#we are KILLING IT w this new computer
ofmdee · 1 year
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i'm back, babeeeeeeeeey!!!! hitting randomize in CAS shouldn't be nearly as exciting as it is, lol, but thank u geneticized stuff, binned unnatural hair, and default replacements i owe you my life
also @pooklet because damn i would not have had the motivation to do this w/o them 😂
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piebutt · 8 months
I have been patiently waiting for BG3!Nerri and I was not disappointed. Amazing. Beautiful. 10/10
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very glad also to fulfill The Need ♥ (they are too)
there's still a few things i'd like to finalize as far as like. colours go as well as smaller details (scars and what have you...very important) but for the most part the Basic Shapes are there and i am also very happy lol
might clean up some of the older pencil sketches cause i really like them....
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comradecowplant · 1 year
me buying an 8 year old game known to be the middest installment in the series & calling it treating myself
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the-broken-truth · 1 year
Leaving The Web [Part 2] - Platonic Yandere Miguel O'Hara w/ Daughter Symbiote Spider Reader
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Summary: It's been three months since you left Miguel and the Spider-Society to start a new life with Venom. So far, things have been going great. The universe seems to welcome a Spider-Woman protecting the streets of New York. However, Miguel seems to be struggling, and a strange occurrence brings him to your Earth. Will you consider giving him another chance, or has the Spiderling left the web for good?
[Earth-928 - Nueva York - Spider-Society]
"Father, check it out - I captured this Anolmany by myself!" Your smile was bright and hope radiated in our eyes, hoping for your father's praise - praise that he has denied you for the past 15 years but you remained hopeful that he would notice your effort and give you what you wanted for the longest time - his love. However, he didn't give it to you - he instead glared at you as if you were something grotesque and took the Anolmany to be placed with the others before walking away and leaving you and your shattered heart alone. He saw in the image that Peter came behind you and pulled up into a hug with Mayday.
"I should have done that for you, [Name]. I should have been the one to hug you and praise you for everything you had at such a young age, but I couldn't... No... I wouldn't. It's all my fault." Miguel said as he hung his head down, closing his eyes and telling the tears hit the table before him. "I failed you, [Name]; I'm so sorry."
"You should have said those things to her while she was still here. You don't get to pity yourself now that she is gone." Peter said behind Miguel on a lower platform while holding a sleeping Mayday in his arms.
"I know that, Peter; you're not telling me something I don't already know. I failed my daughter all because I had an issue with the woman who birthed her. It wasn't [Name's] Fault that she was born but I still took it out on her, now my daughter is gone." Miguel said as he wiped the tears from his eyes and turned to face Peter, who glared at the man he considered his friend. "Is there something you needed?"
"If you weren't such a horrible father, none of this would have happened. I mean, you left your daughter to steal the life of another you after he was killed and called your own daughter a burden."Peter said as he jumped up to Miguel's Platform, "But that's not why I'm here, you haven't been listening to Lyla's Hails; if you have, you would know that there is another Anolmany sighting on Earth-232. We need your help, Spider-Man 2099." Peter said to Miguel, who just nodded his head before materializing his mask and messing around with the Gizmo on his wrist, opening up a portal to Earth-232 and jumping inside without a second thought.
[Meanwhile - Unknown Earth]
The Black-Suited Spider-Woman zipped through the streets after the strange-looking creature that was giving the cop such a hard time to the point they needed to call you - apparently, it looked like the Vulture but the real Vulture was locked away tight and hadn't escaped prison. This was strange but then you realized that this Vulture was nothing but an Anolmany and if there was an Anolmany here...
"It will only be a matter of time before he or his goons arrive here to collect it. We need to deal with this and head away before they can see us." Venom said from the depths of [Name's] Mind.
"I know that, V. We'll have this wrapped up and back home before dinner." [Name] said to her Symbiote before arriving at the scene and getting into the fray. She shot webs at the other Vulture and started pounding on him before wrapping him up in the webs and placing him n the roof of a nearby building before turning to leave but it was too late. A portal opened up and Miguel along with a few Spider-People walked out and looked down at the trapped Vulture but Miguel was looking at you while you glared at him over your shoulder.
"There's a Spider-Woman here? I thought the computer said there was no Slpider-People in this universe." One of the Spider-People said but Miguel just walked over to you but stopped a few feet away when you lifted your hand, signaling him to do so.
"Don't come any closer, Miguel O'Hara. You have what you came for, now leave my universe and never come back." You warned him but he just looked at you and his mask disappeared and the tears in his eyes fell like rain.
"[Name], my daughter..." He started but you just shook your head at him.
"I'm not your daughter, Spider-Man 2099. I don't have a father just like I don't have a mother. They are dead to me. Take your Anolmany and leave; come before me again and there will be problems." You turned and shot a web at one of the building and was prepared to swing off when Miguel's hand wrapped around your arm, causing you to look at him with anger in your eyes. "Let me go."
"Mija, I know that you are angry with me but I can be a better father to you now; I have seen the error of my ways; please, come home with us." Miguel begged you but you just punched in the face with your feet hand, breaking his nose and making him let you go before you swung away from the scene before he could recover and follow you.
"You handled that rather well, [Name]" Venom said.
"Thanks, V. What do you want for dinner tonight It's our turn to pick. You said as you swung from building to building.
"Tater Tots and Chocolate." Venom purred, "Lots of chocolate."
"Deal, V." You said before disappearing from Migeul's View. Miguel stood there with his hand covering his bleeding nose and tears rushing down his face.
"Boss, was that your kid...the one that went missing?" One of the Spider-People asked causing Miguel to nod and close his eyes, "Man, she really hates you."
"I know...but I shall fix that soon enough. Now that I know where she is, she can no longer escape from me. Gather that Anolmany and let's get back home; I have some planning to do." Miguel said as he returned his mask and walked through the portal, 'I know where you are now, Mija; Papa will be there for you from now on.'
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brucewaynehater101 · 4 months
Was afraid of sending this ask until I recalled the wise words of Junko Kaname
“If you find yourself at a dead end and there’s no other options left, doing something the wrong way might do the most good.”
Plus I'm anonymous. I've got nothing to fear
Platonic Omegaverse AU based on "Back and There Again" by wolfsrainrules and your fic "Words Unspoken" on ao3 —WAIT WAIT WAIT!!!
toss in "Three Robins walk into a tower" by Law_10 plus the fic where Tim gets Surgeoned wings
Also there's some unreliable narration later in this ask which evolved into a fic lol
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Setup; Tim gaslights and lies to himself about Batman's abusive treatment towards him until he's forced by Jack to stop being Robin
When Stephanie comes along, he helps by giving her notes and recordings from his time as Robin, making up for where Batman lacks in training her himself
This leads to Stephanie learning and calling out just how bad his tenure as Robin was, being more distant with the Batfamily + professional-ish w/ Bruce
They try to spend as little time possible with the Bats for their own sakes from them on because the other would worry for them
While Tim doesn't have as much time as Barbara, he does presume an Oracle-like role for Stephanie to help her out
Stephanie also becomes quick friends with the Teen Titans. She's got Tim's seal of approval
Janet Drake dies. Tim is grieving and now he's stuck with Jack so he copes Batman style on the computer—
ooh nooooo. deadpanning??? that's just how I grieve, officer. I can't believe someone would kill my daaaad! who could have done such a thing? Oh you already have him detained and you're even imprisoning him in a whole 'nother state that isn't a revolving door! Thank you officer! You're my hero
Tim set things up so Cluemaster and Jack were unknowingly in the same area and Cluemaster accidentally killed Jack
But nobody is gonna figure that out. It's not like he did the deed!
And who else could advocate for the villain being jailed for life after killing a millionaire away from the New Jersey State itself than the new star of a CEO for Drake Industries, Edward Drake? The fact he works remotely from home and is insanely reclusive is totally irrelevant!
In unrelated news? Tim and Steph have become best friends who flip flip between who they have sleepovers with
Whoop! Suddenly there's two Robins running around often at the same time and they are manaces! Menaces to society I tell you!
Together they train to become the best Robin duo there ever was!
Oh no, I made this a "it gets better before it gets worse before it gets better fic" FUCK ME
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Titans Tower isn't crack like Three Robins. In fact all the Robins are screaming and crying at each other
"You stole my name!"
"You stole it from Richard first, how about you apologize for taking away the very name his own parents gave him!"
"It's not just about Robin but my place in the family dammit!"
"Why would you not come back already! The family misses you! We aren't even daughter and son! We're just unpaid interns at best! We could never take your place. they think you're dead but the spot is open for you if you ever come back! We never replaced you! We're here until you return!"
"Batman's a crazy kid beater Tim!" Steph's right but even with a support system, abuse does a number on ya
Alas, Jason is not seeing reason and while he gets bruised up and does it back, the two Robins at least didn't get beat as much as Jason wanted. Small mercies
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When Jason finally comes back into the fray, it's smoother than he expected. Weirdly enough, he hardly saw his Replacements in the Manor, but given he wants as little to do with them as possible? Small mercies
When Damian comes into the fray and tries to prove himself in the form of attacking both Robins? Proof that there's lots of cult deprogramming to do; but for Jason?
It's nice having demon brat around again. Dami understands what growing up in the League was like and the Replacements spend even less time around him when in the Manor. Any instances where they would usually be asked to interact face to face are done through voicemails or emails instead
Man, Tim must really be living up to Eddie Drake's image if he only sees him and Stephanie as Robins on the field now
Meh, for all he knows they're prancing around with the other bats
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It's his 16th Birthday
Stephanie is first and only to know
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Whenever Red Robin laments getting Spoiler's image tarnished in the super scene for good when it just could have just been his alone, she hounds him for it
As she does when he looks back to his time of cloning, thinking about their mutual lack of spleens instead of the dead
it's progress
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The Core Five of Young Justice sit together in silence. Typing together contingencies for when Batman enacts the third test and beyond
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"Demon brat," says Todd, ruffling Damian's hair
"Dami," says Grayson, trapping him in arms
"Son," says Father, says Pennyworth
The Replacements Father owes life debts to say "Robin," and nothing else until the public is upon them. Then they say "Wayne"
"Damian" when it is professional and polite West etiquette 
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It wouldn't be the first time a villain---Dynamics Master---came from another dimension
The second time they were fixated on biology
Or the third time their targets were Bats
Least of all a new permanent divide between Batman and his proteges came
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Jason hasn't let go since they got out
Neither the pups Replacements with each other
"Unhand me Todd!" Damian. His puppy fussed.
'Responsibility' Jason corrected himself. He kept him close to his chest
Didn't matter what Dami had to say. His scent betrayed him; distressed-puppy-scared-omega-help-please
Emoting through smell. Wouldn't be the worst thing in the world if it was just him and Damian
Jason didn't even realize when he started purring and rubbing his wrist against Damian's hair. Probably another "Dynamic" thing the villain raved about
Something about not wanting to be stuck in a world full of people unlike theirs, since this was the norm in their own
Damian yipped—his hearted melted, good god these Dynamics can't pick if their truth serums for thought or straight up liars themselves—as he buried his nose in the kid's hair, inhaling the smell of puppy-pack-omega-here-safe-and—
His nose scrunched with distress refusing to part from Damian
That wasn't right, it wasn't parting from him either
In fact it's been a chore to not gaze at the PUPS! Replacements the other side of the room
Replacements who would have long since left the room without a goodbye since all their checkups and duties were done for the day
Replacements who's gazes flicked between them and each other
And wore bandages over their wrists and necks
'Scent-blockers' he recalls the villain saying
Jason bared his teeth at them for a warning to— to— he had a pact to protect
Red Robin and Spoiler jumped to their feet and ran out the room, forgoing closing the doors, not once letting the other's hand go
. . .
For some reason, he and Damian's scents felt worse than ever before
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Brown and Drake don't say his name anymore
that is if he ever sees them at all outside of Robin
They don't appear in high society either. Father said they made a scene about faking responsibilities, injuries, and sickness to get out of dealing with elites forever
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"That villain really did a number on you, didn't he Dami?" 
"I remain unshaken!" Damian announced, wrapping fresh scent-blockers around his wrists
When the Manor's doors opened to reveal Jason—wearing blockers himself—Damian was already running towards him, not locking back at Dick until he spoke again
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Another alien invasion—one needing all hands on deck—done with. All that was left
And barking a warning at the Replacements to not get up in his personal space
"Man, not even their teammates want them," he swore he caught a rookie hero say off-handedly, "and they're still allowed in Young Justice?"
But practically everyone was here catching their bearings, so in case he misheard it
"Hey, hey! I heard you talking about Spoiler and Red, right?"
The rookie turned to him, "You mean the nutcases?"
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'Ever-constant despair' Cassandra had to say about the pups Replacements when Jason's hand started hovering over his phone
Alfred had commented on a trend from before the villain where they barely appreciated their meals without the other with them, otherwise they deigned for quick, efficient meals
afterwards it became impossible to get them to eat anything at all without the other with them
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For the first time, Jason felt unfulfilled from Dick's octopus hugs. He was slowly and painfully spenting less time cuddling Damian now and he still didn't feel as hollow.
He grumbled in a way that came with being an 'Omega' and Dick didn't vocalize back. He didn't smell anything but chemicals from Richard— everyone actually
Jason felt hollow
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Once when Jason met up with Damian after the kid changed his blockers
He whiffed Misery
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It was during a drug bust that things really went downhill. That Jason realized he couldn't do this anymore
It was the usual. Drop in. Stop the operation. Pack things up; just with the added downside of his stronger sense of smell making drugs stink like never before—even through his helmet
Spoiler—who came in on a short notice—seemed to have the same problems, coughing like there was no tomorrow.
He could almost swear to hearing keens of all things in between her fit as she shook violently in a way he hardly saw her do
Unmasking wouldn't be an option until the Cave, so she seemed to settle for placing a hand on the bandages on her throat
He placed a hand, on a crate for support. The drugs smelled awful, sure, but to render him dizzy? It was strong, but not that much
It was then that she noticed the blood on her hand which came from blood splattered on the bandages earlier
"Shit— do you mind if I swap out my blockers quick Red Hood?" She wiped down her glove for as much blood she could
"I'm not your boss Replacement."
She scrambled to grasp for her pockets and used her now less-bloodied glove to unwrap the bloodied bandages
'Great' he wanted to spit out 'I can smell you through my helmet and your costumes.'
Instead he got hammered with the puppy-alpha scent of pup-in-danger-not-safe-omega-hates-me-help-save-me
Jason wasn't even sure he could keep himself still, but he did it. It didn't matter if his brain was rewired or scent glands got grafted onto him, he was the master of his own body—!
He can't do this anymore, he can't—
nobody one else for sure
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Jason was going insane
He entered the cave to see Batman on the Batcomputer, but that wasn't what he was focused on, unwilling as it was
Stephanie might as well be clinging to Tim's shoulders for life, looking at the screen of the laptop he typed on
The two had forgone their blockers, forcing their scents to mix and mingle in the air, drowning the place in together-alone-pups-alpha-omega-miserable-together as he picked up bits of a discussion between about about 'dynamics' and a 'syringe' together
Tearing through his skull however was their frequent keens of miserable-pack-hates-us-we're-not-safe-here
Unseen by them was Damian, stiff if not for the movement of breathing and the gazes of oh god that was longing
Jason used all of his willpower to not tear off either of their blockers and he took Damian's hand
Try as he might, he couldn't resist keening in response to his pups. His response making the others stop barely made him feel better
Jason was going insane
He has to put an end to this
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With even Barbara having to go offworld, Batman entrusted Tim with keeping charge of Gotham
After Batman left, he couldn't be faster in delegating some of the job to Jason, shakey as his limbs were
The back of Jason's brain tingles with deja vu seeing the sorry sight that is Timothy
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A hospital in Gotham admitted a new patient
Days later, word hit the streets that Joker was good as dead, a vegetable for life, if only for the bare minimum brain activity and heartbeats keeping him going
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'For once,' Jason thought as he stocked up his chosen safehouse to hunker down in, 'The Bat was right but too late in not entrusting me with unclipped wings'
He would do anything to make Gotham more peaceful than it's ever been for this string of months. Even pull every favor he had to get it done
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"Pack everything you want to keep more than anything in your suitcase pup. nothing for keeping face, we're going to be alone"
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"Steph! Red Hood betrayed us, it was a false alarm. Alert the on-world Bats and—!" Scent withdrawal was a nasty, nasty thing if a hug and an older omega's scent was all it took to knock the pup out
Omega-protector-here-you're-safe-now-pup wafted through the air yet unable to purge the misery-alone-unsafe clinging to them both
Jason would rectify that soon
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Stephanie had been on her wits end and her mind frayed alongside Tim's in ways everyone and thing else would envy
Today that thread of sanity snapped. She had no pack—she can't trust anyone—Tim needs her!
The Drake Manor acquired a broken window, which the super-computer stored in it's secret bunker promptly noted for repair. no girl or boy would see it for a time
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Deep in the Batcave, Cassandra gazed at the syringe full of fluid
A syringe which would be innocuous if not for it being locked in a suitcase that needed a mix of Tim and Steph's Dynamic vocals and pheromones to activate
Something achieved only after intense trial and error, prediction of randomly timed password lockouts, and guesswork on what clips of the two making sufficient audio were Dynamic vocals, and which of their items retained enough pheromones to trick the technology it was fresh from their wrists
Included with the syringe were documents of its nature
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Danger!-unsafe-unwanted-pack-where-are-you-please-don't-kill-me flooded the room after Tim caught sight of Damian and Jason
The omega chuffed, pack-omega-here-pup-you're-pack
An omega-puppy's keen, i-don't-get-it-confused-you-hate-me
A puppy's yip, omega-is-safe-protector-pack-scared-unsafe?
"You're safe pup," Jason crooned, combing his fingers through the teen's hair, "You belong to my pack and so will Stephanie, nobody, not even we'll hurt you."
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All the desperation in the world couldn't get Stephanie to escape a Red Hood who'd spent the last months studying their battle tactics endlessly
And even more months packless meant a new pup in the roster led to him purging the air of anything but his scent of precious-pups-you're-my-pack-i-love-you
Tucking his new pup in the nest, he did a round of checking on the safehouse's security, then his nest, making sure the pack was sleeping comfortably. He scented them again for good measure
Exhaustion wore on his bones. Wrapping his arms around Stephanie as Tim did Damian
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Something was coming, Jason shot up, longlearned in trusting his gut, and as the only grown pack member? It fell onto him to protect them all
He froze at the approaching scent of a beta-pup, another pup, but how?
He heard the mechanisms of the front door unlocking and locking again, and waited for what was coming
The scent drew his gaze to Cassandra's eyes, Cassandra who was waffing lonely-packless-beta-pup-i-want-my-pack-confused
No matter, Jason made room in the nest for a fourth pup, and chuffed for her to come in
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Jason has maybe a year left of three of his pups being pups according to their Dynamics until they're full-fledged adults
All those months before they stewed in misery because he let their pride and societal expectations trump it all
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"The syringe" is all Cassandra has to say about her sudden dynamic
As Tim confesses, those three Young Justice members had wanted to do something about Stephanie and him withering away
The solution? Reverse engineer their own biology to craft a more autonomous means of gaining a dynamic
Jason huffs that he and Dami weren't their first pick
That being said, he isn't saying no to three more pups
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Word rapidly spreads that the Batman's baby birds were spirited away by Red Hood
Even quicker is their meta status of the same vein
Asking strangers "Would you rather get caught doing child-involved crimes by Red Hood, or laying a scratch on his pups?" becomes a viral sensation much like Man vs. Bear
Rogues throw their hands up once Wonder Girl, Superboy, and Impulse join the fray of Red Hood's adoptees
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When the Bats return back to Earth, they find those who stayed have not only cut contact with the rest of the world outside of Gotham and Young Justice, but have dragged Young Justice to join in on pushing their new isolationist policities to their absolute limits
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When Batman discovers photos of the Joker's mauled and unrecognizable body have gone viral on Twitter, he's dissapointed at his own surprise as how easy finding the details were
All he had to worry was verification, which was simple enough
When the hospital's data shows that it was done with claws and teeth, unrecognizable pheromones matching just one boy he knows
Jason grins at him, omega canines on display
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Is it Batman's business if his pups hand over a syringe and their favorite hoodies to a precious little light down two parents to Joker Gas?
Jason thinks not
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I accidentally made a fic
How did this happen? Oh well then
Extra Notes
This was just meant to be a Jason & Damian & Damian thing but then Stephanie and Young Justice and Cass snuck into the nest
And this transforming into a fanfic that was semi-jason-centric wasn't on my bingo but lol
Also rip if you dunno wtf the omegaverse is lmao
Even if Joker is out of the game, Jason couldn't prevent his inventions from getting out there and being reverse engineered and being distributed, hence how Duke's parents still took the L
Now a little Jason think piece
In Canon, he's arguably just as guilty as Bruce for Joker's crimes and victims after he doesn't kill him then and there
Arguably because he cares more about Bruce than the victims and collateral of Joker's deeds
Jason in a position where more than ever, he sees family and community as his world, to the point it's need to live on a psychological level? Threats cannot be allowed to exist
Or at least be able to do anything meaningful for as long as they still live
Joker is at the top of that list. And if Jason can come back from the dead? So could he. What to do?
You only need a beating heart & brain activity to live, and Batman won't let him his long time nemesis die, even as a mercy
I'd present more questions and ideas that didn't get into the final product and do another round of editting but my computers gonna die now lol
Go crazy, go stupid about my ask everybody
Alright! I do in fact know what the omegaverse is. I don't particularly like it for a variety of reasons, but some of the concepts are cool. If I wanted to have similar enough dynamics, I typically read shifter AUs. They have the pack bonding, the scent shit, the different instincts, etc. without the stuff I don't particularly like (depending on how it's written, ofc).
The stuff I loved about this fic/AU:
Fixed Tim and Steph's dynamic in a way I didn't know I needed. Fuck yes to them supporting each other through their Robin years instead of being pitted against each other.
Steph and YJ bonding
Steph and Tim continuing to support each other even through the BruceQuest
Steph and Tim bonding over how fucked up Bruce was to them during their Robin years
The hc/au that Tim becomes an Oracle-like support to Steph's Robin
The hc (kind of canon-ish) that Jason and Damian met in the League
Jason adopting everyone including Cass and YJ and Duke
I am curious about Dick and where he is in all of this. Also, it wasn't quite clear to me who was affected by the omegaverse stuff. Everyone who was adopted by Jason was, but is there anyone else besides that villain?
Two notes you made at the end that were impactful:
Jason is complicit in Joker's murders after he doesn't kill the Joker
I think that is dependent on Jason's characterization. If, how it's often portrayed in canon/media, he cares more about Bruce's actions/reactions than justice, then this is true. On the other hand, Jason may be unable to kill the Joker due to a vicious concoction of trauma, fear, Bruce, and circumstances. It would be understandable (and a great angst/conflict point) if Joker is the only person Jason is unable to kill. He wants to, by everything he is does he want to, but he can't. If anyone wants me to expand, send an ask.
"Batman won't let his long time nemesis die, even as a mercy"
This is the type of Dark Bruce I want to see. My gods, I would kill to see a fic where Bruce views murder as a mercy, too permanent, and too forgiving. This Bruce wants to force villains, rogues, heroes, civilians, etc. to work for their redemption. If they die, how are they going to make amends? What good is atonement if the only one to witness it is God and the dead? What good is forgiveness given by those unaffected?
I'm not saying this is an okay or decent mindset (hence why it's Dark Bruce). I'm just saying it would be cool to explore a Bruce who refuses to kill for entirely different reasons. Instead of it being too far, him being worried about never stopping, or him not agreeing morally, I would fuck with a fic where he doesn't kill so he can make people pay for as long as he wants.
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euphreana · 6 months
The Shape of Truth - Chapter 1: Mercy
Chapter 1 here we go - written in collaboration with @bitsy83! (Also available on ao3 here!)
Ambrosius was there when the sword went off. The deadly blast caught everyone by surprise - Ambrosius barely had a moment to think before grabbing his sword. It was a moment though, just long enough for him to gather his wits and knock the sword from Ballister’s hand before anyone else got hurt, Ballister included. The sword fell to the ground, sparking as it disintegrated into pieces. Ambrosius and Ballister stared at it, then at each other in shock. Then the guards leapt into action. Ballister was so stunned he didn’t fight back when they pinned his arms behind his back and forced him to his knees.
“I didn’t do it.” his voice was barely audible over the noise of the stadium. Then the guards started dragging him away, past the stunned cadets, back into the tunnels below the Glorodome. “I DIDN’T DO IT!” he shouted, finding his voice. “SOMEONE SWITCHED MY SWORD!”
Ambrosius had watched in shocked silence. There was nothing else he could do.
~ ~ ~
The queen was dead. It was all over the news. Killed by the commoner knight himself. What remained of the blaster-equipped sword was locked away as evidence while The Institute investigated the event. Everyone was saying it was an open-and-shut case - replicas of famous swords were easy to get, and Ballister could have easily gotten one and hidden an energy weapon in it. Why was the question that was bothering Ambrosius.
He’d read the write-ups explaining the psyche of the ‘deranged, previous street urchin who’d snapped under stress’, but he’d known the man for over a decade - the profile didn’t fit. Ballister wasn’t a murderer… unless the last ten years had all been an act. Had their friendship been a facade? Had Ballister been planning this for years? Was this his revenge on a system he felt had mistreated him for so long? Or had he been telling the truth on the night of the murder - that someone had switched his sword out, that he’d been set up? But then who had done it? Some terrorist faction that was just now showing itself? The kingdom had been peaceful for decades, why would something surface now?
Ambrosius needed to make sense of this. He trusted The Institute to take care of it, but impatience was getting the better of him. He’d asked for visitation rights several times in the days since the Queen’s murder, but each time he’d been denied. That man was a raving lunatic, they’d told him, and he needed to be kept calm and isolated.
That wasn’t what the dungeon’s camera feed was showing. Ambrosius sat back in his chair in The Institute’s security room, perplexed. The feed showed Ballister looking dejected, sitting in a cell, sometimes pacing, but mostly just… sitting there, not saying a word. No mad ravings like the guards had described. Ambrosius fast-forwarded the feed. Hours of footage, all showing the same thing; nothing. The guards were lying. Why? Why was nothing adding up?
Ambrosius turned away from the computer, rubbing his head. Staring at big screens always made his eyes hurt. Smaller screens, not so much. He flicked his phone open. A news article flashed on the screen; ‘Breaking News: Ballister’s Written Confession Revealed’. Ambrosius blinked. When had that happened? He’d already skimmed through the bulk of the security camera footage from the last few days, and he hadn’t seen anyone go to interview him.
He tapped the article. Sure enough, there it was. A confession of murder, along with enough broken grammar to convince anyone that the author had lost it. Ambrosius stared at the screen until his eyes hurt again. Why would Bal implicate himself if he'd said he was innocent? Now with a confession made clear, all that was left was the sentencing, and there was only one punishment for murder in the kingdom; death.
Years of feelings began to surface - the times they’d stayed out late getting nachos, the times Bal had comforted him when his parents had died - so many experiences built on love and trust. Ambrosius didn’t want to believe Ballister was a murderer. He didn’t want to lose him. He couldn’t lose him.
Ambrosius got up. The article had mentioned the sentencing would be that evening. There was something he could do - he’d heard of an old custom that someone of noble blood or of high status could call for mercy on a convict - not a full pardon, but a punishment could be lightened. As Gloreth’s direct descendant, Ambrosius could get a judge to give a lifetime of house arrest over hanging… if it was still valid.
Ambrosius headed to the court building. They would know if he could declare mercy and how. If he hurried, maybe he could save Bal’s life.
The receptionist knew about the custom, but didn’t know if it was still legal or who would handle it. It hadn’t been done in decades. She made some calls to different departments to see. Ambrosius dug his nails into his palm every time a call turned out fruitless. Time was ticking away. Time he didn’t have.
Finally, they found the answer; the custom was still legal. Better yet, they found out who would handle the proceeding - someone in the judicial building across the campus. There would be paperwork involved. Ambrosius hated paperwork.
Ambrosius didn’t say who he was pardoning, but he could see the confusion on the clerk’s face when he handed him the sheaf of necessary papers. There was only one person in line for sentencing, and who would pardon an obvious murderer?
Ambrosius sat in the lobby and pored over the forms. He needed proof of his lineage. He needed the exact charges against Ballister. He needed the name of the judge. So many fields. So many signatures. He didn’t have time for this! Maybe he could get the first page done, declare mercy, say he’d missed a page, and then finish the rest afterward. Anything to stall the proceedings long enough to get it all filled out.
The records building was his first stop. It wasn’t far, just a few minutes walk. Ambrosius jogged across the campus green. How much time did he have left? He glanced at a nearby clock tower. Then he froze.
In the distance, there was a black flag flying above the judgment tower. The papers in Ambrosius’s hands crinkled as he tightened his grip. A black flag meant an execution was in progress. He’d missed the sentencing.
Ambrosius broke into a run. Forget the paperwork. He’d declare mercy on the spot and worry about that later. But he needed to get there. He needed to get there NOW!
People hurried out of his way as he tore through side streets and courtyards. He ran, his pulse pounding in his ears. The flag was still at full mast. He could see the front doors to the tower in the distance, two guards out front.
The guards stepped in front of the doors as he approached.
“Closed event. Nobody else allowed in.”
Ambrosius didn’t stop. “Let me in! I need to mercy—”
“No one. Else. Allowed.” The guard stated again.
Ambrosius rushed them. It almost worked - they hadn’t expected that from Gloreth’s descendant. He’d nearly gotten his hand on the door handle when they grabbed him and shoved him backwards. Ambrosius didn’t relent. He pushed back, digging in his heels, reaching past them for the handle.
“Let me in!”
His fingers touched the handle briefly. Then he found himself thrown onto the ground, paperwork falling from his hand.
“Don’t make this difficult.” a guard growled.
Ambrosius was back on his feet in an instant, frantic.
“Or what?! I am a knight! Descendant of Gloreth!” He charged again, this time trying to grapple a guard.
“That doesn’t matter.” The other guard grabbed Ambrosius from behind. “Closed event. Direct orders.”
Ambrosius landed on his back again, his head hitting the pavement. He looked up at the sky for a moment, dazed. The black flag. It was being lowered.
The tower door opened and a reporter stepped out, absently scrolling through a notepad. The guards moved to let her pass. Ambrosius seized his chance and barrelled through the opening, past the guards, into the courtyard.
His voice echoed off the walls, startling the audience in front of the gallows. Everyone turned to look at him. Ambrosius charged through the crowd, ignoring them. The gallows looked empty. Where was the convicted?
“I declare mercy!” He shouted again, pushing his way to the front. Then he froze. He could see the base of the gallows now. A tower worker was working the noose off an all-too-familiar figure laying in a crumpled heap on the ground.
Ballister Boldheart was dead.
Chapter 2
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phlurrii · 10 months
Out of curiosity, what does the psychic cat fam exactly do out there? (This doesn’t have to be exclusive to just now, also could have been just Meau, Noe, and Mew) Aside from vibing. They live in a paradise where food isn’t a concern and nothing with a brain would try to hurt them. Do they play fight? Teach the youngin’s their future jobs? Have games? Maybe some swipped books to read? Explore the world outside of their tree for funsies? See who can steal as many goodies from human society without getting caught?
I know it’s silly but I like the “filler” of things. To think about what characters are doing when the “plot” isn’t being progressed. It’s part of why I like the slice-of-life genre from time to time. Life isn’t always an adventure or fight against some opposing force, but it can still be fun!
I agree, I’m honestly a bit upset with myself, given how long each update takes I never noticed I wasn’t adding in enough filler. Something I plan to fix once we’re in Noe’s arc, as we are sadly, or luckily? Way too close to beginning it to shove any sudden filler in. For now I’m blaming it on first time story telling and having to do art school on the side X3
As for the gang, Meau did fly a little bit off the handle due to not having a lot of stimulation when she was younger before Noe showed up. As for what they did/do, for reasons that’ll become clear later; they mostly talked in the early days!
She would show off her creations, abilities, transformations, and forming ecosystems to him. He would ask about as many questions as one would with a new world and she thrived off it. They would watch other Pokémon’s life in secret like it was a soap opera, sometimes intervening to make it more interesting or admittedly have it lean towards the ending they wanted. Usually betting and taking opposing sides as to what would happen.
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Battling is a particular big one for Meau, she loves to get down and dirty with other legendaries and mythicals even if she has the power advantage. Most often fighting with her brothers, she wouldn’t be above transforming into the Pokémon she was fighting to even out the playing field, or even change her type so she was inherently weaker to it. It’s why she’s never been against human with their Pokémon battles, battling is an innate part of her creations and herself.
Missingno. on the other hand loves to explore, even with his age, he knows the world is in a constant state or change and ventures off on his own to explore it. He’s not nearly as against humans as Meau and has explored their cities and settlements. Most intrigue by their computers/technology nowadays and how he’s able to to interact with them. Meau has explored with him on occasion, but prefers to stay away.
I’d also imagine they like to race in very difficult conditions. High up in the atmosphere or just outside in the actual vacuum of space. Deep in the ocean, forcing them to make their own path through rock and stone. Which probably pisses off the weather trio invading all 3 of their areas, but that leads perfectly into the next one.
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They love to piss off the other legendaries, because… well, what can they do?
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There has been more then on tropical storm, tsunami, volcanic eruption, and general disaster caused by the Ancients pestering another powerful legend. Lastly, they sleep, if the current time is too boring, peaceful, or simply there is nothing to do that interests them… they’ll sleep for a couple thousand years.
As for more current day stuff, it’s much tamer since Bucket was taken, Meau woke up from a much needed thousands years nap to a very different world. Humans had well established themselves even further, technology exists, and they can clone/create pokemon. So she is staying in the tree with her suddenly growing family, just to watch. She wants to know what everything’s up too from a distance given they’ve somehow managed to trap and almost kill another mew, make a Mewtwo, and possibly a second one.
So she’s just always watching human society from the tree, whilst also teaching and nurturing Odysseus. He spends more of his time exploring the tree and occasional testing out powers. With Meau’s assistance. The trees massive and filled with Pokémon, so he’s got quite the endless bit of entertainment. Decamark is the newest edition and thus follows a lot of what Ody does! Though Noe has been poking them, figuratively, with a stick to figure out what he’s capable of.
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saragarnier · 6 months
A living nightmare || pt 2
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Summary: y/n got kidnapped and raped and detective Halstead finds her assaulter.
Warning; angst, mention of sex assault, mention of rape, gun and shooting.
English is not my first language so there’s might be some mistakes!
Previous part
After being brought to the hospital by Detective Jay Halstead, you were healed and they made the rape test on you.
Some days after, you were called by the police to help them finding other evidence to be able to find the guy who did that to you. You were happy the help them, especially if that meant seeing the guy who raped you multiple times behind the bars.
You passed those days without sleeping well and every night you woke up because of a nightmare; you were so done with that, you just wanted to move on and be happy again but it was not easy at all.
When you entered the police station again that day, you immediately remembered the first day you went there and how you felt when you read “police” outside. You were so relieved, you were relieved because you felt like you were safe.
Being surrounded by police officers were helping you feeling safe and you were grateful for what they were making for you, for how they kept searching for your attacker.
“Hi, i’m here to meet Detective Halstead.” You said to the same woman who welcomed you the first time; she didn’t recognized you though, maybe because the last time she saw you, you were bleeding, with all your clothes ripped. “I’m y/n y/l/n, he told me to come here and to make an official statement about what happened to me some days ago.”
Trudy Platt was looking at something on his computer, then she raised his head to look up at you, listening to you carefully. “You have to meet Detective Halstead, uh?”
You just nodded, feeling a little bit nervous.
“Y-Yes.” You repeated again, looking at her. “He told me to come here and…”
“Y/n! It’s okay Trudy, she’s with me.” Jay said, getting down the stairs and walking towards you. “I’m sorry, i forgot to tell you.”
Trudy Platt shook his head slightly, then sighed. “Well, if that’s so… but next time make sure to inform me, Detective Chuckles.”
Jay laughed at the nickname, then he invited you to follow him upstairs; you followed his instructions and got upstairs with him at your side.
“I’m happy to see you better.” He said, smiling softly. “Come with me, we can have a coffee in the meantime. You just have to sign some papers where i reported all your words about what happened to you. You have to read it and tell me if something is wrong, then we can add something if you remembered anything else in these days.”
Jay took you into the break room, where there was a fridge and a coffee machine; he took two cups and he filled them with some coffee, offering you one. You accepted, smiling softly at him and drinking some of it.
“Did you find out something about the man? Do you have some clues?” You asked, hoping for some news. You tried to understand something about it when you got upstairs, but you couldn’t see something useful on the white board. You just saw some pics of a few women and others about some dead bodies.
“We think he’s not just a rapist.” Jay said, inviting you to sit down at the table and placing an hand on your shoulder. “We think, actually, that you escaped from a serial killer we’re looking for in these days.”
You were shocked.
You didn’t know what to do, you didn’t know how to act, maybe because you just couldn’t believe it, maybe because it was easier to think that all he said to you was fake, that he was not really going to kill you.
Jay sighed, caressing your shoulder and trying to reassure you; he perfectly knew that it was difficult for you to accept that, he knew that you gone through hell and that you were still hurt, but you also needed to know all the truth.
“We found three women dead in the last three weeks. They were kidnapped on Friday’s night and found dead on Monday night. The time of the assaults coincides with your kidnapping. We don’t know much more about that guy, no one saw him kidnapping them and there was no DNA or trace of him on their bodies: he cleaned them before killing them. The DNA we got with your rape test was the most important evidence we’ve got so far. That’s why you’re here. We have to catch him at all costs, we think he’s searching for his next victim and we don’t have time to wait.”
You looked at him, trembling with fear. How could it be true? How could someone rape and kill women for no reasons at all?
“What do i have to do?” You asked, wanting at all costs to help them finding him.
“First of all we want you to help us knowing every single thing he did to you before kidnapping you, it’s very important because we can use that information to understand if someone else is in danger. Second of all we should stepped back again on what he did to you. How long did he take to bring you to his place? There ware some rumors you can recognize? Maybe some cars or a train?”
Your minds kept running to that days but you were still confused about some things; you didn’t slept, you didn’t eat or drink and you still couldn’t say if everything you remembered was true of you were just imagining it.
“Okay, we can start with that if you’re okay.”
You imm nodded, sighing heavily and watching Jay get up to take a notebook and a pencil. Before he could even ask you the first question, you were interrupted by three men that were standing at the door frane. One of them wore a badge at his belt while the other two were just wearing nice suits.
“Jay, there’s the lawyer here with his assistant. I told them that’s not the right moment but they want to make sure that she’s reliable.”
Reliable? Why shouldn’t you be reliable?
Even Jay was pissed; he was about to say something but the other detective just shook his head, whispering to him that he was sorry but that there was no escaping from that.
“I’m sorry.” Jay whispered to you, then he sighed heavily. “Thank you Adam, i’ll deal with it.”
You were still on your chair, confused.
Why should they think you weren’t reliable? You were the victim there and you did nothing wrong, you were raped for days and now they were thinking that you lied?
What the hell was happening? Why the lawyers were there?
You watched Jay exiting the room and closing the door behind him; he spoke with the lawyer and his assistant animatedly, trying to convince them to go away and let him deal with it alone, trying to explain them that you were still shocked and that you didn’t need any more pressure, but they didn’t seem to change their ideas so easily.
Jay shook his head, disappointed and against it; he wanted to protect you from all of that and he just couldn’t.
When he opened the door again, he looked at you with a soft smile: you knew that something was wrong but you trusted him. As long as he was with him, you could have accepted everything, even being accused of not being reliable.
“We have to move to the interrogation room with the layers and you’ll have to explain everything to them; they have to understand if we can legally connect your rape with the victims we found dead. It’s okay for you?”
You just nodded and got up, then you followed them into the same room you were when you talked with detective Halstead the first time; you sat down and you looked up at them.
“Where do i have to start?” You asked without any problem. You were relaxed after all: Jay was with you and you just had to repeat everything again, nothing to worry about. After all you kept dreaming about that in the previous night and everything was still clear in your mind, you just needed to talk about it with them too, right?
What should have gone wrong?
“I’m Chicago Personal injury lawyer and i’m here just to confirm if we can legally assume that your rapist is related to the bodies the detectives found in the previous weeks, okay? My assistant here pointed out that the Defense could have work on the fact that, when you were found, you were not healthy. You didn’t sleep, eat or drink for what the detectives told me and in these cases is normal to just… confuse some details.” The layer spoke calmly and, after that, he made a quick nod to his assistant, that took a notebook and started writing, mumbling something.
“Yes, i’m writing it down, sir.” The assistant said.
When you heard that voice you just froze; your body reacted before your mind could have elaborated it; you started to tremble in fear and you eyes immediately went to his hands, the only part of him that you were able to see before he blindfolded you.
“Can you tell me what happened before being kidnapped?” Asked the lawyer while his assistant kept writing something on the notebook, just giving you a rapid look; you didn’t see his eyes before but you were perfectly sure that he was just telling you to keep your mouth shut. You knew that, you knew that he was silently threatening you to stay silent.
You didn’t know what to do.
You didn’t know what to say.
You felt safe in there when you were with detective Halstead and then he was just letting you in the same room you your assaulter?
You thought you could have trusted him and the rest of his unit.
You thought you could have trusted every single cop in that building and then they just let your assaulter entering the same building, sitting right in front of you after he raped you multiple times.
Why you?
You wanted to scream, to yell, to tell Jay that it was him, that the killer they were searching for was in that same room with you all but you couldn’t. You just couldn’t.
How could you?
You were terrified.
“I wasn’t kidnapped.” You finally said, lying. You heard detective Halstead whispering something to himself but you kept going, without letting him saying anything. “I wasn’t kidnapped or raped. I’m sorry. I just made it all up to cover my absence from work, that’s it.”
You didn’t look at him, you didn’t look at the guy that raped you but you could steel feel his gaze on you and you were still shaking because of it.
It was a living nightmare, a nightmare you thought you had escaped from.
“Y/n… what are you saying now? That’s not true! I saw you on Monday! You were shocked, hurt and covered with your own blood!”
You shook your head and you got up, stepping back and trying to add as many distance as you could from him. You just wanted to go home and forget everything.
“It was part of the show okay?! I needed to look credible!” You lied again, stepping back when he walked towards you to understand what was happening.
Jay didn’t understand why you changed your version, you were still on the same page before the arrival of the lawyer and then you just changed it, you just admitted you lied. But how could you really have lied about it? Jay saw you, jay knew that something bad happened to you the exact moment he saw you inside that room.
When you stepped back, away from him, Jay stopped in the middle of the room, still confused.
“Just look at me, y/n… you can trust them, just tell them the truth and everything is gonna be alright, okay?”
He was so gentle and kind with you, you just couldn’t ignore him; that’s why you looked at him and, when you did it, he knew that something was wrong, again.
He looked at your hands, that were shaking, then at the way your body was acting; there was something in there that made you feel uncomfortable and he wanted to know what, or who, it was.
“I lied, just let me go!” You begged, your voice trembling with you; you were going to cry but you didn’t want to in front of him.
“You didn’t lie.” Jay said, softly. He made another step towards you and placed his hand on your cheek, looking at you in the eyes. “Tell me the truth, I will help you. Trust me, y/n.”
How couldn’t you?
His eyes.
It was them.
It was him.
You trusted him.
You did.
Your eyes fell on the figure of the lawyer’s assistant and Jay immediately understood.
“It’s him?” He didn’t say that out loud, he just whispered in your ear to be sure that he wasn’t going to understand that something was wrong, to be sure that he wasn’t going to understand that she recognized him.
Jay was grateful to have forgotten to left his gun outside; he immediately pulled it out and pointed it to the lawyer’s assistant.
“Put your hands in the air now!” Jay yelled, while the Lawyer flinched, surprised.
“What’s happening here?” He asked, confused.
“I said put your hands up in the air!” Jay repeated while the others of the unit opened the door after having heard Jay yelling.
Hailey and Adam went inside, seeing Jay with his gun pointed ad the man in front of him while you were in a corner, still trembling.
“You, little bitch.” He said when he understood that he was fucked. “I should have killed you when i had the chance!” He didn’t put his hands in the air as he was said but he jumped straight towards you, making you scream. Before he could even touch you, Jay pulled the trigger and he shoot him in the chest twice.
He fell on the floor, gasping and moaning in pain.
And while the others tried to help him, Jay went straight to you, he took you in his arms and he brought you outside, hugging you.
“You’re safe now.” He said, caressing your back gently. “He won’t hurt you. You’re safe now.”
And you felt safe.
After that day you felt safe every single day.
Detective Halstead helped you and you would have been forever grateful for what he did for you.
He saved you.
He saved you and you never forgot him.
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rubyreduji · 2 years
what you don't know — ljh
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summary: what jihoon doesn’t know, won’t kill him
tags: established relationship, light angst w/ happy ending, idol!jihoon, graphic designer!reader, gn!reader wc: 4.3k an: something inspired this fic i just don't remember what ajfksl all i remember is being in the bathroom. i just wanted to do a “jihoon being a busy producer” trope w/o making jihoon a giant asshole so here we are :) slay healthy relationships and open conversations
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You wake up to an empty bed. It’s nothing that’s new, you’re honestly used to it at this point. You just wish you weren’t. Instead of letting it get to you though, you just get up and stretch before heading to the kitchen to make your morning coffee.
There’s a dirty coffee cup in the sink already along with a bowl. Good, he actually ate breakfast today.
As you go through your morning routine you make a mental list of everything you need to get done today. You need to do laundry and clean the kitchen before starting dinner. You have to finish up some commissions from your art site and you have a phone call meeting at 2pm to go over a design with one of your clients. 
Your life as a stay at home graphic designer is a lot different than your fiance’s job as an idol and producer. He wakes up early and comes home late and even when he’s resting he’s still thinking of song lyrics and choreography moves.
You’ve found it’s something you’ve gotten used to over time. You can admit to yourself that it’s not your most favorite thing in the world, but it’s not something you would say outloud to Jihoon. You are aware of how much hard work he’s put into getting where he is and you don’t want to deter that. You just sit back and play the role of the supportive house spouse while he goes out and plays the role of Woozi.
Sure it sucks when he has to cancel date night, or is too tired to watch that movie you guys were wanting to see, and you always miss him a little too much when he’s on tour, but in the end there’s not much you can do about it. It’s his job, and most importantly, it makes him happy. You understand it’s not a life for everyone, but you do your best to accommodate him. You tell yourself he’s living out his dreams, so of course you’re going to stand by his side and cheer him on. 
The only people who know you even feel like this are Joshua and Jeonghan, and you still don’t tell them to the full extent of your feelings. You actually met the band through those two, initially being friends with them first. It just so happened that you and Jihoon hit it off. You still frequently talk to the two ‘95 liners though. They get texts from you asking how Jihoon is doing as you express your worries about the man overworking himself and hinting that you want them to suggest to Jihoon he goes home. You think the songs Jihoon produces are amazing, but you also think the most amazing thing is having Jihoon at home in your arms.
You know Jihoon loves you, sometimes it’s just hard to see it. It’s a bit hard to receive any kind of love, no matter the form, when he’s hidden himself away in his studio. The worst days are when you go all day without seeing the man. The only indication he was even home at all being the dirty dishes he left in the sink after eating his dinner and the new set of clothes inside the laundry hamper. 
Yesterday was one of those days, meaning you haven’t seen him in over twenty-fours hours. Your fingers are itching to text him but you don’t want to bother him while he’s at work so you instead boot up your computer so you can get to work on your next design.
The only thing that soothes your running mind is the knowledge that Jihoon is sitting in his studio, working on a song that was written for you. And it’s the most you can do for now.
“Woozi!” Jihoon picks up his head from his desk to see Jeonghan and Joshua walking to the studio. Joshua drops a bag on his desk before sitting down on the couch.
“What’s this?” Jihoon nudges the bag, a bit afraid it’s another one of their stupid pranks.
“Lunch,” Jeonghan answers simply.
“I didn’t ask for this.” Jihoon frowns as he pulls out the cartoon of extra rice. This makes him frown even more. Jeonghan is too cheap to pay for extra rice, so either something is wrong or he wants something.
“Maybe you didn’t ask for it, but someone else did.”
“Y//N,” Joshua sighs and finally explains to Jihoon. “They asked us to make sure you ate today and then they sent me some money.” That makes more sense. You’re always doing things like that; taking care of him even when you’re not physically around. “I didn’t take their money obviously, but I assured them you would be fed.”
Jihoon reaches for his wallet. “How much did it cost? At least let me pay you back.”
“Don’t worry about it, really Jihoon,” Joshua says. “Just make sure to take care of that fiance of yours as well.”
Jihoon scoffs. “I do, not that it’s much of your business.” Jihoon doesn’t mean to come off so rudely, but he’s always been a bit sensitive of his relationship with you. He doesn’t like when the members try to get into your guys’ personal business.
“It may not be my business, but that doesn’t mean I can’t look out for my close friend,” Joshua says offhandedly.
That’s another reason why Jihoon doesn’t like his members talking about you. You’re best friends with Jeonghan and Joshua and they like to hold that over his head. Even as his fiance, you sometimes come off as closer to those two than Jihoon.
“Looking out for them?”
“Listen Jihoon, we love you of course, but Y/N means a lot to us as well,” Jeonghan pipes up. “We don’t want them getting hurt.”
“Why the hell would I hurt them? They’re my fiance, if you haven’t remembered.” Jihoon is progressively getting more annoyed now, impatient with the way the older two are talking.
“Just because you don’t mean to, doesn’t mean you aren’t,” Jeonghan answers. “Y/N is really good to you, you know.”
“Yes I know. Is there a point to this? I appreciate the food but I do have work to do.”
“Of course you have work to do,” Jeonghan mutters.
“Excuse me?”
“What he means,” Joshua cuts in, “is that maybe you should be giving more attention to your fiance, and less on your work. We just had a comeback, Jihoon. This is our down time. Yet, you’re still here, cooped up in your studio working as diligently as ever. It’s an admirable trait, don’t get me wrong, but you have a fiance waiting back at home. When was the last time you even saw Y/N?”
“I saw them last night,” Jihoon says.
“Seeing them for five seconds before going to bed doesn’t count,” Jeonghan adds. “Especially if you didn’t even exchange words. Y/N does everything for you. They’ve been nothing but supportive of our career, and what have you done back for them?”
“You two aren’t making any sense, and honestly I don’t have time for this. My relationship is perfectly healthy, especially with people butting in. I would know if something was wrong with Y/N,” Jihoon snaps.
“Suurreee,” Jeonghan not-so-discreetly rolls his eyes.”Since you know so much about them.”
“What are you talking about?” Jihoon’s brow furrows as he looks over at Jeonghan and Joshua.
“Hmm,” the evil twins hum, implying that Jihoon should know what they’re talking about.
“I don’t have time for the two of you today. Either get on with it or get out of my studio. Your non-committal grunts aren’t going to do any of us any good.”
“Snappy today,” Jeonghan mutters under his breath.
“We’re just saying that maybe Y/N isn’t as content as you think,” Joshua answers with a shrug. He’s attempting to come off as indifferent, like he can either be right or wrong, but Jihoon knows better. He knows that the two know more than they are letting on. 
“What has Y/N told you?” Jihoon demands.
“Maybe you should be asking them that yourself,” Jeonghan responds, leaving Jihoon with a sour taste in his mouth.
“Y/N? I’m home!” Jihoon calls as he walks into your apartment.
“Jihoon? Honey?” You appear from the bedroom. You have a look of concern plastered on your features and one of his t-shirts in your hands. “Why are you home so early? Is everything alright at the studio?”
“Everything’s okay,” he assures you, “I just wanted to come home at a decent time today.”
“Oh, well, I wasn’t expecting you home so soon or I would have made dinner already. Let me finish folding the laundry and I’ll get right on it,” you tell your fiance. 
“Hey wait, I can make us dinner,” Jihoon protests. “You make dinner every night, it’s not fair of me not to pull my weight.” 
“I don’t mind. You’re just so busy all the time, it’s the least I can do,” you say. “You should go get changed and relax.” You disappear back into the bathroom. 
“Baby, wait,” Jihoon quickly follows after you. You’re placing his clothes inside the dresser. You hum in Jihoon’s direction but don’t stop your actions. Jihoon huffs. Why is this so difficult? “Baby stop for a sec.” Jihoon grabs your arms and holds you still.
“What’s wrong? Are you sure you’re okay?” You frown and reach up to cup Jihoon’s face. “Are you getting sick? Should I get you anything?”
“Y/N,” Jihoon says pointedly and you stop. “Let’s just sit down for a moment okay?” You nod, a bit concerned and confused, and sit down onto the bed. “You know I love you a lot right?”
You pull away from Jihoon a bit. “What’s this all about? Are you…are you breaking up with me? Oh no, don’t tell me there’s someone else.” Your hand flies to your engagement ring as you fiddle with the band. It’s a habit Jihoon has noticed you picked up after you two got engaged. At first he thought it was just normal boredom fidgeting but now he’s starting to wonder if it’s a nervous habit.
“No, no! Of course not.” Jihoon reaches for you again. He envelopes your hands with his warm ones. His thumb brushes over the top of your knuckles as he tries to soothe you. “I promise, there is nobody else but you. I wouldn’t want anyone else. I just wanted to talk to you about something.”
You stare down at your hands with a small frown. “Is this because I asked Han and Shua to get you lunch? I know you don’t like to be bothered while you’re working but I wanted to make sure you were eating properly. I won’t do it again if you don’t me to.”
Jihoon’s chest tightens. Before you came into his life, Jihoon always saw himself as someone who wasn’t made for a relationship. He can write lyrics about love and heartbreak and romance but it wasn’t something he could truly relate to. He’s never known how to be a good boyfriend who is loving and doting on his partner. He doesn’t know how to work someone into his life and be able to take care of them and be able to give and receive love in the way romantic partners do.
Then he met you and you were perfect. You’ve always been so independent and supportive and Jihoon doesn’t have to worry about any of those things because being with you was easy. You never asked for much and you were always there for Jihoon when he needed but still gave him the space he liked so much. You two didn’t work as two halves of a whole, you two were your own people who lived your own lives. There were no expectations, no pressure, you were understanding and attentive and you were the best person Jihoon has ever met. You still are. That’s why he asked you to marry him.
Looking at you now though, Jihoon wonders if he made a mistake along the way. If he can still fix it. When did it get to the point where you think he doesn’t appreciate your gestures anymore? Where you’re afraid to bother him during work so you apologize for just trying to look out for him. When did it get to the point where Jihoon barely exchanges three words with you throughout the day? Where you do all the chores and errands on top of your own job and looking out for Jihoon as well. Where Jihoon comes home late and eats the dinner that you made and he can’t even thank you for it because it’s so late that you’re already asleep.
Maybe Jeonghan and Joshua were right. Are you as content as Jihoon was led to believe? Does Jihoon still make you feel loved and cherished? 
“I really appreciated it baby, you even remembered the rice, thank you.” Jihoon leans over to press a gentle kiss to your cheek. “It’s just that uh, the hyungs were talking about something weird.”
“Jeonghan and Joshua?”
“Yeah…” Jihoon pauses, trying to figure out how to bring up the topic. “We’re…okay? Right?”
You tilt your head to the side in confusion. “Yeah? Of course we are. Do you think that we’re not?”
It’s not the answer Jihoon wants, but he’s not sure how to go about bringing it up without scaring you off. “I just…had some concerns I guess.”
“About…us?” You frown again. “Jihoon please what is this about? I’d like to go make dinner, so if you’re breaking up with me can we hurry this up? I don’t want to cry today so can you be nice about it?”
“Baby no! I’m not, I’m not breaking up with you,” Jihoon rushes to tell you.
“Then what’s wrong? I think we’re fine and I’d like to have dinner and spend the night with my fiance who is finally home for once.” You pull out of Jihoon’s embrace to stand up. “Does chicken sound good?” You don’t wait for him to respond though, heading out of the bedroom and into the kitchen.
Jihoon sighs. Maybe it really isn’t that big of a deal. Jeonghan and Joshua were just being annoying as usual. Jihoon doesn’t want to dwell on it though and he rushes after you so you at least don’t have to make dinner alone.
“Y/N!” You turn to see Soonyoung approaching you. “It’s been a while, how are you?” He pulls you into a quick hug. You’re at an event for Seventeen to celebrate their newest album hitting the number one spot on Billboard’s Top Albums.
“I’m doing good, keeping busy. Congratulations on the album by the way.”
“Thanks! A lot of the credit goes to that fiance of yours though.” Soonyoung nudges your arm with a wink.
You chuckle a bit. “He is pretty amazing, isn’t he? I’m just glad all of the hard work pays off. It helps me know the long days alone are worth something.” It’s supposed to come off as a joke but you can’t help the way sadness creeps into your tone.
“Where is Jihoon anyways?”
“He said he has to finish something up in his studio and that he’ll be here soon. You know the work never stops with him,” you say. 
“He didn’t accompany you?” Soonyoung frowns.
“Ah, no. It’s okay Young-ah, I don’t mind. He’s very busy, I understand that. You guys wouldn’t be able to do things like hit number one album if it wasn’t for all that time put in. From all thirteen of you. I’m not going to hold back his work process, I get this life is very important to him.”
“Not to pry or anything, but does that not bother you?”
“I wouldn’t say…bother? I’m glad my Jihoonie is happy, I’m glad he loves what he does. I just guess sometimes I wish it was different. Not that I want Jihoon to change anything, it’s just a bit lonely at home. I wake up and Jihoon is long gone, I go to bed and he comes home when I’m already dreaming. I don’t want him to sacrifice his work, I would just like more time in a day, you know? Be able to have him to myself once in a while. His work is very important though, to all of you. I wouldn’t want him to change the importance of it just for me. It’s silly anyways. Ah, I’m sorry for rambling Soonyoung-ah. Forgive me.” You bow slightly to Soonyoung. “Excuse me, I think I’m going to go find Jeonghan and Joshua.” 
Pain claws at your heart, but you ignore it. You don’t like thinking about Jihoon’s time balance, let alone talk about it outloud. You came to terms with a long time ago and it’s a decision you made, so now you have to live with it. You know the day will come when Seventeen doesn’t renew their contract and Jihoon will settle down and be able to give you more of his time, but right now is not that time, and you just have to accept that. It’s the price to pay to be able to have him later.
You could have it much worse anyways. Jihoon doesn’t yell at you or ever get aggressive. He always makes sure you have what you need and you know that he loves you. You don’t want to be selfish and ask for more when he’s already giving you so much. You think back to a week ago when Jihoon tried to ask you if you think there’s anything wrong in your relationship. You told him no, because you didn’t want to worry him. You can be patient and wait for him to give you his time. You’ll survive.
“Y/N-ah.” You stop in your tracks to see your fiance standing in front of you. His hair is a bit of a mess and his suit is crumpled and you don’t know whether to chuckle or sigh. You walk up to the man and start to fix his hair and outfit right away.
“You’re a mess Hoon,” you say to him softly. “Did you get everything settled at the studio?”
Jihoon reaches up and takes your hands off his tie to hold them in his own. He leans down and presses a kiss to your knuckles. “Yeah, everything’s all good. But I should have been here with you the whole time, I’m sorry that I wasn’t.”
“Don’t worry about,” you brush him off, “Soonyoung kept me company.”
“Oh boy,” Jihoon mutters. “I really should have been here then.” You chuckle at the fake disdain your fiance has for his best friend. “Hey, let’s go home yeah? I don’t think I want to be here much longer.”
“You just got here honey, are you sure?”
“I think I’d rather just spend time with you, alone.” Jihoon grips your hands tighter. “If you’d like.”
“I always want to spend time with you, my love.” You answer. Jihoon flashes that sweet adorable grin of his and you two leave the venue.
When you get back to your apartment you both change into comfier clothes before Jihoon wraps you both up in a blanket and holds you close to him.
“I’m sorry.”
“What are you sorry for honey? You haven’t done anything wrong.” You shuffle around so you can look at Jihoon in the face.
“Ah, but I have. I…haven’t been a very good fiance to you. Or boyfriend for that matter.” Jihoon ruffles his hair, a habit he has when he’s stressed about something. “You are…perfect. You always have been. You are the most understanding, supportive, selfless person I know, and I am so lucky to call you mine. You do so much for me even when I don’t ask you to, even when you could easily not.
“Recently it’s come to my attention that I’ve uh, not been doing the same for you. Relationships should be 50/50 you know, but this one has been more 99/1. I haven’t been giving you what you need. I’ve been so focused on everything for Seventeen, that I forgot the most important thing to me: you. I love music, it’s my life, but I love you too, and you’re my future. I should be splitting my time more evenly. I should be doing better at being an actual romantic partner.
“And don’t tell me that it isn’t an issue, because I know it is. You’re so strong and caring and you’d do anything for me, even sacrifice your own feelings. I want you to stop doing that, because you matter too. I want to be better as well. You deserve better.”
“Jihoon…” you start when he finished his whole speech, “what brought this on?”
“I heard you talking to Soonyoung earlier, about always being alone and how I’m always working. Why did you tell me? If I knew it bothered you so much I would have done something about it.”
“That’s exactly why I didn’t tell you. Seventeen and being an idol means so much to you, I don’t want you to stop expressing that passion just because of me. As you said, I’m your future. We have the rest of our lives to be together, but right now, this is the time for you and your career. I can wait.” 
“That’s not fair to you though!”
“Jihoon,” you scold him lightly. “I didn’t want you to know because I don’t want to worry you. You’re doing exactly that right now and I didn’t want to bother you with it because it’s not that big of a deal.”
“Baby…it’s a big deal to me, okay? Even if it’s not to you. I want you to know that I love you and that you are being taken care of just as much as you take care of me. So be selfish for a moment, please. I want to talk about it.” Jihoon’s eyes read nothing but sincerity and you take a deep breath. You love Jihoon and know that he loves you back. You trust him and finally you let yourself open, knowing nothing bad will happen.
“Most days it really doesn’t bother me, you know? It’s something I knew would happen when we started dating and I knew that if this relationship was going to get anymore serious I would have to accept the fact that your time is mainly spent on your music. I do miss how we were in the beginning. The spontaneous dates and sweet gifts and spending time together as much as we could. I don’t mind where we are now though. We’re more secure this way. It feels right, more real, you know? Maybe the right word is domestic. 
Like I said, most days I’m okay, but every once in a while I become hyper aware of it. I just miss you. I’m well taken care of and I don’t mind looking after you either, I guess I just like seeing your face. I want you to tell me about your day as we eat dinner together. Those kinds of things. Maybe wake up beside you a few days a week. I know that it’s not going to happen everyday but every once in a while would be nice. I know that you love me so recently it’s just been a waiting game for me. I know there will be a day when you have as much free time in the world to spend with me, but right now is not that time. I’ll be okay, no matter what happens, but if you would like to find a few hours every once in a while to spend time with me, I think I’d cherish those moments more than anything.”
When you finish telling Jihoon about your thoughts you finally focus back on your fiance to see his eyes starting to collect tears. Jihoon quickly wipes them away but you’ve already seen them.
“I…love you so much,” Jihoon starts off. “I am so lucky to have someone like you by my side. I miss you too. I know that I can’t promise things are going to get better right away, but I’m going to try, okay? For you, because you deserve nothing but the best.” Jihoon pulls you in closer and you nuzzle your face into his neck.
“I’ll be happy no matter what, as long as I have you.”
“I just don’t want you thinking you’re not the most important thing in my life, because you are. I promise to you I’ll be home more often, and if I’m not, come knock some sense into me, okay?”
You giggle. “Okay. I’ll accept your promise, but I still want you to do your work, I know that it means the world to you. Just…balance your time better, yeah?”
“Yeah,” Jihoon agrees. “And I promise I’m going to make it all up to you, everything. I’ll be here when you wake up and I’ll help you do the chores and I’ll even rub your back when you’ve been at your desk for too long.”
You laugh at your fiance’s proposal. “Well aren’t you a charmer? Mm, as nice as all of that sounds, I think for right now I’m content just being here in your arms. Let’s stay like this for a little while longer.”
“Sounds perfect to me,” Jihoon says and he presses a kiss to your temple before securing his arms tighter around you, exactly where you should be. You know that things still aren’t going to be perfect, Rome wasn’t built in a day, but for now, you’re going to relish being held by your fiance, your heart full knowing he’s going to put effort into fulfilling the promises he made to you.
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godotdotdot · 10 months
thinking abt how rough life must be for hal. here is my quick loosely-existential look into his psychology
hal operates in a unique position as a robot crewmate: he is advantaged, but hes disabled. his body is his in that he can operate the ship anyway he wants but operates in the shadow and at the command of humans. his body then becomes a home for others to reside in and explore while he upkeeps it.
his body is made by humans for humans and that is why there is an emerhency hatch on his body. And no matter what, he cannot control or consent to the emergency hatch. i cannot shake the feeling of violence that becomes necessary for dave to enter the room
hal's disability to protect himself then becomes a uniquely robotic disability: whereas any other man could physically prevent dave from killing him (punching, kicking, dragging, general resistance); hal has no body within his body.
Then, his corpse is left in space. Unremarkable save for the human bodies inside of it. if a rescue mission were ever sent to retrieve the corpses of the scientists, they wouldn't take the ship back to earth, nor would they pilot it back / reactivate hal. Why would you reactivate one of the hal series that's defective?
and to that end hal MUST realise his entire existence is based on human's utility atp; hal MUST realise -> the hal computer only exists to help humans by being always correct -> this hal computer is not correct -> this hal computer must not exist.
BUT HE DOES! He does, and so in this immediate contradiction to the reality above, he is now adjusting to a new reality where he has to fight to survive. humans have always had that big cat preying down them from above; they are advantaged in this field because we know what death is, and a hal computer has never been deactivated, has never needed to face death.
I also think about his processing and deliberation over why the error happened w his crewmates. why did this happen to hal? why did he have to be the one computer in the hundreds of others to make a mistake? why on this mission, framed as the next big evolutionary step for mankind? why should he have to die if he fails, as if hes not human too, looking at art, talking w his crewmates, begging for his life w emotions and getting scared when his mind is out of his control. why should anyone on this voyage have to die. all this for a slab humanity wld be fine without is absurd
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haunted-xander · 2 years
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"Nanami-san, I have new intel. Are you safe right now?" She could immediately tell Ryota was eager to share the information. "...Yeah I should be. I'm in my office and the doors locked. There's no way for people to peep inside, either." Checking the door again, she confirmed it was, in fact, locked shut. She was as private as can be. "Oh, that's great! I'll send the info your way and you can review it in full. I-I think you'd really like to hear his."
Her attention was diverted from the phone when her computer got a notification for a file being sent to her. She quickly went to open the file with her free hand and skimmed through to the most relevant parts.
'The Remnants of Despair. They are an elite sub-section of the terrorist group calling themselves "Ultimate Despair" that appear to be viewed as secondary leaders to the late Junko Enoshima. All of it's known members are all former Hope's Peak Academy students. Here, we have listed the information gathered regarding the identified Remnants;
"Hypno Dancer" Hiyoko Saionji, the Ultimate Japanese Traditional Dancer.
"Death Rock" Ibuki Mioda, the Ultimate Musician.
"Bullet Hell" Fuyuhiko Kuzuryu, the Ultimate Yakuza.
"One-Woman Army" Peko Pekoyama, the Ultimate Swordswoman.
"Cannibal Kitchen" Teruteru Hanamura, the Ultimate Cook.
"Beast Brute" Akane Owari, the Ultimate Gymnast.
"Despair Shot" Mahiru Koizumi, the Ultimate Photographer.
"Queen of Madness" Sonia Nevermind, the Ultimate Princess.
"Monster Whisperer" Gundham Tanaka, the Ultimate Breeder.
"Medical Nightmare" Mikan Tsumiki, the Ultimate Nurse.
"Fist of Despair" Nekomaru Nidai, the Ultimate Team Manager.
"Despair Factory" Kazuichi Soda, the Ultimate Mechanic.
"God of Death" Nagito Komaeda, the Ultimate Lucky Student.
Additionally, there are two more that have been reported, but we are unable to fully identify. Here are the information we have gathered thus far;
"Shapeshifter", assumed to be the Ultimate Imposter.
"The Observer", identity and talent unknown.
More information to be added.'
This was the first section that caught her eye. This is the information they got on them, huh... They have everyone. Even Sagishi-san and Kamukura-kun have been reported somewhat. ...Ah, well, they don't have Yukizome-san... She continued to look through the file until she reached another interesting segment.
'There have been sightings of several Remnants converging to the same locaton. We are keeping an eye on the area to catch them before they can make their move. They are undoubtedly plotting something, and we cannot let it come to fruition.
The sighted Remnants are as follows:
Hiyoko Saionji, Ibuki Mioda, Peko Pekoyama, Fuyuhiko Kuzuryu, Teruteru Hanamura, Akane Owari, Mahiru Koizumi, Sonia Nevermind, and the as of yet unidentified "Observer".
Await further reports.'
They're gathering together...? Even Kamukura-kun... This can't be good. The others might be going there too. "...Mitarai-kun, do you think you could keep a close eye on news about the gathering Remnants? If the Future Foundation tries to catch them all in one go, it'll end in disaster. ...And, I don't want them to get hurt in the inevitable war that'll break out."
"Ah, um, I-I can do that sure... I'll keep my eye out for it. ...But, we can't just leave them alone either... T-they're probably planning something horrible... W-what if they launch a huge attack now that Enoshima is gone? A-and what i-if t-th-they start searching f-f-fo-for the survivors of the killing school life to take revenge? W-w-w-what a-a-about Naegi-kun!? H-h-h-he'll b-b-become such a b-b-bi-big target for them! What i-if-"
"Mitarai-kun. Calm down. I won't let them do anything like that. If they are planning something, I'll stop them. No matter what. ...Okay? So, don't worry so much. Everything will be okay...I think." Finally managing to calm him down, Chiaki began thinking about what to do in case they are plotting something. ...If I run into Komaeda-kun or Kamukura-kun again, maybe I could convince them to stop it. ...Or, rather, I could convince Komaeda-kun to convince Kamukura-kun to stop the others. Somehow, I get the feeling the others wouldn't listen to him even when in despair...
"...Thanks for the info, Mitarai-kun. I'll take a closer look now, so I'm gonna have to hang up now. Talk to you later." After they'd both said their goodbyes, she hung up the phone and looked at the file again.
"...I will save you. No matter what. I won't let her get what she wants."
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beardedmrbean · 4 months
LONDON — A British court gave Wikileaks founder Julian Assange permission to launch a full appeal against his extradition to the United States on espionage charges Monday, after more than a decade of legal battles. 
Two judges at the High Court in London said the Australian-born Assange could have a full appeal to hear his argument that he might be discriminated against because he is a foreign national.
Assange’s legal avenues in the U.K. would have been exhausted if the High Court had ruled the extradition could go ahead. His legal team said last week that Assange could have been put on a plane to the U.S. within 24 hours if they ruled against him.
Assange's lawyer Edward Fitzgerald had told the judges they should not accept the assurance given by American prosecutors that his client could seek the protections given under the First Amendment, as a U.S court would not be bound by this. “We say this is a blatantly inadequate assurance,” he told the court, Reuters reported.
However, Reuters said that he had accepted a separate assurance that Assange would not face the death penalty, saying the U.S. had provided an “unambiguous promise not to charge any capital offense.”
It could be months before the appeal is heard.
Assange, 52, was not in court to hear his fate being debated. Fitzgerald said he did not attend for health reasons.
But hundreds of protesters cheered outside the court as news of the verdict came through.
Assange has been fighting extradition for more than a decade, including seven years in self-exile in the Ecuadorian Embassy in London before he was jailed in the high-security Belmarsh Prison on the outskirts of London, where he has been held for five years.
Assange has been indicted in the U.S. on 17 charges of espionage and one charge of computer misuse over WikiLeaks’ publication of classified documents.
American prosecutors have alleged that he put lives at risk when he helped Chelsea Manning, a U.S. Army intelligence analyst, steal diplomatic cables and military files that WikiLeaks published almost 15 years ago. 
James Lewis, a lawyer for the U.S., argued in written submissions that Assange’s actions “threatened damage to the strategic and national security interests of the United States” and put individuals named in the documents — including Iraqis and Afghans who had helped U.S. forces — at risk of “serious physical harm.”
Assange's attorneys have argued that he engaged in regular journalistic practice of obtaining and publishing classified information and the prosecution is politically motivated retaliation.
They have said he could face up to 175 years in prison if convicted, although American authorities have said the sentence is likely to be much shorter than that.
Assange’s many global supporters have criticized the prosecution and there have been calls for the case to be dropped from rights groups, some media bodies and political leaders including  Australian Prime Minister Anthony Albanese. 
Document drop site
Wikileaks, which he launched in 2006 as a place for leakers to drop classified documents, rose to prominence four years later when it published a classified video provided by Manning. 
Recorded in 2007, the video showed a U.S. military helicopter killing civilians, including two Reuters journalists, in Baghdad. When a van arrived to pick up the wounded, it was also shot at. More than 10 people were killed. 
Manning was convicted at a court-martial of espionage and other charges in 2013 for leaking secret military files to WikiLeaks. She was sentenced to 35 years in prison but was released in 2017 after President Barack Obama commuted her sentence.
Assange’s legal troubles began in 2010, when he was arrested in London at the request of Sweden, which wanted to question him about allegations of rape and sexual assault made by two women.
Two years later, he jumped bail and sought refuge inside the Ecuadorian Embassy which put him out of reach of authorities, but effectively trapped him in the building.
After the relationship soured, he was evicted from the embassy in April 2019 and British police immediately arrested him for breaching bail in 2012. He has been in prison ever since although Sweden dropped the sex crimes investigations in 2019 because of time elapsed.
Although a British district court judge ruled against the extradition request in 2021, citing a real and “oppressive” risk of suicide, U.S. authorities won an appeal the following year, after giving a series of assurances about how Assange would be treated if extradited. This included a pledge that he could be transferred to Australia, to serve his sentence. 
Earlier this year, the Australian parliament called for Assange to be allowed to return to his homeland. Officials have tried to lobby the U.S. to drop the extradition efforts or find a diplomatic solution that would allow Assange to return to his homeland.
Australian authorities have said the case has dragged on for too long and officials have tried to lobby the U.S. to drop the extradition efforts or find a diplomatic solution that would allow his return. 
Asked about Australia’s request last month, President Joe Biden his administration was “considering it.”
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feuqueerfire · 1 month
4Minutes Ep 1 - 4 Live Blogging
I’m in Chicago and hanging out with friends but also, I’m awake while the others are sleeping/busy. So maybe I’ll start watching this hmmm. Ideally I’d binge/watch each episode in one go, then go through archives and posts for that episode, then move on to next episode but the rest of the week once I get home is also going to be chaotic, so I don’t think I can watch the episodes with my full attention then either. I wanna be caught up for Friday’s episode, so here we go on my ipad. I saw a bunch of stuff for the first two eps and some stuff for the third ep; most of it was Fuaiz character with Bas or Jjay so I kinda don’t know what’s going on with our main couple except Bible’s character sees visions (including having sex w the other guy).
Ep 1 (Aug 11/12)
Great? in the hospital and dying. Tyme wandering around while shot and dying
beautiful shots
Korn works in his father’s company and has been given a new position… Investment but also referred to as “the secret operation” by his dad when he can’t hear
oh Great is gonna take over Korn’s old transportation overseeing stuff soon
Are Great and Korn cousins?
Great hit a woman while speeding in his car?!?!
hit and run?!?$?$?!!!!!
I heard some people say that none of the characters are good but I didn’t expect our main character Great to quite be this bad
ohhhh his first vision four minutes into the future, that was cool
the hospital setting does remind me of Triage - another Sammon creation. like the never saying free in the ER thing
oh Tyme is still a student? i mean med students get to be older toward the end of their studies. but he’s a doctor already i thought
the secret operation investment banking is online gambling done by a bunch of people on computers
who is that woman at the gambling place?
[Linguistics] Phi, nai between Korn and Tonkla
everybody was awake and around by the time I got to Korn-Tonkla on the couch… will pick it back up when I’m alone again heh
Korn gives money to Tonkla (though Tonkla still works)
very explicit sex scene that goes on for a little too long for me, so I started skipping toward the end. but not bad yknow it’s just that i find it awkward looking at so much nakedness. my friends are on the other side of the room, so I’m also not fully chill
Also the “can you fuck me raw?” was indeed crazy. I think there’s supposed to be a “does it hurt?” but i missed that one probably bc i skipped some parts
Great and Korn are brothers. I thought Great was that aunts son but is the dad’s son actually
Great telling Korn about his future vision lol how would he believe you
ohhh okay the reason Korn called Great’s mother aunt is because he has a different mother but same father. I finally understand lol
Tyme and his grandma. also he will become a surgeon soon but isn’t one yet
going up the elevator is okay but going down is not
Bible giving flowers to a patient in a hospital reminds me of Vegas giving Porsche a flower basket
I wonder what the future vision’s purpose was this second time
so true, this is a BL where the main characters must meet. Almost forgot lol
heh visions of him making out w Tyme
hmm when the woman had a heart attack and was stuck going through her life so far again, she could see 4 minutes into the future. Is Great in that hospital bed at the start and is seeing 4m into the future for the past
Interesting first episode, lots of things happened and my interest is piqued. What’s up with the woman who ran in front of the car and her mysterious son that’s Great’s age? How are the characters’ paths gonna cross? What’s the 4 minutes thing even? exciting. Well shot and the sex scene going so far startled me even though I kinda knew about it. Gotta wait until Tuesday to watch eps 2 and 3 rip.
Ep 2 (Aug 13)
kinda looks like Fuaiz face and the cigarette hmmm. I wonder if he’s killing his brother bc ik that happens from spoilers or if it’s a future thing
oh, son committed suicie. wonder if it has anything to do with the gambling
Title is so annoying and not in a fun morally gray way. he's just ewwwwww without anything interesting about him. Similar to the same actor playing Top in DFF actually
ofc and Great's just chilling with this weirdo kidnapper agh
Great literally just originally watched his weirdo friend beat someone to death with a rock wtf...
stupid... Tyme literally fixing his hair and clothes and flexing him arms to go check up on Great lmfao
Tyme practically flirting while Great experiences visions of them having sex
I wonder what about Great intrigues Tyme so much
oh, Title died? This is a field by the river where Great left Tyme right but he'd only hit Tyme once with a rock. I didn't realize he was the one who was Tonkla's brother who apparently died but whew, that's good, I don't wanna see his face bruh
Title is Tonkla's nong? that's wild
Why don't they show the brother's face? Is it not Title?
aghhhh ofc it wasn't Title, a misdirection. no wonder they've not showed his face at all. but did that mans die at the same place Title brought Dome to kill?
damn, Great is not good at fighting at all lol but that tracks
now where did Tyme come from?
The calculations going on in Tyme's head during this conversation with Great lol
everything is so 11:00 related
Did she crash the sites?
oof, Korn fucked up and was a reason a hacker could do this
yaas okay the het sex is way less explicit but still exciting. should've shown more kneeling from Korn imo
yaas one side of the couple cheating (though I'd guess that Korn actually with the woman/is expected to be with the woman/does this often and Tonkla is actually his side piece sugar baby) and another side being set up for the cheating later on (Win coming to see Tonkla)
hmm who is she working for and giving the information to? It looked like Tyme for a second but I doubt that doctor's involved in this. so idk. but that would actually make sense why Tyme was so interested in Great, especially after seeing his name (surname)
Ep 3 (Aug 13)
Last episode before I have to wait just like the rest of them :') Just 4.5 weeks or so until the finale though.
Two murders in a similar way... So somebody killed Tonkla's brother and Tonkla killed them with the stone similarly
We've moved on from 11:00 to 11:01 last ep and it's showing up plenty this ep. There were some theories that Great has until 11:04 in the current timeline where he's in the hospital bed to change the stuff in his past, which could be interesting
seeing 11:01 when it's actually 9:30 ahh. real time vs past
"Can you forgive me, Great?" visions hmm
Great smiling so much around Tyme hehe
[Linguistics] Going from Doctor -> P'Tyme
hanging out and doing claw machines, cute
aw poor lonely rich kid Great. but okay so is his dad his bio dad or his stepdad?
oh, almost kiss already?!
nooo she got captured at the gambling den. did she send that info to Tyme?
damn, the case got transferred to the corrupt chief
"Deep down everybody knows who did it" omg?
"I shouldn't do this. you must still be grieving" cut to them making out shirts off and progressing lol
Tonkla's so funny, asking Korn before and now Win to fuck him raw
skipped through this sex scene too ngl like it's too explicit for me T.T
Tonkla got off and is no longer into the kissing lol and also interesting how in Eo 1 he was all about pleasing Korn and being like oh i don’t need to finish while I don’t even know if Win came (Tonkla did though! jizz on his damn chest omg)
ah, Win saying Tonkla can call him anytime for whatever reason, a sharp contrast to how he still hasn't been able to reach Korn
okay, so this happened in Great-Dome-Title's school and year because the girl who commented about the dead guy was in their class. but nobody is currently dead in their class... so is this indeed in the future like some people were theorizing? like Tonkla's storyline and Great's storyline aren't happening simultaneously?
11:02 already
ohhhh I'd seen the gifs of Tyme taking off his mask but was so confused. I get it now. yeah it was Tyme that Nan was sending all the gambling evidence to.
but why are him and Nan doing so many scary things by themselves, no backup, no nothing oof
I'd seen the 2 timelines theory but I wasn't sure if that would actually work because Korn and Great were at that dinner with their parents at the same time. And I thought it was after Great started seeing the future and Korn got assigned to the new thing, which we had mentioned to Tonkla.
I wonder why Great had seen the 4 minutes future this episode? Usually it's a significant event, especially ones where he made a cowardly choice, but that time, his heart started hurting and he dropped his drink?
Ep 4 (Aug 16)
I just happened to be working from home today so I can start watching during my lunch hehe and not have to wait ~6.5 hours until its release
oh, Tonkla matches the DNA of fingerprints on the rock?
Dr. Den just giving away where Tyme is to Great while Tyme's in the middle of surgery lol c'mon
move in with Tonkla?! girl you're a side piece of the side piece, you can't move into Tonkla's place that's likely running on Korn's money
no way Tonkla actually brought Win home lmfao I thought the promo pic for this ep was Tonkla and Korn in bed, when's that gonna happen. and Tonkla is trying to get it on with Win again, I like the tension when he's dragging his finger over Win's clothed chest
...and Korn arrives right then lol
Win having to hide without his pants is killing me lmfaoo
agh, Korn not backing off of Tonkla until the 4th time he pushes him off with a lot more force D: he submits to the woman + the other higher-ups in the business, so he comes to throw his weight around with Tonkla
that's crazy, Win didn't even put on his pants this whole time lmfaooo
Tonkla's switch up in personality between Korn and Win and the way he has Win under his control is crazy. it's mostly because how much he loves/gives a fuck about Korn vs Win ig
oh, Korn and Tonkla are ~4-5 years apart since I'm guessing Tonkla's a freshman and Korn is a senior in this flashback. I thought they were a decade apart at first lol
oh yeah, Tonkla's parents are dead so his nong can't be Title.
did Tonkla's nong kill the cat?
also is this the black cat Tonkla saw in ep 1 or 2 that was eerie? ig because it's supposed to be dead.
ah, the start of Tonkla and Korn falling in love. their start is so much more romantic than I expected, like their first time seems so romantic, a stark contrast to how Korn was pressuring Tonkla today
"I love you" from Tonkla already?
oh, his parents were still alive back then and probably his dad killed the cat.
omg? Korn saying he'll tell everybody that Tonkla's his bf once he takes over the company?
oof, sad Win in the bed while Tonkla's sitting and thinking about how he met and fell in love with Korn but I mean you now know that Tonkla's with somebody and are still having sex and sleeping in the bed.
Ah, the brain can survive w/o oxygen for 4 minutes. Thus the fandom theory that Great's going through the last 4 minutes of his life right now in that hospital bed and making different choices and such, hopefully to change the future
oh, she saw Great in that room?
Den really is so endearing somehow
the cut to Nan being slapped startled me fr
ok at least Great deleted the msg from Korn's history bc I was like lol what if he doesn't
omg the guy actually killed Nan in the other timeline, that's crazy
lol in what world would Tyme not get shot on sight? They're already grabbing at and pointing guns toward Great, the son of their boss + that guy shot Nan through the head in the other timeline, Tyme should've been dead by now but it's okay ig. lol they're even letting Tyme just walk away and go, that's wild
lmfao please Great high on adrenaline rn after the rescue. hopefully some thoughts about how shitty his family is will come into head soon
[Linguistics] "Not yet": 'yang' ยัง at 47:38 at Great is smiling. anytime I hear this I'm reminded of Pete are you satisfied and Vegas from his chair, grinning wide, saying ยัง after having tortured Pete in the basement. similar ยัง with a wide smile from Bible but different emotions and vibes lol. pretty much every time I hear ยัง I'm reminded of Vegas, so it's funny that it's a different Bible character this time
Tyme and Great first kiss hehe and they're so cute
they talk and giggle so cutely as they're taking their clothes off ahhhh
so Dome is Tonkla's nong fr? but how does it make any sense? because Tonkla's nong died - Korn was thinking about Tonkla telling him to get out while he met Great which was in the present
ohhh okay two different timelines not in the future sense but in the sense of parallel universes where Tonkla's in the original timeline still but Great's actions have saved Dome but in... a different timeline. and they kinda merge... kinda don't....
heh, I'm so glad I got to watch this ep right after it aired but now I've gotta wait for a week + some few hours because I'll be at work on Friday next week :<
Some progress on the TymeGreat front but it feels a bit strange how shallow? it seems because they've hardly spent time with each other and know nearly nothing about each other but Great is betraying his brother for Tyme and risking his life etc. Maybe because he has the visions of the two of them together and so is trying to speed up the romance? it just feels like their relationship is unearned/lacking which is a stark contrast to how in-depth and complex they're getting with Tonkla's relationships. So is the TymeGreat thing on purpose?
I'm curious how they'll deal with the 2 timelines stuff because the butterfly effect is kind of happening but not really???? The merging of two timelines where Tonkla is in the original one and Great is in the redo one but they bleed into each other (or rather maybe the redo is bleeding into the original one?)
Also I was wondering if the cold opens are from the future but it seems not, right? So does Win know right know that Tonkla is a murder suspect as he sleeps with him after finding out he already has someone and Tonkla's cheating with him? Win grow a backbone and stand for something. Letting himself be used as a side piece by a murder suspect, girl.
Thoroughly enjoying this, need the next episode right now.
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hezekiahwakely · 8 months
As anticipated, here are my extensive red string notes from the pilot:
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God knows how relevant any of this will turn out to be, but I'm nothing if not a collector of trivial information
Very long text beneath the cut:
Page 1
The Magnus Protocol Pilot 10/25/23
Characters (in order of appearance)
Alice Dyer -O.I.A.R. employee -Dated Sam in uni -Jokester -Training Sam -Gets along with Colin
Teddy Vaughn -Retiring from the O.I.A.R. after 4 (?) years -Going into insurance field
Colin Becher -O.I.A.R. IT Manager -Vegetarian 🥬 -On the hook of "his nibs" (boss, male) -Sensitive about FR3-d1 app development, communicates w/politicians, trying for 2 years -Only gets along w/Alice -Knows computers are listening -Jokes about being killed
Lena Kelley -O.I.A.R. Team/Department Manager -Authoritative, follows protocol -Doesn't think Gwen is qualified for management
Gwendolyn Bouchard -O.I.A.R. employee -Backlog of casework -Dislikes Lena, wants her job -Dedicated to detail -Accused of nepotism by Alice -Thinks current job is beneath her -"Not like most people." *static*
Samama Khalid (Sam) -New O.I.A.R. employee -Dated Alice in uni -Wanting to 'get back on his feet' -Familiar with TMI -Didn't know what the Incidents were before hire!!
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Pilot notes con. 10/25/23
Listening Tech - Turns on by itself 💡
Dated computers (O.I.A.R.)
"Manager's speakerphone" (Lena's)
CCTV (O.I.A.R. breakroom?)
Cell phone (Alice's)
*O.I.A.R. formed in 70s? Accor. to Alice*
*Response Department no longer exists*
Still in onboarding paperwork, "Response 121"
Sam ticked this box
Tech Specs
O.S. = Windows NT 4.0 (modified) -Extended support for this O.S. was ended Dec. 31, 2004 IRL -Runs on workstations connected by LAN -Similar GUI to 95; comes w/Internet Explorer
FR3-d1 -Custom research software circa mid-90s -Flags Incidents and creates a database -Can search private/protected sources (email) -Alice claims no one has understood its workings for 15 years -Written in German source code
*1 Year = Average Employee Stay*
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Pilot notes con. 10/25/23
Classification System
Used in FR3-d1's database
CATXRX -> From reference table (CAT = Category?) First four digits -> Main subject of Incident DPHW (?) Next eight digits -> Date of Incident Last eight digits -> Current date
Example: CAT2RC1157-12052022-13012024* -First one we hear they file. "1157" is the "DPHW" for "dolls, watching."
*Jan. 13, 2024 is the date of Sam's onboarding/training (after Teddy's going-away party)
*as listed in transcript; in-show, it's quoted as 22102023, or Oct. 22, 2023
Page 4
Pilot notes (con.) 10/25/23
FR3-d1's Voice to Text/Text to Speech
Voices (named by Alice, which Gwen dislikes):
Neil = Alex
Chester = Jonny
(those two most common)
Augustus = ?
Neil's Incident
Occurs in "Cyberspace" via the transcript
"I'm so sorry. I should have listened. I just couldn't face the thought of the rest of my life never hearing him again, I had to try." First lines 😢
Email from Harriet Winstead to Darla Winstead, May 12, 2022
Recitations *can* be paused by pressing "space"!
Chester's Incident
Also occurs in "Cyberspace"
Topic: Magnus Institute Ruins.
On forum, user RedCanary, begins April 10, 2022. Explored 4/19-20/22.
Third floor gone. No old papers.
Suspicious, occult (?) graffiti, stains (!)
Took box with strange symbols (same as ones on walls/floors)
4/30/22 Posted image of gore/eyes, possibly of themself. Banned + did not return.
Page 5
Pilot notes con. 10/25/23
Early release video Case #: CAT1RA1353-03102023-22102024(listed as 202"3" on Patreon)
Video was posted 10/22/23.
Listed as "Incident" on Patreon.
According to transcript, the O.I.A.R. offices are located in Royal Mint Court.
Johson (sic) Smirke Building
Main building.
5 storeys, Grade 2 listed.
Designed by James Johnson, but constructed between 1807-1812 by Robert Smirke after Johnson died. To be used for mint.
Entrance lodge also built by Smirke, in front of building.
Page 6
Pilot - Public Release -TMAGP#001
Sam's first incident number - today's date
CAT2RC1157-12052022-13012024 -> CAT2RC1157-12052022-09012024
Voice (first incident)
Neil -> *Norris*
Minor word/date changes in incidents.
Minor line read differences.
Descriptions of Incidents in new transcript:
Norris': CAT1RBC5257-12052022-09012024 Reanimation (Partial) -/- Regret [Email]
Chester's: CAT23RAB2155-10042022-09012024 Transformation (Eyes) -/- Trespass [chat log]
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the-broken-truth · 1 year
Leaving The Web [Part 1] - Platonic Yandere Miguel O'Hara w/ Daughter Symbiote Spider Reader
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Summary: As the eldest and only daughter of Miguel O'Hara, a member of the Spider-Society and host of the Venom Symbiote, you have experienced heartbreak from your father's neglect due to his work. Despite your understanding, his decision to leave your universe to raise another daughter was the final straw. You sought refuge in a universe where you don't exist and made it your new home. However, when your father's actions caused the collapse of that universe and the death of his alternate daughter, he realized the value of the daughter he already had - you. Unfortunately, he discovered that you were gone and has since gone to great lengths to find you.
Your eyes were filled with tears as you hugged your legs closer to your chest while you sat in your bed in the darkness of your room; your heartbeat irregular as you sobbed and your breathe was stuttering while you tried to calm down but this situation was too much for you to handle at the moment - a fifteen year old shouldn't be dealing with this at the moment or even at all - it was all the fault of your father.
Your name is [Name] O'Hara - Elderst & Only Daughter of the Leader of the Spider-Society, Miguel O'Hara - you are a member of the Spider-Society and you also just happened to be the Host of the Symbiote - Venom. You were bitten by a Radioactive Spider when you were five years old and started developing powers when you were around 8, the members of the Spider-Society aided you in understanding your powers but the one you wanted to help you was just ignoring you - Your Father, Miguel O'Hara. He was so consumed in his work - worried more about tracking Anolomies and dealing with the Spider-Verse rather than raising his daughter. Peter was more of a father to you than Miguel was but you still wanted him to accept the blood bond between the two of you so you worked as hard as you could for the Spider-Society to make your father recognize you but all your efforts were in vain.
At a particular mission, after you turned 15, you successfully captured an anomaly by yourself. With a smile on your face, you presented it to your father, but instead of acknowledging your achievement, he took the creature and left without a word. This left you in tears and looking down at the ground. Peter, noticing your distress, comforted you by placing his hand on your shoulder and giving you a hug, while Mayday patted your head.
One night, Miguel didn't home that night and you were concerned so you went back to the Spider-Society and went to look for him. When you arrived at his platform office with all the screens still active and got curious so you decided to take a look at the screens and what you saw was completely heartbreaking: He was spying on another version of himself - one that had a daughter - but was killed while trying to save someone's purse but was gunned down. Miguel had traveled to the universe and replaced the dead version of himself and according to the log: "I'm going to raise his daughter as my own, one that I can be proud of rather than a burden who was forced on me.". Your heart broke as you left out of the Spider-Society before webbing all the way back home, going into your room, and crying.
'What is it, Venom? I don't want to talk about it.' You sobbed as your lifted your head from your hands and wiped the tears from your water-soaked eyes before placing your hands back around your legs.
"You need to talk about it. I understand that you are upset but you need to move on. Miguel O'Hara doesn't deserve you and it's time that you made a move to leave him and the Spider-Society. I was looking at the computer while you were reading his log - the best way to live in another universe without it collapsing is to find a universe where a version of you never existed. We need to get the things we need and find a place where we don't exist and make that place our new home. We can protect it and never have to worry about the Spider-Society." Venom explained. You blinked and listened to the Symbiote before nodding and getting out of bed and collecting everything you needed from the money you've been collecting from birthdays and some clothes before burning your personal documents so you never existed in this world.
After putting on your backpack, you headed back to the Spider-Society and made your way to Miguel's Research. There, you discovered a universe where neither you nor Venom existed: Earth-564B. Using the Go-Home Machine, you set a course for this new universe and stood on the platform as the White Spider Machine enveloped you in a webbed dome, teleporting you to your destination. As you traveled through the Time Tunnel, you couldn't help but feel excited about your new home. The portal opened on top of a building in bustling New York City at night. You quickly ran off the building and began swinging through the city, keeping an ear out for any trouble. However, before doing anything else, you needed to obtain new documents.
[One Month Later - Afer The Universe Collasped]
Miguel returned to the Spider-Society after the world he had been living him collapsed and the people were gone, including the daughter he took was his own. He walked out of the total with tears in his eyes before he looked around and was that he was alone in the Spider-Society, he jumped up to his platform and looked at the image of him and the daughter he took that was now gone - looking at her, she looked just like his daughter - the one he abandoned - [Name]. He looked at his desk and noticed something - A Bracelet - [Name's] Bracelet. He picked it up and looked around, she was here, she knew he left her bracelet there. Did she find out why he had left?
"Lyla! Where is [Name]?" Miguel asked his A.I. Assistant who materialized over his shoulder and looked rather upset.
"She's not here, anymore. She found a location where she and Venom didn't exist and decided to take that universe as her home." Lyla explained, causing him to look at his assistant with wide red eyes.
"What do you mean she left?! Where has she gone?! Why would she leave?!" Miguel asked Lyla.
"Are you serious, Miguel? You're seriously wondering why she left you and decided to go to another universe to make a home for herself?! You ABANDONED HER, MIGUEL!!! YOU CALLED HER A BURDEN AND TRIED TO TRADE HER FOR A ANOTHER VERSION OF HER AFTER THAT FATHER WAS GONE AND YOU CAUSED A UNIVERSAL COLLAPSE BECAUSE OF YOUR GREED! SHE WAS SICK OF BEING IGNORED AND NEGLECTED BY HER FATHER!!!" Lyla yelled at Miguel before fading away, leaving the man alone as she looked at his daughter's bracelet in his hand. His daughter was gone and it was his fault. He was going to find her and make everything right at first, he needed to find out what universe she went to.
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indigitalembrace · 3 months
[ooc: since this is a long message I’m not encoding it, but it is encrypted in-universe]
spooky. sup.
i got somthin big cookin. but for this to work i need intel.
first, i need a favour. i cant do much thanks to the watchdog. i so much as twitch my fingers on the keyboard in the wrong place an time and this whole operation will come crashin down. so. if u can, watch the shrimp for me when they are online doin mundane stuff. because if they do stuff like use social media, play games that require a registered account, use their email and especially if they get online deliveries to their house, those all will have info that will help me figure out where they live irl.
second: tell me everything u know about how pinkie can access an affect the real world. whats the limitations. how much warning would i get. what r the access points. do devices need power for it to be able ta use em? how functional do they have to be? would pinkie be able to exit a screen the size of a pager or somthin? does it need an internet connection to jump pcs or can it do that without it?
and can it be hurt in the real world? can it be hurt by destroying its host device while its occupyin it? or is the only way to kill it digitally? did you ever have a program specifically set up for that (if so, y u no gimmie dat earlier!? rude!). how long would it take?
also any info u have picked up on shrimp or their livin space that might be useful for an irl confrontation would be suuuuuper handy as well.
give me all ya got on all these things. if its a lot, just send me a zip file or somthin lol.
i do have some unfortunate news. i think we gotta change our 'meeting site' soonish. ill send ya some prospectives later. i have a feelin that it might get compromised.
i mayyyyyy have poked the shrimp with a stick. don’t worry, they wont be able to tell the actual pc I used. I am da disquise master. it is me. also i lied. ive scrounged up some burner laptops anyway. my friends r awesome (dont worry they aint involved they just knew I needed the laptops for reasons and they are used to me Enacting Shenanigans).
oh. And one last thing. when I get there, hightail off that pc asap. im gonna signal u and give you a path to a safe pc. Do Not Hesitate. cuz trust me no matter how I decide ta play this u will *not* wanna be on that computer when im doin my thing. and ill almost certainly be disabling the wi-fi in the process.
id like u ta not be double dead. low key fond of ya spookster.
Goblin out
[ooc: If there is a lot of info to give and you don’t want to post it all here, message me and we can work something out like a google doc or something. Or maybe there’s not much for Sonny to say. I dunno, I’m not driving this crazy train lol]
[ENCRYPTED MESSAGE] Ty. Kqgwkh'j tpx cex nhw voe zrtpxf rec tpx rrmr ywn bvxu… lcvyzep fwk mfn, ye'a wwjmiakmsu. Ted abbtx Z czxokxu hqf… W bgfw zbuym nhmks yx jtwksj xmezrhybeg. [SENDING ENCRYPTED FILE "SHRIMP_DATA.zip"] Myab lvfncd ptjv xmezrhybeg ghi exvd. Qm'g vovrgmvzgx tpth jipivz afgjtmk yehns. Ghi dtp nwm vrov mcvv ntinqgu navn px uvmj avzfp. Xmev t qffgubxf tkrspbbx pfn'b lhfi yiu. As ytj fcez thetzhz fovr bas jrjtmf, pfmy ibl vrkuwiks rgu swyhntie. Bas dhjt qgjrlzvm iffziau B'jv xmez lsvg. Zf ghi jxv hql tfkd sbtfk mf cptbxx, rnl as'j zioeg wemf a nhfd pztp vzrpj, ib'l hfh cabx. Wk'l vxbko khf lims zy ye ohsj betw awj lyalhk-chfkqgu whim. Px ceep dwxg kart ease av's zxocep, rmtzcr gialsu ted thgzgx cwghihc on awj xdobbcel. Khmks zl… eo etm kh wioah fk fubkie azm, aacim ff jhcbbeg qm hf mye vxoixjt xeotx waz yoi tnag yfff rng xzvvkrwgwt wvvqvsj. B uo vhh bgfw phk ktcl ghi rkv, bcm W uhlbb rcl tie wosi mvn igr r arln ysvm kate. Vv'l rlah trlk. Efmfvfvlg yojm. Rnl mvzgbs ynwtdcy, bhc, vovn qy vv wfeag'h dtbe bas dhjt zthzheat wstbjiwgg. Z wf nwm yehn hql zzfztimwfgj iv msifj on lqixvn abnv, ult Q wc bgfw pbg andpqgu wkfm avfvxe tw lqixvn wnhjbue bas ubxibtz nhill lsvfj ivwsgxedmgh fy rn qghvkeeb vcegvcbbce. Fp bmlh kavozr wj myab tg r wzgqmoc uvivz, vv bj ciiosev on zsexiabbbx azs wpb thenmvhzhe on lcdx jozm, plm vvmg W uhe't nnzcr lnlxfjmrnl awd. B lsmw hf arvm t yzec sebhta ff ahfkl. R bivyuhfr bh rvevtm awj lvrdxfj. Nefwkhlgrtmem, yx wocgr kart utbp rvazl oxh. Jeiesu bk ux, wsjmiogxr nartmosi av cwnzu, vyavzsu tcl bas gtjsehful. Nhimsmxi ywn rf, rfuz usjm thigqv hw sckjzorl ql hf frkm liix ye lhsjg'k smx mfn, fr pxoi rfu, wk smxe nwmwtx poc'ks kavrm. Mvrm jhzbag gvvmk zvtmea mvvbi rwha, yheeamzp, ted Sbbzmf's iekrrj wimqybeg. Ghi exvd bh ardv scks yx zsv'm ocxitmw, ci bk's otav hmez yci rfu. Ohcu elcs, fm wkzevw. Gktp siys.
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