pixels · 1 year
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exactly what it says on the tin title! after watching @skittlesplays manually resize hundreds of recolor files on stream (and trying to do it myself...), i decided that the only solution when it comes to editing textures for ts2 was... photoshop! here are 9 photoshop actions geared towards 4t2 conversions, but hey, maybe you could use them for other stuff too 💖
i made these for personal use and have been using them on and off for the last few months, so i suppose you could say they've been sufficiently tested... the actions included aren't final though, i might go back and add a few more as my areas of expertise expand 😅 more info and instructions under the cut, long post warning! 👇🏽
if you encounter any issues with these actions, please do reach out to me and i'll try my best to help! or if you'd like to add on to them, edit them, etc. in any way, please feel free to 😀
How to Install These Actions
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open up photoshop and click on the big 'play' button in the corner. that's the actions tab. then click on the little down arrow and 4 lines in the corner of that subwindow.
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select 'load actions' from the list, and navigate to wherever you've installed my .atn file! then that's it, you've got them installed, easy-peasy.
How to Use These Actions (1 at a Time)
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open up the texture that you want to edit in photoshop; for this example i'm using a dress i'm 4t2'ing from the throwback fit kit. now it's time to decide which action you're gonna use to make this texture compatible with ts2!
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as the texture is 1024 x 2048, i'm gonna use the 'texture clothing: 1024x2048 to 1024x1024' action to downsize it.
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ta-da! now it's a reasonable size!
How to Use These Actions (Dozens at a Time)
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now for what this set was really made for: editing a ton of textures at a time! just go to file -> automate -> batch...
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and navigate to the textures you'd like to batch-edit. here's a few things you should probably keep in mind: - checking 'include all subfolders' will edit ALL the textures from that filepath onwards. - if you set your destination as 'save and close' as pictured, all your files will be autosaved after the action has been run. - so if you don't want to live on the edge, like me, and are afraid of running the wrong action, just open up one of the files you're batch-editing and check which action should be run on it before you do the other files.
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and behold! all of my textures have been cut down, and a bunch of my time saved 😎
Examples of Stuff Each Action Can Be Used For
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in case you were curious! the first two actions, i mainly use for objects. a lot of ts4 cc creators have their texture sizes set to 2048x2048 or even more, which is way more than (my) ts2 can normally handle. i mean, that much for a candle? geez! so these two actions are used to cut down those textures and not kill your graphics cards.
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these are for cas stuff, like clothing, hairs, and accessories. alpha creators tend to have larger texture sizes, but ea's are almost always a cool 1024x2048. just make sure you check before you run the actions!
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trim is... i honestly can't remember the last time i used trim, just... if you need it, it's there
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the last two actions are for floors and walls! floors are set to autosave as .bmp; walls are up to you. the texture sizes are made to match homecrafter's.
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and... that's about it! lol. i know this isn't normally what i post, but i figured that since a lot more people are getting into 4t2 converting recently, these actions might help y'all.
have a great day, have a fun time simming, and keep being awesome guys 😘
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wellpullmystring · 1 month
My thoughts on Toy Story 5 at D23
It seems the little girl they're all staring at in the concept art is Bonnie. And she doesn't seem that much older. This is one of the most interesting things to me. I figured TS5 might have a significant time skip to keep some weight from the ending to TS4. We know that at least a year has passed from the credits in TS4. But I don't know if having them reunite so quickly will be a good idea. If the gang gets right back together, Toy Story 4's ending could lose some of its meaning. I never thought a permanent separation would ruin the ending to TS4, but having them come back together so quickly could potentially jeopardize the emotional stakes of TS4.
How is Woody even back with them so quickly? What circumstances would have them all together again in such a timely manner? Did the toys explicitly ask Woody for help?
The reunion of the gang was done in such an unceremonious manner. I knew the gang was gonna be shown together in the promo. But they didn't even build up their reconciliation in the quick video they showed.
Bo Peep isn't mentioned. Bo Peep isn't in the concept art. Bo Peep is nowhere to be found. Does Woody separate from her? Is Woody simply going on an adventure with the old gang before planning on returning to her? Is she with him and just not in that particular scene?
Woody and Buzz (also Jessie) are the only ones that were mentioned in the plot summary. I find this interesting. They are also the only characters to appear in the video that was shown. I get the feeling that we're going to see a return to the TS2 and TS3 style of leads.
Toy Story 4 was hardly shown as they presented images from the previous films to pull us in. I also found the language being used to be very interesting. "Loyalty." "Friendship." "Growing up." There wasn't much that could be directly linked to Toy Story 4. The only image shown from Toy Story 4 was a flashback scene with Andy. Does Andrew Stanton not care for that movie?
I find the fact they went with the "toys vs. technology" route interesting. This has been a suggested plot since before TS4 released. I think it could be a great way to weave together the messages of abandonment or fear of rejection and insecurity that the series has long studied into a cohesive fifth installment. My only worry is that it could seem boomerish or like it's pandering + perhaps date the film.
They're really doing the whole "delusional Buzz" plot again lol. TS4 was the only movie to not fully do this. I worry that facing an army of Buzz Lightyears could seem a bit childlish. But it depends on how it's done in the movie. I hope it doesn't feel like another contrived way to get TS1 buzz back.
A lot of my thoughts on the movie will depend on how much of an emphasis these plot elements have on the movie. Are they an inciting set of moments to set the events of the movie into motion? Are they subplots? Are they main focuses? The plot summary of Toy Story 4 that released with its teaser trailer would have you thinking the entire movie was about Forky. That proved to not be the case at all. My primary worry is that the movie will feel like it doesn't add emotional components to Toy Story as a franchise while acting like filler. This was my concern for TS4. I hope they can do it right again. The initial details aren't the entire picture of the emotional crux of the film.
What will the end goal be? It'd seem redundant to have Woody reunite with the gang and leave once more. But I also think it has a higher chance of happening with the fact that everyone seems to get back together so quickly. These characters are going to be faced with a sad truth: Kids don't care about toys as much now. With this in mind, I can think of a few immediate options. Maybe they'll now all become lost toys with Woody. Maybe there's an option we haven't considered. Maybe they really will bring the only child on the planet in who could reasonably have an emotional connection with this random string of toys for a suitable period of time: Andy's kids. This could be a fascinating existential idea. The toys have established they can find new purposes when their owner is done with them. What happens when there is no more purpose in the world for them period?
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hazelpuff · 8 months
I just wanted to say that I'm in love (and a bit jealous haha) with your style. It's so pretty and unique! Your hoods are gorgeous and your sims even more! (may i ask you what technique do you use to make them? Pooklet's? Face templates? A lot of sliders?)
I jumped around a lot between maxis-match, semi realistic, etc. trying to find something i liked (and i still feel i didn't quite found something i like 100%) and I'm in awe of how you made something that doesn't look like ts4 nor ts2 but a so cool and pretty in between!!!
(also a disclaimer because I'm a tiny ball of anxiety: this is no shade to anyone who likes other styles, i find them pretty awesome in other people's games, they just look a bit boring on mine. The sims is about having fun and everyone deserves to play it as they like!)
Hi! Thank you for your sweet message!
(disclaimer at the beginning of the post, my keyboard is dying since half a year and i'm putting aside the moment to replace it, but after this post, I think I'm gonna make my mind soon lol. So sorry for any misspeling - you can get double nn, no n, no m, no c, double cc, no c and many other surprises - i tried to fix everything but I could miss something xd).
I've restarted my hood 5 times I think before I got it to my recent version. I'm terrified every time through most of the process, it doesn't come easily to me xD.
Also ofc, everyone can have whatever aesthetics they like - the sims is the perfect series to express that.
With my sims it really depends. I mostly make a sim that I really like and then use it as a base for other sims, but not always. Sometimes I make a sim that I think looks quite unique but it's still missing somethig when it comes to features and makeup face details. During those moments I just open up my body shop sometime later or the next day and try to tweak this sim, sometimes it's more than once. And other times I end up liking the idk 3rd attempt but i still keep going since i want to make more similair sims, and also it's tiring to start the process from the beginning every time xD.
(pics under cut)
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sry for the baldness xD - i deleted the wip hair conversion files they had and now i can't never change their hairstyles lol, idk how i did it for those two last sims seriously.
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As you can see, all those sims have this maxis chain necklace, which means that I started the process using the same base sim and it just evolved into many differet results lol.
Other times I'm editing some maxis face templates to make them more my style (it's really fun!)
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I also made one of my sims face into face template to make the rest of the family. I didn't want their faces to be - mouth: mom; eyes: dad; nose: mom - just a mix of both and adding something extra to make them a little more unique. Kinda pookleted their faces with two face templates.
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I just really like this face. It can look either goofy or good xD.
I sometimes get inspired by images of some real life ppl (models, actors). When I'm really out of ideas I'm also dowloading sims made by others and use them as a base - just tweaking their features to be my style, mostly it's about face proportions and replacing the cc they used to the one I have. There is muuuch more examples that I could give but a lot of times it's just a result of tweaking some sims a couple of times xD.
Also due to the fact that i make my sims in body shop, idk how their faces will look whit face expressions. I was always using my sims to create previews for my cc conversions so I'm also testing them that way and if something looks too off - I'm just going back to body shop to fix that.
I think I've developed my style around the clay hair conversions that I've made - I wanted the sims in my previews to go well together with clay hair. I remember that I've picked the hair first, THEN sculpted my sims faces. There just werent that many to choose from at 1st.
I don't really use face templates - I have some, but I don't use them much - i think the proportions on faces of my sims are the closest to the maxis sims 🤔. I like their sharp features so when I'm stuck with making a sim, I'm using the pooklet method with those maxis templates but only a tiiiny bit - like 10-20% and only on those parts of the faces that I want to tweak a little more. After that I'm going back to editing the face myself.
(also a lil bonus of my sim from 2017, the only older picture that i have, i found it recently by accident and i think this is the only time when it's kinda in-context to post it 🤣).
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guuuhhh · 2 months
i've been inspired! here's a list of my own wants (in no particular order) for ts4 and how they could (realistically) be implemented:
bands, maybe even a music related game pack with a singer/band active career path. more instruments than just guitars and violins too. i wanna see drumkits again but also more outlandish stuff like bagpipes so i can make a korn tribute band lmfao
spiral staircases. Please god spiral staircases
as much as i want actual buyable driveable cars, at this point i don't see it happening, but i do still really want busses/trains/planes even if they're just rabbit holes. maybe busses could be objects that appear outside your sim's lot every so often, like how the one lot in ciudad enamorada has a bus stop literally across the street. could come in a pack (i'm tapping into EA's greed here) that includes bus stop/train station/airport lots and maybe careers corresponding with those
i'm really picturing most of these releasing as packs at this point considering how EA is, but i'd love an EP/GP (please GP i'm sick of EPs) centered around criminals. bringing back burglars, maybe even turning the criminal career into an active one -- this one, admittedly, i feel would be a lot harder to do though because there's only so much they can add onto criminals that they can keep at a T rating. they'd likely just be about as threatening as the three stooges, but i can dream lol
i want chance cards back in their original form. i realize we sorta have chance cards, but they tell you the end result for each option before you even pick one and that really ruins the tension of making a potentially career changing decision for me. i want them detailed again, given out more often, and the results kept secret till you pick it and have to live with the consequences of your actions
playable hotels. again, could make a vacation-oriented pack (as if we don't have some with this as a subtle theme) with an active hotel owner/manager career. could even just have it be a buyable lot a la GTW or dine out and manage it that way.
GROCERY STORES!!!! and with those, i'd love to see the feature of not having any groceries from ts2 come back. you can't cook unless you stock up! i'd also love it if it locked recipes behind what ingredients you have on hand. it drives me absolutely insane that we've had all these home-oriented packs and kitchen related packs and we still don't have grocery stores.
although i hate this whole thing of locking occults behind shallow EPs/GPs, since this doesn't seem to be a trend that's stopping, i want a pack with fairies. it would've been smart to include them in lovestruck tbh as sort of homage to cupid (even though cupid was a god but idc)
more worlds with abundant lots and bigger lot sizes. i'm actually so sick and tired of how puny the worlds have been lately it makes me mad just thinking about it.
i'm out of ideas!!!!!!!
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rockethorse · 2 years
Someone mentioned here the other day about how TS2 lots these days tend to be mostly CC-free, which I’d pretty much agree with; and how interesting that is to compare with how CC-heavy lots used to be, and how that was often viewed as a good thing - something I’d also agree with. And it got me thinking, about the shifting state of the Sims 2 community, and of the Internet & fandom spaces in general, so, I thought I’d muse with the rest of us oldbies.
Years and years ago, I felt that CC-free lot which utilised a bunch of different EP/SPs were less useful than basegame-compatible lots filled with CC, because if I wanted the CC-free lot exactly as it appeared, then all I had to do was download the CC*. Conversely, requiring me to own a bunch of expensive EP/SPs to play the lot felt way less accessible.
(*Listen, let’s just ignore the paid-CC issue for now, lol. Ignoring how I feel about either of them, paid CC is a different conversation to pirated DLC.)
But nowadays, most people have all the EPs/SPs, one way or another- whether that’s because you just slowly collected them all on disc over the years (like me), because you got the Sims 2 Ultimate Collection when it was made free, or because it became easier to teach yourself how to access them via other means. So using multiple EP/SPs is no longer the barrier it used to be.
At the same time, decent CC used to be quite rare. The post I saw mentioned that downloading lots was often something we relied on to find new CC in the first place, and I definitely remember that era - being so excited to get a house full of shiny new goodies you’d never seen anywhere else before. But now, with the advent of Sims communities on social media with a faster, more accessible, and more personal turnover rate than the old Sims forums, it’s become easier than ever to discover, share, hunt down, and catalogue old Sims 2 CC. In addition, as the community still dedicated to the Sims 2 grows a bit older and wiser, we’ve learned how to make the new CC we’ve always dreamed of - TS3 and TS4 provided/are providing us with a constant stream of new material via conversions, more people are learning to make new content by piecing together existing TS2 meshes and textures, and some are branching out into making completely new meshes from scratch.
So not only do most of us have access to all TS2 EPs/SPs these days, but CC no longer feels as scarce as it used to. Random CC packaged with a lot no longer feels like the jackpot it used to.
With all that in mind - I can’t speak for anyone else, but personally, when I make my lots CC-free, it’s not because I presume other people don’t want to download custom content. In fact, it’s almost the opposite - I know most people’s downloads folders are already bursting at the seams, and I don’t want to contribute more CC to that, or force people to go through and remove/replace a million ming vases either.
I think all of us have curated our own personal preferences and standards for the CC we use in our game, and I think we enjoy personalising the lots we download like this, whether they’re CC-free or not. So if we all do it anyway - swapping out certain items for the bespoke alternatives we prefer - I think it’s easier on people to download a CC-free lot and only replace the objects that jump out at them, happily leaving everything else EAxis or letting default replacements handle the rest, than having to comb through a lot for every instance of missing CC.
And it’s interesting how even though my attitude towards CC in Sims 2 lots has flipped, I find myself in the exact same position I was in years ago now with TS4 instead. While I enjoy building in TS4, I don’t find myself coming back to it for the gameplay, so I don’t really want to spend money on any DLC for it since I won’t get my money’s worth. So while I make my own TS4 lots CC-free so I can put them on the gallery, I’m back in the position of preferring people would just use CC that I have the option to hunt down and download for myself than to require I own a bunch of overpriced EPs and SPs to play their lot.
Time is a flat circle, I guess!
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lilithpleasant · 10 months
some sims questions!!!!
tagged by @pooklet ty!!
What’s your favorite Sims death?
oh gosh, okay, tbh, in general idk if i have a favorite, i do like a classic death by old age just because it makes me feel accomplished, lol, but specifically i think it'd have to be the time forrest bonnet died of cardiac explosion the literal second i hit play once i finished building his house 😂
Alpha CC/Semi-realism or Maxis Match?
idk why but i am definitely more maxis match for ts4 and semi-realistic for ts2? it just feels RIGHT to me
Do you cheat your sims weight?
only for my story sims, in the spirit of keeping things semi-consistent between chapters, because i swear sim stede gains weight faster than any sim i've ever played, and sim ed often ends up TOO BUFF from all of his energized swimming 😂 other than that, i do not, i just let them do their own thing. i dont really use too many custom body shapes for ts2, but definitely coming back to it after playing with the diversity in ts4 has been a bit jarring, but also custom body shapes are a lot of work so. idk what the solution is!
Do you move objects?
is this a real question?
Favorite Mod?
HMMMMMMMMMM! i'd say ACR, the shiftable everything mod, and for ts4 of course ye olde wickedwhims 🤭
First Expansion/Game Pack/Stuff Pack?
idk whatever the first sims 1 ep was??? i think? my friend had it and we played it at her house in 4th grade (well, she played, i watched because she wouldnt let me actually play it, lol) and then my parents bought it for me that easter and ive been hooked ever since 😂
Do you pronounce live mode like aLIVE or LIVing?
living!!!!!!!!!! absolutely mindfuck to realize that some ppl DONT pronounce it that way 😂
Who’s your favorite sim that you’ve made?
ed and stede in ts4, altho i didn't TECHNICALLY make their bases, but i have done sooooo much to them and i am so attached they are like my children
prob val in ts2, lol, i am big on fandom sims i guess!!!!
Have you made a simself?
yeah!!!!! in ts2 and 4!
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Which is your favorite EA hair color?
uhhhhh, like, for ts4? probably a pink, ofc, lol. natural colors??? idk no preference!
Favorite EA hair?
this is so specific idk i mostly use custom hairs tbh
Favorite life stage?
young adult/adult in ts4 and adult in ts2 for sure
Are you a builder or are you in it for the gameplay?
oh both! i love gameplay but i also have to have it very aesthetically pleasing, if it's not fun for me to look at im not interested
Are you a CC creator?
yeeeeeee @ailuromancys
Do you have any Simblr friends or a Sim Squad?
@angelapleasant @dirk-dreamer @simper-fi are all sim friends who i have formed lasting irl friendships with 🥰 altho i am soooo bad at keeping in touch with ppl anymore and i feel so bad abt that, they are still my favorites
@pooklet is top tier as well!!! 😊
@emperorofthedark i know it's been ages but you also!!!!!!!
Do you have any sims merch?
Do you have a YouTube for sims?
oh my god, no. the way i alternate between normal speed and triple speed should be outlawed, i cannot imagine it would be any fun to watch AT ALL
How has your “Sims style” changed throughout your years of playing?
i think mostly i've gotten better at taking and editing pics? gos was pretty much my introduction to sims cc (with the exception of some sailor moon skins/heads i had for ts1 that my dad had to help me install 😂) so that had a HUGE influence on my style that i never really strayed from. i think i toned it down a bit in ts4, but at my core, i am still very neon/grunge oriented
Who’s your favorite CC creator?
@pooklet @skulldilocks currantpotpie @angelapleasant @dirk-dreamer @leaf-storm @simmer-until-tender do you see a theme here?
How long have you had Simblr?
2010 i think! holy shit.
How do you edit your pictures?
for tumblr i crop them to 800x500, use the honeycomb psd (with a vibrance layer added) and then use pooklet's sharpening action
What expansion/gamepack is your favorite?
HMMMMMMM. this is a tough one. possibly seasons for ts2? ts4 i cannot even say, because there are so fucking many lmfao it's disgusting 😂
taggin whoever wants to do this!!!!
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socialbunny · 1 year
A,I, V and X for the ask game :D
putting this under a cut bc i wrote that long thing abt bella goth lmaooo if tumblr lets me tumblr never lets me put shit under the cut the first time >:(
Favourite CC Creator
going to force myself to namedrop creators instead of just saying everyone you and roguebotanist for the mm hair retextures yall do, deedeesims, nikki platasp ofc bc she makes so much quality shit its crazy, anyone that does poppetv2 hairs bc i'm lazy sometimes <3, anyone that makes male clothing that isn't butt ugly (can't name a specific person lol a lot of male s4 clothes just look bad in ts4 and in ts2), io for unique and new clothes meshes, ummmm some other ppl i'm forgetting lmao im thinking too hard abt it and if i think too hard they really cant be my favorite huh? so yah
shoutout to all my mutuals tho that make cc <3 i love all u guys sm i just cant think of names for some reason <3333 i should probably just make an oldschool blogroll or follow forever :/ or some shit
Your Bella Goth Theories!
i wrote wayyyyy too much sorry this is more of a plot i have in my head than anything 😭
she did get abducted by aliens, but they all started freaking out due to kidnapping THE bella goth instead of that lame slut that nobody cares about 😒 they don't really need the flack of capturing a well-known person again. it makes what they do soooo much harder 🙄 so after panicking for a bit they just drop her ass right outside of strangetown fuck it.
congruently, daddy bigbucks and his bestie attorney lily gates are on their way to strangetown to start that bullshit ass show he makes, but this time on the way a wormhole opens up in the sky and the bigbucks from the end of the gba game (you know, when his shit ends up coming back to bite him in the ass), falls from the sky and causes them to have an accident, and the gba!bigbucks takes over their operation. they happen upon bella and take her hostage too, and really start monetizing on the "bella got abducted by aliens" story. merch, signs, ads in the paper, they bring on a look-alike bella to walk around strangetown and eat out of the trash act nothing like bella so ppl can talk and call the hotline they bought. really banking on this.
after some time passes and they're racking in a moderate amount of money, gba!bigbucks decides that the original idea he had with the strangetown reality show could work with pv/st/vv is in it too lets pretend there's a reason why it was incorporated. they have the money, the inkling of a plot that could go any way possible, all they needed to do was put that shit into action.
bella during all of this is just living lavish in bigbucks mansion. as time goes on the urge + guilt to go back to her family lessens more and more as the frankly fucked up reality tv plans grows. technically she's even more of star now than she was before, but she's more subdued to the public because she's never really cared about 'fame' in regards to the public. the only things she does now are be the "woman that got abducted" and show up in the show sometimes to stir some shit, and hang with her friends and make moneyyyyyyy. she gets to be beautiful and fabulous and gorgeous with few responsibilities and that's how its been for almost 20 years :3
ask me more abt this if anybody wants tooo i skimmed details in my head bc i realized i was stretching the word "theory" out.
How Did You Start Playing the Sims?
probably would have the same answer as here :)
Do you use the Lifetime or Career Rewards?
nooo i don't. they're just so boring to me and i always forget they exist tbh
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sapphosarchive · 1 year
I really struggle playing the sims 4 now. The glitches are irritating. It's beyond a joke. Glitches in the other games don't break the game or feel the same. My child sim looking like spaghetti in ts3 for 3 seconds once in a blue moon is fun, but the sims 4 has serious problems. I hate how even when I choose what pronouns I want the game to use, it STILL defaults to they/them every time. It's such a small thing but it irritates me lol. When I don't choose pronouns, it defaults to they/them. If I do, it still they/themifies my sims. I can't be immersed in the game because it feels so empty in comparison to the sims 2 and 3. I love sims 2 and 3, and despite the differences, I can be immersed in both of those games. Sims 4? I can't anymore. I just open the game and I feel so bored so fast. There's nothing to do for me. The sims feel so empty. I had to turn the wants and fears off because it was implemented so poorly. It's frustrating how things we ask for are implemented badly and don't work, so then you look unhinged when you complain about it. The wants are boring like "read a book." The sims themselves feel like empty shells with no personality. In the sims 3, the traits are incredible and the sims feel so unique and alive. Even sims with the same traits feel so different. The wants make sense. In the sims 2 the fears made sense and you had real consequences for going into aspiration failure. The sims 4 is also so.... PG? People would call it problematic if they brought the therapist back or the social bunny from ts2 and it's so annoying how they want to appease chronically online people in that way. As I said, I had to turn off wants and fears in ts4 because they don't work. My sim had a deadend job fear every other day, despite loving their job. And the thing is, the wants and fears still show up sometimes even when turned off! If my sim is flirting, they'll have a want to kiss the sim even though it's turned off. We have bars and lounges to go to, which is good, but the game still feels so empty. In the sims 3 the world felt so alive and it just doesn't feel that way in the sims4. The Sims 3 is my absolute favourite, and it's incredibly jarring to go to the sims 4 and see it. Sims 4 only expanded skintones in 2020, after massive outrage over a Black man being murdered by police in the US. I mean, how ridiculous is that? Sims 3 had a slider and you could make skintones easily. The sims team are forced to release things half finished, the code is messy, you need to buy so many expansions and game packs to get things that should've all come as one. The kits are ridiculous, the fact you had to pay for a halloween stuff pack to even be able to trick or treat because it didn't come with seasons is so sad too. It's just cash grab after cash grab and yet people eat it up because of the aesthetic. The game just feels like aesthetics and hollow beauty. Inside it's just so devoid of passion and care. It's so empty and lacklustre to me and I hate to say it and I also hate to sound like a broken record, but I can't ignore it anymore. Lately I just can't play the game anymore and it makes me sad. Things have shifted and something has changed. The game has so many bugs now that destroy and break it. Tiny things add up. I hate how they add things from packs into the base game, and re-use the same objects from other packs but add different swatches. They literally removed features from realm of magic. They were supposed to have cool eye colours the way vampires do but they removed it and never out it back? And no-one seems to have ever noticed? It's shit like that. I just can't enjoy it anymore.
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araliestrange · 1 year
I always want to build strip malls in game, but I always start them and forget to come back and realize half the stores are empty. Came back to this one today. It's a TS4 take on the Mirage Shopping Center from TS2 University. Clicky click. The inside looks better than the front.
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Grocery store and record/music store are almost done, besides adding some more deco signs and things. The red box on the left is going to be a clothing/thrift type store, and the yellow one on the far left is the café and maybe bookstore. I kept the layout basically the same as the original other than moving the bathroom to the back because I didn't have room in the middle. It looks better this way anyway. I thought this lot in Evergreen Harbor was a good choice for a strip mall that's barely hanging on because of the huge empty parking lot. I haven't committed to the window choices yet. Opinions welcome!
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I'm in love with the CC I used for these two shops. Shoutout to @ravasheencc @hula-zombie @aroundthesims @brazenlotus for at least 95% of it!! <3
More pics in like a month after I forget about this lot and come back to it for the third time lol.
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angelapleasant · 1 year
hello. wasn't your ts3 legacy called shadyside? i think it was uploaded on livejournal but i can't find it... do you know where i can read it? i had a blast reading it years ago!
yes! i'm shocked you remember it. i ended up deleting it because ts3 became so glitchy (like random washers and junk appearing in the middle of a field??????? and it wouldn't stop and would always come back when i deleted it??? LOL) i couldn't stand to use it and then i didn't like how my pics looked, i wanted to start over in ts2 or ts4 but could never get started then i was sad bc i couldn't get ts2 to work (finally did!!! glitchy and struggling but working if i baby it)
wow that was a whole lot of blah blah blah from me! i miss it though and it made me super happy to see that someone remembered and enjoyed it!
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fingertipsmp3 · 5 years
I’m downloading The Sims 4, so basically you guys may never see me again
#i’m just getting the standard edition/base game because honestly those expansions are EXPENSIVE and ya girl doesn’t have that kind of money#and i actually gave up impulse-buying for lent so i shouldn’t even be doing this in the first place lmao#but SERIOUSLY £39.99 per expansion??? the sims 2 would never#bitch i remember buying used copies of ts2 expansions from gamestation that were like £4 or £6#even new copies were around £12#i owned every single ts2 expansion & stuff pack back in the day and i’d estimate that my full collection cost me maybe £60#most expensive would’ve been the base game & pets but my parents bought me those anyway (i was 10)#and i think i preordered apartment life so that cost a fair bit#but most of the rest i bought used... i think i borrowed ofb from cal lol & i lent him pets#is my sims 2 favouritism coming through? i feel like it is#idk. i liked the original sims but there just wasn’t a lot to do if you only had the base game (which i did)#and the sims 3 is just not where it’s at. LOVE the colour sliders and patterns but the sims look like puddings#i just can’t get behind it. i can’t#i think ts2 sims look the best. you need to pile custom content on them but they still look the best#and i mean build mode is like.... the least said about it the better but the memories and aspiration system are SO good#i’m optimistic about ts4 though because i’ve watched so many let’s plays#and i think the sims look good and i’m curious about the controls and so forth#and the traits system and aspirations and such#i don’t like that there’s only 3 traits per sim. the traits system was one of the few things i liked in ts3#but i’m trying to keep an open mind#i’m also very aware that i won’t understand any of the controls so that’ll be fun#personal
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marsosims · 2 years
With the recent negativity in the community, I figured we could use some uplifting. So I’m asking simblr to pick a blog or two, (or more if you want) and say why they inspire you, or what you admire about them. Or simply.. Why you think they’re cool. Whatever your heart desires. Let’s just spread some good. :) ❤️
I think I've answered this with the ask game a few posts ago, but I thought I'd just talk about some of the people that have inspired me a lot in the community, even if they're not really active anymore.
Putting in a read-more because it's SUPER lengthy. I put a lot of people in there. I think I might have missed a few people though... I'm so sorry ksdfbjkj I'll update the post if I think of more people.
@llamaloaf: my number one OG inspo for literally everything! everything they did was always so pretty and i wanted to do the same for my sims lmao
@holosprite: GREATLY inspired my simstyle and my want to create CC. Wouldn't be where I am rn if not for their blog lol.
@noodlescc: love their palette + their glossy eyes. those eyes were my faves for like a good 4 years.
@treefish: i love their posts,, they're all so cute and colorful and just aaaaa
@simlaughlove: ALSO wouldn't be where I am today if not for their CC and the tutorial masterlist they made a few years ago. It's been invaluable to my growth as a CC creator.
@simplesimmer: I LOVED their disney collections. Obsessed.
@shespeakssimlish: the OG when it comes to renders in TS4. It was also through their frankenmesh tutorial that I learned how to actually make meshes lmao. LOVE the cc as well <3
@luumia: amazing CC + amazing gameplay screenshots. always a standing ovation from me
@servegrilledcheese: love love love their sims. whenever i see their sims in my feed i'm like whoa
@kingfakey: best renders in the whole ts4 community i fear. honestly always a slay whenever i see their edits.
@oatberrytea: their vibe is just immaculate and i just love seeing their screenies :D
@nenne-chuz: CUTE ASS SIMS
@aoifae: LOVE their gameplay posts and their sims in general!! I love it when I see their game on the dashboard :D
@ratboysims: their gameplay just gives me peace. whenever i see their posts, i know i'm in for a treat to the eyes.
@astystole: literally the nicest person on this world me thinks. idk how they do it.
@oshinsims: love their vibe, their videos, and their sims. i feel like a wave of calm washes over me when i watch their videos
@myshunosun: obsessed with their lookbooks and their cc. the cassandra goth lookbook had me gagged ngl
@shuu: made me want to play ts3 again... but i'm holding myself back.
@bbdoll: I LOVE THEIR SIMSSSS, they're always super cute :(((
@newbieacres: cute ass gameplay and sims :((
@jellymoo: their cc gives me TS2 vibes and i honestly have to stop myself from using their stuff always
@kumikya: i'm super obsessed with all of their releases :(( it's always so impeccable
@plumbobteasociety: their custom packs changed the world forever... i was obsessed with everything they released
@mlyssimblr: the pufferhead pack is and will always be iconic to me.
@/anubis360: bro I was obsessed with their clothing back in TS3.. ALL of my sims were wearing their stuff. No exceptions.
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murfeelee · 2 years
Check In Tag
Thanks @ktarsims​​ for tagging me here!
I’m still not dead--luckily, I’m in the home stretch; just two more weeks and the semester’s done! I just have about a zillion papers and exams to get through, FML, LOL.
Why did you choose your URL?
Cuz all I could think of was my frikkin name, like a baby idiot with no creativity.
How long have you been on tumblr?
Too effing long. 2023 will make 10 whole years, good grief.
Do you have a queue tag?
No, but I queue up everything anyways.
Why did you start your blog in the first place?
Cuz TSR was making me mad, and I liked the simblrs that were already here, and figured this was a great way to have some autonomy over how I simmed and shared content, without the peanut gallery yelling at me every stinking time I tried to upload something.
Why did you choose your icon/pfp?
It was part of a dumb silly little story I made for TSR back when Dragon Valley first came out, about how the gods blessed Sakura with a baby dragon. I reuploaded it on my simblr for the lulz. Don’t take it seriously, trust me, LOL.
Why did you choose your header?
It's from the same style of header/border I used way back in my TSR days.
What’s your post with the most notes?
My TS4 Rant - Still Unimpressed rant from back in 2015, jfc. It’s been HOW LONG since this wack AF mobile game in disguise was released? I can’t.
How many mutuals do you have?
How do we even tell anymore?
How many followers do you have?
A lot.
How many people do you follow?
Plenty. And I lurk even more.
Have you ever made a shitpost?
Sadly no; I’m not clever enough. U_U
How often do you use tumblr every day?
Barely at all lately; this new grad school I’m in is effing annoying; their numbers are woefully low, especially after the pandemic, so they’ve got me doing way too much work on crap that I don’t even specialize in; it’s really starting to tick me off. I didn’t come here for this crap.
Did you have a fight/argument with another blog once? who won?
I have stepped on soooooo many TS4 simmers’ toes, it’s hilarious. I’ve had EA sycophants and paywall apologists cuss me out in my PMs, IMs, reblogs, etc. I don’t engage--I post my rants for posterity, not to hash crap out with people. My beef is with EA directly.
How do you feel about ‘you need to reblog this’ posts?
My blog my rules. I reblog what i want, and post what I want, when I want.
Do you like tag games?
I lovelovelove questionnaires and games. I avoid tagging, because I’m always afraid I’ll leave someone out, and I don’t want people to think I don’t like them.
Do you like ask memes?
I don’t even wait around for people to send the asks--I always just answer all of them at once, LOL.
Which of your mutuals do you think is tumblr famous?
Tumblr famous and Simblr famous are 2 different things. I've had quite a few Simblr famous mutuals, but what even is being Tumblr famous anymore? O_o
Do you have a crush on a mutual?
No, but I am deeply in love with several simblrs’ art styles and gameplay aesthetics, in TS2, 3 AND 4. Pure chef’s kiss. So inspirational; I wish I had more time to sim, and try new things!
Thanks for reading!
I tag anyone; y’all know I can’t do this, pfft!
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From the recent Ask Game: 12, 14 & 16
Hi there! Thanks for these 🥰
12. What is your favorite feature that IS in The Sims 4?
I think the feature that really keeps me coming back to TS4 is the build mode. A few years back I tried to switch to TS3 and other than the general aesthetic (which is a huge draw for me too) I almost lost my mind trying to build in TS3. Also controversial opinion but I actually hate create a style. I’m a perfectionist so I go too hard trying to make everything match and I get too caught up in it. Plus, it doesn’t feel as realistic.
14. Why did you decide to start a simblr?
Well I used to write TS2 stories back in the day (as a preteen so lord I do not want to know what those were like lol) and share them online. But my current simblr was started to share my builds. I kind of abandoned that and had no intention to start it up again.
That started to change when I found RVSN’s ink for yourself mod. I was using this in game to write my NSB2 story and it kind of sparked my creative writing again. Then I started getting into historical simblrs here on Tumblr and I started just daydreaming up this story that eventually became The Darlingtons.
16. How do you choose names for your sims?
Like most people, lots of Google, especially since I want them to be historically accurate. I try to choose names that I felt like the sim parents would choose, and for the Darlingtons I often include the names of deceased family members to tie the generations together (like Rosella is named after Florence’s sister Rose and Zelda’s middle name is Adelia). But through all my different types of gameplay I do tend to go for more fanciful, old fashioned sounding names because that’s just my preference.
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cyberqueen-13 · 3 years
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I have always said TS4 is for CAS, Build Buy and the world. It's like, for gameplay, even though it's supposed to be a simulation game, sold with little to NO AI. TS4 is just not a good life simulation game if you want to simulate life. It's a dollhouse, which is what Will Wright almost named the game but he thought it would turnoff guys from wanting to even try the game so he called it THE SIMS, also because it turned out ppl cared about the sims more than just having a housefire and redecorating. TS4 IS TOO PERFECT EVERYTHING (except the bugs) AND THAT'S NOT LIFE. I'm not yelling, I'm drawing attention to the point of my comment, sorry. LOL bye now. Good review, always appreciate the truth even if it means EA needs to try harder. (I take that last bit back, I honestly think THIS is the game EA wanted. The guru Lyndsay in an interview said so much herself. In an interview, she said, she wanted her sim to be able to slap the sheet out of another sim and they just laugh about it. She wanted to be able to cheat on her partner and they just laugh about it, ha ha ha ha ha. I get the feeling Lyndsay must have really hated the previous versions of the game, being so true to life and having consequences for your actions. Oh well! Let's just slap the sheet out of Lyndsay and laugh about it together! LOL I'm just kidding, really! I'm totally joking, I just wanted to make ya laugh. Don't come for me. I mean absolutely nothing by that, just trying to be funny.) Look so many ppl love The Sims 4, mostly for building and for CAS and for the wonderful worlds. There are ppl that don't even PLAY in LIVE MODE. I truly feel that for THOSE players this IS the best version of The Sim. THOSE players are very happy and should be. The rest of us just have to sit back, cross our fingers and our toes, and hope that EA has a hard mode and easy mode in the settings for TS5. (Hard mode being like TS2 and TS3, where easy mode is like TS4 and everything is always rosy!) Rosy (adjective): promising or suggesting good fortune or happiness; hopeful.
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